RNS Number:6903G
CityBlock PLC
21 December 2004

                                 CityBlock plc

           Interim Report  for the six months ended 30 September 2004


The Board of CityBlock plc announces its interim results for the six months
ended 30 September 2004. The main points are:

*    turnover for the period was #55,178 (2003: #Nil)

*    the operating loss, before interest and goodwill amortisation,
     was #722 (2003: #10,270)
*    a surplus of #540,047 arose on property revaluations

*    net assets rose to #2.481M (2003: #2.004M)

*    cash at bank at the period end was #585,876 (2003: #697,069)

*    long term borrowings represented 70 per cent of property values
     (2003: 68.9 per cent)

Non-executive Chairman, Martin Higginson, said

"The results are in line with expectations. Only one property generated income
in the period. As further properties are completed and let, the trading
performance is expected to improve. The directors recommend that no interim
dividend will be paid."

Chief Executive's Statement

I am delighted to present CityBlock's Interim Report for the six months ended 30
September 2004.

This period has been an important phase in establishing the company's
foundations with the completion on time and budget of CityBlock 2, and obtaining
100% occupancy in the two completed CityBlock developments.

By continuing to place our customers at the centre of our thinking we are able
to differentiate ourselves from larger volume players and independent landlords
in the student housing market.

The second CityBlock of 52 en-suite rooms and 25 studios was fully let by mid
September and was five times over-subscribed. CityBlock 1 was also fully let by
mid September. Average room revenue obtained was #70 per week (for 50 weeks) per
student which is about 30% above the local average. New commercial space at
CityBlock has been leased to Subway Realty Ltd, the largest international
sandwich franchise with more than 22,000 outlets in over 70 countries.

This level of demand proves the CityBlock concept, that of innovative,
up-market, secure, off-campus student accommodation.  Importantly, our available
rooms are now 75% let for the next academic year starting October 2005.

We are continuing to develop links with the housing departments of local
universities.  We are also developing opportunities with a range of
universities, colleges and NHS Trusts.  Many potential sites are at feasibility
stage, not just intended for direct lets with individual customers but also
through nominated agreements.

We are also continuing to partner with preferred building contractors for site
feasibility studies and acquisitions, property development and facilities

We are continually developing ideas and improvements, not just in the design of
our properties but also in student support, customer marketing and added value
student concessions.  Our Privilege Card (essentially a concessions card) allows
students to obtain discounts and privileges on a number of services ranging from
books and meals to VIP entry into night clubs.

These added benefits have given us an ideal platform upon which to develop the
CityBlock name as a student lifestyle brand.

We continue to see CityBlock as synonymous not only with student living but with
student life.

Trevor Bargh

21 December, 2004

For further information contact:

Trevor Bargh               Chief Executive Officer            01524 541274

David Youngman             W.H. Ireland                       0161 832 6644

                                 CITYBLOCK PLC


                   For the six months ended 30 September 2004

                                                                 6 months           6 months               Year
                                                                    ended              ended              ended
                                                                  30 Sept            30 Sept           31 March
                                                                     2004               2003               2004
                                                      Note    (unaudited)        (unaudited)          (audited)
                                                                     #000               #000               #000

Turnover                                                               55                  -                 56

Administrative expenses                                              (56)               (16)               (88)
Amortisation of goodwill                                             (28)                  -               (37)

Operating loss                                                       (29)               (16)               (69)

Interest receivable                                                    10                  6                 11
Interest payable                                                     (62)                  -               (41)

Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                          (81)               (10)               (99)

Tax on loss on ordinary activities                       4              -                  -                  -

Loss for the financial period                                        (81)               (10)               (99)

                                                                Pence per          Pence per          Pence per
                                                                    share              share              share
Loss per share                                           5

Basic and diluted                                                  (0.37)             (0.08)             (0.60)
Adjusted basic and diluted                                         (0.24)             (0.08)             (0.37)

All of the activities of the group are classed as continuing.


