Downing FOUR VCT plc 
   (formerly Downing Structured Opportunities VCT 1 plc) 
   Report & Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2016 
                                                       31 March   31 March 
                                                         2016       2015 
                                                        pence      pence 
DSO Ordinary Share pool 
Net asset value per DSO Ordinary Share                        -       53.8 
Net asset value per DSO A Share                               -        0.1 
Cumulative distributions                                  131.7       80.0 
Adjusted for performance estimate                             -      (7.0) 
Total Return per DSO Ordinary Share and DSO A Share       131.7      126.9 
DSO B Share pool 
Net asset value per DSO B Share                            17.6       70.2 
Net asset value per DSO C Share                             0.1        0.1 
Cumulative distributions                                   91.5       32.5 
Adjusted for performance estimate                         (4.8)      (2.8) 
Total return per DSO B Share and DSO C Share              104.4  *   100.0 
DSO D Share pool 
Net asset value per DSO D Share                            75.6       80.7 
Cumulative distributions                                   20.0       15.0 
Total return per DSO D Share                               95.6       95.7 
                                                                    31 Jan 
DP67 Share pool 
Net asset value per DP67 Share                             60.4       63.6 
Cumulative distributions (since original launch)           23.8       17.8 
Total return per DP67 Share                                84.2       81.4 
                                                                    30 Nov 
DP2011 General Share pool 
Net asset value per DP2011 General Ordinary Share          75.1       75.8 
Net asset value per DP2011 General A Share                  5.9        6.0 
Cumulative distributions (since original launch)           22.5       17.5 
Total return per DP2011 General Ordinary Share and 
 DP2011 General A Share                                   103.5       99.3 
DP2011 Structured Share pool 
Net asset value per DP2011 Structured Ordinary Share       77.1       78.2 
Net asset value per DP2011 Structured A Share               6.1        6.2 
Cumulative distributions (since original launch)           22.5       17.5 
Total return per DP2011 Structured Ordinary Share 
 and DP2011 Structured A Share                            105.7      101.9 
DP2011 Low Carbon Share pool 
Net asset value per DP2011 Low Carbon Share**              41.6       88.9 
Cumulative distributions (since original launch)**         73.9       18.7 
Total return per DP2011 Low Carbon Share                  115.5      107.6 
   *Based on Total Return levels at 31 March 2016, performance fees are 
expected to become due to management.  These are estimated to be 4.8p 
per DSO B/ DSO C Share. 
   **Adjusted for post year end Special dividend of 50.0p per share paid on 
27 May 2016 
   I am pleased to present the Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 
2016. The year has seen a significant change as a result of the merger 
with three other VCTs in July 2015. The Company now has seven share 
pools in various different phases of their expected lives. 
   The oldest share pool, the DSO Ordinary Share pool, has now completed 
the task of returning funds to Shareholders and delivered an excellent 
final outcome.  The DSO B Share pool has also commenced the process of 
returning funds to Shareholders although there is still some way to go 
to complete the task. 
   In April 2016, the three DP2011 Share pools reached their five year 
anniversaries and have begun the process of realising their investments. 
The DP2011 Low Carbon Share pool paid out a substantial dividend after 
the year end, and the DP2011 General and DP2011 Structured pools will 
make their first return of capital dividends shortly. 
   The DSO D and DP67 Share pools are effectively fully invested and are 
not scheduled to start realising their investment portfolios for some 
time yet. 
   The merger of four VCTs was completed on 21 July 2015. The merger was 
effected by Downing Structured Opportunities VCT 1 plc acquiring Downing 
Planned Exit VCT 2011 plc, Downing Planned Exit VCT 6 plc and Downing 
Planned Exit VCT 7 plc. The merged company was renamed as Downing FOUR 
VCT plc immediately following the transaction. 
   The significant increase in size as a result of the merger reduces the 
burden of running costs to Shareholders. The merger has also brought 
benefits in terms of complying with the VCT regulations and is providing 
additional flexibility during the process of unwinding the various 
investment portfolios. 
   As part of the merger, two new directors have joined the Company's 
board. Sir Aubrey Brocklebank and Russell Catley were both previously 
directors of Downing Planned Exit VCT 2011 plc and have extensive 
experience in the VCT and relevant sectors. Sir Aubrey has taken on the 
role of Senior Independent Director. They have both been welcome 
additions to the Board. 
   A brief summary of each share pool is provided below. 
   DSO Ordinary Share pool 
   The Company's DSO Ordinary Shares were originally issued in 2009.  In 
line with the planned exit strategy, the DSO Ordinary pool exited from 
its remaining investments during the year, which realised GBP6.2 
   On 24 March 2016, the DSO Ordinary Share pool paid dividends of 36.16p 
per DSO Ordinary Share and 15.5p per DSO A Share, being the final return 
of capital payment to DSO Ordinary Shareholders.  This also triggered a 
performance fee payable to the management team, equivalent to 7.8p per 
DSO Ordinary Share (as set out in more detail within the Strategic 
   Shareholders have received a total of 131.66p for a combined holding of 
one DSO Ordinary Share and one DSO A Share, compared to the cost for 
most Shareholders who invested in the original share offer, net of 
income tax relief, of 70p.  This equates to a return of around 12% per 
annum over the life of the investment, which the Board believes is an 
excellent result for shareholders. 
   The task of returning funds to Shareholders is now complete and steps 
are now being taken to wind up this share class. 
   A detailed review of the final exits from the DSO Ordinary Share pool is 
presented in the Investment Manager's report. 
   DSO B Share pool 
   The DSO B Shares were originally issued in 2010 and the process of 
realising the portfolio and returning funds to Shareholders is now well 
under way.  Two significant dividends were paid out during the year 
totalling 59.0p per DSO B Share. 
   At the year end, the NAV of a combined holding of one DSO B Share and 
one DSO C Share stood at 17.9p, an increase of 6.6p (9.4%) over the year 
after adjusting for the dividends paid during the year. 
   Based on the above values, total Shareholder proceeds are projected to 
trigger the hurdle levels at which a performance fee is paid to 
management.  After providing for such a fee, it is estimated that the 
final Total Return to Shareholders will be 104.4p for a holding of one 
DSO B Share and one DSO C Share (split 94.7p per DSO B Share and 9.7p 
per DSO C Share), compared to the cost for Shareholders who invested in 
the DSO B Share offer, net of income tax relief, of 70p. 
   Plans are now being pursued to exit from the remaining investments held 
by the DSO B Share pool. The Manager is optimistic that the remainder of 
the portfolio will be realised over the coming months and hopes that the 
DSO B Share pool will be in a positon to pay a further return of capital 
dividend representing either all or most of the remaining value later in 
   A detailed review of the DSO B Share pool is presented in the Investment 
Manager's report. 
   DSO D Share pool 
   The DSO D Share NAV stood at 75.6p at the year end, a decrease of 0.1p 
per share or 0.1% over the year after adjusting for the dividends of 
5.0p per share paid in the year. Total Return now stands at 95.6p per 
share, compared to the cost for Shareholders who invested in the DSO D 
Share offer, net of income tax relief, of 70p. 
   The DSO D Share pool holds some challenging nightclub and pub 
investments in its portfolio which continue to demand intensive focus 
from the Investment Manager. The process of realising investments is not 
targeted to commence until August 2017 so there is some time for some 
recovery and growth before the exit phase. 
   A more detailed review of the DSO D Share pool is presented in the 
Investment Manager's report. 
   DP67 Share pool 
   The DP67 Share NAV stood at 60.4p at the year end, an increase of 2.2p 
per share or 2.7% since the date of the merger (after adjusting for the 
dividends paid of 2.0p per share). Total Return now stands at 84.2p per 
share, compared to the original cost for Shareholders who invested in 
2007, net of income tax relief, of 70p. 
   A more detailed review of the DP67 Share pool is presented in the 
Investment Manager's report. 
   The DP67 Share pool will be commencing the process of realising its 
investments in order to return funds to investors in 2018. 
   DP2011 General Share pool 
   The NAV of a combined holding of one DP2011 General Ordinary Share and 
one DP2011 General A Share stood at 81.0p at the year end, an increase 
of 0.2p per share or 0.2% since the merger, after adjusting for the 
dividends paid of 2.5p per share. Total Return now stands at 103.5p per 
share, compared to the cost for Shareholders, net of income tax relief, 
of 70p. 
   The DP2011 General Share pool passed its five year anniversary in April 
2016 and has since realised several of its investments.  The first 
substantial return of capital dividend will be paid to shareholders in 
August 2016. 
   A more detailed review of the DP2011 General Share pool is presented in 
the Investment Manager's report. 
   DP2011 Structured Share pool 
   The NAV of a combined holding of one DP2011 Structured Ordinary Share 
and one DP2011 Structured A Share stood at 83.2p at the year end, a 
decrease of 0.2p per share or 0.2% since the merger, after adjusting for 
the dividends of 2.5p per share. Total Return now stands at 105.7p per 
share, compared to the cost for Shareholders, net of income tax relief, 
of 70p. 
   The DP2011 Structured pool passed its five year anniversary in April 
2016 and has since realised several of its investments.  The first 
substantial return of capital dividend will be paid to shareholders in 
August 2016. 
   A more detailed review of the DP2011 Structured Share pool is presented 
in the Investment Manager's report. 
   DP2011 Low Carbon Share pool 
   The DP2011 Low Carbon Share pool NAV stood at 41.6p at the year end, an 
increase of 5.4p per share or 5.0% since the merger after adjusting for 
the dividends paid of 2.5p per share. Total Return now stands at 115.5p 
per share, compared to the cost for Shareholders, net of income tax 
relief, of 70p (after rebasing to 100p per share during the merger in 
July 2015.) 
   The DP2011 Low Carbon Share pool passed its five year anniversary in 
April 2016 and has since realised several of its investments.  The first 
substantial return of capital dividend was paid to shareholders after 
the year end. 
   A more detailed review of the DP2011 Low Carbon Share pool is presented 
in the Investment Manager's report. 
   In the initial 5-year period of each share pool, the Company's usual 
policy is to pay annual dividends totalling at least 5p per share (on a 
twice yearly basis).  The target is at least 4p per annum for the DP67 
Share pool. 
