RNS Number : 9513Z
  Premier Renewable Energy Fund Ltd
  25 July 2008

    Premier Renewable Energy Fund Limited (the "Company")
    Half Yearly Financial Report
    For period 26 October 2007 to 31 May 2008

    The objective of Premier Renewable Energy Fund Limited (the "Company") is to provide shareholders with an attractive overall return to
be achieved primarily through long term capital growth.

    The Company's investment policy is to invest principally in companies that generate power from renewable energy sources, or that will be
beneficiaries of the anticipated growth in this sector.

    The Company is a split-capital closed-ended investment company, which was incorporated in Guernsey on 26 October 2007. The Company was
launched in connection with a scheme of reconstruction and voluntary winding up of European Utilities Trust plc. The Company's capital
consists of Ordinary shares and Zero Coupon Preference ("ZCP") shares, both of which are traded on the London Stock Exchange and were
admitted to listing on 4 February 2008.

    Ordinary shares
    Holders of Ordinary shares are entitled to all the net income of the Company to be distributed.  On a winding up, after satisfying all
liabilities of the Company, including the payment of the accrued capital entitlement due to the holders of ZCP shares (if any are in issue),
the holders of Ordinary shares will be entitled to all of the remaining assets of the Company.  Holders of Ordinary shares are entitled to
attend and vote at all general meetings of the Company.

    ZCP shares
    ZCP shares carry no entitlement to income distributions to be made by the Company.  The ZCP shares will not pay dividends but will have
a final capital entitlement at the end of their life on 31 December 2010 of 392.00p.  The predetermined capital entitlement of a ZCP share
is not guaranteed and is dependent upon the Company's gross assets being sufficient on 31 December 2010 to meet the final capital
entitlement of the ZCP shares.  The ZCP Shares have the right to receive notice of and attend, but shall not have the right to vote at, any
general meeting. Under the Articles of Association, the Company is obliged to redeem all of the ZCP shares on 31 December 2010 (if such
redemption has not already been effected).

    The Company does not have a fixed life and is intended as a long-term investment vehicle.  The Directors, however, consider that it is
appropriate that shareholders have the opportunity to consider the continuation of the Company at appropriate intervals.  Consequently at
the annual general meeting of the Company to be held in 2014 the Directors will propose a resolution that the Company continue as currently
constituted.  In the event that this resolution is not passed the Board will be required to formulate proposals to be put to shareholders to
reorganise, reconstruct or wind-up the Company.  If the resolution is passed the Company will continue its operations and a similar
resolution will be put to shareholders every three years thereafter.

For the period 26 October 2007 to 31 May 2008

    Dear Shareholder

    The first half of the year has been a profoundly difficult one for equity investors. The collapse in sub prime mortgages in the US at
the end of last year has triggered significant problems for financial markets manifested most visibly in the UK by the collapse of Northern
Rock.  General inaccessibility of credit, allied to increases in long term inflation and interest rate expectations, has caused institutions
to reduce gearing, exacerbating already tight lending markets.  The root of the increase in inflationary expectations lies in the massive
rise in oil, gas and coal prices around the world.

    The toxic mix within the global economy is likely to get worse before it gets any better.  The credit crunch has yet to hit larger
companies substantially and a further significant deterioration in asset prices is likely notably in housing and commercial property.  This
may well lead to a sustained period of poor performance for global stock markets. 

    Over the period to 31 May 2008 your Company's portfolio has performed well and its net assets have increased by 5.95% in spite of the
buying in and subsequent cancellation of �655,727 by value of the Company's equity.  This increase in assets coupled with the gains of the
Ordinary shares through the Company's capital structure has resulted in an increase in the Net Asset Value (NAV) per Ordinary share from
99.31p to 110.74p, a substantial increase of 11.5% compared to a small gain on the FTSE 100 Index of 0.45% and 2.86% on the FTSE Global
Utilities Index.  Despite the increase in NAV the Ordinary share price remained unchanged over the period at 95p whilst the price of the ZCP
shares has risen from 335p to 337.25p.  

    As at 30 June 2008 (the latest practicable date prior to the publication of this report) the NAV per Ordinary share was 106.18p, an
increase since 4 February 2008 (launch) of 6.92%.  During this period the FTSE 100 Index has fallen by 6.64% and the FTSE Global Utilities
Index has fallen by 1.56%.

    The Company has been carrying substantial cash balances over recent months indicative of the Investment Advisor's generally cautious
stance on world stock markets. Nonetheless amongst the investments made there have been some very notable successes in particular Novera and

    As this is the Company's initial reporting period the Directors feel it is too early to declare a dividend but will review the situation
when the Company produces its annual results.

