RNS Number : 3921H

CQS Diversified Fund Limited

16 May 2014

CQS Diversified Fund Limited

Interim Report and Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements

For the period from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014

Financial Highlights

-- Net Asset Value at 31 March 2014 was GBP93.3m, an increase from GBP90.6m at 30 September 2013.

-- Net Asset Value per share rose during the period from GBP1.1114 to GBP1.1478 and from USD1.1063 to USD1.1406 for the Pound Sterling and US Dollar Shares respectively.

-- Net Asset Value growth per share was 3.27% for the Pound Sterling Shares and 3.10% for the US Dollar Shares for the period.

-- Share price discount to Net Asset Value at 31 March 2014 was 4.77% and 3.96% for the Pound Sterling and US Dollar Shares respectively (30 September 2013: 9.35% and 7.80% respectively).

-- Earnings per share for the period was GBP0.0351 and USD0.0095 for the Pound Sterling and US Dollar Shares respectively, which compares to GBP0.0479 and USD0.1021 for the prior period to 31 March 2013.

-- A continuation vote, for both share classes, was held on 4 March 2014. The Sterling class Shareholders voted in favour of the continuation resolution while the US Dollar Shareholders voted against the continuation resolution. On 15 April 2014 the Directors put forward proposals to enable the Qualifying US Dollar Shareholders (Qualifying Shareholders being those who were on the Register as at 5.00 p.m on 4 March 2014) to redeem their US Dollar Shareholdings (the "Redemption Offer"). 98.1% of Qualifying Shareholders elected to take up the redemption offer and will redeem on 1 September 2014 with a valuation determined by the Net Asset Value on 29 August 2014. Given that more than 75% of the US Dollar Shareholders elected to redeem, the class closure conditions have been met and the US Dollar class will be closed.

-- In accordance with the Company's dividend policy as announced in the Shareholders Circular dated 12 February 2014, the Directors will target paying a quarterly dividend of one pence per Sterling Ordinary share. The first such dividend of one pence per share was approved on 16 May 2014 and is payable on 30 July 2014.

-- The Company's advisers are currently exploring opportunities to grow the Company through new share issuance with the objective of attaining net assets of at least GBP100 million by 31 January 2015.

Chairman's Statement

For the period from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014

Since my last communication in February 2014, I am pleased to report that the Company has continued to make progress during the interim period ending 31 March 2014.

During the period, the Company continued to hold substantially all its assets in CQS Diversified Fund (SPC) Limited, Segregated Portfolio Alpha ("DVA"), providing shareholders with exposure to convertibles and credit focused hedge fund strategies managed by CQS. The Underlying Funds are unchanged, comprising of CQS ABS Fund, CQS Asia Fund, CQS Credit Long Short Fund, CQS Convertible and Quantitative Strategies Fund, CQS Directional Opportunities Fund and CQS European Equity Long Short Fund. There have been some material changes to the allocation of investment to the Underlying Funds. Refer to page 7 for an allocation comparison.

At the Company's Class Meetings for the Shares held on 4 March 2014, the Continuation Resolution put to the Shareholders by the Board for the Sterling class was approved but the US Dollar Share class resolution was not passed. As a consequence, the Company published proposals on 15 April 2014 to give US Dollar Shareholders an opportunity to elect to redeem all or part of their Shareholding or, alternatively, to remain invested. 98.1% of the US Dollar Shareholders elected to take up the Redemption Offer and will redeem on 1 September 2014 with a valuation determined by the Net Asset Value on 29 August 2014. Given that more than 75% of the US Dollar Shareholders elected to redeem, the class closure conditions have been met and the US Dollar class will be closed. Upon the conclusion to the Conditional Class Closure Conversion Offer due on 21 May 2014 the remaining US Dollar Shareholders will either convert to the Pound Sterling Share Class or will redeem their holdings on 1 September 2014.

Investment Performance

During the interim period from October 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014, the published Sterling Share NAV (calculated in accordance with the Company's Articles of Association) rose from GBP1.1114 to GBP1.1478, a return of 3.27% for the period. Over the same period, the US Dollar Share NAV rose from USD1.1063 to USD1.1406, a return of 3.10% for the period.

The price of a Pound Sterling Share increased from GBP1.0075 to GBP1.0950 during the period, an appreciation of 8.68%. The price of a US Dollar Share increased from USD1.02 to USD1.10 during the period, an appreciation of 7.60%.

The Pound Sterling and US Dollar Shares ended the period at a discount of 4.77% and 3.96% respectively (30 September 2013: 9.35% and 7.80% respectively). To the extent that the discount level on the Company's Shares continues to narrow, and NAV performance continues to be favourable, the Board and CQS intend to grow the Company through new share issuance at the earliest opportunity.

Further details in relation to the performance of DVA and the Underlying Funds are set out in the report by the Investment Adviser of DVA.


In accordance with the Company's dividend policy as announced in the Shareholders Circular dated 12 February 2014, the Directors will target paying a quarterly dividend of one pence per Sterling Ordinary share. The first such dividend of one pence per share was approved on 16 May 2014 and is payable on 30 July 2014.


The Investment Adviser has informed the Board that it believes the strategies utilised leave the Company well positioned to benefit from potential market volatility and dispersion while at the same time providing dispersion of correlation. The key portfolio themes; capturing positive carry with low duration; exploiting credit and equity market volatility and dispersion: and taking advantage of idiosyncratic opportunities should continue to deliver positive returns to Shareholders.

The Company has announced its first dividend to Shareholders and I believe that a quarterly dividend payment should increase the Company's marketability. The Company's advisers are currently exploring opportunities to grow the Company through new share issuance with the objective of attaining net assets of at least GBP100 million by 31 January 2015.

I look forward to reporting to you again in the annual report and accounts for the year ended 30 September 2014 and would like to express the Board's thanks to all shareholders for their continued support.

Rupert Dorey

All data in this statement is sourced from CQS and Bloomberg.

Investment Policy

For the period from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014

The investment objective of CQS Diversified Fund Limited (the "Company") is to achieve attractive risk-adjusted returns over the medium to long term by primarily investing in convertible and credit-related strategies. The Company will seek to achieve its investment objective by investing substantially all of its assets in CQS Diversified Fund (SPC) Limited - Segregated Portfolio Alpha ("DVA").

DVA is a fund incorporated in the Cayman Islands with an investment objective to generate attractive risk adjusted returns over the medium to long term. DVA seeks to mitigate the risks and volatility associated with investing in individual strategies by constructing a portfolio of underlying funds across a range of strategies (the "DVA Investment Policy"). Investors in the Company participate indirectly in the investment portfolio of DVA.

DVA is currently invested in CQS Convertible and Quantitative Strategies Feeder Fund Limited ("CQS Convertible and Quantitative Strategies Fund"), CQS ABS Feeder Fund Limited ("CQS ABS Fund"), CQS Directional Opportunities Feeder Fund Limited ("CQS Directional Opportunities Fund"), CQS Asia Feeder Fund Limited ("CQS Asia Fund"), CQS Credit Long Short Feeder Fund Limited ("CQS Credit Long Short Fund") and CQS European Equity Long Short Feeder Fund Limited ("CQS European Long Short Fund") (the "Underlying Funds"), all of which are managed by CQS Cayman Limited Partnership and primarily invest in convertible and credit related strategies. The portfolio of Underlying Funds may in the future exclude any or all of the above funds and/or include any other investment fund in which DVA may invest from time to time, whether or not managed by the CQS group.

The Underlying Funds may employ a variety of investment strategies and methodologies including, but not limited to: convertible strategies; fixed income and relative value arbitrage; credit strategies; specialist credit strategies including asset backed securities, structured credit and distressed; long/short, market neutral and quantitative equity strategies; event driven strategies; risk arbitrage; emerging markets; market neutral; multi-strategy; macro; and managed futures. Such strategies may be implemented across local, regional and/or global markets. DVA may invest in newly or recently launched Underlying Funds as an early investor.

DVA's investments may be in regulated and unregulated investment companies, open-ended or closed ended funds, investment trusts and limited partnerships, which may be domiciled in any country. The Underlying Funds and the securities in which they invest may be listed or unlisted, leveraged or unleveraged, rated or unrated and denominated in any currency. CQS (UK) LLP, the Investment Adviser to DVA, currently intends to limit DVA's maximum exposure to any Underlying Fund, at the time of investment, to 40 per cent of DVA's Net Asset Value.

It is intended by CQS (UK) LLP that cash and cash equivalents held by DVA for the purpose of payment of the fees and expenses of DVA and/or for the purpose of facilitating any rebalancing of investments in the Underlying Funds will equal no more than ten per cent of DVA's total assets. DVA may, from time to time, hold additional cash and cash equivalents where DVA considers this appropriate to manage its liquidity.