   In line with this policy, subject to approval at the forthcoming AGM, a 
dividend of 2.5p per DSO D Share and 2.0p per DP67 Share will be paid on 
30 September 2016 to DSO D Shareholders and DP67 Shareholders 
respectively on the register at 9 September 2016. 
   The DP2011 General and Structured Share pools have made good progress 
with realisations of their respective portfolios and declare the 
following special dividends payable on 2 September 2016 to Shareholders 
on the register at 12 August 2016: 
   DP2011 General Ordinary Shares - 22.5p 
   DP2011 Structured Ordinary Shares - 32.5p 
   Since the year end, a special dividend of 50p per DP2011 Low Carbon 
Share was paid on 27 May 2016 as part of the return of capital process. 
   Share buybacks 
   In the initial 5-year period of each share class, the Company operates a 
policy of buying in its own shares that become available in the market 
subject to regulatory restrictions and other factors such as 
availability of liquid funds. Any such purchases are undertaken at a 
price approximately equal to NAV i.e. at a nil discount.  10,280 DSO D 
Shares, 35,175 DP2011 General Shares and 35,175 DP2011 General A Shares 
were purchased in the year to 31 March 2016. 
   Now that the DSO B Share pool, and all of the DP2011 Share pools have 
commenced or will shortly commence realisations to return funds to 
Shareholders, the Company will no longer undertake any further share 
buybacks in respect of the DSO B Shares, DSO C Shares, DP2011 General 
Ordinary Shares, DP2011 General A Shares, DP2011 Structured Ordinary 
Shares, DP2011 Structured A Shares, and DP2011 Low Carbon Shares. The 
Board believes it is fairer to all Shareholders to distribute proceeds 
from the investment realisations to all the above Shareholders by way of 
dividends, rather than setting aside sums to fund share buybacks. 
   As noted above the DSO Ordinary Share pool is in the process of winding 
up and the shares have no residual value. 
   VCT rules 
   As Shareholders may be aware, a number of potentially significant 
changes to the VCT rules were made in November 2015 and some further 
changes were announced in the Budget in March 2016. The rules add 
further restrictions on new investments that can be made by VCTs. 
   The impact of the new rules on most of the current share pools is 
expected to be minimal as they are not expecting to make any new 
   Annual General Meeting ("AGM") 
   The Company's seventh AGM will be held at Fifth Floor, Ergon House, 
Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 2AL at 11.15 a.m. on 22 September 2016. 
   One item of special business is proposed: a special resolution to renew 
the authority to allow the Company to make market purchases of its 
   The Company will next report on the six month period ending 30 September 
   The result of the recent EU referendum has started what appears to be, a 
period of uncertainty in financial markets. The Board believes that the 
impact on the existing portfolios should be minimal given that the 
investments are in unquoted businesses which generally have significant 
asset backing. The Board will, of course, continue to monitor the 
situation closely, however the options available to the Board and 
Manager in the event of a significant deterioration of the economy are 
relatively limited. 
   Over the coming months the process of realising investments in the DSO B, 
DP2011 General, DP2011 Structured and DP2011 Low Carbon Share pools will 
continue/commence. In respect of all of these pools, the Manager is 
hopeful that the Company will be in a position to pay a further 
substantial return of capital dividend later this year. 
   We expect there to be a busy few months for your Company, and I look 
forward to reporting developments in the Half Yearly Report to 30 
September 2016. 
   Lord Flight 
   In January 2016, the DSO Ordinary Share pool completed the task of 
realising its investments, and on 24 March 2016, paid final dividends. 
   Net asset value and results 
   Over the life of their investment, investors in the DSO Ordinary Share 
pool received total dividends of 116.16p per DSO Ordinary Share and 
15.50p per DSO A Share making a total return of 131.66p for an original 
investment of 100p (70p net of income tax relief.) This equates to a 
return of around 12% per annum over the life of the investment, based on 
net cost, which we believe represents a very good return to 
   Venture Capital investments 
   Investment activity 
   The DSO Ordinary Share pool began the year with GBP5.6 million of 
investments which were realised in full during the year. Total disposal 
proceeds of GBP6.2 million were received. 
   All the remaining investments were sold during the year, some of the 
highlights being Redmed Limited, the Lincoln bar operator, which 
achieved a gain over original cost of GBP247,000; Domestic Solar Limited, 
which generated an uplift over original cost of GBP329,000; and Quadrate 
Spa Limited and Quadrate Catering Limited, the final investments to be 
sold from the portfolio, for a total of GBP1.3 million and a profit over 
cost of GBP281,000. 
   Not all exit proceeds exceeded original cost and two investments were 
sold at discounts in order to provide liquidity to the fund. These 
included Future Biogas (SF) Limited and Mosaic Spa and Health Clubs 
Limited which generated combined proceeds of GBP731,000. 
   The 3D Pub Co Limited and Ecossol Limited were realised for a total of 
GBP1.1 million, both at values marginally below cost due to 
underperformance of the investments. 
   Several smaller exits also completed including Fenkle Street LLP, Chapel 
Street Services Limited, Chapel Street Food and Beverage Limited and 
Chapel Street Hotel Limited, for proceeds totalling GBP188,000. 
   We are very satisfied with the final performance of the DSO Ordinary 
Share pool. Following the payment of the final dividends on 24 March 
2016, the DSO Ordinary Share pool had negligible value at the year end 
and, in line with the Articles of the Company, the Company is taking 
steps to cancel the share class.  We will notify Shareholders of 
progress in due course. 
   Downing LLP 
   Investment movements for the year ended 31 March 2016 
Venture Capital investments 
Redmed Limited                    383 
                          Valuation                Profit/(loss)    Realised 
                 Cost     at 31/03/15    Proceeds    vs. cost      gain/(loss) 
                GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
Redmed Limited    1,233         1,427       1,480            247            53 
Domestic Solar 
 Limited          1,000         1,120       1,329            329           209 
Quadrate Spa 
 Limited*           451           451         666            215           215 
 Limited            577           629         643             66            14 
Future Biogas 
 Limited*         1,009           688         639          (370)          (49) 
The 3D Pub 
 Limited*           627           549         562           (65)            13 
 Limited            500           425         474           (26)            49 
 Limited            102           118         129             27            11 
Mosaic Spa and 
 Health Clubs 
 Limited*           250           193          92          (158)         (101) 
Chapel Street 
 Food and 
 Limited             75            39          67            (8)            28 
Chapel Street 
 Limited             75            39          63           (12)            24 
Fenkle Street 
 LLP**               58            58          58              -             - 
 Limited*           274            16          15          (259)           (1) 
 Monkey Bar 
 Limited**           22            13          13            (9)             - 
 Street Hotel 
 Limited              -             -           3              3             3 
Chapel Street 
 Limited**            3             2           -            (3)           (2) 
                  6,256         5,767       6,233           (23)           466 
   *  partially qualifying investment 
   **non-qualifying investment 
   The DSO B Share pool holds investments in 11 companies and is fully 
invested. The focus this year has been on realisations and 12 full exits 
have completed in the period. We are in the process of developing 
realisation plans for the remainder of the portfolio. 
   Net asset value and results 
   The NAV per DSO B Share at 31 March 2016 stood at 109.2p and per DSO C 
Share at 0.1p, a rise of 6.4p for a combined holding of one DSO B Share 
and one DSO C Share over the year after adjusting for dividends. Total 
Return (combined NAV plus cumulative dividends) stood at 104.4p for a 
combined holding, after taking account of an estimated performance 
incentive of 4.8p. 
   The return on ordinary activities after taxation for the year was GBP1.3 
million (2015: GBP82,000), comprising a revenue return of GBP736,000 
(2015: GBP687,000) and a capital return of GBP559,000 (2015: loss 
   Venture Capital investments 
   Investment activity 
   The DSO B Share pool began the period with GBP13.7 million of 
investments and after realisations totalling GBP12.1 million, ended the 
year with GBP3.0 million spread across a portfolio of 11 Venture Capital 
   Three follow on investments were acquired at a discount from the DSO 
Ordinary Share pool in order to assist the older pool with short term 
liquidity: GBP470,000 in Redmed Limited, the owner and operator of a bar 
in Lincoln; GBP244,000 in Future Biogas (SF) Limited, the operator of a 
biogas plant in Norfolk; and GBP92,000 in Mosaic Spa and Health Clubs 
   18 exits occurred in the period generating proceeds of GBP12.1 million 
and a realised gain over the opening 2015 valuation of GBP908,000. 
   Some highlights are as follows: Domestic Solar Limited, the installer of 
domestic solar panels across the UK, generated an uplift over original 
cost of GBP263,000; Alpha Schools Holdings Limited was realised in the 
period for a gain of GBP294,000 over original cost; Antelope Pub Limited 
which owns pub of the same name in south west London was sold in the 
year for a total gain of GBP261,000. 
   Quadrate Spa Limited and Quadrate Catering Limited were sold for a total 
profit over cost of GBP321,000.  GBP330,000 of loan note interest 
collected on exit offsets the write down of the remaining holding. 
   Green Electricity Generation Limited was sold at an uplift over cost of 
   Other full exits in the period that generated proceeds above cost 
include Slopingtactic Limited and Progressive Energies Limited. 
   Liverpool Nurseries (Holdings) Limited was sold for GBP830,000 - an 
uplift over opening value of GBP43,000, although marginally below 
original investment cost of GBP870,000. 
   The exits of UK Solar (Hartwell) LLP, Future Biogas (Reepham Road) 
Limited, West Tower Property Limited and Commercial Street Hotel, all 
returned their original costs totalling GBP3.9 million to the share 
pool.  Interest totalling over GBP550,000 was collected over the life of 
these investments. 
   Unfortunately not all exits exceeded original cost and some were sold at 
discounts due to performance issues. These included Ecossol Limited, 
Kilmarnock Monkey Bar Limited and Camandale Limited which were sold for 
proceeds totalling GBP550,000 compared to original costs totalling 
   Portfolio valuation 
   The majority of the DSO B Share portfolio performed in line with 
expectations during the year. There were a small number of valuation 
movements and one considerable write down, which resulted in a net 
unrealised loss of GBP252,000. 
   Fenkle Street LLP, is a property development company based in Newcastle. 
The hotel is trading well and an uplift in the value of GBP123,000 has 
been recognised. 
   Kidspace Adventures Holdings Limited, the owner of three well 
established children's play areas in Croydon, Romford and Epsom 
continues to perform well and an increase in the valuation of GBP34,000 
has been recognised in the period. 
