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(Mark One)





For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2020







Date of event requiring this shell company report _________

Commission File No.: 001-37911

Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV

(Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)


(Translation of Registrant’s name into English)


(Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)

Brouwerijplein 1,

3000 Leuven, Belgium

(Address of principal executive offices)

John Blood

Chief Legal and Corporate Affairs Officer and Company Secretary

Brouwerijplein 1,

3000 Leuven, Belgium

Telephone No.: + 32 16 27 61 11


(Name, Telephone, E-mail and/or Facsimile number and Address of Company Contact Person)

Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act.


Title of each class


Trading symbol


Name of each exchange on which registered

Ordinary shares without nominal value     New York Stock Exchange*
American Depositary Shares, each representing one ordinary share without nominal value   BUD   New York Stock Exchange
6.375% Notes due 2040 (issued January 2010)   BUD40   New York Stock Exchange
8.200% Notes due 2039 (issued March 2011)   BUD39   New York Stock Exchange
3.750% Notes due 2042 (issued July 2012)   BUD42A   New York Stock Exchange
4.000% Notes due 2043 (issued January 2013)   BUD/43   New York Stock Exchange
4.625% Notes due 2044 (issued January 2014)   BUD/44   New York Stock Exchange
3.650% Notes due 2026 (issued January 2016)   BUD/26   New York Stock Exchange
4.700% Notes due 2036 (issued January 2016)   BUD/36   New York Stock Exchange
4.900% Notes due 2046 (issued January 2016)   BUD/46   New York Stock Exchange
4.950% Notes due 2042 (issued December 2016)   BUD/42   New York Stock Exchange
6.625% Notes due 2033 (issued December 2016)   BUD/33   New York Stock Exchange
5.875% Notes due 2035 (issued December 2016)   BUD/35   New York Stock Exchange
4.439% Notes due 2048 (issued August 2017)   BUD/48   New York Stock Exchange
4.000% Notes due 2028 (issued April 2018)   BUD/28   New York Stock Exchange
4.375% Notes due 2038 (issued April 2018)   BUD/38   New York Stock Exchange
4.600% Notes due 2048 (issued April 2018)   BUD/48A   New York Stock Exchange
4.750% Notes due 2058 (issued April 2018)   BUD/58   New York Stock Exchange
Floating Rate Notes due 2024 (issued April 2018)   BUD24A   New York Stock Exchange
4.150% Notes due 2025 (issued January 2019)   BUD/25   New York Stock Exchange
4.750% Notes due 2029 (issued January 2019)   BUD/29   New York Stock Exchange
4.900% Notes due 2031 (issued January 2019)   BUD/31   New York Stock Exchange
5.450% Notes due 2039 (issued January 2019)   BUD/39A   New York Stock Exchange
5.550% Notes due 2049 (issued January 2019)   BUD/49   New York Stock Exchange
5.800% Notes due 2059 (issued January 2019)   BUD/59   New York Stock Exchange
4.900% Notes due 2046 (issued May 2019)   BUD/46A   New York Stock Exchange
4.700% Notes due 2036 (issued May 2019)   BUD/36A   New York Stock Exchange
3.650% Notes due 2026 (issued May 2019)   BUD/26A   New York Stock Exchange
3.500% Notes due 2030 (issued April 2020)   BUD/30   New York Stock Exchange
4.350% Notes due 2040 (issued April 2020)   BUD/40   New York Stock Exchange
4.500% Notes due 2050 (issued April 2020)   BUD/50   New York Stock Exchange
4.600% Notes due 2060 (issued April 2020)   BUD/60   New York Stock Exchange



Not for trading, but in connection with the registration of American Depositary Shares, pursuant to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act.


(Title of Class)

Securities for which there is a reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Act.


(Title of Class)

Indicate the number of outstanding shares of each of the issuer’s classes of capital or common stock as of the close of the period covered by the annual report.

1,693,242,156 ordinary shares without nominal value

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act.

      Yes      No

If this report is an annual or transition report, indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.      Yes      No

Note – Checking the box above will not relieve any registrant required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 from their obligations under those Sections.

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.      Yes      No

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§ 232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files).       Yes      No

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, or an emerging growth company. See definition of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer,” and “emerging growth company” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. (Check one):


Large accelerated filer      Accelerated filer      Non-accelerated filer   
     Emerging growth company   

If an emerging growth company that prepares its financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards† provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act.  


The term “new or revised financial accounting standard” refers to any update issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board to its Accounting Standards Codification after April 5, 2012.

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed a report on and attestation to its management’s assessment of the effectiveness of its internal control over financial reporting under Section 404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (15 U.S.C. 762(b)) by the registered public accounting firm that prepared or issued its audit report.  

Indicate by check mark which basis of accounting the registrant has used to prepare the financial statements included in this filing:


U.S. GAAP    

International Financial Reporting Standards as issued

by the International Accounting Standards Board  


If “Other” has been checked in response to the previous question, indicate by check mark which financial statement item the registrant has elected to follow. N/A      Item 17      Item 18

If this is an annual report, indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).       Yes      No


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed all documents and reports required to be filed by Section 12, 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 subsequent to the distribution of securities under a plan confirmed by a court. N/A      Yes      No


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  ADVISERS      1  


  AUDITORS      1  




















  RISK FACTORS      3  
















































  COMPENSATION      131  



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  BOARD PRACTICES      149  


  EMPLOYEES      152  


  SHARE OWNERSHIP      153  






















  MARKETS      170  




  DILUTION      171  



ITEM 10.









  TAXATION      184  









ITEM 11.


ITEM 12.








ITEM 13.


ITEM 14.


ITEM 15.






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ITEM 17.




ITEM 18.




ITEM 19.






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In this annual report on Form 20-F (“Form 20-F”) references to:



“AB InBev,” “we,” “us” and “our” are, as the context requires, to Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV (formerly Newbelco SA/NV) or Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and the group of companies owned and/or controlled by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and consolidated into our results, including to the predecessor Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV or Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and the group of companies owned and/or controlled by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV prior to the completion of the combination with SAB on 10 October 2016;



AB InBev Group” are to Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and the group of companies owned and/or controlled by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV;



Ambev” are to Ambev S.A., a Brazilian company listed on the New York Stock Exchange and on the São Paulo Stock Exchange, and successor of Companhia de Bebidas das Américas—Ambev;



Anheuser-Busch” are to Anheuser-Busch Companies, LLC, and the group of companies owned and/or controlled by Anheuser-Busch Companies, LLC, as the context requires;



Budweiser APAC” are to Budweiser Brewing Company APAC Limited, a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange;



Grupo Modelo” are to Cervecería Modelo de México, S. de R.L. de C.V., a Mexican limited liability company, and the group of companies owned and/or controlled by Cervecería Modelo de México, S. de R.L. de C.V.;



Newbelco” are to Newbelco SA/NV prior to 10 October 2016;



Ordinary Shares” are to ordinary shares without nominal value issued by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV;



Restricted Shares” are to shares without nominal value issued by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV to former SAB shareholders in connection with the combination with SAB, which are unlisted, not admitted to trading on any stock exchange and are subject to, among other things, restrictions on transfer until they are converted into Ordinary Shares;



SAB” are, as the context requires, to ABI SAB Group Holding Limited (formerly SABMiller Limited and prior to that SABMiller plc) or to ABI SAB Group Holding Limited and the group of companies owned and/or controlled by ABI SAB Group Holding Limited prior to the combination between AB InBev and ABI SAB Group Holding Limited on 10 October 2016; and



SAB Group” are to ABI SAB Group Holding Limited and the group of companies owned and/or controlled by ABI SAB Group Holding Limited.

When we discuss consumers of our products that contain alcohol, this is in reference to consumers of legal drinking age in their respective jurisdictions.


We have prepared our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board, and in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union (“IFRS”). Unless otherwise specified, the financial information analysis in this Form 20-F is based on our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020. Unless otherwise specified, all financial information included in this Form 20-F has been stated in U.S. dollars.



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All references in this Form 20-F to (i) “euro” or “EUR” are to the common currency of the European Union, (ii) “U.S. dollar,” “$” or “USD” are to the currency of the United States of America, (iii) “CAD” (Canadian dollar) are to the currency of Canada, (iv) “R$”, “BRL”, “real” or “reais” are to the currency of Brazil, (v) “GBP” (pound sterling) are to the currency of the United Kingdom, (vi) “AUD” (Australian dollar) are to the currency of the Commonwealth of Australia, (vii) “MXN” (Mexican peso) are to the currency of Mexico, (viii) “ZAR” (South African rand) are to the currency of South Africa, (ix) “COP” (Colombian peso) are to the currency of Colombia, (x) “PEN” (Peruvian nuevo sol) are to the currency of Peru, (xi) “ARS” (Argentinean peso) are to the currency of Argentina and (xii) “CNY” (Chinese renminbi) are to the currency of China.

Unless otherwise specified, volumes, as used in this Form 20-F, include beer, beyond beer and non-beer (primarily carbonated soft drinks) volumes. In addition, unless otherwise specified, our volumes include not only brands that we own or license, but also third-party brands that we brew or otherwise produce as a subcontractor, and third-party products that we sell through our distribution network, particularly in Western Europe. Our volume figures in this Form 20-F reflect 100% of the volumes of entities that we fully consolidate in our financial reporting and a proportionate share of the volumes of entities that we proportionately consolidate in our financial reporting, but do not include volumes of our associates, joint ventures or non-consolidated entities.

On 31 December 2020, we completed the issuance of a 49.9% minority stake in our US-based metal container operations to Apollo Global Management, Inc. for net proceeds of USD 3.0 billion. We retained operational control of our US-based metal container operations. As required by IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, the transaction was reported in our consolidated statement of changes in equity.

Effective 1 January 2019, we reorganized our regional reporting structure. Our results are now reported under the following five regions: North America, Middle Americas, South America, EMEA and Asia Pacific. We continue to separately report the results of Global Export and Holding Companies, which includes our global headquarters and the export businesses which have not been allocated to the regions. Our five geographic regions plus our Global Export and Holding Companies comprise our six segments for all financial reporting purposes. For a list of the countries comprising our geographic reporting regions, see “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—3. Main Markets.”

Effective 1 January 2019, IFRS 16 Leases replaced the previous lease accounting requirements and introduced significant changes to lessee accounting. It requires a lessee to recognize a right-of-use asset and a lease liability at lease commencement date, together with a different recognition of lease costs. We adopted IFRS 16 on 1 January 2019 under the full retrospective application method.

Effective 30 September 2019, following the announcement on 19 July 2019 of the agreement to divest Carlton & United Breweries (“CUB” or “Australian operations”), our Australian subsidiary, to Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd. (“Asahi”), we classified the assets and liabilities associated with the Australian operations as assets held for sale and liabilities associated with assets held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations. In addition, since the results of the Australian operations represented a separate major line of business, these were accounted for as discontinued operations as required by IFRS 5 and presented in a separate line in the consolidated income statement (“profit from discontinued operations”) up to 31 May 2020. Consequently, the 2018 consolidated results have been restated as if the classification had been applied as of 1 January 2018 to exclude the results of the Australian operations. The transaction closed on 1 June 2020.

The financial information for 2018 included in this Form 20-F has been restated to reflect the classification of the Australian operations as discontinued operations, the impact of adoption of IFRS 16 under the full retrospective application and the segment changes referenced above.

On 30 March 2018, we completed the 50:50 merger of AB InBev’s and Anadolu Efes Biracilik ve Malt Sanayii AŞ’s (“Anadolu Efes”) existing Russia and Ukraine businesses. Following the closing of this transaction, the operations of AB InBev and Anadolu Efes in Russia and Ukraine are combined under AB InBev Efes (“AB InBev Efes”). The combined business is fully consolidated in the Anadolu Efes financial accounts. As a result of the transaction, we stopped consolidating our Russia and Ukraine businesses and account for our investment in AB InBev Efes under the equity method.



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See “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—B. Significant Accounting Policies—Summary of Changes in Accounting Policies” for further information on how our accounting policies changed in 2020.


Market information (including market share, market position and industry data for our operating activities and those of our subsidiaries or of companies acquired by us) or other statements presented in this Form 20-F regarding our position (or that of companies acquired by us) relative to our competitors largely reflect the best estimates of our management. These estimates are based upon information obtained from customers, trade or business organizations and associations, other contacts within the industries in which we operate and, in some cases, upon published statistical data or information from independent third parties. Except as otherwise stated, our market share data, as well as our management’s assessment of our comparative competitive position, has been derived by comparing our sales figures for the relevant period to our management’s estimates of our competitors’ sales figures for such period, as well as upon published statistical data and information from independent third parties, and, in particular, the reports published and the information made available by, among others, the local brewers’ associations and the national statistics bureaus in the various countries in which we sell our products. The principal sources generally used include IRI, Plato Logic Limited and AC Nielsen. You should not rely on the market share and other market information presented herein as precise measures of market share or of other actual conditions.


There are statements in this Form 20-F, such as statements that include the words or phrases “will likely result,” “are expected to,” “will continue,” “is anticipated,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “project,” “may,” “might,” “could,” “believe,” “expect,” “plan,” “potential,” “we aim,” “our goal,” “our vision,” “we intend” or similar expressions that are forward-looking statements. These statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those suggested by these statements due to, among others, the risks or uncertainties listed below. See also “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors” for further discussion of risks and uncertainties that could impact our business.

These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. Rather, they are based on current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside our control and are difficult to predict, that may cause actual results or developments to differ materially from any future results or developments expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated by the forward-looking statements include, among others:



the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and uncertainties about its impact and duration;



local, regional, national and international economic conditions, including the risks of a global recession or a recession in one or more of our key markets, and the impact they may have on us and our customers and our assessment of that impact;



financial risks, such as interest rate risk, foreign exchange rate risk (in particular as against the U.S. dollar, our reporting currency), commodity risk, asset price risk, equity market risk, counterparty risk, sovereign risk, liquidity risk, inflation or deflation, including inability to achieve our optimal net debt level;



continued geopolitical instability, which may result in, among other things, economic and political sanctions and currency exchange rate volatility, and which may have a substantial impact on the economies of one or more of our key markets;



changes in government policies and currency controls;



Table of Contents

continued availability of financing and our ability to achieve our targeted coverage and debt levels and terms, including the risk of constraints on financing in the event of a credit rating downgrade;



the monetary and interest rate policies of central banks, in particular the European Central Bank, the Board of Governors of the U.S. Federal Reserve System, the Bank of England, Banco Central do Brasil, Banco Central de la República Argentina, the Central Bank of China, the South African Reserve Bank, Banco de la República in Colombia, the Bank of Mexico and other central banks;



changes in applicable laws, regulations and taxes in jurisdictions in which we operate, including the laws and regulations governing our operations and changes to tax benefit programs, as well as actions or decisions of courts and regulators;



limitations on our ability to contain costs and expenses;



our expectations with respect to expansion plans, premium growth, accretion to reported earnings, working capital improvements and investment income or cash flow projections;



our ability to continue to introduce competitive new products and services on a timely, cost-effective basis;



the effects of competition and consolidation in the markets in which we operate, which may be influenced by regulation, deregulation or enforcement policies;



changes in consumer spending;



changes in pricing environments;



volatility in the prices of raw materials, commodities and energy;



difficulties in maintaining relationships with employees;



regional or general changes in asset valuations;



greater than expected costs (including taxes) and expenses;



the risk of unexpected consequences resulting from acquisitions, joint ventures, strategic alliances, corporate reorganizations or divestiture plans, and our ability to successfully and cost-effectively implement these transactions and integrate the operations of businesses or other assets we have acquired;



the outcome of pending and future litigation, investigations and governmental proceedings;



natural and other disasters, including widespread health emergencies, cyberattacks and military conflict and political instability;



any inability to economically hedge certain risks;



inadequate impairment provisions and loss reserves;



technological changes, threats to cybersecurity and the risk of loss or misuse of personal data;



other statements included in this annual report that are not historical; and



our success in managing the risks involved in the foregoing



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Many of these risks and uncertainties are, and will be, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and any worsening of the global business and economic environment as a result. Our statements regarding financial risks, including interest rate risk, foreign exchange rate risk, commodity risk, asset price risk, equity market risk, counterparty risk, sovereign risk, inflation and deflation, are subject to uncertainty. For example, certain market and financial risk disclosures are dependent on choices about key model characteristics and assumptions and are subject to various limitations. By their nature, certain of the market or financial risk disclosures are only estimates and, as a result, actual future gains and losses could differ materially from those that have been estimated.

We caution that the forward-looking statements in this Form 20-F are further qualified by the risk factors disclosed in “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors” that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Subject to our obligations under Belgian and U.S. law in relation to disclosure and ongoing information, we undertake no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.



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Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.





Not applicable.


Not applicable.





The selected historical financial information presented below as of 31 December 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016, and for the five years ended 31 December 2020, has been derived from our audited consolidated financial statements, which were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board, and in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union (“IFRS”). Our financial statements presentation and reporting currency is the U.S. dollar. Unless otherwise specified, all financial information included in this Form 20-F has been stated in U.S. dollars.

The selected historical financial information presented in the tables below should be read in conjunction with, and is qualified in its entirety by reference to, our audited consolidated financial statements and the accompanying notes. The audited consolidated financial statements and the accompanying notes as of 31 December 2020 and 2019 and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 have been included in this Form 20-F.


     2020      2019      2018      2017      2016  
     (USD Million)  

Income Statement Data



     46,881        52,329        53,041        54,859        45,517  

Profit from operations

     9,620        16,098        16,414        16,460        12,882  

Profit from continuing operations

     147        9,990        5,157        8,606        2,721  

Profit of the period

     2,202        10,414        5,688        9,166        2,769  

Profit attributable to our equity holders

     1,405        9,171        4,370        7,990        1,241  

Weighted average number of Ordinary and Restricted Shares (million shares)(2)

     1,998        1,984        1,975        1,971        1,717  



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     2020     2019      2018      2017      2016  
     (USD Million)  

Diluted weighted average number of Ordinary and Restricted Shares (million shares)(3)

     2,037       2,026        2,011        2,010        1,755  

Basic earnings per share (USD)(4)

     0.70       4.62        2.21        4.05        0.72  

Basic earnings per share from continuing operations (USD)(4)

     (0.33     4.41        1.94        3.77        0.69  

Diluted earnings per share (USD)(5)

     0.69       4.53        2.17        3.98        0.71  

Dividends per share (USD)

     0.61       2.02        2.05        4.33        3.85  

Dividends per share (EUR)

     0.50       1.30        1.80        3.60        3.60  

Financial Position Data


Total assets

     226,410       236,648        233,868        248,208        258,381  


     78,351       84,553        71,889        80,200        81,425  

Equity attributable to our equity holders

     68,024       75,722        64,485        72,576        71,339  

Issued capital

     1,736       1,736        1,736        1,736        1,736  

Other Data


Volumes (million hectoliters)

     531       561        560        605        500  





Turnover less excise taxes and discounts. In many jurisdictions, excise taxes make up a large proportion of the cost of beer charged to our customers (see “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—A. Key Factors Affecting Results of Operations—Excise Taxes”).


Weighted average number of Ordinary and Restricted Shares means, for any period, the number of shares outstanding at the beginning of the period, adjusted by the number of shares canceled, repurchased or issued during the period, including deferred share instruments and stock lending, multiplied by a time-weighting factor.


Diluted weighted average number of Ordinary and Restricted Shares means the weighted average number of Ordinary and Restricted Shares, adjusted by the effect of share options and restricted stock units issued.


Earnings per share means, for any period, profit attributable to our equity holders for the period divided by the weighted average number of Ordinary and Restricted Shares.


Diluted earnings per share means, for any period, profit attributable to our equity holders for the period divided by the diluted weighted average number of Ordinary and Restricted Shares.


Following the combination with SAB, we consolidated SAB and report results and volumes of the retained SAB operations as of the fourth quarter of 2016. For more information on the combination with SAB, see “Item 4. Information on the Company—A. History and Development of the Company.”


The financial information for 2018 is presented under IFRS 9 Financial Instruments and IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers, which was adopted by us with effect on 1 January 2018 in accordance with the modified retrospective application. For more information on changes in accounting policies, see “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—B. Significant Accounting Policies.”


The financial information for 2018 and 2017 has been restated to reflect the impact of adoption of IFRS 16 Leases on 1 January 2019 in accordance with the full retrospective application and the classification of the Australian operations as discontinued operations. The financial information for 2016 has not been restated to reflect these changes. For more information on changes in accounting policies, see “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—B. Significant Accounting Policies.”


Not applicable.


Not applicable.



Table of Contents


Investing in our shares involves risk. We expect to be exposed to some or all of the risks described below in our future operations. Such risks include, but are not limited to, the risk factors described below. Any of the risk factors described below, as well as additional risks of which we are not currently aware, could also affect our business operations and have a material adverse effect on our business activities, financial condition, results of operations and prospects and cause the value of our shares to decline. Moreover, if and to the extent that any of the risks described below materialize, they may occur in combination with other risks which would compound the adverse effect of such risks on our business activities, financial condition, results of operations and prospects. Investors in our shares and American Depositary Shares (“ADSs”) could lose all or part of their investment.

You should carefully consider the following information in conjunction with the other information contained or incorporated by reference in this document. The sequence in which the risk factors are presented below is not indicative of their likelihood of occurrence or of the potential magnitude of their financial consequences.


Risks relating to us and our activities



Financial Risks



Our business, financial condition, cash flows and operating results have been and may continue to be negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.



We are exposed to the risks of an economic recession, credit and capital markets volatility and economic and financial crisis (including as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic), which could adversely affect the demand for our products and adversely affect the market price of our Ordinary Shares and ADSs.



Fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates may lead to volatility in our results of operations.



We may not be able to obtain the necessary funding for our future needs and may face financial risks due to our level of debt, uncertain market conditions and potential downgrading of our credit ratings.



Our results could be negatively affected by increasing interest rates or by the future discontinuance of certain interest rate benchmarks.



The ability of our subsidiaries to distribute cash upstream may be subject to various limitations.



Risks relating to our business activities and industry



Changes in the availability or price of raw materials, commodities, energy and water could have an adverse effect on our results of operations.



Certain of our operations depend on independent distributors or wholesalers to sell our products, and we may be unable to replace distributors or acquire interests in wholesalers or distributors. In addition, we may be adversely impacted by the consolidation of retailers.



We rely on key third parties, including key suppliers, and the termination or modification of the arrangements with such third parties could negatively affect our business.



Risks relating to our corporate structure, acquisitions and investments



We may be unable to influence our associates in which we have minority investments.



We may have a conflict of interest with our majority-owned subsidiaries and we may not be able to resolve such conflict on terms favorable to us.



We may be unsuccessful in identifying suitable acquisition targets or business partners or implementing our acquisitions, divestitures, investments or alliances, which may negatively impact our growth strategy.



An inability to reduce costs could affect our profitability.



Our failure to satisfy our obligations under the SAB settlement agreement could adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.



Market Risks



We are exposed to developing market risks, including risks of devaluation, nationalization and inflation.



Competition and changing consumer preferences could adversely affect our profitability.



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Legal and Regulatory Risks



If any of our products is defective or found to contain contaminants, we may be subject to product recalls or other associated liabilities.



Negative publicity, perceived health risks, failure to provide safe working environments and associated government regulation may harm our business.



We could incur significant costs as a result of compliance with, and/or violations of or liabilities under, various regulations that govern our operations.



We are exposed to the risk of litigation, claims and disputes, which may cause us to pay significant damage awards and incur other costs.



We may be subject to adverse changes in taxation and other tax-related risks.



We are exposed to antitrust and competition laws in certain jurisdictions and the risk of changes in such laws or in the interpretation and enforcement of existing antitrust and competition laws. In addition, in connection with our previous acquisitions, various regulatory authorities have previously imposed conditions with which we are required to comply.



If we do not successfully comply with applicable anti-corruption laws, export control regulations and trade restrictions, we could become subject to regulatory sanctions and adverse press coverage.



Our subsidiary Ambev operates a joint venture in Cuba, in which the Government of Cuba is its joint venture partner. Cuba remains subject to comprehensive economic and trade sanctions by the United States and Ambev’s operations in Cuba may adversely affect our reputation and the liquidity and value of our securities.



The audit report included in this annual report is prepared by an auditor who is not inspected by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board and, as such, you may be deprived of the benefits of such inspection.



Brand and Intellectual Property Risks



We rely on the reputation of our brands and our marketing efforts may be restricted by regulations.



We may not be able to protect our intellectual property rights, and our ability to compete effectively may be harmed if our intellectual property rights are infringed by third parties.



An impairment of goodwill or other intangible assets would adversely affect our financial condition.



Other risks related to our business



Climate change or other environmental concerns, or legal, regulatory or market measures to address climate change or other environmental concerns, may negatively affect our business or operations.



We are exposed to labor strikes and disputes that could lead to a negative impact on our costs and production level.



Information technology failures could damage our reputation and we could suffer a loss of revenue, incur substantial additional costs and become subject to litigation and regulatory scrutiny.



If we fail to comply with personal data protection laws, we could be subject to adverse publicity, government enforcement actions and/or private litigation, which could negatively affect our business.



General Risks



We may not be able to recruit or retain key personnel.



Natural and other disasters could disrupt our operations.



Our insurance coverage may not be sufficient.

Risks Related to Our Ordinary Shares and American Depositary Shares



The market price of our Ordinary Shares and ADSs may be volatile.



Our largest shareholder may use its significant interest to take actions not supported by our other shareholders.



We may be unable to pay dividends.



Fluctuations in the exchange rate between the euro, the South African rand, the Mexican peso and the U.S. dollar may increase the risk of holding our ADSs and Ordinary Shares.



Future equity issuances may dilute the holdings of current shareholders or ADS holders and could materially affect the market price of our Ordinary Shares or ADSs.



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Investors may suffer dilution if they are not able to participate in equity offerings, and our ADS holders may not receive any value for rights that we may grant.



ADS holders may not be able to exercise their right to vote the shares underlying our ADSs



ADS holders may be subject to limitations on the transfer of their ADSs or the withdrawal of the underlying Ordinary Shares from the deposit facility.



Shareholders may not enjoy under Belgian corporate law and our articles of association certain of the rights and protections generally afforded to shareholders of U.S. companies.



As a “foreign private issuer” in the United States, we are exempt from a number of rules under U.S. securities laws and are permitted to file less information with the SEC.



It may be difficult for investors outside Belgium to serve process on or enforce foreign judgments against us.

Risks relating to us and our activities



Financial Risks

Our business, financial condition, cash flows and operating results have been and may continue to be negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our business, financial condition, cash flows and operating results have been and may continue to be negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The public health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as measures taken in response to contain or mitigate the pandemic, have had, and we expect will continue to have, certain negative impacts on our business including, without limitation, the following:



We have experienced disruptions to our ability to operate our production facilities in some countries, and in the future, we may experience further disruption to our ability to operate our production facilities or distribution operations as a result of regulatory restrictions, safety protocols, social distancing requirements and heightened sanitation measures. In addition, although at this time we have not experienced    any material disruption to our supply chain, we may experience delays in deliveries of key supplies or disruptions to our distribution operations. Any sustained interruption in our operations or our business partners’ operations, distribution network or supply chain, or any significant continuous shortage of raw materials or other supplies could impact our ability to make, manufacture, distribute or sell our products or may result in an increase in our costs of production and distribution.



Sales of our products in the on-premise channel have been significantly impacted by the implementation of social distancing and lockdown measures in most of our markets, including the closure of bars, clubs and restaurants and restrictions on sporting events, music festivals and similar events. Although sales in the on-premise channel have begun to improve as a result of the easing of social distancing and lockdown measures in many of these markets, such improvements may be impacted by the implementation of restrictions in certain markets. Any future outbreak or recurrence of COVID-19 cases in other markets that are currently in the process of easing social distancing and lock down measures may similarly result in the re-implementation of such measures and a further negative impact on our sales. Furthermore, if the COVID-19 pandemic intensifies and expands geographically or in duration, its negative impacts on our sales could be more prolonged and may become more severe. While we have experienced increased sales in the off-premise channel in certain markets since the outbreak, such increased volumes may not continue in the longer term and may not offset the pressure we are experiencing in the on-premise channel.



Consumption of beer and other alcohol and non-alcohol beverages in many of the jurisdictions in which we operate is closely linked to general economic conditions, with levels of consumption tending to rise during periods of rising per capita income and fall during periods of declining per capita income. Deteriorating economic and political conditions in many of our major markets affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, such as increased unemployment, decreases in disposable income, declines in consumer confidence, or economic slowdowns or recessions, could cause a further decrease in demand for our products. Furthermore, even as governmental restrictions are lifted and economies gradually reopen in many of our major markets, the ongoing economic impacts and health concerns associated with the COVID-19 pandemic may continue to affect consumer behavior, spending levels and consumption preferences



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The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global economic conditions has impacted and may continue to impact the proper functioning of financial and capital markets, as well as foreign currency exchange rates, commodity and energy prices and interest rates. A continuation or worsening of the levels of market disruption and volatility seen in the recent past could have an adverse effect on our ability to access, or costs of, capital or borrowings, our business, our liquidity, our net debt to EBITDA ratio, credit ratings, results of operations and financial condition.



Compliance with governmental measures imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has caused and may continue to cause us to incur additional costs, and any inability to comply with such measures can subject us to restrictions on our business activities, fines, and other penalties, any of which can adversely affect our business. In addition, responses to the COVID-19 pandemic may result in both short-term and long-term changes to fiscal and tax policies in impacted jurisdictions, including increases in tax rates.

Any of the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, including those described above, alone or in combination with others, may have a material adverse effect on our results of operations, financial condition and cash flows. The full extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic will negatively affect our business, financial condition, cash flows and operating results will depend on future developments that are highly uncertain and cannot be predicted, including the scope and duration of the pandemic and actions taken by governmental authorities and other third parties in response to the pandemic.

We are exposed to the risks of an economic recession, credit and capital markets volatility and economic and financial crisis (including as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic), which could adversely affect the demand for our products and adversely affect the market price of our Ordinary Shares and ADSs.

We are exposed to the risk of a global recession or a recession in one or more of our key markets, credit and capital markets volatility and an economic or financial crisis, or otherwise, which could result in reduced consumption or sales prices of our products, which in turn could result in lower revenue and reduced profit. Our financial condition and results of operations, as well as our future prospects, would likely be hindered by an economic downturn in any of our key markets.

Consumption of beer and other alcohol and non-alcohol beverages in many of the jurisdictions in which we operate is closely linked to general economic conditions, with levels of consumption tending to rise during periods of rising per capita income and fall during periods of declining per capita income. Additionally, per capita consumption is inversely related to the sale price of our products.

Besides moving in concert with changes in per capita income, beer and other alcoholic beverage consumption also increases or decreases in accordance with changes in disposable income.

Currently, disposable income is low in many of the developing countries in which we operate compared to disposable income in more developed countries. Any decrease in disposable income resulting from an increase in inflation, income taxes, the cost of living, unemployment levels, political or economic instability or other factors would likely adversely affect the demand for beer. Moreover, because a relevant portion of our brand portfolio consists of premium and core beers, our volumes and revenue may be impacted to a greater degree than those of some of our competitors, as some consumers may choose to purchase value or discount brands rather than premium or core brands. For additional information on the categorization of the beer market and our positioning, see “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—2. Principal Activities and Products—Beer.”



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Capital and credit market volatility, such as that experienced in recent years, may result in downward pressure on stock prices and the credit capacity of issuers. Potential changes in social, political, regulatory and economic conditions in the U.S. and the European Union, including as a result of the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union and changes in policies governing foreign trade and imports, may be significant drivers of capital and credit market volatility. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in significant financial market volatility and uncertainty. A continuation or worsening of the levels of market disruption and volatility seen in the recent past could have an adverse effect on our ability to access capital, on our business, results of operations and financial condition, and on the market price of our Ordinary Shares and our ADSs.

Fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates may lead to volatility in our results of operations.

Although we report our consolidated results in U.S. dollars, in 2020, we derived 68.1% of our revenue from operating companies that have non-U.S. dollar functional currencies (in most cases, in the local currency of the respective operating company). Consequently, any change in exchange rates between our operating companies’ functional currencies and the U.S. dollar will affect our consolidated income statement and balance sheet when the results of those operating companies are translated into U.S. dollars for our reporting purposes, as we cannot hedge against translational exposures. Decreases in the value of our operating companies’ functional currencies against the U.S. dollar will tend to reduce those operating companies’ contributions in dollar terms to our financial condition and results of operations.

During 2020, several currencies, such as the Brazilian real, the Colombian peso, the Mexican peso, the Peruvian sol and the South African rand, depreciated against the U.S. dollar while the Euro strengthened against the U.S. dollar. Our total consolidated revenue was USD 46.9 billion for the year ended 31 December 2020, a decrease of USD 5.4 billion compared to the year ended 31 December 2019. The negative impact of unfavorable currency translation effects, including hyperinflation accounting impact, on our consolidated revenue in the year ended 31 December 2020 was USD 3.4 billion, primarily as a result of the impact of the currencies listed above.

Following the categorization of Argentina as a country with a three-year cumulative inflation rate greater than 100%, the country is considered as a hyperinflationary economy in accordance with IFRS rules (IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies), requiring us to restate the results of our operations for the years ended 31 December 2020 and 2019 in hyperinflationary economies for the change in the general purchasing power of the local currency, using official indices before converting the local amounts at the closing rate of the period. If the economic or political situation in Argentina further deteriorates, our Latin America South operations may be subject to restrictions under new Argentinean foreign exchange, export repatriation or expropriation regimes that could adversely affect our liquidity and operations, and our ability to access funds from Argentina. See “—We are exposed to developing market risks, including the risks of devaluation, nationalization and inflation” and “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—A. Key Factors Affecting Results of Operations—Foreign Currency.”

Significant changes in the value of foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar could adversely affect the amounts we record for our foreign assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses, and could have a negative effect on our results of operations and profitability. See “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—E. Results of Operations—Year Ended 31 December 2020 Compared to the Year Ended 31 December 2019” for further details on the impact of currency translation effects on our results of operations.

In addition to currency translation risk, we incur currency transaction risks whenever one of our operating companies enters into transactions using currencies other than its respective functional currency, including purchase or sale transactions and the issuance or incurrence of debt. Although we have hedging policies in place to manage commodity price and foreign currency risks to protect our exposure to currencies other than our operating companies’ functional currencies, there can be no assurance that such policies will be able to successfully hedge against the effects of such foreign exchange exposure.

Much of our debt is denominated in U.S. dollars, while a significant portion of our cash flows is denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar. From time to time we enter into financial instruments to mitigate currency risk, but these transactions and any other efforts taken to better match the effective currencies of our liabilities to our cash flows could result in increased costs. See “Item 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk—Market Risk, Hedging and Financial Instruments,” note 29 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020, for further details on our approach to hedging commodity price and foreign currency risk.



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We may not be able to obtain the necessary funding for our future capital or refinancing needs and may face financial risks due to our level of debt, uncertain market conditions and as a result of the potential downgrading of our credit ratings.

We may be required to raise additional funds for our future capital needs or to refinance our current indebtedness and future indebtedness through public or private financing, strategic relationships or other arrangements. There can be no assurance that the funding, if needed, will be available or provided on attractive terms.

Following the combination with SAB, the portion of our consolidated balance sheet represented by debt is significantly higher as compared to our historical position and we expect it to remain so for some time. To fund the combination with SAB, we entered into, among others, the following transactions:



in January 2016, our subsidiary Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc. (“ABIFI”) issued bonds in debt capital markets offerings resulting in aggregate net proceeds of approximately USD 47.0 billion; and



in March 2016, we issued bonds in a debt capital markets offering under our Euro Medium-Term Notes Programme (“EMTN Programme”) resulting in aggregate net proceeds of approximately EUR 13.1 billion.

Since the combination with SAB we have undertaken further debt issuance and debt liability management exercises; see “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—G. Liquidity and Capital Resources—Funding Sources—Borrowings” for more information on our financing activities.

Our continued increased level of debt could have significant consequences, including:



increasing our vulnerability to general adverse economic and industry conditions;



limiting our ability to fund future working capital and capital expenditures, to engage in future acquisitions or development activities or to otherwise realize the value of our assets and opportunities fully;



limiting our flexibility in planning for, or reacting to, changes in our business and the industry in which we operate;



impairing our ability to obtain additional financing in the future, or requiring us to obtain financing involving restrictive covenants;



requiring us to issue additional equity (possibly under unfavorable conditions), which could dilute our existing shareholders’ equity; and



placing us at a competitive disadvantage compared to our competitors that have less debt.

In addition, ratings agencies may downgrade our credit ratings below their current levels, including as a result of the incurrence of financial indebtedness related to the combination with SAB. In October 2018, Moody’s Investors Service placed AB InBev’s A3 senior unsecured ratings on review to downgrade, citing downward rating pressure due to high financial leverage and our slow path to deleveraging following the October 2016 acquisition of SAB. In December 2018, Moody’s Investors Service concluded its ratings review and assigned a definitive rating of Baa1 (stable outlook) to AB InBev’s long-term debt obligations. As of the date of this Form 20-F, our credit rating from Standard & Poor’s (“S&P”) Global Ratings was BBB+ for long-term obligations and A-2 for short-term obligations, with a negative outlook, and our credit rating from Moody’s Investors Service was Baa1 for long-term obligations and P-2 for short-term obligations, with a stable outlook. Any credit rating downgrade could materially adversely affect our ability to finance our ongoing operations and our ability to refinance the debt incurred to fund the combination with SAB, including by increasing our cost of borrowing and significantly harming our financial condition, results of operations and profitability, including our ability to refinance our other existing indebtedness.



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In recent years, we have given priority, among other things, to deleveraging, with surplus free cash flow being used to reduce the level of outstanding debt. In light of the increased debt we assumed in connection with the combination with SAB, deleveraging remains a priority and may restrict the amount of dividends we are able to pay.

Our ability to repay and renegotiate our outstanding indebtedness will depend upon market conditions. In recent years, the global credit markets experienced significant price volatility, dislocations and liquidity disruptions that caused the cost of debt financings to fluctuate considerably. The markets also put downward pressure on stock prices and credit capacity for certain issuers without regard to those issuers’ underlying financial strength.

Reflecting concern about the stability of the financial markets generally and the strength of counterparties, many lenders and institutional investors reduced and, in some cases, ceased to provide funding to borrowers. If such uncertain conditions persist, our costs could increase beyond what is anticipated. Such costs could have a material adverse impact on our cash flows, results of operations or both. In addition, an inability to refinance all or a substantial amount of our debt obligations when they become due, or more generally a failure to raise additional equity capital or debt financing or to realize proceeds from asset sales when needed, would have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations.

Our results could be negatively affected by increasing interest rates or by the future discontinuance of certain interest rate benchmarks.

We use issuances of debt and bank borrowings as a source of funding and we carry a significant level of debt. Nevertheless, pursuant to our capital structure policy, we aim to optimize shareholder value through cash flow distribution to us from our subsidiaries, while maintaining an investment-grade rating and minimizing cash and investments with a return below our weighted average cost of capital. There can be no assurance that we will be able to pursue a similar capital structure policy in the future.

Some of the debt we have issued or incurred was issued or incurred at variable interest rates, which exposes us to changes in such interest rates. As of 31 December 2020, after certain hedging and fair value adjustments, USD 6.5 billion, or 6.6%, of our interest-bearing financial liabilities (which include loans, borrowings and bank overdrafts) bore a variable interest rate, while USD 92.1 billion, or 93.4%, bore a fixed interest rate. Moreover, a significant part of our external debt is denominated in non-U.S. dollar currencies, including the Brazilian real, the Canadian dollar, the euro, the pound sterling and the South Korean won. Although we enter into interest rate swap agreements to manage our interest rate risk, and also enter into cross-currency interest rate swap agreements to manage both our foreign currency risk and interest-rate risk on interest-bearing financial liabilities, there can be no assurance that such instruments will be successful in reducing the risks inherent in exposures to interest rate fluctuations. See “Item 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk—Market Risk, Hedging and Financial Instruments,” note 29 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 for further details on our approach, currency and interest rate risk.

In addition, our variable rate indebtedness and interest rate swap agreements may use the London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”), the Euro Interbank Offered Rate (“EURIBOR”), or other benchmarks as a reference for establishing the interest rate. The United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) has confirmed the end of 2021 deadline for transitioning away from LIBOR for most currencies. The FCA has announced that one week and two month USD LIBOR settings will cease by the end of 2021 and the remaining USD LIBOR settings will cease by the end of June 2023. Separately, the euro risk free-rate working group for the euro area has published a set of guiding principles and high level recommendations for fallback provisions in, amongst other things, new euro denominated cash products (including bonds) referencing EURIBOR. The guiding principles indicate, among other things, that continuing to reference EURIBOR in relevant contracts (without robust fallback provisions) may increase the risk to the euro area financial system.

At this time, it is not possible to predict the effect of any establishment of alternative reference rates or any other reforms to LIBOR and EURIBOR. Uncertainty as to the nature of such alternative reference rates or other reforms may adversely affect the trading market for LIBOR-linked securities. The elimination of benchmarks, such as LIBOR, the establishment of alternative reference rates or changes in the manner of administration of a benchmark could also require adjustments to the terms of our benchmark-linked securities, and may result in other consequences such as market volatility or disruption and an increase in the cost of our variable rate indebtedness.



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The ability of our subsidiaries to distribute cash upstream may be subject to various conditions and limitations.

To a large extent, we are organized as a holding company and our operations are carried out through subsidiaries. Our domestic and foreign subsidiaries’ and affiliated companies’ ability to upstream or distribute cash (to be used, among other things, to meet our financial obligations) through dividends, intercompany advances, management fees and other payments is, to a large extent, dependent on the availability of cash flows at the level of such domestic and foreign subsidiaries and affiliated companies, and may be restricted by applicable laws and accounting principles. In particular, 24.3% (USD 11.4 billion) of our total revenue of USD 46.9 billion in 2020 came from our Brazilian listed subsidiary, Ambev, which is not wholly owned and is listed on the São Paulo Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. Furthermore, 11.9% (USD 5.6 billion) of our total revenue of USD 46.9 billion in 2020 came from our Asia Pacific listed subsidiary, Budweiser Brewing Company APAC Limited (“Budweiser APAC”), which, since September 2019, is not wholly owned and is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In addition to the above, some of our subsidiaries are subject to laws restricting their ability to pay dividends or the amount of dividends they may pay. If we are not able to obtain sufficient cash flows from our domestic and foreign subsidiaries and affiliated companies, this could adversely impact our ability to pay dividends, and otherwise negatively impact our business, results of operations and financial condition. See “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—G. Liquidity and Capital Resources—Transfers from Subsidiaries” for further information in this respect.



Risks relating to our business activities and industry

Changes in the availability or price of raw materials, commodities, energy and water, including as a result of unexpected increases in tariffs on such raw materials and commodities, like aluminum, could have an adverse effect on our results of operations.

A significant portion of our operating expenses is related to raw materials and commodities, such as malted barley, wheat, corn grits, corn syrup, rice, hops, yeast, flavored concentrate, fruit concentrate, sugar, sweetener, water, glass, polyethylene terephthalate (“PET”) and aluminum bottles, aluminum or steel cans and kegs, aluminum can stock, labels, plastic crates, metal and plastic closures, folding cartons, cardboard products and plastic films.

The supply and price of raw materials and commodities used for the production of our products can be affected by a number of factors beyond our control, including the level of crop production around the world, export demand, quality and availability of supply, speculative movements in the raw materials or commodities markets, currency fluctuations, governmental regulations and legislation affecting agriculture, trade agreements among producing and consuming nations, adverse weather conditions, natural disasters, economic factors affecting growth decisions, political developments, various plant diseases and pests.

We cannot predict future availability or prices of the raw materials or commodities required for our products. The markets in certain raw materials or commodities have experienced and may in the future experience shortages and significant price fluctuations, including as a result of unexpected increases in tariffs on such raw materials and commodities like aluminum. The foregoing may affect the price and availability of ingredients that we use to manufacture our products, as well as the cans and bottles in which our products are packaged. We may not be able to increase our prices to offset these increased costs or increase our prices without suffering reduced volume, revenue and operating income. To some extent, derivative financial instruments and the terms of supply agreements can protect against increases in materials and commodities costs in the short term. However, derivatives and supply agreements expire and upon expiry are subject to renegotiation and therefore cannot provide complete protection over the medium or longer term. To the extent we fail to adequately manage the risks inherent in such volatility, including if our hedging and derivative arrangements do not effectively or completely hedge against changes in commodity prices, our results of operations may be adversely impacted. In addition, it is possible that the hedging and derivative instruments we use to establish the purchase price for commodities in advance of the time of delivery may lock us into prices that are ultimately higher than actual market prices at the time of delivery. See “Item 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk—Market Risk, Hedging and Financial Instruments” for further details on our approach to hedging commodity price risk.



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The production and distribution of our products require material amounts of energy, including the consumption of oil-based products, natural gas, biomass, coal and electricity. Energy prices have been subject to significant price volatility in the recent past and may be again in the future. High energy prices over an extended period of time, as well as changes in energy taxation and regulation in certain geographies, may result in a negative effect on operating income and could potentially challenge our profitability in certain markets. There is no guarantee that we will be able to pass along increased energy costs to our customers in every case.

The production of our products also requires large amounts of water, including water consumption in the agricultural supply chain. Changes in precipitation patterns and the frequency of extreme weather events may affect our water supply and, as a result, our physical operations. Water may also be subject to price increases in certain areas and changes in water taxation and regulation in certain geographies may result in a negative effect on operating income which could potentially challenge our profitability in certain markets. There is no guarantee that we will be able to pass along increased water costs to our customers in every case. See “—Climate change or other environmental concerns, or legal, regulatory or market measures to address climate change or other environmental concerns, may negatively affect our business or operations, including the availability of key production inputs.”

Certain of our operations depend on independent distributors or wholesalers to sell our products, and we may be unable to replace distributors or acquire interests in wholesalers or distributors. In addition, we may be adversely impacted by the consolidation of retailers.

Certain of our operations are dependent on effective distribution networks to deliver our products to consumers, and distributors play an important role in distributing a significant proportion of beer and other beverages. Generally, distributors purchase our products from us and then on-sell them either to other distributors or points of sale. Such distributors are either government-controlled or privately owned but independent wholesale distributors for distribution of our products. See “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—7. Distribution of Products” and “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—11. Regulations Affecting Our Business” for further information in this respect. There can be no assurance as to the financial affairs of such distributors or that these distributors, who often act both for us and our competitors, will not give our competitors’ products higher priority, thereby reducing their efforts to sell our products.

In the United States, for instance, we sell the vast majority of our beer to independent wholesalers for distribution to retailers and ultimately consumers. As independent companies, wholesalers make their own business decisions that may not always align themselves with our interests. If our wholesalers do not effectively distribute our products, our financial results could be adversely affected.

In addition, contractual restrictions and the regulatory environment of many markets may make it very difficult to change distributors and, in some markets, we may be prevented from acquiring interests in wholesalers or distributors (for example, see “—Our failure to satisfy our obligations under the SAB settlement agreement could adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.”). In certain cases, poor performance by a distributor or wholesaler is not a sufficient reason for replacement. Such distributors could engage in practices that harm our reputation as consumers look to us for the quality and availability of our products. Our consequent inability to replace unproductive or inefficient distributors could adversely impact our business, results of operations and financial condition.

Moreover, the retail industry, particularly in Europe, North America and other countries in which we operate, continues to consolidate, resulting in larger retailers with increased purchasing power, which may affect our competitiveness in these markets. Larger retailers may seek to improve their profitability and sales by asking for lower prices or increased trade spending. The efforts of retailers could result in reduced profitability for the beer industry as a whole and indirectly adversely affect our financial results.

We rely on key third parties, including key suppliers, and the termination or modification of the arrangements with such third parties could negatively affect our business.

We rely on third-party suppliers for a range of raw materials for our beer and non-beer products, such as malted barley, corn grits, corn syrup, rice, hops, yeast, water, flavored concentrate, fruit concentrate, sugar and sweeteners, and for packaging material, such as glass, PET and aluminum bottles, aluminum or steel cans and kegs, labels, plastic crates, metal and plastic closures, folding cartons, cardboard products and plastic films.



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We seek to limit our exposure to market fluctuations in the supply of these raw materials by entering into medium- and long-term fixed-price arrangements. We have a limited number of suppliers of aluminum cans and glass bottles. Consolidation of the aluminum can industry and glass bottle industry in certain markets in which we operate has reduced local supply alternatives and increased the risk of disruption to aluminum can and glass bottle supplies. Although we generally have other suppliers of raw materials and packaging materials, the termination of or any material change to arrangements with certain key suppliers, disagreements with suppliers as to payment or other terms, or the failure of a key supplier to meet the contractual obligations it owes to us or otherwise deliver materials consistent with current usage would or may require us to make purchases from alternative suppliers, in each case at potentially higher prices or lower quality than those agreed with that supplier. Additionally, we may be subject to potential reputational damage if one of our suppliers violates applicable laws or regulations or our internal policies, or fails to meet certain quality standards. These factors could have a material impact on our production, distribution and sale of beer, other alcoholic beverages and soft drinks and have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, cash flows or financial condition.

A number of our key brand names are both licensed to third-party brewers and used by companies over which we do not have control. See “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—8. Licensing.” If we are unable to maintain such arrangements on favorable terms, this could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, cash flows or financial condition.

We monitor brewing quality to ensure our high standards, but, to the extent that one of these key licensed brand names is subject to negative publicity, it could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, cash flows or financial condition.

For certain packaging supplies and raw materials, we rely on a small number of important suppliers. In addition, certain of our subsidiaries may purchase nearly all of their key packaging materials from sole suppliers under multi-year contracts. The loss of or temporary discontinuity of supply from any of these suppliers without sufficient time to develop an alternative source could cause us to spend increased amounts on such supplies in the future. If these suppliers became unable to continue to meet our requirements, and we are unable to develop alternative sources of supply, our operations and financial results could be adversely affected.



Risks relating to our corporate structure, acquisitions and investments

We may be unable to influence our associates in which we have minority investments.

A portion of our global portfolio consists of associates in new or developing markets, including investments where we may have a lesser degree of control over the business operations. For example, through our investment in the beverage operations of Société des Brasseries et Glacières Internationales and B.I.H. Brasseries Internationales Holding Limited, we have exposure to a number of countries in Africa; through our investment in Anadolu Efes, we have exposure to Turkey and countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States; and through our investment in AB InBev Efes, we have exposure to Russia and Ukraine.

We face several challenges inherent to these various culturally and geographically diverse business interests. Although we work with our associates on the implementation of appropriate processes and controls, we also face additional risks and uncertainties with respect to these minority investments because we may be dependent on systems, controls and personnel that are not under our control, such as the risk that our associates may violate applicable laws and regulations, which could have an adverse effect on our business, reputation, results of operations and financial condition. For more information, see “—If we do not successfully comply with applicable anti-corruption laws, export control regulations and trade restrictions, we could become subject to fines, penalties or other regulatory sanctions, as well as to adverse press coverage, which could cause our reputation, our sales or our profitability to suffer.”



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We may have a conflict of interest with our majority-owned subsidiaries and we may not be able to resolve such conflict on terms favorable to us.

Conflicts of interest may arise between us and certain of our subsidiaries in various situations due to our status as parent company of such majority-owned subsidiaries and interests that may differ from ours. Notwithstanding policies and procedures to address the possibility of such conflicts of interest, we may not be able to resolve all such conflicts on terms favorable to us.

We have entered into various agreements with our subsidiaries. Notwithstanding the influence that we have over such subsidiaries, we may not be able to use it to prevent them from bringing a legal claim against us in the event of a contractual breach. As a result, our business, financial condition and results of operations could be materially and adversely affected.

Additionally, certain of our directors and/or our senior management may also be managers or senior officers in certain of our subsidiaries. Since our interests and the ones of the relevant subsidiaries are not necessarily always the same or wholly aligned, such dual mandates and other relationships with our subsidiaries or related parties may in the future result in conflicts of interest.

We may be unsuccessful in identifying suitable acquisition targets or business partners or implementing our acquisitions, divestitures, investments, joint ventures or alliances, which may negatively impact our growth strategy.

In the past, we have made acquisitions of, investments in and joint ventures and similar arrangements with other companies and businesses. Much of our growth in recent years is attributable to such transactions, including the combination with SAB in 2016, the combination of AB InBev and Grupo Modelo in 2013, the combination of InBev and Anheuser-Busch Companies in 2008 and the combination of Interbrew S.A. and Ambev in 2004.

We will need to identify suitable acquisition targets and agree on the terms with them if we are to make further acquisitions. Our size, contractual limitations to which we are subject and our position in the markets in which we operate may make it harder to identify suitable targets, including because it may be harder for us to obtain regulatory approval for future transactions. If appropriate opportunities do become available, we may seek to acquire or invest in other businesses; however, any future acquisition may pose regulatory, antitrust and other risks.

On 1 June 2020, we completed the sale of our Australia business (Carlton & United Breweries) to Asahi for AUD 16.0 billion, resulting in net proceeds of USD 10.8 billion.

In addition, after completion of any transaction in the future, we would be required to integrate the acquired companies, businesses or operations into our existing operations. There is a risk that such integration will not be successful or will involve greater costs or result in fewer synergies than expected. Such transactions may also involve the assumption of certain actual or potential, known or unknown liabilities, which may have a potential impact on our financial risk profile. These risks and limitations may limit our ability to implement our global strategy and our ability to achieve or maintain future business growth.

An inability to reduce costs could affect our profitability.

Our future success and earnings growth depend in part on our ability to be efficient in producing, advertising and selling our products and services. A number of our subsidiaries are in the process of executing cost-saving and efficiency programs and we are pursuing a number of initiatives to improve operational efficiency.

We are party to an agreement with Altria Group, Inc. (“Altria”), pursuant to which we provide assistance and cooperation to and give certain representations, indemnities and undertakings to Altria in relation to certain matters relevant to Altria under U.S. tax legislation (as amended from time to time, the “Tax Matters Agreement”). This agreement imposes some limits on our ability to effect certain reorganizations we might otherwise consider. See “Item 10. Additional Information—C. Material Contracts—Material Contracts Related to the Acquisition of SAB—Tax Matters Agreement” for more information.



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If we fail for any reason to successfully complete our cost-saving measures and programs as planned or to derive the expected benefits from these measures and programs, there is a risk of increased costs associated with these efforts, delays in benefit realization, disruption to the business, reputational damage or a reduced competitive advantage in the medium term. Failure to generate significant cost savings and margin improvement through these initiatives could adversely affect our profitability and our ability to achieve our financial goals.

Our failure to satisfy our obligations under the SAB settlement agreement could adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.

We entered into a consent decree with the U.S. Department of Justice in relation to the combination with SAB on 20 July 2016. As part of this consent decree, we agreed, among other things, (i) not to acquire control of a distributor if doing so would result in more than 10% of our U.S. annual volume being distributed through majority-owned distributorships in the U.S. and (ii) to notify the U.S. Department of Justice at least 30 days prior to the consummation of any acquisition of a beer brewer, importer, distributor or brand owner deriving more than USD 7.5 million in annual gross revenue from beer sold for further resale in the United States or from license fees generated by such sales, subject to certain exceptions. The consent decree was approved and entered by the U.S. federal district court in the District of Columbia on 22 October 2018. Unless the court grants an extension, the consent decree will expire on 20 July 2026 (ten (10) years after the U.S. Department of Justice filed its complaint); however, the consent decree may be terminated at any time after 22 October 2023 upon notice by the U.S. Department of Justice to the court that continuation of the consent decree is no longer necessary or in the public interest. Our compliance with our obligations under the settlement agreement is monitored by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Monitoring Trustee appointed by it. Were we to fail to fulfill our obligations under the settlement, whether intentionally or inadvertently, we could be subject to monetary fines or other penalties. Our obligations under the settlement agreement may also adversely impact our U.S. operations.

In other jurisdictions, we were required to make certain divestitures and to fulfill a number of other commitments as a condition to receiving regulatory clearance for the combination with SAB, and we are now in the process of fulfilling these commitments. For more information on commitments related to the combination with SAB, see “—We are exposed to antitrust and competition laws in certain jurisdictions and the risk of changes in such laws or in the interpretation and enforcement of existing antitrust and competition laws. In addition, in connection with our previous acquisitions, various regulatory authorities have previously imposed conditions with which we are required to comply.”



Market Risks

We are exposed to developing market risks, including the risks of devaluation, nationalization and inflation.

A substantial proportion of our operations are carried out in developing markets, representing approximately 55.2% of our 2020 revenue, which include Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, India, Mexico, Mozambique, Nigeria, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam and Zambia.

