Despite the difficulties and economic problems faced by the country, the Group 
has made a significant operating profit of GBP504,000 against a loss last year of 
GBP801,000, which included discontinued operations. 
This result demonstrates the success of our positive actions to combat the 
worst effects of recession experienced in the second half of last year and the 
first half of this year. Operating profits were improved by stronger buying and 
control of costs, manpower and stock, albeit in an uncertain market where 
margins were still under pressure. 
Important markets are still very much in turmoil and there is also a "wait and 
see" atmosphere in the construction market, post General Election. Ensor is 
making progress despite these continuing uncertainties. This is a particularly 
satisfactory position from which to take advantage of a real economic upturn. 
Since the half-year, cash flow has continued to be good, further improving our 
gearing to 13% (2009: 27%). During the year our borrowings have consequently 
reduced by over GBP1m. Debtor days across the Group have come down but there 
remains a threat of bad debt as the economy improves and there is a demand for 
increased working capital. 
During the year we have again made substantial payments into our pension 
scheme, in line with actuarial recommendations. The value of our pension 
investments has improved significantly during the year, however, the scheme 
deficit has increased due to the deterioration of bond yields used to calculate 
the liability for our accounts. 
Since the year end we have disposed of our property in Sandbach, Cheshire and 
earlier this year we applied for permission to develop our Brackley, 
Northamptonshire site. Both properties had been occupied by Hawkins-Salmon, a 
business we closed last year. Where not currently generating income, our other 
considerable land assets are being assessed to ensure we obtain maximum value 
to the Group. 
During the year we have investigated possible acquisitions of allied businesses 
and will continue with this in the future, but a conservative approach seems 
We propose to pay a final dividend of 0.15p per share. This is a cautious 
return to dividend payments which I am optimistic we can maintain and build on. 
We must however recognise that we are still in the grip of recession and be 
flexible in our short term expectations. Subject to approval at our AGM, this 
dividend will be paid on 13 August 2010, to shareholders on the register on 25 
June 2010. 
My sincerest thanks to our shareholders, management, staff, customers and 
suppliers for their support and contribution during a challenging but positive 
K A Harrison TD 
11 June 2010 
The global recession most markedly affected the results for the second half of 
last year, and the first half of this. Whilst the results for last year were 
somewhat buoyed by a relatively strong first half, the final six months of that 
year produced a small operating loss as market conditions deteriorated 
Entering the current financial year, our markets remained troubled by 
uncertainty, with our sales and margins under pressure as a consequence of 
reduced demand, competitive pressures and a weak currency. 
As the year progressed, we were able to rebuild sales and margin levels, 
enabling the Group to post a reduced profit for the first half of the year. 
Our second half is traditionally eroded by seasonal factors, however the severe 
weather conditions experienced from early January 2010, were an extreme 
example. Nevertheless, the operating profit for the second half of GBP291,000 
compares favourably with the loss of GBP7,000 for the corresponding period of the 
previous year. 
Trading levels remain well below their pre-recession peak, but the Group 
businesses have adapted to the current economic challenges. 
Significant savings have been made in the cost base of the businesses - 
particularly in relation to payroll costs. This has been achieved largely 
through non-replacement and natural wastage, but pay restraint has played an 
important part, helping to ensure that the critical business structures have 
not been damaged. 
Moreover, our strong cash performance over the last year, has achieved a 
reduced level of borrowing, which is more appropriate in uncertain times. 
Continuing operations 
Turnover reduced by 10.4% to GBP19.4m (2009: GBP21.7m), however the majority of 
this erosion was seen in the first half of the year, when sales were down by 
15.4%. Similarly, the decrease in gross profit from 27.9% last year to 27.4% 
this, was a consequence of the particularly difficult start to the year, with 
the second half showing significant improvement as our markets became more 
The immediate effect of the economic downturn late in 2008, was partially 
postponed into the current year by the forward order position in some of our 
Building Products businesses. Consequently, those businesses did not show a 
year on year improvement in the second half - their improvement is expected to 
lag behind somewhat for the same reason. 
