RNS Number : 5078U

HSBC Holdings PLC

01 August 2022

Financial summary 
Use of alternative performance 
 measures                                 29 
--------------------------------------  ---- 
Adjusted performance                      29 
--------------------------------------  ---- 
Significant items                         29 
--------------------------------------  ---- 
Foreign currency translation 
 differences                              29 
--------------------------------------  ---- 
Changes to presentation from 
 1 January 2022                           29 
--------------------------------------  ---- 
Future accounting developments            29 
--------------------------------------  ---- 
Summary consolidated income statement     30 
--------------------------------------  ---- 
Income statement commentary               31 
--------------------------------------  ---- 
Net interest income                       31 
Tax expense                               33 
--------------------------------------  ---- 
Summary consolidated balance 
 sheet                                    34 
--------------------------------------  ---- 
Balance sheet commentary compared 
 with 31 December 2021                    35 
--------------------------------------  ---- 
Use of alternative performance 

Our reported results are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as detailed in the interim condensed financial statements starting on page 104.

To measure our performance, we supplement our IFRSs figures with non-IFRSs measures, which constitute alternative performance measures under European Securities and Markets Authority guidance and non-GAAP financial measures defined in and presented in accordance with US Securities and Exchange Commission rules and regulations. These measures include those derived from our reported results that eliminate factors that distort period-on-period comparisons. The 'adjusted performance' measure used throughout this report is described below. Definitions and calculations of other alternative performance measures are included in our 'Reconciliation of alternative performance measures' on page 56. All alternative performance measures are reconciled to the closest reported performance measure.

The global business segmental results are presented on an adjusted basis in accordance with IFRS 8 'Operating Segments' as detailed in Note 5: 'Segmental analysis' on page 112.

Adjusted performance

Adjusted performance is computed by adjusting reported results for the effects of foreign currency translation differences and significant items, which distort period-on-period comparisons.

We consider adjusted performance provides useful information for investors by aligning internal and external reporting, identifying and quantifying items management believes to be significant, and providing insight into how management assesses period-on-period performance.

Significant items

'Significant items' refers collectively to the items that management and investors would ordinarily identify and consider separately to improve the understanding of the underlying trends in the business.

The tables on pages 37 to 39 and pages 48 to 53 detail the effects of significant items on each of our global business segments, geographical regions and selected countries/territories in 1H22, 1H21 and 2H21.

Foreign currency translation differences

Foreign currency translation differences reflect the movements of the US dollar against most major currencies during 2022.

We exclude them to derive constant currency data, allowing us to assess balance sheet and income statement performance on a like-for-like basis and to better understand the underlying trends in the business.

Foreign currency translation differences 
 Foreign currency translation differences 
 for the half-year to 30 June 2022 
 are computed by retranslating into 
 US dollars for non-US dollar branches, 
 subsidiaries, joint ventures and 
  *    the income statements for the half-years to 30 June 
       2021 and 31 December 2021 at the average rates of 
       exchange for the half-year to 30 June 2022; and 
  *    the balance sheets at 30 June 2021 and 31 December 
       2021 at the prevailing rates of exchange on 30 June 
 No adjustment has been made to the 
 exchange rates used to translate 
 foreign currency-denominated assets 
 and liabilities into the functional 
 currencies of any HSBC branches, 
 subsidiaries, joint ventures or 
 associates. The constant currency 
 data of HSBC's Argentina subsidiaries 
 have not been adjusted further for 
 the impacts of hyperinflation. Since 
 1 June 2022, Turkey has been deemed 
 a hyperinflationary economy for 
 accounting purposes. HSBC has an 
 operating entity in Turkey and the 
 constant currency data has not been 
 adjusted further for the impacts 
 of hyperinflation. When reference 
 is made to foreign currency translation 
 differences in tables or commentaries, 
 comparative data reported in the 
 functional currencies of HSBC's 
 operations have been translated 
 at the appropriate exchange rates 
 applied in the current period on 
 the basis described above. 
Changes to presentation from 1 
 January 2022 

Application of IAS 29 'Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies'

Since 1 June 2022, Turkey has been deemed a hyperinflationary economy for accounting purposes. The results of HSBC's operations with a functional currency of the Turkish lira have been prepared in accordance with IAS 29 'Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies' as if the economy had always been hyperinflationary. The results of those operations for the six-month period ended 30 June 2022 are stated in terms of current purchasing power using the Turkey consumer price index at 30 June 2022 with the corresponding adjustment presented in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income in 2Q22. In accordance with IAS 21 'The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates', the results have been translated and presented in US dollars at the prevailing rate of exchange on 30 June 2022. The Group's comparative information presented in US dollars with respect to the six-month periods ended 30 June 2021 and 31 December 2021 has not been restated. The impact of applying IAS 29 and the hyperinflation provisions of IAS 21 in the current period was a decrease in the Group's profit before tax of $114m, comprising a decrease in revenue of $113m and an increase in ECL and operating expenses of $1m.

Future accounting developments 

IFRS 17 'Insurance Contracts'

IFRS 17 will be effective from 1 January 2023, with comparatives restated from 1 January 2022. The standard sets out the requirements that an entity should apply in accounting for insurance contracts it issues and reinsurance contracts it holds, and applies retrospectively. The main changes arising from IFRS 17 are the removal of the present value of in-force long-term insurance business ('PVIF') asset in respect of unearned profits, the recognition of a contractual service margin ('CSM') liability, the measurement of insurance liabilities, and the redesignation of financial assets held to support insurance liabilities currently measured at amortised cost, to fair value under IFRS 9. All of these impacts will be subject to deferred tax.

The Group continues to make progress on the implementation of IFRS 17 with accounting policies, data and models in place, with focus now on finalising the opening balance sheet and rehearsing our operational readiness. However, industry practice and interpretation of aspects of the standard are still evolving, and there remains uncertainty around the likely financial impact of its implementation. As previously guided, our preliminary management estimate of the impact of applying IFRS 17, compared with our current accounting policies for insurance contracts, is an approximate two-third reduction in total equity of our insurance operations at 1 January 2022. Work is ongoing to estimate the impact on the 2022 income statement, which will form the basis for comparative period results following the adoption of the standard in 2023. This estimate is expected to be communicated through an update, to be provided towards the end of 2022, to our previously communicated planning assumption of a reduction in profitability of approximately two-thirds, albeit within a range of expected outcomes.

Summary consolidated income statement 
                                                                      Half-year to 
                                                      30 Jun                        30 Jun                      31 Dec 
                                                        2022                          2021                        2021 
                                                          $m                            $m                          $m 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Net interest income                                   14,451                        13,098                      13,391 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Net fee income                                         6,064                         6,674                       6,423 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Net income from financial 
 instruments held for 
 trading or managed on a fair 
 value basis                                           4,921                         4,184                       3,560 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Net income/(expense) from assets 
 and liabilities 
 of insurance businesses, 
 including related derivatives, 
 measured at fair value through 
 profit or loss                                      (3,051)                         2,795                       1,258 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Change in fair value of 
 designated debt and related 
 derivatives(1)                                        (158)                          (67)                       (115) 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Changes in fair value of other 
 financial instruments 
 mandatorily measured at fair 
 value through profit 
 or loss                                                  68                           548                         250 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Gains less losses from financial 
 investments                                              21                           433                         136 
Net insurance premium income                           7,646                         5,663                       5,207 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Other operating income                                   723                           155                         347 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Total operating income                                30,685                        33,483                      30,457 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Net insurance claims and 
 benefits paid and movement 
 in liabilities to policyholders                     (5,449)                       (7,932)                     (6,456) 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Net operating income before 
 change in expected 
 credit losses and other credit 
 impairment charges(2)                                25,236                        25,551                      24,001 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Change in expected credit losses 
 and other credit 
 impairment charges                                  (1,090)                           719                         209 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Net operating income                                  24,146                        26,270                      24,210 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Total operating expenses 
 excluding impairment of 
 goodwill and other intangible 
 assets                                             (16,343)                      (17,045)                    (16,842) 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Impairment of goodwill and other 
 intangible assets                                      (76)                          (42)                       (691) 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Operating profit                                       7,727                         9,183                       6,677 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Share of profit in associates 
 and joint ventures                                    1,449                         1,656                       1,390 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Profit before tax                                      9,176                        10,839                       8,067 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Tax credit/(charge)                                       39                       (2,417)                     (1,796) 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Profit for the period                                  9,215                         8,422                       6,271 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Attributable to: 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- ordinary shareholders of the 
 parent company                                        8,289                         7,276                       5,331 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- preference shareholders of the                           -                             7                           - 
parent company 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- other equity holders                                   626                           666                         637 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- non-controlling interests                              300                           473                         303 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Profit for the period                                  9,215                         8,422                       6,271 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
                                                           $                             $$ 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------- ------------------------- 
Basic earnings per share                                0.42                          0.36                        0.26 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Diluted earnings per share                              0.41                          0.36                        0.26 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Dividend per ordinary share 
 (paid in the period)(3)                                0.18                          0.15                        0.07 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
                                                           %                             %% 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ---------------------------- ------------------------- 
Post-tax return on average total 
 assets (annualised)                                     0.6                           0.6                         0.4 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Return on average ordinary 
 shareholders' equity 
 (annualised)(4)                                         9.7                           8.4                         7.1 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Return on average tangible 
 equity (annualised)(4)                                  9.9                           9.4                         8.3 
--------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 

1 The debt instruments, issued for funding purposes, are designated under the fair value option to reduce an accounting mismatch.

2 Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges, also referred to as revenue.

3 Second interim dividend of $0.18 per ordinary share in respect of the financial year ending 31 December 2021, paid in April 2022.

   4     Half-year to 31 December 2021 is calculated on a full-year basis and not a 2H21 basis. 
Income statement commentary 

For further financial performance data of our global business segments, see pages 37 to 45. For further financial performance data by geographical regions and selected countries/territories, see pages 46 to 55.

Net interest income

                                           Half-year to                                                                  Quarter to 
                                          30 Jun                         30 Jun                         30 Jun                         31 Mar                         30 Jun 
                                            2022                           2021                           2022                           2022                           2021 
                                              $m                             $m                             $m                             $m                             $m 
-----------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Interest income                           20,855                         17,960                         11,188                          9,667                          8,975 
-----------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Interest expense                         (6,404)                        (4,862)                        (3,734)                        (2,670)                        (2,391) 
-----------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Net interest 
 income                                   14,451                         13,098                          7,454                          6,997                          6,584 
-----------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 assets                                2,233,321                      2,188,991                      2,207,731                      2,259,198                      2,198,953 
-----------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
                                               %                              %%                                                            %% 
-----------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------   ----------------------------  ----------------------------- ---------------------------- 
Gross interest 
 yield(1)                                   1.88                           1.65                           2.03                           1.74                           1.64 
-----------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Less: gross 
 payable(1)                               (0.71)                         (0.54)                         (0.83)                         (0.59)                         (0.53) 
-----------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Net interest 
 spread(2)                                  1.17                           1.11                           1.20                           1.15                           1.11 
-----------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Net interest 
 margin(3)                                  1.30                           1.21                           1.35                           1.26                           1.20 
-----------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 

1 Gross interest yield is the average annualised interest rate earned on average interest-earning assets ('AIEA'). Gross interest payable is the average annualised interest cost as a percentage of average interest-bearing liabilities.

2 Net interest spread is the difference between the average annualised interest rate earned on AIEA, net of amortised premiums and loan fees, and the average annualised interest rate payable on average interest-bearing funds.

   3     Net interest margin is net interest income expressed as an annualised percentage of AIEA. 
Summary of interest income by type of asset 
                                                            Half-year to                                                           Full-year to 
                                     30 Jun 2022                                      30 Jun 2021                                   31 Dec 2021 
                   ------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------- 
                          Average         Interest                        Average          Interest                      Average        Interest 
                          balance           income            Yield       balance            income          Yield       balance          income          Yield 
                               $m               $m                %            $m                $m              %            $m              $m              % 
-----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------  ----------------  -------------  ------------  --------------  ------------- 
Short-term funds 
 and loans 
 and advances to 
 banks                    458,230            1,355             0.60       421,521               507           0.24       450,678           1,105           0.25 
-----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------  ----------------  -------------  ------------  --------------  ------------- 
Loans and 
 advances to 
 customers              1,055,938           13,878             2.65     1,063,974            13,005           2.46     1,060,658          26,071           2.46 
-----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------  ----------------  -------------  ------------  --------------  ------------- 
 - non-trading            228,226            1,093             0.97       201,428               486           0.49       206,246           1,019           0.49 
-----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------  ----------------  -------------  ------------  --------------  ------------- 
 investments              440,495            3,855             1.76       448,587             3,391           1.52       438,840           6,729           1.53 
-----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------  ----------------  -------------  ------------  --------------  ------------- 
 assets                    50,432              674             2.70        53,481               571           2.15        53,091           1,264           2.38 
-----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------  ----------------  -------------  ------------  --------------  ------------- 
 assets                 2,233,321           20,855             1.88     2,188,991            17,960           1.65     2,209,513          36,188           1.64 
-----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------  ----------------  -------------  ------------  --------------  ------------- 
Summary of interest expense by type of liability 
                                                            Half-year to                                                            Full-year to 
                                     30 Jun 2022                                      30 Jun 2021                                    31 Dec 2021 
                   ------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
                          Average         Interest                        Average          Interest                      Average          Interest 
                          balance          expense             Cost       balance           expense           Cost       balance           expense           Cost 
                               $m               $m                %            $m                $m              %            $m                $m              % 
-----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------  ----------------  -------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------- 
Deposits by 
 banks(1)                  82,232              195             0.48        73,402               107           0.29        75,671               198           0.26 
-----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------  ----------------  -------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 accounts(2)            1,369,088            2,834             0.42     1,355,092             2,020           0.30     1,362,580             4,099           0.30 
-----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------  ----------------  -------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 - non-trading            122,886              584             0.96       108,165               166           0.31       114,201               363           0.32 
-----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------  ----------------  -------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------- 
Debt securities 
 in issue 
 - non-trading            182,080            2,053             2.27       199,058             1,864           1.89       193,137             3,603           1.87 
-----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------  ----------------  -------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 liabilities               70,443              738             2.11        68,376               705           2.08        70,929             1,436           2.02 
-----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------  ----------------  -------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 liabilities            1,826,729            6,404             0.71     1,804,093             4,862           0.54     1,816,518             9,699           0.53 
-----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------  ----------------  -------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------- 
   1     Including interest-bearing bank deposits only. 
   2     Including interest-bearing customer accounts only. 

Net interest income ('NII') for 1H22 was $14.5bn, an increase of $1.4bn or 10.3% compared with 1H21. This reflected higher average market interest rates across the major currencies compared with 1H21.

Excluding the unfavourable impacts of significant items and foreign currency translation differences, NII increased by $1.9bn or 15.3%.

NII for 2Q22 was $7.5bn, up 13.2% year-on-year, and 6.5% compared with the previous quarter. This was driven by the impact of higher market interest rates across major currencies, particularly in Europe and North America. The increase was driven by higher asset yields, particularly on customer term lending, short-term funds and loans and advances to banks, as well as on reverse repurchase agreements. This was partly offset by higher funding costs, in particular for customer deposits, debt securities and repurchase agreements.

