RNS Number : 1291L

Tarsus Group PLC

27 July 2011

Tarsus Group plc

27 July 2011

Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2011

"Strong forward bookings gives good momentum for second half"

Tarsus Group plc ('Tarsus', the 'Group' or 'Company'), the international business-to-business media group is pleased to announce its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2011.

Financial Highlights:

-- Revenue up 14% to GBP19.2m (vs. 2010 GBP16.9m)

-- Like-for-like revenue up 7% (vs. 2010)

-- Adjusted profit before tax GBP0.6m (2010: GBP1.1m)

-- Adjusted EPS of 0.1p (2010 : 0.8p)

-- Net debt down 46% to GBP17.3m (2010: GBP31.9m)

-- Interim dividend increased 5% to 2.1p (2010: 2.0p)

Operational Highlights:

-- Acceleration of forward bookings across the portfolio

-- Medical - education / online strong

-- Largest ever Off Price show in February 2011 (revenues +10%)

-- Very encouraging performance from Emerging Markets

- Dubai revenues +12%

- Hope (China) revenues +11%

-- France revenues down 6% - better performance expected in second half

-- IFO (Turkey) acquisition completed 7 June 2011

-- Prestigious AEO marketing award won for a record 3(rd) time


-- Benefits of strategy evident and confidence reflected in increased dividend

-- Key Labelexpo Europe and Dubai Airshow events sales tracking well

-- Forward bookings currently stand at 87% of anticipated full year revenues (2010 77%)

Neville Buch, Chairman, commented:

"In March, we expressed confidence that a recovery was underway. That confidence has grown and is reflected in the Board's decision to increase the interim dividend. The first half of the year has seen a good performance from our main events with the exception of France which continues to lag.

The important Labelexpo Europe and Dubai Airshow events are tracking ahead of their corresponding events in 2009. The performance of the Medical division is encouraging with a particularly strong performance from our education / online products.

Our investment in China is gaining momentum with a good first half from Hope and a positive trading outlook for the second half.

As part of our stated 50/13 strategy, and in-line with our acquisition criteria, we were pleased to acquire the Turkish exhibition business IFO in June. IFO brings an experienced management team, well established exhibitions and an entree to a growing emerging market.

Forward bookings remain strong and currently stand at 87% of anticipated full year revenues (2010: 77%). The Group continues to strive for growth both organically and through selective value enhancing acquisitions."


Tarsus Group plc:

Douglas Emslie, Group Managing Director 020 8846 2700

Dan O'Brien, Group Finance Director 020 8846 2700


Madano Partnership:

Matthew Moth 020 7593 4000

The Company will be hosting a presentation to analysts at 12.30pm today at the offices of Investec, 2 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7QP. A webcast of the presentation will be available on Tarsus's website (www.tarsus.com) from 9.30am tomorrow.


2011 has started well, with increased economic confidence noticeable in our emerging markets' portfolio. The Off Price and Medical events in the US also continued to perform well. The key trend in the first half of the year has been the acceleration in forward bookings as exhibitors have gained confidence and sought to grow their revenues. Whilst trading is very heavily weighted towards the second half, this first half performance augers well for the full year driven by our important Labelexpo Europe and the Dubai Airshow events.

The acquisition of IFO in Turkey was an important step in the delivery of our 50/13 strategy. It is a major operator in the region and has a portfolio of market leading events which, combined with a strong management team, gives us a strong platform for growth in the region. The integration of IFO into the Group is progressing in line with our acquisition plan. We are looking to expand IFO's existing events, develop new products as well as looking to add other events in the region.

The successful placing of 11,347,517 new ordinary shares in May, which raised GBP15 million net of expenses, has strengthened our balance sheet and coupled with improved cash flow has resulted in a 40% reduction in net debt to GBP17.3 million from GBP28.6m at the beginning of the year.

We continue to evaluate selective acquisition opportunities but will adhere to our strict criteria of geography, sector and valuation.

Financial Review

Group revenue for the period was GBP19.2 million (2010: GBP16.9 million) - an increase of 14% on the same period last year, with underlying like-for-like growth of 7%.

