RNS Number:5834O
BPP Holdings PLC
13 August 2003

                                BPP HOLDINGS PLC

June 2003 interim results

BPP Holdings plc, the UK's largest quoted professional education group,
announces its results for the six months ending 30 June 2003.

Key figures

Turnover                                             +8%                   #55.7m             (2002 - #51.6m)
Pre-tax profits *                                    +1%                   #9.10m             (2002 - #8.97m)
Earnings per share *                                 +6%                    10.8p              (2002 - 10.2p)
Interim dividend                                    +10%                     4.4p               (2002 - 4.0p)

*before goodwill amortisation

In brief

"Notwithstanding the difficulties experienced by our Financial Services and
Language Training divisions we expect that the rising contribution from our Law
division will enable us to report an overall increase in profits for 2003."

Charles Prior, Chief Executive


Charles Prior                           Chief Executive           020 8740 2222

Lynn Chandler                           Finance Director           020 8740 2222

BPP Holdings plc - interim report for the six months to 30 June 2003

Chairman's statement

The BPP Professional Education group reports a small increase in first half
profits over 2002.   For the first six months to 30 June 2003 turnover was
#55.7m (2002 #51.6m), pre-tax profits before goodwill amortisation #9.10m (2002
#8.97m) and normalised earnings per share 10.8p (2002 10.2p).   An interim
dividend of 4.4p (2002 4.0p) per share will be paid on 28 October to
shareholders on the register at 3 October 2003.

Divisional results

                             6m to 30 June 2003            6m to 30 June 2002          12m to 31 December 2002
                               Turnover      Profits        Turnover        Profits        Turnover        Profits

                                  #'000        #'000           #'000          #'000           #'000          #'000

Professional training            43,012        6,532          38,445          6,201          81,000         12,056
Language training                 8,610          353           9,156            603          18,527          1,139
Academic education                4,103        1,277           3,993          1,104           6,171            714
                              ---------    ---------       ---------      ---------      ----------     ----------
                                 55,725        8,162          51,594          7,908         105,698         13,909
                                 ======                       ======                         ======
Notional rent less
depreciation                                   1,128                          1,035                          2,096
Interest (net)                                 (189)                             29                             10
                                           ---------                      ---------                     ----------
Pre-tax profit before
goodwill amortisation                          9,101                          8,972                         16,015
Goodwill amortisation                        (3,550)                        (2,672)                        (5,488)
                                           ---------                      ---------                     ----------
Pre-tax profit after
goodwill amortisation                          5,551                          6,300                         10,527
                                              ======                         ======                         ======
Earnings per share
(normalised)                                   10.8p                          10.2p                          18.3p
                                           ---------                      ---------                     ----------

Dividend per share                              4.4p                           4.0p                          12.5p
                                           ---------                      ---------                     ----------


Professional Training

Analysis of turnover
                               6 months to      6 months to      12 months to
                              30 June 2003     30 June 2002  31 December 2002
                                     #'000            #'000             #'000

Accountancy & Tax                   25,067           24,659            51,743
Actuarial                            2,115            1,930             4,115
Financial Services                   3,905            5,179             9,149
Human Resources                      2,229                -               270
 (acquired December 2002)
Law                                  9,696            6,677            15,723
                                 ---------        ---------        ----------
                                    43,012           38,445            81,000
                                    ======           ======            ======

Accountancy and Tax

Turnover in the Accountancy and Tax division continued to grow overall.   Our
core ACCA and CIMA businesses both showed volume increases but ICAEW and Tax
training revenues were down, reflecting lower intakes by professional firms.  We
believe that recruitment levels have now stabilised.  Performance in our
regional accountancy and tax businesses has been mixed, but we have continued to
expand in Central Europe.   Our Singapore business now has a team of full time
lecturers and has started to trade and its bookings for the second half of the
year are encouraging.  Sales of e-learning products have increased and our
development spend in this area has now stabilised.   Our business in the
Netherlands remains on course.

