RNS No 4549v
15 July 1999

                     ATLANTIC TELECOM GROUP PLC
                 Revenues up over 48% to #15 million
             First licence to operate in England issued

Atlantic  Telecom Group PLC, the innovative provider  of
high  quality, value-added telecommunications  services,
reports its preliminary results for the year to 31 March


*Overall  revenues rise over 48% to #14.9 million,  with
 telecoms revenues almost doubling to #9.3 million

*Gross profit increases over 38% to #5.8 million

*Average monthly revenue per residential customer  rises
 to #37, compared to an industry average of #26

*Scottish network build out to be completed this year

*Formal  licence to operate in the North West of England
 now issued

*High speed data trials to start this month

Graham J Duncan, Executive Chairman of Atlantic Telecom,

"Atlantic  Telecom  has made significant  progress  this
year,  with substantially increased numbers of customers
and  customer  lines across all areas of  the  business.
During the year, we have continued to invest heavily  in
expanding  our  Scottish  networks,  in  acquiring   new
customers and in expanding our services into new areas.

The issue of our first licence to operate in England and
the  forthcoming  trials  of high  speed  data  services
provide us with significant opportunities for growth and
we look forward to another exciting year."

For further information please contact:

Graham J Duncan, Executive Chairman, Atlantic Telecom Group PLC
Tel: 0171 638 9571 (until 12.30pm on 15 July 1999)
Tel: 01224 454000 (thereafter)

Philip   Robinson/Patrick  Toyne  Sewell,   Citigate   Dewe Rogerson
Tel: 0171 282 2889



Significant progress has been made in the year ended 31 March  1999.
The  Atlantic brand has become established in our target markets and
we  are  attracting a growing proportion of small and  medium  sized
business customers and higher spending residential customers to  our
special  mix of high quality and high value added services.  Through
the  provision  of  its  value  added telecom  management  services,
Logicall  has  again been very successful in attracting  the  larger
business  customer. Our cable television business  in  the  City  of
Aberdeen has had an excellent year. Customer numbers hit an all time
high at the year-end with much of the growth coming in the last  six
months  of the year since we launched our telephone service  in  the
City.  This  growth has been one of the highest on  record,  despite
increasing competition from new digital services delivered  both  by
satellite and terrestrially.

We set out at the beginning of the year with a number of objectives.
The most significant focus was to ensure that we were able to launch
and  complete the roll out of our networks in certain other Scottish
cities.  In  August we raised the finance required, in a mixture  of
equity  and debt, to enable us to commence the build of our networks
in the new cities and we were able to move quickly to launch service
in all our target cities prior to the year-end. By 31 March, we were
operational  in  the City of Glasgow and certain  parts  of  Greater
Glasgow,  Edinburgh,  Dundee and Aberdeen. We  remain  on  track  to
complete the build of the Scottish networks this year.

During  the year we also moved to obtain further licences to operate
our point to multipoint radio based services outside Scotland and we
were  delighted  to  be  awarded, in principle,  five  new  regional
licences  in England to allow us to expand these services. This  has
given   us  the  opportunity  to  build  alternative  direct  access
networks, using a combination of fibre and wireless technologies, in
most  of  the densely populated regions of England. Since the  year-
end,  the first of these licences covering the entire North West  of
England has been issued.

We  believe data transmission will become an increasing part of  our
business  over  time.  During the year we  have  been  working  with
various  suppliers  who  are developing  high  speed  wireless  data
products  and  we  were very pleased to be able  to  enter  into  an
agreement  with  the  Israeli based company, RDC Communications,  to
trial their high speed product. The first phase of these trials will
begin in late July. Their technology employs a packet based internet
protocol  on the air link from the customer to the base station  and
is capable of delivering data speeds up to 25 times faster than that
of basic rate ISDN. We are delighted that Marconi Communications,  a
subsidiary  of  The  General  Electric  Company  PLC,  has  recently
acquired RDC. This will bring to RDC the resources and manufacturing
expertise of GEC that will be important as RDC brings this  exciting
product  to  market.  We  are also working with  Breezecom,  another
Israeli  supplier, who also has a similar product and will  move  to
trial their technology as well in the near future. The product  from
Breezecom  is  a  commercially available product  also  employing  a
packet  based air interface with the capability to deliver the  same
high  data speeds. Furthermore our existing suppliers are developing
a  high-speed product, which will also be made available to us.  For
the  first  time since we launched commercial services in  1996,  we
will  have  a choice of technologies in this increasingly  important
area. We are committed to bringing high-speed services to the market
as  soon  as  practicable and remain on track to do so  within  this
financial year.