As a consequence of its association with the construction industry, Building 
Products, which accounts for the majority of group activity, was harder hit 
than was Packaging, which also benefits from operating a low overhead base. 
The impact of reduced sales across the Group throughout the year, was 
substantially mitigated by cost control which saw administrative expenses 
reduced by GBP398,000 compared with the previous year. 
The resulting operating profit for the year of GBP504,000 (2009: GBP639,000), 
reflects a distinct upturn during the period. Following a very poor end to last 
year, the first quarter of this year returned operating losses, which were 
reversed during the second quarter to give an interim operating profit of GBP 
188,000. That result was improved by a further GBP316,000 during the third and 
fourth quarters of the year, bucking the usual trend. 
Financial expenses 
Financial expenses of GBP248,000 (2009: GBP139,000) comprise borrowing costs and an 
actuarial calculation reflecting the cost of financing the deficit on the 
Group's defined-benefit pension scheme. 
In common with businesses in all sectors, the interest margin on our borrowings 
has increased since the start of the banking crisis, however the total cost was 
reduced to GBP90,000 (2009: GBP109,000) through strong cash generation and reduced 
The net pension-related cost increased from GBP30,000 in 2009, to GBP158,000 this 
year, principally as a consequence of the reduction in value of pension fund 
investments prior to, and following, the banking crisis. The recovery of those 
investments during the year stands to reduce next year's financing cost. 
The Group has benefitted from a tax credit of GBP127,000 this year. This arose as 
a result of the write back of a deferred tax provision which was no longer 
necessary following the crystallisation this year of capital losses on last 
year's discontinued activities, described below. 
Discontinued operations 
The activities of Hawkins-Salmon Limited and Powerplus (UK) Limited, were 
discontinued on 31 March 2009 and 5 May 2009 respectively. These operations 
were treated as discontinued in last year's accounts and their impact in the 
current year has been positive in relation to the Group's cash flow, through 
recovery of payments made under bank guarantees and through the receipt of sale 
Cash flow 
Net cash of GBP1,069,000 has been generated over the course of the year, reducing 
group borrowings to GBP1,030,000. 
Continuing activities generated GBP1,082,000 from operations, before allowing for 
corporation tax payments of GBP309,000, which were deferred from the previous 
year. Inventories and the ageing of receivables have been improved. Capital 
expenditure has been restricted to essential items. Payments to the closed 
pension scheme were increased slightly to GBP180,000 following a triennial 
Year end financial position 
The Group ended the current year more confidently than the previous year. 
Despite the extreme weather conditions, the final quarter represented a 
stronger performance than did the corresponding period of the previous year, 
capping a year of improvement. Fears of a double-dip recession are widely 
abating and our balance sheet is more conservative. 
The Group's consolidated balance sheet at 31 March 2010 demonstrates:- 
  * Borrowings reduced from GBP2.1m to GBP1.0m 
  * Gearing reduced from 27% to 13% 
  * Inventories and trade receivables reduced by 8.0% 
These changes indicate our caution regarding both debt and risk in current 
assets, particularly in these uncertain times. Nevertheless, with a strong 
balance sheet, and low borrowings, the Group is well placed to pursue the 
opportunities which such times may present. 
Key performance indicators 
In addition to the universal performance indicators of sales, gross margins, 
operating profit, earnings per share, cash flow and gearing referred to above, 
or in the Chairman's Statement, indicators of a more activity-specific nature 
are used within the Group to assess the performance of subsidiary companies. 
These are used in conjunction with the controls described in the Corporate 
Governance statement and relate to a wide variety of aspects of the businesses, 
for example, working capital measures, production yields, quality control, 
targets, market share information, product return rates, etc. Due to the 
differences in size and markets across the Group's businesses it is not 
practicable to provide a more detailed analysis of how these indicators are 
applied to each of the respective activities. 