Actuarial Services

The Actuarial division produced solid first half results.   In the UK, strong
sales of study materials and record tutorial enrolments helped BPP to increase
turnover despite price reductions required under the agreement with the UK
actuarial profession.   Our North American operation completed its first full
year of trading and achieved substantial growth in turnover from the previous
half-yearly exam cycle.  We are hopeful that this operation will breakeven
during 2004.

Financial Services

Market conditions in the financial services industry continue to be challenging,
with no upturn in volumes expected for the rest of this year.   We are keeping
tight control on costs at the same time as rolling out significant developments
to our products in the form of enhanced material and online support.   We are
well positioned to take advantage of an upturn in the industry when it comes.


The Law division continues to display strong growth with improved enrolments on
pre-qualification courses, and advance recruitment figures indicate that the
division's growth will continue in the second half.

Human Resources

Our human resources division, Malpas, acquired at the end of last year, is being
integrated into the group and has made a promising start in 2003.

Language Training

The adverse economic conditions throughout Europe continued to affect results at
Linguarama during the period.  While business for the second half of the year is
expected to remain difficult, Linguarama has a strong client list in all the
major European countries and is in a good position to benefit when economic
conditions improve.

Academic Education

MPW continued the good start it made to the academic year.   Profits rose on a
small increase in turnover, principally due to cost savings in London.  Once
again there was strong growth in two year A-level courses offsetting the
continued decline in the retake market.

The Board

In July this year, we welcomed Carl Lygo, head of our successful Law division,
to the Board, and we look forward to his contribution.


Our Financial Services and Language Training businesses continue to suffer in
adverse conditions.  Our other businesses are reasonably resilient, and we
expect that the rising contribution from our Law division will enable us to
report an overall increase in profits for 2003.

Our businesses are cash generative and accordingly we have increased our
dividend in line with our policy.

Chairman: BPP Holdings plc

Unaudited Group Profit and Loss Account

                                             Half year to            Half year to                Full year to
                                             30 June 2003            30 June 2002            31 December 2002
                                                    #'000                   #'000                       #'000

Turnover (note 1)                                  55,725                  51,594                     105,698

Cost of sales                                    (28,547)                (25,824)                    (52,005)
                                               ----------              ----------                  ----------
Gross profit                                       27,178                  25,770                      53,693
Administrative expenses
before goodwill
amortisation                                     (17,888)                (16,827)                    (37,688)
Goodwill amortisation                             (3,550)                 (2,672)                     (5,488)
                                               ----------              ----------                  ----------
Administrative expenses                          (21,438)                (19,499)                    (43,176)
                                               ----------              ----------                  ----------
Profit on ordinary activities                       5,740                   6,271                      10,517
before interest
(Interest expense)/Other income
(net)                                               (189)                      29                          10
                                               ----------              ----------                 -----------
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation                                     5,551                   6,300                      10,527
Tax on profit on ordinary
activities (note 2)                               (3,049)                 (3,001)                     (5,075)
                                               ----------              ----------                 -----------
Profit on ordinary activities
after taxation                                      2,502                   3,299                       5,452
Minority interests                                  (138)                   (289)                       (782)
                                               ----------              ----------                 -----------
Profit attributable to members
of the holding company                              2,364                   3,010                       4,670

Dividends per ordinary share
(note 3)
Interim of 4.4p (2002 -4.0p)                      (2,379)                 (2,188)
Total for 2002 of 12.5p                                                                               (6,832)
                                              -----------             -----------               -------------
Retained (loss)/profit                               (15)                     822                     (2,162)
                                                   ======                  ======                     ======-
Earnings per share (notes 3, 4)
Basic                                                4.3p                    5.5p                        8.5p
Diluted                                              3.2p                    4.1p                        7.2p
Basic (before goodwill
amortisation and exceptional                        10.8p                   10.2p                       18.3p

Unaudited group statement of total recognised gains and losses and
reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

