RNS Number : 4669J

Jersey Electricity PLC

18 December 2015

JERSEY ELECTRICITY plc Preliminary Announcement of Annual Results

Year Ended 30 September 2015

At a meeting of the Board of Directors held on 17 December 2015, the final accounts for the Group for the year to 30 September 2015 were approved, details of which are attached.

The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 30 September 2015 or 2014, but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2014 have been delivered to the Jersey Registrar of Companies and those for 2015 will be delivered in early 2016. The auditor has reported on those accounts and their reports were unmodified.

A final dividend of 7.60p on the Ordinary and 'A' Ordinary shares in respect of the year ended 30 September 2015 was recommended (2014: 7.20p). Together with the interim dividend of 5.25p the proposed total dividend declared for the year was 12.85p on each share (2014: 12.20p)

The final dividend will be paid on 29 March 2016 to those shareholders registered in the books of the Company on 19 February 2016. A dividend on the 5% cumulative participating preference shares of 1.5% (2014: 1.5%) payable on 1 July 2016 was also recommended.

The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held on 3 March 2016.

   M.P. Magee                                                                           P.J. Routier 

Finance Director Company Secretary

Direct telephone number : 01534 505321 Direct telephone number : 01534 505253

Direct fax number : 01534 505466 Direct fax number : 01534 505515

Email : mmagee@jec.co.uk Email : proutier@jec.co.uk

17 December 2015

The Powerhouse

PO Box 45

Queens Road

St Helier

Jersey JE4 8NY


Preliminary Announcement of Annual Results

Year ended 30 September 2015

The Chairman, Geoffrey Grime, comments :

"2014/15 has been an exceptionally good year for Jersey Electricity. The completion of our Normandie 3 (N3) submarine cable to France at the end of the last financial year and the resultant first full year with our importation capacity restored to pre-2012 levels has transformed our business in several ways. Profitability, supply reliability and carbon intensity have all showed marked improvement when compared with the last three years and this has been achieved whilst maintaining prices which continue to be competitive with international benchmarks."

   Financial Summary                      2015        2014 
------------------------------------  ----------  --------- 
 Electricity Sales in kWh               626.8m      620.6m 
 Revenue                               GBP100.5m   GBP98.4m 
 Profit before tax pre-exceptional     GBP 12.4m   GBP10.0m 
 Earnings per share pre-exceptional 
  items                                  32.94p     24.26p 
 Dividends paid per ordinary 
  share                                  12.45p     11.80p 
 Final proposed dividend 
  per share                               7.60p       7.20p 
 Net debt                              GBP17.5m    GBP20.2m 

Group revenue for the year to 30 September 2015 at GBP100.5m was 2% higher than in the previous financial year. Unit sales volumes of electricity were 1.0% higher than last year with Energy revenues rising 1.6% to GBP80.7m. Turnover in Powerhouse.je, our retail business, decreased by 3% from GBP11.4m to GBP11.1m as the floor space utilised by the business was reduced following the leasing of floor space to a new external tenant from May 2014. Revenue in the Property business rose from GBP2.0m to GBP2.1m linked to changes in tenancy arrangements during the last two financial years. Revenue from JEBS, our building services business, including internal sales, rose 18% from levels experienced in 2014 to GBP5.0m. Turnover in our Other Businesses, including internal sales, remained at GBP3.2m.

Cost of sales fell by GBP3.9m to GBP64.6m associated mainly with a higher level of importation displacing oil purchases in our Energy business. Operating expenses, at GBP22.0m, rose by GBP1.9m from their 2014 level with a GBP1.7m rise in depreciation, associated with our recent material infrastructure spend, being the main item.

Profit before tax, pre-exceptional items, for the year to 30 September 2015, rose 24% to GBP12.4m, from GBP10.0m in 2014, reflecting a strong performance in our Energy business, and a recovery in our retail business, Powerhouse.je. Profit before tax post-exceptional items, rose from GBP6.5m last year to GBP13.2m in 2015 reflecting material one-off items. Exceptional items have had a material impact on profits in the last 2 years and a narrative detailing the background to such items is contained within this document below.

Unit sales in our Energy business increased by 1%, rising from 621m to 627m kWh. The first quarter of the financial year was milder than the corresponding period in the previous year but there was a reversal in the second quarter. However both the overall winter periods in the last two years have seen temperatures above the long-term average and therefore milder than anticipated. Profits in our Energy business rose from GBP8.0m to GBP11.5m. Two main factors contributed to this increase in profit; firstly lower levels of more costly generation and secondly, the rising asset base (on which we apply a return) reflecting the heavier investment in infrastructure over recent years. As reported previously, until the new interconnector to France was commissioned in September 2014, we had been capacity constrained on importation and reliant on a heavier mix of more expensive on-island oil-fired generation, particularly in winter, when volumes are higher. In the financial year we imported 94% of our requirements from France (up from 80% in 2014) and only generated 1% of our electricity on-island (compared to 15% last year). The remaining 5% of our electricity came from the local Energy from Waste plant being at the same level as in 2014. There were no customer tariff movements during 2015 and our tariffs continue to remain competitive with other jurisdictions.