The loss for the year reflects our continuing investment in networks
and  customer acquisition as well as the important expansion of  our
services into other areas and is in line with our expectations.


Much  progress has been made during the year with the build  of  our
networks  in  Scotland. At the year-end we had 101 operational  base
stations, compared with 42 at the previous year-end. Over  the  last
year we have refined the architecture of our networks and now deploy
underground fibre to certain base stations on the network  and  ring
these  base  stations  with  a fibre loop architecture  hosting  SDH
electronics.  This  gives  the networks  much  improved  resilience.
Furthermore,  we have deployed a back-haul concentration  technology
called  V5.2, which has greatly improved the capacity of  the  back-
haul links to our switches.

This  network  architecture gives us the ability to  deploy  various
access technologies to suit customer requirements including the  use
of  point  to  point  microwave links to access  medium  and  larger
business   customers   with  high  bandwidth  services.   With   the
introduction of a high-speed point to multi-point technology we will
be  able  to deliver high bandwidth services to the smaller business
customer and the higher spending residential customer, and satisfy a
demand  from  these customers that is not presently available.  This
demand  will include a high speed Internet connection and we  intend
to  develop  our  own  Internet service based on  high-speed  access
towards  the  end  of  this financial year.  This  will  include  an
Internet "always-on" service.

An  integral  part of the development of our Scottish  networks  has
been  to develop centralised functionality across the Group. We were
pleased  to  be  able to open our own call centre in  Glasgow  on  1
December  1998  which was quickly able to handle all  our  telephone
based  marketing activities. At about the same time, we  centralised
our  customer service operations in Aberdeen and moved the operation
to  twenty-four hour working, seven days a week. Our access networks
are managed centrally from our network management centre in Glasgow,
and  other  support  services, such as IT and billing,  finance  and
administration  are centralised in Aberdeen. The centralised  nature
of  these  activities allows us to expand into other  areas  without
having  to  re-invent  these activities  elsewhere.  This  has  many
advantages, including one of accelerating our time to market in  new

The  take  up  of our services is fully described in our  operations
statements. We are very pleased with progress in all areas  and  the
penetration of our services continues to move forward.


Logicall  has lifted its line base by over 30% during the year.  Its
managed service appeals to the larger business customer, which seeks
independent  management  of  its telephone  traffic.  We  have  been
developing   new  products  for  Logicall  during   the   year   and
increasingly  expect  to  integrate  its  customers  into   Atlantic
Telecom's   networks,  particularly  through  the  use   of   direct
connections to Atlantic's switches. This will allow us to expand the
services available to Logicall customers, particularly in the  field
of high-speed data.


Our ongoing strategy involves a continuing focus on the provision of
value  added  services  to customers. Since  the  year-end  we  have
introduced a mobile service for our fixed line customers,  which  is
available to all customers irrespective of whether they are directly
or indirectly served.

The  service  is  fully integrated and marketed as "All-in-One."  It
gives  the  customer  the benefit of a single line  rental  covering
fixed  and  mobile, a bundled minute package covering certain  fixed
and  mobile calls and a single integrated bill. We believe it is one
of the first of its kind in the United Kingdom.

It  remains our intention to develop further value-added services to
customers over time.


Our broadband cable television operation in the City of Aberdeen has
had  an excellent year. The customer base has increased by 18% since
the  last year end, one of the highest increases on record since  we
launched commercial services over 14 years ago. This has been caused
by  a  marketing effort, which has concentrated our focus on a  dual
telephone/television service package and a reduction in pricing  for
the  cable service package, coupled with some aggressive promotional


The new licences for England and the launch of commercial high-speed
services will require us to raise further funds in order to  develop
these opportunities.