Our operations in these markets and equity investments in developing markets are subject to the customary risks of operating in developing countries, which include political instability or insurrection, human rights concerns, external interference, financial risks, changes in government policy, political and economic changes, changes in the relations between countries, actions of governmental authorities affecting trade and foreign investment, regulations on repatriation of funds, interpretation and application of local laws and regulations, enforceability of intellectual property and contract rights, local labor conditions and regulations, lack of upkeep of public infrastructure, potential political and economic uncertainty, application of exchange controls, nationalization or expropriation, empowerment legislation and policy, corrupt business environments, crime and lack of law enforcement. Such factors could affect our results by causing interruptions to our operations or by increasing the costs of operating in those countries or by limiting our ability to repatriate profits from those countries. The financial risks of operating in developing markets also include risks of illiquidity, inflation (for example, Brazil and Argentina have periodically experienced extremely high rates of inflation), devaluation (see “—Fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates may lead to volatility in our results of operations.”) (for example, the Brazilian, Argentine, Colombian, Peruvian, Turkish and several African currencies have been devalued frequently during the last several decades), price volatility, currency convertibility and country default.



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Continued deterioration of the Argentine economy, or new foreign exchange, export repatriation or expropriation regimes could adversely affect our liquidity and ability to access funds from Argentina, our financial condition and operating results. Further devaluations of the Argentine peso (or the functional currencies of other of our operations) in the future, if any, may also decrease our net assets in Argentina (and other of our operations), with a balancing entry in our equity. For further discussion of the risks imposed by hyperinflation in Argentina, see “—Fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates may lead to volatility in our results of operations.”

These various factors could adversely impact our business, results of operations and financial condition. Moreover, the economies of developing countries are often affected by developments in other developing market countries and, accordingly, adverse changes in developing markets elsewhere in the world could have a negative impact on the markets in which we operate. For example, any adverse economic developments in China may have a significant impact on economies elsewhere in the world. Due to our geographic mix, these factors could affect us more than our competitors with less exposure to developing markets, and any general decline in developing markets as a whole could impact us disproportionately compared to our competitors.

Competition and changing consumer preferences could lead to a reduction in our margins, increase costs and adversely affect our profitability.

We compete with both brewers and other drinks companies and our products compete with other beverages. Globally, brewers, as well as other players in the beverage industry, compete mainly on the basis of brand image, price, quality, distribution networks and customer service. Consolidation has significantly increased the capital base and geographic reach of our competitors in some of the markets in which we operate, and competition is expected to increase further as the trend towards consolidation among companies in the beverage industry continues.

Concurrently, competition in the beverage industry is expanding and the market is becoming more fragmented, complex and sophisticated as consumer preferences and tastes change. Such preferences can change rapidly and in unpredictable ways due to a variety of factors, including changes in prevailing economic conditions, changing social trends and attitudes regarding alcoholic beverages, changes in leisure activity patterns or negative publicity resulting from regulatory action or litigation against us or comparable companies. Furthermore, developments in the regulatory frameworks governing the usage of cannabis could result in shifts in consumer preference and the impact that cannabis legalization could have on alcohol sales remains unclear.

Competition with brewers and producers of alternative beverages in our various markets and an increase in the purchasing power of players in our distribution channels could cause us to reduce pricing, increase capital investment, increase marketing and other expenditures and/or prevent us from increasing prices to recover higher costs, thereby causing us to reduce margins or lose market share. Further, we may not be able to anticipate or respond adequately either to changes in consumer preferences and tastes or to developments in new forms of media and marketing. Innovation faces inherent risks, and the new products we introduce may not be successful, while competitors may be able to respond more quickly than we can to emerging trends, such as the increasing consumer preference for “craft beers” produced by microbreweries and the growth of the hard seltzer category. In recent years, many industries have seen disruption from non-traditional producers and distributors, in many cases, from digital-only competitors. Our business could be negatively affected if we are unable to anticipate changing consumer preference for such platforms.



Legal and Regulatory Risks

If any of our products is defective or found to contain contaminants, we may be subject to product recalls or other associated liabilities.

Despite the precautions we take, in the event that any failure to comply with accepted food safety and regulatory standards (such as a contamination or a defect) does occur in the future, it may lead to business interruptions, product recalls or liability, each of which could have an adverse effect on our business, reputation, prospects, financial condition and results of operations.



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Although we maintain insurance against certain product liability (but not product recall) risks, we may not be able to enforce our rights in respect of these policies, and, in the event that contamination or a defect occurs, any amounts that we recover may not be sufficient to offset any damage we may suffer, which could adversely impact our business, results of operations and financial condition.

Negative publicity, perceived health risks, failure to provide safe working environments and associated government regulation may harm our business.

In recent years, there has been public and political attention directed at the soft drinks and alcoholic beverage industries. This attention is the result of a rising health and well-being trend.

The global policy framework shaping the regulatory space for our products has evolved, and will likely continue to evolve, and the expectations of our stakeholders will continue to increase. We welcome the opportunity to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. Despite the progress made on our Smart Drinking Goals, we may be criticized and experience an increase in the number of publications and studies debating our efforts to reduce the harmful consumption of alcohol, as advocates try to shape the public discussions.

We may also be subject to laws and regulations aimed at reducing the affordability or availability of beer in some of our markets. Additional regulatory restrictions on our business, such as those on the legal minimum drinking age, product labeling, opening hours or marketing activities (including the marketing or selling of beer at sporting events), may cause the social acceptability of beer to decline significantly and consumption trends to shift away from it, which would have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.

Negative publicity and campaigns by activists, whether or not warranted, connecting us, our supply chain or our business partners with workplace and human rights issues, whether actual or perceived, could adversely impact our corporate image and reputation and may cause our business to suffer. We have adopted policies making a number of commitments to respect human rights, including our commitment to the principles and guidance contained in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Allegations, even if untrue, that we are not respecting our commitments or actual or perceived failure by our suppliers or other business partners to comply with applicable workplace and labor laws, including child labor laws, or their actual or perceived abuse or misuse of migrant workers could negatively affect our overall reputation and corporate brand image. Our operations in developing and growth markets subject us to a greater risk of negative publicity arising from environmental issues, labor rights and local work conditions.

Moreover, key brand names are used by us, our subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, and are licensed to third-party brewers. To the extent we or one of our subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures or licensees are subject to negative publicity, and the negative publicity causes consumers and customers to change their purchasing patterns, it could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, cash flows or financial condition. Negative publicity that materially damages the reputation of one or more of our brands could have an adverse effect on the value of that brand and subsequent revenues from that brand or business, which could adversely impact our business, results of operations, cash flows and financial condition.

We could incur significant costs as a result of compliance with, and/or violations of or liabilities under, various regulations that govern our operations.

Our business is highly regulated in many of the countries in which we or our licensed third parties operate. The regulations adopted by the authorities in these countries govern many parts of our operations, including brewing, marketing and advertising (in particular to ensure our advertising is directed to individuals of legal drinking age), consumer promotions and rebates, environmental protection, workplace safety, transportation, distributor relationships, retail execution, sales and data privacy. We may be subject to claims that we have not complied with existing laws and regulations, which could result in fines and penalties or loss of operating licenses, which may have a material adverse impact on our ability to operate our businesses in these markets.



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We are also routinely subject to new or modified laws and regulations with which we must comply in order to avoid claims, fines and other penalties, which could adversely impact our business, results of operations and financial condition. Breach of any of these laws or regulations can lead to significant fines and/or damage to our reputation, as well as significantly restrict our ability to deliver on our digital productivity and growth plans.

We may also be subject to laws and regulations aimed at reducing the availability of beer and other alcoholic beverage products in some of our markets to address alcohol abuse and other social issues. See “—Negative publicity, perceived health risks, failure to provide safe working environments and associated government regulation may harm our business.” There can be no assurance that we will not incur material costs or liabilities in connection with compliance with applicable regulatory requirements, or that such regulation will not interfere with our beer, other alcoholic beverage and soft drinks businesses.

Furthermore, the partnership between Labatt Breweries of Canada (“Labatt”), the Canadian subsidiary of our subsidiary Ambev, and Tilray Inc. (“Tilray”) to research non-alcohol beverages containing tetrahydrocannabinol (“THC”) and cannabidiol (“CBD”), both derived from cannabis, and also to commercialize a non-alcohol CBD beverage in Canada only, could lead to increased legal, reputational and financial risks, as the laws and regulations governing recreational cannabis are still developing, including in ways that we may not foresee. For instance, the involvement in the legal cannabis industry in Canada may invite new regulatory and enforcement scrutiny in other markets. Cannabis remains illegal in many markets in which we operate, and violations of law could result in significant fines, penalties, administrative sanctions, convictions or settlements arising from civil proceedings or criminal charges. Furthermore, the political environment and popular support for cannabis legalization is changing quickly and remains in flux.

For further detail regarding common regulations and restrictions on us, see “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—11. Regulations Affecting Our Business” and “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—A. Key Factors Affecting Results of Operations—Governmental Regulations.”

We are exposed to the risk of litigation, claims and disputes, which may cause us to pay significant damage awards and incur other costs.

We are now and may in the future be party to legal proceedings and claims and significant damages may be asserted against us. See “Item 8. Financial Information—A. Consolidated Financial Statements and Other Financial Information—Legal and Arbitration Proceedings” and “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—H. Contractual Obligations and Contingencies—Contingencies” and note 32 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020, for a description of certain material contingencies which we believe are reasonably possible (but not probable) to be realized. Given the inherent uncertainty of litigation, it is possible that we might incur liabilities as a consequence of the proceedings and claims brought against us, including those that are not currently believed by us to be reasonably possible.

Moreover, companies in the alcoholic beverage industry and soft drink industry – including our operations – are, from time to time, exposed to collective suits (class actions) or other litigation relating to alcohol advertising, alcohol abuse problems or health consequences from the excessive consumption of beer, other alcohol beverages and soft drinks. As an illustration, we and certain other beer and other alcohol beverage producers from Brazil, Canada, Europe and the United States have been involved in class actions and other litigation seeking damages for, among other things, alleged marketing of alcohol beverages to underage consumers. If any of these types of litigation were to result in fines, damages or reputational damage to us or our brands, this could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, cash flows or financial position. See “Item 8. Financial Information—A. Consolidated Financial Statements and Other Financial Information—Legal and Arbitration Proceedings.”



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We may be subject to adverse changes in taxation and other tax-related risks.

Taxation on our products in the countries in which we operate is comprised of different taxes specific to each jurisdiction, such as excise and other indirect taxes (such as value-added tax (“VAT”)). In many jurisdictions, these taxes make up a large proportion of the cost of beer charged to consumers. Increases in excise and other indirect taxes applicable to our products either on an absolute basis or relative to the levels applicable to other beverages tend to adversely affect our revenue or margins. These increases also adversely affect the affordability of our products and our profitability. In recent years, Brazil, South Africa, Singapore, Peru and Argentina, among others, increased beer excise taxes. Tax increases can result in significant price increases and have a significant impact on our sales of beer. See “—Negative publicity, perceived health risks, failure to provide safe working environments and associated government regulation may harm our business.”

In addition to excise taxes, additional charges may be levied in relation to tax stamps and other forms of fiscal marking. In the last year, we have seen a strong pressure to introduce costly and ineffective fiscal marking systems in several African markets. The cost of these marking schemes could adversely affect our businesses in the relevant countries (including their profitability).

In addition to excise and other indirect duties, we are subject to income and other taxes in the countries in which we operate. There can be no assurance that the operations of our breweries and other facilities will not become subject to increased taxation by local, national or foreign authorities or that we and our subsidiaries will not become subject to higher corporate income tax rates or to new or modified taxation regulations and requirements. For a discussion of the risk of increased tax rates as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, please see “—Our business, financial condition, cash flows and operating results have been and may continue to be negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic”.

For example, the work being carried out by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”) on base erosion and profit shifting and initiatives at the European Union level (including the anti-tax avoidance directive adopted by the Council of the European Union on 12 July 2016) as a response to increasing globalization of trade and business operations could result in changes in tax treaties, the introduction of new legislation, updates to existing legislation, or changes to regulatory interpretations of existing legislation, any of which could impose additional taxes on businesses. Furthermore, the U.S. tax reform legislation signed on 22 December 2017 (Public Law 115-97) (the “Tax Act”), known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, brings major tax legislation changes into law. While the Tax Act reduces the statutory rate of U.S. federal corporate income tax to 21% and provides an exemption for certain dividends from 10%-owned foreign subsidiaries, the Tax Act expands the tax base by introducing further limitations on deductibility of interest, the imposition of a “base erosion and anti-abuse tax” and the imposition of minimum tax for “global intangible low-tax income,” among other changes which would adversely impact our results of operations. While significant regulations interpreting the changes made by the Tax Act have been implemented, additional guidance and regulations may be issued by U.S. tax authorities, and it is possible that future guidance could adversely impact us.

We are exposed to antitrust and competition laws in certain jurisdictions and the risk of changes in such laws or in the interpretation and enforcement of existing antitrust and competition laws. In addition, in connection with our previous acquisitions, various regulatory authorities have previously imposed conditions with which we are required to comply.

We are subject to antitrust and competition laws in the jurisdictions in which we operate. Consequently, we may be subject to regulatory scrutiny in certain of these jurisdictions. For instance, in June 2016, the European Commission announced an investigation into alleged abuse of a dominant position by us in Belgium, and on 13 May 2019 published a decision concluding that certain of our actions restricted competition. See “Item 8. Financial Information—A. Consolidated Financial Statements and Other Financial Information—Legal and Arbitration Proceedings—Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV—Antitrust Matters” for more information. In addition, our Brazilian listed subsidiary, Ambev, has been subject to monitoring by antitrust authorities in Brazil. There can be no assurance that the introduction of new competition laws in the jurisdictions in which we operate, the interpretation of existing antitrust or competition laws, the enforcement of existing antitrust or competition laws by competent authorities or civil antitrust litigation by private parties, or any agreements with competent antitrust or competition authorities, against us or our subsidiaries, including Ambev, will not affect our business or the businesses of our subsidiaries in the future or have a financial impact.



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In addition, divestitures and other commitments made in order to obtain regulatory approvals, or our failure to comply with such commitments, may have an adverse effect on our business, results of operations, financial condition and prospects. These or any conditions, remedies or changes also reduce the price we are able to obtain for such disposals or imposing additional costs on or limiting our revenues, any of which might have a material adverse effect on us and our results of operations.

If we do not successfully comply with applicable anti-corruption laws, export control regulations and trade restrictions, we could become subject to fines, penalties or other regulatory sanctions, as well as to adverse press coverage, which could cause our reputation, our sales or our profitability to suffer.

We operate our business and market our products in markets that, as a result of political, societal and economic instability, a lack of well-developed legal systems and potentially corrupt business environments, present us with political, economic and operational risks. Although we are committed to conducting business in a legal and ethical manner in compliance with local and international laws and regulations applicable to our business, there is a risk that management, employees or other representatives of our subsidiaries, affiliates, associates, joint ventures or other business interests may take actions that violate applicable anti-corruption laws and regulations, including applicable laws relating to the 1997 OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (the “FCPA”), the U.K. Bribery Act and Brazilian Federal Law No. 12,846/13 (an anti-bribery statute that took effect in January 2014). Such actions could expose us to potential liability and the costs associated with investigating potential misconduct. In addition, any press coverage associated with misconduct under these laws and regulations, even if unwarranted or baseless, could damage our reputation and sales.

Additionally, in the ordinary course of business, we regularly contract and deal with business partners and consulting firms. Some of these third parties have been managed or controlled by former government officials. Because Brazilian authorities are conducting ongoing investigations that target certain firms and business partners that Ambev previously engaged, Ambev has been cited as clients in connection with such investigations.

In the third quarter of 2019, there were news reports regarding alleged leaks of statements about Ambev by a former consultant, Mr. Antonio Palocci, in a legal procedure to which Ambev subsequently had access. In this regard, we have not identified evidence supporting Mr. Palocci’s claims of illegal conduct by Ambev and remain committed to monitoring this matter.

As a global brewer, we also operate our business and market our products in countries that may be subject to export control regulations, embargoes, economic sanctions and other forms of trade restrictions imposed by the United States, the European Union, the United Nations and other participants in the international community. For example, we indirectly own, through AB InBev Efes, our combined company with Anadolu Efes, subsidiaries in Russia and Ukraine. We do not sell directly into the Crimea region but are aware that indirect shipments may occur. In addition, certain of our associates also operate their business and market their products in countries subject to trade restrictions. For example, Anadolu Efes has an indirect interest in a Syrian soft drinks bottler. Furthermore, our subsidiary Ambev operates a joint venture in Cuba with the Government of Cuba. See “—Our subsidiary Ambev operates a joint venture in Cuba, in which the Government of Cuba is its joint venture partner. Cuba remains subject to comprehensive economic and trade sanctions by the United States and Ambev’s operation in Cuba may adversely affect our reputation and the liquidity and value of our securities.”

New or expanded export control regulations, economic sanctions, embargoes or other forms of trade restrictions imposed on Syria, Cuba, Iran or other countries in which we or our associates do business may curtail our existing business and may result in serious economic challenges in these geographies, which could have a material adverse effect on our and our associates’ operations, and may result in impairment charges on goodwill or other intangible assets.



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Additionally, the global reach of our operations exposes us to risks associated with doing business globally, including changes in tariffs. The Office of the United States Trade Representative has enacted tariffs on certain imports into the United States from China. Additionally, the U.S. federal government continues to signal that it may alter trade agreements and terms between China and the United States, including limiting trade with China, imposing additional tariffs on imports from China and potentially imposing other restrictions on exports from China to the United States. Consequently, it is possible that additional or higher tariffs will be imposed on products imported from foreign countries, including China, or that our business will be adversely impacted by retaliatory trade measures taken by China or other countries in response to existing or future tariffs. These developments, or the perception that any of them could occur, may have a material adverse effect on global economic conditions and the stability of global financial markets, and may significantly reduce global trade, which in turn could have a material adverse effect on our business in one or more of our key markets and results of operations.

Our subsidiary Ambev operates a joint venture in Cuba, in which the Government of Cuba is its joint venture partner. Cuba remains subject to comprehensive economic and trade sanctions by the United States and Ambev’s operations in Cuba may adversely affect our reputation and the liquidity and value of our securities.

A subsidiary of our subsidiary Ambev owns a 50% equity interest in Cervecería Bucanero S.A., a Cuban company in the business of producing and selling beer. Consequently, we indirectly own, through our subsidiary Ambev, a 50% equity interest in Cervecería Bucanero S.A. The other 50% equity interest is owned by the Government of Cuba. Cervecería Bucanero S.A. is operated as a joint venture in which Ambev appoints the general manager. Cervecería Bucanero S.A.’s main brands are Bucanero and Cristal, but it also imports and sells in Cuba other brands produced by certain of our non-U.S. subsidiaries. In 2020, Cervecería Bucanero S.A. sold 0.9 million hectoliters of beer, representing about 0.2% of our global volume of 531 million hectoliters for the year. Although Cervecería Bucanero S.A.’s production is primarily sold in Cuba, a small portion of its production is exported to and sold by certain distributors in other countries outside Cuba (but not in the United States).

In January 2021, the former Trump Administration identified Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism. The U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control and the U.S. Commerce Department together administer and enforce broad and comprehensive economic and trade sanctions based on U.S. foreign policy towards Cuba. Although our operations in Cuba through our subsidiary Ambev are quantitatively immaterial, our overall business reputation may suffer or we may face additional regulatory scrutiny as a result of our activities in Cuba based on the identification of Cuba as a target of U.S. economic and trade sanctions. In addition, Title III of the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996 (known as the “Helms-Burton Act”) authorizes private lawsuits for damages against anyone who traffics in property confiscated without compensation by the Government of Cuba from persons who at the time were, or have since become, nationals of the United States. Separately, Title IV of the Helms-Burton Act authorizes the U.S. Department of State to prohibit entry into the United States of non-U.S. persons who traffic in confiscated property, and corporate officers and principals of such persons, and their families. Although Title III of the Helms-Burton Act has been suspended by discretionary presidential action since its inception in 1996, on 2 May 2019, the former Trump Administration activated Title III of the Helms-Burton Act, thereby allowing nationals of the United States that hold claims under the Helms-Burton Act to file suit in U.S. federal court against all persons trafficking in property confiscated by the Cuban government. Since 2 May 2019, as a result of the activation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act, we may be subject to potential U.S. litigation exposure, including claims accrued during the prior suspension of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act. Given the unprecedented activation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act, there is substantial uncertainty as to how the statute will be interpreted by U.S. courts. In 2009, AB InBev received notice of a claim purporting to be made under the Helms- Burton Act relating to the use of a trademark by Cervecería Bucanero S.A., which is alleged to have been confiscated by the Cuban government and trafficked by AB InBev through its former ownership and management of Cervecería Bucanero S.A. It remains uncertain how the activation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act will impact our U.S. litigation exposure with respect to this notice of claim.

The audit report included in this annual report is prepared by an auditor who is not inspected by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board and, as such, you may be deprived of the benefits of such inspection.

Auditors of companies that are registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) and traded publicly in the United States, including our independent registered public accounting firm, must be registered with the U.S. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (the “PCAOB”) and are required by the laws of the United States to undergo regular inspections by the PCAOB to assess their compliance with the laws of the United States and professional standards. Because our auditors are located in Belgium, a jurisdiction where the PCAOB is currently unable to conduct inspections without the approval of the Belgian authorities, our auditors are not currently inspected by the PCAOB.




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This lack of PCAOB inspections in Belgium prevents the PCAOB from regularly evaluating audits and quality-control procedures of any auditors operating in Belgium, including our auditors. As a result, investors may be deprived of the benefits of PCAOB inspections.

The inability of the PCAOB to conduct inspections of auditors in Belgium makes it more difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of our auditor’s audit procedures or quality-control procedures as compared to auditors outside of Belgium that are subject to PCAOB inspections.

In addition, on 18 December 2020, the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act (the “HFCAA”) was enacted in the United States, which, among other things, requires the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) to prohibit securities of any foreign companies from being listed on a U.S. securities exchange or over-the-counter market if such company retains a foreign accounting firm that cannot be inspected by the PCAOB for three consecutive years, beginning in 2021. The Board of Supervisors of Company Auditors (the “CTR”) in Belgium has announced that it is in the process of negotiating a cooperation agreement with the PCAOB, which, once finalized, will enable the PCAOB to initiate joint inspections of Belgian accounting firms with the CTR. Signing of the cooperation agreement with the PCAOB is expected to take place in the first half of 2021, and is contingent upon the European Data Protection Board and Belgian Data Protection Authority’s approval of certain data protection protocols contained in the agreement.



Brand and Intellectual Property Risks

We rely on the reputation of our brands and our marketing efforts may be restricted by regulations.

Our success depends on our ability to maintain and enhance the image and reputation of our existing products and to develop a favorable image and reputation for new products. The image and reputation of our products may be affected in the future and concerns about product quality, even when unfounded, could tarnish the image and reputation of our products. An event, or series of events, that materially damages the reputation of one or more of our brands could have an adverse effect on the value of that brand and subsequent revenues from that brand or business. Restoring the image and reputation of our products may be costly and may not be possible.

Moreover, our marketing efforts are subject to restrictions on the permissible advertising style, media channels and messages used. In a number of countries, for example, television is a prohibited medium for advertising beer and other alcohol beverage products, and in other countries, television and other forms of advertising, while permitted, are carefully regulated by a number of advertising codes and applicable laws. Any additional restrictions in such countries, or the introduction of similar restrictions in other countries, may constrain our brand building potential and thus reduce the value of our brands and related revenues.

Any of the foregoing could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.

We may not be able to protect our intellectual property rights, and our ability to compete effectively may be harmed if our intellectual property rights are infringed by third parties.

Our future success depends significantly on our ability to protect our current and future brands and products and to defend our intellectual property rights, including trademarks, patents, domain names, trade secrets and know-how. We have been granted numerous trademark registrations and patents covering our brands and products and have filed, and expect to continue to file, trademark and patent applications seeking to protect newly developed brands and products. We cannot be sure that trademark and patent registrations will be issued with respect to any of our applications. There is also a risk that we could, by omission, fail to renew a trademark or patent on a timely basis or that our competitors will challenge, invalidate or circumvent any existing or future trademarks and patents issued to, or licensed by, us.



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Although we have endeavored to take appropriate action to protect our portfolio of intellectual property rights (including patent applications, trademark registration, domain names and ongoing enforcement actions), we cannot be certain that the steps we have taken will be sufficient or that third parties will not infringe upon or misappropriate our proprietary rights. Moreover, some of the countries in which we operate offer less effective intellectual property protection than is available in Europe or the United States. If we are unable to protect our proprietary rights against infringement or misappropriation, it could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, cash flows or financial condition and, in particular, on our ability to develop our business.

An impairment of goodwill or other intangible assets would adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.

We have previously recognized significant goodwill on our balance sheet through acquisitions. For example, upon completion of the combination with SAB, we recognized USD 72.4 billion of incremental goodwill on our balance sheet.

Our accounting policy considers brands and distribution rights for our own products as intangible assets with indefinite useful lives, which are tested for impairment on an annual basis (or more often if an event or circumstance indicates that an impairment loss may have been incurred) and not amortized.

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a sharp contraction of sales during the second quarter of 2020 in many countries in which we operate, which was viewed as a triggering event for impairment testing. Consequently, we conducted an impairment test during the second quarter of 2020 for cash-generating units in Colombia, Rest of Middle Americas, South Africa, Rest of Africa and Rest of Asia Pacific. Based upon the results of the impairment test, under the worst case scenario ran with higher discount rates to factor the heightened business risk, we recorded an impairment of goodwill of USD 1.5 billion for the South Africa cash-generating unit and USD 1.0 billion for the Rest of Africa cash-generating unit applying a 30% probability of occurrence. For more information on the interim impairment test, please see “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—A. Key Factors Affecting Results of Operations—Goodwill Impairment.”

We did not recognize any additional impairment of goodwill based on the results of the annual impairment testing conducted in the fourth quarter of 2020. As of 31 December 2020, our total goodwill amounted to USD 121.0 billion and our intangible assets with indefinite useful lives amounted to USD 39.4 billion. However, if the adverse economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic continue or our businesses do not develop as expected, we may be required to record future goodwill impairment charges which could have an adverse effect on our results of operations and financial conditions.



Other risks related to our business

Climate change or other environmental concerns, or legal, regulatory or market measures to address climate change or other environmental concerns, may negatively affect our business or operations, including the availability of key production inputs.

There is a growing concern that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere may have an adverse impact on global temperatures, weather and precipitation patterns and the frequency and severity of extreme weather and natural disasters. In the event that such climate change has a negative effect on agricultural productivity, we may be subject to decreased availability or less favorable pricing for certain agricultural commodities necessary for our products, such as barley, hops and sugar. Climate change may also subject us to water scarcity and quality risks due to the large amounts of water required to produce our products, including water consumed in the agricultural supply chain. In the event that climate change leads to droughts or water over-exploitation or has a negative effect on water availability or quality, the price of water may increase in certain areas and certain jurisdictions may enact unfavorable changes to applicable water-related taxes and regulations. Such measures, if adopted, could lead to increased regulatory pressures, production costs or capacity constraints. In addition, public expectations for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions could result in increased energy, transportation and raw material costs and may require us to make additional investments in facilities and equipment due to increased regulatory pressures. We have announced our 2025 Sustainability Goals focused on smart agriculture, water stewardship, circular packaging and climate action. If we fail to achieve these goals for any reason, there is a risk of reputational damage. As a result, the effects of climate change could have a long-term, material adverse impact on our business and results of operations.




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Our reporting is guided by frameworks such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the UN Guiding Principles reporting framework and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). We also participate in external programs such as CDP, a global disclosure system. We are required to report greenhouse gas emissions, energy data and other related information to a variety of entities, and to comply with the wider obligations of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme. If we are unable to measure, track and disclose information accurately and in a timely manner, we could be subject to civil penalties for non-compliance in the various European Union member states in which we operate. In addition, the need for us to comply with the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme could result in increased operational costs if we are unable to meet our compliance obligations and exceed our emission allocations.

There is also a risk of new environmental regulation in many geographies where we operate, including the European Union, U.S., Mexico and China, among others.

Our operations are subject to environmental regulations by national, state and local agencies, including, in certain cases, regulations that impose liability without regard to fault. These regulations can result in liability that might adversely affect our operations. The environmental regulatory climate in the markets in which we operate is becoming stricter, with a greater emphasis on enforcement. While we have continuously invested in reducing our environmental risks and budgeted for future capital and operating expenditures to maintain compliance with environmental laws and regulations, there can be no assurance that we will not incur a substantial environmental liability or that applicable environmental laws and regulations will not change or become more stringent in the future.

We are exposed to labor strikes and disputes that could lead to a negative impact on our costs and production level.

Our success depends on maintaining good relations with our workforce. In several of our operations, a majority of our workforce is unionized. For instance, a majority of the hourly employees at our breweries in several key countries in different geographies are represented by unions. Our production may be affected by work stoppages or slowdowns as a result of disputes under existing collective labor agreements with labor unions. We may not be able to satisfactorily renegotiate our collective labor agreements when they expire and may face more difficult negotiations or higher wage and benefit demands. Furthermore, a work stoppage or slowdown at our facilities could interrupt the transport of raw materials from our suppliers or the transport of our products to our customers. Such disruptions could put a strain on our relationships with suppliers and customers and may have lasting effects on our business even after the disputes with our labor force have been resolved, including as a result of negative publicity.

Our production may also be affected by work stoppages or slowdowns that affect our suppliers, distributors and retail delivery/logistics providers as a result of disputes under existing collective labor agreements with labor unions, in connection with negotiations of new collective labor agreements, as a result of supplier financial distress or for other reasons.

A strike, work stoppage or slowdown within our operations or those of our suppliers, or an interruption or shortage of raw materials for any other reason (including, but not limited to, financial distress, natural disaster or difficulties affecting a supplier) could have a material adverse effect on our earnings, financial condition and ability to operate our business.

Our United States organization has approximately 5,300 hourly brewery workers represented by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Their compensation and other terms of employment are governed by collective bargaining agreements negotiated between us and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Our current agreement with Teamsters will expire on 29 February 2024.



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Information technology failures, including those that affect the privacy and security of sensitive customer and business information, could damage our reputation and we could suffer a loss of revenue, incur substantial additional costs and become subject to litigation and regulatory scrutiny.

We rely on information technology systems to process, transmit and store large amounts of electronic data, including personal information. We engage in e-commerce in nearly two dozen countries, which includes direct sales to some customers. Additionally, a significant portion of the communication between our personnel, customers and suppliers depends on information technology. As with all large systems, our information systems may be vulnerable to a variety of interruptions due to events beyond our control, including, but not limited to, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, telecommunications failures, computer viruses, hackers or other security issues. Unauthorized or accidental access to, or destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure, misuse, falsification or unavailability of, information could result in violations of data privacy laws and regulations, damage to our reputation or our competitive advantage, loss of opportunities to acquire or divest of businesses or brands and loss of ability to commercialize products developed through research and development efforts and, therefore, could have a negative impact on net operating revenues. More generally, technology disruptions can have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, cash flows or financial condition.

We depend on information technology to enable us to operate efficiently and interface with customers, as well as to maintain in-house management and control. We also collect and store non-public personal information that customers provide to purchase products or services, including personal information and payment information. We have entered into various information technology services agreements pursuant to which our information technology is partially outsourced to leading third-party vendors, and we may share information about our company, customers, operations and employees with vendors that assist with certain aspects of our business. Like us, these third parties are subject to risks imposed by data breaches and cyber-attacks and other events or actions that could damage, disrupt or close down their networks or systems. Security processes, protocols and standards that we have implemented and contractual provisions requiring security measures that we may have sought to impose on such third parties may not be sufficient or effective at preventing such events, which could result in unauthorized access to, or disruptions to, or misuse of, information or systems that are important to our business, including proprietary information, sensitive or confidential data, and other information about our operations, customers, employees and suppliers, including personal information.

In addition, the concentration of processes in shared services centers means that any technology disruption could impact a large portion of our business within the operating regions served. Any transitions of processes to, from or within shared services centers as well as other transformational projects could lead to business disruptions. If we do not allocate and effectively manage the resources necessary to build and sustain the proper technology infrastructure, we could be subject to transaction errors, processing inefficiencies, the loss of, or failure to attract new customers, lost revenues resulting from the disruption or shutdown of computer systems, unexpected failure of devices and software in use by our IT platforms, operations or supply chain disruptions, alteration, corruption or loss of accounting financial or other data on which we rely for financial reporting and other purposes, which could cause errors or delays in our financial reporting, or the loss of or damage to intellectual property through a security breach. As with all information technology systems, our system could also be penetrated by outside parties intent on extracting information, corrupting information or disrupting business processes.

We take various actions with the aim of minimizing potential technology disruptions, such as investing in intrusion detection solutions, proceeding with internal and external security assessments, building and implementing business continuity plans and reviewing risk management processes. Regardless of such measures, we may suffer financial and reputational damage because of lost or misappropriated confidential information belonging to us, our current or former employees, our customers or suppliers, or consumers or other data subjects, and may become exposed to legal action and increased regulatory oversight. We could also be required to spend significant financial and other resources to remedy the damage caused by a security breach or to repair or replace networks and information systems.

While we continue to invest in new technology monitoring and cyberattack prevention systems, no commercial or government entity can be entirely free of vulnerability to attack or compromise given how rapidly and unpredictably techniques evolve to obtain unauthorized access or disable or degrade service. During the normal course of business, we have experienced and continue to expect to experience attempted breaches of our technology



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systems and networks from time to time. In 2020, as in previous years, we experienced several attempted breaches of our technology systems and networks. None of the attempted breaches of our systems (as a result of cyberattacks, security breaches or similar events) had a material impact on our business or operations or resulted in known material unauthorized access to our data or our customers’ data.

If we fail to comply with personal data protection laws, we could be subject to adverse publicity, government enforcement actions and/or private litigation, which could negatively affect our business and operating results.

In the ordinary course of our business, we receive, process, transmit and store information relating to identifiable individuals (“personal data”), such as employees and consumers. As a result, we are subject to various laws and regulations relating to personal data. These laws have been subject to frequent changes, and new legislation in this area may be enacted in other jurisdictions at any time. For example, we are subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), which became effective in May 2018 for all member states in the EU. GDPR, as well as any other changes to existing personal data protection laws and the introduction of such laws in other jurisdictions, have subjected and may continue in the future to subject us to, among other things, additional costs and expenses and have required and may in the future require costly changes to our business practices and security systems, policies, procedures and practices. There is no assurance that our security controls over personal data, the training of employees and vendors on data privacy and data security, and the policies, procedures and practices we implemented or may implement in the future will prevent the improper disclosure of personal data. Improper disclosure of personal data in violation of GDPR and/or of other personal data protection laws could harm our reputation, subject us to government enforcement actions (including fines) or result in private litigation against us, which could negatively affect our business and operating results.



General Risks

We may not be able to recruit or retain key personnel.

In order to develop, support and market our products, we must hire and retain skilled employees with particular expertise. The implementation of our strategic business plans could be undermined by a failure to recruit or retain key personnel or the unexpected loss of senior employees, including in acquired companies.

We face various challenges inherent in the management of a large number of employees across diverse geographical regions. It is not certain that we will be able to attract or retain key employees and successfully manage them, which could disrupt our business and have an unfavorable material effect on our financial position, income from operations and competitive position.

Natural and other disasters could disrupt our operations.

Our business and operating results could be negatively impacted by natural, social, technical or physical risks such as a widespread health emergency such as the COVID-19 pandemic (or concerns over the possibility of such an emergency), earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons, flooding, fire, water scarcity, power loss, loss of water supply, telecommunications and information technology system failures, cyberattacks, labor disputes, political instability, military conflict and uncertainties arising from terrorist attacks, including a global economic slowdown, the economic consequences of any military action and associated political instability.

Our insurance coverage may not be sufficient.

We purchase insurance for director and officer liability and other coverage where required by law or contract or where considered to be in our best interest. Even though we maintain these insurance policies, we self-insure most of our insurable risk. Should an uninsured loss or a loss in excess of insured limits occur, this could adversely impact our business, results of operations and financial condition.



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Risks Related to Our Ordinary Shares and American Depositary Shares

The market price of our Ordinary Shares and ADSs may be volatile.

The market price of our Ordinary Shares and ADSs may be volatile as a result of various factors, many of which are beyond our control. These factors include, but are not limited to, the following:



market expectations for our financial performance;



actual or anticipated fluctuations in our results of operations and financial condition;



changes in the estimates of our results of operations by securities analysts;



investor perception of the impact of the combination with SAB on us and our shareholders;



the conversion of Restricted Shares into Ordinary Shares, the Restricted Shares becoming so convertible after 10 October 2021, subject to certain limited exceptions (see “Item 10—Additional Information—B. Memorandum and Articles of Association and Other Share Information—Form and Transferability of Our Shares—Restricted Shares—Conversion into Ordinary Shares”);



potential or actual sales of blocks of our Ordinary Shares or ADSs in the market by any shareholder or short selling of our Ordinary Shares or ADSs. Any such transaction could occur at any time or from time to time, with or without notice;



the entry of new competitors or new products in the markets in which we operate;



volatility in the market as a whole or investor perception of the beverage industry or of our competitors; and



the occurrence of any of the matters discussed in the risk factors mentioned in this section.

The market price of our Ordinary Shares and ADSs may be adversely affected by any of the preceding or other factors regardless of our actual results of operations and financial condition.

Furthermore, we have entered into a series of derivative contracts on our own shares to hedge (1) the risk arising from certain share-based payment programs, (2) the deferred share instrument related to the Grupo Modelo combination and (3) some share-based payments in connection with the acquisition of SAB. Most of these derivative instruments could not qualify for hedge accounting and thus changes in the fair value of the hedges are recognized in our profit or loss account for the period. See “Item 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk — Market Risk, Hedging and Financial Instruments — Equity Price Risk”. As we currently hedge the exposure for an equivalent of 100.5 million of our shares, a significant change in our share price will have a significant impact on our profit or loss account.

Our largest shareholder may use its significant interest to take actions not supported by our other shareholders.

As of 31 December 2020, our largest shareholder, Stichting Anheuser-Busch InBev (the “Stichting”), owned 33.62% of our voting rights (and the Stichting and certain other entities acting in concert with it (within the meaning of the Belgian Law of 1 April 2007 on public takeover bids and/or the Belgian Law of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of significant shareholdings in issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market and containing various provisions, implementing into Belgian law Directive 2004/109/CE (the “Belgian Law of 2 May 2007 on the notification of significant shareholdings”)) held, in aggregate, 42.91% of our voting rights), based on the number of shares outstanding on 31 December 2020, excluding the 46,992,567 treasury shares held by us and



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certain of our subsidiaries (including approximately 5.4 million1 treasury shares required to settle our obligations under Zenzele schemes) (see “Item 7. Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions—A. Major Shareholders” and “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review —H. Contractual Obligations and Contingencies”). In accordance with our articles of association, the Stichting has the ability to effectively control the election of a majority of our board of directors, as a result of which, under Belgian law, the Stichting has control of us. The Stichting is also able to have a significant influence on the outcome of corporate actions requiring shareholder approval, including mergers, share capital increases and other extraordinary items. See “Item 10. Additional Information—B. Memorandum and Articles of Association and Other Share Information—Description of the Rights and Benefits Attached to Our Shares” for further information in this respect.

The interests and time horizons of the Stichting may differ from those of other shareholders. As a result of its influence on our business, the Stichting could prevent us from making certain decisions or taking certain actions that would protect the interests of our other shareholders. For example, this concentration of ownership may delay or prevent a change of control of Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, even in the event that this change of control may benefit other shareholders generally. Similarly, the Stichting could prevent us from taking certain actions that would dilute its percentage interest in our shares, even if such actions would generally be beneficial to us and/or to other shareholders. These and other factors related to the Stichting’s holding of a significant interest in our shares may reduce the liquidity of our shares and ADSs and their attractiveness to investors.

We may be unable to pay dividends.

As a general matter, we cannot guarantee that we will pay dividends in the future. The payment of dividends will depend on factors such as our business outlook, cash flow requirements and financial performance, the state of the market and the general economic climate (including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic) and other factors, including tax and other regulatory considerations. In particular, in light of the increased debt that resulted from completion of the combination with SAB, deleveraging remains a priority and may restrict the amount of dividends we are able to pay. In addition, we must, under Belgian law and our articles of association, before we proceed with any dividend payment, allocate an amount equal to 5% of our annual net profit on an unconsolidated basis to a legal reserve in our unconsolidated financial statements until the reserve reaches 10% of our share capital, in accordance with Belgian accounting principles.

Fluctuations in the exchange rate between the euro, the South African rand, the Mexican peso and the U.S. dollar may increase the risk of holding our ADSs and Ordinary Shares.

Our Ordinary Shares currently trade on Euronext Brussels in euro and we have secondary listings of our shares on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange in South African rand and on the Mexican Stock Exchange (Bolsa Mexicana de Valores) in Mexican pesos. Our ADSs trade on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) in U.S. dollars. Fluctuations in the exchange rate between the euro, the South African rand, the Mexican peso and the U.S. dollar may result in temporary differences between the value of our Ordinary Shares trading in different currencies and between the value of our Ordinary Shares and ADSs, which may result in heavy trading by investors seeking to exploit such differences. Similarly, uncertainty over fiscal and budgetary challenges in the United States, Mexico, South Africa and/or Europe may negatively impact global economic conditions, and could trigger sharply increased trading and consequent market fluctuations, which would increase the volatility of, and may have an adverse effect upon, the price of our Ordinary Shares or ADSs.

In addition, as a result of fluctuations in the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar, the euro, the South African rand and the Mexican peso, the U.S. dollar equivalent of the proceeds that a holder of our ADSs would receive upon the sale in Belgium, South Africa or Mexico of any shares withdrawn from the American Depositary Receipt (“ADR”) depositary and the U.S. dollar equivalent of any cash dividends paid in euro on our Ordinary Shares represented by the ADSs could also decline.



Calculated assuming our closing share price of EUR 57.01 per share and an exchange rate of ZAR 18.021914 to EUR 1.00 as at 31 December 2020.



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Future equity issuances may dilute the holdings of current shareholders or ADS holders and could materially affect the market price of our Ordinary Shares or ADSs.

We may in the future decide to offer additional equity to raise capital or for other purposes, in compliance with applicable Belgian legislation. Any such additional offering could reduce the proportionate ownership and voting interests of holders of our Ordinary Shares and ADSs, as well as our earnings per share or ADS and net asset value per share or ADS, and any offerings by us or our main shareholders could have an adverse effect on the market price of our Ordinary Shares and ADSs.

We entered into a registration rights agreement requiring us to, in certain circumstances, register for resale under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), all registrable shares held by the holders of Restricted Shares (the “Restricted Shareholders”) any time after 10 October 2021, the fifth anniversary of the completion of the combination with SAB, at which point the Restricted Shares will become eligible for conversion into Ordinary Shares at the option of the Restricted Shareholder. Although the Restricted Shares are generally subject to certain holdback and suspension periods until 10 October 2021, the Restricted Shares, once they are converted to Ordinary Shares, are not subject to a “lock-up” or similar restriction under the registration rights agreement. Accordingly, sales of large numbers of Ordinary Shares may be made following the expiry of such holdback and suspension periods. Registration and sales of our Ordinary Shares effectuated pursuant to the registration rights agreement will increase the number of shares being sold in the public market and may increase the volatility of the price of our Ordinary Shares and ADSs.

Investors may suffer dilution if they are not able to participate in equity offerings, and our ADS holders may not receive any value for rights that we may grant.

Our constitutional documents provide for preference rights to be granted to our existing shareholders unless such rights are disapplied by resolution of our shareholders’ meeting or the Board of Directors. Our shareholders’ meeting or our Board of Directors may disapply such rights in future equity offerings, while no preference rights apply to capital increases through contributions in kind. In addition, certain shareholders (including shareholders resident in, or citizens of, certain jurisdictions, such as the United States, Australia, Canada and Japan) may not be entitled to exercise such rights even if they are not disapplied unless the rights and related shares are registered or qualified for sale under the relevant legislative or regulatory framework. In particular, there can be no assurance that we will be able to establish an exemption from registration under the Securities Act and we are under no obligation to file a registration statement with respect to any such preferential subscription rights or underlying securities or to endeavor to have a registration statement declared effective under the Securities Act (other than as set out in the Registration Rights Agreement) (see “Item 10. Additional Information—C. Material Contracts—Material Contracts Related to the Acquisition of SAB — Registration Rights Agreement” for more information on the Registration Rights Agreement). As a result, there is the risk that investors may suffer dilution of their shareholding should they not be permitted to participate in preference right equity or other offerings that we may conduct in the future.

If rights are granted to our shareholders, but the ADR depositary is unable to sell rights corresponding to shares represented by ADSs that are not exercised by, or distributed to, our ADS holders, or if the sale of such rights is not lawful or reasonably practicable, the ADR depositary will allow the rights to lapse, in which case ADS holders will receive no value for such rights.

ADS holders may not be able to exercise their right to vote the shares underlying our ADSs.

Holders of ADSs may be entitled to exercise voting rights with respect to the Ordinary Shares represented by our ADSs only in accordance with the provisions of the deposit agreement (as amended from time to time, the “Deposit Agreement”), dated 30 June 2009, as amended from time to time, among AB InBev, The Bank of New York Mellon, as depositary, and the owners and holders of American Depositary Shares from time to time under the Deposit Agreement. The Deposit Agreement provides that, upon receipt of a notice of any meeting of holders of our Ordinary Shares, the depositary will, if we so request, distribute to the ADS holders a notice which shall contain (i) such information as is contained in the notice of the meeting sent by us, (ii) a statement that the ADS holder as of the specified record date shall be entitled to instruct the ADR depositary as to the exercise of voting rights and (iii) a statement as to the manner in which instructions may be given by the holders.



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Under the Deposit Agreement, holders of ADSs may instruct the depositary to vote the shares underlying their ADSs, but they will only receive the notice described above if we ask the depositary to ask for their instructions. Otherwise, ADS holders will not be able to exercise their right to vote, unless they withdraw the Ordinary Shares underlying the ADSs they hold. However, ADS holders may not know about the meeting far enough in advance to withdraw those shares. If we ask for the instructions of ADS holders, the depositary, upon timely notice from us, will notify ADS holders of the upcoming vote and arrange to deliver our voting materials to them. We cannot guarantee ADS holders that they will receive the voting materials in time to ensure that they can instruct the depositary to vote their shares. In addition, the depositary and its agents are not responsible for failing to carry out voting instructions or for the manner of carrying out voting instructions. This means that ADS holders may not be able to exercise their right to vote, and there may be nothing they can do if the shares underlying their ADSs are not voted as requested.

ADS holders may be subject to limitations on the transfer of their ADSs or the withdrawal of the underlying Ordinary Shares from the deposit facility.

ADSs are transferable on the books of the ADR depositary. However, the ADR depositary may refuse to deliver, transfer or register transfers of ADSs generally when the books of the depositary are closed or if such action is deemed necessary or advisable by the depositary or by us because of any requirement of law or of any government or governmental body or commission or under any provision of the Deposit Agreement. Moreover, the surrender of ADSs and withdrawal of Ordinary Shares may be suspended subject to the payment of fees, taxes and similar charges or if we direct the depositary at any time to cease new issuances and withdrawals of our Ordinary Shares during periods specified by us in connection with shareholders’ meetings, the payment of dividends or as otherwise reasonably necessary for compliance with any applicable laws or government regulations.

Shareholders may not enjoy under Belgian corporate law and our articles of association certain of the rights and protections generally afforded to shareholders of U.S. companies under U.S. federal and state laws and the NYSE rules.

We are a public limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Belgium. Shareholders may not enjoy under Belgian corporate law and our articles of association certain of the rights and protections generally afforded to shareholders of U.S. companies under U.S. federal and state laws and the NYSE rules. The rights provided to our shareholders under Belgian corporate law and our articles of association differ in certain respects from the rights that you would typically enjoy as a shareholder of a U.S. company under applicable U.S. federal and/or state laws. In general, the Belgian Corporate Governance Code is a code of best practice applying to Belgian-listed companies on a non-binding basis. The Belgian Corporate Governance Code applies a “comply or explain” approach, i.e., companies may depart from the Belgian Corporate Governance Code’s provisions if, as required by law, they give a reasoned explanation of the reasons for doing so.

We rely on a provision in the NYSE Listed Company Manual that allows us to follow Belgian corporate law and the Belgian Corporate Governance Code with regard to certain aspects of corporate governance. This allows us to follow certain corporate governance practices that differ in significant respects from the corporate governance requirements applicable to U.S. companies listed on the NYSE. See “Item 16G. Corporate Governance” for additional information on these differences. In particular, the NYSE rules require a majority of the directors of a U.S.-listed company to be independent while, in Belgium, only three directors need be independent. Our board currently comprises three independent directors and 12 directors not deemed to be “independent” under the NYSE listing standards. See “Item 6. Directors, Senior Management and Employees—A. Directors and Senior Management—Board of Directors.” The NYSE rules further require that each of the nomination, compensation and audit committees of a listed U.S. company be comprised entirely of independent directors. However, the Belgian Corporate Governance Code recommends only that a majority of the directors on each of these committees meet the technical requirements for independence under Belgian corporate law. All voting members of our Audit Committee are independent for purposes of Rule 10A-3 under the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”). Our Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee have members who would not be considered independent under NYSE rules, and, therefore, our Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee would not be in compliance with the NYSE Corporate Governance Standards for domestic issuers in respect of the independence of these committees. However, our Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee are composed exclusively of non-executive directors who are independent of management and whom we consider to be free of any business or other relationship which could materially interfere with the exercise of their independent judgment. See “Item 6. Directors, Senior Management and Employees—C. Board Practices—Information about Our Committees—General.”




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Under Belgian corporate law, other than certain limited information that we must make public, our shareholders may not ask for an inspection of our corporate records, while under Delaware corporate law, any shareholder, irrespective of the size of his or her shareholdings, may do so. Shareholders of a Belgian corporation are also unable to initiate a derivative action, a remedy typically available to shareholders of U.S. companies, in order to enforce a right of AB InBev, in case we fail to enforce such right ourselves, other than in certain cases of director liability under limited circumstances. In addition, a majority of our shareholders may release a director from any claim of liability we may have, including if he or she has acted in bad faith or has breached his or her duty of loyalty, provided, in some cases, that the relevant acts were specifically mentioned in the convening notice to the shareholders’ meeting deliberating on the discharge. In contrast, most U.S. federal and state laws prohibit a company or its shareholders from releasing a director from liability altogether if he or she has acted in bad faith or has breached his or her duty of loyalty to the company. Finally, Belgian corporate law does not provide any form of appraisal rights in the case of a business combination.

For additional information on these and other aspects of Belgian corporate law and our articles of association, see “Item 10. Additional Information—B. Memorandum and Articles of Association and Other Share Information.” As a result of these differences between Belgian corporate law and our articles of association, on the one hand, and U.S. federal and state laws, on the other hand, in certain instances, you could receive less protection as a shareholder of our company than you would as a shareholder of a U.S. company.

As a “foreign private issuer” in the United States, we are exempt from a number of rules under U.S. securities laws and are permitted to file less information with the SEC.

As a “foreign private issuer,” we are exempt from certain rules under the Exchange Act that impose certain disclosure obligations and procedural requirements for proxy solicitations under Section 14 of the Exchange Act. In addition, our officers, directors and principal shareholders are exempt from the reporting and “short-swing” profit recovery provisions under Section 16 of the Exchange Act. Moreover, we are not required to file periodic reports and financial statements with the SEC as frequently or as promptly as U.S. companies whose securities are registered under the Exchange Act. Accordingly, there may be less publicly available information concerning us than there is for U.S. public companies.

It may be difficult for investors outside Belgium to serve process on or enforce foreign judgments against us.

We are a Belgian public limited liability company. Certain of the members of our Board of Directors and the Executive Committee and certain of the persons named herein are non-residents of the United States. All or a substantial portion of the assets of such non-resident persons and certain of our assets are located outside the United States. As a result, it may not be possible for investors to effect service of process upon such persons or on us or to enforce against them or us a judgment obtained in U.S. courts. Original actions or actions for the enforcement of judgments of U.S. courts relating to the civil liability provisions of the federal or state securities laws of the United States are not directly enforceable in Belgium. The United States and Belgium do not currently have a multilateral or bilateral treaty providing for reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgments, other than arbitral awards, in civil and commercial matters. In order for a final judgment for the payment of money rendered by U.S. courts based on civil liability to produce any effect on Belgian soil, it is accordingly required that this judgment be recognized or be declared enforceable by a Belgian court pursuant to the relevant provisions of the 2004 Belgian Code of Private International Law. Recognition or enforcement does not imply a review of the merits of the case and is irrespective of any reciprocity requirement. A U.S. judgment will, however, not be recognized or declared enforceable in Belgium if it infringes upon one or more of the grounds for refusal which are exhaustively listed in Article 25 of the Belgian Code of Private International Law. In addition to recognition or enforcement, a judgment by a federal or state court in the United States against us may also serve as evidence in a similar action in a Belgian court if it meets the conditions required for the authenticity of judgments according to the law of the state where it was rendered.



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We are the world’s largest brewer by volume and one of the world’s top ten consumer products companies by revenue. As a consumer-focused, insights-driven company, we produce, market, distribute and sell a diversified portfolio of well over 500 beer and other malt beverage brands. These include brands with significant international distribution, such as Budweiser, Corona (except in the United States), Stella Artois, Beck’s, Leffe, Hoegaarden and Michelob Ultra; and brands primarily distributed to local markets such as Bud Light in the United States, Modelo Especial, Negra Modelo, Victoria and Pacifico in Mexico; Skol, Brahma and Antarctica in Brazil; Aguila and Poker in Colombia; Cristal and Pilsen Callao in Peru; Quilmes in Argentina; Jupiler in Belgium and the Netherlands; Franziskaner in Germany; Carling Black Label, Castle Lager, Castle Lite and Hansa Pilsener in South Africa; Hero and Trophy in Nigeria; Safari and Kilimanjaro in Tanzania; Harbin and Sedrin in China; and Cass in South Korea. We also produce and distribute soft drinks, particularly in Central and South America and Africa, and beyond beer products, such as Bud Light Seltzer in the United States; and Bud Light Strawberry Lemonade, Palm Bay, and Mike’s Hard Lemonade in Canada.

Our dedication to quality goes back to a brewing tradition of more than 600 years with the Den Hoorn brewery in Leuven, Belgium, as well as the pioneering spirit of the Anheuser & Co. brewery, with origins in St. Louis, U.S.A. since 1852, and the history of the South African Breweries with its origins in Johannesburg in 1895. As of 31 December 2020, we employed more than 164,000 people based in nearly 50 countries worldwide. As a result, we have a global footprint with a balanced exposure to developed and developing markets and production facilities spread across our geographic regions. Since 1 January 2019, we have reported our results under the following five regions: North America, Middle Americas, South America, EMEA and Asia Pacific. We also report the results of Global Export and Holding Companies, which includes our global headquarters and the export businesses, which have not been allocated to the regions.

Our 2020 volumes (beer and non-beer) were 531 million hectoliters and our revenue amounted to USD 46.9 billion.

Registration and Main Corporate Details

Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV was incorporated on 3 March 2016 for an unlimited duration under the laws of Belgium under the original name Newbelco SA/NV, and is the successor entity to predecessor Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, which was incorporated on 2 August 1977 for an unlimited duration under the laws of Belgium under the original name BEMES. It has the legal form of a public limited liability company (naamloze vennootschap/société anonyme). Its registered office is located at Grand-Place/Grote Markt 1, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, and it is registered with the Register of Legal Entities of Brussels under the number 0417.497.106. Our global headquarters are located at Brouwerijplein 1, 3000 Leuven, Belgium (tel.: +32 16 27 61 11). Our agent in the United States is Anheuser-Busch InBev Services LLC, 250 Park Avenue, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10177.

We are a publicly traded company, with our primary listing on Euronext Brussels under the symbol “ABI.” We also have secondary listings on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange under the symbol “ANH” and the Mexican Stock Exchange under the symbol “ANB.” ADSs representing rights to receive our Ordinary Shares are listed and trade on the NYSE under the symbol “BUD.”

History and Development of the Company

Our dedication to quality goes back to a brewing tradition of more than 600 years and the Den Hoorn brewery in Leuven, Belgium. In 1717, Sébastien Artois, master brewer of Den Hoorn, took over the brewery and renamed it Sébastien Artois. In 1987, the two largest breweries in Belgium merged: Brouwerijen Artois NV, located in Leuven, and Brasserie Piedboeuf SA, founded in 1853 and located in Jupille, resulting in the formation of Interbrew S.A. Interbrew operated as a family-owned business until December 2000, the time of its initial public offering on Euronext Brussels. The period since the listing of Interbrew on Euronext Brussels has been marked by increasing geographical diversification.