   Avon Solar Energy, a domestic solar panel installer in Bristol was also 
uplifted by GBP15,000. 
   Future Biogas (Reepham Road) Limited, the owner and operator of a biogas 
plant in Norfolk, has been sold in the period as described above.  The 
remaining value is based on a deferred payment expected in the coming 
   Small decreases in value were also made on three other investments: 
GBP15,000 to Mosaic Spa and Health Clubs Limited; GBP9,000 to Redmed 
Limited; and GBP3,000 to Camandale Limited. 
   The realisations of the DSO B share pool investments have continued well 
and exit plans for the remaining holdings are progressing. We believe 
that there are good prospects for the majority of the remaining 
portfolio to be realised by the end of 2016. 
   Downing LLP 
   Portfolio of investments 
   The following investments were held at 31 March 2016: 
                                                         movement      % of 
                                    Cost     Valuation   in year     portfolio 
                                  GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
Venture Capital investments 
Kidspace Adventures Holdings 
 Limited                              750          930         34        25.3% 
Mosaic Spa and Health Clubs 
 Limited*                             692          520       (15)        14.2% 
Westcountry Solar Solutions 
 Limited                              500          500          -        13.6% 
Avon Solar Energy Limited             420          435         15        11.9% 
Fenkle Street LLP**                   154          277        123         7.5% 
Future Biogas (Reepham Road) 
 Limited                              890          193       (65)         5.3% 
Future Biogas (SF) Limited**          122          122          -         3.3% 
Redmed Limited                         66           57        (9)         1.5% 
Camandale Limited*                    592            -        (3)         0.0% 
Quadrate Spa Limited*                 276            -      (276)         0.0% 
Quadrate Catering Limited              56            -       (56)         0.0% 
                                    4,518        3,034      (252)        82.6% 
Cash at bank and in hand                           634                   17.4% 
Total investments                                3,668                  100.0% 
   *  partially qualifying investment 
   **non-qualifying investment 
   All Venture Capital investments are incorporated in England and Wales. 
   Investment movements for the year ended 31 March 2016 
Venture Capital investments 
Future Biogas (SF) Limited                 244 
Redmed Limited                             470 
Mosaic Spa and Health Clubs Limited*        92 
                               Valuation                Profit      Realised 
                      Cost     at 31/3/15    Proceeds   vs. cost   gain/(loss) 
                     GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
UK Solar (Hartwell) 
 LLP                   2,400        2,400       2,400          -             - 
Domestic Solar 
 Limited                 800          896       1,063        263           167 
Alpha Schools 
 Holdings Limited        733          876       1,027        294           151 
Antelope Pub 
 Limited                 750          885       1,011        261           126 
Quadrate Spa 
 Limited                 678          678       1,000        322           322 
Liverpool Nurseries 
 Limited                 870          787         830       (40)            43 
Quadrate Catering 
 Limited                 794          870         793        (1)          (77) 
Future Biogas 
 (Reepham Road) 
 Limited                 772          772         772          -             - 
Green Electricity 
 Limited                 500          605         629        129            24 
West Tower Property 
 Limited                 500          500         500          -             - 
Ecossol Limited          500          425         474       (26)            49 
Redmed Limited           404          404         427         23            23 
 Energies Limited        340          381         406         66            25 
 Limited                 277          320         351         74            31 
Commercial Street 
 Hotel Limited**         185          185         185          -             - 
Future Biogas (SF) 
 Limited**               122          122         147         25            25 
Camandale Limited*       151           41          40      (111)           (1) 
Kilmarnock Monkey 
 Bar Limited**            60           36          36       (24)             - 
                      10,836       11,183      12,091      1,255           908 
   *  partially qualifying investment 
   **non-qualifying investment 
   To date, the DSO D Share pool has invested GBP4.5 million in 15 Venture 
Capital investments and GBP1.1 million in three Structured Product 
   The pool began the year with GBP4.9 million of venture capital 
investments and ended the period with GBP4.5 million. Structured Product 
investments were GBP1.5 million at the start of the year and ended at 
GBP1.1 million. One Structured Product investments matured in the 
   Net asset value and results 
   The net asset value ("NAV") per DSO D Share at 31 March 2016 stood at 
75.6p a small decrease of 0.1p or 0.1% after adjusting for the dividend 
paid in the year. Total Return stands at 95.6p per share compared to 
initial cost to Shareholders, net of income tax relief, of 70p per 
   The profit on ordinary activities after taxation for the year was 
GBP48,000 (2015: GBP204,000), comprising a revenue profit of GBP129,000 
(2015: GBP120,000) and a capital loss of GBP81,000 (2015: gain of 
   Venture Capital investments 
   Investment activity 
   The DSO D Share pool began the period with GBP6.4 million of investments 
and ended with GBP5.7 million spread across a portfolio of 15 Venture 
Capital investments and three Structured Product investments. 
   A new investment of GBP400,000 was made in Apex Energy Limited. The 
company is seeking to undertake the build and operation of electricity 
generation power plants. 
   A restructuring of the investment replaced GBP112,000 of non-qualifying 
loan with a qualifying investment in Pearce and Saunders Limited, the 
freehold pub company that operates three sites in South East London. 
Trade has grown slowly at the newly opened pubs, and the valuation has 
been reduced by GBP24,000 in the year. 
   A further GBP20,000 was also invested in a new company, Pearce and 
Saunders DevCo Limited that will be used to take advantage of a related 
development opportunity. 
   One full exit of a qualifying company occurred in the period: Tor Solar 
Limited, the operator of a solar farm in the South West of England, 
generating proceeds of GBP709,000 and a GBP69,000 profit over the 
original investment cost. 
   Portfolio valuation 
   The majority of the DSO D Share pool investments have performed in line 
with expectations over the period and continue to be valued at original 
cost. There have however been several adjustments made which have 
resulted in a net unrealised loss of GBP162,000 in the year. 
   Lambridge Solar Limited, the owner of a solar farm in Lincolnshire is 
performing well and the valuation has been increased by GBP17,000. 
   Performance at two Scottish nightclubs, Fubar Stirling Limited and City 
Falkirk Limited, has continued to be below expectations and value 
reductions of GBP116,000 and GBP39,000 respectively have been made. 
Whilst we continue to work closely with the management of both clubs to 
bring trading back on track, it is clear that the depressed economic 
conditions in the region are a major contributing factor to the 
   Structured Products 
   One structured product was realised during the year, generating proceeds 
of GBP409,000.  This represented a profit on cost of GBP11,000 and an 
uplift of GBP58,000 over the March 2015 valuation. 
   The focus now for the DSO D Share portfolio is on close monitoring and 
support of the portfolio companies to ensure that prospects for growth 
are optimised in the period until the realisation process commences in 
   Downing LLP 
   Portfolio of investments 
   The following investments were held at 31 March 2016: 
                                                         movement      % of 
                                    Cost     Valuation   in year     portfolio 
                                  GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
Structured Product investments 
HSBC 5.4% Dual Index Synthetic 
 Zero                                 501          572         15         9.8% 
Credit Suisse 7% Defensive 
 Worst Of Auto Call                   251          291         15         5.0% 
HSBC 7.1% Defensive Worst Of 
 Auto Call                            251          286         12         4.9% 
                                    1,003        1,149         42        19.7% 
Venture Capital investments 
Vulcan Renewables Limited             653          779          -        13.3% 
Goonhilly Earth Station Limited       570          570          -         9.7% 
Lambridge Solar Limited               500          517         17         8.8% 
Merlin Renewables Limited             500          500          -         8.5% 
Nightjar Sustainable Power 
 Limited                              485          485          -         8.3% 
Apex Energy Limited                   400          400          -         6.8% 
Grasshopper 2007 Limited              294          294          -         5.0% 
City Falkirk Limited                  562          236       (39)         4.0% 
Fubar Stirling Limited                358          225      (116)         3.9% 
Fresh Green Power Limited             200          200          -         3.4% 
Pearce and Saunders Limited*          300          192       (24)         3.3% 
Green Energy Production UK 
 Limited                              100          100          -         1.7% 
Cheers Dumbarton Limited               64           22          -         0.4% 
Pearce and Saunders DevCo 
 Limited                               20           20          -         0.3% 
Lochrise Limited                       17            -          -         0.0% 
                                    5,023        4,540      (162)        77.4% 
                                    6,026        5,689      (120)        97.1% 
Cash at bank and in hand                           159                    2.9% 
Total investments                                5,848                  100.0% 
   *partially qualifying investment 
   All Venture Capital investments are incorporated in England and Wales. 
   Investment movements for the year ended 31 March 2016 
Venture Capital investments 
Apex Energy Limited                     400 
Pearce and Saunders Limited*            132 
Pearce and Saunders DevCo Limited        20 
                                   Valuation                Profit    Realised 
                          Cost     at 31/3/15    Proceeds   vs. cost    gain 
                         GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
Structured Product 
Goldman Sachs 8.5% 
 Defensive Worst Of 
 Auto Call                   351          398         409         11        58 
Venture Capital 
Tor Solar PV Limited         640          640         709         69        69 
Pearce and Saunders 
 Limited*                    112          112         112          -         - 
                           1,103        1,150       1,230         80       127 
   *partially qualifying investment 
   The DP67 Share pool was formed as part of the merger in July 2015 and 
includes the portfolios of Downing Planned Exit VCT 6 plc and Downing 
Planned Exit VCT 7 plc. These companies were sister companies which held 
identical investment portfolios. 
   Net asset value and results 
   The net asset value ("NAV") per DP67 Share at 31 March 2016 stood at 
60.4p an increase of 2.2p or 2.7% since the merger, after adjusting for 
the dividends paid in the period. Total Return stands at 84.2p per share 
compared to initial cost to Shareholders, net of income tax relief, of 
70p per share. 
   The profit on ordinary activities after taxation for the period since 
the merger was GBP259,000, comprising a revenue profit of GBP93,000 and 
a capital gain of GBP166,000. 
   Venture Capital investments 
   Investment activity 
   At the merger date, the DP67 Share pool held GBP4.6 million of 
investments and ended the period with GBP5.8 million spread across a 
portfolio of 10 Venture Capital investments. 