We  received  the first licence for the North West  of  England  six
weeks  ago. At present we are considering, in conjunction  with  our
advisers,  the nature and timing of an approach to the debt  capital
markets.  We will continue to examine all funding opportunities  and
will take an opportunistic approach to the markets.


Four  years  ago we set out our vision to provide telecommunications
services  on alternative access networks in the local loop,  not  by
means  of  a wired network but by means of a fixed radio connection.
Today  that vision is a reality. Our strategy at service  launch  in
Glasgow  in 1996 was to provide a high value added service  and  not
position  our  services on a price-based message.  Our  aim  was  to
capture  customers  who wanted to use our service,  who  wanted  the
convenience  of  our features, and who were not  simply  focused  on
price savings.

This strategy has been the bedrock of our philosophy and will remain
so   as   we  develop  our  services  and  expand  them  into  other
geographical  areas.  It has allowed us to capture  higher  spending
customers and has allowed us to develop features that appeal to  our
target  audience. It gives smaller business customers,  as  well  as
residential customers, real choice in the local loop and it has been
a  successful strategy. We continue to expand the range of  services
that  we  offer  and  believe that high-speed data  will  capture  a
customer base currently starved of choice.

Part  of  our more recent approach to the market has been to capture
customers  using BT's network, through our Crest service,  and  then
convert  these  customers  into directly connected  customers.  This
allows us to fast track a customer base ahead of building our  fixed
access  networks, a strategy which will be further developed  as  we
move into England.

The  mix of access technologies at our disposal allows us to  tailor
the  technology to suit our customers. This gives us flexibility  to
provide the mix of services that can stimulate usage and demand.  As
we expand our operations, we will continue to use our Scottish based
centralised  functions which will allow us to bring service  to  new
areas rather faster than we would otherwise be able to do.


We  recently  issued an excellent set of statistics for the  quarter
ended 30 June 1999. These show that our customers and customer lines
continue  to  advance. We believe that the introduction  of  a  high
speed  data service will be welcomed by our customers and  potential
customers,  particularly the introduction  of  high  speed  internet

The  year to 31 March 1999 has been one of immense achievement.  Our
Board,  managers and employees are an integral part of our  progress
and  many of them have gone the extra mile to achieve what  we  have
set out to achieve. Telecommunications companies do not just compete
for customers; they also compete for people. I am confident that our
team  can  develop  and  expand Atlantic to achieve  value  for  our
shareholders. We remain very focused on completing our network build
in  Scotland  and  expanding our customer base. The  opportunity  to
replicate  this success in England is now available to us  following
the  award  of  new  licences. We are all focused  on  the  exciting
challenges ahead.

Executive Chairman
15 July 1999



During  the year to 31 March 1999, the Group expanded its activities
by  launching  direct  network  services  in  Aberdeen,  Dundee  and
Edinburgh, in addition to the services already provided in Glasgow.

The  Group  is focused on providing advanced, reliable, high-quality
and  attractively  priced telecommunications  services  through  its
facilities   based  networks  directly  to  small  and  medium-sized
businesses  and higher-spending residential customers. To accomplish
this,  our  networks use a cost-effective combination of  fibre  and
fixed  wireless  based  access solutions,  which  provide  broadband
backbone  and  direct "first mile" connection to  customers  in  the
local    loop.    In   addition   the   Group   provides    indirect
telecommunications services to larger businesses  and  "brand  name"
services to smaller businesses and residential customers.

The  Group has developed its activities in a number of areas  during
the  year  to  31 March 1999. These developments have  included  the

* The  Group  launched  direct  network  services  in  Aberdeen   in
  September  1998,  in Dundee in December 1998 and in  Edinburgh  in
  March1999.  The  number of homes and businesses covered  by  these
  networks at 31 March 1999 was over 565,000.

* The number of base stations deployed increased from 42 at 31 March
  1998 to 101 at 31 March 1999.

* Directly connected business lines increased by 44% to 4,231 in the
  year to 31 March 1999.