Net interest margin ('NIM') of 1.30% was 9 basis points ('bps') higher compared with 1H21, as the rise in the yield on AIEA of 23bps was partly offset by the rise in the funding cost of average interest-bearing liabilities of 17bps. The increase in NIM in 1H22 included the unfavourable impacts of significant items and foreign currency translation differences. Excluding this, NIM increased by 11bps.

NIM for 2Q22 was 1.35%, up 15bps year-on-year, and up 9bps compared with the previous quarter, predominantly driven by the impact of higher market interest rates.

Interest income of $20.9bn increased by $2.9bn or 16%, primarily due to higher average interest rates compared with 1H21, as the yield on AIEA increased by 23bps. This was caused by the increase in market interest rates, partly offset by unfavourable changes in balance sheet mix, as balances of low-yielding assets, particularly short-term funds and loans and advances to banks, increased by $37bn and reverse repurchase agreements increased by $27bn, while the balances of high-yielding assets, particularly customer term lending in the loans and advances to customer category, declined by $24bn. The change in interest income included $32.1m in relation to the unfavourable impact of significant items and $743m from the adverse effects of foreign currency translation. Excluding these, interest income increased by $3.7bn.

Interest income of $11.2bn in 2Q22 was up $2.2bn year-on-year, and up $1.5bn from the previous quarter. This was predominantly driven by the impact of higher market interest rates, partly offset by an unfavourable change in the balance sheet mix as balances in low-yielding assets increased, while balances in high-yielding assets declined. Compared with the previous year, balances in low-yielding reverse repurchase agreements increased by $34bn, whereas higher-yielding customer term lending balances declined by $23bn.

Interest expense of $6.4bn increased by $1.5bn or 32% compared with 1H21. This reflected the increase in funding costs by 17bps, mainly arising from higher interest rates paid on interest-bearing customer accounts, repurchase agreements and debt securities in issue. This was partly offset by a reduction in interest expense attributable to reduced balances of high-costing subordinated debt, which declined by $12bn. The change in interest expense included the favourable effects of foreign currency translation differences of $0.2bn. Excluding this, interest expense increased by $1.7bn.

Interest expense of $3.7bn in 2Q22 was up $1.3bn year-on-year, and up $1.1bn compared with the previous quarter. This was predominantly driven by the impact of higher market interest rates.

Net fee income of $6.1bn was $0.6bn lower than in 1H21, and included a $0.2bn adverse impact from currency translation. The fall in net fee income was in WPB and GBM, although it rose in CMB.

In WPB, the reduction in fee income was mainly in Wealth, particularly in broking and unit trusts in Hong Kong, reflecting weaker equity markets due to muted customer sentiment. Covid-19-related restrictions in Hong Kong in 1Q22 also resulted in temporary branch network closures. These reductions were partly offset by higher cards income, notably in the UK, as customer spending increased. The growth in cards activity resulted in a rise in fee expense.

In GBM, a reduction in fee income was driven by lower underwriting fees, as market activity fell due to the effects of the Russia-Ukraine war and wider macroeconomic uncertainty. This compared with a strong 1H21 when corporates raised finance as initial Covid-19 restrictions were eased.

In CMB, fee income increased from account services and credit cards as customer activity increased, as well as from trade products, as global trade volumes recovered compared with 1H21.

Net income from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis of $4.9bn was $0.7bn higher. The increase was driven by GBM, as higher market volatility supported a strong performance within Global Foreign Exchange.

This was partly offset by adverse fair value movements on non-qualifying hedges of $0.2bn.

Net expense from assets and liabilities of insurance businesses, including related derivatives, measured at fair value through profit or loss of $3.1bn compared with a net income of $2.8bn in 1H21. This decrease primarily reflected adverse equity market performances in Hong Kong and France.

This adverse movement resulted in a corresponding movement in liabilities to policyholders and the present value of in-force long-term insurance business ('PVIF') (see 'Other operating income' below). This reflected the extent to which the policyholders and shareholders respectively participate in the investment performance of the associated asset portfolios.

Changes in fair value of other financial instruments mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss of $0.1bn were $0.5bn lower compared with 1H21. This included lower revaluation gains in Principal Investments. It also included revaluation losses on other financial assets due to the increased macroeconomic uncertainty, in part due to the Russia-Ukraine war, as well as adverse movements on interest rate-linked instruments as yield curves steepened.

Gains less losses from financial investments of $21m were $0.4bn lower compared with 1H21, reflecting smaller gains on the disposal of debt securities.

Net insurance premium income of $7.6bn was $2.0bn higher than in 1H21, reflecting strong sales in Hong Kong.

Other operating income of $0.7bn increased by $0.6bn compared with 1H21, primarily due to $0.9bn higher net favourable changes in PVIF.

The changes in PVIF were mainly in Hong Kong and included a $0.2bn increase in the value of new business and a $0.3bn gain following a pricing update for our policyholders' funds held on deposit with us in Hong Kong to reflect the cost to provide this service. There was also an increase of $0.3bn primarily reflecting the effect of sharing lower investment returns with policyholders.

PVIF is presented in accordance with IFRS 4 'Insurance Contracts'. As set out in 'Future accounting developments' on page 29, IFRS 17 'Insurance Contracts' is effective from 1 January 2023. Under IFRS 17, there will be no PVIF asset recognised. Instead, the estimated future profit will be included in the measurement of the insurance contract liability as the contractual service margin and gradually recognised in revenue as services are provided over the duration of the insurance contract.

The increase in 'Other operating income' also included a $0.1bn provisional gain on completion of our acquisition of AXA Singapore in 1H22. The increases were partly offset by 1H22 losses associated with the planned sales of our branch operations in Greece and our operations in Russia.

Net insurance claims and benefits paid and movement in liabilities to policyholders of $5.4bn were $2.5bn lower, primarily due to lower returns on financial assets supporting contracts where the policyholder is subject to part or all of the investment risk, mainly in France and Hong Kong, together with the impact of higher sales volumes in Hong Kong.

Change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges ('ECL') were a charge of $1.1bn, compared with a net release of $0.7bn in 1H21.

The 1H22 charge primarily reflected stage 3 charges of $0.8bn, including charges related to the commercial real estate sector in mainland China, as well as against Russia exposures. We also recognised additional stage 1 and stage 2 allowances to reflect heightened levels of economic uncertainty and inflationary pressures, in part offset by the release of most of our remaining Covid-19-related allowances. This compared with a net release in 1H21 primarily relating to Covid-19-related allowances previously built up in 2020.

We continue to expect our ECL charges to normalise towards 30bps of average loans in 2022, recognising the possible risk of further deterioration in the consensus economic outlook. We also continue to monitor external developments in certain key vulnerable sectors, particularly offshore commercial financing of the real estate sector in mainland China.

For further details on the calculation of ECL, including the measurement uncertainties and significant judgements applied to such calculations, the impact of economic scenarios and management judgemental adjustments, see pages 67 to 75.

Operating expenses - significant items and currency translation 
                                                                      Half-year to 
                                                        30 Jun                      30 Jun                      31 Dec 
                                                          2022                        2021                        2021 
                                                            $m                          $m                          $m 
---------------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Significant items                                        1,043                         818                       1,576 
- customer redress programmes                              (6)                          17                          32 
- impairment of goodwill and 
 other intangibles                                           9                           -                         587 
- restructuring and other related 
 costs                                                   1,040                         848                         988 
- currency translation on 
 significant items                                                                    (47)                        (31) 
---------------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------- 
Currency translation                                                                   749                         510 
---------------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Total                                                    1,043                       1,567                       2,086 
---------------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Operating expenses 
                                                                       Half-year to 
                                                         30 Jun                      30 Jun                     31 Dec 
                                                           2022                        2021                       2021 
                                                             $m                          $m                         $m 
-----------------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------- 
Gross employee compensation and 
 benefits                                                 9,501                      10,225                      9,387 
-----------------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------- 
Capitalised wages and salaries                            (430)                       (615)                      (255) 
-----------------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------- 
Goodwill impairment                                           -                           -                        587 
-----------------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------- 
Property and equipment                                    2,431                       2,540                      2,605 
-----------------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------- 
Amortisation and impairment of 
 intangibles                                                828                         642                        796 
-----------------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------- 
UK bank levy                                                  -                           -                        116 
-----------------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------- 
Legal proceedings and regulatory 
 matters                                                     94                          47                         59 
-----------------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------- 
Other operating expenses(1)                               3,995                       4,248                      4,238 
-----------------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------- 
Total operating expenses (reported)                      16,419                      17,087                     17,533 
-----------------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------- 
Total significant items (including 
 currency translation 
 on significant items)                                  (1,043)                       (818)                    (1,576) 
-----------------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------- 
Currency translation                                                                  (749)                      (510) 
-----------------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------- 
Total operating expenses (adjusted)                      15,376                      15,520                     15,447 
-----------------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------------  ------------------------- 

1 Other operating expenses includes professional fees, contractor costs, transaction taxes, marketing and travel. The decrease was driven by favourable currency translation, as well as higher capitalisation resulting from changes in the capitalisation offset to contractors, services contracted out and other administration expenses compared with the prior year. This was partly offset by higher professional fees resulting from investment in technology including cost to achieve spend.

Staff numbers (full-time equivalents) 
                                                30 Jun                     30 Jun                     31 Dec 
                                                  2022                       2021                       2021 
----------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Global businesses 
----------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Wealth and Personal Banking                    127,638                    132,616                    130,185 
----------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Commercial Banking                              44,183                     43,241                     42,969 
----------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Global Banking and Markets                      46,624                     46,326                     46,166 
----------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Corporate Centre                                   421                        367                        377 
----------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Total staff numbers                            218,866                    222,550                    219,697 
----------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 

Operating expenses of $16.4bn were $0.7bn or 4% lower than in 1H21. This included a favourable impact of $0.7bn from foreign currency translation differences, in part offset by an increase in restructuring and other related costs of $0.2bn.

The reduction also reflected the impact of our cost-saving initiatives of $1.1bn and a lower performance-related pay accrual of $0.4bn, for which the Group-wide phasing of the accrual is driven by the expected profile of full-year profits. Given profits in 1H21 benefited from significant ECL releases, we recognised a larger share of the accrual in the first half of the year relative to 1H22. These factors more than offset increases from our continued investments in technology of $0.4bn, which is gross of cost savings of $0.2bn, and in wealth in Asia of $0.2bn, as well as from other increases, including higher inflation, regulatory investments, growth in business volumes and marketing.

The number of employees expressed in full-time equivalent staff ('FTEs') at 30 June 2022 was 218,866, a decrease of 831 from 31 December 2021. Additionally, the number of contractors at 30 June 2022 was 6,642, an increase of 450 from 31 December 2021.

Share of profit in associates and joint ventures of $1.4bn was $0.2bn or 13% lower, primarily as 1H21 included a higher share of profit from BGF due to the recovery in asset valuations.

In relation to Bank of Communications Co., Limited ('BoCom'), we continue to be subject to a risk of impairment in the carrying value of our investment. We have performed an impairment test on the carrying amount of our investment and confirmed there was no impairment at 30 June 2022. For further details of our impairment review process, see Note 10 on the interim condensed financial statements.

Tax expense

Tax in 1H22 was a credit of $39m. This was mainly due to a $1.8bn credit arising from the recognition of a deferred tax asset on historical tax losses of HSBC Holdings as a result of improved profit forecasts for the UK tax group, which accelerated the expected utilisation of these losses and reduced the uncertainty regarding their recoverability. Excluding this, the effective tax rate for 1H22 was 19.4% and was reduced by the remeasurement of deferred tax balances following substantive enactment of legislation to reduce the rate of the UK banking surcharge from 8% to 3% with effect from 1 April 2023. The effective tax rate for 1H21 was 22.3%.

Summary consolidated balance sheet 
                                                                       30 Jun                   31 Dec 
                                                                         2022                     2021 
                                                                           $m                       $m 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Cash and balances at central banks                                    363,608                  403,018 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Trading assets                                                        217,350                  248,842 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Financial assets designated and otherwise mandatorily 
 measured at fair value through profit or loss                         45,873                   49,804 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Derivatives                                                           262,923                  196,882 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Loans and advances to banks                                            96,429                   83,136 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Loans and advances to customers(1)                                  1,028,356                1,045,814 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Reverse repurchase agreements - non-trading                           244,451                  241,648 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Financial investments                                                 430,796                  446,274 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Other assets                                                          295,634                  242,521 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Total assets                                                        2,985,420                2,957,939 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Liabilities and equity 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Deposits by banks                                                     105,275                  101,152 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Customer accounts                                                   1,651,301                1,710,574 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Repurchase agreements - non-trading                                   129,707                  126,670 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Trading liabilities                                                    80,569                   84,904 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Financial liabilities designated at fair value                        126,006                  145,502 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Derivatives                                                           251,469                  191,064 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Debt securities in issue                                               87,944                   78,557 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Liabilities under insurance contracts                                 113,130                  112,745 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Other liabilities                                                     243,329                  199,994 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Total liabilities                                                   2,788,730                2,751,162 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Total shareholders' equity                                            188,382                  198,250 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Non-controlling interests                                               8,308                    8,527 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Total equity                                                          196,690                  206,777 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
Total liabilities and equity                                        2,985,420                2,957,939 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------- 
   1     Net of impairment allowances. 
Selected financial information 
                                                                       30 Jun                 31 Dec 
                                                                         2022                   2021 
                                                                           $m                     $m 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Called up share capital                                                10,188                 10,316 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Capital resources(1)                                                  158,519                177,786 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Undated subordinated loan capital                                       1,967                  1,968 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Preferred securities and dated subordinated loan capital(2)            27,981                 28,568 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Risk-weighted assets                                                  851,743                838,263 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Total shareholders' equity                                            188,382                198,250 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Less: preference shares and other equity instruments                 (21,691)               (22,414) 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Total ordinary shareholders' equity                                   166,691                175,836 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Less: goodwill and intangible assets (net of tax)                    (18,383)               (17,643) 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Tangible ordinary shareholders' equity                                148,308                158,193 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Financial statistics 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Loans and advances to customers as a percentage of customer 
 accounts (%)                                                            62.3                   61.1 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Average total shareholders' equity to average total assets 
 (%)                                                                     6.37                   6.62 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Net asset value per ordinary share at period end ($)(3)                  8.41                   8.76 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Tangible net asset value per ordinary share at period 
 end ($)(4)                                                              7.48                   7.88 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Tangible net asset value per fully diluted ordinary share 
 at period end ($)                                                       7.43                   7.84 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Number of $0.50 ordinary shares in issue (millions)                    20,376                 20,632 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Basic number of $0.50 ordinary shares outstanding (millions)           19,819                 20,073 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Basic number of $0.50 ordinary shares outstanding and 
 dilutive potential ordinary shares (millions)                         19,949                 20,189 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Closing foreign exchange translation rates to $: 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
$1: GBP                                                                 0.822                  0.739 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
$1: EUR                                                                 0.959                  0.880 
------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
   1     Capital resources are regulatory capital, the calculation of which is set out on page 91. 
   2     Including perpetual preferred securities. 

3 The definition of net asset value per ordinary share is total shareholders' equity, less non-cumulative preference shares and capital securities, divided by the number of ordinary shares in issue, excluding own shares held by the company, including those purchased and held in treasury.

4 The definition of tangible net asset value per ordinary share is total ordinary shareholder's equity excluding goodwill, PVIF and other intangible assets (net of deferred tax), divided by the number of basic ordinary shares in issue, excluding own shares held by the company, including those purchased and held in treasury.