                                                 2003                       2002                        2002
                                        As at 30 June              As at 30 June           As at 31 December
                                                #'000                      #'000                       #'000

Profit attributable to
members of the parent
company                                         2,364                      3,010                       4,670
Exchange differences on
retranslation of net assets of
subsidiary undertakings                           257                        255                         354
                                           ----------                 ----------               -------------
Total recognised gains and
losses in period                                2,621                      3,265                       5,024
Dividends                                     (2,379)                    (2,188)                     (6,832)
Other movements:
New shares issued                                   2                        221                         271
Purchase of own shares                              -                      (970)                     (1,674)
                                           ----------                 ----------               -------------
Total movements in period                         244                        328                     (3,211)
Shareholders' funds at start of
period                                         53,583                     56,794                      56,794
                                           ----------                 ----------               -------------
Shareholders' funds at end of
period                                         53,827                     57,122                      53,583
                                           ----------                 ----------                ------------

Unaudited Balance Sheet

                                            30 June 2003                   30 June 2002            31 December 2002
                                   #'000           #'000           #'000          #'000         #'000         #'000

Fixed Assets
Tangible assets                                   68,703                         62,698                      67,272
Intangible assets                                 17,124                         13,286                      15,302
Investments                                        5,456                          5,166                       5,325
                                               ---------                      ---------                   ---------
                                                  91,283                         81,150                      87,899
Current assets
Stock                              1,293                           1,269                        1,265
Debtors: due within one           13,919                          15,146                       16,916
Debtors: due in over one
                                     178                             102                          237
Investments                           11                              56                           11
Cash at bank and in hand           3,808                           5,169                        6,877
                               ---------                       ---------                    ---------
                                  19,209                          21,742                       25,306

Creditors: amounts
falling due within one
year (note 5)                   (43,815)                        (33,427)                     (46,974)
                               ---------                       ---------                    ---------
Net current liabilities                         (24,606)                       (11,685)                    (21,668)
                                               ---------                      ---------                   ---------
Total assets less
current liabilities                               66,677                         69,465                      66,231

Creditors: amounts
falling due in over one
year (note 6)                                    (9,613)                        (9,685)                     (9,269)
Provision for
liabilities and charges                          (2,630)                        (1,868)                     (2,379)
                                               ---------                      ---------                   ---------
                                                  54,434                         57,912                      54,583

Minority interests                                 (607)                          (790)                     (1,000)
                                               ---------                      ---------                   ---------
                                                  53,827                         57,122                      53,583
                                                   =====                          =====                       =====
Capital and reserves
Share capital                                      5,672                          5,701                       5,671
Share premium                                      6,175                          6,127                       6,174
Capital redemption                                    75                             43                          75
Other reserves                                     9,872                          9,872                       9,872
Profit and loss account                           32,033                         35,379                      31,791
                                               ---------                      ---------                   ---------
                                                  53,827                         57,122                      53,583
                                                   =====                          =====                       =====

Unaudited Group Cash Flow Statement

                                          Half year to              Half year to               Full year to
                                          30 June 2003              30 June 2002           31 December 2002
                                                 #'000                     #'000                      #'000
Cashflow from operating
Activities                                       3,367                     1,264                     18,861
                                             ---------                 ---------                -----------
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received                                    8                       134                        206
Interest paid                                    (392)                     (151)                      (597)
Dividends paid to minority
shareholders                                      (70)                     (149)                      (487)
                                             ---------                 ---------                   --------
                                                 (454)                     (166)                      (878)
                                             ---------                 ---------                   --------
Tax paid                                       (1,994)                   (1,252)                    (4,144)
                                             ---------                 ---------                  ---------
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed                     (3,500)                  (10,844)                   (14,708)
Purchase of own shares by ESOT                   (130)                         -                      (287)
Funds released by ESOT on
exercise options                                     -                         -                        128
Sale of tangible fixed assets                      123                        63                        131
                                             ---------                 ---------                 ----------
                                               (3,507)                  (10,781)                   (14,736)
                                              --------                  --------                  ---------
Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of subsidiary
undertakings (net)                                   -                         -                    (3,182)
Purchase of minority
interests in subsidiary
undertakings                                   (5,843)                     (915)                      (931)
Costs of closing subsidiary
business                                          (59)                     (173)                      (182)
Redemption of loan notes
and release of funds in escrow                      48                        63                        127
                                             ---------                 ---------                  ---------
                                               (5,854)                   (1,025)                    (4,168)
                                             ---------                 ---------                  ---------
Equity dividends paid                          (4,628)                   (4,127)                    (6,320)
                                             ---------                 ---------                  ---------
Net cashflow before use of
liquid resources and
financing                                     (13,070)                  (16,087)                   (11,385)

