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24 October 2024
Synergia Energy Ltd (Synergia Energy or the Company) advises that its Annual
General Meeting will be held on Friday, 22
November 2024 at 6pm AWST / 10am GMT (Meeting) at Vigo Consulting, 78-79 New
Bond Street, London, W1S 1RZ, United Kingdom.
Attached is a copy of the Notice of
Meeting and Proxy Form.
and on behalf of Synergia Energy Limited
Anshu Raghuvanshi
Company Secretary
For further information, please
Investor Enquires
Synergia Energy Ltd
Briana Stayt
Investor Relations
Tel: +61 8 9485 3200
Joint Broker
Panmure Liberum Ltd
Mark Murphy / Rauf Munir / Freddie
Tel: +44 (0)20 7886 2500
Joint Broker
Novum Securities
Colin Rowbury
Tel: +44 20 7399 9427
Nominated Adviser
Strand Hanson Limited
Nominated Adviser
Ritchie Balmer / Rory
Tel: +44 20 7409 3494
Media Enquires (UK)
Vigo Consulting
Investor Relations
Patrick d'Ancona / Finlay
Tel:+ 44 20 7390 0230
24 October 2024
Dear Shareholder,
Synergia Energy Limited (Company) is convening its Annual
General Meeting of shareholders to be held on Friday, 22 November
2024 at 6pm AWST / 10am GMT (Meeting) at Vigo Consulting, 78-79 New
Bond Street, London, W1S 1RZ, United Kingdom.
This Notice and Explanatory
Statement are being made available to Shareholders electronically
(by email) and for those shareholders who have specifically
requested, the Company will dispatch physical copies of its Notice
of Meeting. Where the Company does not have a registered email
address for shareholders, the Notice of Meeting will be available
for download from the Company's website at
A copy of our Proxy Form is enclosed
for convenience. Proxy votes may be lodged by any of the below
i. By Post:
Share Registry
Computershare Investor Services Pty
GPO Box 242
Melbourne VIC
ii. By Fax
1800 783 447 (within
+61 3 9473 2555 (outside
iii. By Mobile
Scan the QR Code on your proxy form
and follow the prompts
iv. Online:
(Control Number: 104114)
v. Custodian Voting
For Intermediary Online subscribers
only (custodians) please visit
to submit your voting intentions
All proxy forms must be lodged no
later than 6pm (AWST) / 10am (GMT) on Wednesday 20 November 2024
(being at least 48 hours before the Meeting).
All forms of instruction must be
lodged no later than 2pm (GMT) on Tuesday 19 November 2024. All
meeting resolutions will be voted upon by poll. Shareholders who
intend to participate and vote on a poll at the Meeting must attend
the meeting in person.
Shareholders who do not wish to vote
during the Meeting are encouraged to appoint the Chair as proxy
head of the Meeting. Shareholders can complete the proxy form
provided and give specific instructions on how their vote is to be
exercised on each item of business and the Chair must follow these
instructions. Instructions on how to complete the proxy form are
set out in the Notice.
Annual Report
Annual Reports are available in PDF
format at the Investors/Financial Reports section of the Company's
website at:
Physical copies will be dispatched to those shareholders who have
specifically requested a physical copy of the Annual
You may elect to receive
meeting-related documents, or request a particular one, in
electronic or physical form and may elect not to receive annual
reports. To do so, please contact Computershare.
Yours Sincerely
Anshu Raghuvanshi
Company Secretary
Synergia Energy Limited

ACN 078 652
Notice of Annual General
Friday, 22 November 2024 at
10.00am London (GMT) 6.00pm Perth (AWST)
Vigo Consulting
78-79 New Bond Street, London, W1S 1RZ, United
Notice of Meeting should be read in its entirety. If Shareholders are
in doubt as to how they should vote, they should seek advice from
their professional advisers prior to voting. Should you wish to
discuss the matters in this Notice of Meeting, please do not
hesitate to contact the Company Secretary on 08 9485
HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders of Synergia Energy Ltd (ACN 078 652 632) (Company) will be held at Vigo
Consulting, 78-79 New Bond Street, London, W1S 1RZ, United Kingdom
on Friday, 22 November 2024 at 10.00am (GMT) / 6:00pm (AWST) to
conduct the business set out below.
The Explanatory Memorandum should be read in
conjunction with this Notice of Meeting.
