RNS Number : 1188E

Fusionex International PLC

05 February 2015

 For Immediate Release   5 February 2015 

Fusionex International plc

("Fusionex" or "the Company" or "the Group")

Preliminary results for the year ended 30 September 2014

Fusionex, an award-winning and market leading international software provider specialising in Business Intelligence, Analytics and Big Data, is pleased to announce its full year results for the year ended 30 September 2014.

Financial Highlights:

   --      Strong results ahead of market expectations 
   --      YoY Revenue growth of circa +30% (RM57.1 million) 
   --      YoY Gross Profit growth of circa +30% (RM44.3 million) 
   --      Record EBITDA* and Net Profit** at RM25.8 million and RM19.5 million respectively 
   --      Operating cash flow at RM24.5 million, representing a YoY growth of  more than 23% 
   --      The Board intends to recommend a dividend for the financial year 2015 

*EBITDA of RM25.8 million is derived from PBT (RM22.8million) + amortisation of intangible assets (RM2.6 million) + depreciation of property, plant and equipment (RM1.4 million) + interest expenses (RM0.4million) - gain on disposal of fixed assets (RM1.4 million)

**Net Profit of RM19.5 million includes the gain from the disposal of an office unit amounting to RM1.3 million.

Operational Highlights:

-- Successful launch of GIANT, the Company's Big Data Analytics software solution, in Q1 of FY2014, with 12 new customer accounts secured, ahead of the initial target of 10 for FY2014.

-- Continued investment in R&D, including enriched functionality for GIANT, underpinning sales momentum

-- 3 new strategic partnerships signed with leading Big Data providers, Revolution Analytics, EMC and AvNet, ahead of FY14 target

   --      Client renewal rate in excess of 95% with continued demand for the Company's offerings 

-- Growth strategy and geographic expansion through partner networks driving solid results, particularly in the Asia Pacific region

-- MOU signed with the Malaysian Multimedia Development Corporation in an effort to set up a Fusionex Big Data Centre of Excellence, with its primary objective to generate high-impact Big Data Analytics projects

-- Increased focus on initiatives combining Big Data and the Internet of Things ("IoT"), with the aim to be an early mover in the worldwide Big Data Analytics and IoT market.

Ivan Teh, Chief Executive of Fusionex commented:

"We are delighted to announce yet another year of robust growth, coupled with a set of financial results that is ahead of market expectations. This marks a new record for the Company. Not only have we demonstrated excellent levels of growth but we have also proven for the second year since our IPO that we are growing the business in a consistent and sustainable manner. Our Big Data Analytics product, GIANT, is gaining significant traction with current and new clients as well as being recognised internationally for its industry leading technology.

We are very excited about the accelerating momentum that we are seeing in GIANT's market. To that end, we look towards capitalising on the increasing market opportunities and growing our market share."

For further details:


 Ivan Teh, Chief Executive Officer            Through Buchanan 
  Yuen Choong Lai, Chief Financial Officer 
 Panmure Gordon 
  Fred Walsh, Alina Vaskina, Ben Roberts 
  (Investment Banking) 
  Tom Nicholson, Charles Leigh-Pemberton 
  (Corporate Broking)                            020 7886 2500 
  Sophie McNulty, Gabriella Clinkard 
  www.buchanan.uk.com                            020 7466 5000 

Operational Review


It is pleasing to report that Fusionex has achieved another year of robust growth, underpinned by the early success of GIANT, Fusionex's Big Data Analytics product, which was launched in Q1 of FY2014. The Group has a clear growth strategy focused on ongoing product development in a specialised Big Data Analytics field, building its channels to market via additional strategic partnerships and targeting geographic expansion. During the year under review, the Group has made good progress on all these fronts and is well placed to deliver continuing growth in the new financial year and beyond.

Revenue during the period was RM57.1 million, while the Group's Gross Profit increased to RM44.3 million. EBITDA grew to RM25.8 million, exceeding market expectations, and profit after tax rose to RM19.5 million, which includes the disposal of an office unit bringing about a one-off gain of RM1.3 million. As a result, the Company ended the year with strong and increased cash balances of RM64.0 million.

The Board intends to recommend a dividend for the year ending 30 September 2015.

Operational Review

Fusionex has continued to see exciting momentum during the year under review, as it focuses on addressing the significant opportunities in Big Data. Following the launch of GIANT in Q1, the product has achieved early traction, with 12 new customer accounts secured ahead of the target of 10. Cross-selling the new Big Data offerings continues to represent an important organic growth opportunity, underpinned by the Group's strong relationships with existing clients.