Issue of shares                                      2                       221                        271
Redemption of shares                                 -                     (970)                    (1,674)
New loans                                          972                    10,100                     10,350
Placing of funds in escrow                           -                   (1,500)                    (1,500)
Release of funds in escrow                           -                     2,500                      2,500
Repayment of loans                               (694)                   (2,801)                    (3,502)
Repayment of loan notes                           (48)                      (63)                      (127)
                                             ---------                 ---------              -------------
                                                   232                     7,487                      6,318
                                             ---------                 ---------               ------------
Decrease in cash                              (12,838)                   (8,600)                    (5,067)
                                             ---------                 ---------               ------------

Notes to the unaudited group cash flow statement

                                              Half year to              Half year to         Full year to
                                              30 June 2003              30 June 2002     31 December 2002
                                                     #'000                     #'000                #'000
(a)     Reconciliation of
        operating profit to net
        cash inflow from
        operating activities

        Operating profit                             5,740                     6,271               10,517
        Depreciation charges                         2,262                     1,919                4,142
        (Profit)/Loss on disposal
        of fixed assets                               (10)                        22                   81
        Write down current asset
        investment                                       -                        30                   75
        Amortisation of goodwill                     3,550                     2,672                5,488
        Exchange differences                            25                      (57)                   34
        Increase in stock                             (19)                     (202)                (157)
        Decrease in
        debtors                                      3,957                     2,646                1,176
        (Decrease)/Increase in
        creditors                                 (12,138)                  (12,037)              (2,495)
                                                ----------                ----------           ----------
        Cashflow from operating
        activities                                   3,367                     1,264               18,861
                                                ----------                ----------           ----------
(b)     Analysis of net cash at
        bank and in hand
        Cash per analysis of net                     3,225                     4,474                6,246
        Escrow deposits                                583                       695                  631
                                                  --------                  --------           ----------
        Cash at bank and in hand per
        balance sheet                                3,808                     5,169                6,877
        Bank overdraft                            (14,862)                   (6,933)              (5,128)
        Bank loans                                (11,027)                  (10,994)             (10,611)
                                                  --------                  --------           ----------
                                                  (22,081)                  (12,758)              (8,862)
                                                  --------                  --------           ----------

(c)    Analysis of net funds              At 1 January                Cash           Exchange        At 30 June
                                                  2003                Flow           movement              2003
                                                 #'000               #'000              #'000             #'000

       Cash at bank and in hand                  6,246             (3,104)                 83             3,225
       Overdrafts                              (5,128)             (9,734)                  -          (14,862)
                                             ---------            --------            -------         ---------
                                                 1,118            (12,838)                 83          (11,637)
       Escrow deposits                             631                (48)                  -               583
       Loan notes                                (631)                  48                  -             (583)
       Bank loans                             (10,611)               (278)              (138)          (11,027)
                                             ---------           ---------           --------         ---------
                                               (9,493)            (13,116)               (55)          (22,664)
                                              --------           ---------           --------         ---------

Notes to 2003 Interim Statement

1. Turnover and operating profit derive from continuing operations.

2. The taxation charge for the six months ended 30 June 2003 is at the
   rate that is anticipated will be applicable for the whole year.

