RNS Number:4075E
30 May 2001

TriVest VCT Plc

Chairman's Interim Statement

I  am very pleased to present my first Interim Report of the
Company for the period from 2nd November 2000 to 31st March,

Our  Offer for Subscription opened on 18th October 2000  and
as  at  31st  March 2001 had raised #32,905,800.  The  Offer
closed   on  6th  April  2001  having  raised  a  total   of

Trading in our shares commenced on 15th November 2000.

As  anticipated,  at this stage in its life,  the  Company's
portfolio  is  comprised  mainly of  short-dated  Gilt-edged
securities,  which are managed by Cazenove  Fund  Management
Limited. Nevertheless, in the period under review,  each  of
the  three Venture Capital Fund Managers has been active  in
identifying   suitable  companies  in  which   TriVest   can
participate as an investor. It is already apparent that  the
Multi-Manager   approach   to  selecting   venture   capital
situations   is  producing  a  well  diversified  investment

At  31st  March, 2001, LICA Development Capital Limited  had
made   five  investments  in  i-documentsystems  group   plc
(Electronic  Document Management), LeSac Limited (Industrial
Packaging),  MAST Limited (Industrial Heavy Machine  Tools),
Watkins  Books Limited (Retail and Publishing)  and  Zynergy
Group Limited (Meditech) respectively.

VCF  Partners  had made three investments in Heritage  Image
Partnership  Limited (Image Library), iDesk  plc  (Technical
Help Desks) and Xpert Client Systems Limited (Software Asset

GLE  Development Capital Limited had invested in  T.J  Brent
Limited (Water Utility).

Full  descriptions of each of these investments are provided
later in my report.

In  all,  #5,717,625  had been invested in  venture  capital
companies  by  31st March, 2001 with a further #705,000  now
earmarked for another investment.

As  stated  in our Prospectus, the Board anticipates  having
between  80 and 90 per cent of the net funds raised  in  the
recent  issue  of  shares invested in  Qualifying  Companies
within three years, or by April 2004, at the latest.

At   31st   March,  2001  revenue  reserves  available   for
distribution to shareholders were #135,510. The  Board  does
not propose to declare an interim dividend but expects to be
able  to  propose a final dividend for the  period  to  30th
September 2001.

I  am  pleased  that  the  Company has  made  such  positive
progress  already and I look forward to keeping shareholders
informed on developments in our Company.

David Atterton, Chairman.
30th May, 2001.

Investment Portfolio Summary

                                        Cost  Date of
GLE Development Capital Limited       #       
T J Brent Limited                    900,000  December 2000
  Specialist contractor to water                   
  utility sector
LICA Development Capital Limited                      
  i-documentsystems group plc        517,625  December 2000
  Electronic Document Management                        
LeSac Limited                        999,999  February 2001
  Manufactures plastic packaging                       
  for powder/granular products and
Machinery & Automated Systems      1,000,000  February 2001
Technology Limited (MAST)                     
  Development of Vertical Turning                    
  and Machining Centres
Zynergy Group Limited              1,000,000  February 2001
  Commercialising new materials               
  for medical devices
Watkins Books Limited                500,000  March 2001
  Supplier of books in Alternative                       
  Sciences, Health, Philosophy
  and related sectors
VCF Partners                                  
iDesk plc                            250,000  November 2000                   
  Technical Help Desks                        
Heritage Image Partnership Limited   300,000  March 2001
  Internet Image Library                      
Xpert Client Systems Limited         250,000  March 2001
  Software Asset Management                   
Fixed Interest Securities        #16,726,000  
TOTAL                            #22,443,624  

All the above venture capital investments have been valued at
cost except for i-documentsystems group plc which is listed on 
AIM and has been valued at #583,334 in line with the mid-market 
price as at 31st March 2001.

Completed Investments as at 31st March 2001

GLE Development Capital Limited

T J Brent
T J Brent is a specialist contractor, primarily to the water
utility   sector,  and  is  involved  in  the   laying   and
refurbishment  of  pipes,  mains connection  of  houses  and
installation  and replacement of water meters.  The  company
also  has  divisions engaged in the management of mechanical
and  electrical  products  and  the  construction  of  water
pumping  and  sewage treatment plants. Based in Bodmin,  the
company  has  operations throughout  the  West  Country  and
elsewhere in the UK.

TriVest  invested  #900,000  alongside  other  institutional
investors in December 2000 to finance the management buy-out
of  the  company  from  its parent, Pennon  Group  plc.  The
investment has been valued at cost as it was completed  less
than  a  year  ago  and there have been no audited  accounts
available since investment.

LICA Development Capital Limited

i-documentsystems group plc
i-documentsystems  group  plc is  an  established  and  fast
growing   software   company  which   specialises   in   the
development   of   products  for   document,   content   and
information management.