A more detailed consolidated balance sheet is contained in the interim condensed financial statements on page 106.

Balance sheet commentary compared with 31 December 2021

At 30 June 2022, our total assets were $3.0tn, an increase of $27bn or 1% on a reported basis, and $173bn or 6% on a constant currency basis.

Our asset base included growth in derivative asset balances due to favourable revaluation movements on interest rate contracts, and higher other assets reflecting seasonal reductions in settlement accounts at 31 December 2021, as clients settled trades prior to the year end. These increases were partly offset by reductions in cash and balances at central banks and lower trading assets.

Our ratio of loans and advances to customers as a percentage of customer accounts of 62% was in line with 31 December 2021.


Cash and balances at central banks decreased by $39bn or 10%, which included a $32bn impact of foreign exchange movements since 31 December 2021.

Trading assets decreased by $31bn or 13%, notably from a reduction in equity securities held, particularly in the UK and Hong Kong, notably reflecting lower client demand.

Derivative assets increased by $66bn or 34%, mainly in Europe, reflecting favourable revaluation movements on interest rate contracts due to movements in long-term yield curve rates in most major markets. Foreign exchange contracts also increased as a result of foreign exchange rate movements, mainly in the UK, France and Hong Kong. The increase in derivative assets was consistent with the increase in derivative liabilities, as the underlying risk is broadly matched.

Loans and advances to customers of $1.0tn were $17bn lower, which included an adverse impact from foreign currency translation differences of $51bn. On a constant currency basis, customer lending balances were $34bn higher.

The commentary below is on a constant currency basis.

Customer lending increased in WPB by $13bn to $475bn, mainly from higher mortgage balances, notably in the UK (up $5bn), Australia (up $2bn) and Hong Kong (up $1bn). There was also an increase in term lending of $2bn, mainly in Hong Kong and the UK, although overdraft and credit card balances fell, mainly in Asia.

In CMB, customer lending of $348bn was $16bn higher with increases in all regions. Trade volumes remained robust, with growth in term lending of $9bn, reflecting a strong performance in North America and Asia.

In GBM, customer lending of $204bn grew by $5bn, reflecting higher term lending of $5bn, mainly in the US, the UK and UAE due to increased customer drawdowns. There was also growth in overdraft balances of $3bn, mainly in the UK and Hong Kong.

Financial investments decreased by $15bn or 3%, mainly in Europe from the adverse impact of foreign currency translation differences since 31 December 2021. The reduction included adverse fair value movements recorded in 'other comprehensive income' in equity on debt securities, treasury and other eligible bills as a result of higher yield curves and wider macroeconomic pressures. It also included reductions due to disposals and maturity of these securities. The reductions were partly offset by increases in debt instruments measured at amortised cost, as we repositioned our portfolio to reduce capital volatility.

Other assets grew by $53bn or 22%, primarily due to an increase of $29bn in settlement accounts in the UK, the US and Hong Kong from higher trading activity, compared with the seasonal reduction in December 2021. Cash collateral grew by $14bn, reflecting the increase in fair value of derivative assets.


Customer accounts of $1.7tn decreased by $59bn on a reported basis, including the adverse impact of foreign currency translation differences of $83bn. On a constant currency basis, customer accounts were $24bn higher.

The commentary below is on a constant currency basis.

The increase in customer accounts was primarily in WPB (up $15bn), driven by higher interest-bearing and term deposit balances, as interest rates rose. There was a smaller corresponding reduction in non-interest-bearing current accounts.

Customer accounts also increased in GBM, mainly due to growth in interest-bearing and term deposit balances as customers demonstrated a preference for higher yielding accounts as interest rates rose, notably in Europe.

In CMB, customer accounts remained broadly stable, with reductions in North America, partly offset with growth in all other regions. In the UK, customer accounts grew as clients deployed their commercial surplus to interest-bearing accounts as interest rates rose.

Financial liabilities designated at fair value decreased by $19bn or 13%, notably from maturities, mark-to-market reductions and foreign exchange revaluations on non-US dollar instruments.

Derivative liabilities increased by $60bn or 32%, which is consistent with the increase in derivative assets, since the underlying risk is broadly matched.

Other liabilities increased by $43bn or 22%, notably from a rise of $31bn in settlement accounts in the UK, Hong Kong and the US from an increase in trading activity, compared with the seasonal reduction in December 2021. Cash collateral increased by $15bn, mainly due to the increase in fair value of derivative liabilities.


Total shareholders' equity , including non-controlling interests, decreased by $10bn or 5% compared with 31 December 2021.

Profits generated of $9bn were more than offset by coupon distributions on securities classified as equity and dividends paid of $4bn, as well as net losses through other comprehensive income ('OCI') of $13bn. The net losses in OCI included adverse movements of $5bn on financial instruments designated as hold-to-collect-and-sell, which are held as hedges to our exposure to interest rate movements, as a result of the increase in term market yield curves in 1H22. The net loss also included an adverse impact from foreign exchange differences of $9bn. These losses were partly offset by fair value gains on liabilities related to changes in own credit risk of $2bn.

Overall the Group is positively exposed to rising interest rates through net interest income, although there is an impact on our capital base due to the fair value of hold-to-collect-and-sell instruments. These instruments are reported within 'financial investments'. There is an initial negative effect materialising through reserves, after which the net interest income of the Group is expected to result in a net benefit over time, provided policy rates follow market implied rates.

Over time, these adverse movements will unwind as the instruments reach maturity, although not all will necessarily be held to maturity.

It is currently estimated that it will take around four quarters for the benefit to Group net interest income to offset the adverse impact of these revaluations, provided the composition of the portfolio were to remain static.

Customer accounts by country/territory 
                                     30 Jun             31 Dec 
                                       2022               2021 
                                         $m                 $m 
-------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
Europe                              628,977            667,769 
-------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
- UK                                505,195            535,797 
- France                             52,643             56,841 
- Germany                            25,942             22,509 
- Switzerland                         8,021             10,680 
- other                              37,176             41,942 
-------------------------  ---------------- 
Asia                                779,153            792,098 
-------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
- Hong Kong                         543,400            549,429 
- Singapore                          57,057             57,572 
- mainland China                     55,580             59,266 
- Australia                          28,366             28,240 
- India                              24,470             24,507 
- Malaysia                           16,353             16,500 
- Taiwan                             14,588             15,483 
- Indonesia                           5,804              6,019 
- other                              33,535             35,082 
-------------------------  ---------------- 
Middle East and North 
 Africa (excluding Saudi 
 Arabia)                             44,008             42,629 
-------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
- United Arab Emirates               22,661             20,943 
- Egypt                               6,281              6,699 
- Turkey                              3,812              4,258 
- other                              11,254             10,729 
-------------------------  ---------------- 
North America                       168,699            178,565 
-------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
- US                                101,137            111,921 
- Canada                             58,241             58,071 
- other                               9,321              8,573 
-------------------------  ---------------- 
Latin America                        30,464             29,513 
-------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
- Mexico                             23,659             23,583 
- other                               6,805              5,930 
-------------------------  ---------------- 
At end of period                  1,651,301          1,710,574 
-------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 

Risk-weighted assets

Risk-weighted assets ('RWAs') rose by $13.4bn during the first half of the year. Excluding foreign currency translation differences, RWAs increased by $47.4bn, largely as a result of the following:

-- a $19.9bn increase due to asset size movements, mostly due to corporate loan growth across our major regions; and

-- a $28.3bn increase due to changes in methodology and policy. This was mostly due to regulatory change and refinements to our treatment of small and medium-sized enterprises, partly offset by reductions from risk parameter refinements in GBM and CMB.

Global businesses 
Summary                                 36 
------------------------------------  ---- 
Basis of preparation                    36 
Reconciliation of reported and 
 adjusted items - global businesses     37 
------------------------------------  ---- 
Reconciliation of reported and 
 adjusted items - risk-weighted 
 assets                                 40 
------------------------------------  ---- 
Supplementary tables for WPB            40 
------------------------------------  ---- 

The Group Chief Executive, supported by the rest of the Group Executive Committee ('GEC'), reviews operating activity on a number of bases, including by global business and geographical region. Our global businesses - Wealth and Personal Banking, Commercial Banking, and Global Banking and Markets - along with Corporate Centre are our reportable segments under IFRS 8 'Operating Segments', and are presented below and in Note 5: 'Segmental analysis' on page 112.

Basis of preparation 
 The Group Chief Executive, supported 
 by the rest of the GEC, is considered 
 the Chief Operating Decision Maker 
 ('CODM') for the purposes of identifying 
 the Group's reportable segments. 
 Global business results are assessed 
 by the CODM on the basis of adjusted 
 performance, which removes the effects 
 of significant items and currency 
 translation from reported results. 
 Therefore, we present these results 
 on an adjusted basis. Adjusted performance 
 information for 1H21 and 2H21 is 
 presented on a constant currency 
 basis as described on page 29. 
 As required by IFRS 8, reconciliations 
 of the total adjusted global business 
 results to the Group's reported 
 results are presented on page 113. 
 Supplementary reconciliations from 
 reported to adjusted results by 
 global business are presented on 
 pages 37 to 39 for information purposes. 
 Global business performance is also 
 assessed using return on tangible 
 equity ('RoTE'), excluding significant 
 items. A reconciliation of global 
 business RoTE, excluding significant 
 items to the Group's RoTE, is provided 
 on page 56. 
 Our operations are closely integrated 
 and, accordingly, the presentation 
 of data includes internal allocations 
 of certain items of income and expense. 
 These allocations include the costs 
 of certain support services and 
 global functions to the extent that 
 they can be meaningfully attributed 
 to global businesses and geographical 
 regions. While such allocations 
 have been made on a systematic and 
 consistent basis, they necessarily 
 involve a degree of subjectivity. 
 Costs that are not allocated to 
 global businesses are included in 
 Corporate Centre. 
 Where relevant, income and expense 
 amounts presented include the results 
 of inter-segment funding along with 
 inter-company and inter-business 
 line transactions. All such transactions 
 are undertaken on arm's length terms. 
 The intra-Group elimination items 
 for the global businesses are presented 
 in Corporate Centre. 
 The expense of the UK bank levy 
 is included in the Europe geographical 
 region as HSBC regards the levy 
 as a cost of being headquartered 
 in the UK. The current year expense 
 is reflected in the fourth quarter 
 as it is assessed on our balance 
 sheet position as at 31 December. 
 The results of geographical regions 
 are presented on a reported and 
 adjusted basis. Geographical information 
 is classified by the location of 
 the principal operations of the 
 subsidiary or, for The Hongkong 
 and Shanghai Banking Corporation 
 Limited, HSBC Bank plc, HSBC UK 
 Bank plc, HSBC Bank Middle East 
 Limited and HSBC Bank USA, by the 
 location of the branch responsible 
 for reporting the results or providing 

Descriptions of the global businesses are provided in the Overview section on pages 18 to 24.

Reconciliation of reported and adjusted items - global businesses 

Supplementary unaudited analysis of significant items by global business is presented below.

                                                                        Half-year to 30 Jun 2022 
                                       Wealth                                              Global 
                                          and                                             Banking 
                                     Personal                Commercial                       and                 Corporate 
                                      Banking                   Banking                   Markets                    Centre                      Total 
                                           $m                        $m                        $m                        $m                         $m 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                               11,006                     7,216                     7,943                     (929)                     25,236 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
 items                                   (84)                         1                     (102)                       639                        454 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
- customer 
 programmes                                11                         3                         -                         -                         14 
- disposals, 
 and investment 
 in new 
 businesses(2)                              -                         -                         -                       288                        288 
- fair value 
 movements on 
 instruments(3)                           (2)                       (2)                     (127)                       351                        220 
- restructuring 
 and other 
 costs(4)                                (93)                         -                        25                         -                       (68) 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
Adjusted                               10,922                     7,217                     7,841                     (290)                     25,690 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                                (573)                     (288)                     (227)                       (2)                    (1,090) 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Adjusted                                (573)                     (288)                     (227)                       (2)                    (1,090) 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                              (7,514)                   (3,417)                   (4,822)                     (666)                   (16,419) 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
 items                                    103                        66                        87                       787                      1,043 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
- customer 
 programmes                              (10)                         -                         -                         4                        (6) 
- impairment of 
 goodwill and 
 intangibles                                -                         -                         -                         9                          9 
- restructuring 
 and other 
 related costs                            113                        66                        87                       774                      1,040 
Adjusted                              (7,411)                   (3,351)                   (4,735)                       121                   (15,376) 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Share of profit 
in associates 
and joint 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                                    8                         -                         -                     1,441                      1,449 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Adjusted                                    8                         -                         -                     1,441                      1,449 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
before tax 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                                2,927                     3,511                     2,894                     (156)                      9,176 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
 items                                     19                        67                      (15)                     1,426                      1,497 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
- revenue                                (84)                         1                     (102)                       639                        454 
- operating 
 expenses                                 103                        66                        87                       787                      1,043 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
Adjusted profit 
 before tax                             2,946                     3,578                     2,879                     1,270                     10,673 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported tax 
 (charge)/credit                        (676)                     (822)                     (497)                     2,034                         39 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Tax significant 
 items                                    (1)                      (12)                         5                   (1,993)                    (2,001) 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
- tax 
 on significant 
 items                                    (1)                      (12)                         5                     (228)                      (236) 
- recognition of 
 losses on HSBC 
 Holdings                                   -                         -                         -                   (1,765)                    (1,765) 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
Adjusted profit 
 after tax                              2,269                     2,744                     2,387                     1,311                      8,711 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Loans and 
advances to 
customers (net) 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                              475,464                   348,253                   204,097                       542                  1,028,356 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Adjusted                              475,464                   348,253                   204,097                       542                  1,028,356 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                              836,026                   479,680                   335,033                       562                  1,651,301 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Adjusted                              836,026                   479,680                   335,033                       562                  1,651,301 
----------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 

1 Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges, also referred to as revenue.

2 Includes losses from classifying businesses as held-for-sale as part of a broader restructuring of our European business.

3 Includes fair value movements on non-qualifying hedges and debt valuation adjustments on derivatives.

4 Comprises gains and losses relating to the business update in February 2020, including losses associated with RWA reduction commitments.