DVA is able to reallocate between the Underlying Funds on a periodic basis which enables CQS (UK) LLP to manage the risk of DVA itself and exploit investment opportunities. In determining the desired portfolio of investments from time to time, CQS (UK) LLP considers factors in relation to each Underlying Fund including, but not limited to: historic and expected returns, risk-adjusted returns and return volatilities; expected alpha; liquidity terms; correlations between strategies and returns for comparative strategies. Potential risks and returns are qualitative inputs from the senior investment officer, chief investment officers and senior portfolio managers of each of the Underlying Funds captured through a monthly Investment Advisory Committee. Probability adjusted returns of the Underlying Funds are analysed to estimate and assess prospective total return. CQS (UK) LLP uses the above inputs combined with portfolio risk management models and its judgement, to manage the portfolio allocation decisions for DVA towards achieving its investment objectives.

Save for the maximum exposures set out above, the investment policy of DVA does not contain any other constraints on its exposures to the Underlying Funds.

Strategic Report by the Investment Adviser of CQS Diversified Fund (SPC) Limited - Segregated Portfolio Alpha

For the period from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014

CQS Diversified Fund Limited (the "Company") has invested substantially all of its assets into CQS Diversified Fund (SPC) Limited, Segregated Portfolio Alpha (the "DVA Fund"). The following Investment Adviser's Report covers the period since 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014 and has been provided by the Investment Adviser at the invitation of the Directors of the Company. The report is provided as a source of information for shareholders of the Company, and is not attributable to the Company.

Report on the DVA Fund by the Investment Adviser

DVA returned 3.14% to the Class B US Dollar Shares, net to investors, for the six months from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014.

DVA is a portfolio of CQS-managed funds and seeks to generate long-term capital gains while managing the volatility of its returns through diversified investments. It implements a rigorous asset allocation process through a dynamically-managed portfolio of funds with a portfolio construction process based on both qualitative and quantitative techniques. The DVA Fund benefits from CQS' risk management and operational infrastructure platforms.

Over the six months to 31 March 2014, DVA continued to seek to balance risk against reward through the management of allocations to CQS-managed hedge funds in order to achieve its investment objective. Allocations to the Underlying Funds on a look through basis were as follows:

                                        31 March 2014                                  30 Sept 2013 
 Fund                                    (%)                                            (%) 
--------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 CQS ABS Fund                                                         24.8                                       22.1 
--------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 CQS Asia Fund                                                          6.3                                        8.2 
--------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 CQS Convertible and 
  Strategies Fund                                                     25.1                                       25.3 
--------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 CQS Credit Long Short Fund                                             9.9                                      17.0 
--------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 CQS Directional Opportunities 
  Fund                                                                28.2                                       25.1 
--------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 CQS European Distressed Fund                                           0.0                                        0.4 
--------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 CQS European Equity Long Short 
  Fund                                                                  5.6                                        1.8 
--------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
 Other non financial assets                                             0.1                                        0.1 
--------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 

The benefits of DVA's portfolio diversification and multi-strategy approach continued to be demonstrated in the six months ended 31 March 2014. DVA generated returns in line with its longer-term performance target along with contained volatility and low correlation to risk assets. There were gains recorded during the period as five of the Underlying Funds, the CQS ABS Fund, the CQS Asia Fund, the CQS Convertible and Quantitative Strategies Fund, the CQS Directional Opportunities Fund, and the CQS European Equity Long Short Fund advanced. These profits more than offset the modest losses that were incurred by the CQS Credit Long Short Fund. The CQS European Distressed Fund closed all of its positions over the course of August 2013 and a full redemption paid out to DVA in October 2013.

Across the DVA Fund, the Structured Credit strategy from the CQS Directional Opportunities Fund (excluding any ABS strategies) posted the largest contribution to gains on an absolute basis, benefiting from tightening in credit markets, roll-down and decreasing correlation. Some losses were incurred on initial bid/offer spreads arising out of new trades that made were over the period under review.

The CQS ABS Bond strategies also contributed positively to DVA returns over the period, with the majority of gains generated in US residential mortgage backed securities ("RMBS") strategies. In US ABS markets, the ABX 2006-2 AAA Index (an index of 20 2006 vintage senior subprime tranches) rose from 72.3 at the start of the period under review, to close at 78.5. The US RMBS portfolio's returns included profits from Wrapped, Pay Option ARMs, Subprime, Alt-A, Second Liens and Agency Credit strategies. Student Loans strategies also advanced, while gains were only partially offset by modest losses in hedged financial and monoline credit ex-financial positions. There were also smaller positive returns from European RMBS and commercial mortgage backed securities ("CMBS").

Despite enduring periods of volatility in high yield, emerging markets, currencies and equities, the ABS market performed well over the period under review and appears to be robust from a technical perspective. During the period under review, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners ("NAIC"), the entity which rates bonds for insurance companies, updated its model, a move which saw insurance companies continuing to deploy further capital. Progress has also been made in respect of FGIC and Ambac's monoline situations, which could prove beneficial in the forthcoming months. In addition, comfort levels in European investment continued to increase, particularly in commercial property, both in equity and debt. At the end of the period, the European Commission ("EC") released a paper on the Long-Term Financing of the European Economy. Encouragingly, the EC commented that they will work on the differentiation of high-quality securitisations, and explore preferential regulatory treatment.

The ABS market shrank over the period and new investors continued to be attracted to the asset class, providing further technical support.

The Fund's exposure to Convertible strategies provided a positive contribution to performance during the period under review. In the CQS Convertible and Quantitative Strategies Fund, gains were led by European convertibles, with similar profits posted in the North American portfolio. Japanese convertibles advanced modestly, but the broader Asia portfolio posted losses as Asia ex-Japan convertibles fell. In the CQS Convertible and Quantitative Strategies Fund's European portfolio, Nokia was the stand-out performer, benefiting from the sale of its handset business to Microsoft prior to the opening of the period under review. Nokia posted the largest individual contribution to the Underlying Funds' returns over the period. In addition, February's new issue of small-cap industrial Maire Tecnimont 5.75% 2019 posted notable gains. The Convertible team believes the company has an improving credit profile and no meaningful debt repayments over the next 14 months. Gains were mitigated by losses in exploration and development miner Northland Resources.

CQS Convertible and Quantitative Strategies Fund's North American convertibles posted gains over the period. The issue of Trulia generated the most significant gains over the period under review. At the time of its issue in December 2013, the Convertible team believed it was one of the most attractively priced issues it had seen in a considerable time. The position subsequently richened and additionally benefited from a successful investor day which saw upgraded price targets from several analysts. Profits were partially offset by losses on index hedges.

Asian convertibles in the CQS Convertible and Quantitative Strategies Fund fell over the period under review. While the Japanese sub-portfolio advanced, buoyed by profits from game developer Square Enix, the broader Asia portfolio struggled against a backdrop of regional weakness and a dearth of quality new issuance. Gains in the Japanese portfolio were more than offset by losses across the region.

Similarly, after relatively robust performance at the start of the period under review, Convertible strategies in the CQS Asia Fund also struggled over its remainder given the ongoing issues in the region. Positive contributions to Fund performance from the CQS Directional Opportunities Fund's exposure to convertibles were not significant.

Equity strategies generated gains for DVA over the period, with the CQS Directional Opportunities Fund's equity sub-strategies contributing the most. This followed robust performance in the first half of the period under review from the CQS Directional Opportunities Fund's long positions in UK mobile telephone operators and insurers. The exposure to the European high-conviction equity long/short positions also contributed to overall positive Fund performance. Performance in February was strong, boosted by the long book and the Equity Long Short strategy's selective exposure to countries on the periphery. However, having posted gains for five consecutive months during the period under review, profits generated by the Equity Long Short strategy were moderated by losses in what was a challenging month of March for equity strategies in general. Equity exposure in the CQS Asia Fund made modest contributions to DVA in absolute terms, also posting gains in all but the final month of the period under review.

Distressed strategies recorded smaller profits, with contributions to the Fund over the period under review attributable to CQS Directional Opportunities Fund's distressed portfolio. The majority of gains were generated in the first half of the period, most notably from the CQS Directional Opportunities Fund's long positions in a US-based energy company. Gains were also generated later in the period by a specialty chemicals company, although performance in the distressed portfolio was more muted in 2014.

Macro strategies made small positive contributions to DVA with modest profits from the CQS Directional Opportunities Fund, which benefited from the long US Dollar positions against the Australian dollar and Japanese yen towards the end of 2013. Gains from the CQS Asia Fund's Macro strategies and losses from those of the CQS Convertible and Quantitative Strategies Fund were marginal.

