Consolidated Uranium, Inc. (TSXV:CUR) (OTCQB: CURUF)
(“CUR”, “Consolidated Uranium”, the “Company”) is pleased
to announce the completion of a confirmation drill program and a
mineral resource estimate and supporting technical report prepared
in accordance with NI 43-101 at the Company’s 100%-owned Tony M
mine (the “Technical Report”). The Technical Report was prepared by
the independent consulting firm SLR International Corporation
(“SLR”) and has been filed under the Company’s profile on SEDAR.
- The Mineral
Resource estimate is based upon a commodity price of US$65.00 per
pound of
and a cut-off grade of 0.14%
are reported as an:
- Indicated
Mineral Resource of 1,185,000 tons grading 0.28%
for 6.6 million pounds contained uranium; and
- Inferred
Mineral Resource of 404,000 tons grading 0.27%
for 2.2 million pounds contained uranium.
- The Mineral
Resource estimate for the Tony M Mine is consistent with the
historic Mineral Resource estimate previously reported by Energy
Fuels Inc. in 2012 when compared using a cut off grade of 0.10 %
- Key
recommendations from the Technical Report include:
- Exploration
drilling and underground sampling to investigate the vanadium
potential of the deposit based on results from the confirmation
drill program which showed the
ratio ranges from an average of 1:1 to greater than 17:1 in
- Completion
of a Preliminary Economic Assessment (“PEA”) to consider re-opening
the Tony M mine (including Mineral Resource update)
Table 1: Summary of Mineral Resources –
Effective Date September 9, 2022
Classification |
Tonnage(short tons) |
Grade(% eU3O8) |
Contained Metal(lbs. eU3O8) |
Indicated |
1,185,000 |
0.28 |
6,606,000 |
Inferred |
404,000 |
0.27 |
2,218,000 |
- CIM (2014) definitions followed for all mineral resource
- Mineral resources were estimated at a cut-off grade of 0.14%
- Cut-off grade calculated using a US$65/pound uranium
- Past Production (1979-2008) removed from the Mineral
- Estimated mill recovery 96%
- Totals may not add due to rounding.
- Mineral Resources are 100 % attributable to Consolidated
Uranium Inc.
Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves, and
do not have demonstrated economic viability. While the estimate of
Mineral Resources for the Tony M Mine is based on the SLR Qualified
Person’s judgment that there are reasonable prospects for eventual
economic extraction, no assurance can be given that Mineral
Resources will eventually convert to Mineral Reserves. As of the
date hereof, there are no other known environmental, permitting,
legal, social, or other factors that would affect the development
of the Mineral Resources.
Table 2: Select assay results from the
8-hole confirmation drill program at the Tony M Mine
Hole Number |
From Depth |
To Depth |
Thickness |
Grade |
(feet) |
(feet) |
(feet) |
U3O8) |
CUR-TM-02 |
380 |
382 |
2 |
0.132 |
and |
387 |
389 |
2 |
0.120 |
CUR-TM-03 |
368 |
370 |
2 |
1.031 |
CUR-TM-04 |
417 |
418 |
1 |
0.100 |
CUR-TM-05 |
226 |
230 |
4 |
0.202 |
CUR-TM-09 |
292 |
297 |
5 |
0.195 |
Notes:*All grades reported above from ICP chemical assays from
American Assay Labs (independent of CUR) |
* Only radiometric data used for resource estimation |
Chairman and CEO Phil Williams stated “We are
very pleased with the results of the confirmation drill program and
mineral resource estimate for the Tony M Mine. We were attracted to
the project not only because it was a past producing mine with all
the infrastructure and permits in place for rapid and low-cost
restart when uranium market conditions warrant, but also because of
the robust nature of the deposit which is confirmed by this mineral
resource estimate. The indicated mineral resource grade of 0.28%
U3O8 ranks among the highest of all US uranium projects.