Loss before tax was GBP1.5 million (2010: loss GBP0.5 million) and adjusted profit before tax was GBP0.6 million (2010: GBP1.1 million). This performance reflects both the increased interest costs in the period before the receipt of the proceeds from the equity fundraising and the increased overheads in advance of the strong programme of events scheduled for the second half of 2011. The Group incurred exceptional costs of GBP0.4 million in respect of acquisition costs that were expensed.

Basic loss per share was 2.3p (2010: 1.6p) whilst adjusted earnings per share were 0.1p (2010: 0.8p).

Operating cash flow continued to be very strong with GBP3.1 million generated in the period (2010: GBP1.6 million). Operating cash conversion continued to be high at 219% reflecting the difference in timing between cash collection and profit recognition of our large biennial events. Net debt reduced significantly and at 30 June 2011 was GBP17.3 million (2010: GBP31.9 million). The Group's balance sheet position is strong and provides a robust foundation for the business.

On 19 May 2011, the Group announced the acquisition of 75% of the issued share capital of Istanbul based IFO, one of the largest independent exhibition businesses in Turkey, for up to GBP10.0 million in aggregate payable in cash.

On 7 June 2011, the Group announced the successful completion of the placing of 11,347,517 new ordinary shares raising GBP15.0 million net of expenses. These proceeds were used to finance the acquisition of IFO, reduce the Group's indebtedness and provide additional working capital for the Group.

The Directors are proposing an interim dividend of 2.1p per share (2010: 2.0p). The interim dividend will be paid on 19 January 2012 to Shareholders on the Register of Members of the Company on 9 December 2011. We will continue to offer a scrip alternative.

Geographic Analysis

USA - strong performance across the portfolio

Europe - difficult first half in France

Emerging Markets - good performance in both Middle East and China; Turkey off to

good start

                        US          Europe       Emerging Markets 
-----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------------- 
 GBP'm              2011   2010   2011   2010     2011      2010 
-----------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ---------  -------- 
 Revenue            6.5    6.2    7.1    7.4      5.7        3.3 
-----------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ---------  -------- 
 Adjusted Profit 
  before tax        2.0    1.9    0.1    0.4      0.5        0.1 
-----------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ---------  -------- 


The February Off Price was yet another record event with revenues up 10% compared with the equivalent 2010 event. Continuing demand for 'value' product is driving growth. Our expansion into footwear and accessories has been well received by the market and the August edition is tracking well.

Sales in our Medical Division were up 12% in the period with education / online products showing strong growth. The launch of the online educational business internationally has been well received. As highlighted at our Autumn Investor Presentation in London last year, growth in 'wellness' is driving strong demand for both existing and new products.


French sales were down 6% in the first half. The smaller events, which are skewed towards the first half, continue to lag behind the recovery being seen in the larger events. The largest exhibition in the period, Modamont, performed relatively well with revenues at a similar level to the 2010 event. Sales for the September Modamont event are tracking ahead of the 2010 edition. It is pleasing that bookings for 3 out of 4 of our major events in the second half are now ahead of their 2010 editions.

Sales for the major Labelexpo Europe event in September are already ahead of its 2009 event level.


Our emerging markets portfolio of events saw good growth in the period with notable performances in Dubai from GESS (education supplies) and Gulf Pack & Print. We also hosted the first Al Ain aerobatic show in partnership with the Abu Dhabi Tourist Authority. Customer expectations for the Dubai Airshow have risen following the success of the recent Paris Airshow. Bookings are now ahead of the corresponding 2009 show and we are increasingly confident of a record show for 2011.

Hope (China) had a successful first half with sales up 11% and positive momentum has continued into the second half.

REW, our waste recycling exhibition, was the first Turkish event to take place under our ownership and performed in-line with pre-acquisition expectations.


In what remains a relatively subdued global economy we are seeing encouraging trends. Forward bookings remain strong and currently stand at 87% of anticipated full year revenues (2010: 77%). Our major second half events are tracking well and the benefits of the Group's strategy are becoming more evident.

The second half of 2011 will be the most significant trading period in the Group's history with major events taking place in the main geographies where we operate. The momentum we carry forward from the first half should herald a strong performance in the second half.

