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Greater Cannabis Company Inc (PK)

Greater Cannabis Company Inc (PK) (GCAN)

Closed March 09 4:00PM

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GCAN Discussion

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 stock king 1 stock king 1 12 hours ago
There is no merger deal Aitan is talking out of his azz.. ceo so full of chit .
Sheepdog Sheepdog 22 hours ago
My my my. I had no idea I was in the presence of such greatness. So you have a 20 year degree in soldier?
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 1 day ago
Paid for My Masters Degree with Blood Sweat and Tears serving our country as a soldier for 20 years while you were on this message board wasting your life now mad because you have nothing to show for being on these boards trashing CEO's who made everyone money but you.
Sheepdog Sheepdog 1 day ago
Anybody with A MASTERS DEGREE LIKE MEOMG! A masters degree? Wow! Everybody knows that once you get a master's degree then you know more about everything than everybody else, right?

Does mommy and daddy know how badly they wasted their money on the MS in basket weaving?

Sheepdog Sheepdog 1 day ago
The Only Thing the CEO said is that he is exploring a merger deal....he never said he had one......Correct. He said he was thinking about it. The person saying he has a merger deal, dozens of times, is YOU!
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 2 days ago
C'MON Midas Where Is the Quantum Computing News? Show Us the Deals? Show Us the Partner.....Exactly My Point....No Stock Going To Run Big just because a CEO says he is exploring this sector..... This stock is trading at these levels because there is no Quantum Computing deal or news so cut the BULLCRAP and stop running in circles with your talk....
👍️ 1
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 2 days ago
Where is the Quantum Computing News? Who Did they Merger With? Who is the Merging Partner? When is the Merger Going To Close? Where do you see this in the last PR....The Only Thing the CEO said is that he is exploring a merger deal....he never said he had one......Again, POST THE PR WHERE THERE IS A QUANTUM COMPUTING MERGER DEAL AND THE MERGER PARTNER!!!
👍️ 1
midas716 midas716 2 days ago
BTC now 3000 below your "bottom" buys. How's that working out for you? Clown. You wouldn't know a bottom if a girl took off her pants. 🤣
😂 2
midas716 midas716 2 days ago
Really. The news came out. Have insiders pushed it to .10 on that wonderful news? What's the sp .0006 today. 🤣 You need to help bruh. Seriously. Seek help. You are embarrassing yourself the more you post. There is a difference between 'would have' and reality and I'm pretty sure you do not live in reality. GL. Ur gonna need it here.
midas716 midas716 2 days ago
You are an absolute idiot dude. EVERYONE knows what I said. I said IF the news was true. IT WOULD ALREADY BE AT .10+. Stop already. You can't embarrass yourself more than you already have. WTF is wrong with you?
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 2 days ago
🙄Midas Read What You Said, You The One That Gave GCAn A .10+ Valutation ..Carefully Read WTF you said...
"If big quantum computing news was coming, insiders would have pushed this, at minimum, well past .10 already."


midas716 midas716 2 days ago
Yeah. Everyone here knows ur a clown dude after I just exposed you for being a liar as well. No more time for you. Everything you say is nothing but lies. Now ur crypto trades are "when you bought it" in a given minute like you are some savant crypto trader. I guess you just sold all your crypto because BTC, down 2000 since you posted the 'bottom" 🤣 in the last 15 minutes and most have gone down as well. You are a clown.
midas716 midas716 2 days ago
Here it is. This makes you an absolute liar to boot. Ur a clown dude.

Just like you saying I said the pps would go to .10 on news? " You are a old man with dementia....I never said this and you cant even copy and paste where I said this

