RNS Number:1977S
Clipper Ventures PLC
9 October 2000

                CLIPPER VENTURES PLC


Clipper Ventures PLC ('Clipper'), the AIM quoted yacht racing
and branded marine events company, has announced its audited
results for the 15 months ended 30 April 2000.

Key points :

- The results were : 
  turnover            #1.61m      (1999 : #931,000, restated)
  loss before tax     #1.19m      (1999 : #107,000, restated)
  loss per share      11.83p      (1999 : 1.77p, restated).

- The results reflect the start-up costs and investment in the
  new Corporate Sailing, RIB (rigid inflatable boat) and
  Clothing divisions as well as certain one-off items which
  included the costs of moving to AIM.

- The Times Clipper 2000 round-the-world race starts from
  Portsmouth on 15 October 2000 and will be Clipper's  biggest
  and most successful event in every respect.

- The race is a complete 'sell out' and is generating over #3
  million in berth fees.  The expected aggregate value of
  sponsorship deals (cash and goods or services) is over #1.5

- Clipper's management team has been strengthened with the
  appointment of Richard Cooper as Managing Director and Tim
  Cowper as Finance Director.

- On outlook, Chairman, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston stated :

  'The Times Clipper 2000 race will start shortly, creating
  substantial media coverage for Clipper's activities and
  brand.  In the current year, substantial progress is being
  made on building on the complementary activities within the
  group. Looking forward, Clipper  plans to develop and launch
  a series of new major events, specifically designed to
  attract TV coverage - in turn creating a wider platform for
  generating participation revenue and sponsorship income.'

For further information, please contact :

Clipper Ventures PLC                              023-8023-7088

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Chairman
William Ward, Chief Executive
Richard Cooper, Managing Director
Tim Cowper, Finance Director

Buchanan Communications                           020-7466-5000

Steve Liebmann or Ed Cowdery




I am pleased to report Clipper's results for the 15-month
period to 30 April 2000. During the period, Clipper has made
substantial progress in its development as a leading marine
events business.

The change in year-end to 30 April was announced during the
period; and this, taken together with an appropriate change in
our accounting policies, will give a better balance to our
future results from the contribution from the biennial round-
the-world ('RtW') yacht races.

During the 15 months, Clipper has invested heavily within the
business, including the promotion of the high profile Times
Clipper 2000 RtW race, the start-up and development of new
operating activities, a substantial strengthening of the
management team, the consolidation of operations onto one site
in Southampton and a provision against the value of some of the
yachts.  The results also bear the costs of the move from OFEX
to the Alternative Investment Market in August 1999.

This investment means that Clipper is very well placed to
pursue its ambitious plans for future growth.


The change in accounting policy for the RtW races now provides
for income and related expenditure to be allocated to the
relevant accounting period in which particular 'legs' of the
race are completed. Accordingly, the results for the 12 months
to 31 January 1999 have been restated.

Turnover for the 15 month period under review was #1.6 million
(1999 : #0.9 million). As a result of the investment mentioned
above, the inclusion of full non-race costs for 15 months but
income and related race costs from only two thirds of the
Clipper 98 RtW race, a loss of #1.2 million was incurred (1999
: loss of #0.1 million). The loss per share was 11.83p (1999 :
loss of 1.77p).

As in previous years, the directors are not recommending the
payment of an ordinary dividend for the period.


The Times Clipper 2000 RtW will start from Portsmouth on 15
October 2000 and will be Clipper's biggest and most successful
event in every respect.  The appointment of The Times newspaper
as title sponsor together with a considerable increase in
overall media exposure has resulted in a substantial lift in
profile for this event.  Each of the eight yachts competing is
named after and is backed by the cities of London, Leeds,
Liverpool, Glasgow, Bristol, Plymouth, Portsmouth and the
Island of Jersey.  This city-versus-city concept will
substantially increase the competitive following and increase
media interest in the event still further.  In turn, this
should result in satisfied sponsors and will improve future
sponsorship values.

