RNS Number:4735O
Birse Group PLC
11 December 2001

Date    Embargoed until 7.00am 11 December 2001

Contact  Peter Watson, Chairman                      Telephone  01652 633 222
         Martin Budden, Group Managing Director
         Heather Appleford, Group Finance Director
         Birse Group plc

         Scott Fulton                                Telephone  0207 831 3113
         Financial Dynamics

                     BIRSE GROUP plc - INTERIM RESULTS

Birse Group plc, the UK construction, plant hire and property group, today
announces results for the half year ended 31 October 2001.

These may be summarised as follows:-

-         Pre-tax profits of #1.2million (2000: loss of #6.7million before
          exceptional operating items).

-         Improvement led by Birse Construction - operating profit of 
          #154,000 (2000: loss of #8.1million before exceptional operating      

-         Plant Hire increases profit to #1.2million (2000: #1.0million).

-         No exceptional items (2000: loss of #24million).

-         Record Construction order book; #425million at 31 October 2001
          (2000: #362million).

-         Net cash at #9.2million (2000: #7.5million).

-         Dividend held at 0.375p per share.

Commenting on the results, the Directors said:

"It is pleasing to report that your Group continues to make progress.  We
believe that with each of the Group's areas of operation set to benefit from
strong construction orders, government spending targeted at its key markets,
growing capital spend by the water industry, low inflation and low interest
rates, your Group is in a position to build positively on the solid start made
to the year."


On the results for the six months ended 31 October 2001

It is pleasing to report that your Group continued the good progress seen in
the second half of 2000/2001.  Pre-tax profits of #1.2million compare with
pre-tax losses, before exceptional operating items, of #6.7million for the
corresponding period last year.

Birse Construction was the main driver behind that improvement delivering an
operating profit of #154,000 (2000/2001: loss of #8.1million before
exceptional operating items) despite losses in its Process Engineering
Division of #2.2million.  Plant Hire improved results increasing operating
profits by eighteen per cent to #1.2million.  The absence of contracted
transactions meant that the Group's Commercial Property activities reported a
profit of #114,000 (2000/2001: profit of #793,000) in effect representing the
rental income net of overhead costs attributable to that business.

The net interest credit of #25,000 (2000/2001: charge of #133,000) reflects
the trend established by the Group over the last six years in managing a
reduction of its net borrowings.  It is the first time in ten years that the
Group has reported a net interest credit.  At 31 October 2001 the Group had a
net cash position of #9.2million including amounts held on deposit as
investments (31 October 2000: #7.5million).


                    Six months ended 31 October                Year Ended
                    2001                   2000              30 April 2001
            Turnover    Operating Turnover     Operating Turnover     Operating
                          profit/          (loss)/profit*         (loss)/profit*
               #'000        #'000    #'000         #'000    #'000         #'000


Engineering  103,190        2,446   93,258          (77)  168,646           528
Building     132,221        (102)   82,920       (2,032)  221,626         3,643

Engineering    8,852      (2,190)   14,205       (5,976)   24,647       (9,494)
             244,263          154  190,383       (8,085)  414,919       (5,323)

*  Before exceptional operating items.

Birse Construction has traded broadly in line with expectations albeit that
the Civil Engineering Division has performed ahead of plan whilst the Building
business has under achieved.  The rate of losses incurred by the Process
Engineering Division continued to slow down and progress has been made in
securing the critical mass of turnover needed to effect fully the turnaround
of that business.

Secured workload for the company as a whole at the end of October 2001 stood
at #425million (31 October 2000: #362million).

The improved performance achieved by the Civil Engineering Division reflects
the increase in the number of available infrastructure opportunities.  Demand
in all its major sectors namely rail, London Underground, roads, flood
defences and water has been robust.  Provided the Government's published
spending plans are implemented and orders for the enhancement of the rail
network continue to be placed by Railtrack (in Railway Administration) demand
in this sector should remain strong for the foreseeable future.

In pursuance of our objective for each of our operating businesses to get
significantly closer to and better understand the needs of their customers our
London Underground and rail businesses, Birse Metro and Birse Rail
respectively, will be established as incorporated entities with effect from 1
May 2002.   As trading companies independent of the Civil Engineering
business, incorporation will engender greater customer attention and enable
the directors of those businesses to build upon the increased number of market
opportunities that focus brings.

The results reported by the Building Division have been depressed by:-

i.  poor returns on two of its larger projects which together contributed       
    #13million of turnover in the period; and

ii. a negative contribution of #335,000 arising in relation to an under-priced  

Once below average returns are experienced in the Building sector there is
limited opportunity to make up such shortfalls with higher than average
margins on other contracts.  In recent months the Building Division has
experienced a fall off in the level of enquiries received with throughput in
September and October being around fifty per cent of those experienced in the
earlier months of the year.

