ANNOUNCEMENT OF RESULTS

For the period from 1 July 2006 to 31 December 2006


For the period from 1 July 2006 to 31 December 2006

In my previous statement I indicated that little portfolio activity
would be seen over the next few months, and this has indeed been the case. In
the last six months only 2 policies have matured, with total maturity proceeds
of US$ 0.8 million. One new policy was acquired in the period as a result of
bids placed prior to 30th June; no further policies acquisitions are pending.
Two further policies, on a single insured life, have matured since 31st
December, with a face value of US$ 2.2 million.

The portfolio as at 31 December thus consisted of 156 policies,
with exposure to 130 separate lives and a face value of US$ 252 million. The
Investment Manager's review and the accounts give further details of the


As previously explained, the published NAV of the Company relies on
a market-related valuation method, which in turn uses standard actuarial
tables to assess the likely pattern of mortality across the portfolio. It is
quite possible that portfolios such as that acquired by the Company, with the
benefit of medically assessed life expectancies, will tend to have fewer
mortalities in the early years than the assumed standard. This should,
however, be compensated by a greater concentration of maturities around the
assessed life expectancy dates. If this is the case, the valuation of the
Company's portfolio may well prove to be conservative. The board, in
conjunction with the Investment Manager, will continue to keep the valuation
methodology under review with reference to the composition of the portfolio
and the developments in the secondary market generally.

As at the end of December, and based on the NAV at that date of
101.82 pence per share, the projected returns were:

Illustrative redemption yields (% per annum)

 Mortality Proportion     Price
Assumption  Surviving
    Note 1     Note 2    Note 3  -10c   -5c    0c   +5c  +10c
      + 18
    months      45.9%    40.46c  8.7%  9.8% 10.9% 11.9% 12.9%
+ 6 months      49.8%    40.56c  6.9%  8.2%  9.4% 10.6% 11.7%
         0      52.9%    40.64c  5.4%  6.9%  8.2%  9.5% 10.7%
- 6 months      56.2%    40.72c  3.6%  5.3%  6.8%  8.3%  9.6%
      - 18
    months      62.0%    40.85c  0.0%  2.1%  4.0%  5.8%  7.4%


1. This assumes that deaths occur as predicted by the medical

2. This shows the percentage of policy lives insured assumed to
survive throughout the life of the Fund.

3. This shows the assumed average realisation value per US$1 of TLI
policy face value in respect of the policies of the surviving policy lives
insured at the end of life of the Fund. The base case (Realisation Value =
40.64 cents per $1 of face value) corresponds to the market value assumptions
used in arriving at the end-August NAV, assuming medically adjusted life
expectancies as at that date.

Principal Assumptions

1. The illustrative returns have been prepared by reference to the
actual investments made by the Fund as at 31 December.

2. The Fund will in all other respects be managed in accordance
with its existing investment objective and investment policy.

Source: Surrenda-link Limited


As at 31 December the original facility of US$20 million was fully
drawn and the Company's bankers had agreed to increase the facility to US$25
million. Gearing remains within the facility covenants. The scale of gearing
will continue to depend on the balance between monthly premiums payable
(currently around US$750,000 per month) and the receipt of policy maturity
proceeds. The adequacy of the facility will be kept under review.

Foreign Exchange

There has been no change in the Company's policy as regards
currency hedging, which is to hedge the present value of the US Dollar
portfolio, but not to hedge future gains in portfolio value now. Details of
forward currency positions are set out in the accounts.


The portfolio now established has the characteristics of quality,
in terms of financial strength and spread of investment, that the Company
originally set out to achieve. It is thus likely that the next six months will
continue to see little portfolio activity.

Charles Tracy
16 March 2007


For the period from 1 July 2006 to 31 December 2006

Market Overview

During the second half of 2006 the market continued to grow both in
policy volume and overall trading values suggesting increased investor
appetite and positive opinions on the markets potential.

Surrenda-link (`SL') continued to see strong enquiry volumes and
improved bid success and a modest rise in market IRRs for our actively
investing funds. SL has continued to see strong evidence of mature portfolios
being offered in the open market at a premium to purchase cost and holding
valuations, providing additional confirmation to the value attributed to the
Fund's underlying assets.

The regulation of U.S Life Settlements at State and Federal level
continued to be a hot topic through 2006 and this trend is anticipated to
continue in 2007. As already publicly stated, Surrenda-link and the Fund's
Directors are committed to the highest standards of best practice, regulatory
compliance and transparency and therefore welcome appropriate regulation to
encourage a well managed and sustainable market across the entire United

Portfolio Review

The portfolio as now constituted meets all the main criteria put
forward in the Prospectus. The fund completed the construction of its
portfolio in July 2006 and no further bids have been made since that date. As
at 31 December 2006, the fund had 156 policies on 130 separate lives, compared
with an initial target of over 130 policies on over 100 lives. A total of 4
policies had matured at the interim reporting date with a further mortality
recorded in January 2007. The fund held 2 policies on this individual with a
combined face value of $2.2m and an approximate valuation of $980k.

