RNS Number:3013D
Sagentia Group AG
05 September 2007

5th September 2007



Sagentia Group, a leading integrated technology consulting, development and
venturing organisation, today announces its results for the six months to 30
June 2007.


   * First half revenues of #10.8m, although 17% down on the corresponding
    period in 2006 (#13.0m), are 2% ahead of preceding six months (H2 2006:
   * Ongoing costs in Consulting and IP Exploitation reduced by #1.3m per
   * Consulting and IP Exploitation operating loss of #0.5m (H1 2006:
    operating profit of #0.2m) reflecting breakeven consulting activities, cost
    of options and #0.4m in one-off restructuring costs
   * Positive order intake momentum in the second quarter with year to date
    order intake now tracking 2006
   * Decrease in fair value of venture portfolio assets of #1.9m (H1 2006:
    increase in fair value of #0.2m) primarily reflecting a #1.4m decrease in
    the balance sheet value of AIM-listed CMR Fuel Cells plc (#2.3m - H2 2006:
    #3.7m). Period end balance sheet valuation of portfolio #9.5m (H2 2006:
   * Group loss from continuing activities before taxation of #3.0m (H1 2006:
    #0.3m). Losses are stated after charging a loss of #0.6m incurred by venture
    subsidiary companies (H1 2006: #0.3m), a decrease in fair value of financial
    assets of #1.9m (H1 2006 increase of #0.2m), net central costs of #0.2m (H1
    2006: #0.3m) and the cost of share options of #0.1m (H1 2006: #0.1m)
   * Outlook for the second half of the year encouraging with a forecast
    return to profitability in the consulting operations and positive cash flow
    throughout the Group.

Chris Masters, Sagentia Group Chairman said:

"Although in terms of overall profitability the results for the first six months
of 2007 are disappointing, we have ended the period with order intake at a
higher level than in the same period for 2006, with costs, after restructuring,
running at a lower level than previously and with our consulting activity
profitable in Q2. Added to which, an increase in licensing activity over the
last few months should start to generate increased income during the second half
of 2007. Given the changes implemented over the last six months, we are now
confident that we have a sound platform from which to profitably grow our core
Consulting and IP business.

On the venturing side of our business, the investment portfolio has suffered
principally from the share price movement of CMR Fuel Cells plc which has fallen
significantly during the last six months. Notwithstanding the share price
movement and its continuing volatility, the value of our holding in CMR still
represents a multiple of over five times our original investment and the company
has recently announced a key corporate relationship with Samsung. Across the
rest of the portfolio, strong technical and commercial progress has also been
made in both TurfTrax and Sphere Medical.

The Board and management team remain totally committed to delivering profitable
and sustainable growth from the Group's Consulting and IP operations. The focus
for the future will be on increasing licensing income while at the same time
reducing our dependence on venturing activities. The Consulting and IP
operations are expected to be profitable in H2 2007, with full year fee income
recovering to the same level as achieved in FY 2006. Actions are also underway
to sell a number of our portfolio holdings which will improve both the trading
and cash position of the business by the end of the year.

Overall, in terms of increasing operational efficiency and reinvigorating the
sales effort, the Group has made good progress over the last six months and we
look to the future with added confidence"


The Sagentia Group AG  
Martin Frost 
(44) 1223 875 200 

Hansard Group
Andy Tan
(44) 207 245 1100




The following table analyses the sources of turnover and operating profits and
losses on ordinary activities across the Group, and is extracted from the
segmental information set out in the notes to this report.

------------------        ------------              ------------              ------------
#000s                   Six months ended          Six months ended             Year ended
                          30 June 2007              30 June 2006            31 December 2006
------------------        ------------              ------------              ------------
                     Revenue  Profit / (Loss)  Revenue  Profit / (Loss)  Revenue  Profit / (Loss)
------------------   -------      -------      -------      -------      -------      -------
Consulting and
IP exploitation       9,716             (32)   11,945             285    21,472            (409)
Subsidiaries            239            (552)      315            (330)      531            (657)
Asset Management        204              19       240             (38)      485              64
Property and
Centre                  657            (214)      548            (239)    1,158            (495)
                      -------         -------   -------         -------   -------         -------
Revenues :
Gross profit
(loss)               10,816            (779)   13,048            (322)   23,646          (1,497)

(Loss) profit
on disposals
of investments                          (25)                      (22)                      392
Change in fair
value on financial
assets                               (1,880)                      209                      (876)
Related bonus
accrual                                 190                       (60)                      384
Rebranding                                -                         -                      (632)
Reorganisation                         (420)                        -                         -
Cost of options                         (52)                     (119)                     (235)
                                      -------                   -------                   -------
Operating loss                       (2,966)                     (314)                   (2,464)
------------------    -------         -------   -------         -------   -------         -------


Revenue is stated net of inter-company activity. Total revenues for the period
decreased by 17% to #10.8m (H1 2006: #13.0m) due primarily to a fall in order
intake within technology consulting services at the end of 2006.

Technology Consulting Services saw a reduction in fees, from #9.7m to #8.7m, as
well as in recharged project expenses from #2.2m to #1.0m which, while large,
does not affect profits. Revenues from technology consulting including recharged
expenses representing 90% of Group revenue (H1 2006: 92%).

Property and Centre revenues continue to see growth from Manage5Nines, our IT
outsourcing business, and rental income at Harston Mill.

Operating profit (loss)

Gross loss for the period of #0.8m increased from #0.3m in H1 2006. The core
consulting and IP business, excluding movements on investments, made a profit of
#0.3m in H1 2006, before making a #0.7m loss in the second half. H1 2007
therefore includes costs of restructuring principally in the consulting sector
at the beginning of 2007. The consulting and IP activity returned to profit in
Q2 2007 and is expected to be profitable in the second half of the year. Venture
subsidiaries costs have increased in Intrasonics, Atranova, and a new Sensor
business, Sagentia Sensors, increasing the net cost from #0.3m to #0.6m. In the
second half of 2007 it is anticipated that losses will reverse as licence and
other income increase in all three businesses.

