RNS No 9081r
11th December 1998

          Interim Results for the six months ended 30 September 1998


The  performance for the period is a creditable one and we have completed  the
period with record customer line numbers.

Turnover  for  the  half-year was #6,906,000 compared to  #5,390,000  for  the
equivalent period last year. A milestone has been achieved in the period  with
telecommunications turnover now predominant at #4,076,000 for the  period,  or
59%  of  the  total.  The loss for the period was #6,884,000,  which  compares
against  #4,012,000 for the equivalent period last year. The increase reflects
the  significant  costs  of  building out our telecommunications  networks  in
Scotland  and  is a financial characteristic of the early stage of  a  network
roll out.

At  the end of the last financial year, we announced that we had postponed  an
issue  of senior discount notes due to adverse market conditions. In order  to
conserve  existing cash resources, your Board took steps during the period  to
curtail  further development of the network and operations until  a  new  fund
raising  could be completed. We continued with the network planning  processes
during  the  period  which allowed us to move forward our plans  with  renewed
vigour  once  funding was available. Inevitably, activity  slowed  down  until
completion of the fund raising exercise. We decided that it was appropriate to
issue  further equity and accordingly we moved forward with a very  successful
share  issue in mid-August that raised #50m before expenses. We also concluded
a  new  banking facility of up to #60m. This package of equity and debt  fully
funded our Scottish build plans.

In  view of the turmoil in the financial markets towards the end of the  half-
year,  your  Board has reconsidered the treatment of certain costs  that  were
carried forward in the period ended 31 March 1998, associated with the aborted
issue  of  senior discount notes. We have decided that it would be prudent  to
expense  the outstanding costs and accordingly, the loss for the half-year  is
stated after an exceptional write off of #430,000.

Our fixed radio access ("FRA") operations in Glasgow continue to perform well.
The  penetration of residential and business customers in the City of  Glasgow
has  reached  3.62%  at  30  September  1998,  a  most  promising  result  and
significantly  ahead of our original expectations.  After  completion  of  our
fund  raising, we were able to continue the build of the FRA network, and  the
first  of  the base stations in Greater Glasgow became operational during  the
period. Importantly, we launched service in our home city of Aberdeen  on  the
very  last day of the period. The first phase of the network build in Aberdeen
covers  approximately 63,000 homes with 15 base stations, and the  network  is
the  first to deploy underground fibre links to certain base stations. We have
also  deployed  V5.2  concentration technology on the  network  back-haul  and
deployed  SDH ring technology for resilience. These aspects of the design,  we
believe,  make  the network one of the most sophisticated and resilient  fixed
access  networks  in the world. The early take up of service in  Aberdeen  has
been most promising.

At  30  September  1998, we had 8,617 customers with a total of  18,170  lines
installed  or  pending installation on our FRA networks. Furthermore,  we  had
5,319  customers  with  a  total  of 5,583 lines  on  our  "Crest"  indirectly
connected  service  that uses BT's network to connect  customers  rather  than
utilise a direct FRA connection. The total telecommunications customer base in
Scotland was therefore close to 14,000 at the period end with, in total,  over
20,000 lines installed or pending installation.

The  levels  of  disconnection  over the six-month  period  have  been  within
acceptable boundaries. The churn of residential customers over the period  has
averaged 16% on an annualised basis while churn of business customers  on  the
same basis has averaged 15%.

Since the period end, Atlantic has launched service in Paisley, within Greater
Glasgow,  and,  following an important arrangement entered into with  Scottish
Hydro Electric, we have been able to fast track development of the network  in
the  City  of  Dundee. Hydro Electric is providing us with  a  fibre  link  to
Aberdeen  from Dundee to allow us to switch the Dundee traffic on our existing
Aberdeen switch. Following early agreement from the local authority in Dundee,
we have also been able to secure base station sites and are pleased to be able
to launch service in Dundee on 15 December 1998, fully six months earlier than
expected.  Since  the period end, we have also taken delivery  of  the  switch
required  for  the City of Edinburgh and are now in the process of  installing
and  commissioning  the  switch. We hope to be able  to  commence  service  in
Edinburgh  within the current financial year. We remain on target to  complete
the networks during calendar year 1999.