Profits in our Property division, excluding the impact of investment property revaluation, rose by GBP0.1m from GBP1.4m last year with changes in occupancy levels being the main driver. Our investment property portfolio was marginally revalued downwards this year whereas it moved up by GBP0.1m in 2014. Our retailing business, Powerhouse.je, showed good signs of recovery post a rationalisation of floor space, a restructuring and re-branding of the business during the 2014 financial year. This was reflected in the movement from a loss of GBP0.1m last year to a profit of GBP0.3m in 2015. JEBs, our contracting and business services unit produced a marginal loss due to continued competitive pressures on margin. Our other business units - Jersey Energy, Jendev and Jersey Deep Freeze all had a profitable year.

Interest paid in 2015 was GBP1.5m whereas in 2014 it was negligible as most of this cost was capitalised up to the date of commissioning of our new N3 subsea cable. The taxation charge at GBP2.4m was materially higher than the 2014 figure of GBP1.5m due to higher profits including the taxation of exceptional items.

Group earnings per share, pre-exceptional items, increased 36% to 32.94p compared to 24.26p in 2014 due mainly to an increase in profitability. Earnings per share, after exceptional items, rose from 16.10p in 2014 to 35.00p in 2015.

Dividends paid in the year, net of tax, rose by 6%, from 11.80p in 2014 to 12.45p in 2015. The proposed final dividend for this year is 7.60p, a 6% rise on the previous year. Dividend cover, pre-exceptional items, rose from 2.1 times in 2014 to 2.6 times due to a higher level of profits. If exceptional items are included dividend cover rose from 1.4 times last year to 2.8 times in this financial year.

Net cash inflow from operating activities at GBP23.4m was GBP3.3m higher than in 2014 with increased profitability being the primary driver. Capital expenditure, at GBP16.8m fell from GBP33.0m last year as the Normandie 3 project spend dominated last year albeit there was the settlement of GBP5.5m of residual project cost in quarter 1 of this financial year. Net debt at the year-end of GBP17.5m was GBP2.7m lower than last year.

Our defined benefits pension scheme, which had a GBP1.1m deficit, net of deferred tax, at the 2014 year end increased to a GBP5.8m deficit as at 30 September 2015. Scheme assets rose 2% since the last year end but liabilities increased 7% due to a reduction in the discount rate applied reflecting sentiments in financial markets.

Exceptional Items

A number of items of an exceptional nature were incurred in the last two financial years.

During this financial year we had two exceptional credits amounting to GBP0.8m which have been adjusted in arriving at our underlying profit figure. The first exceptional item resulted from a network issue in France during March 2015 for which the CIEG received a compensation payment from RTE (the grid operator) and the net upside for the Jersey Electricity proportion was GBP0.5m. Secondly we had created a provision in 2012 in relation to work associated with the failure of the EDF1 subsea cable. Now that the N1 project is progressing, the provision is no longer required, as such work is part of the wider project, and GBP0.3m in relation to this issue was released back to profit and is viewed as exceptional. All these items have been assumed to be taxable.

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December 18, 2015 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

In the 2014 Annual Report we reported exceptional costs of GBP0.6m and GBP1.2m in restructuring our retail business, Powerhouse.je, and exiting our investment in Foreshore Limited respectively. In addition, a GBP1.8m provision was established in September 2014 for a repair to the subsea cable between Jersey and Guernsey. As reported in our Interim Report this preventative repair was successfully performed during January 2015 with the cost fully covered by the provision.

