RNS No 9615x
7th July 1998
Contact:  Peter Birse, Chairman
          Birse Group plc               Tel: 01652 633 222
          Charles Watson
          Financial Dynamics            Tel: 0171 831 3113
                       PRELIMINARY RESULTS
*    Pre-tax profit up to #5.162m (1997: #2.017m)
*    Earnings per share increased to 2.1p (1997: 1.1p)
*    Net cash balances of #7.5m at year end (1997: net debt of
*    Total dividend for the year of 0.8p per share (1997: 0.5p)
Commenting on the results, Chairman Peter Birse, said:
This improved performance is largely attributable to our
strategy of focusing on business with an acceptable risk /
reward profile.  Management will continue its drive to improve
margins and consolidate its premier position in the market for
partnered work."
Chairman's Statement
I am pleased to report a further increase in profit for the year
under review.  Profit before tax for the year was #5.162million,
up  from #2.017million in 1996/97.  Although this represents  an
increase  of 156% I regard the margin as inadequate in  relation
to  the risk and management effort inherent in the business.   I
am,  however,  confident  that there is considerable  scope  for
further improvement.
Turnover  for  the  year increased by over  8%  to  #444million.
Operating  profit  improved to #6.019million  from  #3.24million
underpinned  by stronger performances from our core construction
and  plant hire businesses.  The #0.721million operating  profit
returned  by  our commercial property operations  is  consistent
with  our  stated objective of achieving a profitable withdrawal
from this sector.
At  the  end of the year under review the Group had net cash  of
#7.5million  compared  to net debt of #2.0million  at  30  April
1997.   This  represents  very  satisfactory  progress  and   is
representative of a continuing positive trend.  However,  we  do
not  expect  the net cash position to recur on an ongoing  basis
until  we  make further progress on settling long term  contract
accounts  and  on completing the sale of our remaining  property
The  order book at the end of June 1998 was at approximately the
same level as June 1997.  I would, therefore, expect turnover in
the  current  year  to  be around the same or  perhaps  slightly
higher than the year under review.  However, in the medium  term
the  focus  is  very  much  on  improving  margins  rather  than
significantly increasing turnover.
Birse  Construction  increased turnover by 10%  to  #435million.
Operating  profit increased from #2.124million to  #4.105million
equating  to  a  net  margin  of  slightly  below  1%  which  is
supportive  of  my earlier comments that there  is  considerable
scope for improvement.
The Process Engineering division made excellent progress and has
established  a  rapidly  expanding presence  in  the  industrial
sector to complement its leading position in the water industry.
Whilst  early  indications were that  the  volume  of  available
partnered work appeared to be levelling off, the first  half  of
1998 has seen a resurgence of interest by clients in alternative
procurement methods and I am now confident that we  are  set  to
benefit from our premier position in this sector of the market.
Our ongoing cultural change and 'Birse Way' project continues to
develop  and  strengthen our senior management teams  and  I  am
particularly confident that the people leading the business will
continue to underwrite its successful development for some  time
to come.
Our  plant  hire  company,  BPH Equipment,  increased  operating
profit  by  9% to #1.165million. BPH has recently established  a
new  Site Services operation and purchased ten additional  50-80
tonne  capacity hydraulic cranes.  Consequently, I  expect  more
significant progress in the coming year.
Commercial  Property  increased profits  from  #0.499million  to
#0.721million  and  prospects  remain  favourable  for   showing
further profits on disposal of the remainder of the portfolio.
The  net  cash  position  of #7.5million  at  the  year  end  is
encouraging.  Whilst I expect to see a further reduction in  the
interest charge during 1998/99 I do not anticipate a move into a
permanent  positive cash position until sometime in  the  second
half of the financial year.
I am pleased that the Directors are able to recommend payment of
a  final  dividend of 0.5p per ordinary share giving a total  of
0.8p per ordinary share for the year against 0.5p in 1996/97.