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Since 2000, we have completed the following major combinations, acquisitions and sales:



In 2002, Interbrew acquired Beck’s for 3.5 billion German marks.



In 2004, Interbrew combined with Ambev, a Brazilian company originally formed by the combination of Brahma and Antarctica in 1999–2000, resulting in the creation of InBev. Ambev is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and on the São Paulo Stock Exchange. As of 31 December 2020, we had a 61.8% voting and economic interest in Ambev.



In July 2008, InBev combined with Anheuser-Busch Companies by way of an offer for USD 54.8 billion, as a result of which we changed our name to Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV.



In 2013, we announced the completion of our combination with Grupo Modelo in a transaction valued at USD 20.1 billion, following which we owned approximately 95% of Grupo Modelo’s outstanding shares. We acquired the remaining shares via a mandatory tender offer, which completed in August 2015.



In 2013, in another transaction related to the combination with Grupo Modelo, Grupo Modelo completed the sale of its U.S. business to Constellation Brands, Inc. for approximately USD 4.75 billion, in aggregate. The transaction included the sale of Grupo Modelo’s Piedras Negras brewery, Grupo Modelo’s 50% stake in Crown Imports LLC and perpetual rights to certain of Grupo Modelo’s beer brands in the United States. As a consequence, we granted Constellation Brands, Inc. the exclusive and perpetual right to market and sell Corona beer and certain other Grupo Modelo beer brands in the 50 states of the United States, the District of Columbia and Guam. In December 2016, we also completed the sale of our brewery plant located in Obregón, Sonora, México to Constellation Brands, Inc. for a sale price of approximately USD 600 million.



In October 2016, we completed our combination with SAB, valued at a gross purchase consideration of USD 114 billion. See “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—A. Key Factors Affecting Results of Operations—Acquisitions, Divestitures and Other Structural Changes—Acquisition of SAB” for more information on the combination with SAB. In connection with the combination with SAB, we transferred SAB’s business in Panama to Ambev in exchange for Ambev’s businesses in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. We also undertook certain divestitures, with the goal of proactively addressing potential regulatory considerations regarding the combination with SAB.



On 30 March 2018, we combined Russia and Ukraine businesses with those of Anadolu Efes through the creation of a new company called AB InBev Efes. Following the closing of this transaction, the newly combined business is fully consolidated into Anadolu Efes. As a result of the transaction, we have stopped consolidating these operations and account for our investment in AB InBev Efes under the equity method.



On 30 September 2019, we successfully completed the listing of a minority stake of our Asia Pacific subsidiary, Budweiser APAC, on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for USD 5.75 billion (including the exercise of an over-allotment option). On 3 October 2019, the over- allotment option in connection with the initial public offering of a minority stake of Budweiser APAC was fully exercised. Following the full exercise of the over-allotment option, we control 87.22% of the issued share capital of Budweiser APAC.



On 1 June 2020, we completed the sale of our Australia business (Carlton & United Breweries) to Asahi for AUD 16.0 billion, resulting in net proceeds of USD 10.8 billion. As part of this transaction, we granted Asahi rights to commercialize our portfolio of global and international brands in Australia.



On 30 September 2020, we completed the acquisition of the remaining 68.8% stake in Craft Brew Alliance for net consideration of USD 0.2 billion and obtained 100% control over Craft Brew Alliance.



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On 31 December 2020, we completed the issuance of a 49.9% minority stake in our US-based metal container operations to Apollo Global Management, Inc. for net proceeds of USD 3.0 billion. We continue to have operational control of our US-based metal container operations.

Furthermore, during 2020, 2019 and 2018, we performed a series of other investments and disposals. For further details, see “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—G. Liquidity and Capital Resources—Investments and Disposals.”








We are building a company to last, brewing beer and building brands that will continue to bring people together for the next 100 years and beyond. As a global family of local companies with operations in nearly 50 markets and sales in over 150 countries, we unite approximately 164,000 exceptional people and more than 500 brands around a passion for brewing the highest quality beer. We believe that the following key strengths will drive the realization of our strategic goals and reinforce our competitive position in the marketplace:

Global platform with strong market positions in key markets to grow the category

We are a truly global brewer, positioned to serve the evolving needs of consumers worldwide. Our portfolio of well over 500 brands means we have beers for every type of occasion and our iconic brands bring people together across generations and communities.

We hold leading positions in the majority of our key markets, based on strong brands and the benefits of scale. We believe this enables us to invest significant sales and marketing resources in our brands, achieve attractive sourcing terms, generate cost savings through centralization and operate under a lean cost structure. Our global footprint provides us with a strong platform to grow our global and multi-country brands, while developing local brands tailored to regional tastes and trends. We benefit from a global distribution network which, depending on the location, is either owned by us or is based on strong partnerships with wholesalers and local distributors.

In 2020, we were one of the largest consumer products companies worldwide, measured by EBITDA, as defined, and held the number one position in terms of total market share of beer by volume in the world, according to Plato Logic Limited. We hold the number one position in terms of total market share of beer by volume, based on our estimates, in the United States, Mexico and Brazil, three of the top five most profitable beer markets in the world. We estimate that we hold the number three position in total market share of beer by volume, and the number one position by volume in the fast-growing premium beer category, in China, the world’s largest beer market by volume.

We believe that we can realize sufficient upside potential by using our strong platform to grow our global and multi-country brands while developing local brands tailored to regional tastes and trends.

Geographic diversification

Our geographically diversified platform balances the growth opportunities of developing markets with the stability and strength of developed markets. With significant operations in both the Southern and Northern Hemispheres, we benefit from a natural hedge against local or regional market, economic and seasonal volatility.

Developed markets represented approximately 44.8% of our 2020 revenue and developing markets represented 55.2% of our 2020 revenue. Our developing markets include Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, India, Mexico, Mozambique, Nigeria, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam and Zambia.



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Strong brand portfolio with global, multi-country and local brands

Our strong brand portfolio addresses a broad range of demand for different types of beer, comprising three categories:



Global brands: Capitalizing on common values and experiences which appeal to consumers across borders, our three global brands, Budweiser, Corona and Stella Artois, have recognition and appeal worldwide in a significant number of markets globally;



Multi-country brands: Building from a strong consumer base in their home markets, our multi-country brands, Beck’s, Hoegaarden, Leffe and Michelob Ultra, bring international flavor to selected markets, connecting with consumers across continents; and



Local brands: Offering locally popular tastes, local brands such as Aguila, Bud Light, Cass, Cristal, Harbin, Poker, Skol and Victoria connect particularly well with consumers in their home markets.

With well over 500 brands, of which 17 had an estimated gross revenue of over USD 1.0 billion in 2020, we believe our portfolio is the strongest in the industry. Eight of our brands – Budweiser, Bud Light, Stella Artois, Corona Extra, Skol, Brahma, Aguila and Modelo – are ranked among the Global Top Ten most valuable beer brands by BrandZ.

Our passion for brewing was evidenced by the 237 awards we won around the world this year, despite the cancellation of many competitions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, making us the most awarded brewer at major international beer competitions. We continue to focus on creating the highest quality beers to meet consumer needs across a wide variety of occasions.

Our strategy is to develop a portfolio of brands that meet a wide breadth of consumer needs within the market, ranging in terms of price tier, flavor profiles, and brand meaning. As a result, we make clear brand choices and seek to invest behind brands with strong purpose in order to build deep connections with consumers. We leverage the scale of our global footprint to replicate successful brand initiatives, market programs and best practices across multiple geographic markets.

Strong consumer insights-driven brand development capabilities

As a consumer-focused, insights-driven company, we continuously strive to understand the values, lifestyles and preferences of today’s consumers. Furthermore, we want to provide superior products to our consumers across key categories. We expect that this will allow us to remain relevant, as well as build fresh appeal and competitive advantage through innovative products and services tailored to meet evolving consumer needs. We believe that consumer demand can be best anticipated by a close relationship between our innovation and insight teams in which current and expected market trends trigger and drive research processes. To better address changing consumer behaviors, it is also critical that we have a diverse portfolio of products that target a variety of consumer needs and occasions. Successful examples of recently developed products or insights deployed include Brahma Duplo Malte (Brazil), Bud Light Seltzer (U.S.), Stella Artois Solstice (U.S.), Bud Light Strawberry Lemonade (Canada), Mike’s Blue Freeze (Canada), Victoria 1.8% (Mexico), Coronita (Ecuador), Nuestra Siembra (Ecuador), Chicha Taquina (Bolivia), Sedrin Lychee (China), Filgood (South Korea), Leffe Legere (France), and Stella Artois 0.0 (UK, Belgium).

We believe that our internal excellence programs are a major competitive advantage. The World Class Marketing Excellence Program and Marketing Academy was re-designed in 2020 to continuously improve the quality of our marketing capabilities and processes by ensuring they are fully understood by all relevant employees and consistently followed.



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Strict financial discipline

World-class efficiency has been, and will remain, a long-term focus across all markets, all lines of business and under all economic circumstances. Avoiding unnecessary costs is a core competency within our culture. We aim to be efficient with our overhead expenses in order to spend more effectively to grow our company. As a result, we have implemented, and will continue to develop, programs and initiatives aimed at reducing non-commercial expenses. This strict financial discipline has allowed us to develop a “Cost—Connect—Win” model in which overhead expenses are minimized in order to maximize our sales and marketing investments designed to connect with our consumers, win market share and achieve long-term, profitable growth.

We have a number of group-wide cost efficiency programs in place, including:



Zero-Based Budgeting or ZBB: Under Zero-Based Budgeting (“ZBB”), budget decisions are unrelated to the previous year’s levels of expenditure and require justification starting from a zero base each year. Employee compensation is closely tied to delivering on zero-based budgets. ZBB has been successfully introduced into all of our major markets, as well as our global headquarters.



Voyager Plant Optimization or VPO: Voyager Plant Optimization (“VPO”) aims to bring greater efficiency and standardization to our brewing operations and to generate cost savings, while at the same time improving quality, safety and the environment. VPO also entails assessment of our procurement processes to maximize purchasing power and to help us achieve the best results when purchasing a range of goods and services. Behavioral change towards greater efficiencies is at the core of this program, and comprehensive training modules have been established to assist our employees with the implementation of VPO in their daily routines.



Business Shared Services Centers: We have established a number of business shared services centers across our business segments which focus on transactional and support activities within our group. These centers help to standardize working practices and identify and disseminate best practices.

Experienced management team with a strong track record of delivering synergies through business combinations

During the last two decades, our management, including the management of our predecessor companies, has executed a number of merger and acquisition transactions of varying sizes, with acquired businesses being successfully and smoothly integrated into our operations, realizing significant synergies. Notable historical examples include the creation of Ambev in 2000 through the combination of Brahma and Antarctica, the acquisition of Beck’s by Interbrew in 2002, the combination of Ambev and Quilmes in 2003, Ambev gaining control of Labatt in 2004 and the creation of InBev in 2004 from the combination of Interbrew and Ambev. More recent examples include the combination with Anheuser-Busch Companies in November 2008, the combination with Grupo Modelo in June 2013 and the combination with SAB in 2016.

Our strong track record also extends to successfully integrating brands such as Budweiser, Corona and Stella Artois into our global brand portfolio and distribution network, including leveraging Ambev’s distribution channels in Latin America and Canada.



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Delivering organic growth

We have a long-term focus on top-line growth, and delivering consistent, balanced and profitable top-line growth is our number one priority. We are building a company for the next 100 years. We have a comprehensive strategy focused on three interlocking strategic frameworks:



The market maturity model is a framework that classifies our markets against a maturity level and share of beer. We know that the beer category evolves as markets mature and we use the market maturity model to group markets into clusters based on maturity level. We have found that the growth opportunity for beer differs across each level of maturity. The model enables us to develop our portfolios and commercial capabilities with a future-facing mindset, so we can predict the evolution of a market and anticipate market dynamics from more mature markets, set specific priorities based on a market’s cluster and optimize our portfolio of brands to address consumer occasions across clusters.



Category expansion framework guides us in shaping our brand portfolio to take advantage of the new occasions in evolving markets. We use this framework to identify which types of beer will best fit the adapting needs of an evolving market. This allows us to expand our offerings to anticipate and deliver the types of beer our consumers desire. Our vision is to structure the evolution of beers to be similar to other categories (to stretch the price ladder through premiumization, add lower bitterness propositions, introduce sophisticated options and extend to savorings and refinement). We believe that the insights derived from the category expansion framework will enable our company to achieve further growth across our diverse geographic footprint at different levels of maturity.



Growth champions: We use growth champions to ensure that we expand our portfolios and related commercial practices efficiently and at the right time. This process follows one of our most successful business systems, efficiency systems, which provide a benchmark to open gaps, share best practices and then execute on them in a deliberate manner in order to deliver increasing cost-efficiency. We are now replicating this system through growth champions, benchmarking best practices for top-line growth around the world and implementing them in new markets with similar characteristics to leverage our scale.

Since the combination with SAB, we have adopted a new way of looking at the beer category that recognizes different market maturities and the role of brand portfolios in driving category health. We are excited about the growth opportunities we are seeing in more than 50 markets—in both developed and developing markets—and this positions us for sustainable and profitable long-term revenue growth, delivered with a healthy balance between volume and revenue per hectoliter. As a result of now having operations in virtually every major beer market, we have an enhanced understanding of the key moments of consumption, and to focus our sales, marketing, product development and other brand-building activities on capturing a greater share of these consumption opportunities. We believe that by understanding, embracing and enriching consumption moments and occasions, we have the opportunity to accelerate growth and deliver increased shareholder value.

Our strategy is based on our Purpose of Bringing People Together for a Better World

We strive to achieve this every day. By combining scale, resources and energy with the needs of the communities we serve, we believe we have the drive and tools to help make it happen.

We are committed to driving long-term growth and creating value for our business partners and stakeholders. Through our products, brands and investment in communities, we are excited to work toward the Purpose of Bringing People Together for a Better World.

With operations in virtually every major beer market and an expanded portfolio that includes global, multi-country and local brands, we are providing more choices for consumers around the world to better meet their needs and expectations. We expect that our expanded reach will help grow our global and multi-country brands, while we continue to develop local brands tailored to regional tastes and trends.

Through our reach, resources and energy, we are addressing the needs of our communities by:



Improving environmental and social sustainability: We depend on natural resources to brew our beers and strive to use resources responsibly and preserve them for the future. That is why we factor sustainability into how we do business, including how we source water, energy and raw materials. We develop innovative programs across our supply chain to improve our sustainability performance with our business partners. To improve lives in the communities we are part of, we also support the farmers and small retailers in our value chain to help them be more productive. To facilitate progress, we combined our sustainability and procurement activities under a single function led by a member of our senior leadership team.




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Promoting smart drinking: We want every experience with beer to be a positive one. We believe that the harmful use of alcohol is bad for consumers, society and our business. We’re a global company, brewing beers and building brands that will continue to bring people together for a better world for the next 100 years and beyond. This requires thriving communities across the globe where harmful use of alcohol no longer presents a social challenge. We established our Global Smart Drinking Goals in December 2015 to contribute to the World Health Organization’s target of reducing the harmful use of alcohol by at least 10% in every country by 2025 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal of strengthening the prevention of harmful use of alcohol globally. Our Global Smart Drinking Goals are intended to serve as a laboratory to identify and test replicable programs, implement them in partnership with others and ensure they are independently and transparently evaluated.



Increasing workplace safety: We are committed to doing everything possible to create a safe work environment. We encourage employees and contractors to follow safe practices and make healthy choices in our workplaces and local communities.



Business ethics: Our leaders set the tone for our company. We expect them to deliver results and to inspire our colleagues through passion for brewing and a sense of ownership. Most importantly, we never take shortcuts. Integrity, hard work, quality and responsibility are essential to our growth.

For further information about our Purpose of Bringing People Together for a Better World, see “—13. Social and Community Matters.”

With our strong brand portfolio, we are “bringing people together” in ways that few others can. By building common ground, strengthening human connections and helping our consumers share unique experiences, we are able to achieve something together that cannot be accomplished alone.

Cost management and efficiency

We strive to continuously improve efficiency by unlocking the potential for variable and fixed-cost savings by seeking to:



maintain long-term cost increases below inflation, benefiting from the application of cost-efficiency programs such as ZBB and VPO, internal and external benchmarking, as well as from our size;



leverage our global procurement office to generate further cost savings, and build on our supplier relationships to bring new ideas and innovation to our business; and



continue to share best practices across all functions, as well as benchmark performance externally against other leading companies. Cost management and efficiency will be part of an ongoing process and fueled by an ownership mindset.




We produce, market, distribute and sell a portfolio of well over 500 beer and malt beverage brands. We have a global footprint with a balanced exposure to developed and developing markets and production facilities spread across our regions.

Our production and distribution facilities and other assets are predominantly located in the same geographical areas as our consumers. We set up local production when we believe that there is substantial potential for local sales that cannot be addressed in a cost-efficient manner through exports or third-party distribution into the relevant country. Local production also helps us to reduce, although it does not eliminate, our exposure to currency movements.



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The table below sets out the main brands we sell in the markets listed below as of 31 December 2020. We expect that significant growth opportunities will arise from marketing our brand portfolio through a largely complementary distribution network.


Country by Region



North America   
Canada    Beer and Beyond Beer: Alexander Keith’s, Archibald, American Vintage, Beach Day Every Day, Beck’s, Brava, Bud Light, Bud Light Strawberry Lemonade, Budweiser, Busch, Corona, Hoegaarden, Goose Island, Kokanee, Labatt 50, Labatt Blue, Lakeport, Leffe, Löwenbräu, Lucky, Michelob Ultra, Mike’s Hard Lemonade, Mike’s Blue Freeze, Mill Street, NUTRL, Okanagan, Oland, Palm Bay, Rolling Rock, Rockstar, Shock Top, Stanley Park, Stella Artois, Tail Spin
United States    Beer and Beyond Beer: 10 Barrel, Beck’s, Blue Point, Breckenridge, Bud Light, Bud Light Lime, Bud Light Platinum, Bud Light Seltzer, Bud Light Platinum Seltzer, Bud Light Chelada, Bud Light Orange, Bud Light Lemonade, Budweiser, Budweiser Zero, Budweiser Select, Busch, Busch Light, Cutwater, Devil’s Backbone, Elysian, Estrella Jalisco, Four Peaks, Golden Road, Goose Island, Hiball, Hoegaarden, Karbach, Kombrewcha, Landshark, Leffe, Rita Family, Michelob Ultra, Michelob Ultra Pure Gold, Michelob Ultra Infusions, Natural Light, Natural Light Seltzer, Patagonia, Presidente, Rolling Rock, Shock Top, Bon & Viv Spiked Seltzer, Social Club Seltzer, Stella Artois, Virtue, Wicked Weed
Middle Americas   
Colombia    Beer: Bahia, Aguila family, Bogota Beer Company, Budweiser, Club Colombia family, Cola y Pola, Corona, Costeña family, Modelo Especial, Pilsen, Poker family, Redd’s, Stella Artois, Azteca, Beck’s, Busch Light
   Non-Beer: Pony Malta, Malta Leona, Zalva
Dominican Republic    Beer: Bohemia, Brahma, Budweiser, Corona, Franziskaner, Goose Island, Hoegaarden, Leffe, Modelo (Especial and Negra), Presidente Family, Stella Artois, Shock Top, Spaten, The One
   Non-Beer: 7UP, Guaraná Antarctica, Enriquillo, Coco Rico, Malta Bohemia, Malta Löwenbräu, Malta Morena, Montpellier water, Pepsi, Red Bull, Red Rock, 911, VitaMalt
Ecuador    Beer: Budweiser, Club family, Pilsener family, Corona, Stella Artois, Beck’s, Suprema, Nuestra Siembra, Archer
   Non-Beer: Manantial water, Pony Malta, Origen, Origen Vibes
El Salvador    Beer: Golden, Pilsener, Corona, Taurino, Modelo, Stella Artois, Budweiser, Corona Cero, Michelob Ultra, Santa Cruz



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Country by Region



   Non-Beer: Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Tropical, Ades, Cristal (Water), Del Valle, Monster, Powerade, Oasis (Water), Fuze Tea
Guatemala    Beer: Beck’s Blue, Brahva, Bud Light, Budweiser, Busch Light, Corona, Goose Island, Hoegaarden, Leffe, Michelob Ultra, Modelo (Especial and Negra), Shock Top, Stella Artois
Honduras    Beer: Barena, Corona, Imperial, Port Royal, SalvaVida, Michelob Ultra, Legacy, Barena Lime, Stella Artois
   Non-Beer: Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Tropical, Fresca, Ades, Dasani (Water), Del Valle, Monster, Powerade, Vital (Water), Acti Malta, Fuze Tea
Mexico    Beer and Beyond Beer: Barrilito, Bocanegra, Bud Light, Budweiser, Busch Light, Carta Clara, Corona Extra, Corona Cero (non-alcoholic), Corona Light, Corona Ligera, Cucapá, Estrella, Goose Island, Guinness, Hoegaarden, Leon, Mexicali, Michelob Ultra, Michelob Ultra Seltzer, Modelo Ambar, Modelo Especial, Modelo Trigo, Montejo, Modelo Negra, Pacifico, Stella Artois, Tijuana, Tropical Light, Victoria, Victoria 1.8, Vickychelada, Vicky Chamoy
   Non-Beer: Nestlé Pureza Vital, Perrier, Sn. Pellegrino, Sta. María, Red Bull
Panama    Beer: Atlas, Atlas Golden Light, Balboa, Balboa Ice, Budweiser, Corona, Presidente, Michelob Ultra, Modelo Especial, Stella Artois, Becks, Leffe, Hoegaarden, Goose Island
   Non-Beer: 7UP, Agua Brisa, Malta Vigor, Mirinda, Pepsi, Pony Malta, Canada Dry, Orange Crush, Squirt
Peru    Beer: Arequipeña, Barbarian, Becks, Budweiser, Pacífico, Golden, Corona, Cristal, Cusqueña family, Michelob Ultra, Pilsen Callao, Pilsen Trujillo, San Juan, Stella Artois
   Non-Beer: Agua Tonica Backus, Guaraná Backus family, Maltin Power, San Mateo water, Viva Backus, Malta Cusqueña, Mike’s Hard
South America   
Argentina    Beer: Andes, Budweiser, Brahma, Corona, Franziskaner, Goose Island, Hoegaarden, Leffe, Löwenbräu, Michelob Ultra, Negra Modelo, Patagonia, Quilmes, Stella Artois, Temple
Bolivia    Beer: Báltica, Beck´s, Bicervecina, Bock, Brahma, Corona, Coronita, Ducal, El Inca, Huari, Imperial, Paceña, Stella Artois, Taquiña
   Non-Beer: Pepsi, Guarana, Ortinal Mirinda, 7Up, Maltin, Gatorade, H20H!
Brazil    Beer and Beyond Beer: Antarctica, Antarctica SubZero, Becks, Bohemia, Brahma, Brahma Duplo Malte, Budweiser, Colorado, Corona, Hoegaarden, Leffe, Nossa, Original, Serramalte, Skol, Beats, Skol Puro Malte, Stella Artois



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Country by Region



   Non-Beer: Antárctica Guaraná, Gatorade, H2OH!, Lipton, Pepsi, Sukita, Tônica Antarctica
Chile    Beer: Baviera, Baltica, Beck’s, Becker, Brahma, Budweiser, Bud Light, Busch, Corona, Coronita, Cusqueña, Goose Island, Hoegaarden, Kilometro 24.7, Kona, Leffe, Malta del Sur, Michelob Ultra, Modelo, Negra Modelo, Modelo Especial, Paceña, Pilsen, Pilsen Del Sur, Quilmes, Stella Artois

Beer: Antarctica, Baviera, Bohemia, Brahma, Brahma Subzero, Budweiser, Bud Light, Corona, Hoegaarden, Leffe, Norte, Ouro Fino, Patagonia, Pilsen, Pilsen Nande, Quilmes, Skol, Stella Artois


Non-Beer: Dante Robino

Uruguay    Beer: Beck’s, Brahma, Budweiser, Corona, Franziskaner, Goose Island, Hoegaarden, Leffe, Löwenbräu, Negra Modelo, Michelob Ultra, Norteña, Patagonia, Patricia, Pilsen, Quilmes, Stella Artois, Zillertal
   Non-Beer: 7UP, Gatorade, Guarana, H2OH!, Mirinda, Paso de los Toros, Pepsi, Teem
Belgium    Beer and Beyond Beer: Belle Vue, Corona, Cubanisto, Ginette, Hoegaarden, Jupiler, Kwak, Leffe, Stella Artois, Tripel Karmeliet, Victoria Strong Blonde
France    Beer and Beyond Beer: Beck’s, Belle Vue, Bud, Camden, Corona, Cubanisto, Franziskaner, Ginette, Goose Island, Hoegaarden, Jupiler, Kwak, Leffe, Lowenbrau, Stella Artois, Tripel Karmeliet
Germany    Beer: Beck’s, Corona, Diebels, Haake-Beck, Hasseroeder, Lowenbrau, Leffe Spaten
Italy    Beer: Beck’s, Birra del Borgo, Budweiser, Corona, Franziskaner, Goose Island, Hoegaarden, Jupiler, Kwak, Leffe, Lowenbrau, Spaten, Stella Atrois, Tennet’s Super
Luxembourg    Beer: Corona, Diekirch, Franziskaner, Hoegaarden, Jupiler, Kwak, Leffe, Stella Artois, Tripel Karmeliet
Netherlands    Beer and Beyond Beer: Bud, Corona, Cubanisto, Dommelsch, Franziskaner, Goose Island, Hertog Jan, Hoegaarden, Jupiler, Kwak, Leffe, Lowenbrau, Stella Artois, Tripel Karmeliet
Spain    Beer and Beyond Beer: Budweiser, Corona, Cubanisto, Dorada, Franziskaner, Hoegaarden, La Virgen, Leffe, Stella Artois, Tropical
United Kingdom    Beer and Beyond Beer: Bass, Beck’s, Boddington’s, Brahma, Budweiser, Bud Light, Camden, Corona, Franziskaner, Goose Island, Hoegaarden, Leffe, Lowenbrau, Magners Cidre, Michelob Ultra, Spaten, Stella Artois, Stella Artois Cidre, Tennent’s Super



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Country by Region



Botswana    Beer and Beyond Beer: Carling Black Label, Castle Lager, Castle Lite, Castle Free, Castle Milk Corona, Flying Fish, Hansa Pilsener, Redd’s, Stella Artois, Stout, St. Louis family
   Non-Beer: Bonaqua, Chibuku, Keone Mooka Mague
eSwatini    Beer and Beyond Beer: Brutal Fruit, Budweiser, Carling Black Label, Castle Lager, Castle Lite, Castle Milk Stout, Corona, Flying Fish, Hansa Pilsener, Lion Lager, Redd’s, Sibebe, Smirnoff, Stella Artois
Ghana    Beer: Budweiser, Club Premium Lager, Club Shandy, Eagle, Eagle Extra Stout, Stella Artois
   Non-Beer: Beta Malt
Lesotho    Beer and Beyond Beer: Brutal Fruit, Budweiser, Carling Black Label, Castle Lager, Castle Free, Castle Lite, Castle Milk Stout, Corona, Flying Fish, Hansa Pilsener, Maluti Premium Lager, Redd’s, Smirnoff, Stella Artois
Mozambique    Beer and Beyond Beer: 2M, Budweiser, Carling Black Label, Castle Lite, Corona, Dourada, Flying Fish, Impala, Laurentina family, Manica, Stella Artois, Smirnoff
Namibia    Beer and Beyond Beer: Budweiser, Carling Black Label, Castle Lager, Castle Free Castle Lite, Corona, Eagle Lager, Flying Fish, Lion, Redd’s, Stella Artois
Nigeria    Beer: Budweiser, Castle Lite, Eagle, Eagle Stout, Hero, Trophy, Trophy Stout
   Non-Beer: Beta Malt, Grand Malt, Rootz
South Africa    Beer and Beyond Beer: Beck’s, Beck’s Blue, Brutal Fruit, Budweiser, Carling Black Label, Castle Lager, Castle Free, Castle Lite, Castle Milk Stout, Castle Milk Stout Chocolate, Corona, Flying Fish family, Guinness, Hansa Pilsener, Hoegaarden, Leffe, Lion Lager, No 3 Fransen Street, Newlands Spring, Redd’s family, Red Bull, Shine Club, Stella Artois
   Non-Beer: Smirnoff
Tanzania    Beer and Beyond Beer: Balimi, Budweiser, Castle Lager, Castle Lite, Castle Milk Stout, Corona, Dodoma, Eagle, Imagi, Kilimanjaro, Redd’s, Safari
   Non-Beer: Bia Bingwa, Grand Malt, Konyagi, Ndovu Special Malt, Safari Water
Uganda    Beer and Beyond Beer: Budweiser, Castle Lite, Castle Milk Stout, Chairman’s ESB, Club Pilsener, Club Twist, Eagle family, Konyagi, Nile family
Zambia    Beer: Budweiser, Carling Black Label, Castle Lager, Castle Lite, Corona, Eagle, Flying Fish, Leffe, Mosi, Stella Artois



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Country by Region



Asia Pacific(1)   
China    Beer: Beck’s, Blue Girl, Boxing Cat, Budweiser, Bud Light, Corona, Franziskaner, Ginsber, Goose Island, Harbin family, Hoegaarden, Leffe, Sedrin, Stella Artois
India    Beer: Beck’s Ice, Budweiser, Bud 0.0%, Foster’s, Haywards, Royal Challenge
South Korea    Beer: Beck’s, Budweiser, Cafri, Cass, Corona, Goose Island, Harbin, Hoegaarden, OB Lager, Patagonia Weisse, Stella Artois, Suntory
Vietnam    Beer: Budweiser, Beck’s family, Corona, Hoegaarden, Leffe, Stella Artois, Zorok





On 1 June 2020, we completed the previously announced sale of our Australia business (Carlton & United Breweries) to Asahi for AUD 16.0 billion, resulting in net proceeds of USD 10.8 billion.

The table below sets out our sales broken down by business segment for the periods shown:


     2020     2019     2018  


(USD million)
(% of total)
(USD million)
(% of total)
(USD million)
(% of total)

North America

     15,622        33.3     15,488        29.6     15,504        29.2

Middle Americas

     10,032        21.4     11,912        22.8     11,614        21.9

South America

     8,092        17.3     9,790        18.7     10,238        19.3


     6,835        14.6     7,911        15.1     8,368        15.8

Asia Pacific

     5,648        12.0     6,544        12.5     6,735        12.7

Global Export and Holding Companies

     652        1.4     685        1.3     582        1.1


     46,881        100.0     52,329        100.0     53,041        100.0























Revenue is turnover less excise taxes and discounts. In many jurisdictions, excise taxes make up a large proportion of the cost of beer charged to our customers (see “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—A. Key Factors Affecting Results of Operations—Excise Taxes”).


Effective 1 January 2019, our business segments changed to be as follows: North America, Middle Americas, South America, EMEA, Asia Pacific and Global Export and Holding Companies. The figures for the year ended 31 December 2018 have been restated to reflect this allocation.


Effective 30 September 2019, the Australian operations were classified as a disposal group held for sale, and accounted for as discontinued operations up to 31 May 2020. The transaction closed on 1 June 2020. The figures for the year ended 31 December 2018 have been restated to reflect this change.

For a discussion of changes in revenue, see “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—E. Results of Operations—Year Ended 31 December 2020 Compared to the Year Ended 31 December 2019—Revenue” of this Form 20-F and “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—E. Results of Operations—Year Ended 31 December 2019 Compared to the Year Ended 31 December 2018—Revenue” of our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2019.



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The table below sets out the breakdown between our beer and non-beer volumes and revenue. Based on our actual historical financial information for these periods, our non-beer activities accounted for 11.3% of consolidated volumes in 2020, 11.1% of consolidated volumes in 2019 and 11.8% of consolidated volumes in 2018. In terms of revenue, our non-beer activities generated 8.2% of consolidated revenue in 2020 compared to 8.3% in 2019 and 8.4% in 2018, based on our actual historical financial information for these periods.


     Beer and Beyond Beer(1)(2)(3)(4)      Non-Beer(3)(4)      Consolidated(4)  
     2020      2019      2018      2020      2019      2018      2020      2019      2018  

Volume (million hectoliters)

     467        495        494        60        63        66        530        561        560  

Revenue(2) (USD million)

     43,044        47,984        48,602        3,387        4,345        4,439        46,881        52,329        53,041  





Beer volumes and revenue include not only brands that we own or license, but also third-party brands that we brew or otherwise produce as a subcontractor and third-party products that we sell through our distribution network, particularly in Western Europe.


Revenue is turnover less excise taxes and discounts. In many jurisdictions, excise taxes make up a large proportion of the cost of beer charged to our customers (see “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—A. Key Factors Affecting Results of Operations—Excise Taxes”).


The non-beer category includes soft drinks and certain other beverages.


Effective 30 September 2019, the Australian operations were classified as a disposal group held for sale, and accounted for as discontinued operations up to 31 May 2020. The figures for the year ended 31 December 2018 have been restated to reflect this change.

Beer and Beyond Beer

Our brands are the foundation and the cornerstone of our relationships with consumers. We invest in our brands to create long-term and sustainable competitive advantages by meeting the various needs and expectations of consumers and by developing leading brand positions around the globe.

On the basis of quality and price, beer can be differentiated into the following categories:



Premium or high-end brands;



Core brands; and



Value, discount or sub-premium brands.

Our brands are positioned across all of these categories. For example, a brand like Stella Artois generally targets the premium category across the globe, while a brand like Skol targets the core segment in Brazil and Natural Light targets the sub-premium category in the United States. We have a particular focus on core-to-premium categories but are also present in the value category where the market structure in a particular country necessitates its presence.

Our portfolio includes:

International Distribution



Beck’s, the world’s number one German beer, is renowned for uncompromising quality. It is brewed today, just as it was in 1873, with a rigorous brewing process and a recipe using only four natural ingredients. Beck’s adheres to the strictest quality standards of the German Reinheitsgebot (Purity Law). Beck’s is brewed in various countries, including the United States.



Budweiser is one of the top-selling beers in the United States. The brand has experienced strong growth over the past 10 years. Sales outside the United States represented over 70% of global Budweiser volume in 2020. Once again, Budweiser was ranked number one in the BrandZ list of



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most valuable beer brands worldwide. Budweiser also continues to support international football year-round as the sponsor of the English Premier League and La Liga. This year, Budweiser also sponsored La Liga superstar Lionel Messi, gaining significant share of conversation as Messi set a record for the most career goals scored with a single team.



Corona is the best-selling Mexican beer in the world and the leading beer brand in Mexico. Corona is available in more than 130 countries. In 2020, it was ranked number five in the BrandZ list of most valuable beer brands worldwide. We granted Constellation Brands, Inc. the exclusive right to market and sell Corona beer and certain other Grupo Modelo beer brands in the 50 states of the United States, the District of Columbia and Guam, including Victoria, Modelo Especial, Pacifico and Negra Modelo.



Hoegaarden is a high-end Belgian wheat (or “white”) beer. Based on its brewing tradition dating back to 1445, Hoegaarden is top fermented and then refermented in the bottle or keg, leading to its distinctive cloudy white appearance.



Leffe, a rich, full-bodied beer that hails from Belgium, has the longest heritage in our beer portfolio and is available in over 90 countries worldwide.



Michelob Ultra was rolled out nationally in the United States in 2002 and grew to become the second largest beer brand by value, in the US in 2019, behind only Bud Light. As a low calorie, low carb beer associated with an active lifestyle, Michelob Ultra was the fastest-growing beer brand in the United States between 2015 and 2018, according to IRI (based on volume share gains). This strong history of success has now been replicated in multiple international markets. In Canada, Mexico and Honduras, Michelob Ultra continued to grow despite category declines due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Michelob Ultra is also available in multiple other markets, including El Salvador, Peru, Chile, and Guatemala.



Stella Artois is the number one Belgian beer in the world according to Plato Logic Limited, it is the world’s third most valuable beer brand according to the BrandZ list of most valuable beer brands worldwide and it is distributed in over 100 countries worldwide. As a premium lager with roots tracing back to 1366 in the town of Leuven, Belgium, its legacy of quality and elegance is reflected in its iconic chalice and nine-step pouring ritual. The top three markets in terms of revenue for Stella Artois as of 2020 are the United States, the United Kingdom and Brazil with expansion plans well under way in several new growth markets, including South Africa and Mexico.

North America



Bud Light is the best-selling beer in the United States and the leader in the light category. It is the official sponsor of the NFL (National Football League), with a sponsorship agreement most recently extended to 2022.

Middle Americas



Modelo Especial is a full-flavored pilsner beer brewed with premium two-row barley malt for a slightly sweet, well-balanced taste with a light hop character and crisp finish. Brewed since 1925, it was created to be a “model” beer for all of Mexico and stands for pride and authenticity.



Victoria is a Vienna-style lager and one of Mexico’s most popular beers. Victoria was produced for the first time in 1865, making Victoria Mexico’s oldest beer brand.



Aguila is a classic Colombian lager beer with a balanced and refreshing flavor that was first brewed in 1913.



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Cristal is Peru’s leading beer, brewed since 1922. With a crisp taste and dedication to quality, Cerveza Cristal is a favorite among Peruvians.



Pilsen Callao, first brewed 150 years ago in Peru, offers the clean and simple taste of a true Pilsner.



Poker is a Pilsner lager that has been enjoyed by Colombians for its traditional, bittersweet taste since 1929.

South America



Skol is the leading beer brand in the Brazilian market, according to Plato Logic Limited. Skol has been a pioneer and innovator in the beer category, engaging with consumers and creating new market trends, especially with regional festivals such as Carnival and new products such as Skol Puro Malte, launched in 2019.



Brahma is the second-most consumed beer in Brazil, according to Plato Logic Limited. It was one of the Brazilian official sponsors of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, and in 2020 Brahma Franchise was one of the main brands to entertain consumers at home with the livestream concerts. Brahma Duplo Malte was launched in 2020 and is one of best example of our innovation strategy, resulting from actively listening to consumer demands. The brand is already the leader of the Core Plus segment.



Antarctica is the fourth-most consumed beer in Brazil, according to Plato Logic Limited.




Jupiler is the market leader in Belgium and the official sponsor of the most important Belgian professional football league, the Jupiler Pro League. It is also the sponsor of the Belgian national football team.




Carling Black Label is the biggest brand in South Africa and the most awarded beer in the South Africa portfolio. It is brewed to provide consumers with distinctly aromatic, truly rewarding, full-flavored refreshment.



Castle Lager is popularly described as South Africa’s national beer, first brewed in Johannesburg in 1895, using local hops, creating a somewhat dry taste with bitterness and undertones of malt. Castle Lager is the official sponsor of several South African sporting associations, including the national football and cricket teams.



Castle Lite was first brewed in South Africa in 1994 with a mission to provide the coldest and most refreshing beer on the South African market. Today, it is an Africa-wide premium brand enjoyed in 14 countries and continues to innovate to keep its beer “extra cold.”



Flying Fish Premium Flavored Beer combines the pure refreshment of beer with added flavors: pressed lemon and green apple. With an easy drinking taste, Flying Fish offers something different for consumers looking to share new experiences, new flavors and new tastes at any occasion.



Hero is a Nigerian beer brewed using local sorghum and malted barley.



Hansa Pilsener is brewed in true pilsener style, using Saaz hops, which are responsible for the brand’s unique hoppy aroma.



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Kilimanjaro Premium Lager is named after Tanzania’s iconic Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. Launched in 1996, it boasts an easy drinking taste made from ingredients grown on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro and nourished by the pure waters that flow from its ice-capped peak. It is light in color with 4.5% alcohol by volume (“ABV”) and a crisp refreshing taste.



Safari, first brewed in Tanzania in 1977, is a full-flavored, full-bodied beer with a rich golden color and taste that gave rise to a new era of beer brewing in Tanzania. Today it is still the mainstream category leader inspiring young Tanzanian consumers to follow their paths.



Trophy Lager beer is one of the top selling beers in Nigeria. Originated in 1978, Trophy has grown from a small core brand in the west of Nigeria to a strong lovemark (a brand that commands both high respect and “love” from consumers) and is now expanding nationally. Sales have grown by double digits over the years and Trophy now contributes 40% to our Beer business in Nigeria. Trophy is known as the honorable beer that accords respect to Nigerian consumers and Nigeria.

Asia Pacific



Cass is the market leader in South Korea.



Harbin is a national brand with its roots in the northeast of China.



Sedrin is a strong regional brand that originated in China’s Fujian province.



Haywards is one of the biggest core lager brands in India with a brand positioning that supports and encourages the strength of resolve of hard-working consumers.

No- and Low-Alcohol Beer

We take pride in empowering consumers to make smart drinking choices. Consumers around the world are becoming interested in no- and low-alcohol beers that allow them to enjoy a beer experience, with less or no alcohol involved. Making that choice available to more consumers globally is a core pillar of advancing our Smart Drinking Goals. Specifically, we have aimed to ensure no- and low- alcohol beer (NABLAB) products represent at least 20% of our global beer volume by the end of 2025. Although we are not on track to meet this goal, we are incorporating our experience into our efforts going forward. For further details please see “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—13. Social and Community Matters—Smart Drinking.”

We have continued to expand our global portfolio of non-alcoholic beverages, which currently houses over 30 brands. As of 2020, China, Panama, Ecuador, Mozambique and Botswana already have no- and low-alcohol beer representing more than 20% of their beer volumes. Additionally, Brahma 0.0% is the number one non-alcoholic beer in Brazil. 2020 also saw the global launch of Budweiser Zero, which has rolled out across the United States, Canada, the U.K., Russia, and Ukraine. Our additional non-alcohol beverage brands include Beck’s NA in the United States, Canada, the U.K. and Germany, Jupiler 00 in Belgium and Castle Free in South Africa. See “—Beer” above for more information.

Beyond Beer

Our Beyond Beer Brands have allowed us to tap into new occasions and draw new consumers to our portfolio and the category.

Hard seltzer is a clear highlight of 2020 with amazing results from Bud Light Seltzer, Natural Light Seltzer and Nutrl Vodka Soda, among several other offerings across US and Canada. We also began to expand the hard seltzer category globally with the launch of Mike’s Hard Seltzer in UK.



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We also saw strong performance across multiple markets from our RTD Brands: Brutal Fruit and Flying Fish in South Africa; Beats in Brazil; Palm Bay in Canada. Our Canadian brand Mike’s Hard Lemonade is moving towards global expansion with launches in China, Brazil, Mexico, Peru and Colombia. All these brands are designed to grow the Beyond Beer business and improve our market share of total alcoholic beverages by addressing changing consumer trends and preferences.


Non-Alcohol Beverages

While our core business is beer, we also have an important presence in the Non-Alcohol Beverages (“NAB”) market. We have NAB operations in Latin America and Africa, and our subsidiary Ambev has NAB operations in South America and the Caribbean. The NAB market includes both carbonated and non-carbonated beverages.

Our NAB business includes both our own brands and agreements with PepsiCo, Inc. (“PepsiCo”) related to bottling and distribution of PepsiCo brands. Ambev has a long-term agreement with PepsiCo whereby it has been granted the exclusive right to bottle, sell and distribute certain PepsiCo brands in Brazil, including Pepsi-Cola, Gatorade, H2OH!, and Lipton Ice Tea. Through our Latin America South operations, Ambev is also PepsiCo’s bottler for Argentina, Uruguay and Bolivia, as well as in the Dominican Republic and Panama. In Panama, we also produce and bottle other third-party soft drink brands, such as Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Squirt and Crush.

Apart from the bottling and distribution agreements with PepsiCo, Ambev also produces, sells and distributes its own non-alcoholic beverages. Its main carbonated soft drinks brand is Guaraná Antarctica.

In 2018, we completed the sale of our carbonated soft drink businesses in Zambia and Botswana to The Coca-Cola Company. In 2019, we completed the sale of all of our carbonated soft drink business in eSwatini (Swaziland) and certain non-alcoholic beverage brands in El Salvador and Honduras. In El Salvador and Honduras, we have executed long-term bottling agreements which became effective in 2019 upon the closing of the El Salvador and Honduras brand divestitures. In 2020, The Coca-Cola Company acquired our interest in the bottling operations of our business in Lesotho.

In the United States, we sell Teavana in partnership with Starbucks and an energy drink called Hiball.

Labatt, the Canadian subsidiary of our subsidiary Ambev, has entered into a joint venture with Tilray, a global player in cannabis production and distribution, to research non-alcohol beverages containing THC and CBD, and also to commercialize a non-alcohol CBD beverage in Canada only.

Other Alcoholic Beverages

We are actively exploring opportunities in other categories through ZX Ventures, with initiatives in all continents. In wine, our U.S. brand Babe took a step towards global expansion with launches in Canada, U.K. and South Korea. In Argentina, we also acquired Dante Robino and launched Blasfemia, the 1st canned wine in the market. In South Africa we established Shine Club, a sophisticated wine in a box. We also have relevant pilots in the Spirits category with Cutwater in US, Atom Group in U.K. and G&W in Canada.

ZX Ventures

ZX Ventures is our global investment and innovation group. ZX is focused on seeding and launching beverages of the future and building and scaling new ventures outside of our core business.

ZX Ventures invests in areas of varying adjacency to our core beer business, thematically including direct-to consumer, beverages, sustainability and circular solutions.



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Z-Tech is our global technology and innovation hub whose mission is to empower small and medium-sized businesses through technology, creating an environment where those businesses and their families can thrive for the long term. Z-Tech teams make use of an agile methodology as they define small and medium-sized businesses’ needs, explore marketplace and financial technology solutions, validate through proof-of-concept and pilot before scaling across the globe.

Z-Tech was created in 2019 and is currently active in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia and Peru, with plans to expand to other markets in 2021.




We are a global brewer, with sales in over 150 countries across the globe.

The last two decades have been characterized by rapid growth in fast-growing developing markets, notably in certain regions of Africa, Asia and Central and South America, where we have significant sales.

Each market in which we operate has its own dynamics and consumer preferences and trends. Given the breadth of our brand portfolio, we believe we are well-placed to address changing consumer needs in the various categories (premium, core and value) within any given market.

Effective 1 January 2019, we have been organized into six business segments.

The business segments and their corresponding countries are:



North America: the United States and Canada;



Middle Americas: the Caribbean, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama and Peru;



South America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay;



EMEA: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, African Islands, Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia and export activities in Europe and Middle East;



Asia Pacific: China, India, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Vietnam and other South Asian and Southeast Asian countries; and



Global Export and Holdings Companies.

The table below sets out our total volumes broken down by business segment for the periods shown:


     2020     2019     2018  


(% of total)
(% of total)
(% of total)

North America

     107        20.2     108        19.3     111        19.8

Middle Americas

     121        22.8     134        23.9     129        23.0

South America

     144        27.1     140        25.0     136        24.3


     76        14.3     86        15.3     87        15.5

Asia Pacific

     82        15.4     93        16.6     96        17.1

Global Export and Holding Companies

     0.9        0.2     1        0.2     1        0.2


     531        100     561        100.0     560        100.0





















Table of Contents





Effective 1 January 2019, our business segments changed to be as follows: North America, Middle Americas, South America, EMEA, Asia Pacific and Global Export and Holding Companies. The figures for the year ended 31 December 2018 have been restated to reflect this allocation.


Effective 30 September 2019, the Australian operations were classified as a disposal group held for sale, and accounted for as discontinued operations up to 31 May 2020. The transaction closed on 1 June 2020. The figures for the year ended 31 December 2018 have been restated to reflect this change.

On an individual country basis, our largest markets by volume listed, during the year ended 31 December 2020, in alphabetical order, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, France, Germany, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, South Africa, South Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States, with each market having its own dynamics and consumer preferences and trends. Given the breadth of our brand portfolio, we believe we are well-placed to address changing consumer needs in the various categories (premium, core and value) within any given market.




We believe our largest competitors are Heineken, Carlsberg, CR Snow and Molson Coors Brewing Company based on information from the Plato Logic Limited report for the calendar year 2019 (published in December 2020).

Historically, brewing was a local industry with only a few players having a substantial international presence. Larger brewing companies often obtained an international footprint through direct exports, licensing agreements and joint venture arrangements. However, the last several decades have seen a transformation of the industry, with a prolonged period of consolidation. This trend started within the more established beer markets of Western Europe and North America and took the form of larger businesses being formed through merger and acquisition activity within national markets. More recently, consolidation has also taken place within developing markets. Over the last decade, the global consolidation process has accelerated, with brewing groups making significant acquisitions outside of their domestic markets and increasingly looking to purchase other regional brewing organizations. As a result of this consolidation process, the absolute and relative size of the world’s largest brewers has substantially increased. Therefore, today’s leading international brewers have significantly more diversified operations and have established leading positions in a number of international markets.

We have participated in this consolidation trend and grown our international footprint through a series of mergers and acquisitions, described in “—A. History and Development of the Company,” which include:



the acquisition of Beck’s in 2002;



the creation of InBev in 2004, through the combination of Interbrew and Ambev;



the acquisition of Anheuser-Busch Companies in November 2008;



the combination with Grupo Modelo in June 2013; and



the combination with SAB in October 2016.

The 10 largest brewers in the world in 2019 in terms of volume are as set out in the table below.



AB InBev






CR Snow


Molson Coors Brewing Company


Tsingtao (Group)




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Beijing Yanjing










Source: Plato Logic Limited report for the calendar year 2019 (published in December 2020). Volumes are based on calculations on total volumes of majority-owned subsidiaries, also licensed brewing. Our own beer volumes for the year ended 31 December 2020 were 467 million hectoliters and 495 million hectoliters for the year ended 31 December 2019.

In each of our regional markets, we compete against a mixture of national, regional, local and imported beer brands. In North America, Brazil and other selected countries in Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific, we compete primarily with large leading international or regional brewers and international or regional brands.




For information on how weather affects consumption of our products and the seasonality of our business, see “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—A. Key Factors Affecting Results of Operations—Weather and Seasonality.”




Brewing Process

The basic brewing process for most beers is straightforward, but significant know-how is involved in quality and cost control. The most important stages are brewing and fermentation, followed by maturation, filtering and packaging. Although malted barley (malt) is the primary ingredient, other grains such as unmalted barley, rice or wheat are sometimes added to produce different beer styles. The proportion and choice of other raw materials varies according to regional taste preferences and the type of beer.

The first step in the brewing process is making wort by mixing malt with warm water and then gradually heating it to around 75°C in large mash tuns to dissolve the starch and transform it into a mixture, called “mash,” of maltose and other sugars. The spent grains are filtered out and the liquid, now called “wort,” is boiled. Hops are added at this point to give a special bitter taste and aroma to the beer. The wort is boiled for one to two hours to sterilize and concentrate it, and extract the desired flavor and bitterness from the hops. Cooling follows, using a heat exchanger. The hopped wort is saturated with air, or oxygen, essential for the growth of the yeast in the next stage.

Yeast is a micro-organism that turns the sugar in the wort into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This process of fermentation takes five to 11 days, after which the wort finally becomes beer. Different types of beer are made using different strains of yeast and wort compositions. In some yeast varieties, the yeast cells rise to the top of the liquid at the end of fermentation. Ales and wheat beers are brewed with these “top-fermenting” yeast strains. Lagers are made using yeast strains that settle to the bottom of the liquid. Some special Belgian beers, called lambic or gueuze, use yet another method, where fermentation relies on spontaneous action by airborne yeasts.

During the maturation process, the liquid clarifies as yeast and other particles settle. Further filtering gives the beer more clarity. Maturation varies by type of beer and can take as long as three weeks, and then the beer is ready for packaging in kegs, cans or bottles.



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Raw Materials and Packaging

The main raw materials used in our beer and other alcoholic malt beverage production are barley, rice, corn grits, corn syrup, hops, yeast and water. In some of our regions, such as in Africa, locally sourced agricultural products such as sorghum or cassava are used in place of malted barley. For non-beer production (mainly carbonated soft drinks) the main ingredients are flavored concentrate, fruit concentrate, sugar, sweetener and water. In addition to these inputs into our products, delivery of our products to consumers requires extensive use of packaging materials such as glass, PET and aluminum bottles, aluminum or steel cans and kegs, aluminum can stock, labels, plastic crates, metal and plastic closures, folding cartons, cardboard products and plastic films.

We use only our own proprietary yeast, which we grow in our facilities. In some regions, we import hops to obtain adequate quality and appropriate variety for flavor and aroma. We purchase these ingredients through the open market and through contracts with suppliers. We also purchase barley and process it to meet our malt requirements at our malting plants.

Prices and sources of raw materials are determined by, among other factors:



the level of crop production;



weather conditions;



export demand; and



governmental taxes and regulations.

We hedge some of our commodities contracts on the financial markets and some of our malt requirements are purchased on the spot market. See “Item 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk—Market Risk, Hedging and Financial Instruments” and note 29 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020, for further details on commodities hedging.

We have supply contracts with respect to most packaging materials as well as our own production capacity as outlined below in “—Production Facilities.” The choice of packaging materials varies by cost and availability in different regions, as well as consumer preferences and the image of each brand. We also use aluminum cansheet for the production of beverage cans and lids.

Hops, PET resin and, to some extent, cans are mainly sourced globally. Malt, adjuncts (such as unmalted grains or fruit), sugar, steel, cans, labels, metal closures, soda ash for our glass plants, plastic closures, preforms and folding cartons are sourced regionally. Electricity is sourced nationally, while water is sourced locally, for example, from municipal water systems and private wells.

We use natural gas as the primary fuel for our plants, and diesel as the primary fuel for freight. We believe adequate supplies of fuel and electricity are available for the conduct of our business. The energy commodity markets have experienced, and can be expected to continue to experience, significant price volatility. We manage our energy costs using various methods including supply contracts, hedging techniques and fuel- switching.

Production Facilities

Our production facilities are spread across our regions, giving us a balanced geographical footprint in terms of production and allowing us to efficiently meet consumer demand across the globe. We manage our production capacity across our regions, countries and plants. We typically own our production facilities free of any major encumbrances. We also lease a number of warehouses and other commercial buildings from third parties. See “—11. Regulations Affecting Our Business” for a description of the environmental and other regulations that affect our production facilities.



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Beverage Production Facilities

Our beverage production facilities comprised 225 breweries and/or non-beer plants as of 31 December 2020 spread across our regions. Of these 225 plants, 175 produced only beer and other alcoholic malt beverages, 10 produced only soft drinks and 40 produced beer, other alcoholic beverages and soft drinks. Except in limited cases (for example, our Hoegaarden brewery in Belgium), our breweries are not dedicated to one single brand of beer.

This allows us to allocate production capacity efficiently within our group.

The table below sets out, for each of our business segments (excluding Global Export and Holdings Companies) in 2020, the number of our beverage production plants (breweries and/or non-beer drink plants) as well as the plants’ overall capacity.


            2020 Volumes(1)(3)      Annual engineering
capacity as of
31 December 2020

Business Segment

   Number of
plants as of
31 December

     Beer and
Beyond Beer
     Beer and
Beyond Beer

North America

     21        105,451        143        128,388        0  

Middle Americas

     39        105,945        18,385        144,751        33,501  

South America

     51        108,760        35,164        138,679        72,826  


     60        100,584        86        156,559        1,548  

Asia Pacific

     51        79,269        103        161,585        546  


     225        500,009        53,882        729,962        108,421  





Reported volumes.


The non-beer category includes soft drinks and certain other beverages, such as Stella Artois Cidre.


Excludes our joint ventures and assets where we are not the majority owner.

Non-Beverage Production Facilities

Our beverage production plants are supplemented and supported by a number of plants and other facilities that produce raw materials and packaging materials for our beverages. The table below provides additional detail on these facilities as of 31 December 2020.


Type of plant / facility

   Number of
plants / facilities(1)

Countries in which plants / facilities are located(1)

Malt plants

   19    Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, South Africa, South Korea, Uganda, United States, Uruguay, Zambia

Rice and corn grits mill

   6    Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, United States

Farm and agriculture

   3    Germany, United States, South Africa

Hop pellet plant

   1    Argentina

Glass bottle plants

   7    Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay, United States(2), South Africa

Bottle cap plants

   6    Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Mexico, South Africa

Label plants

   3    Brazil, Colombia

Can plants

   7    Bolivia, Mexico, United States

Can lid manufacturing plants

   2    United States

Crown and closure liner material plants

   1    United States

Soft drink concentrate plants

   4    Brazil

Sand quarries

   1    Mexico

Yeast plants

   1    Brazil

Plastic crates plants

   1    Honduras


   1    United States





   63    —  








Excludes plants and facilities owned by joint ventures and assets where we are not the majority owner.


On 29 January 2021, Anheuser-Busch announced an agreement to sell one of its glass manufacturing facilities in the United States. The sale is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2021.