In accordance with regulation 7.11.37 of the
Corporations Regulations
2001 (Cth), the Company has determined that the shareholding
of each person, for the purposes of determining entitlements to
attend and vote at the Meeting, will be the shareholding of that
person set out in the Company's register as at 10.00am (GMT) on
Friday, 22 November 2024. Accordingly, transactions registered
after this time will be disregarded in determining entitlements to
attend and vote at the Meeting.
To vote in person, you must attend
the Meeting at the time, date and place set out above.
To vote by proxy, please complete,
sign and return the enclosed Proxy Form by the time, and in
accordance with the instructions, set out on the Proxy
CREST - Depositary Interests
Holders of Depositary Interests (DI Holders) are invited to attend the
Meeting but are not entitled to vote at the Meeting. For their
votes to be counted, DI Holders must either:
submit a CREST Voting Instruction to the Company's agent in
accordance with the instructions below; or
complete, sign and return the enclosed Form of Instruction to
the Depositary,
by 2.00pm (GMT) on 19 November 2024. DI Holders
who are CREST members and who wish to issue an instruction through
the CREST electronic voting appointment service may do so by using
the procedures described in the CREST Manual (available from
CREST personal members or other CREST sponsored members, and those
CREST members who have appointed a voting service provider(s),
should refer to their CREST sponsor or voting services provider(s),
who will be able to take the appropriate action on their
In order for instructions made using the CREST
service to be valid, the appropriate CREST message (a CREST Voting
Instruction) must be properly authenticated in accordance with the
specifications of Euroclear UK & International Limited
(EUI) and must contain the
information required for such instructions, as described in the
CREST Manual.
The message, regardless of whether it relates
to the voting instruction or to an amendment to the instruction
given to the UK Depositary must, in order to be valid, be
transmitted so as to be received by the issuer's agent (ID 3RA50)
no later than 2.00pm (GMT) on 19 November 2024. For this purpose,
the time of receipt will be taken to be the time (as determined by
the timestamp applied to the CREST Voting Instruction by the CREST
applications host) from which the issuer's agent is able to
retrieve the CREST Voting Instruction by enquiry to CREST in the
manner prescribed by CREST.
CREST members and, where applicable, their
CREST sponsors or voting service providers should note that EUI
does not make available special procedures in CREST for any
particular messages. Normal system timings and limitations will
therefore apply in relation to the transmission of CREST Voting
Instructions. It is the responsibility of each CREST member
concerned to take (or, if the CREST member is a CREST personal
member or sponsored member or has appointed a voting service
provider(s), to procure that the CREST sponsor or voting service
provider(s) take(s)) such action as shall be necessary to ensure
that a CREST Voting Instruction is transmitted by means of the
CREST service by any particular time. In this regard, CREST members
and, where applicable, their CREST sponsors or voting service
providers are referred, in particular, to those sections of the
CREST Manual concerning practical limitations of the CREST system
and timings.
The Company may treat as invalid a CREST Voting
Instruction in the circumstances set out in regulation 35(5)(a) of
the Uncertificated Securities Regulations 2001.
The entitlement of DI Holders to vote at the
Meeting, and the number of votes which may be cast by DI Holders
thereat, will be determined by reference to the Depositary Interest
Register at close of business on 18 November 2024. Changes to
entries on the Depositary Interest Register after that time shall
be disregarded.
Financial and other reports
To receive and consider the Financial Report,
together with the declaration of the Directors, the Directors'
Report (including the Remuneration Report) and the Auditor's Report
for the financial year ended 30 June 2024.
In compliance with section 315 of the
Corporations Act, these reports are available in PDF format at the
"Financial Reports" section of the Company's website at
If you wish to receive hard copies of these reports, please send a
written request to the Company Secretary at PO Box 255, West Perth,
Western Australia 6872.
Resolution 1 - Adoption of Remuneration
To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the
following Resolution as a non-binding Ordinary
"That, for all purposes, approval is given for the
adoption of the Remuneration Report as contained in the Company's
Annual Report for the financial year ended 30 June 2024."
Note: The votes on this
Resolution are advisory only and do not bind the Directors or the
Voting exclusion
The Company will disregard any votes cast on
the Resolution:
by or on behalf of a member of Key Management Personnel as
disclosed in the Remuneration Report; and
by or on behalf of a Closely Related Party of a member of Key
Management Personnel; and
as a proxy by a member of Key Management Personnel or a
Closely Related Party of such member.