    Shareholder relations
    The Board and the Investment Advisor welcome contact not only with the Company's existing investors but also potential investors.  The
Investment Advisor has met with many of the Company's major investors over the period as well as a number of potential investors. 

    I believe the global slowdown will continue as central banks balance slowing economic growth against rising inflation expectations.  It
appears the credit crisis is far from over and financial institutions will have to continue providing both against financial losses but also
increasingly against loan defaults from struggling consumers.  However, whilst the global economy will endure a period of significant
volatility, our Investment Advisor believes value is emerging notably amongst European renewable stocks.  With the oil price likely to
remain reasonably high by historical standards and with governments increasingly focussed on energy security issues, renewable energy, in
all its various forms, should remain a highly priced commodity.  With recent market falls beginning to highlight value in the sector your
Company is well placed to prosper over the remainder of the year in spite of a demanding macroeconomic environment. 

    Charles Wilkinson
    25 July 2008

For the period 26 October 2007 to 31 May 2008

    We confirm to the best of our knowledge:

    (a) the Chairman's Statement and Interim Management Report include a fair review of the development and performance of the business and
the position of the Company together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that the Company faces as required by DTR
4.2.7R and DTR 4.2.8R; and

    (b) the condensed Half-yearly financial report for the period ended 31 May 2008 has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim
Financial Reporting', and gives a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position, profits and losses of the Company.

    By order of the Board
    David Staples

For the period 26 October 2007 to 31 May 2008

    Since launch on 4 February 2008 the net assets of your Company have risen by 5.95% (or 10.73% if adjusting for the share cancellation)
to �14.5m with a consequent rise in the net asset value of the Company's Ordinary shares of 11.5% to 110.74p. This compares to a rise in the
FTSE 100 Index of 0.45%, a rise on the Dresdner Renewable Energy Index of 8.8% and a rise in the FTSE Global Utilities Index of 2.3%, all in
Sterling terms.

    The launch of the Company has come at a time when there is significant uncertainty for global economies and equity investment. It is
against this backdrop that the Investment Advisor has maintained a cautious approach over the last four months. A high proportion of the
Company's portfolio has been held in utility type shares, such as Iberdrola and Energias de Portugal. Also, the level of cash held has been
fairly high and the Investment Advisor intends to invest this cash gradually in renewable energy companies as and when attractive valuation
entry levels occur.

    Initial investments in the pure renewable energy sector have focussed on wind. The future prospects of companies such as Novera Energy,
Iberdrola Renovables, Renewable Energy Generation and Vestas Wind Systems, which all form part of your Company's assets, will benefit from a
growing, profitable wind energy industry. On a global basis, efforts to tackle climate change are increasing and investment in non-fossil
fuel generation technologies will continue to have a key role.

    Energy efficiency and recycling play a part in making the power industry more environmentally friendly and it is within this area that
one of the stocks held, Hydrodec, operates. Hydrodec purifies electricity transformer oil to a high standard such that it can be re-used and
the company is successfully growing operations in several countries. Hydrodec shares, and the Hydrodec Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock,
have made a significant positive contribution to the asset performance over the period.

    India is an attractive market for investment in new electricity generation and we have started to invest with this in mind.  Greenko,
whilst quoted in London on the AIM market, owns and operates biomass and hydroelectric plants in India and is developing wind assets as well
as further biomass and hydro operations in that country.

    We believe that the renewable energy sector will be an attractive area for equity investors for many years to come. Depleting fossil
fuel stocks and a desire amongst many governments to address climate change will mean a very large amount of capital needs to be allocated
to growing the global nuclear, wind, solar, biomass and other technologies generation capabilities over the next decade and beyond. Whilst
the market is likely to remain volatile in the short term, we believe significant value is appearing in some of the stocks that we cover and
we remain optimistic that sound positive returns can be achieved over the coming year.

