CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT 
There is no doubt that we are in the midst of recession and that the markets 
that the Ensor Group works within, particularly the building industry, have 
been hard hit. This was certainly true in Q3 and Q4 of our financial year just 
Work within the Group during the last six months has been to protect margins, 
manage costs and increase our customer portfolio, albeit in a reduced market. 
We are preparing therefore to be able to take maximum benefit from the future 
general economic recovery. 
In March this year we announced that, following a recent poor performance at 
Hawkins-Salmon Limited ("Hawkins-Salmon"), one of our subsidiaries, the best 
course of action was to place it into administration. This has now been 
substantially completed and we have minimised the impact to our balance sheet. 
Although we are unhappy that this action was necessary, the difficult decisions 
have been taken and we can now move on. 
Overall, our balance sheet has been affected by three main events during the 
year. Firstly, the losses at Hawkins-Salmon of which a large amount of the 
total was goodwill write off. Secondly, the need to protect our pensioners by 
providing additional investment capital to boost our pension fund which has 
been depleted by a collapsed stock market. Finally, we have accepted a 
revaluation of our extensive property portfolio to reflect estimated current 
market rates. 
The instability of exchange rates and material prices, such as steel products 
from the Far East which rose by up to 30% during 2008, has challenged margins. 
Competitive market conditions have also made it difficult to implement the 
necessary selling price increases. Against this background however, we believe 
the results from our continuing activities have been satisfactory, given the 
very testing economic conditions. 
Although sales and operating profits were down by 7% and 66% respectively in 
the continuing businesses and cashflow was adversely affected by the losses in 
discontinued activities, our gearing remains manageable at 27% of net assets. 
There are many challenges ahead but, at the same time, we recognise that good 
commercial opportunities will present themselves and we intend to capitalise on 
these as they arise. 
Given the extraordinary circumstances created by the recession, we feel it is 
prudent that we should propose not to pay a dividend this year and so maintain 
our reserves and start to strengthen our balance sheet. 
We are cautious with our outlook for the coming year as a sustained rise out of 
recession is not forecast until 2010. Excluding a further deterioration in the 
economic climate, we believe we are now conditioned as a Group to enable us to 
prepare for continued progress when the economy improves generally. 
May I thank all the people who work within the Ensor companies for their 
fantastic effort and significant contribution to our current results and future 
Ken Harrison TD 
In common with many businesses connected to the construction industry and the 
property market, the continuing operations within the group have seen a 
downturn in demand and a hardening of markets during the period. 
The directors have taken the decision to consolidate the Group's operations 
into a core group of stronger performers resulting in the termination of two 
business operations, which are detailed under "discontinued operations" below. 
Continuing operations 
The downturn in the markets and the necessity to concentrate resources on 
discontinuing two non-core activities has had the impact of reducing the 
turnover derived from continuing operations by 6.8% to GBP21.7m from GBP23.3m. 
Sales per working day have reduced from GBP94,000 in the previous financial year 
to GBP86,000 this year as a result of customers' business failures and reduced 
ordering. Sales levels weakened in each successive quarter of 2008/09 as the 
recession began to bite and then worsened but the decline appears to have 
bottomed out in Q4. 
In order to maintain even this reduced level of turnover under such difficult 
circumstances, margins have been eroded from 32% to 28%. In addition to 
competitive pressures, the weakness of sterling against the US dollar and 
against the euro added significantly to our cost of sales during the year. 
However, the directors are confident that the condensed group will be in a 
stronger position to weather the current economic downturn and take advantage 
of any recovery as soon as it happens. 
Costs have been contained, with the result that the continuing operations have 
remained profitable, generating an operating profit of GBP500,000 compared with GBP 
1,627,000 in the previous financial year. 
Following structure reviews across the Group, overheads are now running at 
around 10% less than they were at the corresponding point last year. 
Reductions in capital expenditure and tight control over stock ordering have 
meant that continuing operations remained cash positive, despite the difficult 
market conditions, generating cash of GBP686,000. Efforts have been made to 
ensure debts are collected promptly in these difficult conditions, and debtor 
days have remained relatively stable at 63 days, compared to 62 days in March 
Discontinued operations 
Following the relocation of the timber processing part of the business from 
Brackley, Northamptonshire to Sandbach, Cheshire, necessitated by the 
termination of the lease of the premises at Brackley, operational difficulties 
and the loss of several customers propelled the business into a decline which, 
despite best efforts, could not be halted. Management changes made during the 
year significantly improved the efficiency of the business in the second half, 
leading us to report in December 2008 that the problems had been identified and 
addressed. Unfortunately, the worsening state of the wider economy thwarted any 
significant recovery thereafter. 
The company suffered losses of almost GBP1.3m in the financial year and, with no 
prospect of reversing the position, the directors took the decision to 
safeguard the remainder of the Group, and requested the appointment of 
administrators to the company with a view to maximising realisations from the 
sale of the assets. The assets have now been sold under an agreement for 
partially deferred consideration and recoveries are being credited to Ensor 
Holdings as they arise. Although a significant loss has arisen on the 
administration, this was necessary to stem the trading losses. 