Reconciliation of reported results to adjusted results - global businesses 
                                                                         Half-year to 30 Jun 2021 
                                       Wealth                                                Global 
                                          and                                               Banking 
                                     Personal                 Commercial                        and                  Corporate 
                                      Banking                    Banking                    Markets                     Centre                      Total 
                                           $m                         $m                         $m                         $m                         $m 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                               11,400                      6,670                      7,703                      (222)                     25,551 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 translation                            (423)                      (301)                      (349)                          4                    (1,069) 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 items                                      3                       (16)                        164                        101                        252 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
- customer 
 programmes                                 2                       (20)                          -                          -                       (18) 
- fair value 
 movements on 
 instruments(2)                           (1)                        (1)                         13                        183                        194 
- restructuring 
 and other 
 costs(3)                                   -                          2                        162                       (94)                         70 
- currency 
 translation on 
 items                                      2                          3                       (11)                         12                          6 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Adjusted                               10,980                      6,353                      7,518                      (117)                     24,734 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                                   52                        249                        414                          4                        719 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 translation                             (14)                       (21)                        (9)                          -                       (44) 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Adjusted                                   38                        228                        405                          4                        675 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                              (7,817)                    (3,544)                    (5,058)                      (668)                   (17,087) 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 translation                              332                        156                        267                        (6)                        749 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 items                                    208                         17                         67                        526                        818 
- customer 
 programmes                                13                          -                          -                          4                         17 
- restructuring 
 and other 
 related costs                            204                         19                         73                        552                        848 
- currency 
 translation on 
 items                                    (9)                        (2)                        (6)                       (30)                       (47) 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Adjusted                              (7,277)                    (3,371)                    (4,724)                      (148)                   (15,520) 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Share of profit 
in associates 
and joint 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                                   11                          1                          -                      1,644                      1,656 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 translation                              (1)                          -                          -                        (6)                        (7) 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Adjusted                                   10                          1                          -                      1,638                      1,649 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Profit before 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                                3,646                      3,376                      3,059                        758                     10,839 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 translation                            (106)                      (166)                       (91)                        (8)                      (371) 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 items                                    211                          1                        231                        627                      1,070 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
- revenue                                   3                       (16)                        164                        101                        252 
- operating 
 expenses                                 208                         17                         67                        526                        818 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Adjusted profit 
 before tax                             3,751                      3,211                      3,199                      1,377                     11,538 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported tax 
 credit                                 (768)                      (807)                      (655)                      (187)                    (2,417) 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 translation                               25                         35                         19                         30                        109 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Tax significant 
 items                                   (46)                        (6)                       (48)                       (47)                      (147) 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
- tax 
 on significant 
 items                                   (50)                        (6)                       (50)                       (47)                      (153) 
- currency 
 translation on 
 items                                      4                          -                          2                          -                          6 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Adjusted profit 
 after tax                              2,962                      2,433                      2,515                      1,173                      9,083 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Loans and 
advances to 
customers (net) 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                              491,320                    350,945                    216,098                      1,148                  1,059,511 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 translation                         (32,747)                   (21,072)                   (11,054)                       (83)                   (64,956) 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Adjusted                              458,573                    329,873                    205,044                      1,065                    994,555 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                              841,257                    485,689                    341,242                        903                  1,669,091 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 translation                         (47,980)                   (30,683)                   (24,377)                      (109)                  (103,149) 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Adjusted                              793,277                    455,006                    316,865                        794                  1,565,942 
----------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 

1 Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges, also referred to as revenue.

2 Includes fair value movements on non-qualifying hedges and debt valuation adjustments on derivatives.

3 Comprises losses associated with RWA reduction commitments and gains relating to the business update in February 2020.

Reconciliation of reported results to adjusted results - global businesses 
                                                                        Half-year to 31 Dec 2021 
                                     Wealth                                                Global 
                                        and                                               Banking 
                                   Personal                 Commercial                        and                  Corporate 
                                    Banking                    Banking                    Markets                     Centre                      Total 
                                         $m                         $m                         $m                         $m                         $m 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                             10,717                      6,761                      6,885                      (362)                     24,001 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 translation                          (271)                      (210)                      (235)                          5                      (711) 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 items                                  (7)                          5                        228                         61                        287 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
- customer 
 programmes                               5                          2                          -                          -                          7 
- fair value 
 movements on 
 instruments(2)                           1                          -                          6                         41                         48 
- restructuring 
 and other 
 costs(3)                              (14)                          1                        233                         17                        237 
- currency 
 translation on 
 items                                    1                          2                       (11)                          3                        (5) 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Adjusted                             10,439                      6,556                      6,878                      (296)                     23,577 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                                236                         51                       (77)                        (1)                        209 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 translation                           (21)                       (11)                        (3)                          -                       (35) 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Adjusted                                215                         40                       (80)                        (1)                        174 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                            (8,489)                    (3,511)                    (5,145)                      (388)                   (17,533) 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 translation                            212                         96                        197                          5                        510 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 items                                  703                         60                        117                        696                      1,576 
- customer 
 programmes                              26                          1                          -                          5                         32 
- impairment of 
 goodwill and 
 intangibles                            587                          -                          -                          -                        587 
- restructuring 
 and other 
 related costs                           92                         62                        124                        710                        988 
- currency 
 translation on 
 items                                  (2)                        (3)                        (7)                       (19)                       (31) 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Adjusted                            (7,574)                    (3,355)                    (4,831)                        313                   (15,447) 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Share of profit 
in associates 
and joint 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                                 23                          -                          -                      1,367                      1,390 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 translation                              1                          -                          -                       (14)                       (13) 
Adjusted                                 24                          -                          -                      1,353                      1,377 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Profit before 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                              2,487                      3,301                      1,663                        616                      8,067 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 translation                           (79)                      (125)                       (41)                        (4)                      (249) 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 items                                  696                         65                        345                        757                      1,863 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
- revenue                               (7)                          5                        228                         61                        287 
- operating 
 expenses                               703                         60                        117                        696                      1,576 
Adjusted profit 
 before tax                           3,104                      3,241                      1,967                      1,369                      9,681 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported tax 
 (charge)/credit                      (662)                      (611)                      (838)                        315                    (1,796) 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 translation                              3                         23                         51                       (24)                         53 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Tax significant 
 items                                 (15)                        (8)                       (41)                      (103)                      (167) 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
- tax 
 on significant 
 items                                 (16)                        (9)                       (45)                      (103)                      (173) 
- currency 
 translation on 
 items                                    1                          1                          4                          -                          6 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Adjusted profit 
 after tax                            2,430                      2,645                      1,139                      1,557                      7,771 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Loans and 
advances to 
customers (net) 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                            488,786                    349,126                    207,162                        740                  1,045,814 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 translation                       (26,334)                   (16,416)                    (8,308)                       (54)                   (51,112) 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Adjusted                            462,452                    332,710                    198,854                        686                    994,702 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                            859,029                    506,688                    344,205                        652                  1,710,574 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 translation                       (38,465)                   (24,907)                   (19,966)                       (62)                   (83,400) 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
Adjusted                            820,564                    481,781                    324,239                        590                  1,627,174 
----------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 

1 Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges, also referred to as revenue.

2 Includes fair value movements on non-qualifying hedges and debt valuation adjustments on derivatives.

3 Comprises losses associated with RWA reduction commitments and gains relating to the business update in February 2020.

Reconciliation of reported and adjusted risk-weighted assets 
                                                                                   At 30 Jun 2022 
                                                 Wealth                                                Global 
                                                    and                                               Banking 
                                               Personal                 Commercial                        and                    Corporate 
                                                Banking                    Banking                    Markets                       Centre                      Total 
                                                    $bn                        $bn                        $bn                          $bn                        $bn 
--------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------- 
--------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                                          186.1                      341.9                      241.1                         82.6                      851.7 
Adjusted(1)                                       186.1                      341.9                      241.1                         82.6                      851.7 
--------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------- 
                                                                                   At 30 Jun 2021 
--------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                                          185.0                      332.1                      255.2                         90.0                      862.3 
--------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------- 
 translation                                      (9.4)                     (21.0)                     (11.2)                        (1.8)                     (43.4) 
Adjusted(1)                                       175.6                      311.1                      244.0                         88.2                      818.9 
--------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------- 
                                                                                   At 31 Dec 2021 
--------------  -------------------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------- 
Reported                                        178.3                      332.9                        236.2                         90.9                      838.3 
--------------  -------------------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------- 
 translation                                    (7.3)                     (16.4)                        (7.9)                        (1.4)                     (33.0) 
Adjusted(1)                                     171.0                      316.5                        228.3                         89.5                      805.3 
--------------  -------------------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------- 

1 Adjusted risk-weighted assets are calculated using reported risk-weighted assets adjusted for the effects of currency translation differences and material significant items.

Supplementary tables for WPB 

WPB adjusted performance by business unit

A breakdown of WPB by business unit is presented below to reflect the basis of how the revenue performance of the business units is assessed and managed.

WPB - summary (adjusted basis) 
                                                                                                       Consists of(1) 
                                          Total                        Banking                      Insurance                        Private                          Asset 
                                            WPB                     operations                  manufacturing                        Banking                     management 
                                             $m                             $m                             $m                             $m                             $m 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Half-year to 30 
Jun 2022 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Net operating 
 income before 
 in expected 
 credit losses 
 and other 
 charges(2)                              10,922                          8,426                          1,013                            945                            538 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
- net interest 
 income                                   7,658                          6,132                          1,139                            388                            (1) 
- net fee 
 income/(expense)                         2,619                          2,013                          (379)                            424                            561 
- other income                              645                            281                            253                            133                           (22) 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
ECL                                       (573)                          (562)                            (7)                            (4)                              - 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Net operating 
 income                                  10,349                          7,864                          1,006                            941                            538 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Total operating 
 expenses                               (7,411)                        (5,931)                          (404)                          (667)                          (409) 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Operating profit                          2,938                          1,933                            602                            274                            129 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Share of 
 profit/(loss) in 
 and joint 
 ventures                                     8                              4                              4                              -                              - 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Profit before tax                         2,946                          1,937                            606                            274                            129 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Half-year to 30 
Jun 2021 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Net operating 
 income before 
 in expected 
 credit losses 
 and other 
 charges(2)                              10,980                          8,065                          1,437                            905                            573 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
- net interest 
 income                                   6,808                          5,382                          1,118                            310                            (2) 
- net fee 
 income/(expense)                         2,955                          2,238                          (306)                            464                            559 
- other 
 income/(expense)                         1,217                            445                            625                            131                             16 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
ECL                                          38                             57                           (20)                              1                              - 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Net operating 
 income                                  11,018                          8,122                          1,417                            906                            573 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Total operating 
 expenses                               (7,277)                        (5,942)                          (260)                          (685)                          (390) 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Operating profit                          3,741                          2,180                          1,157                            221                            183 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Share of 
 profit/(loss) in 
 and joint 
 ventures                                    10                              3                              7                              -                              - 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Profit before tax                         3,751                          2,183                          1,164                            221                            183 
-----------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
WPB - summary (adjusted basis) (continued) 
                                                                                                    Consists of(1) 
                                         Total                      Banking                      Insurance                      Private                          Asset 
                                           WPB                   operations                  manufacturing                      Banking                     management 
                                            $m                           $m                             $m                           $m                             $m 
-----------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Half-year to 31 
Dec 2021 
-----------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Net operating 
 income before 
 in expected 
 credit losses 
 and other 
 charges(2)                             10,439                        7,833                          1,132                          870                            604 
-----------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------- 
- net interest 
 income                                  6,953                        5,476                          1,157                          320                              - 
- net fee 
 income/(expense)                        2,789                        2,065                          (299)                          447                            576 
- other 
 income/(expense)                          697                          292                            274                          103                             28 
-----------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  --------------------------- 
ECL                                        215                          201                              3                           12                            (1) 
-----------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Net operating 
 income                                 10,654                        8,034                          1,135                          882                            603 
-----------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Total operating 
 expenses(2)                           (7,574)                      (6,019)                          (316)                        (835)                          (404) 
-----------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Operating profit                         3,080                        2,015                            819                           47                            199 
-----------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Share of profit 
 in associates 
 joint ventures                             24                           14                             10                            -                              - 
-----------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Profit before tax                        3,104                        2,029                            829                           47                            199 
-----------------  ---------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------- 

1 The results presented for insurance manufacturing operations are shown before elimination of inter-company transactions with HSBC non-insurance operations. These eliminations are presented within Banking operations.

2 Operating expenses in Global Private Banking in 2H21 included a charge of $0.1bn, which did not meet the criteria to be classified as a significant item.

WPB insurance manufacturing adjusted results

The following table shows the results of our insurance manufacturing operations by income statement line item. It shows the results of insurance manufacturing operations for WPB and for all global business segments in aggregate, and separately the insurance distribution income earned by HSBC bank channels.

Adjusted results of insurance manufacturing operations and insurance 
 distribution income earned by HSBC bank channels(1,2) 
                                                                                  Half-year to 
                                      30 Jun                                         30 Jun                                         31 Dec 
                                       2022                                           2021                                           2021 
                                                                  ---------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------- 
                                                          global                                     All global                                     All global 
                                     WPB              businesses                    WPB              businesses                    WPB              businesses 
                                      $m                      $m                     $m                      $m                     $m                      $m 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Net interest 
 income                            1,139                   1,254                  1,118                   1,205                  1,157                   1,244 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Net fee expense                    (379)                   (398)                  (306)                   (330)                  (299)                   (306) 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
- fee income                          78                      88                     45                      56                     57                      69 
- fee expense                      (457)                   (486)                  (351)                   (386)                  (356)                   (375) 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  --------------------- 
 from financial 
 instruments held 
 for trading or 
 on a fair value 
 basis                                55                      45                    (2)                     (6)                      1                     (1) 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
 from assets and 
 liabilities of 
 at fair value 
 through profit 
 or loss                         (3,060)                 (3,077)                  2,656                   2,682                  1,245                   1,254 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Gains less losses 
 from financial 
 investments                         (1)                     (1)                     58                      53                     28                      36 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Net insurance 
 premium income                    7,335                   7,702                  5,241                   5,563                  5,028                   5,180 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Other operating 
 income/(expense)                  1,010                   1,011                     38                      22                    131                     130 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
- of which: PVIF                     915                     922                     10                     (2)                     71                      75 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Total operating 
 income                            6,099                   6,536                  8,803                   9,189                  7,291                   7,537 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Net insurance 
 claims and 
 benefits paid 
 and movement in 
 liabilities to 
 policyholders                   (5,086)                 (5,476)                (7,366)                 (7,680)                (6,159)                 (6,347) 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Net operating 
 income before 
 in expected 
 credit losses 
 and other 
 charges(3)                        1,013                   1,060                  1,437                   1,509                  1,132                   1,190 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Change in 
 expected credit 
 losses and 
 other credit 
 charges                             (7)                     (8)                   (20)                    (19)                      3                     (1) 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Net operating 
 income                            1,006                   1,052                  1,417                   1,490                  1,135                   1,189 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Total operating 
 expenses                          (404)                   (416)                  (260)                   (271)                  (316)                   (332) 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Operating profit                     602                     636                  1,157                   1,219                    819                     857 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Share of 
 profit/(loss) in 
 and joint 
 ventures                              4                       4                      7                       7                     10                      10 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Profit before tax 
 of insurance 
 operations(4)                       606                     640                  1,164                   1,226                    829                     867 
Annualised new 
 premiums of 
 operations                        1,280                   1,320                  1,525                   1,561                  1,272                   1,289 
 income earned 
 by HSBC bank 
 channels                            431                     470                    386                     430                    353                     378 
-----------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 

1 Adjusted results are derived by adjusting for period-on-period effects of foreign currency translation differences, and the effect of significant items that distort period-on-period comparisons. There were no significant items included within insurance manufacturing, and the impact of foreign currency translation on 'All global businesses' profit before tax was 1H21: $36m unfavourable (reported: $1,262m); 2H21: $12m unfavourable (reported: $879m).

2 The results presented for insurance manufacturing operations are shown before elimination of inter-company transactions with HSBC

non-insurance operations.

3 Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges, also referred to as revenue.

4 The effect on the insurance manufacturing operations of applying hyperinflation accounting in Argentina resulted in a decrease in adjusted revenue in 1H22 of $2m (1H21: increase of $6m; 2H21: increase of $5m) and a decrease in profit before tax in 1H22 of $2m (1H21: increase of $6m; 2H21: increase of $4m). These effects are recorded within 'All global businesses'.

