Half-Yearly Financial Report for the Six Months to 30 September 2013 
Key Facts 
Invesco Property Income Trust Limited (`the Company') is a closed-ended 
investment company with limited liability incorporated in Jersey. The Company's 
ordinary shares are listed on the London and the Channel Islands Stock 
Objective of the Company 
The investment objective of the Company is to repay its bank borrowings and 
other liabilities and, if it is able to meet those obligations, to provide a 
return for shareholders. 
Full details of the Company's Investment Policy (incorporating the Company's 
investment objective) can be found on page 11 of the Annual Financial Report 
for the year ended 31 March 2013, on the Manager's website at 
Invesco Asset Management Limited acts as the Manager to the Company. 
The Company is renegotiating a restructuring of its loan facility, including 
revisions to covenants. The Company expects to be in compliance with the 
revised covenants but gearing levels remain very high, with borrowing 
representing 104.9% of property valuation as at 30 September 2013. 
Share Capital 
The Company's share capital consists of 153,000,000 ordinary shares of no par 
Financial Highlights 
                                                              At             At 
                                                    30 September       31 March 
                                                            2013           2013 
Net (liabilities)/assets (GBP'000)                        (32,738)       (34,988) 
Adjusted net (liabilities)/assets(1) (GBP'000)            (17,471)       (17,557) 
Net (liability)/asset value per share (per              (21.40)p       (22.87)p 
Adjusted net (liability)/asset value per                (11.43)p       (11.47)p 
Ordinary mid-market share price                            0.45p          0.56p 
Gearing based on: 
- gross assets(2)                                           104%           104% 
- net assets                                                 n/a            n/a 
(1) The difference between the Accounts Net Asset Value per share and the 
Adjusted Net Asset Value per share arises from the treatment of derivatives, 
goodwill and tax charges in the published accounts as explained in Note 5. 
(2) Gearing represents the LTV ratio under the Company's banking arrangements 
(excluding applicable cash balances). 
Chairman's Statement 
In my statement in the last annual report I referred to some indications of 
improving sentiment towards UK secondary assets. Values have been stable in our 
portfolio since the year end and we have agreed two disposals. That said, 
shareholders' funds remain in deficit, the LTV ratio is over 100% and there is 
now less than a year to go before the repayment date under the existing bank 
facility. We are in discussions with the lending bank with the aim of agreeing 
amendments to the existing facility agreement as we will not be able to meet 
the repayment date or to remain compliant with the facility's covenants. 
On a like for like basis the value of the UK portfolio rose 0.7% over the six 
months while the European assets fell by 0.8% in euro terms. The overall 
portfolio valuation was down 0.6% in sterling terms. 
The adjusted NAV per share as at 30 September 2013 was -11.43p, up from -11.47p 
as at 31 March 2013, while the IFRS NAV rose to -21.40p (from -22.87p) over the 
same period. 
We were pleased to exchange contracts in September for two disposals: the 
assets at Gerrards Cross and Hoeilaart in Belgium will be sold at values in 
excess of the prevailing valuations. We have also, since the period end, 
exchanged contracts for the disposal of the warehouse at Northampton, again for 
a price in excess of valuation. Other assets are being reviewed for sale, 
taking into account the Company's obligations to its lending bank, and we hope 
to be making further announcements. 
The Managers have, as always, also been focussed on maintaining the quantum, 
and improving the quality, of the Company's rental income. 
No repayments of debt were made in the period and borrowings stood at GBP191.6m 
at the period end (31 March 2013: GBP191.9m). Loan to value and interest cover 
ratios were 104.9% and 145.7% respectively as at 30 September, in each case 
compliant with covenants applicable at the time. 
As noted above we are aiming to agree amendments to the facility agreement, 
including changes to covenants. This negotiation is likely to continue through 
to the year end and is based upon a business plan `work out' which will enable 
the company to realise its assets and repay its liabilities. However the 
outcome of any agreed realisation programme, whether in the short or medium 
term, remains unlikely to provide an easy exit for a number of assets, and the 
total returns remain unlikely to achieve a full repayment of the company's 
Prospects of a return to shareholders are very remote, depending as they do on 
a significant and sustained upturn in the markets in which we are invested, and 
our lending bank adopting a time horizon which might allow the Company to 
capture the benefits of such a market rally. 