Operating losses in the period have been further impacted by the reduction in
the fair value adjustments (net of bonus accrual) of #1.7m from an increase of
#0.1m in H1 2006, principally as a result of the significant reduction in the
share price of CMR Fuel Cells plc. A further non cash cost of #0.1m (H1 2006:
#0.1m), relating to the cost of options granted, is charged to the operating
results. The share price of CMR Fuel Cells plc has further reduced since the
half year.

Consulting and intellectual property ('IP') exploitation

The Group's international technology consulting and IP exploitation activities
are primarily carried out through its wholly owned subsidiary, Sagentia Ltd.
("Sagentia") The technology and business consulting services offer customised
product and process solutions and advice on new technology opportunities to a
wide range of international clients, from start-ups to multinationals.
Sagentia's wide and interdisciplinary skill base means that the business can
take a broad approach to issues surrounding new business development, including
technological, financial, marketing and strategic aspects.

The results for H1 2007 reflect a slowly recovering trading position from
reduced order intake highlighted at the end of 2006. Revenues for the period
have declined in comparison to 2006, however, costs have also been reduced
during Q1 2007, leaving the consulting activities in profit during Q2. Order
intake has however recovered and is expected to improve performance in H2 2007.

Notable successes during H1 2007 include the launch of a breakthrough mobile
payment solution for remittances in Kenya, which was developed in conjunction
with Vodafone for Safaricom.  The service enables customers to send money safely
and cheaply using a mobile phone and provides cost effective access to financial
services for people without bank accounts in economies where it is unsafe,
difficult and expensive to hold cash and move money around.  By building on the
rapidly growing mobile networks in emerging markets and linking with finance
institutions, merchants and employee payment facilities, this provides a
uniquely robust, reliable and efficient tool for organisations to distribute and
receive money, their customers to access it and for individuals to move money
around the country, and around the world.

The new service is available to anyone with a mobile phone, regardless of
whether they have a bank account.  Worldwide, there are more than twice as many
people who have a mobile phone than have a bank account. Specifically this
provides mobile phone users with a secure platform which uses simple, tailored
menus on their phone to send fully encrypted and PIN locked messages to a
thoroughly audited financial accounting system.

The culmination of a two year multi million pound programme, M-PESA was
extensively tested on the Safaricom network.  Following the successful roll-out
in Kenya, the collaboration is expected to continue for at least a further two

Other projects are available from The Gen, our quarterly magazine, which may be
downloaded from our web site (www.sagentia.com).

Non time-related income continues to be an important part of our business model.
Licensing activity is increasing, and a number of license deals within the Group
are expected to close during 2007. Specific to the consulting and IP sector, the
next $0.5m payment regarding the AutosheathTM licence pends grant of the US
patent, expected to be at the turn of the year. All expenditure on patent fees
and the creation and development activities has been written off as incurred.
Spend on patent fees during H1 2007was #0.1m (H1 2006 #0.4m).

Venture subsidiaries

Venture subsidiaries are majority owned spin-out companies created by Sagentia
for the purpose of exploiting a particular technology, intellectual property or
business opportunity. Sagentia's goal with its venture portfolio is to realise
value through IPO or trade sale. Under IFRS, controlled investments are
consolidated as subsidiaries. Costs incurred are therefore expensed through the
profit and loss account and the fair value of controlled investments is not
shown on the balance sheet. Controlled investments currently being exploited
include Intrasonics Ltd, Sensopad Ltd, AtraNova Ltd, and now Sagentia Sensors

The net costs of venture subsidiaries in H1 were #0.6m (H1 2006: #0.3m).

Sagentia Sensors Ltd

Sagentia Sensors was created as a vehicle to exploit IP in Sagentia's
Cap-trackTM and Mu-trackTM sensor patent families. During 2007 it has entered
into negotiations to licence the technology broadly in automotive and industrial
sectors, and is anticipating closing at least one such deal in H2 2007.

Intrasonics Limited

Intrasonics is Sagentia's venture in interactive media services. Intrasonics
develops and markets mobile-media interactivity solutions to broadcasters, media
companies and content owners, based on its proprietary communications
technology. Protected by a substantial patent portfolio, Intrasonics' unique
'Sound Link and Sync' system creates a completely new data channel for mobile
devices, opening up a range of sophisticated, yet easy to use 'one touch' media
applications that drives new revenues for content and media owners, advertisers
and broadcasters, mobile operators and service providers.

Sagentia owns approximately 90% of Intrasonics, the balance being held by
founders. Intrasonics is seeking to license and sell its technology into a
variety of applications.

Sensopad Limited

The automotive applications of Sensopad Technologies were sold to a subsidiary
of TT electronics plc in March 2004 for a consideration of #1.2m together with
anticipated future royalties. Net royalties of #1.7m have been recognised to
date through the consolidated income statement. TT has announced that it has
taken #100m of orders secured for its AutopadTM sensor. Royalty receipts are
expected to commence in H1 2008. Sensopad has further licensed its technology in
the field of fuel level sensing to TT for #0.15m in H1 2007.

Non-automotive applications for the contact-less inductive sensing technology
are being exploited in the industrial, aerospace and gaming controller market
via a closer marketing and operating arrangement with Sagentia Ltd.

Sagentia Group owns 77% of the equity in Sensopad.

AtraNova Limited

Hived out of Sagentia Group's portfolio company, Atraverda Ltd, AtraNova is seeking to
commercialise Ebonex outside of the battery markets being exploited by
Atraverda. During H1 2007 AtraNova has supplied water treatment test equipment
within the UK which can significantly reduce the Mogden charge levied by water
companies to manufacturers. It will seek to commercialise this market during the
remainder of 2007.

Sagentia Group owns 91% of the equity in AtraNova.

