RNS Number : 0395M

Altus Resource Capital Limited

11 September 2012


The directors announce the statement of results for the year ended 30 JUNE 2012 as follows:-

Company Overview


Altus Resource Capital Limited ("ARCL" or the "Company") is a Guernsey authorised, closed-ended investment company incorporated on 30 April 2009, which listed on the Specialist Fund Market (the "SFM") of the London Stock Exchange on 30 June 2009 and the Channel Islands Stock Exchange (the "CISX") on 22 December 2009.

The Company's objective is to realise capital growth from a concentrated portfolio of Junior Resource Equities and to generate a significant capital return to shareholders.

The Company's investment activities are managed by Altus Capital Limited (the "Investment Manager") who report to the Board. The Investment Manager is a FSA authorised and regulated wholly-owned subsidiary of Altus Strategies Limited.

The Company issued 26,000,000 Ordinary Shares at GBP1.00 per share on 30 June 2009 and a further 10,997,233 Ordinary Shares at GBP1.33 on 22 December 2009. On 2 August 2010 a further 2,722,336 Ordinary Shares were issued at GBP1.40 per share.

The group comprises the Company and its subsidiary Altus Global Gold Limited (together the "Group") as detailed in Note 7 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Altus Global Gold Limited is an authorised open-ended investment company incorporated under the laws of Guernsey on 10 October 2011 with registered number 54069. It listed on the Channel Island Stock Exchange on 1 November 2011.

Altus Global Gold Limited was established to realise capital growth from a portfolio of gold and precious metals equities, with the aim of generating a significant capital return to shareholders. It invests in mid-tier and major gold and precious metals companies with a focus on mid-tier producers.

The Company invested GBP5,000,000 in its subsidiary company Altus Global Gold Limited in October 2011.

The financial year end of Altus Global Gold Limited is 30 June, which is co-terminus with the financial year end of the Company.

Investment Objectives and Policy

The Company's objective is to realise capital growth from a concentrated portfolio of Junior Resource Equities and to generate a significant capital return to shareholders.

The Company invests in companies engaged in the exploration, development and/or mining of metals and minerals with a focus on companies that operate in the gold sector. Portfolio companies will be predominantly, but not exclusively, listed or quoted on either UK markets or other recognised stock exchanges including the Canadian and Australian markets. They will typically be capitalised at less than GBP500 million at the time of investment by the Company.

Performance Statistics

                                                         Monthly performance 2011/12: 
                      Jul     Aug      Sep     Oct     Nov      Dec     Jan     Feb      Mar     Apr     May     Jun 
 ARC (NAV/Share)     4.9%   -2.0%   -12.2%   11.6%   -4.3%    -3.8%    9.7%   -2.0%    -8.4%   -4.1%   -5.5%   -4.1% 
 Gold ($/oz)         8.2%   12.7%   -11.2%    5.9%    1.2%   -10.4%   11.1%   -2.3%    -1.7%   -0.2%   -6.3%    2.4% 
 FTSE Gold Mines 
 Index               4.2%    8.7%   -11.7%    5.8%    3.4%   -14.4%    9.0%   -1.3%   -12.3%   -7.2%   -5.3%    0.5% 
 S&P/TSX Gold 
  Index              2.9%   11.5%    -7.4%   -0.4%    6.3%   -15.7%    8.4%   -3.2%    -9.1%   -7.9%   -4.2%   -0.8% 


I have pleasure in presenting the Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements of Altus Resource Capital Limited ("ARCL" or the "Company") for the year ended 30 June 2012 (the "Year"). The Company's Net Asset Value ("NAV") as announced on 30 June 2012 was GBP60.7 million or GBP1.53 per Ordinary Share, a decline of 20.8% over the Year but an increase of 60.8% since launch on 30 June 2009.

The Year has been marked by global political and economic instability dominated by the on-going Eurozone crisis, the Arab Spring and concerns over the sustainability of both China's economic growth and the USA's economic recovery. Equity markets were generally weak with the FTSE 100 Index losing 6.3% over the Year whereas the "safe haven" investments of the dollar and gold outperformed with the dollar index and the gold price gaining 9.9% and 6.2% respectively. Despite the strength of the gold price, gold equities significantly underperformed with the FTSE Gold Mines Index and the S&P/ TSX Gold Index losing 21.9% and 20.7% respectively. Base and bulk metals, coal and industrial minerals all suffered in this weak market with the copper price losing 19.2%. The FTSE 350 Mining Index, consisting of large cap diversified miners, fell 33.2% and the FTSE AIM Basic Resource Index, composed of AIM listed junior mining equities, fell by 37.1%.

Against the backdrop, the Group's NAV has held up reasonably well, out-performing the majority of indices and peers and the Company's Ordinary Share price has traded at a premium to the NAV over the year. With a defensive cash position (21% of assets under management) and a focused portfolio, the Company is well-positioned to weather further difficult markets, take advantage of opportunities that arise and benefit from an anticipated closing of the gold versus gold equity disconnect. In October 2011, the Company seed financed Altus Global Gold Limited, a Guernsey registered open-ended investment company focused on mid-tier gold miners. It is anticipated that exposure to this vehicle will provide the optimal exposure to the initial closing of the value gap between gold and gold equities.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your on-going support of the Company in what have been unprecedented times. We remain confident that the Company is well positioned to deliver significant NAV growth over the coming years.

Nick Falla



Financial Highlights and Investment Review by Altus Capital Limited

The last twelve months has been a challenging time for the mining sector and junior resource equities in particular. The majority of metals prices declined over the Year with gold being one of the few metals to make gains with a rise of 6.2%. With fears of a slowdown in the economic growth of China and the sustainability of the economic recovery in the West, industrial metal and mineral prices declined over the Year. The price of silver, which has industrial uses but typically trades in line with gold, declined by 20.8% over the Year (despite gold's 6.2% gain) and the copper price, often seen as the bellwether metal, fell by 19.2%.

 Metal                            Price at         Price at   % change 
                                30/06/2011       30/06/2012     during 
--------------------------  --------------  ---------------  --------- 
 Gold (US$/oz)                       1,504            1,597       6.2% 
--------------------------  --------------  ---------------  --------- 
 Silver (US$/oz)                      34.7             27.5     -20.8% 
--------------------------  --------------  ---------------  --------- 
 Platinum (US$/oz)                   1,721            1,442     -16.2% 
--------------------------  --------------  ---------------  --------- 
 Palladium (US$/oz)                    759              580     -23.6% 
--------------------------  --------------  ---------------  --------- 
 Copper (US$/t)                      9,414            7,604     -19.2% 
--------------------------  --------------  ---------------  --------- 
 Zinc (US$/t)                        2,342            1,843     -21.3% 
--------------------------  --------------  ---------------  --------- 
 Nickel (US$/t)                      2,671            1,796     -32.8% 
--------------------------  --------------  ---------------  --------- 
 CRB US Spot Metals Index            1,036              820     -20.9% 
--------------------------  --------------  ---------------  --------- 

Source: Bloomberg data

Equity markets were generally weak during the Year with mining indices, and particularly junior mining indices, underperforming commodity prices. Gold equities showed the most dramatic declines relative to their underlying commodity with the FTSE Gold Mines Index and the S&P/ TSX Gold Index losing 21.9% and 20.7% respectively. The underperformance of gold equities may be attributed to a number of factors:

   --     Investors remain wary of equities following the financial crisis of 2008/ 2009; 

-- the emergence of ETFs (exchange traded funds) enables investors to gain direct exposure to gold without taking the operating risks of holding mining equities;

a number of gold miners have under-delivered and others have suffered from capital and operating cost escalation; and

-- gold price volatility increased significantly in late 2011 with the price spiking temporarily to over US$1,900 per ounce. This increased volatility in the gold price coincided with the negative trend suffered by gold equities as investors became less willing to hold gold equities whilst commodity price volatility remained so high.

With the price of industrial metals and minerals falling through the Year, the diversified miners suffered significant declines. The FTSE 350 Mining Index, which is dominated by BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Anglo American, Xstrata and Glencore (constituting approximately over 80% of the Index), fell by 33.2% over the Year.

As is expected in weak markets, junior companies were generally weaker than their more liquid large-cap counterparts. In the gold sector the Market Vectors Junior Gold Miner ETF declined 44.3% and in the junior diversified miners sector the FTSE AIM Basic Resources Index and the ASX Small Cap Basic Resources Index declined 37.1% and 32.5% respectively.

 Metal                               Price at      Price at   % change 
                                   30/06/2011    30/06/2012     during 
-------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------- 
 FTSE Gold Mines Index                  3,563         2,783     -21.9% 
-------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------- 
 S&P/ TSX Gold Index                    3,119         2,473     -20.7% 
-------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------- 
 Market Vectors Gold Miner 
  ETF                                    54.6          44.8     -18.0% 
-------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------- 
 Market Vectors Junior Gold 
  Miner ETF                              34.5          19.2     -44.3% 
-------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------- 
 FTSE 350 Mining Index                 26,129        17,466     -33.2% 
-------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------- 
 FTSE AIM Basic Resources 
  Index                                 7,999         5,034     -37.1% 
-------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------- 
 ASX Small Cap Basic Resources 
  Index                                 5,507         3,717     -32.5% 
-------------------------------  ------------  ------------  --------- 

Source: Bloomberg data

The Company retains its focus on junior resource equities and has avoided the severe fall suffered by the rest of the market due, in the Investment Manager's opinion, to a number of factors:

-- the portfolio remains concentrated with 22 holdings at the end of the Year focussed on companies with strong management teams and world-class assets. The market has become increasingly unforgiving when companies (large and small) under-deliver operationally. The focus on low risk situations that are well-managed has meant the Company has avoided the most severe market sell-offs;

-- the portfolio remains focused in companies that are in production or fully-funded to production and therefore do not carry significant financing risk. At the end of the Year 80% of invested capital was focused on production and development stage companies;

-- the portfolio continues to be actively traded with a number of partial or full exits early in the Year when the weak market increased the investee company's financing risk or when an investee company failed to deliver operationally; and

-- a defensive cash position of 21.2% of assets under management at the end of the Year enabling the Company to take advantage of anomalous pricing in an increasingly illiquid and volatile market and enable the Company to deploy rapidly into select situations when sentiment to the market improves.


The Investment Manager remains confident that the outlook for the Company is positive supported by strong fundamentals for the gold price and, over the longer term, for other commodities.

The gold price appears to have found a floor at US$1,550 per ounce, with strong demand from central banks underpinning the market. Retail investment demand continues to grow in China and other emerging economies where the bourgeoning middle classes are seeking both to preserve their newly created wealth and hedge against inflation. With sovereign debt levels at unsustainable levels in many Western economies, further quantitative easing measures are likely to form part of the longer term solution and would be a positive catalyst for the gold price. Meanwhile, gold supply has remained relatively stable in recent years but with few new world-class gold discoveries, producers will increasingly struggle to replenish their reserves and maintain production levels.

