RNS Number:8762H
Absolute Capital Mgmt Holdings Ltd
21 August 2006

                  Absolute Capital Management Holdings Limited
                           ("ACMH" or "the Company")

                        Interim Report and Accounts 2006



   *Assets under management up 125% since 30 June 2005, and up 46% since 1
    January 2006
   *Pre-tax profit up 142% (compared to 6 months to 30 June 2005)
   *Industry leading margin of 56% (excluding share-based payments)
   *Basic EPS excluding non-cash items up 153% (compared to 6 months to 30
    June 2005)
   *Combined management and performance fee income up by 137% (compared to 6
    months to 30 June 2005). Management fees up by 186% (compared to 6 months to
    30 June 2005)


   *Strong investment performance with significant out-performance versus
    peer group in a volatile May/June
   *Joint-winner of Best Hedge Fund Group at Hedge Funds Review's 2006
    European Performance Award ceremony in June

Sean Ewing, Chairman and CEO, commented: Driven by the significant growth in
assets under management we have increased our group profitability by 152%.  As
the business continues to grow at a significant rate, the Group has continued to
produce investment returns in excess of target returns through a rigorous
investment approach and strong idea generation. In addition, the Group continues
to maintain a low fixed cost base delivering operating margins significantly in
excess of most investment management businesses.

Post the interim period, we have launched two new funds, the Absolute India Fund
and the Absolute Activist Value Fund. As we move into a traditionally busy
period in terms of asset growth, the Group is well placed to deliver further
shareholder and fund investor returns.


ACMH                  Sean Ewing, Chairman and CEO       T: 020 7659 6155
                                                         M: 07768 255 472

Cardew Group          Tim Robertson                      T: 020 7930 0777
                      Shan Shan Willenbrock

Assets Under Management

                                     30 June    31 December            30 June
                                        2006           2005               2005
                                          $m             $m                 $m
Absolute Return Europe                 447.2          346.7              291.3
European Catalyst                      218.2          211.8              129.8
Absolute Germany                       199.2          167.8              124.2
Absolute East West                      94.1           41.8                  -
Absolute Octane                        215.4           72.9                  -
Absolute Large Cap                      53.1              -                  -
Absolute India                            launched July                      -
Absolute Activist Value                   launched July                      -
                                    ----------     ----------       ------------
                                     1,227.2          841.0              545.3
                                    ----------     ----------       ------------


Absolute Capital Management, the investment management group focused on
delivering investment returns through the management of absolute return funds,
continued to make significant progress in its first six month period with strong
growth in all key areas namely, management fee income, performance fee income,
assets under management and profitability.

The Company successfully joined the AIM market in March 2006. The new listing
has increased the Group's transparency among fund investors and potential
investors, enhanced the Group's profile and provided an important way of
incentivising and retaining key employees. The Company has continued to be very
active throughout the period and reflection of the Group's development was
recognised by the industry when it was awarded joint winner of Best Hedge Fund
Group at the Hedge Fund Review's 2006 European Award Ceremony.

On an IFRS basis, in the first half, Group operating profit was up 175% to
Euro13.97m before non-cash related charges of Euro2.1m in respect of staff share-based
payments, generating earnings per share of Euro0.27, an increase of 153% on the
same period last year. Assets under management grew from $841m to $1,227m, an
increase of some 46%. In addition, the Group continues to align the interests of
its fund investors with staff and shareholders by maintaining a low fixed cost
base, and this is reflected in the Group's industry leading margins, in excess
of 50%.

All of the Group's funds performed well in the two different trading
environments that surrounded the first half of 2006. The first four months
provided a favourable environment for us to deliver significant absolute
returns. These returns were challenged by a major change in investor appetite in
light of global inflationary concerns during May and June. During this volatile
period it was a significant achievement to retain the client investors' gains
which we had accumulated during the first four months.

In the last 18 months alone, organically, assets under management have increased
by 212% and the number of funds we manage has grown from 3 to 8. These
additional funds have diversified the Group's business to cover European and
Global, Long/Short, Event Driven, Special Situations, Germany, Global Large
Capitalised Stocks, Eastern European Convergence, India and Activist. This
diversification in both product set and risk has permitted swift and further
asset growth among our existing investors.

With the recent strategic acquisition of TCA we intend to significantly broaden
our investor base both geographically and by type. In addition, our ability to
source talented managers will be increased through TCA's ability to identify
emerging global market talent.

The Group has continued to deliver superior risk adjusted absolute returns to
our investors.