The fair value of the Venture Subsidiaries is not shown in the consolidated
balance sheet. The combined BVCA value of the Group holdings in the Venture
Subsidiaries is #0.9m.

Asset management, property and central services

The combined net cost of asset management activities, the freehold property and
central services in H1 was #0.2m (H1 2006: #0.3m). The current book value of the
building is both supported by existing tenants and the improved commercial
property market in Cambridge.

Change in fair value of investments

The reduction in fair value of investments of #1.9m includes a decrease in fair
value of AIM listed CMR Fuel Cells plc of #1.4m; Sensor Technologies LLC #0.2m;
and Turftrax #0.2m following a funding round. The TurfTrax adjustment will
reverse in H2 2007 following a funding round closed in September 2007. Sagentia
Group owns 11% of the issued share capital in CMR. At the end of H1 2007, CMR share
price was #1.03 (H2 2006: #1.645). The price of CMR at 3 September was #0.695.

Bonus accrual on change in fair value

Bonus accrual of #190k has been written back in H1 (H1 2006: #60k) against the
decrease in fair value of investments, to be paid out on cash realisation of
investments under the authority of the Sagentia Group's remuneration committee.

Cost of options

Under IFRS the Group has provided for the cost of options issued and outstanding
at the end of H1 of #52k (H1 2006: #119k).

Analysis of balance sheet

At 30 June 2007 the Group had shareholders funds of #17.8m (H2 2006: #20.7m)
which was equivalent to approximately 8.2p per share (H2 2006: 9.7p per share).
This includes freehold land and buildings with a net book value of #14.2m (H2
2006: #14.2m), against which the Group has an outstanding loan of #8.4m (H2
2006: #6.6m), in addition to cash of #1.2 m (H2 2006: #2.0m).

The fair value of investments and other loans to investee companies was #9.5m
(H2 2006: #11.3m). This represents the BVCA or market valuation of all
non-controlled investments. The BVCA valuation of controlled investments -
venture subsidiaries - is #0.9m (H2 2006: #1.1m). The difference between the
BVCA valuation and the net asset value at the year-end for venture subsidiaries
is equivalent to approximately 0.5p per share (2006: 0.5p).


The following investee companies now comprise 66 per cent of the fair/BVCA value
of the portfolio capitalised on the Sagentia Group's balance sheet at 30 June 

---------------------          --------          --------
Investee company                    Group fully diluted        BVCA valuation of 
                                      equity interest *          Group interest
                                             %                          #m
 ---------------------                  --------                    --------
CMR Fuel Cells plc                         9.6                         2.3
Sphere Medical Holding Ltd                10.0                         1.5
Atraverda Ltd                             17.0                         1.3
Sensortec Ltd                             12.1                         1.2
---------------------                   --------                    --------
Total                                                                  6.3
---------------------                   --------                    --------

* Fully diluted interest assumes that granted options have been exercised

Progress during H1 in the above investee companies was as follows:

CMR Fuel Cells ('CMR')

CMR exploits a revolutionary flow-through fuel cell utilising mixed reactants,
developed at Sagentia. CMR's patented technology involves electrochemical
devices, which convert fuel directly into electricity at higher efficiency rates
and have the potential for higher power storage capacity. CMR was admitted to
AIM in December 2005 with a market capitalisation of #35.7m. Sagentia retain an
11% equity stake in CMR. On 30th June 2007 the mid-market price of CMR was #1.03
(price on admission #1.76).

During 2007 CMR has entered into a non-exclusive Joint Development Agreement
('JDA') with Samsung SDI Co. Ltd. ('Samsung') of Korea. Under the terms of the
JDA, Samsung and CMR will collaborate to produce a Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
system demonstrator incorporating CMR's mixed reactant stack technology. The
system will be evaluated as a potential alternative and replacement for today's
conventional battery solutions. CMR has already delivered the first such stack
to Samsung.

CMR also announced, together with its partners Johnson Matthey Plc and Accelrys
Inc, the formation of a UK based Research Consortium. Funding has been awarded
through the Autumn 05 Technology Programme competition for funding. The DTI will
make available to the Consortium a total of #1.15 million over the duration of
the three-year contract.

In its interim report issued in August 2007, CMR commented that demand for
small, cost-effective and efficient portable fuel cell systems continues to grow
- driven by the need to overcome the stagnating power density and safety issues
associated with Lithium batteries. The Company believes that many OEMs will
field-trial Methanol powered portable fuel cell systems into Asian markets in
2008/9 ahead of mass-market launches from 2010 onwards. However, price
volatility of platinum and ruthenium metals, commonly used to make catalysts, is
a significant concern for these OEMs, and the elimination of these materials has
become a key objective across the industry. This should enhance the prospects
for CMR.

Sphere Medical Holding ('Sphere')

Sphere was established by Sagentia with Siemens to develop a series of unique
chip-based micro sensors for use in intensive care medicine. Based on cutting
edge micro- and nano-technology, Sphere is developing highly innovative
monitoring products to provide clinical and economic benefits in the critical
care environment, based on the company's proprietary technology. The products
allow minimally invasive, real time measurement of clinical chemistry parameters
and therapeutic drug concentrators, giving healthcare professionals the
information they require to more effectively manage therapy and optimise patient

Sphere commercialised products will be marketed globally through multi-national
marketing and distribution agreements. The costs associated with the conditions
and complications addressed by its products are in the order of tens of billions
of US$ in the Intensive Care Unit alone. With limited alternative solutions
currently available, Sphere estimates that the total market addressed by its
initial products is around US $2.2 billion a year.

During 2007, Sphere achieved EN ISO 13485:2003 for the Design and Development of
Medical Monitoring Systems. EN ISO 13485 is the international quality management
standard for the medical device industry and is based on ISO 9001, and is
essential for companies developing medical devices for the market.

