2 days ago
Here it is. This makes you an absolute liar to boot. Ur a clown dude.
Just like you saying I said the pps would go to .10 on news? " You are a old man with dementia....I never said this and you cant even copy and paste where I said this
Here's the copy and paste clown man
Member Level
Re: midas716 post# 52841
Friday, March 07, 2025 12:09:36 PM
of 52867
🤑🤑🤑At Least you Admit .10 Coming With Quantum Computing News And That this is worth .10+ with Quantum news.........At Least We Can Agree On That, LOL....Gotta be careful with your rants because you end up letting "Truths" slip out.....
Also, Its Not Time yet, The Other Stock SYT*A The Stock merged and did not move as much yet because the deal isnt closed. There was many Penny Stock Quatum Plays on the NASDAQ just sitting there for years...Finally got ran up this year....Everything will make sense soon...
2 days ago
The only people on the ask at 7 are flippers, AKA 29, that buy the dilution at 6 and sell them for 7 and load the ask at 8, 9, 10, 11 with millions upon millions of diluted new shares, which is why this stock never, ever goes anywhere. If you were here for longer than 5 minutes, instead of years like most here, you'd know that already.