    Premier Fund Managers Limited
    25 July 2008

as at 31 May 2008

                                                                    GBP        %
 A-Power Energy Generation                         40,000       459,893     2.42
 Acciona                                            2,100       301,142     1.58
 E. on                                             13,500     1,451,117     7.63
 Electricite de France                             17,500       954,920     5.02
 ENEL                                             210,000     1,192,208     6.27
 Energias de Portugal                             350,000     1,109,542     5.84
 Greenko Group                                    150,000       138,000     0.73
 Harbin Power Equipment                           200,000       189,523     1.00
 Hydrodec 8% Unsecured Conv Loan                  375,000       976,973     5.14
 Hydrodec Group                                 1,735,000       858,825     4.52
 Iberdrola Renovables                              74,000       266,525     1.40
 Iberdrola                                        160,000     1,163,842     6.12
 KSK Emerging India Energy Fund                   403,918       403,918     2.12
 Novera Energy                                    520,300       486,481     2.56
 Renewable Energy Generation                      600,000       660,000     3.47
 Scottish & Southern Energy                        70,000     1,029,000     5.41
 Trading Emissions                                598,000       819,260     4.31
 Vestas Wind Systems                                4,000       277,296     1.46
                                                             12,738,465    67.00


    We have been engaged by the Company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the Half-yearly financial report for the
period from incorporation on 26 October 2007 to 31 May 2008 which comprise the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flows,
Statement of Changes in Equity and the related explanatory notes 1 to 12.  We have read the other information contained in the Half-yearly
financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the
financial statements.

    This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with guidance contained in ISRE 2410 (UK and Ireland) "Review of Interim
Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing Practices Board.  To the fullest extent
permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company, for our work, for this report, or for the
conclusions we have formed.

    Directors' Responsibilities
    The Half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors.  The Directors are responsible for
preparing the Half-yearly financial report in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial
Services Authority.

    As disclosed in note 1(a), the annual financial statements of the Company are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the
European Union.  The condensed set of financial statements included in this Half-yearly financial report have been prepared in accordance
with International Accounting Standard 34, "Interim Financial Reporting", as adopted by the European Union.

    Our Responsibility
    Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the Half-yearly financial
report based on our review.
     Scope of Review
    We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity".  A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of
persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures.  A review is substantially
less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us to obtain
assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit.  Accordingly, we do not express an
audit opinion.

    Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the financial statements in the Half-yearly
financial report for the period from incorporation on 26 October 2007 to 31 May 2008 are not prepared, in all material respects, in
accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 as adopted by the European Union and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the
United Kingdom's Financial Services Authority.

    Ernst & Young LLP
    Guernsey, Channel Islands
    25 July 2008

For the period 26 October 2007 to 31 May 2008

                                             26 Oct 2007 to 31 May 2008
                                               Revenue      Capital        Total
                                                   GBP          GBP          GBP
 Net gains on financial assets                                       
 designated at fair value                                            
 through profit or loss                                              
                                      6            -      1,465,902    1,465,902
 Investment income                    2        199,787            -      199,787
 Total income and gains                        199,787    1,465,902    1,665,689
 Expenses                             3      (118,874)       19,939     (98,935)
 Return on ordinary activities                                       
 before finance costs and                       80,913    1,485,841    1,566,754
 Appropriations in respect of                                        
 Zero Coupon Preference shares                       -     (87,988)     (87,988)
 Return on ordinary activities                                       
 before taxation                                80,913    1,397,853    1,478,766
 Taxation on ordinary activities    1(b)      (16,059)            -     (16,059)
 Return on ordinary activities                                       
 for the period attributable to                                      
 Ordinary shareholders                                                 1,462,707
                                                64,854    1,397,853  
                                                 Pence        Pence        Pence
 Return per Ordinary share            5           0.49        10.48        10.97
 Return per Zero Coupon               5                              
 Preference share                                    -         7.20         7.20

    The total column of this Statement is the Income Statement of the Company. The supplementary revenue return and capital return columns
have been prepared in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice ("SORP") issued by the Association of Investment Companies

    In arriving at the results for the financial period, all amounts above relate to continuing operations.

    No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period.

BALANCE SHEET (unaudited)
as at 31 May 2008

                                                            Notes    31 May 2008
 NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                          GBP
 Financial assets designated at fair value through            6       12,738,465
 profit or loss                                                    
 CURRENT ASSETS                                                    
 Receivables                                                  7        2,526,011
 Cash and cash equivalents                                             3,749,081
 TOTAL ASSETS                                                         19,013,557
 CURRENT LIABILITIES                                               
 Payables - due within one year                               8          489,171
 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                           
 Payables - due after one year                                9        3,998,853
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                     4,488,024
 NET ASSETS                                                           14,525,533
 Share capital                                               10                -
 Capital reserve                                             11        1,397,853
 Revenue reserve                                             11           64,854
 Distributable reserve                                       12       13,062,826
 TOTAL EQUITY                                                         14,525,533
 NAV per Ordinary share                                                   110.74
 NAV per Zero Coupon Preference share                                     327.00

