1 month ago
It's accurate to your limited understanding. Also called "confirmation bias". Unfortunately for you, other people understand much more than you. For proof, you must only review your own posts wherein you post more rhetorical questions than answers. If you understood more, you'd ask much less. You are like a third nipple: curiously out of place, nobody knows what purpose you serve (you included), yet we all have to look at you.
2 months ago
Because that's what he does, in fact that's all he's ever done.
Just go through his history of all talk and no action.
There is at least 10 just off the top of my head from NASDAQ in 6 months to 2024 is our year.
As for his cult followers, basically they are all scared money and to fearful to rock the boat and when someone does they spit out nonsense like "your not a shareholder, you have an ulterior motive" and all that BS.
It simple, they are all down 90% + and he can wield them like slaves at his will until they no longer give a fuk and move on but not before exposing him and all his lies over the past 27 months.
Heres everyone's motive J in case you thought you were some great thinker.
1) We invest in the stock market to make MONEY to better ours and our family's lives.
2) You have failed to get CE removed so this is hurting ALL shareholders.
3) you can NOT control who will and won't make money on TXTM, the fact you think you can stop MMs or bashers from profiting just goes to show how utterly clueless you really are about the stock market.
Do all shareholders a favor and COWBOY the FUK UP.
Stop crying like a B17CH about it being someone else's fault because no one cares when you are the OWNER and have done shiz for 27 months.
To the shareholders
Don't go getting your hopes up, there is NO PCAOB or form 10 being done.
On April 15 we will all see who's full of shiit and who's been right all along.