RNS No 6581m
26th January 1999


                                 DECEMBER 1998

The  Board of Atlantic Telecom Group PLC ("Atlantic" or "the  Group")
is  pleased  to  announce  the  Group's telecommunications  operating
statistics for the nine-months ended 31 December 1998.

The  total  lines installed and pending installation at  31  December
1998  were  43,936  an  increase of 3,931 in  the  quarter  since  30
September 1998.

The  operating  statistics  are  summarised  below.  The  detail   is
attached: -

                                                     At 31 Dec  At 30 Sept
                                                          1998        1998
a) Atlantic Telecommunications Ltd
   Lines installed and pending installation*            27,506      23,753
b) Logicall Telecommunications Ltd
   Lines installed and pending installation             16,430      16,252
                                                        43,936      40,005

   * Includes both direct and indirect installations and pending installations

The  number  of  lines  on  the Group's fixed  radio  access  ("FRA")
networks, which are included in the above figures, has reached 21,123
at  31  December compared to 18,170 at 30 September and 15,568 at  30
June.  This accelerating growth is due to an increase in the size  of
the networks, which has resulted in higher demand.

The  average  revenue  per business customer per  month  on  the  FRA
networks has averaged #86.34 per month over the nine-month period,  a
slight decrease from #89.06 per month for the six-month period to  30
September,  caused  by  a change in mix as we move  into  new  areas.
Business  churn was 16.8% on an annualised basis, a marginal increase
on   last  quarters  annualised  amount.  The  average  revenue   per
residential  customer per month has remained steady and has  averaged
#35.77 per month over the nine-month period. Churn in the residential
market has shown a significant fall to 12.1% in the nine-month period
calculated on an annualised basis.

Fifteen  days before the end of the quarter, we launched  service  in
the  City  of  Dundee. During December, we also launched  service  in
Paisley, part of Greater Glasgow. Initial take up in these areas  has
been  encouraging.  There is continuing growth on  the  Glasgow  City
network  and  Aberdeen  has had an encouraging  quarter.  Although  a
number  of customers remain on the Crest service in Aberdeen, we  are
actively working to migrate them onto the radio network where  it  is
available.  The  Crest service customers in Aberdeen  taken  together
with   the   FRA   customers  have  delivered  a   telecommunications
penetration in the City of close to 5%, over a relatively short  time

Logicall  Telecommunications Limited, the Group's management  and  least  cost
routing  company  which targets larger business customers, has  increased  its
lines  from  16,252  at 30 September 1998 to 16,430 at 31 December  1998.  The
"Crest"  indirect  residential service has had another good quarter  that  has
seen its lines increase by 800 to reach 6,383 at 31 December.
Commenting, Graham J Duncan, Executive Chairman stated:

"This  quarter has seen an accelerating growth in the lines on our fixed radio
access  networks consistent with the growth in the network builds. We are  now
operational  in  three of our four target cities and remain  committed  to  an
early service launch in Edinburgh. Underlying penetration on the Glasgow  City
network  has  increased from 3.62% at 30 September to 3.94% at 31 December,  a
most  encouraging result, helped in part by a new in-house call  centre  which
opened on 1 December.  Take up in our newest areas remains encouraging with  a
healthy  increase in the level of demand for our services since the  beginning
of the New Year"

Graham J Duncan
Executive Chairman
Atlantic Telecom Group PLC
Tel: 01224 454000
                          ATLANTIC TELECOM GROUP PLC

Certain Operating Data
The   following  table  sets  forth  certain  data  concerning   the   Group's
telecommunications  operations as of and for the nine-month  period  ended  31
December  1998, for the six-month period ended 30 September 1998 and  for  the
three month period ended 30 June 1998.