   During the period since the merger there were four follow on investments 
   Gatewales Limited holds rights to profit shares from a development 
project. The project is performing in line with plan and the profit 
shares are now being paid out - GBP424,000 was received in the year.  A 
further GBP350,000 investment was purchased in the period since the 
merger.  In addition the investment was uplifted by GBP285,000 at the 
year end, reflecting the anticipated future returns. 
   An additional GBP245,000 was invested in the Thames Club Limited, a 
health and fitness centre in Staines.  As previously reported the value 
of the investment has deteriorated recently, following increased local 
competition.  During the period, the entire holding was sold for 
GBP100,000, against a total cost of GBP735,000. 
   A further investment of GBP328,000 was made in Fenkle Street LLP and 
GBP584,000 into Snow Hill Developments LLP. 
   New investments totalling GBP965,000 were made in Kidspace Adventures 
Holdings Limited, which owns three well established children's play 
areas, and Hobblers Heath Limited which is building an adventure 
playground in Hounslow. 
   Two short term non-qualifying loans made to UK Solar (Hartwell) LLP and 
UK Solar (Lower Newton) LLP were redeemed in full at par during the 
period, generating total proceeds of GBP1.0 million.  GBP56,000 of 
interest was received for these loans over the period held. 
   Two small new investments in Dominions House Limited and London City 
Shopping Centre Limited for GBP54,000 and GBP99,000 respectively were 
also made during the period. 
   Portfolio valuation 
   The DP67 Share pool portfolio held at the year-end has performed well 
and there were two significant uplifts in the period; GBP285,000 on 
Gatewales Limited noted above; and GBP204,000 on Cadbury House Limited. 
   Additionally, Fenkle Street LLP, a property development company based in 
Newcastle, was uplifted in value by GBP114,000. 
   The investment in Snow Hill Developments LLP was also uplifted by 
   These uplifts were partly offset by a value reduction of GBP205,000 on 
Oak Grove Renewables Limited due to performance issues at the anaerobic 
digestion plant. 
   The total uplift on the portfolio was GBP482,000 over the period since 
the merger. 
   We are generally pleased with the state of the DP67 portfolio, although 
The Thames Club performance was a disappointment. The portfolio is now 
almost fully invested and we will be continuing to monitor all 
investments closely to ensure that prospects for growth are maximised. 
   Downing LLP 
   Portfolio of investments 
   The following investments were held at 31 March 2016: 
                      Original                          movement       % of 
                        Cost       Cost     Valuation   in period    portfolio 
                     GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
Venture Capital 
Cadbury House 
 Holdings Limited        1,206     1,409        1,613         204        23.9% 
Snow Hill 
 LLP**                     500     1,084        1,168          84        17.3% 
Gatewales Limited*         876       564          849         285        12.6% 
Oak Grove 
 Limited                   820       820          615       (205)         9.1% 
 Holdings Limited            -       578          578           -         8.6% 
Fenkle Street 
 LLP**                      77       405          519         114         7.7% 
Hobblers Heath 
 Limited                     -       387          387           -         5.7% 
London City 
 Shopping Centre 
 Limited**                   -        99           99           -         1.5% 
Coast Constructors 
 Limited                 1,866         -            -           -         0.0% 
 Limited**                 415         -            -           -         0.0% 
                                   5,346        5,828         482        86.4% 
Cash at bank and 
 in hand                                          911                    13.6% 
Total investments                               6,739                   100.0% 
   *  partially qualifying investment 
   **non qualifying investment 
   All Venture Capital investments are incorporated in England and Wales. 
   Investment movements for the year ended 31 March 2016 
Acquired from Downing Planned Exit 6 and Downing Planned 
 Exit 7 in the merger 
Cadbury House Holdings Limited                               1,409 
Oak Grove Renewables Limited                                   820 
UK Solar (Lower Newton) LLP**                                  600 
Snow Hill Developments LLP**                                   500 
The Thames Club Limited*                                       490 
UK Solar (Hartwell) LLP**                                      400 
Gatewales Limited*                                             292 
Fenkle Street LLP**                                             77 
Coast Constructors Limited                                       - 
Aminghurst Limited**                                             - 
Acquired since the merger 
Snow Hill Developments LLP**                                   584 
Kidspace Adventures Holdings Limited                           578 
Hobblers Heath Limited                                         387 
Gatewales Limited*                                             350 
Fenkle Street LLP**                                            328 
The Thames Club Limited*                                       245 
Dominions House Limited**                                       54 
London City Shopping Centre Limited**                           99 
                             Valuation                  (loss)     Realised 
                    Cost     at 20/07/15    Proceeds   vs. cost   Gain /(loss) 
                   GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Limited*               78            78         424        346            346 
The Thames Club 
 Limited*              735           735         100      (635)          (635) 
Dominions House 
 Limited**              54            54          62          8              8 
UK Solar (Lower 
 Newton) LLP**         600           600         600          -              - 
UK Solar 
 LLP**                 400           400         400          -              - 
                     1,867         1,867       1,586      (281)          (281) 
   *  partially qualifying investment 
   **non-qualifying investment 
   At 31 March 2016 the DP2011 General Share pool was fully invested with a 
portfolio value of GBP10.4 million, comprising 13 fully or partly 
qualifying investments and a further six non-qualifying investments. 
   Now that the five-year anniversary has passed, we will look to seek 
appropriate exit strategies to maximise returns to Shareholders. 
   Net asset value and results 
   The combined net asset value ("NAV") of one DP2011 General Ordinary 
Share and one DP2011 General A Share at 31 March 2016 stood at 81.0p an 
increase of 0.2p or 0.2% since the merger, after adjusting for the 
dividend paid in the period. Total Return stands at 103.5p per share 
compared to initial cost to Shareholders, net of income tax relief, of 
70p per share. 
   The profit on ordinary activities after taxation for the period since 
the merger was GBP32,000, comprising a revenue profit of GBP383,000 and 
a capital loss of GBP351,000. 
   Venture Capital investments 
   Investment activity 
   At the merger date, the DP2011 General Share pool held GBP13.1 million 
of investments and ended the period with GBP10.4 million spread across a 
portfolio of 19 Venture Capital investments. 
   The process of exiting investments in the portfolio has begun in order 
to return funds to Shareholders. As such, a number of investments were 
sold in the period. 
   A portfolio of solar panel companies were sold during the period; 
Residential PV Trading Limited for GBP892,000, South West Farms Limited 
for GBP742,000 and Angel Solar Limited for GBP369,000.  The total profit 
over cost of these three disposals was GBP386,000. 
   Antelope Pub Limited owns and operates a pub of the same name in south 
west London.  The holding of GBP300,000 was sold at par during the 
   Dominions House Limited was fully disposed of in the period for 
   Portfolio valuation 
   The DP2011 General portfolio suffered a number of setbacks in the period 
with a total unrealised loss of GBP657,000 being recognised. 
   Odysian (Holdings) Limited, the holding company for a nightclub and bar 
in Chester, has suffered a significant drop in trade; Mosaic Spa and 
Health Club Limited has had continued performance issues at the 
Shrewsbury site and Oak Grove Renewables Limited had issues at the 
anaerobic digestion plant. 
   Performance at two Scottish nightclubs, Fubar Stirling Limited and City 
Falkirk Limited, has continued to operate below expectations and value 
reductions have been made. Whilst we continue to work closely with the 
management of both clubs to bring trading back on track, it is clear 
that the depressed economic conditions in the region are a major 
contributing factor to the weak performance. 
   The DP2011 General Share pool is now focussed on the realisation of the 
portfolio, and the coming months should be busy.  We expect to make a 
substantial dividend payment in the near future, however the full 
disposal process may take some time to complete. 
   Downing LLP 
   Portfolio of investments 
   The following investments were held at 31 March 2016: 
                      Original                          movement       % of 
                        Cost       Cost     Valuation   in period    portfolio 
                      GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
Venture Capital 
Vulcan Renewables 
 Limited                 1,845     2,199        2,199           -        17.4% 
 Holdings Limited        1,116     1,351        1,384          33        11.0% 
Tooting Tram and 
 Social Limited*         1,067     1,187        1,223          36         9.7% 
Mosaic Spa and 
 Health Clubs 
 Limited*                1,500     1,147          955       (192)         7.6% 
Snow Hill 
 LLP**                     750       750          750           -         5.9% 
Westcountry Solar 
 Limited                   600       600          600           -         4.7% 
Odysian (Holdings) 
 Limited                   857       873          591       (282)         4.7% 
Wickham Solar 
 Limited                   473       550          550           -         4.4% 
 Limited**                 539       539          539           -         4.3% 
Avon Solar Energy 
 Limited                   505       505          523          18         4.1% 
Oak Grove 
 Limited                   400       400          317        (83)         2.5% 
City Falkirk 
 Limited                   674       330          283        (47)         2.2% 
Fubar Stirling 
 Limited                   429       410          270       (140)         2.1% 
London City 
 Shopping Centre 
 Limited**                  50        88           88           -         0.7% 
Clean Electricity 
 Limited**                  70        70           70           -         0.6% 
UK Renewable Power 
 Limited**                  55        55           55           -         0.4% 
Cheers Dumbarton 
 Limited                    76        27           27           -         0.2% 
21st Century 
 Energy Limited**           22        22           22           -         0.2% 
Lochrise Limited            20         -            -           -         0.0% 
                                  11,103       10,446       (657)        82.7% 
Cash at bank and 
 in hand                                        2,186                    17.3% 
Total investments                              12,632                   100.0% 
   *  partially qualifying investment 
   **non-qualifying investment 
   All Venture Capital investments are incorporated in England and Wales. 
   Investment movements for the year ended 31 March 2016 
   The entire DP2011 General Portfolio was acquired during the merger in 
July 2015. 
                                   Valuation                Profit    Realised 
                          Cost     at 20/7/15    Proceeds   vs. cost    gain 
                         GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
Residential PV Trading 
 Limited                     762          762         892        130       130 
South-Western Farms 
 Solar Limited               555          555         742        187       187 
Angel Solar Limited          300          300         369         69        69 
Antelope Pub Limited**       300          300         300          -         - 
Dominions House 
 Limited**                    98           98          98          -         - 
                           2,015        2,015       2,401        386       386 
   *  partially qualifying investment 
   ** non-qualifying investment 
   At 31 March 2016 the DP2011 Structured Share pool was fully invested 
with a portfolio value of GBP7.4 million, comprising 13 fully or partly 
qualifying venture capital investments and four Structured Product 
   Now that the five-year anniversary has passed, we are looking to seek 
appropriate exit strategies to maximise returns to Shareholders. 