Powerplus (UK) Limited ("Powerplus") 
An opportunity arose to dispose of the assets of Powerplus and negotiations 
took place from February 2009 onwards resulting in the sale of the business, 
after the year end, to a competitor at approximately book value. The activities 
of Powerplus are dissimilar to the remainder of the Group, and the company has 
struggled to maintain its market position. The disposal allows the Directors to 
concentrate on the Group's core activities without distraction. 
Financial position at year end 
The Group's property portfolio has been revalued downwards by GBP300,000 to 
reflect current market conditions, although this situation is expected to be 
temporary. The loss realised on the disposal of Hawkins Salmon has depleted the 
balance sheet somewhat, and efforts will be concentrated on improving the 
strength of the balance sheet as the economy recovers. 
Following a period of improvement, the global economic climate has taken its 
toll on the Group's pension fund deficit, principally as a result of a 
reduction in the value of the fund's investments between March 2008 and March 
Key performance indicators 
In addition to the universal performance indicators of sales, gross margins, 
operating profit, earnings per share, cash flow and gearing referred to above, 
or in the Chairman's Statement, indicators of a more activity-specific nature 
are used within the Group to assess the performance of subsidiary companies. 
These are used in conjunction with the controls described in the Corporate 
Governance statement and relate to a wide variety of aspects of the businesses, 
for example, working capital measures, production yields, quality control, 
targets, market share information, product return rates, etc. Due to the 
differences in size and markets across the Group's businesses it is not 
practicable to provide a more detailed analysis of how these indicators are 
applied to each of the respective activities. 
Principal risks and uncertainties 
The directors continue to focus on maintaining the Group's core business in the 
current climate of uncertainty, in order that the businesses will be in a 
strong position to take advantage of recovery in the markets when the economic 
environment improves. 
Audited Consolidated Income Statement 
for the year ended 31 March 2009 
                                                                2009       2008 
                                                               GBP'000      GBP'000 
Revenue                                                       21,706     23,290 
Cost of sales                                               (15,644)   (15,743) 
                                                              ______     ______ 
Gross profit                                                   6,062      7,547 
Distribution costs                                           (1,068)    (1,151) 
Administrative expenses                                      (4,374)    (4,577) 
                                                              ______     ______ 
Operating profit                                                 620      1,819 
Financial expenses                                              (120)      (192) 
                                                              ______     ______ 
Profit before tax                                                500      1,627 
Income tax expense                                              (47)      (476) 
                                                              ______     ______ 
Profit for the year for continuing operations                    453      1,151 
Loss for the year on discontinued operations                 (2,732)         43 
                                                              ______     ______ 
(Loss)/profit for the year attributable to equity            (2,279)      1,194 
                                                              ______     ______ 
(Loss)/earnings per share: 
Continuing operations 
Basic                                                           1.5p       3.9p 
Fully diluted                                                   1.5p       3.8p 
                                                              ______     ______ 
Discontinued operations 
Basic and fully diluted                                       (9.3p)       0.1p 
                                                              ______     ______ 
Dividends per share 
Interim dividend paid                                          0.00p      0.42p 
Final dividend proposed                                        0.00p      0.78p 
                                                              ______     ______ 
                                                               0.00p      1.20p 
                                                              ______     ______ 
Audited Consolidated Balance Sheet 
at 31 March 2009 
                                                                 2009      2008 
                                                                GBP'000     GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant & equipment                                     4,231     5,969 
Intangible assets                                               2,438     3,147 
                                                               ______    ______ 
Total non-current assets                                        6,669     9,116 
                                                               ______    ______ 
Current assets 
Assets held for resale                                          1,050         - 
Inventories                                                     2,769     4,415 
Trade and other receivables                                     4,571     5,641 
                                                               ______    ______ 
Total current assets                                            8,390    10,056 
                                                               ______    ______ 
Total assets                                                   15,059    19,172 
                                                               ______    ______ 
Non-current liabilities 
Retirement benefit obligations                                (1,980)     (572) 
Deferred tax                                                    (118)     (117) 
                                                               ______    ______ 
Total non-current liabilities                                 (2,098)     (689) 
                                                               ______    ______ 
Current liabilities 
Cash and cash equivalents                                     (2,099)   (1,206) 
Trade and other payables                                      (3,140)   (5,225) 
                                                               ______    ______ 
Total current liabilities                                     (5,239)   (6,431) 
                                                               ______    ______ 
Total liabilities                                             (7,337)   (7,120) 
                                                               ______    ______ 
NET ASSETS                                                      7,722    12,052 
                                                               ______    ______ 
Share capital                                                   2,945     2,945 
Share premium                                                     470       470 
Revaluation reserve                                               571       871 
Retained earnings                                               3,736     7,766 
                                                               ______    ______ 
Total equity attributable to equity shareholders                7,722    12,052 
                                                               ______    ______ 
Other Audited Statements 
for the year ended 31 March 2009 
Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense (SORIE) 
                                                                  2009      2008 