 Consolidated Income Statement                                                      2015              2014 
 For the year ended 30 September                                                GBP000's          GBP000's 
 Revenue                                                                         100,479            98,443 
 Cost of sales                                                                  (64,604)          (68,468) 
 Gross Profit                                                                     35,875            29,975 
 Revaluation of investment properties                                               (45)               145 
 Operating expenses                                                             (21,931)          (20,079) 
                                                               -------------------------  ---------------- 
 Group operating profit before 
  exceptional items                                                               13,899            10,041 
 Exceptional item - RTE outage                                                       479                 - 
                               - impact of reversal of EDF1                          310                 - 
                                related provision 
                               - impairment of investment                              -           (1,178) 
                               - subsea cable repair                                   -           (1,800) 
                               - restructuring costs                                   -             (570) 
                                                               -------------------------  ---------------- 
 Group operating profit                                                           14,688             6,493 
 Finance income                                                                       36                14 
 Finance costs                                                                   (1,555)              (51) 
 Profit from operations before 
  taxation                                                                        13,169             6,456 
 Taxation                                                                        (2,397)           (1,478) 
                                                               -------------------------  ---------------- 
 Profit from operations after taxation                                            10,772             4,978 
                                                               =========================  ================ 
 Attributable to: 
 Owners of the company                                                            10,725             4,932 
 Non-controlling interest                                                             47                46 
                                                               -------------------------  ---------------- 
                                                                                  10,772             4,978 
                                                               =========================  ================ 
 Earnings per share 
 - basic and diluted                                                              35.00p            16.10p 
                                                                                    2015              2014 
 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive                                                               GBP 
  Income                                                                         GBP 000               000 
 Profit for the year                                                              10,772             4,978 
 Items that will not be reclassified 
  subsequently to profit or loss: 
 Actuarial loss on defined benefit 
  scheme                                                                         (5,706)             (392) 
 Income tax relating to items not 
  reclassified                                                                     1,141                78 
                                                               -------------------------  ---------------- 
                                                                                 (4,565)             (314) 
 Items that may be reclassified 
  subsequently to profit or loss: 
 Fair value loss on cash flow hedges                                               (874)           (4,567) 
 Income tax relating to items that 
  may be reclassified                                                                175               913 
                                                               -------------------------  ---------------- 
                                                                                   (699)           (3,654) 
 Total comprehensive income for 
  the year                                                                         5,508             1,010 
 Attributable to: 
 Owners of the Company                                                             5,461               964 
 Non-controlling interests                                                            47                46 
                                                               -------------------------  ---------------- 
                                                                                   5,508             1,010 
 Balance Sheet                             2015      2014 
 For the year ended 30 September                      GBP 
  2015                                  GBP 000       000 
 Intangible assets                          227        20 
 Property,plant and equipment           187,845   184,846 
 Investment properties                   20,460    20,505 
 Secured loan accounts                      731       838 
 Other investments                            5         5 
                                       --------  -------- 
 Total non-current assets               209,268   206,214 
-------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
------------------------------------   --------  -------- 
 Inventories                              6,239     7,334 
 Trade and other receivables             14,777    16,474 
 Derivative financial instruments         1,194         - 
 Cash and cash equivalents               12,503     9,776 
 Total current assets                    34,713    33,584 
                                       --------  -------- 
 Total assets                           243,981   239,798 
-------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
------------------------------------   --------  -------- 
 Trade and other payables                17,597    24,675 
 Current tax liability                      404         - 
 Derivative financial instruments         6,314     4,246 
 Total current liabilities               24,315    28,921 
                                       --------  -------- 
 NET CURRENT ASSETS                      10,398     4,663 
------------------------------------   --------  -------- 
 Trade and other payables                18,884    18,279 
 Retirement benefit deficit               7,291     1,372 
 Financial liabilities - preference 
  shares                                    235       235 
 Long-term borrowings                    30,000    30,000 
 Deferred tax liabilities                15,529    14,852 
 Total non-current liabilities           71,939    64,738 
                                       --------  -------- 
 Total liabilities                       96,254    93,659 
                                       --------  -------- 
 Net assets                             147,727   146,139 
-------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
------------------------------------   --------  -------- 
 Share capital                            1,532     1,532 
 Revaluation reserve                      5,270     5,270 
 ESOP reserve                              (97)      (36) 
 Other reserves                         (4,214)   (3,515) 
 Retained earnings                      145,223   142,878 
 Equity attributable to owners 
  of the company                        147,714   146,129 
 Non-controlling interests                   13        10 
                                       --------  -------- 
 Total equity                           147,727   146,139 
-------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 of changes in 
 Equity                       Share           Revaluation             ESOP           Other       Retained         Total 
 for the year 
 30 September 
 2015                       capital               reserve          reserve        reserves       earnings 
                                GBP                   GBP              GBP             GBP            GBP           GBP 
                                000                   000              000             000            000           000 
 At 1 October 
  2014                        1,532                 5,270             (36)         (3,515)        142,878       146,129 
  and expense 
  for the 
  year                            -                     -                -                         10,725        10,725 
 Funding of 
  share option 
  scheme                          -                     -            (112)               -              -         (112) 
  of employee 
  share option 