Other metals face similar pressures with supply-side deficits forecast and a dearth of new discoveries in a number of the major metals.

Demand for industrial metals and minerals continues to be dominated by China and so prices are unlikely to strengthen significantly until there is greater clarity on the sustainability of the growth of China's economy.

The disconnect between gold equities and the gold price has continued to widen over the Year despite many producers delivering increasing operating margins and record cash flows.

Profit margin growth will be hard for miners to sustain indefinitely, particularly with increasing oil and other input costs and a volatile gold price, however with the gold price at the current or higher levels, miners that control their costs will continue to deliver extremely strong earnings. With declining equity prices and enhanced earnings, many gold equities are trading at record low valuation metrics.

The Philadelphia Gold and Silver Index, which is an index of mid- to large-cap precious metals miners, is trading at its lowest level relative to the gold price since its creation in 1984.

The Investment Manager believes that these valuations are unusual and anticipates that the disconnect between gold and gold equities will at least partially close over the short to medium term. Increased dividends and M&A activity initiated by the mid-tiers and majors in the first instance will drive value across the sector. It is expected that the market will remain more sceptical and discerning and only the better quality companies with robust assets and proven management teams will be fully re-rated.

The Investment Manager therefore intends to retain the Company's focus on good quality junior resource companies with a strong weighting towards gold producers and developers. The strong cash position will be retained while market uncertainty prevails but will be deployed opportunistically as and when market sentiment improves or to take advantage of anomalous situations.

Investment Allocation

At 30 June 2012, the Group's assets were allocated in the following proportions:

 Asset Allocation by Commodity 
 Gold                      56% 
 Bulk Minerals             12% 
 Base Metals                 6% 
 Energy Minerals             4% 
 Diamonds                    1% 
 Net cash                  21% 
 Asset Allocation by Development Stage 
 Production                     36% 
 Development                    28% 
 Exploration                    11% 
 ETFs                            4% 
 Net cash                       21% 
 Asset Allocation by Geography 
 Africa                     32% 
 Europe                       11% 
 North America                10% 
 South America                7% 
 Asia - Other                 6% 
 Australasia                  2% 
 Other (including ETFs)      11% 
 Net cash                   21% 


Responsibility Statement

The Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge and belief:

(a) This annual report includes or incorporates by reference a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Group together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces; and

(b) The Consolidated Financial Statements, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, as adopted by the European Union, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profits of the Group and performance of the Group over the Year.

A description of important events which have occurred during the Year, their impact on the performance of the Group as shown in the Consolidated Financial Statements and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Group is given in the Chairman's Statement, Investment Manager's Report and the notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements and is incorporated here by reference.

There were no other material related party transactions which took place in the Year other than those disclosed in note 16 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors on 10 September 2012.

   Nick Falla                                                                   Robert Milroy 
   Chairman                                                                    Director 


Nicholas J Falla: Chairman (non-executive) (Age 55)

Nicholas Falla has had thirty years of experience in the finance industry including fourteen years of experience in the commodity markets. He is currently the Managing Director of Xocoatl Limited a private investment company taking strategic proprietary positions in the commodities markets, Finance Director of Pharma E Limited, a private pharmaceutical supplier, and non-executive director of Close Assets Funds Limited a closed-ended investment company which provides a structured investment in the equities markets. Nick was senior non-executive director of MW Tops Limited, a closed-ended investment company listed on the London Stock Exchange which entered into voluntary liquidation in September 2010, whilst transferring its assets into another investment vehicle. From 1993-2000 Nick worked as the financial controller for Bank of Bermuda (Guernsey) Limited and from 2000 to 2002 he was their regional controller for Europe. In addition he has acted as an interim Financial Director for the Guernsey banking operation of Credit Suisse Guernsey Limited and has worked on various finance and accounting based projects with

companies such as KPMG (Channel Islands) and the Blenheim Group. Nick trained as an accountant with Turquands Barton Mayhew & Co in Guernsey.

David Gelber: Director (non-executive) (Age 64)

David Gelber began his career in trading in 1976 when he joined Citibank in London. David has since held a variety of senior trading positions, in derivatives in particular, working for Citibank, Chemical Bank and HSBC, where he was Chief Operating Officer of HSBC Global Markets. In 1994 David joined ICAP, an inter-dealer broker, as COO and assisted in implementing two mergers, first with Exco plc and then with Garban. David currently serves as a non-executive director on the boards of eSecLending LLC in Boston, GlobeOp Financial Services SA in Luxembourg and Walker Crips Group plc. David is also currently a non executive director of DDCAP Limited, a leading arranger of Islamic banking transactions and of Exotix Limited, an investment banking boutique specialising in illiquid assets. David is also currently a non-executive director of Intercapital Private Group Limited, a holding company invested in ICAP plc and CityIndex Limited, a spread-betting and contracts for difference provider. David has a B.Sc in statistics and law from the University of Jerusalem and an M.Sc in computer science from the University of London.

Robert Milroy: Director (non-executive) (Age 66)

Robert Milroy is Chairman of Milroy Capital Limited, a company which invests in and manages various Mining and Energy related projects. He is a director of Corazon Fund Management Limited, a division of Collins Stewart Hawkpoint (CI) Limited, a Guernsey regulated investment management and stock-broking company and was previously the Managing Director and CIO of Corazon Fund Management Limited (1996-2010), prior to its acquisition by Collins Stewart Hawkpoint in 2010. He has over 40 years experience in the investment, mining and petroleum industries having participated and worked in various mining, oil exploration projects and financings in Chile, Peru, Argentina, Ghana, Canada, USA, Mexico, Australia and Greenland. In addition, he was the Managing Director of Eagle Drilling Inc. for 13 years, a firm that specialised in hard rock diamond core drilling in Central and Western Africa. Robert is also a noted speaker and financial author of various publications including the Standard & Poor's Guide to Offshore Investment Funds. Robert graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from the University of Manitoba and is a director on a number of Mining and Energy related companies. Robert is also a director of Altus Global Gold Limited.

David Netherway: (non-independent non-executive) (Age 59)

David Netherway is a mining engineer with over 35 years of experience in the mining industry and until the takeover by Gryphon Minerals Limited, was the CEO of Shield Mining Limited, an Australian listed exploration company. David has now joined the Gryphon Board. David was involved in the construction and development of the Iduapriem, Siguiri and Kiniero gold mines in West Africa and has mining experience in Africa, Australia, China, Canada, India and the Former Soviet Union. David served as the CEO of Toronto listed Afcan Mining Corporation, a China focused gold mining company that was sold to Eldorado Gold in 2005. David has also held senior management positions in a number of gold mining companies including Golden Shamrock Mines, Ashanti Goldfields and Semafo Inc. He is currently the chairman of Aureus Mining Inc, Afferro Mining Inc and Kilo Goldmines Limited and a non-executive director of Crusader Resources Limited and Altus Global Gold Limited. David is the current non-executive chairman of Altus Strategies Limited and is thus not considered an Independent Director of the Company.


Investment Management Agreement

The Board is responsible for the determination of the Company's investment policy and has overall responsibility for the Company's day-to-day activities. The Company has, however, entered into an Investment Management Agreement dated 22 June 2009, as amended by a Deed of Amendment and Novation dated 30 June 2010, with Altus Capital Limited (the "Investment Manager"), a wholly-owned, FSA regulated subsidiary of Altus Strategies Limited. Under the Investment Management Agreement the Investment Manager has overall responsibility for the discretionary management of the Company's assets (including uninvested cash) in accordance with the Company's investment objective and policy, subject to the overall supervision of the Board.

The Investment Manager receives a management fee of 0.85% per annum of the Company's NAV, calculated on the relevant quarterly accounting date, subject to a minimum fee of GBP150,000 per annum. In accordance with the Investment Management Agreement the Investment Manager is also entitled to a performance fee which was first payable on the second anniversary of the date of Admission and is payable annually thereafter. During the Year the Investment Manager was paid 80% of the performance fee accrued to 30 June 2011, being an amount of GBP5,055,901. No performance fee provision has been made for the Company for the Year as the performance hurdle has not been met. Further details of the calculation of the performance fee can be found in Note 16 of the Consolidated Financial Statements. Under the terms of the Investment Management Agreement, the agreement may be terminated by either party on eighteen months' written notice.

Administration Agreement

The Company entered into an Administration and Secretarial Agreement dated 22 June 2009 with Anson Fund Managers Limited (the "Administrator" or the "Secretary"). Under the terms of the Administration and Secretarial Agreement, the Administrator is responsible for providing administration and secretarial services to the Company.

The Administrator carries out the general secretarial functions required by The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008, as amended (the "Law") and ensures that the Company complies with its continuing obligations as a company with shares admitted to trading on the Specialist Fund Market of the London Stock Exchange (the "SFM") and the Channel Islands Stock Exchange ("CISX").

The Administrator also carries out the Company's general administrative functions such as the calculation of net asset value, calculating the performance of the Company's investments and the maintenance of accounting records. The Administration and Secretarial Agreement is terminable by either party on giving not less than three months' written notice.


The Board keeps under review the performance of the Investment Manager and the Administrator and the powers delegated to them both. In the opinion of the Board the continuing appointment of the Investment Manager and the Administrator on the terms agreed is in the interest of shareholders as a whole.


The Directors present their report and Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company for the Year.

Principal Activities and Business Review

The principal activity of the Company is to carry on business as an investment company. The Directors do not envisage any change in these activities for the foreseeable future. A description of the activities of the Company in the Year under review is outlined in the Investment Manager's Report on pages 6 to 12.


The Company is a closed-ended investment company and was incorporated with limited liability in Guernsey on 30 April 2009 with registered number 50318. The Company operates under the Law and the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1987 as amended.

The Company's Ordinary Shares were admitted to trade on the SFM on 30 June 2009. On 22 December 2009 the Company's Ordinary Shares were also admitted to trade on the CISX.

The Company's management and administration takes place in Guernsey and the Company had been granted exemption from income tax in Guernsey by the Administrator of Income Tax under the Income Tax (Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance 1989. It is the intention of the Directors to continue to operate the Company so that each year this tax-exempt status is maintained.

Results and Dividends

The results of the Group for the Year are set out on page 33.

The Group aims to provide shareholders with an attractive total return, which is expected to comprise primarily capital growth, although there is also potential for distributions. The Company's investment objective and strategy means that the timing and amount of investment income cannot be predicted.

The Company did not declare any interim dividends during the Year and the Directors do not propose the declaration of a final dividend for the Year under review.


Further details of the Directors in office are shown on pages 14 and 15. Details of the Directors' responsibilities are given on pages 23 and 24.

