Invesco Property Income Trust Limited 
     Half-Yearly Financial Report for the Six Months to 30 September 2010 
Key Facts 
Invesco Property Income Trust Limited (`the Company') is a closed-ended 
investment company with limited liability incorporated in Jersey. The Company's 
ordinary shares are listed on the London and the Channel Islands Stock 
Objective of the Company 
The investment objective of the Company is to provide shareholders with an 
attractive level of income together with the prospect of income and capital 
growth through investing in commercial properties in the European Union. 
As noted in the 2010 annual financial report's Chairman's Statement, the 
Company is unlikely to pay any dividends for the foreseeable future. 
Full details of the Company's Investment Policy (incorporating the Company's 
investment objective) can be found on page 13 and 14 of the 2010 annual 
financial report at: http://itinvestor.invescoperpetual.co.uk/UK/ 
Investment Manager 
Invesco Asset Management Limited acts as Investment Manager to the Company. 
Gearing and Hedging 
As a result of falling asset values the Company's current borrowing levels 
significantly exceed the Board's target ratio and are also in excess of the 
maximum permitted under the Company's bank facility. Falls in asset values in 
Europe have also resulted in the Company's Euro exposure being over-hedged 
through forward currency contracts. As noted in the Chairman's statement, 
amendments to the investment objective and policy may be required depending on 
the outcome of negotiations with the Company's lending bank. Any such 
amendments will be subject to shareholder approval. The Company hedges the 
majority of interest rate exposure through the use of interest rate swaps. 
Foreign currency exposure is managed by matching investment in euro denominated 
assets with borrowings in euro or by cross currency swaps. 
Share Capital 
The Company's share capital consists of 153,000,000 ordinary shares of no par 
Financial Highlights 
                                                At              At 
                                      30 September        31 March 
                                              2010            2010 
Net (liabilities) /assets (GBP'000)         (32,672)        (30,393) 
Adjusted net (liabilities) /assets(1)     (11,119)         (7,225) 
Net asset value per share (per             (21.4)p         (19.9)p 
Adjusted net (liability) /asset value 
  share(1)                                  (7.3)p          (4.7)p 
Ordinary mid-market share price              1.98p           4.75p 
Gearing based on: 
- gross assets(2)                              98%             95% 
- net assets                                   n/a             n/a 
(1) The difference between the Accounts Net Asset Value per share and the 
Adjusted Net Asset Value per share arises from the treatment of derivatives, 
goodwill and tax charges in the published accounts as explained in Note 5. 
(2) Gearing represents the LTV ratio under the Company's banking arrangements 
(excluding applicable cash balances). 
Chairman's statement 
It is frustrating to report that third party discussions have been unable to 
agree terms satisfactory to all parties, which include the Company's lending 
bank. As previously announced, such discussions are now at an end. 
For the period there has been a modest decline, like for like, at the portfolio 
level and also in shareholders' funds, which remain in deficit. As a result the 
Company remains reliant on the support of its lending bank, with which we 
remain in active discussions. Now that third party discussions are over we hope 
to conclude negotiations for revisions to the banking facility in the near 
future. Our objective will be, as always, to secure the best possible terms to 
allow some recovery of value for shareholders in due course. Shareholders 
should note that the business plan under discussion with the bank does not 
contemplate the payment of any dividends. 
The Directors expect that any agreed terms for revision of the banking facility 
will require amendments to be made, subject to shareholder approval, to the 
Company's investment objective and policy. 
The financial statements in this half yearly report have been prepared on a 
going concern basis but, as disclosed in the annual report for the year ended 
31 March 2010 and in note 6 to this report, there are uncertainties as to the 
Company's ability to continue as a going concern. The Directors expect that 
these uncertainties would be resolved in the event of a successful 
renegotiation of the banking facility. 
The UK portfolio, on a like for like basis, fell 6.8% over the half year, with 
Europe down 3.8% in local currency. A weaker Euro meant that in sterling terms 
the overall portfolio showed a decline of 7.0%. 