This is a set of circumstances with which we are very familiar in that the
Building market, particularly the developer led sector, is very sensitive to
macro economic sentiment.  Any general economic uncertainty leads to an almost
immediate postponement of investment decisions.  Likewise sentiment is just as
quickly reversed with investment reinstated once that uncertainty diminishes.
Some signs of a reversal were seen in the month of November when business
leads exceeded #200million.  Whilst an element of uncertainty persists in
respect of the Building market its fundamentals remain strong given low
inflation, low interest rates and relatively high consumer spending.

Losses in the Process Engineering Division diminished reflecting the progress
made in turning that business around.  Losses of #6million and #3.5million in
the first and second half respectively of 2000/2001 compare with the 
#2.2million lost in the six months to 31 October 2001.  Further progress has
been made in securing a critical mass of business with enquiries in the period
up from #26million to #40million with the majority of those enquiries coming
in the second quarter.  Secured orders at the end of October 2001 amounted to
#13 million (31 October 2000: #11million).  With the water industry about to
enter a period of high spend on capital projects, market conditions are
expected to become more favourable.

Included in debtors at 31 October 2001 is an aggregate value of #6.1million
(31 October 2000: #15.6million) attributable to two (31 October 2000: seven)
old contracts which remain the subject of arbitration or equivalent
proceedings.  Since 31 October 2000 five cases have been settled by way of
negotiation, four in the second half of 2000/2001 and one in the period under

Plant Hire

                         Six months ended 31 October           Year Ended
                        2001                2000              30 April 2001
                   Turnover  Operating Turnover  Operating  Turnover Operating
                                profit              profit              profit
                       #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000

Crawler Cranes         1,780       501     1,911       517     3,554       890
Piling Equipment         457       147       556       200     1,077       443
Accommodation          1,920       567       637       309     1,263       716
                       4,157     1,215     3,104     1,026     5,894     2,049

With effect from 1 May 2001 the Group's internal Site Accommodation Division
was incorporated and commenced trading as an independent operating unit under
the name The Cabin Company Limited.  Whilst in the period under review all its
turnover was transacted with other members of the Group, it will commence
trading with external customers in the second half of the year.  It was with a
view to servicing this external market that the business was formed.  All
comparative figures have been restated on a pro-forma basis as though The
Cabin Company Limited had operated independently from 1 May 2000.

The Crawler Cranes and Piling Equipment operations continue to trade as
divisions of BPH Equipment.  Whilst the results of the Crawler Crane Division
compare with those achieved in the corresponding period in 2000/2001, demand
for its mechanical cranes has fallen whilst demand for its hydraulic machines
has increased.  It is a medium term objective to build up a fleet comprising
exclusively of hydraulic machines.   The Piling business suffered from a lack
of orders for its larger hammers.  Given the expected increase in the
incidence of major road and marine projects prospects should improve.

Traditionally the performance of BPH is not as strong in the second half of
the year due to the reduction of available hires in and around the Christmas
and New Year holiday period.

Commercial Property

                       Six months ended 31 October              Year Ended
                      2001                   2000              30 April 2001
                 Turnover   Operating   Turnover  Operating  Turnover Operating
                               profit                profit              profit
                    #'000       #'000      #'000      #'000     #'000     #'000

                        -         114      1,696        793     4,409     1,965

During the period no contracted sales were completed (2000/2001: 2.9acres).
Whilst interest in the Warrington site remains strong we have adopted a
selective approach to sales with a view to optimising prices received and
maximising future development opportunities.  During the period five acres of
land adjacent to the existing site were acquired giving rise to a land bank of
fifteen acres.


An interim dividend of 0.375p per ordinary share (2000: 0.375p) will be paid
on 3 May 2002 to shareholders on the register on 5 April 2002.


At the year end it was reported that we had a platform for positive progress.
Since that time uncertainties in relation to the macro economic picture and
the future ownership of Railtrack (in Railway Administration) have emerged.
Those uncertainties are however balanced by a strong construction order book,
government spending plans targeted at our key markets, a growing capital spend
by the water industry, low inflation and low interest rates.  We believe that
each of our areas of operation will benefit from these factors leaving the
Group in a position to build positively on the solid start made to the year.