Performance to 30 June 2006

                               Size     Month   Year to  Since     Annualised Open /  Down
                                                Date     Inception            Closed  Months
Single strategy  Launch date   $ m       %        %         %          %

Return Europe    Mar-02        447.2    0.80     4.25    101.90      17.60      Open  2 out of
Catalyst Fund    Oct-03        218.2    1.08     4.58     73.96      22.30    Closed  4 out of
Germany Fund     Jan-04        199.2    0.15     9.89     66.80      22.71    Closed  2 out of
Absolute East
West Fund        Jul-05         94.1    1.38    16.64     28.73      28.73      Open  1 out of
Octane Fund      Jul-05        215.4    2.19    15.10     70.79      70.79      Open  1 out of
Absolute Large
Cap Fund         Feb-06         53.1    2.51    14.32     14.32      37.90      Open  1 out of

In February we launched the Absolute Large Cap fund to provide our investors
with exposure to highly liquid larger capitalised stocks throughout the globe.

In June we made a strategic move to enter the Capital Introduction and Fund
Distribution arena with the acquisition of TCA. This acquisition provides the
Group with the opportunity to add significant new funds not only for Absolute
Capital but also for other emerging and talented managers. The intention is to
greatly increase our global reach and to access Institutional Investment clients
in many parts of the globe heretofore untouched by the Group. We believe the
acquisition will further enhance our ability to attract talented individuals and
teams to the Group through a proven and dedicated in-house Capital Introduction
and Fund Distribution business.

Internally we have increased our Dealing, Risk Management and Financial Control
capabilities whilst also further strengthening our investment team. In the first
six months we added a number of talented managers with additional geographic and
sector expertise.

We have continued our concentration on equity markets and in particular higher
risk/return equity markets. We are currently opening a new Zug office and are
increasing our Cayman presence. We have launched the Absolute India Fund and the
Absolute Activist Value Fund as of July 1st, both of which have started strongly
and provide significant capacity for further asset growth.


Given the Group's strong performance in the first half of the year and the
Board's continued confidence for the full year and our strong cash position, it
is intended that the Group will pay a dividend post the year end, after the
audit of its 2006 results. In addition, the Board will consider the repurchasing
of shares in the Group for cancellation within pre-defined price parameters.

Assets under management have increased since June 30 and all funds performed
positively in July. With the launch of the 2 new funds and all funds performing
in line with or exceeding their stated target return objectives the Board is
confident of continued and significant growth for the remainder of 2006.

Sean Ewing
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

21 August 2006

for the 6 months to 30 June 2006

                                 6 months to      6 months to          Year to
                                     30 June          30 June      31 December
                                        2006             2005             2005
                                           Euro                Euro                Euro

Subscription fees                    262,935          157,944          388,249
Management fees                    8,633,926        3,023,042        8,720,763
Incentive fees                    15,546,641        7,173,031       20,535,642
Redemption fees                      313,828          242,519          868,451
Other income                          22,606                -                -
                                   ---------        ---------        ---------
Revenue                           24,779,936       10,596,536       30,513,105

Legal and professional
expenses                            (204,340)        (154,596)        (271,406)
Management and incentive
fees payable                      (5,674,418)      (3,396,215)      (8,654,996)
Operational expenses                (748,957)        (548,089)        (976,881)
Employee costs                    (4,145,261)      (1,459,048)      (4,688,681)
Foreign exchange gain /
(loss)                               (19,417)          20,049           18,776
Excess of acquirer's
interest in net value of
identifiable net assets                    -           14,254           14,254
Depreciation                         (12,909)            (284)          (3,355)
                                   ---------        ---------        ---------
Operating profit excluding
share-based payments              13,974,634        5,072,607       15,950,816

Share-based payments         2    (2,114,940)        (379,785)        (379,785)
                                   ---------        ---------        ---------
Operating profit                  11,859,694        4,692,822       15,571,031

Exceptional costs            3      (565,413)               -                -
                                   ---------        ---------        ---------
                                  11,294,281        4,692,822       15,571,031

Financial revenue                    123,943           21,335          114,877
Unrealised gain on
investments                                -              312              312
                                   ---------        ---------        ---------
Profit on ordinary
activities before                 11,418,224        4,714,469       15,686,220

Taxation                     4       (35,207)          (4,933)         (35,663)
                                   =========        =========        =========
Profit for the period after
taxation                          11,383,017        4,709,536       15,650,557
attributable to members of the
company                            =========        =========        =========

Earnings per share           5        Euro 0.23           Euro 0.10           Euro 0.31
(basic)                            =========        =========        =========

Earnings per share
(diluted)                    5        Euro 0.20           Euro 0.10           Euro 0.30
                                   =========        =========        =========

as at 30 June 2006

                                       30 June 2006  30 June 2005   31 Dec 2005

                                Notes            Euro             Euro             Euro

Non current assets
Intangible assets                  6    15,721,917             -             -
Property, plant and machinery              269,246         1,586        46,553
                                         ---------     ---------    ----------
                                        15,991,163         1,586        46,553
Current assets
Trade and other receivables              4,107,952     1,758,344     6,696,433
Cash at bank                            16,932,139     6,357,937     3,026,610
                                         ---------     ---------    ----------
                                        21,040,091     8,116,281     9,723,043
Financial assets
Investments at fair value
through profit and loss            7     4,018,373        36,620           600
Loans and advances receivable               13,528     2,048,823       187,205
Due from parent company                          -       620,777             -
                                         ---------     ---------    ----------
                                         4,031,901     2,706,220       187,805
                                         ---------     ---------    ----------
Total assets                            41,063,155    10,824,087     9,957,401
                                         =========     =========    ==========