                   For the six months ended 30 September 2004

                                                                 6 months            6 months               Year
                                                                    ended               ended              ended
                                                                  30 Sept             30 Sept           31 March
                                                                     2004                2003               2004
                                                              (unaudited)         (unaudited)          (audited)
                                                                     #000                #000               #000

Loss for the financial period                                        (81)                (10)               (99)

Unrealised surplus on revaluation of properties                       540                   -                103

Total recognised gains and losses relating to the period              459                (10)                  4

                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

As at 30 September 2004

                                                                 As at 30            As at 30              As at
                                                                September           September           31 March
                                                                     2004                2003               2004
                                                              (unaudited)         (unaudited)          (audited)
                                                     Note            #000                #000               #000        

Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                                   1,053               1,119              1,081
Tangible assets                                                     4,018               1,520              2,151

                                                                    5,071               2,639              3,232

Current assets
Debtors                                                               148                  41                 49
Cash at bank and in hand                                              586                 697                291

                                                                      734                 738                340

Creditors: amounts falling due

within one year                                                     (526)             (1,329)              (361)

Net current assets/(liabilities)                                      208               (591)               (21)

Total assets less current liabilities                               5,279               2,048              3,211

Creditors: amounts falling due

after more than one year                                          (2,798)                (44)            (1,189)

Net assets                                                          2,481               2,004              2,022

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                 6             109                 109                109
Share premium account                                   7           1,909               1,905              1,909
Revaluation reserve                                                   643                   -                103
Profit and loss account                                             (180)                (10)               (99)

Shareholders' funds - equity interests                  8           2,481               2,004              2,022


                   For the six months ended 30 September 2004

                                                                 6 months           6 months               Year
                                                                    ended              ended              ended
                                                                  30 Sept            30 Sept           31 March
                                                                     2004               2003               2004
                                                      Note    (unaudited)        (unaudited)          (audited)
                                                                     #000               #000               #000

Net cash inflow from operating activities               9a             49                 15                195

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received                                                      10                  6                 11
Interest paid                                                        (62)                (3)               (41)

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from returns on
investments and servicing of finance                                 (52)                  3               (30)

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                                 (1,330)              (311)            (1,014)
Less capitalised loan interest                                          -                  3                  -

Net cash outflow for capital expenditure and
financial investment                                              (1,330)              (308)            (1,014)

Acquisitions and disposals
Cash acquired with subsidiary undertakings                              -                  5                  5

Net cash inflow from acquisitions and disposals                         -                  5                  5

Net cash outflow before financing                                 (1,333)              (285)              (844)

Issue of shares                                                         -                805                827
Issue and flotation costs                                               -              (145)              (175)
New bank loans                                                      1,628                322                483

Net cash inflow from financing                                      1,628                982              1,135

Increase in cash in the period                          9b            295                697                291


                        For the six months ended 30 September 2004
1    Basis of preparation

Basis of accounting

The interim financial information has been prepared on the basis of the
accounting policies set out in the audited statutory accounts for the year ended
31 March 2004 and are unaudited.  The statutory accounts for the year ended 31
March 2004 upon which the auditors issued an unqualified report have been filed
with the Registrar of Companies.  The interim financial information does not
constitute statutory financial statements within the meaning of section 240 of
the Companies Act 1985.
2    Consolidation

The financial information represents the results of CityBlock plc and all of its
3    Turnover

The company's turnover was derived from its principal activity undertaken wholly
in the United Kingdom.
4    Taxation

On the basis of the results and reliefs available in the six months ended 30
September 2004 no provision for taxation on the results for the period is
considered necessary.
5    Loss per share

Basic loss per share has been calculated by dividing the loss for the period of
#80,809 (2003 - #10,270) by the weighted average number of shares in issue
during the period.  During the period the weighted average number of shares in
issue was 21,842,097 (2003 - 12,144,553).

The adjusted basic loss per share is calculated as the loss for the period after
adding back goodwill amortisation of #27,966 (2003 - #Nil) divided by the
weighted average number of shares in issue during the period.