                                       6 Months       6 Months       Year Ended
                                          Ended          Ended
                                       31.10.01       31.10.00         30.04.01
                                 Note     #'000          #'000            #'000

Turnover                          2     246,203        194,242          423,423

Operating profit/(loss) before

exceptional operating items       2       1,166        (6,522)          (1,911)

Exceptional operating items       3           -       (23,994)         (27,663)

Operating profit/(loss)           2       1,166       (30,516)         (29,574)

Net interest                                 25          (133)            (159)

Profit/(loss) on ordinary
activities  before taxation       2       1,191       (30,649)         (29,733)

Taxation                          4       (262)          1,006            3,525

Profit/(loss) for the financial
period                                      929       (29,643)         (26,208)

Dividends on equity shares        5       (721)          (721)          (1,924)

Transferred to/(withdrawn from)
reserves                                    208       (30,364)         (28,132)

Earnings/(loss) per ordinary
- basic                           6        0.5p        (15.4)p          (13.6)p

- diluted                         6        0.5p        (15.6)p          (13.8)p

- before exceptional items
 - basic                          6        0.5p         (2.9)p             0.2p

- diluted                         6        0.5p         (3.0)p             0.2p

The above figures relate exclusively to continuing operations.



                                                  As at       As at       As at
                                               31.10.01    31.10.00    30.04.01
                                      Note        #'000       #'000       #'000

Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets                                  12,697      12,127      12,241

Current Assets
Stocks                                            3,510       3,825       2,714
Debtors                                7        137,164     128,131     127,789
Investments                                       3,816       3,663       3,743
Cash at bank and in hand                          7,268       5,532       6,890
                                                151,758     141,151     141,136

Creditors: Amounts falling due
within  one year
Bank loans and overdrafts                         (400)       (700)       (400)
Other creditors                               (151,312)   (144,596)   (142,061)
                                              (151,712)   (145,296)   (142,461)

Net Current Assets/(Liabilities)                     46     (4,145)     (1,325)

Total Assets less Current
Liabilities                                      12,743       7,982      10,916

Creditors: Amount falling due after
more than one year
Bank loans and overdrafts                         (526)           -       (100)
Other creditors                                 (6,249)     (4,544)     (5,056)
                                                (6,775)     (4,544)     (5,156)

Net Assets                                        5,968       3,438       5,760

Capital and Reserves
Called up share capital                          19,239      19,239      19,239
Share premium account                                93          93          93
Special reserve                                     308         308         308
Revaluation reserve                                 607         607         607
Profit and loss account                        (14,279)    (16,809)    (14,487)
Shareholders' Funds - equity
interest                                          5,968       3,438       5,760


For the 6 months ended 31 October 2001

                                       6 Months Ended 6 Months Ended Year Ended
                                             31.10.01       31.10.00   30.04.01
                                                #'000          #'000      #'000

Net cash inflow from operating
activities                                      1,850          2,289      5,591

Returns on investments and servicing
of finance                                         83          (120)      (194)

Taxation                                            -          (327)       (90)

Capital expenditure and financial
investment                                    (1,135)        (2,389)    (3,131)

Acquisitions and disposals                          -              -        150

Dividends paid to equity shareholders           (721)          (722)    (1,924)

Cash inflow/(outflow) before
management of liquid resources
and financing                                      77        (1,269)        402

Management of liquid resources                 11,946          3,536    (7,532)

Financing                                         374            677        444

Increase/(decrease) in cash in the             12,397          2,944    (6,686)


For the 6 months ended 31 October 2001

                                              6 Months      6 Months Year Ended
                                                 Ended         Ended
                                              31.10.01      31.10.00   30.04.01
                                                 #'000         #'000      #'000

Reconciliation of operating profit/
(loss) to net cash inflow from operating
Operating profit/(loss)                          1,166      (30,516)   (29,574)
Depreciation net of profit on disposal
of fixed  assets                                   852           860      1,704
(Increase)/decrease in stocks                    (796)           581      1,692
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                 (9,637)        19,386     22,448
Increase in creditors                           10,265        11,978      9,321

Net cash inflow from operating                   1,850         2,289      5,591

Analysis of net funds

Cash at bank on demand                           6,779         4,012    (5,618)
Cash at bank on short term deposit                 489         1,520     12,508
Cash at bank on deposit with terms in
excess of seven days                             2,816         2,663      2,743
Debt due within one year                         (400)         (700)      (400)
Debt due after one year                          (526)             -      (100)
Finance leases                                   (419)         (115)      (298)
                                                 8,739         7,380      8,835

Reconciliation of cash flows to
movements in net funds
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the              12,397         2,944    (6,686)
Cash inflow from financing                       (374)         (677)      (444)
Cash (inflow)/outflow from management of
liquid resources                              (11,946)       (3,536)      7,532
New finance leases and hire purchase
contracts                                        (173)             -      (216)
Movement in net funds in the period               (96)       (1,269)        186
Net funds at 1 May 2001                          8,835         8,649      8,649

Net funds at 31 October 2001                     8,739         7,380      8,835


1.   Preparation of Interim Accounts

    The interim accounts, which relate exclusively to continuing operations,
have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the
Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 30 April 2001.

    The Group's auditors, Deloitte & Touche, have carried out a review of the
interim accounts, which were approved by the Board of Directors on 11 December
2001, and their report is reproduced on page 13.