Also,  since  the period end, a further important milestone was reached  on  1
December  when  we  opened  our own call centre  in  Glasgow,  to  handle  our
telephone marketing activities which had been contracted out since we launched
commercial  service  two  years  ago.  At  the  same  time  we  initiated  our
centralised  customer service operations based on our award  winning  customer
service team located in Aberdeen. These important steps put us in an excellent
position to win and retain customers in the future.

Average revenues per connected customer have been very encouraging and, in the
residential  area,  remain at levels significantly higher  than  the  industry
norm.  In  the six months to 30 September 1998, the average revenue  has  been
#35.81  for  residential customers directly connected on the FRA networks  and
#89.06  for  business customers over the same period. The average revenue  for
indirectly connected Crest customers has been #10.62 over the period.  Without
the  benefit of line rental (which continues to be paid to BT for these  types
of  customers), an automatic second line, or feature based call  usage,  Crest
customers will always generate lower revenues. Crest is, however a useful tool
to  bring  customers onto the Atlantic brand and billing system ahead  of  the
introduction  of FRA to an area. Crest also provides a means for  Atlantic  to
connect customers outside the key urban areas selected for FRA development and
will therefore remain the only service that is available from Atlantic in many
parts of Scotland.

During  the  half-year, we introduced further innovative enhancements  to  our
service  packages  which  reinforce our belief that  distance  based  customer
pricing  will  eventually  be eliminated from the market.  These  enhancements
included  the benefit of local calls for our customers to a range  of  key  UK
cities,  as  well as the introduction of a special global rate to a  range  of
worldwide cities. Since the period end, we have introduced a service  designed
for the heavy internet user which gives the customer access to two voice lines
and a 64kb data line in a bundled package, and have introduced a very exciting
tariff  for  directly connected business customers that charges calls  to  the
whole  of  the  UK at a local call rate. This tariff also dispenses  with  the
concept of line rental and, in its place, provides the business customer  with
a  sliding  scale  of management fees that have the benefit  of  allowing  the
customer  to  add  or  remove lines, within certain bands, without  additional

It  is our intention to continue to develop innovative features as part of our
service  and we will continue to develop and enhance the range of value  added

Our  telecom  management  company, Logicall, has  increased  its  lines  under
management  by 2,781 in the half-year to a new high of 16,252 at 30  September
1998.  As  indicated in my full year statement, and following  the  successful
fund  raising,  we  are now looking at locations and switch specifications  to
allow the introduction of switch based least cost routing for this part of our
business.  We expect to have made decisions on this by early in the  New  Year
and have a switch or switches deployed by the summer of 1999.

The  customer  base in our sole broadband cable operation in Aberdeen  was  at
15,004 at 30 September 1998, compared to 15,420 at 31 March 1998. It has  held
up  particularly well over the summer, which has historically been a difficult
period for us. This has been due, at least in part, to the introduction of our
Crest  indirect telephone service which has been taken up by several  thousand
cable  customers and which was launched ahead of the introduction of our fixed
radio access service. This has encouraged subscribers to remain with the cable
service  over  this period, resulting in one of the lowest  number  of  summer
disconnections that we have ever experienced. Churn for the six  months  ended
30   September  1998  has  averaged  24%  on  an  annualised  basis.  This  is
significantly  lower than the equivalent period last year when  churn  reached
41% on an annualised basis.

The  average revenue per customer in Aberdeen remains approximately 40% higher
than  the UK industry average. Over the six month period, the average  monthly
revenue  per  customer  was #30.44, an increase of 5.7%  over  the  equivalent
period  last  year. The average revenue is expected to decline in  the  second
half-year as, since the period end, we have repositioned Atlantic Cable in the
Aberdeen market following the introduction of the FRA service in the city.  We
have  lowered  the price of our basic service by #5.00 per month  to  maintain
Atlantic's competitive position following the market launch of both direct  to
home  digital  satellite and digital terrestrial services, which compete  with
our  cable  services. We have also introduced a package designed to  encourage
customers to take both our television and telephone services. Early take up of
the combined packages has been encouraging.

