RNS Number:5778E
Ensor Holdings PLC
14 June 2006




Sales                                      Operating Profit
UP 9%                                      3% LESS

Dividend total                             Prospects
1p per share                               CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM


As anticipated in my report at the half-year, trading continued to be slow,
however we were able to increase our total sales by some 9% to #26,704,000 (2005
: #24,537,000) and maintain our gross margins.

During the period we made further investment in a number of our businesses,
increasing costs but strengthening the Group with development of new products.
We relocated and enlarged our door manufacturing company.  We integrated our new
acquisition, Wood's Packaging Limited, and generally invested in our management
structure.  This total expenditure should give progressive results in the
future. Against these higher costs, and increased regular charges relating to
pensions, there is a credit from the change in pension provision referred to

These matters result in an operating profit slightly lower at #1,511,000 (2005 :

Last year we had the added benefit of a one-off sale of property of #402,000
which is, naturally, not repeated in the current year.

Interest costs increased following the purchase of Wood's Packaging and our tax
charge is lower at #362,000 (2005 : #425,000).

Our earnings per share for the year are calculated at 2.7p per share (2005 :
2.9p per share) before exceptional items.

Balance Sheet & Pensions

Our balance sheet is stronger and the cash situation remain satisfactory but due
to the latest accounting rules under FRS17, we must show in the balance sheet a
deficit in the pension funding of #1,628,000. This is a theoretical amount
calculated by our professional actuaries.

During the year it was decided to cease accruals in our final salary scheme.
Affected members have been offered (and have accepted) an alternative money
purchase pension scheme.  This change will stabilise our pension situation.

Gearing for the period is satisfactory at 29% (or 36% allowing for the pension


During the year successful efforts were made to ensure maintained and increased
turnover and all our companies were profitable.

The Group is mainly concerned with the distribution of a wide range of products
for the construction industry.  This includes supplies of specialist
Ensor-designed electric and electronic door controls, quality industrial doors
supplied to the trade, specialist tools for the roofing and construction
industries, high quality roofing and drainage products, wood and metal fencing
and gates, processed rubber crumb for safety and sports facilities and, from our
new Group member, packing materials for the furniture and other industries.
This is a wide range of products, marketed and distributed from some 10
locations in the UK, with distribution arrangements in Europe and beyond.

A growing number of products are sourced from our own office based in China,
approximately one hour's flight from Shanghai and Hong Kong, where we have a
hardworking team operating this successful office buying for and servicing the
Group.  Currency fluctuations, of course, are an important but controlled

Our fencing company will have to be relocated due to the end of a lease.  This
may provide opportunities for progress for this Group company.

Prospects & Dividends

The Board is conscious that there has been a slowdown of the economy,
particularly affecting our industry but we are cautiously confident of our plans
for future successes.  The Board is, therefore, recommending a maintained, final
dividend of 0.625p per share, making a total for the year of 1.0p per share,
well covered by earnings.

Subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting, the final dividend will be
payable on 14 August 2006 to shareholders on our Register on 30 June 2006.

Directors & Staff

During the year Mr Brian Morgan retired from the Board having given exceptional
service as a Director for many years.  Thanks are given to him for his very
valuable service.

We also, this year, welcome Mr Peter Regis and Mr Roger Harrison to the Board as
Non-executive Directors and believe their experience will contribute to the
future success of Ensor.

My thanks, again, are due to the managers and staff of the Group for their much
appreciated efforts during the year.

Ken Harrison
14 June 2006

for the year ended 31 March 2006

                                                                                         Restated     Restated
                                                                   2006         2006         2005         2005
                                                                  #'000        #'000        #'000        #'000

Continuing operations                                                         25,274                    24,537
Acquisitions                                                                   1,430                         -
                                                                              ______                    ______

                                                                              26,704                    24,537

Cost of sales                                                               (18,458)                  (16,972)
                                                                              ______                    ______

Gross profit                                                                   8,246                     7,565

Distribution costs                                              (1,359)                   (1,245)
Administrative expenses                                         (5,376)                   (4,770)
                                                                 ______                    ______
                                                                             (6,735)                   (6,015)

Operating profit
Continuing operations                                             1,079                     1,655
Acquisitions                                                        200                         -
Pension scheme curtailment                                          374
Amortisation of goodwill                                          (142)                     (105)
                                                                 ______       ______       ______       ______

                                                                               1,511                     1,550
Exceptional item
Profit on disposal of fixed assets                                                 -                       402
                                                                              ______                    ______

Profit on ordinary activities before interest                                  1,511                     1,952

Interest payable                                                  (193)                     (158)
Other finance charges                                             (155)                     (119)
                                                                 ______                    ______
                                                                               (348)                     (277)
                                                                              ______                    ______

Profit before taxation                                                         1,163                     1,675

Taxation                                                                       (362)                     (425)
                                                                              ______                    ______

Profit for the year                                                              801                     1,250
                                                                              ______                    ______