The adjusted net asset value per share (excluding goodwill, deferred tax and 
the value of interest rate hedges) fell from -4.7p to -7.3p, with the IFRS net 
asset value per share decreasing from -19.9p to -21.4p. 
The sterling value of the Company's borrowings at 30 September were GBP217.2m, 
down from GBP227.6m at the year end. This reflects the repayment of GBP6.0m of 
sterling borrowings following the sale of Fleet House and the effect of 
currency movements on the Euro loan balances, which remain unchanged in local 
Calculated according to the banking facility agreement, the Company's loan to 
value ratio stood at 97.9 per cent (31 March: 95.3 per cent) and the interest 
cover ratio at 139.2 per cent (31 March: 151.5 per cent). The reduction in 
interest cover has arisen partly from increased vacancies, notably in France, 
but also as a result of rent free periods offered to tenants. This effect had 
been expected and the ratio should improve as secured rental income begins to 
flow under the new leases. 
As stated in the annual report for the year to 31 March 2010, the prospects for 
recovery of value for shareholders depend on a successful outcome to 
negotiations with the Company's lending bank and, given the deficit in 
shareholders' funds, on the performance of the Company's assets. 
Richard Barnes 
15 November 2010 
Manager's report 
Property Activity 
While it is disappointing to see that the continued uncertainty in property 
markets has led to further (though more modest) value declines within the 
Company's portfolio, we continue to be pleased with the relatively stable 
income profile from the portfolio. This has been achieved by diligent rent 
collection, active asset management, and successful leasing discussions on a 
number of the vacant areas within the portfolio. In addition the portfolio has 
not suffered from any business failures during the period. 
We continue to prioritise active asset management across the portfolio, and 
resulting from those efforts we have managed in a number of cases in the UK and 
Europe to remove tenant break options or extend leases. To secure these 
benefits it has, as previously reported, proved necessary to offer tenants 
initial rent free periods. The effect of these rent free periods has been a 
reduction in cash flow in the second half of the period, impacting negatively 
on the ICR ratio as at 30 September. Over the coming months as these rent free 
periods expire the rent receipts relating to these specific leases will be 
restored. The benefit of this asset management activity has been to maintain 
and improve the average weighted unexpired lease term from 4.2 to 4.4 years 
over the period. 
At 30 September the vacancy rate stood at 7.0% overall (31 March 2010 4.8%), 
which while showing a rise over the period, still compares favourably with the 
IPD European index vacancy index vacancy rate as at December 2009 of 8.65% 
(reported annually), and the comparable UK figure standing at 8.8% as at the 
end of September 2010. The rise reflects a small number of tenant departures in 
the European portfolio, specifically within the Paris region, where tenants 
operated their break options. We are working hard to secure re-letting of this 
accommodation in the coming months, supported by our reasonably optimistic 
market prospects for the Parisian property markets. 
As previously announced, during the period, the sale of Fleet House, 
Peterborough completed for GBP6.125m, reflecting a premium over the most recent 
valuation of 5.1%. 
While we are expecting the property markets in both the UK and Europe to 
continue the trend towards relative stability, there remains underlying 
uncertainty both from investors and occupiers. The rally in values seen in the 
previous year for the most prime assets has been sustained despite the wider 
concerns over the impact of the `austerity measures' across most European 
economies, as other investment classes suffer similar uncertainty and 
volatility and investors are increasing allocations to real estate. 
The majority of the assets owned by the Company have yet to benefit from the 
rally in values. However, we are starting to see investors moving slowly up the 
risk curve, becoming prepared to take more risk on non-prime assets as 
available returns from core opportunities become squeezed. Where buildings have 
shorter income, or doubts over ongoing occupation by tenants, valuations 
continue to reflect those concerns about vacancy risks; however, other assets 
in the portfolio have seen their value increase where lease expiries have been 
removed or extended. 