Atraverda Ltd ('Atraverda')

Atraverda has developed an innovative lead acid battery design using EbonexTM
bipolar membranes. Atraverda's plates are based on a novel and patented ceramic
material, which enables a performance increase of over 30% compared with
standard lead acid batteries, while reducing weight by at least 25%. Atraverda's
patented Ebonex technology is the first commercially viable bi-polar product to
enter the market that makes lead-acid batteries smaller, lighter and more
reliable. Ebonex technology signifies a new era for the battery manufacturing
industry and its customers. Markets that the company is addressing include power
tools, small UPS, military, aviation, telecoms, consumer electronics, and
automotive including hybrid electric vehicles. Ebonex bi-polar batteries are an
environmentally strong technology with significantly less lead used than
conventional batteries.

During 2007 the company has entered into a commercial relationship with Exide
Industries Ltd, the largest manufacturer or lead-acid storage batteries in South
Asia. The agreement will see the two companies work together to develop bi-polar
lead acid batteries for a range of power storage applications using Atraverda's
Ebonex technology. This news followed the Company's announcement in September
2006 that it was working with East Penn Manufacturing Company Inc., the world's
largest independent battery manufacturer.

In the same period Atraverda's technology won awards from both Frost & Sullivan,
a global consulting company and Red Herring for its ability to make bipolar
batteries which are smaller, lighter and longer-lasting than conventional

Sensortec Ltd ('Sensortec')

Sensortec, a Jersey registered company, has developed a robust and adaptable
platform technology for use in disposable biosensors based on immuno-assay
techniques. Sensortec's proprietary technology enables the miniaturisation of a
wide range of common format assays traditionally performed at clinical reference
laboratories, all in a simplified form and at a competitive price.

The unique design of the Sensortec sensor chips mean that low cost materials and
methods can be used to produce the disposable cartridge incorporating the
sensors and fluidics required to manipulate the blood sample and perform the
tests, which has not been possible with alternative sensor technologies. This
novel biosensor technology has multiple applications and has already been
validated by use in the environmental and food quality assurance sectors for
detecting such contaminants as mycotoxins and drug residues.

Other investments

TurfTrax Ltd primarily provides data to the betting market, media and consumer
on horse racing. In particular the company has developed, with Sagentia, and
introduced the TurfTrax Tracking System capturing and broadcasting horse race
data to multiple clients. During H2 TurfTrax has completed a further financing
round of approximately #1m at a premium to the previous round of financing.
Sagentia presently holds an equity position of approximately 9% in TurfTrax.

It remains the Company's goal to seek the disposal of a number of portfolio
assets by trade sale, license or IPO in the short to medium term.

Cash and cash flow

Cash at H1 2007 was #1.2m (2006 #2.0m). Borrowings increased from #7.0m to
#8.9m. #2.6m of the bank loan remains available to be drawn down.

Net cash outflow from operating activities increased to #2.4m (H1 2006: #0.6
million). Of this, the loss less non cash items (depreciation, change in fair
value, bonus accrual and options) accounted for #1.1m (2006 H1: #0.2m). Working
capital (debtor and creditor movement's) accounted for a further #1.3m (2006 H1:
#0.4m), which we would expect to reduce in H2 2007. Capital expenditure and
financial investment was limited to a net #0.2m (2006: #1.0m). The cash movement
was funded by the drawing down on the loan facility.


The principal tenant of the Group's 77,000 square feet freehold headquarters in
Harston remains the Group's consulting business, Sagentia Limited, which
occupies 40,000 square feet on arms length terms. The remaining space is now let
or under contract on short to medium term leases.

Board and management changes

Per Ludvigsson retired at the last AGM. The Board would like to offer its thanks
to Per for the help and advice given over the last six years and wish him well
in his retirement.

Daniel Flicos, a director of Sagentia Ltd, was appointed to the Board at the
Annual General Meeting in April 2007.

Group Auditor

The audit operations of RSM Robson Rhodes, the Group Auditor, have merged with
those of Grant Thornton UK LLP with effect from 1 July 2007. The Board has
therefore appointed Grant Thornton as Group Auditor.


The outlook for the technology development consulting market together with
licence/royalty income remains positive. Order intake for Sagentia was in line
with expectations for the first six months following a difficult end to 2006 and
is now expected to exceed the prior year.

Notwithstanding the fall in value of CMR Fuel Cells plc and associated lack of
liquidity, we anticipate improvement in H2 2007 within several portfolio
companies, and believe that the prospects for a number of the investments,
including Sphere Medical and TurfTrax are strong.


The Sagentia Group AG

Consolidated income statement
For the period ended 30 June 2007

---------------------------  -----         --------       -------       --------     --------     --------
                             Notes            Core       Venture     Six months   Six months         Year 
                                        operations  subsidiaries          ended     ended 30        ended
                                                                   30 June 2007    June 2006  31 December
                                                                     (Unaudited)  (Unaudited         2006
                                              #000          #000           #000         #000         #000
---------------------------  -----         --------       -------       --------     --------     --------
Continuing operations
Core operations                             10,577             -         10,577       12,733       23,115
Venture subsidiaries                             -           239            239          315          531
---------------------------  -----         --------       -------       --------     --------     --------
                                4           10,577           239         10,816       13,048       23,646

Operating expenses
Core operations                            (10,804)            -        (10,804)     (12,725)     (23,955)
Venture subsidiaries                             -          (791)          (791)        (645)      (1,188)
---------------------------  -----         --------       -------       --------     --------     --------
                                4          (10,804)         (791)       (11,595)     (13,370)     (25,143)
---------------------------  -----         --------       -------       --------     --------     --------
Gross loss                      4             (227)         (552)          (779)        (322)      (1,497)
Profit (loss) on disposal 
of investments                                                              (25)         (22)         392
Change in fair value on
financial assets                                                         (1,880)         209         (876)
Bonus accrual on change in
fair value                                                                  190          (60)         384
Rebranding                                                                    -            -         (632)
Reorganisation                                                             (420)           -            -
Cost of options*                                                            (52)        (119)        (235)
---------------------------  -----         --------       -------       --------     --------     --------
Operating loss                  4                                        (2,966)        (314)      (2,464)