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In addition to production facilities, we also maintain a geographical footprint in key markets through sales offices and distribution centers. Such offices and centers are opened as needs in the various markets arise.

Capacity Expansion

We continually assess whether our production footprint is optimized to support future customer demand. Through footprint optimization, adding new capabilities (such as plants, packaging lines or distribution centers) to our footprint not only allows us to boost production capacity, but the strategic location often also reduces distribution time and costs so that our products reach consumers rapidly, efficiently and at a lower total cost. Conversely, footprint optimization can lead to divesting of some assets, such as reducing some production and distribution capabilities as needed to maintain the most optimal operational network.

For example, in 2020, we invested in additional brewing, packaging and distribution capacities in multiple countries including China, Korea, Argentina, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, U.S., U.K., Belgium, Brazil, Mexico, Canada and others to meet our future demand expectations in these countries or for export volumes.

Our capital expenditures are primarily funded through cash from operating activities and are for production facilities, logistics, administrative capabilities improvements, hardware and software.

We may also outsource, to a limited extent, the production of items that we are either unable to produce in our own production network (for example, due to a lack of capacity during seasonal peaks) or for which we do not yet want to invest in new production facilities (for example, to launch a new product without incurring the full associated start-up costs). Such outsourcing mainly relates to secondary repackaging materials that we cannot practicably produce on our own, in which case our products are sent to external companies for repackaging (for example, gift packs with different types of beers).


Our logistics organization is composed of (i) a first tier, which comprises all inbound flows into the plants of raw materials and packaging materials and all outbound flows from the plants into the second drop point in the chain (for example, distribution centers, warehouses, wholesalers or key accounts) and (ii) a second tier, which comprises all distribution flows from the second drop point into the customer delivery tier (for example, pubs or retailers).

Our transportation mechanics vary by market depending on economic and strategic considerations. We may outsource transportation to third-party contractors, retain such capability in-house or implement owner-driver programs, among other options.

Some of our breweries have warehouses that are attached to their production facilities. In places where our warehouse capacity is limited, external warehouses are rented. We strive to centralize fixed costs, which has resulted in some plants sharing warehouse and other facilities with each other.

Where it has been implemented, the VPO/DPO program has had a direct impact on our logistics organization, for example, in respect of safety, quality, environment, scheduling, warehouse productivity and loss-prevention actions and is delivering great results by standardizing ways of working around the globe. Recently, we implemented a management program to guide our Logistics Centralized Processes (LCP) in our business units, which has also significantly improved planning and transportation across the zones. These programs facilitate fast sharing of learnings and best practices across management systems and were instrumental in overcoming the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.



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We depend on effective distribution networks to deliver products to our customers. We review our focus markets for distribution and licensing agreements on an annual basis. The focus markets will typically be markets with an interesting premium category and with reliable and strong partners (brewers and/or importers). Based on these criteria, focus markets are then chosen.

The distribution of beer, other alcoholic beverages and non-beer drinks varies from country to country and from region to region. The nature of distribution reflects consumption patterns and market structure, geographical density of customers, local regulation, the structure of the local retail sector, scale considerations, market share, expected added-value and capital returns, and the existence of third-party wholesalers or distributors. In some markets, brewers distribute directly to customers (for example, in Belgium). In other markets, wholesalers may play an important role in distributing a significant proportion of beer to consumers, either in part for legal reasons (for example, in certain U.S. states and Canada where there may be legal constraints on the ability of a beer manufacturer to own a wholesaler), because of historical market practice (for example, in China and Argentina) or because we have determined that third-party wholesalers provide the most effective route of distribution (which is generally the case in the United States). In some instances, we have acquired third-party distributors to help us self-distribute our products, as we have done in Brazil and Mexico.

The products we brew in the United States are sold to 415 wholesalers with the exclusive right to carry our products within a designated territory, for resale to retailers, with some entities owning more than one wholesalership. As of the end of 2020, we owned 15 of these wholesalers and the remaining wholesalers are independent businesses.

We generally distribute our products through (i) our own distribution, in which we deliver to points of sale directly, and (ii) third-party distribution networks, in which delivery to points of sale occurs through wholesalers and independent distributors. In certain cases, we may own or have an ownership stake in a wholesaler. Third-party distribution networks may be exclusive or non-exclusive.

See “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—A. Key Factors Affecting Results of Operations—Distribution Arrangements” for a discussion of the effect of the choice of distribution arrangements on our results of operations.

As a customer-driven organization, we have programs for professional relationship building with our customers in all markets regardless of the chosen distribution method. This happens directly, for example, by way of key customer account management, and indirectly, by way of wholesaler excellence programs.

We seek to provide media advertising, point-of-sale advertising and sales promotion programs to promote our brands. Where relevant, we complement national brand strategies with geographic marketing teams focused on delivering relevant programming addressing local interests and opportunities.




In some markets, we may enter into license agreements or, alternatively, international distribution and/or importation agreements, depending on the best strategic fit for each particular market. License agreements entered into by us grant the right to third-party licensees to manufacture, package, sell and market one or several of our brands in a particular assigned territory under strict rules and technical requirements. In the case of international distribution and/or importation agreements, we produce and package the products ourselves while the third party distributes, markets and sells the brands in the local market.



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We have entered into a number of licensing, distribution and importation agreements relating to our brands, including the following:



Stella Artois is licensed to third parties in various countries including Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Kosovo, Montenegro, New Zealand, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia, while Beck’s is licensed to third parties in Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo, Montenegro, New Zealand, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Tunisia and Turkey.



A licensing agreement allows Diageo Ireland to brew and sell Budweiser and Bud Light in the Republic of Ireland, and Diageo Northern Ireland has the right to sell Budweiser in Northern Ireland. Anadolu Efes has the right to brew and sell Bud in Turkey. For more information, see “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—H. Contractual Obligations and Contingencies—Contractual Obligations.” We also sell various brands, including Budweiser, by exporting from our license partners’ breweries to other countries.



The Corona beer brand is perpetually licensed to a subsidiary of Constellation Brands, Inc. for production in Mexico and marketing and sales in 50 states of the United States, the District of Columbia and Guam.



Aguila, Castle Lager, Cusqueña, Cristal, Redd’s and certain other brands are perpetually licensed to Molson Coors Brewing Company in the 50 states of the United States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. We have retained rights to brew and distribute these beers outside of the United States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.



On 30 March 2018, following the merger of our businesses in Russia and Ukraine with Anadolu Efes, we granted the right to brew and/or distribute several of our brands including Bud, Stella Artois and Corona to AB InBev Efes, our combined business with Anadolu Efes.



In connection with the listing of a minority stake of Budweiser APAC on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, we have entered into a number of framework agreements granting Budweiser APAC (i) exclusive licenses to import for sale, manufacture, sell and distribute and (ii) non-exclusive licenses to advertise and promote our brands in APAC territories.



Molson Coors Brewing Company has rights to brew and/or distribute, under license, Beck’s, Löwenbräu, Spaten and Stella Artois, in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia.



The Budweiser, Corona Extra, Corona Ligera, Coronita Extra, Pacifico, Modelo Negra, Lowenbrau Original, Lowenbrau Oktoberfest, Hoegaarden, Spaten, Spaten Oktoberfest, Franziskaner Hefe-Weissbier Dunkel, Franziskaner Hefe-Weissbier, Leffe Blonde, Leffe Brune, Leffe Radieuse, Belle Vue Extra, Birra del Borgo and Goose Island brands are perpetually licensed to Carlton & United Breweries, a subsidiary of Asahi, in Australia.



The Stella Artois, Beck’s and Beck’s 4.0 brands are perpetually licensed to a subsidiary of Heineken in Australia.



In Europe, certain third parties have the right to brew and/or distribute some of our brands such as Mahou San Miguel in Spain (excluding the Canary Islands), C&C in Scotland and Ireland, and Molson Coors in certain countries in Eastern Europe.



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We also manufacture and distribute Brahma, a brand owned by our Brazilian listed subsidiary, Ambev, in Peru and other third-party brands, such as Kirin in the United States. Compañía Cervecera de Canarias (in the Canary Islands) has an agreement to distribute Guinness in the Canary Islands. Ambev and some of our other subsidiaries have entered into manufacturing and distribution agreements with PepsiCo. Major brands that are distributed under this agreement are Pepsi-Cola, Lipton Ice Tea, H2OH! and Gatorade. See “—2. Principal Activities and Products—Non-Beer—Non-Alcohol Beverages” for further information in this respect. Ambev and some of our other subsidiaries also have license agreements with us which allow them to exclusively produce, distribute and market Beck’s and Stella Artois in Brazil, Panama, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Chile, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Antigua, Bolivia, Dominica and Saint Vincent, and Budweiser in Brazil, Argentina and Canada. Ambev also distributes Budweiser in Bolivia, Paraguay, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Uruguay and Chile and Corona in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Guatemala, Panama and Canada.




Our brands are the foundation and cornerstone of our relationships with consumers and the key to our long-term success. Our brand portfolio – its enduring bonds with consumers and its partnerships with customers – are our most important assets. We invest in our brands to create a long-term sustainable competitive advantage by seeking to meet the beverage needs of consumers around the world and to develop leading brand positions in every market in which we operate.

Our brand portfolio consists of three global brands (Budweiser®, Corona® and Stella Artois®), our multi-country brands (Beck’s®, Hoegaarden®, Leffe® and Michelob Ultra®), and many “local champions” (Aguila®, Antarctica®, Bud Light®, Brahma®, Cass®, Castle®, Castle Lite®, Cristal®, Harbin®, Jupiler®, Modelo Especial®, Quilmes®, Victoria®, and Skol®). We believe this robust brand portfolio provides us with strong growth opportunities and positions us well to meet the needs of consumers for different occasions in each of the markets in which we compete. For further information about our brands, see “—2. Principal Activities and Products—Beer.”

We seek to constantly strengthen and develop our brand portfolio through enhancement of brand quality, marketing, and product innovation. Our marketing team therefore works together closely with our research and development team (see “—10. Intellectual Property; Innovation; Research and Development” for further information).

We continually assess consumer needs and values in each geographic market in which we operate with a view to identifying the key characteristics of consumers in each beer category (including different styles and price points – premium, core, and value). This allows us to position our existing brands (or to introduce new brands) to address consumer needs across price points, styles, and occasions.

Our marketing approach is based on a “value-based brands” proposition, with each brand able to articulate a single, clear, compelling values-based reason for consumer preference. The value-based brands approach involves, firstly, the determination of consumer portraits; secondly, the brand attributes and the brand archetype are defined; and, finally, a purpose statement is written that clearly articulates the role the brand will play in the lives of consumers. Once this link has been established, a particular brand can either be developed (brand innovation) or adapted (brand renovation or line extension from the existing brand portfolio) to meet evolving customer needs. We apply zero-based planning principles to yearly budget decisions and for ongoing investment reviews and reallocations. We invest in each brand in line with its local or global strategic priority and seeking to maximize profitable and sustainable growth.

For example, we focus our growth strategy for each of our brands based on a portfolio approach, which depends on the occasion in which our products are consumed (e.g., relaxing at home with friends; or socializing in a bar). Our portfolio of brands will vary by market, but each leverage our global platforms and initiatives, incorporating the whole organization from supply, to operations, to sales and marketing, and then bringing our teams together to deliver end-to-end integrated consumer experiences.



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We own the rights to our principal brand names and trademarks in perpetuity for the main countries where these brands are currently commercialized (with the exception of the Modelo beer brands, certain former SAB brands licensed in the United States and certain brands licensed in Australia as described under “—8. Licensing” above).




Innovation is one of the key factors enabling us to achieve our strategy. We seek to combine technological know-how with market understanding to develop a healthy innovation pipeline in terms of production process, product and packaging features as well as branding strategy. In addition, as beer markets mature, innovation plays an increasingly important role by providing differentiated products with increased value to consumers.

Intellectual Property

Our intellectual property portfolio mainly consists of trademarks, patents, registered designs, copyrights, know-how and domain names. This intellectual property portfolio is managed by our internal legal department, in collaboration with a selected network of external intellectual property advisers. We place importance on achieving close cooperation between our intellectual property team and our marketing and research and development teams. An internal stage gate process promotes the protection of our intellectual property rights, the swift progress of our innovation projects and the development of products that can be launched and marketed without infringing any third party’s intellectual property rights. A project can only move on to the next step of its development after the necessary verifications (e.g., availability of trademark, existence of prior technology/earlier patents and freedom to market) have been carried out. This internal process is designed to ensure that financial and other resources are not lost due to oversights in relation to intellectual property protection during the development process.

Our patent portfolio is carefully built to gain a competitive advantage and support our innovation and other intellectual assets. We currently have more than 250 pending and granted patent families, each of which covers one or more technological inventions. The extent of the protection differs between technologies, as some patents are protected in many jurisdictions, while others are only protected in one or a few jurisdictions. Our patents may relate, for example, to brewing processes, improvements in production of fermented malt-based beverages, treatments for improved beer flavor stability, non-alcoholic beer development, filtration processes, beverage-dispensing systems and devices, can manufacturing processes, beer packaging or novel uses for brewing materials and disruptive technologies.

We license in limited technology from third parties. We also license out certain of our intellectual property to third parties, for which we receive royalties.

Innovation, Research and Development

Given our focus on innovation, we place a high value on research and development (“R&D”). Our innovation strategy is translated into our R&D priorities, which consist of breakthrough innovation, incremental innovation and renovation (that is, updates and enhancements of existing products and packages). The main goal for the innovation process is to provide consumers with better products and experiences. This includes launching new liquids, new packaging and new dispensing systems that deliver better performance, both for the consumer and in terms of financial results, by increasing our competitiveness in the relevant markets. With consumers comparing products and experiences offered across very different beverage categories and the choice of beverages increasing, our R&D efforts also require an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of other beverage categories, spotting opportunities for beer and malt beverages and developing consumer solutions (products) that better address consumer needs and deliver better experiences. This requires understanding consumer emotions and expectations. Sensory experience, premiumization, convenience, sustainability and design are all central to our R&D efforts.

R&D in process optimization is primarily aimed at quality improvement, capacity increase (plant debottlenecking and addressing volume issues, while minimizing capital expenditure) and improving efficiency. Newly developed processes, materials and/or equipment are documented in best practices and shared across business regions. Current projects range from malting to bottling of finished products.



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Knowledge management and learning also make up an integral part of research and development. We seek to continuously increase our knowledge through collaborations with universities and other industries.

Our R&D team is regularly briefed (on at least an annual basis) on our priorities and our business regions’ priorities and approves concepts and technologies which are subsequently prioritized for development. The R&D teams invest in both short- and long-term strategic projects for future growth, with the launch time depending on complexity and prioritization.

The Global Innovation and Technology Center, located in Leuven, Belgium, accommodates the Product, Packaging, Raw Material, Process and Dispense Development teams and has facilities such as Labs, Experimental Brewery and Sensory Analysis. In addition to the Global Innovation and Technology Center, we also have Product, Packaging and Process development teams located in each of our geographic regions focusing on the short- and medium-term development and implementation needs of such regions.




Our worldwide operations are subject to extensive regulatory requirements regarding, among other things, production, distribution, importation, marketing, promotion, labeling, advertising, labor, pensions and public health, consumer protection and environmental issues. For example, in the United States, federal and state laws regulate most aspects of the brewing, sale, marketing, labeling and wholesaling of our products. At the federal level, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau of the U.S. Treasury Department oversees the industry, and each state in which we sell or produce products, and some local authorities in jurisdictions in which we sell products, also have regulations that affect the business conducted by us and other brewers and wholesalers. It is our policy to abide by the laws and regulations around the world that apply to us or to our business. We rely on legal and operational compliance programs, as well as local in-house and external counsel, to guide our businesses in complying with applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate.

See “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Our Business—Certain of our operations depend on independent distributors or wholesalers to sell our products, and we may be unable to replace distributors or acquire interests in wholesalers or distributors. In addition, we may be adversely impacted by the consolidation of retailers,” “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Our Business—Negative publicity, perceived health risks, failure to provide safe working environments and associated government regulation may harm our business,” “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Our Business—We could incur significant costs as a result of compliance with, and/or violations of or liabilities under, various regulations that govern our operations,” “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Our Business—Climate change or other environmental concerns, or legal, regulatory or market measures to address climate change or other environmental concerns, may negatively affect our business or operations, including the availability of key production inputs,” “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Our Business—Our subsidiary Ambev operates a joint venture in Cuba, in which the Government of Cuba is its joint venture partner. Cuba remains subject to comprehensive economic and trade sanctions by the United States and Ambev’s operations in Cuba may adversely affect our reputation and the liquidity and value of our securities” and “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—A. Key Factors Affecting Results of Operations—Governmental Regulations.”

Production, advertising, marketing and sales of alcoholic beverages are subject to various restrictions around the world, often based on health considerations related to the misuse or harmful use of alcohol. These range from a complete prohibition of alcohol in certain countries and cultures through the prohibition of the import of alcohol, to restrictions on the advertising style, media and messages used. In a number of countries, television is a prohibited medium for advertising alcohol products, and in other countries, television advertising, while permitted, is carefully regulated. Media restrictions may constrain our brand-building and innovation potential. Labeling of our products is also regulated in certain markets, varying from health warning labels to importer identification, alcohol strength and other consumer information. Specific warning statements related to the risks of misusing alcohol products, including beer, have also become prevalent in recent years. Introduction of smoking bans in pubs and restaurants may have negative effects on on-trade consumption (that is, beer purchased for consumption in a pub or restaurant or similar retail establishment), as opposed to off-trade consumption (i.e., beer purchased at a retail outlet for consumption at home or another location). We believe that the regulatory environment in most countries in which we operate is becoming increasingly stringent with respect to health issues and expect this trend to continue in the future.



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The distribution of our beer and other alcoholic beverage products may also be regulated. In certain markets, alcohol may only be sold through licensed outlets, varying from government- or state-operated monopoly outlets (e.g., in the off-trade channel of certain Canadian provinces) to the common system of licensed on-trade outlets (e.g., licensed bars and restaurants) which prevails in many countries (e.g., in much of the European Union). In the United States, states operate under a three-tier system of regulation for beer products from brewer to wholesaler to retailer, meaning that we usually work with licensed third-party distributors to distribute our products to the points of sale.

In the United States, both federal and state laws generally prohibit us from providing anything of value to retailers, including paying slotting fees or (subject to exceptions) holding ownership interests in retailers. Some states prohibit us from being licensed as a wholesaler for our products. State laws also regulate the interactions among us, our wholesalers and consumers by, for example, limiting merchandise that can be provided to consumers or limiting promotional activities that can be held at retail premises. If we violate applicable federal or state alcoholic beverage laws, we could be subject to a variety of sanctions, including fines, equitable relief and suspension or permanent revocation of our licenses to brew or sell our products.

Governments in most of the countries in which we operate also establish minimum legal drinking ages, which generally vary from 16 to 21 years of age or impose other restrictions on sales. Some governments have imposed or are considering imposing minimum pricing on alcohol products. Moreover, governments may seek to address harmful use of alcohol by raising the legal drinking age, further limiting the number, type or operating hours of retail outlets or expanding retail licensing requirements. We work both independently and together with other brewers and alcoholic beverage companies to tackle the harmful use of alcohol products and actively promote responsible sales and consumption.

Due to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, some governments implemented restrictions on where and how people could gather, to reduce the speed of transmission. In some instances, this entailed the shortening of hours or temporary enforced closures of retail outlets, mostly limited to restrictions on on-trade outlets. The extent of restrictions fluctuated due to numerous factors, including the prevalence of the disease and the concerns of the government for public health.

Growing concern over the rise of obesity and obesity-related diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes, are accelerating global policy debates on reducing consumption of sugar in beverages and foods. This may have an impact on our soft drink business.

We are subject to antitrust and competition laws in the jurisdictions in which we operate and may be subject to regulatory scrutiny in certain of these jurisdictions. See “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Our Business—We are exposed to antitrust and competition laws in certain jurisdictions and the risk of changes in such laws or in the interpretation and enforcement of existing antitrust and competition laws. In addition, in connection with our previous acquisitions, various regulatory authorities have previously imposed conditions with which we are required to comply.”

In many jurisdictions, excise and other indirect duties, including legislation regarding minimum alcohol pricing, make up a proportion of the cost of beer charged to customers. In the United States, for example, the brewing industry is subject to significant taxation. The United States federal government currently levies an excise tax of USD 16 per barrel (equivalent to approximately 117 liters) for the first 6 million barrels of beer sold for consumption in the United States and then USD 18 per barrel for every barrel thereafter. All states also levy excise taxes on alcoholic beverages. Proposals have been made to increase excise taxes in some states. In recent years, a number of countries have adopted proposals to increase beer excise taxes. Rising excise duties can drive up our pricing to the consumer, which in turn could have a negative impact on our results of operations. See “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Our Business—We may be subject to adverse changes in taxation and other tax-related risks.”



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Our products are generally sold in glass or PET bottles or aluminum or steel cans. Legal requirements apply in various jurisdictions in which we operate, requiring that deposits or certain eco-taxes or fees are charged for the sale, marketing and use of certain non-refillable beverage containers. The precise requirements imposed by these measures vary. Other types of beverage-container-related deposit, recycling, eco-tax and/or extended producer responsibility statutes and regulations also apply in various jurisdictions in which we operate.

We are subject to different environmental legislation and controls in each of the countries in which we operate. Environmental laws in the countries in which we operate mostly relate to (i) the conformity of our operating procedures with environmental standards regarding, among other things, the emission of gas and liquid effluents, (ii) the disposal of one-way (that is, non-returnable) packaging and (iii) noise levels. We believe that the regulatory climate in most countries in which we operate is becoming increasingly strict with respect to environmental issues and expect this trend to continue in the future. Achieving compliance with applicable environmental standards and legislation may require plant modifications and capital expenditures. Laws and regulations may also limit noise levels and the disposal of waste, as well as impose waste treatment and disposal requirements. Some of the jurisdictions in which we operate have laws and regulations that require polluters or site owners or occupants to clean up contamination.

The amount of dividends payable to us by our operating subsidiaries is, in certain countries, subject to exchange control restrictions of the respective jurisdictions where those subsidiaries are organized and operate. See also “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—G. Liquidity and Capital Resources—Transfers from Subsidiaries” and “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors—We are exposed to developing market risks, including the risks of devaluation, nationalization and inflation.”

Iran-Related Required Disclosure

The Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 requires disclosure of certain activities relating to Iran by AB InBev or its affiliates that occurred during our 2020 fiscal year. Anadolu Efes, our affiliate, has a licensing agreement with an Iranian company for the production of non-alcoholic beer in Iran. Pursuant to that licensing agreement, Anadolu Efes will receive EUR 42,804 (USD 48,746) in gross revenue for 2020, from which it expects to record no net profit. Anadolu Efes plans to continue its licensing arrangement.




We self-insure most of our insurable risk. However, we do purchase insurance for directors’ and officers’ liability and other coverage where required by law or contract or where considered to be in our best interest. Under the Co-operation Agreement (as defined herein), we have procured the provision of directors’ and officers’ liability insurance for former directors and officers of SAB for a period of six years following the completion of the combination with SAB. We maintain a comprehensive approach to insurable risk, which is mainly divided in two general categories:



Assets: a combination of self-insurance and insurance is used to cover our physical properties and business interruption; and



Liabilities: a combination of self-insurance and insurance is used to cover losses due to damages caused to third parties; for executive risks (risks related to our board and management); and automobile insurance (which is required by law in most jurisdictions).

We believe we have an adequate approach to insurable risk based on our market capitalization and our worldwide presence. We further believe that the types and level of insurance we maintain are appropriate for the risks of our business.



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Our Purpose is Bringing People Together for a Better World. In all we do, we strive to ensure that we produce the highest-quality products, provide the best consumer experience, and maximize shareholder value by building the strongest competitive and financial position.

Through our reach, resources and energy, we are addressing the needs of our communities through:



COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery;



Improving environmental resilience and promoting inclusive growth;



Promoting smart drinking;



Increasing workplace safety; and



Business ethics.

COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused all of us to reevaluate what it means to be together. For AB InBev, it means joining efforts to support our communities, our partners, and each other during these challenging times. Since the beginning of the outbreak, we have been delivering impact where it is needed, and we maintain our commitment to respect human rights and the principles of our Human Rights and Responsible Sourcing Policy. We are coming together to prioritize each other’s health and safety to help our communities where we can through initiatives such as:



Producing and donating more than 3 million bottles of hand sanitizer and disinfectant to hospitals and front-line health workers in over 20 countries



Channeling USD 10 million into the on-premise channel through our Save Pub Life voucher program and business support packages in Europe



Supporting 500,000 neighborhood stores in 9 Latin American countries through our Tienda Cerca digital platform



Redirecting USD 5 million from Anheuser-Busch’s sports marketing budget to the American Red Cross in donations

Improving environmental resilience and promoting inclusive growth

We depend on natural resources to brew our beers and strive to use resources responsibly and preserve them for the future. That is why we factor sustainability into how we do business, including how we source water, energy and raw materials. We develop innovative programs across our supply chain to improve our sustainability performance with our business partners. To promote inclusive growth and improve livelihoods in the communities we are part of, we also support the farmers and small retailers in our value chain to help them be more productive. To facilitate progress, we combined our sustainability and procurement activities under a single function led by a member of our senior leadership team.

2025 Sustainability Goals

We are contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and broader global sustainable development agenda while building resilient supply chains, productive communities and a healthier environment. In March 2018, following the achievement of our 2017 Environmental Goals, we have announced 2025 Sustainability Goals, our most ambitious set of public commitments yet, which focus on four areas: smart agriculture, water stewardship, circular packaging and climate action.



Smart agriculture: 100 percent of the company’s direct farmers will be skilled, connected and financially empowered;



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Water stewardship: 100 percent of communities in high-stress areas will have improved water availability and quality;



Circular packaging: 100 percent of products will be in packaging that is returnable or made from mostly recyclable content; and



Climate action: 100 percent of purchased electricity will be from renewable sources as well as a goal of 25 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions across our value chain.

In addition, we have launched the 100+ Sustainability Accelerator in August 2018 to identify and scale up innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing sustainability challenges. Through the 100+ Accelerator, we continue to identify partners who can deliver breakthrough advancements in water stewardship, farmer productivity, product upcycling, responsible sourcing, green logistics and more. Since launching, the 100+ Accelerator has worked with 36 startups across 16 countries. On 18 February 2021, we announced the successful signing of a new USD 10.1 billion Sustainable-Linked Revolving Credit Facility, which incorporates a pricing mechanism that incentivizes improvement in key performance areas that are aligned with and contribute to our 2025 Sustainability Goals. Please refer to “Item 10. Additional Information—Material Contracts—Sustainability Linked Revolving Credit Facility” for further details regarding the SLL Revolving Facility.

We are proud of the diverse range of startups and founders that our Accelerator has brought together. This year we announced our partnership with One Young World to begin the search for the most impactful women-led enterprises that are tackling sustainability challenges to join our third cohort in 2021.

Helping entrepreneurial small businesses grow and thrive

As part of our commitment to help communities thrive, we have a responsibility to help the small businesses in our supply chain. From the suppliers that help power our production to the retailers that connect with our consumers every day, small businesses play a vital role as an engine of economic growth and employment. They are critical to the success of our business operations.

We value our relationships with our small business partners and recognize the challenges many face in sustaining and growing their operations, such as limited business skills and the need for affordable financial services and infrastructure. As their business partner, we believe we can help them address these barriers to unlock their entrepreneurial potential and enable us to grow together.

Our Creciendo por un Sueño (“Growing for a Dream”) program aims to empower 80,000 women-run small retailers in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador by providing access to tools like business skills training and affordable financial services that aim to help improve their livelihoods and business operations.

Our business in South Africa has an ambitious goal to create 10,000 jobs. Working in partnership with non-governmental organizations (“NGOs”), the South African government and the private sector, the program supports entrepreneurs to develop and grow their businesses, and offers opportunities for them to become part of the South African Breweries’ supply chain. The initiative aims to contribute to South Africa’s national agenda of growing the economy through the provision of jobs and offers tailored support for youth and women.

Creating resilient agricultural supply chains

About half of our malt barley is locally sourced to reduce the risk of supply chain disruption and exposure to currency volatility, while boosting rural economies and strengthening agriculture. In 2020 we continued to build resilient agricultural systems, by working with over 20,000 farmers across 13 countries to support the growth of our six priority crops (barley, cassava, hops, maize, rice and sorghum). We have put in place programs and partnerships to ensure that our farmers have access to good seed varieties and technical training (skilled), improved insights and data (connected), and the ability to invest in and grow their business (financially empowered). SmartBarley has been



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our primary agricultural technology program since 2013, currently live in 13 countries. In 2020 we worked to improve data and analytics across our global programs by integrating our internal platform SmartBarley with our technology partner Sentera to provide in-season weather and satellite data alongside farmer and crop management data, which we believe will help support the broader achievement of our 2025 Smart Agriculture Goal.

Supporting Smallholder Farmers

Agriculture is a critical source of income and livelihoods in a number of markets in Africa, where we have pioneered the use of under- commercialized local crops to create new affordable beer brands – like Eagle Lager, made with local sorghum in Uganda, and Impala, made with local cassava in Mozambique. This strategy allows us to reach new consumers while increasing incomes for local smallholder farmers. After an initial pilot in Zambia with positive results in 2018, in 2019 we partnered with a startup called BanQu to employ an SMS-based service backed by blockchain to record purchasing and sales data of our supply chain offering farmers a digital financial identity as well as sending digital payments and reducing cash transactions, and thereby lowering risk to our farmers. In 2020, we continued to grow our partnership with BanQu by scaling reach and increasing capabilities in markets like Zambia and Uganda where the platform has been operating for several crop seasons. We also rolled out the platform to our smallholder programs in Tanzania and Brazil. Through distributed ledger, the platform gives us better visibility of farmers in our supply chain and gives farmers greater security in the delivery and payment process while also creating an economic identity for them that will allow for greater access to formal financial services.

Buy A Lady A Drink

The Stella Artois Buy A Lady A Drink initiative, launched in 2015 in partnership with, challenges consumers to be the generation that ends the global water crisis. Each purchase of a limited-edition Stella Artois chalice helps provide one woman in the developing world with five years of clean water. Through its partnership with, Stella Artois is helping provide millions of people in the developing world with access to clean, safe water. Stella Artois supports the work of through direct donations and sale of special edition chalices, packs and pours.

Watershed Protection

We continue to scale our water stewardship efforts by engaging in watershed protection measures, in partnership with local stakeholders, in high- stress areas across Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, India, Mexico, Mozambique, Namibia, Peru, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, the United States and Zambia. Together with local authorities, other water users, and non-governmental organizations like the World Wildlife Fund and The Nature Conservancy, we have devoted financial and technical resources to green infrastructure initiatives, conservation and reforestation projects, habitat restoration efforts, and soil conservation techniques. To address the challenges specific to the local context, we have developed and implemented a comprehensive watershed management process at sites located in water-stressed areas. We are taking a results-based approach and have established baselines for measurement and tracking techniques based on pilot initiatives in a number of our high-risk communities. To date we have invested in long-term solutions across 28 sites where we seek to increase water security and improve water quality and availability for our communities and operations.

Renewable Energy

We are one of the world’s largest corporate buyers of electricity, a member of the RE100 and we are committed to sourcing 100% of our purchased electricity from renewables in order to reduce our carbon emissions and long-term energy cost, improve air quality and create jobs in the renewable energy industry. As members of the global corporate renewable energy initiative RE100, we follow the initiatives guidelines with our renewable electricity sources coming from solar, wind, biomass, biogas, geothermal and water. We also follow RE100 guidelines on energy generation, leveraging self-generated energy through either on-site installations or off-site PPAs. In 2016, we signed a contract to acquire 100% of our purchased electricity needs from wind power in our Mexico breweries and vertical operations by the second half of 2019. In September 2017, we announced an



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agreement with Enel Green Power in the United States where we committed to purchasing as much renewable electricity as is used to brew more than 20 billion 12-ounce servings of beer. In December 2018, we signed a 100MW solar power purchase agreement with Lightsource BP to secure renewable electricity for our U.K. operations, representing the largest unsubsidized solar energy deal in the United Kingdom to date. In 2019 we signed new renewable electricity contracts in Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, South Africa, Vietnam and the UK. In 2020 we signed new renewable electricity contracts in China, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Peru and U.K. To date, we have decarbonized across our value chain (scopes 1, 2, 3) over 10% from the 2017 baseline and have contracted 70% of our renewable electricity volume.


We are driving and protecting the circular economy of our industry by increasing the amount of reused or recycled materials in our packaging and recovering more post-consumer waste. We aim to work with partners, suppliers and retailers across our value chain in this effort. Packaging, such as returnable glass bottles, is an important component of this effort, and increasing recycling, recovery and reuse also helps avoid loss of value. Following the pilots in our agriculture programs, we also have introduced BanQu, the blockchain enabled technology platform, into our recycling collectors programs in Zambia and Colombia. The technology provides transparency into transactions, meaning we are able to ensure collectors receive a fair price for the bottles and materials they collect and to build our understanding of those working within our supply chain.

Other Initiatives

We routinely engage with stakeholders including NGOs, academic institutions and local communities to understand and benefit from their perspectives on sustainable development along brewing value chains. We recognize the critical role that companies can play in addressing some of the world’s most pressing sustainability challenges, such as climate change and water scarcity. We are a signatory to the CEO Water Mandate, a public/private initiative of the United Nations Global Compact, which focuses on developing corporate strategies to address global water issues. We actively work to better understand and manage climate change and water risks across our supply chain and publicly report our risks and opportunities to the Carbon Disclosure Project.

We take a multifaceted approach that includes applying a mix of operational changes and technological solutions, building effective partnerships and having a sustainability-focused mindset, underscored by strong teamwork, in order to help reduce the use of water in our direct operations, protect watersheds that serve our breweries and local communities and improve water management in our barley supply chain.

We are members of the Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable, a technical coalition of leading global beverage companies working together to advance environmental sustainability within the beverage sector. We are members of the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative, a global food industry organization that supports the development of sustainable agriculture through the involvement of food chain stakeholders. In addition, we are active participants in the United Nations Environment Program’s annual World Environment Day, through which we engage annually with many community stakeholders around the world.

Energy conservation has been a strategic focus for us for many years, especially with the unpredictable cost of energy and evolving climate change regulations. Our continued progress is based on the importance we place on sharing best technical and management practices across our operations. We publicly report our risks and opportunities related to climate change to the Carbon Disclosure Project.

Promoting smart drinking

We want every experience with beer to be a positive one. We believe that the harmful use of alcohol is bad for consumers, society and our business. We established our Global Smart Drinking Goals in December 2015 to contribute to the World Health Organization’s target of reducing the harmful use of alcohol by at least 10% in every country by 2025 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal of strengthening the prevention of harmful use of alcohol globally.



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Smart Drinking

We are a global company, brewing beers and building brands that will continue to bring people together for a better world for the next 100 years and beyond. This requires thriving communities across the globe where harmful use of alcohol no longer presents a social challenge. Our Smart Drinking commitments, and the beliefs that underpin them, will help make this vision a reality.

In 2014, we successfully met or exceeded all six of the original Global Responsible Drinking Goals we set for ourselves in 2011. This set of goals included collaborations with a wide range of partners, public education initiatives, retailer training and other activities that reinforced responsible drinking.

Our current Global Smart Drinking Goals are intended to serve as a laboratory to identify and test replicable programs, implement them in partnership with others and ensure they are independently and transparently evaluated. Our goals are also designed to be collaborative and evolving. Working in partnership with public health bodies, civil society and governments, we aim to implement evidence-based approaches, uncover new ways to reduce the harmful use of alcohol, and act upon them. Our intent is not only to use the knowledge generated by this work to improve our own efforts and business practices, but also to share what we learn with others.

Our four Global Smart Drinking Goals are:



City Pilots: reduce the harmful use of alcohol by at least 10% in six cities by the end of 2020 and implement best practices for reducing the harmful use of alcohol globally by the end of 2025;



Social Norms: influence social norms and individual behaviors to reduce harmful alcohol use by investing at least USD 1 billion across our markets in dedicated social marketing campaigns and related programs by the end of 2025;



No- and Low-Alcohol Beer: ensure no-alcohol (by which we mean ABV 0.0%–0.5%) and low-alcohol (by which we mean ABV 0.51%–3.5%) beer products represent at least 20% of our global beer volume by the end of 2025; and



Alcohol Health Literacy: place a guidance label on all of our beer products in all of our markets by the end of 2020 and increase alcohol health literacy by the end of 2025.

Our City Pilots initiative is the cornerstone of our efforts to identify, test and independently and rigorously measure and evaluate replicable evidence-based interventions that are implemented in partnership with others, to reduce harmful use of alcohol. The City Pilots serve as laboratories for identifying evidence-based initiatives worth scaling. The six City Pilots are: Brasilia, Brazil; Zacatecas, Mexico; Johannesburg, South Africa; Jiangshan, China; Leuven, Belgium and Columbus, Ohio. Local knowledge and leadership are critical to the City Pilot approach. In each region, a Steering Committee was formed with local community members, including government, universities, NGOs and other community-based organizations.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of lockdowns and behavioral changes in communities, many of our City Pilot interventions were paused as we pivoted to address more pressing challenges related to the pandemic.

While we have not met our goal to reduce the harmful use of alcohol by 10% in the six City Pilots, we identified and measured which of the implemented interventions were most effective. The best practices will be replicated in 2021 in other communities.

Our Social Norms initiative is not just about spending a specified amount, but rather spending with impact, which requires the development and implementation of campaigns and programs grounded in social norms and social marketing theory. We have partnered with experts in this field to gather and consolidate the latest social marketing knowledge and best practices and apply them to the promotion of smart drinking. In 2018 we produced a



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Social Marketing Toolkit for our marketing teams around the world, working in close collaboration with public health and behavior change experts. This Toolkit is a practical guide that collates and distills information about our Global Smart Drinking Goals, behavior change theory, social norms and social marketing principles and includes a comprehensive library of AB InBev harmful consumption of alcohol prevention initiatives to date, so that all our business units can replicate best practices easily. In 2020, our brands leveraged their social norms marketing methodology to develop more than 20 smart drinking campaigns. Additionally, our brands launched more than 20 social norms campaigns to promote COVID-19 prevention behaviors.

Through our No- and Low-Alcohol Beer initiative, we are offering consumers more options, which we believe can be an important way to help reduce harmful use of alcohol. Our ambition is for existing drinkers to integrate no-alcohol beers and beer with 3.5% ABV or lower into their current drink choices, giving them a tool to enable them to control their alcohol intake. To make this ambition a reality, we are investing to make our no- and low-alcohol products an available and appealing choice for current consumers of beverage alcohol. We have applied the same robust sales tracking tools to our no- and low-alcohol beers to identify opportunities for growth and help us get closer to achieving our volume goal. In 2020, we launched 11 new No- and Low-Alcohol Beer brands for a total of more than 80 brands in our portfolio. In 2020, No- and Low-Alcohol Beer brands accounted for 6.58% of our global beer volume.

Notwithstanding this progress, we are not on track to meet our goal for no- and low-alcohol beers to represent 20% of our volume by 2025. However, we are incorporating our experience into our efforts going forward. These lessons include better understanding the opportunity and identifying alternative solutions such as:



Liquid optimization in selected existing products when aligned with consumer preferences; and



Product innovations that give consumers an option to migrate from higher alcohol content categories into lower alcohol content ones.

Our Alcohol Health Literacy initiative exemplifies our belief in helping consumers understand why and how alcohol should be consumed within limits. We are collaborating with partners to identify and implement evidence-based means of increasing alcohol literacy among consumers. The AB InBev Foundation supported public health researchers at Tufts University School of Medicine to develop a consumer guidance label for beer to promote alcohol health literacy and reflect the current evidence base for consumer labelling. The guidance label is being implemented in markets where there is not already government mandated labeling in place and where it is permissible by local regulation. By the end of 2020, we have implemented guidance labels on 81% of our beer volume in more than 20 countries where there is no existing regulation on the matter. The remaining 19% will be executed in 2021.

To further advance our Global Smart Drinking Goals, we established the AB InBev Foundation in 2017. The Foundation has established the following guiding principles: transparency—sharing what the Foundation does and what it learns with others; local leadership—demonstrating multi-sectorial, community collaborations, empowered by evidence-based interventions and external experts and academic integrity—advancing the knowledge base by supporting independent, technical experts to implement and evaluate programs and publish their own work and conclusions.

With an eye on the future, in July 2020 we decided to expand the Foundation’s mission and modify its structure. The Foundation will continue its commitment to the Global Smart Drinking Goals, while at the same time, actively work to advance a broader set of the UN SDGs, including those on clean water and social development. The Foundation’s new structure will provide it with access to greater resources and the benefit of technical skills from other parts of our business. In 2020, the Foundation launched the COVID Community Fund to fund multi-stakeholder initiatives to support COVID-19 response and recovery. Also, in partnership with HBSA, the third party evaluator of the Global Smart Drinking Goals (GSDG) initiative, the Foundation launched the GSDG Data Library—an independent, external warehouse designed to make all the outcome data sourced in pursuit of the Foundation’s programs available to the public.



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Investing in road safety

As a major user of roads around the world and its largest brewer, we are committed to delivering safer roads for all, around the world, we invest in innovative programs to improve road safety and reduce injuries and fatalities from traffic collisions. This work is aligned with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-Being) and the ambitious target of halving the global number of deaths and injuries from road traffic crashes by 2020.

Safe roads are also a high priority for governments and advocacy groups, and we are strengthening the impact of our efforts through partnerships. These include our leadership in Together for Safer Roads (“TSR”), a private-sector coalition focused on improving road safety by facilitating innovation in safer fleets, data collection and modern management. Also, our partnership with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) continued across 2020. In January 2020, we renewed our partnership with UNITAR for two more years at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. Through our renewed partnership with UNITAR we translated the Safer Roads Toolkit into five languages to train over 1 000 people in more than 90 countries around the world and launched the Road Safety Toolkit app.

Internally in our business, we dedicate significant time and resources to researching, testing and implementing road safety technology and innovative techniques to increase the road safety of our fleet, which in turn improves community safety. Some of the techniques we have implemented are: monitoring the location and performance of vehicles, crash and near-miss analysis, and addressing and avoiding driver fatigue using tools like telemetry and artificial intelligence.

Increasing workplace safety

We are committed to doing everything possible to create a safe work environment. We encourage employees and contractors to follow safe practices and make healthy choices in our workplaces and local communities.

Business ethics

Our leaders set the tone for our company. We expect them to deliver results and to inspire our colleagues through passion for brewing and a sense of ownership. Most importantly, we never take shortcuts. Integrity, hard work, quality and responsibility are essential to our growth.

Human Rights

Respecting human rights is a non-negotiable commitment for our business. We have been a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact since 2005 and are committed to the principles and guidance contained in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In 2019, we refreshed our Global Human Rights Policy and we continue to participate in industry and NGO initiatives that seek to improve business’ approach to respecting human rights. We understand that respecting human rights is fundamental to creating healthy, thriving communities, and that human rights must be respected. We recognize the role that business plays in respecting human rights in our operations, value chains and communities. As part of our commitment to respect human rights, we do not condone any form of human rights violations in our organization and in our value chains, and we have strong policies that guide how we monitor and work to address these issues.



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Our People

It takes great people to build a great company. That is why we focus on attracting and retaining the best talent. Our approach is to enhance our people’s skills and potential through education and training, competitive compensation and a culture of ownership that rewards people for taking responsibility and producing results. Our ownership culture unites our people, providing the necessary energy, commitment and alignment needed to pursue our Purpose of Bringing People Together for a Better World.

Having the right people in the right roles at the right time—aligned through a clear goal-setting and rewards process—improves productivity and enables us to continue to invest in our business and strengthen our social responsibility initiatives.

Acting in our communities

Volunteering is one of the best ways to bring people together for a better world. In communities around the world—both large and small—our people are passionate about empowering communities. We encourage these efforts through regional and global volunteering initiatives that are often also open to our families, friends, partners and consumers.

Every year, we participate in the Global Be(er) Responsible Day (“GBRD”), a day we initiated and through which dozens of countries, hundreds of organizations and thousands of our colleagues join efforts to promote responsible alcohol consumption. The pandemic disruptions this past year gave us the opportunity to take GBRD to the digital world with activities across all our business units. One such activity was “Reinventing How We Drink: A GBRD Webcast,” which brought together our Chief Executive Officer, our senior leadership team and startup leaders who are disrupting and reinventing how we drink.

Our local teams also organized their own volunteering efforts. In Mexico, our volunteering program Voluntarios Modelo has mobilized around 700,000 people in volunteering activities in their communities since 2014, including many of our colleagues. In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Voluntarios Modelo promoted digital volunteering and engaged more than 9,000 digital volunteers. In Brazil, our Volunteering Program VOA provided management training to 115 NGOs leveraging the management expertise of 554 of our colleagues, impacting over 5 million people indirectly. In Colombia, Peru and Ecuador, our volunteering program #MeUno engaged more than 67,000 volunteers in environmental and educational activities. In the United States, South Africa and Colombia, our Pro Bono Marathon leveraged the skills of 194 colleagues to help 13 non-profit partners solve organizational challenges.

Supporting disaster response

In 2020, in addition to the COVID-19 pandemic, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, wildfires and other natural disasters struck with great force and frequency in many communities. We supported disaster relief and recovery efforts, mainly through emergency drinking water donations and provision of funds. In the United States, we donated over 1.4 million cans of emergency drinking water, leveraging a long-standing partnership with the American Red Cross, and added the necessary equipment to produce canned drinking water out of our brewery in Fort Collins, Colorado, in September 2018. In South Africa, we provided emergency drinking water to people affected by the drought in Cape Town. In Brazil, we provided funds and in-kind donations to hundreds of people who were displaced by the urban fire that affected the city of Manaus. In India, after floods hit the state of Kerala, 1,500 volunteers dedicated 6,000 hours to supply 185,000 bottles of drinking water to 20,000 families in areas of need. We also developed a Global Disaster Preparedness Toolkit so more of our Business Units can play a role in improving the resilience of communities to prepare, respond to and recover from disasters.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are working closely with local governments and other stakeholders to leverage our scale, capabilities and resources to support the fight against the pandemic and to do our part in the economic recovery. We have leveraged our facilities to produce and donate millions of units of hand sanitizer, face shields and packaged water. To support and empower the 20,000 direct farmers in our global supply chain, we fulfilled commitments to purchase crops in markets such as Mexico and India, even when our production was shut down. We are also providing farmers with personal protective equipment and critical information on health, hygiene and safe cultivation of their crops.



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Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV is the parent company of the AB InBev Group. Our most significant subsidiaries (as of 31 December 2020) are:


Subsidiary Name

   Jurisdiction of
incorporation or
   Proportion of
of voting
rights held

Anheuser-Busch Companies, LLC

     100     100

One Busch Place

St. Louis, MO 63118

Ambev S.A.

   Brazil      61.83    

Rua Dr. Renato Paes de Barros 1017

3° Andar Itaim Bibi

São Paulo, Brazil

Budweiser Brewing Company APAC Limited

   Cayman Islands      87.22     87.22

1823, 18/F

Soundwill Plaza II – Mid Town

1-29 Tang Lung Street, Causeway Bay

Hong Kong

Cervecería Modelo de México, S. de R.L. de C.V.

   Mexico      100     100

Cerrada de Palomas 22, 6th Floor, Reforma Social

Miguel Hidalgo

1650 Mexico City, Mexico

ABI SAB Group Holding Limited

   United Kingdom      100     100

Bureau, 90 Fetter Lane

London EC4A 1EN, United Kingdom

For a more comprehensive list of our most important financing and operating subsidiaries, see note 36 of our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31  December 2020.


For a further discussion of property, plants and equipment, see “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Our Business — Climate change or other environmental concerns, or legal, regulatory or market measures to address climate change or other environmental concerns, may negatively affect our business or operations, including the availability of key production inputs,” “—B. Business Overview—6. Brewing Process; Raw Materials and Packaging; Production Facilities; Logistics—Capacity Expansion,” “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—G. Liquidity and Capital Resources—Capital Expenditures” and “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—J. Outlook and Trend Information.”








The following is a review of our financial condition and results of operations as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020, and of the key factors that have affected or are expected to be likely to affect our ongoing and future operations. You should read the following discussion and analysis in conjunction with our audited consolidated financial statements and the accompanying notes included elsewhere in this Form 20-F.



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Some of the information contained in this discussion, including information with respect to our plans and strategies for our business and our expected sources of financing, contain forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties. You should read “Forward-Looking Statements” for a discussion of the risks related to those statements. You should also read “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors” for a discussion of certain factors that may affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.

We have prepared our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board, and in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union (“IFRS”). The financial information and related discussion and analysis contained in this item are presented in U.S. dollars except as otherwise specified. Unless otherwise specified, the financial information analysis in this Form 20-F is based on our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020.

See “Presentation of Financial and Other Data” for further information on our presentation of financial information.


We consider acquisitions, divestitures and other structural changes, economic conditions and pricing, consumer preferences, our product mix, raw material and transport prices, the effect of our distribution arrangements, excise taxes, the effect of governmental regulations, foreign currency effects, weather and seasonality and widespread health emergencies to be the key factors influencing the results of our operations. The following sections discuss these key factors.

Widespread Health Emergencies

Our results of operations have been and may continue to be negatively impacted by widespread health emergencies (or concerns over the possibility of such an emergency), such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the actions taken in response to it, which can cause a decline in consumer demand for our products. See “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors” for further details regarding the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on our business.

Acquisitions, Divestitures and Other Structural Changes

We regularly engage in acquisitions, divestitures and investments. We also engage in the start-up or termination of activities and may transfer activities between business segments. Such events have had and are expected to continue to have a significant effect on our results of operations and the comparability of period-to-period results. Significant acquisitions, divestitures, investments, transfers of activities between business segments and other structural changes in the years ended 31 December 2020 and 2019 are described below. See also note 6 and note 8 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 included in this Form 20-F.

Completion of the disposal of CCBA

In 2018, we completed the sale of our carbonated soft drink businesses in Zambia and Botswana to The Coca-Cola Company. In 2019, we completed the sale of all of our carbonated soft drink business in eSwatini (Swaziland) and certain non-alcoholic beverage brands in El Salvador and Honduras. In El Salvador and Honduras, we have executed long-term bottling agreements which became effective in 2019 upon the closing of the El Salvador and Honduras brand divestitures. In 2020, The Coca-Cola Company acquired our interest in the bottling operations of our business in Lesotho.



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Listing of Budweiser APAC on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

On 30 September 2019, we successfully completed the listing of a minority stake of our Asia Pacific subsidiary, Budweiser APAC, on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for USD 5.0 billion. On 3 October 2019, an over-allotment option in connection with the initial public offering of a minority stake of Budweiser APAC was fully exercised, resulting in additional gross proceeds of USD 750 million. Following the full exercise of the over- allotment option, we control 87.22% of the issued share capital of Budweiser APAC.

Divestiture of Australia Business to Asahi

On 1 June 2020, we completed the sale of our Australia business (Carlton & United Breweries) to Asahi for AUD 16.0 billion, resulting in net proceeds of USD 10.8 billion. As part of this transaction, we granted Asahi rights to commercialize our portfolio of global and international brands in Australia.

Effective 30 September 2019, we classified the assets and liabilities associated with the Australian operations as assets held for sale and liabilities associated with assets held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations. In addition, since the results of the Australian operations represented a separate major line of business, these were accounted for as discontinued operations as required by IFRS 5 and presented in a separate line in the consolidated income statement (“profit from discontinued operations”) up to 31 May 2020.

Acquisition of Craft Brew Alliance

On 30 September 2020, we completed the acquisition of the remaining 68.8% stake in Craft Brew Alliance for net consideration of USD 0.2 billion and obtained 100% control over Craft Brew Alliance.

Goodwill impairment

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a sharp contraction of sales during the second quarter of 2020 in many countries in which we operate. The decline in performance resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic was viewed as a triggering event for impairment testing in accordance with IAS 36 Impairment of Assets. Consequently, we conducted an impairment test during the second quarter of 2020 for the cash-generating units showing the highest invested capital to EBITDA multiples: Colombia, Rest of Middle Americas, South Africa, Rest of Africa and Rest of Asia Pacific.

During our interim goodwill impairment testing, we considered several scenarios of the recovery of sales for the different cash-generating units being tested and ran sensitivity analysis for key assumptions including the weighted average cost of capital and the terminal growth rate. These scenarios were based on our assumptions by 30 June 2020, on the recovery in a base case (which we deemed to be the most likely case at the time of the impairment test), a best case and a worst case scenario per cash generating unit following the common recovery shapes: L, U and V where the letters describe the trajectory of key assumptions tracking economic conditions. In view of the uncertainties, we assumed a 15 to 30% probability for the worst case scenario, dependent on the-cash generating units in this interim impairment testing.

Based upon the results of the impairment test, we concluded that no goodwill impairment was warranted under the base and best case scenarios. Nevertheless, under the worst case scenario ran with higher discount rates to factor the heightened business risk, we concluded that the recoverable amounts were below the carrying value for the South Africa and Rest of Africa cash-generating units. As a consequence, we concluded, based on the valuations performed, that it was prudent in view of the uncertainties to record an impairment of goodwill of USD 1.5 billion for the South Africa cash-generating unit and USD 1.0 billion for the Rest of Africa cash-generating unit applying a 30% probability of occurrence.



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We did not recognize any additional impairment of goodwill based on the results of the annual impairment testing conducted in the fourth quarter of 2020. Please refer to note 14 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 included in this Form 20-F.

Issuance of Minority Stake in US-based Metal Container operations

On 31 December 2020, we completed the issuance of a 49.9% minority stake in our US-based metal container operations to Apollo Global Management, Inc. for net proceeds of USD 3.0 billion. This transaction allowed us to create additional shareholder value by optimizing the business at an attractive price and generate proceeds to repay debt, in line with our deleveraging commitments. We retained operational control of our US-based metal container operations. As required by IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, the transaction was reported in our consolidated statement of changes in equity, resulting in recognition of USD 1.9 billion in Non-controlling interest and USD 1.1 billion in Reserves.

Brazilian Tax Credits

In the fourth quarter of 2020, our subsidiary Ambev concluded the calculation of its tax credits on a judicial decision related to the exclusion of the Value-Added Tax (ICMS) from the taxable basis of the social contribution on gross revenues (PIS and COFINS). The decision refers to the period between November 2009 and April 2015. As a result of this judicial decision and other tax credit adjustments, Ambev recognized USD 481 million income in Other operating income and USD 315 million of interest income in Finance income for the year ended 31 December 2020. In 2019 and 2018, such credits were reported in Revenue. We have not revised the prior periods for the new accounting policy based on our assessment of materiality of such tax credits in 2019 and 2018.

Other Acquisitions, Divestitures and Structural Changes

Following the combination with SAB in 2016, we decided to maintain the SAB Zenzele share-scheme (“Zenzele Scheme”), the broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) scheme which provided opportunities for black South Africans, including employees (through The SAB Zenzele Employee Trust), SAB retailers (through SAB Zenzele Holdings Limited) and The SAB Foundation, to participate as shareholders of our indirect subsidiary, The South African Breweries Pty Ltd (SAB). The Zenzele Scheme, originally implemented by SAB in 2010 as a 10-year scheme, was amended at the time of the combination with SAB and matured on 31 March 2020.

Obligations to the SAB Foundation and the employees as beneficiaries of The SAB Zenzele Employee Share Trust were settled in full on 15 April 2020. The obligations to SAB retailers, who participate in the Zenzele Scheme through SAB Zenzele Holdings, were partially settled (77.4%) on 15 April 2020. As a direct consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic the remaining settlement was postponed, and it is now intended that the SAB retailers will receive the balance of their entitlement (22.6%) on or before 31 May 2021, at which time we and SAB will implement the new B-BBEE scheme as described below.

In total, 10.8 million of our Treasury shares (out of which 1.3 million shares were delivered to SAB Foundation, which is consolidated by us) with a total value of USD 491 million were used in 2020 to settle the obligations to the participants of the Zenzele Scheme. The total value delivered to the participants of the Zenzele Scheme amounted to ZAR 8.6 billion.

As part of the combination with SAB in 2016, we made a commitment to the South African Government and Competition Authorities to create a new B-BBEE scheme upon maturity of the Zenzele Scheme in 2020. In order to create the new B-BBEE scheme, the following steps will be undertaken:



The new scheme will be implemented through the listing of a special purpose company, which will be called Zenzele Kabili Holdings Limited (Zenzele Kabili) on the segment of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange’s Main Board on which an issuer may list its B-BBEE shares;



Zenzele Kabili will hold unencumbered our shares;



Existing Zenzele participants (SAB retailers and The SAB Foundation) will be given an option to reinvest a portion of their Zenzele payout into Zenzele Kabili;



A new Employee Share Plan, funded by us, will subscribe for shares in Zenzele Kabili.



