RNS Number : 2051W

Barclays PLC

16 August 2022

 FORM 8.3 
                                      Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the "Code") 
 1.                                                                 KEY INFORMATION 
 (a)              Full name of discloser:                                           Barclays PLC. 
 (b)              Owner or controller of interest and short 
                  positions disclosed, if different from 1(a): 
---------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
 (c)              Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose                      NORTONLIFELOCK INC 
                  relevant securities this form relates: 
---------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
 (d)              If an exempt fund manager connected with an 
                  offeror/offeree, state this and specify identity of 
---------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
 (e)              Date position held/dealing undertaken:                            15 Aug 2022 
---------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
 (f)              In addition to the company in 1(c) above, is the discloser        YES: 
                  disclosures in respect of any other party to the offer?           AVAST PLC 
---------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------  ----------- 
2.                                                                 POSITIONS OF THE PERSON MAKING 
                                                                    THE DISCLOSURE 
 (a)              Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree 
                  to which the disclosure relates following the dealing(if any) 
 Class of relevant security:                                        USD 0.01 common 
                                                                           Interests               Short Positions 
                                                                   -------------------------  ------------------------ 
                                                                       Number         (%)        Number        (%) 
                                                                   --------------             -----------  ----------- 
 (1)              Relevant securities owned 
  and/or controlled:                                                  1,280,850      0.22%     1,309,943      0.23% 
 ---------------------------------  --------------  -------------  --------------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 
 (2)              Cash-settled derivatives: 
  and/or controlled:                                                  1,627,373      0.28%     3,757,122      0.66% 
 ---------------------------------  --------------  -------------  --------------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 
 (3)              Stock-settled derivatives (including options) 
  and agreements to purchase/sell:                                     73,200        0.01%      150,000       0.03% 
 ---------------------------------  --------------  -------------  --------------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 
  TOTAL:                                                              2,981,423      0.52%     5,217,065      0.91% 
 ---------------------------------  --------------  -------------  --------------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 
 (b)              Rights to subscribe for new securities (including directors and other executive 
 Class of relevant security in relation to 
 which subscription right exists 
                                                                   --------------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 
 Details, including nature of the rights 
 concerned and relevant percentages: 
                                                                   --------------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 
3.                                                                 DEALINGS (IF ANY) BY THE EXEMPT 
                                                                    PRINCIPAL TRADER 
 (a)              Purchases and sales 
        Class of relevant                   Purchase/sale                  Number of               Price per unit 
             security                                                      securities 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                         2                     24.0200 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                         8                     24.1650 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                         41                    23.9450 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                         58                    23.9924 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                         82                    23.9487 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                        100                    24.0900 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                        233                    24.0058 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                        263                    24.0227 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                        396                    23.3250 EUR 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                        407                    24.0098 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                        674                    24.0019 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                        700                    24.0164 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                        724                    24.0130 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                        829                    24.0332 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                        836                    24.0161 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                        900                    24.0450 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       1,066                   24.0188 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       1,218                   24.0398 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       1,269                   24.0231 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       1,400                   23.9367 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       1,428                   24.0215 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       1,488                   24.0250 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       1,700                   23.9829 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       1,996                   23.9984 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       2,100                   23.9547 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       2,754                   24.0277 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       2,819                   23.9482 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       2,957                   24.0379 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       3,056                   24.0417 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       3,493                   23.9400 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       3,695                   24.0353 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       4,180                   23.9392 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       8,081                   24.0304 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       9,599                   23.9976 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       9,652                   24.0956 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       10,357                  23.9497 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       11,376                  24.0493 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       11,627                  24.0339 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       16,424                  24.0238 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       22,997                  24.0782 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       27,461                  24.0302 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       36,290                  24.0248 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       36,757                  24.0253 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       36,812                  24.0206 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       41,193                  24.0734 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       44,434                  24.0400 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                       79,185                  24.0432 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                      185,052                  24.0471 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                      245,066                  23.9900 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                      269,723                  24.0260 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                      Purchase                      500,643                  24.0000 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                           7                     24.1650 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                           8                     23.9762 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                           14                    24.0050 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                           15                    24.0080 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                           15                    24.0013 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                           22                    23.9881 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                           29                    24.0075 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                           36                    24.0883 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                           38                    23.9959 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                           48                    24.0450 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                           56                    24.0300 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                           56                    24.1350 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                           57                    24.0145 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                           90                    24.1950 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          100                    24.1200 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          100                    24.1900 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          107                    24.0100 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          112                    24.0200 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          118                    24.0645 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          146                    24.2447 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          200                    23.9800 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          204                    24.0382 