Finance charges (net)                                                         2           21          (59)
---------------------------  -----         --------       -------       --------     --------     --------
Loss on continuing
operations before                                                        
Income tax                                                               (2,964)        (293)      (2,523)
Income tax expense                                                          (12)           4           51
---------------------------  -----         --------       -------       --------     --------     --------
Loss on continuing
operations for the period       4                                        (2,976)        (289)      (2,472)

Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent                                             (2,978)        (344)      (2,531)
Minority interests                                                            2           55           59
---------------------------  -----         --------       -------       --------     --------     --------
Loss for the period                                                      (2,976)        (289)      (2,472)
---------------------------  -----         --------       -------       --------     --------     --------

Loss per share (basic)          5                                          (1.4p)       (0.1p)       (1.1)p
Loss per share (diluted)        5                                          (1.4p)       (0.1p)       (1.1)p
---------------------------  -----         --------       -------       --------     --------     --------

* See Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity.

The Sagentia Group AG

Consolidated statement of changes in equity
For the period ended 30 June 2007

-----------------      -----    ------      ------       ------   ------    ------      --------    ------    ------
Group                Issued     Share  Investment  Translation    Share  Retained       Total -  Minority     Total
                    capital   premium      In own      reserve    based  earnings  Shareholders  Interest    equity 
                                           shares               payment                   funds      2005
                      #'000     #'000       #'000        #'000    #'000     #'000         #'000     #'000     #'000
-----------------      -----    ------      ------       ------   ------    ------      --------    ------    ------
Balance at 1
January 2006          9,289    13,095         (74)         (52)     113       640        23,011        45    23,056
Profit (loss)
for the year              -         -           -            -        -      (344)         (344)       55      (289)
New shares issued        18        38           -            -        -         -            56         -        56
Issue of shares to
minorities                -         -           -            -        -         -             -        11        11
Disposal of
own shares                -         -          13            -        -         -            13         -        13
Share options
adjustment                -         -           -            -      119         -           119         -       119
Exchange differences 
on translating
foreign operations        -         -           -           26        -         -            26        (5)       21

Balance at 30
June 2006             9,307    13,133         (61)         (26)     232       296        22,881       106    22,987
-----------------      -----    ------      ------       ------   ------    ------      --------    ------    ------

Balance at 1
July 2006             9,307    13,133         (61)         (26)     232       296        22,881       106    22,987
Profit (loss)
for the year              -         -           -            -        -    (2,187)       (2,187)        4    (2,183)
Dividends payable 
to minorities             -         -           -            -        -         -             -        (8)       (8)
Share options
adjustment                -         -           -            -      116         -           116         -       116
Exchange differences 
on translating
foreign operations        -         -           -         (103)       -         -          (103)      (10)     (113)
-----------------      -----    ------      ------       ------   ------    ------      --------    ------    ------
Balance at 31
December 2006         9,307    13,133         (61)        (129)     348    (1,891)       20,707        92    20,799
-----------------      -----    ------      ------       ------   ------    ------      --------    ------    ------

Balance at 1
January 2007          9,307    13,133         (61)        (129)     348    (1,891)       20,707        92    20,799
Loss for the year         -         -           -            -        -    (2,978)       (2,978)        2    (2,976)
Share options
adjustment                -         -           -            -       52         -            52         -        52
Exchange differences 
on translating
foreign operations        -         -           -           (4)       -         -            (4)                 (4)
-----------------      -----    ------      ------       ------   ------    ------      --------    ------    ------
Balance at 30
June 2007             9,307    13,133         (61)        (133)     400    (4,869)       17,777        94    17,871
-----------------      -----    ------      ------       ------   ------    ------      --------    ------    ------

The Sagentia Group AG
Consolidated balance sheet
At 30 June 2007

-------------------------            --------             --------     --------
                            Six months ended     Six months ended   Year ended
                                30 June 2007         30 June 2006  31 December
                                  (Unaudited)          (Unaudited         2006
                                        #000                 #000         #000
-------------------------            --------             --------     --------
Non-current assets
Intangible assets                          7                   11            9
Goodwill                                   -                    -            -
Property, plant and
equipment                             14,663               14,940       14,787
Investments                            9,501               12,046       11,279
Deferred income tax
assets                                 3,014                2,984        3,014
-------------------------            --------             --------     --------
                                      27,185               29,981       29,089
-------------------------            --------             --------     --------
Current assets
Trade and other receivables            6,286                6,562        5,212
Current tax asset                          -                    -           30
Investments                                -                   23           23
Cash and cash equivalents              1,222                1,977        1,963
-------------------------            --------             --------     --------
                                       7,508                8,562        7,228
-------------------------            --------             --------     --------
Total assets                          34,693               38,543       36,317
-------------------------            --------             --------     --------


Shareholders' equity
Called-up share capital*                9,307                9,307        9,307
Share premium account*                 13,133               13,133       13,133
Investment in own
shares*                                  (61)                 (61)         (61)
Translation reserves*                   (133)                 (26)        (129)
Share based payment
reserve*                                 400                  232          348
Retained earnings*                    (4,869)                 296       (1,891)
-------------------------            --------             --------     --------
Total Shareholders'
equity                                17,777               22,881       20,707
Minority interest*                        94                  106           92
-------------------------            --------             --------     --------
Total equity                          17,871               22,987       20,799
-------------------------            --------             --------     --------

Non-current liabilities
Borrowings                             6,950                6,946        6,948
Other creditors                           64                    -           41
Financial instruments                     16                  255          181
Deferred income tax
liabilities                            3,014                2,984        3,014
-------------------------            --------             --------     --------
                                      10,044               10,185       10,184
-------------------------            --------             --------     --------

Current liabilities
Trade and other
payables                               4,796                5,300        5,250
Current income tax
liabilities                               60                   26           43
Borrowings                             1,922                   45           41
-------------------------            --------             --------     --------
                                       6,778                5,371        5,334
-------------------------            --------             --------     --------
-------------------------            --------             --------     --------
Total liabilities                     16,822               15,556       15,518
-------------------------            --------             --------     --------
-------------------------            --------             --------     --------
Total equity and
liabilities                           34,693               38,543       36,317
-------------------------            --------             --------     --------

* See Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity.