The race is a complete 'sell out' and is generating over #3
million in berth fees.  Overall income from the race will be
increased significantly by sponsorship.  In addition to The
Times title sponsorship, The Berkeley Festival Waterfront
Company has paid to host the start and finish (Portsmouth), the
Algarve Tourism Board (Vilamoura), Fox-Pitt Kelton (Hong Kong)
and the Island of Jersey have each entered into stopover
sponsorship agreements.  Clipper has also made signage,
licensee and official supplier agreements with Ladbrokes,
Olympus, Argosy Publishing and others.  The aggregate value
from this portfolio of sponsors is expected to exceed #1.5
million in cash and in goods or services.

During the period under review, the Corporate Sailing division
began trading with its fleet of purpose-built 38 foot yachts
during the latter part of the 1999 season.  The results for
this business reflect its start-up and development costs, the
benefits of which are being seen in the current year with
turnover for the 2000 season likely to increase three-fold when
compared to the previous period.

The clothing division was launched early in 2000, developing
and sourcing a range of leisure and foul weather garments for
sale in conjunction with The Times Clipper 2000 race and
through the retail trade.

The RIB (rigid inflatable boat) division was also launched
during the period, based on an exclusive marketing, importing
and distribution agreement with Gemini Inflatables Pty of Cape
Town, South Africa. Initial deliveries of RIBs have been
deployed within Clipper Ventures' Corporate Sailing division.

The use of the internet and web sites has become an intrinsic
part of Clipper's major marine events. ClipperTelecom PLC is a
company established alongside Clipper to further develop and
promote these activities and to develop new streams of income
based on telecommunications. This business has been financed to
date by outside investors. It is anticipated that
ClipperTelecom will seek admission to AIM in due course; at
that time, Clipper expects to hold a significant amount of the
enlarged equity.


During the course of 2000, Clipper has strengthened its Board
with the appointment of Richard Cooper as Managing Director in
March and the appointment of Tim Cowper as Finance Director in
August.  William Ward, previously Managing Director, has become
Chief Executive.  We now have the management resources needed
to take Clipper forward to its next stage of development.


The Times Clipper 2000 race will start shortly, creating
substantial media coverage for Clipper's activities and brand.
In the current year, substantial progress is being made on
building on the complementary activities within the company.
Looking forward, Clipper  plans to develop and launch a series
of new major events, specifically designed to attract TV
coverage - in turn creating a wider platform for generating
participation revenue and sponsorship income.

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston                     9 October 2000



                                    Period to           Year to
                                       30 Apr            31 Jan 
                                         2000              1999
                                            #                 #

TURNOVER                            1,610,438           930,920
Cost of sales                       1,204,603           442,177
                                    ---------           -------        
GROSS PROFIT                          405,835           488,743

Marketing and                      
administrative expenses             1,415,458           509,277        
                                    ---------           -------        
OPERATING LOSS                    (1,009,623)          (20,534)
                                  -----------          --------         
Interest receivable                       380                 -
Interest payable                    (185,640)          (86,610)
                                    ---------          --------         
LOSS ON ORDINARY                                     
ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION        (1,194,883)         (107,144)
Tax on loss on ordinary                     -             8,318
                                   ----------          --------           
LOSS ON ORDINARY                                               
ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION         (1,194,883)         (115,462)
Dividends (including non-                   -            32,000
                                  -----------         ---------          
LOSS FOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD     (1,194,883)         (147,462)
                                  -----------         ---------
Earnings per share (pence)            (11.83)            (1.77)
                                      -------           -------

All of the activities of the company are classed as continuing.

                                   Period to           Year to
                                 30 Apr 2000       31 Jan 1999
                                           #                 #

Loss for the financial period                 
attributable to the shareholders (1,194,883)         (115,462)

Impairment adjustment              (326,460)                 -
                                    --------           -------
Total recognised gains and          
losses relating to the period    (1,521,343)         (115,462)

Prior year adjustment (see note 3) (292,198)                 -
                                   ---------         ---------
Total gains and losses recognised                             
since the last annual report     (1,813,541)         (115,462)
                                 -----------         ---------


AS AT 30 APRIL 2000

                                       As at             As at 
                                 30 Apr 2000       31 Jan 1999
                                                   as restated
                                  #        #        #        #
   Tangible assets                 3,127,702         2,887,451