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The settlement of the balance of the SAB Retailers entitlement and the new B-BBEE scheme is estimated to require approximately ZAR 5.5 billion (USD 0.4 billion2) in facilitation and notional vendor funding. The settlement would be equivalent to 5.4 million of our shares based on the share price and the ZAR Euro exchange rate as at 31 December 20203. It is the intention that our Treasury shares will be used for the settlement of the new B-BBEE scheme. This scheme arrangement meets the criteria under IFRS 2 to be classified as equity settled.

During 2019 and 2020, we undertook a series of additional acquisitions and disposals with no significant impact to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 included in this Form 20-F.

In addition to the acquisitions and divestitures described above, we may acquire, purchase or dispose of further assets or businesses in our normal course of operations. Accordingly, the financial information presented in this Form 20-F may not reflect the scope of our business as it will be conducted in the future.

Economic Conditions and Pricing

General economic conditions in the geographic regions in which we sell our products, such as the level of disposable income, the level of inflation, the rate of economic growth, the rate of unemployment, exchange rates and currency devaluation or revaluation, influence consumer confidence and consumer purchasing power. These factors, in turn, influence the demand for our products in terms of total volumes sold and the price that can be charged. This is particularly true for developing countries in our Middle Americas, South America and Asia Pacific regions, as well as certain countries in our EMEA region, which tend to have lower disposable income per capita and may be subject to greater economic volatility than our markets in North America and developed countries in EMEA. The level of inflation has been particularly significant in our South America region and in certain countries within the EMEA region. In May 2018, the Argentinean peso underwent a severe devaluation resulting in the three-year cumulative inflation of Argentina to exceed 100% in 2018, thereby triggering the requirement to transition to hyperinflation accounting as prescribed by IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies as of 1 January 2018 (see “—Foreign Currency”). As measured by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos, Argentine inflation was approximately 36.1% in 2020. Consequently, a central element of our strategy for achieving sustained profitable volume growth is our ability to anticipate changes in local economic conditions and their impact on consumer demand in order to achieve the optimal combination of pricing and sales volume.

In addition to affecting demand for our products, the general economic conditions described above may cause consumer preferences to shift between on-trade consumption channels, such as restaurants and cafés, bars, sports and leisure venues and hotels, and off-trade consumption channels, such as traditional grocery stores, supermarkets, hypermarkets and discount stores. Products sold in off-trade consumption channels typically generate higher volumes and lower margins per retail outlet than those sold in on-trade consumption channels, although on-trade consumption channels typically require higher levels of investment. The relative profitability of on-trade and off-trade consumption channels varies depending on various factors, including costs of invested capital and the distribution arrangements in the different countries in which we operate. A shift in consumer preferences towards lower-margin products may adversely affect our price realization and profit margins. In addition, the implementation of social distancing and lockdown measures in many of our major markets as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused, and may continue to cause, consumer preferences to shift from the on-trade consumption channel to the off-trade consumption channel, further impacting our performance.

Consumer Preferences

We are a consumer products company, and our results of operations largely depend on our ability to respond effectively to shifting consumer preferences. Consumer preferences may shift due to a variety of factors, including changes in demographics, changes in social trends, such as consumer health concerns, product attributes and ingredients, changes in travel, vacation or leisure activity patterns, weather or negative publicity resulting from regulatory action or litigation.



Converted at the 31 December 2020 closing rate.


Calculated assuming our closing share price of EUR 57.01 per share and an exchange rate of ZAR 18.021914 to EUR 1.00 as at 31 December 2020.



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Product Mix

The results of our operations are substantially affected by our ability to build on our strong family of brands by relaunching or reinvigorating existing brands in current markets, launching existing brands in new markets and introducing brand extensions and packaging alternatives for our existing brands, as well as our ability to both acquire and develop innovative local products to respond to changing consumer preferences. Strong, well- recognized brands that attract and retain consumers, for which consumers are willing to pay a premium, are critical to our efforts to maintain and increase market share and benefit from high margins. See “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—2. Principal Activities and Products—Beer” for further information regarding our brands.

Raw Material and Transport Prices

We have significant exposure to fluctuations in the prices of raw materials, packaging materials, energy and transport services, each of which may significantly impact our cost of sales or distribution expenses. Increased costs or distribution expenses will reduce our profit margins if we are unable to recover these additional costs from our customers through higher prices (see “—Economic Conditions and Pricing” above).

The main raw materials used in our beer and other alcoholic malt beverage production are malted barley, corn grits, corn syrup, rice, hops, yeast and water, while those used in our non-beer production are flavored concentrate, fruit concentrate, sugar, sweetener and water. In some of our regions, such as in Africa, locally-sourced agricultural products, such as sorghum or cassava, are used in place of malted barley. In addition to these inputs into our products, delivery of our products to consumers requires extensive use of packaging materials, such as glass, PET and aluminum bottles, aluminum or steel cans and kegs, labels, plastic crates, metal and plastic closures, folding cartons, cardboard products and plastic films.

The price of the raw and packaging materials that we use in our operations is determined by, among other factors, the level of crop production (both in the countries in which we are active and elsewhere in the world), weather conditions, supplier’s capacity utilization, end-user demand, governmental regulations including tariffs, and legislation affecting agriculture and trade. In particular, the price of the cans and bottles in which our products are packaged may be affected by the demand for such materials among other companies in the fast-moving consumer goods sector. We are also exposed to increases in fuel and other energy prices through our own and third-party distribution networks and production operations. Furthermore, we are exposed to increases in raw material transport costs charged by suppliers. Increases in the prices of our products could affect demand among consumers, and, thus, our sales volumes and revenue. Even though we seek to minimize the impact of such fluctuations through financial and physical hedging, the results of our hedging activities may vary across time.

As further discussed under “Item 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk—Market Risk, Hedging and Financial Instruments,” we use both fixed-price purchasing contracts and commodity derivatives to minimize our exposure to commodity price volatility when practicable. Fixed-price contracts generally have a term of one to two years, although a small number of contracts have a term up to five years. See “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—6. Brewing Process; Raw Materials and Packaging; Production Facilities; Logistics—Raw Materials and Packaging” for further details regarding our arrangements for sourcing of raw and packaging materials.

Distribution Arrangements

We depend on effective distribution networks to deliver our products to our customers. Generally, we distribute our products through (i) our own distribution, in which we deliver to points of sale directly, and (ii) third-party distribution networks, in which delivery to points of sale occurs through wholesalers and independent distributors. Third-party distribution networks may be exclusive or non-exclusive and may, in certain business



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segments, involve use of third-party distribution while we retain the sales function through an agency framework. We use different distribution networks in the markets in which we operate, as appropriate, based on the structure of the local retail sectors, local geographic considerations, scale considerations, regulatory requirements, market share and the expected added-value and capital returns.

Although specific results may vary depending on the relevant distribution arrangement and market, in general, the use of own distribution or third- party distribution networks will have the following effects on our results of operations:



Revenue. Revenue per hectoliter derived from sales through own distribution tends to be higher than revenue derived from sales through third parties. In general, under own distribution, we receive a higher price for our products since we are selling directly to points of sale, capturing the margin that would otherwise be retained by intermediaries;



Transportation costs. In our own distribution networks, we sell our products to the point of sale and incur additional freight costs in transporting those products between our plant and such points of sale. Such costs are included in our distribution expenses under IFRS. In most of our own distribution networks, we use third-party transporters and incur costs through payments to these transporters, which are also included in our distribution expenses under IFRS. In third-party distribution networks, our distribution expenses are generally limited to expenses incurred in delivering our products to relevant wholesalers or independent distributors in those circumstances in which we make deliveries; and



Sales expenses. Under fully third-party distribution systems, the salesperson is generally an employee of the distributor, while under our own distribution and indirect agency networks, the salesperson is generally our employee. To the extent that we deliver our products to points of sale through direct or indirect agency distribution networks, we will incur additional sales expenses from the hiring of additional employees (which may offset to a certain extent increased revenue gained as a result of own distribution).

In addition, in certain countries, we enter into exclusive importer arrangements and depend on our counterparties to these arrangements to market and distribute our products to points of sale. To the extent that we rely on counterparties to distribution agreements to distribute our products in particular countries or regions, the results of our operations in those countries and regions will, in turn, be substantially dependent on our counterparties’ own distribution networks operating effectively.

Excise Taxes

Taxation on our beer, other alcoholic beverage and non-beer products in the countries in which we operate is comprised of different taxes specific to each jurisdiction, such as excise and other indirect taxes. In many jurisdictions, excise and other indirect duties, including legislation regarding minimum alcohol pricing, make up a large proportion of the cost of beer charged to customers. Increases in excise and other indirect taxes applicable to our products either on an absolute basis or relative to the levels applicable to other beverages tend to adversely affect our revenue or margins, both by reducing overall consumption and by encouraging consumers to switch to lower-taxed categories of beverages. These increases also adversely affect the affordability of our products and our ability to raise prices. For further discussion of excise taxes and the risk of increased tax rates as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, please see “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Our Business—We may be subject to adverse changes in taxation and other tax-related risks” and “—Financial Risks —Our business, financial condition, cash flows and operating results have been and may continue to be negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Governmental Regulations

Governmental restrictions on beer consumption in the markets in which we operate vary from one country to another, and, in some instances, within countries. The most relevant restrictions are:



Legal drinking ages;



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Global and national alcohol policy reviews and the implementation of policies aimed at preventing the harmful effects of alcohol misuse (including, among others, relating to underage drinking, drunk driving, drinking while pregnant and excessive or abusive drinking);



Restrictions on sales of alcohol generally or beer specifically, including restrictions on distribution networks, restrictions on certain retail venues, requirements that retail stores hold special licenses for the sale of alcohol, restrictions on times or days of sale and minimum alcohol pricing requirements;



Advertising restrictions, which affect, among other things, the media channels employed, the content of advertising campaigns for our products and the times and places where our products can be advertised, including, in some instances, sporting events;



Restrictions imposed by antitrust or competition laws;



Deposit laws (including those for bottles, crates and kegs);



Heightened environmental regulations and standards, including regulations addressing emissions of gas and liquid effluents and the disposal of waste and one-way packaging, compliance with which imposes costs; and



Litigation associated with any of the above.

Please refer to “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—11. Regulations Affecting Our Business” for a fuller description of the key laws and regulations to which our operations are subject.

Foreign Currency

Our financial statements presentation and reporting currency is the U.S. dollar. A number of our operating companies have functional currencies (that is, in most cases, the local currency of the respective operating company) other than our reporting currency. Consequently, foreign currency exchange rates have a significant impact on our consolidated financial statements. In particular:



Changes in the value of our operating companies’ functional currencies against other currencies in which their costs and expenses are priced may affect those operating companies’ cost of sales and operating expenses, and, thus, negatively impact their operating margins in functional currency terms. Foreign currency transactions are accounted for at exchange rates prevailing at the date of the transactions, while monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the balance sheet date. Except for exchange differences on transactions entered into in order to hedge certain foreign currency risk and exchange rate differences on monetary items that form part of the net investment in the foreign operations, gains and losses resulting from the settlement of foreign currency transactions and from the translation of monetary assets and liabilities in currencies other than an operating company’s functional currency are recognized in the income statement. Historically, we have been able to raise prices and implement cost-saving initiatives to partly offset cost and expense increases due to exchange rate volatility. We also have hedge policies designed to manage commodity price and foreign currency risks to protect our exposure to currencies other than our operating companies’ respective functional currencies. Please refer to “Item 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk—Market Risk, Hedging and Financial Instruments” for further detail on our approach to hedging commodity price and foreign currency risk.

Any change in the exchange rates between our operating companies’ functional currencies and our reporting currency affects our consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of financial position when the results of those operating companies are translated into the reporting currency for reporting purposes as translational exposures are not hedged. Assets and liabilities of foreign operations are translated to the reporting currency at foreign exchange rates prevailing at the balance sheet date. Income statements of foreign operations, excluding foreign entities in hyperinflation economies, are translated to the reporting currency at exchange rates for



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the year approximating the foreign exchange rates prevailing at the dates of transactions. The components of shareholders’ equity are translated at historical rates. Exchange differences arising from the translation of shareholders’ equity into the reporting currency at year-end are taken to other comprehensive income (that is, in a translation reserve). In May 2018, the Argentinean peso underwent a severe devaluation resulting in Argentina’s three-year cumulative inflation exceeding 100% in 2018, thereby triggering the requirement to transition to hyperinflation accounting as prescribed by IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies as of 1 January 2018. Under IAS 29, the non-monetary assets and liabilities are stated at historical cost and the equity and income statement of subsidiaries operating in hyperinflationary economies are restated for changes in the general purchasing power of the local currency applying a general price index. Monetary items that are already stated at the measuring unit at the end of the reporting period are not restated. These re-measured accounts are used for conversion into U.S. dollars at the period closing exchange rate. As a result, the balance sheet and net results of subsidiaries operating in hyperinflationary economies are stated in terms of the measuring unit current at the end of the reporting period.

Decreases in the value of our operating companies’ functional currencies against the reporting currency tend to reduce their contribution to, among other things, our consolidated revenue and profit. During 2020, several currencies, such as the Brazilian real, the Colombian pesos, the Mexican pesos, the Peruvian sol and the South African rand, depreciated against the U.S. dollar while the Euro strengthened against the U.S. dollar. Our total consolidated revenue was USD 46.9 billion for the year ended 31 December 2020, a decrease of USD 5.4 billion compared to the year ended 31 December 2019. The negative impact of unfavorable currency translation effects, including hyperinflation accounting impact, on our consolidated revenue in the year ended 31 December 2020 was USD 3.4 billion, primarily as a result of the impact of the currencies listed above.

For further details regarding the currencies in which our revenue is realized and the effect of foreign currency fluctuations on our results of operations, see “—F. Impact of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates” below.

See also “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Our Business— Fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates may lead to volatility in our results of operations.” and “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Our Business—We are exposed to developing market risks, including the risks of devaluation, nationalization and inflation.”

Weather and Seasonality

Weather conditions directly affect consumption of our products. High temperatures and prolonged periods of warm weather favor increased consumption of our products, while unseasonably cool or wet weather, especially during the spring and summer months, adversely affects our sales volumes and, consequently, our revenue. Accordingly, product sales in all of our business segments are generally higher during the warmer months of the year (which also tend to be periods of increased tourist activity) as well as during major holiday periods.

Consequently, for many countries in EMEA and most countries in the South America region (particularly Argentina and most of Brazil), volumes are usually stronger in the first and fourth quarters due to year-end festivities and the summer season in the Southern Hemisphere, while for some countries in Middle Americas and EMEA and the countries in the North America and Asia Pacific regions, volumes tend to be stronger during the spring and summer seasons in the second and third quarters of each year.

2020 consumption patterns were significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of social distancing and lockdown measures in most of our markets, including the closure of bars, clubs and restaurants and restrictions on sporting events, music festivals and similar events, which affected normal seasonality of consumption of our products.


For a summary of all of our significant accounting policies, see note 3 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 included in this Form 20-F.



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We believe that the following are our critical accounting policies. We consider an accounting policy to be critical if it is important to our financial condition and results of operations and requires significant or complex judgments and estimates on the part of our management. Although each of our significant accounting policies reflects judgments, assessments or estimates, we believe that the following accounting policies reflect the most critical judgments, estimates and assumptions that are important to our business operations and the understanding of its results: revenue recognition; accounting for business combinations and impairment of goodwill and intangible assets; pension and other post-retirement benefits; share-based compensation; contingencies; deferred and current income taxes; and accounting for derivatives. Although we believe that our judgments, assumptions and estimates are appropriate, actual results, under different assumptions or conditions, may differ from these estimates.

Summary of Changes in Accounting Policies

In March 2020, the SEC amended its regulations regarding financial information of guarantors and issuers of guaranteed securities registered or being registered. We adopted these amendments for the year ended 31 December 2020, which included replacing guarantor condensed consolidating financial information with summarized financial information for the combined obligor group (Parent, Issuer and Guarantor Subsidiaries) in accordance with the amended regulations and no longer requiring guarantor cash flow information, financial information for non-guarantor subsidiaries, or a reconciliation to the consolidated results. The location of the required disclosures has been removed from the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements and moved to “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—G. Liquidity and Capital Resources—Guarantor Financial Information”.

In the fourth quarter of 2020, our subsidiary Ambev concluded the calculation of its tax credits on a judicial decision related to the exclusion of the Value-Added Tax (ICMS) from the taxable basis of the social contribution on gross revenues (PIS and COFINS). The decision refers to the period between November 2009 and April 2015. As a result of this judicial decision, Ambev recognized USD 481 million of income in Other operating income and USD 315 million of interest income in Finance income for the year ended 31 December 2020. In 2019 and 2018, such credits were reported in Revenue. We have not revised the prior periods for the new accounting policy based on our assessment of materiality of such tax credits in 2019 and 2018.

Effective 1 January 2019, we reorganized our regional reporting structure. As of that date, our results are reported under the following five regions: North America, Middle Americas, South America, EMEA and Asia Pacific. We continue to separately report the results of Global Export and Holding Companies.

To the extent that new IFRS requirements are expected to be applicable in the future, they have not been applied in preparing our consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020. A number of amendments to standards effective for annual periods beginning after 1 January 2020 have not been discussed either because of their non-applicability or immateriality to our consolidated financial statements.

The following standards and interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board became effective for annual periods beginning on 1 January 2019:



IFRS 16 Leases replaces the prior lease accounting requirements and introduces significant changes to lessee accounting as it removes the distinction between operating and finance leases under IAS 17 Leases and related interpretations and requires a lessee to recognize a right-of-use asset and a lease liability at lease commencement date. IFRS 16 also requires to recognize a depreciation charge related to the right-of-use assets and an interest expense on the lease liabilities, as compared to the recognition of operating lease expense or rental cost on a straight-line basis over the lease term under prior requirements. In addition, we have amended the consolidated cash flow statement presentation in order to segregate the payment of leases into a principal portion presented within financing activities and an interest component presented within operating activities. For short-term leases and leases of low value assets, we continue to recognize a lease expense on a straight-line basis as permitted by IFRS 16. Where we are the lessor, we continue to classify leases as either finance leases or operating leases and account for those two types of leases differently. In addition, we have applied the practical expedient available on transition to IFRS 16 to not reassess whether a contract is or contains a lease. Accordingly, the definition of a lease under IAS 17 and related interpretations will continue to apply to the leases entered or modified before 1 January 2019. Upon transition to IFRS 16, lease liabilities are measured at the present value of future lease payments discounted using the incremental borrowing rates at the date of initial application.



Effective 1 January 2019, we adopted IFRIC 23 Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments and have elected to apply IFRIC 23 retrospectively. The cumulative effect of the interpretation was recognized at the date of initial application and we have not restated comparative periods in the year of initial application. We reviewed the income tax treatments in order to determine whether the interpretation could have an impact on our consolidated financial statements. In that respect, as of 31 December 2019, we reclassified USD 573 million of our existing income tax provisions into income tax liabilities, consistent with the discussions held at the IFRS Interpretation Committee, which concluded that an entity is required to present assets and liabilities for uncertain tax treatments as current tax assets/liabilities or deferred tax assets/liabilities.



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For additional information, see note 3 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020.

Revenue Recognition

Revenue is measured based on the consideration to which we expect to be entitled in a contract with a customer and excludes amounts collected on behalf of third parties. We recognize revenue when performance obligations are satisfied, meaning when we transfer control of a product to a customer.

Specifically, revenue recognition follows the following five-step approach:



Identification of the contracts with a customer;



Identification of the performance obligations in the contracts;



Determination of the transaction price;



Allocation of the transaction price to the performance obligations in the contracts; and



Revenue recognition when performance obligations are satisfied.

Revenue from the sale of goods is measured at the amount that reflects the best estimate of the consideration expected to be received in exchange for those goods. Contracts can include significant variable elements, such as discounts, rebates, refunds, credits, price concessions, incentives, performance bonuses and penalties. Such trade incentives are treated as variable consideration. If the consideration includes a variable amount, we estimate the amount of consideration to which we will be entitled in exchange for transferring the promised goods or services to the customer. Variable consideration is only included in the transaction price if it is highly probable that the amount of revenue recognized would not be subject to significant future reversals when the uncertainty is resolved.

In many jurisdictions, excise taxes make up a large proportion of the cost of beer charged to our customers. The aggregate deduction from revenue recorded by us in relation to these taxes was approximately USD 11.6 billion and USD 13.4 billion for the years ended 31 December 2020 and 2019, respectively.

Accounting for Business Combinations and Impairment of Goodwill and Intangible Assets

We have made acquisitions that include a significant amount of goodwill and other intangible assets, including the acquisitions of Anheuser-Busch Companies, Grupo Modelo and SAB.

As of 31 December 2020, our total goodwill amounted to USD 121.0 billion, and our intangible assets with indefinite useful lives amounted to USD 39.4 billion.

During the second quarter of 2020, we reported a USD 2.5 billion non-cash goodwill impairment charge. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a sharp contraction of sales during the second quarter of 2020 in many countries in which we operate. By 30 June 2020, we concluded that a triggering event occurred which required us to perform an impairment test. The impairment test considered three scenarios for recovery of sales for the tested cash-generating units: a base case (which we deemed to be the most likely case at the time of the interim impairment test), a best case and a worst case. Based on the results of the interim impairment test, we concluded that no goodwill impairment was warranted under the base and best case scenarios. Nevertheless, under the worst case scenario ran with higher discounts rates to factor the heightened business risk, we concluded that the estimated recoverable amounts were below their carrying value for the South Africa and Rest of Africa cash-generating units.



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As a consequence, we determined that it was prudent, in view of the uncertainties, to record an impairment charge of USD 1.5 billion for the South Africa cash-generating unit and USD 1.0 billion for the Rest of Africa cash-generating unit applying a 30% probability of occurrence of the worst case scenario. Based on the annual goodwill impairment testing reperformed by us during the fourth quarter of 2020, no additional impairment charge was warranted. See note 14 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 included in this Form 20-F.

We apply the acquisition method of accounting to account for acquisition of businesses. The cost of an acquisition is measured as the aggregate of the fair values at the date of exchange of the assets given, liabilities incurred and equity instruments issued. Identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired or assumed are measured separately at their fair value as of the acquisition date. The excess of the cost of the acquisition over our interest in the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired is recorded as goodwill. If the business combination is achieved in stages, the acquisition date carrying value of our previously held interest in the acquiree is remeasured to fair value at the acquisition date; any gains or losses arising from such remeasurement are recognized in profit or loss. We exercise significant judgment in the process of identifying tangible and intangible assets and liabilities, valuing such assets and liabilities and in determining their remaining useful lives. We generally engage third-party valuation firms to assist in valuing the acquired assets and liabilities. The valuation of these assets and liabilities is based on assumptions and criteria that include, in some cases, estimates of future cash flows discounted at the appropriate rates. The use of different assumptions used for valuation purposes, including estimates of future cash flows or discount rates, may have resulted in different estimates of value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed. Although we believe that the assumptions applied in the determination are reasonable based on information available at the date of acquisition, actual results may differ from the forecasted amounts, and the difference could be material.

We test our goodwill and other long-lived assets for impairment annually in the fourth quarter or whenever events and circumstances indicate that the recoverable amount, determined as the higher of the asset’s fair value less cost to sell and value in use, of those assets is less than their carrying amount. The testing methodology consists of applying a discounted cash flow approach based on acquisition valuation models for the cash- generating units showing an invested capital to EBITDA, as defined, multiple above 9x, and valuation multiples for our other cash-generating units. Our cash flow estimates are based on historical results adjusted to reflect our best estimate of future market and operating conditions. Our estimates of fair values used to determine the resulting impairment loss, if any, represent our best estimate based on forecasted cash flows, industry trends and reference to market rates and transactions. If our current assumptions and estimates, including projected revenues growth rates, competitive and consumer trends, weighted average cost of capital, terminal growth rates, and other market factors, are not met, or if valuation factors outside of our control, change unfavorably, the estimated fair value of the goodwill could be adversely affected, leading to a potential impairment in the future. Impairments can also occur when we decide to dispose of assets.

The key judgments, estimates and assumptions used in the discounted cash flow calculations are generally as follows:



In the first three years of the model, cash flows are based on our one-year plan as approved by key management and management assumptions for the following two years. The three-year plan model is prepared per cash-generating unit and is based on external sources in respect of macro-economic assumptions, industry, inflation and foreign exchange rates, past experience and identified initiatives in terms of market share, revenue, variable and fixed cost, capital expenditure and working capital assumptions. For the interim goodwill impairment testing, we assumed a base case, best case and worst case scenario for each cash-generating unit being tested and ran sensitivities. For the annual impairment testing, we considered a single scenario;



For the subsequent seven years of the model, data from the strategic plan is extrapolated generally using simplified assumptions such as macro-economic and industry assumptions, variable cost per hectoliter and fixed cost linked to inflation, as obtained from external sources;



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Cash flows after the first ten-year period are extrapolated generally using expected annual long-term gross domestic product, growth rates, based on external sources, in order to calculate the terminal value, considering sensitivities on this metric;



Projections are discounted at the unit’s weighted average cost of capital (“WACC”), considering sensitivities on this metric with more conservative assumptions in the worst case scenario interim impairment testing to factor the heightened business risk; and



Cost to sell is assumed to reach 2% of the entity value based on historical precedents.

For the main cash generating units, the terminal growth rate applied generally ranged between 2% and 5%.

For the cash generating units subject to a discounted cash flow approach, the WACC applied in US dollar nominal terms were as follows:


     Year ended
31 December 2020
    6 months ended
30 June 2020(1)
    Year ended
31 December 2019


     6     6% - 7     6

Rest of Middle Americas

     9     10% - 11     9

South Africa

     7     7% - 8     7

Rest of Africa

     10     10% - 12     10

Rest of Asia Pacific

     6     8     —    





The higher WACC was applied in the worst case scenario in the interim impairment testing.

In the sensitivity analyses carried out as at 30 June 2020, based on the worst case discounted cash flow calculations, an adverse change of 1% in the WACC applied would lead to a reduction of the recoverable amount below the carrying amount for the South Africa, Rest of Africa, Columbia and Rest of Middle Americas cash-generating units and would give rise to an additional impairment of USD 0.6 billion for the South Africa and Rest of Africa cash-generating units, applying a 30% probability of occurrence.

These calculations were based on management’s assessment of reasonably possible adverse changes in key assumptions at the time of the interim impairment testing, yet they are hypothetical and should not be viewed as an indication that these factors are likely to change. The sensitivity analyses should therefore be interpreted with caution.

In the sensitivity analysis performed by management during the annual impairment testing in 2020 and 2019, an adverse change of 1% in WACC would not cause a cash-generating unit’s carrying amount to exceed its recoverable amount.

The above calculations are corroborated by valuation multiples, quoted share prices for publicly traded subsidiaries or other available fair value indicators (i.e., recent market transactions from peers).

Impairment testing of intangible assets with an indefinite useful life is based on the same methodology and assumptions as described above.

For additional information on goodwill, intangible assets, tangible assets and impairments, see notes 8, 13, 14 and 15 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020.



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Pension and Other Post-Retirement Benefits

We sponsor various post-employment benefit plans worldwide. These include pension plans, both defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans, and other post-employment benefits. Usually, pension plans are funded by payments made both by us and our employees, taking into account the recommendations of independent actuaries. We maintain funded and unfunded plans.

Defined Contribution Plans

Contributions to these plans are recognized as expenses in the period in which they are incurred.

Defined Benefit Plans

For defined benefit plans, liabilities and expenses are assessed separately for each plan using the projected unit credit method. The projected unit credit method takes into account each period of service as giving rise to an additional unit of benefit to measure each unit separately. Under this method, the cost of providing pensions is charged to the income statement during the period of service of the employee. The amounts charged to the income statement consist of current service cost, net interest cost/(income), past service costs and the effect of any settlements and curtailments. Past service costs are recognized at the earlier of when the amendment/curtailment occurs or when we recognize related restructuring or termination costs.

The net defined benefit plan liability recognized in the statement of financial position is measured as the current value of the estimated future cash outflows using a discount rate equivalent to high-quality corporate bond yields with maturity terms similar to those of the obligation, less the fair value of any plan assets. Where the calculated amount of a defined benefit plan liability is negative (an asset), we recognize such asset to the extent that economic benefits are available to us either from refunds or reductions in future contributions.

Assumptions used to value-defined benefit liabilities are based on actual historical experience, plan demographics, external data regarding compensation and economic trends. While we believe that our assumptions are appropriate, significant differences in our actual experience or significant changes in our assumptions may materially affect our pension obligation and our future expense. Remeasurements, comprising actuarial gains and losses, the effect of asset ceilings (excluding net interest) and the return on plan assets (excluding net interest) are recognized in full in the period in which they occur in the statement of comprehensive income. For further information on how changes in these assumptions could change the amounts recognized, see the sensitivity analysis within note 25 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020.

A significant portion of our plan assets is invested in equity and debt securities. The equity and debt markets have experienced volatility in the recent past, which has affected the value of our pension plan assets. This volatility may impact the long-term rate of return on plan assets. Actual asset returns that differ from the interest income recognized in our income statement are fully recognized in other comprehensive income.

Other Post-Employment Obligations

We and our subsidiaries provide health care benefits and other benefits to certain retirees. The expected costs of these benefits are recognized over the period of employment, using an accounting methodology similar to that used for defined benefit plans.

Share-Based Compensation

We have various types of equity-settled share-based compensation schemes for employees. Employee services received, and the corresponding increase in equity, are measured by reference to the fair value of the equity instruments as of the date of grant. Fair value of stock options is estimated by using the binomial Hull model on the date of grant based on certain assumptions. Those assumptions are described in note 26 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 included in



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this Form 20-F and include, among others, the dividend yield, expected volatility and expected life of the stock options. The binomial Hull model assumes that all employees would immediately exercise their options if our share price were 2.5 times above the option exercise price. As a consequence, no single expected option life applies, whereas the assumption of the expected volatility has been set by reference to the implied volatility of our shares in the open market and in light of historical patterns of volatility. Expected volatility is based on historical volatility calculated over a 10-year period.


The preparation of our financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions regarding contingencies which affect the valuation of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the revenue and expenses during the reported period.

We disclose material contingent liabilities unless the possibility of any loss arising is considered remote, and material contingent assets where the inflow of economic benefits is probable. We discuss our material contingencies in note 32 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020.

Under IFRS, we record a provision for a loss contingency when it is probable that a future event will confirm that a liability has been incurred at the date of the financial statements, and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated. By their nature, contingencies will only be resolved when one or more future events occur or fail to occur, and typically those events will occur over a number of years in the future. The valuations of the provisions are adjusted as further information becomes available.

As discussed in “Item 8. Financial Information—A. Consolidated Financial Statements and Other Financial Information—Legal and Arbitration Proceedings” and in note 32 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019 and for the three years ended 31 December 2020, legal proceedings covering a wide range of matters are pending or threatened in various jurisdictions against us. We record provisions for pending litigation when we determine that an unfavorable outcome is probable and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated. Due to the inherent uncertain nature of litigation, the ultimate outcome or actual cost of settlement may materially vary from estimates.

Deferred and Current Income Taxes

We recognize deferred tax effects of tax loss carry-forwards and temporary differences between the financial statement carrying amounts and the tax basis of our assets and liabilities. We estimate our income taxes based on regulations in the various jurisdictions where we conduct business. This requires us to estimate our actual current tax exposure and to assess temporary differences that result from different treatment of certain items for tax and accounting purposes. These differences result in deferred tax assets and liabilities, which we record on our consolidated balance sheet. We regularly review the deferred tax assets for recoverability and will only recognize these if we believe that it is probable that there will be sufficient taxable profit against any temporary differences that can be utilized, based on historical taxable income, projected future taxable income, and the expected timing of the reversals of existing temporary differences.

The carrying amount of a deferred tax asset is reviewed at each balance sheet date. We reduce the carrying amount of a deferred tax asset to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow the benefit of part or all of that deferred tax asset to be utilized. Any such reduction is reversed to the extent that it becomes probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available. If the final outcome of these matters differs from the amounts initially recorded, differences may positively or negatively impact the income tax and deferred tax provisions in the period in which such determination is made.

We are subject to income tax in numerous jurisdictions. Significant judgment is required in determining the worldwide provision for income tax. There are some transactions and calculations for which the ultimate tax determination is uncertain. Some of our subsidiaries are involved in tax audits and local enquiries, usually in relation to prior years. Investigations and negotiations with local tax authorities are ongoing in various jurisdictions at the



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balance sheet date and, by their nature, these can take considerable time to conclude. In assessing the amount of any income tax provisions to be recognized in the financial statements, estimation is made of the expected successful settlement of these matters. Estimates of interest and penalties on tax liabilities are also recorded. Where the final outcome of these matters is different from the amounts that were initially recorded, such differences will impact the current and deferred income tax assets and liabilities in the period such determination is made.

Accounting for Derivatives

Our risk management strategy includes the use of derivatives. The main derivative instruments we use are foreign currency rate agreements, exchange-traded foreign currency futures, interest rate swaps and options, cross-currency interest rate swaps and forwards, exchange-traded interest rate futures, commodity swaps, exchange-traded commodity futures and equity swaps. Our policy prohibits the use of derivatives in the context of speculative trading.

Derivative financial instruments are recognized initially at fair value. Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.

Subsequent to initial recognition, derivative financial instruments are remeasured to fair value at the balance sheet date. For derivative financial instruments that qualify for hedge accounting, we apply the following policy: for fair value hedges, changes in fair value are recorded in the income statement and for cash flow and net investment hedges, changes in fair value are recognized in the other comprehensive income and/or in the income statement for the effective and/or ineffective portion of the hedge relationship, respectively.

The estimated fair value amounts have been determined by us using available market information and appropriate valuation methodologies. However, considerable judgment is necessarily required in interpreting market data to develop the estimates of fair value. The fair values of financial instruments that are not traded in an active market (for example, unlisted equities, currency options, embedded derivatives and over-the-counter derivatives) are determined using valuation techniques. We use judgment to select an appropriate valuation methodology and underlying assumptions based principally on existing market conditions. Changes in these assumptions may cause us to recognize impairments or losses in future periods.

Although our intention is to maintain these instruments through maturity, they may be realized at our discretion. Should these instruments be settled only on their respective maturity dates, any effect between the market value and estimated yield curve of the instruments would be eliminated.


Both from an accounting and managerial perspective, we are organized according to business segments, which, with the exception of Global Export and Holding Companies, correspond to a combination of geographic regions in which our operations are based. The Global Export and Holding Companies segment includes our headquarters and the countries in which our products are sold only on an export basis and in which we generally do not otherwise have any operations or production activities.    

Effective 1 January 2019, we reorganized our regional reporting structure. As of that date, our results are reported under the following five regions: North America, Middle Americas, South America, EMEA and Asia Pacific. We continue to separately report the results of Global Export and Holding Companies.

Following the announcement on 19 July 2019 of the agreement to divest CUB to Asahi, we classified the assets and liabilities associated with the Australian operations as assets held for sale and liabilities associated with assets held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations. In addition, since the results of the Australian operations represented a separate major line of business, these were accounted for as discontinued operations as required by IFRS 5 and presented in a separate line in the consolidated income statement (“profit from discontinued operations”) up to 31 May 2020. The transaction closed on 1 June 2020.



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The financial performance of each business segment, including its sales volume and revenue, is measured based on our product sales within the countries that comprise that business segment rather than based on products manufactured within that business segment but sold elsewhere.

In 2020, Middle Americas accounted for 22.8% of our consolidated volumes; North America for 20.1%; Asia Pacific for 15.4%; EMEA for 14.4%; South America for 27.2%; and Global Export and Holding Companies for 0.2%. A substantial portion of our operations is carried out through our four largest subsidiaries: Anheuser-Busch Companies (wholly owned); Ambev (61.83% owned as of 31 December 2020); Grupo Modelo (wholly owned); Budweiser APAC (87.22% owned as of 31 December 2020); and their respective subsidiaries.

Throughout the world, we are primarily active in the beer business. However, during 2020, we also had non-beer activities (primarily consisting of soft drinks) within Middle Americas, particularly in the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Colombia and Peru; within South America, particularly in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and Uruguay; and in North America, particularly with the Hiball and Teavana business in the United States. Both the beer and non-beer volumes comprise sales of brands that we own or license, third-party brands that we brew or otherwise produce as a subcontractor and third-party products that we sell through our distribution network.


See note 16 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 for more information.


Year Ended 31 December 2020 Compared to the Year Ended 31 December 2019

The table below presents our condensed consolidated results of operations for the years ended 31 December 2020 and 2019.


     Year ended
31 December 2020
     Year ended
31 December 2019
     (USD million, except volumes)      (%)(1)  

Volumes (thousand hectoliters)

     530,644        561,427        (5.5


     46,881        52,329        (10.4

Cost of sales

     (19,634      (20,362      3.6  

Gross profit

     27,247        31,967        (14.8

Selling, General and Administrative expenses

     (15,368      (16,421      6.4  

Other operating income/(expenses)

     845        875        (3.4

Exceptional items

     (3,103      (323      —    

Profit from operations (EBIT)

     9,620        16,098        (40.2

EBITDA, as defined(2)

     16,951        20,755        (18.3





The percentage change reflects the improvement (or worsening) of results for the period as a result of the change in each item.


For a discussion of how we use EBITDA, as defined, and its limitations, and a table showing the calculation of our EBITDA, as defined, for the periods shown, see “—EBITDA, as defined” below.


Our reported volumes include both beer and beyond beer and non-beer (primarily carbonated soft drinks) volumes. In addition, volumes include not only brands that we own or license, but also third-party brands that we brew or otherwise produce as a subcontractor and third-party products that we sell through our distribution network, particularly in Europe. Volumes sold by the Global Export and Holding Companies businesses are shown separately.



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The table below summarizes the volume evolution by business segment.


     Year ended
31 December 2020
     Year ended
31 December 2019
     (thousand hectoliters)      (%)(1)  

North America

     106,846        108,133        (1.2

Middle Americas

     120,800        133,538        (9.5

South America

     144,209        139,664        3.3  


     76,207        85,888        (11.3

Asia Pacific

     81,649        93,168        (12.4

Global Export and Holding Companies

     933        1,036        (9.9











     530,644        561,427        (5.5














The percentage change reflects the improvement (or worsening) of results for the period as a result of the change in each item.

Our consolidated volumes were 530,644 million hectoliters for the year ended 31 December 2020. This represented a decrease of 30.8 million hectoliters, or 5.5% compared to our consolidated volumes for the year ended 31 December 2019. The results for the year ended 31 December 2020 reflect the performance of our business after the completion of certain acquisitions and disposals we undertook in 2019 and 2020.



On 1 June 2020, we completed the sale of our Australia business (Carlton & United Breweries) to Asahi for AUD 16.0 billion, resulting in net proceeds of USD 10.8 billion. As part of this transaction, we granted Asahi rights to commercialize our portfolio of global and international brands in Australia. Effective 30 September 2019, we classified the assets and liabilities associated with the Australian operations as assets held for sale and liabilities associated with assets held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations. In addition, since the results of the Australian operations represented a separate major line of business, these were accounted for as discontinued operations as required by IFRS 5 and presented in a separate line in the consolidated income statement (“profit from discontinued operations”) up to 31 May 2020. In addition, on 30 September 2020, we completed the acquisition of the remaining 68.8% stake in Craft Brew Alliance for net consideration of USD 0.2 billion and obtained 100% control over Craft Brew Alliance (collectively, the “2020 acquisitions and disposals”).



During 2019 we undertook a series of acquisitions and disposals with no significant individual impact in our consolidated financial statements (the “2019 acquisitions and disposals” and, together with the 2020 acquisitions and disposals, the “2019 and 2020 acquisitions and disposals”). The 2019 and 2020 acquisitions and disposals positively impacted our volumes by 1.2 million hectoliters (net) for the year ended 31 December 2020 compared to the year ended 31 December 2019.

For further details of these acquisitions and disposals, see “—A. Key Factors Affecting Results of Operations—Acquisitions, Divestitures and Other Structural Changes.” See also note 6 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 included in this Form 20 F.

Excluding volume changes attributable to the acquisitions and disposals described above, total volumes decreased 5.7% in the year ended 31 December 2020 compared to our volumes for the year ended 31 December 2019. Our own beer volumes decreased 5.8% in the year ended 31 December 2020 compared to the year ended 31 December 2019. On the same basis, in the year ended 31 December 2020, our non-beer volumes decreased 3.8% compared to the same period in 2019. The decline was primarily driven by impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.



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North America

In the year ended 31 December 2020, our volumes in North America decreased by 1.3 million hectoliters, or 1.2%, compared to the year ended 31 December 2019.

Excluding volume changes attributable to the 2019 and 2020 acquisitions and disposals described above, our total volumes decreased by 1.4% in the year ended 31 December 2020 compared to the year ended 31 December 2019.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, “stay-at-home” orders and other social distancing measures were implemented in the United States beginning in the middle of March 2020. We have since observed a gradual reopening of the on-premise channel, though the pace has been varied and there have been additional restrictions enforced as the year progressed. In the fourth quarter of 2020, the industry was impacted by the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and corresponding restrictions to the on-premise channel. Our advanced planning and analytic capabilities and global supply chain enabled us to effectively serve customers and consumers even with continued industry pressure and volatility caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our sales-to-retailers (“STRs”) declined by 0.2% in 2020, slightly below an industry that declined by 0.1%. This resulted in an estimated market share loss of 5 bps, as our above core portfolio gained an estimated 110 bps and our mainstream brands lost an estimated 115 bps. Our sales-to-wholesalers (“STWs”) declined by 1.7%. Our above core portfolio continued to outperform, driven by the ongoing momentum of Michelob Ultra and successful innovations such as Bud Light Seltzer. Michelob Ultra was once again the second-highest selling beer by value in the United States, after Bud Light, and was the number one share gainer in beer excluding flavored malt beverages in 2020, according to IRI. In addition, our portfolio of seltzers grew at double the rate of the industry, driven by a successful launch of Bud Light Seltzer. Continued execution of our commercial strategy has also resulted in flat share of mainstream segment in 2020.

In Canada, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a shift from the on-premise to the off-premise channel: as government restrictions came into place in the middle of March 2020, the on-premise channel was effectively shut down. In the fourth quarter of 2020, a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in renewed restrictions. Our business in Canada grew volumes by low single digits in 2020, ahead of the industry, due to the consistent execution of our commercial strategy. This was driven by the outperformance of our above core brands, led by Corona and Michelob Ultra. Corona grew by high single digits and Michelob Ultra was the fastest growing beer brand for the second year in a row. Our beyond beer portfolio grew by over 25%, driven by successful innovations in the Mike’s Hard brand family and the expansion of the hard seltzer category.

Middle Americas

In the year ended 31 December 2020, our volumes in Middle Americas decreased by 12.7 million hectoliters, or 9.5%, compared to the year ended 31 December 2019.

Excluding volume changes attributable to the 2019 and 2020 acquisitions and disposals described above, our total volumes decreased by 10.3% in the year ended 31 December 2020 compared to the year ended 31 December 2019.

In 2020, our business in Mexico delivered a very healthy performance in the context of a volatile external environment. Our volumes in Mexico declined by high single digits due to a two-month government-mandated shutdown of our operations in the second quarter of 2020. We rapidly resumed operations and outperformed the industry in the year, resulting in continued market share gains. We remain focused on developing our portfolio in line with the category expansion framework. We continue to strengthen our core brands, with the growth of Corona and Victoria combined outperforming the industry in 2020. Our above core portfolio is growing at a rapid pace, with the Modelo family of brands contributing the largest absolute volume growth in the beer category. Michelob Ultra also demonstrated strong results. Leveraging the brand’s consumer proposition and equity, we recently launched pilots of Michelob Ultra Hard Seltzer as we drive our focus on industry growth, by leading the way in new segments. We continue to support our customers through trade reactivation programs and digital solutions, such as the rollout of BEES, which more than doubled in size throughout 2020. Our proprietary chain of retail stores, Modelorama, expanded its footprint with over 600 new locations to reach a total of approximately 9,500 outlets across the country. We also successfully completed the third and fourth waves of our expansion into the country’s largest convenience store, OXXO, making our brands available in over 7,700 stores. In line with our plan, we launched the next phase of the rollout into an approximately 1,100 more stores in January 2021. We remain excited about the long-term growth potential of these opportunities.



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In Colombia, the first half of 2020 was significantly impacted by social distancing measures put in place in the middle of March 2020 including a national quarantine. The on-premise channel, which comprises slightly more than 50% of our volumes, was closed across the country, although sales were permitted for home delivery. The restrictions began to ease throughout the second quarter of 2020 and in June, a gradual re-opening of certain sectors of the economy led to improving consumer confidence and disposable income. In 2020, our total volumes declined by high-single digits, with volume declines in both beer and non-beer. Our teams continue to work closely with local governments to support the safe recovery of the on-premise channel. We continue to successfully expand the premium segment, led by our global brand portfolio, which grew by high teens in 2020. As part of our digital transformation journey, we accelerated the rollout of BEES which is now utilized by hundreds of thousands of our customers and converting the majority of our revenue digitally by the end of 2020.

In Peru, volume declined by double-digits due to a government-mandated shutdown in March and April 2020 and stay-at-home restrictions in the following months. However, our performance improved progressively as restrictions were lifted. We remain focused on implementing our category expansion framework. Our global brands finished the year with a strong performance, growing by high double-digits. Our smart affordability innovation, Golden, which provides consumers with a unique combination of maize and barley at affordable prices, continues to deliver good results. We also announced that we are sourcing all of our maize for Golden from local farmers to continue supporting the country’s economic recovery.

In Ecuador, our volumes declined by double-digits in 2020, impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated government restrictions. Our performance was significantly impacted by government measures starting in March 2020, that shut down the on-premise channel across the country, as well as some local measures that shut down full regions. The restrictions were gradually lifted as of September 2020, although we remain cautious as government restrictions were re-implemented across the country in the last two months of 2020. We continue to focus on expanding the beer category and are seeing success from our premiumization initiatives. Our global brands finished the year strong, led by the expansion of Corona and Stella Artois, and we recently enhanced our premium brand portfolio with the launch of Beck’s. Additionally, we are focused on bringing more consumers into the category through attractive price points with high quality products such as our local crop innovation, Nuestra Siembra, which continues to deliver strong results.

South America

In the year ended 31 December 2020, our volumes in South America increased by 4.5 million hectoliters, or 3.3%, compared to the year ended 31 December 2019, with our beer volumes increasing 4.9% and soft drinks decreasing 1.8%.

Excluding volume changes attributable to the 2019 and 2020 acquisitions and disposals described above, our volumes increased by 3.2%.

In Brazil, our volumes increased by 4.2%. In March 2020, restrictive measures were implemented across Brazilian states in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the lockdown of the on-premise channel impacting our volumes in the first half of 2020. However, our beer business in Brazil delivered a strong performance this year in a challenging environment. We grew beer volumes by 5.6% in 2020, outperforming the industry, through the successful execution of our customer- and consumer-centric strategy and by driving operational excellence. Our premium portfolio outperformed the industry, we stabilized the performance of our core brands and we delivered highly successful innovations such as Brahma Duplo Malte, a brand that has greatly expanded the previously under-developed core plus segment. We continue to advance the digital transformation of our business, with our online B2B marketplace and direct-to-consumer initiatives growing at an exponential rate and rapidly expanding across the country. Almost half of our active customers are currently utilizing BEES. Our main direct-to-consumer initiative, Zé Delivery, is now in all 27 Brazilian states significantly accelerated with more than 27 million orders fulfilled in 2020. Our performance was also positively impacted by government subsidies from April to December that increased consumer disposable income, leading to increased consumer demand. Our non-beer volumes were flattish in 2020.



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In Argentina, as of the middle of March 2020, a full national lockdown was implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The on-premise channel was effectively shut down and there were restrictions on hours of operation in the off-premise channel, which represents approximately 90% of our volume. We delivered slight volume growth this year and outperformed the industry, even in the context of a challenging consumer environment. This was a result of leveraging our diverse brand portfolio, led by the double-digit growth of our premium and core plus brands, coupled with our unparalleled scale, operational excellence and the digital transformation of our business with direct-to-consumer initiatives.


In EMEA, our volumes, including subcontracted volumes, for the year ended 31 December 2020 decreased by 9.7 million hectoliters, or 11.3%, compared to the year ended 31 December 2019.

Excluding volume changes attributable to the 2019 and 2020 acquisitions and disposals described above, our beer volumes for the year ended 31 December 2020 decreased 10.8% compared to the year ended 31 December 2019.

In Europe, we observed a widespread shut down of the on-premise channel beginning in March 2020, which represented approximately 30% of our business in the region. In June 2020, we saw the gradual re-opening of the on-premise channel in most of our markets, resulting in improved volume trends. In the fourth quarter of 2020, our performance was significantly impacted by renewed on-premise shutdowns and mobility restrictions. As a result, our volume in Europe declined by high single digits in 2020. We estimate we gained market share on a full year basis in the majority of our key markets, with particularly strong gains in France, Germany and the Netherlands.

Our business in South Africa was significantly impacted by three outright government-mandated bans on the sale of alcohol over the course of 2020, which resulted in double-digit volume decline. The first ban began in late March 2020 and lasted until the end of May 2020, which included a complete ban on the sale of alcohol beverages. Our brewery and distribution operations were severely restricted by the government mandates in place during this time. We fully resumed our operations at the beginning of June 2020, however, our business in South Africa was significantly impacted by a second outright ban on the sale of alcohol beverages implemented from mid-July to mid-August 2020. We observed robust consumer demand once the government lifted the ban with volume growth resuming in September 2020. On 29 December 2020, the government instituted a third alcohol ban, affecting a key selling week for beer. Outside of these bans, we saw solid underlying consumer demand for our portfolio throughout 2020, resulting in estimated market share gains in both beer and total alcohol. We saw consumers shifting to more affordable brands and bulk returnable packages, particularly benefitting our core brands, such as Carling Black Label. Our flavored alcohol beverages, Brutal Fruit and Flying Fish, outperformed this year, reinforcing the advantages of a diverse brand portfolio to meet consumer needs across styles and price points. The third alcohol ban was lifted on 1 February 2021 and we were able to resume our operations on 2 February 2021.

In Africa excluding South Africa, measures taken to combat the COVID-19 pandemic varied by country, but implementation generally began in late March and early April 2020 to shut down the on-premise channel in most markets. Our breweries mostly remained operational and we were servicing the market, primarily the off-premise channel, in compliance with government regulations. Our business was negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, but we saw resilient consumer demand in many of our markets as restrictions began to ease. We delivered healthy volume growth in Mozambique and Zambia this year. Volumes declined in Tanzania and Uganda, as both markets were impacted by an ongoing challenging economic environment. In Nigeria, we delivered low-single digit volume growth in 2020, driven by successful investments in developing our brand portfolio and enhancing our route-to-market capabilities.



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Asia Pacific

For the year ended 31 December 2020, our volumes decreased by 11.5 million hectoliters, or 12.4%, compared to the year ended 31 December 2019.

Excluding volume changes attributable to the 2019 and 2020 acquisitions and disposals described above, our total volumes decreased by 12.3% in the year ended 31 December 2020 compared to the year ended 31 December 2019.

In 2020, our volumes in China declined by 10.0%. COVID-19 struck China in late January 2020, just before the start of the Chinese New Year celebrations, one of the largest consumption occasions of the year. Most provinces implemented significant lockdown measures to combat the virus, lasting from late January through at least the end of February 2020. During this period, we observed virtually no activity in the nightlife channel, very limited activity in the restaurant channel and a meaningful decline in the in-home channel. In March 2020, we observed a steady recovery in the in-home and restaurant channels, though the nightlife channel was recovering at a slower pace due to ongoing social distancing measures. By the end of March 2020, we had re-opened all our breweries in China and almost all our wholesalers had resumed operations. Our business in China continued to recover throughout the course of the year, including in the on-premise channel. While we lost substantial market share between February and April 2020 due to the COVID-19 impact on the on-premise channel, we recovered through our effective commercial actions and resource allocation. We consistently gained market share in each subsequent quarter, especially in the fourth quarter of 2020, with an estimated market share gain of 140 bps. As a result, we significantly reduced the 2020 market share loss to an estimated 55 bps. Premiumization continues to be a key driver of growth, led by our premium and super premium portfolios, with brands such as Budweiser. We estimate that we continue to lead the beer category in the e-commerce channel with a market share twice that of the next brewer and leveraging this growing channel to launch our innovation products.

South Korea faced a significant outbreak of the virus in late February 2020, though businesses largely remained open across most of the country. In the third quarter of 2020, we faced a challenging operating environment, due to another COVID-19 outbreak that severely impacted consumer confidence and resulted in significant restrictions on the on-premise channel. In the fourth quarter of 2020, South Korea faced its most serious outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and consequently the toughest level of restrictions yet. We estimate that our total market share declined by approximately 220 bps in 2020, more than half of which was driven by channel mix shift mainly resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. In the growing in-home channel, we grew market share in 2020, according to Nielsen. In the on-premise channel, while we estimate that we lost market share in 2020, the trend improved throughout the year with gains in the fourth quarter of 2020 driven by the increasing momentum of Cass. We continued to lead the Premium space and estimate that we outperformed the industry in this segment.

Global Export and Holding Companies

For the year ended 31 December 2020, Global Export and Holding Companies volumes remained flat compared to the same period last year.


Revenue refers to turnover less excise taxes and discounts. See “—A. Key Factors Affecting Results of Operations—Excise Taxes.”



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The following table reflects changes in revenue across our business segments for the year ended 31 December 2020 as compared to our revenue for the year ended 31 December 2019.


     Year ended
31 December 2020
     Year ended
31 December 2019
     (USD million)      (%)(1)  

North America

     15,622        15,488        0.9  

Middle Americas

     10,032        11,912        (15.8

South America

     8,092        9,790        (17.3


     6,835        7,911        (13.6

Asia Pacific

     5,648        6,544        (13.7

Global Export and Holding Companies

     652        685        (4.8











     46,881        52,329        (10.4














The percentage change reflects the improvement (or worsening) of results for the period as a result of the change in each item.

Our consolidated revenue was USD 46,881 million for the year ended 31 December 2020. This represented a decrease of USD 5,448 million, or 10.4%, as compared to our consolidated revenue for the year ended 31 December 2019. The results for the year ended 31 December 2020 reflect (i) the performance of our business after the completion of certain acquisitions and disposals we undertook in 2019 and 2020, (ii) change in the presentation of the Brazilian tax credits (see “— B. Significant Account Policies —Summary of Changes in Accounting Policies” above) and (iii) currency translation effects.



The 2019 and 2020 acquisitions and disposals and change in the presentation of the Brazilian tax credits negatively impacted our consolidated revenue by USD 81 million for the year ended 31 December 2020 compared to the year ended 31 December 2019.



Our consolidated revenue for the year ended 31 December 2020 also reflects a negative currency translation impact of USD 3,410 million mainly arising from currency translation effects in South America and Middle Americas.

Excluding the effects of the 2019 and 2020 acquisitions and disposals, change in the presentation of the Brazilian tax credits and currency translation effects, our revenue decreased 3.7% and increased by 2.1% on a per hectoliter basis in the year ended 31 December 2020 compared to the year ended 31 December 2019. Our consolidated revenue for the year ended 31 December 2020 was partially impacted by the developments in volumes discussed above. On the same basis, our revenue per hectoliter for the year ended 31 December 2020 increased compared to the year ended 31 December 2019, mainly driven by revenue management initiatives.

The increase in our revenue per hectoliter in the year ended 31 December 2020 was most significant in North America, driven by revenue management initiatives and favorable brand mix, and South America, primarily driven by double-digit revenue per hectoliter growth in Argentina in line with inflation.

Combined revenues of our global brands decreased by 5.0% in 2020, with global revenues for Budweiser decreasing by 6.0%, for Stella Artois by 0.2% and Corona by 5.4%.



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Cost of Sales

The following table reflects changes in the cost of sales across our business segments for the year ended 31 December 2020 as compared to the year ended 31 December 2019:


     Year ended
31 December 2020
     Year ended
31 December 2019
     (USD million)      (%)(1)  

North America

     (5,870      (5,789      (1.4

Middle Americas

     (3,331      (3,549      6.1  

South America

     (3,786      (4,009      5.6  


     (3,394      (3,506      3.2  

Asia Pacific

     (2,605      (2,919      10.8  

Global Export and Holding Companies

     (648      (590      (9.8


     (19,634      (20,362      3.6  





The percentage change reflects the improvement (or worsening) of results for the period as a result of the change in each item.