We  have  also begun to test the feasibility of providing the full package  of
digitally  transmitted  services over the cable system.  Early  tests  on  the
Aberdeen  cable network have delivered excellent results, and we will continue
the  testing process in the New Year, prior to making any decision to  proceed
with a digital upgrade of the cable network.

We  were  very pleased to be re-awarded the cable franchise for  the  City  of
Aberdeen  on  1 December 1998. The Independent Television Commission  assessed
both  the cash bid and percentage of qualifying revenue payments at zero.  The
new licence will run from 4 May 1999 and, in common with all cable licences in
the United Kingdom, the licence becomes non exclusive on 1 January 2001.

Our strategy continues to be to develop the breadth and range of services that
we  can  deliver to our customers, using appropriate technologies. We  believe
that  customers  will  expect  to see a range of  telecommunications  products
billed  on  a single bill and Atlantic is now in the process of upgrading  its
billing  systems  which  will enable the billing of  joint  services.  We  are
working therefore to deliver continued innovation in our customer products and
packaging to allow us to achieve that objective.

As noted earlier, the completion of a funding package to complete the build of
our  Scottish networks was a significant achievement that was completed in mid
August, ahead of the turmoil experienced in the markets towards the end of the
half-year. With the resources now available to us, we look forward  to  moving
the business forward on all fronts as quickly as is practicable. We remain  on
schedule to complete the four Scottish networks during 1999, and are confident
that  we  will have an initial presence in all of these areas within the  next
three months, well ahead of plan.


Graham J Duncan, Executive Chairman
Atlantic Telecom Group PLC
Today:         0468-106107
Thereafter:    01224-454000
Alex Walters
Citigate Dewe Rogerson
Today:         0171-282 8000
Thereafter:    0121-631 2299

                  for the six months ended 30 September 1998

                             6 months to       6 months to    12 months to
                            30 September      30 September        31 March
                        1998 (unaudited)  1997 (unaudited)   1998 (audited)
                            #'000      #'000          #000             #000
Continuing operations       6,906                    5,030           10,595
Discontinued operations         -                      360              795
                         --------                 --------         --------
                                       6,906         5,390           11,390
Cost of sales                         (5,069)       (3,145)          (7,953)
                                     --------      --------         --------
Gross profit                           1,837         2,245            3,437

Other operating charges       
               -ongoing    (7,959)                  (5,920)         (12,007)
               -exceptional  (430)                       -             (325)
                          --------                 --------         --------
                                      (8,389)       (5,920)         (12,332)
                                     --------      --------         --------
Continuing operations      (6,552)                  (3,653)          (8,733)
Discontinued operations         -                      (22)            (162)
                          --------                 --------         --------
                                      (6,552)       (3,675)          (8,895)
Exceptional items 
Discontinued operations: 
Loss on sale of discontinued
 operations                     -                   (1,410)          (1,698)
Less release of provision 
for operations to be 
discontinued                    -                      913            1,028
                         --------                  --------         -------- 
                                           -          (497)            (670)
                                    --------       --------         --------
ACTIVITIES BEFORE INTEREST            (6,552)       (4,172)          (9,565)

Net interest                            (332)          160               25
                                     --------      --------         --------
BEFORE TAXATION                       (6,884)       (4,012)          (9,540)

Tax on loss on ordinary activities         -             -                -
                                     --------      --------         --------
RETAINED LOSS FOR THE PERIOD          (6,884)       (4,012)          (9,540)
                                     ========      ========         ========

Loss per share                        (11.47)p       (7.93)p         (18.86)p
                                     ========      ========         ========
Fully diluted loss per share          (11.35)p       (7.83)p         (18.55)p
                                     ========      ========         ========

The   directors  regard  earnings  before  interest,  tax,  depreciation   and
amortisation,   which   is  set  out  below  and  is   often   used   in   the
telecommunications  and  cable  industry,  as  an  important  measure  of  the
operating cash flow of the business.