DVA's volatility strategies posted marginal losses which were attributable to the CQS Asia Fund.

Vanilla Credit strategies detracted from overall DVA gains in the period under review, as credit spreads continued to tighten over the period. The Vanilla Credit sub-portfolio within the CQS Directional Opportunities Fund, which is positioned as a short-credit portfolio of liquid CDS and index positions, was the primary driver of short-credit losses. Negative returns were broadly attributable to performance in the first half of the period, with positions in Europe suffering in particular. A brief period of respite early in 2014 partially reversed some of these losses, but spreads resumed their tightening into the period end and short Vanilla Credit strategies continued to suffer. The pattern was reflected within DVA's exposure to the CQS Credit Long Short Fund, with January providing the only pause in a series of monthly losses.

The CQS Credit Long Short Fund's North American High Yield sub-portfolio posted profits over the period, the bulk of which came at a time when speculation over the Fed's plans for asset purchase tapering was gathering momentum. These gains were more than offset by Investment Grade and High Yield sub-portfolios in Europe, as well as Investment Grade strategies in the US. As investor appetite for risk increased over the period, peripheral and emerging market short positions in the European High Yield portfolio were particularly detrimental to DVA returns in the first half of the period under review. The CQS Credit Long Short Fund's European High Yield portfolio posted the largest losses on an absolute basis.

Adjustments were made to Fund allocations during the period under review. In particular, the Fund's allocation to the CQS ABS Fund, CQS Directional Opportunities Fund and CQS European Equity Long Short Fund increased, while allocations to the CQS Asia Fund, the CQS Convertible and Quantitative Strategies Fund and the CQS Credit Long Short Fund decreased. Overall, the balanced positioning of the Fund has been maintained.

The Fund's balanced positioning was maintained over the period under review, with a focus on our key portfolio themes: capturing positive carry with low duration; exploiting credit and equity market volatility and dispersion; and taking advantage of idiosyncratic opportunities, especially as political and regulatory intervention adds to the opportunity set. The weighting of the equity long short strategy, which was added to the Fund in July 2013, has been materially added to from 1 January 2014. The strategy has delivered positive, uncorrelated returns and we believe that Europe remains a region rich in dispersion and mispriced assets. We anticipate increased levels of corporate activity, with a pick-up in both recapitalisations and capital returns. DVA's exposure to ABS was also increased, driven partly by the opportunities that the ABS team saw in European CMBS, but also the apparent strong fundamentals in the market. The CQS Credit Long Short Fund weighting was reduced to reflect the current moderated directionality of the CQS Directional Opportunities Fund as we believe there is less of a need for an anti-correlating strategy. The CQS Convertible and Quantitative Strategies Fund weighting was also reduced modestly. We therefore remain confident in the DVA Fund's ability to deliver positive returns in the coming months.

All market data sourced from Bloomberg

Report of the Directors

For the period from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014

The Directors present their interim report and unaudited condensed interim financial statements of CQS Diversified Fund Limited (the "Company") for the period from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014.

The Company

The Company is a closed-ended company incorporated in Guernsey on 27 October 2010. The Company's shares were admitted to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority with a premium listing on 15 December 2010. On the same day, trading of the Pound Sterling and US Dollar Ordinary Shares commenced on the London Stock Exchange.

Principal Activities

The principal activity of the Company is to achieve attractive risk-adjusted returns over the medium to long term by primarily investing in convertible and credit related strategies. The Company seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing substantially all of its assets in DVA. The investment strategy is provided in the Strategic Report by the Investment Adviser of CQS Diversified Fund (SPC) Limited - Segregated Portfolio Alpha.

Results and Dividends

No dividends were paid during the period, however in accordance with the Company's dividend policy as announced in the Shareholders Circular dated 12 February 2014, the Directors will target paying a quarterly dividend of one pence per Sterling Ordinary share. The first such dividend of one pence per share was approved on 16 May 2014 and is payable on 30 July 2014.

Share Capital

At various dates from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014 shareholders owning 9,383,613 Pound Sterling Ordinary Shares converted them into 15,501,068 US Dollar Ordinary Shares.

A continuation vote, for both share classes, was held on 4 March 2014. The Sterling class Shareholders voted in favour of the continuation resolution while the US Dollar Shareholders voted against the continuation resolution. On 15 April 2014 the Directors put forward proposals to enable the US Dollar Shareholders redeem their US Dollar Shareholdings (the "Redemption Offer"). 98.1% of US Dollar Shareholders elected to take up the Redemption Offer and will redeem on 1 September 2014 with a valuation determined by the Net Asset Value on 29 August 2014. Given that more than 75% of the Shareholders elected to redeem, the class closure conditions have been met and the US Dollar class will be closed. Upon the conclusion to the Conditional Class Closure Conversion Offer due on 21 May 2014 the remaining US Dollar Shareholders will either convert to the Pound Sterling Share Class or will redeem their holdings on 1 September 2014.

Going Concern

On 12 February 2014 the Company issued a circular to investors stating that in the event that the Company is unable to grow its Net Asset Value to GBP100m by 31 January 2015 (the "Minimum AUM"), the Directors intend to put forward proposals to enable the Shareholders to realise their holdings at, or close to, Net Asset Value by means of a reconstruction or winding-up of the Company.

On 16 May 2014, 98.1% of the US Dollar Shareholders have elected to take up the Redemption Offer proposed by the Directors and will redeem their shares on 1 September 2014 at a valuation determined by the Net Asset Value on 29 August 2014. As the assets will be realised in an orderly manner to meet the Redemption Offer, no adjustments have been made to their carrying value at the reporting date.

The Directors have assessed the information currently available to them regarding the factors which may affect the Company growing to the Minimum AUM and in summary:

-- the current Net Asset Value of the Company is GBP93.3m and will reduce to an estimated GBP80.6m following the Redemption Offer (This is an estimated Net Asset Value based upon valuation of the US Dollar Class at 31 March 2014. The redemptions will be based upon the Net Asset Value on 29 August 2014),

-- The Directors are actively reviewing the options available to the Company to raise additional capital in the second half of 2014, and

-- the discount on the Pound Sterling Shares has narrowed over the last 6 months from 6.56% at 30 September 2013 to 4.77% at 31 March 2014 and as at the most recent calculation point of the discount management provision (6 May 2014) is 4.86% (the US Dollar Share discount has narrowed from 7.80% at 30 September 2013 to 3.96% at 31 March 2014 and as at the 6 May 2014 is 3.24%).

Notwithstanding the material uncertainty mentioned above the Directors consider that the Company has adequate financial resources and believe that the Company is well placed to manage its business risks successfully and to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.

The Directors are therefore satisfied that it is appropriate to prepare the unaudited condensed interim financial statements on the going concern basis.


All the Directors were appointed initially on 27 October 2010 and act in an independent non-executive capacity. They are listed on page 3 and their details are provided on page 13. As at 31 March 2014 and the date of the report, the Directors, their close relatives and related trusts, held the following beneficial interests in the Company:

                31 March 2014  30 September 2013 
-------------  --------------  ----------------- 
Rupert Dorey   300,000 shares   300,000 shares 
-------------  --------------  ----------------- 
Stephen East   50,000 shares     50,000 shares 
-------------  --------------  ----------------- 
Sarah Evans    25,000 shares     25,000 shares 
-------------  --------------  ----------------- 
John de Garis  10,000 shares     10,000 shares 
-------------  --------------  ----------------- 

Substantial Shareholdings

The Directors have been notified of the following substantial interests in the Company:

                                               31 March 2014                                16 May 2014 
-------------------------------  ------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------- 
                                       Number                                      Number 
                                        of                Percentage                of                Percentage 
-------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Shareholder                                  Shares                   Held               Shares                   Held 
-------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Royal Bank of Canada                     23,099,050                 25.58 %          23,099,050                25.58 % 
-------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Schroders plc/Cazenove Capital 
 Management Limited                      20,996,610                 23.25 %          17,374,392                19.24 % 
-------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------------- 
BNP Paribas Arbitrage SNC                 8,037,938                  8.90 %          10,155,759                11.25 % 
-------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------------- 
Weiss Asset Management LP                 4,963,981                  5.50 %           9,071,090                10.04 % 
-------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------------- 

It is the responsibility of shareholders to notify the Company of any changes to their shareholding when it reaches 5% of shares in issue and any other notifiable changes thereafter.

Related Party Transactions

Transactions entered into by the Company with related parties are disclosed in note 5.

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

-- The principal market risk arises from uncertainty about the future progress of the Company's investments. This is discussed in note 13.