However, the Company need not disregard a vote
on this Resolution if:
a person as proxy or attorney for a person who is entitled to
vote on this Resolution, votes in accordance with directions given
to the proxy or attorney to vote on this Resolution in that way;
the Chair as proxy or attorney for a person who is entitled
to vote on this Resolution, votes in accordance with a direction
given to the Chair to vote on this Resolution as the Chair decides;
a holder acting solely in a nominee, trustee, custodial or
other fiduciary capacity on behalf of a beneficiary votes provided
the following conditions are met:
the beneficiary provides written confirmation to the holder
that the beneficiary is not excluded from voting, and is not an
associate of a person excluded from voting, on this Resolution;
the holder votes on this Resolution in accordance with
directions given by the beneficiary to the holder to vote in that
Voting prohibition
A vote on this Resolution must not be cast by
or on behalf of a member of the Key Management Personnel whose
remuneration details are included in the Remuneration Report, or a
Closely Related Party of such member.
However, a vote may be cast by such person if
the vote is not cast on behalf of a person who is excluded from
voting on this Resolution, and:
the person is appointed as proxy by writing that specifies
the way the proxy is to vote on this Resolution; or
the person is the Chair and the appointment of the Chair as
proxy does not specify the way the proxy is to vote on this
Resolution, but expressly authorises the Chair to exercise the
proxy even if this Resolution is connected with the remuneration of
a member of the Key Management Personnel.
Resolution 2 - Re-election of Mr Ashish Khare
as a Director
To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the
following Resolution as an Ordinary Resolution:
"That, for the purposes of Article 6.3(j) of the
Constitution and for all other purposes, Mr Ashish Khare, who was
appointed as Director on 24 January 2024, retires, and, being
eligible, is re-elected, as a Director on the terms and conditions
set out in the Explanatory Memorandum."
Resolution 3 - Re-election of Mr Joe Salomon as
a Director
To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the
following Resolution as an Ordinary Resolution:
"That, for the purposes of Articles 6.3(b)(ii) and
6.3(f) of the Constitution and for all other purposes, Mr Joe
Salomon retires, and, being eligible, is re-elected, as a Director
on the terms and conditions set out in the Explanatory
Resolution 4 - Re-election of Mr Paul Haywood
as a Director
To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the
following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution:
"That, for the purposes of Articles 6.3(b)(ii) and
6.3(f) of the Constitution and for all other purposes, Mr Paul
Haywood retires, and, being eligible, is re-elected, as a Director
on the terms and conditions set out in the Explanatory
Resolution 5 - Adoption of Proposed
To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the
following Resolution as a Special
"That, for the purposes of section 136(2) of the
Corporations Act and for all other purposes, Shareholders approve
the adoption of the Proposed Constitution in substitution for, and
to the exclusion of, the existing Constitution on the terms and
conditions set out in the Explanatory Memorandum."
Voting exclusion
The Company will disregard any votes cast on
this Resolution by any person who might obtain a benefit (except a
benefit solely in the capacity of a Shareholder) if the Resolution
is passed, and any associate of those persons (as
However, the Company need not disregard a vote
on this Resolution if:
a person as proxy or attorney for a person who is entitled to
vote on this Resolution, votes in accordance with directions given
to the proxy or attorney to vote on the resolution in that way;
the Chair as proxy or attorney for a person who is entitled
to vote on this Resolution, votes in accordance with a direction
given to the Chair to vote on this Resolution as the Chair decides;
a holder acting solely in a nominee, trustee, custodial or
other fiduciary capacity votes on behalf of a beneficiary provided
the following conditions are met:
the beneficiary provides written confirmation to the holder
that the beneficiary is not excluded from voting, and is not an
associate of a person excluded from voting, on this Resolution;
the holder votes on this Resolution in accordance with
directions given by the beneficiary to the holder to vote in that
In accordance with Section 250S(1) of the
Corporations Act, Shareholders are invited to ask questions about
or make comments on the management of the Company and to raise any
other business which may lawfully be brought before the
By order of the
Anshu Raghuvanshi
Company Secretary
24 October 2024
This Explanatory Memorandum has been prepared
for the information of Shareholders in connection with the business
to be conducted at the Annual General Meeting to be held at Vigo
Consulting, 78-79 New Bond Street, London, W1S 1RZ, United Kingdom
on Friday, 22 November 2024 at 10.00am (GMT) / 6:00pm
This Explanatory Memorandum should be read in
conjunction with the accompanying Notice of Meeting.