Insurance manufacturing

The following commentary, unless otherwise specified, relates to the 'All global businesses' results.

HSBC recognises the present value of long-term in-force insurance contracts and investment contracts with discretionary participation features ('PVIF') as an asset on the balance sheet.

The overall balance sheet equity, including PVIF, is therefore a measure of the embedded value in the insurance manufacturing entities, and the movement in this embedded value in the period drives the overall income statement result.

Adjusted profit before tax of $0.6bn decreased by $0.6bn compared with 1H21.

Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges was $1.1bn, which was $0.5bn lower than in 1H21. This reflected the following:

-- 'Net expense from assets and liabilities of insurance businesses, including related derivatives, measured at fair value through profit or loss' of $3.1bn in 1H22, compared with a net income of $2.7bn in 1H21. This was primarily due to unfavourable equity market performances in France and Hong Kong in 1H22, compared with favourable market performances in 1H21.

This unfavourable movement resulted in a corresponding movement in liabilities to policyholders and PVIF (see 'Other operating income' below), reflecting the extent to which policyholders and shareholders respectively participate in the investment performance of the associated asset portfolios.

-- Net insurance premium income of $7.7bn was $2.1bn higher than in 1H21. This increase reflected strong sales in Hong Kong driven by our whole-of-life propositions.


Other operating income of $1.0bn increased by $1.0bn compared with 1H21, reflecting an increase in the value of new business of $0.2bn in Hong Kong, a $0.3bn gain from a pricing update for policyholder funds held on deposit with us in Hong Kong to reflect the cost of provision of these services, and an increase of $0.3bn primarily reflecting the effect of sharing lower investment returns with policyholders in Hong Kong. It also reflected a $0.1bn day one provisional gain on completion of our acquisition of AXA Singapore in 1H22.

-- Net insurance claims and benefits paid and movement in liabilities to policyholders of $5.5bn were $2.2bn lower, primarily due to a decline in returns on financial assets supporting contracts where the policyholder is subject to part or all of the investment risk, mainly in France and Hong Kong. It also reflected higher sales volumes in Hong Kong.

-- Total operating expenses of $0.4bn increased by $0.1bn compared with 1H21, reflecting the incorporation of the results of AXA Singapore in 1H22 and investment in our Pinnacle proposition in mainland China.

Annualised new business premiums ('ANP') is a measure of new insurance premium generation by the business. It is calculated as 100% of annualised first-year regular premiums and 10% of single premiums, before reinsurance ceded. ANP of $1.3bn in 1H22 was $0.2bn lower due to a higher proportion of sales in Hong Kong having been generated from single premium products.

Insurance distribution income from HSBC channels included $294m (1H21: $258m; 2H21: $216m) on HSBC manufactured products, for which a corresponding fee expense is recognised within insurance manufacturing, and $175m (1H21: $172m; 2H21: $162m) on products manufactured by third-party providers. The WPB component of this distribution income was $265m (1H21: $223m; 2H21: $199m) from HSBC manufactured products and $166m (1H21: $163m; 2H21: $154m) from third-party products.

WPB: Wealth adjusted revenue by geography

The following table shows the adjusted revenue of our Wealth business by region. Our Wealth business comprises investment distribution, life insurance manufacturing, Global Private Banking and Asset Management.

Wealth adjusted revenue by geography 
                                                  Half-year to 
                                   30 Jun                      30 Jun                      31 Dec 
                                     2022                        2021                        2021 
                                       $m                          $m                          $m 
--------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Europe                              1,173                       1,186                       1,044 
--------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Asia                                2,426                       3,114                       2,614 
--------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
MENA                                   94                          84                          84 
--------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
North America                         281                         259                         268 
--------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Latin America                         136                         119                         127 
--------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Total                               4,110                       4,762                       4,137 
--------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 

WPB: Wealth balances

The following table shows the wealth balances, which include invested assets and wealth deposits. Invested assets comprise

customer assets either managed by our Asset Management business or by external third-party investment managers, as well as self-directed investments by our customers.

WPB - reported wealth balances(1) 
                                                                       Half-year to 
                                                        30 Jun                      30 Jun                      31 Dec 
                                                          2022                        2021                        2021 
                                                           $bn                         $bn                         $bn 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Global Private Banking client 
 assets                                                    311                         360                         351 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
- managed by Global Asset 
 Management                                                 57                          69                          67 
- external managers, direct 
 securities and other                                      254                         291                         284 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------- 
Retail wealth balances                                     398                         457                         434 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
- managed by Global Asset 
 Management                                                219                         231                         229 
- external managers, direct 
 securities and other                                      179                         226                         205 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------- 
Asset Management third-party 
 distribution                                              310                         317                         334 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Reported invested assets(1)                              1,019                       1,134                       1,119 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Wealth deposits (Premier, Jade and 
 Global Private 
 Banking)(2)                                               542                         537                         551 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Total reported wealth balances                           1,561                       1,671                       1,670 
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 

1 Invested assets are not reported on the Group's balance sheet, except where it is deemed that we are acting as principal rather than agent in our role as investment manager.

2 Premier, Jade and Global Private Banking deposits, which include Prestige deposits in Hang Seng Bank, form part of the total WPB customer accounts balance of $836bn (30 June 2021: $841bn, 31 December 2021: $859bn) on page 37.

Asset Management: Funds under management

The following table shows the funds under management of our Asset Management business. Funds under management

represents assets managed, either actively or passively, on behalf of our customers.

Asset Management - reported funds under management(1) 
                                                                   Half-year to 
                                                   30 Jun                        30 Jun                        31 Dec 
                                                     2022                          2021                          2021 
                                                      $bn                           $bn                           $bn 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Opening balance                                       630                           602                           616 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Net new invested assets                                20                             4                            23 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Net market movements                                 (33)                            16                             2 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Foreign exchange and others                          (32)                           (6)                          (11) 
Closing balance                                       585                           616                           630 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Asset Management - reported funds under management by geography 
                                                   30 Jun                        30 Jun                        31 Dec 
                                                     2022                          2021                          2021 
                                                      $bn                           $bn                           $bn 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Europe                                                317                           347                           367 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Asia                                                  170                           186                           180 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
MENA                                                    5                             6                             5 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
North America                                          84                            68                            69 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Latin America                                           9                             9                             9 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Closing balance                                       585                           616                           630 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 

1 Funds under management are not reported on the Group's balance sheet, except where it is deemed that we are acting as principal rather than agent in our role as investment manager.

At 30 June 2022, Asset Management funds under management amounted to $585bn, a decrease of $45bn or 7% compared with 31 December 2021. The decrease was driven by an adverse market performance, reflecting the effects of macroeconomic uncertainty on financial markets, and the unfavourable impact of

foreign currency translation differences. Despite this, we delivered robust net new invested assets of $20bn, primarily from money market solutions, passive investment products and private equity investment products.

Global Private Banking client assets(1)

The following table shows the client assets of our Global Private Banking business.

Global Private Banking - reported client assets(2) 
                                                                    Half-year to 
                                                    30 Jun                        30 Jun                        31 Dec 
                                                      2022                          2021                          2021 
                                                       $bn                           $bn                           $bn 
-----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Opening balance                                        423                           394                           427 
-----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Net new invested assets                                 14                            20                           (1) 
-----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Increase/(decrease) in 
 deposits                                              (2)                             -                             4 
-----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Net market movements                                  (43)                            16                             1 
Foreign exchange and others                           (10)                           (3)                           (8) 
-----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Closing balance                                        382                           427                           423 
-----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Global Private Banking - reported client assets by geography 
                                     30 Jun                      30 Jun                      31 Dec 
                                       2022                        2021                        2021 
                                        $bn                         $bn                         $bn 
----------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Europe                                  154                         176                         174 
----------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Asia                                    167                         193                         178 
----------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
North America                            61                          58                          71 
Closing balance                         382                         427                         423 
----------------  -------------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 

1 Client assets are translated at the rates of exchange applicable for their respective period-ends, with the effects of currency translation reported separately.

2 Client assets are not reported on the Group's balance sheet, except where it is deemed that we are acting as principal rather than agent in our role as investment manager. Customer deposits included in these client assets are recorded on our balance sheet.

Retail invested assets

The following table shows the invested assets of our retail customers. These comprise customer assets either managed by our Asset Management business or by external third-party

investment managers as well as self-directed investments by our customers. Retail invested assets are not reported on the Group's balance sheet, except where it is deemed that we are acting as principal rather than agent in our role as investment manager.

Retail invested assets 
                                                                   Half-year to 
                                                   30 Jun                        30 Jun                        31 Dec 
                                                     2022                          2021                          2021 
                                                      $bn                           $bn                           $bn 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Opening balance                                       434                           407                           457 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Net new invested assets(1)                             12                            16                            10 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Net market movements                                 (27)                            22                          (17) 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Foreign exchange and others                          (21)                            12                          (16) 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Closing balance                                       398                           457                           434 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Retail invested assets by geography 
                                                   30 Jun                        30 Jun                        31 Dec 
                                                     2022                          2021                          2021 
                                                      $bn                           $bn                           $bn 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Europe                                                 65                            81                            81 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Asia                                                  284                           316                           293 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
MENA                                                    4                             5                             4 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
North America                                          37                            46                            47 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Latin America                                           8                             9                             9 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Closing balance                                       398                           457                           434 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 

1 'Retail net new invested assets' covers nine markets, comprising Hong Kong including Hang Seng Bank (Hong Kong), mainland China, Malaysia, Singapore, HSBC UK, UAE, US, Canada and Mexico. The 'net new invested assets' related to all other geographies is reported in 'Foreign exchange and other'.

WPB invested assets

'Net new invested assets' represents the net customer inflows from retail invested assets, Asset Management third-party distribution and Global Private Banking invested assets. It excludes all customer deposits. The 'net new invested assets' in the table below is non-additive from the tables above, as net new invested assets managed by Asset Management that are generated by retail clients or Global Private Banking will be recorded in both businesses.

WPB: Invested assets 
                                                                  Half-year to 
                                                  30 Jun                        30 Jun                       31 Dec 
                                                    2022                          2021                         2021 
                                                     $bn                           $bn                          $bn 
----------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------- 
Opening balance                                    1,119                         1,050                        1,134 
----------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------- 
Net new invested assets                               39                            36                           28 
----------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------- 
Net market movements                                (85)                            44                         (10) 
----------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------- 
Foreign exchange and others                         (54)                             4                         (33) 
----------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------- 
Closing balance                                    1,019                         1,134                        1,119 
----------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------- 
WPB: Net new invested assets by geography 
                                                  30 Jun                        30 Jun                       31 Dec 
                                                    2022                          2021                         2021 
                                                     $bn                           $bn                          $bn 
----------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------- 
Europe                                                 -                           (1)                           18 
----------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------- 
Asia                                                  22                            27                           10 
----------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------- 
MENA                                                   -                             -                            - 
----------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------- 
North America                                         17                            10                            - 
----------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------- 
Latin America                                          -                             -                            - 
----------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------- 
Total                                                 39                            36                           28 
----------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------- 
Geographical regions 
Analysis of reported results 
 by geographical regions                          46 
--------------------------------------  ------------ 
Reconciliation of reported and 
 adjusted items - geographical 
 regions                                          48 
--------------------------------------  ------------ 
Analysis by country/territory                     54 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Analysis of reported results by geographical regions 
HSBC reported profit/(loss) before tax and balance sheet data 
                                                                                                          Half-year to 30 Jun 2022 
                                                                                                                                North                 Latin                Intra-HSBC 
                                                   Europe                       Asia                   MENA                   America               America                     items                    Total 
                                                       $m                         $m                     $m                        $m                    $m                        $m                       $m 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Net interest income                                 3,578                      6,785                    702                     1,527                 1,260                       599                   14,451 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Net fee income                                      1,847                      2,527                    431                       997                   263                       (1)                    6,064 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Net income from financial 
 held for trading or managed 
 on a fair value basis                              1,692                      2,286                    310                       294                   299                        40                    4,921 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Net income/(expense) from 
 and liabilities of 
 businesses, including 
 derivatives, measured at 
 value through profit and 
 loss                                             (1,709)                    (1,354)                      -                         -                    11                         1                  (3,051) 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Changes in fair value of 
 financial instruments 
 measured at fair value 
 profit or loss                                       691                          4                      3                       (7)                    19                     (642)                       68 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Other income/(expense)(1)                           3,253                      2,701                  (108)                       378                  (71)                   (3,370)                    2,783 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Net operating income before 
 change in expected credit 
 and other credit impairment 
 charges(2)                                         9,352                     12,949                  1,338                     3,189                 1,781                   (3,373)                   25,236 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Change in expected credit 
 and other credit impairment 
 charges                                            (302)                      (529)                     49                      (47)                 (261)                         -                  (1,090) 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Net operating income                                9,050                     12,420                  1,387                     3,142                 1,520                   (3,373)                   24,146 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Total operating expenses 
 impairment of goodwill and 
 other intangible assets                          (8,102)                    (7,443)                  (755)                   (2,281)               (1,135)                     3,373                 (16,343) 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Impairment of goodwill and 
 other intangible assets                             (42)                       (28)                    (1)                       (3)                   (2)                         -                     (76) 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Operating profit                                      906                      4,949                    631                       858                   383                         -                    7,727 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Share of profit/(loss) in 
 and joint ventures                                  (23)                      1,351                    117                         -                     4                         -                    1,449 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Profit before tax                                     883                      6,300                    748                       858                   387                         -                    9,176 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
                                                        %%                                                %%                                              %                                                  % 
----------------------------  ---------------------------   ------------------------  ---------------------   -----------------------  --------------------  ------------------------   ---------------------- 
Share of HSBC's profit 
 tax                                                  9.5                       68.7                    8.2                       9.4                   4.2                                              100.0 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Cost efficiency ratio                                87.1                       57.7                   56.5                      71.6                  63.8                                               65.1 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Balance sheet data                                     $m                         $m                     $m                        $m                    $m                        $m                       $m 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Loans and advances to 
 (net)                                            368,923                    492,548                 28,348                   116,075                22,462                         -                1,028,356 
Total assets                                    1,356,981                  1,311,551                 72,791                   366,751                50,024                 (172,678)                2,985,420 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Customer accounts                                 628,977                    779,153                 44,008                   168,699                30,464                         -                1,651,301 
Risk-weighted assets(3)                           257,609                    410,736                 60,856                   111,990                37,870                         -                  851,743 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
                                                                                                          Half-year to 30 Jun 2021 
----------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Net interest income                                 3,144                      6,266                    650                     1,432                 1,009                       597                   13,098 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Net fee income                                      1,925                      3,115                    370                     1,009                   255                         -                    6,674 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Net income from financial 
 held for trading or managed 
 on a fair value basis                              1,439                      2,010                    205                       258                   235                        37                    4,184 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Net income from assets and 
 liabilities of insurance 
 including related 
 measured at fair value 
 profit and loss                                    1,074                      1,700                      -                         -                    21                         -                    2,795 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Changes in fair value of 
 financial instruments 
 measured at fair value 
 profit or loss                                     1,124                        (3)                    (3)                        31                    36                     (637)                      548 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Other income/(expense)(1)                           1,523                        168                     30                       321                  (71)                   (3,719)                  (1,748) 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Net operating income before 
 change in expected credit 
 and other credit impairment 
 charges(2)                                        10,229                     13,256                  1,252                     3,051                 1,485                   (3,722)                   25,551 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Change in expected credit 
 and other credit impairment 
 charges                                              670                      (207)                    116                       212                  (72)                         -                      719 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Net operating income                               10,899                     13,049                  1,368                     3,263                 1,413                   (3,722)                   26,270 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Total operating expenses 
 impairment of goodwill and 
 other intangible assets                          (9,071)                    (7,457)                  (782)                   (2,448)               (1,009)                     3,722                 (17,045) 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Impairment of goodwill and 
 other intangible assets                             (13)                       (15)                    (3)                      (10)                   (1)                         -                     (42) 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Operating profit                                    1,815                      5,577                    583                       805                   403                         -                    9,183 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Share of profit in 
 and joint ventures                                   153                      1,359                    140                         -                     4                         -                    1,656 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Profit before tax                                   1,968                      6,936                    723                       805                   407                         -                   10,839 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
                                                        %%                                                %%                                              %                                                  % 
----------------------------  ---------------------------   ------------------------  ---------------------   -----------------------  --------------------  ------------------------   ---------------------- 
Share of HSBC's profit 
 tax                                                 18.2                       64.0                    6.7                       7.4                   3.7                                              100.0 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Cost efficiency ratio                                88.8                       56.4                   62.7                      80.6                  68.0                                               66.9 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Balance sheet data                                     $m                         $m                     $m                        $m                    $m                        $m                       $m 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Loans and advances to 
 (net)                                            402,778                    502,360                 27,608                   106,414                20,351                         -                1,059,511 
Total assets                                    1,376,064                  1,249,145                 68,351                   383,082                49,102                 (149,739)                2,976,005 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
Customer accounts                                 663,996                    759,948                 41,086                   176,152                27,909                         -                1,669,091 
Risk-weighted assets(3)                           269,873                    407,117                 59,476                   115,208                34,845                         -                  862,292 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
HSBC reported profit/(loss) before tax and balance sheet data (continued) 
                                                                                                Half-year to 31 Dec 2021 
                                                                                                                     North                 Latin                 Intra-HSBC 
                                       Europe                       Asia                   MENA                    America               America                      items                   Total 
                                           $m                         $m                     $m                         $m                    $m                         $m                      $m 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
Net interest income                     3,310                      6,330                    649                      1,413                 1,186                        503                  13,391 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
Net fee income                          1,957                      2,756                    404                      1,047                   259                          -                   6,423 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
Net income from 
 held for trading or 
 on a fair value 
 basis                                  1,163                      1,633                    226                        168                   241                        129                   3,560 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
Net income from 
 assets and 
 liabilities of 
 including related 
 measured at fair 
 value through 
 profit and loss                          596                        640                      -                          -                    24                        (2)                   1,258 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
Changes in fair 
 value of other 
 measured at fair 
 value through 
 profit or loss                           849                          -                      -                         23                     4                      (626)                     250 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
 income/(expense)(1)                    2,000                      1,148                     29                        352                 (141)                    (4,269)                   (881) 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
Net operating income 
 change in expected 
 credit losses 
 and other credit 
 charges(2)                             9,875                     12,507                  1,308                      3,003                 1,573                    (4,265)                  24,001 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
Change in expected 
 credit losses 
 and other credit 
 charges                                  931                      (633)                     16                         26                 (131)                          -                     209 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
Net operating income                   10,806                     11,874                  1,324                      3,029                 1,442                    (4,265)                  24,210 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
Total operating 
 expenses excluding 
 impairment of 
 goodwill and 
 other intangible 
 assets                               (9,028)                    (7,679)                  (754)                    (2,457)               (1,189)                      4,265                (16,842) 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
Impairment of 
 goodwill and 
 other intangible 
 assets                                  (82)                        (9)                    (5)                        (3)                 (592)                          -                   (691) 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
 profit/(loss)                          1,696                      4,186                    565                        569                 (339)                          -                   6,677 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
Share of 
 profit/(loss) in 
 and joint ventures                       115                      1,127                    135                          -                    13                          -                   1,390 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
Profit/(loss) before 
 tax                                    1,811                      5,313                    700                        569                 (326)                          -                   8,067 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
                                            %%                                                %%                                               %                                                  % 
--------------------  -----------------------   ------------------------  ---------------------   ------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------- --------------------- 
Share of HSBC's 
 profit before 
 tax                                     22.3                       65.9                    8.7                        7.1                 (4.0)                                              100.0 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
Cost efficiency 
 ratio                                   92.3                       61.5                   58.0                       81.9                 113.2                                               73.1 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
Balance sheet data                         $m                         $m                     $m                         $m                    $m                         $m                      $m 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
Loans and advances 
 to customers 
 (net)                                397,090                    492,525                 26,375                    108,717                21,107                          -               1,045,814 
Total assets                        1,354,483                  1,261,707                 70,974                    362,150                46,602                  (137,977)               2,957,939 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 
Customer accounts                     667,769                    792,098                 42,629                    178,565                29,513                          -               1,710,574 
 assets(3)                            261,115                    396,206                 60,223                    110,412                35,915                          -                 838,263 
--------------------  -----------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ---------------------- 

