RNS Number : 1481L
  Sinclair (William) Holdings PLC
  06 January 2009

    6 January 2009



    William Sinclair Holdings Plc is one of the UK's leading producers of commercial horticulture and branded garden products. The Company
provides peat and fertiliser products to the retail and commercial sectors.

    William Sinclair's well established brands include J Arthur Bower's, Silvaperl and New Horizon - the leading brand in the fast growing
peat free garden compost and organic plant foods sector. 

    William Sinclair's customers include national accounts such as Wyevale, Wilkinson, Tesco, Homebase and B&Q as well as an extensive range
of independent garden centres.

    The Company has strong asset backing, is profitable and is quoted on the Alternative Investment Market ("AIM").

    *     Group turnover increased 45% to �54.8 million (2007: �37.6 million - 12 months) helped by the inclusion of sales by Freeland and
    *     Profit of �0.52 million (2007: �1.45 million - 12 months) after significant cost increases
    *     Strong performance from Freeland's green waste and topsoil recycling business
    *     Acquisition and successful integration of Joseph Metcalf 
    *     Final dividend of 1.0p per share; total for the period 2.0p 
    Bernard Burns, Chief Executive, William Sinclair Holdings Plc, said:
    "Previous management action to reduce the Company's cost base and improve the productivity of the business ensured the Company has been
able to endure recent extreme market conditions. In particular the early and cold Easter, the poor harvest due to heavy rains and the rising
costs of raw materials.

    "With inflationary pressures subsiding, fuel and haulage costs returning to more realistic levels the Company is starting to restore its
margins as price increases begin to flow through.

    "Traditionally sales of garden products are relatively resilient during economic downturns. With a low exposure to exchange rate
fluctuations, strong peat reserves, a 100 per cent increase in the use of recycled materials in our products and a reputation in the
industry for strong customer service, we are well placed to withstand the current economic downturn."
      For further information:

 William Sinclair Holdings Plc       Tel: 01522 537561
 Bernard Burns, Chief Executive    
 Peter Williams, Finance Director  
 Arbuthnot Securities                Tel: 020 7012 2000
 Alastair Moreton                  
 Alasdair Younie                   
 Madano Partnership                  Tel: 020 7593 4000
 Dominic Barretto                  
 Graham Moonie                     


    The 15 month period to the end of September 2008 has been challenging for the Company following some of the most difficult trading and
operating conditions for many years. Despite this it is very pleasing to recommend a final dividend of 1.0p making a total for the period of
2.0p (2007 - 3.5p). 

    Compared to the previous 12 month period, turnover for the 15 months to 30 September 2008 is ahead by 45% at �54.8million. In addition
to the extra three months trading this includes sales by Freeland and by Joseph Metcalf Ltd (which was acquired in January 2008). 

    Underlying sales were broadly in line with the previous period with strong demand from the professional growers offsetting the shortfall
in retail caused, in the main, by the very early Easter and by poor weather.

    Our peak selling season usually begins at Easter but in 2008 it was the earliest it had been for almost a century and fell significantly
before the beginning of spring. Demand therefore started later and was concentrated into a shorter period. From Easter onwards we faced
record levels of rainfall which impacted on demand, curtailed the peat harvest and significantly increased transport costs due to heavier

    We have increased our own prices following the significant increase in the cost of fuel, energy, plastic packaging, fertilisers and
transport. This has begun to mitigate some of the profitability erosion that we experienced during 2008. 

    Consequently our margins are beginning to recover and are returning to normal levels. This is being helped by the continuing fall in
commodity prices and lower transportation costs.

    As previously announced, Bolton Fell has been selected as a candidate Special Area of Conservation (cSAC) and it is likely that we will
eventually have to stop harvesting peat from this particular area. We do not anticipate any long term difficulty with sourcing alternatives
to Bolton Fell peat but these alternatives are all more expensive. We will seek to increase the use of recycled materials in our products
wherever possible. Discussions with the authorities to determine the amount that will be due to us as compensation for the higher costs are

    Our status as the cost leader of our sector and our reputation for the highest levels of service in the market have improved recently
and, while we are not completely insulated from the economic situation, our margins are continuing to recover and demand for our products
will, we believe, prove resilient. 

    Bill Simpson
    5 January 2009
    Results for the 15 months ended 30 September 2008 are disappointing and reflect a difficult year for your Company. 

    Margins fell as a result of severe cost inflation in raw materials and services combined with the worst peat harvest in the last 10
years and a late and limited selling season. Despite this we remain profitable, continue to pay a dividend and are confident about our
prospects in the coming year. 