Financial and other reports
Section 317 of the Corporations Act requires
the Directors of the Company to put before the Annual General
Meeting the Financial Report, Directors' Report (including the
Remuneration Report), declaration of the Directors and the
Auditor's Report for the financial year that ended before the
Annual General Meeting.
In accordance with section 250S of the
Corporations Act, Shareholders will be provided with a reasonable
opportunity to ask questions or make statements in relation to the
reports mentioned above but no formal Resolution to adopt the
reports will be put to Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting
(save for Resolution 1 in respect of the adoption of the
Remuneration Report).
Shareholders will also be given a reasonable
opportunity to ask the Company's auditor questions about the
conduct of the audit and the preparation and content of the
Auditor's Report. In addition to taking questions at the Annual
General Meeting, written questions to:
the Chair about the management of the Company; or
the Company's auditor about:
the preparation and content of the Auditor's
the conduct of the audit;
accounting policies adopted by the Company in relation to the
preparation of the financial statements; and
the independence of the auditor in relation to the conduct of
the audit,
may be submitted no later than 5 business days
before the Annual General Meeting to the Company's registered
office or via email to
A copy of the Company's 2024 Annual Report is
available in the "Financial Reports" section of the Company's
website at
Resolution 1 - Adoption of Remuneration Report
Section 250R of the Corporations Act provides that a
listed company must put the adoption of its remuneration report to
vote at its annual general meeting. Notwithstanding that the
Company is not considered a listed company for the purposes of
section 250R of the Corporations Act and, accordingly, is not
required to put the adoption of the Remuneration Report to vote, it
is seeking Shareholder approval of the Remuneration Report at the
Annual General Meeting as a matter of good corporate governance.
The Company will implement voting exclusions and prohibitions in
respect of Resolution 1 as though it was required to put the
adoption of the Remuneration Report to vote at the Annual General
Meeting under section 250R of the Corporations Act
The vote on Resolution 1 is advisory only and
does not bind the Directors or the Company. If Resolution 1 is not
passed, the Directors will not be prohibited from adopting the
Remuneration Report or required to alter any of the arrangements in
the Remuneration Report.
The Remuneration Report is set out in pages 23 to 33
(inclusive) of the Company's 2024 Annual Report, which is available
on the "Financial Reports" section of the Company's website at
Section 250SA of the Corporations Act provides that
the chair of a listed company must allow a reasonable opportunity
for its shareholders as a whole to ask questions about or make
comments on its remuneration report. The Company will provide
Shareholders with a reasonable opportunity to ask questions
concerning or make comments on the Remuneration Report at the
Annual General Meeting as a matter of good corporate governance,
despite not being required to do so under the Corporations Act.
The Directors will consider the outcome of the vote
and comments made by Shareholders on the Remuneration Report at the
Meeting when reviewing the Company's remuneration policies.
Proxy voting restrictions
Shareholders appointing a proxy for this Resolution
should note the following:
If you appoint a member of the Key Management Personnel
(other than the Chair) whose remuneration details are included in
the Remuneration Report, or a Closely Related Party of such a
member as your proxy, then you must direct your proxy on how to
vote on this Resolution. Undirected proxies granted to these
persons will not be voted and will not be counted in calculating
the required majority if a poll is called on this
If you appoint the Chair as your proxy (where the Chair is
also a member of the Key Management Personnel whose remuneration
details are included in the Remuneration Report, or a Closely
Related Party of such a member), then you do not need to direct
your proxy on how to vote on this Resolution. However, if you do
not direct the Chair on how to vote, you must mark the
acknowledgement on the Proxy Form to expressly authorise the Chair
to exercise his or her discretion in exercising your proxy even
though this Resolution is connected directly or indirectly with the
remuneration of Key Management Personnel.
If you appoint any other person as your proxy, then you do
not need to direct your proxy on how to vote on this Resolution,
and you do not need to mark any further acknowledgement on the
Proxy Form.
Additional information
The Board recommends that Shareholders vote in favour
of Resolution 1. Resolution 1 is a non-binding Ordinary Resolution.
The Chair intends to exercise all available proxies in favour of
Resolution 1.
2. Resolution
2 - Re-election of Mr Ashish Khare as a Director
Article 6.2(b) of the Constitution provides that the
Directors may appoint any person as a Director if the appointment
of that Director does not cause the total number of Directors to
exceed the maximum number specified by the Constitution.
Article 6.3(i) of the Constitution provides that any
Director appointed under Article 6.2(b) of the Constitution may
retire as a Director at the general meeting of the Company
immediately following their appointment and will be eligible for
re-election as a Director at that meeting.