A key focus for the 2014 financial year was to broaden the Group's channels to market by establishing new strategic partnerships with leading technology providers. Having set a target of securing one to two new partners in the year, it was pleasing to sign three new partners, Revolution Analytics (since then acquired by Microsoft), EMC and AvNet, in addition to the existing relationships with Cloudera and Hortonworks. These partnerships, all with blue chip service providers, have already started to deliver results, opening up a sizeable number of new business leads. The acquisition by Microsoft of Revolution Analytics is viewed as a positive move given the strong and strategic partnerships that Fusionex has with both companies, thus opening the doors to an increased pipeline after the two parties integrate their product, methodologies and business models.

The new channel partners will also support the Group's geographic expansion. Fusionex has already established a strong brand awareness in Asia Pacific and maintained its status as a leading technology provider in the region during the year.

Fusionex products have gained strong traction in a number of sectors, including travel and leisure, retail, media, utilities and financial services. The Group has added new customers across most of these sectors during the year. As the global economy continues to recover, these sectors will underpin ongoing growth, particularly in the travel, hospitality and retail sectors.

In the 2014 financial year, Fusionex has invested further in research and development, infrastructure and marketing. Ensuring the product offering remains at the forefront of Big Data technology is a key aspect of the Group's growth strategy. Further upgrades to GIANT such as enriched content and enhanced usability were launched following the year end and have been well received in the industry. Fusionex continues to win industry recognition for its "best in class" offering, receiving a number of awards during 2014, including a prestigious Microsoft Partner of the Year award for a third consecutive year and also receiving the Microsoft Best Business Analytics Award. This latter award recognised the success of Fusionex expansion into Hong Kong, where the office (which opened in 2013) is acting as a gateway into the Greater China market, a new territory for the Company and is already servicing new clients.

The Group has invested in additional marketing to support its expansion plans and new products. The sales team will be focused on customer generation in both existing markets as well as developing new client opportunities in new markets and will further help support the Group as it moves into new geographies and scales up sales channels for its offerings.

Market Overview

The market opportunity for Big Data solutions remains significant and is growing strongly. Gartner predicts that enterprise data is set to increase by 650% in the next five years and in its recent survey on Big Data technologies, 73% of respondents said that they were investing or planning to invest in Big Data products. Gartner also anticipates that Business Intelligence and Analytics will remain a top focus for CIOs through to 2017.

Fusionex solutions offer a compelling proposition, as they are designed to address the top business priorities identified by Gartner: increasing enterprise growth, delivering operational results, reducing enterprise costs and attracting and retaining new customers. As a result, Fusionex continued to outperform the market in the year ended 30 September 2014, achieving circa 30% growth in the year.

Growth Strategy

The Group growth strategy is focused on the areas which management believes offer the most exciting potential for Fusionex, including significant investment in product development and new product launches, expanding into new and existing geographies, targeting cross-selling and up-selling opportunities, and continuing to build channels to market, both direct and indirect.

During the 2014 financial year, progress in all of these areas has continued apace and will position Fusionex for further success in the new financial year. The Group is already seeing the benefits of its recently established channel partners and will seek to leverage these to accelerate the existing pipeline of new opportunities.

As outlined above, the market opportunity remains significant and the Board is focused on delivering the growth strategy to position Fusionex as a global leader in Big Data technology.

Current Trading and Outlook

The operational and financial progress achieved during FY 2014 positions the Group for future growth. The launch of GIANT and ongoing product development underpins the significant pipeline of new opportunities and active discussions are ongoing with both new and existing customers. The compelling proposition is supported by increasingly strong channels to market, both through the in-house sales team and the strategic partnerships in place with leading technology providers.

As a result, the Board remains confident that Fusionex will deliver further value for shareholders in the current financial year and the years ahead.

Financial Review

The Group has once again achieved strong, double digit growth in revenue and profits for the financial year ended 30 September 2014, ahead of market expectations.


Group revenue increased from 2013's figure of RM44.4 million to RM57.1 million, of which 84% of the Group's total revenue arose from sale of products.

The Asia Pacific region was once again the main contributor to the Group's revenue and its contribution amounted to 74% of the total revenue.