Equity and liabilities
Issued share capital               8       535,625     2,367,832       500,000
Shares to be issued              6, 8   10,058,823             -             -
Share premium                           29,394,051    20,671,176    22,769,453
Revenue reserve                         14,247,068     1,380,313     3,761,551
Other reserves                     2     1,604,057             -       269,341
Merger reserve                         (22,950,745)  (22,950,745)  (22,950,745)
                                         ---------     ---------    ----------
                                        32,888,879     1,468,576     4,349,600
                                         ---------     ---------    ----------
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                 8,100,219     9,347,391     5,568,951
Taxation payable                            74,057         8,120        38,850
                                         ---------     ---------    ----------
Total current liabilities                8,174,276     9,355,511     5,607,801
                                         ---------     ---------    ----------
Total equity and liabilities            41,063,155    10,824,087     9,957,401
                                         =========     =========    ==========

for the 6 months to 30 June 2006

                Share     Shares to         Share       Revenue        Other         Merger         Total
              Capital     be Issued       Premium       Reserve     Reserves        Reserve
                    Euro             Euro             Euro             Euro            Euro              Euro             Euro

As at 31
December      500,000             -    22,769,453     3,761,551      269,341    (22,950,745)    4,349,600

Profit for
the                 -             -             -    11,383,017            -              -    11,383,017

on 24
February            -             -             -      (897,500)           -              -      (897,500)
per share)

Issue of
(Euro0.01         25,000             -     5,600,000             -            -              -     5,625,000
each at

Shares to be
(4,470,588)         -    10,058,823             -             -            -              -    10,058,823

payments            -             -             -             -    2,114,940              -     2,114,940

Exercise of
share          10,625             -     1,024,598             -     (780,224)             -       255,000
              -------      --------      --------      --------      -------      ---------      --------
As at 30
June          535,625    10,058,823    29,394,051    14,247,068    1,604,057    (22,950,745)   32,888,879
2006          =======      ========      ========      ========      =======      =========      ========

for the 6 months to 30 June 2006

                                        6 months to 6 months to        Year to
                                            30 June     30 June    31 December
                                               2006        2005           2005
                                  Notes           Euro           Euro              Euro
Net cash inflow from operating
activities                               17,957,639   6,791,080     15,675,820
                                           --------    --------      ---------
Cash flows from investing
Interest income received                    123,943      21,335        114,877
Purchase of subsidiaries                    (39,789)     (1,500)        (1,500)
Proceeds on sale of investment                    -      92,602        128,626
Purchase of property, plant and
equipment                                  (235,602)          -        (48,038)
Cash acquired on purchase of
subsidiary                                  133,775      33,914         33,914
Loans made to shareholders (net)                  -    (600,809)       (67,110)
Repayment of loans                          173,677           -      1,352,788
Financial investments                    (3,000,200)          -              -
Flotation costs                     3      (565,413)          -              -
Taxation paid                                     -           -              -
                                           --------    --------      ---------

Net cash inflow / (outflow) from
investing activities                     (3,409,610)   (454,458)     1,513,557
                                           --------    --------      ---------

Cash flows from financing

Dividends paid                      9      (897,500)          -    (14,304,082)
Issue of share capital              8       255,000           -        120,000
                                           --------    --------      ---------

Net cash outflow from financing            (642,500)          -    (14,184,082)
                                           --------    --------      ---------

Net cash inflow / (outflow)              13,905,529   6,336,622      3,005,295
                                           ========    ========      =========



Cash at bank as at 31 December 2005                                  3,026,610

Net cash inflow during the period                                   13,905,529
Cash at bank as at 30 June 2006                                     16,932,139

for the period ended 30 June 2006


The condensed financial statements have been prepared in accordance with
International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34, Interim Financial Reporting.

The interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2006 are unaudited. Results
for the six months ended 30 June 2005 and the year ended 31 December 2005 are

Other than as set out in Note 2 below, the accounting policies adopted are
consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Group's annual
financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2005.

Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date control is transferred to the group
and cease to be consolidated from the date control is transferred from the


4.06 million options to acquire ordinary shares were outstanding at the end of
the period. The fair value of options granted is recognized as an expense with a
corresponding increase in equity. The fair value is calculated at grant date
using an options pricing model with this cost then being recognized over the
option period. A non-cash charge of Euro2.1m has been recognized in the 6 month
period ending 30 June 2006.