Our consolidated cost of sales was USD 19,634 million for the year ended 31 December 2020. This represented a decrease of USD 728 million, or 3.6% compared to our consolidated cost of sales for the year ended 31 December 2019. The results for the year ended 31 December 2020 reflect (i) the performance of our business after the completion of certain acquisitions and disposals we undertook in 2019 and 2020 and (ii) currency translation effects.



The 2019 and 2020 acquisitions and disposals negatively impacted our consolidated cost of sales by USD 121 million for the year ended 31 December 2020 compared to the year ended 31 December 2019.



Our consolidated cost of sales for the year ended 31 December 2020 also reflects a positive currency translation impact of USD 1,488 million mainly arising from currency translation effects in South America.

Excluding the effects of the 2019 and 2020 acquisitions and disposals described above and currency translation effects, our consolidated cost of sales increased by 3.1%, primarily driven by operational deleveraging resulting from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our volumes and by supply chain adjustments implemented to meet evolving demand. As such, on the same basis, our consolidated cost of sales per hectoliter increased by 9.8%.

Operating Expenses

The discussion below relates to our operating expenses, which equal the sum of our distribution, sales and marketing expenses, administrative expenses and other operating income and expenses (net), for the year ended 31 December 2020 as compared to the year ended 31 December 2019. Our operating expenses do not include exceptional charges, which are reported separately.

Our operating expenses for the year ended 31 December 2020 were USD 14,523 million, representing a decrease of USD 1,023 million, or 6.6%, compared to our operating expenses for 2019.


     Year ended
31 December 2020
     Year ended
31 December 2019
     (USD million)      (%)(1)  

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     (15,368      (16,421      6.4  

Other Operating Income/(Expenses)

     845        875        (3.4










Total Operating Expenses

     (14,523      (15,546      6.6  














The percentage change reflects the improvement (or worsening) of results for the period as a result of the change in each item.



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Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

The following table reflects changes in our distribution expenses, sales and marketing expenses and administrative expenses (our “selling, general and administrative expenses”) across our business segments for the year ended 31 December 2020 as compared to the year ended 31 December 2019:


     Year ended
31 December 2020
     Year ended
31 December 2019
     (USD million)      (%)(1)  

North America

     (4,369      (4,372      0.1  

Middle Americas

     (2,710      (3,049      11.1  

South America

     (2,417      (2,791      13.4  


     (2,696      (2,862      5.8  

Asia Pacific

     (2,097      (2,216      5.4  

Global Export and Holding Companies

     (1,079      (1,131      4.6  











     (15,368      (16,421      6.4  














The percentage change reflects the improvement (or worsening) of results for the period as a result of the change in each item.

Our consolidated selling, general and administrative expenses were USD 15,368 million for the year ended 31 December 2020. This represented a decrease of USD 1,053 million, or 6.4%, as compared to the year ended 31 December 2019. The results for the year ended 31 December 2020 reflect (i) the performance of our business after the completion of certain acquisitions and disposals we undertook in 2019 and 2020 and (ii) currency translation effects.



The 2019 and 2020 acquisitions and disposals described above positively impacted our consolidated selling, general and administrative expenses by USD 26 million on a net basis for the year ended 31 December 2020 compared to the year ended 31 December 2019.



Our consolidated selling, general and administrative expenses for the year ended 31 December 2020 also reflects a positive currency translation impact of USD 1,008 million mainly arising from currency translation effects in South America.

Excluding the effects of the business acquisitions and disposals described above and currency translation effects, our consolidated selling, general and administrative expenses in the year ended 31 December 2020 decreased by 0.1% compared to the year ended 31 December 2019.

Other Operating Income/(Expenses)

The following table reflects changes in other operating income and expenses across our business segments for the year ended 31 December 2020 as compared to the year ended 31 December 2019:


     Year ended
31 December 2020
     Year ended
31 December 2019
     (USD million)      (%)(1)  

North America

     (14      26        —    

Middle Americas

     6        121        —    

South America

     522        201        —    


     163        264        (38.3

Asia Pacific

     146        230        (36.5

Global Export and Holding Companies

     22        35        (37.1











     845        875        (3.4














The percentage change reflects the improvement (or worsening) of results for the period as a result of the change in each item.



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The net positive effect of our consolidated other operating income and expenses for the year ended 31 December 2020 was USD 845 million. This represented a decrease of USD 30 million, or 3.4%, as compared to the year ended 31 December 2019. The results for the year ended 31 December 2020 reflect (i) the performance of our business after the completion of certain acquisitions and disposals we undertook in 2019 and 2020, (ii) change in the presentation of the Brazilian tax credits and (iii) currency translation effects.



The 2019 and 2020 acquisitions and disposals and change in the presentation of the Brazilian tax credits described above positively impacted our net consolidated other operating income and expenses by USD 407 million for the year ended 31 December 2020 compared to the year ended 31 December 2019.



Our net consolidated other operating income and expenses for the year ended 31 December 2020 also reflect a negative currency translation impact of USD 36 million.

Excluding the effects of the business acquisitions and disposals, change in the presentation of the Brazilian tax credits and currency translation effects described above, our net consolidated other operating income and expenses would have decreased by 46.2% for the year ended 31 December 2020 as compared to the year ended 31 December 2019, primarily driven by lower other operating income in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and one-off gains in 2019 that were not repeated in 2020.

Exceptional Items

Exceptional items are items which, in our management’s judgment, need to be disclosed separately by virtue of their size and incidence in order to obtain a proper understanding of our financial information. We consider these items to be significant in nature, and accordingly, our management has excluded these items from their segment measure of performance.

For the year ended 31 December 2020, exceptional items included in profit from operations consisted of impairment of goodwill, COVID-19 costs, restructuring charges, business and asset disposals (including impairment losses), acquisition costs of business combinations, and gain on divestiture of Australia. Exceptional items were as follows for the years ended 31 December 2020 and 2019:


     Year ended
31 December 2020
     Year ended
31 December 2019
     (USD million)  

Impairment of Goodwill

     (2,500      —    

COVID-19 costs

     (182      —    


     (157      (170

Business and asset disposal (including impairment losses)

     (239      (50

Acquisition costs/Business combinations

     (25      (23

Gain on divestiture of Australia (in discontinued operations)

     1,919        —    

Brazil State tax regularization program

     —          (74

Cost related to public offering of minority stake in Budweiser APAC

     —          (6








     (1,184      (323









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Goodwill impairment

During the second quarter of 2020, we reported a USD 2.5 billion non-cash goodwill impairment charge. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a sharp contraction of sales during the second quarter of 2020 in many countries in which we operate. We concluded that a triggering event occurred which required us to perform an impairment test. The impairment test considered three scenarios for recovery of sales for the tested cash-generating units: a base case, which we deemed to be the most likely case, a best case and a worst case. Based on the results of the impairment test, we concluded that no impairment was warranted under the base and best case scenarios.

Nevertheless, under the worst case scenario ran with higher discounts rates to factor the heightened business risk, we concluded that the estimated recoverable amounts of the South Africa and Rest of Africa cash-generating units were below their carrying value. Accordingly, we determined that it was prudent, in view of the uncertainties to record an impairment charge at 30 June 2020 of USD 2.5 billion applying a 30% probability of occurrence of the worst case scenario.

COVID-19 costs

Cost associated with the COVID-19 pandemic amounted to USD 182 million for the year ended 31 December 2020. These expenses are mainly comprised of costs related to personal protective equipment for our colleagues, charitable donations and other costs incurred as a direct consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Exceptional restructuring charges amounted to a net cost of USD 157 million for the year ended 31 December 2020 as compared to a net cost of USD 170 million for the year ended 31 December 2019. These charges primarily relate to organizational alignments and aim to eliminate overlapping organizations or duplicated processes, taking into account the right match of employee profiles with the new organizational requirements. These expenses provide us with a lower cost base in addition to a stronger focus on our core activities, quicker decision-making and improvements to efficiency, service and quality.

Business and asset disposal

Business and asset disposals amounted to a net cost of USD 239 million for the year ended 31 December 2020 mainly comprising impairment of tangible assets classified as held for sale as of 31 December 2020, intangible assets sold in 2020 and other intangibles. Business and asset disposals amounted to a net cost of USD 50 million for the year ended 31 December 2019 mainly comprising costs incurred in relation to the completion of 2018 disposals.

Acquisitions costs of business combinations

The acquisition costs of business combinations amounted to a net cost of USD 25 million for the year ended 31 December 2020 and mainly related to the acquisition of the remaining stake in Craft Brew Alliance. The acquisition costs of business combinations amounted to a net cost of USD 23 million for the year ended 31 December 2019 and primarily related to costs incurred to facilitate the combination with SAB.

Gain on divestiture of Australia

On 1 June 2020, we completed the previously announced sale of CUB to Asahi resulting in a net exceptional gain of USD 1.9 billion reported in discontinued operations.

Brazil State tax regularization program

In 2019, Ambev made a payment of USD 74 million to the State of Mato Grosso in relation to the Special Value-added Tax (ICMS) Amnesty Program in Brazil in accordance with the Brazilian State Tax Regularization Program.



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Cost related to public offering of minority stake in Budweiser APAC

In 2019, we incurred USD 117 million of fees in relation to the initial public offering of a minority stake of Budweiser APAC, our Asia Pacific subsidiary, of which USD 6 million were reported in the income statement and USD 111 million were capitalized in equity. In addition, we have reported USD 58 million of stamp duties in equity that are directly attributable to the public offering of Budweiser APAC.

Profit from Operations

The following table reflects changes in profit from operations across our business segments for the year ended 31 December 2020 as compared to the year ended 31 December 2019:


     Year ended
31 December 2020
     Year ended
31 December 2019
     (USD million)      (%)(1)  

North America

     5,147        5,341        (3.6

Middle Americas

     3,885        5,384        (27.8

South America

     2,350        3,094        (24.0


     (1,722      1,746        —    

Asia Pacific

     1,062        1,598        (33.5

Global Export and Holding Companies

     (1,103      (1,064      (3.6











     9,620        16,098        (40.2














The percentage change reflects the improvement (or worsening) of results for the period as a result of the change in each item.

Our profit from operations amounted to USD 9,620 million for the year ended 31 December 2020. This represented a decrease of USD 6,478 million, or 40.2%, as compared to our profit from operations for the year ended 31 December 2019. The results for the year ended 31 December 2020 reflect (i) the performance of our business after the completion of certain acquisitions and disposals we undertook in 2019 and 2020, (ii) currency translation effects and (iii) the effects of certain exceptional items as described above.



The 2019 and 2020 acquisitions and disposals described above positively impacted our consolidated profit from operations by USD 227 million for the year ended 31 December 2020 compared to the year ended 31 December 2019.



Our consolidated profit from operations for the year ended 31 December 2020 also reflects a negative currency translation impact of USD 593 million.



Our profit from operations for the year ended 31 December 2020 was negatively impacted by USD 3,103 million of certain exceptional items reported in continuing operations, as compared to a negative impact of USD 323 million for the year ended 31 December 2019. See “Exceptional Items” above for a description of the exceptional items during the years ended 31 December 2020 and 2019.

Excluding the effects of the business acquisitions and disposals described above and currency translation effects, our profit from operations decreased by 37.7%. This decrease was most significant in Middle Americas, South America, EMEA and Asia Pacific as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.



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EBITDA, as defined

The following table reflects changes in our EBITDA, as defined, for the year ended 31 December 2020 as compared to the year ended 31 December 2019:


     Year ended
31 December 2020
     Year ended
31 December 2019
     (USD million)      (%)(1)  

Profit attributable to equity holders of AB InBev

     1,405        9,171        (84.7  

Profit attributable to non-controlling interests

     797        1,243        (35.9

Profit of the period

     2,202        10,414        (78.9

Profit from discontinued operations

     (2,055      (424      (384.7

Profit from continuing operations

     147        9,990        (98.5

Net finance cost

     7,697        3,473        —    

Income tax expense

     1,932        2,786        (30.7

Share of result of associates and joint ventures

     (156      (152      (2.6

Profit from operations

     9,620        16,098        (40.2

Depreciation, amortization and impairment

     4,598        4,657        (1.3

Exceptional impairment

     2,733           —    










EBITDA, as defined

     16,951        20,755        (18.3














The percentage change reflects the improvement (or worsening) of results for the period as a result of the change in each item.

A performance measure such as EBITDA, as defined, is a non-IFRS measure. The financial measure most directly comparable to EBITDA, as defined, and presented in accordance with IFRS in our consolidated financial statements, is profit of the year. EBITDA, as defined, is a measure used by our management to evaluate our business performance and is defined as profit from operations before depreciation, amortization and impairment. EBITDA, as defined, is a key component of the measures that are provided to senior management on a monthly basis at the group level, the business segment level and lower levels. We believe EBITDA, as defined, is useful to investors for the following reasons.

We believe EBITDA, as defined, facilitates comparisons of our operating performance across our business segments from period to period. In comparison to profit of the year, EBITDA, as defined, excludes items which do not impact the day-to-day operation of our primary business (that is, the selling of beer and other operational businesses) and over which management has little control. Items excluded from EBITDA, as defined, are our share of results of associates and joint ventures, profit from discontinued operations, depreciation and amortization, impairment, financial charges and corporate income taxes, which management does not consider to be items that drive our underlying business performance. Because EBITDA, as defined, includes only items management can directly control or influence, it forms part of the basis for many of our performance targets. For example, certain options under our share-based compensation plan were granted such that they vest only when certain targets derived from EBITDA, as defined, were met.

We further believe that EBITDA, as defined, and measures derived from it, are frequently used by securities analysts, investors and other interested parties in their evaluation of us and in comparison to other companies, many of which present an EBITDA performance measure when reporting their results.

EBITDA, as defined, does, however, have limitations as an analytical tool. It is not a recognized term under IFRS and does not purport to be an alternative to profit as a measure of operating performance, or to cash flows from operating activities as a measure of liquidity. As a result, you should not consider EBITDA, as defined, in isolation from, or as a substitute analysis for, our results of operations. Some limitations of EBITDA, as defined, are:



EBITDA, as defined, does not reflect the impact of financing costs on our operating performance. Such costs are significant in light of our increased debt subsequent to the combination with SAB;



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EBITDA, as defined, does not reflect depreciation and amortization, but the assets being depreciated and amortized will often have to be replaced in the future;



EBITDA, as defined, does not reflect the impact of charges for existing capital assets or their replacements;



EBITDA, as defined, does not reflect our tax expense; and



EBITDA, as defined, may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures of other companies because not all companies use identical calculations.

Additionally, EBITDA, as defined, is not intended to be a measure of free cash flow for management’s discretionary use, as it is not adjusted for all non-cash income or expense items that are reflected in our consolidated statement of cash flows.

We compensate for these limitations, in addition to using EBITDA, as defined, by relying on our results calculated in accordance with IFRS.

Our EBITDA, as defined, amounted to USD 16,951 million for the year ended 31 December 2020. This represented a decrease of USD 3,804 million, or 18.3%, as compared to our EBITDA, as defined, for the year ended 31 December 2019. The results for the year ended 31 December 2020 reflect (i) the performance of our business after the completion of the acquisitions and disposals we undertook in 2019 and 2020 discussed above and (ii) currency translation effects. Furthermore, our EBITDA, as defined, was negatively impacted by USD 370 million (before impairment losses) of certain exceptional items reported in continuing operations in the year ended 31 December 2020, as compared to a negative impact of USD 323 million (before impairment losses) during the year ended 31 December 2019. See “Exceptional Items” above for a description of the exceptional items during the years ended 31 December 2020 and 2019.

Net Finance Income / (Cost)

Our net finance income / (cost) items were as follows for the years ended 31 December 2020 and 2019:


     Year ended
31 December 2020
     Year ended
31 December 2019
     (USD million)      (%)(1)  

Net interest expense

     (3,854      (3,857      0.1  

Net interest on net defined benefit liabilities

     (82      (95      13.7  

Accretion expense

     (564      (650      13.2  

Mark-to-market (hedging of our share-based payment programs)

     (1,211      898        —    

Interest income on Brazilian tax credits

     315        118        —    

Other financial results

     (563      (769      26.8  

Net finance cost before exceptional finance results

     (5,959      (4,355      —    

Other mark-to-market

     (1,008      878        —    


     (730      4        —    

Exceptional net finance income/(cost)

     (1,738)        882        —    

Net finance income/(cost)

     (7,697)        (3,473)        —    





The percentage change reflects the improvement (or worsening) of results for the period as a result of the change in each item.



Table of Contents

Our net finance cost for the year ended 31 December 2020 was USD 7,697 million, as compared to a net finance cost of USD 3,473 million for the year ended 31 December 2019, representing a cost increase of USD 4,224 million.

In the fourth quarter of 2020, our subsidiary Ambev concluded the calculation of its tax credits on a judicial decision related to the exclusion of the Value-Added Tax (ICMS) from the taxable basis of the social contribution on gross revenues (PIS and COFINS). The decision refers to the period between November 2009 and April 2015. As a result of this judicial decision and other tax credit adjustments, Ambev recognized USD 481 million income in Other operating income and USD 315 million of interest income in Finance income for the year ended 31 December 2020.

The increase in net finance costs before exceptional financial items from USD 4,355 million for the year ended 31 December 2019 to USD 5,959 million for the year ended 31 December 2020 is driven primarily by a negative mark-to-market adjustment of USD 1,211 million in the year ended 31 December 2020, linked to the hedging of our share-based payment program, compared to a positive mark-to-market adjustment of USD 898 million in the year ended 31 December 2019.

The number of shares covered by the hedging of our share-based payment programs, together with the opening and closing share prices, are shown below:


     Year ended
31 December 2020
     Year ended
31 December 2019

Share price at the start of the twelve-month period (in euro)

     72.71        57.70  

Share price at the end of the twelve-month period (in euro)

     57.01        72.71  

Number of derivative equity instruments at the end of the period (in millions)

     55.0        54.0  

Exceptional net finance income/(cost) includes a negative mark-to-market adjustment of USD 1,008 million on derivative instruments entered into to hedge the shares issued in relation to the combination with Grupo Modelo and SAB, compared to a positive mark-to-market adjustment of USD 878 million for the year ended 31 December 2019. The number of shares covered by the hedging of the deferred share instrument and the restricted shares, together with the opening and closing share prices, are shown below:


     Year ended
31 December 2020
     Year ended
31 December 2019

Share price at the start of the twelve-month period (in euro)

     72.71        57.70  

Share price at the end of the twelve-month period (in euro)

     57.01        72.71  

Number of derivative equity instruments at the end of the period (in millions)

     45.5        45.5  

Other exceptional net finance costs were further impacted by losses resulting from the early termination of certain bonds, gain related to remeasurement of deferred considerations on prior year acquisitions and loss in relation to the write-off on our investment in Delta Corporation Ltd following the entry of Zimbabwe into a hyperinflation economy.

Share of Results of Associates and Joint Ventures

Our share of results of associates and joint ventures for the year ended 31 December 2020 was USD 156 million as compared to USD 152 million for the year ended 31 December 2019.



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Income Tax Expense

Our total income tax expense for the year ended 31 December 2020 amounted to USD 1,932 million, with an effective tax rate of 100.4%, as compared to an income tax expense of USD 2,786 million and an effective tax rate of 22.1% for the year ended 31 December 2019.

The 2020 effective tax rate was negatively impacted by the non-deductible, non-cash goodwill impairment loss and the non-deductible losses from derivatives. These derivatives relate to the hedging of share-based payment programs and the hedging of the shares issued in a transaction related to the combination with Grupo Modelo and SAB. The 2019 effective tax rate was positively impacted by non-taxable gains from these derivatives.

We benefit from tax-exempted income and tax credits which are expected to continue in the future. We do not have significant benefits coming from low tax rates in any particular jurisdiction.

Profit Attributable to Non-Controlling Interests

Profit attributable to non-controlling interests was USD 797 million for the year ended 31 December 2020, a decrease of USD 446 million from USD 1,243 million for the year ended 31 December 2019.

Profit Attributable to Our Equity Holders

Profit attributable to our equity holders for the year ended 31 December 2020 was USD 1,405 million compared to USD 9,171 million for the year ended 31 December 2019. Basic earnings per share of USD 0.70 is based on 1,998 million shares outstanding, representing the weighted average number of ordinary and restricted shares outstanding during the year ended 31 December 2020. For the definition of the weighted average number of shares outstanding, see footnote 2 of the table in “Item 3. Key Information—A. Selected Financial Data.”

Excluding the after-tax impact of exceptional items discussed above, profit attributable to our equity holders from continuing operations for the year ended 31 December 2020 would have been a gain of USD 3,807 million, and basic earnings per share would have been USD 1.91.

Underlying EPS for the year ended 31 December 2020 was USD 2.51. Underlying EPS is basic earnings per share excluding the after-tax exceptional items discussed above, the mark-to-market of the hedging of our share-based payment programs, the impact of hyperinflation accounting and the impact of discontinued operations. Underlying EPS was positively impacted by USD by 325 million USD after tax and non-controlling interest related to Ambev’s tax credits. The decrease in profit attributable to our equity holders for the year ended 31 December 2020 was primarily due to a negative mark-to-market adjustment linked to the hedging of our share-based payment programs and losses on the hedging of the shares issued in transactions related to the combination with Grupo Modelo and SAB, compared to a positive mark-to-market adjustment linked to these hedges for the year ended 31 December 2019, and due to a USD 2.5 billion non-cash goodwill impairment charge that was partially offset by a USD 1.9 billion gain on the disposal of the Australian operations.



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     Year ended
31 December 2020
     Year ended
31 December 2019
     (USD per share)  

Profit from continuing operations excluding exceptional items and hyperinflation

     6.41        8.34  

Hyperinflation accounting impacts

     (0.04      (0.06







Profit from continuing operations excluding exceptional items

     6.37        8.28  

Mark-to-market (hedging of our share-based payment programs)

     (0.61      0.45  

Net finance cost (excluding mark-to-market related to the hedging of our share-based payment programs)

     (2.38      (2.65

Income tax expense

     (1.04      (1.40

Associates & non-controlling interest

     (0.43      (0.60







Earnings per share excluding exceptional items and discontinued operations

     1.91        4.08  

Mark-to-market (hedging of our share-based payment programs)

     0.61        (0.45

Hyperinflation accounting impacts in EPS

     —          —    







Underlying EPS

     2.51        3.63  

Earnings per share excluding exceptional items and discontinued operations

     1.91        4.08  

Exceptional items, before taxes, attributable to equity holders of AB InBev

     (1.55      (0.16

Exceptional net finance cost, before taxes, attributable to equity holders of AB InBev

     (0.87      0.44  

Exceptional taxes attributable to equity holders of AB InBev

     0.08        —    

Exceptional non-controlling interest

     0.11        0.05  

Profit from discontinued operations attributable to equity holders of AB InBev

     1.03        0.21  







Basic earnings per share

     0.70        4.62  

A performance measure such as Underlying EPS is a non-IFRS measure. The measure most directly comparable to Underlying EPS and presented in accordance with IFRS in our consolidated financial statements is basic earnings per share. We believe Underlying EPS is useful to investors because it facilitates comparisons of our earnings per share from period to period. In comparison with basic earnings per share, Underlying EPS excludes items which are exceptional and over which management has no control, such as the effects of hyperinflation of Argentina. Items excluded from Underlying EPS are the after-tax exceptional items discussed above, the impact of discontinued operations, the mark-to-market of the hedging of our share-based payment programs and the impacts of hyperinflation.

Underlying EPS, however, has limitations as an analytical tool. It is not a recognized term under IFRS and does not purport to be an alternative to earnings per share as a measure of operating performance on a per share basis. As a result, you should not consider Underlying EPS in isolation from, or as a substitute analysis for, our basic and diluted earnings per share. Some limitations of Underlying EPS are:



Underlying EPS does not reflect items which are exceptional and over which management has no control, such as the effects of hyperinflation in Argentina;



Underlying EPS does not reflect the impact of discontinued operations;



Underlying EPS does not reflect the mark-to-market adjustment of the hedging of our share-based payment programs;



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Underlying EPS may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures of other companies because not all companies use identical calculations; and



the adjustments made in calculating Underlying EPS are those that management consider are not representative of the underlying operations of the company and therefore are subjective in nature.

We compensate for these limitations, in addition to using Underlying EPS, by relying on our measures of earnings per share calculated in accordance with IFRS.

Adoption of hyperinflation accounting in Argentina

In May 2018, the Argentinean peso underwent a severe devaluation resulting in the three-year cumulative inflation of Argentina exceeding 100% in 2018, thereby triggering the requirement to transition to hyperinflation accounting as prescribed by IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies as of 1 January 2018. Consequently, we applied hyperinflation accounting for our Argentinean subsidiaries for the first time in the year-to-date September 2018 unaudited interim report, with effect as of 1 January 2018.

IAS 29 requires us to report the results of our operations in hyperinflationary economies as if these were highly inflationary as of 1 January 2018, and to restate the results for the twelve-month period ended 31 December for the change in the general purchasing power of the local currency, using official indices before converting the local amounts at the closing rate of the period, namely 31 December closing rate for our results in the twelve-month period ended 31 December 2020.

In the twelve-month period ended 31 December 2020, we reported USD 80 million negative impact of hyperinflation accounting on our consolidated revenue and USD 45 million negative impact on our EBITDA, as defined, before exceptional items. The hyperinflation accounting in the twelve-month period ended 31 December 2020 results from the combined effect of the indexation to reflect changes in purchasing power on the results for the twelve-month period ended 31 December 2020 and the translation of those results at the closing rate of the period, rather than the average year-to-date rate applied to the results of the full year 2020.

In the twelve-month period ended 31 December 2019, we reported USD 73 million negative impact of hyperinflation accounting on our consolidated revenue and USD 43 million negative impact on our EBITDA, as defined, before exceptional items. The hyperinflation accounting in the twelve-month period ended 31 December 2019 results from the combined effect of the indexation to reflect changes in purchasing power on the results for the twelve-month period ended 31 December 2019 and the translation of those results at the closing rate of the period, rather than the average year-to-date rate applied to the results of the full year 2019.

The hyperinflation accounting adjustments on our consolidated revenue are as follows:


     Year ended
31 December 2020
     Year ended
31 December 2019
     (USD million)  


     146        211  

Closing rate

     (227      (284








     (80      (73







The hyperinflation accounting adjustments on our EBITDA, as defined, before exceptional items, are as follows:


     Year ended
31 December 2020
     Year ended
31 December 2019
     (USD million)  


     43        89  

Closing rate

     (87      (131








     (45      (43









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Non-monetary assets and liabilities stated at historical cost (e.g. property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, goodwill, etc.) and equity of Argentina were restated using an inflation index. The impacts of changes in the general purchasing power from 1 January 2018 are reported through the income statement on a dedicated account for hyperinflation monetary adjustments in the finance line. See also note 11 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 included in this Form 20-F.

Our income statement is also adjusted at the end of each reporting period using the change in the general price index and is converted at the closing exchange rate of each period (rather than the year-to-date average rate for non-hyperinflationary economies), thereby restating the year-to- date income statement account both for inflation index and currency conversion.

In the year ended 31 December 2020, the hyperinflation accounting in accordance with IFRS rules resulted in a positive USD 76 million monetary adjustment reported in the finance line compared to a positive USD 86 million monetary adjustment for the year ended 31 December 2019, and a negative impact on the Profit attributable to our equity holders of USD 10 million compared to a negative impact of USD 11 million for the year ended 31 December 2019.

Year Ended 31 December 2019 Compared to the Year Ended 31 December 2018

For a discussion of our consolidated results of operations for the year ended 31 December 2019 compared to the year ended 31 December 2018, please see our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended 31  December 2019.


Foreign exchange rates have a significant impact on our consolidated financial statements. The following table sets forth the percentage of our revenue realized by currency for the years ended 31 December 2020 and 2019:


     Year ended 31 December,  
     2020     2019  

U.S. dollar

     31.9     30.2

Brazilian real

     12.7     14.1

Chinese yuan

     9.1     9.1

Mexican peso

     8.9     9.0


     6.9     6.1

Colombian peso

     3.8     4.2

South African rand

     3.3     4.1

Canadian dollar

     3.9     3.4

Peruvian peso

     2.5     3.1

South Korean won

     2.3     2.5

Argentinean peso(1)

     2.4     2.3

Pound sterling

     2.7     2.3

Dominican peso

     1.9     1.9


     7.6     7.7





Hyperinflation accounting was adopted in 2018 to report the company’s Argentinean operations.

As a result of the fluctuation of foreign exchange rates for the years ended 31 December 2020 and 2019:



We recorded a negative translation impact, including hyperinflation accounting impact of USD 3,410 million on our revenue for the year ended 31 December 2020 (as compared to a negative translation impact of USD 2,664 million in 2019) and a negative translation impact, including hyperinflation accounting impact, of USD 593 million on our profit from operations for the year ended 31 December 2020 (as compared to a negative translation impact on our profit from operations of USD 820 million in 2019).



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Our reported profit of the year was negatively affected by a USD 297 million translation impact, including hyperinflation accounting impact, for the year ended 31 December 2020 (as compared to a negative translation impact of USD 632 million in 2019), while the negative translation impact, including hyperinflation accounting impact, on our basic earnings per share base for the year ended 31 December 2020 was USD 174 million, or USD 0.09 per share (as compared to a negative impact of USD 527 million, or USD 0.27 per share in 2019).



Our net debt increased by USD 3,426 million in the year ended 31 December 2020 as a result of translation impacts (as compared to a decrease of USD 444 million in 2019).



Equity attributable to our equity holders decreased by USD 9,943 million in the year ended 31 December 2020 as a result of translation impacts (as compared to an increase of USD 1,143 million in 2019).

See note 29 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 for details of the above sensitivity analyses, a fuller quantitative and qualitative discussion on the foreign currency risks to which we are subject and our policies with respect to managing those risks.



Our primary sources of cash flow have historically been cash flows from operating activities, the issuance of debt, bank borrowings and the issuance of equity securities. Our material cash requirements have included the following:



Debt service;



Capital expenditures;



Investments in companies participating in the brewing, carbonated soft drink and malting industries;



Increases in ownership of our subsidiaries or companies in which we hold equity investments;



Share buyback programs; and



Payments of dividends and interest on shareholders’ equity.

We are of the opinion that our working capital, as an indicator of our ability to satisfy our short-term liabilities is, based on our expected cash flow from operations for the coming 12 months, sufficient for the 12 months following the date of this Form 20-F. Over the longer term, we believe that our cash flows from operating activities, available cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments, along with our derivative instruments and our access to borrowing facilities, will be sufficient to fund our capital expenditures, debt service and dividend payments going forward. As part of our cash flow management, we manage capital expenditures by optimizing use of our existing brewery capacity and standardizing operational processes to make our capital investments more efficient. We are also attempting to improve operating cash flow through procurement initiatives designed to leverage economies of scale and improve terms of payment to suppliers.



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Equity attributable to our equity holders and non-controlling interests amounted to USD 78.4 billion as of 31 December 2020 (USD 84.6 billion as of 31 December 2019) and our net debt amounted to USD 82.7 billion as of 31 December 2020 (USD 95.5 billion as of 31 December 2019). Our overriding objectives when managing capital resources are to safeguard the business as a going concern and to optimize our capital structure so as to maximize shareholder value while keeping the desired financial flexibility to execute strategic projects.

We expect the portion of our consolidated balance sheet represented by debt to remain significantly higher as compared to our historical position. Our level of debt could have significant consequences, including:



increasing our vulnerability to general adverse economic and industry conditions;



limiting our ability to fund future working capital and capital expenditures, to engage in future acquisitions or development activities or to otherwise realize the value of our assets and opportunities fully;



limiting our flexibility in planning for, or reacting to, changes in our business and the industry in which we operate;



impairing our ability to obtain additional financing in the future, or requiring us to obtain financing involving restrictive covenants;



requiring us to issue additional equity (possibly under unfavorable conditions), which could dilute our existing shareholders’ equity; and



placing us at a competitive disadvantage compared to our competitors that have less debt.

In March 2020, we drew the full USD 9.0 billion commitment under the Revolving Facility (as defined below), in order to proactively safeguard our liquidity position by holding cash on our balance sheet through the period of significant financial market volatility and uncertainty as a result of the COVID-19 virus pandemic. As of 31 December 2020, the Revolving Facility was fully repaid. On 18 February 2021, we announced the successful signing of a new USD 10.1 billion Sustainable-Linked Loan Revolving Credit Facility, replacing our existing USD 9.0 billion Revolving Facility. The facility has an initial five-year term and incorporates a pricing mechanism that incentivizes improvement in key performance areas that are aligned with and contribute to our 2025 Sustainability Goals.

Our ability to manage the maturity profile of our debt and repay our outstanding indebtedness in line with management plans will nevertheless depend upon market conditions. If such uncertain market conditions as experienced in the period between late 2007 and early 2009 and again in 2011 continue in the future, our financing costs could increase beyond what is currently anticipated. Such costs could have a material adverse impact on our cash flows, results of operations or both. In addition, an inability to refinance all or a substantial amount of our debt obligations when they become due would have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations. See “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Our Business—We may not be able to obtain the necessary funding for our future capital or refinancing needs and may face financial risks due to our level of debt, uncertain market conditions and as a result of the potential downgrading of our credit ratings.”

Our cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments in debt securities, less bank overdrafts, as of 31 December 2020 amounted to USD 15.3 billion.

As of 31 December 2020, we had total liquidity of USD 24.3 billion, which consisted of USD 9.0 billion available under committed long-term credit facilities and USD 15.3 billion of cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments in debt securities, less bank overdrafts. Although we may borrow such amounts to meet our liquidity needs, we principally rely on cash flows from operating activities to fund our continuing operations.



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Cash Flow

The following table sets forth our consolidated cash flows for the years ended 31 December 2020 and 2019:


     Year ended 31 December
     2020      2019(1)  
     (USD million)  

Cash flow from operating activities

     10,891        14,036  

Cash flow from (used in) investing activities

     6,336        (4,931

Cash flow from (used in) financing activities

     (8,475      (8,755

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     8,752        350  





The financial information for 2020 has been presented to include operating, investing and financing activities from discontinued operations separately. The financial information for 2019 has been restated to reflect this change in presentation. In addition, the cash flow used in investing activities for 2019 has been restated to reflect reclassification of the cash flow hedges in relation to the Australia divestiture reported in the cash flow used in financing activities in 2019 and recycled to profit or loss upon the completion of the transaction.

Cash Flow from Operating Activities

Our cash flows from operating activities for the years ended 31 December 2020 and 2019 were as follows:


     Year ended 31 December
     2020      2019(2)  
     (USD million)  

Profit from continuing operations

     147        9,990  

Interest, taxes and non-cash items included in profit

     17,024        11,029  







Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital and provisions

     17,171        21,019  

Change in working capital(1)

     592        (5

Pension contributions and use of provisions

     (616      (715

Interest and taxes (paid)/received

     (6,391      (7,063

Dividends received

     51        160  

Cash flow from operating activities on Australia discontinued operations

     84        640  







Cash flow from operating activities

     10,891        14,036  











For purposes of the table above, working capital includes inventories, trade and other receivables and trade and other payables, both current and non-current.


The financial information for 2020 has been presented to include operating activities from discontinued operations separately. The financial information for 2019 has been restated to reflect this change in presentation.

Non-cash items included in profit of the year include: depreciation, amortization and impairments, including impairment losses on goodwill, receivables and inventories; additions and reversals in provisions and employee benefits; losses and gains on sales of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, subsidiaries and assets held for sale; equity share-based payment expenses; share of results of associates and joint ventures; net finance cost; income tax expense and other non-cash items included in profit. Please refer to our consolidated cash flow statement in our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 for a more comprehensive overview of our cash flow from operating activities.



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Our primary source of cash flow for our ongoing activities and operations is our cash flow from operating activities. For extraordinary transactions (such as the 2008 Anheuser-Busch Companies acquisition, the 2013 Grupo Modelo combination and the combination with SAB), we may, from time to time, also rely on cash flows from other sources. See “—Cash Flow used in Investing Activities” and “—Cash Flow from/(used in) Financing Activities” below.

Cash flow from operating activities in 2020 decreased by USD 3,145 million, or 22.4%, from USD 14,036 million in 2019 to USD 10,891 million in 2020, mainly due to the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our results in 2020 and the negative foreign currency translation impact compared to prior year.

We devote substantial efforts to the efficient use of our working capital, especially those elements of working capital that are perceived as “core” (including trade receivables, inventories and trade payables). The initiatives to improve our working capital include the implementation of best practices on collection of receivables and inventory management, such as optimizing our inventory levels per stock taking unit, improving the batch sizes in our production process and optimizing the duration of overhauls. Similarly, we aim to efficiently manage our payables by reviewing our standard terms and conditions on payments and resolving, where appropriate, the terms of payment within 120 days upon receipt of invoice. Changes in working capital increased our operational cash flow in 2020 by USD 592 million. This increase includes USD 158 million cash inflow from derivatives.

Cash Flow used in Investing Activities

Our cash flows used in investing activities for the years ended 31 December 2020 and 2019 were as follows:


     Year ended 31 December
     2020      2019(2)  
     (USD million)  

Net capital expenditure(1)

     (3,687      (4,854

Acquisition and sale of subsidiaries and associates, net of cash acquired / disposed of

     (510      (252

Proceeds from Australia divestiture (discontinued operations)

     10,838        219  

Net proceeds from the sale / (acquisition) of other assets

     (292      33  

Cash flow from investing activities on Australia discontinued operations

     (13      (77







Cash flow from (used in) investing activities

     6,336        (4,931





Net capital expenditure consists of acquisitions of plant, property and equipment and of intangible assets, minus proceeds from sale.


The financial information for 2020 has been presented to include investing activities from discontinued operations separately. The financial information for 2019 has been restated to reflect this change in presentation.

Our cash inflow from investing activities was USD 6,336 million in 2020 as compared to USD 4,931 million cash outflow from investing activities in 2019. The increase in the cash flow from investing activities in 2020 was mainly due to USD 10.8 billion proceeds from the divestiture of the Australian business.

Our net capital expenditures amounted to USD 3,687 million in 2020 and USD 4,854 million in 2019. Out of the total 2020 capital expenditures approximately 41% was used to improve the company’s production facilities while 44% was used for logistics and commercial investments and 15 % was used for improving administrative capabilities and for the purchase of hardware and software.



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Cash Flow from/(used in) Financing Activities

Our cash flows from/(used in) financing activities for the years ended 31 December 2020 and 2019 were as follows:


     Year ended 31 December
     2020      2019(2)  
     (USD million)  

Dividends paid(1)

     (1,800      (5,015

Net (payments on) / proceeds from borrowings

     (8,294      (8,008

Payments of lease liabilities

     (461      (441

Proceeds from public offering of minority stake in Budweiser APAC

     —          5,575  

Other (including purchase of non-controlling interests)

     2,086        (842

Cash flow from financing activities on Australia discontinued operations

     (6      (24







Cash flow from (used in) financing activities

     (8,475      (8,755











Dividends paid in 2020 consisted primarily of USD 1.1 billion paid by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and USD 0.5 billion paid by Ambev. Dividends paid in 2019 consisted primarily of USD 4.0 billion paid by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and USD 0.7 billion paid by Ambev.


The financial information for 2020 has been presented to include financing activities from discontinued operations separately. The financial information for 2019 has been restated to reflect this change in presentation.

Cash flow used in financing activities amounted to USD 8,474 million in 2020, as compared to a cash flow used in financing activities of USD 8,755 million in 2019. The cash flow used in financing activities in 2019 reflects dividends paid and payments on borrowings. On 31 December 2020 , we completed the issuance of a 49.9% minority stake in our US-based metal container operations to Apollo Global Management, Inc. for net proceeds of USD 3.0 billion.

In March 2020, we drew the full USD 9.0 billion commitment under the Revolving Facility and as of 31 December 2020, the amount has been repaid in full. In addition, on 2 April 2020 and 3 April 2020, Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. completed the issuance of seven series of EUR and USD bonds for a total amount of approximately USD 11.0 billion. Throughout 2020, we undertook a series of liability management initiatives to further de-risk our balance sheet while creating value. We applied the USD 10.8 billion proceeds from the sale of our Australian subsidiary and approximately USD 11.0 billion proceeds from the issuance of bonds to reduce gross debt with maturities over the next five years by approximately USD 18.0 billion. These proactive actions extended our weighted average maturity from 14 years in 2019 to over 16 years in 2020.

For more information on the financing activities related to long-term debt issuances in 2019 and 2020, see “—Funding Sources—Borrowings” below. Please also refer to note 24 of our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020.

Transfers from Subsidiaries

The amount of dividends payable by our operating subsidiaries to us is subject to, among other restrictions, general limitations imposed by the corporate laws, capital transfer restrictions and exchange control restrictions of the respective jurisdictions where those subsidiaries are organized and operate. For example, in Brazil, which accounted for 19.4% of our profit from operations for the year ended 31 December 2020, current legislation permits the Brazilian government to impose temporary restrictions on remittances of foreign capital abroad in the event of a serious imbalance or an anticipated serious imbalance in Brazil’s balance of payments. For approximately six months in 1989 and early 1990, the Brazilian government froze all dividend and capital repatriations held by the



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Brazilian Central Bank that were owed to foreign equity investors in order to conserve Brazil’s foreign currency reserves. Capital transfer restrictions are also common in certain developing countries, and may affect our flexibility in implementing a capital structure we believe to be efficient. For example, China has very specific approval regulations for all capital transfers to or from the country. As at 31 December 2020, the restrictions above mentioned were not deemed significant on the company’s ability to access or use the assets or settle the liabilities of the operating subsidiaries.

Dividends paid to us by certain of our subsidiaries are also subject to withholding taxes. Withholding tax, if applicable, generally does not exceed 15%.

Funding Sources

Funding Policies

We aim to secure committed credit lines with financial institutions to cover our liquidity risk on a 12-month and 24-month basis. Liquidity risk is identified using both the budget and strategic planning process input of the group on a consolidated basis. Depending on market circumstances and the availability of local debt capital markets, we may decide, based on liquidity forecasts, to secure funding on a medium- and long-term basis.

We also seek to continuously optimize our capital structure targeting to maximizing shareholder value while keeping desired financial flexibility to execute strategic projects. Our capital structure policy and framework aims to optimize shareholder value through cash flow distribution to us from our subsidiaries, while maintaining an investment-grade rating and minimizing investments with returns below our weighted average cost of capital.

Cash and Cash Equivalents and Short-Term Investments

Our cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments, less bank overdrafts, at each of 31 December 2020 and 2019 were as follows:


     Year ended 31 December
(derived from audited financial statements)
     2020      2019  
     (USD million)  

Cash and cash equivalents

     5,132        5,002  

Bank overdrafts

     (5      (68

Investment in short-term debt securities

     10,119        2,236  

Cash and Cash Equivalents and Short-Term Investments

     15,247        7,169  


During 2020, Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. (“ABIWW”) and Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV (“ABISA”) completed the issuance of the following series of bonds:


Issue date





Maturity Date





principal amount

(in millions)


Interest rate

2 April 2020

  ABISA   2 December 2027   EUR   1,000   2.125%

2 April 2020

  ABISA   2 April 2032   EUR   1,750   2.875%

2 April 2020

  ABISA   2 April 2040   EUR   1,750   3.700%

3 April 2020

  ABIWW   1 June 2030   USD   1,750   3.500%

3 April 2020

  ABIWW   1 June 2040   USD   1,000   4.350%

3 April 2020

  ABIWW   1 June 2050   USD   2,250   4.500%

3 April 2020

  ABIWW   1 June 2060   USD   1,000   4.600%



Table of Contents

During 2020, we completed the tender offers of 13 series of notes issued by ABISA, ABIWW and Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc. (“ABIFI”) and repurchased approximately USD 5.1 billion aggregate principal amount of these notes. The total principal amount accepted in the tender offers is set out in the table below.


Date of


Title of series of notes

issued exchanged

   Currency    Original principal amount outstanding
(in millions)
   Principal amount redeemed
(in millions)
7 July 2020    ABIFI    Floating Rate Notes due 2021    USD    311    130
7 July 2020    ABIFI    2.625% Notes due 2023    USD    643    167
7 July 2020    ABIFI    3.300% Notes due 2023    USD    2,799    1,467
7 July 2020    ABISA    4.00% Notes due 2021    EUR    750    231
7 July 2020    ABISA    1.95% Notes due 2021    EUR    650    123
7 July 2020    ABISA    0.875% Notes due 2022    EUR    2,000    356
7 July 2020    ABISA    0.800% Notes due 2023    EUR    1,000    356
17 September 2020    ABIWW    Floating Rate Notes due 2024    USD    229    113
17 September 2020    ABIWW    3.500% Notes due 2024    USD    654    404
17 September 2020    ABIFI    3.700% Notes due 2024    USD    865    376
17 September 2020    ABISA    Floating Rate Notes due 2024    EUR    1,500    517
17 September 2020    ABISA    2.875% Notes due 2024    EUR    750    195
17 September 2020    ABISA    1.500% Notes due 2025    EUR    2,500    353

Furthermore, in 2020, we redeemed the outstanding principal amounts indicated in the table below of the following series of notes issued by ABISA, ABIFI, ABIWW and Anheuser-Busch North American Holding Corporation (“ABNA”):


Date of



Title of series of notes

issued exchanged

   Currency    Aggregate principal amount outstanding
(in millions)
   Principal amount redeemed
(in millions)

29 July 2020

   ABIWW    3.250% Notes due 2022    AUD    550    550

12 August 2020

   ABIWW    2.500% Notes due 2022    USD    454    454

12 August 2020

   ABIWW    4.375% Notes due 2021    USD    285    285

12 August 2020

   ABIFI    3.375% Notes due 2023    CAD    600    600

12 August 2020

   ABNA    3.750% Notes due 2022    USD    150    150

25 September 2020

   ABISA    1.750% Notes due 2025    GBP    650    650

8 October 2020

   ABIFI    2.600% Senior Unsecured Notes due 2024    CAD    1,300    1,300
8 October 2020    ABISA    1.950% Notes due 2021    EUR    527    527
8 October 2020    ABISA    0.875% Notes due 2022    EUR    1,644    1,644
3 December 2020    ABISA    4.000% Notes due 2021    EUR    519    519
3 December 2020    ABISA    0.800% Notes due 2023    EUR    644    644
16 December 2020    ABIFI    2.625% Notes due 2023    USD    476    476
16 December 2020    ABIFI    3.300% Notes due 2023    USD    1,332    1,332
16 December 2020    ABIFI    3.700% Notes due 2024    USD    489    489
16 December 2020    ABIWW    3.500% Notes due 2024    USD    250    250



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At the beginning of 2020, we had a USD 9.0 billion multi-currency revolving credit facility maturing in August 2022 (the “Revolving Facility”) under a senior facilities agreement (the “2010 Senior Facilities Agreement”). In March 2020, we drew the full USD 9.0 billion commitment under the Revolving Facility and as of 31 December 2020, the amount has been repaid in full. On 18 February 2021, we announced the successful signing of a new USD 10.1 billion Sustainable-Linked Loan Revolving Credit Facility (“SLL Revolving Facility”), replacing our existing USD 9.0 billion Revolving Facility. The facility has an initial five-year term and incorporates a pricing mechanism that incentivizes improvement in key performance areas that are aligned with and contribute to our 2025 Sustainability Goals.

The terms of the SLL Revolving Facility are described under “Item 10. Additional Information—C. Material Contracts.”

We expect the portion of our consolidated balance sheet represented by debt to remain significantly higher as compared to our historical position. Our continued increased level of debt could have significant consequences, as described under “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Our Business—We may not be able to obtain the necessary funding for our future capital or refinancing needs and may face financial risks due to our level of debt, uncertain market conditions and as a result of the potential downgrading of our credit ratings.”

Most of our other interest-bearing loans and borrowings are for general corporate purposes, based upon strategic capital structure concerns, although certain borrowings are incurred to fund significant acquisitions of subsidiaries, such as the borrowings to fund the combination with Grupo Modelo and SAB. Although seasonal factors affect the business, they have little effect on our borrowing requirements.

We have a Euro Medium-Term Note Programme under which Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV may periodically issue and have outstanding debt denominated in any currency or currencies, subject to compliance with all applicable legal and/or regulatory and/or central bank requirements, outside the U.S. to non-U.S. persons in reliance on Regulation S. The guarantors of payments of all amounts due in respect of notes issued under the EMTN Programme are Cobrew NV, Brandbrew SA, Brandbev S.à.R.L., Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc., ABIFI and Anheuser-Busch Companies, LLC (subject to certain terms and conditions). Under the EMTN Programme, we may issue notes on a continuing basis up to a maximum aggregate principal amount of EUR 40.0 billion (USD 49.0 billion) or its equivalent in other currencies. Such notes may be fixed, floating, zero coupon or a combination of these. The proceeds from the issuance of any such notes may be used to repay short-term and/or long-term debt and to fund general corporate purposes of the AB InBev Group. If in respect of any particular issue of notes there is a particular identified use of proceeds, this will be stated in the applicable final terms relating to the notes. As of 31 December 2020, the total outstanding debt under the EMTN Programme amounted to EUR 25.0 billion (USD 31.0 billion). Our ability to issue additional notes under the EMTN Programme is subject to market conditions.

We have a Belgian commercial paper program under which Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and Cobrew NV may issue and have outstanding at any time commercial paper notes up to a maximum aggregate amount of EUR 3.0 billion (USD 3.7 billion) or its equivalent in alternative currencies. The proceeds from the issuance of any such notes may be used for general corporate purposes. The notes may be issued in two tranches: Tranche A has a maturity of not less than seven and not more than 364 days from and including the day of issue; Tranche B has a maturity of not less than one year. We also have established a U.S. commercial paper program for an aggregate outstanding amount not exceeding USD 5.0 billion. As of 31 December 2020, the total outstanding commercial paper under these programs amounted to USD 1.5 billion. Our ability to borrow additional amounts under the programs is subject to investor demand. If we are ever unable to refinance under these commercial programs as they become due, we have access to funding through the use of our committed lines of credit.



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Our borrowings are linked to different interest rates, both variable and fixed. As of 31 December 2020, after certain hedging and fair value adjustments, USD 6.5 billion, or 6.6%, of our interest-bearing financial liabilities (which include loans, borrowings and bank overdrafts) bore a variable interest rate, while USD 92.1 billion, or 93.4%, bore a fixed interest rate. Our net debt is denominated in various currencies, though primarily in the U.S. dollar and the euro. Our policy is to proactively address and manage the relationship between our various borrowing currency liabilities and our functional currency cash flows, through long-term or short-term borrowing arrangements, either directly in their functional currencies or indirectly through hedging arrangements.

The currency of borrowing is driven by various factors in the different countries of operation, including a need to hedge against functional currency inflation, currency convertibility constraints, or restrictions imposed by exchange control or other regulations. In accordance with our policy aimed at achieving an optimal balance between cost of funding and volatility of financial results, we seek to proactively address and manage the relationship between borrowing liabilities and functional currency cash flows, and we may enter into certain financial instruments in order to mitigate currency risk.

We use a hybrid currency matching model pursuant to which we may (i) match net debt currency exposure to cash flows in such currency, measured on the basis of EBITDA, as defined, adjusted for exceptional items, by swapping a significant portion of U.S. dollar debt to other currencies, such as Brazilian real (with a higher coupon), although this would negatively impact our profit and earnings due to the higher Brazilian real interest coupon, and (ii) use U.S. dollar cash flows to service interest payments under our debt obligations. For our definition of EBITDA, as defined, see “—E. Results of Operations—Year Ended 31 December 2020 Compared to the Year Ended 31 December 2019 —EBITDA, as defined.”

We have also entered into certain financial instruments in order to mitigate interest rate risks.

Please refer to note 29 of our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020, “Item 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk—Market Risk, Hedging and Financial Instruments.”

The 2010 Senior Facilities Agreement does not include restrictive financial covenants. For further details regarding our total current and non-current liabilities, please refer to note 24 of our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020.

The following table sets forth the level of our current and non-current interest-bearing loans and borrowings as of 31 December 2020 and 2019:


     Year ended 31 December (audited)  
     2020      2019  
     (USD million)  

Secured bank loans

     702        861  

Commercial papers

     1,522        1,599  

Unsecured bank loans

     294        185  

Unsecured bond issues

     93,725        98,206  

Unsecured other loans

     83        97  

Lease liabilities

     2,234        2,026  








     98,559        102,974  









Table of Contents

The following table sets forth the contractual maturities of our interest-bearing liabilities as of 31 December 2020:


     Less than
1 year
     1-2 years      2-3 years      3-5 years      More than
5 years
     (USD million)  

Secured bank loans

     702        656        11        9        6        19  

Commercial papers

     1,522        1,522        —          —          —          —    

Unsecured bank loans

     294        294        —          —          —          —    

Unsecured bond issues

     93,725        202        54        —          8,803        84,666  

Unsecured other loans

     83        10        7        4        55        7  

Lease liabilities

     2,234        397        375        279        381        802  




















     98,559        3,081        447        292        9,245        85,494  























“Carrying Amount” refers to net book value as recognized on the balance sheet at 31 December 2020.

Please refer to note 29 of our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 for a description of the currencies of our financial liabilities and a description of the financial instruments we use to hedge our liabilities.

Credit Rating

As of the date of this Form 20-F, our credit rating from S&P was BBB+ for long-term obligations and A-2 for short-term obligations, with a negative outlook, and our credit rating from Moody’s Investors Service was Baa1 for long-term obligations and P-2 for short-term obligations, with a stable outlook. Credit ratings may be changed, suspended or withdrawn at any time and are not a recommendation to buy, hold or sell any of our or our subsidiaries’ securities. Any change in our credit ratings could have a significant impact on the cost of debt capital to us and/or our ability to raise capital in the debt markets.

Capital Expenditures

We spent USD 3,687 million during 2020 on acquiring capital assets (net of proceeds from the sale of property, plant, equipment and intangible assets). Out of the total capital expenditures of 2020, approximately 41% was used to improve our production facilities while 44% was used for logistics and commercial investments. Approximately 15% was used for improving administrative capabilities and purchase of hardware and software.

We spent USD 4,854 million during 2019 on acquiring capital assets (net of proceeds from the sale of property, plant, equipment and intangible assets). Out of the total capital expenditures of 2019, approximately 42% was used to improve our production facilities while 43% was used for logistics and commercial investments. Approximately 15% was used for improving administrative capabilities and purchase of hardware and software.

The above information relates to capital expenditures with respect to continuing operations only, and excludes the Australian operations accounted for as discontinued operations.

Our capital expenditures are primarily funded through cash from operating activities.

Investments and Disposals

We regularly engage in acquisitions, divestitures and investments. We also engage in start-up or termination of activities and may transfer activities between business segments. Such events have had, and are expected to continue to have, a significant effect on our results of operations and the comparability of period-to-period results. See “—A. Key Factors Affecting Results of Operations—Acquisitions, Divestitures and Other



Table of Contents

Structural Changes” for further information on significant acquisitions, divestitures, investments, transfers of activities between business segments and other structural changes in the years ended 31 December 2020 and 2019. See also note 6 and note 8 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 included in this Form 20-F.

Net Debt and Equity

We define net debt as non-current and current interest-bearing loans and borrowings plus bank overdrafts and minus cash and cash equivalents, interest-bearing loans granted and debt securities. Net debt is a financial performance indicator that is used by our management to highlight changes in our overall liquidity position. We believe that net debt is meaningful for investors as it is one of the primary measures our management uses when evaluating our progress towards deleveraging.

The following table provides a reconciliation of our net debt to the sum of current and non-current interest bearing loans and borrowings as of the dates indicated:


     Year ended
31 December (audited)
     2020      2019  
     (USD million)  

Non-current interest bearing loans and borrowings

     95,478        97,564  

Current interest bearing loans and borrowings

     3,081        5,410  


     98,559        102,974  

Bank overdrafts

     5        68  

Cash and cash equivalents

     (15,252      (7,238

Interest-bearing loans granted (included within Trade and other receivables)

     (173      (146

Non-current and current debt securities (included within Investment securities)(1)

     (418      (117

Net debt

     82,722        95,541  





See note 24 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020.

Net debt as of 31 December 2020 was USD 82.7 billion, a decrease of USD 12.8 billion as compared to 31 December 2019. Apart from operating results net of capital expenditures, the net debt is impacted mainly by the payment of interests and taxes (USD 6.4 billion), settlement of derivatives (USD 0.7 billion increase of net debt), dividend payments to shareholders of AB InBev and Ambev (USD 1.8 billion), foreign exchange impact on net debt (USD 3.4 billion increase of net debt), the proceeds from the divestiture of the Australian business (USD 10.8 billion decrease of net debt) and the proceeds related to the issuance of a 49.9% minority stake in the company’s US-based metal container operations (USD 3.0 billion decrease of net debt).

