RNS Number:1244T
Birse Group PLC
11 December 2003

Date:             Embargoed until 7.00am 11th December 2003

Contact:          Peter Watson, Chairman                           Telephone: 01302 768078
                  Martin Budden, Group Managing Director
                  Heather Craven, Group Finance Director
                  Birse Group plc

                  Peter Otero                                      Telephone: 0207 831 3113
                  Financial Dynamics                                               


Financial Highlights:-

  * Pre-tax profits increased to #1.8million (2002: pre-tax pre-exceptional profits #1.7million).

  * Interim dividend maintained at 0.375p per share.

Operational Key Points:-

  * Construction Division increases operating profits to #301,000 (2002:
    #11,000).  Strong performance from Civil Engineering offset by Build.
    Process Engineering continues to progress successfully its turnaround with
    return to profitability.
  * Plant Hire maintains operating profit at #1.7million with crawler cranes
    improving profits by over 40% largely offset by fall in piling performance.
    The Cabin Company's sales to customers external to the Group increases to 36%
    of total turnover (2002: 15%).
  * Matters relating to the termination of one of Birse Build's larger contracts
    for CIB Properties Limited, a Citibank Group company referred to adjudication
    (#16million claim against Birse, #14million claim made by Birse).  Half year
    results reflect a no win no loss position.  Birse advised that it has good
    prospects of defending the claim.  Decision expected in January 2004.

  * Main markets remain steady with good prospects for advancement by the Civil
    Engineering and Process businesses in the second half.

"The Group's main markets have remained steady.  In these circumstances the Group has
achieved a solid first half performance and prospects for the second half remain
encouraging, assuming a satisfactory outcome in relation to the Citibank adjudication.
We therefore believe that further progress in the underlying performance of the business
will continue."

M Budden                                         P G Watson

On the results for the six months ended 31 October 2003

Pre-tax profits of #1.8million compare with pre-tax pre-exceptional profits of
#1.7million for the corresponding period last year.  This reflects a solid
effort and provides encouragement for the second half when the collective
performance of our more profitable subsidiaries is expected to advance.

The Construction Division's activities gave rise to an operating profit of
#301,000 (2002/2003: #11,000).  Civil Engineering led the way with a profit of
#4.5million (2002/2003: #1.5million).  Birse Process delivered its first
profitable result at #376,000 (2002/2003: loss of #247,000) since its turnaround
was initiated and Birse Build, as expected, suffered sizable losses at
#4.6million (2002/2003: loss of #1.3million).  Plant Hire results were
maintained at #1.7million (2002/2003: #1.7million).  The Group Centre costs of
#250,000 (2002/2003: cost of #240,000) reflect the final positioning of our Head
Office function within the Group's corporate structure.

The net interest credit of #26,000 (2002/2003: credit of #186,000) is indicative
of the positive liquidity position maintained by the Group in the period under


                                    Six months ended 31 October                        Year ended
                                 2003                        2002                    30 April 2003
                          Turnover      Operating     Turnover     Operating*     Turnover      Operating*
                                    profit/(loss)               profit/(loss)                profit/(loss)
                             #'000          #'000        #'000          #'000        #'000           #'000

Civil Engineering          114,554          4,521      132,747          1,512      246,232           7,272

Building                    62,213        (4,596)      104,704        (1,254)      195,602         (6,430)

Process Engineering         20,880            376        8,529          (247)       27,838           (352)

                           197,647            301      245,980             11      469,672             490

*  Before exceptional operating items.

Although the Civil Engineering result compares favourably with the result
achieved in the corresponding period in the prior year the businesses comprising
that Division have to a degree had their performances held back by market
factors.  In the case of Birse Rail it has suffered from the absence of
enhancement projects in the first half and has in the main had to rely upon work
arising from its framework arrangements.  It has now commenced a number of
enhancement contracts which in the aggregate should make a material contribution
to results in the second half.  The migration by the major spending Government
departments from existing procurement arrangements to the 'early contractor
involvement route' has delayed contract starts.  With work now beginning to be
secured under these new initiatives prospects for the second half and thereafter
are positive particularly given the target cost/value added nature of these

Similarly Birse Metro (our dedicated London Underground business) has suffered
from a lack of market opportunities since the private public partnerships took
over responsibility for the maintenance of large parts of the Underground
infrastructure.  Given that these customers have only taken on these obligations
in the last six months a reduction in available workloads in this period was to
be expected.  Prospects for the longer term therefore remain undiminished
provided that Birse Metro properly positions itself given the changing project
risk profiles now emerging in this growing sector.