Dividends per share
Interim dividend paid                                                         0.375p                    0.375p
Final dividend proposed                                                       0.625p                    0.625p
                                                                              ______                    ______
                                                                              1.000p                    1.000p
                                                                              ______                    ______
Earnings per share
Basic                                                                           2.7p                      4.2p
Diluted                                                                         2.7p                      4.1p
Basic before exceptional items                                                  2.7p                      2.9p
                                                                              ______                    ______

at 31 March 2006

                                                                            Restated                  Restated
                                                                  Group        Group      Company      Company
                                                                   2006         2005         2006         2005
                                                                  #'000        #'000        #'000        #'000
Fixed assets
Goodwill                                                          2,280        1,665            -            -
Tangible assets                                                   3,525        3,559        1,049        1,102
Investments                                                           -            -       10,286        7,372
                                                                 ______       ______       ______       ______

                                                                  5,805        5,224       11,335        8,474
Current assets
Stocks                                                            4,369        4,301            -            -
Debtors                                                           5,768        4,870          316          378
                                                                 ______       ______       ______       ______

                                                                 10,137        9,171          316          378

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                  (7,234)      (5,746)      (3,568)      (1,313)
                                                                 ______       ______       ______       ______

Net current assets/(liabilities)                                  2,903        3,425      (3,252)        (935)
                                                                 ______       ______       ______       ______

Total assets less current liabilities                             8,708        8,649        8,083        7,539

Creditors: amounts falling due after more
than one year                                                      (54)        (265)         (50)        (250)

                                                                 ______       ______       ______       ______

Net assets excluding pension liability                            8,654        8,384        8,033        7,289

Pension liability                                               (1,628)      (2,254)      (1,628)      (2,254)
                                                                 ______       ______       ______       ______

                                                                  7,026        6,130        6,405        5,035
                                                                 ______       ______       ______       ______

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                           2,941        2,941        2,941        2,941
Share premium account                                               470          470          470          470
Revaluation reserve                                                 877          883          197          197
Profit and loss account                                           2,738        1,836        2,797        1,427
                                                                 ______       ______       ______       ______

Equity shareholders' funds                                        7,026        6,130        6,405        5,035
                                                                 ______       ______       ______       ______

for the year ended 31 March 2006

                                                                                              2006         2005
                                                                                             #'000        #'000

Net cash inflow from operating activities                                                    1,343        1,418
                                                                                            ______       ______

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest paid                                                                                (185)        (154)
Interest element of finance lease payments                                                     (3)          (4)
                                                                                            ______       ______

Net cash outflow from servicing of finance                                                   (188)        (158)
                                                                                            ______       ______

UK corporation tax paid                                                                      (399)        (341)
                                                                                            ______       ______

Net cash outflow from payment of taxation                                                    (399)        (341)
                                                                                            ______       ______

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                                                            (482)        (475)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                                                                   65          990
                                                                                            ______       ______
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from capital expenditure and financial                             (417)          515
                                                                                            ______       ______

Acquisitions and disposals
Acquisition of subsidiary undertaking                                                        (855)            -
                                                                                            ______       ______

Net cash outflow from acquisition                                                            (855)            -
                                                                                            ______       ______

Equity dividends paid                                                                        (294)        (257)
                                                                                            ______       ______

Net cash (outflow)/inflow before use of liquid resources and financing                       (810)        1,177
                                                                                            ______       ______

Issue of shares                                                                                  -            1
Repayment of term loans                                                                      (200)        (200)
Capital element of finance lease payments                                                     (49)         (33)
                                                                                            ______       ______

Net cash outflow from financing                                                              (249)        (232)
                                                                                            ______       ______

(Decrease)/increase in cash in the year                                                    (1,059)          945
                                                                                            ______       ______

for the year ended 31 March 2006

Consolidated Statement of Recognised Gains and Losses

                                                                                               2006       2005
                                                                                              #'000      #'000

Profit for the financial year                                                                   801       1,250
Actuarial gain/(loss)                                                                           555        (963)
Related deferred tax                                                                          (166)         289
                                                                                             ______       ______

Total recognised gains for the year                                                          1,190          576
Prior year adjustment as explained in note 1                                                (2,254)


Reconciliation of Movements in Equity Shareholders' Funds

                                                                        Group         Group        Company       Company
                                                                         2006          2005           2006          2005
                                                                        #'000         #'000          #'000         #'000

Opening shareholders' funds as previously reported                     8,200         7,253          7,105         6,556
Prior year adjustment on adoption of FRS21, "Events after the            184           148            184           148
Balance Sheet Date"
Prior year adjustment on adoption of FRS17, "Retirement               (2,254)       (1,590)        (2,254)       (1,590)
                                                                       ______        ______         ______        ______

Restated opening shareholders' funds                                   6,130         5,811          5,035         5,114
Recognised gains for the year                                          1,190           576          1,664           178
Dividends paid                                                          (294)         (257)          (294)         (257)
                                                                       ______        ______         ______        ______

                                                                       7,026         6,130          6,405         5,035
                                                                       ______        ______         ______        ______


1.  Accounting policies

Basis of preparation

The financial statements are prepared in accordance with applicable accounting
standards under the historical cost convention as modified by the revaluation of
certain fixed assets.

The directors have reviewed the accounting policies in accordance with FRS 18 "
Accounting Policies" and have concluded that the following changes are required
from the previous year.

The Group has adopted FRS 17, 'Retirement benefits' and FRS 21, 'Events after
the balance sheet date'.  The adoption of these standards represents a change in
accounting policies and the comparative figures have been restated accordingly.

The effect of the change in accounting policy to adopt FRS 17 was to decrease
staff costs by #494,000 (2005: #133,000), increase other finance costs by
#155,000 (2005: #119,000), increase deferred taxation by #100,000 (2005:
#4,000), increase profit for the year by #239,000 (2005: increase #10,000) and
to increase the total recognised gains by #389,000 (2005: decrease #674,000).
Equity shareholders' funds have been reduced by #1,628,000 (2005: #2,254,000) as
a result of the new requirement to recognise the pension fund deficit in the
balance sheet.

The effect of the change in accounting policy to adopt FRS 21 was to recognise
the final proposed dividend for the year ended 31 March 2005 of #184,000 in the
current year.  The final proposed dividend for the current year of #184,000 will
be recognised in the following year as it has yet to be approved.

Basis of consolidation

The Group financial statements consolidate the financial statements of the
Company and its subsidiary undertakings at 31 March using acquisition
accounting.  The results of subsidiary undertakings acquired or disposed of
during a financial year are included from, or up to, the effective date of
acquisition or disposal.  On acquisition of a subsidiary, all of the
subsidiary's assets and liabilities existing at the date of acquisition are
recorded at their fair values reflecting their condition at that date.

Profits or losses on intra-group transactions are eliminated in full.

2.   Earnings per share

The calculation of earnings per share is based upon the profit after taxation of
#801,000 (2005 : #1,250,000) divided by the weighted average number of ordinary
shares in issue during the year, 29,405,659 (2005: 29,402,454). The fully
diluted earnings per share is based upon the weighted average of 30,144,743
shares (2005: 29,970,517). The dilution in both years is due to subsisting share

The adjusted earnings per share is calculated by reference to the profit after
taxation adjusted to exclude exceptional items as shown below.
                                                                                         Restated     Restated
                                                                   2006         2006         2005         2005
                                                                           Pence per                 Pence per
                                                                  #'000        share        #'000        Share

Profit for the financial year                                       801         2.7p       1,250          4.2p
Exceptional items:
Profit on disposal of fixed assets                                    -            -        (402)       (1.3p)
Taxation in respect of the exceptional items                          -            -           -            -
                                                                 ______       ______       ______       ______

Adjusted profit before exceptional items                            801         2.7p         848         2.9p
                                                                 ______       ______       ______       ______

3.  Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating

                                                                                               2006         2005
                                                                                              #'000        #'000

Operating profit                                                                              1,511        1,550
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets                                                           479          474
Amortisation of intangible fixed assets                                                         142          105
Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets                                                        (14)         (25)
Decrease/(increase) in stocks                                                                    16        (481)
Increase in debtors                                                                           (902)        (150)
Increase in creditors                                                                           605           78
Contributions to pension scheme in excess of charge to profit and loss                        (120)        (133)
Pension scheme curtailment                                                                    (374)            -
                                                                                             ______       ______

Net cash inflow from operating activities                                                     1,343        1,418
                                                                                             ______       ______

4. Analysis of changes in net debt

                                                                                  At                       At
                                                                            31 March                 31 March
                                                                                2005    Cashflows        2006
                                                                               #'000        #'000       #'000

Bank overdraft                                                               (1,190)      (1,059)     (2,249)
Bank loans                                                                     (450)         200        (250)
Finance leases                                                                  (65)          49         (16)
                                                                              ______       ______      ______

                                                                             (1,705)        (810)     (2,515)
                                                                              ______       ______      ______

5.  Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

                                                                                                2006        2005
                                                                                               #'000       #'000

(Decrease)/increase in cash in the year                                                      (1,059)         945
Cash outflow from repayment of debt                                                              249         233
                                                                                              ______      ______

Movement in net debt arising from cash flow                                                    (810)       1,178
New finance leases                                                                                -         (61)
                                                                                              ______      ______

Movement in net debt                                                                           (810)       1,117
Net debt at 1 April 2005                                                                     (1,705)     (2,822)
                                                                                              ______      ______

Net debt at 31 March 2006                                                                    (2,515)     (1,705)
                                                                                              ______      ______

6. Basis of preparation

The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement of results
does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31
March 2006 or 31 March 2005 but is derived from those accounts.  Statutory
accounts for 2005 have been delivered to the Registrar and those for 2006 will
be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting.  The Independent
Auditors have reported on these accounts.  Their reports were unqualified and
did not contain statements under section 237(2) or (2) of the Companies Act

7. Other information

The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Company's
registered office, Ellard House, Dallimore Road, Manchester M23 9NX at 10.00
a.m. on Wednesday 19 July 2006.

The Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders shortly.  Additional
copies of the Annual Report and of this statement will be available at the
Company's registered office.


Ensor Holdings PLC
Ken Harrison
0161 945 5953

Westhouse Securities LLP
Tim Feather
0161 838 9140

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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