Operating loss                        (6,552)        (3,675)          (8,895)

Depreciation and amortisation of 
goodwill                               1,886            988            2,364
Cost of network leases                    82             82              164
                                    --------       --------         --------
Earnings  before  interest,  tax, 
depreciation  and  amortisation      (4,584)         (2,605)          (6,367)
                                   ========        ========         ========

                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                           as at 30th September 1998

                       30 September           30 September            31 March
                     1998 (unaudited)     1997 (unaudited)       1998 (audited)
                                #'000                #'000                #'000

Intangible assets               3,801                3,965                3,883
Tangible assets                38,506               19,704               29,709
                             --------             --------             --------

                               42,307               23,669               33,592
Stocks                          4,075                  909                  715
Debtors : amounts falling due 
  after more than one year      7,694                5,848                6,776
Debtors: amounts falling due
  within one year               5,599                3,833                4,046
Cash at bank                   27,490                7,675                   57
                             --------             --------             --------

                               44,858               18,265               11,594

Amounts falling due within 
one year                       17,834                9,771               15,517
                             --------             --------             --------

(LIABILITIES)                  27,024                8,494               (3,923)
                             --------             --------              --------

LIABILITIES                    69,331               32,163               29,669

Amounts falling due after 
more than one year              6,827                4,563                7,598
                             --------             --------             --------

                               62,504               27,600               22,071
                               ======               ======               ======

Called up share capital        21,147               12,644               12,644
Share premium account          61,653               22,840               22,839
Profit and loss account       (20,296)              (7,884)             (13,412)
                             --------             --------             --------

                               62,504               27,600               22,071
                               ======                ======              ======

                  for the six months ended 30 September 1998

                          6 months to           6 months to       12 months to
                         30 September          30 September           31 March
                     1998 (unaudited)      1997 (unaudited)      1998 (audited)
                        #'000    #'000       #'000    #'000     #'000    #'000

Operating loss from 
continuing  activities          (6,552)              (3,675)            (8,733)
Depreciation                     1,804                  988              2,312
Amortisation of 
lease prepayment                    82                   82                164
Network lease 
prepayments                     (1,000)                (875)            (1,875)
in stock                        (3,360)                 140                305
Decrease in debtors               (271)                (836)            (1,748)
Increase in creditors            2,496                2,163              6,349
Gain on disposal 
of fixed assets                    (47)                 (26)               (14)
                               --------             --------           --------
Net cash outflow from 
continuing operating activities (6,848)              (2,039)            (3,240)
Net cash outflow from 
discontinued operations              -                    -               (562)
                              --------             --------            --------
Net cash outflow from 
operating activities            (6,848)              (2,039)            (3,802)
                              --------             --------            --------

Net  cash  outflow  from  
operating activities            (6,848)              (2,039)            (3,802)

Interest received            296             331                 573
Interest paid               (628)           (250)               (588)
                        --------         --------            --------
Net cash (outflow)/ 
inflow from returns on
   investments and 
 servicing of finance              (332)                   81              (15)

Purchase of tangible 
fixed assets              (9,630)          (7,518)            (13,822)
Sale of tangible fixed 
assets                       155               49                 113
                        --------         --------            --------
Net cash outflow from 
capital expenditure
  and financial investment      (9,475)              (7,469)           (13,709)

Sale of subsidiary 
undertaking                   -               100                 445
Expenses related to sale 
of subsidiary undertaking     -                 -                 (25)
                        --------         --------            --------

Net cash inflow from 
acquisitions and disposals           -                  100               420

Cash  (placed  on)/
withdrawn from short  
term  deposit                  (26,000)              10,000            16,000

Issue of shares          50,902                23                  26
Repayment of borrowing     (260)             (200)               (400)
Capital element of 
finance lease rentals    (1,452)             (675)             (1,606)
Expenses paid in 
connection with share 
issue                    (3,585)                -                  (4)
Loan finance costs       (1,282)                -                   -
                        --------         --------            --------

Net   cash  inflow/
(outflow)  from  financing       44,323               (852)             (1,984)
                                --------          --------           ---------
INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH       1,668               (179)             (3,090)
                                =======           ========           =========

                          Atlantic Telecom Group PLC
                         ANALYSIS OF NET FUNDS/(DEBT)

