Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche AG (ROG.VX) said Friday it intends to commence a cash tender offer for all outstanding publicly-held shares of Genentech at $ 86.50 per share. Roche, which currently owns 55.8% of the Genentech outstanding shares, expects to commence the tender offer within approximately two weeks.

The offer replaces the public proposal made by Roche on July 21, 2008 to acquire all of the publicly-held shares of Genentech at a price of $ 89 per share in cash by means of a negotiated merger. After receiving Roche's original proposal, the Board of Directors of Genentech, with the full support of Roche, created a special committee comprised of independent directors to consider and respond to the Roche proposal. On August 13, 2008, the special committee announced its rejection of Roche's proposal. In light of the lack of progress towards an agreed transaction since then, Roche has now decided to make an offer directly to Genentech shareholders.

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