Principal risks and uncertainties 
The most significant risk and uncertainty facing the Group remains that of the 
general economic outlook for the UK and for the construction sector in 
The Group's businesses have been adjusted as necessary to adapt to the current 
recession, but not to a damaging degree to ensure that they are able to take 
advantage of any recovery. 
The diversified nature of the Group, and lack of over-reliance on any one 
business, serves to moderate the range of risks to those which are faced by any 
business in the normal course of events. 
Consolidated Income Statement 
for the year ended 31 March 2010 
                                                              2010         2009 
                                                             GBP'000        GBP'000 
Revenue                                                     19,443       21,706 
Cost of sales                                             (14,109)     (15,644) 
                                                            ______       ______ 
Gross profit                                                 5,334        6,062 
Distribution costs                                           (873)      (1,068) 
Administrative expenses                                    (3,957)      (4,355) 
                                                            ______       ______ 
Operating profit                                               504          639 
Financial costs                                              (248)        (139) 
                                                            ______       ______ 
Profit before tax                                              256          500 
Income tax credit/(expense)                                    127         (47) 
                                                            ______       ______ 
Profit for the year for continuing operations                  383          453 
Loss for the year on discontinued operations                     -      (2,732) 
                                                            ______       ______ 
Profit/(loss) for the year attributable to equity              383      (2,279) 
                                                            ______       ______ 
Earnings/(loss) per share 
Basic and fully diluted 
Continuing operations                                         1.3p         1.5p 
Discontinued operations                                          -      (10.8p) 
                                                            ______       ______ 
Total                                                         1.3p       (9.3p) 
                                                            ______       ______ 
Dividends per share 
Final dividend proposed                                      0.15p            - 
                                                            ______       ______ 
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
                                                        GBP'000       GBP'000 
Profit/(loss) for the year                              383         (2,279) 
Other comprehensive income: 
Revaluation of land and buildings                       -           (300) 
Actuarial loss                                          (433)       (2,047) 
Related deferred tax                                    116         526 
                                                        ------      ------ 
Total comprehensive income attributable to              66          (4,100) 
equity shareholders 
                                                        ======      ====== 
Consolidated Balance Sheet 
at 31 March 2010 
                                                   31 March  31 March  01 April 
                                                       2010      2009      2008 
                                                             restated  restated 
                                                      GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant & equipment                           4,117     4,231     5,969 
Intangible assets                                     2,438     2,438     3,147 
Deferred tax asset                                      886       770       244 
                                                     ______    ______    ______ 
Total non-current assets                              7,441     7,439     9,360 
                                                     ______    ______    ______ 
Current assets 
Assets held for sale                                    742     1,050         - 
Inventories                                           2,451     2,769     4,415 
Trade and other receivables                           4,185     4,571     5,641 
                                                     ______    ______    ______ 
Total current assets                                  7,378     8,390    10,056 
                                                     ______    ______    ______ 
Total assets                                         14,819    15,829    19,416 
                                                     ______    ______    ______ 
Non-current liabilities 
Retirement benefit obligations                      (3,165)   (2,750)     (817) 
Deferred tax liabilities                                  -     (118)     (117) 
                                                     ______    ______    ______ 
Total non-current liabilities                       (3,165)   (2,868)     (934) 
                                                     ______    ______    ______ 
Current liabilities 
Borrowings                                          (1,030)   (2,099)   (1,206) 
Trade and other payables                            (2,836)   (3,140)   (5,224) 
                                                     ______    ______    ______ 
Total current liabilities                           (3,866)   (5,239)   (6,430) 
                                                     ______    ______    ______ 
Total liabilities                                   (7,031)   (8,107)   (7,364) 
                                                     ______    ______    ______ 
NET ASSETS                                            7,788     7,722    12,052 
                                                     ______    ______    ______ 