-- The Board is responsible for the Company's system of internal controls and for reviewing its effectiveness. The Board also monitors the investment limits and restrictions as set out in the Company's Investment Policy.

-- There is the possibility of the Company not achieving the Minimum AUM by 31 January 2015 which represents a material uncertainty which casts a significant doubt as to the likelihood of the Company continuing as a going concern.

Corporate Governance

On 30 September 2011 the Guernsey Financial Services Commission ("GFSC") issued a new Code of Corporate Governance ("GFSC Code") which came into effect on 1 January 2012. The GFSC Code replaces the previous GFSC document entitled "Guidance on Corporate Governance in the Finance Sector". The GFSC Code provides a framework which applies to all companies which hold a licence from the GFSC under the regulatory laws or which are registered or authorised as collective investment schemes. Companies reporting against the UK Corporate Governance Code 2012 (the "Code") or the AIC Companies Code of Corporate Governance ("AIC code") are deemed to comply with the GFSC Code.

The Board has agreed to comply with the AIC code, the Financial Reporting Council has confirmed compliance with the AIC code is equivalent to compliance with the Code The AIC Code, as explained by the AIC Guide, addresses all the principles set out in the Code, as well as setting out additional principles and recommendations on issues that are of specific relevance to the Company and will provide better information to shareholders. The Board recognises the value of the AIC Code and has taken appropriate measures to ensure that the Company complies with the AIC Code so far as is possible, given the Company's size and nature of business.

The Company is required to comply with the UK Financial Conduct Authority's ("FCA") Listing Rule 9.8.7 which includes a requirement that the Company "comply or explain" against the Code. The Company has complied with the AIC Code and therefore the Code throughout the period under review with the exception of the following areas of non-compliance:

   --      there is no chief executive position; and 
   --      there is no internal audit function. 

As a self-managed investment company with a non-executive board, the Company has no employees and therefore no requirement for a chief executive. The Company considers that there is no need to have an internal audit function as all the Directors are non-executive and the Company's administration functions have been delegated to independent third parties. The Audit Committee evaluates the need for an internal audit function on an annual basis.

The Directors have determined that the Company will be a self managed Alternative Investment Manager under the Alternative Investment Managers Directive ("AIFMD"). Registration is to follow in due course.

Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors by:

Rupert Dorey Sarah Evans

Chairman Director

Date: 16 May 2014

Board Members

 Rupert Dorey* (Chairman) (aged              Sarah Evans* (aged 58) is a Chartered 
  54) has over 30 years of experience         Accountant and is a director 
  in financial markets, specialising          of several other listed investment 
  in credit related products,                 funds, as well as the Guernsey 
  including derivative instruments.           subsidiary of a global bank and 
  Mr Dorey's expertise is principally         an unlisted fund of hedge funds. 
  in the areas of debt distribution,          Mrs Evans spent over six years 
  origination and trading, covering           with the Barclays Bank plc group 
  all types of debt from investment           from 1994 to 2001. During that 
  grade to high yield and distressed          time she was a treasury director 
  debt. He was at Credit Suisse               and from 1996 to 1998 she was 
  First Boston ("CSFB") for 17                Finance Director of Barclays 
  years from 1988 until May 2005.             Mercantile, where she was responsible 
  He held a number of positions               for all aspects of financial 
  at CSFB, including establishing             control and operational risk 
  CSFB's high yield debt distribution         management. Prior to joining 
  business in Europe, fixed income            Barclays Mrs Evans ran her own 
  credit product co-ordinator                 consultancy business advising 
  for European offices and head               financial institutions on all 
  of UK Credit and Rates Sales.               aspects of securitisation. From 
  For the past nine years, Mr                 1982 to 1988 Mrs Evans was with 
  Dorey has been acting as a non-executive    Kleinwort Benson, latterly as 
  director to a number of hedge               Head of Group Finance. She is 
  funds, infrastructure funds                 a member of the Institute of 
  and private equity funds. Mr                Directors and is resident in 
  Dorey is a member of the Institute          Guernsey. 
  of Directors and is a resident 
  of Guernsey. He is President 
  of the Guernsey Chamber of Commerce. 
------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
   Stephen East (aged 56) was formerly         John de Garis (aged 48) joined 
   Finance Director of Woolworths              Edmond de Rothschild in September 
   Group plc from 2005 to 2008,                2008 as Chief Investment Officer, 
   prior to which he was Finance               based in Guernsey. This appointment 
   Director of MEPC plc. He has                followed a tenure at Credit Suisse 
   also held non-executive directorships       Asset Management in London, where 
   at Star Energy Group plc and                since 2001 he was Head of European 
   Regus Group plc. Earlier in                 and Sterling Fixed Income, since 
   his career, he worked at Redland            2004, as a Managing Director. 
   plc where he held a variety                 Mr de Garis completed a Higher 
   of positions including Group                Diploma in Business and Finance 
   Treasurer, having joined the                at Richmond College before starting 
   business from Binder Hamlyn                 his City career at Provident 
   where he qualified as a Chartered           Mutual in 1987. He later joined 
   Accountant. Mr East is currently            MAP Fund Managers where he gained 
   the senior independent director             experience managing passive equity 
   of Local Shopping REIT plc and              funds, MAP was subsequently bought 
   a non-executive director of                 by Credit Suisse. Mr de Garis 
   Marwyn Management Partners plc              is a Director of Edmond de Rothschild 
   Genesis Housing Association                 Asset Management (CI) Limited, 
   Limited and Snoozebox Holdings              a member of the Chartered Institute 
   plc. He is also a member and                for Securities and Investment 
   former President of the Association         and is resident in Guernsey. 
   of Corporate Treasurers. Mr 
   East is the senior independent 
   director of the Company and 
   is resident in the UK. 
------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 

All four Directors have served as directors of the Company since its launch on 15 December 2010.

*Rupert Dorey and Sarah Evans share common board directorships on HarbourVest Senior Loans Europe Ltd and Celadon Fund PCC Ltd.

The Company's website contains a list of other listed companies of which the Directors are board members.

Statement of Directors' Responsibilities

For the period from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014

The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge:

-- these unaudited condensed interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standards (IAS) 34 Interim Financial Reporting and give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit; and

-- the Chairman's Statement, the Strategic Report by the Investment Adviser of CQS Diversified Fund (SPC) Limited - Segregated Portfolio Alpha and the Report of the Directors provide a fair review of the information required by:

(a) DTR 4.2.7 of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of important events that have occurred during the first part of the current financial year and their impact on these unaudited condensed interim financial statements; and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and

(b) DTR 4.2.8 of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party transactions that have taken place in the first part of the current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the Company during that period.

Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors by:

Rupert Dorey Sarah Evans

Chairman Director

Date: 16 May 2014

Unaudited Interim Statement of Financial Position

as at 31 March 2014

(expressed in Pound Sterling)

31 March 2014 closing USD exchange 
 rate used: 1.66635 (30 September 
 2013: 1.61880)                                                       31 March 2014                                                       30 September 2013 (audited) 
-------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------   -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                 Note                    GBP                    USD                                                     GBP                    USD 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
                                                       Class                  Class                           Total                   Class                  Class                   Total 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Current assets 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents                            110,541                 75,081                         185,622                  24,561                 51,473                  76,034 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Other assets and prepaid 
 expenses                                              7,229                  1,423                           8,652                  31,346                  1,722                  33,068 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Non-current assets 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Financial assets at fair value 
 through profit or loss           3               77,874,878             15,271,967                      93,146,845              85,870,556              4,667,872              90,538,428 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Total Assets                                      77,992,648             15,348,471                      93,341,119              85,926,463              4,721,067              90,647,530 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Current Liabilities 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Payables and accrued expenses     8                 (55,186)               (10,860)                        (66,046)                (31,198)                (1,714)                (32,912) 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Total Liabilities                                   (55,186)               (10,860)                        (66,046)                (31,198)                (1,714)                (32,912) 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Total Net Assets                                  77,937,462             15,337,611                      93,275,073              85,895,265              4,719,353              90,614,618 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Other reserves                    12              66,199,071             14,973,385                      81,172,456              76,745,598              4,426,858              81,172,456 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Retained earnings                                 11,738,391                364,226                      12,102,617               9,149,667                292,495               9,442,162 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Total Shareholders' funds                         77,937,462             15,337,611                      93,275,073              85,895,265              4,719,353              90,614,618 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Ordinary Shares in issue          11              67,902,492             22,406,466                               -              77,286,105              6,905,398 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Net Asset Value per Ordinary 
 Share                                         GBP1.1478             USD1.1406                                                GBP1.1114             USD1.1063 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------  ----------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 

These unaudited condensed interim financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 16 May 2014.

Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors by:

Rupert Dorey Sarah Evans

Chairman Director

Date: 16 May 2014

Unaudited Interim Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the period from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014

(expressed in Pound Sterling)

31 March 2014 average USD exchange 
 rate used: 1.63703 (31 March 2013:                      From 1 October 2013 to 31 March                                            From 1 October 2012 to 31 March 
 1.58007)                                                              2014                                                                       2013 
------------------------------------   --------------------------------------------------------------------  ---  -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                 Note                    GBP                    USD                                                 GBP                    USD 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
                                                       Class                  Class                   Total                       Class                  Class                   Total 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Net gain on financial assets at 
 fair value through profit or 
 loss                             3                2,788,825                 97,239               2,886,064                   3,907,341                524,594               4,431,935 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Net foreign exchange 
 on other assets and 
 liabilities                                         (7,653)                (1,227)                 (8,880)                     (2,324)                  1,912                   (412) 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Interest income                                           22                      3                      25                          50                      2                      52 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Total Income                                       2,781,194                 96,015               2,877,209                   3,905,067                526,508               4,431,575 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Directors' fees                   5                   59,874                  7,626                  67,500                      63,960                  3,540                  67,500 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Administration fees               7                   31,933                  4,067                  36,000                      34,113                  1,887                  36,000 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Audit and assurance fees                              12,714                  1,619                  14,333                      11,692                    642                  12,334 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Professional fees                 9                   65,752                  8,123                  73,875                      93,363                  5,206                  98,569 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Other expenses                                        22,197                  2,849                  25,046                      24,335                  1,354                  25,689 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Total Expenses                                       192,470                 24,284                 216,754                     227,463                 12,629                 240,092 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Net income for the period                          2,588,724                 71,731               2,660,455                   3,677,604                513,879               4,191,483 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Total comprehensive income for 
 the period                                        2,588,724                 71,731               2,660,455                   3,677,604                513,879               4,191,483 
-------------------------------  ----  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Earnings per share for the period 
--------------------------------------      -------------------------  -----------------  -------------------------  ----------------- 
Basic and diluted In Pound Sterling     10          GBP0.0351                  GBP0.0057          GBP0.0479                  GBP0.0672 
--------------------------------------      -------------------------  -----------------  -------------------------  ----------------- 
                               In US 
                               Dollars  10                          -         USD0.0095                           -         USD0.1021 
--------------------------------------      -------------------------  -----------------  -------------------------  ----------------- 

All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations.

Unaudited Interim Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity

For the period from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014

(expressed in Pound Sterling)

31 March 2014 closing USD exchange 
 rate used: 1.66635 (31 March 2013: 
---------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
From 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014                       GBP                    USD 
---------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
                                                         Class                  Class                   Total 
---------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Total Shareholders' funds at beginning 
 of period                                          85,895,265              4,719,353              90,614,618 
---------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Conversion of shares                              (10,546,527)             10,546,527                       - 
---------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Net comprehensive income for the 
 period                                              2,588,724                 71,731               2,660,455 
---------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Total Shareholders' funds at end 
 of period                                          77,937,462             15,337,611              93,275,073 
---------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
From 1 October 2012 to 31 March 2013                       GBP                    USD 
---------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
                                                         Class                  Class                   Total 
---------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Total Shareholders' funds at beginning 
 of period                                          77,322,496              7,575,595              84,898,091 
---------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Conversion of shares                                 3,264,853            (3,264,853)                       - 
---------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Net comprehensive income for the 
 period                                              3,677,604                513,879               4,191,483 
---------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 
Total Shareholders' funds at end 
 of period                                          84,264,953              4,824,621              89,089,574 
---------------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------- 

Unaudited Interim Statement of Cash Flows

For the period from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014

(expressed in Pound Sterling)

USD exchange rates used are 
to the date of the respective                       From 1 October 2013 to 31 March                                             From 1 October 2012 to 31 March 
cashflow                                                          2014                                                                        2013 
-------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------  ---  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                    GBP                    USD                                                 GBP                     USD 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
                                                  Class                  Class                   Total                       Class                   Class                    Total 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
Cash flows from operating 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
Total comprehensive income for 
 the period                                   2,588,724                 71,731               2,660,455                   3,677,604                 513,879                4,191,483 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
Adjustment to reconcile total 
comprehensive income for the 
to net cash provided by 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
     Movement in financial 
      at fair value through 
      profit or 
      loss                                  (2,550,849)               (57,568)             (2,608,417)                 (3,661,690)               (466,742)              (4,128,432) 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
     Movement in other assets 
      prepaid expenses                           24,117                    299                  24,416                      26,515                   3,186                   29,701 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
     Movement in other payables 
      accrued expenses                           23,988                  9,146                  33,134                    (15,874)                 (2,696)                 (18,570) 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
Net cash provided by operating 
 activities                                      85,980                 23,608                 109,588                      26,555                  47,627                   74,182 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
Net increase in cash and cash 
 equivalents                                     85,980                 23,608                 109,588                      26,555                  47,627                   74,182 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at 
 of period                                       24,561                 51,473                  76,034                      20,240                   8,497                   28,737 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end 
 of period                                      110,541                 75,081                 185,622                      46,795                  56,124                  102,919 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
Supplemental disclosure of cash 
 flow information 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
Cash flows from operating 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
Interest received during the 
 period                                              22                      3                      25                          50                       2                       52 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
Supplemental disclosure of non 
 cash flow information 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
Non cash exchange of financial 
 assets at fair value through 
 and loss                                    10,546,527           (10,546,527)                       -                 (3,264,853)               3,264,853                        - 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
Non cash exchange of US Dollar 
 Shares for Pound Sterling 
 Shares                                               -                      -                       -                   4,055,247             (4,055,247)                        - 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
Non cash exchange of Pound 
 Shares for US Dollar Shares               (10,546,527)             10,546,527                       -                   (790,394)                 790,394                        - 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 
                                                      -                      -                       -                           -                       -                        - 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  ---  ---------------------   ---------------------   ---------------------- 

Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements

For the period from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014

   1.    General information 

CQS Diversified Fund Limited (the "Company"), is a self-managed closed-ended investment company incorporated and domiciled in Guernsey with an unlimited life under registered number 52551. The Company was incorporated on 27 October 2010 and is a registered closed-ended investment scheme pursuant to the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1987, as amended, and The Registered Collective Investment Scheme Rules 2008 issued by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission.

The investment objective of the Company is to achieve attractive risk-adjusted returns over the medium to long term by primarily investing in convertible and credit-related strategies. The Company seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing substantially all of its assets in CQS Diversified Fund (SPC) Limited - Segregated Portfolio Alpha ("DVA").

DVA is a segregated portfolio company incorporated in the Cayman Islands with an investment objective to generate attractive risk adjusted returns over the medium to long term. DVA seeks to mitigate the risks and volatility associated with investing in individual strategies by constructing a portfolio of Underlying Funds across a range of strategies (the "DVA Investment Policy"). Investors in the Company participate indirectly in the investment portfolio of DVA.

The Pound Sterling Shares and US Dollar Shares are listed on the official list of the UK Listing Authority and traded on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange.

The Company has no employees and is administrated by Citco Fund Services (Guernsey) Limited.

   2.    Summary of significant accounting policies 

The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these unaudited condensed interim financial statements (the "financial statements") are set out below. These policies have been consistently applied unless otherwise stated.

   (a)     Basis of preparation 

These financial statements for the six months ended 31 March 2014 have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, "Interim Financial Reporting". These financial statements do not include all the information and disclosure required in the annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended 30 September 2013, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS").

The audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended 30 September 2013 are available upon request from the Company's registered office at 3rd Floor, NatWest House, LeTruchot, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1WD and are also available from the Company's website.

The comparative information is for the six months to 31 March 2013.

The financial statements have been prepared on a historic cost basis except for financial assets, which are designated at fair value through profit or loss.

New standards, interpretations and amendments adopted by the Company

   --      IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement 

IFRS 13 established a single source of guidance under IFRS for all fair value measurements. IFRS 13 does not change when an entity is required to use fair value, but rather provides guidance on how to measure fair value under IFRS when fair value is required or permitted. The application of IFRS 13 has not materially impacted the fair value measurements carried out by the Company.

The following standards, interpretations and amendments are effective for the period from 1 October 2013 with no impact on the Company's financial statements.