Gross Profit

Gross profit of the Group increased from RM34.3 million in 2013 to RM44.3 million. Over the year, the Group has continued to invest in research and development to enhance its existing and new products for release into the market. For the financial year of 2014, the Group capitalised RM11.1 million in the period. Investment in human resources has also been a high priority.

EBITDA and profitability

EBITDA for the period was RM25.8 million (2013 : RM22.5 million). Depreciation expenses for the year increased due to higher costs incurred by the purchase of computer equipment and amortisation expenses increased for commercialisation of the product enhancements. The Group's profit before tax increased to RM22.8 million.

Net profit (profit after tax) for the year has increased to a record RM19.5 million. This was achieved despite ongoing and significantly increased investment in the business for FY2014.


The Group operates in certain geographies in which the income generated has been exempted from taxation or subject to tax allowances. The effective tax rate for the Group was 14.6% (2013: 7.3%).

Table - Key Performance Indicators

 (RM'million)                 30 September 2014   30 September 2013 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Revenue                      57.1                44.4 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 By: Type 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Products                     47.9                36.9 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Services                     9.2                 7.5 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 By: Region 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Asia Pacific                 50.8                40.4 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 UK & Europe                  12.3                10.7 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 USA                          3.7                 3.7 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Consolidation elimination    (9.7)               (10.4) 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Gross Profit                 44.3                34.3 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 EBITDA                       25.8                22.1 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Profit before tax            22.8                20.5 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Profit after tax             19.5                19.0 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 EPS (RM)                     0.45                0.45 
---------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 

Cash flow

The Group generates strong cash flows from its operations with the second half traditionally being the stronger half in terms of cash receipts. The momentum achieved this year helped cash generated from operations for the year improve to RM64.0 million for the financial year of 30 September 2014 (2013: RM62.4 million).

The principal movements in the net cash were as follows:-

 (RM'million)                    30 September 2014   30 September 2013 
------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Cash flows from operating 
  activities                     24.5                19.8 
------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Acquisition of property, 
  plant and, equipment 
  & software                     (7.9)               (28.6) 
------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Development costs incurred 
  on intangible assets           (11.1)              (6.64) 
------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Drawdown of term loan,net       -                   21.4 
------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Net proceeds raised 
  from IPO                       -                   52.8 
------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Dividend paid                   (4.8)               (6.0) 
------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Change in net cash 
  and cash equivalent 
  in the financial year          1.4                 51.8 
------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalent 
  at the beginning of 
  the financial year             62.4                10.3 
------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Effects of foreign 
  exchange rate changes, 
  net                            0.2                 0.3 
------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalent 
  at the end of the financial 
  year                           64.0                62.4 
------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 

Borrowings and Bank Facilities

Total borrowings of the Group have reduced to RM21 million (2013: RM27 million). The net decrease was contributed principally from the repayment of the mortgage loan of the divested office unit amounting to RM3.2 million and repayment of the term loan facilities for the acquisition of the Group's new head office.


The equity of the Group was strong for the year and the equity balance stands at RM101.4 million (2013: RM86.5 million). Earnings per share (EPS) of the Group has been maintained at RM0.45 (2013: RM0.45).

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

as at 30 September 2014

                                                            2014          2013 
                                              Note            RM            RM 
============================================  ====  ============  ============ 
Non--current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                    2    35,193,579    35,434,770 
Goodwill on consolidation                        3       549,572       549,572 
Intangible assets                                4    21,575,667    13,092,656 
Deferred tax assets                                      441,954             - 
                                                      57,760,772    49,076,998 
============================================  ====  ============  ============ 
Current assets 
Trade receivables                                      7,547,911     6,626,987 
Other receivables, deposits and prepayments            1,918,347       824,188 
Amounts owing by contract customers                    2,845,754     2,742,394 
Tax recoverable                                                -        93,343 
Fixed deposits with licensed banks                     8,405,830    25,203,613 
Cash and bank balances                                55,615,466    37,187,913 
--------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
                                                      76,333,308    72,678,438 
--------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
Asset classified as held for sale                5     3,133,832             - 
Total assets                                         137,227,912   121,755,436 
--------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
Equity and liabilities 
Stated capital                                   6    71,457,058    71,457,058 
Merger reserve                                      (17,668,186)  (17,668,186) 
Foreign exchange translation reserve                     902,151       690,121 
Retained profits                                      46,701,994    32,037,486 
--------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
Total equity attributable to owners                  101,393,017    86,516,479 
--------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
Non--current liabilities 
Long term borrowings                                  20,224,294    26,776,464 
Deferred tax liabilities                               3,421,090     1,117,157 
--------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
                                                      23,645,384    27,893,621 
--------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
Current liabilities 
Other payables and accruals                            7,623,156     5,521,382 
Amount owing to contract customers                       128,625             - 
Short term borrowings                                    800,794       968,783 
Provision for taxation                                 1,103,884       855,171 
--------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
                                                       9,656,459     7,345,336 
--------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
Liabilities directly associated with asset 
 classified as held for sale                     5     2,533,052             - 
Total liabilities                                     35,834,895    35,238,957 
--------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
Total equity and liabilities                         137,227,912   121,755,436 
--------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