* Directly connected residential lines increased by 105% from 10,637
  at 31 March 1998 to 21,773 at March 1999.

* The Crest indirect lines, residential and business, increased from
  4,030 lines at 31 March 1998 to 8,545 lines at 31 March 1999.

* Average   monthly  revenue  per  directly  connected   residential
  customer  increased to #36.71 in the year to 31  March  1999  from
  #35.60  in the year to 31 March 1998. The equivalent revenue  from
  business  customers  was  #83.35 in the year  to  31  March  1999,
  compared to #89.63 the previous year. This was due to a mix change
  following service introduction in new areas.

* The  average  monthly  revenue per cable television  customer  was
  marginally  up  on last year, at #29.76 per month.   This  remains
  higher than any other UK operator.

* The  churn  levels for the year to 31 March 1999  were  13.5%  for
  residential  customers  and 15% for business  customers  and  were
  within  expected levels.  Cable television churn,  at  20.4%,  was
  less than half that experienced last year.

* Lines  managed  by Atlantic Logicall increased by  over  4,000  to
  17,663 at 31 March 1999.

* Cable television customer numbers increased by 18% from 15,420  at
  31 March 1998 to 18,219 at 31 March 1999.

* In respect of Year 2000 compliance, Atlantic has received a 'Blue'
  rating  from the Telecom Operators Forum, which is the top  rating
  for telecom operators indicating Year 2000 readiness.

* In  December 1998, the Group opened its own call centre which  was
  established to handle both in-bound and out-bound marketing  calls
  for all the group's activities.

* The  Group has continued to develop the Atlantic brand, which  has
  gained  increasing recognition and is now well established in  its
  target markets.

The  Group issues quarterly operating statistics to the London Stock
Exchange,  which  allows investors, potential  investors  and  other
interested  parties to follow its progress. The table overleaf  sets
forth  certain data concerning the Group's operations as of and  for
the years ended 31 March 1998 and 31 March 1999.


Operating Statistics

Direct Telecommunications (Atlantic Telecom FRA Service)
  Business Customer Data
     Estimated business
      premises passed(a)                     32,390    21,000

     Business customers(b)                    1,324       951

     Business customer
      lines(b)                                4,231     2,945

     Penetration rate of
      estimated business
      premises passed(c)                       4.1%      4.5%

     Average lines
      per business
      customer(d)                              3.20      3.10

     Average monthly
      revenue per business
      customer(f)                            #83.35    #89.63

     Business customer
      churn(e)                               14.99%     9.82%

   Residential Customer

     Estimated residential
      homes passed (a)                      533,323   200,000

     Residential customers(b)                11,154     5,684

     Residential customer
      lines(b)                               21,773    10,637

     Penetration rate
      of estimated
      residential homes
      passed (c)                               2.1%      2.8%

     Average lines per
      customer (d)                             1.95      1.87

     Average monthly
      revenue per residential
      customer(f)                            #36.71    #35.60

     Residential customer
      churn(e)                               13.50%    16.99%

  Network Data

     Number of base
      stations                                  101        42

     Kilometres of fibre                         36         -

Indirect Telecommunications

    Atlantic Telecom Crest Service

     Business customers (b)                      41         -

     Business customer
      lines(b)                                  242         -

     Average lines per
      business customer(d)                     5.90         -

       Residential customers(b)              7,930     3,922

       Residential customer
        lines(c)                             8,303     4,030

       Average lines
        per residential
        customer(d)                           1.05      1.03

       Average monthly
        revenue per Crest
        customer(f)                         #12.40    #11.59

    Atlantic Logicall

     Business customers(b)                      597       393

     Business customer
      lines(b)                               17,663    13,471

     Average lines
      per business
      customer(d)                              29.6      34.3

     Average monthly
      revenue per business
      customer(f)                           #827.61   #955.35

TOTAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINES               52,212    31,083


Cable Television (Atlantic Cable)

     Homes passed(a)                         97,629    97,254

     Cable television
      customers(b)                           18,219    15,420

     Penetration rate
     of cable homes
     passed(c)                               18.66%    15.86%