    The financial information presented is unaudited and does not amount to
full statutory accounts within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985.  Full
accounts for the year ended 30 April 2001, upon which Deloitte & Touche gave
an unqualified audit report, have been delivered to the Registrar of

2.   Segment Information

                                           6 Months      6 Months          Year
                                              Ended         Ended         Ended
                                           31.10.01      31.10.00      30.04.01
                                              #'000         #'000         #'000
                                                    (As restated) (As restated)

Contracting                                 244,263       190,383       414,919

Plant Hire                                    4,157         3,104         5,894

Commercial Property                               -         1,696         4,409
Intra-group                                 (2,217)         (941)       (1,799)

                                            246,203       194,242       423,423

Contracting                                     154       (8,085)       (5,323)
Plant Hire                                    1,215         1,026         2,049
Commercial Property                             114           793         1,965

Group Centre                                  (317)         (256)         (602)

Operating profit/(loss) before
exceptional operating items                   1,166       (6,522)       (1,911)

Exceptional operating items -                     -      (23,994)      (27,663)

Operating profit/(loss)                       1,166      (30,516)      (29,574)

Net interest                                     25         (133)         (159)

Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
before taxation                               1,191      (30,649)      (29,733)


With effect from 1 May 2001 the Group's internal site accommodation hire
division was incorporated as an independent operation trading under the name
of The Cabin Company Limited. Its results are reported as part of the plant
hire sector with prior period results restated accordingly. In consequence,
plant hire and intra-group turnover have been increased by #637,000 and #
1,263,000 in the periods to 31 October 2000 and 30 April 2001 respectively and
profits of #309,000 and #716,000 have been reclassified as plant hire from
contracting in the same periods.

3.   Exceptional Operating Items

                                        6 Months Ended 6 Months Ended      Year
                                              31.10.01       31.10.00  30.04.01
                                                 #'000          #'000     #'000

Losses on contracts subject to                       -       (23,994)  (27,663)

4.   Taxation

The tax charge for the period has been calculated by reference to the
projected rate for the full year.

5.   Dividends on Equity Shares

    An interim dividend of 0.375p per ordinary share (2000 - 0.375p) will be
paid on 3 May 2002 to shareholders on the register on 5 April 2002.


6.   Earnings/(Loss) per ordinary share

                                        6 Months Ended 6 Months Ended      Year
                                              31.10.01       31.10.00  30.04.01
                                                 #'000          #'000     #'000

The calculation of earnings/(loss) per
ordinary share is based on:

Earnings/(loss) for basic and diluted
earnings per ordinary share calculation            929       (29,643)  (26,208)

Exceptional items                                    -         23,994    27,663

Tax on exceptional items                             -              -   (1,000)

Earnings/(loss) before exceptional
items per ordinary share calculation               929        (5,649)       455

                                               Thousands  Thousands  Thousands

Weighted average number of shares used
in earnings/(loss) per ordinary share
calculations                                     192,390    192,390    192,390

Adjustment to reflect dilutive shares under
options                                                -    (2,840)    (2,470)

Weighted average number of shares used
in diluted earnings/(loss) per ordinary
share calculation                                192,390    189,550    189,920

7.   Debtors; Uncertainty Relating to Amounts on Contracts

Included in debtors is an aggregate value of #6.1million attributable to
contractual amounts relating to two contracts which are the subject of
arbitration or equivalent proceedings.

In consequence of the losses suffered on contracts subject to litigation in
the previous year the Directors have reconsidered the recoverability of the
amounts attributable to these and other old contracts.  Whilst the Directors
believe that they are justified in concluding that these amounts will be
realised, the Directors acknowledge that there remains significant
uncertainty.  However, it is not possible to quantify the effects.

Independent review report to Birse Group plc


We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 31 October 2001 which comprises the profit and loss
account, the balance sheet, the cash flow statement and related notes 1 to 7.
We have read the other information contained in the interim report and
considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material
inconsistencies with the financial information.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the Directors.  The Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority require that the accounting policies
and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with
those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999
/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board.  A review consists principally of
making enquiries of group management and applying analytical procedures to the
financial information and underlying financial data and based thereon,
assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been
consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed.  A review excludes audit
procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities
and transactions.  It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed
in accordance with United Kingdom auditing standards and therefore provides a
lower level of assurance than an audit.  Accordingly, we do not express an
audit opinion on the financial information.

Uncertainty relating to amounts on contracts

In arriving at our review conclusion we have considered the accuracy of
disclosure made in Note 7 to the financial information concerning uncertainty
relating to amounts on contracts.  In view of the significance of this
uncertainty, we consider it should be brought to your attention.  Our review
conclusion is not qualified in this respect.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 31 October 2001.

Deloitte & Touche
Chartered Accountants
10-12 East Parade

11 December 2001

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