We have made good progress on our long term strategy of increasing our exposure to Emerging Markets (Project 50/13). Approximately 37% of 2011 Group revenues, on a pro-forma basis, will be derived from these geographies and we remain on track to hit 50% by 2013. The Group continues to strive for growth both organically and through selective value enhancing acquisitions.

Neville Buch Douglas Emslie

27 July 2011


We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2011 which comprises the Condensed Consolidated Interim Income Statement, Condensed Consolidated Interim Statement of Comprehensive Income, Condensed Consolidated Interim Statement of Financial Position, Condensed Consolidated Interim Statement of Changes in Equity, Condensed Consolidated Interim Statement of Cash Flows and the related notes. We have read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.

This report is made solely to the company in accordance with the terms of our engagement. Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to the company those matters we are required to state to it in this report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have reached.

Directors' responsibilities

The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Services Authority.

As disclosed in note 2, the annual financial statements of the group are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the European Union.

Our responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our review.

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, 'Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity' issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2011 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 as adopted by the European Union and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Services Authority.


27 July 2011

London, UK


For the six months ended 30 June

                                                   2011        2010 
                                         Notes     GBP000      GBP000 
                                                 Unaudited   Unaudited 
 Revenue                                     7      19,233      16,882 
 Operating costs                                  (19,694)    (16,822) 
                                                ----------  ---------- 
 Operating loss/profit                               (461)          60 
 Finance costs                                     (1,078)       (607) 
                                                ----------  ---------- 
 Loss before taxation                              (1,539)       (547) 
 Taxation credit / (charge)                  8          98       (190) 
                                                ----------  ---------- 
 Loss for the financial period                     (1,441)       (737) 
                                                ==========  ========== 
 Loss for the financial period 
  attributable to equity shareholders 
  of the parent company                            (1,771)     (1,072) 
 Profit for the financial period 
  attributable to non- controlling 
  interests                                            330         335 
                                                ----------  ---------- 
                                                   (1,441)       (737) 
                                                ==========  ========== 
                           Notes        2011        2010 
                                   Unaudited   Unaudited 
 Loss per share (pence)        9 
 - basic                               (2.3)       (1.6) 
 - diluted                             (2.3)       (1.6) 


For the six months ended 30 June

                                            2011        2010 
                                  Notes     GBP000      GBP000 
                                          Unaudited   Unaudited 
 Loss for the financial period              (1,441)       (737) 
 Other comprehensive income: 
 Foreign exchange translation 
  Cash flow hedges:                                       4,378 
  Losses during the period           13   237 (221)         (-) 
 Other comprehensive income                      16       4,378 
 Total comprehensive (expense) 
  / income for the period                   (1,425)       3,641 
                                         ==========  ========== 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the parent 
  company                                   (1,755)       3,306 
 Non-controlling interests                      330         335 
                                         ----------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive (expense) 
  / income for the period                   (1,425)       3,641 
                                         ==========  ========== 


                                                         30 June     30 June    December 
                                                           2011        2010         2010 
                                               Notes      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000 
                                                        Unaudited   Unaudited    Audited 
 Property, plant and equipment                              2,012       1,226      1,314 
 Intangible assets                                 10     100,424      97,842     93,441 
 Other investments                                              1           -          1 
 Deferred tax assets                                          989       1,274      1,242 
                                                          103,426     100,342     95,998 
 Trade and other receivables                               14,034      15,380     13,305 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                 14,580       5,849     10,968 
                                                       ----------  ----------  --------- 
                                                           28,614      21,229     24,273 
 Trade and other payables                                (19,055)    (13,725)   (15,546) 
 Deferred income                                         (25,996)    (20,076)   (20,332) 
 Interest bearing loans and borrowings                    (1,875)     (8,900)    (2,750) 
 Liabilities for current tax                              (4,719)     (3,769)    (5,009) 
                                                       ----------  ----------  --------- 
                                                         (51,645)    (46,470)   (43,637) 
                                                       ----------  ----------  --------- 
 NET CURRENT LIABILITIES                                 (23,031)    (25,241)   (19,364) 
                                                       ----------  ----------  --------- 
 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                     80,395      75,101     76,634 
 Other payables                                           (4,099)     (3,069)    (6,160) 
 Deferred tax liability                                   (3,774)     (4,585)    (3,703) 
 Interest bearing loans and borrowings                   (28,807)    (28,485)   (35,889) 
                                                       ----------  ----------  --------- 
                                                         (36,680)    (36,139)   (45,752) 
                                                       ----------  ----------  --------- 
 NET ASSETS                                                43,715      38,962     30,882 
                                                       ==========  ==========  ========= 
 Share capital                                              4,342       3,465      3,757 
 Share premium account                                     26,723       6,295     12,133 
 Other reserves                                           (5,208)         173    (5,224) 
 Retained earnings                                         16,802      27,625     20,037 
                                                       ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Issued capital and reserves attributable 
  to equity holders of the parent                          42,659      37,558     30,703 
 NON CONTROLLING INTEREST                                   1,056       1,404        179 
                                                       ----------  ----------  --------- 
 TOTAL EQUITY                                  43,715      38,962                 30,882 
                                              =======  ==========  ===================== 