Additionally, we are encouraged by the previously untested vanadium
potential which was highlighted in our drilling. As the only
company with guaranteed access to the Energy Fuels White Mesa Mill,
which has a vanadium recovery circuit, if this potential bears out
it could improve the overall economics of the project. These
results confirm the Tony M Mine’s place in our portfolio as our
number one US asset and we look forward to an aggressive program at
the project next year, which we expect will advance us towards a
production decision.”
Figure 1: Location Map: Tony M Mine, Utah
in proximity to the White Mesa Mill
Tony M Mine NI 43-101 Technical Report on
Mineral Resources
The completion of Mineral Resource estimate on
the Tony M Mine, located in eastern Garfield County, Utah USA, is
based upon historical exploration drilling data collected by
previous holders of the project, and confirmed by the results of a
combined rotary and core confirmation drilling program carried out
in May and June of 2022 by Consolidated Uranium. The estimated
Mineral Resources, which have been classified in accordance with
the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM)
Definition Standards for Mineral Resources (CIM 2014) are based
upon data from 1,678 drill holes, totaling 947,610 feet of rotary
and core drilling carried out by previous owners of Tony M and the
Company. Uranium mineralization at the Tony M project is hosted in
the lowermost 35 feet to 62 feet favorable sandstone portion of the
Salt Wash Member, of the Jurassic age Morrison Formation, occurring
as a series of generally flat lying bodies within one of three
individual stratiform layers.
The Tony M Mineral Resource estimate was
prepared using a conventional block modeling methodology. A digital
geologic model of the lower Salt Wash was developed by SLR to
constrain the Mineral Resource estimate. The Mineral Resource
estimate used regularized block models, the inverse distance
squared (ID2) grade interpolation methodology, and length-weighted,
1.0-foot, uncapped composites to estimate the uranium (eU3O8) in a
three-search pass approach, using hard boundaries between subunits,
ellipsoidal search ranges, and search ellipse orientation informed
by geology. Average density values were assigned by lithological
A comparison of the historical Mineral Resource
estimate from June 27, 2012 (prepared for previous owner Energy
Fuels Inc.) with the 2022 Mineral Resource estimate using a cut-off
grade of 0.10% eU3O8 shows that Indicated Mineral Resources
estimate tonnage increased by 0.19 million short tons and the grade
decreased by 0.02% eU3O8, with a total increase of Indicated
Mineral Resources of 0.08 million pounds of eU3O8. The Inferred
Mineral Resource estimate tonnage decreased by 0.17 million short
tons and the grade increased by 0.05% eU3O8 with the difference in
Inferred Mineral Resources totaling 0.25 million pounds of eU3O8.
The small differences between the estimates are primarily
attributed to:
- A change in
Mineral Resource estimation methodology from Grade-Thickness (GT)
contouring to 3D block modelling.
- Block modelling tends to
overestimate tons while under estimating grade due to smoothing
during the grade estimation process, if not properly
- Modifications to the 2012 0.01%
grade contour used to control horizontal extension of
mineralization to allow for more accurate prediction of grade
continuity during the block modelling process.
- Based on limited drilling
intercepts, portions of the ML (middle lower) mineralized zone were
downgraded from Inferred classification and removed from the
Mineral Resource Estimate.
- Increase in past
production depletion from 177,000 short tons to 258,000 short tons,
based on SLR’s 2022 reconciliation of past production records.
