RNS Number : 0165N

Dexion Trading Limited

25 August 2011

Dexion Trading Limited (the "Company")


The Company has today, in accordance with DTR 6.3.5, released its Interim Report and Accounts for the period ended 30 June 2011. The Report is available via www.dexiontrading.comand will shortly be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will also shortly be available for inspection at www.hemscott.com/nsm.do


Principal Activity

Dexion Trading Limited ("the Company") is a Guernsey authorised closed-ended investment company listed on the London Stock Exchange. Trading in the Company's Shares commenced on 29 November 2004.

Investment Objective and Investment Policy

The Company's investment objective and policy mirrors that of Permal Macro Holdings Limited ("Permal Macro") and it operates as a feeder fund into Permal Macro.

Permal Macro's investment objective is to provide investment returns that have lower risk than traditional investment returns and, over time, to achieve above market returns. To achieve this objective, Permal Macro seeks high-quality Portfolio Managers and invests its assets in either discretionary investment accounts or investment vehicles managed by such Portfolio Managers. Permal Macro's asset allocation policy is currently structured so as to target an annualised return over the medium term of approximately 8 per cent. to 12 per cent. with annualised volatility of 4 per cent. to 6 per cent. (although Permal may alter this allocation policy at any time at its sole discretion without reference or notification to Permal Macro shareholders, including the Company).

Permal Macro's investments are made indirectly in the global marketplace with exposure to the financial, metal, energy, agricultural, currency and other markets. In order to manage the overall volatility of its investments, Permal Macro seeks to diversify its portfolio through investment in a range of Portfolio Funds seeking to implement trading strategies in numerous US and international currency, futures, options, forward and other derivative markets. Some of Permal Macro's Portfolio Managers may rely principally on equity strategies (e.g. long/short, long only), while others may rely principally on fixed income or relative value strategies. Permal Macro's investments are both listed and unlisted securities.

Shareholder Information

The Company announces its net asset value on a monthly basis together with a commentary on investment performance. Estimated net asset values are normally provided weekly. Share price, net asset value and performance information can also be found by eligible Shareholders on the Company's website page which can be accessed via www.dexiontrading.com. However, information on that website does not form part of, nor is it incorporated by reference into this document and that information is not available to certain overseas Shareholders.

Financial Highlights

                                  30 June   31 December     30 June 
                                     2011          2010        2010 
-----------------------------  ----------  ------------  ---------- 
 Total Net Assets               GBP135.1m     GBP139.3m   GBP130.9m 
 Net Asset Value per Share        135.87p       138.18p     129.30p 
 Mid-Market Share Price           123.75p       119.00p     116.88p 
 Discount to Net Asset Value      (8.92)%      (13.88)%     (9.61)% 
-----------------------------  ----------  ------------  ---------- 

As at 23 August 2011, the discount had moved to (9.30)%. Net Asset Value per Share and Mid-Market Share price stood at 137.30p and 124.50p respectively.


I have pleasure in presenting this interim report for the six months ended 30 June 2011 and would like to thank all Shareholders for their continued support and interest.

The period under review was characterised by sovereign debt concerns, in particular the ongoing European debt crisis which saw the drawn-out restructuring of Greece's debt, and fears of contagion as Italian and Spanish government bond yields increased significantly in the second quarter. Lack of agreement between politicians over raising the US debt ceiling only served to increase investor uncertainty. At the same time, global economic data was mixed which, combined with social unrest in the Middle East and the earthquake in Japan, resulted in market conditions being extremely volatile in the first six months of the year. Following the recent market turmoil in August, the outlook remains uncertain, although positive corporate results offer encouragement that market fundamentals may begin to take precedence if governments finally deal with their sovereign debt issues.

During the six month period to 30 June 2011, the net asset value of the Company's Shares fell by 1.67%. By comparison, the HFRX Macro Index had fallen by 2.14% over the same period, although global equity and bond markets were both up. Over the period the Company's Shares traded at an average discount to their net asset value ("NAV") of 9.95% and ended the period at a discount to NAV of 8.92%.