The interests of the Directors in the Ordinary Shares of the Company as at 30 June 2012 were as follows:

                  Number of Ordinary Shares 
 Nick Falla                20,000 
 David Gelber              50,000 
 Robert Milroy             20,000 

No changes took place in the interests of the Directors in the Ordinary Shares of the Company between 1 July 2012 and 10 September 2012.

Other than the above Ordinary Share transactions, none of the Directors nor any persons connected with them had a material interest in any of the Company's transactions, arrangements or agreements during the Year and none of the Directors has or has had any interest in any transaction which is or was unusual in its nature or conditions or significant to the business of the Company, and which was effected by the Company during the Year save for the following:

-- David Netherway is the non-executive chairman of Altus Strategies Limited, the ultimate parent of the Investment Manager, who owns 150,000 Ordinary Shares in the Company; and

-- David Netherway is a non-executive Director of Gryphon Minerals Limited and the non-executive chairman of Kilo Goldmines Limited, both companies in which the Company has an exposure.

At the date of this report, there are no outstanding loans or guarantees between the Company and any Director.

Substantial Shareholdings

On 10 September 2012 the Company had been notified, in accordance with Chapter 5 of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the following substantial interests in the Company's share capital:

 Registered Holder                     % of Total Voting   Number of Ordinary 
                                             Rights              Shares 
 Securities Services Nominees 
  Limited a/c 2300001                       17.53%             6,961,074 
 Nortrust Nominees Limited a/c 
  GSYLENDA                                  13.36%             5,307,922 
 State Street Nominees Limited 
  a/c OM04                                  11.63%             4,621,175 
 BNY (OCS) Nominees Limited                 11.57%             4,594,708 
 HSBC Global Custody Nominee 
  (UK) Limited a/c 710239                    5.83%             2,314,567 
 Chase Nominees Limited                      5.04%             2,002,859 
 HSBC Global Custody Nominee 
  (UK) Limited a/c 813764                    5.01%             1,988,896 
 Nortrust Nominees Limited                   4.53%             1,801,154 
 Chase Nominees Limited a/c LENDNON          4.09%             1,625,000 
 Nortrust Nominees Limited a/c 
  TDS                                        3.32%             1,318,382 

Net Asset Value ("NAV")

The consolidated NAV of the Company's Ordinary Shares as at 30 June 2012 was GBP1.53 per Ordinary Share.

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The Company is focused on investing in junior resources companies and is therefore subject to the risks associated with concentrating its investments in this asset class. The performance of the Company will be affected by the performance of the securities of investee companies and is thus subject to the sharp price volatility of shares of companies principally engaged in activities related to metals and minerals. Historically the prices of the commodities have fluctuated significantly and are affected by numerous factors which the Company cannot predict or control. Political and economic conditions in metal and mineral producing countries may have a direct effect on the mining and production of these metals and minerals, and consequently, on their prices. In addition, the Company has invested, and will continue to invest in companies with assets or operations in emerging or developing markets and will consequently be exposed to various increased risks associated with investing in such markets. Further details of risk can be found in the Investment Manager's Report on pages 6 to 12 and in Note 15 of the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Corporate Governance

Statement of Compliance with The UK Corporate Governance Code

The Company is committed to complying with the corporate governance obligations which apply to Guernsey registered companies. As a Guernsey incorporated company and under SFM rules, the Company was not, for the Year under review, required to comply with The UK Corporate Governance Code (the "Code") appended to the Listing Rules of the UK's Financial Services Authority. However the Board places a high degree of importance on ensuring that high standards of corporate governance are maintained and have therefore chosen voluntarily to comply with the provisions of the Code to the extent that they are considered relevant to the Company.

The UK Corporate Governance Code is available on the following website: www.frc.org.uk.

With effect from 1 January 2012 the Company was also required to comply with the Guernsey Financial Services Commission Financial Sector Code of Corporate Governance (the "Guernsey Code"). As the Company complies with the Code it is deemed to meet the Guernsey Code. The Board has undertaken to evaluate its corporate governance compliance on an on-going basis.

Subject to the explanations below, the Board considers that it has maintained procedures during the Year to ensure that it has complied with the Code:-

-- As the Board is composed exclusively of non-executive Directors, provisions relating to executive directors or the position of chief executive are not applicable to the Company.

-- There is no Senior Independent Director which is not in accordance with provision A.4.1 of the Code. Taking into account for the size and nature of the Company and the fact there are three Independent non-executive Directors on the Board this position is not seen as necessary.

-- There is no internal audit function in the Company and the requirement for this function is reconsidered on an annual basis. The Board considers that as all of the Company's administration functions have been delegated to independent third parties there is no need for the Company to have an internal audit facility.


The Board carried out a performance evaluation of itself, its Committees and each of the Directors as required by provision B.6.1 of the Code and is committed to this process being carried out every year. As detailed in the Company's Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2011, this process was led by the Remuneration and Management Engagement Committee, who engaged an independent external facilitator to assist with this process. The external facilitator did not have any other connection with the Company.

For the Year this process was led by the Remuneration and Management Engagement Committee and the evaluation process consisted of Directors completing a questionnaire to assess the Board as a whole and the Chairman completing a questionnaire to assess each Director individually. All questionnaires were designed by an external facilitator.

The full Board discussed the results of the evaluation of the Board and its Committees and concluded that there were no significant points to raise and that each Director continues to demonstrate their effectiveness and commitment to the Company.

Board Responsibilities

The Board comprises of four non-executive Directors, of whom Nick Falla, David Gelber and Robert Milroy are determined to be independent as they are independent of the Investment Manager. Biographies of the Directors appear on pages 14 and 15, demonstrating the wide range of skills and experience they bring to the Board. The Board meets at least four times per year to consider the business and affairs of the Company, at which meetings the Directors review the Company's investments and all other important issues to ensure control is maintained over the Company's affairs. The Board also receives full management accounts for review at each full Board meeting.

During the Year the number of full Board meetings and committee meetings attended by the Directors were as follows:

                   Full Board Meetings   Audit Committee       Remuneration 
                                                               and Management 
                                                            Engagement Committee 
----------------  --------------------  ----------------  ---------------------- 
 Nick Falla            4 out of 4          2 out of 2           2 out of 2 
----------------  --------------------  ----------------  ---------------------- 
 David Gelber          4 out of 4          2 out of 2           2 out of 2 
----------------  --------------------  ----------------  ---------------------- 
 Robert Milroy         4 out of 4          2 out of 2           2 out of 2 
----------------  --------------------  ----------------  ---------------------- 
 David Netherway       3 out of 4              N/A                  N/A 
----------------  --------------------  ----------------  ---------------------- 

No Director has a service contract with the Company, nor are any such contracts proposed. Whilst there is no requirement under the Company's Articles of Incorporation to retire by rotation the Board has decided to adopt such practice as recommended by the Code. All Directors shall retire and offer themselves for re-election at the forthcoming general meeting of shareholders.

The Chairman's other significant commitments include his appointments as Finance Director of Pharma E Limited, a private pharmaceutical supplier; a non-executive director of Close Assets Funds Limited and Managing Director of Xocoatl Limited, a private investment company.

The Directors, in the furtherance of their duties, may take independent professional advice at the Company's expense. The Directors also have access to the advice and services of the Corporate and Shareholder Advisory Agent and the Secretary through their respective appointed representatives who are responsible to the Board for ensuring that Board procedures are followed and that applicable rules and regulations are complied with. To enable the Board to function effectively and allow Directors to discharge their responsibilities, full and timely access is given to all relevant information.

Board Committees

Audit Committee

Throughout the Year an Audit Committee has been in operation. The Audit Committee is chaired by Robert Milroy and each of the other Board members, with the exception of David Netherway, are members. The Audit Committee operates within clearly defined Terms of Reference, which are available from the Company's website or the Secretary upon request, and provides a forum through which the Company's external auditors report to the Board.

The Audit Committee meets at least twice a year and reviews, inter alia, the financial reporting process and the system of internal control and management of financial risks including understanding the current areas of greatest financial risk and how these are managed by the Investment Manager, reviewing half-yearly and annual financial statements, assessing the fairness of preliminary and interim statements and disclosures and reviewing the external audit process. The Audit Committee is responsible for overseeing the Company's relationship with the external auditors, including making recommendations to the Board on the appointment of the external auditors and their remuneration. The Audit Committee considers the nature, scope and results of the auditor's work and reviews, and develops and implements policy on the supply of any non-audit services that are to be provided by the external auditors. It receives and reviews reports from the Investment Manager and the Company's external auditors relating to the Company's annual report and consolidated financial statements.

The Audit Committee focuses particularly on compliance with legal requirements, accounting standards and the Listing Rules and ensures that an effective system of internal financial and non-financial controls is maintained. The ultimate responsibility for reviewing and approving the annual report and financial statements remains with the Board of Directors.

During the Year the Audit Committee met to consider the interim management statements, the Annual Report and Financial Statements to 30 June 2011 and the Half-yearly Financial Report to 31 December 2011 and these meetings were attended by all Audit Committee members.

Remuneration and Management Engagement Committee

The Remuneration and Management Engagement Committee is chaired by Robert Milroy and each of the other Board members are members except David Netherway. The Remuneration and Management Engagement Committee operates within clearly defined Terms of Reference, which are available from the Company's website or the Secretary upon request.

The Remuneration and Management Engagement Committee meets at least twice a year and reviews, inter alia, the appointment and remuneration of the Investment Manager and of other suppliers of services to the Company as well as the fees of the Directors.

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee, chaired by Nick Falla, comprises each of the Directors. The Nomination Committee operates within clearly defined Terms of Reference, which are available from the Company's website or the Secretary upon request.

The Nomination Committee meets as and when it is deemed appropriate to review, inter alia, the structure, size and composition of the Board and to identify, nominate and recommend for approval of the Board, candidates to fill Board vacancies as and when they arise. During the Year there were no changes to the composition of the Board and therefore it had not been deemed appropriate for the Nomination Committee to formally meet.

Internal Control and Financial Reporting

The Board is responsible for establishing and maintaining the Company's system of internal controls which are reviewed for effectiveness on an annual basis. The Board reviews not just internal financial controls but all controls including operations, compliance and risk management. Internal control systems are designed to meet the particular needs of the Company and manage the risks to which it is exposed, and by their very nature provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance against material misstatement or loss. The key procedures which have been established to provide effective internal control are as follows:

-- Investment management is provided by Altus Capital Limited under the Investment Management Agreement. The Board is responsible for setting the overall investment policy and monitors the actions of the Investment Manager at regular Board meetings.

-- Administration and company secretarial duties for the Company are performed by Anson Fund Managers Limited.

-- Custody of assets is undertaken by Anson Custody Limited and Royal Bank of Canada (Channel Islands) Limited.

-- The duties of investment management, accounting and the custody of assets are segregated. The procedures of the individual parties are designed to complement one another.