In the 2002/2003 Annual Report we stated that despite the actions of management
and the more focused market approach adopted that Birse Build was expected to
continue to trade at a loss in 2003/2004 albeit at a lower level and that
recovery thereafter was still dependent upon an improvement in market
conditions.  This remains our view.  Since that time the management of that
company has concentrated on aligning its cost base with its target markets.
Turnover has been managed down to an annualized equivalent of around #120million
from #246million in 2001/2002 and staff numbers have decreased by approximately
two hundred over the same period.  This reduction in scale has had to be
achieved whilst at the same time maintaining management and business
capabilities, critical to which is the retention of key staff.

To a certain extent similarities exist between Birse Build and Birse Process's
recent history.  In the 2001 financial year Birse Process lost #9.5million.  In
the period under review it has delivered a profit of #376,000, a successful
turnaround by any measure reflecting the maturing abilities of the management of
that business.   With key customer capital and maintenance spending at high
levels and with the next water regulatory review likely to increase spending
this company and its management are well placed to continue making progress.

The number of contracts now the subject of litigation or equivalent proceedings
has reduced to one from two following the settlement by way of negotiation at
book value of one contract in the period.  This leaves a further contract with
an aggregate value of #5.0million (2002/2003: two contracts with an aggregate
value of #6.2million) still the subject of due process.  As described in Note 7
in respect of that contract recoverability of value remains uncertain.

Plant Hire
                                       Six months ended 31 October                      Year ended
                                     2003                        2002                  30 April 2003
                              Turnover      Operating     Turnover     Operating     Turnover    Operating
                                               profit                     profit                    profit
                                 #'000          #'000        #'000         #'000        #'000        #'000

Crawler Cranes                   2,339            874        1,647           608        3,797        1,364

Piling Equipment                   284             61          422           208          883          388

Site Accommodation               2,398            773        2,431           887        4,692        1,815

                                 5,021          1,708        4,500         1,703        9,372        3,567

The high demand for the heavier weight mechanical cranes experienced in the last
quarter of 2002/2003 has continued in the first half of the current year.
Demand for hydraulic cranes has also been solid.  Whilst activity in the winter
quarter is expected to fall our traditional market measures are indicating that
in the last quarter of the year demand is likely to revert to that experienced
in the first half.

Demand for vibro hammers has been good with new purchases in this area
experiencing high utilization.  However in overall terms, the piling sector
still awaits the expected surge of spend in the roads market before aggregate
demand will improve.

We continue with our policy of upgrading and rebalancing both our crawler crane
and piling fleets on a selective basis.  Expenditure in the short term is likely
to focus on heavier hydraulic cranes.  However, both the crawler crane and
piling markets are mature in nature and therefore growth is limited by way of
capital investment if prices are not to be driven down.  We are, therefore,
reviewing how growth can be better achieved in what are regarded as profitable

The Cabin Company, our site accommodation business, continues its penetration of
the external market with thirty six percent (2002/2003: fifteen percent) of its
turnover in the period with customers outside the Birse Group.  This growth,
however, has been almost matched by a fall in internal Group demand, principally
from Birse Build, therefore in overall terms its profit performance compared
with the corresponding period last year is broadly static.  This pattern
experienced in the first half is expected to continue into the second half.

Commercial Property
                                  Six months ended 31 October                          Year ended
                              2003                          2002                      30 April 2003
                       Turnover       Operating       Turnover      Operating       Turnover      Operating
                                         profit                        profit                        profit
                          #'000           #'000          #'000          #'000          #'000          #'000

                              -               -              -              -          7,953          3,025

Following the sale of our one remaining site, at Warrington, in 2002/2003
property development activities are no longer material to the Group.

Citibank Adjudication

In late November CIB Properties Limited, a Citibank Group company, referred to
adjudication matters relating to the termination of the contract for
construction services for its new data centre facility at Riverdale, Lewisham.