                                                             Attributable to equity 
                                                              holders of the parent 
                                        Share                       Capital      Fair     Foreign 
                              Share   premium   Reorganisation   redemption     value    exchange   Retained   Non-controlling 
                    Notes   capital   account          reserve      reserve   reserve     reserve   earnings          interest     Total 
                             GBP000    GBP000           GBP000       GBP000    GBP000      GBP000     GBP000            GBP000    GBP000 
 As at 30 June 
  exchange gain 
  for the period                  -         -                -            -         -         237          -                 -       237 
 Decrease in Fair 
  Value of 
  derivatives                     -         -                -            -     (221)           -          -                 -     (221) 
  interest profit                                            - 
  for the period                  -         -                -            -         -           -          -               330       330 
  attributable to 
  shareholders                    -         -                -            -         -           -    (1,771)                 -   (1,771) 
                           --------  --------  ---------------  -----------  --------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 
  result for the 
  period                          -         -                -            -     (221)         237    (1,771)               330   (1,425) 
 Scrip dividend                   1        12                -            -         -           -          -                 -        13 
 New share 
  subscribed                    584    15,711                -            -         -           -          -                 -    16,295 
 Cost of shares 
  issued                          -   (1,133)                -            -         -           -          -                 -   (1,133) 
 Share option 
  charge                          -         -                -            -         -           -        105                 -       105 
 Movement in 
  relating to 
  deferred tax                    -         -                -            -         -           -       (90)                        (90) 
 Dividend paid                    -         -                -            -         -           -    (1,479)                 -   (1,479) 
 Acquisition of 
  interests                       -         -                -            -         -           -          -               547       547 
 Net change in 
  funds                         585    14,590                -            -     (221)         237    (3,235)               877    12,833 
 Opening equity 
  funds                       3,757    12,133            6,013        (443)        14    (10,808)     23,565               179    34,410 
  restatement - 
  in year effect     16           -         -                -            -         -           -    (3,528)                 -   (3,528) 
 Restated Opening 
  funds                       3,757    12,133            6,013        (443)        14    (10,808)     20,037               179    30,882 
                           --------  --------  ---------------  -----------  --------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 
 Closing equity 
  funds                       4,342    26,723            6,013        (443)     (207)    (10,571)     16,802             1,056    43,715 
                   ------  ========  ========  ===============  ===========  ========  ==========  =========  ================  ======== 
                                                 Attributable to equity holders 
                                                          of the parent 
                                Share                       Capital      Fair     Foreign 
                      Share   premium   Reorganisation   redemption     value    exchange   Retained   Non-controlling 
                    capital   account          reserve      reserve   reserve     reserve   earnings          interest     Total 
                     GBP000    GBP000           GBP000       GBP000    GBP000      GBP000     GBP000            GBP000    GBP000 
 As at 30 June 
  exchange gain 
  for the period          -         -                             -         -       4,378          -                 -     4,378 
  interest profit 
  for the period          -         -                -            -         -           -          -               335       335 
  attributable to 
  shareholders            -         -                -            -         -           -    (1,072)                 -   (1,072) 
                   --------  --------  ---------------  -----------  --------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 
  result for the 
  period                  -         -                -            -         -       4,378    (1,072)               335     3,641 
 New share 
  subscribed             43       262                -            -         -           -          -                 -       305 
 Share option 
  charge                  -         -                -            -         -           -        203                 -       203 
 Dividend paid to 
  interest                -         -                -            -         -           -          -             (404)     (404) 
                   --------  --------  ---------------  -----------  --------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 
 Net change in 
  funds                  43       262                -            -         -       4,378      (869)              (69)     3,745 
 Opening equity 
  funds               3,422     6,033            6,013        (443)         -     (9,775)     28,494             1,473    35,217 
                   --------  --------                   -----------  --------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 
 Closing equity 
  funds               3,465     6,295            6,013        (443)         -     (5,397)     27,625             1,404    38,962 
                   ========  ========  ===============  ===========  ========  ==========  =========  ================  ======== 