Pursuant to Article 6.3(j) of the Constitution, a
Director that does not retire as a Director at the general meeting
of the Company immediately following their appointment must retire
at the next annual general meeting of the Company and will be
eligible for re-election as a Director at that meeting.
Mr Ashish Khare was appointed as an Executive
Director of the Company, effective 24 January 2024, pursuant to
Article 6.2(b) of the Constitution. The Meeting is the general
meeting of the Company which immediately follows the appointment of
Mr Khare as Director. Accordingly, Mr Khare may retire, and is
eligible for re-election, as a Director at the Meeting under
Article 6.3(i) of the Constitution. Notwithstanding that Mr Khare
may retire at the Meeting pursuant to Article 6.3(i) of the
Constitution, the Meeting is the annual general meeting of the
Company which immediately follows the appointment of Mr Khare as
Director. Mr Khare is, therefore, required to retire, and will be
eligible for re-election, as a Director at the Meeting pursuant to
Article 6.3(j) of the Constitution.
Pursuant to Article 6.3(j) of the Constitution, Mr
Khare retires, and, being eligible, seeks to be re-elected as a
Director at the Meeting.
Ashish Khare Biography
Mr Khare was appointed as Head of India Assets in
November 2016 and Executive Director in 2024. Mr Khare is based in
India and has over 22 years of experience in the petroleum
industry. Mr Khare's areas of expertise include upstream oil and
gas, as well as midstream and downstream project implementation and
operation. He brings with him rich and diverse experience spanning
across oil and gas, refinery, LNG, EOR, marginal field development
and steady state operation management. Mr Khare originally worked
for the Company as GM Operations & Business Development, and
has experience working for various Indian companies including
Reliance Petroleum, Enron and Cairn India Ltd.
Board recommendation
The Board (excluding Mr Khare) recommends that
Shareholders vote in favour of Resolution 2. Resolution 2 is an
Ordinary Resolution. The Chairperson intends to exercise all
available proxies in favour of Resolution 2.
Resolutions 3 & 4 - Re-election of Mr Joe Salomon and Mr
Paul Haywood as Directors
Article 6.3(b) of the Constitution
provides that a Director must retire from office no later than the
longer of:
the third annual general meeting of the Company; or
(ii) 3
years following that Director's last election or appointment.
Pursuant to Article 6.3(f) of the
Constitution, a Director who retires under Article 6.3(b) of the
Constitution is eligible for re-election as a Director. The Company
considers that the requirement for Director retirement under
Article 6.3(b) of the Constitution prevails over, and operates
separately, and in addition, to, any other requirement for Director
retirement that is set out in Article 6.3 of the Constitution.
However, Article 6.3(a) of the Constitution provides that the Chief
Executive Officer is not required to retire as a Director under
Article 6.3(b).
Each of Mr Joe Salomon and Mr Paul Haywood were last
elected as a Director at the annual general meeting of the Company
held on 26 November 2021. The Meeting is the third annual general
meeting of the Company following the last election of Mr Salomon
and Mr Haywood as Directors. Accordingly, each of Mr Salomon and Mr
Haywood must retire, and are eligible for re-election, as a
Director at the Meeting.
Pursuant to Articles 6.3(b) and 6.3(f) of the
Constitution, each of Mr Salomon and Mr Haywood retire, and, being
eligible, seek to be re-elected, as a Director at the Meeting.
3.2 Joe
Salomon biography
Mr Salomon has a bachelor's degree in applied
science, is a member of the American Association of Petroleum
Geologists and the Society of Petroleum Engineers and has over 37
years' experience working for upstream energy companies. Mr Salomon
has worked for a number of oil and gas companies in various senior
positions including General Manager Exploration and New Ventures at
Murphy Oil Corporation and Global Head of Geoscience at RISC PL, in
addition to a number of executive director roles including
Strategic Energy Resources, Norwest Energy and Nido Petroleum. At
several times in his career, Mr Salomon has acted as an independent
consultant for various oil and gas companies, including New
Standard Energy and Pacrim Energy. Mr Salomon first worked on
Indian projects in 1994 while at Ampolex and since that time has
maintained connection with the Indian industry, at various times
bidding in India's exploration and field development rounds and
working with Indian companies as joint venture partners, both in
India and internationally.