The Sagentia Group AG
Consolidated cash flow statement
For the year ended 30 June 2007

--------------------------------           --------        --------      -------
                                        Six months      Six months         Year 
                                             ended           ended        ended
                                      30 June 2007    30 June 2006  31 December
                                        (Unaudited)     (Unaudited         2006
                                              #000            #000         #000
--------------------------------           --------        --------      -------
Loss before income tax                      (2,964)           (293)      (2,523)
Depreciation charges                           242             246          422
Profit on disposal of investments               25              22         (392)
Change in fair value                         1,880            (209)         876
Change in fair value of                               
interest rate swap                            (152)           (168)        (242)
Bonus accrual on change in
fair value                                    (190)             60         (384)
Cost of options                                 52             119          235
(Increase) decrease in
trade and other receivables                 (1,073)            710        2,059
(Decrease) increase in
trade and other payables                      (237)         (1,080)        (747)
UK corporation tax (paid)
received (net)                                  42               -           35
Foreign corporation tax paid (net)              (7)              4            3
--------------------------------           --------        --------      -------
Cash flows from operating
activities                                  (2,382)           (589)        (658)
--------------------------------           --------        --------      -------
Purchase of property, plant and
equipment                                     (131)           (187)        (212)

Loan repayments received from
third parties                                   30               -            -

Purchase of financial assets 
through the income statement                  (163)           (822)      (1,279)
Sale of financial assets 
through the income statement                     6               -          540
Sale of current asset investments               23               -            -
--------------------------------           --------        --------      -------
Cash flow from investing
activities                                    (235)         (1,009)        (951)
--------------------------------           --------        --------      -------
--------------------------------           --------        --------      -------
Issue of ordinary share
capital / options                                -              56           56
Disposal of own shares                           -              13           13
Issue of shares by
subsidiary undertakings                          -              11           11
to minority interests
Issue of loans by minority interests 
to subsidiary undertakings                       2             (13)         (11)
Net Loan drawn down (repaid)                 1,881             (60)         (64)
--------------------------------           --------        --------      -------
Cash flows from financing
activities                                   1,883               7            5
--------------------------------           --------        --------      -------
--------------------------------           --------        --------      -------
Decrease in cash and cash
equivalents in the year                       (734)         (1,591)      (1,604)
Cash and cash equivalents at
the beginning of the year                    1,963           3,567        3,567
Exchange gains (losses) on cash                 (7)              1            -
Cash and cash equivalents at
the end of the year                          1,222           1,977        1,963
--------------------------------           --------        --------      -------

Extracts from notes to the financial statements

1. Accounting policies

The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these
consolidated financial statements are set out below. These policies have been
consistently applied to all the years presented, unless otherwise stated.

1.1 Basis of preparation

The consolidated financial statements of the Group have been prepared in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and IFRC
interpretations issued and effective or issued at the time of preparing these

These financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost
convention, as modified by the revaluation of certain assets at fair value, as
allowed by IAS39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measure. The basis of
consolidation is set out below:

Subsidiaries - Subsidiaries are entities over which the Group has the power to
govern the financial and operating policies accompanying a shareholding of more
than one half of the voting rights. The existence and effect of potential voting
rights that are currently exercisable or convertible are considered when
assessing whether the Group controls another entity. Subsidiaries are fully
consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Group. They
are de-consolidated from the date that control ceases. These acquisitions are
accounted for using the purchase method of accounting.

Venture subsidiaries - Venture subsidiaries are investments in which the Group
holds control, but holds these investments for ultimate disposal and capital
gain. The Group accounts for such investments as subsidiaries until either they
are disposed of or the Group issues shares to minorities and allows control to

Investments - Investments are investments in which the Group does not hold
significant influence. Where the Group holds these investments for ultimate
disposal and capital gain, they are accounted for in accordance with IAS39, and
are designated as at fair value through profit and loss.

1.2   Research and development expenditure

Research expenditure is written off as incurred.

Development expenditure is also written off as incurred, except where the
Directors are satisfied that the technical, commercial and financial viability
of individual projects under relevant IAS 38 criteria are met that would allow
such costs to be capitalised. Under IAS 38, the Group recognise an intangible
asset if it believes it can demonstrate the following:

   * The technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it
    will be available for use or sale.
   * Its ability to use or sell the intangible asset.
   * How the intangible asset will generate probable future economic
    benefits; either by the existence of a market for the output of the
    intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used
    internally, the usefulness of the intangible asset.
   * The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to
    complete the development and to use or sell the intangible asset.
   * Its ability to measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the
    intangible asset during its development.

Identifiable expenditure is then capitalised and amortised over the period
during which benefits are expected.

1.3 Investments

The Directors consider that a substantial measure of the performance of the
Group is assessed through changes in fair value arising from the investment
activity of the Group. Consequently the Group classifies its investments that
are not controlled investments as being financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss, loans and receivables and available for sale financial assets.

Treatment of gains and losses arising on fair value investments that are not
controlled investments are shown on the balance sheet at their fair value and
any associated changes in fair value are included in the income statement in the
period they arise.

Valuation policy - in determining fair value, investments have been valued by
the Directors in compliance with the principles of the International Private
Equity and Venture Capital Guidelines, updated and effective 1 January 2005, as
recommended by the British Venture Capital Association (BVCA).