For the six months ended 30 June

                                                 2011        2010 
                                                 GBP000      GBP000 
                                               Unaudited   Unaudited 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Loss for the period                             (1,441)       (737) 
 Adjustments for: 
 Depreciation                                        249         190 
 Amortisation                                      1,505       1,422 
 Share option charge                                 105         203 
 Taxation (credit) / charge                         (98)         190 
 Net interest                                      1,078         607 
                                              ----------  ---------- 
 Operating cashflow before changes in 
  working capital and provisions                   1,398       1,875 
 Increase in trade and other receivables           (970)       (180) 
 Decrease / (increase) in current trade 
  and other payables                               2,689       (107) 
 Cash generated from operations                    3,117       1,588 
 Interest paid                                   (1,303)     (1,826) 
 Income taxes paid                                 (394)       (589) 
                                              ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash from operating activities                1,420       (827) 
                                              ----------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Acquisition of property, plant and 
  equipment                                        (280)       (346) 
 Acquisition of intangible assets                  (109)           - 
 Acquisition of subsidiary - cash paid           (3,041)           - 
 Acquisition of subsidiary - cash acquired           652 
 Deferred and contingent consideration 
  paid                                           (1,094)     (1,293) 
                                              ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash outflow from investing activities      (3,872)     (1,639) 
                                              ----------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Repayment of borrowings                         (7,956)       (931) 
 Proceeds from the issue of share capital         16,270         281 
 Cost of share issue                               (628)           - 
 Dividends paid to shareholders of parent 
  company                                        (1,467)           - 
 Dividends paid to minority shareholders 
  in subsidiary companies                              -       (404) 
                                              ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash inflow / (outflow) from financing 
  activities                                       6,219     (1,054) 
                                              ----------  ---------- 
 Net increase/ (decrease) in cash and 
  cash equivalents                                 3,767     (3,520) 
 Opening cash and cash equivalents                10,968       9,286 
 Effect of exchange rate fluctuations 
  on cash held                                     (155)          83 
 Closing cash and cash equivalents                14,580       5,849 
                                              ----------  ---------- 



Tarsus Group plc (the "Company") is a company incorporated in Jersey and resident in Ireland. The condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Company as at and for the six months ended 30 June 2011 comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the "Group") and the Group's interest in jointly controlled entities.

The consolidated financial statements of the Group as at and for the year ended 31 December 2010 are available upon request from the Company Secretary at 17 Upper Pembroke Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.


These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting. They do not constitute the Group's statutory accounts.

The interim financial statements should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements of the Group as at and for the year ended 31 December 2010 which were prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards, as adopted by the European Union, and have been reported on by the Company's auditors. The auditors' report was unqualified.

The interim financial statements were approved by a duly appointed and authorised committee of the Board of Directors on 25 July 2011. The interim financial statements are unaudited but have been reviewed by the auditors as set out in their report.


The accounting policies applied by the Group in these condensed consolidated interim financial statements are the same as those applied by the Group in its consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2010.