Richard Barnes 
20 November 2013 
Property Activity 
There has been a change in sentiment within the UK economy as a number of 
indicators begin to show improvements. We are observing more secondary assets 
being marketed and more portfolio sales, as investors look to take advantage of 
the high initial yield on offer for shorter leases or over-rented property. The 
potential to re-lease or re-gear such properties is now being accepted. This 
does not yet mean values will rise as rents and lease incentives remain in 
favour of tenants. However the market is at least seeing more transactions and 
`good secondary' assets could be of interest to institutional investors for the 
first time since 2007. We have reacted to this improvement by marketing eight 
assets, of which three are under offer. 
The picture is more mixed around Europe, with economic weakness still the main 
concern suggesting a longer period to recovery than the UK for the secondary 
property market. Disposals of the properties in Europe remain more challenging 
as a result, but we are beginning to market assets where possible and have had 
some success at Rozendal in Belgium. 
The vacancy rate for the portfolio moved down significantly this quarter due 
mostly to leases completing at Le Directoire (agreed in Q1 and Q2 but completed 
this quarter). In addition we have maintained the weighted average unexpired 
lease term through a number of deals, including a new ten year lease at 
Leighton Buzzard from August 2013 and, post the quarter end, the 2015 break 
option was removed at Bedford. 
However on the horizon we have received notice to break at the St Michel 
warehouse, to expire in June 2014. This has had an impact on the forward 
looking ICR from this quarter. We are also attempting to secure a new lease at 
Verdun and re-lease Combs la Ville, both significant properties in the 
The markets are in a more stable place than 12 months ago and the outlook is 
somewhat more predictable at least, though this may not feed to higher prices 
in the short term given the levels of over-renting built up as rents have 
fallen, and the amount of secondary assets being held ready for sale. The sale 
success will continue to be dependent on the income profile of the asset but at 
least in the UK there appears to be increased activity and liquidity in the 
secondary markets. 
Rory Morrison 
Invesco Asset Management Limited 
Related Party 
Invesco Asset Management Limited (`IAML'), a wholly owned subsidiary of Invesco 
Ltd, acts as Manager to the Company. Invesco Ltd has provided a credit facility 
to the Company. Details of IAML's services and fee arrangements and the Invesco 
loan are given in the latest annual financial report, which is available on the 
Manager's website http://www.invescoperpetual.co.uk 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
The principal risks and uncertainties that could affect the Company's business 
can be summarised as follows: 
* Investment Policy - the adopted policy may not achieve the Company's 
published objective; 
* Ordinary Shares and Dividends - the price of the shares may not reflect their 
underlying NAV and is affected by other factors including market sentiment and 
supply and demand. No dividends are expected to be paid for the foreseeable 
* Gearing - borrowing will amplify the effect on shareholders' funds of 
portfolio gains and losses. Covenants attached to the borrowing facility also 
impose limits on certain activities and if repayment is required could 
necessitate the sale of assets at adverse prices; 
* Interest and Currency Risks - the Company is exposed to interest rate 
fluctuations on its borrowings and the effect on asset values and rental income 
of movements in the euro exchange rate; 
* Market Movements and Portfolio Performance - rental income and the market 
value of properties are affected, amongst other things, by general economic 
conditions and/or by the political and economic climate of the jurisdictions in 
which the Group's property assets are situated; 
* Regulatory - whilst compliance with rules and regulations is closely 
monitored, breaches could affect returns to shareholders; 
* Reliance on Third Party Service Providers - the Company has no employees, so 
is reliant upon the performance of third party service providers, particularly 
the Manager, for it to function. 
A detailed explanation of these principal risks and uncertainties can be found 
on pages 14 to 16 of the 2013 annual financial report, which is available on 
the Manager's website at http://www.invescoperpetual.co.uk/investmenttrusts 
In the view of the Board, these principal risks and uncertainties are equally 
applicable to the remaining six months of the financial year as they were to 
the six months under review. 
Going Concern 
As noted on page 33 of the 2013 annual financial report there was, at the time 
that report was prepared, uncertainty regarding the likelihood of remaining 
compliant with the Group's loan to value covenant, and therefore a material 
uncertainty which may have cast significant doubt as to the Group's ability to 
continue as a going concern. Notwithstanding this position the Directors 
considered it appropriate to prepare the annual financial report on a going 
concern basis. 
This half-yearly financial report also has been prepared on a going concern 
basis, as the principal uncertainty above is expected to be resolved following 
the restructuring of the facility. The Directors consider this is the 
appropriate basis as they have a reasonable expectation that the Company has 
adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable 
future. In considering this, the Directors took into account the revenue 
forecasts for the year and the cash resources which can be used to meet the 
Company's short term liabilities and ongoing expenses. 