Net debt as of 31 December 2019 was USD 95.5 billion. Apart from operating results net of capital expenditures, the net debt is impacted mainly by the payment of interests and taxes (USD 7.1 billion increase of net debt), the settlement of derivatives (USD 0.8 billion increase of net debt), dividend payments to shareholders of AB InBev and Ambev (USD 5.0 billion increase of net debt) and the net proceeds of the IPO of Budweiser APAC (USD 5.6 billion decrease of net debt).

Consolidated equity attributable to equity holders of AB InBev as of 31 December 2020 was USD 68,024 million, compared to USD 75,722 million as of 31 December 2019. The decrease in equity is primarily related to the combined effect of the weakening of the closing rates of the Mexican pesos, the South African rand, the Colombian pesos, the Brazilian real and the Peruvian sol, and the strengthening of the Euro, which resulted in a foreign exchange translation adjustment of USD 9,943 million as of 31 December 2020 (decrease of equity).



Table of Contents

Consolidated equity attributable to equity holders of AB InBev as of 31 December 2019 was USD 75,722 million. The increase in equity is primarily related to the combined effect of the strengthening of mainly the closing rates of the Mexican pesos, the South African rand, the Canadian dollar and the weakening of the euro, and the Brazilian real, which resulted in a foreign exchange translation adjustment of USD 1,143 million as of 31 December 2019 (increase of equity).

Further details on equity movements can be found in our consolidated statement of changes in equity in our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019 , and for the three years ended 31 December 2020.

Our optimal capital structure remains a net debt to EBITDA, as defined (adjusted for exceptional items), ratio of around 2x.

See “—Funding Sources—Borrowings” above for details of long-term debt we entered into during 2020.

Guarantor Financial Information

The debt securities issued by (i) Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc. (“ABIFI”) under Indentures dated as of January 17, 2013, January 25, 2016 and May 15, 2017, in each case among ABIFI, Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV (the “Parent Guarantor”), the subsidiary guarantors listed therein and the Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as trustee (ii) Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. (“ABIWW”) under Indentures dated as of October 16, 2009, December 16, 2016 and April 4, 2018, in each case among ABIWW, the Parent Guarantor, the subsidiary guarantors listed therein and the Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A, as trustee and (iii) Anheuser-Busch Companies, LLC (“ABC”) and ABIWW, as co-issuers, under the Indenture dated as of November 13, 2018, among ABC, ABIWW, the subsidiary guarantors listed therein and the Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as trustee, are, in each case, fully and unconditionally guaranteed by the Parent Guarantor and jointly and severally guaranteed by Brandbrew S.A., Brandbev S.à r.l. and Cobrew NV, and by ABC (in respect of debt issued by ABIFI and/or ABIWW (as sole issuer)), ABIWW (in respect of debt issued by ABIFI) and by ABIFI (in respect of debt issued by ABIWW and/or ABC) on a full and unconditional basis. The Parent Guarantor owns, directly or indirectly, 100% of each of ABIFI, ABIWW, ABC, Brandbrew S.A., Brandbev S.à r.l. and Cobrew NV.

Each guarantee provided under the aforementioned indentures is referred to as a “Guarantee” and collectively, the “Guarantees;” the subsidiaries of the Parent Guarantor providing Guarantees are referred to as the “Subsidiary Guarantors” and the Parent Guarantor and Subsidiary Guarantors collectively are referred to as the “Guarantors”. ABIWW, ABIFI and ABC are collectively referred to as the “Issuers”.

Under the terms of the Guarantees, the Guarantors guarantee to each holder the due and punctual payment of any principal, accrued and unpaid interest (and all Additional Amounts, as such term is defined in the applicable indenture, if any) due under the debt securities in accordance with each indenture. Each Guarantor will also pay Additional Amounts (if any) in respect of payments under its Guarantee. The Guarantees are the full, direct, unconditional, unsecured and unsubordinated general obligations of the Guarantors.

The Guarantees of a Subsidiary Guarantor will be terminated (and any Subsidiary Guarantor will automatically and unconditionally be released from all obligations under its Subsidiary Guarantee) at substantially the same time that (i) the relevant Subsidiary Guarantor is released from its guarantee of both the SLL Revolving Facility (as defined below and as it may be amended from time to time) or is no longer a guarantor under such facility and (ii) the aggregate amount of indebtedness for borrowed money for which the relevant Subsidiary Guarantor is an obligor (as a guarantor or borrower) does not exceed 10% of the consolidated gross assets of the Parent Guarantor as reflected in the balance sheet included in its most recent publicly released interim or annual consolidated financial statements. If the Guarantees by the Subsidiary Guarantors are released, the relevant issuers and the Parent Guarantor are not required to replace them, and the debt securities will have the benefit of fewer or no Subsidiary guarantees for the remaining maturity of the debt securities.

Pursuant to restrictions imposed by Luxembourg law, for the purposes of any Guarantees provided by Brandbrew S.A. or Brandbev S.à r.l. (each, a “Luxembourg Guarantor”), the maximum aggregate liability of such Luxembourg Guarantor under its Guarantee (including any actual or contingent liabilities as a guarantor of Other Guaranteed Facilities (as such term is defined in the applicable indenture)) shall not exceed an amount equal to the aggregate of (without double counting): (A) the aggregate amount of all moneys received by such Luxembourg Guarantor and its subsidiaries as a borrower or issuer under the Other Guaranteed Facilities; (B) the aggregate amount of all outstanding intercompany loans made to such Luxembourg Guarantor and its Subsidiaries by other members of the AB InBev Group which have been directly or indirectly funded using the proceeds of borrowings under the debt securities issued under the indentures and the Other Guaranteed Facilities; and (C) an amount equal to 100% of the greater of (I) the sum of (x) such Luxembourg Guarantor’s own capital (capitaux propres) (as referred to in the Luxembourg law dated 19 December 2002 on the commercial register and annual accounts, as amended (the “Luxembourg Law of 2002”), and as implemented by the Grand-Ducal regulation dated 18 December 2015 setting out the form and content of the presentation of the balance sheet and profit and loss account (the “Luxembourg Regulation”)) as reflected in such Luxembourg Guarantor’s then most recent annual accounts approved by the competent organ of such Luxembourg Guarantor (as audited by its statutory auditor (réviseur d’entreprises agréé), if required by law) at the date of an enforcement of such Luxembourg Guarantor’s Guarantee and (y) any amounts owed by such Luxembourg Guarantor to any other member of the AB InBev Group which have not been funded, directly or indirectly, using the proceeds of borrowings under the Indentures or the Other Guaranteed Facilities (as defined below) and (II) the sum of (x) such Luxembourg Guarantor’s own capital (capitaux propres) (as referred to by article 34 of the Luxembourg Law of 2002 and as implemented by the Luxembourg Regulation) as reflected in its most recent annual accounts available as of the date of the applicable Indenture and (y) any amounts owed by such Luxembourg Guarantor to any other member of the AB InBev Group which have not been funded, directly or indirectly, using the proceeds of borrowings under the Indentures or the Other Guaranteed Facilities.

Furthermore, the obligations and liabilities of such Luxembourg Guarantor under its Guarantee and under any of the Other Guaranteed Facilities shall not include:



in the case of Brandbrew S.A., any obligation which, if incurred, would constitute a breach of the provisions on unlawful financial assistance as contained in article 430-19 (formerly article 49-6) of the Luxembourg Law on Commercial Companies dated 10 August 1915, as amended; and



in the case of Brandbev S.à r.l., the guarantee of any amount if and to the extent the granting of such guarantee for such amounts would constitute unlawful financial assistance in violation of article 1500-7 (formerly article 168) of the Luxembourg Law on Commercial Companies dated 10 August 1915, as amended.

ABIFI is a finance subsidiary, and its principal source of income consists of payments on intra-group receivables from the Parent Guarantor. Furthermore, as holding companies, the ability of ABIWW and the Parent Guarantor to meet their financial obligations is dependent upon the availability of cash flows from their domestic and foreign subsidiaries and affiliated companies through dividends, intercompany advances, management fees and other payments. Claims of the creditors of Parent Guarantor’s subsidiaries who are not guarantors will have priority as to the assets of such subsidiaries over the claims of creditors of ABIFI, ABIWW or the Parent Guarantor. For further discussion, please see “Item 3. Key Information — D. Risk Factors — The ability of our subsidiaries to distribute cash upstream may be subject to various conditions and limitations”.

If the Guarantors default on their Guarantees, their ability to pay any debts existing at the time of the insolvency may be adversely affected by the insolvency laws of the jurisdiction of organization of the defaulting Guarantors. Such insolvency laws may vary as to treatment of unsecured creditors and may contain prohibitions on the Guarantors’ ability to pay any debts existing at the time of the insolvency. In addition, enforcement of each guarantee will be subject to certain generally available defenses under local law. Furthermore, the Parent Guarantor and Cobrew NV are Belgian companies and Belgian insolvency laws may adversely affect a recovery by the holders of the debt securities of amounts payable under the debt securities.

Summarized financial information is presented below for Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, the Issuers and the Subsidiary Guarantors on a combined basis after elimination of intercompany transactions and balances among them and does not include investments in and equity in the earnings of non-guarantor subsidiaries. The intercompany balances with Non-Guarantor Subsidiaries have been presented separately. This summarized financial information is not intended to present the financial position or results of operations of Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, the Issuers and the Subsidiary Guarantors in accordance with IFRS.


     Year ended 31 December  
     (USD million)  

Statement of Income Data




Gross profit(1)


Profit from continuing operations(1)


Profit from discontinued operations


Profit for the period(1)


Balance Sheet Data


Due from non-guarantor subsidiaries


Other non-current assets


Non-current assets


Due from non-guarantor subsidiaries


Other current assets


Current assets


Due to non-guarantor subsidiaries


Other non-current liabilities


Non-current liabilities


Due to non-guarantor subsidiaries


Other current liabilities


Current liabilities






For the year ended 31 December 2020, revenue, gross profit, profit from continuing operations and profit for the period includes USD 365 million, USD (524) million, USD 2,758 million and USD 2,758 million of intercompany transactions with non-guarantor subsidiaries and related parties, respectively.


Contractual Obligations

The following table reflects certain of our financial contractual obligations, and the effect such obligations are expected to have on our liquidity and cash flows in future periods, as of 31 December 2020:


                 Payment Due By Period  

Contractual Obligations

cash flows (2)
    Less than
1 year
    1-2 years     2-3 years     3-5 years     More than
5 years
     (USD million)  

Secured bank loans

     (735     (675     (14     (12     (10     (24

Commercial papers

     (1,522     (1,522     —         —         —         —    

Unsecured bank loans

     (299     (299     —         —         —         —    

Unsecured bond issues

     (165,812     (3,582     (4,057     (3,823     (16,557     (137,793

Unsecured other loans

     (115     (13     (8     (6     (57     (31

Lease liabilities

     (2,455     (460     (425     (315     (424     (831

Bank overdraft

     (5     (5     —         —         —         —    

Trade and other payables

     (24,688     (22,906     (1,103     (135     (197     (347




















     (195,631     (29,462     (5,607     (4,291     (17,245     (139,026





“Total” amounts refer to non-derivative financial liabilities including interest payments.


The loan and bond issue contractual cash flow amounts presented above differ from the carrying amounts for these items in our financial statements in that they include our best estimates of future interest payable (not yet accrued) in order to better reflect our future cash flow position.

Please refer to “—G. Liquidity and Capital Resources—Funding Sources—Borrowings” for further information regarding our short-term borrowings and long-term debt.

Please refer to note 29 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020, and in particular to the discussions therein on “Liquidity Risk,” for more information regarding the maturity of our contractual obligations, including interest payments and derivative financial assets and liabilities.

Information regarding our pension commitments and funding arrangements is described in our Significant Accounting Policies and in note 25 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020. The level of contributions to funded pension plans is determined according to the relevant legislation in each jurisdiction in which we operate. In some countries there are statutory minimum funding requirements while in others we have developed our own policies, sometimes in agreement with the local trustee bodies. The size and timing of contributions will usually depend upon the



Table of Contents

performance of investment markets. Depending on the country and plan in question, the funding level will be monitored periodically and the contribution amount amended appropriately. Consequently, it is not possible to predict with any certainty the amounts that might become payable from 2021 onwards. In 2020, our employer contributions to defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans amounted to USD 485 million. Contributions to defined benefit pension plans for 2021 are estimated to be approximately USD 289 million for our funded defined benefit plans, and USD 74 million in benefit payments to our unfunded defined benefit plans and post- retirement medical plans. Please refer to note 25 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 for further information on our employee benefit obligations.

Collateral and Contractual Commitments

The following table reflects our collateral and contractual commitments for the acquisition of property, plant and equipment, loans to customers and other commitments, as of 31 December 2020 and 2019:


     Year ended 31 December
     2020      2019  
     (USD million)  

Collateral given for own liabilities

     391        372  

Contractual commitments to purchase property, plant and equipment

     528        457  

Contractual commitments to acquire loans to customers

     150        151  

Other commitments

     1,953        1,911  

As at 31 December 2020, the following M&A related commitments existed:



As part of the 2012 shareholders agreement between our subsidiary Ambev and E. León Jimenes S.A. (“ELJ”), following the acquisition of Cervecería Nacional Dominicana S.A. (“CND”), a put and call option is in place which may result in Ambev acquiring additional shares in CND. In January 2018 Ambev increased its participation in CND from 55% to 85%. As at 31 December 2020, the put option for the remaining shares held by ELJ was valued USD 0.7 billion (2019: USD 0.7 billion). The corresponding liability is presented as a current liability and recognized as a deferred consideration on acquisitions at fair value in “Level 3” category.



Following the combination with SAB in 2016, we decided to maintain the SAB Zenzele share-scheme (Zenzele Scheme), the broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) scheme which provided opportunities for black South Africans, including employees (through The SAB Zenzele Employee Trust), SAB retailers (through SAB Zenzele Holdings Limited) and The SAB Foundation, to participate as shareholders of our indirect subsidiary, The South African Breweries Pty Ltd (SAB). The Zenzele Scheme, originally implemented by SAB in 2010 as a 10-year scheme, was amended at the time of the combination with SAB and matured on 31 March 2020.

Obligations to the SAB Foundation and the employees as beneficiaries of The SAB Zenzele Employee Share Trust were settled in full on 15 April 2020. The obligations to SAB retailers, who participate in the Zenzele Scheme through SAB Zenzele Holdings, were partially settled (77.4%) on 15 April 2020. As a direct consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic the remaining settlement was postponed, and it is now intended that the SAB retailers will receive the balance of their entitlement (22.6%) on or before 31 May 2021, at which time we and SAB will implement the new B-BBEE scheme as described below.

In total, 10.8 million of our Treasury shares (Out of which, 1.3 million shares were delivered to SAB Foundation, which is consolidated by AB InBev) with a total value of USD 491 million were used in 2020 to settle the obligations to the participants of the Zenzele Scheme. The total value delivered to the participants of the Zenzele Scheme amounted to ZAR 8.6 billion.



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As part of the combination with SAB in 2016, we made a commitment to the South African Government and Competition Authorities to create a new B-BBEE scheme upon maturity of the Zenzele Scheme in 2020. In order to create the new B-BBEE scheme, the following steps will be undertaken:



The new scheme will be implemented through the listing of a special purpose company, which will be called SAB Zenzele Kabili Holdings Limited (Zenzele Kabili) on the segment of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange’s Main Board on which an issuer may list its B-BBEE shares;



Zenzele Kabili will hold unencumbered our shares;



Existing Zenzele participants (SAB retailers and The SAB Foundation) will be given an option to reinvest a portion of their Zenzele payout into Zenzele Kabili;



A new Employee Share Plan, funded by us, will subscribe for shares in Zenzele Kabili.

The settlement of the balance of the SAB Retailers entitlement and the new B-BBEE scheme is estimated to require approximately ZAR 5.5 billion (USD 0.4 billion4) in facilitation and notional vendor funding. The settlement would be equivalent to 5.4 million of our shares based on the share price and the ZAR Euro exchange rate as at 31 December 20205. It is the intention that our Treasury shares will be used for the settlement of the new B-BBEE scheme. This scheme arrangement meets the criteria under IFRS 2 to be classified as equity settled.

Please refer to note 31 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 for more information regarding collateral and contractual commitments for the acquisition of property, plant and equipment, loans to customers and others.


We are subject to various contingencies with respect to tax, labor, distributors and other claims. Due to their nature, such legal proceedings and tax matters involve inherent uncertainties including, but not limited to, court rulings, negotiations between affected parties and governmental actions. To the extent that we believe these contingencies will probably be realized, a provision has been recorded in our balance sheet.

To the extent that we believe that the realization of a contingency is possible (but not probable) and is above certain materiality thresholds, we have disclosed those items in note 32 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020.



Converted at the closing rate as at 31 December 2020.


Calculated assuming our closing share price of EUR 57.01 per share and an exchange rate of ZAR 18.021914 to EUR 1.00 as at 31 December 2020.



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We do not have any off-balance sheet arrangements that have, or are reasonably likely to have, a material current or future effect on our financial condition, changes in financial condition, revenues or expenses, results of operations, liquidity, capital expenditures or capital resources that is material to investors. Please refer to “—H. Contractual Obligations and Contingencies—Collateral and Contractual Commitments” for a description of certain collateral and contractual commitments to which we are subject. Please also refer to note 31 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020.

In order to fulfill our commitments under various outstanding stock option plans, we entered into stock lending arrangements for up to 30 million of our own Ordinary Shares. We shall pay the lenders any dividend equivalent, after tax, in respect of the loaned securities. This payment will be reported through equity as dividend. As of 31 December 2020, 30 million loaned securities were used to fulfill our stock option plan commitments. Please also refer to note 26 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020.


While the ongoing disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic continues to create uncertainty, we expect our top and bottom line results to improve meaningfully in 2021 compared to 2020. We expect top-line growth from a healthy combination of volume and price, translating to bottom line growth. We will continue to efficiently utilize our resources while fueling investments behind our brands. However, adverse channel and packaging mix, coupled with transactional foreign exchange and commodity headwinds, will pressure our 2021 EBITDA, as defined (adjusted for exceptional items), margin. The outlook for 2021 reflects our current assessment of the scale and magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is subject to change as we continue to monitor ongoing developments.

We expect the average gross debt coupon in 2021 to be approximately 4.0%. Net pension interest expenses and accretion expenses including IFRS 16 Lease adjustments are expected to be in the range of USD 150 million to USD 170 million per quarter, depending on currency fluctuations. Net finance costs will continue to be impacted by any gains and losses related to the hedging of our share-based payment programs.

We expect net capital expenditure of between USD 4.5 billion and USD 5.0 billion in 2021 as we are increasing investments in innovation and other consumer-centric initiatives to fuel our momentum.

Approximately 44% of our gross debt is denominated in currencies other than the US dollar, primarily the Euro. Our optimal capital structure remains a net debt to EBITDA, as defined (adjusted for exceptional items), ratio of around 2x.





Administrative, Management, Supervisory Bodies and Senior Management Structure

Our management structure is a “one-tier” governance structure composed of our Board, a Chief Executive Officer responsible for our day-to-day management and an executive committee (the “Executive Committee”). The Executive Committee is led by our Chief Executive Officer and comprises the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Strategy and Technology Officer and the Chief Legal and Corporate Affairs Officer and Corporate Secretary. Our Board is assisted by four main committees: the Audit Committee, the Finance Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Nomination Committee. See “—C. Board Practices—Information About Our Committees.”




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Board of Directors

Role and Responsibilities, Composition, Structure and Organization

The role and responsibilities of our Board of Directors and its composition, structure and organization are described in detail in our corporate governance charter (“Corporate Governance Charter”), which is available on our website:

Our Board may be composed of a maximum of 15 directors. There are currently 15 directors, all of whom are non-executives. Under our articles of association, the directors are appointed as follows:



three independent directors will be appointed by our shareholders’ meeting upon proposal by our Board of Directors;



so long as the Stichting and/or any of its affiliates, any of their respective successors and/or successors’ affiliates own, in aggregate, more than 30% of the shares with voting rights in our share capital, nine directors will be appointed by our shareholders’ meeting upon proposal by the Stichting (and/or any of its affiliates, any of their respective successors and/or successors’ affiliates); and



so long as the holders of Restricted Shares, together with their affiliates and/or any of their successors and/or successors’ affiliates, own in aggregate:



more than 13.5% of the shares with voting rights in our share capital, three directors will be appointed by our shareholders’ meeting upon proposal by the holders of the Restricted Shares;



more than 9% but not more than 13.5% of the shares with voting rights in our share capital, two directors will be appointed by our shareholders’ meeting upon proposal by the holders of the Restricted Shares;



more than 4.5% but not more than 9% of the shares with voting rights in our share capital, one director will be appointed by our shareholders’ meeting upon proposal by the holders of the Restricted Shares; and



4.5% or less than 4.5% of the shares with voting rights in our share capital, the holders of the Restricted Shares will no longer have the right to propose any candidate for appointment as a member of our Board of Directors and no directors will be appointed upon proposal by the holders of the Restricted Shares.

As a consequence, our Board is currently composed of four directors nominated by Eugénie Patri Sébastien S.A. (which represents Interbrew’s founding Belgian families and holds the class A Stichting certificates), four directors nominated by BRC S.à.R.L. (“BRC”) (which represents the Brazilian families that were previously the controlling shareholders of Ambev and holds the class B Stichting certificates), one additional non-executive director who was appointed by the Stichting, three directors who were appointed by the holders of Restricted Shares and three independent directors. The appointment and renewal of all directors (i) are based on a recommendation of the Nomination Committee, taking into account the rules regarding the composition of the Board of Directors set out in our articles of association, and (ii) are subject to approval by the shareholders’ meeting. Directors (other than the Restricted Share Directors) are appointed for a maximum term of four years, but the shareholders’ meeting can resolve for a shorter term. In accordance with our bylaws, Restricted Share Directors are appointed for renewable terms ending at the next shareholders’ meeting following their appointment.



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Under article 7:87 of the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations (the “Belgian Companies Code”), the independence of directors is assessed by taking into consideration the criteria set out in Principle 3.5 of the 2020 Belgian Corporate Governance Code, which are the following:



the director is not an executive, or exercising a function as a person entrusted with the daily management of the company or a related company or person, and has not been in such a position for the previous three years before his or her appointment and is no longer enjoying stock options of the company related to this position;



the director has not served for a total term of more than twelve years as a board member;



the director is not an employee of the senior management of the company or a related company or person, and has not been in such a position for the previous three years before his or her appointment and is no longer enjoying stock options of the company related to this position;



the director is not receiving, or has not received during their mandate or for a period of three years prior to their appointment, any significant remuneration or any other significant advantage of a patrimonial nature from the company or a related company or person, apart from any fee they receive or have received as a non-executive board member;



the director does not hold shares, either directly or indirectly, either alone or in concert, representing globally one-tenth or more of the company’s capital or one-tenth or more of the voting rights in the company at the moment of appointment and not has not been nominated, in any circumstances, by a shareholder fulfilling the conditions covered above;



the director does not maintain, or has not maintained in the past year before their appointment, a significant business relationship with the company or a related company or person, either directly or as partner, shareholder, board member, member of the senior management of a company or person who maintains such a relationship;



the director is not or has not been within the last three years before his or her appointment, a partner or member of the audit team of the company or person who is, or has been within the last three years before their appointment, the external auditor of the company or a related company or person;



the director is not an executive of another company in which an executive of the company is a non-executive board member; and



the director does not have, in the company or a related company or person, a spouse, legal partner or close family member to the second degree, exercising a function as board member or executive or person entrusted with the daily management or employee of the senior management, or falling in one of the other cases referred to in bullets 1. to 8. above, and as far as the second bullet is concerned, up to three years after the date on which the relevant relative has terminated his or her last term.

Should the Board present for appointment as independent director a candidate who does not meet the criteria above, it will explain the reasons why it considers that such candidate is independent, in accordance with article 7:98 of the Belgian Companies Code.

Directors on our Board who serve on our Audit Committee are also required to meet the criteria for independence set forth in Rule 10A-3 under the Exchange Act of 1934. Based on our Governance Charter, a majority of the voting members of the Audit Committee are independent directors under Belgian corporate law.

Our Board is our ultimate decision-making body, except for the powers reserved to our shareholders’ meeting by law, or as specified in the articles of association.



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Our Board meets as frequently as our interests require. In addition, special meetings of our Board may be called and held at any time upon the call of either the chair of our Board or at least two directors. Board meetings are based on a detailed agenda specifying the topics for decision and those for information. Board decisions are made by a simple majority of the votes cast.

The composition of our Board is currently as follows:






Nature of

María Asunción Aramburuzabala    Director    Non-executive    2016    2024
Martin J. Barrington    Director and Chair of the Board(1)    Non-executive, nominated by the holders of Restricted Shares    2016    2021
M. Michele Burns    Independent Director    Non-executive    2016    2024
Sabine Chalmers    Director    Non-executive, nominated by the holders of class A Stichting certificates    2019    2023
Paul Cornet de Ways Ruart    Director    Non-executive, nominated by the holders of class A Stichting certificates    2016    2024
Claudio Garcia    Director    Non-executive, nominated by the holders of class B Stichting certificates    2019    2023
William F. Gifford, Jr.    Director    Non-executive, nominated by the holders of Restricted Shares    2016    2021
Paulo Alberto Lemann    Director    Non-executive, nominated by the holders of class B Stichting certificates    2016    2024
Xiaozhi Liu    Independent Director    Non-executive    2019    2023
Alejandro Santo Domingo Dávila    Director    Non-executive, nominated by the holders of Restricted Shares    2016    2021
Elio Leoni Sceti    Independent Director    Non-executive    2016    2024
Cecilia Sicupira    Director    Non-executive, nominated by the holders of class B Stichting certificates    2019    2023
Grégoire de Spoelberch    Director    Non-executive, nominated by the holders of class A Stichting certificates    2016    2024
Roberto Thompson Motta    Director    Non-executive, nominated by the holders of class B Stichting certificates    2020    2024
Alexandre Van Damme    Director    Non-executive, nominated by the holders of class A Stichting certificates    2016    2024





We have determined that Mr. Barrington is an independent director for purposes of Rule 10A-3 of the Exchange Act.



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At our annual shareholders’ meeting held on 3 June 2020, the mandates of Ms. Michele Burns, Mr. Elio Leoni Sceti, Mr. Alexandre Van Damme, Mr. Grégoire de Spoelberch, Mr. Paul Cornet de Ways Ruart, Mr. Paulo Alberto Lemann and Ms. María Asunción Aramburuzabala were renewed for a term of 4 years. The mandates of Mr. Martin J. Barrington, Mr. William F. Gifford, Jr. and Mr. Alejandro Santo Domingo Dávila were renewed for a term of 1 year. The mandate of Mr. Marcel Herrmann Telles ended, and Mr. Roberto Thompson Motta was appointed as successor to Mr. Marcel Herrman Telles for a term of 4 years. Their mandates are renewable.

The business address for all of our directors is: Brouwerijplein 1, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.

No member of the Board has any conflicts of interest within the meaning of the Belgian Companies Code between any duties he or she owes to us and any private interests and/or other duties.

Ms. Aramburuzabala is a non-executive member of the Board. Born in 1963, she is a citizen of Mexico and holds a degree in Accounting from ITAM (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de Mexico). She has served as CEO of Tresalia Capital since 1996. She is currently the chairperson of the Boards of Directors of Tresalia Capital, Abilia, Medistik and Red Universalia. She is also a member of the Advisory Board of Grupo Modelo and was formerly a member of the Grupo Modelo Board of Directors, and is currently on the Boards of Coty, Consejo Mexicano de Negocios and is an Advisory Board member of ITAM School of Business.

Mr. Barrington is a representative of the Restricted Shareholders. Born in 1953, he is an American citizen and graduated from The College of Saint Rose with a Bachelor’s Degree in History, and from Albany Law School of Union University with a Juris Doctorate Degree. He is the retired Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of Altria Group. During his 25 years at Altria Group, he served in numerous legal and business roles for Altria and its companies. These include Vice Chairman of Altria Group; Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer of Altria Group; Senior Vice President and General Counsel of Philip Morris International (a separate public company spun-off from Altria Group in 2008); and Senior Vice President and General Counsel of Philip Morris USA. Before joining Altria, Mr. Barrington practiced law in both the government and private sectors.

Ms. Burns is an independent member of the Board. Born in 1958, she is an American citizen and graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Georgia with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and a Master’s Degree in Accountancy. Ms. Burns was the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Mercer LLC from 2006 until 2012. She currently serves on the Boards of Directors of The Goldman Sachs Group, where she chairs the Compensation Committee, Cisco Systems, where she chairs the Finance Committee, Etsy and Circle Online Financial, a private company. From 2003 until 2013, she served as a director of Wal-Mart Stores. From 2014 until 2018, she served on the Board of Alexion Pharmaceuticals. She currently serves on the Advisory Council of the Stanford Center on Longevity at Stanford University. Ms. Burns began her career in 1981 at Arthur Andersen, where she became a partner in 1991. In 1999, she joined Delta Air Lines, assuming the role of Chief Financial Officer from 2000 to 2004. From 2004 to 2006, Ms. Burns served as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Restructuring Officer of Mirant Corporation, an independent power producer. From March 2006 until September 2006, Ms. Burns served as the Chief Financial Officer of Marsh and McLennan Companies.

Ms. Chalmers is a representative of the main shareholders (nominated by Eugénie Patri Sébastien S.A., the holder of the Class A Stichting certificates). Born in 1965, Ms. Chalmers is an American citizen and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the London School of Economics and is qualified to practice law in England and New York State. Ms. Chalmers is the General Counsel of BT Group plc. Prior to joining BT, she was the Chief Legal and Corporate Affairs Officer and Secretary to the Board of Directors of AB InBev, a role she held from 2005 to 2017. Ms. Chalmers joined AB InBev after 12 years with Diageo plc where she held a number of senior legal positions including as General Counsel of the Latin American and North American businesses. Prior to Diageo plc, she was an associate at the law firm of Lovell White Durrant in London, specializing in mergers and acquisitions.

Mr. Cornet de Ways Ruart is a representative of the main shareholders (nominated by Eugénie Patri Sébastien S.A., the holder of the Class A Stichting certificates). Born in 1968, he is a Belgian citizen and holds a Master’s Degree as a Commercial Engineer from the Catholic University of Louvain and an MBA from the University of Chicago. He has attended the Master Brewer program at the Catholic University of Louvain. From 2006 to 2011, he worked at Yahoo! and was in charge of Corporate Development for Europe before taking on additional responsibilities as Senior Financial Director for Audience and Chief of Staff. Prior to joining Yahoo!, Mr. Cornet was Director of Strategy for Orange U.K. and spent seven years with McKinsey & Company in London and Palo Alto, California. He is also a non-executive director of EPS, Rayvax, Adrien Invest, Floridienne S.A. and several privately held companies.



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Mr. Garcia is a representative of the main shareholders (nominated by BRC S.à.R.L., the holder of the class B Stichting certificates). Born in Brazil in 1968, he is a Brazilian citizen and is a graduate from Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil with a B.A. in Economics. Mr. Garcia interned at Companhia Cervejaria Brahma in 1991 and was employed as a Management Trainee in February 1993. From 1993 until 2001, Mr. Garcia worked in several positions in finance, mainly in the area of corporate budgeting. In 2001, he started the first Shared Service Center for Ambev and in 2003 he became the head of both the Technology and Shared Services operations. Mr. Garcia participated in all M&A integration projects from 1999 until 2018. In 2005, he was appointed Chief Information and Shared Service Officer for InBev (following the combination of Ambev and Interbrew) in Leuven, Belgium. From 2006 to 2014, Mr. Garcia combined the functions of Chief People and Technology Officer. From 2014 to January 2018, Mr. Garcia was the Chief People Officer of Anheuser-Busch InBev. Mr. Garcia is a board member of Lojas Americanas, the Garcia Family Foundation, Chairman of the Telles Foundation and a Trustee at the Chapin School in New York City.

Mr. Gifford is a representative of the Restricted Shareholders. Born in 1970, he is an American citizen and graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy. He serves as Chief Executive Officer of Altria Group. Prior to his current position, Mr. Gifford served as Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer of Altria Group from May 2018 until April 2020 with responsibility for overseeing Altria’s financial functions, core tobacco businesses and sales and distribution business. Prior to that he served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer from March 2015 until May 2018. Since joining Philip Morris USA, an Altria subsidiary, in 1994, he has served in numerous leadership roles including President and Chief Executive Officer of Philip Morris USA and Vice President and Treasurer for Altria, and has led various functions including Finance, Strategy and Business Development and Market Information and Consumer Research. Prior to joining Philip Morris USA, Mr. Gifford worked at the public accounting firm of Coopers & Lybrand, which currently is known as PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Mr. Lemann is a representative of the main shareholders (nominated by BRC S.à.R.L., the holder of the class B Stichting certificates). Born in Brazil in 1968, he is a Brazilian citizen and graduated from Faculdade Candido Mendes in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil with a B.A. in Economics. Mr. Lemann interned at PriceWaterhouse in 1989 and was employed as an Analyst at Andersen Consulting from 1990 to 1991. Mr. Lemann also performed equity analysis while at Banco Marka and Dynamo Asset Management (both in Rio de Janeiro). From 1997 to 2004, he developed the hedge fund investment group at Tinicum Inc., a New York-based investment office that advised the Synergy Fund of Funds, where he served as Portfolio Manager. Mr. Lemann is a Founding Partner at Vectis Partners and is a board member of Lojas Americanas, Lemann Foundation and Lone Pine Capital.

Mr. Leoni Sceti is an independent member of the Board. Born in 1966, he is an Italian citizen who lives in the UK. He graduated Magna Cum Laude in Economics from LUISS in Rome, where he passed the Dottore Commercialista post-graduate bar exam. Mr. Leoni Sceti has over 30 years’ experience in the fast-moving consumer goods and media sectors. He is Chief Crafter and Chairman of The Craftory, a global investment house for purpose-driven challenger brands in FMCG. Mr. Leoni Sceti is Chairman of London-based LSG holdings and an early stage investor in Media & Tech, with over 25 companies in his portfolio. He is also an independent member of the Board at cocoa and chocolate leader Barry Callebaut and is a director at the Kraft Heinz Company. His roles in the non-profit space include being a Trustee and Counsellor at One Young World (young leaders from over 190 countries), and Chairman of the U.K. board at Room to Read (promoting literacy and gender equality in education, globally). His previous roles included: CEO of Iglo Group - whose brands are Birds Eye, Findus & Iglo - until May 2015, when the company was sold to Nomad Foods; Global CEO of EMI Music from 2008 to 2010; and - prior to EMI - an international career in marketing and senior leadership roles at Procter & Gamble and Reckitt Benckiser, where he later was CMO, global head of Innovation and then head of the European operations.



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Dr. Liu is an independent member of the Board. Born in 1956 in China, she is a German citizen and is the founder and CEO of ASL Automobile Science & Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. since 2009 and is an independent director of Autoliv and Johnson Matthey Plc. Previously, she held various senior executive positions, including Chairman and CEO of Neotek (China), Vice-Chairman and CEO of Fuyao Glass Group, Chairman and CEO of General Motors Taiwan, Director of concept vehicle for Buick Park Avenue and Cadillac, Vehicle Electronics-Control and Software Integration for GM North America, CTO and Chief Engineer of General Motors Greater China Region, and Representative Managing Director of Delphi Automotive in Shanghai China. Prior to 1997, she was responsible for Delphi Packard China JV Development, Sales and Marketing as well as New Business Development. Besides these executive roles, Dr. Liu also served as an independent director of CAEG from 2009 to 2011 and an independent director of Fuyao Glass Group from 2013 to 2019. Dr. Liu has rich professional experience covering the areas of general management of enterprises, P&L, technology development, marketing and sales, mergers and acquisitions, including in the United States, Europe and China at global Top 500 companies and Chinese blue-chip private enterprises. She earned a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, a Master’s Degree of Electrical Engineering at the University of Erlangen/Nuremberg Germany and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering at Xian Jiao Tong University in Xian China. She also attended the Dartmouth Tuck School of Business for Executives.

Mr. Santo Domingo is a representative of the Restricted Shareholders. Born in 1977, he is a Colombian citizen and obtained a B.A. in History from Harvard College. He is a Senior Managing Director at Quadrant Capital Advisors, Inc. in New York City. He was a member of the Board of Directors of SABMiller Plc, where he was also Vice-Chairman of SABMiller Plc for Latin America. Mr. Santo Domingo is Chairman of the Board of Bavaria S.A. in Colombia. He is Chairman of the Board of Valorem, a company which manages a diverse portfolio of industrial and media assets in Latin America. Mr. Santo Domingo is also a director of JDE Peet’s, ContourGlobal plc, LifeTime, Inc., Florida Crystals, the world’s largest sugar refiner, Caracol TV, Colombia’s leading broadcaster, El Espectador, a leading Colombian Daily, and Cine Colombia, Colombia’s leading film distribution and movie theatre company. In the non-profit sector, he is Chair of the Wildlife Conservation Society and Fundacion Mario Santo Domingo. He is also a Member of the Board of Trustees of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, a member of the Board of Channel Thirteen/WNET (PBS), a member of the Board of DKMS, a foundation dedicated to finding donors for leukemia patients, and he is a member of the Board of Fundacion Pies Descalzos. He is a member of Harvard University’s Global Advisory Council (GAC) Mr. Santo Domingo is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Mount Sinai Health System.

Ms. Sicupira is a representative of the main shareholders (nominated by BRC S.à.R.L., the holder of the class B Stichting certificates). Born in 1981, she is a Brazilian citizen and is a graduate from the American University of Paris with a Bachelor’s Degree in International Business Administration and of Harvard Business School’s Owner/President Management (OPM) program. Ms. Sicupira currently serves on the board of Lojas Americanas S.A, where she is member of the Finance and People Committees, and of Ambev S.A. She previously served on the board of Restaurant Brands International and of São Carlos Empreendimentos S.A. Ms. Sicupira began her career in 2004 as an analyst within Goldman Sachs’ Investment Banking Division covering Latin America. Today she is a director and partner of LTS Investments.

Mr. de Spoelberch is a representative of the main shareholders (nominated by Eugénie Patri Sébastien S.A., the holder of the Class A Stichting certificates). Born in 1966, he is a Belgian citizen and holds an MBA from INSEAD. Mr. de Spoelberch is an active private equity shareholder and his recent activities include shared Chief Executive Officer responsibilities for Lunch Garden, the leading Belgian self-service restaurant chain. He is a member of the board of several family-owned companies, such as Eugénie Patri Sébastien S.A., Verlinvest and Cobehold (Cobepa). He is also an administrator of the Baillet-Latour Fund, a foundation that encourages social, cultural, artistic, technical, sporting, educational and philanthropic achievements.

Mr. Roberto Thompson Motta is a representative of the main shareholders (nominated by BRC S.à.R.L., the holder of the class B Stichting certificates). Born in 1957, he is a Brazilian citizen and received a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro and an MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He is a co-founder and member of the Investment Committee of 3G Capital, a global investment firm headquartered in New York. Mr. Thompson serves on the Board of Directors of AB InBev and has served on the Board of Directors of Ambev S.A. since 2001, Restaurant Brands International since 2013 and StoneCo Ltd since 2018 where he chairs the Finance Committee. He was one of the founding partners of GP Investments Ltd. and a member of its Board of Directors until 2010. Mr. Thompson is a member of The Graduate Executive Board of The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, The International Council of The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and a Patron of the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo.



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Mr. Van Damme is a representative of the main shareholders (nominated by Eugénie Patri Sébastien S.A., the holder of the Class A Stichting certificates). Born in 1962, he is a Belgian citizen and graduated from Solvay Business School, Brussels. Mr. Van Damme joined the beer industry early in his career and held various operational positions within Interbrew until 1991, including Head of Corporate Planning and Strategy. He has managed several private venture holding companies and is currently a director of several family-owned companies such as Patri S.A. (Luxembourg). He is a member of the Board of the Kraft Heinz Company.

General Information on the Directors

In relation to each of the members of our Board, we are not aware of (i) any convictions in relation to fraudulent offenses in the last five years, (ii) any bankruptcies, receiverships or liquidations of any entities in which such members held any offices, directorships or partner or senior management positions in the last five years, or (iii) any official public incrimination and/or sanction of such members by statutory or regulatory authorities (including designated professional bodies), or disqualification by a court from acting as a member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of an issuer or from acting in the management or conduct of the affairs of any issuer for at least the previous five years.

No member of our Board has a family relationship with any other member of our Board or any member of our Executive Committee, or had a family relationship with any member of our Executive Committee.

Over the five years preceding the date of this Form 20-F, the members of our Board hold or have held the following main directorships (apart from directorships they have held with us and our subsidiaries) or memberships of administrative, management or supervisory bodies and/or partnerships:







María Asunción Aramburuzabala

   Tresalia Capital, Grupo Modelo, KIO Networks, Abilia, Red Universalia, Medistik, Consejo Mexicano de Negocios, Coty Inc and Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) School of Business    Grupo Financiero Banamex, LLC, Banco Nacional de México, América Móvil, Grupo Televicentro, Televisa, Cablevisión, Empresas ICA, Aeroméxico, Siemens, Tory Burch, LLC, Artega Automobil, Diblo, Dirección de Fábricas, Filantropía Modelo, Consejo Asesor para las Negociaciones Comerciales Internacionales, Compromiso Social por la Calidad de la Educación, Latin America Conservation Council, Fresnillo plc, Médica Sur, Calidad de Vida, Progreso y Desarrollo para la Ciudad de México and Compañía Periodística Nacional

Martin J. Barrington

   Richmond Performing Arts Center L.L.P.    Altria Group, Inc., NextUp (formerly Middle School Renaissance 2020, LLC), Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

M. Michele Burns

   Cisco Systems Inc., The Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Etsy Inc., Circle Internet Financial    Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Sabine Chalmers

   BT Group Plc, Eugénie Patri Sébastien S.A. and the Stichting    Coty Inc.

Paul Cornet de Ways Ruart

   Eugénie Patri Sébastien S.A., Rayvax Société d’Investissement S.A., Sebacoop SCRL, Adrien Invest SCRL, Floridienne S.A.and the Stichting    Sparflex, Bunge Ltd, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc., Panera Bread Holdings Corp., Peet’s Coffee & Tea, LLC, Coffee & Bagel Brands Inc. Company, Inc.



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Claudio Garcia

   Lojas Americanas S.A., Garcia Family Foundation, Telles Foundation and Chapin School in New York   

William F. Gifford, Jr.

   Altria Group Inc., Virginia Commonwealth University School of Business Foundation    Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges, National Association of Manufacturers, Greater Richmond Partnership, Inc.

Paulo Alberto Lemann

   Vectis Partners, Lojas Americanas S.A., Lemann Foundation and Lone Pine Capital LLC    Ambev

Elio Leoni Sceti

   LSG Holdings (Chairman), the Kraft Heinz Company, Barry Callebaut, One Young World (Trustee), The Craftory (Chairman), Room to Read UK (Chairman)    EMI Music, Iglo Group, Beamly Ltd. and Nomad Foods

Xiaozhi Liu

   ASL Automobile Science & Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Autoliv (NYSE) and Johnson Matthey Plc    Fuyao Glass Group

Alejandro Santo Domingo Dávila

   Quadrant Capital Advisors, Inc., Bavaria S.A., Valorem S.A., JDE Peet’s, Cine Colombia S.A., Organización Decameron S. de R.L., Florida Crystals Corporation, Caracol Televisión S.A., Life Time Inc., Metropolitan Museum of Art, Wildlife Conservation Society, DKMS and Fundación Mario Santo Domingo, Contour Global plc, Mount Sinai Health Systems    SABMiller plc., Celumóvil S.A., Avianca S.A., Sofasa S.A., Cervecería Nacional S.A. (Panamá), Compañía de Cervezas Nacionales S.A. (Ecuador), Union de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus & Johnston S.A.A., Keurig Green Mountain (KGM), Millicom International Cellular SA

Cecilia Sicupira

   Lojas Americanas S.A., LTS Investments and Ambev S.A.    Restaurant Brands International and São Carlos Empreendimentos S.A.

Grégoire de Spoelberch

   Agemar S.A., , Fiprolux S.A., Eugénie Patri Sébastien S.A., the Stichting, G.D.S. Consult, Cobehold, Compagnie Benelux Participations, Vervodev, Wesparc, Groupe Josi,(1) Financière Stockel,(1) Immobilière du Canal,(1) Verlinvest, (1) Midi Developpement,(1) Solferino Holding S.A., Vedihold, Clearvolt S.A. and Fonds Baillet Latour    Atanor,(1) Amantelia,(1) Demeter Finance, Lunch Garden Services,(1) Lunch Garden,(1) Lunch Garden Management,(1) Lunch Garden Finance,(1) Lunch Garden Concepts,(1) HEC Partners,(1) Q.C.C.,(1) A.V.G. Catering Equipment,(1) Immo Drijvers-Stevens and(1) Elpo-Cuisinex Wholesale(1) Navarin S.A., Wernelin S.A., Zencar S.A.

Roberto Thompson Motta

   Ambev S.A., Restaurant Brands International, StoneCo Ltd., the Stichting,3G Capital, Inc. LTS Investments, The Wharton School of The University of Pennsylvania, Metropolitan Museum of Art.    Lojas Americanas S.A., São Carlos Empreendimentos S.A.



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Alexandre Van Damme

   Patri S.A., the Stichting, Eugénie Patri Sébastien, S.A. and the Kraft Heinz Company    Keurig Green Mountain (KGM), Jacobs Douwe Egberts (JDE), DKMS and Fonds Baillet Latour, Restaurant Brands International





As permanent representative.

Chief Executive Officer and Senior Management

Role and Responsibilities, Composition, Structure and Organization

Our Chief Executive Officer is responsible for our day-to-day management. He has direct responsibility for our operations and oversees the organization and efficient day-to-day management of our subsidiaries, affiliates and joint ventures. Our Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the execution and management of the outcome of all of our Board decisions.

He is appointed and removed by our Board and reports directly to it.

Effective 29 April 2020, Fernando Mommensohn Tennenbaum succeeded Felipe Dutra as Chief Financial Officer and member of the Executive Committee.

Effective 29 April 2020, David Almeida became Chief Strategy and Technology Officer.

Effective 29 April 2020, Nelson Jamel became Chief People Officer.

Effective 29 April 2020, the Executive Committee is comprised of the Chief Executive Officer, Carlos Brito, the Chief Financial Officer, Fernando Tennenbaum, the Chief Strategy and Technology Officer, David Almeida and the Chief Legal and Corporate Affairs Officer and Corporate Secretary, John Blood.

The Executive Committee reports to our Chief Executive Officer and works with our Board on matters such as corporate governance, general management of our company and the implementation of corporate strategy as defined by our Board. The Executive Committee shall perform such duties as may be assigned to it from time to time by our Chief Executive Officer or our Board.

Although exceptions can be made in special circumstances, the upper age limit for the members of our Executive Committee is 65, unless their employment contract provides otherwise.

As of 1 January 2021, our Executive Committee consisted of the following members:





Carlos Brito


Chief Executive Officer

John Blood


Chief Legal and Corporate Affairs Officer and Corporate Secretary

Fernando Tennenbaum


Chief Financial Officer

David Almeida


Chief Strategy and Technology Officer



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As of 1 January 2021, and in addition to the members of our Executive Committee, our senior leadership team consists of the following:





Katherine Barrett


General Counsel

Pedro Earp


Chief Marketing and ZX Ventures Officer

Lucas Herscovici


Chief Sales Officer

Peter Kraemer


Chief Supply Officer

Nelson Jamel


Chief People Officer

Tony Milikin


Chief Procurement, Sustainability and Circular Ventures Officer

Pablo Panizza


Chief Direct to Consumer Officer

Ricardo Tadeu


Chief B2B Officer

Jan Craps


Zone President Asia Pacific (APAC)

Michel Doukeris


Zone President North America

Carlos Lisboa


Zone President Middle Americas

Ricardo Moreira


Zone President Africa

Jean Jereissati Neto


Zone President South America

Jason Warner


Zone President Europe

The business address for all of these members of our senior leadership team is: Brouwerijplein 1, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.

Carlos Brito is our CEO and a member of the Executive Committee. Born in 1960, he is a Brazilian citizen and received a Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro and an MBA from Stanford University Graduate School of Business. Mr. Brito joined Ambev in 1989 where he held roles in Finance, Operations, and Sales, before being appointed Chief Executive Officer in January 2004. He was appointed Zone President North America at InBev in January 2005 and Chief Executive Officer in December 2005. He is a member of the board of directors of Ambev. He is also an Advisory Council Member of the Stanford Graduate School of Business and serves on the Advisory Board of the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management.

Fernando Tennenbaum is our Chief Financial Officer since 29 April 2020 and a member of the Executive Committee. Born in 1977, he is a dual citizen of Brazil and Germany and holds a degree in industrial engineering from Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo and a corporate MBA from Ambev. He joined our company in 2004, and has held various roles in the finance function (including Treasury, Investor Relations and M&A). He most recently served as the Vice President of Finance (South America Zone) and Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer of Ambev S.A.

David Almeida is our Strategy and Technology Officer since 29 April 2020 and a member of the Executive Committee. Born in 1976, Mr. Almeida is a dual citizen of the U.S. and Brazil and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania. Most recently, he served as Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer and before that as Chief Integration Officer and Chief Sales Officer ad interim, having previously held the positions of Vice President, U.S. Sales and of Vice President, Finance for the North American organization. Prior to that, he served as InBev’s head of mergers and acquisitions, where he led the combination with Anheuser-Busch Companies in 2008 and subsequent integration activities in the U.S. Before joining the group in 1998, he worked at Salomon Brothers in New York as a financial analyst in the Investment Banking division.

Katherine Barrett is our General Counsel. Born in 1970, Ms. Barrett is a U.S. citizen and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Saint Louis University and a Juris Doctorate degree from the University of Arizona. Ms. Barrett joined Anheuser-Busch in 2000 as a litigation attorney in the Legal Department. She most recently served as Vice President, U.S. General Counsel and Labor Relations, where she was responsible for overseeing all legal issues in the U.S. including commercial, litigation and regulatory matters and labor relations. Prior to joining the company, Ms. Barrett worked in private practice at law firms in Nevada and Missouri.

John Blood is our Chief Legal and Corporate Affairs Officer, Company Secretary and a member of our Executive Committee. Born in 1967, Mr. Blood is a U.S. citizen and holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Amherst College and a JD degree from the University of Michigan Law School. Mr. Blood joined AB InBev in 2009 as Vice President Legal, Commercial and M&A. Most recently Mr. Blood was AB InBev’s General Counsel. Prior to the latter role, he was Zone Vice President Legal and Corporate Affairs in North America where he has led the legal and corporate affairs agenda for the United States and Canada. Prior to joining the company, Mr. Blood worked on the legal team in Diageo’s North American business and was in private practice at a law firm in New York City before that.



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Jan Craps is our Zone President Asia Pacific since 1 January 2019 and CEO and Co-Chair of Budweiser Brewing Company APAC since 8 May 2019. Born in 1977, Mr. Craps is a Belgian citizen and obtained a Degree in Business Engineering from KU Brussels and a Master’s Degree in Business Engineering from KU Leuven, Belgium. Mr. Craps was an associate consultant with McKinsey & Company before joining Interbrew in 2002. He acquired a range of international experiences in a number of senior marketing, sales and logistics executive positions in France and Belgium. In 2011, he relocated to Canada where he was appointed Head of Sales for Canada followed by his appointment as President and CEO of Labatt Breweries of Canada in 2014. Until 31 December 2018, he held the position of Zone President Asia Pacific South.

Michel Doukeris is our Zone President North America since 1 January 2018. Born in 1973, he is a Brazilian citizen and holds a Degree in Chemical Engineering from Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil and a Master’s Degree in Marketing from Fundação Getulio Vargas, also in Brazil. He has also completed post-graduate programs in Marketing and Marketing Strategy from the Kellogg School of Management and Wharton Business School in the United States. Mr. Doukeris joined the group in 1996 and held a number of commercial operations roles in Latin America before moving to Asia where he led our China and Asia Pacific operations for seven years. In 2016, he moved to the U.S. to assume the position of global Chief Sales Officer. In January 2018, he assumed leadership of Anheuser-Busch and our North American business.

Pedro Earp is our Chief Marketing and ZX Ventures Officer since 1 January 2019. Born in 1977, he is a Brazilian citizen and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from the London School of Economics. Mr. Earp joined Ambev in 2000 as a Global Management Trainee in the Latin America North Zone. In 2002, he became responsible for the Zone’s M&A team and in 2005 he moved to InBev’s global headquarters in Leuven, Belgium to become Global Director, M&A. Later, he was appointed Vice President, Strategic Planning in Canada in 2006, Global Vice President, Insights and Innovation in 2007, Global Vice President, M&A in 2009 and Vice President, Marketing for the Latin America North Zone in 2013. He was appointed Chief Disruptive Growth (now ZX Ventures) Officer of AB InBev in February 2015.

Lucas Herscovici is our Chief Sales Officer since August 2020. Born in 1977, he is an Argentinean citizen and received a degree in Industrial Engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires. Mr. Herscovici joined us in 2002 as a Global Management Trainee in our Latin America South Zone and has built his career in marketing and sales. After working in Argentina in several commercial roles, he became head of innovation for global brands and, later, Global Marketing Director of Stella Artois in 2008. In 2011, he was responsible for opening the “Beer Garage,” our global digital innovation office based out of Palo Alto, California. In 2012, he joined the North America Zone to become VP Digital Marketing and, in 2014, he was appointed VP Consumer Connections for the United States. In 2017, he was appointed Global Marketing VP of Insights, Innovation and Consumer Connections, and held such role until 31 December 2018. He most recently served as Chief Non-Alcohol Officer until August 2020.

Nelson Jamel is our Chief People Officer since 29 April 2020. Born in 1972, Mr. Jamel is a Brazilian citizen and holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in industrial engineering from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. His more than 20-year journey with AB InBev has taken him from leading finance roles in Brazil to the Dominican Republic, through Western Europe and North America. He most recently served as the Vice President of Finance and Technology for the North America Zone.

Jean Jereissati Neto is our Zone President South America and CEO of Ambev. Born in 1974, he is a Brazilian citizen and received a Degree in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and an Executive Education at Insead and Wharton. Mr. Jereissati joined Ambev in 1998 and held various positions in Sales and Trade Marketing prior to becoming CEO of Cerveceria Nacional Dominicana, in 2013, making a successful integration with CND. In 2015, he joined Asia and Pacific North Zone to become Business Unit President for China and in 2017 he was appointed Zone President of the Zone, leading one of the most complex and fast-growing businesses. Most recently, Mr. Jereissati held the role of Business Unit President for Brazil.



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Peter Kraemer is our Chief Supply Officer. Born in 1965, he is a U.S. citizen. A fifth-generation Brewmaster and native of St. Louis, Mr. Kraemer holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Purdue University and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from St. Louis University. He joined Anheuser-Busch 32 years ago and has held various brewing positions over the years, including Group Director of Brewing and Resident Brewmaster of the St. Louis brewery. In 2008, Mr. Kraemer became Vice President, Supply, for AB InBev’s North America Zone, leading all brewery operations, quality assurance, raw materials and product innovation responsibilities. He was appointed Chief Supply Officer of AB InBev in March 2016.

Carlos Lisboa is our Zone President Middle Americas since 1 January 2019. Born in 1969, Mr. Lisboa is a Brazilian citizen and received a Degree in Business Administration from the Catholic University of Pernambuco and a Marketing specialization from FESP, both in Brazil. Mr. Lisboa joined the group in 1993 and has built his career in marketing and sales. He was responsible for building the Skol brand in Brazil in 2001 and after that became Marketing Vice President for AB InBev’s Latin American North Zone. Mr. Lisboa then led the International Business Unit in AB InBev’s Latin America South Zone for two years prior to becoming Business Unit President for Canada. In 2015, he was appointed Marketing Vice President for AB InBev’s Global Brands. Most recently, Mr. Lisboa held the role of Zone President Latin America South until 31 December 2018.

Tony Milikin is our Chief Procurement, Sustainability and Circular Ventures Officer. Mr. Milikin joined AB InBev in May, 2009 and is globally responsible for Procurement, Sustainability and Value Creation. Born in 1961, Mr. Milikin is a U.S. citizen. He is responsible for $35B+ in purchases and working capital annually. AB InBev’s Value Creation uses circular economy opportunities to create businesses from our waste and underutilized assets. Mr. Milikin holds an undergraduate Finance Degree from the University of Florida and an MBA from Texas Christian University. Mr. Milikin joined AB InBev from MWV, where he was Senior Vice President, Supply Chain and Chief Purchasing Officer. Prior to joining MWV, he held various purchasing, transportation and supply positions with increasing responsibilities at Monsanto and Alcon Laboratories.