Mr Salomon was appointed as a Non-Executive Director
in November 2015, Managing Director on 18 March 2016, and Interim
Chairman on 5 May 2020. Mr Salomon continued as Managing Director
and Interim Chairman until he was appointed as Executive Chairman
on 16 June 2021. Mr Salomon moved to a Non-Executive Chairman role
on 29 June 2023.
Paul Haywood biography
Mr Haywood has over 19 years' international
experience in delivering value for his investment network through a
blended skill set of corporate and operational experience,
including six years in the Middle East, building early stage and
growth projects. More recently, Mr Haywood has held senior
management positions with UK and Australian public companies in the
natural resource and energy sectors including oil and gas
exploration and development in UK, EU and Central Asia. Mr
Haywood's expertise stretch across a broad UK and Australian public
market, with a cross-functional skill set with diverse experience
and capability encompassing research, strategy, implementation,
capital and transactional management. Mr Haywood is currently
executive director of Block Energy Plc and resource focused UK
advisory firm, Plutus Strategies Ltd.
Mr Haywood was appointed as a Director in May
Board recommendation
The Board (excluding Mr Salomon) recommends that
Shareholders vote in favour of Resolution 3. Resolution 3 is an
Ordinary Resolution. The Chair intends to exercise all available
proxies in favour of Resolution 3.
The Board (excluding Mr Haywood)
recommends that Shareholders vote in favour of Resolution 4.
Resolution 4 is an Ordinary Resolution. The Chair intends to
exercise all available proxies in favour of Resolution
4. Resolution
5 - Adoption of Proposed Constitution
Resolution 5 is a Special Resolution which
seeks to approve the adoption of the Proposed Constitution as a new
and updated constitution to, among other things, remove all
references to the Company being listed on ASX. Pursuant to the
Corporations Act, a company may modify or repeal its constitution,
or a provision of its constitution, by Special
The replacement of the Constitution with the
Proposed Constitution requires approval, for all purposes, by way
of a Special Resolution, meaning that at least 75% of votes must be
cast in favour of the Resolution for it to be passed.
A brief summary of the material proposed
differences between the existing Constitution and the Proposed
Constitution is set out below. This summary is not exhaustive and
does not identify all of the differences between the existing
Constitution and the Proposed Constitution.
In accordance with section 136(5) of the
Corporations Act, the Company will lodge with ASIC a copy of the
Proposed Constitution and the associated Special Resolution within
14 days after the Meeting if Resolution 5 is passed.
A copy of the Proposed Constitution can be sent
to Shareholders upon request to the Company Secretary by email
Shareholders are invited to contact the Company if they have any
queries or concerns.
Summary of material proposed changes
General update
The existing Constitution was adopted on 27
November 2019 and remains unchanged since that date. There have
been a number of developments in corporate governance principles
and general corporate and commercial practices for public companies
since the existing Constitution was adopted. Having reviewed the
existing Constitution, the Board considers that replacement of the
existing Constitution with the Proposed Constitution is appropriate
to reflect best market practices.
Removal of references to ASX and
restriction on further issue of Shares
The Company has not amended or otherwise
updated its constitution since the Company's removal from the
official list of ASX on 30 December 2022. The Board considers that
it would be prudent to update the existing Constitution by
replacing it with the Proposed Constitution to remove any
references to ASX and the operation of ASX Listing Rules, which no
longer affect the governance of the Company.
Specifically, ASX Listing Rules 7.1 and 7.1A
allowed the Company to issue a maximum amount of equity securities
during any 12 month period that is equal to 25% of the total Shares
on issue as at the commencement of that 12 month period without
seeking Shareholder approval for the issue of such equity
securities. The Company is committed to best corporate governance
practices and accordingly as a result of the Company no longer
being bound by ASX Listing Rules 7.1 and 7.1A, and in line with
typical share authority levels that are requested by comparator AIM
traded companies, the Proposed Constitution allows the Company to
issue up to 25% of its share capital as at an annual general
meeting date in the period to the next annual general meeting
without seeking shareholder approval for such share issues. In
other words, the Proposed Constitution provides the Company with
the same share issue provisions it had as an ASX-listed company,
and in line with those typically sought by comparator AIM traded
Board recommendation
The Directors unanimously recommend that
Shareholders approve Resolution 5.
Words which are defined in the Explanatory
Memorandum have the same meaning when used in the Notice of Meeting
unless the context requires otherwise. For assistance in
considering this Notice of Meeting and Explanatory Memorandum, the
following words are defined:
AIM means the
Alternative Investment Market, located in London, United
Annual General
Meeting or Meeting means the annual general
meeting of the Company convened under this Notice of
Report means the Directors' Report, the
Financial Report, and Auditor's Report, in respect to the year
ended 30 June 2024.