   Net asset value and results 
   The net asset value ("NAV") of a combined holding of one DP2011 
Structured Ordinary Share and one DP2011 Structured A Share at 31 March 
2016 stood at 83.2p a decrease of 0.2p or 0.2% since the merger after 
adjusting for the dividend paid in the period. Total Return stands at 
105.7p per share compared to initial cost to Shareholders, net of income 
tax relief, of 70p per share. 
   The loss on ordinary activities after taxation for the period since the 
merger was GBP10,000, comprising a revenue profit of GBP247,000 and a 
capital loss of GBP257,000. 
   Venture Capital investments 
   Investment activity 
   At the merger date, the DP2011 Structured Share pool held GBP9.2 million 
of investments and ended the period with GBP7.3 million spread across a 
portfolio of 13 Venture Capital investments and 4 Structured Product 
   The process of exiting investments in the portfolio has begun in order 
to return funds to Shareholders. As such, a number of investments were 
sold in the period. 
   A portfolio of solar panel companies was sold during the period; 
Residential PV Trading Limited for GBP595,000, South West Farms Limited 
for GBP495,000 and Angel Solar Limited for GBP246,000.  The total profit 
over cost of these three disposals was GBP258,000. 
   Portfolio valuation 
   The DP2011 Structured portfolio suffered a number of setbacks in the 
period and the unquoted portfolio was written down by GBP494,000 over 
the period since the merger. 
   Odysian (Holdings) Limited, the holding company for a nightclub and bar 
in Chester has suffered a significant drop in trade; Mosaic Spa and 
Health Club Limited has had continued performance issues at the 
Shrewsbury site and Oak Grove Renewables Limited has suffered 
performance issues at the anaerobic digestion plant. 
   Performance at two of the Share pool's Scottish nightclubs, Fubar 
Stirling Limited and City Falkirk Limited, has continued to operate 
below expectations and value reductions have been made. Whilst we 
continue to work closely with the management of both clubs to bring 
trading back on track, it is clear that the depressed economic 
conditions in the region are a major contributing factor to the weak 
   Some small uplifts have also been recognised across the portfolio: 
Kidspace Adventures Holdings Limited, Tooting Tram and Social Limited 
and Avon Solar Energy Limited totalling GBP58,000. 
   Structured Products 
   The value of the Structured Portfolio has increased by GBP31,000 over 
the period since the merger. 
   There was one redemption during the period at a gain against original 
cost of GBP41,000. 
   After the period end the remainder of the Structured Portfolio was 
disposed of generating proceeds totalling GBP1.5 million at a profit of 
GBP282,000 over original cost. 
   The DP2011 Structured Share pool is now focussed on the realisation of 
the portfolio.  We expect to make a substantial dividend payment in the 
near future, however the full disposal process may take some time to 
   Downing LLP 
   Portfolio of investments 
   The following investments were held at 31 March 2016: 
                                                          movement       % of 
                   Original Cost     Cost     Valuation   in period    portfolio 
                     GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
HSBC 7.1% 
 Worst Of Auto 
 Call                        447       447          458          10         5.1% 
RBS 6 Yr Dual 
 Synthetic Zero 
 10.16%                      373       373          380           6         4.3% 
Credit Suisse 
 7% Defensive 
 Worst Of Auto 
 Call                        290       290          293           3         3.3% 
Credit Suisse 
 10% Defensive 
 Worst Of Auto 
 Call                        279       279          291          12         3.3% 
                                     1,389        1,422          31        16.0% 
Venture Capital 
 Limited                   1,091     1,305        1,305           -        14.6% 
 Limited                     744       901          923          22        10.4% 
Tooting Tram 
 and Social 
 Limited                     533       613          637          24         7.2% 
Mosaic Spa and 
 Health Clubs 
 Limited*                    920       685          557       (128)         6.2% 
Wickham Solar 
 Limited                     473       550          550           -         6.2% 
Oak Grove 
 Limited                     545       545          433       (112)         4.9% 
 Limited                     400       400          400           -         4.5% 
 Limited                     571       582          394       (188)         4.4% 
Avon Solar 
 Limited                     336       336          348          12         3.9% 
City Falkirk 
 Limited                     450       220          189        (31)         2.1% 
Fubar Stirling 
 Limited                     286       273          180        (93)         2.0% 
 Limited                      51        18           18           -         0.2% 
 Limited                      13         -            -           -         0.0% 
                                     6,428        5,934       (494)        66.6% 
                                     7,817        7,356       (463)        82.6% 
Cash at bank 
 and in hand                                      1,556                    17.4% 
 investments                                      8,912                   100.0% 
   *partially qualifying investment 
   All Venture Capital investments are incorporated in England and Wales. 
   Investment movements for the year ended 31 March 2016 
   The entire DP2011 Structured Portfolio was acquired during the merger in 
July 2015. 
                                   Valuation                Profit    Realised 
                          Cost     at 20/7/15    Proceeds   vs. cost    gain 
                         GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
Structured Product 
Goldman Sachs 8.5% 
 Worst-of-Auto Call          288          288         292          4         4 
Venture Capital 
Angel Solar Limited          200          200         246         46        46 
Residential PV Trading 
 Limited                     508          508         595         87        87 
South-Western Solar 
 Limited                     370          370         495        125       125 
                           1,366        1,366       1,628        262       262 
   The task of building the DP2011 Low Carbon portfolio was completed at an 
early stage.  The process of realising the portfolio and returning funds 
to Shareholders is now underway and a substantial dividend of 50p was 
paid out on 27 May 2016. 
   Net asset value and results 
   The net asset value ("NAV") per DP2011 Low Carbon Share at 31 March 2016 
stood at 41.6p an increase of 5.4p or 5.0% since the merger after 
adjusting for the dividend paid in the period. Total Return stands at 
115.5p per share compared to initial cost to Shareholders, net of income 
tax relief, of 70p per share, after rebasing to 100p during the merger. 
   The profit on ordinary activities after taxation for the period since 
the merger was GBP424,000, comprising a revenue profit of GBP211,000 and 
a capital gain of GBP213,000. 
   Venture Capital investments 
   Investment activity 
   At the merger date, the DP2011 Low Carbon Share pool held GBP6.9 million 
of investments and ended with GBP3.0 million spread across a portfolio 
of 4 Venture Capital investments.  All of the investments own solar PV 
panels sited on a mix of commercial and residential rooftops, all of 
which received Feed in Tariffs ("FiTs"). 
   During the period a successful exit was made from three of the companies 
held at the date of the merger.  Green Electricity Generation Limited, 
Progressive Energies Limited and PV Generation Limited were sold for 
total proceeds of GBP4.1 million generating a gain against original pre 
merger costs of GBP733,000. 
   Portfolio valuation 
   The remainder of the portfolio is performing consistently and there are 
no valuation movements in the period. 
   We are satisfied with the progress made by the portfolio companies to 
date, and with the exits already secured.  We are optimistic that a full 
exit from the rest of the portfolio can be achieved in the fourth 
quarter of 2016 in order to facilitate a final dividend to shareholders 
at the end of this year or early next year. 
   Downing LLP 
   Portfolio of investments 
   The following investments were held at 31 March 2016: 
                                                        movement       % of 
                 Original cost     Cost     Valuation   in period    portfolio 
                   GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
 Limited                   800       800          800           -        11.2% 
UK Renewable 
 Limited                   780       780          780           -        10.9% 
 Limited                   780       710          710           -        10.0% 
21st Century 
 Limited                   600       708          708           -         9.9% 
                                   2,998        2,998           -        42.0% 
Cash at bank 
 and in hand                                    4,011                    58.0% 
 investments                                    7,009                   100.0% 
   *partially qualifying investment 
   All Venture Capital investments are incorporated in England and Wales. 
   Investment movements for the year ended 31 March 2016 
   The entire DP2011 Low Carbon portfolio was acquired during the merger in 
July 2015. 
                                   Valuation                Profit    Realised 
                          Cost     at 31/3/15    Proceeds   vs. cost    gain 
                         GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
Green Electricity 
 Generation Limited        1,210        1,210       1,258         48        48 
Progressive Energies 
 Limited*                  1,520        1,520       1,593         73        73 
PV Generation Limited      1,150        1,150       1,282        132       132 
                           3,880        3,880       4,133        253       253 
   *partially qualifying investment 
   Directors' responsibilities 
   The Directors are responsible for preparing the Report of the Directors, 
the Directors' Remuneration Report and the financial statements in 
accordance with applicable law and regulations. They are also 
responsible for ensuring that the Annual Report includes information 
required by the Listing Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority. 
   Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for 
each financial year. Under that law, the Directors have elected to 
prepare the financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom 
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom accounting 
standards and applicable law) including Financial Reporting Standard 
102, the financial reporting standard applicable in the UK and Republic 
of Ireland (FRS 102). Under company law, the Directors must not approve 
the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true 
and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and of the profit 
or loss of the Company for that period. 
   In preparing these financial statements the Directors are required to: 
   *select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
   *make judgments and accounting estimates that are reasonable and 
   *state whether applicable UK accounting standards have been followed, 
subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the 
financial statements; and 
   *prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it 
is inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. 
   The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records 
that are sufficient to show and explain the Company's transactions, to 
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of 
the Company and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements 
comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for 
safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable 
steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other 
   In addition, each of the Directors considers that the Annual Report, 
taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the 
information necessary for Shareholders to assess the Company's 
performance, business model and strategy. 
   The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the 
corporate and financial information included on the Company's website. 
Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and 
dissemination of the financial statements and other information included 
in the annual reports may differ from legislation in other 
   Directors' statement pursuant to the Disclosure Rules and Transparency 
   Each of the Directors confirms that, to the best of each person's 
   *the financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with 
the applicable set of accounting standards, give a true and fair view of 
the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the 
Company; and 
   *the management report included within the Report of the Directors, 
Chairman's Statement, Investment Manager's Report, and Review of 
Investments includes a fair review of the development and performance of 
the business and the position of the company together with a description 
of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces. 