1 Other income/(expense) in this context comprises, where applicable, net income/(expense) from other financial instruments designated at fair value, gains less losses from financial investments, dividend income, net insurance premium income and other operating income less net insurance claims and benefits paid and movement in liabilities to policyholders.

2 Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges, also referred to as revenue.

3 Risk-weighted assets are non-additive across geographical regions due to market risk diversification effects within the Group.

Reconciliation of reported and adjusted items - geographical regions 
Reconciliation of reported and adjusted items - geographical regions 
 and selected countries/territories 
                                                                    Half-year to 30 Jun 2022 
                                                                                            North                 Latin 
                              Europe               Asia                MENA               America               America                   Total 
                                  $m                 $m                  $m                    $m                    $m                      $m 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
Reported(2)                    9,352             12,949               1,338                 3,189                 1,781                  25,236 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
 items                           437              (166)                 (5)                 (105)                     -                     454 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
- customer 
 programmes                       14                  -                   -                     -                     -                      14 
- disposals, 
 and investment 
 in new 
 businesses(3)                   288                  -                   -                     -                     -                     288 
- fair value 
 movements on 
 instruments(4)                  308               (76)                 (5)                   (6)                   (1)                     220 
- restructuring 
 and other 
 costs(2,5)                    (173)               (90)                   -                  (99)                     1                    (68) 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
Adjusted(2)                    9,789             12,783               1,333                 3,084                 1,781                  25,690 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
Reported                       (302)              (529)                  49                  (47)                 (261)                 (1,090) 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
Adjusted                       (302)              (529)                  49                  (47)                 (261)                 (1,090) 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
Reported(2)                  (8,144)            (7,471)               (756)               (2,284)               (1,137)                (16,419) 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
 items                           835                281                  22                   155                    43                   1,043 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
- customer 
 programmes                      (6)                  -                   -                     -                     -                     (6) 
- impairment of 
 goodwill and 
 intangibles                       9                  -                   -                     -                     -                       9 
- restructuring 
 and other 
 costs(2)                        832                281                  22                   155                    43                   1,040 
Adjusted(2)                  (7,309)            (7,190)               (734)               (2,129)               (1,094)                (15,376) 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
Share of profit 
in associates 
and joint 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
Reported                        (23)              1,351                 117                     -                     4                   1,449 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
Adjusted                        (23)              1,351                 117                     -                     4                   1,449 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
Profit before 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
Reported                         883              6,300                 748                   858                   387                   9,176 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
 items                         1,272                115                  17                    50                    43                   1,497 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
- revenue(2)                     437              (166)                 (5)                 (105)                     -                     454 
- operating 
 expenses(2)                     835                281                  22                   155                    43                   1,043 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
Adjusted profit 
 before tax                    2,155              6,415                 765                   908                   430                  10,673 
Reported tax 
 (charge)/credit               1,536            (1,045)               (167)                 (205)                  (80)                      39 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
Tax significant 
 items                       (1,962)               (14)                 (3)                  (10)                  (12)                 (2,001) 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
- tax 
 on significant 
 items                         (197)               (14)                 (3)                  (10)                  (12)                   (236) 
- recognition of 
 losses on HSBC 
 Holdings                    (1,765)                  -                   -                     -                     -                 (1,765) 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
Adjusted profit 
 after tax                     1,729              5,356                 595                   693                   338                   8,711 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
Loans and 
advances to 
customers (net) 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
Reported                     368,923            492,548              28,348               116,075                22,462               1,028,356 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
Adjusted                     368,923            492,548              28,348               116,075                22,462               1,028,356 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
Reported                     628,977            779,153              44,008               168,699                30,464               1,651,301 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 
Adjusted                     628,977            779,153              44,008               168,699                30,464               1,651,301 
----------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------- 

1 Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges, also referred to as revenue.

2 Amounts are non-additive across geographical regions due to inter-company transactions within the Group.

3 Includes losses from classifying businesses as held-for-sale as part of a broader restructuring of our European business.

4 Includes fair value movements on non-qualifying hedges and debt valuation adjustments on derivatives.

5 Comprises gains and losses relating to the business update in February 2020, including losses associated with RWA reduction commitments.

Reconciliation of reported and adjusted items - geographical regions 
 and selected countries/territories (continued) 
                                                         Half-year to 30 Jun 2022 
                                                      Hong            Mainland 
                                 UK(1)                Kong               China                  US              Mexico 
                                    $m                  $m                  $m                  $m                  $m 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Reported                         8,811               6,974               2,157               2,122               1,296 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Significant items                  127                (16)                (38)               (101)                   1 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
- customer redress                  14                   -                   -                   -                   - 
- fair value 
 movement on 
 instruments(3)                    318                (56)                 (2)                 (4)                 (1) 
- restructuring 
 and other related 
 costs(4)                        (205)                  40                (36)                (97)                   2 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Adjusted                         8,938               6,958               2,119               2,021               1,297 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Reported                         (196)               (419)               (139)                (21)               (243) 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Adjusted                         (196)               (419)               (139)                (21)               (243) 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Operating expenses 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Reported                       (6,465)             (4,065)             (1,422)             (1,696)               (790) 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Significant items                  694                 132                  15                 127                  36 
- customer redress                 (6)                   -                   -                   -                   - 
- restructuring 
 and other related 
 costs                             700                 132                  15                 127                  36 
Adjusted                       (5,771)             (3,933)             (1,407)             (1,569)               (754) 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Share of profit in 
associates and 
joint ventures 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Reported                          (23)                 (1)               1,344                   -                   4 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Adjusted                          (23)                 (1)               1,344                   -                   4 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Profit before tax 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Reported                         2,127               2,489               1,940                 405                 267 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Significant items                  821                 116                (23)                  26                  37 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
- revenue                          127                (16)                (38)               (101)                   1 
- operating 
 expenses                          694                 132                  15                 127                  36 
Adjusted profit 
 before tax                      2,948               2,605               1,917                 431                 304 
Reported tax 
 (charge)/credit                 1,653               (367)               (103)               (101)                (69) 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Tax significant 
 items                         (1,869)                (18)                   6                 (7)                (11) 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
- tax 
 on significant 
 items                           (104)                (18)                   6                 (7)                (11) 
- recognition of               (1,765)                   -                   -                   -                   - 
losses on HSBC 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Adjusted profit 
 after tax                       2,732               2,220               1,820                 323                 224 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Loans and advances 
to customers (net) 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Reported                       285,097             310,779              52,922              56,819              18,996 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Adjusted                       285,097             310,779              52,922              56,819              18,996 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Customer accounts 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Reported                       505,195             543,400              55,580             101,137              23,659 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
Adjusted                       505,195             543,400              55,580             101,137              23,659 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
   1     UK includes HSBC UK Bank plc (ring-fenced bank) and HSBC Bank plc (non-ring-fenced bank). 

2 Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges, also referred to as revenue.

3 Includes fair value movements on non-qualifying hedges and debt valuation adjustments on derivatives.

4 Comprises gains and losses relating to the business update in February 2020, including losses associated with RWA reduction commitments.

Reconciliation of reported and adjusted items - geographical regions 
 and selected countries/territories (continued) 
                                                                          Half-year to 30 Jun 2021 
                                                                                                       North                  Latin 
                                 Europe                   Asia                   MENA                America                America                  Total 
                                     $m                     $m                     $m                     $m                     $m                     $m 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported(2)                      10,229                 13,256                  1,252                  3,051                  1,485                 25,551 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation(2)                   (743)                  (244)                   (89)                   (18)                   (53)                (1,069) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 items                               90                   (53)                    (1)                      3                      7                    252 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
- customer 
 programmes                        (18)                      -                      -                      -                      -                   (18) 
- fair value 
 movements on 
 instruments(3)                     188                      5                      -                      -                      1                    194 
- restructuring 
 and other 
 costs(2,4)                        (91)                   (59)                      -                      3                      6                     70 
- currency 
 translation on 
 items                               11                      1                    (1)                      -                      -                      6 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted(2)                       9,576                 12,959                  1,162                  3,036                  1,439                 24,734 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                            670                  (207)                    116                    212                   (72)                    719 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                       (42)                      5                    (7)                    (2)                      2                   (44) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                            628                  (202)                    109                    210                   (70)                    675 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported(2)                     (9,084)                (7,472)                  (785)                (2,458)                (1,010)               (17,087) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation(2)                     576                    143                     52                     11                     45                    749 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 items                              590                    197                     21                    190                     26                    818 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
- customer 
 programmes                          17                      -                      -                      -                      -                     17 
- restructuring 
 and other 
 costs(2)                           617                    202                     22                    191                     27                    848 
- currency 
 translation on 
 items                             (44)                    (5)                    (1)                    (1)                    (1)                   (47) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted(2)                     (7,918)                (7,132)                  (712)                (2,257)                  (939)               (15,520) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Share of profit 
in associates 
and joint 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                            153                  1,359                    140                      -                      4                  1,656 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                        (6)                    (1)                      -                      -                      -                    (7) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                            147                  1,358                    140                      -                      4                  1,649 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Profit before 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                          1,968                  6,936                    723                    805                    407                 10,839 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                      (215)                   (97)                   (44)                    (9)                    (6)                  (371) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 items                              680                    144                     20                    193                     33                  1,070 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
- revenue(2)                         90                   (53)                    (1)                      3                      7                    252 
- operating 
 expenses(2)                        590                    197                     21                    190                     26                    818 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted profit 
 before tax                       2,433                  6,983                    699                    989                    434                 11,538 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported tax 
 (charge)/credit                  (738)                (1,123)                  (123)                  (316)                  (117)                (2,417) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                         63                     29                     12                      2                      3                    109 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Tax significant 
 items                             (67)                   (28)                    (4)                   (39)                    (9)                  (147) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
- tax 
 on significant 
 items                             (70)                   (29)                    (4)                   (39)                   (11)                  (153) 
- currency 
 translation on 
 items                                3                      1                      -                      -                      2                      6 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted profit 
 after tax                        1,691                  5,861                    584                    636                    311                  9,083 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Loans and 
advances to 
customers (net) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                        402,778                502,360                 27,608                106,414                 20,351              1,059,511 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                   (47,474)               (12,973)                (1,773)                (2,182)                  (554)               (64,956) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                        355,304                489,387                 25,835                104,232                 19,797                994,555 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                        663,996                759,948                 41,086                176,152                 27,909              1,669,091 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                   (78,133)               (18,216)                (3,225)                (2,352)                (1,223)              (103,149) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                        585,863                741,732                 37,861                173,800                 26,686              1,565,942 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 

1 Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges, also referred to as revenue.