For the period 26 October 2007 to 31 May 2008

                                                                26 Oct 2007 to
                                                                   31 May 2008
 Operating activities                                         
 Return on ordinary activities before taxation                       1,478,766
 Less: Net gains on financial assets designated at fair       
 value through profit or loss                                      (1,465,902)
 Less: Investment income                                             (199,787)
 Add: Increase in payables and appropriations                          577,159
 Less: (Increase) in receivables excluding accrued            
 investment income                                                    (48,620)
 Net cash inflow from operating activities before investment  
 income                                                                341,616
 Investment income received                                            164,245
 Net cash inflow from operating activities before taxation             505,861
 Tax paid                                                             (16,059)
 Net cash inflow from operating activities after taxation              489,802
 Investing activities                                         
 Purchase of financial assets                                     (13,627,004)
 Sale of financial assets                                            1,221,423
 Net cash outflow from investing activities                       (12,405,581)
 Financing activities                                         
 Proceeds of issue of shares                                        14,134,273
 Proceeds of debt securities                                         3,910,865
 Cancellation of shares                                              (655,727)
 Repurchase of shares                                              (1,311,457)
 Costs of issue of shares                                            (413,094)
 Net cash inflow from financing activities                          15,664,860
 Increase in cash and cash equivalents                               3,749,081
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                            -
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                          3,749,081


For the period 26 October 2007 to 31 May 2008

                                   Share           Share      Capital    Revenue    Distributable          Total
                                   Capit         Premium      Reserve    Reserve          Reserve            GBP
                                      al             GBP          GBP        GBP              GBP  
 As at beginning of period                                                                                     -
                                       -               -            -          -                -  
 Proceeds of shares issued                                                                         
                                       -      15,443,104            -          -                -     15,443,104
 Cancellation of shares                -       (655,727)            -          -                -      (655,727)
 Repurchase of shares                  -     (1,311,457)            -          -                -    (1,311,457)
 Share issue costs                     -       (413,094)            -          -                -      (413,094)
 Transfer to other                                                                                 
 distributable reserves                -    (13,062,826)            -          -       13,062,826              -
 Return on ordinary activities                                                                     
 for the period attributable to                                                                    
 Ordinary shareholders                                                                             
                                       -               -    1,397,853     64,854                -      1,462,707
 As at 31 May 2008                     -               -    1,397,853     64,854       13,062,826     14,525,533

    For the period 26 October 2007 to 31 May 2008

    (a)    Basis of preparation 
    The condensed set of financial statements are prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting issued by the International
Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") and with the AIC's SORP where practicable. All accounting policies adopted for the period are consistent
with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") issued by the IASB and as adopted by the European Union and applicable Guernsey

    The condensed set of financial statements have been prepared on an historical cost basis except for the measurement at fair value of
certain financial instruments.

    The same accounting policies and methods of computation are followed in the Half-yearly financial report as will be adopted in the
annual financial statements.

    (b)    Taxation
    The Company has been granted exemption under the Income Tax (Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 1989 from Guernsey Income Tax, and is
charged an annual fee of �600. Dividends received have been grossed up for withholding tax. The withholding tax is not recoverable and shown
in Taxation on ordinary activities in the Income Statement.

    (c)    Zero Coupon Preference shares
    Under IAS 32, the Zero Coupon Preference shares are classified as financial liabilities. Appropriation for the period in respect of Zero
Coupon Preference shares is included in the Income Statement as a finance cost and is calculated using the effective interest method.

    (d)    Capital reserve
    The following are accounted for in this reserve:
    *     gains and losses on the realisation of investments;
    *     expenses charged to this account in accordance with the policy below;
    *     increases and decreases in the valuation of the investments held at the period end; and
    *     unrealised exchange differences of a capital nature.

    (e)    Expenses
    All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. Expenses are charged to the capital reserve where a connection with the maintenance
or enhancement of the value of the investments can be demonstrated.

    (f)    Investment income
    Interest income and distributions receivable are accounted for on an accruals basis. Interest income relates only to interest on bank
balances, money market deposits and loan notes.

    (g)    Foreign currency translation
    The currency of the primary economic environment in which the Company operates (the functional currency) is Great Britain Pounds which
is also the presentational currency.

    Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated into Great Britain Pounds at the rate of exchange ruling at the date of
the transaction.

