4 FEBRUARY 2014 
Performance Share Plan 
Under the rules of the performance share plan (`the plan'), awards are subject 
to uplift for notional dividends made or paid during the performance period. 
Accordingly, the dividend shares shown below have been notionally added to and 
form part of the award. In respect of the interim dividend of 12.01 pence per 
share paid on 3 February 2014, the number of additional shares granted has been 
calculated using the closing share price on 3 February 2014 of 722.50 pence per 
share. The figures reflect the maximum number of shares over which the option 
might be exercised. The actual number will depend upon the extent to which the 
established performance conditions are satisfied over the performance period. 
The awards are issued for nil consideration and may be exercised at nil cost to 
the participant. No further awards will be granted under this plan. 
Awarded 8 July 2011 - Performance period 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2014 
Name of director/        Original    Cumulative  Shares added     Balance 
person discharging         no. of    balance on  for dividend     carried 
managerial               Ordinary         which        paid 3     forward 
responsibilities           shares      notional February 2014 
                          awarded dividend paid 
Steve Mogford              75,020        85,281         1,417      86,698 
Russ Houlden               46,166        52,479           872      53,351 
Gaynor Kenyon              14,427        16,397           272      16,669 
Steven Fraser              18,961        21,552           358      21,910 
Sally Cabrini              17,724        20,146           334      20,480 
Neil Colman                13,190        14,991           249      15,240 
Tony Conway                13,190        14,991           249      15,240 
Gary Dixon                 12,937        14,704           244      14,948 
Simon Gardiner             16,949        19,265           320      19,585 
Janice Smethurst            7,796         8,860           147       9,007 
Paula Steer                 4,065         4,618            76       4,694 
Awarded 15 June 2012 - Performance period 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2015 
Name of director/        Original    Cumulative  Shares added     Balance 
person discharging         no. of    balance on  for dividend     carried 
managerial               Ordinary         which        paid 3     forward 
responsibilities           shares      notional February 2014 
                          awarded dividend paid 
Sue Amies-King              9,404        10,157           168      10,325 
Sally Cabrini              15,797        17,064           283      17,347 
Neil Colman                11,756        12,698           211      12,909 
Tony Conway                11,756        12,698           211      12,909 
Gary Dixon                 11,217        12,115           201      12,316 
Steven Fraser              18,368        19,840           329      20,169 
Simon Gardiner             14,695        15,872           263      16,135 
Jonathan Hodgkin           12,490        13,491           224      13,715 
Russ Houlden               42,174        45,557           757      46,314 
Gaynor Kenyon              13,115        14,166           235      14,401 
Steve Mogford              66,862        72,227         1,200      73,427 
Janice Smethurst            6,759         7,300           121       7,421 
Paula Steer                 7,053         7,618           126       7,744 
Matching Share Award Plan 
Under the rules of the matching share award plan (`the plan'), awards are 
subject to uplift for notional dividends made or paid during the performance 
period. Accordingly, the dividend shares shown below have been notionally added 
to and form part of the award. In respect of the interim dividend of 12.01 
pence per share paid on 3 February 2014, the number of additional shares 
granted has been calculated using the closing share price on 3 February 2014 of 
722.50 pence per share. The figures reflect the maximum number of shares over 
which the option might be exercised. The actual number will depend upon the 
extent to which the established performance conditions are satisfied over the 
performance period. The awards are issued for nil consideration and may be 
exercised at nil cost to the participant. No further awards will be granted 
under this plan. 