3. The Trustees of the BPP Employee Share Ownership Trust have waived the
   right to receive dividends on the 2,286,730 (30 June 2002 - 2,160,730; 31
   December 2002 - 2,236,730) ordinary shares held by it.  In accordance with 
   UITF Abstract 13 - Accounting for ESOP Trusts, the shares held by the 
   Trustees have been ignored in the calculation of earnings per share.

4. (a) Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing profit, after
       tax and minority interest, by the average number of shares excluding 
       those held by the BPP Employee Share Ownership Trust, in issue during the 
       period.  The weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue in the 
       period excluding those held by the BPP Employee Share Ownership Trust was 
       54,434,217 (six months ended 30 June 2002 - 55,022,430; year ended 31 
       December 2002 - 54,868,695).

   (b) Diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting profit after tax 
       and minority interest and the weighted average number of shares for the 
       effects of all dilutive potential shares.  Options granted under Employee 
       Share Schemes dilute the earnings per share by increasing the weighted 
       average number of shares without changing net profit.  Shares potentially 
       issuable as consideration for the purchase of minority interests will 
       change net profit.

Net profit attributable increases because of the elimination of the profit
attributable to minority shareholders but is reduced by the charge to the profit
and loss, from 1999 onwards under FRS10, for goodwill amortisation.

                                            Half year to              Half year to              Full year to
                                                 30 June                   30 June               31 December
                                                    2003                      2002                      2002
Attributable profit                                #'000                     #'000                     #'000

Basic earnings per share                           2,364                     3,010                     4,670

Dilutive potential ordinary
Purchase minority interests                        (537)                     (670)                     (565)
                                                 -------                   -------                ----------
                                                   1,827                     2,340                     4,105
                                                 -------                   -------                 ---------

Weighted number of shares                  No. of shares             No. of shares             No. of shares

Basic earnings per share                      54,434,217                55,022,430                54,868,695

Dilutive potential ordinary

Employee share schemes                           400,763                   323,772                   240,002
Purchase minority interests                    1,492,082                 1,888,666                 1,891,911
                                          --------------            --------------           ---------------
                                              56,327,062                57,234,868                57,000,608
                                          --------------            --------------           ---------------

For the purposes of calculating diluted eps, the goodwill arising has been
assumed to be amortised over five years.  If goodwill was not written off the
purchase of subsidiaries and minority interests would normally be earnings
enhancing, as the p/e ratio applied in most cases is a proportion of BPP's p/e

The earnings per share before exceptional items, goodwill amortisation and
profit on disposal of fixed assets is based on earnings of #5,859,000, (six
months ended 30 June 2002 - #5,627,000; year ended 31 December 2002 -
#10,046,000).  FRS 3 earnings have been increased by goodwill amortisation net
of tax relief of #3,495,000 (six months ended 30 June 2002 - #2,617,000; year
ended 31 December 2002 - #5,376,000).

5. Creditors include bank loans and overdrafts of #16,276,000 (30 June
   2002 - #8,242,000; 31 December 2002 - #6,470,000) and other loans of #583,000
   (30 June 2002 - #695,000; 31 December 2002 - #631,000).

6. Creditors falling due in over one year are amounts repayable for bank
   loans taken to finance the purchase of freehold property.  The loans are 
   wholly repayable within 10 years.

7. The results for the half years ended 30 June 2002 and 30 June 2003 are
   neither audited nor reviewed and do not constitute statutory accounts within 
   the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.  The results for the 
   year ended 31 December 2002 have been extracted from the statutory accounts 
   for that period which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and 
   on which the auditors gave an unqualified report.

Copies of this announcement will be posted to shareholders and will be available
free of charge from the Company's registered office at: BPP House, Aldine Place,
142-144 Uxbridge Road, London W12 2AA.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange