RNS Number:8740X
Birse Group PLC
26 January 2001

Friday 26 January 2001

                               BIRSE GROUP plc

                               INTERIM RESULTS

Birse Group plc, the UK construction group, today announces results for the
six months ended 31 October 2000.

These may be summarised as follows:

  * Exceptional items totalling #24m relating to litigation, as previously
  * Pre-tax losses, before exceptional operating items, of #6.7 million,
    (1999: profit of #2.1 million) mainly due to restructuring costs and loss
    provisions in respect of Process Engineering business
  * Strong construction order book; #386million at 31 December 2000 (1999: #
  * Continued good progress at BPH Equipment and Birse Properties
  * Dividend maintained at 0.375p per share

Commenting on the results, Chief Executive Peter Watson said:

"Birse today is all about partnership with its customers and it is therefore a
great sadness to all of us that the underlying potential of the Group has been
so badly restricted during the first half by historic disputes relating to old

As foreshadowed, the Process Engineering Division had a tough first half but
we are confident that the investment we have made in rationalising and
restructuring it will deliver an improving performance going forward. Birse
Plant Hire continues to perform well and we will redouble our efforts in the
second half in respect of a number of promising opportunities to realise
maximum value from non-core property assets."

Birse Group plc                                         01652 633222
Peter Watson, Chief Executive
Martin Budden, Finance Director

Financial Dynamics                                      020 7831 3113
Tom Baldock


The results reported are dominated by exceptional operating items amounting in
the aggregate to #24 million. These losses accrue from the litigation
involving Birse Construction and relate to the Priory Meadow Shopping Centre,
Hastings and the Lower Rhymney Valley Relief Road projects. Both projects have
been the subject of earlier announcements made to the London Stock Exchange.
These two cases exemplify everything that was wrong with the Construction
Industry in the early to mid nineties and clearly illustrate why industry wide
attitude changes have been necessary and why we have been progressively moving
the business towards partnering and long term client and supplier

Pre-tax losses, before exceptional operating items, of #6.7 million compare
with profits for the corresponding period last year of #2.1 million. These
results derive from losses of #7.8 million in the Construction business which
are mainly as a result of the previously announced restructuring and
rationalisation of its Process Engineering Division together with the closing
out of problem contracts inherited by the new management of that business. The
costs associated with the turnaround of that Division combined with loss
provisions in respect of three contracts in the Building Division mean that
the results reported by Birse Construction are adversely affected by factors
not present in previous periods which masks the progress that continues to be
made in improving the underlying quality of the company. Plant Hire results
continue to improve with profits increasing to #717,000 compared with #627,000
earned in the six months ended 31 October 1999. The Group's Commercial
Property activities increased profits to #793,000 (31 October 1999: #401,000).

The net interest charge for the period fell by #316,000 to #133,000. In line
with the trend established over the last five years average net borrowings
continue to fall. At 31 October 2000 the Group had a net cash position of #7.5
million including amounts held on deposit as investments (31 October 1999: #
5.7 million). The achievement of our stated objective to eliminate the net
interest charge is now in sight.

Exceptional Operating Items
                                                         #' million

Lower Rhymney Valley Relief Road                                  8
Priory Meadow Shopping Centre, Hastings                          16


The Lower Rhymney Valley Relief Road contract was awarded to Birse
Construction at the commencement of the 1990's; the Hastings contract was
awarded in 1995. From the early days both contracts were characterised by
disputes over monies due under the contract. Despite extensive efforts and
initiatives those disputes were not resolved. As a result the Rhymney project
was referred to arbitration and the Hastings dispute to litigation in 1996 and
1998 respectively. With regard to the Rhymney arbitration on 12 July 2000 the
arbitrator published an award which dealt with all matters excluding interest
and finance and costs in the action. Birse Construction was awarded further
monies amounting in the aggregate to #0.5 million giving rise to the
exceptional loss set out above. Certain elements of that award have been
referred to Appeal, however, collectively they will not alter its substance.
Given these outstanding Appeal matters and the fact that the issues of
interest, finance and costs remain to be determined, I am restricted from
commenting beyond the facts outlined.

In contrast the Hastings litigation has been settled and subject to the
completion of certain modification works is now behind us. I am concerned by
the level at which we were obliged to settle the dispute and shall be
considering further how the need to settle in this way came about and what
lessons the Group can learn from the experience.

I re-emphasise that these disputes originated many years ago and that they
most definitely are not a feature of work secured in recent years.

Included in debtors as at 31 October 2000 is an aggregate value of #
15.6million attributable to seven old contracts which remain the subject of
arbitration or equivalent proceedings.


                        Six months ended 31 October             Year ended
                         2000                 1999             30 April 2000
                 Turnover   Operating Turnover   Operating Turnover   Operating
                      (loss)/profit*       (loss)/profit         (loss)/profit
                    #'000       #'000    #'000       #'000    #'000       #'000

Civil              93,258          52    85,854     1,591    147,817      2,769

Building           82,920     (1,903)    68,668     1,372    169,824      2,728

Process            14,205     (5,925)    21,765    (1,250)    45,535    (2,359)
                  190,383     (7,776)   176,287      1,713   363,176      3,138

* Before exceptional operating items.

In my statement incorporated in the accounts for the year ended 30 April 2000
I warned that losses in the Process Engineering Division would continue into
the period under review. Following the appointment of John Ruane as Divisional
Managing Director at the end of the 1999/2000 financial year the following
actions have been put in place and by the end of the current financial year
the planned re-organisation of the business will be complete:-

 i. a cut in overhead costs from an annual rate of around #4million to #
    2million involving a reduction in staff numbers from 208 at the end of
    April 2000 to 119. The related redundancy costs of #0.5million have been
    charged in full in the figures shown above. All of this was achieved by 31
    October 2000;
ii. a re-organisation of the technical engineering function whereby that
    activity has been removed from sites and concentrated centrally thereby
    allowing better use of expertise and ensuring that tighter technical and
    commercial controls are exercised over the fundamental elements of the
    contracting process;
iii. the introduction of an incentive scheme for the Division's Directors
    whereby they have invested their own money in the business; and
iv. a restriction on contract selection to those projects where a track record
    of technical and commercial performance is evident.

The results of the Building Division were depressed by losses on three
contracts amounting in the aggregate to #2.2million. These contracts, which
were awarded prior to the appointment of the current Divisional Board, are
largely complete and fully provided for; therefore these losses will not recur
in the second half. The Civil Engineering Division benefited from a strong
performance from Birse Rail which returned an operating profit for the period
of #771,000 on turnover of #16million. With increased levels of business
available in this sector and more opportunities expected in the Division's
established operating areas the foundations are in place for an improved
performance in the second half of the year.

The reorganisation of Birse Construction into three distinct operating
divisions is starting to bear fruit. A more focused customer approach is
evident in the present order book which at the end of December 2000 stood at #
386million (1999: #293million). The first phase of our director development
programme conducted by a leading UK Business School will shortly be finished.
The emphasis now is to concentrate exclusively on what the company is good at,
that is its core competencies so as to allow a step change in production and
cost efficiencies to take effect.

Plant Hire

                       Six months ended 31 October            Year ended
                         2000               1999             30 April 2000
                   Turnover Operating Turnover Operating  Turnover   Operating
                              profit             profit           profit/(loss)
                     #'000     #'000    #'000     #'000    #'000          #'000

Crawler Cranes       1,911       517    1,793       455    3,399            699

Piling Equipment       556       200      508       120    1,061            299

Divisions Sold           -         -    2,104        52    2,869           (65)

                     2,467       717    4,405       627    7,329            933

Management's concentration upon its core competencies continues to be the main
driver behind the improvement in the results achieved. The aggregate return on
capital now exceeds 20%. The six new crawler cranes purchased in the period
(cost #1.2million) went on hire in August/September and further capital
expenditure for new piling equipment has been approved. Market demand remains
strong in each of BPH's operating sectors, therefore, prospects for further
improvements remain encouraging.

Commercial Property

                      Six months ended 31 October                    Year ended
                      2000                    1999                30 April 2000
   Turnover     Operating    Turnover   Operating      Turnover       Operating
                   profit                  profit                        profit
      #'000         #'000       #'000       #'000         #'000           #'000

      1,696           793       1,177         401         1,177           1,023

During the period sales at Warrington of 2.9 acres were achieved for a
consideration of #1.14million which when combined with the #556,000 earned by
way of contingent consideration in respect of earlier completions gives rise
to the turnover reported, the entire proceeds of which were not received until
after the period end. Current interest in the site from a number of parties
should ensure a steady stream of future completions.


An interim dividend of 0.375p per ordinary share (1999: 0.375p) will be paid
on 3 May 2001 to shareholders on the register on 6 April 2001.


Key to the prospects of Birse Construction is the effectiveness of the actions
taken to turnaround its Process Engineering Division. Early indications are
positive. The completion of the loss making contracts referred to in relation
to the Building Division, the increased volume of rail and other favoured
opportunities in the Civil Engineering Division combined with the overall
strength of the company's order book should allow those businesses to improve
results in the second half. BPH will continue to concentrate upon its core
crawler crane and piling activities which should benefit further from the
capital expenditure made earlier in the year. The receipt of the proceeds from
the sales of land at Warrington (#1.696million) after the period end will make
a positive contribution to our objective of eliminating the net interest
charge and further improve liquidity. Prospects for further land sales in the
second half are very encouraging.

Consolidated Results

for the 6 months ended 31 October 2000

                                             Note   6 Months  6 Months     Year
                                                       Ended     Ended    Ended
                                                    31.10.00  31.10.99  30.4.00
                                                       #'000     #'000    #'000

Turnover                                     2       194,242   181,105  370,336

Operating (loss)/profit before exceptional
operating items                              2       (6,522)     2,572    4,634

Exceptional operating items                  3      (23,994)         -        -

Operating (loss)/profit                             (30,516)     2,572    4,634

Profit on disposal of businesses             4             -       300       77

(Loss)/ profit before interest                      (30,516)     2,872    4,711

Net interest                                           (133)     (449)    (523)
(Loss)/ profit on ordinary activities before
taxation                                     2      (30,649)     2,423    4,188

Taxation                                     5         1,006     (600)    (994)

(Loss)/ profit for the financial period             (29,643)     1,823    3,194

Dividends on equity shares                   6         (721)     (721)  (1,924)

(Withdrawn from)/ transferred to reserves           (30,364)     1,102    1,270
(Loss)/earnings per ordinary share

                                     - basic 7       (15.4)p      0.9p     1.7p
                                   - diluted 7       (15.6)p      0.9p     1.7p
                  - before exceptional items
                                     - basic 7        (2.9)p      0.8p     1.6p
                                   - diluted 7        (3.0)p      0.8p     1.6p

The above figures relate exclusively to continuing operations.

Consolidated Balance Sheet

as at 31 October 2000
                                                 Note   As at   As at   As at
                                                      31.10.00 31.10.99 30.4.00
                                                        #'000   #'000   #'000
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets                                        12,127  14,249    11,598

Current Assets
Stocks                                                  3,825   3,826     4,406

Debtors                                             8 128,131 144,413   147,517

Investments                                             3,663       -     2,586

Cash at bank and in hand                                5,532   6,774     6,201

                                                      141,151 155,013   160,710

Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year

Bank loans and overdrafts                               (700)    (534)       -

Other creditors                                     (144,596)(129,866) (134,514)

                                                    (145,296)(130,400) (134,514)

Net Current (Liabilities)/Assets                      (4,145)  24,613    26,196

Total Assets Less Current Liabilities                   7,982  38,862    37,794

Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than
one year
Bank loans and overdrafts                                   -   (534)        -

Other creditors                                       (4,544) (4,344)    (3,727)

                                                      (4,544) (4,878)    (3,727)

Provisions for Liabilities and Charges                      -   (350)      (265)

Net Assets                                              3,438  33,634     33,802

Capital and Reserves
Called up share capital                                19,239  19,239     19,239

Share premium account                                      93      93         93

Special reserve                                           308     308        308

Revaluation reserve                                       607     607        607

Profit and loss account                               (16,809)  13,387    13,555

Shareholders' Funds - equity interest                   3,438  33,634     33,802

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

for the 6 months ended 31 October 2000
                                                 6 months    6 months      Year
                                                    Ended       Ended     Ended
                                                 31.10.00    31.10.99   30.4.00
                                                    #'000       #'000     #'000