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          228                    24.0589 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          240                    24.0235 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          252                    24.0380 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          263                    24.0227 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          274                    24.0587 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          300                    24.0266 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          336                    24.0317 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          384                    24.0031 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          396                    23.3250 EUR 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          400                    24.1000 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          406                    24.0403 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          432                    24.0336 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          540                    24.0277 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          564                    24.0551 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          585                    24.0413 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          600                    24.0175 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          600                    24.0083 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          709                    24.1733 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          800                    24.0562 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          887                    24.0351 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                          900                    24.0433 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         1,036                   24.0299 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         1,067                   24.0552 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         1,168                   24.0024 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         1,200                   24.0304 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         1,214                   24.0250 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         1,600                   24.0321 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         1,974                   24.0465 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         2,210                   24.0416 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         3,515                   24.0324 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         4,874                   24.0497 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         5,043                   24.0468 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         6,357                   24.0620 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         8,404                   24.0687 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         9,264                   24.0491 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         9,360                   24.0152 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         9,406                   24.0275 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         11,565                  24.1167 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         12,554                  24.0376 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         13,962                  24.0370 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         15,685                  24.0400 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         18,244                  24.0390 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         20,793                  24.0377 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         23,271                  24.0071 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         24,700                  24.1258 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         27,362                  24.0127 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         42,111                  24.0395 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         54,052                  24.0364 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         78,443                  24.0419 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                         95,498                  24.0139 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                        159,107                  24.0283 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                        186,162                  24.0448 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                        245,406                  23.9900 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                        269,400                  23.9860 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
         USD 0.01 common                        Sale                        272,076                  24.0000 USD 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
 (b)              Cash-settled derivative transactions 
             Class of                          Product                 Nature of dealing       Number of    Price per 
             relevant                        description                                       reference       unit 
             security                                                                          securities 
---------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------               ----------- 
 (c)              Stock-settled derivative transactions (including options) 
 (i)              Writing, selling, purchasing or varying 
     Class            Product          Writing,         Number        Exercise        Type       Expiry       Option 
       of           description      purchasing,          of            price                     date        money 
    relevant                           selling,       securities      per unit                                paid/ 
    security                         varying etc       to which                                              received 
                                                        option                                               per unit 
                 ----------------  ---------------  -------------  --------------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 
 (ii)             Exercising 
        Class of relevant                Product description         Exercising/ exercised     Number of     Exercise 
                                                                            against                          price per 
             security                                                                          securities      unit 
---------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------               ----------- 
 (d)              Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities) 
        Class of relevant                Nature of Dealings                 Details                Price per unit 
             security                                                                                applicable) 
                                   ------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
4.                                                                 OTHER INFORMATION 
 (a)              Indemnity and other dealings arrangements 
 Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or understanding, 
 formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be an inducement to deal 
 or refrain from dealing entered into by the exempt principal trader making the disclosure 
  and any party 
 to the offer or any person acting in concert with a party to the offer: 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 
 (b)              Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives 
 Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal, between 
 the person making the disclosure and any other person relating to: 
 (i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or 
 (ii) the voting rights of future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to 
 any derivative is referenced: 
---------------------------------  ---------------  -------------  --------------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 
 (c)              Attachments 
 Is a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions) attached?                                       YES 
 Date of disclosure:                                                                   16 Aug 2022 
 Contact name:                                                             Large Holdings Regulatory Operations 
 Telephone number:                                                                    020 3134 7213 
                                                 PURCHASE OR SELL ETC. 
                                 Note 5(i) on Rule 8 of the Takeover Code (the "Code") 
 1.                                                                 KEY INFORMATION 
 Identity of the person whose positions/dealings                    Barclays PLC. 
 are being disclosed: 
 Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose                       NORTONLIFELOCK INC 
 relevant securities this from relates: 
                                                                   --------------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 
 2.                                                                 OPTIONS AND DERIVATIVES 
    Class of          Product          Writing,       Number of       Exercise        Type           Expiry date 
    relevant        description      purchasing,      securities      price per 
    security                           selling,        to which         unit 
                                     varying etc        option 
    USD 0.01 
     common        Call Options       Purchased         56,100         25.0000      American         19 Aug 2022 
                 ----------------  ---------------  -------------  --------------  ---------  ------------------------ 
    USD 0.01 
     common        Call Options        Written         -112,200        28.0000      American         19 Aug 2022 
                 ----------------  ---------------  -------------  --------------  ---------  ------------------------ 
    USD 0.01 
     common        Call Options        Written         -20,700         27.0000      American         19 Aug 2022 
                 ----------------  ---------------  -------------  --------------  ---------  ------------------------ 
    USD 0.01 
     common        Call Options        Written         -17,100         27.0000      American         16 Sep 2022 
                 ----------------  ---------------  -------------  --------------  ---------  ------------------------ 
    USD 0.01 
     common         Put Options        Written          17,100         25.0000      American         16 Sep 2022 
                 ----------------  ---------------  -------------  --------------  ---------  ------------------------ 
 3.                                                                 AGREEMENTS TO PURCHASE OR SELL 
 Full details should be given so that the nature of the interest or position 
  can be fully understood: 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 16, 2022 07:19 ET (11:19 GMT)

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