Following the trigger of the rolling 12 month discount floor provisions in February 2011, a continuation vote was held on 24 March 2011 at a class meeting of the Company's Shareholders. The continuation resolution was passed with a total of 65% of the issued share capital voting, and 85% of those votes cast in favour. The Board would like to thank Shareholders for their support.

The Board has continued its efforts to reduce the Share price discount to NAV, in particular by continuing to pursue its Share buyback programme in the first half of 2011. During the period the Company has bought back 1,355,000 Shares at a cost of GBP1,679,768, and the discount has reduced from 13.88% as at 31 December 2010 to 8.92% as at 30 June 2011. The Company has continued Share buybacks from the end of the reporting period to the date of these interim accounts.

The Board and Manager continue to recognise the considerable experience of the Investment Adviser. Since becoming a feeder fund to Permal Macro Holdings Limited on 1 October 2007, the Company's NAV has increased by 14.81% to June 2011, whilst the HFRX Macro Index has fallen by 1.92% over the same period.

I look forward to writing to Shareholders again at the time of the Company results for the full year 2011.

Christopher Spencer


24 August 2011


The net asset value of the Company's Shares fell 1.67% during the first half 2011. This compares to a fall of 2.14% for the HFRX Macro index. Set out below is the Investment Adviser's strategy overview for the period.

The Company's core allocations to Discretionary and Systematic returned -0.6% and -2.0%, whereas the satellite Natural Resources and Relative Value Arbitrage strategies returned -0.6% and 4.3%, respectively. References to the Company's managers, allocations and investments are, where the context requires, to those of Permal Macro, of which the Company is a feeder fund.

Performance by Strategy


Discretionary managers lost 0.6% in the first half of 2011. These managers generally entered 2011 with positions designed to profit from continued turmoil stemming from the European sovereign debt crisis, and mounting inflation in the developing world. Managers held short positions in the euro, expecting the currency to suffer as the crisis at the periphery continued unabated. However, these positions resulted in losses as the euro rallied throughout most of the period. Many managers subsequently adjusted exposures to position for US dollar weakness in the middle of the period as the US credit outlook was called into question. This short US dollar, long emerging markets currencies exposure, a quasi-consensus trade in this group, proved very profitable as the US dollar fell sharply, particularly in April.

Currency positioning continued to dominate performance heading into the end of the period, amid a reversal in the US dollar. As the European debt crisis intensified, investors fled risk assets, including popular trades in emerging market currencies, resulting in a rise in the US dollar and losses for many of the Company's Discretionary managers.

Managers were more successful in navigating fixed income markets during the period, generating gains in both developed and emerging market debt. In the US, managers profited from long positions in US Treasuries, particularly during the second quarter, as the deteriorating economic outlook and continued dovish stance from the US Federal Reserve led to a strong rally in fixed income prices. Long positions in Mexican government debt securities also proved lucrative as the country's yield curve was priced for hikes that the Company's managers believed were unlikely given Mexico's close economic linkages to the US.


Systematic managers lost 2.0% in the first half of 2011. The period proved a difficult trading environment for Systematic managers due to a lack of clear trends as investor sentiment swung sharply between "risk on", to the benefit of stocks and commodities, and "risk off", to the advantage of Treasuries and (sometimes) the US dollar.

Trend following managers posted losses across most asset classes, with the biggest losses resulting from equity index positions. In particular, many managers held long positions in Japanese equities heading into the Japanese earthquake in March, resulting in large losses. Further, as equities recovered in March and April, many programmes reinitiated long equity positions in developed markets. As this trend reversed on the back of weak economic data in May and June, performance suffered further. Energy trading was also costly to the Company's trend followers as gains captured in the first quarter were reversed as crude oil prices fell in the latter part of the period. Fixed income was generally the only profitable asset class for most of these managers. Although trading was choppy in the early part of the period, managers

benefited from the sustained uptrend of bond prices in the second quarter as sentiment shifted to "risk off" amid growing contagion concerns surrounding the European periphery.