Awarded 8 July 2011 - Performance period 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2014 
Name of director/          No. of    Cumulative  Shares added     Balance 
person discharging       Ordinary    balance on  for dividend     carried 
managerial                 shares         which        paid 3     forward 
responsibilities          awarded      notional February 2014 
                                  dividend paid 
Steve Mogford           16,313           18,542           308      18,850 
Russ Houlden            21,140           24,030           399      24,429 
Sally Cabrini            9,025           10,257           170      10,427 
Steven Fraser            9,965           11,325           188      11,513 
Gaynor Kenyon            2,595            2,948            49       2,997 
Awarded 15 June 2012 - Performance period 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2015 
Name of director/          No. of    Cumulative  Shares added     Balance 
person discharging       Ordinary    balance on  for dividend     carried 
managerial                 shares         which        paid 3     forward 
responsibilities          awarded      notional February 2014 
                                  dividend paid 
Sally Cabrini            6,575            7,102           118       7,220 
Neil Colman              3,063            3,308            54       3,362 
Tony Conway              4,459            4,815            80       4,895 
Gary Dixon               2,014            2,174            36       2,210 
Steven Fraser            7,415            8,009           133       8,142 
Simon Gardiner           4,618            4,987            82       5,069 
Russ Houlden            29,684           32,064           532      32,596 
Gaynor Kenyon            2,491            2,690            44       2,734 
Steve Mogford           48,151           52,014           864      52,878 
Deferred Share Award Plan 
Under the rules of the deferred share award scheme (`the scheme') awards are 
subject to uplift for notional dividends made or paid during the vesting 
period. Accordingly the dividend shares shown below have been notionally added 
to and form part of the award. In respect of the interim dividend of 12.01 
pence per share paid on 3 February 2014, the number of additional shares 
awarded has been calculated using the closing share price on 3 February 2014 of 
722.50 pence per share. Under the terms of the scheme, awards will (which are 
structured as options to acquire shares in the company with a zero exercise 
price) be satisfied by using shares purchased in the market or by payment of a 
cash amount equal to the market value, on the date of exercise, of the shares 
(including dividend equivalent shares) held. Newly issued or treasury shares 
cannot be used to satisfy awards under this plan.  Participants cannot be 
directors of the company at the time of grant. The awards will normally become 
capable of exercise after the end of the vesting period and must be exercised 
within 90 days thereafter. The ability to exercise an award is not subject to 
satisfying a performance target. 
Vesting period - 3 July 2012 - 3 July 2015 
Name of director/          No. of    Cumulative  Shares added  Balance carried 
person discharging       Ordinary    balance on  for dividend          forward 
managerial                 shares         which        paid 2 
responsibilities          awarded      notional February 2014 
                                  dividend paid 
Steven Fraser              19,352        20,904           347           21,251 
Matched Share Investment Schemes 
Russ Houlden - awarded 1 October 2010 
As part of the terms of Russ Houlden's recruitment, the company established a 
matched share incentive scheme for him as sole participant by which the company 
undertook to match an investment of 36,710 shares made by Mr Houlden himself 
upon his appointment provided he remains with the company until October 2015. 
The award is subject to uplift for notional dividends made or paid during the 
period. In respect of the interim dividend of 12.01p per share paid on 3 
February 2014, the number of additional shares granted has been calculated 
using the closing share prices on 3 February 2014 of 722.50 pence per share. 
     No. of    Cumulative Shares added     Balance 
   Ordinary    balance on for dividend     carried 
     shares         which       paid 3     forward 
    awarded      notional     February 
            dividend paid         2014 
     36,710        42,487          706      43,193 
Steve Mogford - awarded 27 May 2011 
As part of the terms of Steve Mogford's recruitment, the company established a 
matched share incentive scheme for him as sole participant by which the company 
undertook to match an investment of 86,742 shares made by Mr Mogford himself 
upon his appointment provided he remains with the company until January 
2016. The award is subject to uplift for notional dividends made or paid during 
the period. In respect of the interim dividend of 12.01p per share paid on 3 
February 2014, the number of additional shares granted has been calculated 
using the closing share prices on 3 February 2014 of 722.50 pence per share. 
     No. of    Cumulative Shares added     Balance 
   Ordinary    balance on for dividend     carried 
     shares         which       paid 3     forward 
    awarded      notional     February 
            dividend paid         2014 
     86,742        98,605        1,639     100,244 
Deferred Bonus Plan 
Under the rules of the deferred bonus plan (`the plan') conditional awards are 
subject to uplift for notional dividends made or paid during the vesting 
period. Accordingly the dividend equivalent shares shown below have been 
notionally added to and form part of the award. In respect of the interim 
dividend of 12.01 pence per share paid on 3 February 2014, the number of 
additional shares awarded has been calculated using the closing share price on 
3 February 2014 of 722.50 pence per share. Under the terms of plan, conditional 
awards will normally be satisfied at the end of the vesting period by using 
shares purchased in the market. Newly issued or treasury shares cannot be used 
to satisfy awards under this plan. The conditional award of shares, as uplifted 
by dividend equivalent shares, will vest on the vesting date. 