    Review of the period
    Retail sales of gardening consumables normally surge at the Easter Bank Holiday weekend which this year was in mid March 2008. Unusually
parts of the UK experienced snow in the week before Easter. Consequently, the sales increase was modest. It was late April/early May 2008
before most of the UK experienced favourable gardening conditions and the selling season never recovered from this late start.

    The profit margin on this business was reduced by heavy cost inflation in packaging, fertilisers, and transport. This was caused by
rising oil prices and increasing agricultural demand for fertilisers as legislation in the US and Europe stimulated the growing of bio fuel
crops. This demand also led to worldwide shortages, particularly of chemicals, and price increases of more than 300% were commonplace for
these items.

    In an unprecedented move, we were forced to introduce price increases mid-season and in August 2008 introduced an additional pallet
surcharge. However, even this failed to match the scale of the inflation. Our margins only recovered to acceptable levels after the year

    In contrast, sales to our professional customers were buoyant. Demand here anticipates retail sales and the excellent selling season in
2007 led buyers to order substantially more product than in recent years. As demand failed to materialise because of the weather, production
backed up in greenhouses, affecting our customers but having little affect on the Company. Here, too, inflationary factors reduced margins
and at times we simply could not source sufficient raw material even at these higher prices and some sales were lost.

    Freeland, which provides processed green waste for the horticulture industry and produces topsoils for the construction and civil
engineering industries, has performed exceptionally well during the period. The nature of the Freeland business is short lead times and
short contract periods and they found it easier to keep selling prices and costs aligned. The wet summer caused some operating difficulties
but the net result was 20% ahead of plan and also ahead of last year.

    The Joseph Metcalf business traded as a separate entity from January 2008 until the restructuring of the business in August 2008. The
majority of its customers continue to trade within William Sinclair and appreciate the stronger brands, improved quality and better service
that William Sinclair offers. Joseph Metcalf provides William Sinclair with significant mainland UK peat reserves.

    The integration of the Joseph Metcalf business was more difficult than we had expected but has now been successfully completed.  

    As notified in the trading updates of 28 July and 25 September 2008, our peat harvest this period was poor. Harvested volumes were only
45% of the average of the last 10 years and only 90% of the next worst year. In addition, the peat we did harvest was heavy and therefore
the on cost of processing and delivering it will be higher than normal. 

    Nevertheless we incurred the usual harvest costs without sufficient reward with a significant downside to profitability. 

    Bolton Fell Moss
    As outlined in our August announcement, Bolton Fell has been submitted to the European Union as a candidate SAC under the Habitat
Directive and it is almost certain that the SAC status will be confirmed by the EU in the coming year. This would require eventual cessation
of harvesting which in turn would undermine the viability of the adjoining factory. 
    Compensation would be due to the company for loss of profit and disturbance. Following discussion with Natural England we believe that
harvesting can continue for a further five years at a decreasing rate. Surveys of the area concerned and an exchange of information is
taking place in order to try to reach agreement on compensation but this is unlikely to conclude before summer 2009. 

    Environmental issues
    In selecting Bolton Fell as a candidate SAC, Natural England acknowledge that the site can be returned to its original condition within
a limited time period. A reserve area that we have maintained and protected has preserved the full biodiversity of an upland peat bog and
can be used to reseed the extended estate. We have already begun restoring a 34 acre section of the bog and have achieved considerable
success in re-establishing typical flora and fauna.

    Within the last 12 months we have increased the volume of recycled material we utilise by 100%. We believe our product has the lowest
carbon footprint of any major supplier of growing media in the UK and we lead the UK market in peat reduction. Our reduced peat and peat
free products, sold under the New Horizon brand, are acknowledged as the best of their type in the industry.

    Capital structure and net debt
    The Group's capital structure is as follows:
                                2008     2007
                                �000     �000

 Net debt                      8,690      421
 Group shareholders' equity   14,214   16,340
                             -------  -------
 Capital employed             22,904   16,761
                             -------  -------

    The Group's gearing has increased from 2.5% to 37.9% as a function of the change in year end, the acquisitions of 37.5% of Freeland
Horticulture Ltd and 100% of Joseph Metcalf Ltd, the working capital requirements of the enlarged business and the increase in the pension
deficit. This leaves the Group slightly over its target of borrowing not more than 35% of capital employed. The Group expects to be back
within this target by September 2009.
    Net debt comprises the balance of a new fixed term loan taken out in January 2008 to fund the acquisition of Joseph Metcalf Ltd and a
fixed term loan originally taken out in October 2004 for the purchase of additional freehold storage land in Lincoln together with cash
balances, overdrafts and finance leases as follows:
                              2008     2007
                              �000     �000

 Cash and cash equivalent      883      335
 Overdrafts                (6,204)     -
 Loans                     (3,215)    (670)
 Finance leases              (154)     (86)
                           -------  -------
 Net debt                  (8,690)    (421)
                           -------  -------

    Current performance
    The global recession has eased inflationary pressures on the business. Raw material prices are falling although the weakness of sterling
has the effect of reducing this benefit. 