Article means an
article of the Constitution.
ASIC means the
Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
ASX means ASX
Limited (ACN 008 624 691) or the Australian Securities Exchange, as
the context requires.
ASX Listing
Rules means the official listing rules of the
Report means the auditor's report on the
Financial Report.
AWST means
Australian Western Standard Time, being the time in Perth, Western
Board means the
board of Directors of the Company.
Chair means the
person appointed to chair the Meeting of the Company convened by
this Notice.
Executive Officer means chief executive officer
of the Company.
Financial Officer means chief financial officer
of the Company.
Related Party of a member of the Key Management
Personnel means:
a spouse or child of the member;
a child of the member's spouse;
a dependent of the member or the member's spouse;
anyone else who is one of the member's family and may be
expected to influence the member, or be influenced by the member,
in the member's dealing with the entity;
a company the member controls; or
a person prescribed as such by the Corporations Regulations 2001 (Cth)
for the purposes of the definition of 'closely related party' in
the Corporations Act.
Company means
Synergia Energy Ltd (ACN 078 652 632).
Secretary means the company secretary of the
Constitution means
the constitution of the Company as at the date of this
Act means the Corporations Act 2001
CREST means the
computerised settlement system (as defined in the Uncertificated
Securities Regulations 2001) in the United Kingdom operated by
Euroclear UK & International Limited which facilitates the
transfer of title to shares in uncertificated form.
Manual means the manual relating to CREST
issued by Euroclear UK & International Limited.
CREST Voting
Instruction means a message which is sent using
Interest means an interest representing a
Share, as issued by the UK Depositary and which
enables the holder to hold and settle transfers of Shares in
Holders means holders of a
Depositary Interests.
Director means a
director of the Company from time to time.
Report means the annual directors' report
prepared under Chapter 2M of the Corporations Act for the Company
and its controlled entities.
EOR means enhanced
oil recovery.
EUI means
Euroclear UK & International Limited.
Chairman means executive chairman of the
Director means executive Director of the
Memorandum means the explanatory memorandum
accompanying this Notice of Meeting.
Report means the annual financial report
prepared under Chapter 2M of the Corporations Act for the Company
and its controlled entities.
Form of
Instruction means, for holders of CREST
Depository Interests, the form of instruction accompanying this
Notice of Meeting.
GM Operations
& Business Development means general
manager of operations and business development of the
GMT means Greenwich
Mean Time.
Head of India
Assets means head of India assets of the
Chairman means interim chairman of the
Key Management
Personnel has the same meaning as in the
accounting standards issued by the Australian Accounting Standards
Board and means those persons having authority and responsibility
for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the
Company, or if the Company is part of a consolidated entity, of the
consolidated entity, directly or indirectly, including any director
(whether executive or otherwise) of the Company, or if the Company
is part of a consolidated entity, of an entity within the
consolidated group.
LNG means liquified
natural gas.
Director means managing Director of the
Chairman means non-executive Chair of the
Director means non-executive Director of the
Notice of
Meeting or Notice means this notice of annual
general meeting.
Resolution means a resolution passed by more
than 50% of the votes cast by members entitled to vote on the
Constitution means the constitution attached to
this Notice of Meeting as Annexure 1.
Form means the proxy form accompanying this
Notice of Meeting.
Report means the remuneration report set out in the
Directors' Report section of the Company's annual report for the
year ended 30 June 2024.
Resolution means a
resolution set out in this Notice of Meeting.
Share means a fully
paid ordinary share in the capital of the Company.
Shareholder means a
holder of a Share.
Resolution means a resolution passed by more
than 75% of the votes cast by members entitled to vote on the
Depositary means Computershare Investor
Services Plc.
Voting by
A Proxy Form is enclosed with this Notice of
Each member who is entitled to attend and cast
a vote at the Annual General Meeting may appoint a proxy. A proxy
need not be a member.