Net cash inflow from operating activities           2,289       5,589     8,963

Returns on investments and servicing of finance     (120)       (522)     (615)

Taxation                                            (327)           -     (331)

Capital expenditure and financial investment      (2,389)       4,368     3,719

Acquisitions and disposals                              -       2,119     3,920

Dividends paid to equity shareholders               (722)        (577)   (1,539)
Cash (outflow)/inflow before management of
liquid resources and financing                    (1,269)      10,977    14,117

Management of liquid resources                     3,536       (3,564)   (4,883)

Financing                                            677       (8,059)   (9,186)

Increase/ (decrease) in cash in the period          2,944        (646)       48

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

for the 6 months ended 31 October 2000
                                                 6 months  6 months      Year
                                                    Ended     Ended     Ended
                                                 31.10.00  31.10.99   30.4.00
                                                    #'000     #'000     #'000

Reconciliation of operating (loss)/profit to
net cash inflow from operating activities
Operating (loss)/profit                          (30,516)     2,572     4,634
Depreciation net of profit on disposal of fixed
assets                                                860     1,224     2,301
Loss on disposal of fixed asset investments             -         -        83
Decrease in stocks                                    581       589         9
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                     19,386  (19,376)  (22,330)
Increase in creditors                              11,978    20,580    24,266

Net cash inflow from operating activities           2,289     5,589     8,963

Analysis of net funds
Cash at bank on demand                              4,012       374     1,068
Cash at bank on short term deposit                  1,520     6,400     5,133
Cash at bank on deposit with terms in excess

of seven days                                       2,663         -     2,586
Debt due within one year                            (700)     (534)         -
Debt due after one year                                 -     (534)         -
Finance leases                                      (115)     (163)     (138)

                                                    7,380     5,543     8,649

Reconciliation of cash flows to movements
in net funds/(debt)
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period           2,944     (646)        48
Cash outflows from reduction in debt and
lease financing                                       523     8,059     9,186
Cash (inflow)/outflow from management of
liquid resources                                  (3,536)     3,564     4,883
New finance leases and hire purchase contracts          -         -      (34)
New loans                                         (1,200)         -        -
Movement in net funds/(debt) in the period        (1,269)    10,977    14,083
Net funds/(debt) at 1 May 2000                     8,649     (5,434)   (5,434)

Net funds at 31 October 2000                        7,380     5,543     8,649

Notes to the Interim Accounts

 1. Preparation of Interim Accounts

    The interim accounts, which relate exclusively to continuing operations,
    have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the
    Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 30 April 2000.

    The Group's auditors, Deloitte & Touche, have carried out a review of the
    interim accounts, which were approved by the Board of Directors on 26
    January 2001, and their report is reproduced on page 14.

    The financial information presented is unaudited and does not amount to
    full statutory accounts within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985. Full
    accounts for the year ended 30 April 2000, upon which Deloitte & Touche
    gave an unqualified audit report, have been delivered to the Registrar of

 2. Segment Information

                                             6 Months     6 Months       Year
                                                Ended        Ended      Ended
                                             31.10.00     31.10.99    30.4.00
                                                #'000        #'000      #'000

    Contracting                               190,383      176,287    363,176
    Plant Hire                                  2,467        4,405      7,329
    Commercial Property                         1,696        1,177      1,177
    Intra-group                                  (304)        (764)    (1,346)
                                              194,242      181,105    370,336

    Contracting                                (7,776)        1,713      3,138
    Plant Hire                                    717           627        933
    Commercial Property                           793           401      1,023
    Group Centre                                 (256)         (169)      (460)
                                               (6,522)        2,572      4,634

    Exceptional operating items - Contracting (23,994)            -          -

    Operating (loss)/profit                   (30,516)        2,572      4,634
    Profit on disposal of businesses                -           300         77
    (Loss)/profit before interest             (30,516)        2,872      4,711
    Net interest                                 (133)        (449)      (523)

    (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities
    before taxation                           (30,649)        2,423      4,188