for the year ended 30 September 2014

                                                                 2014          2013 
                                                   Note            RM            RM 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
Revenue                                                    57,105,535    44,423,206 
Cost of sales                                            (12,793,229)  (10,090,185) 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
Gross profit                                               44,312,306    34,333,021 
Other income                                                1,577,537     2,183,063 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
                                                           45,889,843    36,516,084 
Administrative and other operating expenses              (22,728,101)  (15,676,003) 
Finance costs                                               (381,442)     (340,115) 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
Profit before taxation                                     22,780,300    20,499,966 
Income tax expense                                    7   (3,320,432)   (1,488,168) 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
Profit after taxation                                      19,459,868    19,011,798 
Other comprehensive income (currency translation 
 differences)                                                 212,030       307,031 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
Total comprehensive income for the financial 
 year                                                      19,671,898    19,318,829 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
Profit after tax attributable to: 
Owners of the Group                                        19,459,868    19,011,798 
                                                           19,459,868    19,011,798 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
Total comprehensive income attributable to: 
Owners of the Group                                        19,671,898    19,318,829 
                                                           19,671,898    19,318,829 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 
Earnings per share attributable to owners of 
 the Group 
Basic, sen                                            8         45.26         45.30 
Diluted, sen                                          8         45.26         45.30 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------  ------------ 

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

as at 30 September 2014

                                               Non-distributable                          Distributable 
                                     ======================================  ======================================= 
                                                                    Foreign               Attributable 
                                                                   exchange                  to owners 
                                         Stated        Merger   translation     Retained            of 
                                        capital       reserve       reserve      profits     the Group  Total equity 
                               Note          RM            RM            RM           RM            RM            RM 
=============================  ====  ==========  ============  ============  ===========  ============  ============ 
Balance at 30 September 
 2012                                         -     1,000,000       383,090   17,285,096    18,668,186    18,668,186 
                                     ==========  ============  ============  ===========  ============  ============ 
Profit after taxation                         -             -             -   19,011,798    19,011,798    19,011,798 
Other comprehensive income, 
 net of tax 
- Foreign currency 
 differences for foreign 
 operations                                   -             -       307,031            -       307,031       307,031 
                                     ==========  ============  ============  ===========  ============  ============ 
Total comprehensive income 
 for the financial year                       -             -       307,031   19,011,798    19,318,829    19,318,829 
Dividend                          9           -             -             -  (4,259,408)   (4,259,408)   (4,259,408) 
Issuance of shares, net 
 of issue costs                      71,457,058  (18,668,186)             -            -    52,788,872    52,788,872 
=============================  ====  ==========  ============  ============  ===========  ============  ============ 
Balance at 30 September 
 2013                                71,457,058  (17,668,186)       690,121   32,037,486    86,516,479    86,516,479 
=============================  ====  ==========  ============  ============  ===========  ============  ============ 
                                       Non-distributable                           Distributable 
                             --------------------------------------   -----------  -------------  --------- 
                                                            Foreign                 Attributable 
                                                           exchange                    to owners 
                                 Stated        Merger   translation      Retained             of 
                                capital       reserve       reserve       profits      the Group   Total equity 
                       Note          RM            RM            RM            RM             RM             RM 
=====================  ====  ==========  ============  ============   ===========  =============  ============= 
Balance at 1 October 
 2013                        71,457,058  (17,668,186)       690,121    32,037,486     86,516,479     86,516,479 
                             ==========  ============  ============   ===========  =============  ============= 
Profit after taxation                 -             -             -    19,459,868     19,459,868     19,459,868 
Other comprehensive 
 expenses, net of tax 
- Foreign currency 
 differences for 
 operations                           -             -       212,030             -        212,030        212,030 
                             ==========  ============  ============   ===========  =============  ============= 
Total comprehensive 
 income for the 
 year                                 -             -       212,030    19,459,868     19,671,898     19,671,898 
Dividend                  9           -             -             -   (4,795,360)    (4,795,360)    (4,795,360) 
Balance at 30 
 2014                        71,457,058  (17,668,186)       902,151    46,701,994    101,393,017    101,393,017 
=====================  ====  ==========  ============  ============   ===========  =============  ============= 