Share capital                                         2,945     2,945     2,945 
Share premium                                           470       470       470 
Revaluation reserve                                     571       571       871 
Retained earnings                                     3,802     3,736     7,766 
                                                     ______    ______    ______ 
Total equity attributable to equity                   7,788     7,722    12,052 
                                                     ______    ______    ______ 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the year ended 31 March 2010 
Attributable to equity holders of the parent 
                       Issued       Share    Revaluation     Retained     Total 
                      Capital     Premium        Reserve     Earnings    Equity 
                        GBP'000       GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000     GBP'000 
Balance as at 1         2,945         470            871        7,766    12,052 
April 2008 
Total                       -           -          (300)      (3,800)   (4,100) 
Dividends                   -           -              -        (230)     (230) 
                        _____       _____          _____        _____     _____ 
Balance as at 1         2,945         470            571        3,736     7,722 
April 2009 
Total                       -           -              -           66        66 
                        _____       _____          _____        _____     _____ 
Balance at 31           2,945         470            571        3,802     7,788 
March 2010 
                        _____       _____          _____        _____     _____ 
Share premium 
The share premium reserve represents the consideration that has been received 
in excess of the nominal value of shares on issue of new ordinary share 
capital, less permitted expenses. 
Revaluation reserve 
The revaluation reserve has arisen as a result of increases in the carrying 
value of the Group's land and buildings. 
Retained earnings 
The retained earnings reserve represents profits and losses retained in the 
current and previous periods. 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
for the year ended 31 March 2010 
                                                          2010         2009 
                                                         GBP'000        GBP'000 
Net cash generated from/(absorbed by) operations         1,121        (186) 
                                                       _______      _______ 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and                   41           43 
Proceeds from disposal of assets held for sale             308            - 
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment             (221)        (278) 
Acquisition of going concern                                 -        (100) 
                                                       _______      _______ 
Net cash generated from/(absorbed by) investing            128        (335) 
                                                       _______      _______ 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Equity dividends paid                                        -        (230) 
Contribution to pension scheme                           (180)        (142) 
                                                       _______      _______ 
Net cash absorbed by financing activities                (180)        (372) 
                                                       _______      _______ 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and equivalents          1,069        (893) 
Opening cash and cash equivalents                      (2,099)      (1,206) 
                                                       _______      _______ 
Closing cash and cash equivalents                      (1,030)      (2,099) 
                                                       _______      _______ 
 1. Basis of preparation 
The consolidated financial statements of Ensor Holdings PLC have been prepared 
in accordance the Companies Act 2006 and International Financial Reporting 
Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union in accordance with the rules 
of the London Stock Exchange for companies trading securities on the 
Alternative Investment Market. The Group financial statements have been 
prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation 
of land and buildings, and derivative financial instruments at fair value 
through profit or loss. The principal accounting policies adopted by the Group 
are set out below. 
 2. Basis of consolidation 
Where the Company has the power, either directly or indirectly, to govern the 
financial and operating policies of another entity so as to obtain benefits 
from its activities, the entity is classified as a subsidiary. The consolidated 
financial statements present the results of the Company and its subsidiaries 
("the Group") as if they formed one single entity. Intercompany transactions 
and balances between Group companies are therefore eliminated in full. 
The consolidated financial statements incorporate the results of business 
combinations using the purchase method. In the consolidated balance sheet, the 
subsidiary's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities are 
initially recognised at their fair values at the acquisition date. The results 
of acquired operations are included in the consolidated income statement from 
the date on which control is obtained. 
 3. Earnings per share 
The calculation of earnings per share on continuing operations is based upon 
the profit after taxation of GBP383,000 (2009: GBP453,000) divided by the weighted 
average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year, 29,445,659 (2009: 
29,445,659). The loss per share on discontinued operations is based upon the 
profit after taxation of GBPnil (2009: loss: GBP2,732,000). The fully diluted 
earnings per share calculation is based upon the weighted average of 29,445,659 
shares (2009: 29,662,338). The dilution in 2009 is due to subsisting share 
options. There is no dilution in 2010 because the market value of the shares 
was lower than the option price. 
