RNS Number : 9452C

PV Crystalox Solar PLC

23 April 2013


PV Crystalox Solar PLC announces that it has published its Annual Report 2012. The following documents (as applicable) are being mailed to shareholders today and will also be available to view and download on the PV Crystalox Solar website at www.pvcrystalox.com.

   --           Annual Report 2012 
   --           Notice of Annual General Meeting 2013 

In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.1 copies of the documents have been submitted to the UK Listing Authority and will shortly be available for inspection from the National Storage Mechanism at www.Hemscott.com/nsm.do

The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 2.00pm on Thursday 23 May 2013 at 3 More London Riverside, London SE1 2AQ.


The information below, which is extracted from the 2012 Annual Report, is included solely for the purpose of complying with DTR 6.3.5. It should be read in conjunction with the Company's Preliminary Announcement issued on 21 March 2013 (available at www.pvcrystalox.com). Together these constitute the material required by DTR 6.3.5 to be communicated to the media in unedited full text via a Regulatory Information Service. This material is not a substitute for reading the full 2012 Annual Report.

The information contained in this announcement and in the Preliminary Announcement does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts, but is derived from those accounts.

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

Principal risks                            Nature of risk                     Mitigating actions 
Price of wafers on the spot market remain  The Group has previously           -- Limiting production to long term 
below cash cost of production               sold wafers under long-term       contracted customer demand where the 
                                            contracts and at spot             price obtainable 
                                            prices. As pricing on             is above production cash costs. 
                                            the spot market decreased         -- Selling at spot price to reduce 
                                            during 2011 and 2012              inventory and to release cash. 
                                            we cooperated with our            -- Lowering production costs. 
                                            long-term contract customers      -- We negotiate with our suppliers to 
                                            and offered lower prices          achieve polysilicon prices at close to 
                                            but at a premium to spot          the spot price 
                                            prices. However, during           where possible. 
                                            2012 spot pricing remained        -- Temporary reduction in ingot and 
                                            below our production              wafer production. 
                                            costs and so selling              -- Continuing cash conservation 
                                            to customers without              measures. 
                                            any contractual commitment        -- Restructuring Group operations. 
                                            was no longer attractive          -- Maintaining a strong balance sheet 
                                            except to reduce inventory        which gives the Group the strength to 
                                            levels and free up cash.          weather the ongoing 
                                                                              price squeeze. 
Contracted polysilicon feedstock           The Group obtains polysilicon      -- Following suspension of our internal 
continues to exceed our own internal        feedstock through long            polysilicon production in December 2011 
requirements                                term contracts with two           we are now 
                                            polysilicon feedstock             in the process of closing that facility 
                                            suppliers. Due to our             at Bitterfeld. 
                                            reduced wafer production          -- We look to obtain flexibility in 
                                            output the contracted             terms of price, volume and timing of 
                                            feedstock and is significantly    deliveries by negotiating 
                                            in excess of the Group's          amendments to the terms of our 
                                            requirements..                    long--term contracts with our suppliers. 
                                                                              -- We have and will continue to trade 
                                                                              excess volumes of polysilicon feedstock. 
The loss of a major long--term contract    Sales to a small number            -- Where possible we concentrate on 
customer might adversely impact the         of customers represent            customers that are financially strong 
Group's financial                           a substantial portion             with a clear strategic 
performance                                 of the Group's wafer              vision for the PV industry and 
                                            sales revenues and the            accordingly have the potential to be 
                                            loss of any major customer        long-term major players 
                                            either to a competitor            in the industry. However the extremely 
                                            or through its own business       challenging PV market has led to many 
                                            circumstances might impact        customers exiting 
                                            significantly on the              the industry either voluntarily or 
                                            Group's financial condition.      through insolvency. 
                                            Where a long-term contract        -- We work with our customers to ensure 
                                            is in place the Group             that the quality, specifications and 
                                            is able to achieve a              efficiency of 
                                            higher selling price              our wafers are suitable for their 
                                            than through sales at             current and future needs. 
                                            spot market prices.               -- As pricing on the spot market has 
                                                                              fallen below contract prices we 
                                                                              cooperate with our long-term 
                                                                              contract customers to offer lower prices 
                                                                              but at a premium to spot prices. 
PV market development is reliant on        The solar industry is              -- We focus on supplying those major PV 
Government incentives, support and          dependent on the support          companies which are better equipped, 
legislation                                 of individual governments         therefore, to 
                                            to encourage the installation     sell product into global markets. 
                                            and use of solar electricity      -- We ensure that the Group operates 
                                            within their territories.         internationally thus spreading risk 
                                            Without such support              among several markets. 
                                            the increased uptake              -- We focus on cost reduction and 
                                            of solar electricity              efficiency enhancement strategies to 
                                            may reduce or be slow             reduce the need for 
                                            to develop.                       Government support in the long term. 
Over capacity in the PV industry reduces   Over capacity in the               -- Since H2 2011 the Group has generated 
module prices and adversely impacts on      PV industry has caused            operating losses. With take or pay 