Stocks                      292,583            22,805
Debtors                   2,464,219         1,553,564
Cash at bank and in           6,867             3,812
                          ---------          --------
                          2,763,669         1,580,181
CREDITORS: Amounts falling
due within one year     (3,355,697)       (2,935,127)
                         ----------        ----------
NET CURRENT LIABILITIES            (592,028)       (1,354,946)
                                   ---------        ----------
LIABILITIES                        2,535,674         1,532,505                 

CREDITORS: Amounts falling
due after more than one year     (1,675,858)         (334,533)
                                 -----------         ---------
                                     859,816         1,197,972
                                     -------         ---------
Called-up share capital              318,768           487,112
Share premium account              1,601,047           249,516
Revaluation reserve                        -           326,460
Profit and loss account          (1,059,999)           134,884
                                  ----------           -------
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS  (including                               
non-equity interests)                859,816         1,197,972
                                     -------         ---------


                                   Period to           Year to
                                 30 Apr 2000       31 Jan 1999
                                                   as restated
                                  #        #        #        #

NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW                                      
FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES        (1,078,729)           278,438

Interest received               380                 -
Interest paid             (276,136)          (75,788)
Interest element of                                  
finance lease rental        
payments                    (1,415)           (5,310)
Non-equity dividends paid  (16,000)          (33,271)
                           --------          -------- 
NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM                                         
RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS                                        
AND SERVICING OF FINANCE           (293,171)          (114,369)

TAXATION                                   -            (8,318)

Payments to acquire        
tangible fixed assets     (779,798)          (339,236)            
                          ---------          --------- 
NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM                                         
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                (779,798)          (339,236)
                                   ---------          ---------
CASH OUTFLOW BEFORE                                            
FINANCING                        (2,151,698)          (183,485)

Issue of equity share        
capital                      31,656            13,966
Share premium on issue of                            
equity share capital      1,351,531           249,516
Repayment of  non-equity                    
share capital             (200,000)                 -
Net inflow of bank loans    200,417             9,165
Net outflow from loans    (248,170)         (194,831)
Capital element of finance                           
lease rental payments        11,434           (4,808)
                             ------           ------- 
NET CASH INFLOW FROM                                           
FINANCING                          1,146,868            73,008
                                  ----------           -------
DECREASE IN CASH                 (1,004,830)         (110,477)
                                 -----------         ---------


1 Financial information

  These accounts do not constitute statutory accounts.
  Comparative figures for the period ended 31 January 1999 have
  been extracted from the statutory accounts on which the
  auditors gave an unqualified report and which have been filed
  with the Registrar of Companies.

2 Earnings per share

  Basic earnings per share has been calculated on the loss on
  ordinary activities after  taxation and preference dividends
  of #1,194,883 (1999: #147,462) using the weighted average
  number of shares in issue of 10,101,639 (1999: 8,337,765).
  There is no dilutive effect of the options and warrants on
  the loss for the period ended 30 April 2000.

3 Prior year adjustment

  The prior year adjustment relates to a change in accounting
  policy in respect of recognition of race income and
  expenditure straddling an accounting period. In previous
  accounting periods, the race income and expenditure was
  allocated to the accounting period in which the race started.
  The policy has been changed such that the allocation is based
  on the number of legs completed.

  The effect of the change is to defer #1,378,790 of income and
  #1,086,592 of expenditure from the year ended 31 January 1999
  to the period ended 30 April 2000.

  The comparative figures have been amended in respect of
  promotion and marketing costs which have been removed from
  cost of sales and included within Marketing and
  administrative expenses. The effect of this is to increase
  gross profit for the year ended 31 January 1999 by #196,067
  and increase Marketing and administrative expenses by the
  same amount. There is no effect on the operating loss.

4 The Annual Report & Accounts will be posted to shareholders
  shortly and will be available for collection at the offices
  of the company.

5 The Annual General Meeting of Clipper Ventures PLC will be
  held at Buchanan Communications Limited, 107 Cheapside,
  London, EC2V 6DN on 8th December 2000.

Nominated Advisor  
Corporate Synergy PLC, PO Box 5569, Newbury, RG20 8YY

Nominated Broker   
Hoodless Brennan & Partners, 40 Marsh Wall,  Docklands, 
London E14 9TP

Register Address
Shamrock Quay, William Street, Northam, Southampton,
Hampshire SO14 5QL

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