The Company's non-trend following managers fared somewhat better, although certain currency trades were particularly detrimental to performance, including short Swiss franc positions as the franc appreciated strongly amid safe haven buying in the second quarter. Losses were partially offset by well-timed long positions in the Australian dollar, which rallied strongly throughout March and April. Long Japanese yen positions also resulted in gains in the latter half of the period as it appreciated measurably following the Japanese earthquake.

Natural Resources

Natural Resources managers lost 0.6% in the first half of the year. Managers with long energy and related equity positions contributed solidly to returns during the first quarter, but gains were erased amid the second quarter sell off in crude prices. Managers focused on the natural gas sector posted losses during the period primarily as relative value relationships deteriorated in the wake of the Japanese earthquake. In addition, long positions in gold equities detracted from gains as mining equities significantly lagged the rise in gold bullion prices, particularly in May and June.

Relative Value Arbitrage

Relative Value Arbitrage managers gained 4.3% in the first half of 2011. In general, managers with broad geographical diversification outperformed those focused on US equities. Profits were generated in both EMU and UK equities as less liquid stocks with strong fundamentals outperformed short positions in highly liquid stocks with weak fundamentals.


The recent weeks, and in particular the first weeks of August, have witnessed sharp declines in global equity prices. Not only has economic data disappointed, but markets reacted badly to news of the US credit downgrade by Standard & Poor's on 5 August and the continued uncertainty among European sovereigns.

Yet amidst this volatility and investor uneasiness, the majority of managers see few similarities to 2008 noting that currently, markets may be overcorrecting. They believe that the odds of a recession have however increased, although a "double-dip" remains unlikely, and the developed world is set for a "new norm", with slow growth for the foreseeable future.

Extensive macro headwinds continue to batter the global economy.

In the US, macroeconomic data has clearly shifted down a gear, with a fall in consumer spending, lower house prices, declining industrial activity, and a high unemployment rate. Against this backdrop, the debt ceiling shenanigans in Washington highlighted the frailties of the US fiscal situation and fissures amongst political parties. While many managers viewed the downgrade as a minor event, it was unprecedented and dealt a significant blow to already weakening consumer and business confidence. Further aggravating this, was the recognition that additional economic stimulus would need to come from a Fed that is visibly running out of options. Managers believe that if the US is to achieve a sustained recovery it needs to go through an adjustment process, shifting labour and capital to the more competitive industries. But with growth so weak, inflation is no longer a significant concern.

Managers are generally bearish on Europe. Growth in the region is disappointing, not helped by a slowing Germany. With European sovereign debt issues continuing to dominate headlines, the very sustainability of keeping the Euro-zone intact has come into question. The European Financial Stability Facility in its current form, the government bond purchase programmes and the austerity measures put forth have so far not been sufficient to solve ongoing fiscal issues. More viable alternatives are required to stimulate growth and increase revenues. With the current market concerns so focused on confidence, it is worrying that there is such a distinct lack of faith in the European central bankers and politicians.

Managers are more optimistic in respect of the emerging markets. While certain Asian economies have slowed, large Asian economies are likely to continue posting high single-digit growth this year. In addition, the recent fall in commodity prices will ease Asian inflation, reducing pressures on disposable incomes, and supporting future growth. Others caution that the "decoupling theory" may well come undone, with the emerging market bloc likely to struggle as the developed world slows. Furthermore, to keep on growing, they will need to tolerate a certain amount of inflation which may in turn cause social unrest.

Despite considerable market turbulence, the majority of the Fund's managers, particularly in the core Discretionary and Systematic strategies, have held up well as they have generally shifted to a more protective positioning in light of the increased political and economic uncertainty. Many have increased their long US government bond exposure, a move which proved particularly beneficial during the first very turbulent trading days of August. Key in their minds is to remain nimble and flexible and shift their portfolios as appropriate in a highly proactive fashion.

While there is a distinct lack of trust and confidence in the developed market's financial and political system, the macro environment continues to offer considerable trading opportunities. Managers are generally positioned as follows:

Fixed Income

Many managers believe that long positions in the US fixed income market continue to make sense, based on the view that growth is weak and rates will remain low and as such have long exposure to both the front-end and especially the long-end (10 year sector) of the US curve. Emerging markets focused managers hold select long bond positions in countries where inflation is controlled. Mexico, whose economy and monetary policy is closely linked to the US, is a good example. In addition, some managers believe these positions stand to do well if a "risk event" occurs in Europe. In Europe, certain managers own credit protection on the subordinated debt of some European financial institutions given the continued turmoil at the periphery.