-- The Directors of the Company clearly define the duties and responsibilities of their agents and advisers. The appointment of agents and advisers is conducted by the Board after consideration of the quality of the parties involved; the Board monitors their ongoing performance and contractual arrangements.

-- The Directors of the Company regularly review the performance and contractual arrangements with the Investment Manager, other agents and advisers.

-- Mandates for authorisation of investment transactions and expense payments are set out by the Board.

-- The Board reviews detailed financial information produced by the Investment Manager and the Administrator on a regular basis.

Dialogue with Shareholders

All holders of Ordinary Shares in the Company have the right to receive notice of, and attend, the general meetings of the Company, during which the Board and the Investment Manager are available to discuss issues affecting the Company.

The primary responsibility for shareholder relations lies with the Investment Manager and Nimrod Capital LLP, the Corporate and Shareholder Advisory Agent. However, the Directors are always available to enter into dialogue with shareholders and the Chairman is always willing to meet major shareholders as the Company believes such communication to be important. The Company's Directors can be contacted at the Company's registered office.

General Meeting

The notice of the Company's forthcoming General Meeting to be held pursuant to section 199 of the Law is set out on page 60.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption

The Company adheres to the requirements of the Prevention of Corruption (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2003. In consideration of the recently enacted UK Bribery Act 2010 which came into force on 1 July 2011, the Board abhors bribery and corruption of any form and expects all the Company's business activities to be undertaken, whether directly by the Directors themselves or on the Company's behalf by third parties to be transparent, ethical and beyond reproach.

On discovery of any activity or transaction that breaches the requirements of the Prevention of Corruption (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2003 or the UK Bribery Act 2010, such discovery will be reported to the relevant authorities in accordance with prescribed procedures. The Company is committed to regularly reviewing its policy and procedures to uphold good business practice.

Going Concern

The Company's principal activities are set out on pages 1, 2 and 18. The financial position of the Group is set out on page 34. In addition, Note 15 to the Consolidated Financial Statements includes the Company's objectives, policies and processes for managing its capital; its financial risk management objectives and its exposures to credit risk and liquidity risk.

The Directors have a reasonable expectation, after making reasonable enquiries, that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future as it has a significant cash balance at the end of the Year and no debt. Thus they continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the annual financial statements and that they have been prepared in accordance with 'Going Concern and Liquidity Risk: Guidance for Directors of UK Companies 2009', published by the Financial Reporting Council.

Statement of Directors' Responsibilities

The Directors are responsible for preparing the Directors' Report and the Consolidated Financial Statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

The Law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that Law the Directors are required to prepare the financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by the European Union. Under the Law the Directors must not approve the accounts unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and of the profit or loss of the Company for that period. In preparing these Consolidated Financial Statements, International Accounting Standard 1 requires that the Directors:

   --          properly select and apply accounting policies; 

-- present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information;

-- provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific requirements in IFRS are insufficient to enable users to understand the impact of particular transactions, other events and conditions on the entity's financial position and financial performance; and

   --          make an assessment of the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. 

The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the Company's transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and enable them to ensure that the Consolidated Financial Statements comply with the Law. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company's website. Legislation in Guernsey and the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

Disclosure of Information to Auditor

The Directors who held office at the date of approval of this Directors' Report confirm in accordance with the provisions of Section 249 of the Law that, so far as they are each aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the Company's Auditor is unaware; and each Director has taken all the steps that he ought to have taken as a Director to make himself aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the Company's Auditor is aware of that information.


Deloitte LLP has expressed its willingness to continue in office as Auditor. A resolution proposing their reappointment will be submitted at the forthcoming General Meeting to be held pursuant to section 199 of the Law.

Signed on behalf of the Board on 10 September 2012.

   Nick Falla                                                       Robert Milroy 
   Chairman                                                        Director 


We have audited the Consolidated Financial Statements of Altus Resource Capital Limited for the year ended 30 June 2012 which comprise the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position, the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows, the Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity and the related notes 1 to 16. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by the European Union.

This report is made solely to the Company's shareholders, as a body, in accordance with Section 262 of The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008, as amended. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company's shareholders those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor's report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company and the Company's shareholders as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.

Respective Responsibilities of Directors and Auditor

As explained more fully in the Statement of Directors' Responsibilities on page 13, the Directors are responsible for the preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view. Our responsibility is to audit and express an opinion on the Consolidated Financial Statements in accordance with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board's Ethical Standards for Auditors.

Scope of the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements

An audit involves obtaining evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the Consolidated Financial Statements sufficient to give reasonable assurance that the Consolidated Financial Statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error. This includes an assessment of: whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the Group's circumstances and have been consistently applied and adequately disclosed; the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by the Directors; and the overall presentation of the Consolidated Financial Statements. In addition, we read all the financial and non-financial information in the annual report to identify material inconsistencies with the audited Consolidated Financial Statements. If we become aware of any apparent material misstatements or inconsistencies we consider the implications for our report.

Opinion on the Consolidated Financial Statements

In our opinion the Consolidated Financial Statements:

-- give a true and fair view of the state of the Group's affairs as at 30 June 2012 and of its loss for the year then ended;

-- have been properly prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union; and

-- have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008, as amended.

Matters on which we are required to report by exception

We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters where The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion:

   --           adequate accounting records have not been kept; or 

-- the Consolidated Financial Statements are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns; or

   --           we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit. 

John G Clacy FCA

for and on behalf of Deloitte LLP

Chartered Accountants and Recognised Auditors

Guernsey, Channel Islands

10 September 2012

Neither an audit nor a review provides assurance on the maintenance and integrity of the website, including controls listed to achieve this and in particular whether any changes have occurred to the financial information since first published. These matters are the responsibility of the Directors but no control procedures can provide absolute assurance in this area.

                                                                   Legislation in Guernsey governing the preparation and dissemination 
                                                             of financial information differs from legislation in other jurisdictions. 
                                                                     CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME for the year ended 
                                                                                                                          30 June 2012 
                                                                                 Year ended                                 Year ended 
                                                                                30 Jun 2012                                30 Jun 2011 
                                               Notes                                    GBP                                        GBP 
 Net movement in unrealised 
  (depreciation) / appreciation 
  on investments                                 8                             (21,334,742)                                  3,779,477 
 Realised gains on investments                   8                                6,428,446                                 25,306,768 
 Operating income                                3                                  315,103                                    560,540 
 Operating expenses                              4                              (1,437,940)                                (6,430,515) 
                                                        -----------------------------------        ----------------------------------- 
 Net (loss) / gain for the 
  year                                                                         (16,029,133)                                 23,216,270 
                                                        -----------------------------------        ----------------------------------- 
 Other Comprehensive Income                                                               -                                          - 
                                                        -----------------------------------        ----------------------------------- 
 Total Comprehensive Income                                                    (16,029,133)                                 23,216,270 
                                                        -----------------------------------        ----------------------------------- 
 Attributable to: 
 Owners of the Company                                                         (15,936,859)                                 23,216,270 
 Non-controlling interest                       13                                 (92,274)                                          - 
                                                        -----------------------------------        ----------------------------------- 
                                                                               (16,029,133)                                 23,216,270 
                                                        -----------------------------------        ----------------------------------- 
 Earnings per share for the 
  year - Basic and Diluted                       6                                   (0.40)                                       0.59 
                                                        -----------------------------------        ----------------------------------- 
 There are no recognised gains or losses for the year other than 
  those disclosed above. 
 In arriving at the results for the financial year, all amounts 
  above relate to continuing operations. 
 The notes on pages 37 to 56 form an integral part of these financial 
                                                                                      30 Jun 2012                          30 Jun 2011 
                                                          Notes                               GBP                                  GBP 
               NON-CURRENT ASSETS 
               Financial assets designated 
                as at fair value through profit 
                and loss                                    8                          47,525,971                           59,605,055 
               CURRENT ASSETS 
               Cash and cash equivalents                                               13,893,566                           23,083,865 
               Trade and other receivables                  9                             298,590                              447,882 
                                                                      ---------------------------   ---------------------------------- 
 Unrealised Gain / (Loss) on investments                                               14,192,156                           23,531,747 
               TOTAL ASSETS                                                            61,718,127                           83,136,802 
                                                                      ---------------------------   ---------------------------------- 
               Trade and other payables                    10                             615,677                            6,535,219 
                                                                      ---------------------------   ---------------------------------- 
                                                                                          615,677                            6,535,219 
               NET ASSETS                                                              61,102,450                           76,601,583 
                                                                      ---------------------------   ---------------------------------- 
               Share premium                               12                          42,602,254                           42,602,254 
               Revenue reserve                                                         18,062,470                           33,999,329 
                                                                      ---------------------------   ---------------------------------- 
               Equity attributable to owners 
                of the Company                                                         60,664,724                           76,601,583 
               Non-controlling interest                    13                             437,726                                    - 
               TOTAL EQUITY                                                            61,102,450                           76,601,583 
                                                                      ---------------------------   ---------------------------------- 
                                                                                            Pence                                Pence 
               Net asset value per Ordinary Share 
 Share          based on 39,719,569 (2011: 39,719,569) 
  Capital       shares in issue                                                            153.83                               192.85 
                                                                      ---------------------------   ---------------------------------- 
               The consolidated financial statements were approved and authorised 
                for issue by the Board on 10 September 2012. 
               Nick Falla                                              Robert Milroy 
               The notes on pages 37 to 56 form an integral part of these 
                financial statements 
       CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS for the year ended 30 June 
                                                                                 Year ended                                 Year ended 
                                                                                30 Jun 2012                                30 Jun 2011 
                                     Notes                                              GBP                                        GBP 
  Net (loss) / gain for 
   the year attributable 
   to shareholders                                                             (16,029,133)                                 23,216,270 
  Net movement in unrealised 
   depreciation / 
   on investments                      8                                         21,334,742                                (3,779,477) 
  Interest received                                                               (113,692)                                   (78,666) 
  (Decrease) / increase 
   in payables                                                                  (6,338,662)                                  5,219,274 
  Increase in receivables                                                         (120,328)                                   (23,534) 
  Realised gains on 
   investments                         8                                        (6,428,446)                               (25,306,768) 
  Foreign exchange movements                                                        146,968                                  (294,813) 
   ACTIVITIES                                                                   (7,548,551)                                (1,047,714) 
                                            -----------------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------- 
  Interest received                                                                 115,633                                     76,296 
  Purchase of investments                                                      (60,753,426)                               (65,216,474) 
  Acquisition of subsidiary            7                                        (5,000,000)                                          - 
  Sale of investments                                                            58,613,013                                 81,557,487 
   ACTIVITIES                                                                   (7,024,780)                                 16,417,309 
                                            -----------------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------- 
  Proceeds from issue of 
   shares in company                  12                                                  -                                  3,818,894 
       Proceeds from issue of 
        shares in subsidiary                                                      5,530,000                                          - 
  Issue costs                         12                                                  -                                  (116,428) 
   ACTIVITIES                                                                     5,530,000                                  3,702,466 
                                            -----------------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------- 
   AT BEGINNING OF YEAR                                                          23,083,865                                  3,716,991 
  (Decrease) / increase 
   in cash and cash 
   equivalents                                                                  (9,043,331)                                 19,072,061 
  Effect of foreign exchange 
   rate changes                                                                   (146,968)                                    294,813 
   AT END OF YEAR                                                                13,893,566                                 23,083,865 
                                            -----------------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------- 