Looking ahead, it is likely that there will be continuing headwinds for 
European property markets, as the real effects begin to be felt of the various 
programmes instigated by Governments to address budget deficits. Investor 
appetite for property does, however, seem to be improving and as mentioned 
above a desire for higher returns appears to be encouraging some investors to 
start to look at taking a little more risk. Clearly this wider market sentiment 
is outside our control, and its direction and momentum will be determined by 
many interconnected factors, but by focusing on the active asset management of 
the portfolio, seeking to secure tenants for longer periods and minimise the 
risk of vacancy, the Manager is seeking to make best use of the control it can 
exert on the Company's assets. This continues to prove a challenge in many 
cases, and while we continue to progress many discussions with tenants in a 
positive direction, we will inevitably experience some additional vacancy in 
the coming months where break options have been exercised or leases not 
Rory Morrison 
Invesco Asset Management Limited 
15 November 2010 
Related Party 
Invesco Asset Management Limited (`IAML'), a wholly owned subsidiary of Invesco 
Limited, acts as Investment Manager to the Company. Details of IAML's services 
and fees arrangements are given in the latest annual financial report, which is 
available on the Company's website. 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
The principal risks and uncertainties that could affect the Company's business 
can be divided into the following various areas: 
* Investment Policy; 
* Ordinary Shares and Dividends; 
* Gearing; 
* Interest and Currency Risks; 
* Market Movements and Portfolio Performance; and 
* Regulatory. 
A detailed explanation of these principal risks and uncertainties can be found 
on pages 17 to 19 of the 2010 annual financial report, which is available on 
the Company's website at http://itinvestor.invescoperpetual.co.uk/UK/ 
In the view of the Board, these principal risks and uncertainties are equally 
applicable to the remaining six months of the financial year as they were to 
the six months under review. 
Going Concern 
As noted on page 36 of the 2010 annual financial report, given the uncertainty 
regarding the outcome of the discussions with the lending bank, there is a 
material uncertainty which may cast significant doubt as to the Group's ability 
to continue as a going concern and therefore, that it may be unable to realise 
its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business. 
At the present time, the Directors consider it appropriate to prepare the 
financial statements on the going concern basis. In the event that a going 
concern basis should become inappropriate, the assets of the Group would be 
written down to their recoverable value and provision made for any further 
liabilities that may arise. At this time it is not practicable to quantify such 
In respect of the preparation of the half-yearly financial report 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report 
using accounting policies consistent with applicable law and International 
Financial Reporting Standards. 
The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge: 
- the condensed set of financial statements contained within the half-yearly 
financial report have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting 
Standards 34 `Interim Financial Reporting'; 
- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
required by DTR 4.2.7R and DTR 4.2.8R of the FSA's Disclosure and Transparency 
Rules; and 
- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
required on related party transactions. 
The half-yearly financial report has not been audited or reviewed by the 
Company's auditors. 
Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors. 
Richard Barnes 
15 November 2010 
Investment Properties 
As at 30 September 2010 
                                                                Value      % of 
Property                                              Country   GBP'000 Portfolio 
Directoire, St Cloud                                   France  33,081      14.9 
St Michel Sur Orge, Ile de France                      France  18,938       8.5 
Schickardstraße 30, Böblingen                         Germany  17,991       8.1 
Le Diapason, Paris                                     France  14,031       6.3 
Colonel Bourg, Brussels                               Belgium  12,137       5.5 
11 Old Jewry, London EC2                                   UK  10,290       4.6 
Brackmills Industrial Estate, Brants Bridge                UK   9,215       4.2 
Priory Business Park, Bedfordshire                         UK   8,975       4.0 
Hellaby Lane, Rotherham                                    UK   8,095       3.7 
Verdun, Paris                                          France   8,092       3.7 
Total of top ten investment properties                        140,845      63.5 
Other properties:                                              81,051      36.5 
Total market value of properties (26 properties)              221,896     100.0 
Investment properties are analysed after deduction of obligations under finance 
leases of GBP6.4 million. 
Lease expiry profile 
                              30 September 2010             31 March 2010 
                                  Annual         % of       Annual         % of 
                                  Income       Annual       Income       Annual 
                                   GBP'000       Income        GBP'000       Income 
0-3 yrs                            8,710         39.3        8,435         36.0 
3-7 yrs                           10,243         46.2       12,126         51.7 
7-10 yrs                           1,789          8.1        1,395          6.0 
10-15 yrs                          1,097          4.9        1,226          5.2 
15-20 yrs                            255          1.1          255          1.1 
>20 yrs                               93          0.4            1            - 
Current annual income             22,187        100.0       23,438        100.0 
from properties 
Annual income is derived from leases in place at 30 September 2010 and so will 
differ from total annual income received by the Group. 
Sector weightings of portfolio by geographic area 
As at 30 September 2010 
                                         % of Portfolio 
Sector                 Total         UK      France   Belgium    Spain  Germany 
Industrial              44.3       29.5        11.2         -      3.6        - 
Offices                 54.0       12.5        24.9       8.5        -      8.1 
Retail                   1.7        1.7           -         -        -        - 
Total                  100.0       43.7        36.1       8.5      3.6      8.1 
As at 31 March 2010 
                                         % of portfolio 
Sector                 Total         UK        France    Belgium Spain  Germany 
Industrial              43.3       28.3          11.4          -   3.6        - 
Offices                 55.3       13.8          25.1        8.5     -      7.9 
Retail                   1.4        1.4             -          -     -        - 
Total                  100.0       43.5          36.5        8.5   3.6      7.9 
Condensed statement of comprehensive income 
                        Six Months to            Six Months to          Year 
                      30 September 2010        30 September 2009 
                         (Unaudited)              (Unaudited)         31 March 
                   Revenue Capital    Total Revenue  Capital    Total     Total 
                     GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
Rental and service  13,294       -   13,294  15,557        -   15,557    30,893 
charge income 
Interest                37       -       37   2,110        -    2,110     2,135 
receivable and 
other income 
Unrealised gains         -   1,487    1,487       -        -        -       988 
on swaps 
Losses on 
Unrealised losses        - (7,638)  (7,638)       - (17,204) (17,204)  (17,000) 
on revaluation of 
Lease incentive          -   (158)    (158)       -        -        -     (720) 
Realised gains on        -   1,023    1,023       -        -        -       477 
disposal of 
                    13,331 (5,286)    8,045  17,667 (17,204)      463    16,773 
Management fees      (445)    (60)    (505)   (470)     (64)    (534)   (1,047) 
Property expenses  (3,610)       -  (3,610) (4,675)        -  (4,675)   (8,835) 
Professional fees    (882)       -    (882)   (930)        -    (930)   (1,962) 
Goodwill                 -       -        -       -  (2,301)  (2,301)   (2,301) 
                   (4,937)    (60)  (4,997) (6,075)  (2,365)  (8,440)  (14,145) 
Profit/(loss)        8,394 (5,346)    3,048  11,592 (19,569)  (7,977)     2,628 
before finance 
costs and tax 
Finance costs      (5,990)   (817)  (6,807) (6,441)    (878)  (7,319)  (14,382) 
Profit/(loss)        2,404 (6,163)  (3,759)   5,151 (20,447) (15,296)  (11,754) 
before tax 
Tax (charge)/         (48)     851      803     237    2,203    2,440     1,387 
Profit/(loss) for    2,356 (5,312)  (2,956)   5,388 (18,244) (12,856)  (10,367) 
the period 
attributable to 
Loss per ordinary     1.5p  (3.6)p   (1.9)p                    (8.4)p    (6.8)p 
share - basic and 
Other                                   677                     1,618     1,024 
Total                               (2,279)                  (11,238)   (9,343) 
profit/(loss), net 
of tax 
The total column of this statement represents the Group's consolidated income 
statement. The supplementary revenue and capital columns are presented in 
accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice issued by the Association 
of Investment Companies. All items in the above statement are derived from 
continuing operations. No operations were discontinued in the period. For 
details on other Comprehensive income/(expenses) please refer to the Condensed 
Consolidated statement of changes in equity. 