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

as at 30 September 2014

                                                                     2014          2013 
                                                       Note            RM            RM 
----------------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------ 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit before taxation                                         22,780,300    20,499,966 
Adjustments for: 
- amortisation of intangible assets                             2,647,681     1,152,029 
- depreciation of property, plant and equipment                 1,371,434       485,744 
- interest expenses                                               381,442       340,115 
- interest income                                               (142,905)     (343,021) 
- property, plant and equipment written off                        83,646             - 
- gain on disposal of fixed assets                            (1,364,961)             - 
-----------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Operating profit before working capital changes                25,756,637    22,134,833 
Increase in trade and other receivables                       (2,015,083)   (2,572,043) 
Increase in other payables and accruals                         2,101,774     2,247,579 
Decrease/(increase) in amount owing from contract 
 customers                                                         25,265     (351,369) 
-----------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Cash flows from operating activities                           25,868,593    21,459,000 
Interest paid                                                   (381,442)     (340,115) 
Interest received                                                 142,905       343,021 
Income tax paid                                               (1,115,472)   (1,642,512) 
-----------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Net cash generated from operating activities                   24,514,584    19,819,394 
-----------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                     (7,886,920)  (28,559,175) 
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and 
 equipment                                                      4,904,160             - 
Development costs on intangible assets                       (11,148,891)   (6,625,462) 
-----------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Net cash used in investing activities                        (14,131,651)  (35,184,637) 
-----------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Cash flow from financing activities 
Repayment to related parties                                            -   (1,224,486) 
Dividends paid                                                (4,795,360)   (5,959,408) 
Drawdown of term loans                                                  -    21,440,000 
(Repayment)/drawdown of hire purchase payables, 
 net                                                            (121,102)       326,018 
Repayment of term loans                                       (4,066,005)     (181,258) 
Proceeds from issuance of share capital, net 
 of issue cost                                                          -    52,788,872 
-----------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Net cash (used in)/generated from financing 
 activities                                                   (8,982,467)    67,189,738 
===========================================================  ============  ============ 
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                       1,400,466    51,824,495 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the financial 
 year                                                          62,391,526    10,313,386 
Effects of foreign exchange rate changes, net                     229,304       253,645 
===========================================================  ============  ============ 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the financial 
 year                                                          64,021,296    62,391,526 
===========================================================  ============  ============ 

Notes to the Financial Information

for the year ended 30 September 2014

1. Basis of preparation

The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement is abridged and does not constitute the Company's statutory financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2014. The financial information has been extracted from the financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2014, which were approved by the Board on 5 February 2015 and on which the auditors have reported without qualification. The 2014 Annual Report will be distributed to shareholders and made available on the Company's website at http://www.fusionex-international.com. It will also be filed with the Companies Registered Office.

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as adopted by the European Union (EU), including related interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC).

The accounting policies adopted by the Group are consistent with those of the previous financial year except in the current financial year, the Group has adopted all the new and revised standards and Interpretations of IFRS that are effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 October 2013. The adoption of these standards and interpretations did not have any effect on the financial performance or position of the Group and the Company.

The directors propose a single payment of an interim dividend and do not propose a final dividend in respect of the year ended 30 September 2014 (2013: nil).

The Board of Directors approved this announcement on 5 February 2015.

2. Property, plant and equipment

During the year ended 30 September 2014, the Group acquired assets amounting to RM7,886,920 (2013: RM28,559,175).

3. Goodwill on consolidation

                              2014     2013 
                                RM       RM 
------------------------   -------  ------- 
At cost                    558,887  558,887 
Less: impairment losses    (9,315)  (9,315) 
-------------------------  -------  ------- 
Carrying value             549,572  549,572 
-------------------------  -------  ------- 

During the financial year, the Group assessed the recoverable amount of the goodwill and determined that no additional impairment is required. This assessment of goodwill was done by comparing the gross profit to the value of goodwill for the entity whose acquisition gave rise to the goodwill.