    Historically, recession has only a marginal effect on garden consumables. Given favourable weather we expect consumer demand to match
previous levels. However, the liquidity of some of our customers is causing concern. We insure against bad debts but necessary levels of
cover are being withdrawn on substantial and previously dependable customers. 

    We have sourced sufficient third party peat for our production requirements and will be able comfortably to supply projected demand in
the forthcoming season. A peat shortage in the market as a whole has underpinned price increases in growing media and, as transport costs
and polymer prices have fallen back substantially from their peak and fertiliser costs are expected to fall in the springtime, margins have
returned to acceptable levels in spite of our purchases of peat and peat substitutes from third parties.

    William Sinclair is less affected by the recent weakening of sterling than many of its competitors as it is the least exposed to Euro
zone costs. In addition, plant imports from the Dutch growers will become more expensive which will increase activity in UK nurseries and so
stimulate demand from our professional customers. 

    We are well placed to take advantage of this opportunity. In addition, as the lowest cost manufacturer of growing media, any increase in
customer demand towards no frills ranges as a consequence of the economic climate will strengthen our position. 

    Bernard Burns
    Chief Executive
    5 January 2009

    Group Income Statement
    for the period ended 30 September 2008

                                                     15 months to                                                     12 months to
                                                  30 September 2008                                                   30 June 2007
                                                          Before           Except                             Before          Except 
                                                        Except.             Items                           Except.            Items 
                                                          Items          (Note 5 )          Total             Items          (Note 5)       
                                 Notes                      �000              �000           �000               �000             �000       
 Revenue                                                  54,771                 -         54,771             37,646                -
 Operating expenses                                       53,367               361         53,728             36,187            (117)       
 Operating profit                                          1,404             (361)          1,043              1,459              117       
 Share of post tax profits of                                                                      
 associates and joint ventures                                                                     
 accounted for using the equity                                                                    
                                                               1                 -              1                173                -       
 Group operating profit from                                                                       
 Operations                                                1,405             (361)          1,044              1,632              117       
 Finance revenue                                              89                 -             89                 11                -       
 Finance costs                                             (829)                 -          (829)              (326)                -       
 Other finance income/(cost) -                               217                 -            217                 12                -       
 Profit from continuing                                                                            
 operations before                                                                                 
 Taxation                                                    882             (361)            521              1,329              117       
 Tax (expense) / credit                                    (344)               105          (239)              (284)             (35)       
 Profit for the period                                       538             (256)            282              1,045               82       
 Profit for the period is                                                                          
 attributable to:                                                                                  
 Equity holders of the parent                                466             (256)            210              1,045               82       
 Minority interests                                           72                 -             72                  -                -       
                                                             538             (256)            282              1,045               82       
 Earnings per share (pence)                                                                        
 Basic EPS on profit for the                                2.8p                             1.3p               6.3p                        
 period                                      4                                                     
 Diluted EPS on profit for the                              2.8p                             1.3p               6.2p                        
 period                                      4                                                     

    Group Statement of Recognised Income and Expense
    for the period ended 30 September 2008

                                                 Notes         2008       2007
                                                            15 mths    12 mths
                                                               �000       �000
 Income and expense recognised directly in

                        Revaluation of property                   -          -
 Actuarial (losses)/gains on defined benefit                (2,467)      2,463
 pension plans
                                                           --------   --------
                                                            (2,467)      2,463

 Tax on items taken directly to or transferred                  691      (641)
 from equity
                                                           --------   --------
 Net income recognised directly in equity                   (1,776)      1,822

 Profit for the period                                          282      1,127
                                                           --------   --------
 Total recognised income and expense for the                (1,494)      2,949
                                                          ---------  ---------

 Attributable to:

           Equity holders of the parent company      3      (1,566)      2,949
 Minority interests                                              72          -
                                                          ---------  ---------
                                                            (1,494)      2,949
                                                        ---------    ---------

    Group Balance Sheet
    at 30 September 2008
                                                   2008       2007
                                       Notes       �000       �000
 Non-current assets