Table 3: Comparison of Historical 2012 vs
2022 Mineral Resource Estimate – Tony M Project
(Using 0.10% cut-off)
Classification |
Tonnage(Mst) |
Grade(%eU3O8) |
Contained Metal(Mlbs
eU3O8) |
June 27, 2012 Historical Estimate |
Indicated |
1.68 |
0.24 |
8.14 |
Inferred |
0.87 |
0.16 |
2.75 |
September 9, 2022 Estimate |
Indicated |
1.87 |
0.22 |
8.22 |
Inferred |
0.70 |
0.21 |
2.92 |
Difference |
Indicated |
0.19 |
-0.02 |
0.08 |
Inferred |
-0.17 |
0.05 |
0.17 |
% Difference |
Indicated |
11.2% |
-8.3% |
1.0% |
Inferred |
-19.2% |
29.7% |
6.1% |
Assay data from the CUR 2022 confirmation
drilling program also highlighted the presence of vanadium
mineralization. Results from the eight holes appear to indicate an
inverse relationship between the vanadium to the uranium oxide
grade, where the higher-grade vanadium is generally associated with
the lower grade uranium mineralization. SLR notes the 2022
V2O5/U3O8 ratio ranges from an average of 1:1 to greater than 17:1
in places and results are comparable with historic reported
With the additional new 2022 vanadium assay data
collected by CUR, SLR revisited the vanadium potential using a
regression analysis curve at Tony M and found the 2022 V2O5/U3O8
ratio of approximately 3:1 is inline with historic reported ranges
and much higher than the previously accepted ratio of 1.66:1 for
the composite bulk samples collected over the period from October
1982 to January 1984. SLR opines the use of a vanadium regression
curve and equation is an appropriate way to estimate vanadium
resource potential in the future, however, the small sample size of
the 2022 drilling vanadium values prevents construction of a
reliable and accurate vanadium block model or Mineral Resource
estimate until more data is collected to improve confidence and
understanding of the vanadium distribution on the property.
SLR has recommended the following work to
advance the Tony M Mine to the next stage:
- Carry out
exploration drilling and vanadium sampling: drill approximately 75
holes to better define the distribution of vanadium mineralization,
to increase U3O8 resources, and increase Inferred Mineral Resource
to the Indicated classification.
- Access the
underground workings at the mine for the purpose of mapping and
sampling for vanadium.
- Prepare a PEA
for the project, incorporating the results of the proposed uranium
and vanadium surface drilling programs, and the results derived
from the underground sampling program for vanadium.
Figure 2: Tony M Mine 2022 Drilling and
Resource Outline
2022 Confirmation Drilling Program at the
Tony M Mine Project
The surface rotary and core drilling program
(previously announced in the Company’s February 17, 2022 press
release) was designed to confirm the results of previous drilling
carried out by Plateau Resources, who were the original discoverers
and developers of the Tony M Mine.
The 2022 CUR drilling program was designed to
confirm the stratigraphic position of uranium mineralization, the
relative thicknesses of mineralized intervals, and the range of
uranium grades that were encountered in the historical drill holes.
The drill program was comprised of eight combined conventional
rotary and core holes with vertical orientation, totaling 2,894
feet. Core samples from the CUR drilling were assayed for uranium
and vanadium, although a very limited amount of historical data
exists for vanadium. The program successfully verified the historic
drill results as accurate and true for resource estimation.
CUR’s eight holes were drilled with a tri-cone
rotary method (“conventional open-hole”) to the top of the lower
rim of the Salt Wash sandstone unit, approximately 400 feet from
surface. The rotary drill cuttings were collected at 5-foot
intervals and the lithologies were recorded by CUR personnel. When
the core point was reached (the top of the target horizon) a
traditional 3-inch core barrel was placed on the drill string to
core the entire Lower Rim of the Salt Wash sandstone. The zones
that were cored in 20-foot-long intervals and were measured and
marked by CUR personnel and logged for lithology, geotechnical
properties, and mineralization. The core boxes were stored in a
locked warehouse on the Tony M property.