The notes on pages 37 to 56 form an integral part of these financial statements

               ended 30 June 2012 
                                               Share          Share Premium              Accumulated        Non-controlling                        Total 
                                             Capital                                         Profits               interest 
                            Notes                GBP                    GBP                      GBP                    GBP                          GBP 
              Balance as 
               at 1 July 
               2011                                -             42,602,254               33,999,329                      -                   76,601,583 
               Subsidiary                          -                      -                        -                530,000                      530,000 
              Net loss for 
               the year                            -                      -             (15,936,859)               (92,274)                 (16,029,133) 
              Share issue 
               proceeds      12                    -                      -                        -                      -                            - 
              Issue costs    12                    -                      -                        -                      -                            - 
              Balance as 
               at 30 June 
               2012                                -             42,602,254               18,062,470                437,726                   61,102,450 
                                   -----------------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ---------------------  --------------------------- 
                                               Share          Share Premium              Accumulated        Non-controlling                        Total 
                                             Capital                                         Profits               interest 
                                                 GBP                    GBP                      GBP                    GBP                          GBP 
              Balance as 
               at 1 July 
               2010                                -             38,899,788               10,783,059                      -                   49,682,847 
              Net gain for 
               the year                            -                      -               23,216,270                      -                   23,216,270 
              Share issue 
               proceeds      12                    -              3,818,894                        -                      -                    3,818,894 
              Issue costs    12                    -              (116,428)                        -                      -                    (116,428) 
              Balance as 
               at 30 June 
               2011                                -             42,602,254               33,999,329                      -                   76,601,583 
                                   -----------------  ---------------------  -----------------------  ---------------------  --------------------------- 
              The notes on pages 37 to 56 form an integral part of these 
               financial statements 
           STATEMENTS for the year ended 
           30 June 2012 
   The consolidated financial statements incorporate the 
    financial statements of Altus Resource Capital Limited 
    (the "Company") and Altus Global Gold Limited (the "Subsidiary") 
    together known as (the "Group"). 
   The Company is a closed-ended investment company incorporated 
    in Guernsey on 30 April 2009, which listed on the Specialist 
    Fund Market ("SFM") of the London Stock Exchange on 30 
    June 2009 and on the Channel Islands Stock Exchange ("CISX") 
    on 22 December 2009. 
   The principal activity of the Group is to realise capital 
    growth from a concentrated portfolio of junior resource 
    equities and to generate a significant capital return 
    to shareholders. 
   The following significant accounting policies have been 
    applied consistently in dealing with items which are considered 
    material in relation to the Group's Consolidated Financial 
  (a)    Basis of Preparation 
   The consolidated financial statements have been prepared 
    in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards 
    ("IFRS") as adopted in the European Union which comprise 
    standards and interpretations approved by the International 
    Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") and International 
    Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee ("IFRIC"), 
    together with applicable Guernsey law. The financial statements 
    have been prepared on a historical cost basis except for 
    the measurement at fair value of certain financial instruments. 
   The following Standards or Interpretations that are expected 
    to affect the Group have been issued but not yet adopted 
    by the Group as shown below. Other Standards or Interpretations 
    issued by the IASB and the IFRIC are not expected to affect 
    the Group. 
   IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures - Amendments 
    relating to the offsetting of assets and liabilities effective 
    for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013 
    and interim periods within those periods. 
   IFRS 9 Financial Instruments - Deferral of mandatory effective 
    date of IFRS 9 and amendments to transition disclosures 
    effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 
   IFRS 13 Fair value measurement - Original issue effective 
    for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013. 
   IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements - Amendments 
    to revise the way Other Comprehensive Income is presented 
    effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 
   IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation - Amendments 
    relating to the offsetting of assets and liabilities effective 
    for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2014. 
  The Directors have considered the above and are of the opinion 
   that the above Standards and Interpretations are not expected 
   to have a material impact on the Group's financial statements 
   except for the presentation of additional disclosures and 
   changes to the presentation of components of the financial 
   statements. These items will be applied in the first financial 
   period for which they are required. 
           Basis of consolidation 
         The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial 
          statements of the Company and its Subsidiary. The Company owns 
          90.41% of the shares in the Subsidiary and has the power to govern 
          the financial and operating policies of the Subsidiary so as to 
          obtain benefits from it's activities. 
         Intra-group balances and transactions, and any unrealised income 
          and expenses arising from intra-group transactions are eliminated 
          in preparing the consolidated financial statements. 
         Non-controlling interests in the Subsidiary are identified separately 
          from the Group's equity therein. The interests of non-controlling 
          shareholders are initially measured at the non-controlling interest's 
          proportionate share of the fair value of the Subsidiary's identifiable 
          net assets. Subsequent to acquisition, the carrying amount of 
          non-controlling interest is the amount of the interest at initial 
          recognition plus the non-controlling interest's share of subsequent 
          changes in equity. Total comprehensive income is attributed to 
          non-controlling interest even if this results in the non-controlling 
          interest having a deficit balance. 
 (c)   Judgements and estimates 
       The preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS 
        requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions 
        that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and 
        disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of 
        the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues 
        and expenses during the reporting period. The estimates and associated 
        assumptions are based on historical experience and other factors 
        that are considered to be relevant. Actual results could differ 
        from such estimates. 
        The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an on-going 
        basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the 
        period in which the estimate was revised if the revision affects 
        only that period or in the period of the revision and future periods 
        if the revision affects both current and future periods. 
        The most critical judgements, apart from those involving estimates, 
        that management has made in the process of applying the Company's 
        accounting policies and that have the most significant effect 
        on the amounts recognised in the financial statements are the 
        functional currency of the Company (see note 2(d)(i)) and the 
        fair value of investments designated to be at fair value through 
        profit or loss (see note 2(e)(i)). The valuation methods/techniques 
        used by the Company in valuing financial instruments involve critical 
        judgements to be made and therefore the actual value of financial 
        instruments could differ significantly from the value disclosed 
        in these financial statements. 
 (d)   Foreign currency 
       (i) Functional and Presentation Currency 
        The Company's investors are mainly from the UK, with the subscriptions 
        and redemptions of the Participating Redeemable Shares denominated 
        in Sterling. The primary activity of the Company is to realise 
        capital growth from a portfolio of gold and precious metals equities 
        with the aim of generating a significant capital return to Shareholders. 
        (ii) Transactions and Balances 
        Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional 
        currency using the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the 
        transactions. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from 
        the settlement of such transactions and from the translation at 
        period-end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities denominated 
        in foreign currencies are recognised in the Statement of Total 
        Comprehensive Income. Translation differences on non-monetary 
        financial assets and liabilities such as equities at fair value 
        through profit or loss are recognised in the Statement of Total 
        Comprehensive Income. The Company holds investments denominated 
        in Australian, Canadian and US Dollars at the reporting date, 
        and may enter into forward foreign currency contracts to hedge 
        the exchange rate risk arising from future cash flows on these 
        investments. As at 30 June 2012 no forward foreign currency contracts 
        were taken out. 
 (e)   Financial Instruments 
            (i) Financial Assets 
             The classification of financial assets at initial recognition 
             depends on the purpose for which the financial asset was acquired 
             and its characteristics. 
             All financial assets are initially recognised at fair value. All 
             purchases of financial assets are recorded at trade date, being 
             the date on which the Company became party to the contractual 
             requirement of the financial asset. 
             The Company's financial assets are categorised as financial assets 
             at fair value through profit or loss. Unless otherwise indicated 
             the carrying amounts of the Company's financial assets approximate 
             to their fair values. Gains and losses arising from changes in 
             the fair value of financial assets classified as fair value through 
             profit or loss are recognised in the Statement of Total Comprehensive 
             A financial asset (in whole or in part) is derecognised either: 
              *    when the Company has transferred substantially all 
                   the risk and rewards of ownership; 
              *    when it has not retained substantially all the risk 
                   and rewards and when it no longer has control over 
                   the asset or a portion of the asset; or 
             when the contractual right to receive cash flow has expired. 
       (ii) Financial Liabilities 
        The classification of financial liabilities at initial recognition 
        depends on the purpose for which the financial liability was issued 
        and its characteristics. 
       All financial liabilities are initially recognised at fair value 
        net of transaction costs incurred. All purchases of financial 
        liabilities are recorded on trade date, being the date on which 
        the Company becomes party to the contractual requirements of the 
        financial liability. Unless otherwise indicated the carrying amounts 
        of the Company's financial liabilities approximate to their fair 
       Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost include other 
        short-term monetary liabilities, which are initially recognised 
        at fair value and subsequently carried at amortised cost using 
        the effective interest rate method. 
       A financial liability (in whole or in part) is derecognised when 
        the Company has extinguished its contractual obligations, it expires 
        or is cancelled. Any gain or loss on derecognition is taken to 
        the Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
 (f)   Going concern 
       After making enquiries, the Directors have a reasonable expectation 
        that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational 
        existence for the foreseeable future. The Directors believe the 
        Group is well placed to manage its business risks successfully 
        despite the current economic climate. Accordingly, the Directors 
        have adopted the going concern basis in preparing the financial 
 (g)   Taxation 
       The Company and its Subsidiary have been granted exemption under 
        the Income Tax (Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 1989 from 
        Guernsey Income Tax, and each entity is charged an annual fee 
        of GBP600. 
 (h)   Expenses 
       All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. 
 (i)   Interest, Dividend and Bond Income 
         Interest, dividend and bond income is accounted for on an accruals 
 (j)     Cash and cash equivalents 
         Cash at bank and short term deposits which are held to maturity 
          are carried at cost. Cash and cash equivalents are defined as 
          call deposits, short term deposits and highly liquid investments 
          readily convertible to known amounts of cash and subject to insignificant 
          risk of changes in value. For the purposes of the Statement of 
          Cash Flows, cash and cash equivalents consist of cash and deposits 
          at bank. 
 (k)     Share issue costs 
         The Share issue costs borne by the Company are recognised in 
          the Statement of Changes in Equity, as the Company's Ordinary 
          Shares have no fixed redemption date. 
 (l)     Investments 
         All investments and derivative financial instruments have been 
          designated as financial assets "at fair value through profit 
          and loss". Investments are initially recognised on the date of 
          purchase at cost, being the fair value of the consideration given, 
          excluding transaction costs associated with the investment. After 
          initial recognition, 
         investments are measured at fair value, with unrealised gains 
          and losses on investments and impairment of investments recognised 
          in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
         Fair value is the amount for which the financial instruments 
          could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable 
          willing parties in an arms length transaction. Fair value also 
          reflects the credit quality of the issuers of the financial instruments. 
         For investments actively traded in organised financial markets, 
          fair value is determined by reference to Stock Exchange quoted 
          market bid prices as at the close of business on the reporting 
          date. If no quoted market price is available as at the close 
          of business on the reporting date, the last available market 
          bid price is used. 
         Valuations of unquoted trade investments are based on valuations 
          provided to the Group by Altus Capital Limited (the "Investment 
          Manager"). These valuations are intended to be an indication 
          of the fair value of those investments, using valuation techniques 
          designed to reflect the best estimation of the price at which 
          they could be sold, even though there is no guarantee that a 
          willing buyer might be found if the Group chose to sell the relevant 
          investment. The indicative fair values of the investments are 
          based on an approximation of the market level of the investments. 
          As the investments are not traded in an active market, the indicative 
          fair value is determined by using valuation techniques. The Investment 
          Manager uses a variety of methods and makes assumptions that 
          are based on market conditions existing at the reporting date. 
          Different assumptions regarding these factors, combined with 
          different valuation techniques and models used, could lead to 
          different valuations of the financial instruments by different 
 (m)     Trade Date Accounting 
         All "regular way" purchases and sales of financial assets are 
          recognised on the "trade date", i.e. the date that the entity 
          commits to purchase or sell the asset. Regular way purchases 
          or sales are purchases or sales of financial assets that require 
          delivery of the asset within the time frame generally established 
          by regulations or convention in the market place. 
 (n)     Segmental Reporting 
         The Directors are of the opinion that the Group is engaged in 
          a single segment of business, being investment business and operates 
          solely from Guernsey, therefore no segmental reporting is provided. 
                                                          Year ended                    Year ended 
                                                         30 Jun 2012                   30 Jun 2011 
                                                                 GBP                           GBP 
  Bank interest                                              113,692                        78,666 
  Dividend income                                             78,270                        23,164 
  Bond income                                                123,141                        49,500 
  Sundry income                                                    -                       107,817 
  Profit on foreign exchange                                       -                       301,393 
                                                             315,103                       560,540 
                                   ---------------------------------  ---------------------------- 
                                                                  Year ended                          Year ended 
                                                                 30 Jun 2012                         30 Jun 2011 
                                                                         GBP                                 GBP 
  Investment Manager's fees                                          593,912                             682,243 
  Performance fees                                                         -                           5,113,406 
  Accountancy fees                                                     7,492                               6,000 
  Administrator's fee                                                 58,718                              53,101 
  Registrar's fee                                                      7,779                               7,176 
  Directors' fees                                                    129,420                              66,729 
  Custody fees                                                        34,188                              25,580 
  Audit fee                                                           32,938                              23,972 
  Directors' and Officers' insurance                                   5,187                               5,395 
  Annual fees                                                         12,990                              11,964 
  Printing and stationery                                              5,380                               1,500 
  Bank interest and charges                                            9,014                               9,595 
  Commissions paid                                                   198,000                             215,723 
  Corporate and Shareholder Adviser 
   fees                                                              101,365                             121,320 
  Sponsor fees                                                         7,976                               6,000 
      Legal and professional fees                                     13,212                                   - 
  Sundry costs                                                        69,446                              80,811 
      Loss on foreign exchange                                       150,923                                   - 
                                                                   1,437,940                           6,430,515 
                                           ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
     The Directors of the Company are paid GBP20,000 per annum. 
      In addition to GBP20,000 per annum, Nicholas Falla receives 
      an additional fee of GBP5,000 as Chairman and Robert Milroy 
      receives an additional fee of GBP3,000 as Chairman of the 
      audit committee. 
     The Chairman of the Subsidiary receives a fee of GBP18,000 
      per annum. Each other Director of the Subsidiary receives 
      a fee of GBP15,000 per annum. 
     Earnings per Ordinary Share is calculated by dividing the 
      net loss for the year attributable to holders of Ordinary 
      Shares of the Company ('Shareholders') of GBP16,029,133 
      (2011: gain GBP23,216,270) by the weighted average number 
      of Ordinary Shares in issue during the year (39,719,569 
      (2011: 39,472,764)). There are no dilutive instruments and 
      therefore basic and diluted earnings per Ordinary Share 
      are identical. 
     On 27 October 2011 the Company acquired 90.41% of the voting 
      equity of Altus Global Gold Limited (the "Subsidiary") for 
      a consideration of GBP5,000,000. The Subsidiary is an authorised 
      open-ended investment company with registered number 54069. 
      The Subsidiary was incorporated on 10 October 2011 and listed 
      on the Channel Island Stock Exchange ("CISX") on 1 November 
      2011. The Administrator of the Subsidiary is Praxis Group 
      and the Custodian is the Royal Bank of Canada. At the time 
      of the acquisition, the Subsidiary had no assets or liabilities 
      and had not commenced trading. Included in the Total Comprehensive 
      Income for the year attributable to the owners of the Company 
      is an amount of -GBP869,912 representing the Company's share 
      of the Subsidiary's loss for the year. 
      The Subsidiary was established to realise capital growth 
      from a portfolio of gold and precious metals equities, with 
      the aim of generating a significant capital return to shareholders. 
      The Subsidiary invests in mid-tier and major gold and precious 
      metals companies with a focus on mid-tier products. 
      The financial year end of the Subsidiary is 30 June, which 
      is co-terminus with the financial year end of the Company. 
                                                                              TOTAL                      TOTAL 
                                                                        30 Jun 2012                30 Jun 2011 
                                                                                GBP                        GBP 
  Opening portfolio 
   cost                                                                  49,337,815                 40,901,786 
  Additions - cost                                                       61,172,546                 65,078,350 
  Sales                                                                (58,345,334)               (81,949,089) 
  Realised gains on 
   investments                                                            6,428,446                 25,306,768 
  Unrealised appreciation on 
   valuation brought forward                                             10,267,240                  6,487,763 
  Movement in unrealised (depreciation)/appreciation 
   on valuation for the year                                           (21,334,742)                  3,779,477 
                                                           ------------------------  ------------------------- 
  Closing valuation                                                      47,525,971                 59,605,055 
                                                           ------------------------  ------------------------- 
  Unrealised (depreciation)/appreciation 
   on valuation carried forward                                        (11,067,502)                 10,267,240 
                                                           ------------------------  ------------------------- 
             IFRS 7 requires the fair value of investments to be disclosed 
              by the source of inputs, using a three level hierarchy as 
              detailed below: 
               *    Quoted prices(unadjusted) in active markets for 
                    identical assets or liabilities (Level 1); 
               *    Inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 
                    that are observable for the asset or liability, 
                    either directly (as prices) or indirectly (derived 
                    from prices); 
               *    Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based 
                    on observable market data (unobservable inputs) 
                    (Level 3). 
              Investments held by the Group have been classified as Level 
              1, for those investments that are quoted and are valued 
              using quoted market bid prices and Level 2, for those unquoted 
              investments that are valued using standard modelling techniques 
              by the Investment Manager using observable inputs and Level 
              3 for the private equity investments that are valued at 
              purchase price, after taking account of foreign exchange 
              movements. This is in accordance with the fair value hierarchy. 
  Details of the value of each classification are listed in 
   the table below. Values are based on the market value of 
   the investments as at the reporting date: 
                                                                Market Value                   Market Value 
                                                                 30 Jun 2012                    30 Jun 2011 
                                                                         GBP                            GBP 
  Level 1                                                         38,549,814                     54,276,800 
  Level 2                                                          6,322,083                      2,213,572 
  Level 3                                                          2,654,074                      3,114,683 
  Total                                                        47,525,971                      59,605,055 
                                                ----------------------------   ---------------------------- 