Condensed Consolidated Statement of financial position 
                                                      At          At        At 
                                                      30          30  31 March 
                                               September   September 
                                                    2010        2009      2010 
                                             (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) 
                                                   GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Investment properties                            228,322     259,697   245,142 
Intangible assets - goodwill                       6,278       6,521     6,489 
                                                 234,600     266,218   251,631 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables                        5,647       5,725     7,278 
Cash and cash equivalents                         10,769      13,130     8,821 
                                                  16,416      18,855    16,099 
Total assets                                     251,016     285,073   267,730 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                        (15,377)    (16,788)  (17,142) 
Taxation                                               -           -         - 
Bank loan                                      (217,156)   (247,410) (227,631) 
Total assets less current liabilities             18,483      20,875    22,957 
Non-current liabilities 
Other payables                                   (3,634)     (2,090)   (2,077) 
Interest rate swaps liability                   (15,407)    (15,517)  (15,864) 
Currency swaps liability                        (13,264)    (16,083)  (15,190) 
Obligations under finance lease                  (6,426)     (6,431)   (6,426) 
Deferred taxation                               (12,424)    (13,042)  (13,793) 
                                                (51,155)    (53,163)  (53,350) 
Net assets                                      (32,672)    (32,288)  (30,393) 
Capital and reserves 
Stated capital                                   101,368     101,368   101,368 
Other reserve                                   (15,407)    (15,517)  (15,864) 
Translation reserve                                1,650       1,677     1,430 
Capital reserves                               (175,627)   (169,299) (170,315) 
Revenue reserve                                   55,344      49,483    52,988 
Issued capital and reserves                     (32,672)    (32,288)  (30,393) 
Net asset value - note 5                         (21.4)p     (21.1)p   (19.9)p 
Condensed consolidated Statement of cash flow 
                                              Six Months  Six Months    For the 
                                                   Ended       Ended Year Ended 
                                            30 September          30   31 March 
                                                    2010        2009       2010 
                                             (Unaudited) (Unaudited)  (Audited) 
                                                   GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000 
Operating activities 
Rent and service charges received                 13,642      17,819     32,054 
Bank interest received                                 2           8         14 
Proceeds on swap disposal                              -           -          - 
Bank loan interest paid                          (6,805)     (7,319)   (14,382) 
Operating expense payments                       (3,979)     (6,277)   (12,080) 
Tax received/(paid)                                   42          32         42 
Net cash inflow from operating activities          2,902       4,263      5,648 
Investing activities 
Investment in group undertakings                       -           -          - 
Purchase of investment properties                  (968)     (1,391)    (3,254) 
Sale of investment properties                      6,125           -     12,690 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investing           5,157     (1,391)      9,436 
Financing activities 
Repayment of loan                                (6,027)           -   (16,432) 
Dividends paid                                         -           -          - 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing         (6,027)           -   (16,432) 
Change in cash and cash equivalents                2,032       2,872    (1,348) 
Cash and cash equivalents at 
  beginning of period                              8,821      10,074     10,074 
Effect of foreign exchange changes                  (84)         184         95 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of               10,769      13,130      8,821 
Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity 
                          Stated    Other Translation   Capital Revenue 
                         Capital  Reserve     Reserve   Reserve Reserve    Total 
                           GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