 Property, plant and equipment                   16,733     12,900
 Intangible assets                                1,712      1,130
 Investments accounted for using the
 equity method                                      215        777
                                              ---------  ---------
                                                 18,660     14,807
                                              ---------  ---------
 Current assets
 Inventories                                     12,021      5,150
 Trade and other receivables                      8,119     10,981
 Cash and short-term deposits                       883        335
                                              ---------  ---------
                                                 21,023     16,466
                                              ---------  ---------

 Total assets                                    39,683     31,273
                                              ---------  ---------
 Current liabilities

 Trade and other payables                        10,176      9,824
 Financial liabilities                            6,997        119
 Corporation tax payable                              3        348
                                              ---------  ---------
                                                 17,176     10,291
                                              ---------  ---------
 Non-current liabilities

 Financial liabilities                            2,576        637
 Deferred tax liabilities                           830      1,513
 Provisions                                         209        189
 Defined benefit pension plan deficit             4,475      2,303
                                              ---------  ---------
                                                  8,090      4,642
                                              ---------  ---------

 Total liabilities                               25,266     14,933
                                              ---------  ---------

 Net assets                                      14,417     16,340
                                              ---------  ---------
 Capital and reserves
 Equity share capital                      3      4,139      4,139
 Capital redemption reserve                3      1,523      1,523
 Revaluation reserve                       3      3,498      3,566
 Other reserves                            3        176        176
 Share based payments                      3         70         51
 Retained earnings                         3      4,808      6,885
                                              ---------  ---------
 Group shareholders' equity                      14,214     16,340
                                              ---------  ---------
 Minority interests                                 203          -
                                              ---------  ---------

 Total equity                                    14,417     16,340
                                              ---------  ---------

    Group Cash Flow Statement
    for the period ended 30 September 2008
                                                              2008        2007
                                                           15 mths      12mths
                                                              �000        �000
 Operating activities

 Group operating profit                                      1,043       1,576
 Adjustments to reconcile group operating profit to
 net cash
  inflows from operating activities
 Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and          1,602       1,032
 Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets               35          35
 (Profit) on disposal of fixed assets                         (19)       (291)
 Share-based payments                                           19          23
 Difference between pension contributions paid and
 recognised in the income statement                           (78)        (28)
 Decrease/(increase) in inventories                        (5,198)       (183)
 Decrease/(Increase) in trade and other receivables          4,896       1,259
 (Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables           (2,193)     (1,106)
 Movement in provisions                                         20          19
                                                        ----------  ----------
 Cash generated from operations                                127       2,336
 Income taxes (paid)/received                                 (77)       (174)
                                                        ----------  ----------
 Net cash flow from operating activities                        50       2,162
                                                        ----------  ----------
 Investing activities

 Interest received                                              89          11
 Sale of property, plant and equipment                         148         606
 Purchases of property, plant and equipment                (1,618)     (1,570)
 Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets                 (129)         (6)
 Purchase of shares in subsidiary undertakings             (3,875)           -
 Cash on consolidation of subsidiary undertakings          (1,310)           -
                                                        ----------  ----------
 Net cash flow from investing activities                   (6,695)       (959)
                                                        ----------  ----------
 Financing activities

 Interest paid                                               (829)       (320)
 Dividends paid to equity shareholders of the parent         (579)       (496)
 Dividends paid to minority interests                         (10)           -
 Dividends received from joint ventures                          -          47
 New loans in the period                                     3,000           -
 Repayment of borrowings                                     (455)        (72)
 Repayment of capital element of finance leases and
 hire purchase
   contracts                                                 (138)        (47)
                                                        ----------  ----------
 Net cash flow from financing activities                       989       (888)
                                                        ----------  ----------
 (Decrease)/Increase in cash and cash equivalents          (5,656)         315
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the             335          20
                                                        ----------  ----------
 Cash and cash equivalents at the period end               (5,321)         335
                                                         ---------    --------

 1  Statutory accounts

    The Group Income Statement, Group Statement of Recognised Income and Expense, Group Balance Sheet and Group Cash Flow Statement for the
periods ended 30 September 2008 and 30 June 2007 are not statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 (5) of the Companies Act 1985.
The statutory accounts for the periods ended 30 September 2008 and 30 June 2007, which have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP, incorporate
an unqualified audit report and do not contain a statement under Section 237(2), (3) or (4) of the Act. The statutory accounts for the year
ended 30 June 2007 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and the statutory accounts for the period ended 30 September 2008 will
be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Annual General Meeting of William Sinclair Holdings plc. 

    The accounting policies used for the 2008 figures are unchanged on those used for the 2007 comparatives.