This is the contract that was referred to in the Group Managing Director's
Review and Review of Operations in the 2002/2003 Annual Report when it was
stated that:-

"A further note of caution is also appropriate in relation to the customer
termination of one of Birse Build's larger contracts which was awarded in 2000/
2001.  Whilst we are in a formal dialogue with the customer concerned the
financial consequences emanating from that determination at this stage are best
estimates only.  Until this matter is finally resolved there is therefore added
uncertainty over the short term performance of the Build business."

The adjudication will determine on an interim basis Citibank's claim for
approximately #16million and Birse's claim for approximately #14million.  The
interim accounts have been prepared on the basis of a no win, no loss position.

Formal mediation procedures had only commenced in October of this year and were
progressing positively.  As a result of the action by Citibank in deciding to
commence an adjudication we are now forced to participate in a process that is
uncertain.  We will, however, be properly prepared and will pursue with
determined professionalism our defence in the adjudication process, which we are
advised has good prospects of success.

The adjudicator is timetabled to publish his decision in January 2004.


An interim dividend of 0.375p per ordinary share (2002: 0.375p) will be paid on
5 May 2004 to shareholders on the register on 2 April 2004.


At the year end we reported that the Group was in a good position to progress
further from the solid platform established over the last two years.  The
Group's main markets have remained steady.  In these circumstances the Group has
achieved a solid first half performance and prospects for the second half remain
encouraging, assuming a satisfactory outcome in relation to the Citibank
adjudication.  We, therefore, believe that further progress in the underlying
performance of the business will continue.

                                                                6 Months            6 Months                Year
                                                                   Ended               Ended               Ended
                                                                31.10.03            31.10.02            30.04.03
                                                                   #'000               #'000               #'000    

Turnover                                          2              201,114             248,049             483,312

Operating profit before exceptional operating
item                                              2                1,759               1,474               6,603

Exceptional operating item                        3                    -             (5,500)             (5,500)

Operating profit/(loss)                           2                1,759             (4,026)               1,103

Net interest                                                          26                 186                  98
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before
taxation                                          2                1,785             (3,840)               1,201

Taxation                                          4                (357)               1,152               (230)

Profit/(loss) for the financial period                             1,428             (2,688)                 971

Dividends on equity shares                        5                (721)               (721)             (1,924)

Transferred to/(withdrawn from) reserves                             707             (3,409)               (953)
Earnings/(loss) per ordinary share

                         - basic                  6                 0.7p              (1.4)p                0.5p
                         - diluted                6                 0.7p              (1.4)p                0.5p

Before exceptional item  - basic                  6                 0.7p                0.6p                2.5p
                         - diluted                6                 0.7p                0.6p                2.5p

The above figures relate exclusively to continuing operations

                                                                   As at               As at               As at
                                                                31.10.03            31.10.02            30.04.03
                                             Note                  #'000               #'000               #'000
Fixed Assets

Tangible Assets                                                   17,501              13,789              16,703

Current Assets
Property held for resale                                               -               1,685                   -
Stocks                                                                 -               3,396                   -
Debtors                                         7                123,187             142,209             134,736
Investments                                                        8,102               4,673               5,121
Cash at bank and in hand                                          12,510              13,103              12,232
                                                                 143,799             165,066             152,089

Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year
Bank loans and overdrafts                                          (862)               (600)               (772)
Other creditors                                                (140,823)           (163,533)           (149,440)
                                                               (141,685)           (164,133)           (150,212)

Net Current Assets                                                 2,114                 933               1,877

Total Assets less Current Liabilities                             19,615              14,722              18,580

Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than
one year
Bank loans and overdrafts                                        (1,611)               (886)             (1,172)
Other creditors                                                  (8,085)             (6,526)             (8,196)

                                                                 (9,696)             (7,412)             (9,368)

Provisions for Liabilities and Charges                                 -               (554)                   -

Net Assets                                                         9,919               6,756               9,212
Capital and Reserves
Called up share capital                                           19,239              19,239              19,239
Share premium account                                                 93                  93                  93
Special reserve                                                      308                 308                 308
Revaluation reserve                                                  607                 607                 607
Profit and loss account                                         (10,328)            (13,491)            (11,035)
Shareholders' Funds - equity interest                              9,919               6,756               9,212