In respect of the preparation of the half-yearly financial report 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report 
using accounting policies consistent with applicable law and International 
Financial Reporting Standards. 
The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge: 
- the condensed set of financial statements contained within the half-yearly 
financial report have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting 
Standard 34 `Interim Financial Reporting'; 
- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
required by DTR 4.2.7R and DTR 4.2.8R of the FCA's Disclosure and Transparency 
Rules; and 
- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
required on related party transactions. 
The half-yearly financial report has not been audited or reviewed by the 
Company's auditors. 
Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors. 
Richard Barnes 
20 November 2013 
Top ten investments as at 30 September 2012 
                                                             Value         % of 
Property                              Country            GBP million    Portfolio 
Directoire, St Cloud                  France                  32.2         17.6 
St Michel Sur Orge, Ile de France     France                  17.3          9.5 
Schickardstrasse 30, Boeblingen       Germany                 16.8          9.2 
Le Diapason, Paris                    France                  15.9          8.7 
11 Old Jewry, London EC2              UK                      12.9          7.1 
Hellaby Lane, Rotherham               UK                       8.0          4.4 
Interface Business Park, Wooton       UK                       7.9          4.3 
Unipath Building, Bedfordshire        UK                       7.4          4.1 
Brackmills Industrial Estate,         UK                       7.2          3.9 
Rozendal, Hoeilaart                   Belgium                  6.7          3.7 
Total of top ten investment                                  132.2         72.5 
Other properties:                                             50.2         27.5 
Total market value of properties (23 properties)             182.4       100.0% 
Investment properties are analysed after deduction of obligations under finance 
leases of GBP7.6 million. 
Lease Expiry Profile 
                                     30 September 2013          31 March 2013 
                                    annual         % of      annual        % of 
                                    income       annual      income      annual 
                                     GBP'000       income       GBP'000      income 
0-3 yrs                             12,797         71.0      10,854        63.0 
3-7 yrs                              4,331         24.0       4,641        37.0 
7-10 yrs                                90          0.5       1,094         6.4 
10-15 yrs                              706          3.9         536         3.1 
15-20 yrs                               93          0.5          93         0.5 
>20 yrs                                  1          0.0           1         0.0 
Current annual income from          18,017        100.0      17,219       100.0 
Annual income is derived from leases in place at 30 September 2013 and so will 
differ from total annual income received by the Group. 
Sector Weightings of Portfolio by Geographic Area 
As at 30 September 2013 
                                        % of portfolio 
SECTOR              Total        UK     France    Belgium     Spain    Germany 
Industrial           41.3      27.3       12.0          -       2.0          - 
Offices              58.7      12.4       30.0        7.1         -        9.2 
                    100.0      39.7       42.0        7.1       2.0        9.2 
As at 31 March 2013 
                                        %of portfolio 
SECTOR              Total        UK     France    Belgium     Spain    Germany 
Industrial           42.5      28.4       12.1          -       2.0          - 
Offices              57.5      10.8       29.8        7.3         -        9.6 
                    100.0      39.2       41.9        7.3       2.0        9.6 
Condensed Statement of Comprehensive Income 
                               Six months to           Six months to         ended 
                            30 September 2013       30 September 2012     31 March 
                               (Unaudited)             (unaudited)       (audited) 
                         Revenue Capital   Total Revenue Capital   Total     Total 
                           GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000 
Continuing operations 
Rental and service        10,128       -  10,128  11,322       -  11,322    21,652 
charge income 
Other income                   1       -       1      33       -      33       707 
Realised (loss)/gains on       -       -       -       -     183     183       183 
Unrealised (loss)/gains        -     764     764       -   2,262   2,262       289 
on swaps 
Gains on investment 
Unrealised (loss)/gain         - (1,481) (1,481)       - (6,170) (6,170)   (9,200) 
on revaluation of 
Lease incentive                -   (216)   (216)       -   (103)   (103)     (177) 
Realised (loss)/gains on       -       -       -       -       -       -         - 
disposal of properties 
                          10,129   (933)   9,196  11,355 (3,828)   7,527    13,454 
Management fees            (437)    (60)   (497)   (385)    (53)   (438)   (1,057) 
Property expenses        (3,854)       - (3,854) (3,786)       - (3,786)   (7,033) 
Professional fees          (714)       -   (714)   (868)       -   (868)   (2,258) 
Goodwill impairment            -       -       -       -       -       -   (5,897) 
                         (5,005)    (60) (5,065) (5,039)    (53) (5,092)  (16,245) 
Profit/(loss) before       5,124   (993)   4,131   6,316 (3,881)   2,435   (2,791) 
finance costs and tax 