4. Intangible assets

                                          2014         2013 
                                            RM           RM 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Development expenditure 
At cost: 
At 1 October - brought forward      15,110,585    8,421,582 
Additions                           11,148,891    6,625,462 
Translation differences               (21,731)       63,541 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                    26,237,745   15,110,585 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Accumulated amortisation 
At 1 October - brought forward     (2,017,929)    (855,745) 
Amortisation charge                (2,647,681)  (1,152,029) 
Translation differences                  3,532     (10,155) 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                   (4,662,078)  (2,017,929) 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
At 30 September - net book value    21,575,667   13,092,656 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

The intangible assets mainly consist of staff costs.

5. Asset classified as held for sale

At 30 September 2014, asset classified as held for sale included property of RM3,133,832. The liabilities associated with asset held for sale are RM2,533,052. This related principally to the Group's office premise in L19-03-08, PHX-HM Shah Tower, No. 16A, Persiaran Barat, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, and the sale is expected to complete by end of February 2015. No impairment loss was recognised on reclassification of the office building as held for sale nor as at 30 September 2014 as the Directors expect that the fair value less costs to sell is higher than the carrying amount.

6. Stated capital

Issued, called up and fully paid

                                           No. of shares          RM 
----------------------------------------   -------------  ---------- 
As at 1 October 2013/ 30 September 2014       43,000,000  71,457,058 
-----------------------------------------  -------------  ---------- 

The Company has an unlimited authorised share capital of Ordinary Shares of no par value.

7. Income tax expense

                                                           2014       2013 
                                                             RM         RM 
---------------------------------------------------   ---------  --------- 
Current tax expense 
- for the financial year                              1,689,691  1,279,483 
- (over)/under-provision in the previous financial 
 year                                                 (230,314)    255,099 
----------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
                                                      1,459,377  1,534,582 
Deferred tax assets: 
                                                      ---------  --------- 
- for the financial year                              (441,954)          - 
- translation difference                                  (924)          - 
                                                      ---------  --------- 
                                                      (442,878)          - 
Deferred tax liabilities: 
- for the financial year                              2,303,933   (46,414) 
----------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
                                                      3,320,432  1,488,168 
 ---------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 

Tax expense is recognised based on an annual tax rate for the full financial year applied to the pre-tax income of the year.

8. Earnings per share

The calculation for earnings per share, based on the weighted average number of shares, is shown in the table below:

                                               Year ended 30 September 
                                                      2014         2013 
                                                        RM           RM 
-------------------------------------------   ------------  ----------- 
Profit after tax attributable to owners of 
 the Group                                      19,459,868   19,011,798 
Weighted average number of shares: 
Basic                                           43,000,000   41,940,639 
Diluted                                         43,000,000   41,940,639 
Earnings per share: 
Basic                                                45.26        45.30 
Diluted                                              45.26        45.30 
--------------------------------------------  ------------  ----------- 

9. Dividends

                                                    2014       2013 
                                                      RM         RM 
--------------------------------------------   ---------  --------- 
Interim dividend for 30.9.2014: RM0.112 per 
 ordinary share                                4,795,360          - 
Interim dividend for 30.9.2013: RM0.099 per 
 ordinary share                                        -  4,259,408 
---------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
                                               4,795,360  4,259,408 
 --------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 

10. Capital commitment

Authorised capital expenditure contracted but not provided for in the consolidated financial statements is analysed as follows:

                         2014       2013 
                           RM         RM 
----------------------   ----  --------- 
Leasehold improvement       -  1,127,438 
-----------------------  ----  --------- 

11. Segment analysis

IFRS 8 requires operating segments to be identified on the basis of internal reports about components of the Group that are regularly reviewed by the chief operating decision maker, as defined in IFRS 8, in order to allocate resources to the segment and to assess its performance.

All other segments primarily comprise income and expenses relating to the Group's administrative functions. Interest income and interest expense are not allocated to segments, as this type of activity is driven by the central treasury function which manages the cash position of the Group. Accordingly, this information is not separately reported to the Board for each reportable segment.

Operating segments are prepared in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to the Executive Directors as its chief operating decision maker in order to allocate resources to segments and to assess their performance. For management purposes, the Group is organised into business units based on geographical locations.