The US dollar remains the funding currency of choice as the Fed remains firmly on hold which should serve to keep the dollar under pressure. Managers continue to be bullish emerging market currencies given the positive carry and superior growth prospects, although they caution that some of these positions have become crowded. Managers are also bullish commodity currencies. The Australian dollar is an example: over the long-term, the fundamentals of the Australian economy are far superior to those of the US (i.e. low unemployment and the fact that Australia never had a recession) which are supportive of the AUD. Views on the euro remain varied, with some managers believing that the political will to solve periphery fiscal issues will support the currency. In addition, they remark that the ECB has a tighter monetary policy than the Fed. The "euro bears" however believe the ongoing turmoil at the periphery will weigh on the euro.


Managers' equity exposure is generally light and, given recent events, many have further reduced their exposures. Although some continue to believe that prolonged accommodative monetary policy in the US will continue to be supportive of the asset class, sentiment is becoming increasingly cautious in light of fiscal ambiguity and deteriorating economic data.


Managers expect ongoing volatility in the commodities sector given fiscal uncertainty in the developed world. Long-term supply/demand fundamentals of numerous commodities do however remain attractive and managers have long exposures to the sector, in particular gold and other precious metals which stand to do well in times of increased uncertainty.

Analysis of significant investments

The ten largest holdings of the Company as at 30 June 2011 are set out below. These investments were held via Permal Macro.

                                                                          % of 
                                                          Market     Company's 
Name of Investment                        Strategy   value (GBP)    net assets 
----------------------------------  --------------  ------------  ------------ 
Moore Global Investments Limited     Discretionary     9,931,549          7.35 
Caxton Global Investments Limited    Discretionary     9,876,738          7.31 
Graham Prop Matrix                      Systematic     6,486,578          4.80 
JNV Overseas Fund Limited            Discretionary     5,834,374          4.32 
Tudor BVI Global Fund Limited        Discretionary     3,995,543          2.96 
Permal WCM Limited                      Systematic     3,718,460          2.75 
Permal Covepoint Limited             Discretionary     3,446,167          2.55 
Permal Systematic Macro Limited         Systematic     3,249,310          2.41 
Permal Woodbine Limited              Discretionary     3,199,575          2.37 
Permal Tudor Tensor Limited             Systematic     3,041,843          2.25 
----------------------------------  --------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                      52,780,137         39.07 
 -------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 

Source: Dexion Capital plc calculation based on Permal (data)

Whilst it is generally considered best practice to disclose the full portfolio of an investment company, the composition of Permal Macro's investment portfolio is the subject of confidentiality provisions with Permal Macro.

Dexion Capital (Guernsey) Limited

24 August 2011


We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

-- the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting;

-- the Chairman's Statement and Manager's Report meet the requirements of an interim management report, and include a fair review of the information required by:

(a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements; and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and

(b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the entity during that period; and any changes in the related party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so.

By order of the Board

Christopher Spencer


24 August 2011


                                                  As at         As at 
                                                30 June   31 December 
                                                   2011          2010 
                                         Note    GBP000        GBP000 
---------------------------------------  ----  --------  ------------ 
Current assets 
Financial assets at fair value through 
 profit or loss                          3      134,555       139,312 
Other receivables                                     3             9 
Cash at bank                                        596            21 
---------------------------------------  ----  --------  ------------ 
Total assets                                    135,154       139,342 
---------------------------------------  ----  --------  ------------ 
Current liabilities 
Accounts payable and accrued expenses    6           50            59 
Total liabilities                                    50            59 
---------------------------------------  ----  --------  ------------ 
Net assets                                      135,104       139,283 
---------------------------------------  ----  --------  ------------ 
Represented by: 
Shareholders' equity and reserves 
Share premium                                    86,683        86,683 
Other reserves                                   48,421        52,600 
---------------------------------------  ----  --------  ------------ 
Total Shareholders' equity                      135,104       139,283 
---------------------------------------  ----  --------  ------------ 
Net assets per Share                     8      135.87p       138.18p 
---------------------------------------  ----  --------  ------------ 

The condensed unaudited financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 24 August 2011.