The preparation of consolidated interim financial statements requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expense. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

In preparing these condensed consolidated interim financial statements, the significant judgements made by management in applying the Group's accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those that applied to the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2010.



The Group's financial risk management objectives and policies are consistent with those disclosed in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2010.


The following analysis illustrates the performance of the Group's activities, and reconciles the Group's profit, as shown in the condensed consolidated interim income statement, to adjusted profits. Adjusted profit is presented to provide a better indication of overall financial performance and to reflect how the business is managed and measured on a day-to-day basis. The adjusted profit excludes share option charges, amortisation of intangible assets and unwinding of discount charges.

                                         Six months    Six months 
                                         to 30 June    to 30 June 
                                               2011          2010 
                                             GBP000        GBP000 
                                          Unaudited     Unaudited 
 Loss for the financial period after 
  taxation                                  (1,441)         (737) 
 Add back: 
 Taxation (credit) / charge                    (98)           190 
                                       ------------  ------------ 
                                            (1,539)         (547) 
 Add back: 
 Exceptional costs                              419             - 
 Charge for share options                       105           203 
 Amortisation charge                          1,505         1,422 
 Unwinding of discount - Contingent 
  consideration                                 116             - 
 Adjusted profit before tax                     606         1,078 
                                       ------------  ------------ 

In 2011, the Group incurred exceptional one-off costs resulting from acquisition costs expensed following the adoption of IFRS 3 (revised) - Business combinations (GBP0.4 million). NOTES TO THE CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED)


As at 30 June 2011, the Group is organised into three main operating segments - Europe, USA and Emerging Markets. These segments are the basis on which the Group reports its segment information for management purposes.

The main activities of all segments are the production of exhibitions, conferences, magazines, directories and online media.

The following table sets out the revenue and profit information for the Group's operating segments:

                                       Six months ended 30 June 2011 
                                                  Emerging   Central 
                              Europe      USA      Markets    costs     Group 
                               GBP000    GBP000    GBP000     GBP000    GBP000 
 Revenue                        7,124     6,451      5,658         -    19,233 
                             --------  --------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 Profit/ (loss) from 
  operating activities            107     1,967        511   (3,046)     (461) 
 Financing costs                                             (1,078)   (1,078) 
 Profit/ (loss) before tax        107     1,967        511   (4,124)   (1,539) 
 Exceptional costs                  -         -          -       419       419 
 Amortisation of intangible 
  assets                            -         -          -     1,505     1,505 
 Cost of share options              -         -          -       105       105 
 Unwinding of discount - 
  Contingent consideration          -         -          -       116       116 
                             --------  --------  ---------  -------- 
 Adjusted profit before 
  tax*                            107     1,967        511   (1,979)       606 
                             ========  ========  =========  ========  ======== 
                                       Six months ended 30 June 2010 
                                                  Emerging   Central 
                              Europe      USA      Markets    costs     Group 
                               GBP000    GBP000    GBP000     GBP000    GBP000 
 Revenue                        7,371     6,229      3,282         -    16,882 
                             --------  --------  ---------  --------  -------- 
 Profit/ (loss) from 
  operating activities            435     1,910         90   (2,375)        60 
 Financing costs                    -         -          -     (607)     (607) 
 Profit/ (loss) before tax        435     1,910         90   (2,982)     (547) 
 Amortisation of intangible 
  assets                            -         -          -     1,422     1,422 
 Cost of share options              -         -          -       203       203 
 Adjusted profit before 
  tax*                            435     1,910         90   (1,357)     1,078 
                             ========  ========  =========  ========  ======== 

* Adjusted profit before tax represents Group profit before tax excluding share option charges, amortisation of intangible assets and unwinding of discount charges. This is the same measure as given in note 6.


Non-current assets have significantly increased due to the acquisition of IFO. The segmental analysis of non-current assets is as follows:

 Non-current assets 
                                           Emerging   Central 
                       Europe      USA      Markets    costs     Group 
                        GBP000    GBP000    GBP000     GBP000    GBP000 
 As at 30 June 2011     34,209    39,918     28,310         -   102,437 
                      ========  ========  =========  ========  ======== 
                                      Non-current assets 
                                               Emerging   Central 
                           Europe      USA      Markets    costs     Group 
                            GBP000    GBP000    GBP000     GBP000    GBP000 
 As at 31 December 2010     32,901    41,450     20,404         -    94,755 
                          ========  ========  =========  ========  ======== 


The taxation charge for the six months ended 30 June 2011 is based upon the estimated effective tax rate of 17% on adjusted profit before tax (2010: 17%) for the year ending 31 December 2011.