Listed investments - the fair values of quoted investments are based on bid
prices at the balance sheet date

Unlisted investments - the valuation methodology used most commonly by the Group
is the "price of recent investment", reflecting the early stage nature of the
investments. The following considerations are used when calculating the fair
value using the "price of recent investment" guidelines:

   * Where the investment being valued was itself made recently, its cost
    will generally provide a good indication of fair value; and
   * Where there has been any recent investment by third parties, the price
    of that investment will provide a basis of the valuation.
   * Where a fair value cannot be estimated reliably the investment is
    reported at the carrying value at the previous reporting date unless there
    is evidence that the investment has since been impaired.

Convertible loan notes - Under IAS 28 financial instruments that are presently
exercisable are taken into account in determining control and significant
influence and this may affect the basis of consolidation.

Under IAS 39 convertible loan notes are financial assets and are defined as
compound financial instruments consisting of a liability component and an equity
component. At the date of issue there is a requirement to split the instrument
between its debt and equity components.

The debt component is classified under investments as "Loans and receivables"
and subsequently carried in the balance sheet at cost less any impairment.

The equity component is classified under investments and subsequently carried in
the balance sheet at fair value. The right to convert the loan into equity
represents an embedded derivative (the option) and as such needs to be
re-measured to fair value at each reporting date with any changes in fair value
of this right taken through profit or loss.

Convertible loans issued in a different functional currency to the issuing
entity are treated the same; however, there may also be an associated financial
instrument to manage the risks associated with foreign currency fluctuations.

Controlled investments - The Group also undertake investment activities in
investments that are controlled, the performance of which, therefore, cannot be
measure by changes in fair value arising from the investment activity of the
Group. The Group identify these activities separately as Venture Subsidiaries.

1.4 Property, plant and equipment

Land and buildings comprise offices and laboratories at Harston Mill, Harston
Cambridge, UK. Land and buildings are shown at historical cost less accumulated
depreciation. Historical cost includes expenditure that is directly attributable
to the acquisition of the items. Cost may also include transfers from equity of
any gains/losses on qualifying cash flow hedges of foreign currency purchases of
property, plant and equipment.

Subsequent costs are included in the asset's carrying amount or recognised as a
separate asset, as appropriate, only when it is probable that the future
economic benefit associated with the item will flow to the Group and the cost of
the item can be measured reliably. All other repairs and maintenance are charged
to the income statement during the financial period in which they are incurred.

Land is not depreciated. Depreciation on other assets is calculated using the
straight line method to allocate their cost or re-valued amounts to their
residual values over their estimated useful lives, as follows:

Buildings                     25 years
Furniture and fittings        3-10 years
Equipment                     3-4 years

The asset's residual values and useful lives are reviewed, and adjusted if
appropriate, at each balance sheet date. An asset's carrying amount is written
down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset's carrying amount is
greater than its estimated recoverable amount.

Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing proceeds with carrying
amount. These are included in the income statement.

The residual value of the property at Harston Mill has been revised to #10.6m.
This has resulted in a reduction of depreciation for the period from #300k in H1
2005 to #43K in H1 2006.

2. Segmental information

-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Period ended 30     Consulting       Venture       Asset    Property     Total
June 2007               and IP  subsidiaries  management and central      
                  exploitation                              services
                          #000          #000        #000        #000      #000
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Fees                     8,710           239         204       1,193
Recharged project
expenses                   978             -           -           -
Licence / royalty 
income                      55             -           -           -
Less: Inter company
trading                    (27)            -           -        (536)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Revenue                  9,716           239         204         657    10,816
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Expenses                (8,797)         (791)       (313)     (1,407)
Recharged project
expenses                  (978)            -           -           -
Less: Inter company
trading                     27             -         128         536
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Expenses                (9,748)         (791)       (185)       (871)  (11,595)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Gross (loss) profit        (32)         (552)         19        (214)     (779)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Profit on disposal 
of investments               -             -         (25)          -       (25)
Change in fair
value on financial
assets                       -             -      (1,880)          -    (1,880)
Bonus accrual on 
change in fair value         -             -         190           -       190
Cost of options            (42)            -          (4)         (6)      (52)
Rebranding                   -             -           -           -         -
Reorganisation            (420)            -           -           -      (420)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Operating (loss)          (494)         (552)     (1,700)       (220)   (2,966)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Finance charges                                                              2
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
(Loss) before
income tax                                                              (2,964)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Income tax
expense                                                                    (12)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
(Loss) for the year                                                     (2,976)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Balance sheet

Intangible assets            9             -           -           -         9
Intangible assets -
amortisation                (2)            -           -           -        (2)
Goodwill                   312           651           -           -       963
Goodwill -
amortisation              (312)         (651)          -           -      (963)
Property, plant and
equipment                6,819            50          16      14,208    21,093
Property, plant and
equipment -
depreciation            (3,814)          (50)        (16)     (2,550)   (6,430)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
                         3,012             -           -      11,658    14,670
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Investments             (2,518)            -       9,501       2,518     9,501

Current assets
(excluding cash)         5,707           180      (1,607)      2,006     6,286
Cash and cash
equivalents                335            19         210         658     1,222
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Total assets             6,536           199       8,104      16,840    31,679
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Total liabilities
(excluding loans 
and interest
bearing liabilities)     9,234         3,041         167        (572)   11,870
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Total equity
(excluding loans 
and interest
bearing liabilities)    (2,698)       (2,842)      7,937      17,412    19,809
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Loans and interest
bearing liabilities     (1,922)            -           -         (16)   (1,938)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Total equity            (4,620)       (2,842)      7,937      17,396    17,871
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------