2 Amounts are non-additive across geographical regions due to inter-company transactions within the Group.

3 Includes fair value movements on non-qualifying hedges and debt valuation adjustments on derivatives.

4 Comprises gains and losses relating to the business update in February 2020, including losses associated with RWA reduction commitments.

Reconciliation of reported and adjusted items - geographical regions 
 and selected countries/territories (continued) 
                                                              Half-year to 30 Jun 2021 
                                                          Hong               Mainland 
                                  UK(1)                   Kong                  China                     US                 Mexico 
                                     $m                     $m                     $m                     $m                     $m 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                          8,179                  7,661                  1,791                  2,048                  1,149 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                      (535)                   (59)                    (3)                      -                    (5) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 items                              122                     25                   (21)                      4                     16 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
- customer                         (18)                      -                      -                      -                      - 
- fair value 
 movements on 
 instruments(3)                     186                      2                      -                      -                      1 
- restructuring 
 and other 
 related costs                     (49)                     23                   (21)                      4                     15 
- currency                            3                      -                      -                      -                      - 
translation on 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                          7,766                  7,627                  1,767                  2,052                  1,160 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                            655                   (91)                    (2)                    174                   (68) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                       (41)                      1                      -                      -                      - 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                            614                   (90)                    (2)                    174                   (68) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                        (7,307)                (3,945)                (1,306)                (1,849)                  (725) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                        419                     29                      3                      -                      4 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 items                              537                     85                     11                    153                     10 
- customer                           17                      -                      -                      -                      - 
- restructuring 
 and other 
 related costs                      558                     86                     11                    153                     10 
- currency 
 translation on 
 items                             (38)                    (1)                      -                      -                      - 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                        (6,351)                (3,831)                (1,292)                (1,696)                  (711) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Share of profit 
in associates 
and joint 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                            153                      8                  1,348                      -                      4 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                        (6)                      -                    (1)                      -                      - 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                            147                      8                  1,347                      -                      4 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Profit before 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                          1,680                  3,633                  1,831                    373                    360 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                      (163)                   (29)                    (1)                      -                    (1) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 items                              659                    110                   (10)                    157                     26 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
- revenue                           122                     25                   (21)                      4                     16 
- operating 
 expenses                           537                     85                     11                    153                     10 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted profit 
 before tax                       2,176                  3,714                  1,820                    530                    385 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported tax 
 (charge)/credit                  (581)                  (556)                  (111)                  (209)                   (96) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                         42                      5                      1                      -                      - 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Tax significant 
 items                             (82)                   (18)                      3                   (38)                    (8) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
- tax 
 on significant 
 items                             (87)                   (18)                      3                   (38)                    (8) 
- currency                            5                      -                      -                      -                      - 
translation on 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted profit 
 after tax                        1,555                  3,145                  1,713                    283                    281 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Loans and 
advances to 
customers (net) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                        313,966                328,913                 51,123                 51,985                 17,793 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                   (37,606)                (3,392)                (1,800)                      -                  (252) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                        276,360                325,521                 49,323                 51,985                 17,541 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                        534,034                529,172                 57,227                110,579                 22,516 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                   (63,965)                (5,456)                (2,015)                      -                  (318) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                        470,069                523,716                 55,212                110,579                 22,198 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
   1     UK includes HSBC UK Bank plc (ring-fenced bank) and HSBC Bank plc (non-ring-fenced bank). 

2 Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges, also referred to as revenue.

3 Includes fair value movements on non-qualifying hedges and debt valuation adjustments on derivatives.

Reconciliation of reported and adjusted items - geographical regions 
 and selected countries/territories (continued) 
                                                                          Half-year to 31 Dec 2021 
                                                                                                       North                  Latin 
                                 Europe                   Asia                   MENA                America                America                  Total 
                                     $m                     $m                     $m                     $m                     $m                     $m 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported(2)                       9,875                 12,507                  1,308                  3,003                  1,573                 24,001 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation(2)                   (503)                  (147)                   (74)                    (9)                   (35)                  (711) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 items(2)                            44                  (108)                      -                      7                    (2)                    287 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
- customer 
 programmes                           7                      -                      -                      -                      -                      7 
- fair value 
 movements on 
 instruments(3)                      38                      6                      -                      5                    (1)                     48 
- restructuring 
 and other 
 costs(2,4)                           1                  (116)                      -                      2                    (1)                    237 
- currency 
 translation on 
 items                              (2)                      2                      -                      -                      -                    (5) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted(2)                       9,416                 12,252                  1,234                  3,001                  1,536                 23,577 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                            931                  (633)                     16                     26                  (131)                    209 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                       (37)                      7                      3                      -                    (8)                   (35) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                            894                  (626)                     19                     26                  (139)                    174 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported(2)                     (9,110)                (7,688)                  (759)                (2,460)                (1,781)               (17,533) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation(2)                     406                     94                     32                      6                     29                    510 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 items(2)                           699                    303                     32                    241                    647                  1,576 
- customer 
 programmes                          32                      -                      -                      -                      -                     32 
- impairment of 
 goodwill and 
 intangibles                          -                      -                      -                      -                    587                    587 
- restructuring 
 and other 
 costs(2)                           701                    307                     34                    241                     56                    988 
- currency 
 translation on 
 items                             (34)                    (4)                    (2)                      -                      4                   (31) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted(2)                     (8,005)                (7,291)                  (695)                (2,213)                (1,105)               (15,447) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Share of 
profit/(loss) in 
and joint 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                            115                  1,127                    135                      -                     13                  1,390 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                        (5)                    (9)                      1                      -                      -                   (13) 
Adjusted                            110                  1,118                    136                      -                     13                  1,377 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
before tax 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                          1,811                  5,313                    700                    569                  (326)                  8,067 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                      (139)                   (55)                   (38)                    (3)                   (14)                  (249) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 items                              743                    195                     32                    248                    645                  1,863 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
- revenue(2)                         44                  (108)                      -                      7                    (2)                    287 
- operating 
 expenses(2)                        699                    303                     32                    241                    647                  1,576 
Adjusted profit 
 before tax                       2,415                  5,453                    694                    814                    305                  9,681 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported tax 
 (charge)/credit                  (514)                  (958)                  (129)                   (27)                  (168)                (1,796) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                         22                     13                     12                      1                      5                     53 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Tax significant 
 items                             (77)                   (16)                    (6)                   (54)                   (14)                  (167) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
- tax 
 on significant 
 items                             (82)                   (16)                    (7)                   (54)                   (14)                  (173) 
- currency 
 translation on 
 items                                5                      -                      1                      -                      -                      6 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted profit 
 after tax                        1,846                  4,492                    571                    734                    128                  7,771 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Loans and 
advances to 
customers (net) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                        397,090                492,525                 26,375                108,717                 21,107              1,045,814 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                   (38,009)               (11,318)                  (802)                (1,024)                     41               (51,112) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                        359,081                481,207                 25,573                107,693                 21,148                994,702 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                        667,769                792,098                 42,629                178,565                 29,513              1,710,574 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                   (64,037)               (15,936)                (1,995)                (1,097)                  (335)               (83,400) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                        603,732                776,162                 40,634                177,468                 29,178              1,627,174 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 

1 Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges, also referred to as revenue.

2 Amounts are non-additive across geographical regions due to inter-company transactions within the Group.

3 Includes fair value movements on non-qualifying hedges and debt valuation adjustments on derivatives.

4 Comprises gains and losses relating to the business update in February 2020, including losses associated with RWA reduction commitments.

Reconciliation of reported and adjusted items - geographical regions 
 and selected countries/territories (continued) 
                                                              Half-year to 31 Dec 2021 
                                                          Hong               Mainland 
                                  UK(1)                   Kong                  China                     US                 Mexico 
                                     $m                     $m                     $m                     $m                     $m 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                          8,236                  6,802                  1,943                  1,958                  1,192 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                      (399)                   (33)                   (15)                      -                      5 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 items                            (130)                     36                   (19)                     10                      - 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
- customer                            7                      -                      -                      -                      - 
- fair value 
 movements on 
 instruments(3)                      34                      5                      -                      5                    (1) 
- restructuring 
 and other 
 costs(4)                         (178)                     31                   (20)                      5                      - 
- currency 
 translation on 
 items                                7                      -                      1                      -                      1 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                          7,707                  6,805                  1,909                  1,968                  1,197 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                            990                  (517)                   (87)                     31                  (156) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                       (40)                      4                      2                      -                    (5) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                            950                  (513)                   (85)                     31                  (161) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                        (7,501)                (4,010)                (1,467)                (1,834)                  (840) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                        313                     20                     11                      -                    (9) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 items                              592                    140                     20                    202                     52 
- customer                           32                      -                      -                      -                      - 
- restructuring 
 and other 
 related costs                      586                    141                     21                    202                     49 
- currency 
 translation on 
 items                             (26)                    (1)                    (1)                      -                      3 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                        (6,596)                (3,850)                (1,436)                (1,632)                  (797) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Share of profit 
in associates 
and joint 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                            114                      8                  1,113                      -                     13 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                        (4)                      -                    (9)                      -                      - 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                            110                      8                  1,104                      -                     13 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
before tax 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                          1,839                  2,283                  1,502                    155                    209 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                      (130)                    (9)                   (11)                      -                    (9) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 items                              462                    176                      1                    212                     52 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
- revenue                         (130)                     36                   (19)                     10                      - 
- operating 
 expenses                           592                    140                     20                    202                     52 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted profit 
 before tax                       2,171                  2,450                  1,492                    367                    252 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported tax 
 (charge)/credit                  (498)                  (377)                  (148)                     57                  (112) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                         23                      2                      1                      -                    (1) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Tax significant 
 items                             (56)                   (29)                      -                   (50)                   (14) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
- tax 
 on significant 
 items                             (59)                   (29)                      -                   (50)                   (14) 
- currency                            3                      -                      -                      -                      - 
translation on 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted profit 
 after tax                        1,640                  2,046                  1,345                    374                    125 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Loans and 
advances to 
customers (net) 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                        306,464                311,947                 54,239                 52,678                 18,043 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                   (30,977)                (1,910)                (2,733)                      2                    227 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                        275,487                310,037                 51,506                 52,680                 18,270 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Reported                        535,797                549,429                 59,266                111,921                 23,583 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 translation                   (54,158)                (3,365)                (2,986)                      -                    297 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Adjusted                        481,639                546,064                 56,280                111,921                 23,880 
----------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
   1     UK includes HSBC UK Bank plc (ring-fenced bank) and HSBC Bank plc (non-ring-fenced bank). 

2 Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges, also referred to as revenue.

3 Includes fair value movements on non-qualifying hedges and debt valuation adjustments on derivatives.

4 Comprises losses associated with RWA reduction commitments we made at our business update in February 2020.

Analysis by country/territory 
Profit/(loss) before tax by country/territory within global businesses 
                                               and                                                           Global 
                                          Personal                    Commercial                            Banking                     Corporate 
                                           Banking                       Banking                        and Markets                        Centre                       Total 
                                                $m                            $m                                 $m                            $m                          $m 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Europe                                         740                         1,468                                148                       (1,473)                         883 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- UK(1)                                        614                         1,203                               (54)                           364                       2,127 
   of which: HSBC UK 
    Bank plc 
    bank)                                      843                         1,515                                 71                         (159)                       2,270 
   of which: HSBC 
    Bank plc 
    bank)                                      112                           113                                264                         (209)                         280 
   of which: 
    Holdings and 
    other(2)                                 (341)                         (425)                              (389)                           732                       (423) 
- France                                       117                           143                                 53                          (82)                         231 
- Germany                                        4                            36                                 93                          (65)                          68 
- Switzerland                                   11                          (42)                                (1)                          (12)                        (44) 
- other(2)                                     (6)                           128                                 57                       (1,678)                     (1,499) 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Asia                                         1,741                         1,276                              1,832                         1,451                       6,300 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- Hong Kong                                  1,570                           567                                518                         (166)                       2,489 
- Australia                                     60                            84                                 91                          (22)                         213 
- India                                         33                           156                                324                           131                         644 
- Indonesia                                      8                            44                                 52                           (2)                         102 
- mainland China                              (56)                           137                                310                         1,549                       1,940 
- Malaysia                                      45                            34                                115                          (15)                         179 
- Singapore                                     65                            73                                144                          (21)                         261 
- Taiwan                                        19                            15                                 68                           (7)                          95 
- other                                        (3)                           166                                210                             4                         377 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Middle East and 
 North Africa                                  114                           120                                442                            72                         748 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- Egypt                                         48                            15                                 94                           (2)                         155 
- UAE                                           38                            76                                187                          (39)                         262 
- Saudi Arabia                                  12                             -                                 54                           118                         184 
- other                                         16                            29                                107                           (5)                         147 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------- 
North America                                  224                           499                                327                         (192)                         858 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- US                                            92                           220                                255                         (162)                         405 
- Canada                                        98                           263                                 54                          (26)                         389 
- other                                         34                            16                                 18                           (4)                          64 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Latin America                                  108                           148                                145                          (14)                         387 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- Mexico                                       123                           112                                 86                          (54)                         267 
- other                                       (15)                            36                                 59                            40                         120 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Half-year to 30 Jun 
 2022                                        2,927                         3,511                              2,894                         (156)                       9,176 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Europe                                         853                         1,348                                111                         (344)                       1,968 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- UK(1)                                        654                         1,156                               (42)                          (88)                       1,680 
   of which: HSBC UK 
    Bank plc 
    bank)                                      802                         1,403                                 58                         (125)                       2,138 
   of which: HSBC 
    Bank plc 
    bank)                                      115                           113                                327                            22                         577 
   of which: 
    Holdings and 
    other                                    (263)                         (360)                              (427)                            15                     (1,035) 
- France                                       164                            52                               (41)                          (72)                         103 
- Germany                                       11                            41                                116                           105                         273 
- Switzerland                                   20                            12                                (1)                          (12)                          19 
- other                                          4                            87                                 79                         (277)                       (107) 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Asia                                         2,544                         1,259                              1,953                         1,180                       6,936 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- Hong Kong                                  2,310                           774                                767                         (218)                       3,633 
- Australia                                     83                            62                                 74                           (6)                         213 
- India                                       (11)                           146                                317                            77                         529 
- Indonesia                                     18                           (8)                                 59                           (5)                          64 
- mainland China                               (3)                           171                                304                         1,359                       1,831 
- Malaysia                                      36                          (68)                                 59                          (10)                          17 
- Singapore                                     96                            54                                134                           (7)                         277 
- Taiwan                                        11                             7                                 58                           (1)                          75 
- other                                          4                           121                                181                           (9)                         297 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Middle East and 
 North Africa                                   80                           145                                402                            96                         723 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- Egypt                                         36                            18                                 77                           (4)                         127 
- UAE                                           37                            22                                188                          (35)                         212 
- Saudi Arabia                                  11                             -                                 23                           139                         173 
- other                                        (4)                           105                                114                           (4)                         211 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------- 
North America                                    4                           522                                419                         (140)                         805 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- US                                          (86)                           243                                318                         (102)                         373 
- Canada                                        72                           274                                 85                          (36)                         395 
- other                                         18                             5                                 16                           (2)                          37 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Latin America                                  165                           102                                174                          (34)                         407 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- Mexico                                       178                            73                                134                          (25)                         360 
- other                                       (13)                            29                                 40                           (9)                          47 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Half-year to 30 Jun 
 2021                                        3,646                         3,376                              3,059                           758                      10,839 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Profit/(loss) before tax by country/territory within global businesses 
                                               and                                                           Global 
                                          Personal                    Commercial                            Banking                     Corporate 
                                           Banking                       Banking                        and Markets                        Centre                       Total 
                                                $m                            $m                                 $m                            $m                          $m 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
Europe                                         964                         1,545                              (410)                         (288)                       1,811 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- UK(1)                                        857                         1,319                              (445)                           108                       1,839 
   of which: HSBC UK 
    Bank plc 
    bank)                                    1,245                         1,526                                 69                         (193)                       2,647 
   of which: HSBC 
    Bank plc 
    bank)                                       61                           146                              (107)                          (39)                          61 
   of which: 
    Holdings and 
    other                                    (449)                         (353)                              (407)                           340                       (869) 
- France                                        72                           111                               (56)                          (61)                          66 
- Germany                                        6                            41                                 39                          (38)                          48 
- Switzerland                                   26                           (2)                                  1                             -                          25 
- other                                          3                            76                                 51                         (297)                       (167) 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Asia                                         1,822                         1,105                              1,240                         1,146                       5,313 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- Hong Kong                                  1,766                           529                                153                         (165)                       2,283 
- Australia                                     63                            70                                 57                          (20)                         170 
- India                                         31                           119                                276                           155                         581 
- Indonesia                                    (4)                            20                                 52                           (3)                          65 
- mainland China                              (92)                           117                                282                         1,195                       1,502 
- Malaysia                                       1                            45                                 86                          (10)                         122 
- Singapore                                     49                            53                                 97                           (6)                         193 
- Taiwan                                         3                             9                                 48                           (4)                          56 
- other                                          5                           143                                189                             4                         341 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Middle East and 
 North Africa                                  114                            90                                403                            93                         700 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- Egypt                                         43                            24                                 86                             2                         155 
- UAE                                           54                          (19)                                154                          (26)                         163 
- Saudi Arabia                                   6                             -                                 42                           135                         183 
- other                                         11                            85                                121                          (18)                         199 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------- 
North America                                   56                           501                                278                         (266)                         569 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- US                                          (45)                           229                                206                         (235)                         155 
- Canada                                        69                           270                                 60                          (26)                         373 
- other                                         32                             2                                 12                           (5)                          41 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Latin America                                (469)                            60                                152                          (69)                       (326) 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
- Mexico                                       127                            15                                 88                          (21)                         209 
- other(3)                                   (596)                            45                                 64                          (48)                       (535) 
Half-year to 31 Dec 
 2021                                        2,487                         3,301                              1,663                           616                       8,067 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 