                      At 1 April            Non-cash  At 30 September
                            1998  Cash Flow    Items             1998
                           #'000      #'000    #'000            #'000

Cash                          57     27,433        -           27,490

Less cash on deposit           -    (26,000)       -          (26,000)
                        --------   --------  --------        --------

                              57      1,433        -            1,490

Bank overdraft            (2,366)       235        -           (2,131)
                        --------   --------  --------        --------

                          (2,309)     1,668        -             (641)
Liquid resources
Cash on short term deposit     -     26,000        -           26,000
                        --------   --------  --------        --------

                          (2,309)    27,668        -           25,359
                        --------   --------  --------        --------

Debt due after one year   (1,100)       200        -             (900)

Debt due within one year    (600)        60        -             (540)

Finance leases            (8,904)     1,336     (881)          (8,449)
                        --------   --------  --------        --------

                         (10,604)     1,596     (881)          (9,889)
                        --------   --------  --------        --------

Net (debt)/funds         (12,913)    29,264     (881)          15,470
                          ======    ======    ======           ======

                          Atlantic Telecom Group PLC
                          NOTES TO THE INTERIM REPORT

1.Preparation of Interim Report

  The  interim  financial information for the six months  ended  30  September
  1998  was  approved  by  the  directors on 11 December  1998.  It  has  been
  prepared  in  accordance with relevant accounting standards on a  consistent
  basis  using  accounting policies set out in the 1998  Annual  Report.   The
  interim  financial  information is unaudited but has been  reviewed  by  the

2.Financial information

  The  financial  information set out on pages 6-9 does  not  constitute  full
  financial  statements for the purposes of section 240 of the  Companies  Act
  1985.  Comparative  figures for the year ended 31 March 1998  are  extracted
  from  the  full  financial  statements, which have  been  delivered  to  the
  Registrar  of  Companies.   The report of the auditors  on  those  financial
  statements  was  unqualified and did not contain a statement  under  section
  237 of the Companies Act 1985.
3.   Loss per share
  The loss per share is based on the loss attributable to the Ordinary
  Shareholders of #6,884,000 (30 September 1997 - loss of #4,012,000) and on
  the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the period
  of 60,023,993 (30 September 1997 - 50,570,898).
  As required by the new Earnings Per Share accounting standard (FRS 14), set
  out below is the calculation behind the disclosure of fully diluted loss
  per share. Losses continue to be based on the net loss attributable to
  Ordinary Shareholders with the dilution effect of the full exercise of all
  share options and warrants granted by the Company being arrived at by
  comparing the difference between the weighted average exercise price of the
  share options with the average daily mid-market closing share price over
  the period, as follows  :-

                                          6        6       12
                                     months   months   months
                                         to       to       to
                                         30       30       31
                                    Septemb  Septemb    March
                                    er 1998  er 1997     1998
                                    (unaudi  (unaudi  (audite
                                       ted)     ted)       d)
   Weighted average exercise       141.56p  133.00p  133.00p
   price in the period
   Average daily share price in    155.16p  149.62p  152.22p
   the period
   Dilution ratio applied to        8.77%    11.11%   12.63%
   Weighted average number of      471,277  635.228  721,934
   diluted warrants                                  
   SHARE OPTIONS                                         
   Weighted average exercise       115.00p     -     115.00p
   price in the period
   Average daily share price in    155.16p  149.62p  152.22p
   the period
   Dilution ratio applied to        25.88%     -      24.45%
   share options
   Weighted average number of      152,146     -     143,731
   diluted share options
   TOTAL  WEIGHTED AVERAGE NUMBER                        
   Weighted average shares in                        
   issue in the period          60,023,993 50,570,898 50,574,520
   Weighted average warrants       471,277    635,228    721,934
   Weighted average share options  152,146     -         143,731
   Weighted average shares for                       
   calculating diluted EPS      60,647,416 51,206,126 51,440,185


  In  view  of  the  deficit  on  reserves the directors  cannot  recommend  a
  dividend  and  the  loss for the period has therefore  been  transferred  to

Further copies of this interim report can be obtained from the company's  head
office at Holburn House, 475 - 485 Union Street, Aberdeen, AB11 6DB.



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