                                                As of and for the periods ended
                                                 30 June    30 Sept      31 Dec
                                                    1998       1998        1998
Direct Telecommunications
 (Atlantic Telecom FRA Service)
   Residential Customer Data
         Estimated residential homes passed (1)  200,000    283,167     376,066
         Residential customers                     6,550      7,533       8,944
         Residential customer lines(2)            12,408     14,648      17,282
         Penetration rate of estimated 
         residential homes passed (3)               3.3%       2.5%        2.4%
         Average lines per residential
         customer (4)                               1.89       1.94        1.93
         Average monthly revenue per residential
         customer(5)                              #35.80     #35.81      #35.77
         Residential customer churn(7)            16.09%     16.44%      12.06%
   Business Customer Data
         Estimated business premises passed(1)    21,000     26,186      29,111
         Business customers                        1,040      1,084       1,258
         Business customer lines(2)                3,160      3,522       3,841
         Penetration rate of estimated business
         premises passed(3)                         5.0%       4.1%        4.3%
         Average lines per business customer(4)     3.04       3.25        3.05
         Average monthly revenue per business
         customer(6)                              #91.81     #89.06      #86.34
         Business customer churn(7)               10.30%     15.12%      16.82%
   Network Data
         Number of base stations                      42         61          77

Indirect Telecommunications 
(Atlantic Telecom Crest Service)
       Residential customers                       4,331      5,319       6,026
       Residential customer lines(2)               4,515      5,583       6,383
       Average lines per residential customer(4)    1.04       1.05        1.06
       Average monthly revenue per customer(5)    #10.62      #9.46      #11.08

Least-Cost Routing (Atlantic Logicall)
       Business customers                            436        564         570
       Business customer lines(2)                 15,238     16,252      16,430
       Average lines per business customer(4)       34.9       28.8        28.8
       Average monthly revenue per business
       customer(6)                               #876.91    #884.70     #823.17
       Average monthly revenue per business 
       line(6)                                    #39.62     #38.43      #34.30

TOTAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINES                    35,321     40,005      43,936

(1)     Estimated  homes passed or estimated business premises passed  is  the
  Company's  estimate of the residential homes or business  premises  seen  by
  the  FRA  networks  which  are  capable of  connection  to  a  base  station
  excluding  certain  multiple  dwelling units  which  the  Company  does  not
  presently serve.

(2)     Residential or business customer lines represent the number  of  lines
  which  are  connected  and in service, and the number  of  lines  for  which
  customers,  where applicable, have paid for service in advance but  are  not
  yet connected.

(3)     Penetration  rate  of estimated homes or estimated  business  premises
  passed  is  calculated  by dividing the number of residential  customers  or
  business  customers  on the given date by the estimated homes  or  estimated
  business premises passed as of such date, expressed as a percentage.

(4)     The average lines per customer is calculated by dividing the number of
  lines on a given date by the number of customers on that date.

(5)     The average monthly revenue per residential customer is calculated  by
  dividing  (a) line and equipment rental, outgoing call charges and  incoming
  call  charges  for the period by (b) the average number of active  customers
  (calculated  as  a simple average of the number of active customers  at  the
  beginning and end of each month during the period) and dividing that  amount
  by the number of months in the period covered.

(6)     The  average  monthly revenue per business customer  or  per  business
  customer  line  is  calculated by dividing (a) line  and  equipment  rental,
  outgoing  call charges and incoming call charges for the period by  (b)  the
  average  number  of  active business customers or  lines  (calculated  as  a
  simple  average of the number of active customers or lines at the  beginning
  and  end  of each month during the period) and dividing that amount  by  the
  number of months in the period covered.

(7)      Churn   is   calculated   by  dividing  net   disconnections   (total
  disconnections  less the number of disconnected accounts for  which  service
  is  later  restored  and disconnections for customers  moving  premises  and
  reconnecting  at  their new premises) in a period by the average  number  of
  customers  in the period (calculated as the simple average of the number  of
  customers  at the end of each month during the period). Churn for  the  nine
  months  ended  31  December  1998 is annualised by  multiplying  the  amount
  calculated  by  4 and dividing it by 3. Churn for the six  months  ended  30
  September 1998 is annualised by multiplying the amount calculated  as  above
  by  2.  Churn  for  the  three months ended 30 June 1998  is  annualised  by
  multiplying the amount calculated as above by 4.



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