                                                 Six months    Six months 
                                                 to 30 June    to 30 June 
                                                       2011          2010 
                                                  Unaudited     Unaudited 
 Basic loss per share (pence)                         (2.3)         (1.6) 
 Diluted loss per share (pence)                       (2.3)         (1.6) 
 Adjusted earnings per share (pence)                    0.1           0.8 
 Adjusted diluted earnings per share (pence)            0.1           0.8 

Basic earnings per share

Basic earnings per share has been calculated on loss after tax attributable to ordinary shareholders for the six months of GBP1,771,000 (June 2010: Loss of GBP1,072,000) and 75,912,421 (June 2010: 68,593,682) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period.

Diluted earnings per share

Diluted earnings per share has been calculated on the loss after tax attributable to ordinary shareholders for the six months of GBP1,771,000 (June 2010: Loss of GBP1,072,000) and 77,217,386 (June 2010: 68,995,977) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period.

Adjusted earnings per share

The adjusted earnings per share has been calculated using profit after tax attributable to equity shareholders, adjusted for exceptional costs, share option charges, amortisation charges, and loss/profit on disposal of intangible assets, of GBP79,000 (June 2010: Profit of GBP560,000) and 75,912,421 (June 2010: 68,593,682) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year.

Adjusted diluted earnings per share

Adjusted diluted earnings per share is calculated using profit after tax attributable to equity shareholders, adjusted for exceptional costs, share option charges, amortisation charges, and loss/profit on disposal of intangible assets, of GBP79,000 (June 2010: Profit of GBP560,000) and 77,217,386 (June 2010: 68,995,977) ordinary shares, being the diluted weighted average number of shares in issue during the year.

Weighted average number of ordinary shares (diluted):

                                                Six months    Six months 
                                                to 30 June    to 30 June 
                                                      2011          2010 
                                                 Unaudited     Unaudited 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares     75,912,421    68,593,682 
 Effect of share options                         1,304,965       402,295 
                                              ------------  ------------ 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
  (diluted)                                     77,217,386    68,995,977 
                                              ============  ============ 



                                           Goodwill     and Lists     Total 
                                             GBP000      GBP000       GBP000 
                                           Unaudited   Unaudited    Unaudited 
 At 1 January 2011                            74,378       30,390     104,768 
 Acquisitions                                  6,395        1,559       7,954 
 Additions                                         -          109         109 
 Foreign exchange adjustments                     53        (275)       (222) 
 Adjustment to contingent consideration          507            -         507 
                                          ==========  ===========  ========== 
 At 30 June 2011                              81,333       31,783     113,116 
                                          ==========  ===========  ========== 
 At 1 January 2011                               369       10,958      11,327 
 Amortisation charge                               -        1,505       1,505 
 Foreign exchange adjustments                      -        (140)       (140) 
                                          ----------  -----------  ---------- 
 At 30 June 2010                                 369       12,323      12,692 
                                          ==========  ===========  ========== 
 Net book values: 
                                          ----------  -----------  ---------- 
 At 30 June 2011                              80,964       19,460     100,424 
                                          ==========  ===========  ========== 
 At 31 December 2010                          74,009       19,432      93,441 
                                          ==========  ===========  ========== 
 At 30 June 2010    75,358   22,484   97,842 
                   =======  =======  ======= 


The Group completed one acquisition during 2011, in line with the Group's "Project 50/13" strategy of expansion into emerging markets and specifically the fast-growing Turkish economy.