The Fund's policies were issued from 44 separate Life Offices. No
issuing Life Office has an AM Best rating below A-, and the distribution by
Life Office rating is:

   Rating       Number      % Investment
    A++           10            48%
     A+           25            43%
     A            8              8%
     A-           1              1%
   Total          44            100%

Since the last reporting date, AM Best has concluded its review of
those life insurance companies previously noted as Au (under review). Ratings
of A have now been issued on both companies.

Approximately 66% of the lives assured are males and the average
age of all lives assured at purchase is 82.5 years against a target of around
85 years. As such the average life expectancy (LE) of the portfolio is
slightly longer than originally envisaged. However, the LEs used in pricing
are on average closer with widely used US mortality table LEs, which suggests
that the pricing is not overly dependent on the medical assessments.

Only one policy is a joint life policy. This is noteworthy as there
are many joint life policies available in the market. There is nothing wrong
with joint life policies per se, but there are a large number of market
participants who use pricing methodologies for joint life cases which we
believe to be unsound and as a result we are not often competitive on these

In November 2006 the Fund agreed an increased loan facility to
$25m. The remaining un-drawn facility will continue to be used to pay premiums
until they can be fully funded from maturities.

The current pattern of irregular deaths being experienced by the
Fund is consistent with our experience of portfolios of similar vintage and
portfolio constitution. We continue to be optimistic that further maturities
will deliver the necessary capital appreciation during this post investment

Surrenda-link Limited
16 March 2007


For the period from 1 July 2006 to 31 December 2006

Cash management and borrowings

During the six month period, the Fund continued to experience a net
demand for funds in the absence of a significant number of policy maturities.
As a result, the Fund drew down the remaining US$500,000 available to it under
the US dollar borrowing facility provided by its bankers, Allied Irish Banks
plc, and in November we negotiated an increase in this facility from US$20
million to US$25 million. As of 31st December none of this further facility
had been drawn down, so the amount of borrowing under this facility stood at
US$20 million.

On that basis, the level of gearing as at 31st December was 25.0%.
The maximum level of gearing to be reached cannot be predicted precisely
because the outturn will depend upon the balance between, on the one hand,
receipts arising from the deaths of policy-holders and, on the other, outgoing
premium payments for ongoing policies.

Currency hedging

The Fund's US dollar exposure, that is the net current value of
those assets and liabilities that are denominated in US dollars, is hedged
back into sterling. This has been implemented by means of forward sales of US
dollars into sterling partly for 31st March 2009 and partly for 30th March
2012, the latter being the winding-up date for the Fund.

The above forward sales contracts mean that the Fund's US dollar
exposure is hedged partly to 31st March 2009 and partly to 30th March 2012.
However, it does not mean that there is necessarily a perfect hedge for
intermediate periods. The difference between the currency spot rate and the
forward rate reflects the difference between the applicable interest rates (or
more strictly swap rates) for US dollars and sterling. As the forward
contracts move towards expiry, the spot rate and the forward rate will
gradually converge. However, they will not do so in a smooth progression, and
since the Fund marks its forward positions to market, there will almost
certainly be an additional, unrealised profit or loss on the contracts during
intermediate periods.

This intermediate, unrealised profit or loss is reflected in the
ongoing calculations of the Fund's net asset value and in its financial
reporting. From time to time this may be material, and as at 31st December
2006 there was an unrealised loss of 1.4 pence per share. This compares with
an unrealised profit as at 30th June 2006 of 2.9 pence per share. The net
change of 4.3 pence per share is a material factor in the decline in the
Fund's net asset value from 108.4 pence per share to 101.8 pence per share
over the six months to 31st December 2006. Because of the way in which the
accounts are presented, these numbers are not separately itemised therein.