    Customer churn(e)                        20.38%    41.41%

    Average monthly
     revenue per cable
     TV customer(f)                          #29.76    #29.61
    Pay to basic
     ratio(g)                                  286%      261%

TOTAL CUSTOMERS(h)                           39,265    26,370


  (a)  Estimated business premises passed or estimated homes  passed
     is  our estimate of the business premises or residential  homes
     seen  by the networks which are capable of connection to a base
     station  or  to  a  fibre  network excluding  certain  multiple
     dwelling  units which we do not presently serve.  Homes  passed
     is the actual number of addresses to which the cable television
     network can be connected.
  (b)  Business or residential customers and business or residential
     customer  lines,  represent the number of  customers  or  lines
     which  are connected and in service and the number of customers
     or lines for which customers, where applicable, have contracted
     for service but are not yet connected.
  (c)  Penetration rate of estimated business premises or  estimates
     homes  passed is calculated by dividing the number of  business
     or  residential customers or customers on the given date by the
     estimated  business premises or estimated homes  passed  as  of
     such  date,  expressed as a percentage.   Penetration  rate  of
     cable  homes passed is calculated by dividing the number  cable
     television customers on the given date by the number  of  homes
     passed  by  the cable network as of such date, expressed  as  a
  (d)  The average lines per customer is calculated by dividing  the
     number  of lines on a given date by the number of customers  on
     that date.
  (e)  Churn  is  calculated  by dividing net disconnections  (total
     disconnections  less  the number of disconnected  accounts  for
     which   service  is  later  restored  and  disconnections   for
     customers  moving  premises  and  reconnecting  at  their   new
     premises) in a period by the average number of customers in the
     period  (calculated  as the simple average  of  the  number  of
     customers at the end of each month during the period).
  (f)  The  average monthly revenue per telecommunications  customer
     is  calculated  by  dividing  (a) line  and  equipment  rental,
     outgoing call charges and incoming call charges for the  period
     by (b) the average number of active customers (calculated as  a
     simple  average  of  the  number of  active  customers  at  the
     beginning and end of each month during the period) and dividing
     that amount by the number of months in the period covered.  The
     average  monthly  revenue  per able  television  subscriber  is
     calculated   by   dividing  total  cable  subscriber   revenues
     (excluding  installation and other non-recurring revenues)  for
     the   period   by  the  average  number  of  cable   television
     subscribers  (calculated as a simple average of the  number  of
     basic  service  subscribers at the beginning and  end  of  each
     period) and dividing that amount by the number of months in the
     period covered.
  (g)  The pay to basic ratio is calculated by taking the number  of
     customers  who  subscribe  to any  premium  cable  service  and
     dividing  the  resulting  number by  the  number  of  customers
     subscribing to the basic cable service.
  (h)  The  total  number of customers is calculated by  adding  the
     number of subscribers to our telecommunications services to the
     number  of our cable subscribers.  Consequently, customers  who
     subscribe to both services will be counted twice.

During the year to 31 March 1999, Group turnover increased by 31% to
#14.9M.   Gross  profit for the period also increased  over  38%  to

The Group operating loss for the year increased to #15.8M from #8.9M
in  1998. Losses have increased as a result of the expansion of  the
Group's activities into 3 new cities during the year. This expansion
has  resulted  in  increased costs in establishing our  presence  in
these  areas to build the direct networks and service the  customers
on these networks.

Operating  costs increased from #20.3M in 1998 to #30.8M this  year.
Telephony  expenses,  representing  interconnect  costs  with  other
operators,  increased  by  #3.3M in  line  with  increased  revenue.
Programming  expenses fell by #0.4M following  the  closure  of  the
Group's narrowband cable operations at the end of 1998. The increase
in  administrative  expenses from #8.2M in 1998 to  #13.6M  in  1999
results  from  the expansion in staff and support costs  to  provide
service in 4 cities in 1999 compared to the single area of operation
in  1998. Administrative expenses for 1999 include exceptional costs
of  #1.1M which represent professional fees in relation to an  issue
of  senior  discount notes which was withdrawn,  and  due  diligence
exercises.   Selling and distribution costs increased  by  #0.2M  to
#3.5M  for  the  year. Depreciation and amortisation  for  the  year
increased  to #4.5M as a result of the increased capital  investment
to build the direct networks and to connect customers.