There is no dilution as a result of outstanding options.
6    Called up share capital
                                                              As at 30            As at 30               As at
                                                             September           September            31 March
                                                                  2004                2003                2004
                                                           (unaudited)         (unaudited)           (audited)
                                                                  #000                #000                #000
40,105,400 Ordinary shares of 0.5p each                            201                 201                 201
49,473 Redeemable preference shares of #1 each                      49                  49                  49

                                                                   250                 250                 250

Allotted, called up and fully paid
21,842,097 Ordinary shares of 0.5p each                            109                 109                 109


                   For the six months ended 30 September 2004
7    Share premium
                                                             6 months            6 months                Year
                                                                ended               ended               ended
                                                              30 Sept             30 Sept            31 March
                                                                 2004                2003                2004
                                                          (unaudited)         (unaudited)           (audited)
                                                                 #000                #000                #000

Balance brought forward                                         1,909                   -                   -
Premium received from share issues in the period                    -               2,133               2,133
Share issue costs and listing costs                                 -               (179)               (175)
Bonus issue                                                         -                (49)                (49)

Balance carried forward                                         1,909               1,905               1,909
8    Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

                                                             6 months            6 months                Year
                                                                ended               ended               ended
                                                              30 Sept             30 Sept            31 March
                                                                 2004                2003                2004
                                                          (unaudited)         (unaudited)           (audited)
                                                                 #000                #000                #000

Loss for the period                                              (81)                (10)                (99)
New shares issued (net of issue costs)                              -               2,014               2,018
Revaluation of tangible fixed assets                              540                   -                 103

                                                                  459               2,004               2,022

Opening shareholders' funds                                     2,022                   -                   -

Closing shareholders' funds                                     2,481               2,004               2,022


                   For the six months ended 30 September 2004
9    Notes to the Cash Flow Statement

a    Reconciliation of operating loss to operating cashflows

                                                             6 months            6 months                Year
                                                                ended               ended               ended
                                                              30 Sept             30 Sept            31 March
                                                                 2004                2003                2004
                                                          (unaudited)         (unaudited)           (audited)
                                                                 #000                #000                #000

Operating loss                                                   (29)                (16)                (69)
Depreciation                                                        3                   -                   6
Amortisation of goodwill                                           28                   -                  37
Increase in debtors                                              (99)                (17)                 (9)
Increase in creditors                                             146                  48                 230

Net cash inflow from operating activities                          49                  15                 195

b   Analysis of changes in net debt
                                                            At 1 April                              At 30 Sept 
                                                                  2004           Cash flow                2004
                                                                  #000                #000                #000

Cash at bank and in hand                                           291                 295                 586

Debt due within one year                                          (19)                (19)                (38)
Debt due after more than one year                              (1,189)             (1,609)             (2,798)

                                                               (1,208)             (1,628)             (2,836)

Net debt                                                         (917)             (1,333)             (2,250)

10   Board approval

The interim financial statements set out on pages 1 to 7 were approved by the
directors on 21 December 2004.
11   Report copies

A copy of the Interim Report will be posted to shareholders and will also be
available from the Company's registered office at 21 Castle Hill, Lancaster, LA1

                                 CITYBLOCK PLC

Registered Office:             21 Castle Hill
                               LA1 1YN
Registration number:           4686494
Website:                       www.cityblock.co.uk
Nominated Adviser and Broker:  W H Ireland Limited
                               St. James's Square
                               M2 6WH
Principal Bankers:             Yorkshire Bank
                               1 Tustin Court
                               Preston Riversway
                               PR2 2YQ
Auditors:                      CLB
                               Chartered Accountants
                               Fleet House
                               New Road
                               LA1 1EZ
Solicitors:                    Halliwells LLP
                               St James's Court
                               Brown Street
                               M2 2JF
Registrars:                    Capita Registrars
                               Northern House
                               Woodsome Park
                               Fenay Bridge
                               HD8 OLA

                                 CityBlock plc

                                 21 Castle Hill
                                    LA1 1YN

                               Tel: 01524 541251

                               Fax: 01524 846836


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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