Effective date Name Type of business Percentage acquired

7 June 2011 Istanbul Fuar Hizmetleri A.S. ('IFO') Exhibition business 75%

The following table sets out the book values of the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired and their fair value to the Group, in respect of the acquisition made during 2011:


Carrying value Adjustments Fair value

GBP000 GBP000 GBP000

Property, plant and equipment 653 653

Other intangibles and acquisitions 23 1,536 1,559

Trade and other debtors 450 450

Cash and cash equivalents 652 652

Trade and other payables (738) (738)

Deferred tax liability (390) (390)

-------- -------- ------

1,040 1,146 2,186

Non-controlling interest (25%) (547)

Net assets acquired 1,639

Goodwill arising on acquisition 6,395

Consideration paid and costs incurred:

Satisfied in cash 3,041

Contingent consideration (less than 1 year) 4,993

Total consideration and costs incurred 8,034

Consideration paid in cash 3,041

Cash acquired (652)

Total net cash outflow 2,389



The values used in accounting for the identifiable assets and liabilities and related contingent consideration of this acquisition are estimates and are therefore provisional in nature at the balance sheet date, due to the proximity of the date of acquisition to the period end. If necessary, adjustments will be made to these carrying values and the related goodwill, within 12 months of the acquisition date. The non-controlling interest is measured as their proportionate share of the fair value of the net assets.

Contingent consideration relates to payments to vendors, payable after completion, that are dependent on the outcome of future events. This contingent consideration is dependent on the future financial performances of the various exhibitions, conferences and publications acquired during 2011.

From the date of acquisition to 30 June 2011, the acquisition has contributed GBP0.7 million to the Group revenue.

Goodwill of GBP6.4 million, recognised on this acquisition, relates to certain assets that cannot be separated and reliably measured. These items include sector knowledge, customer loyalty and the anticipated future profitability that the Group can bring to the business acquired.


The following dividends were paid and proposed by the Group:

For the six months ended 30 June

                                                  2011        2010 
                                                  GBP000      GBP000 
                                                Unaudited   Unaudited 
 Dividend paid in cash or scrip 
 2010 interim dividend (2.0p per share)           1,479         - 
                                               ==========  ========== 
 Dividend paid and proposed post this period 
 2010 final dividend paid (4.0p per share)        2,963         - 
 Dividend proposed in the period (2.1p / 
  2.0p per share)                                   1,823       1,386 
                                               ==========  ========== 


Other Comprehensive Income includes foreign exchange translation gains of GBP0.2 million (2010: gain of GBP4.4 million) relating to the retranslation of foreign currency denominated net assets, including goodwill.


As at 30 June 2011, directors of the company controlled 11.7% (31 December 2010: 13.5%) of the voting shares of the company.

Executive officers also participate in the Group's share option programme and share acquisition plan.


On 7 June 2011, the Group announced the successful completion of the placing of 11,347,517 new ordinary shares raising GBP15.0 million net of expenses.



The provision for consideration relating to the acquisition of the remaining 20% interest in MCII Opco LLC, which took place on 18 August 2010, has been increased by GBP3.5m, being contingent consideration. This revision has arisen following further review and clarification of the conditions and facts relating to the deferred contingent consideration. The consolidated statement of financial position at 31 December 2010 has been restated by this amount, the effect being to increase non-current liabilities by GBP3.5m and decrease group retained earnings by the same amount. There is no effect on the income statement.

Responsibility Statement of the Directors in respect of the half-yearly financial report

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

-- the condensed set of financial statements, which has been prepared in accordance with the applicable set of accounting standards, gives a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Group;

-- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by:

(a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements; and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and

(b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the entity during that period; and any changes in the related party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so.

Principal risks and uncertainties

The Board consider the principal risks and uncertainties relating to the Group for the next six months to be the same as detailed in our last Annual Report and Accounts to 31 December 2010 and include:

-- Economic and financial uncertainty

-- Events and exhibitions may be adversely affected by incidents which can curtail travel

-- Expansion into new geographic regions subjects the group to new operating risks

-- Fluctuations in exchange rates may affect the reported results

-- The ability to implement and execute strategic plans depends on the ability to attract and retain key management

Full details of the risks and uncertainties are detailed in the Directors' Report of the 2010 accounts.

Douglas Emslie Dan O'Brien

Group Managing Director Group Finance Director

27 July 2011

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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