The earnings per share from discontinued operations on a basic and fully 
diluted basis was 1.3p (2009: (9.3p). 
 4. Segmental analysis 
For management purposes, the Group's business activities are organised into 
business units based on their products and services and have two primary 
operating segments as follows: 
  * Building Products - manufacture, marketing and distribution of materials, 
    tools, components and access automation equipment to the construction 
  * Packaging - marketing and distribution of packaging materials; 
  * All other segments - not reportable segments per the quantitative and 
    qualitative thresholds per IFRS 8 which include rubber crumb manufacture 
    and waste recycling. 
These divisions are the basis on which information is reported to the Group 
Board. The segment result is the measure used for the purposes of resource 
allocation and assessment and represents the operating profit of each segment 
before exceptional operating costs, amortisation and impairment charges, other 
gains and losses, net finance costs and taxation. 
Details of the types of products and services from which each segment derives 
its revenues are given above. 
The accounting policies applied in preparing the management information for 
each of the reportable segments are the same as the Group's accounting 
Inter-segment sales are charged on an arm's length basis. 
The Group's revenues and results by reportable segment for the year ended 31 
March 2010 are as follows: 
                      Continuing                   Discontinued 
             Building  Packaging Other   Total Building Other Total  Eliminations   Total 
             Products                          Products 
                GBP'000      GBP'000 GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000         GBP'000   GBP'000 
Revenue        16,932      1,619   892  19,443        -   105   105             -  19,548 
               ______      _____ _____   _____   ______ _____ _____         _____   _____ 
Depreciation      217         11    39     267        -     5     5            25     297 
               ______      _____ _____   _____   ______ _____ _____         _____   _____ 
Operating         262        220    22     504        -     -     -             -     504 
               ______      _____ _____   _____   ______ _____ _____        ______ 
Financial                                                                           (248) 
Income tax                                                                            127 
Profit for                                                                            383 
the year 
Capital           176          -     5     181        -     1     1            39     221 
               ______      _____ _____   _____   ______ _____ _____         _____   _____ 
Assets          9,554      1,062   775  11,391        -     -     -         3,428  14,819 
Liabilities   (2,263)      (325) (115) (2,703)        -     -     -       (4,328) (7,031) 
               ______      _____ _____   _____   ______ _____ _____         _____   _____ 
Net assets      7,291        737   660   8,688        -     -     -         (900)   7,788 
               ______      _____ _____   _____   ______ _____ _____        ______  ______ 
The Group's revenues and results by reportable segment for the year ended 31 
March 2009 are as follows: 
                        Continuing                  Discontinued 
               Building  Packaging Other   Total Building Other   Total  Eliminations   Total 
               Products                          Products 
                  GBP'000      GBP'000 GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 GBP'000   GBP'000         GBP'000   GBP'000 
Revenue          19,253      1,628   825  21,706    2,609   946   3,555                25,261 
                 ______      _____ _____   _____   ______ _____   _____         _____   _____ 
Depreciation        232         14    50     296      127    10     137            27     460 
                 ______      _____ _____   _____   ______ _____   _____         _____   _____ 
Operating           447        195   (3)     639  (1,375)  (65) (1,440)             -   (801) 
                 ______      _____ _____   _____   ______ _____   _____        ______ 
Financial                                                                               (167) 
Income tax                                                                               (29) 
Loss on                                                                               (1,282) 
Loss for the                                                                          (2,279) 
Capital             215          1    13     229        -    16      16            33     278 
                 ______      _____ _____   _____   ______ _____   _____         _____   _____ 
Assets            9,948      1,125 1,296  12,369      742   308   1,050         2,410  15,829 
Liabilities     (2,482)      (211) (369) (3,062)        -     -       -       (5,045) (8,107) 
                 ______      _____ _____   _____   ______ _____   _____         _____   _____ 
Net assets        7,466        914   927   9,307      742   308   1,050       (2,635)   7,722 
                 ______      _____ _____   _____   ______ _____   _____        ______   _____ 
Income and expenditure arising directly from a reporting segment are identified 
to that segment. Income and expenditure arising from central operations which 
relate to the Group as a whole or cannot reasonably be allocated between 
segments are apportioned on the basis of the individual segments' earnings. 