        The following table shows a reconciliation of all movements 
         in the fair value of financial instruments categorised within 
         Level 3 between the beginning and the end of the reporting 
                                                                 30 Jun 2012                            30 Jun 2011 
                                                                         GBP                                    GBP 
        Opening portfolio cost                                     3,105,976                                      - 
  Additions - cost                                                   322,373                              3,105,976 
        Sales                                                       (44,701)                                      - 
        Realised gain on investments                                   7,429                                      - 
        Unrealised appreciation on valuation                           8,707                                      - 
         brought forward 
  Movement in unrealised (depreciation) 
   / appreciation on valuation for 
   the year                                                        (745,710)                                  8,707 
  Closing valuation                                                2,654,074                              3,114,683 
                                                ----------------------------   ------------------------------------ 
          There have been no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 
          of the fair value hierarchy during the year under review. 
                                                                 30 Jun 2012                            30 Jun 2011 
                                                                         GBP                                    GBP 
  Accrued income                                                     138,854                                 25,459 
  Prepayments                                                         14,647                                  9,655 
  Broker debtors                                                     145,089                                412,768 
                                                                     298,590                                447,882 
                                                ----------------------------   ------------------------------------ 
  The above carrying value of receivables is equivalent to 
   its fair value. 
       (amounts falling due within one                                30 Jun 2012                          30 Jun 2011 
                                                                              GBP                                  GBP 
       Trade creditors                                                    136,161                                    - 
  Accrued expenses                                                         60,396                            6,535,219 
       Broker creditors                                                   419,120                                    - 
                                                                          615,677                            6,535,219 
                                                    -----------------------------   ---------------------------------- 
  The above carrying value of payables is equivalent to its 
   fair value. 
  Authorised                                                         SHARES                                        GBP 
  Unlimited number of Ordinary Shares                             Unlimited                                          - 
   of no par value 
                                                    =======================        =================================== 
  Date of issue                                                      SHARES                                        GBP 
  29 June 2009                                                   26,000,000                                          - 
  21 December 2009                                               10,997,233                                          - 
  3 August 2010                                                   2,722,336                                          - 
  Ordinary Shares in issue as at                                 39,719,569                                          - 
   30 June 2012 and 30 June 2011 
                                                    -----------------------        ----------------------------------- 
       Holders of Ordinary Shares are entitled to receive, and 
       in, any dividends out of income; other distributions of 
       the Company 
       available for such purposes and resolved to be 
       distributed in respect 
       of any accounting period; or other income or right to 
       On a winding up, Shareholders are entitled to the 
       surplus assets 
       remaining after payment of all the creditors of the 
       Shareholders also have the right to receive notice of 
       and to attend, 
       speak and vote at general meetings of the Company and 
       each Member 
       being present in person or by proxy or by a duly 
       authorised representative 
       at a meeting shall upon a show of hands have one vote 
       and upon 
       a poll each such holder present in person or by proxy or 
       by a duly 
       authorised representative shall have one vote in respect 
       of every 
       Ordinary Share held by him. 
  Premium on shares issued 29 June 2009                                                                   26,000,000 
  Premium on shares issued 21 December 
   2009                                                                                                   14,667,020 
  Premium on shares issued 3 August 2010                                                                   3,818,894 
  Issue costs                                                                                            (1,883,660) 
  Share premium as at 30 June 2012 and 
   30 June 2011                                                                                           42,602,254 
        Under IAS 32 'Financial Instruments: Presentation', transaction 
         costs of an equity transaction are accounted for as a deduction 
         from equity to the extent they are incremental costs directly 
         attributable to the equity transaction that otherwise would 
         have been avoided. 
        As detailed in note 7 above, the Subsidiary has a 9.59% non-controlling 
        Balance as at 1 July 2011                                                                                  - 
  Acquisition of Subsidiary                                                                                  530,000 
  Share of loss for the period                                                                              (92,274) 
  Balance as at 30 June 2012                                                                                 437,726 
         The Group's main financial instruments comprise: 
 (a)     Cash and cash equivalents that arise directly from the 
          Group's operations; and 
 (b)     Quoted and unquoted investment securities. 
       The main risks arising from the Group's financial instruments 
        are market price risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, interest 
        rate risk, foreign exchange risk and capital management 
        risk. The Board regularly review and agrees policies 
        for managing each of these risks and these are summarised 
 (a)   Market Price Risk 
       Market price risk arises mainly from uncertainty about 
        future prices of financial instruments held. It represents 
        the potential loss the Group may suffer through holding 
        market positions in the face of price movements. The 
        Investment Manager actively monitors market prices and 
        reports to the Board as to the appropriateness of the 
        prices used for valuation purposes. A list of the top 
        10 investments held by the Group is shown in the Schedule 
        of Top 10 Investments on page 57. 
       If the value of the Group's investment portfolio were 
        to increase by 30%, it would represent a gain of GBP14,257,791 
        (2011: GBP17,881,517). This would cause the net asset 
        value of the Group to rise by 23.33% (2011: 23.34%). 
       If the value of the Group's investment portfolio were 
        to decrease by 30%, it would represent a decrease of 
        GBP14,257,791 (2011: GBP17,881,517). This would cause 
        the net asset value of the Group to fall by 23.33% (2011: 
       Some of the market price risk is mitigated by the Investment 
        Manager's use of various put and call options and ETFs. 
 (b)   Credit Risk 
       Credit risk is the risk that an issuer or counterparty 
        will be unable or unwilling to meet a commitment that 
        it has entered into with the Group. The Directors receive 
        financial information on a regular basis which is used 
        to identify and monitor risk. 
       It is Group policy not to invest more than 20% of the 
        gross assets of the Group in the securities of any single 
        company or group at the time the investment is made. 
  (b)    Credit Risk (continued) 
         The Group has no significant concentration of credit risk, 
          with exposure spread over a large number of investments. 
          At 30 June 2012 the Group's largest exposure to a single 
          investment was GBP5,079,424 (2011: GBP5,529,295), which 
          represents 10.69% (2011: 9.28%) of the total market value 
          of the Group's investments. 
         Investors should be aware that the prospective returns to 
          Shareholders mirror the returns under the investments held 
          or entered into by the Group and that any default by an 
          issuer of any such investment held by the Group would have 
          a consequential adverse effect on the ability of the Group 
          to pay some or all of the entitlement to Shareholders. Such 
          a default might, for example, arise on the insolvency of 
          an issuer of an investment. 
         The Group's financial assets exposed to credit risk are 
          as follows: 
                                                               30 Jun 2012                    30 Jun 2011 
                                                                       GBP                            GBP 
         Investments in equities / warrants                     47,525,971                     59,605,055 
         Cash and cash equivalents                              13,893,566                     23,083,865 
         Trade and other receivables                               298,590                        447,882 
                                                                61,718,127                     83,136,802 
                                                 -------------------------   ---------------------------- 
         The Group is exposed to credit risk in respect of its cash 
          and cash equivalents, arising from possible default of the 
          relevant counterparty, with a maximum exposure equal to 
          the carrying value of those assets. The credit risk on liquid 
          funds is limited because the counterparties are banks with 
          high credit ratings assigned by international credit-rating 
          agencies. The Group monitors the placement of cash balances 
          on an ongoing basis. 
         The Group invests its cash and cash equivalents with Royal 
          Bank of Canada (Channel Islands) Limited, Barclays Private 
          Clients International and Lloyds TSB Offshore Limited. 
         The investments of the Group are held in custody by Anson 
          Custody Limited or Royal Bank of Canada (Channel Islands) 
          Limited ("RBCCI"). Bankruptcy or insolvency of the Custodians 
          may cause the Group's rights with respect to investments 
          held by the Custodians to be delayed. Investments held with 
          Anson Custody Limited are held in a Crest account maintained 
          by Anson Registrars Limited in a sub-account designated 
          exclusively for the Group. This ensures that the investments 
          are ring fenced and will be protected should Anson Custody 
          Limited become bankrupt or insolvent. 
         RBCCI mitigate risk by using a subcustodian network comprising 
          top-rated and well respected counterparties. The custodian 
          network is monitored on an ongoing basis to ensure that 
          each one continues to meet RBCCI's stringent criteria. 
 (c)   Liquidity Risk 
       Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will encounter 
        difficulty in realising assets or otherwise raising funds 
        to meet financial commitments. The Group's main financial 
        commitment is its ongoing operating expenses. 
       The Investment Manager ensures that the Group has sufficient 
        liquid resources available to fulfil its operational plans 
        and to meet its financial obligations as they fall due. 
       The table below details the residual contractual maturities 
        of financial liabilities: 
       As at 30 June 2012                           1-3 months                              Over 1 year 
                                                           GBP                                      GBP 
       Trade creditors                                 136,161                                        - 
       Accrued expenses                                 60,396                                        - 
       Broker creditors                                419,120                                        - 
                                   ---------------------------     ------------------------------------ 
                                                       615,677                                        - 
                                   ---------------------------     ------------------------------------ 
       As at 30 June 2011                           1-3 months                              Over 1 year 
                                                           GBP                                      GBP 
       Accrued expenses                              6,535,219                                        - 
                                   ---------------------------     ------------------------------------ 
 (d)   Interest Rate Risk 
       The Group holds cash in several bank accounts, the return 
        on which is subject to fluctuations in market interest rates. 
       Other than cash and cash equivalents, none of the assets 
        or liabilities of the Group, attract or incur interest. 
 The following table details the Group's exposure to interest 
  rate risks: 
 As at 30 June 2012: 
                                        Floating                Non-interest 
                                       less than                     bearing 
                                         1 month                                             Fixed              Total 
                                             GBP                         GBP                   GBP                GBP 
 Designated as 
  at fair value 
  through profit 
  or loss on initial 
 Investments                                   -                  44,226,964             3,299,007         47,525,971 
 Loans and receivables: 
 Accrued income                                -                     138,854                     -            138,854 
 Prepayments                                   -                      14,647                     -             14,647 
 Broker debtors                                -                     145,089                     -            145,089 
 Cash and cash 
  equivalents                         13,893,566                           -                     -         13,893,566 
                         -----------------------  --------------------------  --------------------  ----------------- 
 Total Assets                         13,893,566                  44,525,554             3,299,007         61,718,127 
                         -----------------------  --------------------------  --------------------  ----------------- 
 Financial liabilities 
  measured at 
  amortised cost: 
 Trade creditors                               -                     136,161                     -            136,161 
 Accrued expenses                              -                      60,396                     -             60,396 
 Broker creditors                              -                     419,120                     -            419,120 
 Total Liabilities                             -                     615,677                     -            615,677 
                         -----------------------  --------------------------  --------------------  ----------------- 
 Total interest 
  gap                                 13,893,566 
       As at 30 June 2011: 
                                     Floating                 Non-interest                  Fixed                     Total 
                                    less than                      bearing 
                                      1 month 
                                          GBP                          GBP                    GBP                       GBP 
       as at fair 
       value through 
       profit or 
       loss on 
       Investments                          -                   59,605,055                      -                59,605,055 
       Loans and receivables:                                                                   - 
        income                              -                       25,459                      -                    25,459 
       Prepayments                          -                        9,655                      -                     9,655 
        debtors                             -                      412,768                      -                   412,768 
       Cash and 
        equivalents                23,083,865                            -                      -                23,083,865 
                      -----------------------   --------------------------   --------------------   ----------------------- 
       Total Assets                23,083,865                   60,052,937                      -                83,136,802 
                      -----------------------   --------------------------   --------------------   ----------------------- 
        at amortised 
        expenses                            -                    6,535,219                      -                 6,535,219 
        Liabilities                         -                    6,535,219                      -                 6,535,219 
                      -----------------------   --------------------------   --------------------   ----------------------- 
        gap                        23,083,865 
  Interest rate sensitivity 
  If interest rates had been 25 basis points higher and 
   all other variables were held constant, the Group's net 
   gain attributable to Shareholders for the year ended 
   30 June 2012 would have increased by approximately GBP34,734 
   (2011: GBP57,710) or 0.06% (2011: 0.08%) of Net Assets 
   due to an increase in the amount of interest receivable 
   on the bank balances. 
  If interest rates had been 25 basis points lower and 
   all other variables were held constant, the Group's net 
   gain attributable to Shareholders for the year ended 
   30 June 2012 would have decreased by approximately GBP34,734 
   (2011: GBP57,710) or 0.06% (2011: 0.08%) of Net Assets 
   due to a decrease in the amount of interest receivable 
   on the bank balances. 
 (e)    Foreign Exchange Risk 
        A substantial proportion of the Group's portfolio is invested 
         in overseas securities and movements in exchange rates 
         can significantly affect their Sterling value. The Group 
         does not normally hedge against foreign currency movements 
         affecting the value of the investment portfolio, but takes 
         account of this risk when making investment decisions. 
        The Group undertakes certain transactions denominated 
         in foreign currencies. Hence, exposures to exchange rate 
         fluctuations arise. Exchange rate exposures are managed 
         by minimising the amount of foreign currency held at any 
         one time. 
        The carrying amounts of the Group's foreign currency denominated 
         monetary assets at the reporting date are as follows: 
                                             30 Jun 2012                         30 Jun 2011 
                                                     GBP                                 GBP 
  Australian Dollar                           16,667,388                          19,038,982 
  Canadian Dollar                             18,235,685                          30,678,201 
  US Dollar                                   11,178,251                           4,353,339 
        Norwegian Krone                        2,367,125                                   - 
                                              48,448,449                          54,070,522 
                                ------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
  The Group does not invest in Eurozone equities. The Company 
   does invest in the United Kingdom. The Investment Manager 
   does not consider that there is any increased risk to 
   the Group as a result of the Eurozone crisis and the directors 
   have considered whether the UK assets have suffered impairment 
   in value in the current economic climate. 
 (f)    Capital Management 
  The investment objective of the Group is to provide Shareholders 
   with attractive long term returns, expected to be in the 
   form of capital through a diversified portfolio. 
  As the Company's Ordinary Shares are traded on the SFM, 
   the Ordinary Shares may trade at a discount to their Net 
   Asset Value per Share on occasion. However, in structuring 
   the Group, the Directors have given detailed consideration 
   to the discount risk and how this may be managed. 
  The Group monitors capital on the basis of the carrying 
   amount of equity as presented on the face of the Statement 
   of Financial Position. 
      The Group is managed by the Investment Manager, a wholly-owned 
      FSA authorised and regulated subsidiary of Altus Strategies 
      Limited ('ASL'). ASL owns 150,000 Ordinary Shares (0.38%) 
      in the Company and 500,000 Ordinary Shares (9.04%) in 
      the Subsidiary. 
      The Director David Netherway is a non-executive chairman 
       of Altus Strategies Limited, which as mentioned above, 
       owns 150,000 shares (0.38%) in Altus Resource Capital 
       Limited. David Netherway is also non-executive chairman 
       of Kilo Goldmines Limited, whose equities and warrants 
       are invested in by the Group. The total investment in 
       Kilo Goldmines Limited represents 5.16% of the market 
       value of the Group's investments. David Netherway is 
       a director of Gryphon Minerals Limited, whose equity 
       was invested in by the Group. The total investment in 
       Gryphon Minerals Limited represents 2.74% of the market 
       value of the Group's investments. 
      The Director Nick Falla holds 20,000 Ordinary Shares 
       (0.05%) in the Company. 
      The Director David Gelber holds 50,000 Ordinary Shares 
       (0.13%) in the Company. This is held as part of a nominee 
       trust holding in the Company. 
      The Director Robert Milroy holds 20,000 Ordinary Shares 
       (0.05%) in the Company. 
      Under the Investment Management Agreement between the 
       Investment Manager and the Company, the Investment Manager 
       is entitled to receive fees of the greater of 0.85% per 
       annum of the Company's Net Asset Value or GBP150,000 
       per annum. 
      Under the Investment Management Agreement between the 
       Investment Manager and the Subsidiary, the Investment 
       Manager is entitled to receive fees of 1.5% per annum 
       of the Subsidiary's Net Asset Value, subject to the Total 
       Expense Ratio not exceeding 2%. 
      During the year the Group incurred GBP593,912 (2011: 
       GBP682,243) of fees, of which GBP128,215 (2011: GBP162,332) 
       was outstanding at the period end as shown in trade and 
       other payables. 
       The Investment Manager agreed to rebate the Company in 
       full for any management fees paid by the Subsidiary. 
       During the year no such fees had been received by the 
       Investment Manger from the Subsidiary. 
      During the year, the Group was charged travel expenses 
       totalling GBP50,363 (2011: GBP61,016) by the Investment 
 The Investment Manager is also entitled to receive a 
  performance fee (the "Performance Fee"). The first component 
  of the Performance Fee was calculated for the first time 
  in respect of the financial accounting period first ending 
  following the second anniversary of the date of Admission 
  ("the Calculation Period"). The fee is equal to 20% of 
  the excess of the NAV per Ordinary Share as at the end 
  of the financial accounting period (adjusted to account 
  for dividends and returns of capital paid out during 
  the period and in respect of which the Manager has been 
  paid or is to be paid the second component of the Performance 
  Fee) over the basic performance hurdle, this being an 
  amount equal to the Issue Price increased by 10% of the 
  Issue Price per annum up to the end of the relevant performance 
  period. Thereafter this fee will be paid on an annual 
  basis in respect of each financial period subject to 
  the basic performance hurdle and a high watermark having 
  been exceeded. The high watermark is the NAV at the end 
  of the financial period in respect of which the last 
  Performance Fee was paid. If, however, the high watermark 
  is not exceeded for any consecutive period of three years 
  it shall be re-based to a value equal to the NAV as at 
  the end of the third financial period. The basic performance 
  hurdle, as described above, must however still be exceeded 
  in order for this component of the performance fee to 
  be payable. 
 The first component of the Performance Fee will be paid 
 on a per Ordinary Share basis, multiplied by the time 
 weighted average of the number of Ordinary Shares in 
 issue in the relevant performance period (or since Admission 
 in the first performance period) (together, if applicable, 
 with an amount equal to the VAT thereon). In the event 
 that there is a further issue of Ordinary Shares, a 
 redemption of Ordinary Shares or other capital reorganisation 
 of the Company, the calculation of the performance fee 
 will be adjusted appropriately. 
 The second component of the Performance Fee is an amount 
 equal to 20% of the sum of all dividends, distributions 
 and other returns of capital paid out to Shareholders 
 during the relevant performance period (but excluding 
 redemptions and share buy backs that are deemed distributions 
 under the Law), subject to the performance hurdle having 
 been satisfied. 
 The performance hurdle is the requirement that the NAV 
  on the relevant calculation date must exceed an amount 
  equal to the Issue Price increased by 10% of the Issue 
  Price per annum up to the end of the relevant performance 
 At 30 June 2011, a Performance Fee was due in respect 
  of the Company and during the current year, the Company 
  paid to the Manager 80% of the Performance Fee, being 
  an amount of GBP5,055,901. No Performance Fee provision 
  has been made by for the Company for the current year 
  as the performance hurdle has not been met. No Performance 
  Fee provision has been made for the Subsidiary for the 
  current year as the Calculation Period has not yet begun. 
 Nimrod Capital LLP is the Company's Corporate and Shareholder 
 Adviser and is entitled to receive fees of 0.15% of the 
 Company's Net Asset Value per annum. During the Period 
 the Group incurred GBP101,365 (2011: GBP121,320) of costs, 
 of which GBP22,626 (2011: GBP28,647) was outstanding 
 at the Period end as shown in accrued expenses. 
 In addition, during the Period, Nimrod Capital LLP received 
 the remaining 20% of the Performance Fee relating to 
 the year ended 30 June 2011, being an amount of GBP1,263,975. 
 No Performance Fee provision has been made by for the 
 Company for the current year as the performance hurdle 
 has not been met. 