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December 18, 2015 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

  scheme                          -                     -               51               -              -            51 
  loss on 
  hedges (net 
  of tax)                         -                     -                -           (699)                        (699) 
  loss on 
  scheme (net 
  of tax)                         -                     -                -               -        (4,565)       (4,565) 
  dividends                       -                     -                -               -        (3,815)       (3,815) 
 At 30 
  2015                        1,532                 5,270             (97)         (4,214)        145,223       147,714 
                ===================  ====================  ===============  ==============  =============  ============ 
                              Share           Revaluation             ESOP           Other       Retained         Total 
                            capital               reserve          reserve        reserves       earnings 
                                GBP                   GBP              GBP             GBP            GBP           GBP 
                                000                   000              000             000            000           000 
 At 1 October 
  2013                        1,532                 5,270             (58)             139        141,925       148,808 
  and expense 
  for the 
  year                            -                     -                -               -          4,932         4,932 
  of employee 
  share option 
  scheme                          -                     -               22               -           (22)             - 
  loss on 
  hedges (net 
  of tax)                         -                     -                -         (3,654)              -       (3,654) 
  gain on 
  scheme (net 
  of tax)                         -                     -                -               -          (314)         (314) 
  dividends                       -                     -                -               -        (3,643)       (3,643) 
 At 30 
  2014                        1,532                 5,270             (36)         (3,515)        142,878       146,129 
                ===================  ====================  ===============  ==============  =============  ============ 
 Statements of Cash Flow                                  2015                 2014 
 for the year ended 30 September 
  2015                                                 GBP 000              GBP 000 
 Operating profit                                       13,899               10,041 
 Depreciation and amortisation 
  charges                                                9,926                8,259 
 Loss/(gain) on revaluation of 
  investment property                                       45                (145) 
 Pension operating charge less 
  contributions paid                                       213                 (38) 
 Adjustment for foreign exchange 
  hedges                                                     -                   63 
 Profit on sale of fixed assets                              7                 (11) 
                                         ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Operating cash flows before 
  movement in working capital                           24,090               18,169 
 Decrease in inventories                                 1,095                2,100 
 Decrease/(increase) in trade 
  and other receivables                                  1,884                (252) 
 (Decrease)/increase in trade 
  and other payables                                   (2,604)                  513 
 Interest paid                                         (1,548)                 (42) 
 Preference dividends paid                                 (9)                  (9) 
 Cash amounts relating to exceptional 
  item                                                     479                (353) 
                                         ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Net cash flows from operating 
  activities                                            23,387               20,126 
 Purchase of property,plant and 
  equipment                                           (16,629)             (32,501) 
 Capitalised interest paid                                 (4)                (547) 
 Investment in intangible assets                         (207)                  (6) 
 Net proceeds from disposal of 
  investment                                                 -                1,579 
 Net proceeds from disposal of 
  fixed assets                                               3                   16 
                                         ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Net cash flows used in investing 
  activities                                          (16,837)             (31,459) 
 Equity dividends paid                                 (3,859)              (3,703) 
 Deposit interest received                                  36                   14 
 Repayment of borrowings                                     -             (10,000) 
 Proceeds of borrowings                                      -               30,000 
                                         ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Net cash flows used in financing 
  activities                                           (3,823)               16,311 
 Net increase in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                            2,727                4,978 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  beginning of period                                    9,776                4,798 
                                         ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Net cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of period                                      12,503                9,776 

Notes to the accounts

Year ended 30 September 2015

   1.   Basis of Preparation 

The consolidated financial statements of Jersey Electricity plc, for the year ended 30 September 2015 have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union (EU), including International Accounting Standards and Interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC).

While the financial information included in this preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with the appropriate recognition and measurement criteria, this announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to comply with IFRS. The Group expects to publish full financial statements that comply with IFRS in early 2016.

The Group has considerable financial resources and as a consequence, the directors believe that the Group is well placed to manage its business risks successfully. The directors have a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Thus they continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the annual financial statements.

   2 Segmental information 
 Revenue and profit information 
  are analysed between the 
  businesses as follows: 
                                                      2015         2015       2015       2014        2014       2014 
                                                  External     Internal      Total   External    Internal      Total 
                                                    GBP000       GBP000     GBP000     GBP000      GBP000     GBP000 
 Energy                                             80,698          129     80,827     79,459         141     79,600 
 Building Services                                   4,148          808      4,956      3,294         907      4,201 
 Retail                                             11,087           40     11,127     11,414          33     11,447 
 Property                                            2,084          599      2,683      1,957         616      2,573 
 Other                                               2,462          777      3,239      2,319         878      3,197 
                                                ----------  -----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  --------- 
                                                   100,479        2,353    102,832     98,443       2,575    101,018 
 Intergroup elimination                                                    (2,353)                           (2,575) 
                                                                         ---------                         --------- 
 Revenue                                                                   100,479                            98,443 
                                                                         ---------                         --------- 
 Operating profit 
 Energy                                                                     11,514                             7,952 
 Building Services                                                            (58)                              (44) 
 Retail                                                                        334                              (86) 
 Property                                                                    1,562                             1,415 
 Other                                                                         592                               659 
                                                                         ---------                         --------- 
 Operating profit before 
  property revaluation                                                      13,944                             9,896 
 Revaluation of investment 

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December 18, 2015 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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