I  look  forward to the coming year and the further  rewards  it
will  bring  to  shareholders  as   progress  is  made  in   the
implementation of our strategy of concentrating on business with
an  acceptable risk/reward profile, empowering staff and forging
closer relationships with customers and suppliers.
Peter M Birse
7 July 1998
for the year ended 30 April 1998
                                        1998        1997
                               Note     #'000       #'000
Turnover                       1        444,342     409,895
Cost of sales                           (419,452)   (390,464)
                                        ----------  ----------
Gross profit                            24,890      19,431
Administrative expenses                 (18,871)    (16,191)
                                        ----------  ----------
Operating profit               1        6,019       3,240
Net interest                            (857)       (1,223)
                                        ----------  ----------
Profit on ordinary activities                       
before taxation                         5,162       2,017
Taxation                       2        (1,069)     100
                                        ----------  ----------
Profit for the financial year           4,093       2,117
Dividends on equity shares     3        (1,534)     (957)
                                        ----------  ----------
Transferred to reserves                 2,559       1,160
                                        ======      ======
Earnings per ordinary share    4        2.1p        1.1p
                                        ======      ======
The above figures relate exclusively to continuing operations.
There is no material difference between the results disclosed
and the results on an unmodified historical cost basis.
As at 30 April 1998
                                        1998        1997
                                        #'000       #'000
Fixed assets                                        
Tangible assets                         15,094      13,417
Investments                             6,400       7,650
                                        ----------  ----------
                                        21,494      21,067
                                        ----------  ----------
Current assets                                      
Stocks                                  5,012       5,552
Debtors                                 140,818     128,813
Investments                             -           658
Cash at bank and in hand                19,463      12,013
                                        ----------  ----------
                                        165,293     147,036
                                        ----------  ----------
Creditors: Amounts falling due within   (138,012)   (122,280)
one year
                                        ----------  ----------
Net current assets                      27,281      24,756
                                        ----------  ----------
Total assets less current liabilities   48,775      45,823
Creditors: Amounts falling due after                
more than one year                      (16,594)    (16,532)
Provisions for liabilities and charges  (250)       -
                                        ----------  ----------
Net assets                              31,931      29,291
                                        ======      ======
Capital and reserves                                
Called up share capital                 19,177      19,132
Share premium account                   43          7
Special reserve                         308         308
Revaluation reserve                     607         607
Profit and loss account                 11,796      9,237
                                        ----------  ----------
Shareholders' funds - equity interest   31,931      29,291
                                        ======      ======
for the year ended 30 April 1998
                               1998                   1997
                         #'000          #'000    #'000        #'000
Net cash inflow from operating          13,964                10,321
Returns on                                                    
investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received      433                       345          
Interest paid                                                 
                       (1,295)                   (1,617)
Interest element of                                           
finance lease rentals                            
and hire purchase                                
contracts              (23)                      (21)
                       ----------                ----------   
Net cash outflow from                                         
returns on                                                    
investments and                                               
servicing of finance                    (885)                 (1,293)
UK Corporation tax                                            
(including advance                                            
corporation tax)                        (252)                 100
Capital expenditure and financial                             
Purchase of tangible fixed                                    
assets                         (4,465)           (4,378)
Sale of tangible fixed assets  162               402          
Sale of fixed asset                                           
investments                    1,250             -
                               -------           ----------   
Net cash outflow from investing                               
activities                              (3,053)               (3,976)
Dividends paid to equity shareholders   (957)                 -
                                        --------              --------
Cash inflow before management                                 
of liquid resources and                                       
financing                               8,817                 5,152
Management of liquid                                          
Purchase of current asset                                     
investments                    -                 (40)
Sale of current asset                                         
investments                    658               -
Movement in short term cash                                   
deposits                       (974)             (268)
                               -------           ----------   
Net cash outflow from                                         
management of liquid                                          
resources                               (316)                 (308)