Christopher Spencer Carol Goodwin

Director Director


                                                                     For the 
                                                      For the      six month 
                                                    six month   period ended 
                                                 period ended        30 June 
                                                 30 June 2011           2010 
                                          Note         GBP000         GBP000 
----------------------------------------  ----  -------------  ------------- 
Interest income                                             1              - 
Net losses on financial assets at 
 fair value through profit or loss         3b         (2,256)        (1,023) 
----------------------------------------  ----  -------------  ------------- 
Net loss                                              (2,255)        (1,023) 
----------------------------------------  ----  -------------  ------------- 
Custodian fee                              9e            (20)           (20) 
Fund administration fee                    9c            (20)           (20) 
Directors' remuneration and expenses       9a            (34)           (34) 
Audit fee                                                (14)           (11) 
Legal fees                                               (16)           (20) 
Other professional fees                                  (76)           (61) 
Other operating expenses                                 (62)           (62) 
----------------------------------------  ----  -------------  ------------- 
Total operating expenses before finance 
 costs                                                  (242)          (228) 
----------------------------------------  ----  -------------  ------------- 
Finance costs 
Interest expense                                          (2)            (1) 
----------------------------------------  ----  -------------  ------------- 
Total comprehensive loss for the period               (2,499)        (1,252) 
----------------------------------------  ----  -------------  ------------- 
Basic and Diluted loss per Share           11         (2.50p)        (1.24p) 
----------------------------------------  ----  -------------  ------------- 

All items derive from continuing activities.



                                   Share           Other 
                                 Premium        Reserves 
                                  GBP000          GBP000          Total GBP000 
------------------------------  --------  --------------  -------------------- 
Balance at 1 January 2011         86,683          52,600               139,283 
------------------------------  --------  --------------  -------------------- 
Total comprehensive loss for 
 the period Total loss for the 
 period                                -         (2,499)               (2,499) 
------------------------------  --------  --------------  -------------------- 
Transactions with 
 Shareholders, recorded 
 directly in equity Purchase 
 of own Shares for 
 cancellation                          -         (1,680)               (1,680) 
------------------------------  --------  --------------  -------------------- 
Balance as at 30 June 2011        86,683          48,421               135,104 
------------------------------  --------  --------------  -------------------- 
                                 Premium  Other Reserves                 Total 
                                  GBP000          GBP000                GBP000 
------------------------------  --------  --------------  -------------------- 
Balance at 1 January 2010         86,683          45,443               132,126 
------------------------------  --------  --------------  -------------------- 
Total comprehensive loss for 
 the period Total loss for the 
 period                                -         (1,252)               (1,252) 
------------------------------  --------  --------------  -------------------- 
Balance as at 30 June 2010        86,683          44,191               130,874 
------------------------------  --------  --------------  -------------------- 


                                                        For the        For the 
                                                      six month      six month 
                                                   period ended   period ended 
                                                   30 June 2011   30 June 2010 
                                                         GBP000         GBP000 
------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Total loss for the period                               (2,499)        (1,252) 
Adjustments for: 
Net losses on financial assets held at fair 
 value through profit or loss                             2,256          1,023 
(Decrease)/increase in creditors                            (9)             15 
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                                6            (9) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Net cash flows used in operating activities               (246)          (223) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Proceeds from sale of investments                         2,501          1,000 
------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Net cash flows from investing activities                  2,501          1,000 
------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Purchase of own Shares for cancellation                 (1,680)              - 
------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Net cash flows used in financing activities             (1,680)              - 
------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                   575            777 
------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the 
 period                                                      21          (798) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period              596           (21) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Analysis of cash and cash equivalents at end 
 of the period 
Cash at bank                                                596              - 
Bank overdraft                                                -           (21) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                            596           (21) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Cash flows from operating activities include: 
Interest income on financial assets that are 
 not at fair value through profit or loss                     1              - 
Interest expense for financial liabilities that 
 are not at fair value through profit or loss               (2)            (1) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 


1. General information

Dexion Trading Limited (the "Company") was incorporated with limited liability in Guernsey, Channel Islands as a closed-ended investment company on 28 October 2004. The Company's Shares were listed on the London Stock Exchange on 29 November 2004.

2. Significant accounting policies

a) Statement of Compliance

The condensed financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2011 have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' and the Disclosures and Transparency Rules of the UK's Financial Services Authority.

The condensed interim unaudited financial statements do not include all of the information required for the full annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010. The annual financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS").

The information for the year ended 31 December 2010 is derived from the Financial Statements delivered to the UK Listing Authority, and does not constitute Statutory Accounts as defined by Guernsey Law. A copy of the Statutory Accounts for that year has been delivered to the Shareholders. The Auditors' Report on those Financial Statements was not qualified.

The accounting policies applied by the Company in these condensed interim financial statements are consistent with those applied by the Company in its annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2010, except as described below.

Annual improvements project 2010

The annual improvements project 2010 amended IAS 34 and introduced the requirement to disclose significant events and transactions such as significant changes in business or economic conditions affecting the fair values of an entity's financial instruments; significant transfers of an entity's financial instruments between levels of the fair value hierarchy and changes in the classification of financial assets as a result of a change in the purpose or use of those assets.

The amendments are effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2011. The company has no such significant events and transactions to report for the six months ended 30 June 2011.

Applicable new standards and interpretations not yet effective

The following standards have been published and are mandatory for accounting periods beginning on 1 January 2013 and have not been early adopted:

-- IFRS 9, 'Financial instruments', issued in December 2009. The standard addresses the classification and measurement of financial assets. IFRS 9 divides all financial assets that are currently in the scope of IAS 39 into two classifications - those measured at amortised cost and those measured at fair value. The standard is not applicable until 1 January 2013 but is available for early adoption. The Directors have not yet decided when to adopt IFRS 9. Its adoption is not expected to have a very significant impact on the financial statements because the majority of the Company's financial assets are designated as at fair value through profit or loss.

-- IFRS 13, 'Fair value measurement', issued in May 2011. The standard explains how to measure fair value for financial reporting and sets out disclosure requirements. It does not address or change the requirements on when fair values should be used. IFRS 13 has been issued to provide a single source of guidance for all fair value measurements and to clarify the definition of fair value. The standard is not applicable until 1 January 2013 but is available for early adoption.

(b) Basis of Accounting

The financial statements are prepared in pounds sterling (GBP), which is the Company's functional and presentational currency, rounded to the nearest thousand pounds. They are prepared on a fair value basis for financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and derivative financial instruments. Other financial assets and financial liabilities are stated at amortised cost.

The preparation of the condensed unaudited interim financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expense. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

In preparing these condensed unaudited interim financial statements, the significant judgements made by management in applying the Company's accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those that applied to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2010.

3. Financial Instruments

a) Categories of financial instruments

                                                        As at 31 December 
                              As at 30 June 2011               2010 
---------------------------  ---------------------  -------------------------- 
                             Carrying               Carrying 
                               amount         % of    amount          % of net 
                               GBP000   net assets    GBP000            assets 
---------------------------  --------  -----------  --------  ---------------- 
Financial assets at fair 
value through profit or 
Designated at fair value 
through profit or loss: 
- Investment in Fund of 
 Hedge Funds                  134,555       99.60%   139,312           100.02% 
Loans and receivables:            599        0.44%        30             0.02% 
  Financial liabilities 
   measured at amortised 
   cost:                         (50)      (0.04%)      (59)           (0.04%) 
---------------------------  --------  -----------  --------  ---------------- 
                              135,104      100.00%   139,283           100.00% 
---------------------------  --------  -----------  --------  ---------------- 

Loans and receivables presented above represent cash and cash equivalents and other receivables as detailed in the Statement of Financial Position.

Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost presented above represents accounts payable and accrued expenses as detailed in the Statement of Financial Position.

b) Net gains and losses on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

                                                        For the        For the 
                                                      six month      six month 
                                                   period ended   period ended 
                                                   30 June 2011   30 June 2010 
                                                         GBP000         GBP000 
------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
     Realised gains on investments                          267             49 
     Movement in unrealised losses on 
      investments                                       (2,523)        (1,072) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                        (2,256)        (1,023) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

4. Financial risk management

The Company's financial risk management objectives and policies are consistent with those disclosed in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2010. In the opinion of the Directors, there have been no changes to the financial risk management objectives.

5. Operating segments

Information on realised gains and losses derived from sales of investments are disclosed in Note (3b) to the financial statements. The Company is domiciled in Guernsey. All of the Company's income is from its investment in Permal Macro which is incorporated outside Guernsey.

The Company has no assets classified as non-current assets. The Company indirectly has a highly diversified portfolio of investments held via Permal Macro and, as disclosed in the Manager's report, the largest single underlying investment accounts for 7.35% of the Company's net assets.

The Company also has a highly diversified shareholder population with only 1 investor having more than 10% of the issued capital of the Company, Co-Operative Insurance Society which held 14.5% as at 30 June 2011.

6. Accounts payable and accrued expenses

                                     As at                As at 
                                   30 June          31 December 
                                      2011                 2010 
                                    GBP000               GBP000 
-------------------------  ---------------  ------------------- 
Custodian fee                            3                    4 
Fund administration fee                  3                    4 
Directors' remuneration                 17                   17 
Audit fee                               12                   18 
Other professional fees                  3                    6 
Other operating expenses                12                   10 
-------------------------  ---------------  ------------------- 
                                        50                   59 
-------------------------  ---------------  ------------------- 

7. Share capital

                                                     As at         As at 
                                                   30 June   31 December 
                                                      2011          2010 
                                                    GBP000        GBP000 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ------------ 
Unlimited number of Shares at no par value               -             - 
Issued at no par value 
99,440,049 Shares (31 December 2010: 100,795,049         -             - 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ------------ 
  Also in issue is one subordinated non-voting 

Reconciliation of number of Shares

                                                  As at         As at 
                                                30 June   31 December 
                                                   2011          2010 
                                                 No. of        No. of 
                                                 Shares        Shares 
------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------ 
Issued Shares at beginning of period        100,795,049   101,213,549 
Purchase of own Shares for cancellation     (1,355,000)     (418,500) 
------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------ 
Total Shares in issue (excluding Treasury 
 Shares) at end of period                    99,440,049   100,795,049 
------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------ 
Shares in treasury at beginning of period    10,861,631    10,861,631 
Treasury Shares cancelled                     (742,227)             - 
------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------ 
Total Treasury Shares at end of period       10,119,404    10,861,631 
------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------ 

The rights attaching to the Shares are as follows:

a) the holders of existing Shares shall confer the right to all dividends in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company;

b) the existing Shareholders present in person or by proxy or (being a corporation) present by a duly authorised representative at a general meeting have, on a show of hands, one vote and, on a poll, one vote for every Share held; and

c) the capital and surplus assets of the Company remaining after payment of all creditors shall, on winding-up or on a return (other than by way of purchase or redemption of own Shares) after conversion, be divided amongst the Shareholders on the basis of the capital attributable to the Shares at the date of winding up or other return of capital.

8. Net asset value

The net asset value of each Share is determined by dividing the net assets of the Company attributed to the Shares of GBP135,104,467 (31 December 2010: GBP139,283,186) by the number of Shares in issue at the period end of 99,440,049 (31 December 2010: 100,795,049 Shares).