Table 4:
Results of the 2022 CUR Confirmation Drilling:
Hole Number |
From Depth |
To Depth |
Thickness |
Grade |
Grade |
(feet) |
(feet) |
(feet) |
U3O8) |
V2O5) |
CUR-TM-01 |
378 |
384 |
6 |
0.003 |
0.027 |
CUR-TM-02 |
375 |
378 |
3 |
0.003 |
0.277 |
and |
380 |
382 |
2 |
0.132 |
0.135 |
and |
387 |
389 |
2 |
0.120 |
0.002 |
CUR-TM-03 |
361 |
364 |
3 |
0.003 |
0.149 |
and |
368 |
370 |
2 |
1.031 |
0.986 |
CUR-TM-04 |
417 |
418 |
1 |
0.100 |
0.124 |
CUR-TM-05 |
226 |
230 |
4 |
0.202 |
0.048 |
or |
225 |
227 |
2 |
0.157 |
0.174 |
CUR-TM-06 |
211 |
214 |
3 |
0.024 |
0.005 |
and |
217 |
218 |
1 |
0.015 |
0.023 |
CUR-TM-07 |
365 |
368 |
3 |
0.001 |
0.068 |
and |
376 |
379 |
3 |
0.030 |
0.004 |
CUR-TM-09 |
283 |
284 |
1 |
0.006 |
0.104 |
and |
292 |
297 |
5 |
0.195 |
0.128 |
or |
290 |
296 |
6 |
0.169 |
0.141 |
*All grades reported above from ICP chemical assay from American
Assay Labs |
*Individual intervals chosen to maximize the U3O8 or V2O5 assay
intercepts |
* Only radiometric data used for resource estimation |
Continuous geophysical logging of all of the CUR
drill holes was carried out by Century Wireline Services of Tulsa,
Oklahoma, and included natural gamma-ray, conductivity, and
resistivity data from the boreholes. Core samples were bagged and
shipped to American Assay Laboratories, in Sparks, Nevada for
chemical determinations of U3O8 and V2O5 grades. American Assay is
an independent mineral industry analytical laboratory that holds an
ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation.
The Century Wireline geophysical probing
equipment was calibrated at the US Department of Energy geophysical
facility (the Grand Junction “test pits”) prior to the commencement
of drilling and at the conclusion of the program, and a comparison
of the results of the calibration runs showed no changes in
gamma-ray responses.
The Company’s QA/QC (quality control/quality
assurance) program for the core samples submitted to American Assay
was consistent with industry standards and best practices and
included the insertion of certified reference materials at three
different grade levels (“standards”) obtained from OREAS North
America, unmineralized standards (“blanks”), and duplicate samples
from the core. Collectively, these QA/QC samples comprised
approximately 18 percent of all of the samples (not including the
internal control samples that the laboratory used) analyzed by
American Assay.
SLR notes that the gamma logging estimates of
equivalent uranium grade (%eU3O8) for the Tony M Project are
slightly conservative and underestimate the average U3O8 grade by
up to 3%, with some portions of the Tony M deposit underestimated
by as much as 6%. The relative difference between chemical and
probe assays is not considered material, no correction
(disequilibrium ratio of 1:1) to the radiometric data is required,
and the data is suitable for resource estimation
Qualified Person
The scientific and technical information
contained in this news release regarding the mineral resource
estimate was reviewed and approved by Mark Mathisen, who is a
“Qualified Person” (as defined in National Instrument 43-101 -
Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects).
All other scientific and technical information
contained in this news release was reviewed and approved by Dean T.
Wilton: PG, CPG, MAIG, who is a “Qualified Person” (as defined in
National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral
Technical Report
A Technical Report prepared in accordance with
NI 43-101 for Tony M has been filed under the Company’s profile on
SEDAR at Readers are encouraged to read the
Technical Report in its entirety, including all qualifications,
assumptions and exclusions that relate to the Mineral Resource. The
Technical Report is intended to be read as a whole, and sections
should not be read or relied upon out of context.
Private Placement of Virginia Energy
The Company is also pleased to announce that on
December 6, 2022 it completed its investment (the “Private
Placement”) in Virginia Energy Resources Inc.