 3. Exceptional Operating Items

    Exceptional operating items comprise non-recoverable costs arising in
    relation to the following projects in respect of which Birse Construction
    Limited issued proceedings for the recovery of amounts due under the
    respective contracts:-

                                              6 Months     6 Months       Year
                                                 Ended        Ended      Ended
                                              31.10.00     31.10.99    30.4.00
                                                 #'000        #'000      #'000

    Lower Rhymney Valley Relief Road             7,994            -          -
    Priory Meadow Shopping Centre, Hastings     16,000            -          -

                                                23,994            -          -

    In the case of the Rhymney contract the losses are in consequence of the
    level of award made by the arbitrator and in the case of the Hastings
    contract the losses arise as a direct result of the settlement made by the

    No tax credit or deferred tax asset has been recognised in respect of
    these losses.

 4. Disposal of Businesses

    On 31 October 1999 BPH Equipment Limited completed the sale of its
    offshore equipment hire and diesel engine refurbishment division based at
    Aberdeen. On 22 February 2000 it sold that part of its non-operated
    activities represented by its fleet of wheel cleaning units. On 28 April
    2000 it sold the remainder of its non-operated division along with its
    site services operations. In aggregate the gross consideration of these
    transactions was #4,390,000 and the amount of tax attributable to the
    profit on disposal of #77,000 was #7,000.

 5. Taxation

    The tax credit for the period has been calculated by reference to the
    projected rate for the full year and incorporates the maximum potential
    recovery from the carry back of tax losses.

 6. Dividends on Equity shares

    An interim dividend of 0.375p per ordinary share (1999 - 0.375p) will be
    paid on 3 May 2001 to shareholders on the register on 6 April 2001.

 7. (Loss)/Earnings per Ordinary Share
                                               6 Months   6 Months       Year
                                                  Ended      Ended      Ended
                                               31.10.00   31.10.99    30.4.00
                                                  #'000      #'000      #'000

    The calculation of (loss)/earnings per
    ordinary share is based on:

    (Loss)/earnings for basic and diluted
    (loss)/earnings per ordinary share         (29,643)      1,823      3,194

    Exceptional items                           23,994        (300)       (77)

    Tax on exceptional items                         -          90          7

    (Loss)/earnings before exceptional items
    per ordinary share calculation             (5,649)       1,613      3,124

                                               Thousands  Thousands  Thousands
    Weighted average number of shares used
    in basic (loss)/earnings per ordinary share
    calculations                                192,390      192,390    192,390

    Adjustment to reflect dilutive shares under
    options                                      (2,840)           -          -

    Weighted average number of shares used
    in diluted (loss)/earnings per ordinary share
    calculation                                 189,550      192,390    192,390

 8. Debtors; Uncertainty Relating to Amounts on Contracts

    Included in debtors is an aggregate value of #15,643,000 attributable to
    contractual amounts relating to seven contracts which are the subject of
    arbitration or equivalent proceedings.

    In consequence of the losses suffered on the Hastings and Rhymney
    contracts (see Note 3) the Directors have re-considered the recoverability
    of the amounts attributable to these and other old contracts. Whilst the
    Directors believe that they are justified in concluding that these amounts
    will be realised, the Directors acknowledge that there remains significant
    uncertainty. However, it is not possible to quantify the effects.

Independent review report to Birse Group plc


We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information set
out on pages 7-13 and we have read the other information contained in the
interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements
or material inconsistencies with the financial information.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the Directors. The Listing
Rules of the UK Listing Authority require that the accounting policies and
presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with those
applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any changes,
and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999
/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board. A review consists principally of
making enquiries of group management and applying analytical procedures to the
financial information and underlying financial data and based thereon,
assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been
consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit
procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities
and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in
accordance with Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of
assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on
the financial information.

Uncertainty relating to amounts on contracts

In arriving at our review conclusion we have considered the accuracy of
disclosure made in Note 8 to the financial information concerning uncertainty
relating to amounts on contracts. In view of the significance of this
uncertainty, we consider it should be brought to your attention.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 31 October 2000.

Deloitte & Touche

Chartered Accountants

10-12 East Parade



26 January 2001

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