For the 6 months ended 31 October 2003
                                                               6 Months            6 Months                Year
                                                                  Ended               Ended               Ended
                                                               31.10.03            31.10.02            30.04.03
                                                                  #'000               #'000               #'000

Net cash inflow from operating activities                         5,602               5,268               7,662

Returns on investments and servicing of finance                      26                 159                  50

Taxation                                                           (57)                 248                 243

Capital expenditure and financial investment                    (5,428)             (3,964)             (5,898)

Dividends paid to equity shareholders                             (721)               (721)             (1,924)

Cash (outflow)/inflow before management of liquid
resources and financing                                           (578)                 990                 133

Management of liquid resources                                    (126)                 416                 333

Financing                                                           462                 850               1,284

(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period                         (242)               2,256               1,750

                                                               6 Months            6 Months                Year
                                                                  Ended               Ended               Ended
                                                               31.10.03            31.10.02            30.04.03
                                                                  #'000               #'000               #'000

Reconciliation of operating profit/(loss) to net cash
inflow from operating activities
Operating profit/(loss)                                           1,759             (4,026)               1,103
Depreciation net of profit on disposal of fixed assets            1,255               1,037               1,742
(Increase)/decrease in stocks                                         -               (150)               3,246
Decrease in debtors                                              11,196               5,407              11,002
(Decrease)/increase in creditors                                (8,608)               3,000             (9,431)
Net cash inflow from operating activities                         5,602               5,268               7,662

Analysis of net funds

Cash at bank on demand                                           11,990              12,738              12,232
Cash at bank on short term deposit                                  520                 365                   -
Cash at bank on deposit with terms in excess of seven
days                                                              2,087               2,033               2,481
Debt due within one year                                          (862)               (600)               (772)
Debt due after one year                                         (1,611)               (886)             (1,172)
Finance leases                                                    (249)               (340)               (316)
Net funds at 31 October 2003                                     11,875              13,310              12,453

Reconciliation of cash flows to movements in net funds
Increase in cash in the period                                     (242)               2,256               1,750
Cash inflow from financing                                         (462)               (850)             (1,284)
Cash outflow/(inflow) from management of liquid
resources                                                            126               (416)               (333)
Movement in net funds in the period                                (578)                 990                 133
Net funds at 1 May 2003                                           12,453              12,320              12,320
Net funds at 31 October 2003                                      11,875              13,310              12,453


1.  Preparation of Interim Accounts

The interim accounts, which relate exclusively to continuing operations, have
been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Group's
statutory accounts for the year ended 30 April 2003.

The Group's auditors, Deloitte & Touche LLP, have carried out a review of the
interim accounts, which were approved by the Board of Directors on 11 December
2003, and their report is reproduced on page 15.

The financial information presented is unaudited and does not amount to full
statutory accounts within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985.  Full accounts
for the year ended 30 April 2003 upon which Deloitte & Touche gave an
unqualified audit report, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and
a statement under section 237(2) of the Companies Act 1985 was not included.

2.  Segment Information
                                                         6 Months              6 Months                  Year
                                                            Ended                 Ended                 Ended
                                                         31.10.03              31.10.02              30.04.03
                                                            #'000                 #'000                 #'000

Contracting                                               197,647               245,980               469,672
Plant Hire                                                  5,021                 4,500                 9,372
Commercial Property                                             -                     -                 7,953
Group Centre                                                    -                     -                     -
Intra-group                                               (1,554)               (2,431)               (3,685)
                                                          201,114               248,049               483,312

Contracting                                                   301                    11                   490
Plant Hire                                                  1,708                 1,703                 3,567
Commercial Property                                             -                     -                 3,025
Group Centre                                                (250)                 (240)                 (479)
Operating profit before exceptional operating
item                                                        1,759                 1,474                 6,603

Exceptional operating item - Contracting                        -               (5,500)               (5,500)
Operating profit/(loss)                                     1,759               (4,026)                 1,103
Net interest                                                   26                   186                    98
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before
taxation                                                    1,785               (3,840)                 1,201

From 1 May 2003 Group Centre includes certain central costs that
were previously recharged to operating companies.  Consequently the comparative
figures have been adjusted as follows:-

                                                                    6 Months Ended             Year Ended
                                                                          31.10.02               30.04.03