9. Significant agreements and related parties

a) Directors' Remuneration and Expenses

The annual Directors' fees comprise GBP26,000 paid to Mr Spencer, the Chairman, GBP22,000 to Ms Goodwin as Chairman of the Audit Committee and GBP20,000 to Mr Niven. Mr Bowie has waived his right to his fee of GBP20,000. Directors' fees payable at 30 June 2011 were GBP16,953 (31 December 2010: GBP17,140). With effect from 1 July 2011 the annual Director's fee paid to Mr Spencer, Ms Goodwin and Mr Niven were each increased by GBP6,000.

b) Manager

Permal Macro will pay the Investment Adviser an annual fee (payable monthly in arrears) of 2.0% of the value of the Total Assets attributable to its class A shares in Permal Macro held by the Company (together with certain other operational costs and expenses). The Investment Adviser has agreed to rebate half of that fee to the Manager in complete discharge of the Company's obligation to pay fees to the Manager pursuant to the Investment Management Agreement out of which 0.5% will be available as a trail commission to Qualifying Investors.

During the period ended 30 June 2011, Permal Macro paid a total annual fee amounting to the equivalent of GBP1,351,606 (30 June 2010: GBP1,297,861) to the Investment Adviser and half of this fee (the equivalent of GBP675,803, (2010: GBP648,930) was paid by the Investment Adviser to the Manager.

The Manager is responsible for discharging all the fees of the Investment Consultant.

The Investment Management Agreement may be terminated by either party giving to the other not less than 9 months' notice, or otherwise in circumstances where, amongst other things, one of the parties has a receiver appointed of its assets or if an order is made or an effective resolution passed for the winding up of one of the parties or if, following a continuation vote not being passed or if a resolution for the winding-up of the Company is passed.

Under the Investment Advisory Agreement, the Company pays a nominal fee to the Investment Adviser save where the Company's investment in Permal Macro is redeemed otherwise than on at least nine months' notice in which case a termination fee equal to the fee which would otherwise have been payable if due notice had been given in respect of the Company's investment in Permal Macro which is then being redeemed (as at the Valuation Date immediately preceding redemption) is payable by the Company to the Investment Adviser.

c) Administrator

RBC Offshore Fund Managers Limited (the "Administrator"), performs administrative duties for which it was remunerated at a rate of 0.03% of the Net Asset Value of the Company subject to a minimum of GBP30,000 per annum.

d) Secretary

Dexion Capital (Guernsey) Limited ("the Secretary") performs secretarial duties for which it was remunerated at an annual fee of GBP20,000.

e) Custodian

Royal Bank of Canada (Channel Islands) Limited ("the Custodian"), is remunerated at an annual rate of 0.03% of the Net Asset Value of the Company subject to a minimum of GBP10,000 per annum.

10. Taxation

The Company is registered for taxation purposes in Guernsey where it pays an annual exempt status fee of GBP600 under the Income Tax (Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinances 1989.

11. Earnings per Share

The calculation of the return per Share is based on the total loss for the period attributable to ordinary Shareholders of GBP(2,498,821) (30 June 2010: GBP(1,251,744)) and on the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the period of 99,921,355 (30 June 2010: 101,213,549).

12. Ultimate controlling party

In the opinion of the Directors on the basis of shareholdings advised to them, the Company has no ultimate controlling party.

13. Short term borrowing

The Company has a facility dated 18 November 2008 with Royal Bank Canada (Channel Islands) Limited for an overdraft of GBP20,000,000 or 15% of Net Asset Value in custody whichever is lower. The facility is secured by an interest over cash and the investment portfolio of the Company. The facility has been extended for drawdown or use until further notice and it is repayable on demand. This facility will be reviewed on 18 November 2011.

14. Distribution policy

The Directors do not expect income (net of expenses) to be significant and do not currently expect to declare any dividends. In the event that future net income is significant, the Directors may consider the distribution of net income in the form of dividends.

15. Seasonality

The Company's operations are not affected by seasonality or cyclicality and as such they have no impact on the interim financial statements.

16. Subsequent Events

Subsequent to the period end the Company has bought back 1,109,978 of its own Shares, all of which were cancelled.

These are not full statutory accounts. The full unaudited accounts for 30 June 2011 will be sent to Shareholders and will be available for inspection at 1 Le Truchot, St Peter Port, Guernsey, the registered office of the Company or the Company's website www.dexiontrading.com.



Carol Kilby:

Dexion Capital (Guernsey) Limited

Tel: +44 (0) 1481 743943

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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