    Monetary assets and liabilities, other than investments, denominated in foreign currencies at the balance sheet date are translated to
the functional currency at the foreign exchange rate ruling at that date.  Foreign exchange differences arising on translation are
recognised in the Income Statement. Foreign exchange differences relating to investments are taken to the capital reserve. Realised and
unrealised foreign exchange differences on non-capital assets or liabilities are taken to the Income Statement in the period in which they

    (h)    Cash and cash equivalents
    Cash and cash equivalents are defined as cash in hand, demand deposits and short-term, highly liquid investments readily convertible to
known amounts of cash and subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. For the purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows, cash and
cash equivalents consist of cash, deposits at bank and money market deposits.

    (i)    Investments
    All investments have been designated as financial assets at "fair value through profit or loss". Investments are initially recognised on
the date of purchase at cost, being the fair value of the consideration given.  Subsequently, investments are measured at fair value, with
unrealised gains and losses on investments and impairment of investments recognised in the Income Statement. Investments are derecognised on
the date of sale. Gains and losses on the sale of investments are taken to the Income Statement in the period in which they arise.

    (j)    Trade date accounting
    All "regular way" purchases and sales of financial assets are recognised on the "trade date", i.e. the date that the entity commits to
purchase or sell the asset. Regular way purchases or sales are purchases or sales of financial assets that require delivery of the asset
within the timeframe generally established by regulation or convention in the market place.

    (k)    Segmental reporting
    The Directors are of the opinion that the Company is engaged in a single segment of business, being investment business.


                       26 Oct 2007 to
                          31 May 2008
 Bank interest                 59,845
 Dividend income              130,434
 Loan note interest             9,508

    3    EXPENSES
                                              26 Oct 2007 to
                                                 31 May 2008
                                       Revenue     Capital       Total
                                           GBP         GBP         GBP
 Investment Manager's fee                                   
                                        40,306           -      40,306
 Administrator's fee                    12,681           -      12,681
 Registrar's fee                         4,583           -       4,583
 Marketing fee                           2,104           -       2,104
 Directors' fees                        42,681           -      42,681
 Custody fees                            2,540           -       2,540
 Audit fees                              4,795           -       4,795
 Directors' and Officers' insurance                         
                                         3,001           -       3,001
 Annual fees                             2,307           -       2,307
 Transaction fees                            -         470         470
 Bank interest and charges                                  
                                            90           -          90
 Commission paid                             -       5,505       5,505
 Sundry costs                            3,786           -       3,786
 (Profit)/loss on foreign exchange                          
                                             -    (25,914)    (25,914)
                                       118,874    (19,939)      98,935

    Under their terms of appointment, each Director is paid a fee of �15,000 per annum by the Company, except for the Chairman, who receives
�20,000 per annum. The Chairman of the Audit Committee receives an additional fee of �2,000 per annum.

    Ordinary shares
    The total return per Ordinary share is based on the total return on ordinary activities for the period attributable to Ordinary
shareholders of �1,462,707 and on 13,333,797 shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. There are no
dilutive instruments and therefore basic and diluted gain per share are identical.

    The revenue return per Ordinary share is based on the revenue return on ordinary activities for the period attributable to Ordinary
shareholders of �64,854 and on 13,333,797 shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. There are no
dilutive instruments and therefore basic and diluted gain per share are identical.

     The capital return per Ordinary share is based on the capital return on ordinary activities for  the period attributable to Ordinary
shareholders of �1,397,853 and on 13,333,797 shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. There are no
dilutive instruments and therefore basic and diluted gain per share are identical.

    Zero Coupon Preference ("ZCP") shares
    The return per ZCP share is based on the appropriation in respect of ZCP shares of �87,988 and on 1,222,833 shares, being the weighted
average number of ZCP shares in issue during the period.


 LOSS                                                                      GBP
 Opening portfolio cost                                                      -
 Unrealised appreciation on valuation brought forward                        -
 Opening valuation                                                           -
 Movements in the period                                         
 Purchases at cost                                                  13,627,004
 - proceeds                                                        (2,354,441)
 - realised gains on sales                                             214,001
 Unrealised appreciation on valuation for the period                 1,251,901
 Fair value of investments at 31 May 2008                           12,738,465
 Closing book cost                                                  11,486,564
 Closing unrealised appreciation                                     1,251,901
 Realised gains on sales                                               214,001
 Increase in unrealised appreciation                                 1,251,901
 Net gains on financial assets designated at fair value through      1,465,902
 profit or loss                                                  


                                                 31 May 2008
 Prepayments                                           8,979
 Accrued income                                       35,542
 Investment sales not settled                      1,133,018
 Amount receivable on sale of treasury shares      1,308,831
 Sundry receivables                                   39,641

    8    PAYABLES

 (amounts falling due within one year)    31 May 2008
 Investment purchases not settled             403,918
 Accrued expenses                              75,253
 Sundry payables                               10,000

    9    PAYABLES

 (amounts falling due after one year)        31 May 2008
 Zero Coupon Preference share entitlement      3,998,853

    ZCP shares carry no entitlement to income distributions to be made by the Company. The ZCP shares will not pay dividends but will have a
final capital entitlement at the end of their life on 31 December 2010 of 392.00p. It should be noted that the predetermined capital
entitlement of a ZCP share is not guaranteed and is dependent upon the Company's gross assets being sufficient on 31 December 2010 to meet
the final capital entitlement of the ZCP shares. The ZCP shares have the right to receive notice of and attend, but shall not have the right
to vote at, any general meeting.

    Under the Articles of Association, the Company is obliged to redeem all of the ZCP shares on 31 December 2010 (if such redemption has
not already been effected).


 Authorised                                                                GBP
 Unlimited number of shares of no par value                                  -
 Issued                                                                 SHARES
 Ordinary shares of no par value                                    13,115,952
 Zero Coupon Preference shares of no par                             1,222,833
 Number of shares in issue at 31 May 2008                           14,338,785
 Issued capital as at 31 May 2008                                            -
 The issue of shares took place as follows:                   Number of shares
 Ordinary shares                                4 Feb 2008          13,804,812
 Zero Coupon Preference shares                  4 Feb 2008           1,222,833

    Pursuant to the scheme of reconstruction under section 110 of the United Kingdom's Insolvency Act 1986 implemented by European Utilities
Trust plc ("EUT"), the above numbers of shares in the Company were issued in exchange for 4,526,168 EUT Ordinary Income shares and 1,222,833
EUT Zero Coupon Preference shares. 

    On 14 February 2008, the Company purchased 2,069,341 Ordinary shares at 95 pence each, of which 688,860 were cancelled and 1,380,481
were held in treasury. The shares held in treasury were subsequently sold out of treasury, all at 95 pence each and all before 31 May 2008.

    11    RESERVES
                                             Revenue      Capital        Total
                                              31 May       31 May       31 May
                                                2008         2008         2008
                                                 GBP          GBP          GBP
 Balance as at 26 October 2007                     -            -            -
 Return on ordinary activities for the                             
 period attributable to Ordinary                                   
                                              64,854    1,397,853    1,462,707
 Balance as at 31 May 2008                    64,854    1,397,853    1,462,707


                                       31 May
 Balance as at 26 October 2007              -
 Transferred from share premium    13,062,826
 Balance as at 31 May 2008         13,062,826

    The Company has passed a special resolution cancelling the amount standing to the credit of the share premium account following
admission, and that the surplus created form a distributable reserve. In accordance with The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 1994 (as amended)
(the "Companies Law"), the Directors applied to the Royal Court in Guernsey for an order confirming such cancellation of the share premium
account. The distributable reserve created on cancellation is available as distributable profits to be used for all purposes permitted by
law, including the buy back of Ordinary shares and the payment of dividends.

Issued share capital

 Ordinary shares of no par value                  13,115,952
 Zero Coupon Preference shares of no par value     1,222,833

    Share prices and net asset value information

    The Company's Ordinary shares and ZCP shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange.

                     Ordinary             ZCP
 SEDOL number         B29LC01         B29LG10
 ISIN number     GG00B29LC017    GG00B29LG109

    The Company's share prices are listed in the Financial Times under the London Share Service 'Investment Companies' sector. 

    The Company releases its net asset value per share to the London Stock Exchange weekly.

    Company Information
    Copies of this Half -yearly financial report are available from the Company Secretary (telephone 01481 722260) or by email to
reception@anson-group.com.  Monthly fact sheets on the Company are available on the following website www.premierassetmanagement.co.uk.

    Premier Renewable Energy Fund Limited is a member of The Association of Investment Companies.


    Nigel Sidebottom
    Premier Asset Management
    Investment Manager                        01483 306 090

    Paul Richards/James King
    Fairfax I.S. PLC
    Corporate Broker                             020 7598 5368

    Anson Fund Managers Limited        01481 722260

    25 July 2008

    E&OE - In Transmission

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

Historical Stock Chart
From Jun 2024 to Jul 2024 Click Here for more Prf A Charts.
Historical Stock Chart
From Jul 2023 to Jul 2024 Click Here for more Prf A Charts.