   By order of the Board 
   Grant Whitehouse 
   Secretary of Downing FOUR VCT plc 
   for the year ended 31 March 2016 
                                                       Year ended 31 March 2016      Year ended 31 March 2015 
                                                       Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue   Capital    Total 
                                                       GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
 - continuing                                            1,790        -    1,790    2,680          -    2,680 
 - acquisition                                           1,645        -    1,645        -          -        - 
                                                         3,435        -    3,435    2,680          -    2,680 
Net gain/(loss) on investments 
 - continuing                                                -      899      899        -      (881)    (881) 
 - acquisition                                               -     (18)     (18)        -          -        - 
                                                         3,435      881    4,316    2,680      (881)    1,799 
Investment management fees                               (389)    (389)    (778)    (240)      (240)    (480) 
Other expenses                                           (568)        -    (568)    (345)        (1)    (346) 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities before tax          2,478      492    2,970    2,095    (1,122)      973 
Tax on total comprehensive income and ordinary 
 activities                                              (351)        -    (351)    (256)          -    (256) 
Return/(loss) attributable to equity shareholders, 
 being total comprehensive income for the year           2,127      492    2,619    1,839    (1,122)      717 
Basic and diluted return per share: 
DSO Ordinary Share                                        3.2p     2.4p     5.6p    10.0p     (5.8p)     4.2p 
DSO A Share                                                  -        -        -        -          -        - 
DSO B Share                                               3.7p     2.8p     6.5p     3.4p     (3.0p)     0.4p 
DSO C Share                                                  -        -        -        -          -        - 
DSO D Share                                               1.6p   (1.0p)     0.6p     1.5p       1.1p     2.6p 
DP67 Share                                                0.8p     1.5p     2.3p 
DP2011 General Share                                      2.4p   (2.2p)     0.2p 
DP2011 Structured Share                                   2.3p   (2.4p)   (0.1p) 
DP2011 Low Carbon                                         2.8p     2.8p     5.6p 
   The total column within the Income Statement represents the Statement of 
Total Comprehensive Income of the Company prepared in accordance with 
Financial Reporting Standard 102 ("FRS 102").  The supplementary revenue 
return and capital return columns are prepared in accordance with the 
Statement of Recommenced Practice issued in November 2014 by the 
Association of Investment Companies ("AIC SORP"). 
   INCOME STATEMENT (analysed by share pool) 
   for the year ended 31 March 2016 
   Split as: 
   DSO Ordinary Share pool (continuing) 
                                                     Year ended 31 March 2016    Year ended 31 March 2015 
                                                     Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total 
                                                     GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Income                                                   488        -      488    1,258        -    1,258 
Net (loss)/gain on investments                             -      282      282        -    (529)    (529) 
                                                         488      282      770    1,258    (529)      729 
Investment management fees                              (39)     (39)     (78)     (72)     (71)    (143) 
Other expenses                                          (72)        -     (72)     (93)      (1)     (94) 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities before tax          377      243      620    1,093    (601)      492 
Tax on ordinary activities                              (49)        -     (49)     (61)        -     (61) 
Return/(loss) attributable to equity shareholders, 
 being total comprehensive income for the year           328      243      571    1,032    (601)      431 
   DSO B Share pool (continuing) 
                                                     Year ended 31 March 2016    Year ended 31 March 2015 
                                                     Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total 
                                                     GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Income                                                 1,047        -    1,047    1,149        -    1,149 
Net gain/(loss) on investments                             -      656      656        -    (487)    (487) 
                                                       1,047      656    1,703    1,149    (487)      662 
Investment management fees                              (97)     (97)    (194)    (118)    (118)    (236) 
Other expenses                                          (98)        -     (98)    (177)        -    (177) 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities before tax          852      559    1,411      854    (605)      249 
Tax on ordinary activities                             (116)        -    (116)    (167)        -    (167) 
Return/(loss) attributable to equity shareholders, 
 being total comprehensive income for the year           736      559    1,295      687    (605)       82 
   DSO D Share pool (continuing) 
                                                     Year ended 31 March 2016    Year ended 31 March 2015 
                                                     Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total 
                                                     GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Income                                                   255        -      255      273        -      273 
Net (loss)/gain on investments                             -     (39)     (39)        -      135      135 
                                                         255     (39)      216      273      135      408 
Investment management fees                              (42)     (42)     (84)     (50)     (51)    (101) 
Other expenses                                          (81)        -     (81)     (75)        -     (75) 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities before tax          132     (81)       51      148       84      232 
Tax on ordinary activities                               (3)        -      (3)     (28)        -     (28) 
Return/(loss) attributable to equity shareholders, 
 being total comprehensive income for the year           129     (81)       48      120       84      204 
   DP67 Share pool (acquisition) 
                                                      Period from 21 July 2015 to 
                                                             31 March 2016 
                                                    Revenue   Capital      Total 
                                                    GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000 
Income                                                   204         -          204 
Net gain on investments                                    -       201          201 
                                                         204       201          405 
Investment management fees                              (35)      (35)         (70) 
Other expenses                                          (61)         -         (61) 
Return on ordinary activities before tax                 108       166          274 
Tax on ordinary activities                              (15)         -         (15) 
Return attributable to equity shareholders, being 
 total comprehensive income for the year                  93       166          259 
   DP2011 General Share pool (acquisition) 
                                                       Period from 21 July 2015 to 
                                                              31 March 2016 
                                                     Revenue   Capital      Total 
                                                     GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000 
Income                                                    659         -          659 
Net loss on investments                                     -     (271)        (271) 
                                                          659     (271)          388 
Investment management fees                               (80)      (80)        (160) 
Other expenses                                          (119)         -        (119) 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities before tax           460     (351)          109 
Tax on ordinary activities                               (77)         -         (77) 
Return/(loss) attributable to equity shareholders, 
 being total comprehensive income for the year            383     (351)           32 
   DP2011 Structured Share pool (acquisition) 
                                                       Period from 21 July 2015 to 
                                                              31 March 2016 
                                                     Revenue   Capital      Total 
                                                     GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000 
Income                                                    429         -          429 
Net loss on investments                                     -     (201)        (201) 
                                                          429     (201)          228 
Investment management fees                               (56)      (56)        (112) 
Other expenses                                           (78)         -         (78) 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities before tax           295     (257)           38 
Tax on ordinary activities                               (48)         -         (48) 
Return/(loss) attributable to equity shareholders, 
 being total comprehensive income for the year            247     (257)         (10) 
   DP2011 Low Carbon Share pool (acquisition) 
                                                      Period from 21 July 2015 to 
                                                             31 March 2016 
                                                    Revenue   Capital      Total 
                                                    GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000 
Income                                                   353         -          353 
Net gain on investments                                    -       253          253 
                                                         353       253          606 
Investment management fees                              (40)      (40)         (80) 
Other expenses                                          (59)         -         (59) 
Return on ordinary activities before tax                 254       213          467 
Tax on ordinary activities                              (43)         -         (43) 
Return attributable to equity shareholders, being 
 total comprehensive income for the year                 211       213          424 
   as at 31 March 2016 
                                                        2016     2015 
                                                      GBP'000   GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                             35,351   25,638 
Current assets 
Debtors                                                  1,077      432 
Cash at bank and in hand                                 9,533      457 
                                                        10,610      889 
  Creditors: amounts falling due within one year         (879)    (612) 
Net current assets                                       9,731      277 
Net assets                                              45,082   25,915 
8BCapital and reserves 
Called up Share capital                                     84       38 
Called up Share capital - DSO A, DSO C, DP2011 Gen 
 A and Struc A                                              77       46 
Capital redemption reserve                                   5        5 
Special reserve                                         44,441   20,895 
Share premium account                                        -    2,794 
Revaluation reserve                                    (2,645)  (1,544) 
Capital reserve - realised                               1,949    2,500 
Revenue reserve                                          1,171    1,181 
  Total equity shareholders' funds                      45,082   25,915 
Basic and diluted net asset value per Share: 
DSO Ordinary Share                                           -    53.8p 
DSO Ordinary A Share                                         -     0.1p 
DSO B Share                                              17.6p    70.2p 
DSO C Share                                               0.1p     0.1p 
DSO D Share                                              75.6p    80.7p 
DP67 Share                                               60.4p      n/a 
DP2011 General Ordinary Share                            75.1p      n/a 
DP2011 General A Share                                    5.9p      n/a 
DP2011 Structured Ordinary Share                         77.1p      n/a 
DP2011 Structured A Share                                 6.1p      n/a 
DP2011 Low Carbon                                        91.6p      n/a 
   as at 31 March 2016 
   DSO Ordinary Shares 
                                                   2016     2015 
                                                  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                             -    5,568 
Current assets 
Debtors                                                31       65 
Cash at bank and in hand                               76       65 
                                                      107      130 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year      (104)    (143) 
Net current assets                                      3     (13) 
Net assets                                              3    5,555 
Capital and reserves 
Called up DSO Ordinary share capital                   10       10 
Called up DSO A share capital                          16       16 
Capital redemption reserve                              5        5 
Special reserve                                         -      166 
Share premium reserve                                   -    2,794 
Revaluation reserve                                 (184)    (490) 
Capital reserve - realised                              -    2,381 
Revenue reserve                                       156      673 
Total equity shareholders' funds                        3    5,555 
   DSO B Shares 
                                                   2016     2015 
                                                  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                         3,034   13,663 
Current assets 
Debtors                                                20      280 
Cash at bank and in hand                              634      392 
                                                      654      672 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year      (160)    (326) 
Net current assets                                    494      346 
Net assets                                          3,528   14,009 
Capital and reserves 
Called up DSO B share capital                          20       20 
Called up DSO C share capital                          30       30 
Capital redemption reserve                              -        - 
Special reserve                                     3,662   13,676 
Share premium reserve                                   -        - 
Revaluation reserve                               (1,485)    (886) 
Capital reserve - realised                          1,231      740 