                                                                                                 30 Jun 2012 
 Investment *                                   Cost                    Market                    Unrealised 
                                                                         Value               profit / (loss) 
                                                 GBP                       GBP                           GBP 
 Detour Gold Corporation                   6,397,967                 5,079,424                   (1,318,543) 
 Northland Resources                       3,000,000                 4,952,829                     1,952,829 
 Endeavour Mining Corporation 
  **                                       4,657,503                 4,804,642                       147,139 
 Perseus Mining Limited                    3,672,117                 4,432,457                       760,340 
 Beadell Resources Limited                 5,018,843                 3,936,477                   (1,082,366) 
 Cuco Resources Limited                    3,068,704                 2,654,075                     (414,629) 
 Kilo Goldmines                            3,156,064                 2,452,185                     (703,879) 
 Eldorado                                    765,617                 2,173,780                     1,408,163 
 Spdr Gold Trust                           1,659,468                 1,816,454                       156,986 
 Eastcoal Inc                              2,557,387                 1,681,698                     (875,689) 
                                          33,953,670                33,984,022                        30,352 
                                --------------------  ------------------------  ---------------------------- 
 * Each line represents the amalgamated holdings in an entity 
  if the Group has holdings in more than one share class in 
  the same company. 
 ** Note that during the year a share exchange took place 
  and the Group received 2,871,985 shares in Endeavour Mining 
  Corporation in exchange for 10,077,142 shares in Adamus Resources 
  Limited. The exchange took place at the fair value of the 
  shares in Adamus Resources Limited on the date of the transaction 
  and the fair value has been used as the initial cost of the 
  Endeavour Mining Corporation shares. 