Six months ended 30 
September 2010 
Balance at 31 March 2010 101,368 (15,864)       1,430 (170,315)  52,988 (30,393) 
(Loss)/profit for the          -        -           -   (5,312)   2,356  (2,956) 
Other comprehensive 
Unrealised gain on             -        -         439         -       -      439 
revaluation of cross 
currency swaps 
Exchange differences on        -        -       (219)         -       -    (219) 
translating foreign 
Unrealised gain on             -      457           -         -       -      457 
revaluation of interest 
rate swaps 
Balance at 30 September  101,368 (15,407)       1,650 (175,627)  55,344 (32,672) 
Six months ended 30 
September 2009 
Balance at 31 March 2009 101,368 (17,010)       1,552 (151,055)  44,095 (21,050) 
(Loss)/profit for the          -        -           -  (18,244)   5,388 (12,856) 
Other comprehensive 
Unrealised gain on             -        -         607         -       -      607 
revaluation of cross 
currency swaps 
Exchange differences on        -        -       (482)         -       -    (482) 
translating foreign 
Unrealised gain on             -    1,493           -         -       -    1,493 
revaluation of interest 
rate swaps 
Balance at 30 September  101,368 (15,517)       1,677 (169,299)  49,483 (32,288) 
Year ended 31 March 2010 
Balance at 31 March 2009 101,368 (17,010)       1,552 (151,055)  44,095 (21,050) 
(Loss)/profit for the          -        -           -  (19,260)   8,893 (10,367) 
Other comprehensive 
Unrealised gain on             -        -         512         -       -      512 
revaluation of cross 
currency swaps 
Exchange differences on        -        -       (634)         -       -    (634) 
translating foreign 
Unrealised gain on             -    1,146           -         -       -    1,146 
revaluation of interest 
rate swaps 
Balance at 31 March 2010 101,368 (15,864)       1,430 (170,315)  52,988 (30,393) 
Notes to the Condensed Financial Statements 
1. Accounting Policies 
Accounting Standards and Policies 
The condensed financial statements of the Group have been prepared using the 
same accounting policies as those adopted in the 2010 annual financial report, 
which are consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards (`IFRS'), 
and Standing Interpretation Committee and International Financial Reporting 
Interpretation Committee interpretations issued by International Accounting 
Standards Board to the extent adopted by the EU. 
2. Taxation 
With effect from the 2009 year of assessment Jersey has abolished the exempt 
company regime for existing companies. Profits arising in the Company for the 
2009 year of assessment and future periods are subject to Jersey income tax at 
the rate of 0%. 
3. Basis of Returns 
The total, revenue and capital, basic and diluted earnings per ordinary share, 
are based on the applicable net returns for the period and on 153,000,000 
ordinary shares being the amount of ordinary shares in issue in the period. 
4. Status of Half-Yearly Financial Report 
The financial information contained in this half-yearly financial report, which 
has not been audited or reviewed by the auditors, does not constitute statutory 
accounts as defined in Article 104 of Companies (Jersey) Law 1991. The 
financial information for the half years ended 30 September 2010 and 2009 has 
not been audited. The figures and financial information for the year ended 31 
March 2010 are extracted and abridged from the latest published accounts and do 
not constitute the statutory accounts for that period. Those accounts included 
the Report of the Independent Auditors, which was unqualified. 
5. Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 
The NAV per ordinary share is based on 153,000,000 ordinary shares of no par 
value in issue at 30 September 2010. 
Reconciliation of accounts NAV per share to adjusted NAV: 
                                                              30 September 2010 
                                                             Per share    GBP'000 
Accounts net asset value                                        (21.4) (32,672) 
  Accounting for derivatives on balance sheet                    (4.1)  (6,278) 
  Goodwill                                                         8.1   12,424 
  Tax charge: deferred tax                                        10.1   15,407 
Adjusted net asset value                                         (7.3) (11,119) 
The adjusted NAV is per the European Public Real Estate Association (`EPRA') 
measure, published in January 2006. The EPRA NAV per share excludes the fair 
value adjustments for debt and interest rate derivatives, deferred taxation on 
revaluations, capital allowances and goodwill. 
By order of the Board 
R & H Fund Services (Jersey) Limited 
Company Secretary 
15 November 2010 
By order of the Board 
R & H Fund Services (Jersey) Limited 
Company Secretary 
30 November 2010 
Rory Morrison 
Invesco Real Estate 
020 7543 3581 
Angus Pottinger 
Invesco Asset Management 
020 7065 3714 
Sue Inglis 
Canaccord Adams 
020 7050 6779 

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