Head office costs are apportioned to the segments on the basis of earnings. 
The Group operates in one geographical segment, being the United Kingdom. 
Turnover to customers located outside the United Kingdom accounted for less 
than 10% of total Group turnover and has therefore not been separately 
disclosed in accordance with IFRS 8. 
Revenue from a single customer did not exceed more than 10% of turnover during 
the reporting period. 
 5. Cash flow generated from operations 
                                                          2010          2009 
Continuing operations                                    GBP'000         GBP'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit for the year attributable to equity                 383           453 
Depreciation charge                                        292           323 
Finance expense                                            248           139 
Income tax expense                                       (127)            47 
Profit on disposal of property, plant &                    (3)          (16) 
                                                       _______       _______ 
Operating cash flow before changes in working              793           946 
Decrease in inventories                                    318           227 
(Increase)/decrease in receivables                        (58)           395 
Increase/(decrease) in payables                           (83)         (528) 
                                                       _______       _______ 
Cash generated from continuing operations                  970         1,040 
Interest paid                                             (85)         (139) 
Income taxes paid                                        (241)          (66) 
                                                       _______       _______ 
Net cash generated from continuing activities              644           835 
                                                       _______       _______ 
Discontinued operations 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Loss for the year attributable to equity                     -       (2,732) 
Depreciation charge                                          5           137 
Finance expense                                              5            28 
Income tax credit                                            1         (216) 
Loss on disposal of property, plant & equipment              -         1,228 
Write off of goodwill in discontinued operation              -           709 
                                                       _______       _______ 
Operating cash flow before changes in working               11         (846) 
Increase in assets held for sale                             -       (1,050) 
Decrease in inventories                                      -         1,419 
Decrease in receivables                                    471           675 
Increase in payables                                         -       (1,191) 
                                                       _______       _______ 
Cash absorbed by discontinued operations                   482         (993) 
Interest paid                                              (5)          (28) 
Income taxes paid                                            -             - 
                                                       _______       _______ 
Net cash generated from/(absorbed by)                      477       (1,021) 
discontinued activities 
                                                       _______       _______ 
Net cash generated from/(absorbed by) operations         1,121         (186) 
                                                       _______       _______ 
 6. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt 
                                                     2010          2009 
                                                    GBP'000         GBP'000 
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year             1,069         (893) 
                                                   ______        ______ 
Movement in net debt arising from cash flow         1,069         (893) 
Net debt at 1 April 2009                          (2,099)       (1,206) 
                                                   ______        ______ 
Net debt at 31 March 2010                         (1,030)       (2,099) 
                                                   ______        ______ 
 7. Basis of preparation 
The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement of results 
does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 
March 2010 or 31 March 2009 but is derived from those accounts. Statutory 
accounts for 2009 have been delivered to the Registrar and those for 2010 will 
be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The Independent 
Auditors have reported on these accounts. Their reports were unqualified and 
did not contain a statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006. 
 8. Other information 
The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Company's 
registered office, Ellard House, Dallimore Road, Manchester M23 9NX at 10.00 
a.m. on Monday 19 July 2010. 
The Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders and be available from 
the Company's website at www.ensor.co.uk shortly. Additional copies of the 
Annual Report and of this statement will be available at the Company's 
registered office. 
Ensor Holdings PLC 
Roger Harrison / Marcus Chadwick 
0161 945 5953 
Westhouse Securities Limited 
Tim Feather / Matthew Johnson 
0113 246 2610 

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