2. Segmental information (continued)

-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Period ended 30     Consulting       Venture       Asset    Property     Total
June 2006               and IP  subsidiaries  management and central      
                  exploitation                              services
                          #000          #000        #000        #000      #000
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Fees                     9,654           315         240       1,037
Recharged project
expenses                 2,239             -           -           -
Licence /
royalty income              81             -           -           -
Less: Inter company
trading                    (29)            -           -        (489)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Revenue                 11,945           315         240         548    13,048
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Expenses                (9,450)         (645)       (278)     (1,276)
Recharged project
expenses                (2,239)            -           -           -
Less: Inter company
trading                     29             -           -         489
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Expenses               (11,660)         (645)       (278)       (787)  (13,370)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Gross (loss) profit        285          (330)        (38)       (239)     (322)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Profit on disposal 
of investments               -             -         (22)          -       (22)
Change in fair value 
on financial assets          -             -         209           -       209
Bonus accrual on 
change in fair value         -             -         (60)          -       (60)
Cost of options            (40)            -         (36)        (43)     (119)
Rebranding                   -             -           -           -         -
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
(loss) profit              245          (330)         53        (282)     (314)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Finance charges                                                             21
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
(Loss) before
income tax                                                                (293)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Income tax expense                                                           4
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
(Loss) for the year                                                       (289)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Balance sheet
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Intangible assets           13             -           -           -        13
Intangible assets -
amortisation                (2)            -           -           -        (2)
Goodwill                   312           651           -           -       963
Goodwill -
amortisation              (312)         (651)          -           -      (963)
Property, plant and
equipment                6,882           134          16      14,287    21,319
Property, plant and
equipment -
depreciation            (3,768)         (134)        (16)     (2,461)   (6,379)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
                         3,125             -           -      11,826    14,951
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------

Investments             (2,436)            -      12,046       2,436    12,046

Current assets
(excluding cash)         5,857           274      (1,782)      2,236     6,585
Cash and cash
equivalents                987            26         207         757     1,977
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Total assets             7,533           300      10,471      17,255    35,559
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Total liabilities
(excluding loans and
interest bearing
liabilities)             8,348         2,725         915         284    12,272
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Total equity
(excluding loans and
interest bearing
liabilities)              (815)       (2,425)      9,556      16,971    23,287
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Loans and interest
bearing liabilities        (45)            -           -        (255)     (300)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Total equity              (860)       (2,425)      9,556      16,716    22,987
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------

2. Segmental information (continued)

-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Period ended 31     Consulting       Venture       Asset    Property     Total
December 2006           and IP  subsidiaries  management and central      
                  exploitation                              services
                          #000          #000        #000        #000      #000
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------

Fees                    18,003           531         764       2,188
Recharged project
expenses                 3,392             -           -           -
Licence /
royalty income             137             -           -           -
Less: Inter company
trading                    (60)            -        (279)     (1,030)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Revenue                 21,472           531         485       1,158    23,646
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Expenses               (18,549)       (1,188)       (700)     (2,683)
Recharged project
expenses                (3,392)            -           -           -
Less: Inter company
trading                     60             -         279       1,030
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Expenses               (21,881)       (1,188)       (421)     (1,653)  (25,143)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Gross (loss) profit       (409)         (657)         64        (495)   (1,497)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Profit on disposal 
of investments               -             -           2         390       392
Change in fair value 
on financial assets          -             -        (876)          -      (876)
Bonus accrual on 
change in fair value         -             -         384           -       384
Cost of options            (80)            -         (71)        (84)     (235)
Rebranding                (367)            -           -        (265)     (632)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Operating (loss)          (856)         (657)       (497)       (454)   (2,464)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Finance charges                                                            (59)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
(Loss) before
income tax                                                              (2,523)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Income tax expense                                                          51
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
(Loss) for the year                                                     (2,472)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------

Balance sheet
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Intangible assets           13             -           -           -        13
Intangible assets -
amortisation                (4)            -           -           -        (4)
Goodwill                   312           651           -           -       963
Goodwill -
amortisation              (312)         (651)          -           -      (963)
Property, plant and
equipment                6,757            50          16      14,248    21,071
Property, plant and
equipment -
depreciation            (3,713)          (50)        (16)     (2,505)   (6,284)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
                         3,053             -           -      11,743    14,796
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------

Investments             (2,474)            -      11,279       2,474    11,279
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Current assets
(excluding cash)         4,507           346      (1,792)      2,204     5,265
Cash and cash
equivalents              1,051            82         206         624     1,963
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Total assets             6,137           428       9,693      17,045    33,303
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------

Total liabilities
(excluding loans and
interest bearing
liabilities)             8,251         2,867         381         783    12,282
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Total equity 
(excluding loans and
interest bearing
liabilities)            (2,114)       (2,439)      9,312      16,262    21,021
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Loans and interest
bearing liabilities        (41)            -           -        (181)     (222)
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------
Total equity            (2,155)       (2,439)      9,312      16,081    20,799
-----------------      --------      --------    --------    --------  --------

3. Earnings per share

The calculations of earnings per share are based on the following losses and
numbers of shares:

--------------------------            -----------    -----------    -----------
                                      Six months     Six months     Year ended
                                           ended          ended    31 December 
                                    30 June 2007   30 June 2006           2006
                                      (Unaudited)    (Unaudited                      
                                            #000           #000           #000
--------------------------            -----------    -----------    -----------
Loss for the financial period             (2,976)          (289)        (2,472)
--------------------------            -----------    -----------    -----------

--------------------------            -----------    -----------    -----------
Weighted average number of shares:        Number         Number         Number
--------------------------            -----------    -----------    -----------
For basic earnings per share         215,654,721    215,654,721    215,158,527
For fully diluted earnings per       215,654,721    216,856,601    215,157,670
--------------------------            -----------    -----------    -----------

Options have no dilutive effect in loss-making years, and hence the diluted loss
per share for these periods are shown as the same as the basic loss per share.


The financial information set out above does not constitute full statutory
financial statements within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act

The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2006 has been abridged
from the 2006 Annual Report and Financial Statements of The Sagentia Group AG.

The auditors' report for the year ended 31 December 2006 was unqualified and did
not contain a statement under S237 (2) or S237 (3) of the Companies Act.


The Annual General Meeting of the company was held in Zurich on April 27 2007.
All resolutions were passed.


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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