Issue of ordinary shares       81                16           
Loan repayments                (2,034)           (7,468)      
Capital element of finance                                    
lease rentals and hire                           
purchase contracts             (72)              (64)
                               -------           ----------   
Net cash outflow from                                         
financing                               (2,025)               (7,516)
                                        --------              --------
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the                            
year                                    6,476                 (2,672)
                                        ======                ======
for the year ended 30 April 1998
1.   Segment information
(a)  Turnover and results
                    Turnover                         Operating profit
                    1998          1997         1998       1997
                    #'000         #'000        #'000      #'000
Contracting         434,995       394,717      4,105      2,124
Plant hire          14,655        13,009       1,165      1,074
property            900           13,648       721        499
Housing             140           601          58         (162)
Group centre        -             -            (30)       (295)
Intra-group         (6,348)       (12,080)                
                    ----------    ----------   ---------- ----------
                    444,342       409,895      6,019      3,240
                    ======        ======                  
Net interest                                   (857)      (1,223)
                                               ---------- ----------
Profit on ordinary                                        
activities before                                         
taxation                                       5,162      2,017
                                               ======     ======
(b) Net assets                                 1998       1997
                                               #'000      #'000
Contracting                                    7,620      13,822
Plant hire                                     7,875      6,328
property                                       12,237     13,743
Housing                                        17         106
Group centre                                   (767)      (1,584)
                                               ---------- ----------
                                               26,982     32,415
Unallocated net                                           
                                               4,949      (3,124)
                                               ---------- ----------
                                               31,931     29,291
                                               ======     ======
The above analysis reflects the segments by which the Group is
managed.  All turnover arises from work performed within the
United Kingdom.
                                         1998        1997
                                         #'000       #'000
Unallocated net assets/(liabilities)                 
Net cash at bank/(bank borrowings)       7,481       (2,003)
Obligations under finance leases and                 
hire purchase contracts                  (181)       (164)
Corporation tax                          (567)       -
Deferred tax                             (250)       -
Dividends payable on equity shares       (1,534)     (957)
                                         ----------  ----------
                                         4,949       (3,124)
                                         ======      ======
Net assets for each segment represents non-interest bearing
operating assets less non-interest bearing operating
2.   Taxation
                                          1998       1997
                                          #'000      #'000
United Kingdom corporation tax at 31%     (819)      -
(1997: 33%)
Deferred tax                              (250)      -
                                          ---------- ----------
                                          (1,069)    -
Adjustments to prior years' tax                      
Corporation tax                           -          100
                                          ---------- ----------
                                          (1,069)    100
                                          ======     ======
The tax charge for the year is reduced below the expected rate
of 31% as a result of timing differences not previously
recognised for deferred tax purposes net of certain expenditure
disallowed for corporation tax.
3.   Dividends on equity shares
                                     1998        1997
                                     #'000       #'000
Interim 0.3p per ordinary share      574         383
(1997 - 0.2p)
Final proposed 0.5p per ordinary     960         574
share (1997 - 0.3p)
                                     ----------  ----------
                                     1,534       957
                                     ======      ======
The interim dividend was paid on 5 May 1998.  Subject to the
approval of shareholders at the Annual General Meeting the final
dividend will be paid on 5 November 1998 to shareholders
appearing on the register at the close of business on 2 October
4.   Earnings per ordinary share
The calculation of earnings per ordinary share is based on
profits of #4,093,000 (1997: #2,117,000) and on the weighted
average of 191,653,062 (1997: 191,261,655) ordinary shares in
issue during the year.
5.   Net cash at bank/(bank borrowings)
                                        1998         1997
                                        #'000        #'000
Net cash at bank/(bank borrowings)                   
Cash at bank   - on demand              15,885       9,409
           - on short term deposit      3,578        2,604
Bank loans and overdrafts:                           
Due within one year                     -            (750)
Due after one year                      (11,982)     (13,266)
                                        ----------   ----------
                                        7,481        (2,003)
                                        ======       ======
6.   Financial information
The financial information incorporated in this announcement does
not constitute full statutory accounts within the meaning of the
Companies Act 1985.  Full accounts for the year ended 30 April
1998 upon which Deloitte & Touche have given an unqualified
audit report will be filed with the Registrar of Companies in
due course.


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