   --      IFRS 10 Consolidated financial statements 
   --      IFRS 12 Disclosures of interest in other entities 
   --      IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements (as revised in 2011) 
   --      IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures (as revised in 2011) 
   (b)     Going concern 

On 12 February 2014 the Company issued a circular to investors that in the event that the Company is unable to grow its Net Asset Value to GBP100m by 31 January 2015 (the "Minimum AUM"), the Directors intend to put forward proposals to enable the Shareholders to realise their holdings at, or close to, Net Asset Value by means of a reconstruction or winding-up of the Company.

On 16 May 2014, 98.1% of the US Dollar Shareholders have elected to take up the Redemption Offer proposed by the Directors and will redeem their shares on 1 September 2014 at a valuation determined by the Net Asset Value on 29 August 2014. As the assets will be realised in an orderly manner to meet the Redemption Offer, no adjustments have been made to their carrying value at the reporting date.

The possibility of the Company not achieving the Minimum AUM by 31 January 2015 represents a material uncertainty which may cast a significant doubt as to the likelihood of the Company continuing as a going concern. The Directors have assessed the information currently available to them regarding the factors which may affect the Company growing to the Minimum AUM and in summary:

1. the current Net Asset Value of the Company is GBP93.3m and will reduce to an estimated GBP80.6m following the Redemption Offer (This is an estimated Net Asset Value based upon valuation of the US Dollar Class at 31 March 2014. The redemptions will be based upon the Net Asset Value on 29 August 2014),

2. the Directors are actively reviewing the options available to the Company to raise additional capital in the second half of 2014, and

3. the discount on the Pound Sterling Shares has narrowed over the last 6 months from 6.56% at 30 September 2013 to 4.77% at 31 March 2014 and as at the most recent calculation point of the discount management provision (6 May 2014) is 4.86% (the US Dollar Share discount has narrowed from 7.80% at 30 September 2013 to 3.96% at 31 March 2014 and as at the 6 May 2014 is 3.26%).

Notwithstanding the material uncertainty mentioned above the Directors consider that the Company has adequate financial resources and believe that the Company is well placed to manage its business risks successfully and to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.

The Directors are therefore satisfied that it is appropriate to prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis.

   (c)     Foreign currency translation 

(i) Functional and presentation currency

The financial statements are prepared in Pound Sterling ("GBP"). The functional currency of the Company is also considered to be GBP because that is the primary economic environment in which the Company has raised the majority of its capital.

The following exchange rates were used:

                                      30 September 
                       31 March 2014          2013  31 March 2013 
---------------------  -------------  ------------  ------------- 
US Dollar versus GBP         1.66635       1.61880        1.51895 
---------------------  -------------  ------------  ------------- 
   (d)     Operating segments 

The Directors are of the opinion that as the Company is solely engaged in investing in DVA, therefore the Company is reported as one operating segment.

   3.    Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 

31 March 2014

(expressed in Pound Sterling)

                                                        GBP                        USD                      Total 
----------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Financial assets at fair value 
 through profit or loss                                Class                     Class                      GBP 
----------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Investment in unlisted investment 
 funds                                            77,874,878                15,271,967                 93,146,845 
----------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Financial assets at fair value 
 through profit or loss                           77,874,878                15,271,967                 93,146,845 
----------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 

30 September 2013

(expressed in Pound Sterling)

                                                        GBP                        USD                      Total 
----------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Financial assets at fair value 
 through profit or loss                                Class                     Class                      GBP 
----------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Investment in unlisted investment 
 funds                                            85,870,556                 4,667,872                 90,538,428 
----------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Financial assets at fair value 
 through profit or loss                           85,870,556                 4,667,872                 90,538,428 
----------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 

31 March 2014

(expressed in Pound Sterling)

Gain on financial assets at 
 fair value through                                  GBP                        USD                      Total 
-------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
profit or loss                                      Class                     Class                      GBP 
-------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Realised gain                                   1,452,449                    94,982                  1,547,431 
-------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Unrealised gain                                 1,336,376                     2,257                  1,338,633 
-------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Total gain on financial assets                  2,788,825                    97,239                  2,866,064 
-------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 

31 March 2013

(expressed in Pound Sterling)

Gain on financial assets at 
 fair value through                                  GBP                        USD                      Total 
-------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
profit or loss                                      Class                     Class                      GBP 
-------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Realised gain                                      92,247                   165,168                    257,415 
-------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Unrealised gain                                 3,815,094                   359,426                  4,174,520 
-------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Total gain on financial assets                  3,907,341                   524,594                  4,431,935 
-------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 

Fair value measurement

The Company is required to classify fair value measurements using a fair value hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in making the measurements. The hierarchy gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1 measurement) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3 measurements). The fair value hierarchy has the following levels:

-- Level 1 - Quoted (unadjusted) market prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.

-- Level 2 - Valuation techniques (for which the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement is directly or indirectly observable).

-- Level 3 - Valuation techniques (for which the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement is unobservable).

The Company generally uses the NAV of each Underlying Fund reported by the Underlying Fund administrators as the primary inputs to its valuation; however adjustments to the reported NAV may be made based on various factors, including, but not limited to, the attributes of the interest held, including the rights and obligations, and any restrictions or illiquidity on such interests, and the fair value of the Underlying Fund's investment portfolio or other assets and liabilities. As at 31 March 2014 no such adjustments were made (30 September 2013: none).

The level in the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement is categorised is based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement. However, the determination of what constitutes "observable" requires significant judgement by the Company. The Company considers observable data to be that market data which is readily available, regularly distributed or updated, reliable and verifiable, not proprietary, and provided by multiple, independent sources that are actively involved in the relevant market.

The categorisation of a fund within the hierarchy is based upon the pricing transparency of that fund and does not necessarily correspond to the risks or underlying levels of that fund.

The Company's investments have been classified as Level 2 due to the pricing transparency and the monthly dealing frequency of DVA. The Company generally does not hold any investments that could be classified as Level 1, as quoted prices are typically not available.

There were no transfers between levels during the period (30 September 2013: none).

   4.    Fair value 

In addition to the financial assets held at fair value (refer to note 3), the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities are equal to their fair values.

   5.    Related parties 

A party is considered to be related if that party has the ability to control the Company or exercise significant influence over the Company.

The Company considers the Board of Directors of the Company and the Investment Manager and the Investment Adviser to DVA to be related parties.

Investment Manager and Investment Adviser to DVA

CQS Cayman Limited Partnership (the "Investment Manager") receives a management fee from DVA and the Underlying Funds and a performance fee from the Underlying Funds.

CQS (UK) LLP (the "Investment Adviser") acts as adviser to DVA and the Underlying Funds. Any fees of the Investment Adviser are payable by the Investment Manager.

Michael Hintze is chief investment officer of the Investment Adviser, and is also a partner of the Investment Manager.


The Company pays each Director fees plus specified expenses for attending board meetings. The Chairman is entitled to a fee of GBP40,000 per annum. Sarah Evans, as chairman of the Audit Committee is entitled to a fee of GBP35,000 per annum. All other Directors receive GBP30,000 per annum. Directors' fees for the period amounted to GBP67,500 (31 March 2013: GBP67,500), of which GBP33,750 was outstanding at the period end (30 September 2013: none).


DVA uses the same Investment Adviser and Investment Manager as the Underlying Funds. The investment objective of the Underlying Funds is to achieve attractive risk adjusted returns over the medium to long term, and they comprise the underlying portfolio holding of the Company's investment in DVA, as detailed in the Strategic Report by the Investment Adviser of CQS Diversified Fund (SPC) Limited - Segregated Portfolio Alpha.

   6.    Management and performance fees 

The Underlying Funds bear management and performance fees at varying rates, ranging from 1% to 2% per annum and 10% to 20% respectively. The Company is not charged a management fee or a performance fee either directly or on its holding in DVA.

   7.    Fund Administrator 

The Company entered into an administrative services agreement with Citco Fund Services (Guernsey) Limited (the "Administrator") on 10 November 2010. The Company pays the Administrator an agreed monthly administration fee subject to the minimum amount. The Administrator is also reimbursed by the Company for any reasonable out-of-pocket expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of its duties. The Administrator's fee is paid monthly in arrears.

During the period the Administrator was paid GBP36,000 (31 March 2013: GBP36,000), of which GBP6,000 (30 September 2013: GBP6,000) was payable at period end.

The Underlying Funds also pay administration fees to their respective administrators at varying rates.

   8.    Payables and accrued expenses 

Payables and accrued expenses as at 31 March 2014 are as follows:

                                                   GBP                       USD                      Total 
----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
                                                 Class                     Class                        GBP 
----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Administration fee                               5,013                       987                      6,000 
----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Audit fee                                       11,965                     2,355                     14,320 
----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Directors' fees                                 28,200                     5,550                     33,750 
----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Professional and other fees                     10,008                     1,968                     11,976 
----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
                                                55,186                    10,860                     66,046 
----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 

Payables and accrued expenses as at 30 September 2013 were as follows:

                                                   GBP                       USD                      Total 
----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
                                                 Class                     Class                        GBP 
----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Administration fee                               5,688                       312                      6,000 
----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Audit fee                                       20,842                     1,145                     21,987 
----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Professional and other fees                      4,668                       257                      4,925 
----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
                                                31,198                     1,714                     32,912 
----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
   9.    Professional fees 

Professional fees for the period to 31 March 2014 are as follows:

                                                       GBP                       USD                      Total 
--------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
                                                     Class                     Class                        GBP 
--------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Legal fees re continuation vote                      2,661                       339                      3,000 
--------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Broking fees                                        39,142                     4,734                     43,876 
--------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Other professional fees                             23,949                     3,050                     26,999 
--------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Total                                               65,752                     8,123                     73,875 
--------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 

Professional fees for the period to 31 March 2013 are as follows:

                                                       GBP                       USD                      Total 
--------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
                                                     Class                     Class                        GBP 
--------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Legal fees re continuation vote                     23,432                     1,357                     24,789 
--------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Broking fees                                        44,955                     2,490                     47,445 
--------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Other professional fees                             24,976                     1,359                     26,335 
--------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Total                                               93,363                     5,206                     98,569 
--------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 

10. Earnings per share

Basic and diluted earnings per share are calculated by dividing the income for the period by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period.

Income per share for the period from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014 is as follows:

                                                                 GBP                            USD 
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------ 
                                                                Class                         Class 
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------ 
Income for the period                             GBP2,588,724                       USD71,731 
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------ 
Weighted average number of shares in issue              73,805,231                    12,632,861 
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------ 
Basic and diluted earnings per share in 
 Pound Sterling                                        GBP0.0351                     GBP0.0057 
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------ 
Basic and diluted earnings per share in 
 US Dollar                                                              -            USD0.0095 
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------ 

Income per share for the period from 1 October 2012 to 31 March 2013 is as follows:

                                                                 GBP                            USD 
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------ 
                                                                Class                         Class 
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------ 
Net income for the period                         GBP3,677,604                     USD513,879 
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------ 
Weighted average number of shares in issue              76,795,024                      7,645,069 
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------ 
Basic and diluted earnings per share in 
 Pound Sterling                                        GBP0.0479                     GBP0.0672 
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------ 
Basic and diluted earnings per share in 
 US Dollar                                                              -            USD0.1021 
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------------ 

11. Share capital

The authorised share capital of the Company is 1,000,000,000,000 Ordinary Shares and 1,000,000,000,000 C Shares. The Ordinary Shares are voting shares of no par value. The C Shares are limited voting convertible shares of no par value. The C Shares do not carry any right to attend or vote at any general meeting of the Company. The Company has not issued any C Shares to date.

The rights attaching to the Ordinary Shares are as follows:

(a) the holders of existing Ordinary Shares shall confer the right to all other dividends in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company.

(b) ordinary shareholders present in person or by proxy or (being a corporation) present by a duly authorised representative at a general meeting has, on a show of hands, one vote and, on a poll, one vote for every share held. C shares have no voting rights other than in very limited circumstances.

(c) the capital and surplus assets of the Company remaining after payment of all creditors and attributable to ordinary shareholders shall, on winding-up or on a return (other than by way of purchase or redemption of own shares) after conversion, be divided amongst the shareholders on the basis of the capital attributable to the respective classes of ordinary shares at the date of winding up or other return of capital, and amongst the members of a particular class pro rata according to their holdings of shares of that class.

The Pound Sterling and US Dollar shares rank pari passu in all respects. The Company operates a share conversion scheme which allows shareholders of any Share class to convert all or part of their holding into any other Share class in accordance with the detailed provisions of the Articles of Incorporation. During the period shareholders of the Pound class converted 9,383,613 GBP Pound Sterling Ordinary Shares into 15,501,068 US Dollar Ordinary Shares. (30 September 2013: 6,977,363 US Dollar Ordinary Shares into 4,325,664 GBP Pound Sterling Ordinary Shares and 1,295,070 Pound Sterling Ordinary Shares into 2,099,954 US Dollar Ordinary Shares).

The US Dollar Shareholders voted against the continuation vote held in March 2014 and as such the Directors put forward proposals to redeem the US Dollar Shares. 98.1% of the US Dollar Shareholders elected to take up the Redemption Offer and will redeem on 1 September 2014 with a valuation determined by the Net Asset Value on 29 August 2014.

Share transactions for the period from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014 are as follows:

                           outstanding                   Issued             Converted             Redeemed                  Shares 
                           at                            during             during                during                    outstanding 
Share                      beginning                     the                the                   the                       at end 
class                      of period                     period             period                period                    of period 
---------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  --------------------  -------------------  --------------------------- 
---------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  --------------------  -------------------  --------------------------- 
 Shares                     77,286,105                        -           (9,383,613)                    -                   67,902,492 
---------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  --------------------  -------------------  --------------------------- 
US Dollar 
 Shares                      6,905,398                        -            15,501,068                    -                   22,406,466 
---------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  --------------------  -------------------  --------------------------- 

Share transactions for the year ended 30 September 2013 were as follows:

                           outstanding                   Issued                                                             Shares 
                           at                            during             Converted             Redeemed                  outstanding 
Share                      beginning                     the                 during               during                    at end 
class                      of year                       year                the year             the year                  of year 
---------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  --------------------  -------------------  --------------------------- 
---------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  --------------------  -------------------  --------------------------- 
 Shares                     74,255,511                        -             3,030,594                    -                   77,286,105 
---------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  --------------------  -------------------  --------------------------- 
US Dollar 
 Shares                     11,782,807                        -           (4,877,409)                    -                    6,905,398 
---------  ---------------------------  -----------------------  --------------------  -------------------  --------------------------- 

12. Other reserves

Other reserves as at 31 March 2014 are as follows:

                                                      GBP                       USD                      Total 
-------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Share capital account                               Class                     Class                       GBP 
-------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
-------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Balance at beginning of period                 76,745,598                 4,426,858                 81,172,456 
-------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Conversion of shares                         (10,546,527)                10,546,527                          - 
-------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
                                               66,199,071                14,973,385                 81,172,456 
-------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 

Other reserves as at 30 September 2013 are as follows:

                                                    GBP                       USD                      Total 
-----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Share capital account                             Class                     Class                       GBP 
-----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
-----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Balance at beginning of year                 73,589,630                 7,582,826                 81,172,456 
-----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
Conversion of shares                          3,155,968               (3,155,968)                          - 
-----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 
                                             76,745,598                 4,426,858                 81,172,456 
-----------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------- 

The Shares of the Company have no par value. As such the proceeds from the issue of Shares has been classified within Share capital account as Other reserves and in accordance with the accounting policies of the Company and as allowed by IFRS, the costs of the issuance of the Shares would be expensed against the proceeds of the issue. There were no issuance costs incurred for the period from 1 October 2013 to 31 March 2014 (30 September 2013: Nil).

The Companies Law (Guernsey), 2008 (as amended) allows the Other reserves to be used for all purposes, including the buyback of shares and the payment of dividends, provided that the Company would, after any distributions, still meet the statutory Solvency Test as defined in the Companies Law (Guernsey), 2008 (as amended).

13. Financial risk management objectives and policies

The Company's objective in managing risk is the creation and protection of shareholder value. Risk is inherent in the Company's activities, but it is managed through a process of ongoing identification, measurement and monitoring, and other controls.

The Company is exposed to the following categories of risk, directly from the investment it makes in DVA and indirectly from the investments of DVA and its Underlying Funds:

   --      Market risk 

- Price risk

- Currency risk

- Interest rate risk

   --      Counterparty credit risk 
   --      Liquidity risk 

The Company is also exposed to operational risk arising from both its investment activities and other activities conducted both by the Company, the Investment Manager and the Investment Adviser of DVA and the Underlying Funds and other third party agents in support of its investments.

The following qualitative and quantitative disclosures relate to the Company's direct exposures in financial assets and financial liabilities and therefore exclude any indirect exposures in the Underlying Funds in which the Company has invested.

Market risk

Market risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of financial instruments will fluctuate due to changes in market variables such as equity prices, currency rates and interest rates.

Price risk

Price risk is the risk of unfavourable changes in the fair values of the Company's investments. The Company invests substantially all its assets in DVA and does not undertake any significant borrowing or hedging activity at the Company level. Therefore the Company's price risk is directly linked to the fair value of DVA and to the fair value of its Underlying Funds, which hold investments in securities and derivatives, both listed and over-the-counter.

At 31 March 2014, should the price of DVA increase/decrease by 10% with all other variables remaining constant, the effect will be an increase/decrease in the fair value of financial assets through profit or loss of GBP9,314,685/GBP(9,314,685) (30 September 2013: GBP9,053,843/GBP(9,053,843)).

Concentration of exposure to price risks

The Company's direct exposure to price risk arises from its holding in DVA being its holding in the Class B2 Sterling and Class B2 US Dollar shares of DVA in the amount of GBP93,146,845 (30 September 2013: GBP90,538,428).

The following table shows the diversified allocation to the Underlying Funds so that notwithstanding concentration of price risk in the Company's investment in DVA, on a look through basis the Directors believe the Company does not have true concentration risk owing to the diversification benefits from owning the Underlying Funds.

                                           31 March 2014                               30 September 2013 
--------------------------  --------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
                                                           % of net                                      % of net 
                                            Total           assets                        Total           assets 
--------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Underlying Funds                             GBP                                           GBP 
--------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
CQS ABS Fund                           23,091,642                 24.8 %             20,028,932                 22.1 % 
--------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
CQS Asia Fund                           5,907,046                  6.3 %              7,439,041                  8.2 % 
--------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
CQS Convertible and 
 Strategies Fund                       23,415,489                 25.1 %             22,919,381                 25.3 % 
--------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
CQS Credit Long Short 
 Fund                                   9,227,813                  9.9 %             15,362,519                 17.0 % 
--------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
CQS Directional 
 Fund                                  26,269,826                 28.2 %             22,729,588                 25.1 % 
--------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
CQS European Distressed 
 Fund                                           -                     -%                402,597                  0.4 % 
--------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
CQS European Equity Long 
 Short Fund                             5,235,029                  5.6 %              1,656,370                  1.8 % 
--------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
                                       93,146,845                 99.9 %             90,538,428                 99.9 % 
--------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
Other assets not exposed 
 to price risk                            128,228                  0.1 %                 76,190                  0.1 % 
--------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
                                       93,275,073                100.0 %             90,614,618                100.0 % 
--------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 

Currency risk

Currency risk is the risk that the value of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in foreign exchange rates. The Company's direct currency exposure to a five percent positive or negative shift in all exchange rates against GBP as at 31 March 2014 is less than GBP800,000 in absolute terms (30 September 2013: GBP300,000). Each of the Company's currency share classes are invested in the corresponding currency class in DVA and as such shareholders are not directly exposed to material currency risk. There is indirect currency risk from DVA's investment in its underlying Funds.

Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk arises from the possibility that changes in interest rates will affect future cash flows or the fair values of financial instruments. The Company is not exposed to material interest rate risk as the majority of the Company's financial assets are its investments in DVA which are non-interest bearing securities and any excess cash of the Company is invested at short term market interest rates. The Company has indirect interest rate risk from DVA's investments in its Underlying Funds, based on the Underlying Funds holdings, although this is primarily reflected in the fair value of the financial investments held by the Underlying Funds.

Other financial risk disclosures

Counterparty credit risk

Counterparty credit risk is the risk that the counterparty to a financial instrument will cause a financial loss for the Company by failing to discharge an obligation.

The Company is exposed to the risk of credit-related losses that can occur as a result of a counterparty or issuer being unable or unwilling to honour its contractual obligations. These credit exposures exist within financing relationships and other transactions.

It is the Company's policy to transact only with reputable counterparties. The Investment Adviser closely monitors the creditworthiness of the Company's principal banker by reviewing their credit ratings, financial statements and press releases on a regular basis.

The Company's investments in DVA are held in its own name, however any excess cash is held by its principal banker, The Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited which is the offshore banking arm of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group. The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc is rated BBB+ (30 September 2013: A -) by Standard & Poor's.

If The Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited were to default and achieve no recovery for its creditors then the Company would lose GBP185,622 as at 31 March 2014. (30 September 2013: GBP76,034).

The Company also has indirect counterparty credit risk arising from DVA's investments in its Underlying Funds.

Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is defined as the risk that the Company will encounter difficulty realising assets or otherwise raising funds to meet financial commitments in a reasonable timeframe or at a reasonable price.

The Company retains sufficient cash at its principal banker to manage its day to day expenses. There is however the risk that in exceptional circumstances, the liquidity of DVA and its Underlying Funds may not be sufficient to meet all redemption requests made. This may limit the Company's ability to raise cash, to fund ongoing expenses.

The table below summarises the maturity profile of the Company's financial liabilities. The analysis into relevant maturity groupings is based on the remaining period at the end of the reporting period to the contractual maturity date.

As at 31 March 2014

                                < than                                  6 to 
                                3                    3 to 6             12 
                                months               months             months           >1 year                 Total 
------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------- 
                                  GBP                 GBP                  GBP                GBP                GBP 
------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------- 
Payables and 
 expenses                     (66,046)                    -                  -                  -             (66,046) 
------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------- 
Total                         (66,046)                    -                  -                  -             (66,046) 
------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------- 

As at 30 September 2013

                                < than                                  6 to 
                                3                    3 to 6             12 
                                months               months             months           >1 year                 Total 
------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------- 
                                  GBP                 GBP                  GBP                GBP                GBP 
------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------- 
Payables and 
 expenses                     (32,912)                    -                  -                  -             (32,912) 
------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------- 
Total                         (32,912)                    -                  -                  -             (32,912) 
------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------------- 

14. Capital management

The Company's capital is represented by Ordinary Shares. The Company's total capital employed at 31 March 2014 was GBP93,275,073 (30 September 2013: GBP90,614,618) comprising equity share capital and distributable reserves.

The objective of the Company in managing its capital is to achieve attractive risk adjusted returns over the medium to long term by primarily investing in convertible and credit-related strategies. The Company seeks to achieve its capital management objective by investing substantially all of its assets in DVA and to maintain sufficient size to make the operations of the Company cost efficient. The Company is not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements.

The Company does not intend to engage in any structural borrowing. However it does have the ability to borrow up to an amount equal to 20% (30 September 2013: 20%) of its net assets at the time of the drawdown for the purposes of managing day to day cash flows, for meeting expenses of the Company and for funding the repurchase of up to 14.99% (30 September 2013: 14.99%) of its shares.

Capital management policies and procedures

The Board monitors and reviews the broad structure of the Company's capital on an ongoing basis. This review includes:

-- the need to buy back equity shares for cancellation, which takes account of the difference between the NAV per share and the share price (i.e. the level of share price discount or premium); and

-- the extent to which revenue in excess of that which is required to be distributed should be retained.

Refer to the financial risk management objectives and policies section (note 13) for additional policies and process applied by the Company in managing its capital.

15. Taxation

The Company applied for and was granted exempt status for Guernsey tax purposes. A company that has exempt status for Guernsey tax purposes is exempt from Guernsey income tax under the provisions of the Income Tax (Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 1989 and is charged an annual exemption fee of GBP600 (2013: GBP600).

Currently no income, profit, capital transfer or capital gains taxes are levied in Guernsey and, accordingly, no provision for such taxes has been recorded by the Company. The Company is subject however, to certain withholding taxes applicable to income earned on its investments. Individual shareholders may be taxed on their proportionate share of the Company's taxable income based upon their individual circumstances.

16. Significant events

On 12 February 2014 the Company issued a circular which informed investors that in the event that the Company is unable to reach the Minimum AUM, the Directors intend to put forward proposals to enable the Shareholders to realise their holdings at, or close to, Net Asset Value by means of a reconstruction or winding-up of the Company shares.

17. Subsequent events

In line with the Company's Registration Document, there remains an Unamortised Excess on the issued share capital at the interim period end date. The excess is the amount of initial costs of the Issue borne by the Investment Manager to DVA, together with the Investor Rebates, in relation to the Issue. For those shareholders who elected to redeem their shareholding as a result of the failure of the continuation vote in March 2014, their redemptions will include a charge in relation to the remaining Unamortised Excess, which equates to GBP0.004 per share (USD0.007 per share) and will be paid to the Investment Manager to DVA.

The US Dollar Shareholders voted against the continuation resolution on 4 March 2014. As a result, and given the outcome of the Redemption Offer, the class closure conditions have been met and the US Dollar class will be closed. Upon the conclusion to the Conditional Class Closure Conversion Offer due on 21 May 2014 the remaining US Dollar Shareholders will either convert to the Pound Sterling Share Class or will redeem their holdings on 1 September 2014.

There have been no other significant events since the period end that impact the Company and require disclosure in the financial statements.

As announced on 06 May 2014, the NAV per share at 30 April 2014 was GBP1.147 and USD1.1396 for the Pound Sterling and US Dollar Shares respectively.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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