    This preliminary announcement of the results for the period ended 30 September 2008 was approved by the Board of directors on 5 January

 2  Analysis of Net Debt

                               1 July        Cash     30 Sept
                                 2007        flow        2008
                                 �000        �000        �000

 Cash at bank and in hand         335         548         883
 Overdrafts                         -     (6,204)     (6,204)
 Loans                          (670)     (2,545)     (3,215)
 Finance leases                  (86)        (68)       (154)
                           ----------  ----------  ----------
                                (421)     (8,269)     (8,690)
                           ----------  ----------  ----------

 3  Reconciliation of movements in equity 

                                       Equity                                              Share
                                        share      Revaluation            Other            based         Retained
                                      capital          reserve         reserves         payments         earnings            Total
                                         �000             �000             �000             �000             �000             �000

 At 1 July 2006                         4,139            3,501            1,699               28            4,497           13,864
 Total recognised income
  and expense for the year                  -              108                -                -            2,841            2,949
 Depreciation transfer                      -             (43)                -                -               43                -
 Share-based payment                        -                -                -               23                                23
 Equity dividends paid                      -                -                -                -            (496)            (496)
                              ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------
 At 30 June 2007                        4,139            3,566            1,699               51            6,885           16,340
                              ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

 At 1 July 2007                         4,139            3,566            1,699               51            6,885           16,340
 Total recognised income
  and expense for the period                -                -                -                -                           (1,566)
 Depreciation transfer                      -             (68)                -                -               68                -
 Share-based payment                        -                -                -               19                -               19
 Equity dividends paid                      -                -                -                -            (579)            (579)
                              ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------
 At 30 September 2008                   4,139            3,498            1,699               70            4,808           14,214
                              ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------

 4  Earnings per share 

    Basic earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing net profit for the period attributable to ordinary equity holders of the
parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period. Diluted earnings per share amounts are calculated by
dividing the net profit attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent (before deducting the cost of share based payments) by the
weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period plus the weighted average number of ordinary shares that would be
issued under the company's share option scheme. 

                                                                2008      2007
                                                                �000      �000
 Net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent -       210     1,127
 continuing operations
 Cost of share based payments                                     19        17
                                                            --------  --------
 Diluted net profit attributable to equity holders of the        229     1,144
                                                            --------  --------
                                                                2008      2007
                                                                 No.       No.
 Basic weighted average number of shares                      16,554    16,554
 Dilutive potential ordinary shares                                           
 Employee share options                                          515       530
                                                            --------  --------
 Diluted weighted average number of shares                    17,069    17,084
                                                            --------  --------

    There have been no other transactions involving ordinary shares or potential ordinary shares between the reporting date and the date of
completion of these financial statements.


 5  Exceptional items

                                                                2008      2007
                                                                �000      �000
 Recognised in arriving at operating profit:                                  
 Redundancy costs on restructuring of Joseph Metcalf           (361)         -
 Insurance proceeds                                                -       300
 Redundancy and dispute settlement costs                           -     (183)
                                                         -----------   -------
                                                               (361)       117
                                                         -----------  --------

    The decision was taken in July 2008 to restructure the Joseph Metcalf business. This followed the failure of negotiations with the local
authority to extend planning permission at the Oswaldtwistle site which would have allowed an intensification in the use of the site.

    For the year to 30 June 2007 the following are relevant:

    Insurance proceeds relate to the loss of fully depreciated equipment in a fire. The equipment was subsequently replaced.

    Redundancy and dispute settlement costs relate to actions taken by management to mitigate losses arising from a commercial dispute with
a customer.

 6  Dividends paid and proposed

                                                             2008         2007
                                                             �000         �000
 Declared and paid during the period:                               
 Equity dividends on ordinary shares:                               
 Final dividend for June 2007: 2.50p (June 2006-              414          331
 Interim for September 2008: 1.00p (June 2007 -               165          165
                                                       ----------   ----------
 Dividends paid                                               579          496
                                                      -----------  ---------  
 Proposed for approval by shareholders at the AGM:                            
 Final dividend for September 2008: 1.0p (2007 -              165          414
                                                       ----------    ---------

    Subject to shareholders' approval the final dividend of 1.0p per share will be paid on 19 March 2009 to shareholders on the register on
20 February 2009.

 7  Annual General Meeting

    The Company intends to post the Report and Accounts to shareholders on 23 January 2009. The Annual General Meeting of the Company will
be held at The Bentley Hotel, Newark Road, South Hykeham, Lincoln, LN6 9NH on 26 February 2009 at 11.00 am. Copies of this announcement are
available from the Company's registered office, Firth Road, Lincoln, LN6 7AH during normal office hours.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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