1 UK includes results from the ultimate holding company, HSBC Holdings plc, and the separately incorporated group of service companies ('ServCo Group').

   2     Corporate Centre includes intercompany debt eliminations of $1,334m. 

3 Loss reported in Latin America for the half-year to 31 December 2021 includes the impact of goodwill impairment of $587m. As per the Group's accounting policy, HSBC's cash-generating units are based on geographical regions, which are sub-divided by global businesses.

Reconciliation of alternative performance 
Use of alternative performance 
 measures                                    56 
-----------------------------------------  ---- 
Return on average ordinary shareholders' 
 equity and return on average 
 tangible equity                             56 
-----------------------------------------  ---- 
Net asset value and tangible 
 net asset value per ordinary 
 share                                       58 
-----------------------------------------  ---- 
Post-tax return and average total 
 shareholders' equity on average 
 total assets                                58 
-----------------------------------------  ---- 
Expected credit losses and other 
 credit impairment charges as 
 % of average gross loans and 
 advances to customers                       58 
-----------------------------------------  ---- 
Use of alternative performance 

Our reported results are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as detailed in our interim condensed financial statements starting on page 104.

As described on page 29, we use a combination of reported and alternative performance measures, including those derived from our reported results that eliminate factors that distort period-on-period comparisons. These are considered alternative performance measures (non-GAAP financial measures).

The following information details the adjustments made to the reported results and the calculation of other alternative performance measures. All alternative performance measures are reconciled to the closest reported performance measure.

Return on average ordinary shareholders' 
 equity and return on average tangible 

Return on average ordinary shareholders' equity ('RoE') is computed by taking profit attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the parent company ('reported results'), divided by average ordinary shareholders' equity ('reported equity') for the period. The adjustment to reported results and reported equity excludes amounts attributable to non-controlling interests and holders of preference shares and other equity instruments.

Return on average tangible equity ('RoTE') is computed by adjusting reported results for the movements in the present value of in-force long-term insurance business ('PVIF') and for impairment of goodwill and other intangible assets (net of tax), divided by average reported equity adjusted for goodwill, intangibles and PVIF for the period.

Return on average tangible equity excluding significant items is annualised profit attributable to ordinary shareholders, excluding changes in PVIF and significant items (net of tax), divided by average tangible shareholders' equity excluding fair value of own debt, debt valuation adjustment ('DVA') and other adjustments for the period.

We provide RoTE ratios in addition to RoE as a way of assessing our performance, which is closely aligned to our capital position.

Return on average 
shareholders' equity 
and return on 
average tangible 
                      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
                                                 Half-year ended                                                      Year ended 
                      ---------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
                                                 30 Jun                              30 Jun                               31 Dec 
                                                   2022                                2021                                 2021 
                                                     $m                                  $m                                   $m 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
Profit attributable 
 to the ordinary 
 of the parent 
 company                                          8,289                               7,276                               12,607 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
Impairment of 
 goodwill and other 
 assets (net of tax)                                 46                                   -                                  608 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 in PVIF (net of 
 tax)                                             (699)                                  16                                 (58) 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
Profit attributable 
 to ordinary 
 excluding goodwill 
 impairment and PVIF                              7,636                               7,292                               13,157 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
Significant items 
 (net of tax) and 
 adjustments(1)                                   (582)                                 994                                2,086 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
Profit attributable 
 to ordinary 
 excluding goodwill 
 impairment, PVIF 
 and significant 
 items                                            7,054                               8,286                               15,243 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
Average total 
 equity                                         195,250                             197,402                              199,295 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
Effect of average 
 preference shares 
 and other 
 equity instruments                            (22,173)                            (23,414)                             (22,814) 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
Average ordinary 
 equity                                         173,077                             173,988                              176,481 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
Effect of goodwill, 
 PVIF and other 
 (net of deferred 
 tax)                                          (18,024)                            (17,576)                             (17,705) 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
Average tangible 
 equity                                         155,053                             156,412                              158,776 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
Fair value of own 
 debt, DVA and other 
 adjustments                                        878                               3,286                                1,278 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
Average tangible 
 equity excluding 
 fair value 
 of own debt, DVA 
 and other 
 adjustments                                    155,931                             159,698                              160,054 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
Ratio                                                 %                                   %% 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- 
Return on average 
 (annualised)                                       9.7                                 8.4                                  7.1 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
Return on average 
 tangible equity 
 (annualised)                                       9.9                                 9.4                                  8.3 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
Return on average 
 tangible equity 
 significant items 
 (annualised)(1)                                    9.1                                10.5                                  9.5 
--------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 

1 Other adjustments includes entries relating to the timing of payments on additional tier 1 coupons.

Return on average tangible equity by global business 
                                                                                  Half-year ended 30 Jun 2022 
                                            Wealth                                                      Global 
                                               and                                                     Banking 
                                          Personal                    Commercial                           and                     Corporate 
                                           Banking                       Banking                       Markets                        Centre                         Total 
                                                $m                            $m                            $m                            $m                            $m 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Profit before tax                            2,927                         3,511                         2,894                         (156)                         9,176 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Tax expense                                  (639)                         (827)                         (494)                         1,999                            39 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Profit after tax                             2,288                         2,684                         2,400                         1,843                         9,215 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Less attributable 
 to: preference 
 other equity 
 interests                                   (289)                         (304)                         (337)                             4                         (926) 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Profit attributable 
 to ordinary 
 of the parent 
 company                                     1,999                         2,380                         2,063                         1,847                         8,289 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 in PVIF (net of 
 tax)                                        (700)                             1                             1                           (1)                         (699) 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Significant items 
 (net of tax)                                   19                            56                          (10)                         (568)                         (503) 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Other adjustments                                2                           (2)                           (3)                          (30)                          (33) 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Profit attributable 
 to ordinary 
 excluding PVIF and 
 significant items                           1,320                         2,435                         2,051                         1,248                         7,054 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Average tangible 
 excluding fair 
 value of own debt, 
 DVA and other 
 adjustments                                31,696                        38,912                        37,970                        47,353                       155,931 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
RoTE excluding 
 significant items 
 (%)                                           8.4                          12.6                          10.9                           5.3                           9.1 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
                                                                                  Half-year ended 30 Jun 2021 
--------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Profit before tax                            3,646                         3,376                         3,059                           758                        10,839 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Tax expense                                  (769)                         (874)                         (624)                         (150)                       (2,417) 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Profit after tax                             2,877                         2,502                         2,435                           608                         8,422 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Less attributable 
 to: preference 
 other equity 
 interests                                   (389)                         (343)                         (382)                          (32)                       (1,146) 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Profit attributable 
 to ordinary 
 of the parent 
 company                                     2,488                         2,159                         2,053                           576                         7,276 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 in PVIF (net of 
 tax)                                            9                            10                             -                           (3)                            16 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Significant items 
 (net of tax)                                  169                           (6)                           197                           600                           960 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Other adjustments                                -                           (1)                           (1)                            36                            34 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Profit attributable 
 to ordinary 
 excluding PVIF and 
 significant items                           2,666                         2,162                         2,249                         1,209                         8,286 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Average tangible 
 excluding fair 
 value of own debt, 
 DVA and other 
 adjustments                                29,971                        39,310                        42,428                        47,989                       159,698 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
RoTE excluding 
 significant items 
 (%)                                          17.9                          11.1                          10.7                           5.1                          10.5 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
                                                                                     Year ended 31 Dec 2021 
--------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Profit before tax                            6,133                         6,677                         4,722                         1,374                        18,906 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Tax expense                                (1,540)                       (1,783)                       (1,020)                           130                       (4,213) 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Profit after tax                             4,593                         4,894                         3,702                         1,504                        14,693 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Less attributable 
 to: preference 
 other equity 
 interests                                   (735)                         (665)                         (618)                          (68)                       (2,086) 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Profit attributable 
 to ordinary 
 of the parent 
 company                                     3,858                         4,229                         3,084                         1,436                        12,607 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Increase in PVIF 
 (net of tax)                                 (65)                             4                             -                             3                          (58) 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Significant items 
 (net of tax) and 
 UK bank levy                                  850                            51                           517                         1,269                         2,687 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Other adjustments                                3                           (4)                           (3)                            11                             7 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Profit attributable 
 to ordinary 
 excluding PVIF and 
 significant items                           4,646                         4,280                         3,598                         2,719                        15,243 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Average tangible 
 excluding fair 
 value of own debt, 
 DVA and other 
 adjustments                                30,587                        39,487                        41,816                        48,164                       160,054 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
RoTE excluding 
 significant items 
 (%)                                          15.2                          10.8                           8.6                           5.6                           9.5 
--------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Net asset value and tangible net 
 asset value per ordinary share 

Net asset value per ordinary share is total shareholders' equity less non-cumulative preference shares and capital securities ('total ordinary shareholders' equity'), divided by the number of ordinary shares in issue excluding shares that the company has purchased and are held in treasury.

Tangible net asset value per ordinary share is total ordinary shareholders' equity excluding goodwill, PVIF and other intangible assets (net of deferred tax) ('tangible ordinary shareholders' equity'), divided by the number of basic ordinary shares in issue excluding shares that the company has purchased and are held in treasury.

Net asset value and tangible net asset value per 
 ordinary share 
                                                   ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
                                                                  30 Jun                 30 Jun                 31 Dec 
                                                                    2022                   2021                   2021 
                                                                      $m                     $m                     $m 
-------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Total shareholders' equity                                       188,382                198,218                198,250 
-------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Preference shares and other equity instruments                  (21,691)               (22,414)               (22,414) 
-------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Total ordinary shareholders' equity                              166,691                175,804                175,836 
-------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Goodwill, PVIF and intangible assets (net of 
 tax)                                                           (18,383)               (17,819)               (17,643) 
-------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Tangible ordinary shareholders' equity                           148,308                157,985                158,193 
-------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Basic number of $0.50 ordinary shares outstanding                 19,819                 20,223                 20,073 
-------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Value per share                                                        $                      $                      $ 
-------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Net asset value per ordinary share                                  8.41                   8.69                   8.76 
-------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Tangible net asset value per ordinary share                         7.48                   7.81                   7.88 
-------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Post-tax return and average total 
 equity on average total assets 

Post-tax return on average total assets is profit after tax divided by average total assets for the period.

Average total shareholders' equity to average total assets is average total shareholders' equity divided by average total assets for the period.

Post-tax return and average total shareholders' equity on average total 
                                                                   Half-year ended                      Year-ended 
                                                       ---------------------------------------  ------------------ 
                                                                   30 Jun               30 Jun              31 Dec 
                                                                     2022                 2021                2021 
                                                                       $m                   $m                  $m 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
Profit after tax                                                    9,215                8,422              14,693 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
Average total shareholders' equity                                195,250              197,402             199,295 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
Average total assets                                            3,063,125            3,011,306           3,012,437 
Ratio                                                                   %                    %% 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------- ----------------- 
Post-tax return on average total assets (annualised)                  0.6                  0.6                 0.5 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
Average total shareholders' equity to average total 
 assets                                                              6.37                 6.56                6.62 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
Expected credit losses and other 
 credit impairment charges as % of 
 average gross loans and advances 
 to customers 

Expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges ('ECL') as % of average gross loans and advances to customers is the

annualised adjusted ECL divided by adjusted average gross loans and advances to customers for the period.

The adjusted numbers are derived by adjusting reported ECL and loans and advances to customers for the effects of foreign currency translation differences.

Expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges as % of 
 average gross loans and advances to customers 
                                                                      Half-year ended 
                                                  30 Jun                         30 Jun                         31 Dec 
                                                    2022                           2021                           2021 
                                                      $m                             $m                             $m 
-----------------------------------  -------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Expected credit losses and other 
 credit impairment 
 charges ('ECL')                                 (1,090)                            719                            209 
-----------------------------------  -------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Currency translation                                                               (44)                           (35) 
-----------------------------------  -------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Adjusted ECL                                     (1,090)                            675                            174 
-----------------------------------  -------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Average gross loans and advances to 
 customers                                     1,054,321                      1,059,548                      1,060,264 
-----------------------------------  -------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Currency translation                            (30,887)                       (65,308)                       (56,427) 
-----------------------------------  -------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Average gross loans and advances to 
 customers - 
 at most recent balance sheet 
 foreign exchange rates                        1,023,434                        994,240                      1,003,837 
Ratio                                                  %                              %% 
-----------------------------------  -------------------  ----------------------------- ---------------------------- 
Expected credit losses and other 
 credit impairment 
 charges as % of average gross 
 loans and advances 
 to customers (annualised)                          0.21                         (0.14)                         (0.03) 
-----------------------------------  -------------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------- 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 01, 2022 11:37 ET (15:37 GMT)

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