Awarded 17 June 2013 - Vesting date 17 June 2016 
Name of director/    Original     Cumulative      Dividend      Balance 
person discharging  conditional   balance on     equivalent     carried 
managerial           award of   which notional  shares added    forward 
responsibilities      shares    dividend paid   for dividend 
                                                 paid on 3 
                                               February 2014 
Sue Amies-King         2,769        2,856            47          2,903 
Sally Cabrini          4,778        4,928            81          5,009 
Neil Colman            3,308        3,412            56          3,468 
Tony Conway            3,067        3,163            52          3,215 
Gary Dixon             3,285        3,388            56          3,444 
Steven Fraser          5,396        5,566            92          5,658 
Simon Gardiner         4,211        4,343            72          4,415 
Jonathan Hodgkin       3,246        3,348            55          3,403 
Russ Houlden          31,278        32,265          536         32,801 
Gaynor Kenyon          3,600        3,713            61          3,774 
Steve Mogford         49,573        51,137          850         51,987 
Long Term Plan 
Under the rules of the long term plan (`the plan') conditional awards are 
subject to uplift for notional dividends made or paid during the vesting 
period. Accordingly the dividend equivalent shares shown below have been 
notionally added to and form part of the award. In respect of the interim 
dividend of 12.01 pence per share paid on 3 February 2014, the number of 
additional shares awarded has been calculated using the closing share price on 
3 February 2014 of 722.50 pence per share. The figures reflect the maximum 
number of shares which will vest. The actual number will depend upon the extent 
to which the established performance conditions are satisfied over the 
performance period. Executive directors are subject to a further two-year 
holding period. 
Awarded 29 July 2013 - Performance period 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2016 
 Name of director/   Original     Cumulative      Dividend      Balance 
person discharging  conditional   balance on     equivalent     carried 
    managerial       award of   which notional  shares added    forward 
 responsibilities     shares    dividend paid   for dividend 
                                                 paid on 3 
                                               February 2014 
Sue Amies-King           15,631     16,124          268         16,392 
Sally Cabrini            22,958     23,682          393         24,075 
Neil Colman              16,022     16,527          274         16,801 
Tony Conway               9,613     9,916           164         10,080 
Gary Dixon               15,631     16,124          268         16,392 
Steven Fraser            25,694     26,504          440         26,944 
Simon Gardiner           20,516     21,163          351         21,514 
Jonathan Hodgkin         16,608     17,132          284         17,416 
Russ Houlden *           76,203     78,607         1,306        79,913 
Gaynor Kenyon            17,859     18,422          306         18,728 
Steve Mogford *         120,746    124,556         2,070        126,626 
Janice Smethurst          7,257     7,486           124          7,610 
Paula Steer               6,699     6,910           114          7,024 
* Denotes Executive Director subject to additional 2 year holding period. 
Share Incentive Plan 
Notification was been received today that the Trustee, Equiniti Share Plan 
Trustees Limited, purchased ordinary shares of 5p each on behalf of the 
following directors/PDMRs on 3 February 2014, as dividend reinvestment shares 
in accordance with the rules of the Company's HMRC approved share incentive 
plan. The shares were purchased at a price of 720.5 pence per share. 
 Name of director/person      Balance held    No. of Shares Revised balance 
 discharging managerial           prior to        purchased 
    responsibilities              dividend 
Sue Amies-King                         456                7             463 
Sally Cabrini                          526                8             534 
Steven Fraser                        2,725               45           2,770 
Simon Gardiner                       3,796               63           3,859 
Gaynor Kenyon                        2,421               40           2,461 
Neil Colman                          3,504               58           3,562 
Tony Conway                             86                1              87 
Russ Houlden                         1,122               19           1,141 
Gary Dixon                           3,128               51           3,179 
Steve Mogford                        1,111               19           1,130 
Janice Smethurst                     2,049               34           2,083 
Paula Steer                          2,492               41           2,533 
Further information can be obtained from Jane Gilmore, Deputy Company Secretary 
44 1 925 237052. 
United Utilities Group's ordinary shares trade on the London Stock Exchange and 
its ADRs, each equal to two ordinary shares, trade over the counter using the 
trading symbol "UUGRY" 

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