Here's the copy and paste clown man

Member Level
Re: midas716 post# 52841

Friday, March 07, 2025 12:09:36 PM

of 52867
🤑🤑🤑At Least you Admit .10 Coming With Quantum Computing News And That this is worth .10+ with Quantum news.........At Least We Can Agree On That, LOL....Gotta be careful with your rants because you end up letting "Truths" slip out.....
Also, Its Not Time yet, The Other Stock SYT*A The Stock merged and did not move as much yet because the deal isnt closed. There was many Penny Stock Quatum Plays on the NASDAQ just sitting there for years...Finally got ran up this year....Everything will make sense soon...
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 2 days ago
💤GO GCAN!!! Trading Botttom, Trading Bottom, Trading Bottom.....If I make a trade and not a long term investment that yes I found a bottom on my TRADE!!!! MY DAILY TRADE!!!! It seems like you are the one that need to be educated all I know is MY TRADE IS GREEN!!! LOLOL Girl go somewhere and sit down.
midas716 midas716 2 days ago
The bottom? You can tell that in the span of what, 5 minutes. Dude. You really are an absolute clown living in a clown world. GL. Ur gonna need it.
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 2 days ago
Boom just hit the bottom on my cryptos and portfollio is green on a sorry what were you saying....Like I said...this is not my only investment and I am diversifying....I will be here for a while until I see the news ......So get use to it...
midas716 midas716 2 days ago
Really bruh. Crypto's dipping? You think I need your advice on that? You ain't invested in a single crypto and I know that from your previous posts where you claimed it was dead and to get into the OTC, LMFAO. You haven't got a clue about crypto and I already called you out on that. Crypto is consolidating. BTC has just hit the 200ma. Just like it has many times before. It's really sad to read your posts. You think you know so much but know so little. "girly". 🤣 Can someone tell IHUB to add a clown emoji? It's sorely needed here.
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 2 days ago
Bitcoin and other crypto's dipping right now and you are trying to distract me "GIRL" think all I do is sit around watching this stock and board all day....My Reality is Diversification....Your under the impression that I only invest in OTC ....Many other ways to make money in this world...
midas716 midas716 2 days ago
🤣. Just like you saying I said the pps would go to .10 on news? Everyone here knows exactly what I said except you. Everyone here knows you manipulated what I said to fit your 'narrative'. You bruh, single handedly, are one of the reasons no one is buying this turd. Where's all your followers, which I'm sure you contacted every single one of them. They took a look and 🤣. They said ur on your own on this one! Nothing you say will convince one single person to buy your diluted shares. Peeps like you lose all credibility the moment you type.
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 2 days ago
"Probably between 9 and 11"...When I first started posting here the PPS was .0006 and then .0007s came....its not hard to pull up my post and match it next to the charts and dates....So no I did not buy that high...Im just bullish on good news...if anyone buys in now they are getting in at the PPS I got in...
midas716 midas716 2 days ago
Sorry. You're not going to get what you paid for your shares on that hype news that you bought into. Doesn't matter what you post. Look at a real chart. Not the nonsense CM posted with absolute 6 bottom which got hit at 5 early today. Looking at 4's or 3's real soon. That's your reality.... "Girl". 🤣
midas716 midas716 2 days ago
What he won't admit is he bought the hype on the news. Probably between 9 and 11 and now he's trying to scam others into buying his worthless shares. He just won't do it and will pump this to death until he can get out with minor loss. That's the truth.
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 2 days ago
Every OTC Stock is a scam you just throw that word around to scare people from stocks scam scam scam got it...whats else
Sheepdog Sheepdog 2 days ago
What you fail to admit is that scams go up on hype then drop when the truth comes out. You advocate buying into scams you participate in to dump your worthless shares on the scam victims. You define a "great Company" as a scam you can participate in.
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 2 days ago
When I make a trade and SELL that gives me time to come here....
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 2 days ago
What you Fail To Understand is all Stocks on The Dow, NASDAQ and S&P Go Up And Down...How's Tesla Doing Right now? Wasnt it just over $400 now in the $200's over 100% fall in a few weeks? ALL STOCKS GO UP AND DOWN SHEEPDOG!!! Look at NV*DA...Look how much it tanked my its highs...There is a pattern here why, BECAUSE ALL STOCKS GO UP AND DOWN!!! You are not scaring anyone....No stock is going to hold its gains.... NONE!!!
Sheepdog Sheepdog 2 days ago
Do you know how you sound? He said "IF" - AKA, a hypothetical. So you conclude he admitted something by doing so? Lordy.

And that other stock you are so proud of has nosedived to a 52 week low after the potential FUTURE merger was announced a week ago (reaching a high of 6.99 and dropping to 2.30 IN ONE WEEK!) as well as investigations commencing into whether the CEO is conducting a fraud.
Sheepdog Sheepdog 2 days ago have been saying all morning you don't have time to post because you are so busy making money. Yet you continue to post in rapid fashion. Sorry we cramp your pump time with facts.
Sheepdog Sheepdog 2 days ago
Yep. Scammers make big money sometimes. That is why there are so many of them. And of course that money was free, right? There are never any victims of a scam.... It is always just the "Smart Investors making money"...according to them.

Very sad.
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 2 days ago
"Cmon bruh." 😭 Girl, I don't have any more time to waste on you. Now or after the market closes. You'll just have to learn the hard way.
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 2 days ago
Big Money Was Made On That Stock....BIIIGGG!!! Who cares if it is delisted now...Money was made on that stock and big money....Why you ignoring how much was made on the stock? List me 10 Stocks from 2020-2021 Big Runners that held their gains.....YOU CANT!!! ALL THOSE STOCKS FELL BACK DOWN TO EARTH!
Sheepdog Sheepdog 2 days ago
Do you mean FKA MIN*E now delisted? The one whose CEO has been arrested for running a SCAM! LMAO!!!