(“Virginia Energy”) in connection with the
proposed acquisition by the Company of all of the outstanding
shares Virginia Energy (the “Virginia Shares”)
pursuant to a statutory plan of arrangement, as previously
announced on November 15, 2022. Pursuant to the Private Placement,
the Company purchased, on a non-brokered private placement basis,
2,000,000 Virginia Shares at a price of $0.50 per Virginia Share,
for aggregate consideration of $1,000,000. The Private Placement
remains subject to the final approval of the TSX Venture
About Consolidated Uranium
Consolidated Uranium Inc. (TSXV: CUR) (OTCQB:
CURUF) was created in early 2020 to capitalize on an anticipated
uranium market resurgence using the proven model of diversified
project consolidation. To date, the Company has acquired or has the
right to acquire uranium projects in Australia, Canada, Argentina,
and the United States each with significant past expenditures and
attractive characteristics for development. Most recently, the
Company completed a transformational strategic acquisition and
alliance with Energy Fuels Inc., a leading U.S.-based uranium
mining company, and acquired a portfolio of permitted,
past-producing conventional uranium and vanadium mines in Utah and
Colorado. These mines are currently on stand-by, ready for rapid
restart as market conditions permit, positioning CUR as a near-term
uranium producer.
For More Information, Please
Philip WilliamsChairman
Twitter: @ConsolidatedUr
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulations
Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX
Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or
accuracy of this release.
Cautionary Statement Regarding
“Forward-Looking” Information
This news release contains "forward-looking
information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities
legislation. “Forward-looking information” includes, but is not
limited to, statements with respect to activities, events or
developments that the Company expects or anticipates will or may
occur in the future including, but not limited to, the Company’s
ongoing business plan, exploration and work programs, mineral
resource estimates, the interpretation of frilling results, future
work recommendations and the expectations with respect to advancing
the project. Generally, but not always, forward-looking information
and statements can be identified by the use of words such as
“plans”, “expects”, “is expected”, “budget”, “scheduled”,
“estimates”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “anticipates”, or “believes”
or the negative connotation thereof or variations of such words and
phrases or state that certain actions, events or results “may”,
“could”, “would”, “might” or “will be taken”, “occur” or “be
achieved” or the negative connotation thereof. Such forward-looking
information and statements are based on numerous assumptions,
including that general business and economic conditions will not
change in a material adverse manner, that financing will be
available if and when needed and on reasonable terms, and that
third party contractors, equipment and supplies and governmental
and other approvals required to conduct the Company’s planned
exploration activities will be available on reasonable terms and in
a timely manner. Although the assumptions made by the Company in
providing forward-looking information or making forward-looking
statements are considered reasonable by management at the time,
there can be no assurance that such assumptions will prove to be
Forward-looking information and statements also
involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other
factors, which may cause actual events or results in future periods
to differ materially from any projections of future events or
results expressed or implied by such forward-looking information or
statements, including, among others: negative operating cash flow
and dependence on third party financing, uncertainty of additional
financing, no known mineral reserves, reliance on key management
and other personnel, potential downturns in economic conditions,
actual results of exploration activities being different than
anticipated, changes in exploration programs based upon results,
and risks generally associated with the mineral exploration
industry, environmental risks, changes in laws and regulations,
community relations and delays in obtaining governmental or other
approvals and the risk factors with respect to Consolidated Uranium
set out in CUR’s annual information form in respect of the year
ended December 31, 2020 filed with the Canadian securities
regulators and available under CUR’s profile on SEDAR at
Although the Company has attempted to identify
important factors that could cause actual results to differ
materially from those contained in the forward-looking information
or implied by forward-looking information, there may be other
factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or
intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking
information and statements will prove to be accurate, as actual
results and future events could differ materially from those
anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not
place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information.
The Company undertakes no obligation to update or reissue
forward-looking information as a result of new information or
events except as required by applicable securities laws.
Graphics accompanying this announcement are available
Consolidated Uranium (TSXV:CUR)
Historical Stock Chart
From Feb 2025 to Mar 2025
Consolidated Uranium (TSXV:CUR)
Historical Stock Chart
From Mar 2024 to Mar 2025