                                                                 GBP'000     GBP'000 
(Loss)/profit for the financial year                           (2,279)     1,194 
Actuarial (loss)/gain                                          (2,047)       518 
Related deferred tax                                               526     (155) 
                                                                ______    ______ 
Total recognised income and expense for the financial          (3,800)     1,557 
                                                               ______    ______ 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity 
                                                                 2009      2008 
                                                                GBP'000     GBP'000 
Opening shareholders' equity at 1 April 2008                   12,052    10,825 
Recognised income and expense for the                         (3,800)     1,557 
financial period 
Dividends paid                                                   (230)     (330) 
Transfer from revaluation reserve for                            (300)         - 
impairment of property valuations 
                                                               ______    ______ 
Closing shareholders' equity at 31 March 2009                   7,722    12,052 
                                                               ______    ______ 
Audited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
for the year ended 31 March 2009 
                                                               2009        2008 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
Net cash (absorbed by)/generated from                         (216)       2,096 
                                                            _______     _______ 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and                        43         146 
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment                  (278)       (501) 
Acquisition of going concern                                  (100)       (818) 
                                                            _______     _______ 
Net cash absorbed by investing activities                     (335)     (1,173) 
                                                            _______     _______ 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Repayment of loans                                                -        (50) 
Capital element of finance lease payments                         -         (4) 
Equity dividends paid                                         (230)       (330) 
Contribution to pension scheme in excess of                   (112)       (141) 
charge to income 
                                                            _______     _______ 
Net cash absorbed by financing activities                     (342)       (525) 
                                                            _______     _______ 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and                           (893)         398 
Opening cash and cash equivalents                           (1,206)     (1,604) 
                                                            _______     _______ 
Closing cash and cash equivalents                           (2,099)     (1,206) 
                                                            _______     _______ 
1. Accounting policies 
Basis of preparation 
The consolidated financial statements of Ensor Holdings PLC have been prepared 
in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted 
by the European Union and as applied in accordance with the provisions of the 
Companies Act 1985 for the first time. The Group financial statements have 
been prepared under the historical cost convention, with the exception of the 
Group's properties which have been stated at an impaired deemed cost in 
accordance with the requirements of IFRS. 
Basis of consolidation 
Where the Company has the power, either directly or indirectly, to govern the 
financial and operating policies of another entity so as to obtain benefits 
from its activities, the entity is classified as a subsidiary. The consolidated 
financial statements present the results of the Company and its subsidiaries 
(The Group) as if they formed one single entity. Intercompany transactions and 
balances between Group companies are therefore eliminated in full. 
The consolidated financial statements incorporate the results of business 
combinations using the purchase method. In the consolidated balance sheet, the 
subsidiary's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities are 
initially recognised at their fair values at the acquisition date. The results 
of acquired operations are included in the consolidated income statement from 
the date on which control is obtained. 
2. Earnings per share 
The calculation of earnings per share on continuing operations is based upon 
the profit after taxation of GBP453,000 (2008 : GBP1,151,000) divided by the 
weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year, 29,445,659 
(2008: 29,445,659). The loss per share on discontinued operations is based upon 
the loss after taxation of GBP2,732,000 (2008: profit GBP43,000). The fully diluted 
earnings per share calculation is based upon the weighted average of 29,662,338 
shares (2008: 30,305,708). The dilution in both years is due to subsisting 
                                                                 share options. 
3. Analysis of changes in net debt 
                                                     At                    At 
                                                 31 March              31 March 
                                                     2008   Cashflows      2009 
                                                    GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000 
                                 Bank overdraft   (1,206)     (893)     (2,099) 
                                                   ______    ______     ______ 
4. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt 
                                                                 2009     2008 
                                                                GBP'000    GBP'000 
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the year                         (893)      398 
Cash outflow from repayment of debt                                 -       54 
                                                               ______   ______ 
Movement in net debt arising from cash flow                     (893)      452 
Net debt at 1 April 2008                                      (1,206)  (1,658) 
                                                               ______   ______ 
Net debt at 31 March 2009                                     (2,099)  (1,206) 
                                                               ______   ______ 
5. Basis of preparation 
The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement of results 
does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 
March 2009 or 31 March 2008 but is derived from those accounts. Statutory 
accounts for 2008 have been delivered to the Registrar and those for 2009 will 
be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The Independent 
Auditors have reported on these accounts. Their reports were unqualified and 
did not contain statements under section 237(2) or (2) of the Companies Act 
6. Other information 
The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Company's 
registered office, Ellard House, Dallimore Road, Manchester M23 9NX at 10.00 
a.m. on Monday 27 July 2009. 
The Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders and be available from 
the Company's website at www.ensor.co.uk shortly. Additional copies of the 
Annual Report and of this statement will be available at the Company's 
registered office. 
Ensor Holdings PLC 
Roger Harrison/Marcus Chadwick 
0161 945 5953 
Hanson Westhouse Limited 
Tim Feather/Matthew Johnson 
0113 246 2610 

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