Why do you admit to active participation in these scams?
midas716 midas716 2 days ago
"Girl" 🤣 Who talks like that. 🤣 Dude, I don't have any more time to waste on you. Now or after the market closes. You'll just have to learn the hard way.
 stock king 1 stock king 1 2 days ago
AI is bs and Aitan knows it . He needs money so he will dump worthless shares . Aitan your pure scum let alone crooked imho..
midas716 midas716 2 days ago
🤪 Dude is standing on the North Pole. What happens when you're standing on the north pole? Every direction is TrueSouth. 🤣 Time for a name change.
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 2 days ago
Girl, I have other stocks im watching, I will chat with you when market close for today..
midas716 midas716 2 days ago
Cmon bruh. You said you wanted 6's. 128k the best you can do? Such confidence. 🤣
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 2 days ago
🤑🤑🤑At Least you Admit .10 Coming With Quantum Computing News And That this is worth .10+ with Quantum news.........At Least We Can Agree On That, LOL....Gotta be careful with your rants because you end up letting "Truths" slip out.....
Also, Its Not Time yet, The Other Stock SYT*A The Stock merged and did not move as much yet because the deal isnt closed. There was many Penny Stock Quatum Plays on the NASDAQ just sitting there for years...Finally got ran up this year....Everything will make sense soon...
midas716 midas716 2 days ago
🤣🤣🤣 If big quantum computing news was coming, insiders would have pushed this, at minimum, well past .10 already. What's the name of that Styx song? Oh... that's right. "Fooling Yourself". 🤣🤣🤣 Volume and price action tells everyone everything they need to know here.
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 2 days ago
No One Fears Dilution When Big News Hits....Read this post end of Febuary 2025 on this stock and now see its running today.... When Dilution is over and big news hits the run starts on these plays period....I seen it a thousand times... so please enough of the dilution scares.....Too many experienced traders on IHUB knows that is something that big news can overcome...
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 2 days ago
Cut Out The Doom And Gloom! This stock R*TE just ran from low 000's to over .0032 with over 4 BIllion shares outstanding and a slow OTC Market with not many players in it:

So you want us shaking in our knees because the CEO sold 120 Million Shares in dilution, LOL.......I have been in OTC where real dilution dumping occured in the billions, this is nothing....
midas716 midas716 2 days ago
You're just not getting it. 120m dumped in last several months with more incoming. Where do you think all those shares are sitting for sale? 1.00? 🤣 News will come, all fluff like usual, but by the time peeps have to eat through all those shares, and even more company share dilution, to bring it up 4 or 5 tics... the move is over. When retail peeps get tired of all the selling with no real movement. They will dump as well. Everyone here that's been here knows... Sell The News and believe me they will!
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 2 days ago
I was in the stock MIN*E Led by an at .0004 sold over .02+ with Millions of shares. So If You say Africans Are Scammers well we are in good hands here......
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 2 days ago
Oh? Has there been news? There hasnt Been Any News....What Stock OTC Out Here Running On No News And Updates? I dont see any...the few that are running has the CEO on twitter dropping updates or just dropping news....

"which is why this stock never, ever goes anywhere"..... OTC Traders know these flippers take advantage of the "no news" with flipping opportunites until news is released...Game over after that....
 stock king 1 stock king 1 2 days ago
Gcan a scam and the pice of car ceo dumping shares this will be over a billion soon…… his AI is all BS pure speculation to entice buyers then they will get screwed in the end .
midas716 midas716 2 days ago
The only people on the ask at 7 are flippers, AKA 29, that buy the dilution at 6 and sell them for 7 and load the ask at 8, 9, 10, 11 with millions upon millions of diluted new shares, which is why this stock never, ever goes anywhere. If you were here for longer than 5 minutes, instead of years like most here, you'd know that already.
midas716 midas716 2 days ago
All the new scam... um... new accountants have to do is photocopy the last financials, or any of their financials from the last 4 years, and change the O/S. That would be the only change. Aitan should have hired someone experienced in photoshop instead. If Aitan's dog pissed on the Gscam carpet and Aitan 8k'd that, there's one person here who would claim it's a sign that the stocks ready to explode. You know... because that happens with all huge runners. 🤣
Sheepdog Sheepdog 2 days ago
Now that's some impressive DD. I admire how you can make up facts on the spot no matter how insane they are. Obviously you very experienced at it.

But I admit that GCAN needs a Nigerian auditor....because no one else wants be be associated with it. Apparently this is what all of the "biggest gainers" do, right?

So do you think changing auditors a week before the Audited Financial reports are due will delay next weeks annual report or not?

🎯 1 💯 1
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 3 days ago
Looks like they are trying to have everything in place prior to news
Truenorth2016 Truenorth2016 3 days ago
Since I been trading OTC stocks, Africa, China and Isreal plays are always the biggest having a Nigerian on board is a plus+...

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