Geographical location

                                  Asia Pacific      Europe   Americas  Elimination(^)          Total 
                                            RM          RM         RM              RM             RM 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------- 
At 30 September 2014 
Revenue                             50,817,898  12,294,765  3,684,662     (9,691,790)     57,105,535 
================================  ============  ==========  =========  ==============  ============= 
Segment result before financing 
 result and tax                     21,039,684   7,217,837  1,621,534     (6,717,313)     23,161,742 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------- 
Finance costs                                                                              (381,442) 
Income tax                                                                               (3,320,432) 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------- 
Profit for the year                                                                       19,459,868 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------- 
Segmental assets(#)                182,349,513  78,717,464          -               -    261,066,977 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------- 
Non--allocated assets                                                                        549,572 
Consolidation adjustments                                                              (124,388,637) 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------- 
Total assets                                                                             137,227,912 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------- 
Segmental liabilities*             105,624,472  11,037,046          -               -    116,661,518 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------- 
Non-allocated liabilities                                                                 43,562,014 
Consolidation adjustments                                                              (124,388,637) 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------- 
Total liabilities                                                                         35,834,895 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------- 

# Segment assets comprise total current and non--current assets less unallocated assets.

* Segment liabilities comprise total current liabilities and non--current liabilities less unallocated liabilities.

^ Mainly related to Asia Pacific intercompany sales.

Other segmental reporting

                                    Asia Pacific  Europe  Americas       Total 
                                              RM      RM        RM          RM 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------  --------  ---------- 
At 30 September 2014 
Capital expenditure: 
- tangible assets                      7,886,920       -         -   7,886,920 
- intangible assets                   11,148,891       -         -  11,148,891 
Depreciation                           1,371,434       -         -   1,371,434 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------  --------  ---------- 
Other non--cash expenses 
Unrealised foreign exchange gain       (123,372)       -         -   (123,372) 
Amortisation of intangible assets      2,647,681       -         -   2,647,681 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------  --------  ---------- 
                                       2,524,309       -         -   2,524,309 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------  --------  ---------- 

Geographical location

                                  Asia Pacific      Europe   Americas  Elimination(^)         Total 
                                            RM          RM         RM              RM            RM 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------ 
At 30 September 2013 
Revenue                             40,381,223  10,751,802  3,711,241    (10,421,060)    44,423,206 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------ 
Segment result before financing 
 result and tax                     17,138,052   6,362,788  1,575,075     (4,235,834)    20,840,081 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------ 
Finance costs                                                                             (340,115) 
Income tax                                                                              (1,488,168) 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------ 
Profit for the year                                                                      19,011,798 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------ 
Segmental assets(#)                119,608,436  69,340,899          -               -   188,949,335 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------ 
Non--allocated assets                                                                       549,573 
Consolidation adjustments                                                              (67,743,472) 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------ 
Total assets                                                                            121,755,436 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------ 
Segmental liabilities*              48,014,421  11,833,611          -               -    59,848,032 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------ 
Non--allocated liabilities                                                               43,134,397 
Consolidation adjustments                                                              (67,743,472) 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------ 
Total liabilities                                                                        35,238,957 
--------------------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  --------------  ------------ 

# Segment assets comprise total current and non--current assets less unallocated assets.

* Segment liabilities comprise total current liabilities and non--current liabilities less unallocated liabilities.

^ Mainly related to Asia Pacific intercompany sales.

Other segmental reporting

                                    Asia Pacific  Europe  Americas        Total 
                                              RM      RM        RM           RM 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------  --------  ----------- 
At 30 September 2013 
Capital expenditure: 
- tangible assets                     28,559,175       -         -   28,559,175 
- intangible assets                    6,625,462       -         -    6,625,462 
Depreciation                             485,744       -         -      485,744 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------  --------  ----------- 
Other non--cash expenses 
Unrealised foreign exchange gain     (1,007,853)       -         -  (1,007,853) 
Amortisation of intangible assets      1,152,029       -         -    1,152,029 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------  --------  ----------- 
                                         144,176       -         -      144,176 
----------------------------------  ------------  ------  --------  ----------- 

Business segments

                         Products   Services       Total 
                               RM         RM          RM 
---------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
At 30 September 2014 
Revenue                47,882,316  9,223,219  57,105,535 
---------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
At 30 September 2013 
Revenue                36,939,240  7,483,966  44,423,206 
---------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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