Net  interest  costs for the year were #0.4M. Interest  expense  was
#1.3M offset by interest from cash deposits of #0.9M

Net  operating  cash  outflow of #9.7M for the year  increased  from
#3.8M  in  1998 reflecting the increase in costs resulting from  the
roll  out  of our networks. Capital expenditure in the  year  to  31
March was #30.5M of which #24.1M was invested in the construction of
our networks and the connection of customers.

In  August 1998 the Group secured a #100M funding package to  enable
it  to  complete the build of its planned networks in  Scotland  and
fund  the  expansion  of its Logicall business  and  indirect  Crest
service. This funding package comprised #50M of new equity, prior to
issue expenses, and a senior bank debt facility of #50M.


For the year ended 31 March 1999

                                                1999         1998
                                   #'000       #'000        #'000
Continuing operations:
  ongoing                         14,924                   10,595
Discontinued operations                -                      795
                                   -----                    -----
                                              14,924       11,390

Operating costs
   ongoing                      (29,647)                 (19,960)
   exceptional                   (1,121)                    (325)
                                   -----                    -----
                                            (30,768)     (20,285)
                                               -----        -----
Operating Loss
Continuing operations:
  ongoing                       (15,844)                  (8,733)
Discontinued operations                -                    (162)
                                   -----                    -----
                                            (15,844)      (8,895)
Exceptional items
Discontinued operations:
Loss on sale of
  discontinued operations              -                  (1,698)
Less provision at
  31 March 1997                        -                    1,028
                                   -----                    -----
                                                   -        (670)
                                               -----        -----
Loss on ordinary
  activities before
  interest                                  (15,844)      (9,565)
Net interest                                   (419)           25
                                               -----        -----
Loss on ordinary
  activities before
  taxation                                  (16,263)      (9,540)
Tax on loss on
  ordinary activities                              -            -
                                               -----        -----
Retained loss for
  the financial year                        (16,263)      (9,540)
                                               =====        =====
Loss per share                              (22.50)p     (18.86)p
                                                =====       =====

There were no recognised gains or losses other than the loss for the
financial year.


As at 31 March 1999

                              1999      1999     1998     1998
                              #'000     #'000    #'000    #'000

Intangible assets             3,718              3,883
Tangible assets              56,022             29,709
                              -----              -----
                                       59,740            33,592
Stocks                                  6,183               715
  falling due
  after more than
  one year                    8,600              6,776
  falling due
  within one year             6,286              4,046
Cash at bank and in hand      5,680                 57
                              -----              -----

                             26,749             11,594
Creditors: amounts
  Falling due within
  one year                   25,006             15,517
                              -----              -----

  /(LIABILITIES)                        1,743           (3,923)
                                        -----             -----
CURRENT LIABILITIES                    61,483            29,669

 THAN ONE YEAR                          8,389             7,598
                                        -----             -----

                                       53,094            22,071
                                       ======             =====
Called up
  share capital                        21,150            12,644
Share premium
 account                               61,619            22,839
Profit and
  loss account                       (29,675)          (13,412)
                                        -----             -----
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                    53,094            22,071
                                      =======           =======


As at 31 March 1999

                                         1999           1998
                                        #'000          #'000

Reconciliation of operating loss to net
  cash outflow from operating activities

Operating loss from
  continuing activities              (15,844)        (8,733)
Depreciation and amortisation           4,309          2,312
Amortisation of
  lease prepayment                        165            164
Network lease prepayments             (2,000)        (1,875)
  in stock                            (5,468)            305
Increase in debtors                     (961)        (1,748)
Increase in creditors                  10,146         6,349
Gain on disposal
  of fixed assets                        (41)           (14)
                                        -----          -----

Net cash outflow
  from continuing
  operating activities                (9,694)        (3,240)

Net cash outflow
  from discontinued
  operations                                -          (562)
                                        -----          -----

Net cash outflow
  from operating activities           (9,694)        (3,802)
                                        -----          -----