The  Group's  principal product is Image-gen a sophisticated
web-based  software package which allows  a  complex  paper-
based  process  to  be converted into a straightforward  and
robust electronic process leading to significant savings  in
cost  and time. TriVest invested #517,625 in December  2000.
The  company is now listed on AiM, and at 29th May 2001 (the
latest  practicable  date prior to the publication  of  this
announcement),   the  value  of  TriVest's  investment   was

LeSac Limited
LeSac  is  commercialising a unique  packaging  system  that
offers   significant  advantages  over  existing   solutions
through  a  combination of lower material content, increased
space utilisation and lower environmental tax levies.

During  1999 and early 2000, LeSac was restricted to the  10
litre   liquid/solid  product  while  the  third  generation
machine was under development, so major potential customers'
needs  could not be satisfied during this development phase.
The  third  generation machine, however, has now been  fully
developed.  The pre-production machine has also  been  fully
commissioned  and now gives LeSac capacity to receive  major
orders.  There  are  presently a number of  large  enquiries
including Cerol, Brookleman, Dow Chemicals and Rau,  any  of
which would be a significant step for LeSac. TriVest made an
investment of #1,000,000 in February 2001.

Machinery & Automated Systems Technology Limited (MAST)
MAST  is  engaged in developing and manufacturing specialist
machine  tools,  including a Vertical  Turning  &  Machining
Centre and LeSac's third generation packaging machinery.

These  machines are now moving from design/launch  and  pre-
production prototypes, respectively, into full production in
the  current  year. The first two orders for LeSac  machines
have  been  received and are currently being built.  TriVest
made an investment of #1,000,000 in February 2001.

Zynergy Group Limited
Zynergy  Group  is a rapidly developing global  bio-meditech
organisation   exploiting  its  fully-developed   materials,
coatings and other similar technologies. These revolutionary
technologies   enable   and   enhance   Zynergy's   existing
proprietary products in high-value sectors, namely minimally-
invasive  cardiology, balloons, stents and  orthopaedics  as
well  as  other critical areas, with respiratory and urology
products to follow.

Its  US  subsidiary, ZCV Inc has obtained FDA  and  CE  Mark
approval for the majority of its first generation of electro-
physiological  catheters. Sales have now commenced  and  are
starting to grow. Progress on a conformal catheter continues
and  it is the intention to seek FDA approval in 2001. Sales
in  the  orthopaedics  division continue  to  grow  and  are
running  at an annual rate in excess of #1.0million. TriVest
made an investment of #1,000,000 in February 2001.

Watkins Books Limited
Watkins  is  the  pre-eminent  UK  supplier  of  books   and
information in the Alternative Sciences, Health,  Philosophy
and related sectors.

Watkins  is  doubling its retail space  in  Cecil  Court  in
Central London. It will launch its first publishing list  in
the  spring  of  2001 and is developing  a  global  Internet
strategy  and website. It has expansion plans to become  the
pre-eminent  global provider in this growing sector.  During
the  first  year under new ownership, the existing  and  new
management  have done much necessary work to reposition  the
company  for  expansion.  TriVest  made  an  investment   of
#500,000 in March 2001.

VCF Partners

iDesk plc
In  November  2000, the Company invested #250,000  in  iDesk
plc.  iDesk  provides  telcos,  ISPs  and  other  blue  chip
customers  with  outsourced technical help  desks,  operated
from  a  call centre in London. iDesk has recently  launched
complementary new ASP services based on its proprietary  and
licensed CRM and electronic billing software.

Heritage Image Partnership Limited
In  March 2001, TriVest invested #300,000 in Heritage  Image
Partnership  Limited  (HIP). HIP is creating  a  library  of
images  available  to customers over the  Internet  and  has
exclusive  access to content from five heritage institutions
including  the British Library and the Science  Museum.  The
images  will be sold to media companies and advertising  and
design companies.

Xpert Client Systems Limited
In  March  2001, TriVest invested #250,000 in  Xpert  Client
Systems   Limited  (XCS),  a  provider  of  Software   Asset
Management tools, with over 100 customers. XCS has developed
software  that  automatically builds a profile  of  software
usage  on  a  PC  and compares this with  the  inventory  of
software installed on each PC and the licenses owned.  As  a
result,  savings are achievable on licence costs by removing
unused software, administration costs and IT support time.