Finance costs            (3,494)   (476) (3,970) (3,772)   (514) (4,286)   (8,657) 
Profit/(loss) before tax   1,630 (1,469)     161   2,544 (4,395) (1,851)  (11,448) 
Tax                        (236)    (87)   (323)      90   1,077   1,167       474 
Net Profit/(loss) for      1,394 (1,556)   (162)   2,634 (3,318)   (684)  (10,974) 
the period from 
continuing operations 
attributable to equity 
Assets held for sale 
Profit for the period         71     726     797       -       -       -         - 
from assets held for 
Net profit/(loss) for      1,465   (830)     635       -       -       -         - 
the period attributable 
to equity shareholders 
Basic and diluted             1p  (0.6)p    0.4p    1.7p  (2.2)p  (0.4)p    (7.2)p 
earnings per ordinary 
share (pence) 
Other comprehensive                        1,679                     442     1,329 
Total comprehensive                        2,314                   (242)   (9,645) 
profit/(loss), net of 
The total column of this statement represents the Group's consolidated income 
statement. The supplementary revenue and capital columns are presented in 
accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice issued by the Association 
of Investment Companies. All items in the above statement are derived from 
continuing operations. No operations were discontinued in the period. For 
details on other comprehensive income/(expenses) please refer to the Condensed 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity. 
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
                            Stated   Other Translation   Capital Revenue 
                           Capital Reserve     Reserve   Reserve Reserve    Total 
                             GBP'000   GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
Six months ended 30 
September 2013 (Unaudited) 
Balance at 31 March 2013   101,368 (4,670)       1,766 (199,874)  66,422 (34,988) 
(Loss)/profit for the            -       -           -     (902)     738    (164) 
(Loss)/profit for the            -       -           -        71     726      797 
period from assets held 
for sale 
Other comprehensive 
Exchange differences on          -       -          90         -       -       90 
translating foreign 
Unrealised loss on               -   1,589           -         -       -    1,589 
valuation of interest rate 
Other reserve - Swaps            -    (63)           -         -       -     (63) 
associated with assets 
held for sale 
Transfer to income               -       -           -         -       -        - 
realised gains on interest 
Balance at 30 September    101,368 (3,144)       1,856 (200,705)  67,886 (32,739) 
Six months ended 30 
September 2012 (Unaudited) 
Balance at 31 March 2012   101,368 (6,088)       1,855 (184,449)  61,971 (25,343) 
(Loss)/profit for the            -       -           -   (3,317)   2,633    (684) 
Other comprehensive 
Unrealised gain on               -       -           -         -       -        - 
revaluation of cross 
currency swaps 
Exchange differences on          -       -         394         -       -      394 
translating foreign 
Unrealised gain on               -      48           -         -       -       48 
revaluation of interest 
rate swaps 
Balance at 30 September    101,368 (6,040)       2,249 (187,766)  64,604 (25,585) 
Year ended 31 March 2013 
Balance at 31 March 2012   101,368 (6,008)       1,855 (184,449)  61,971 (25,343) 
(Loss)/profit for the            -       -           -  (15,426)   4,452 (10,974) 
Other comprehensive 
Exchange differences on          -       -        (89)         -       -     (89) 
translating foreign 
Unrealised gain on               -   1,418           -         -       -    1,418 
revaluation of interest 
rate swaps 
Balance at 31 March 2013   101,368 (4,670)       1,766 (199,874)  66,422 (34,988) 
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
                                               At             At             At 
                                     30 September   30 September       31 March 
                                             2013           2012           2013 
                                      (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited) 
                                            GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Investment properties                     180,094        187,240        191,028 
Intangible assets - goodwill                    -          5,596              - 
                                          180,094        192,836        191,028 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables                 5,678          5,967          5,744 
Cash and cash equivalents                  11,402         10,441         11,198 
                                           17,080         16,408         16,942 
Assets held for sale                       10,436              -              - 
Total assets                              207,610        209,244        207,970 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                 (14,392)       (14,093)       (14,058) 
Taxation                                    (383)              -              - 
Interest rate swaps liabilities           (3,081)              -          (149) 
Currency rate swaps liabilities           (9,024)              -              - 
Obligations under finance lease             (458)          (451)          (458) 
Liabilities directly associated           (9,458)              -              - 
with assets held for sale 
                                         (36,796)              -              - 
Total assets less current                 170,814        194,700        193,305 
Non-current liabilities 
Bank loan                               (181,362)      (184,512)      (191,288) 
Other payables                            (2,904)        (3,325)        (2,796) 
Interest rate swaps liability                   -        (6,040)        (4,521) 
