Recently, noHold had the opportunity to interview Webroot’s Knowledgebase Manager, Anna. Webroot, a leader in Internet Security, has been a long standing customer of noHold, and Anna has been managing the Virtual Assistant (VA) for almost three years now. Through that work she has gained lots of hands on experience with the VA, and learned best practices to getting the most out of it.

This interview asks Anna a handful of questions regarding how Webroot utilizes their VA, ranging from how often the VA is updated to which reports and data are most beneficial. Here are a couple of the key takeaways from the interview.

  • “The VA is a huge asset for the support team and we try to utilize it to the best advantage. When any customer goes to our support pages on our website, the first thing they see is a list of links to the most commonly used solutions in the knowledgebase, as well as a search box to access the VA directly.”
  • “[It] has been a huge help for our growing market in Japan.”
  • “It helps me identify whether we have a true knowledge gap that calls for new content, or if I need to work with the support team directly to help users find what they need more efficiently.”
  • “Take some time to learn the back end of the VA before you start building out live content. It’s a fairly straightforward management structure, but there are little things here and there you can only pick up by fiddling with the system, and those are what really help make the VA what you need it to be.”

To read the full interview with Anna, click here.

About noHold, Inc.

noHold is a privately held company established in 1999 and is headquartered in Milpitas, CA, USA (Silicon Valley). noHold is the acknowledged leader in Web based Self-service solutions with a mission to deliver real answers to real questions – real fast. Simple to use, easy to implement and as close to human as you can get, noHold turns automated customer support into cognitive customer interactions. noHold customers include Cisco, Dell, Intel and a host of industry leaders. More information can be found at or subscribe to noHold’s vlog to hear more from CEO, Diego Ventura.

All other product and service names are the property of their respective owners.

noHold, Inc.Veronica Cech, 408-946-9200 ext. 356Marketing