Cash Flow Statement

Net cash outflow
  from operating activities           (9,694)        (3,802)

Returns on investments
  and servicing
  of finance                            (419)           (15)

Capital expenditure                  (25,904)       (13,709)

Disposals                                   -            420

Management of
  liquid resources                          -         16,000

Financing                              43,019        (1,984)
                                        -----          -----

Increase /
  (decrease) in cash                    7,002        (3,090)
                                       ======         ======


As at 31 March 1999
                                                  1999      1998
                                                  #'000     #'000

Loss for
  the financial year                           (16,263)   (9,540)
Issue of shares
  net of expenses                                47,286        22
                                                   ----      ----

Net increase/
  (decrease) in
  shareholders' funds                            31,023   (9,518)
Shareholders' funds
  at 1 April 1998                                22,071    31,589
                                                  -----     -----

Shareholders' funds at 31 March 1999             53,094    22,071
                                                  =====     =====


For the year ended 31 March 1999


  The   preliminary  announcement  has  been  prepared   under   the
  historical  cost  convention  and in  accordance  with  applicable
  accounting standards.
  The  principal  accounting policies of the Group are  set  out  in
  Group's  annual  report  and financial statements.  The  principal
  accounting policies of the Group have remained unchanged from  the
  previous  year except in accounting for goodwill where  the  group
  has changed its policy to comply with FRS 10.
  During  the  year  the Group has implemented the  requirements  of
  Financial Reporting Standards 9 to 14. The requirements  of  these
  Standards  have had no effect on the profit and loss  account  for
  the year.


  Turnover, which was all generated within the United Kingdom, can
  be analysed between telecommunications services and broadband and
  narrowband cable networks.  The directors consider these to be the
  same class of business and accordingly no segmental analysis of
  operating loss or net assets is shown.
  Turnover comprised the following:
                                              1999      1998
                                             #'000     #'000
  Telecommunications services                9,308     4,698
  Broadband cable networks                   5,616     5,897
  Narrowband cable networks                      -       795
                                             -----     -----
                                            14,924    11,390
                                             ======    ======

  Exceptional administrative expenses represent professional fees in
  relation to an aborted issue of senior discount notes and due
  diligence exercises.
  There is no tax charge for the year due to trading
  losses.Unrelieved tax losses of #27M (1998: #13.5M) remain
  available to offset against future taxable trading profits.


  The  loss  per  share  is based on the loss  attributable  to  the
  Ordinary  Shareholders of #16,263,000 (31 March  1998  -  loss  of
  #9,540,000) and on weighted average number of Ordinary  Shares  in
  issue   during  the  period  of  72,273,690  (31  March   1998   -
  At  31  March 1999 outstanding warrants and share options were  in
  existence.   The shares that would be issued in respect  of  these
  warrants are not treated as dilutive as their issue would decrease
  loss  per share.  Accordingly no diluted loss per share figure  is


                                                1999      1998
                                               #'000     #'000

     in cash in the period                     7,002   (3,090)
   Cash inflow from
     movement in
     liquid resources                              -  (16,000)
   Cash outflow from
     movement in debt                            478       400
   Cash outflow from
     lease financing                           2,521     1,606
                                               -----     -----
   Change in net
     debt resulting from
     cash flows                               10,001  (17,084)
   Inception of
     finance leases                          (4,512)   (5,904)
                                               -----     -----
   Movement in net
     debt in the year                          5,489  (22,988)
   Net (debt)/funds
     at 1 April 1998                        (12,913)    10,075
                                               -----     -----
   Net debt at 31 March 1999                 (7,424)  (12,913)
                                               =====     =====


  The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement
  does  not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section  240
  of the Companies Act 1985.
  The  summarised balance sheet at 31 March 1999 and the  summarised
  profit  and  loss  account, summarised  cash  flow  statement  and
  associated notes for the year then ended have been extracted  from
  the  Group's  1999 statutory financial statements upon  which  the
  auditors opinion is unqualified and does not include any statement
  under Section 237 of the Companies Act 1985.

  The Board approved this preliminary announcement on 15 July 1999.



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