Unaudited Statement of Total Return
(incorporating the Revenue Account of the Company  from  2nd
November 2000 to 31st March 2001)

                          Notes         Period   
                                        to  31st
                                        March 2001
                               Revenue  Capital  Total
                               #        #        #

Realised    gains    and       -        -        -
losses on investments
Unrealised   gains   and       -        63,709    63,709
losses on investments
Income                         374,689   -       374,689
Investment    management  3    (56,396) (169,187)(225,583)
Other expenses                 (134,303) -     (134,303)
                               -------  -------- -------
Return    on    ordinary       183,990  (105,478)78,512
activities before taxation               
Tax on ordinary activities     (48,480) 33,837   (14,643)
                               -------  -------- -------
Return  attributable  to       135,510  (71,641)  63,869
equity shareholders
Dividends in respect  of       -        -        -
equity shares
                               -------  -------- --------
Transfer to/(from) reserves   #135,510  #(71,641) #63,869
                               -------  -------- --------
Return per share          5    0.645p   (0.341p) 0.304p

Unaudited Balance Sheet
as at 31st March 2001

                             Notes             31st March
                                       #           #
Fixed Assets                                   
Investments                  7                 22,507,333
Current Assets                                 
Debtors and prepayments               442,813  
Cash at Bank                       12,962,032  
Creditors: amounts falling        (4,697,503)  
due within one year
Net current assets                              8,707,342
Net assets                                    #31,214,675
Capital and reserves         8                           
Called up share capital                           329,058
Share premium account                          30,821,748
Capital reserves - realised                      (135,350)
Capital reserves - unrealised                      63,709
Revenue reserves                                  135,510
Equity shareholders' funds                    #31,214,675
Net asset value per share                        94.8p

Summarised Cash flow Statement

                                              Period to
                                              31st March

Operating activities                         
Net revenue on activities before taxation         183,990
Capitalised management fees                     (169,187)
Decrease/(Increase) in creditors                (442,813)
Increase in creditors                           4,682,860
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating        4,254,850
Acquisitions and disposals                   (22,443,624)
Financing - issue of shares                    31,150,806
Increase in cash for period                   #12,962,032
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement  
in net debt
Increase in cash for the period                12,962,032
Net funds at the start of the period                    -
Net funds at the end of the period            #12,962,032


1.   The revenue column of the statement of total return  is
     the profit and loss account of the Company.
2.   All revenue and capital items in the above statement of
     total return derive from continuing operations.
3.   In accordance with the policy statement published under
     'Management Administration' in the Company's prospectus
     dated 13th October 2000, the Directors have charged 75% of
     the investment management expenses to capital reserve.
4.   Earnings  for the period to 31st March 2001 should  not
     be taken as a guide to the results for the full year.
5.   Basic  return per Ordinary Share is based  on  the  net
     revenue on ordinary activities after taxation and is based
     on a weighted average of 21,000,380 Ordinary Shares.
6.   The  financial information for the period to 31st March
     2001  has  not been audited, nor does it comprise  full
     financial statements within the meaning of section 240 of
     the Companies Act 1985.
7.   Summary of investments during the period.

                 Fixed      Traded  Unlisted  Loan      Total
                 interest   on AIM    or     Stock
                 securities          traded
                                   on OFEX
                     #        #        #        #         #

Cost/valuation           -       -         -        -         -
at 2nd November
Purchases at     16,726,000 517,625  1,998,991 3,201,009  22,443,624
Sales - proceeds         -       -         -        -         -
   - realised            -       -         -        -         -
gains /
Increase/decrease    (2,000)  65,709        -        -          63,709
 in unrealised
gains / (losses)
                 ---------  ------   -------  -----------  -----------
Cost/valuation #16,724,000 #583,334 #1,998,991 #3,201,008  #22,507,333
at 31st March           
2001             ---------  ------   -------  -----------  -----------
Book cost at     16,726,000 517,625  1,998,991  3,201,008   22,443,624
31st March 2001         
Unrealised gains     (2,000) 65,709         -        -          63,709
/ (losses) at
31st March 2001
                 ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- -----------
                #16,724,000 #583,334 #1,998,991 #3,201,008 #22,507,333
                 ---------- -------- ----------  --------- -----------
Gains on                                                       
Net movement in   #(2,000)  #65,709        -        -          #63,709
appreciation /
in the period
                 ---------  -------   -------  -------         --------
Gains / (losses)  #(2,000)  #65,709        -       -           #63,709
on investments                   
at 31st March
                 ---------  -------   -------  -------         --------

8.   Capital and reserves

              Called  Share     Realised  Unrea- Revenue       Total
              up      premium   capital   lised  reserve
              share   account   reserve   capital 
              capital                     reserve
At 2nd           -        -        -            -       -          -
November 2000
Net proceeds   329,058 30,821,748  -            -       -     31,150,806
from issue of                                    
Realised         -        -        -            -       -          -
losses for
Transfer on      -        -        -            -       -          -
disposal of
Net capital      -        -        (135,350)    -       -       (135,350)
for period                            
Increase in      -        -        -         63,709     -         63,709
Retained net     -        -        -            -     135,510     135,510
revenue for                                           
              -------- ----------- ---------- ------- -------- -----------
At 31st March #329,058 #30,821,748 #(135,350) #63,709 #135,510 #31,214,675
              -------- ----------- ---------- ------- -------- -----------
9.   The interim statement will be posted to shareholders in
     due course and will be available to members of the public at
     the Company's registered office: Gossard House, 7-8 Savile
     Row, London W1S 3PE.

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