Revenue reserve                                        70      429 
Total equity shareholders' funds                    3,528   14,009 
   DSO D Shares 
                                                   2016     2015 
                                                  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                         5,689    6,407 
Current assets 
Debtors                                               162       87 
Cash at bank and in hand                              159        - 
                                                      321       87 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year       (65)    (143) 
Net current assets                                    256     (56) 
Net assets                                          5,945    6,351 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                                 8        8 
Capital redemption reserve                              -        - 
Special reserve                                     6,802    7,053 
Share premium reserve                                   -        - 
Revaluation reserve                                 (338)    (168) 
Capital reserve - realised                          (538)    (621) 
Revenue reserve                                        11       79 
Total equity shareholders' funds                    5,945    6,351 
   DP67 Shares 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                         5,828 
Current assets 
Debtors                                               198 
Cash at bank and in hand                              911 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year      (100) 
Net current assets                                  1,009 
Net assets                                          6,837 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                                11 
Capital redemption reserve                              - 
Special reserve                                     5,897 
Share premium reserve                                   - 
Revaluation reserve                                   482 
Capital reserve - realised                            354 
Revenue reserve                                        93 
Total equity shareholders' funds                    6,837 
   DP2011 General Shares 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                        10,446 
Current assets 
Debtors                                               390 
Cash at bank and in hand                            2,186 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year      (196) 
Net current assets                                  2,380 
Net assets                                         12,826 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital - Ordinary Shares              16 
Called up share capital - A Shares                     18 
Capital redemption reserve                              - 
Special reserve                                    12,681 
Share premium reserve                                   - 
Revaluation reserve                                 (657) 
Capital reserve - realised                            385 
Revenue reserve                                       383 
Total equity shareholders' funds                   12,826 
   DP2011 Structured Shares 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                        7,356 
Current assets 
Debtors                                              230 
Cash at bank and in hand                           1,556 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year     (141) 
Net current assets                                 1,645 
Net assets                                         9,001 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital - Ordinary Shares             11 
Called up share capital - A Shares                    13 
Capital redemption reserve                             - 
Special reserve                                    8,929 
Share premium reserve                                  - 
Revaluation reserve                                (463) 
Capital reserve - realised                           264 
Revenue reserve                                      247 
Total equity shareholders' funds                   9,001 
   DP2011 Low Carbon Shares 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                        2,998 
Current assets 
Debtors                                               46 
Cash at bank and in hand                           4,011 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year     (113) 
Net current assets                                 3,944 
Net assets                                         6,942 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                                8 
Capital redemption reserve                             - 
Special reserve                                    6,470 
Share premium reserve                                  - 
Revaluation reserve                                    - 
Capital reserve - realised                           253 
Revenue reserve                                      211 
Total equity shareholders' funds                   6,942 
   for the year ended 31 March 2016 
                                 Capital               Share                  Capital 
                       Share    redemption  Special    premium  Revaluation   reserve   Revenue 
                      capital    reserve     reserve   account    reserve     realised   reserve   Total 
                      GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
For the year ended 31 March 
 --    31 March 2015       84            5    20,895     2,794      (1,544)      2,500     1,181    25,915 
Total comprehensive 
 income                     -            -         -         -      (1,194)      1,686     2,127     2,619 
Issue of share 
 capital on 
 acquisition               77            -         -    35,999            -          -         -    36,076 
Share premium 
 cancellation               -            -    38,692  (38,692)            -          -         -         - 
Transfer between 
 reserves*                  -            -  (15,056)         -           93     15,531     (568)         - 
Transactions with 
Dividend paid               -            -         -         -            -   (17,768)   (1,569)  (19,337) 
Purchase of own 
 shares                     -            -       (8)      (30)            -          -         -      (38) 
Share issue costs           -            -      (82)      (71)            -          -         -     (153) 
At 31 March 2016          161            5    44,441         -      (2,645)      1,949     1,171    45,082 
  For the year ended 31 March 
At 31 March 2014           84            5    27,090     2,794          543        851     1,087    32,454 
Total comprehensive 
 income                     -            -         -         -        (919)      (203)     1,839       717 
Transactions with 
Dividend paid               -            -         -         -            -    (5,511)   (1,745)   (7,256) 
Transfer between 
 reserves*                  -            -   (6,195)         -      (1,168)      7,363         -         - 
At 31 March 2015           84            5    20,895     2,794      (1,544)      2,500     1,181    25,915 
   *   A transfer of GBP93,000 representing previously recognised realised 
gains on disposal of investments during the year ended 31 March 2016 
(2015: GBP1.2 million losses) has been made from the Revaluation Reserve 
to the Capital Reserve realised.  A transfer of GBP15.5 million 
representing realised gains on disposal of investments, less capital 
expenses and capital dividends in the year (2015: GBP6.2 million) has 
been made form Capital Reserves - realised to Special reserve.  A 
transfer of GBP568,000 was made from Capital Reserve realised to Revenue 
reserve to reconcile the Ordinary Share pool reserves. 
   for the year ended 31 March 2016 
                                                                        Year ended 31 March 2016 
                                      DSO Ord   DSO B     DSO D                 Gen 
                                        Share    Share    Share   DP67 Share   Share   DP2011 Struc Share      DP2011 
                                         pool    pool      pool      pool      pool           pool          LC Share pool   Total 
                                      GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000           GBP'000      GBP'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Return on ordinary activities before 
 taxation                                 620     1,411       51         274      109                  38             467       2,970 
(Gains)/losses on investments           (282)     (656)       39       (201)      271                 201           (253)       (881) 
Decrease/(increase) in debtors             35       260     (77)        (94)      (2)                (16)            (30)         136 
Increase/(decrease) in creditors            -      (57)     (53)          10       31                  29              55        (95) 
Net cash from operating activities        373       958     (40)        (11)      409                 252             189     2,130 
Corporation tax paid                     (88)     (225)     (27)       (153)    (249)               (126)           (139)   (1,007) 
Net cash generated/(utilised) from 
 operating activities                     285       733     (67)       (164)      160                 126              50     1,123 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
Purchase of investments                 (383)     (806)    (552)     (2,625)     (38)                   -               -   (4,404) 
Proceeds from disposal of 
 investments                            6,233    12,091    1,231       1,587    2,401               1,628           4,133    29,304 
Cash acquired in merger                     -         -        -       2,362      101                  81              37     2,581 
Net cash inflow from investing 
activities                              5,850    11,285      679       1,324    2,464               1,709           4,170    27,481 
Net cash inflow before financing        6,135    12,018      612       1,160    2,624               1,835           4,220    28,604 
Cash flows from financing 
Equity dividends paid                 (6,124)  (11,746)    (393)       (226)    (392)               (267)           (189)  (19,337) 
Share issue costs                           -      (30)     (52)        (23)     (16)                (12)            (20)     (153) 
Purchase of own shares                      -         -      (8)           -     (30)                   -               -      (38) 
  Net cash outflow from financing     (6,124)  (11,776)    (453)       (249)    (438)               (279)           (209)  (19,528) 
Net increase in cash                       11       242      159         911    2,186               1,556           4,011     9,076 
Cash and cash equivalents at the 
 start of the year                         65       392        -           -        -                   -               -       457 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of 
 year                                      76       634      159         911    2,186               1,556           4,011     9,533 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise 
Cash at bank and in hand                   76       634      159         911    2,186               1,556           4,011     9,533 
Total cash and cash equivalents            76       634      159         911    2,186               1,556           4,011     9,533 
   for the year ended 31 March 2015 
                                                                         Year ended 31 March 2015 
                                        DSO Ord   DSO B    DSO D                 Gen 
                                          Share   Share    Share   DP67 Share   Share   DP2011 Struc Share      DP2011 
                                           pool    pool     pool      pool      pool           pool          LC Share pool   Total 
                                        GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000           GBP'000      GBP'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Return on ordinary activities before 
taxation                                   492      249      232       -          -             -                 -               973 
Losses/(gains) on investments               529      487    (135)           -        -                   -               -        881 
Decrease/(increase) in debtors               71    (156)     (44)           -        -                   -               -      (129) 
(Decrease)/increase in creditors           (17)     (28)       40           -        -                   -               -        (5) 
Net cash from 
 activities                               1,075      552       93           -        -                   -               -    1,720 
Corporation tax paid                       (90)    (127)      (5)           -        -                   -               -    (222) 
New cash generated 
 from operating 
 activities                                 985      425       88           -        -                   -               -    1,498 
 Cash flow from investing activities 
Purchase of 
 investments                                (4)  (2,410)  (1,844)           -        -                   -               -  (4,258) 
Proceeds from 
 disposal of 
 investments                              2,214    2,782      963           -        -                   -               -    5,959 
Movements in deposit 
 held for purchase of 
 investments                                  -        -      294           -        -                   -               -      294 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 
 investing activities                     2,210      372    (587)           -        -                   -               -    1,995 
Net cash outflow 
 before financing                       (1,180)  (1,691)    (892)           -        -                   -               -  (3,763) 
Cash flows from 
Equity dividends paid                   (4,375)  (2,488)    (393)           -        -                   -               -  (7,256) 
  Net cash outflow from financing       (4,375)  (2,488)    (393)           -        -                   -               -  (7,256) 
Net decrease in cash                    (1,180)  (1,691)    (892)           -        -                   -               -  (3,763) 
Cash and cash 
 equivalents at the 
 start of the year                        1,245    2,083      892           -        -                   -               -    4,220 
Cash and cash 
 equivalents at end 
 of year                                     65      392        -           -        -                   -               -      457 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise 
Cash at bank and in 
 hand                                        65      392        -           -        -                   -               -      457 
Total cash and cash equivalents              65      392        -           -        -                   -               -      457 
   for the year ended 31 March 2016 
   1. Accounting policies 
   Basis of accounting 
   The Company has prepared its financial statements in accordance with the 
Financial Reporting Standard 102 ("FRS 102") and in accordance with the 
Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment 
Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" revised November 2014 
   The Company implements new Financial Reporting Standards ("FRS") issued 
by the Financial Reporting Council when required. 
   The financial statements are presented in pounds sterling and rounded to 
thousands.  The Company's functional and presentation currency is pounds 
   Presentation of Income Statement 
   In order to better reflect the activities of a Venture Capital Trust, 
and in accordance with the SORP, supplementary information which 
analyses the Income Statement between items of a revenue and capital 
nature has been presented alongside the Income Statement. The revenue 
return is the measure the Directors believe appropriate in assessing the 
Company's compliance with certain requirements set out in Part 6 of the 
Income Tax Act 2007. 
   Judgements in applying accounting policies and key sources of estimation 
   All investments are designated as "fair value through profit or loss" 
assets due to investments being managed and performance evaluated on a 
fair value basis. A financial asset is designated within this category 
if it is both acquired and managed on a fair value basis, with a view to 
selling after a period of time, in accordance with the Company's 
documented investment policy. 
   It is possible to determine the fair values within a reasonable range of 
estimates.  The fair value of an investment upon acquisition is deemed 
to be cost. Thereafter investments are measured at fair value in 
accordance with FRS 102 sections 11 and 12, together with the 
International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines 
   Structured Product investments are measured using bid prices in 
accordance with the IPEV. 
   For unquoted investments, fair value is established by using the IPEV 
guidelines. The valuation methodologies for unquoted entities used by 
the IPEV to ascertain the fair value of an investment are as follows: 
   *Price of recent investment; 
   *Net assets; 
   *Discounted cash flows or earnings (of underlying business); 
   *Discounted cash flows (from the investment); and 
   *Industry valuation benchmarks. 
   The methodology applied takes account of the nature, facts and 
circumstances of the individual investment and uses reasonable data, 
market inputs, assumptions and estimates in order to ascertain fair 
   Gains and losses arising from changes in fair value are included in the 
Income Statement for the year as a capital item and transaction costs on 
acquisition or disposal of the investment are expensed. Where an 
investee company has gone into receivership or liquidation, or 
administration (where there is little likelihood of recovery), the loss 
on the investment, although not physically disposed of, is treated as 
being realised. 
   It is not the Company's policy to exercise significant influence or 
joint control over investee companies. Therefore, the results of these 
companies are not incorporated into the Income Statement except to the 
extent of any income accrued. This is in accordance with FRS 102 
sections 14 and 15 and the SORP that does not require portfolio 
investments to be accounted for using the equity method of accounting. 
   Dividend income from investments is recognised when the Shareholders' 
rights to receive payment has been established, normally the ex-dividend 
   Interest income is accrued on a time apportionment basis, by reference 
to the principal sum outstanding and at the effective rate applicable 
and only where there is reasonable certainty of collection in the 
foreseeable future. 
   All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. In respect of the 
analysis between revenue and capital items presented within the Income 
Statement, all expenses have been presented as revenue items except as 
   *Expenses which are incidental to the disposal of an investment are 
deducted from the disposal proceeds of the investment. 
   *Expenses are split and presented partly as capital items where a 
connection with the maintenance or enhancement of the value of the 
investments held can be demonstrated. The Company has adopted a policy 
of charging 50% of the investment management fees to the revenue account 
and 50% to the capital account to reflect the Board's estimated split of 
investment returns which will be achieved by the company over the long 
   Expenses and liabilities not specific to a share class are generally 
allocated pro rata to the net assets. 
   The tax effects on different items in the Income Statement are allocated 
between capital and revenue on the same basis as the particular item to 
which they relate, using the Company's effective rate of tax for the 
accounting period. 
   Due to the Company's status as a Venture Capital Trust, and the 
continued intention to meet the conditions required to comply with Part 
6 of the Income Tax Act 2007, no provision for taxation is required in 
respect of any realised or unrealised appreciation of the Company's 
investments which arises. 
   Deferred taxation, which is not discounted, is provided in full on 
timing differences that result in an obligation at the balance sheet 
date to pay more tax, or a right to pay less tax, at a future date, at 
rates expected to apply when they crystallise based on current tax rates 
and law. Timing differences arise from the inclusion of items of income 
and expenditure in taxation computations in periods different from those 
in which they are included in the accounts. 
   Other debtors and other creditors 
   Other debtors (including accrued income and loan notes other than those 
held as part of the investment portfolio and other creditors are 
included within the accounts at amortised cost. 
   Issue costs 
   Issue costs in relation to the shares issued for each share class have 
been deducted from the share premium account for the relevant share 
   Acquisitions made during the year are accounted for using the 
acquisition method.  The purchase consideration is measured at the fair 
value of equity issued compared to the fair value of the assets and 
liabilities acquired. 
   2. Basic and diluted return per share 
                              Weighted average number  Revenue    Capital 
                                 of shares in issue     Return  gain/(loss) 
Return per share is 
calculated on the 
following:                                             GBP'000    GBP'000 
Year ended 31   DSO Ordinary 
 March 2016           Shares               10,228,157      328           243 
                DSO A Shares               15,506,488        -             - 
                DSO B Shares               19,911,070      736           559 
                DSO C Shares               29,926,070        -             - 
                DSO D Shares                7,814,325      129          (81) 
                 DP67 Shares               11,320,258       93           166 
       DP2011 General Shares               15,663,577      383         (351) 
     DP2011 General A Shares               18,438,125        -             - 
    DP2011 Structured Shares               10,678,725      247         (257) 
  DP2011 Structured A Shares               12,572,817        -             - 
    DP2011 Low Carbon Shares                7,575,419      211           213 
Year ended 31   DSO Ordinary 
 March 2015           Shares               10,288,157    1,032         (601) 
                DSO A Shares               15,506,488        -             - 
                DSO B Shares               19,911,070      687         (605) 
                DSO C Shares               29,926,070        -             - 
                DSO D Shares                7,877,527      120            84 
   As the Company has not issued any convertible securities or share 
options, there is no dilutive effect on return per DSO Ordinary Share, 
DSO A Share, DSO B Share, DSO C Share, DSO D Share, DP67 Share, DP2011 
General Share, DP2011 General A Share, DP2011 Structured Ordinary Share, 
DP2011 Structured A Share or DP2011 Low Carbon Share.  The return per 
share disclosed therefore represents both the basic and diluted return 
per Share for all classes of share. 
   3. Basic and diluted net asset value per share 
                                              2016                          2015 
                                        Net asset value          Net asset value 
                                      Pence per             Pence per 
                   Shares in issue      share      GBP'000    share      GBP'000 
                2016         2015 
     Shares   10,288,157  10,288,157          -          3       53.8      5,545 
      DSO A 
     Shares   15,506,488  15,506,488          -          -        0.1         10 
      DSO B 
     Shares   19,911,070  19,911,070       17.6      3,508       70.2     13,989 
      DSO C 
     Shares   29,926,070  29,926,070        0.1         20        0.1         20 
      DSO D 
     Shares    7,867,247   7,877,527       75.6      5,945       80.7      6,351 
DP67 Shares   11,320,258           -       60.4      6,837          -          - 
     Shares   15,644,066           -       76.1     11,900          -          - 
  General A 
     Shares   18,418,614           -        5.9        926          -          - 
     Shares   10,678,725           -       78.2      8,349          -          - 
   A Shares   12,572,817           -        6.1        652          -          - 
 DP2011 Low 
     Shares    7,575,419           -       91.6      6,942          -          - 
        Net assets per Balance Sheet                45,082                25,915 
   The Directors allocate the assets and liabilities of the Company between 
the DSO Ordinary Shares, DSO A Shares, DSO B Shares, DSO C Shares, DSO D 
Shares, DP67 Shares, DP2011 General Ordinary Shares, DP2011 General A 
Shares, DP2011 Structured Shares, DP2011 Structured A Shares and DP2011 
Low Carbon Shares such that each share class has sufficient net assets 
to represent its dividend and return of capital rights. 
   As the Company has not issued any convertible shares or share options, 
there is no dilutive net asset value per DSO Ordinary Share, per DSO A 
Share, per DSO B Share, per DSO C Share, per DSO D Share, per DP67 Share, 
per DP2011 General Ordinary Share, per DP2011 General A Share, per 
DP2011 Structured Share, per DP2011 Structured A Share or per DP2011 Low 
Carbon Share. The net asset value per share disclosed therefore 
represents both the basic and diluted net asset value per DSO Ordinary 
Share, per DSO A Share, per DSO B Share, per DSO C Share, per DSO D 
Share, per DP67 Share, per DP2011 General Ordinary Share, per DP2011 
General A Share, per DP2011 Structured Share, per DP2011 Structured A 
Share and per DP2011 Low Carbon Share. 
   4. Principal risks 
   The Company's investment activities expose the Company to a number of 
risks associated with financial instruments and the sectors in which the 
Company invests. The principal financial risks arising from the 
Company's operations are: 
   *Market risks; 
   *Credit risk; and 
   *Liquidity risk. 
   The Board regularly reviews these risks and the policies in place for 
managing them. There have been no significant changes to the nature of 
the risks that the Company is exposed to over the year and there have 
also been no significant changes to the policies for managing those 
risks during the year. 
   The risk management policies used by the Company in respect of the 
principal financial risks and a review of the financial instruments held 
at the year end are provided below: 
   Market risks 
   As a VCT, the Company is exposed to investment risks in the form of 
potential losses and gains that may arise on the investments it holds in 
accordance with its investment policy. The management of these market 
risks is a fundamental part of investment activities undertaken by the 
Investment Manager and overseen by the Board. The Manager monitors 
investments through regular contact with management of investee 
companies, regular review of management accounts and other financial 
information and attendance at investee company board meetings. This 
enables the Manager to manage the investment risk in respect of 
individual investments. Investment risk is also mitigated by holding a 
diversified portfolio spread across various business sectors and asset 
   The key market risks to which the Company is exposed are: 
   *Investment price risk; and 
   *Interest rate risk. 
   Investment price risk 
   Investment price risk arises from uncertainty about the future prices 
and valuations of financial instruments held in accordance with the 
Company's investment objectives. It represents the potential loss that 
the Company might suffer through market price movements in respect of 
Structured Products and also changes in the fair value of unquoted 
investments that it holds. 
   The financial information set out in this announcement does not 
constitute the Company's statutory financial statements in accordance 
with section 434 Companies Act 2006 for the year ended 31 March 2016, 
but has been extracted from the statutory financial statements for the 
year ended 31 March 2016 which were approved by the Board of Directors 
on 29 July 2016 and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The 
Independent Auditor's Report on those financial statements was 
unqualified and did not contain any emphasis of matter nor statements 
under s 498(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
   The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2015 have been 
delivered to the Registrar of Companies and received an Independent 
Auditors report which was unqualified and did not contain any emphasis 
of matter nor statements under s 498(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 
   This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on 
behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients. 
   The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely 
responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information 
contained therein. 
   Source: Downing FOUR VCT plc via Globenewswire 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 29, 2016 11:25 ET (15:25 GMT)

Copyright (c) 2016 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
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