Currency rate swaps liability                   -        (7,812)        (9,785) 
Obligations under finance lease           (7,163)        (7,092)        (7,142) 
Deferred taxation                        (12,123)       (11,504)       (12,761) 
                                        (203,552)      (220,285)      (228,293) 
Net assets                               (32,738)       (25,585)       (34,988) 
Capital and reserves 
Stated capital                            101,368        101,368        101,368 
Other reserve                             (3,081)        (6,040)        (4,670) 
Other reserve - Swaps associated             (63)              -              - 
with assets held for sale 
Translation reserve                         1,856          2,249          1,766 
Capital reserves                        (200,704)      (187,766)      (199,874) 
Revenue reserve                            67,886         64,604         66,422 
Issued capital and reserves              (32,738)       (25,585)       (34,988) 
Net asset value - note 5                  (21.4)p        (16.7)p        (22.9)p 
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow 
                                      Six months     Six months 
                                           ended          ended     Year ended 
                                    30 September   30 September       31 March 
                                            2013           2012           2013 
                                     (unaudited)    (Unaudited)      (Audited) 
                                           GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Operating activities 
Rent and service charges received          8,549          8,992         21,140 
Bank interest received                         1              2              5 
Proceeds on swap disposal                      -          (825)          (825) 
Bank loan interest paid                  (4,232)        (4,286)        (8,656) 
Operating expense payments               (2,914)        (4,770)       (11,423) 
Tax received/(paid)                          260           (78)          (128) 
Net cash inflow from operating             1,664          (965)            113 
Investing activities 
Capital expenditure and                  (1,179)        (1,003)        (1,473) 
Sale of investment properties                  -              -              - 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from           (1,179)        (1,003)        (1,473) 
investing activities 
Financing activities 
Repayment of loan                              -        (1,508)        (1,597) 
Loan facility fee                          (150)              -              - 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from             (150)        (1,508)        (1,597) 
financing activities 
Change in cash and cash                      335        (3,476)        (2,957) 
Cash and cash equivalents at              11,198         14,004         14,004 
beginning of period 
Effect of foreign exchange                    36           (87)            151 
Cash and cash equivalents at end          11,569         10,441         11,198 
of period 
Notes to the Condensed Financial Statements 
1. Accounting Policies 
Accounting Standards and Policies 
The condensed financial statements of the Group have been prepared using the 
same accounting policies as those adopted in the 2013 annual financial report, 
which are consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards (`IFRS'), 
and Standing Interpretation Committee and International Financial Reporting 
Interpretation Committee interpretations issued by International Accounting 
Standards Board to the extent adopted by the EU. 
2. Taxation 
Profits arising in the Company are subject to Jersey income tax at the rate of 
3. Basis of Returns 
The total, revenue and capital, basic and diluted earnings per ordinary share, 
are based on the applicable net returns for the period and on 153,000,000 
ordinary shares being the amount of ordinary shares in issue in the period. 
4. Status of Half-Yearly Financial Report 
The financial information contained in this half-yearly financial report, which 
has not been audited or reviewed by the auditors, does not constitute statutory 
accounts as defined in Article 104 of Companies (Jersey) Law 1991. The 
financial information for the half years ended 30 September 2013 and 2012 have 
not been audited. The figures and financial information for the year ended 31 
March 2013 are extracted and abridged from the latest published accounts and do 
not constitute the statutory accounts for that period. Those accounts included 
the Report of the Independent Auditors, which was unqualified. 
5. Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 
The NAV per ordinary share is based on 153,000,000 ordinary shares of no par 
value in issue at 30 September 2013. 
Reconciliation of accounts NAV per share to adjusted NAV: 
                                                         30 September 2013 
                                                  Per share             GBP'000 
Accounts net (liability)/asset value                (21.40)          (32,738) 
  Accounting for derivatives on balance                2.05             3,144 
  Goodwill                                                -                 - 
  Tax charge: deferred tax                             7.92            12,123 
Adjusted net asset value                            (11.43)          (17,471) 
The adjusted NAV is per the European Public Real Estate Association (`EPRA') 
measure, published in January 2006. The EPRA NAV per share excludes the fair 
value adjustments for debt and interest rate derivatives, deferred taxation on 
revaluations, capital allowances and goodwill. 
By order of the Board 
R & H Fund Services (Jersey) Limited 
Company Secretary 
20 November 2013 

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