Ressources Minieres Pro-Or Inc. (TSX VENTURE:POI) completed the processing of
multiple batches for a total of 600 kg of ceramic catalytic converters at its
demonstration plant in St-Augustin during the summer. The recovery of recycled
metals allowed Pro-Or to ship 6 kg of platinum group elements (PGE) concentrate
in very rich powder form during the month of August. This product is free of any
glass or carbon contaminants and treated at the refiner to separate each of the
platinum group elements in ingots of platinum, palladium and rhodium. These
metals will be sold on the spot market in a timely manner.

"We are very proud of this achievement because operations were subject to a
strict protocol that included quantitative measurements. Some of the processing
took place as part of the prefeasibility study carried out by the independent
engineering firm SENECA. The recycled materials were processed on one 8-hour
shift per day over a long period of time to allow sampling while the material is
at low temperature. These operations require additional activities of long
handling that will not be required in the commercial production plant. This work
is helping us to further improve the robustness and reliability of the equipment
at the St-Augustin facility", said Sylvain Boulanger, President and CEO of

In the June 2013 prefeasibility study in connection with the construction of a
200-tonne (four reactors) PGM recovery plant, operating costs (OPEX) were
estimated by SENECA at $13.50/kg of processed material, including refining
charges. Approximately 32% of these costs are specifically associated with
staffing, which are fairly constant. For a plant going from 4 to 12 reactors
(200 tons to 600 tons) with a constant level of staffing, operating costs would
be reduced from $13.50 /kg to $10.56 /kg. According to the parameters of the
study, a 12-reactor plant would have operating costs of $10.56 compared to
$13.50 which is an improvement of 21.8% or $1.76 million of additional profit
for a 600-tonn plant, including refining charges.

This demonstrates the impact of the few employees needed to monitor the
operation of an automated plant. Most of the remaining operating costs vary
according to the volume of catalytic converter (CC) processed. 

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About Pro-Or

Pro-Or operates an industrial prototype plant for the recovery of Platinum Group
Elements (Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium or PGMs). The plant is located near
Quebec City in St-Augustin-de-Desmaures. Its patented process yields more than
97% recoveries of PGMs, and is not only much less capital extensive but also
operates much more rapidly than conventional plants thus dramatically lowering
the amount of time that its customers capital is tied up as work-in-process
inventory. Pro-Or's mission is to sustainably recover precious metals by the
recycling of end-of-life PGM containing components while meeting global "green"
standards for the automobile industry.

Pro-Or also holds the mineral rights to six mining properties and has focused
its exploration activities on the Menarik property in the James Bay area, in the
Province of Quebec, the site of a major chromite deposit with occurrences of
gold, nickel, copper and platinum group metals (PGMs). The operation of Pro-Or's
patented and proprietary processes to such deposits may lead to a breakthrough
in low cost primary mining metallurgy in the near future.

Sylvain Boulanger, P.Eng.
President & CEO
(514) 506-9121

Nicole Blanchard, Managing Partner
Sun International Communications
(450) 973-6600