There has been a change of accounting policy from the financial statements to 31
December 2005. At this date, the equity instruments of the group were not traded
and their fair value could not be readily assessed. The cost of equity-settled
transactions were measured at the intrinsic value, this being the difference
between the fair value of the shares to which the counterparty has the right to
subscribe and the price the counterparty will be required to pay for those
shares at the date of grant. From the interim financial statements to 30 June
2006 and subsequently, an IFRS 2 - Share-based payment compliant valuation model
will be employed. This requires that equity settled share-based transactions
with employees are to be measured at the fair value of the option at the date of
grant, which forms the basis of the charge to the income statement over the
vesting period.


This comprises the expenses related to the flotation of the Company on the
London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market in March 2006. This cost
has been classified as exceptional due to its materiality and one-off nature.


Taxation has been calculated using the applicable corporation tax rates of each
group company.


The calculations of earnings per share are based on the following numbers of

                         30 June                30 June                 31 Dec
                            2006                   2005                   2005
                Number of shares       Number of shares       Number of shares
                        millions               millions               millions

average for
earnings                   50.29                  48.00                  49.72
per share

Effect of
shares                      7.40                   0.75                   1.95
                         -------                -------               --------
of ordinary
shares for
per                        57.69                  48.75                  51.67
share                    =======                =======               ========


The group acquired 100% of the issued share capital of TCA Group Limited on 16
June 2006. 2.5 million fully-paid ordinary shares of Euro0.01 were issued to the
vendors of TCA Group Limited as initial consideration and further shares up to a
maximum of 4.47 million will be issued to the vendors if predetermined
performance targets are met. The Directors are of the opinion that these shares
will be issued in full and therefore have included these shares in the
calculation of the excess of the consideration over the fair value of assets
acquired. The market value of one ordinary share of the company immediately
prior to completion was Euro2.25 and this is the amount that has been used to value
the acquisition.


At the date of this report and in the opinion of the Directors, the assets
purchased through the acquisition of TCA Group Limited have fair values as set
out below.


Investments                                                          1,017,573
Trade debts                                                          1,530,007
Other debtors                                                          105,158
Cash at bank                                                           133,775
Dividend payable                                                    (2,429,910)
Creditors payable in less than one year                               (354,907)

Fair value of net assets acquired                                        1,695

Other acquisition related costs                                        (39,789)
Excess of consideration over fair value of assets acquired          15,721,917
Consideration                                                       15,683,823

The excess of the consideration over the fair value of the assets acquired has
been classified as an intangible asset in the group accounts. This corresponds
to the customer base of TCA Group Limited. Maintaining this customer base will
depend on TCA Group Limited's ability to provide a satisfactory service to its
customers principally by identifying fund managers capable of providing
satisfactory returns.


After initial recognition, investments are measured at fair value, with
unrealized gains and losses on investments and impairment of investments
recognized in the consolidated statement of income.

The Directors believe that the fair value of investments as at 30 June 2006 is
equal to their initial cost, and consequently no unrealized gains or losses have
been recognized in respect of these investments as at 30 June 2006.

                                                       30 Jun 2006     31 Dec 2005
Investment                    Type                      Fair Value      Fair Value
                                                                Euro               Euro

Absolute Return Europe Fund   management shares               100             100
European Catalyst Fund        management shares               100             100
Absolute Germany Fund         management shares               100             100
Absolute East West Fund       management shares               100             100
Absolute Octane Fund          management shares               100             100
Absolute Large Cap Fund       management shares               100             100
Absolute India Fund           management shares               100               -
Absolute Activist Value Fund  management shares               100               -
Absolute India Fund           participating shares      1,500,000               -
Absolute Activist Value Fund  participating shares      1,500,000               -
Tara European Stars *         participating shares        984,846               -
United Fuel & Energy Corp. *  ordinary shares              32,727               -
                                                        ---------       ---------
                                                        4,018,373             600
                                                        =========       =========
* acquired on purchase of TCA Group


During the period the company issued 3.56 million fully paid ordinary shares of
Euro0.01 each:
                                                     Number of shares millions
Share options exercised at Euro0.24                                          1.06
Issue of shares as initial consideration on the
acquisition of TCA Group                                                  2.50
Total shares issued                                                       3.56

Shares to be issued correspond to the market value of ordinary shares on
completion date that will be issued to the vendors of TCA Group Limited if
predetermined performance targets are achieved.


A dividend of Euro0.01795 per ordinary share was declared on 24 February 2006 in
respect of the company's undistributed reserves at 30 November 2005. Qualifying
shareholders were deemed to be those on the register as at 2 December 2005. This
dividend was paid on 7 March 2006.

No further dividends have been proposed at this time. However, the group intends
to distribute a dividend post its annual results for 2006.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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