Contracting                                                                    390                    812
Plant Hire                                                                     111                    203
Group Centre                                                                 (501)                (1,015)
                                                                                -                      -

3.  Exceptional Operating Item

                                                             6 Months           6 Months               Year
                                                                Ended              Ended              Ended
                                                             31.10.03           31.10.02           30.04.03
                                                                #'000              #'000              #'000

Bad debt in respect of Leicester City plc and its
subsidiaries                                                        -            (5,500)            (5,500)


This bad debt was recognised in consequence of the insolvency of
Leicester City plc and its subsidiaries.  The tax credit attributable to this
exceptional loss in the six months ended 31 October 2002 and the year ended 30
April 2003 was #1,650,000.

4.  Taxation

The tax (charge)/credit for the period has been calculated by reference to the
projected rate for the full year.

5.  Dividends on Equity Shares

An interim dividend of  0.375p  per  ordinary share (2002 : 0.375p) will be paid
on 5 May 2004 to shareholders on the register on 2 April 2004.

6.  Earnings/(loss) per Ordinary Share

                                                           6 Months           6 Months                 Year
                                                              Ended              Ended                Ended
                                                           31.10.03           31.10.02             30.04.03
                                                              #'000              #'000                #'000
The calculation of earnings/(loss) per ordinary
share is based on:

Earnings/(loss) for basic and diluted earnings per
ordinary share calculation                                    1,428            (2,688)                  971
Exceptional item                                                  -              5,500                5,500
Tax on exceptional item                                           -            (1,650)              (1,650)
Earnings before exceptional item per ordinary
share calculation                                             1,428              1,162                4,821

Weighted average number of shares used in earnings
/(loss) per ordinary share calculation                      192,390            192,390              192,390

Adjustment to reflect dilutive shares under option                -                  -                    -
Weighted average number of shares in diluted
earning/(loss) per ordinary share calculation               192,390            192,390              192,390

7.  Uncertainties

    i. Relating to Amounts Recoverable on Contracts

Included in debtors is an aggregate value of #5.0million (31 October 2002:
#6.2million, 30 April 2003: #5.5million) attributable to contractual amounts
relating to one (31 October 2002 and 30 April 2003: two) contract which is the
subject of arbitration or equivalent proceedings.

In consequence of the losses suffered on contracts subject to litigation in
previous years the Directors have reconsidered the recoverability of the amounts
attributable to this and other old contracts.  Whilst the Directors believe that
they are justified in concluding that these amounts will be realised, the
Directors acknowledge that there remains uncertainty.  However, it is not
possible to quantify the effects.

    ii. Adjudication

Effective on 21 November 2003 CIB Properties Limited, a Citibank Group company,
referred to adjudication matters relating to the contract for construction
services for its new data centre facility at Riverdale, Lewisham.  The
adjudication will determine on an interim basis Citibank's claim for
approximately #16million and Birse's claim for #14million.  Adjudication is a
process that is uncertain.

The Board of Birse Group plc however has been advised that its defence has good
prospects of success.

These interim accounts have been prepared on the basis that neither a material
award against nor a material award in favour of Birse will arise.

Independent review report to Birse Group plc


We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 31 October 2003 which comprises the profit and loss
account, the balance sheet, the cash flow statement and related notes 1 to 7.
We have read the other information contained in the interim report and
considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material
inconsistencies with the financial information.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the Directors.  The Directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent
with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review
consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying
analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data
and based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed.  A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions.  It is substantially less in scope than an audit
performed in accordance with United Kingdom auditing standards and therefore
provides a lower level of assurance than an audit.  Accordingly, we do not
express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Uncertainties relating to amounts recoverable on contracts and contract in

In arriving at our review conclusion we have considered the accuracy of
disclosures made in Note 7 to the financial information concerning uncertainties
relating to amounts recoverable on contracts and adjudication.  In view of the
significance of these uncertainties, we consider they should be brought to your
attention.  Our review conclusion is not qualified in either respect.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 31 October 2003.

Deloitte & Touche LLP
Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors
11 December 2003

This interim report will be posted to shareholders and copies will be made
available to the public from: The Secretary, Birse Group plc, Humber Road,
Barton on Humber, North Lincolnshire, DN18 5BW.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange