RNS Number:5337K
Metalrax Group PLC
25 September 2001

Sharper than expected downturn hits Metalrax interim results 
First profit decrease for twenty years - dividend unchanged
"Current anticipation...this year will prove to be a temporary setback" 

"A combination of cyclical factors has adversely affected our trading
performance" also "the sharper than expected downturn of industrial output"
states Mr Eric Moore, chairman, in reporting an interim pre-tax profit
decrease to #5.305m (#6.535m) and turnover reduced to #50.208m (#52.038m) at 
Metalrax Group PLC - specialist engineering services - for the half year to
June 30.
The interim dividend remains unchanged at 1.65p per share payable from
earnings per share of 3.04p (3.74p), and Mr Moore includes a pertinent
reminder that "we have navigated through pervious recessionary periods" while
"for nearly twenty years...producing record interim and final results" and
"current anticipation is that this year will prove to be a temporary setback".
Abilities of management teams to reduce costs and protect margins have been
fully tested, and the engineering and storage products division "suffered the
worst pain from the abrupt reduction in demand".  Operating profit for this
division was #3.408m (#4.305m) on turnover of #28.246m (#31.293m).  New
precision assemblies and additional innovative products received encouraging 
response in the market and "future trading periods will benefit".
For the housewares division "retail spending has remained relatively buoyant"
as turnover increased to #21.962m (#20.745m), but with "customers looking to
expand volume at the expense of selling prices and profit margins," operating
profit reduced to #1.845m (#2.191m).  The acquisition in June of Classic
Housewares consolidated the group's position as the leading European
manufacturer of kitchen bakeware, with other new products being developed for
leading DIY chains.
The chairman concludes that "the strength, diversity and flexibility of our
operations will continue to deliver satisfactory returns for shareholders".

Further information: Mr. Eric Moore, chairman  -  Telephone 0121 433 3444

Statement by the chairman

Results and dividend

For nearly twenty years we have successfully defied external economic
pressures in producing record interim and final results. However, in the first
half of this year a combination of cyclical factors has adversely affected our
trading performance. The signs of returning confidence reported at the 
annual general meeting proved to be a false dawn, when product sales in June
fell below anticipated levels. This slowdown was inevitably reflected in the
figures for the six months to 30th June 2001 when turnover was reduced to
#50.208m from #52.038m and pre-tax profit decreased to #5.305m from #6.535m.

Based on the current level of group profitability, the directors have declared
an unchanged interim dividend of 1.65 pence per share payable on the 30th
October 2001 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 5th
October 2001.


One of the main objectives set by our management teams has been to counter the
worst effects of the sharper than expected downturn of industrial output, with
rather sluggish demand and tough competition on a global scale. Our abilities
to reduce costs and protect margins have been fully tested, especially in
relation to commodities, energy prices and levies over which we have little 

On a more positive note there are some encouraging signs from the accompanying
group newsletter that numerous ongoing business initiatives will create
opportunities for both operating divisions.

Engineering and storage products

This division suffered the worst pain from the abrupt reduction in demand when
life cycles of some projects were terminated, while replacements were deferred
by those customers looking to rationalise and also reduce cost bases. The
development of several new precision assemblies reached advanced stages and
future trading periods will benefit when associated sales volumes come on

Weakness in capital spending from a number of industrial sectors reduced the
contribution from storage and structural installations. Additional innovative
products were launched and received encouraging response in the market, where
direct and distributor customers welcomed the further options available to
them for bulk storage applications and composite schemes.


Retail spending has remained relatively buoyant in a market dominated by the
demands of customers looking to expand volume at the expense of selling prices
and profit margins. In June, as part of our response to these pressures, we
acquired the trading assets and business of Classic Housewares Limited which
will help to consolidate our position as the leading European manufacturer of
kitchen bakeware. In the brief period since joining the group its contribution
to the results was obviously very limited.

Stylish designs in beds and headboards have opened the way to further growth,
with new bathroom products being developed for leading DIY chains and trade
distributors. Our profile in export markets has been maintained through
negotiation of major contracts with leading international retailers.


In recent years we have spread our marketing base so that we are not dependent
on manufacturing alone, with other new services contributing an increasingly
major part of trading profits. This strategy is now proving particularly
beneficial at a time when according to official figures the manufacturing
sector as a whole is in recession. 

We have navigated through previous recessionary periods and intend to use
those experiences and achievements in weathering the present storm. Current
anticipation is that this year will prove to be a temporary setback and that
the strength, diversity and flexibility of our operations will continue to
deliver satisfactory returns for shareholders.

Eric Moore
25th September 2001

Consolidated profit and loss account
six months ended 30th June 2001
                                  2001           2000                   2000
                            Six months     Six months          Twelve months
                                 ended          ended                  ended
                             30th June      30th June          31st December
                             Unaudited      Unaudited                Audited
                     Notes       #'000          #'000                  #'000  
Turnover                 1      50,208         52,038                104,698
                                ======         ======                =======

Operating profit                 5,384          6,626                 14,559
Goodwill amortisation              131            130                    262
                                ------         ------                 ------  
                                 5,253          6,496                 14,297
Interest receivable                165            163                    282
                                ------         ------                 ------  
                                 5,418          6,659                 14,579
Interest payable                   113            124                    237
                                ------         ------                 ------  
Profit before taxation           5,305          6,535                 14,342
Taxation                  3      1,631          1,999                  4,289
                                ------         ------                 ------  
Profit after taxation            3,674          4,536                 10,053
Minority interests - equity 
interests                           12             20                     47
                                ------         ------                 ------ 
Profit for the period            3,662          4,516                 10,006
                                ======         ======                =======  

Appropriated as follows:
Interim dividend 
1.65p per share payable 
30th October 2001
(2000: 1.65p per share)   5      1,984          1,984                  6,495
Retained profit for 
the period                       1,678          2,532                  3,511
                                ------         ------                 ------  
                                 3,662          4,516                 10,006
                                ======         ======                =======  
Earnings per share - basic 
and diluted               6      3.04p          3.74p                  8.30p

Consolidated balance sheet
30th June 2001
                                  2001           2000                   2000
                             30th June      30th June          31st December
                             Unaudited      Unaudited                Audited
                                 #'000          #'000                  #'000  
Fixed assets               
Intangible assets                4,734          4,963                  4,865
Tangible assets                 25,922         25,305                 25,548
Investments                        200            200                    200
                                 -----         ------                 ------  
                                30,856         30,468                 30,613
                                ------         ------                 ------  
Current assets              
Stocks                          20,457         18,089                 16,879
Debtors                         22,910         22,647                 21,157
Cash at bank                     3,879          5,153                  7,403
                                ------         ------                 ------  
                                47,246         45,889                 45,439
Amounts falling due 
within one year                 24,925         25,919                 24,682
                                ------         ------                 ------ 
Net current assets              22,321         19,970                 20,757
                                ------         ------                 ------  
Total assets less current 
liabilities                     53,177         50,438                 51,370

Amounts falling due after 
more than one year                  15             46                     28
                                ------         ------                 ------  
                                53,162         50,392                 51,342
Provision for liabilities 
and charges                      
Deferred taxation                1,366          1,451                  1,366
                                ------         ------                 ------  
Net assets                      51,796         48,941                 49,976
                                ======         ======                =======  

Financed by:
Capital and reserves                      
Called up share capital          6,014          6,014                  6,014
Share premium account            2,355          2,355                  2,355
Capital redemption reserve         224            224                    224
Profit and loss account         42,659         39,850                 40,851
                                ------         ------                 ------  
Shareholders' funds - equity 
interests                       51,252         48,443                 49,444
Minority interests - equity 
interests                          544            498                    532
                                ------         ------                 ------  
                                51,796         48,941                 49,976
                                ======         ======                =======
Cash flow statement
six months ended 30th June 2001

                                 2001            2000                   2000
                           Six months      Six months          Twelve months
                                ended           ended                  ended
                            30th June       30th June          31st December
                            Unaudited       Unaudited                Audited
                                #'000           #'000                  #'000

Cash inflow from operating 
activities                      5,325           5,806                 16,183

Net cash inflow from returns 
on investments and servicing 
of finance                         52              39                     45

Taxation paid                  (1,553)         (1,347)                (4,629)

Net cash outflow for capital 
expenditure and financial 
investment                     (1,771)         (2,035)                (3,945) 
Net cash outflow for 
acquisitions                     (891)            -                     (799)

Equity dividends paid          (4,510)         (4,209)                (6,194)
                               ------          ------                 ------  
Cash outflow before 
management of liquid resources 
and financing                  (3,348)         (1,746)                   661

Net cash inflow from management 
of liquid resources               702           1,328                  1,808

Purchase of own shares             -             (655)                  (655)
Borrowings repaid                (177)             (2)                  (159)
                                ------         ------                 ------  
                                 (177)           (657)                  (814)
                                ------         ------                 ------  
Decrease in cash in the period (2,823)         (1,075)                 1,655
                                ======         ======                 ======  

Notes on the cash flow statement
six months ended 30th June 2001

                                  2001            2000                  2000
                            Six months      Six months         Twelve months
                                 ended           ended                 ended
                             30th June       30th June         31st December
                             Unaudited       Unaudited               Audited
                                 #'000           #'000                 #'000

1  Reconciliation of operating 
   profit to net cash flow from 
   operating activities
Operating profit                 5,253           6,496                14,297
Depreciation, net of 
disposal surpluses               1,648           1,627                 3,172
Amortisation of goodwill           131             130                   262
Increase in stocks              (1,577)         (1,950)                 (899)
Increase in debtors             (1,643)         (1,734)                 (215)
Increase in creditors            1,513           1,237                  (434)
                                ------          ------                ------  
Net cash inflow from 
operating activities             5,325           5,806                16,183
                                ======          ======                ======  
2  Reconciliation of net cash 
flow to movement in net funds
Decrease in cash in the period  (2,823)         (1,075)                1,655
Cash outflow for decrease 
in debt                            177               2                   159
Cash inflow from decrease in 
liquid resources                  (702)         (1,328)               (1,808)
                                 ------         ------                ------  
                                (3,348)         (2,401)                    6
Effect of foreign exchange 
rate changes                      (132)           (161)                 (197)
                                 ------         ------                ------  
Movement in net funds in 
the period                      (3,480)         (2,562)                 (191)
Net funds at 31st December 2000  4,874           5,065                 5,065
                                ------          ------                ------ 
Net funds at 30th June 2001      1,394           2,503                 4,874
                                ======          ======                ======  
3  Analysis of net funds                       Foreign
                        At        Cash        exchange                    At
                  31.12.00        flow        movement               30.6.01
                     #'000       #'000           #'000                 #'000

Bank balances        4,479      (2,823)              1                 1,657
Short-term deposits  2,924        (702)              -                 2,222
                    ------                                            ------  
Cash at bank per 
balance sheet        7,403                                             3,879
Debt                (2,529)        177            (133)               (2,485)
                    ------       ------          ------               ------  
                     4,874      (3,348)           (132)                1,394
                    ======       ======          ======               ======  

Notes to the interim results
six months to 30th June 2001

1        Segmental analysis

Analysis by activity      2001                  2000                2000
                       Six months            Six months         Twelve months
                      to 30th June          to 30th June      to 31st December
                       Unaudited             Unaudited             Audited
                           Operating             Operating           Operating
                 Turnover     profit    Turnover    profit  Turnover    profit
                    #'000      #'000       #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000

Engineering and
storage products   28,246      3,408      31,293     4,305    59,411     8,890
Housewares         21,962      1,845      20,745     2,191    45,287     5,407
                   ------     ------      ------    ------    ------    ------
                   50,208      5,253      52,038     6,496   104,698    14,297
                   ======     ======     =======    ======    ======   =======
Geographical analysis 
by origin                   Operating             Operating          Operating
                 Turnover      profit    Turnover    profit   Turnover  profit
                    #'000       #'000       #'000     #'000      #'000   #'000

United Kingdom     46,356       5,053      48,292     6,234     96,632  13,817
North America       3,852         200       3,746       262      8,066     480
                   ------      ------      ------    ------     ------  ------
                   50,208       5,253      52,038     6,496    104,698  14,297
                   ======      ======      ======    ======     ======  ======
Geographical turnover 
analysis by destination         #'000                 #'000              #'000

North America                   4,283                 4,293              9,686
Germany                           750                   553              1,222
Spain                             341                   540                856
France                            410                   505              1,031
Sweden                            229                   322                594
Belgium                           312                   320                655
Holland                           267                   351                690
Austria                           790                   302                898
Eire                              429                   264                592
Finland                            94                   140                255
Rest of Europe                    549                   358                786
Africa                             26                    33                 75
Far East, Australia
and other                         649                   678              1,311
United Kingdom                 41,079                43,379             86,047
                               ------                ------             ------
                               50,208                52,038            104,698
                               ======                ======            =======
2       Accounting policies

The unaudited interim results for the half year ended 30th June 2001 have been
prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the report and
accounts for the year ended 31st December 2000. The financial information
contained herein does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning 
of section 240(5) of the Companies Act 1985.

The statutory accounts for the year ended 31st December 2000, which have been
delivered to the registrar of companies, carry an unqualified report by the
auditors, and do not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the
Companies Act 1985.

3       Taxation

The charge for taxation is based on the estimated effective rate for the year
as a whole.

4       Recognised gains and losses 

There were no material recognised gains or losses in the results other than
the consolidated profit for the period.

5       Dividend

The directors recommend the payment of an interim dividend of 1.65p per
ordinary share to shareholders registered on 5th October 2001 to be paid on
30th October 2001.

6       Earnings per share

The earnings per ordinary share are calculated on the profit for the period.
The number of shares used in the calculation of basic earnings per share is
120,270,740 being the shares in issue during the period (2000: 120,732,000).

Diluted earnings per share, taking into account the number of shares capable
of being exercised under the various option schemes, are the same as the
disclosed basic earnings.

7       Announcement of results

These results were announced to the London Stock Exchange on 25th September
2001 and sent to shareholders on the same day. Further copies are available
from the Company Secretary, Metalrax Group PLC, Ardath Road, Kings Norton,
Birmingham B38 9PN.

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