A member who is entitled to cast 2 or more
votes at the Annual General Meeting may appoint either 1 or 2
proxies. If you wish to appoint 2 proxies, you must use a separate
Proxy Form for each proxy and indicate the percentage of your
voting rights or the number of shares that each proxy is appointed
in respect of, on the Proxy Forms. If you wish to appoint more than
1 proxy, you should photocopy the enclosed Proxy Form or request an
additional Proxy Form to be sent to you. Where a member appoints 2
proxies and does not specify the proportion or number of the
member's votes, each proxy may exercise half of the member's
An instrument appointing a proxy may not be
treated as valid unless the instrument, and the power of attorney
or other authority (if any) under which the instrument is signed or
proof of the power or authority to the satisfaction of the
Directors, is or are delivered:
(Control Number: 183071)
Melbourne VIC 3001
+61 3 9473 2555 (outside of
Scan the QR Code on your Proxy Form and follow
the prompts
For Intermediary Online subscribers only
(custodians), please visit
to submit your voting intentions
All Proxy Forms must be lodged no later than by
6.00pm (AWST) on Wednesday, 20 November 2024 (or, in the case of
any adjournment of the Annual General Meeting, by no later than 48
hours before the time of the adjourned meeting at which the person
named in the instrument proposes to vote).
All Forms of Instruction must be lodged no
later than 2.00pm (GMT) on Tuesday 19 November 2024.
An instrument appointing a proxy must be in
writing under the hand of the appointer or of the appointer's
attorney duly authorised in writing or, if the appointer is a body
corporate, either under its common seal if it has a common seal, or
under the hand of an officer or duly authorised attorney or duly
authorised representative.
A body corporate which is a Shareholder, or
which has been appointed as a proxy, may appoint an individual to
act as its representative at the Annual General Meeting. The
appointment must comply with section 250D of the Corporations Act.
The representative should bring evidence of their appointment to
the Annual General Meeting, including authority under which their
appointment is signed, unless previously given to the
Shareholders and their proxies should be aware
if proxy holders vote, they must cast all directed proxies as
directed; and
any directed proxies which are not voted will automatically
default to the Chair, who must vote the proxies as
Proxy vote if appointment specifies way to
Section 250BB(1) of the Corporations Act
provides that an appointment of a proxy may specify the way the
proxy is to vote on a particular resolution and, if it
the proxy need not vote on a show of hands, but if the proxy
does so, the proxy must vote that way (i.e. as directed);
if the proxy has 2 or more appointments that specify
different ways to vote on the resolution, the proxy must not vote
on a show of hands; and
if the proxy is the Chair of the meeting at which the
resolution is voted on, the proxy must vote on a poll, and must
vote that way (i.e. as directed); and
if the proxy is not the chair, the proxy need not vote on the
poll, but if the proxy does so, the proxy must vote that way (i.e.
as directed).
If a proxy is also a Shareholder, section
250BB(1) does not affect the way that the person can cast any votes
that hold as a Shareholder.
Transfer of non-chair proxy to Chair in certain
Section 250BC of the Corporations Act provides
that, if:
an appointment of a proxy specifies the way the proxy is to
vote on a particular resolution at a meeting of the Company's
members; and
the appointed proxy is not the chair of the meeting;
at the meeting, a poll is duly demanded on the resolution;
either of the following applies:
the proxy is not recorded as attending the meeting;
the proxy does not vote on the resolution,
the chair of the meeting is taken, before
voting on the resolution closes, to have been appointed as the
proxy for the purposes of voting on the resolution at the
Voting Prohibition by Proxy Holders
(Remuneration of Key Management Personnel)
In accordance with section 250BD of the
Corporations Act, votes on Resolution 1 must not be cast (in any
capacity) by, or on behalf of:
a member of the Key Management Personnel; or
a Closely Related Party of such member.
However, a person described above may cast a
vote on Resolution 1 if the vote is not cast on behalf of a person
who is excluded from voting on the relevant Resolution
the person is appointed as proxy by writing that specifies
the way the proxy is to vote on the Resolution; or
the person is the Chair and the appointment of the Chair as
proxy does not specify the way the proxy is to vote on the
resolution, but expressly authorises the Chair to exercise the
proxy even if the Resolution is connected with the remuneration of
a member of the Key Management Personnel.
Chair's voting intentions
The Chair intends to exercise all available
proxies in favour of all Resolutions, unless the Shareholder has
expressly indicated a different voting intention on the Proxy
If the Chair is appointed as your proxy and you
have not specified the way the Chair is to vote on Resolution 1 by
signing and returning the Proxy Form, you are considered to have
provided the Chair with an express authorisation for the Chair to
vote the proxy in accordance with the Chair's intention, even
though the Resolution is connected directly or indirectly with the
remuneration of a member of the Key Management Personnel of the