RCM (UK) Limited
16 March 2007

For the period from 1 July 2006 to 31 December 2006

                           01.07.06 to 31.12.06             01.07.05 to 31.12.05            01.07.05 to 30.06.06

                      Revenue    Capital      Total     Revenue    Capital     Total    Revenue    Capital     Total
                         �          �           �          �          �          �         �          �          �

Net (losses)/gains on    -     (3,318,370) (3,318,370)     -      3,770,775  3,770,775     -      1,274,437  1,274,437

Other capital 
gains/(losses)           -      1,127,347   1,127,347      -       (3,396)    (3,396)      -      2,767,288  2,767,288
on currency movements

Income                 34,249        -        34,249     215,825       -       215,825   292,381       -       292,381

Management fee       (102,369)       -       (102,369)  (156,236)      -      (156,236) (293,410)      -      (293,410)

manager's fee         (95,479)       -       (95,479)   (99,862)       -      (99,862)  (213,081)      -      (213,081)

Custodian fee          (8,640)       -        (8,640)    (8,723)       -       (8,723)  (19,423)       -      (19,423)

Other expenses       (139,789)       -       (139,789)  (179,502)      -      (179,502) (343,787)      -      (343,787)

Net (loss)/return on ordinary
activities before 
finance costs        (312,028) (2,191,023) (2,503,051) (228,498)  3,767,379  3,538,881 (577,320)  4,041,725  3,464,405

Interest payable     (270,983)       -       (270,983)    (218)        -        (218)   (178,775)      -      (178,775)

Total (loss)/return on 
ordinary activities for
the financial period (583,011) (2,191,023) (2,774,034) (228,716)  3,767,379  3,538,663 (756,095)  4,041,725  3,285,630

Balance brought 
forward              (187,395)  4,523,148   4,335,753   568,700    481,423   1,050,123  568,700    481,423   1,050,123

Balance carried 
forward              (770,406)  2,332,125   1,561,719   339,984   4,248,802  4,588,786 (187,395)  4,523,148  4,335,753

Return per 
redeemable share       (1.46p)    (5.48p)     (6.94p)    (0.57p)     9.42p      8.85p    (1.89p)    10.10p      8.21p

The revenue column of this statement is the revenue account of the Company.

All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.

At 31 December 2006

                                                             31.12.06    31.12.05    30.06.06
                                                                �           �           �
Investments                                                 47,261,039  33,391,304  49,439,126
Debtors                                                      299,711      9,152      461,567
Unrealised gain on forward foreign
exchange contract                                           2,547,150       -       1,984,764
Cash on fixed deposit                                           -       3,035,241   1,619,232
Cash at bank                                                1,007,808   8,181,902    758,358
Total Assets                                                51,115,708  44,617,599  54,263,047
Current Liabilities
Creditors                                                    175,941     209,782     209,393
Unrealised loss on forward foreign
exchange contract                                               -        650,795        -
Loan account                                                10,209,812      -       10,549,665
                                                            10,385,753   860,577    10,759,058
Capital and reserves
Share premium account                                       39,168,236  39,168,236  39,168,236
Capital reserve                                             2,332,125   4,248,802   4,523,148
Revenue reserve                                             (770,406)    339,984    (187,395)
Equity Shareholders funds                                   40,729,955  43,757,022  43,503,989
Total Equity and Liabilities                                51,115,708  44,617,599  54,263,047
Net asset value per share                                    101.82p     109.39p     108.76p

The net asset value as at 31 December 2006, released to the London
Stock Exchange on 26 January 2007, of 102.1p per share, differs from that
disclosed in these financial statements as a result of an error in the
treatment of accruals which was identified in the routine six-monthly review
of the accounts.

For the period from 1 July 2006 to 31 December 2006

                                                            01.07.06      01.07.05      01.07.05
                                                          to 31.12.06   to 31.12.05   to 30.06.06
                                                               �             �             �
Operating activities
Net revenue/(deficit)                                       (583,011)     (228,716)     (756,095)
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                               161,856        63,095     (389,320)
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                             (33,452)     (129,013)      (62,121)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities         (454,607)     (294,634)   (1,207,536)
Financing activities
Issue of shares                                                 -             -              -
Issue costs paid                                                -             -              -
Loan                                                        (339,853)         -       10,549,665
Exchange movements                                           564,961       488,074       623,199
Net cash inflow from financing activities                    225,108       488,074    11,172,864
Investing activities
Purchases of investments                                  (2,417,368)  (13,779,858)  (32,691,297)
Proceeds from maturity of investments                      1,277,085       700,397     1,000,395
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from investing activities       (1,140,283)  (13,079,461)  (31,690,902)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before use of liquid resources  (1,369,782)  (12,886,021)  (21,725,574)
Management of liquid resources
Net cash matured from short term deposit                   1,619,232    14,484,989    15,900,998
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period                    249,450     1,598,968   (5,824,576)
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period                    249,450     1,598,968   (5,824,576)
Net cash (inflow)/outflow from management 
of liquid resources                                       (1,619,232)  (14,484,989)  (15,900,998)
Increase/(decrease) in net funds in the period            (1,369,782)  (12,886,021)  (21,725,574)
Opening net funds                                          2,377,590    24,103,164    24,103,164
Closing net funds                                          1,007,808    11,217,143     2,377,590


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