                                                                                            30 Jun 2011 
 Investment *                             Cost                    Market                     Unrealised 
                                                                   Value                profit / (loss) 
                                           GBP                       GBP                            GBP 
 Adamus Resources 
  Limited                            3,165,769                 5,529,295                      2,363,526 
 Nevsun Resources 
  Com                                3,212,096                 4,657,290                      1,445,194 
 Kenmare Resources                     779,952                 3,382,287                      2,602,335 
 Perseus Mining Limited              2,548,220                 3,378,175                        829,955 
 Griffin Mining Limited              3,054,338                 3,360,175                        305,837 
 Banro Corporation 
  Com                                2,158,124                 3,336,265                      1,178,141 
 Minera Irl Limited                  3,899,341                 3,196,369                      (702,972) 
 Cuco Resources Limited              3,105,976                 3,114,683                          8,707 
 Bathurst Resources 
  Limited                              928,161                 2,818,128                      1,889,967 
 European Goldfields 
  Com                                  797,158                 2,583,180                      1,786,022 
                                    23,649,135                35,355,847                     11,706,712 
                          --------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 * Each line represents the amalgamated holdings in an entity 
  if the Group has holdings in more than one share class in 
  the same company. 

Key Information

Exchange: Specialist Fund Market of the LSE/ CISX

Ticker: ARCL/ ARC

Listing Date: 30 June 2009 / 22 December 2009

Fiscal Year End: 30 June

Base Currency: GBP



Country of Incorporation: Guernsey - Registration number 50318

Management and Administration

Registered Office

Altus Resource Capital Limited

Anson Place

Mill Court

La Charroterie

St Peter Port,

Guernsey, GY1 1EJ

Investment Manager

Altus Capital Limited

14 Station Road


Oxfordshire, OX11 7LL

Placing and Corporate and Shareholder Advisory Agent

Nimrod Capital LLP

4 The London Fruit and Wool Exchange

Brushfield Street

London, E1 6HB

Principal Custodian

Anson Custody Limited

Anson Place

Mill Court

La Charroterie

St Peter Port

Guernsey, GY1 1EJ

Secretary and Administrator

Anson Fund Managers Limited

P.O. Box 405, Anson Place

Mill Court

La Charroterie

St Peter Port

Guernsey, GY1 3GF


Anson Registrars Limited

PO Box 426, Anson Place

Mill Court, La Charroterie

St Peter Port

Guernsey, GY1 3WX


Deloitte LLP

Regency Court

Glategny Esplanade

St Peter Port

Guernsey, GY1 3HW


Royal Bank of Canada (Channel Islands) Limited

Canada Court

Upland Road

St Peter Port

Guernsey GY1 3BQ

Board of Directors

Nick Falla (Chairman)

Robert Milroy

David Gelber

David Netherway

E&OE - In Transmission


This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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Altus Res. (LSE:ARCL)
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