profitability                               significant reductions            polysilicon contracts 
                                            in module prices during           and ever reducing spot wafer prices this 
                                            2011 and 2012. This reduction     situation is worsening. 
                                            in module prices has              -- We work with our customers to 
                                            led to a reduction in             maintain contract volumes. 
                                            wafer prices. It could            -- Where we have long-term contracts we 
                                            be several years before           are able to obtain prices at a premium 
                                            the supply/demand capacity        to spot prices. 
                                            comes into balance. The           -- In the last resort we can enforce 
                                            reduction in price has            contract terms through arbitration. 
                                            led to reduced profitability      -- We focus on cost reduction and 
                                            across the value chain.           efficiency enhancement strategies. 
                                                                              -- We have a strong balance sheet which 
                                                                              gives the Group the strength to weather 
                                                                              the ongoing 
                                                                              price squeeze. 
                                                                              -- Due to the expectation of continued 
                                                                              low prices over the coming twelve months 
                                                                              we are continuing 
                                                                              our cash conservation strategy, are 
                                                                              carrying out a radical organisational 
                                                                              restructure and 
                                                                              minimising production whilst maintaining 
                                                                              core competencies to survive into the 
                                                                              medium term. 
Exchange rate fluctuations might create    The Group reports in               -- We strive for a natural hedging 
earnings and balance sheet fluctuations     Euros but trades internationally  position at operating level by sourcing 
                                            and has operating subsidiaries    raw materials and 
                                            reporting in Sterling,            other direct materials and services 
                                            Euros and Yen and is              (where possible) in the same currencies 
                                            therefore subject to              as sales revenues 
                                            currency fluctuations             are derived. 
                                            arising on transactional          -- We have been working to balance 
                                            foreign currency exposures        exposure to currency due to debtor 
                                            and the translation of            balances by matching 
                                            subsidiaries' balance             these with equivalent liabilities in the 
                                            sheets.                           same currencies. The Group has balances 
                                                                              in Japanese 
                                                                              Yen in respect of accounts receivable 
                                                                              and has taken out borrowings in Yen to 
                                                                              reduce the impact 
                                                                              of any changes in the Yen exchange rate. 
Loss of a key production facility could    The Group sells wafers             -- We are currently producing at levels 
disrupt our ability to deliver contracted   and excess polysilicon            considerably below capacity due to our 
wafer volumes                               feedstock but has operations      cash conservation 
and to retain core production               at different stages in            activities. 
capabilities                                the value chain. The              -- Ingot manufacturing is carried out in 
                                            loss of a facility at             the United Kingdom where the Group has 
                                            any stage would impact            four separate 
                                            the Group's ability to            sites available for production. 
                                            fulfil contracted wafer           -- Wafering is carried out at our 
                                            or to retain core production      internal facility in Germany and at 
                                            capabilities.                     sub-contractors in Japan. 
                                                                              -- We have health and safety, fire 
                                                                              prevention and security procedures in 
                                                                              place at all facilities. 
                                                                              -- We have comprehensive property damage 
                                                                              and business interruption insurance in 
Imposition of trade barriers and           The ongoing trade disputes         -- Any duties imposed on imports of 
restrictions may have a significant         between the United States,        Chinese PV products into Europe is 
impact on the PV industry                   China and the European            expected to benefit 
                                            Union may have a significant      the Group as demand for our wafers is 
                                            impact on the solar industry.     likely to increase as a result. 
                                            The USA has introduced 
                                            anti--dumping duties 
                                            and countervailing duties 
                                            in relation to government 
                                            subsidies that contravene 
                                            international trade laws 
                                            against Chinese imports. 
                                            The Chinese Ministry 
                                            of Commerce and the European 
                                            Union have both initiated 
                                            similar investigations, 
                                            the results of which 
                                            will be announced and 
                                            any actions implemented 
                                            in 2013. 

Directors' Responsibility Statement pursuant to DTR 4

Pursuant to the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the Financial Services Authority each of the directors:

   --    John Sleeman (Non-executive Chairman) 
   --    Dr Hubert Aulich (Executive Director) 
   --    Dr Iain Dorrity (Chief Executive Officer) 
   --    Dr Peter Finnegan (Chief Financial Officer) 
   --    Michael Parker (Non-executive Director) 

confirm that, to the best of their knowledge:

-- the Group financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the EU, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and loss of the Group; and

-- the Directors' Report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the group, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces.

23 April 2013


   Matthew Wethey         +44 (0) 1235 437160 

Group Secretary

PV Crystalox Solar PLC

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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