Ricardo Moreira is our Zone President Africa since 1 January 2019. Born in 1971, he is a Portuguese citizen and received a Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rio de Janeiro Federal University in Brazil and a specialization in Management from University of Chicago in the United States. Mr. Moreira joined the group in 1995 and held various positions in the sales and finance organizations prior to becoming Regional Sales Director in 2001. He subsequently held positions as Vice President Logistics and Procurement for Latin America North, Business Unit President for Hispanic Latin America (HILA) and Vice President Soft Drinks Latin America North. In 2013, Mr. Moreira moved to Mexico to head our sales, marketing and distribution organizations and lead the commercial integration of Grupo Modelo. Most recently, Mr. Moreira held the role of Zone President Latin America COPEC until 31 December 2018.

Pablo Panizza is our Chief Direct to Consumer Officer since 1 January 2019. Born in 1975, he is an Argentinean citizen and holds a degree in Industrial Engineering from Universidad de Buenos Aires. Mr. Panizza manages our Direct to Consumer business, coordinating cross-market initiatives, sharing best practices and shaping its strategy. He joined our company in 2000 as a Global Management Trainee in South America Zone and has spent almost two decades developing a career in the commercial area. After holding senior roles in Argentina and Global Headquarters, he led our business in Chile and Paraguay. He most recently served as Business Unit President for Argentina and Uruguay.

Ricardo Tadeu is our Chief B2B Officer since 1 July 2020. Born in 1976, he is a Brazilian citizen, and received a law degree from the Universidade Cândido Mendes in Brazil and a Master of Laws from Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is also Six Sigma Black Belt certified. He joined the group in 1995 and has held various roles across the Commercial area. He was appointed Business Unit President for operations in Hispanic Latin America in 2005, and served as Business Unit President, Brazil from 2008 to 2012. He served as Zone President, Mexico from 2013 until his appointment as Zone President Africa upon completion of the Combination in 2016. Mr. Tadeu most recently served as Chief Sales Officer and before that he held the role as Zone President Africa until 31 December 2018.

Jason Warner is our Zone President Europe since 1 January 2019. Born in 1973, he is a dual British and U.S. citizen and received a BSc Eng. Hons. Industrial Business Studies degree from DeMontfort University in the United Kingdom. Prior to his current role, he was Business Unit President for North Europe between 2015 and 2018. He joined AB InBev in July 2009 as Global VP Budweiser, based in New York, before moving into a dual role of Global VP Budweiser and Marketing VP. He has also held Global VP roles for Corona as well as Innovation and Renovation. Prior to joining AB InBev, he held various positions at The Coca-Cola Company and Nestlé.



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General Information on the Members of the Executive Committee

In relation to each of the members of the Executive Committee as of 31 December 2020 (or the most recent practicable date, for former members), other than as set out below, we are not aware of (i) any convictions in relation to fraudulent offenses in the last five years, (ii) any bankruptcies, receiverships or liquidations of any entities in which such members held any office, directorships or partner or senior management positions in the last five years, or (iii) any official public incrimination and/or sanctions of such members by statutory or regulatory authorities (including designated professional bodies), or disqualification by a court from acting as a member of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of an issuer or from acting in the management or conduct of the affairs of any issuer for at least the previous five years.

No member of the Executive Committee has, any conflicts of interests between any duties he/she owed to us and any private interests and/or other duties.

No member of the Executive Committee has, a family relationship with any director or member of executive management.

Over the five years preceding the date of this Form 20-F, the members of the Executive Committee have held the following main directorships (apart from directorships they have held with us and our subsidiaries) or memberships of administrative, management or supervisory bodies and/or partnerships:







John Blood       International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR)
Carlos Brito    Member of the Advisory Board of the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management    IAB Council Member of the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)
   Member of the CEO Group at the International Alliance for Responsible Drinking (IARD)    Member of the Board of Trustees and Finance Committee of the Greenwich Academy, Inc.
   Advisory Council Member of Stanford Graduate School of Business    Member of the Global Brewers Initiative (GBI)
Fernando Tennenbaum      
David Almeida      



Our compensation system has been designed and approved to help motivate high performance. The goal is to deliver market-leading compensation, driven by both company and individual performance, and alignment with shareholders’ interests by encouraging ownership of our shares. Our focus is on annual and long-term variable pay, rather than on base salary or fees.

Share-Based Payment Plans

We currently have three primary, share-based payment plans, namely our long-term incentive stock option plan for directors (“LTI Stock Option Plan Directors”) established in 2014 and replaced by the restricted stock unit plan for directors (“RSU Plan Directors”) in 2019, our share-based compensation plan (“Share-Based Compensation Plan”), established in 2006 (and amended as from 2010) and our long-term incentive plan for eligible employees (“LTI Plan Executives”), established in 2009.



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In addition, from time to time, we make exceptional grants to our employees and employees of our subsidiaries or grants of shares, restricted stock units or options under plans established by us or by certain of our subsidiaries.

LTI Stock Option Plan Directors

The table below provides an overview of all of the stock options outstanding under our former LTI Stock Option Plan Directors as of 31 December 2020:


Grant date of

stock options

   Expiry date of
stock options
     Number of
     Number of
            (in millions)      (in millions)      (in EUR)  

30 April 2014

     29 April 2024        0.185        0.185        80.83  

29 April 2015

     28 April 2025        0.236        0.236        113.10  

27 April 2016

     27 April 2026        0.236        0.236        113.25  

26 April 2017

     26 April 2027        0.221        0.221        104.50  

25 April 2018

     25 April 2028        0.228        0.228        84.47  








        1.105        1.105     







As of 31 December 2020, the total number of stock options granted under the LTI Stock Option Plan Directors is 1.105 million. As of 31 December 2020, of the 1.105 million outstanding options, none were vested.

For additional information on the LTI stock options held by members of our Board of Directors and members of our Executive Committee, see “—Compensation of Directors and Executives” below.

RSU Plan Directors

On 24 April 2019, the annual shareholders’ meeting of AB InBev resolved that the share-based portion of the remuneration of the directors of AB InBev be granted under the form of restricted stock units (“RSUs”) corresponding to a fixed gross value per year of (i) EUR 550,000 (USD 626,352) for the Chair of the Board of Directors, (ii) EUR 350,000 (USD 398,587) for the Chair of the Audit Committee and (iii) EUR 200,000 (USD 227,764) for the other directors.

Such restricted stock units vest after five years. Each director is entitled to receive a number of restricted stock units corresponding to the amount to which such director is entitled divided by the closing price of the shares of the company on Euronext Brussels on the day preceding the annual shareholders’ meeting approving the accounts of the financial year to which the remuneration in restricted stock units relates. Upon vesting, each vested restricted stock unit entitles its holder to one AB InBev share (subject to any applicable withholdings). These restricted stock units replaced the stock options to which the directors were previously entitled.

The granting and vesting of the restricted stock units are not subject to performance criteria. Therefore, the RSU Plan Directors qualifies as fixed remuneration.

The table below provides an overview of all of the RSUs granted under our RSU Plan that remain outstanding:


Grant date of RSUs

                   Vesting date of                 
     Number of
     Number of
            (in millions)      (in millions)  

24 April 2019

     24 April 2024        0.040        0.040  

3 June 2020

     3 June 2025        0.074        0.074  


        0.114        0.114  



Table of Contents

Share-Based Compensation Plan

Our Executive Committee and other senior employees are granted variable compensation under our Share-Based Compensation Plan. Executives receive their variable performance-related compensation (bonus) in cash but have the choice to invest some or all of the value of their variable compensation in our shares, referred to as voluntary shares. Voluntary shares are:



existing Ordinary Shares;



entitled to dividends paid as from the date of grant;



with respect to bonuses for the financial years 2019 and before, all voluntary shares must be held for a five-year period. With respect to bonuses for the financial year 2020 onwards, the voluntary shares are subject to a lock-up period of three years for half of them and five years for the other half; and



granted at market price, to which a discount is applied. With respect to bonuses for the financial years 2019 and before, the discount was 10%. With respect to bonuses for the financial year 2020 onwards, the discount amounts to maximum 20%. The discount is delivered in the form of restricted stock units, subject to specific restrictions or forfeiture provisions in the event of termination of service (“Discounted Shares”).

Executives who invest in voluntary shares also receive three matching shares from the Company for each voluntary share invested up to a limited total percentage (60%) of each executive’s variable compensation. These matching shares are also delivered in the form of restricted stock units (“Matching Shares”).

With respect to bonuses for the financial years 2019 and before, the restricted stock units relating to the Matching Shares and the Discounted Shares vest over a five-year period. With respect to bonuses for the financial year 2020 onwards, half of the restricted stock units relating to the Matching Shares and the Discounted Shares vest over a three-year period, while the other half vest over a five-year period. No performance conditions apply to the vesting of the restricted stock units. However, restricted stock units will only be granted under the double condition that the executive:



has earned a variable compensation, which is subject to the successful achievement of total company, business unit and individual performance targets (performance condition); and



has agreed to reinvest all or part of his or her variable compensation in company shares, which are subject to a lock-up as indicated above (ownership condition).

In the event of termination of service before the vesting date of the restricted stock units, forfeiture rules apply.

In accordance with the authorization granted in our bylaws, the variable compensation system deviates from article 7:91, indents 1 and 2 of the Belgian Companies Code, as it allows:



for the variable remuneration to be paid out based on the achievement of annual targets without staggering its grant or payment over a three-year period. However, eligible employees are encouraged to invest some or all of their variable compensation in voluntary shares. Such voluntary investment also leads to a grant of Matching Shares in the form of restricted stock units, of which half vest over a three- year period and half vest over a five-year period (with respect to bonuses for the financial years 2019 and before, a five-year vesting period applies to the restricted stock units relating to the Matching Shares and the Discounted Shares), ensuring sustainable long-term performance; and



Table of Contents

for the voluntary shares granted under the Share-Based Compensation Plan to vest at their grant, instead of applying a vesting period of a minimum of three years. Nonetheless, half of the voluntary shares are subject to a three-year lock-up period and half are subject to a five- year lock-up period (with respect to bonuses for the financial years 2019 and before, a five-year vesting period applies to voluntary shares).

During 2020, we issued 0.15 million matching restricted stock units pursuant to the new Share-Based Compensation Plan as described above, in relation to the 2019 bonuses.

LTI Plan Executives

As from 1 July 2009, senior employees are eligible for an annual long-term incentive to be paid out in LTI stock options or other share-based instruments such as restricted stock units, depending on management’s assessment of the employee’s performance and future potential. From 2020 onwards, grants will primarily take the form of restricted stock units. Any grant of annual long-term incentives to members of the Executive Committee and the senior leadership team is subject to Board approval, upon recommendation of the Remuneration Committee.

LTI stock options have the following features:



upon exercise, each LTI stock option entitles the option holder to one share. As of 2010, we have also issued LTI stock options entitling the holder to one ADS;



an exercise price equal to the market price of our share or our ADS at the time of granting;



a maximum lifetime of 10 years and an exercise period that starts after five years; and



the LTI stock options cliff vest after five years. Unvested options are subject to specific forfeiture provisions in case of termination of service before the end of the five-year vesting period.

Long-term restricted stock units have the following features:



a grant value determined on the basis of the market price of the share at the time of grant;



upon vesting, each restricted stock unit entitles its holder to acquire one share; and



half of the restricted stock units cliff vest over a three-year period and the other half cliff vest over a five-year period. In the event of termination of service before the vesting date, specific forfeiture rules will apply.

The table below gives an overview of the annual LTI stock options on our shares that have been granted under the LTI Plans outstanding as of 31 December 2020:


Issue Date

   Number of
LTI stock
     Number of
LTI stock
     Expiry date of options  
     (in millions)      (in millions)      (in EUR)         

30 November 2011

     2.85        0.91        44.00        29 November 2021  

30 November 2012

     2.75        1.67        66.56        29 November 2022  

14 December 2012

     0.22        0.09        66.88        13 December 2022  

2 December 2013

     2.48        1.71        75.15        1 December 2023  

19 December 2013

     0.37        0.21        74.49        18 December 2023  

1 December 2014

     2.48        1.78        94.46        30 November 2024  



Table of Contents

Issue Date

   Number of
LTI stock
     Number of
LTI stock
     Expiry date of options  
     (in millions)      (in millions)      (in EUR)         

17 December 2014

     0.53        0.38        88.53        16 December 2024  

1 December 2015

     1.63        1.06        121.95        30 November 2025  

22 December 2015

     1.86        1.40        113.00        21 December 2025  

1 December 2016

     2.32        1.62        98.04        30 November 2026  

15 December 2016

     1.15        0.81        97.99        14 December 2026  

13 January 2017

     0.02        0.01        99.01        12 January 2027  

20 January 2017

     0.96        0.81        98.85        19 January 2027  

5 May 2017

     0.52        —          109.10        4 May 2027  

1 December 2017

     4.79        3.64        96.70        30 November 2027  

22 January 2018

     1.05        0.97        94.36        21 January 2028  

8 March 2018

     0.27        0.27        89.43        7 March 2028  

3 December 2018

     4.48        3.55        67.64        2 December 2028  

25 January 2019

     0.93        0.84        65.70        24 January 2029  

1 March 2019

     0.02        0.02        68.55        2 December 2028  

2 December 2019

     5.87        5.40        71.87        1 December 2029  

The table below gives an overview of the annual LTI stock options on our ADS that have been granted under the LTI Plans outstanding as of 31 December 2020:


Issue Date

   Number of
LTI stock
     Number of
LTI stock
     Expiry date of options  
     (in millions)      (in millions)      (in USD)         

30 November 2011

     1.17        0.51        58.44        29 November 2021  

30 November 2012

     1.16        0.68        86.43        29 November 2022  

14 December 2012

     0.17        0.11        87.34        13 December 2022  

2 December 2013

     1.05        0.68        102.11        1 December 2023  

19 December 2013

     0.09        0.06        103.39        18 December 2023  

1 December 2014

     1.04        0.67        116.99        30 November 2024  

17 December 2014

     0.22        0.16        108.93        16 December 2024  

1 December 2015

     1.00        0.68        128.46        30 November 2025  

22 December 2015

     0.14        0.09        123.81        21 December 2025  

1 December 2016

     1.29        0.94        103.27        30 November 2026  

15 December 2016

     0.08        0.06        102.91        14 December 2026  

1 December 2017

     1.40        1.08        114.50        30 November 2027  

3 December 2018

     1.19        1.05        76.87        2 December 2028  

2 December 2019

     1.26        1.21        79.35        1 December 2029  

For further details regarding annual long-term incentive restricted stock units granted to members of the Executive Committee in 2020, please see “—Compensation of Directors and Executives—Long-Term Incentives—Annual long-term incentive restricted stock units” below.

Exceptional Long-Term Incentives

Options or restricted stock units may be granted from time to time to members of our management:



who have made a significant contribution to the success of the company; or



who have made a significant contribution in relation to acquisitions and/or the achievement of integration benefits; or



to incentivize and retain senior leaders who are considered to be instrumental in achieving the company’s ambitious short or long-term growth agenda.



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Vesting of such options or restricted stock units may be subject to achievement of performance conditions which will be related to the objectives of such exceptional grants. Such performance conditions may consist of financial metrics, such as an EBITDA compounded annual growth rate, for instance.

From 2020 onwards, grants will primarily take the form of restricted stock units. Any grant of exceptional long-term incentives to members of the Executive Committee and/or the senior leadership team is subject to Board approval, upon recommendation of the Remuneration Committee. For further details regarding exceptional long-term incentive stock options granted to members of the Executive Committee in 2020, please see “—Compensation of Directors and Executives—Long-Term Incentives—Exceptional long-term incentives” below.

The following historic exceptional long-term incentive plans are currently in place, and upon recommendation of the Remuneration Committee, the Board can implement similar exceptional long-term incentive plans:

2020 Incentive Plan: options can be granted to selected members of our management, who are considered to be instrumental in helping us achieve our ambitious growth target (the “2020 Incentive Plan”). Each option gives the grantee the right to purchase one existing share. The options have a duration of 10 years from granting and vest after five years. The options only become exercisable provided a performance test is met by AB InBev. This performance test is based on a net revenue amount which must be achieved by 2022 at the latest.

No options under the 2020 Incentive Plan were granted to members of the Executive Committee in 2020.

Integration Incentive Plan: options can be granted to selected members of our management considering the significant contribution that these employees can make to the success of the company and the achievement of integration benefits (“Integration Incentive Plan”).

Each option gives the grantee the right to purchase one existing ordinary AB InBev share. The exercise price of the options is set at an amount equal to the market price of the share at the time of grant.

The options have a duration of 10 years from grant and vest on 1 January 2022 and only become exercisable provided we meet a performance test by 31 December 2021 at the latest. This performance test is based on an EBITDA compounded annual growth rate target and may be complemented by additional country- or region-specific or function-specific targets. Specific forfeiture rules apply if the employee leaves the company before the performance test achievement or the vesting date.

In 2020, no additional options were granted under the Integration Incentive Plan to members of the Executive Committee.

Incentive Plan for SAB Employees: options can be granted to employees of former SAB (the “Incentive Plan for SAB Employees”). The grant results from the commitment that we have made under the terms of the combination with SAB, that we would, for at least one year, preserve the terms and conditions for employment of all employees that remained with SAB.

Each option gives the grantee the right to purchase one existing ordinary AB InBev share. The exercise price of the options is set at an amount equal to the market price of the share at the time of grant.

The options have a duration of 10 years as from granting and vest after three years. Specific forfeiture rules apply if the employee leaves the company before the vesting date. In 2020, no options were granted under the Incentive Plan for SAB employees to members of the Executive Committee.



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Long Run Stock Options Incentive Plan: options can be granted to selected members of our management to incentivize and retain senior leaders who are considered to be instrumental in achieving our ambitious long-term growth agenda over the next 10 years (“Long Run Stock Options Incentive Plan”).

Each option gives the grantee the right to purchase one existing share. The exercise price of the options is set at the closing share price on the day preceding the grant date. The options have a duration of 15 years as from granting and, in principle, vest after 5 or 10 years. The options only become exercisable provided a performance test is met by AB InBev. This performance test is based on an organic EBITDA compounded annual growth rate target. Specific forfeiture rules apply if the employee leaves the company before the performance test achievement or vesting date.

In 2020, no additional options were granted under the Long Run Stock Options Incentive Plan to members of the Executive Committee.

Recurring Specific Long-Term Restricted Stock Unit Programs

Several recurring specific long-term restricted stock unit programs are in place.

Restricted Stock Units Program: This program allows for the offer of restricted stock units to certain employees in certain specific circumstances. For example, grants may be made as a special retention incentive or to compensate for assignments of expatriates in countries with difficult living conditions. The restricted stock units vest after five years and in the case of termination of service before the vesting date, specific forfeiture rules apply. As of 1 December 2020, this program has been replaced by the new Base Long-Term Restricted Stock Units Plan described below. For further details regarding RSUs granted under the program to members of the Executive Committee in 2020, please see “—Compensation of Directors and Executives— Recurring Specific Long-Term Restricted Stock Unit Programs—Restricted Stock Units Program” below.

Exceptional Incentive Restricted Stock Units Program: This program allows for the exceptional offer of restricted stock units to certain employees at the discretion of our Remuneration Committee as a long-term retention incentive for our key employees. Employees eligible to receive a grant under the program will receive two series of restricted stock units. The first half of the restricted stock units vests after five years. The second half of the restricted stock units vests after 10 years. Under a variant of this program, restricted stock units may be granted with a shorter vesting period of between two and a half and three years for the first half, and five years for the second half. In case of termination of service before the vesting date, specific forfeiture rules apply. Beginning in 2017, instead of restricted stock units, stock options may also be granted under this program, with similar vesting and forfeiture rules. No restricted stock units were granted under the program to members of the Executive Committee in 2020. As of 1 December 2020, this program has been replaced by the new Base Long-Term Restricted Stock Units Plan described below.

Share Purchase Program: This program allows certain employees to purchase our shares at a discount. This program is a long-term retention incentive (i) for high-potential employees who are at a mid-manager level or (ii) for newly hired employees. A voluntary investment in our shares by the participating employee is matched with a grant of three matching shares for each share invested or, as the case may be, a number of matching shares corresponding to a fixed monetary value that depends on seniority level. The matching shares are granted in the form of restricted stock units which vest after five years. In case of termination before the vesting date, special forfeiture rules apply. Beginning in 2016, instead of restricted stock units, stock options may also be granted under this program with similar vesting and forfeiture rules. No shares under the program were purchased by members of the Executive Committee in 2020.

Performance-Based Restricted Stock Units: This program allows for the offer of performance-based restricted stock units (“Performance RSUs”) to certain members of our management. Upon vesting, each Performance RSU gives the eligible employee the right to receive one existing Ordinary Share. The Performance RSUs have a vesting period of five years or of ten years. The shares resulting from the vesting of the Performance RSUs will only be delivered provided a performance test is met by the company. Specific forfeiture rules apply if the employee leaves the company before the vesting date or if the performance test is not achieved by a certain date. These Performance RSUs are subject to an organic EBITDA compounded annual growth rate target set by the Board. Other performance test criteria may be used for future grants. No restricted stock units were granted under the program to members of the Executive Committee in 2020.



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Base Long-Term Restricted Stock Units Program: This program allows for the offer of restricted stock units to certain members of our management in certain specific circumstances, e.g. as a special retention incentive or to compensate for assignments of expatriates in certain limited countries. This program was created in 2020 and will replace the Restricted Stock Units Program and Exceptional Incentive Restricted Stock Units Program described above for the purposes of grants made as from 1 December 2020. Under this new program, restricted stock units can be granted under sub-plans with specific terms and conditions and for specific purposes. The restricted stock units in principle vest after five years without a performance test and in the event of termination of service before the vesting date, forfeiture rules apply. The Board may set shorter or longer vesting periods for specific sub-plans or introduce performance tests similar to those described under the Performance-Based Restricted Stock Units program.

Any grant under long-term restricted stock unit programs to members of the Executive Committee and/or senior leadership team is subject to Board approval, upon recommendation of the Remuneration Committee.

Ambev Exchange of Share-Ownership Program

From time to time certain of Ambev’s senior employees are transferred to us and vice versa. In order to encourage management mobility and ensure that the interests of these managers are fully aligned with our interests, our Board has approved a program that aims at facilitating the exchange by these senior employees of their Ambev shares into our shares (the “ABI/Ambev Exchange Program”). Under the ABI/Ambev Exchange Program, Ambev shares can be exchanged for our shares based on the average share price of both the Ambev shares and our shares on the date the exchange is requested. A discount of 16.66% is granted in exchange for a five-year lock-up period for the shares and provided that the manager remains in service during this period.

In 2020, no member of the Executive Committee participated in the ABI/Ambev Exchange Program.

Programs for Maintaining Consistency of Benefits Granted and for Encouraging Global Mobility of Executives

Two programs aimed at maintaining consistency of benefits granted to eligible employees and encouraging the international mobility of eligible employees while complying with all legal and tax obligations were approved at the annual shareholders’ meeting of AB InBev on 27 April 2010.

The Exchange Program: Under this program, the vesting and transferability restrictions of the Series A Options granted under the November 2008 Exceptional Grant1 and the options granted under the April 2009 Exceptional Grant2 could be released, e.g., for eligible employees who moved to the United States (“Exchange Program”). These eligible employees were then offered the opportunity to exchange their options against a number of our shares that remained locked up until 31 December 2018 (five years longer than the original lock-up period).

Because the Series A Options granted under the November 2008 Exceptional Grant and the Options granted under the April 2009 Exceptional Grant vested on 1 January 2014, the Exchange Program is no longer relevant for these options. Instead, the Exchange Program has now become applicable to the Series B Options granted under the November 2008 Exceptional Grant. Under the extended program, eligible employees who are relocated, e.g., to the United States, can elect to exchange their Series B Options against a number of our Ordinary Shares that, in principle, remain locked up until 31 December 2023 (five years longer than the original lock-up period).



The Series A Options have a duration of 10 years from granting and vested on 1 January 2014. The Series B Options have a duration of 15 years from granting and vest on 1 January 2019. The exercise of the stock options is subject, among other things, to AB InBev meeting a performance test. This performance test has been met as the net debt/EBITDA, as defined (adjusted for exceptional items), ratio fell below 2.5 before 31 December 2013. Specific forfeiture rules apply in the case of termination of employment. The exercise price of the options is EUR 10.32 (USD 11.82) or EUR 10.50 (USD 12.02), which corresponds to the fair market value of the shares at the time of the option grant, as adjusted for the rights offering that took place in December 2008. In March 2020, Carlos Brito exercised 1,492,830 options of 25 November 2008 with a strike price of EUR 10.32 and 960,030 options of 1 December 2009 with a strike price of EUR 33.24.



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The options have a duration of 10 years from granting and vested on 1 January 2014. The exercise of the stock options is subject, among other things, to AB InBev meeting a performance test. This performance test has been met as the net debt/EBITDA, as defined (adjusted for exceptional items), ratio fell below 2.5 before 31 December 2013. Specific forfeiture rules apply in the case of termination of employment. The exercise price of the options is EUR 21.94 (USD 25.12) or EUR 23.28 (USD 26.66), which corresponds to the fair market value of the shares at the time of the option grant.

In 2020, no exchanges were executed under this program by members of the Executive Committee.

Under a variant of this plan, upon recommendation of the Remuneration Committee, our Board has also approved a variant of the Exchange Program to allow the early release of the vesting conditions of the Series B Options granted under the November 2008 Exceptional Grant for eligible employees who are relocated, e.g., to the United States. The shares that result from the exercise of these options will, in principle, remain blocked until 31 December 2023. No options were accelerated in accordance with this approval in 2020.

The Dividend Waiver Program: The dividend protection feature of the outstanding options, where applicable, owned by eligible employees who move to the United States will be canceled. In order to compensate for the economic loss which results from this cancellation, a number of new options will be granted to these eligible employees with a value equal to this economic loss. The new options have a strike price equal to the share price on the day preceding the grant date of the options. All other terms and conditions, in particular with respect to vesting, exercise limitations and forfeiture rules, of the new options are identical to the outstanding options for which the dividend protection feature is canceled. As a consequence, the grant of these new options does not result in the grant of any additional economic benefit to the eligible employees concerned. In 2020, no options were granted under this program to members of the Executive Committee.

All other terms and conditions of the options are identical to the outstanding options for which the dividend protection was canceled.

Upon recommendation of the Remuneration Committee in December 2015, our Board has also approved the early release of vesting conditions of unvested stock options which are vesting within six months of the executive’s relocation. The shares that result from the early exercise of the options must remain locked up until the end of the initial vesting period of the stock options.

Performance Related Incentive Plan for Disruptive Growth Function

In 2016, we implemented a new performance related incentive plan, which substituted the long-term incentive stock option plan for those eligible employees in the Disruptive Growth Function, called ZX Ventures. The Disruptive Growth Function was created in 2015 to accelerate new business development opportunities, focusing on initiatives in e-commerce, mobile, craft and branded experiences, such as brew pubs, and is headed by Pedro Earp, Chief Marketing and ZX Ventures Officer.

The new incentive plan, which is inspired by compensation models in technology and start-up businesses, aims at specifically linking compensation to the value creation and success of the disruptive growth business within the AB InBev Group.

Eligible employees are granted performance units whose value depends on the internal rate of return of their business area. The units will vest after five years, provided a performance test is met, which is based on a minimal growth rate of the internal rate of return. At vesting, the performance units may be settled in cash or in our Ordinary Shares. Specific forfeiture rules apply if the executive leaves the AB InBev Group.



Table of Contents

Compensation of Directors and Executives

Unless otherwise specified, all compensation amounts in this section are gross of tax.

Board of Directors

Our directors receive fixed compensation in the form of annual fees and share-based compensation in the form of restricted stock units. Our Remuneration Committee recommends the level of remuneration for directors, including the Chair of the Board. These recommendations are subject to approval by our Board and, subsequently, by our shareholders at the annual general meeting. The Remuneration Committee benchmarks directors’ compensation against peer companies. In addition, the Board sets and revises, from time to time, the rules and level of compensation for directors carrying out a special mandate or sitting on one or more of the Board committees and the rules for reimbursement of directors’ business- related, out-of-pocket expenses. See “—C. Board Practices—Information about Our Committees—The Remuneration Committee.”

Board Compensation in 2020

The fixed annual fee for our directors in 2020 amounted to EUR 75,000 (USD 93,032), except for the Chair of the Board and the Chair of the Audit Committee, whose fixed annual fees amounted to EUR 255,000 (USD 290,399) and EUR 127,500 (USD 145,200) respectively. On 24 April 2019, the annual shareholders’ meeting resolved that the fixed annual fee of the directors will no longer be supplemented by any attendance fee for each additional physical Board meeting after ten (10) meetings or for each Committee meeting attended.

In addition, a fixed annual retainer applied as follows: (a) EUR 28,000 (USD 34,359) for the Chair of the Audit Committee, EUR 14,000 (USD 17,179) for the other members of the Audit Committee, (c) EUR 14,000 (USD 17,179) for each of the Chairs of the Finance Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Nomination Committee and (d) EUR 7,000 (USD 8,590) to each of the other members of the Finance Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Nomination Committee.

The share-based portion of the remuneration of the directors was granted in the form of restricted stock units corresponding to a fixed gross value of EUR 200,000 (USD 227,764). The Chair of the Board was granted restricted stock units corresponding to a fixed gross value of EUR 550,000 (USD 626,352) and the Chair of the Audit Committee was granted restricted stock units corresponding to a fixed gross value of EUR 350,000 (USD 398,587). Such restricted stock units will vest after 5 years and, upon vesting, will entitle their holders to one AB InBev share per restricted stock unit (subject to any applicable withholding).

We do not provide pensions, medical benefits, benefits upon termination or end of service or other benefit programs to directors.

The table below provides an overview of the fixed and share-based compensation that our directors received in 2020.



   Number of
fee for
     Fees for
     Total fee      Number of
            (EUR)      (EUR)      (EUR)         

María Asunción Aramburuzabala

     13        75,000        0        75,000        4,526  

Martin J. Barrington

     14        255,000        21,000        276,000        12,447  

Michele Burns

     14        127,500        42,000        169,500        7,920  

Sabine Chalmers

     14        75,000        4,083        79,083        4,526  

Paul Cornet de Ways Ruart

     14        75,000        7,000        82,000        4,526  

Grégoire de Spoelberch

     14        75,000        11,084        86,084        4,526  

Claudio Garcia

     14        75,000        19,251        94,251        4,526  

William F. Gifford Jr.(1)

     13        0        0        0        0  

Paulo Lemann

     14        75,000        7,000        81,000        4,526  



Table of Contents


   Number of
fee for
     Fees for
     Total fee      Number of
            (EUR)      (EUR)      (EUR)         

Xiaozhi Liu

     13        75,000        14,000        89,000        4,526  

Alejandro Santo Domingo

     14        75,000        4,083        79,083        4,526  

Elio Leoni Sceti

     12        75,000        21,000        96,000        4,526  

Cecilia Sicupira

     14        75,000        7,000        81,000        4,526  

Marcel Hermann Telles(2)

     8        31,730        11,666        43,397        4,526  

Roberto Thompson Motta(2)

     6        43,270        4,083        47,352        0  

Alexandre Van Damme

     14        75,000        12,833        87,833        4,526  
















All directors as group

        1,282,500        186,083        1,468,583        74,679  




















Mr. Gifford has waived his entitlement to any type of remuneration, including share-based remuneration, relating to the exercise of his mandate in 2020 and before.


Mr. Thompson Motta was appointed director on 3 June 2020. The mandate of Mr. Telles ended on 3 June 2020.


No restricted stock units granted to Directors vested in 2020.

Stock Options Held by Directors

The table below sets forth, for each of our current directors, the number of LTI stock options they owned as of 31 December 2020(1). LTI options are no longer awarded to directors (last grant on 25 April 2018).


     LTI 26      LTI 25      LTI 24      LTI 23      LTI 22     Total
Grant date    25 April
     26 April
     27 April
     29 April
     30 April
Expiry date    24 April
     25 April
     26 April
     28 April
     29 April

María Asunción Aramburuzabala

     15,000        15,000        15,000        15,000        0       60,000  

Martin J. Barrington

     0        0        0        0        0       0  

Sabine Chalmers(2)

     0        0        0        0        0       0  

Michele Burns

     25,500        25,500        25,500        0        0       76,500  

Paul Cornet de Ways Ruart

     15,000        15,000        15,000        15,000        15,000       75,000  

Grégoire de Spoelberch

     15,000        15,000        15,000        15,000        15,000       75,000  

Claudio Garcia(2)

     0        0        0        0        0       0  

William F. Gifford Jr.(3)

     0        0        0        0        0       0  

Paulo Lemann

     15,000        15,000        15,000        15,000        0       60,000  

Xiaozhi Liu

     0        0        0        0        0       0  

Alejandro Santo Domingo

     15,000        15,000        0        0        0       30,000  

Elio Leoni Sceti

     15,000        15,000        15,000        15,000        0       60,000  

Cecilia Sicupira

     0        0        0        0        0       0  

Roberto Thompson Motta

     0        0        0        0        15,000 (4)      15,000  

Alexandre Van Damme

     15,000        15,000        15,000        15,000        15,000       75,000  

Strike price (EUR)

     84.47        104.50        113.25        113.10        80.83       —    





At the annual shareholders’ meeting of AB InBev on 30 April 2014, all outstanding LTI warrants under our LTI Warrant Plan (see “—Share-Based Payment Plans—LTI Warrant Plan”) were converted into LTI stock options, i.e., the right to purchase existing shares instead of the right to subscribe to newly issued shares. All other terms and conditions of the existing grants under the LTI Warrant Plan remained unchanged. In 2020, no LTI stock options listed in the table above were exercised by directors. No LTI stock options were granted to directors in 2020.



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Mr. Garcia and Ms. Chalmers do not hold stock options under the company’s LTI Stock Options Plan for directors. However, they do still hold certain stock options that were awarded to them in the past in their capacity as executives of the company. Out of these, in 2020 Mr. Garcia exercised 47,680 LTI Options of 30 November 2010 with an exercise price of EUR 42.41.


Mr. Gifford has waived his entitlement to any type of remuneration, including long-term incentive stock options, relating to the exercise of his mandate in 2020 and before.


15,000 stock options granted on 30 April 2014 to Roberto Thompson Motta from his previous service as director mandate at the company.

Restricted Stock Units Held by Directors

The table below sets forth, for each of our current directors, the number of restricted stock units they owned as of 31 December 2020.


Grant Date    24 April 2019      3 June 2020      Number of
RSUs owned(3)
Vesting Date    24 April 2024      3 June 2025  

María Asunción Aramburuzabala

     2,595        4,526        7,121  

Martin J. Barrington

     1,614        12,447        14,061  

Michele Burns

     4,544        7,920        12,464  

Sabine Chalmers(2)

     0        4,526        4,526  

Paul Cornet de Ways Ruart

     2,595        4,526        7,121  

Grégoire de Spoelberch

     2,595        4,526        7,121  

Claudio Garcia(2)

     0        4,526        4,526  

William F. Gifford Jr.(1)

     0        0        0  

Paulo Lemann

     2,595        4,526        7,121  

Xiaozhi Liu

     0        4,526        4,526  

Alejandro Santo Domingo

     2,595        4,526        7,121  

Elio Leoni Sceti

     2,595        4,526        7,121  

Cecilia Sicupira

     0        4,526        4,526  

Roberto Thompson Motta

     0        0        0  

Alexandre Van Damme

     2,595        4,526        7,121  










All directors as group

     24,323        70,153        94,476  














William F. Gifford has waived his entitlement to any type of remuneration, including share-based remuneration, relating to the exercise of his mandate in 2020 and before.



In addition to the restricted stock units held under the company’s RSU plan for directors, Claudio Garcia and Sabine Chalmers hold certain restricted stock units that were awarded to them in the past in their capacity as executives of the company.



No restricted stock units granted to directors vested in 2020.

Board Share Ownership

The table below sets forth, as of the most recent practicable date, the number of our shares owned by our directors serving in 2020 and year-to-date 2021:



   Number of
our shares
     % of our

María Asunción Aramburuzabala

     (*)        (*)  

Martin J. Barrington

     (*)        (*)  

Claudio Garcia

     (*)        (*)  

Michele Burns

     (*)        (*)  

Paul Cornet de Ways Ruart

     (*)        (*)  

Sabine Chalmers

     (*)        (*)  



Table of Contents


   Number of
our shares
     % of our

Grégoire de Spoelberch

     (*)        (*)  

William F. Gifford Jr.

     (*)        (*)  

Xiaozhi Liu

     (*)        (*)  

Paulo Lemann

     (*)        (*)  

Elio Leoni Sceti

     (*)        (*)  

Alejandro Santo Domingo

     (*)        (*)  

Cecilia Sicupira

     (*)        (*)  

Roberto Thompson Motta

     (*)        (*)  

Alexandre Van Damme

     (*)        (*)  


     19.78 million        <1



(*) Each director owns less than 1% of our outstanding shares as of the most recent practicable date.

Executive Committee

The main elements of our executive remuneration are (i) a fixed-base salary, (ii) variable performance-related compensation (bonus), (iii) long-term incentive stock options, (iv) long-term restricted stock units, (v) post-employment benefits and (vi) other compensation.

Figures in this section may differ from the figures in the notes to our consolidated financial statements for the following reasons: (i) figures in this section are figures gross of tax, while figures in the notes to our consolidated financial statements are reported as “cost for the Company”; (ii) the split “short-term employee benefits” vs. “share-based compensation” in the notes to our consolidated financial statements does not necessarily correspond to the split “base salary” vs. “variable compensation” in this section. Short-term employee benefits in the notes to our consolidated financial statements include the base salary and the portion of the variable compensation paid in cash. Share-based compensation includes the portion of the variable compensation paid in shares and certain non-cash elements, such as the fair value of the options granted, which is based on financial pricing models and (iii) the scope for the reporting is different as the figures in the notes to our consolidated financial statements also contain the remuneration of executives who left during the year, while figures in this section only contain the remuneration of executives who were in service at the end of the reporting year.

Our executive compensation and reward programs are overseen by our Remuneration Committee. It submits recommendations on the remuneration policies and individual remuneration packages for the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer, the Executive Committee and the senior leadership team to the Board for approval. It ensures that the CEO and members of the Executive Committee and senior leadership team are incentivized to achieve, and are compensated for, exceptional performance. It also promotes the maintenance and continuous improvement of the company’s compensation framework, which applies to all employees. Such compensation framework is based on meritocracy and a sense of ownership with a view to aligning the interests of its employees with the interests of all shareholders. The Remuneration Committee takes into account the compensation of the employees when preparing the remuneration policies applicable to the Board, the CEO and the other members of the Executive Committee.

Particularly, the Remuneration Committee discusses and assesses key areas of remuneration policy for the wider workforce throughout the year, the annual bonus pool and resulting payments made to employees across the workforce and any material changes to the structure of workforce compensation. See “—C. Board Practices—Information about Our Committees—The Remuneration Committee.” In addition, the decision to approve the remuneration policy, prior to its submission to the shareholders’ meeting, and the determination of the remuneration of the CEO and the other Executive Committee and senior leadership team members is vested with the Board upon recommendation of the Remuneration Committee. No member of the Executive Committee is at the same time a member of the Board of Directors. As regards the remuneration of the directors, all decisions are adopted by the shareholders’ meeting.



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Our compensation system is designed to support our high-performance culture and the creation of long-term sustainable value for our shareholders. The goal of the system is to reward executives with market-leading compensation, which is conditional upon both our overall success and individual performance. It ensures alignment with shareholders’ interests by strongly encouraging executive ownership of shares in our company and enables us to attract and retain the best talent at global levels.

Unless otherwise specified, the information and amounts in this section relate to the members of our Executive Committee as of 1 January 2021. See “—A. Directors and Senior Management—Administrative, Management, Supervisory Bodies and Senior Management Structure.”

Base Salary

In order to promote alignment with market practice, base salaries are reviewed against benchmarks on an annual basis. These benchmarks are collated by independent compensation consultants, in relevant industries and geographies. For benchmarking, a custom sample of over 20 leading peer companies (“Peer Group”) is used when available. The Peer Group is comprised of companies with a similar size to us, with the majority of them belonging to the Fast Moving Consumer Goods sector. The constituents share a complex and diverse business model and operate in talent and labor markets similar to us. The Peer Group is set by the Remuneration Committee upon the advice of an independent compensation consultant, and may be revised from time to time. If Peer Group data are not available for a given role, data from Fortune 100 companies are used. Our executives’ base salaries are intended to be aligned to mid-market levels for the appropriate market. Mid-market means that for a similar job in the market, 50% of companies in that market pay less. Executives’ total compensation target is intended to be 10% above the third quartile.

In view of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the members of the Executive Committee voluntarily reduced their base salary by 20% for the period starting on 1 May 2020 until 31 December 2020.

In 2020, based on his employment contract (and taking into account the aforementioned voluntary 20% reduction), our Chief Executive Officer earned a fixed salary of EUR 1.24 million (USD 1.42 million). The other members of our Executive Committee earned an aggregate base salary of EUR 1.58 million (USD 1.80 million).

Variable Performance-Related (Bonus) Compensation – Share-Based Compensation Plan

The variable performance-related compensation (bonus) element of remuneration for members of our Executive Committee is aimed at rewarding executives for driving our short- and long-term performance.

The target variable performance-related compensation (bonus) is expressed as a percentage of the annual market reference salary applicable to the executive. The on-target bonus percentage currently theoretically amounts to maximum 200% of the market reference salary for members of the Executive Committee and 340% for the Chief Executive Officer. An additional incentive of 20% on a bonus amount may be awarded by the Remuneration Committee in the case of overachievement or other exceptional circumstances.

The effective pay-out of variable performance-related compensation (bonus), if any, is directly correlated with performance, i.e., linked to the achievement of total company, business unit and individual targets, all of which are based on performance metrics.

Company and business unit targets are based on performance metrics which focus on top-line growth, profitability and long-term value creation. For the year ended 31 December 2020, the key performance metrics and their relative weights were:


Key Performance Metrics


Net Revenue (organic)


EBITDA (organic)


Cash flow (organic)












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The aggregated target achievement of the performance criteria in 2020 was 0%, reflecting the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the company’s operations and results.

The metrics and the relative weight attributed to each of them are set by the Board annually taking into account the Company’s strategic priorities.

In addition, the final individual bonus pay-out percentage also depends on each executive’s personal achievement of his or her individual performance targets. Individual performance targets of the Chief Executive Officer and our Executive Committee may consist of financial and non-financial targets. Individual financial targets can, for example, be related to EBITDA, net revenue, capex, resource allocation and net debt ratios. Examples of individual non-financial targets include targets in the field of brand development, operations and innovation, sustainability and other elements of corporate social responsibility, as well as compliance and ethics. Typical individual performance measures in the non-financial areas relate to employee engagement, talent pipeline, sustainability goals and compliance, and are linked to the achievement of the company’s strategic objectives.

Below a hurdle of achievement for total company and business unit targets, no bonus is earned irrespective of individual target achievement.

The target achievement for each of the performance KPIs and business and personal objectives is assessed by the Remuneration Committee on the basis of accounting and financial data and other objective criteria. A weighted performance score is translated into a payout curve which has a hurdle and a cap. The hurdle is set at the minimum acceptable level of performance to trigger eligibility for a bonus pay-out.

The variable performance-related compensation (bonus) is generally paid annually in arrears after publication of our full-year results, in or around March of the relevant year. In exceptional circumstances, the variable compensation may be paid out semi-annually at the discretion of the Board. In such cases, the first half of the variable compensation is paid shortly after publication of the half-year results, and the second half is paid after publication of the full-year results.

Variable Compensation (bonus) for Performance in 2019 – Paid in July 2019 and March 2020

For the full year 2019, the Chief Executive Officer earned variable compensation of EUR 2.61 million (USD 2.93 million). The other members of the Executive Committee earned an aggregate bonus of EUR 2.49 million (USD 2.80 million).

These bonus amounts are based on our company’s performance during the year 2019 and the executives’ individual target achievements. A first installment of the variable compensation was paid in July 2019 and the remainder of the bonus was paid in March 2020.

Information regarding the number of the company’s shares voluntarily acquired by and Matching Shares granted to the Chief Executive Officer and other members of the Executive Committee on 29 July 2019 following the payment of the first instalment is set forth in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2019.

Following the payment of the second instalment, 3,326 Voluntary Shares were acquired by and 10,627 Matching Shares were granted to John Blood on 2 March 2020.

Variable Compensation (bonus) for Performance in 2020

For the year 2020, based on the company’s target achievement during the year 2020, no bonus was earned by the Chief Executive Officer nor any other member of the Executive Committee, irrespective of individual target achievement.



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Long-Term Incentives

Annual long-term incentive restricted stock units

On 14 December 2020, 14,413, 12,011 and 12,011 long-term restricted stock units were granted to David Almeida, John Blood and Fernando Tennenbaum, respectively. On 1 March 2021, 147,758 long-term restricted stock units were granted to Carlos Brito.

Half of the annual restricted stock units cliff vest over a three-year period and the other half cliff vest over a five-year period. In the event of termination of service before the vesting date, forfeiture rules apply.

Exceptional long-term incentives

On 25 March 2020, 1,423,122, 711,561 and 1,423,122 long-term stock options (having an exercise price of EUR 40.40) were granted to David Almeida, John Blood and Fernando Tennenbaum, respectively, as an exceptional long-term retention incentive.

The options cliff vest after five years and have a maturity of 10 years. In the event of termination of service before the vesting date, forfeiture rules apply.

Recurring Specific Long-Term Restricted Stock Unit Programs

Restricted Stock Units Program

On 25 March 2020, 456,561,114,140 and 228,280 long-term restricted stock units were granted to David Almeida, John Blood and Fernando Tennenbaum, respectively, as an exceptional long-term retention incentive under the program.

The restricted stock units cliff vest after five years and in the event of termination of service before the vesting date, forfeiture rules apply.

Post-Employment Benefits

We sponsor various post-employment benefit plans worldwide. These include pension plans, both defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans, and other post-employment benefits. See note 25 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 for further details on our employee benefits.

Our Chief Executive Officer and other members of the Executive Committee participate in a defined contribution plan. No annual contributions were due by the Company under the Chief Executive Officer’s plan in 2020. The contributions for other members of the Executive Committee amounted to approximately USD 0.04 million in the aggregate in 2020. See note 34 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020.

Other Compensation

We also provide executives with disability, life, medical (including vision and dental) and Group Variable Universal Life (GVUL) insurance and perquisites and other benefits that are competitive with market practice in the markets where such executives are employed. In 2020, the costs of these benefits amounted to approximately USD 0.04 million for the CEO and approximately USD 0.06 million in aggregate for the other members of the Executive Committee.



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Employment Agreements and Termination Arrangements

Terms and conditions of employment of the members of our Executive Committee are included in individual employment agreements, which are for an indefinite period of time. Executives are also required to comply with our policies and codes such as the Code of Business Conduct and Code of Dealing and are subject to exclusivity, confidentiality and non-compete obligations.

The employment agreement typically provides that the executive’s eligibility for payment of variable compensation is determined exclusively on the basis of the achievement of corporate and individual targets to be set by us. The specific conditions and modalities of the variable compensation are fixed by us in a separate plan which is approved by the Remuneration Committee.

The termination arrangements for the members of the Executive Committee provide for a termination indemnity of 12 months of remuneration including variable compensation in case of termination without cause. The variable compensation for purposes of the termination indemnity shall be calculated as the average of the variable compensation paid to the executive for the last two years of employment prior to the year of termination. In addition, if we decide to impose upon the executive a non-compete restriction of 12 months, the executive shall be entitled to receive an additional indemnity of six months, subject to applicable laws and regulations.

Effective 29 April 2020, Felipe Dutra (former Chief Financial and Technology Officer) left the company. He received an amount not exceeding the sum of 12 months of his base salary and the average of the variable compensation paid for the last two years.

Carlos Brito was appointed to serve as our Chief Executive Officer starting as of 1 March 2006. In the event of termination of his employment other than on the grounds of serious cause, he is entitled to a termination indemnity of 12 months of remuneration including variable compensation as described above.

Our share-based compensation and long-term incentive plans contain a malus provision for all grants made since March 2019. Such provision provides that the stock options and/or restricted stock units granted to an executive will automatically expire and become null and void in the scenario where the executive is found by the Global Ethics and Compliance Committee to be (i) responsible for a material breach of our Code of Business Conduct; or (ii) subject to a material adverse court or administrative decision, in each case in the period before the exercise of the stock options or vesting of the restricted stock units.

Options Owned by Executives

The table below sets forth the number of LTI stock options and matching options owned by the members of our Executive Committee in aggregate as of 31 December 2020 under the LTI Plan Executives, the Share-Based Compensation Plans, the November 2008 Exceptional Grant, the 2020 Incentive Plan, the Integration Incentive Plan and the Long Run Stock Options Incentive Plan. Members of our Executive Committee do not hold any warrants or stock options relating to our shares under our other incentive plans.



  Options held in
aggregate by our
     Grant date      Expiry date  

LTI Plan 2009

    0        42.41        30 November 2010        29 November 2020  

LTI Plan 2009

    336,713        44.00        30 November 2011        29 November 2021  

LTI Plan 2009

    584,073        66.56        30 November 2012        29 November 2022  

LTI Plan 2009

    372,870        75.15        2 December 2013        1 December 2023  

LTI Plan 2009

    214,336        94.46        1 December 2014        30 November 2024  

LTI Plan 2009

    36,035        121.95        1 December 2015        30 November 2025  

LTI Plan 2009

    487,804        113.00        22 December 2015        21 December 2025  

LTI Plan 2009

    36,728        98.04        1 December 2016        30 November 2025  

LTI Plan 2009

    425,403        98.85        20 January 2017        19 January 2027  



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  Options held in
aggregate by our
     Grant date      Expiry date  

LTI Plan 2009

    19,112        96.70        1 December 2017        30 November 2027  

LTI Plan 2009

    436,286        94.36        22 January 2018        21 January 2028  

LTI Plan 2009

    122,717        65.70        25 January 2019        24 January 2029  

LTI Plan 2009

    168,268        71.87        2 December 2019        1 December 2029  

November 2008 Exceptional Grant Options Series B

    133,849        10.32        25 November 2008        24 November 2023  

November 2008 Exceptional Grant Options Series B – Dividend Waiver 09(1)

    300,566        33.24        1 December 2009        24 November 2023  

November 2008 Exceptional Grant Options Series B – Dividend Waiver 11(1)

    0        40.35        11 July 2011        24 November 2023  

November 2008 Exceptional Grant Options Series B – Dividend Waiver 13(1)

    0        75.82        31 May 2013        24 November 2023  

2020 Incentive Options(2)

    191,294        113.00        22 December 2015        21 December 2025  

Integration Incentive Stock Options(3)

    173,628        97.99        15 December 2016        31 December 2026  

Integration Incentive Stock Options(3)

    261,706        109.10        5 May 2017        31 December 2026  

Long Run Stock Options Incentive Plan(4)

    1,501,878        96.70        1 December 2017        31 December 2032  

Long Run Stock Options Incentive Plan(4)

    1,708,044        80.34        18 May 2018        31 December 2032  

March 2020 Stock Option Incentive

    3,557,805        40.40        25 March 2020        24 March 2030  





Options granted under the Dividend Waiver Program. See “—Share-Based Payment Plans.”



Options granted under the 2020 Incentive Plan. See “—Share-Based Payment Plans—Exceptional Long-Term Incentive Stock Options.”



Options granted under the Integration Incentive Plan. See “—Share-Based Payment Plans—Exceptional Long-Term Incentive Stock Options.”



Options granted under the Long Run Stock Options Incentives Plan. See “—Share-Based Payment Plans—Exceptional Long-Term Incentive Stock Options.”

Restricted Stock Units Owned by Executives

The table below sets forth the number of restricted stock units owned by the members of our Executive Committee in aggregate as of 31 December



   RSUs held in
aggregate by our
     Grant date      Vesting date  

Exceptional Incentive Restricted RSUs(2)

     7,214        14 December 2012        14 December 2022  

Exceptional Incentive Restricted RSUs(2)

     10,717        17 December 2014        17 December 2024  

Share Based Compensation Plan(3)

     75,726        2 March 2016        2 March 2021  

Share Based Compensation Plan (3)

     2,043        3 March 2017        3 March 2022  

Share Based Compensation Plan (3)

     163,464        2 March 2018        2 March 2023  

Performance-Based RSUs(4)

     54,479        14 August 2018        14 August 2023  

Share Based Compensation Plan (2)

     30,464        4 March 2019        4 March 2024  

Share Based Compensation Plan (2)

     80,759        29 July 2019        29 July 2024  

Share Based Compensation Plan (2)

     10,748        2 March 2020        2 March 2025  


     808,089        25 March 2020        25 March 2025  

Base Long-Term RSUs(6)

     19,219        14 December 2020        14 December 2023  

Base Long-Term RSUs(6)

     19,216        14 December 2020        14 December 2025  





The following restricted stock units vested in 2020: (i) 26,505 restricted stock units from 4 March 2015 held by Carlos Brito vested in March 2020 at a price of EUR 50.14; (ii) 1,339 restricted stock units from 4 March 2015 held by Fernando Tennenbaum vested in March 2020 at a price of EUR 50.14; and (iii) 951 restricted stock units from 4 March 2015 held by John Blood vested in March 2020 at a price of EUR 50.14.



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Restricted stock units granted under the Exceptional Incentive Restricted Stock Units Program. See “—Share-Based Payment Plans—Recurring Specific Long-Term Restricted Stock Unit Programs.”



Restricted stock units granted under the Share Based Compensation Plan. See “—Share-Based Payment Plans—Share Based Compensation Plan from 2010.”



Restricted stock units granted under the Performance-Based Restricted Stock Units Program. See “—Share-Based Payment Plans—Recurring Specific Long-Term Restricted Stock Unit Programs.”



Restricted stock units granted under the Restricted Stock Units Program. See “—Share-Based Payment Plans—Recurring Specific Long-Term Restricted Stock Unit Programs.”



Restricted stock units granted under the Base Long-Term Restricted Stock Units Program. See “—Share-Based Payment Plans—Recurring Specific Long-Term Restricted Stock Unit Programs.”

Executive Share Ownership

The Board has set a minimum threshold of shares of the company to be held at any time by the CEO to two years of base salary (gross) and by the other members of the Executive Committee to one year of base salary (gross). Newly appointed Executive Committee members have three years to reach such threshold following the date of their appointment.

The table below sets forth, as of the most recent practicable date, the number of our shares owned by the members of the Executive Committee serving in 2020:



   Number of our
shares held
     % of our

Carlos Brito – CEO

     (*)        (*)  

David Almeida

     (*)        (*)  

John Blood

     (*)        (*)  

Fernando Tennenbaum

     (*)        (*)  

Felipe Dutra (until 29 April 2020)

     (*)        (*)  


     4.20 million        <1





Each member of our Executive Committee serving in 2020 owns less than 1% of our outstanding shares as of the most recent practicable date.



Our directors are appointed by our shareholders’ meeting, which sets their remuneration and term of mandate. Their appointment is published in the Belgian Official Gazette (Moniteur belge). No service contract is concluded between us and our directors with respect to their Board mandate. Our Board also may request a director to carry out a special mandate or assignment. In such case, a special contract may be entered into between us and the respective director. For details of the current directors’ terms of office, see “—A. Directors and Senior Management—Board of Directors —Role and Responsibilities, Composition, Structure and Organization.” We do not provide pensions, medical benefits or other benefit programs to directors.




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Information about Our Committees


Our Board is assisted by four committees: the Audit Committee, the Finance Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Nomination Committee.

The existence of the Committees does not affect the responsibility of our Board. Board committees meet to prepare matters for consideration by our Board. By exception to this principle, (i) the Remuneration Committee may make decisions on individual compensation packages, other than with respect to our Chief Executive Officer, our Executive Committee and our senior leadership team (which are submitted to our Board for approval) and on performance against targets, and (ii) the Finance Committee may make decisions on matters specifically delegated to it under our Corporate Governance Charter, in each case without having to refer to an additional Board decision. Each of our Committees operates under typical rules for such committees under Belgian law, including the requirement that a majority of the members must be present for a valid quorum and decisions are taken by a majority of members present.

The Audit Committee

The Audit Committee consists of a minimum of three voting members. The Audit Committee’s Chair and the Committee members are appointed by the Board from among the non-executive directors. The Chair of the Audit Committee is not the Chair of the Board. A majority of the members of our Audit Committee are independent directors according to our Corporate Governance Charter (see “—A. Directors and Senior Management—Board of Directors—Role and Responsibilities, Composition, Structure and Organization”). Each of them is independent under Rule 10A-3 under the Exchange Act.

The Chief Executive Officer, Chief Legal and Corporate Affairs Officer and Chief Financial Officer are invited to the meetings of the Audit Committee, unless the Chair or a majority of the members decide to meet in closed session.

The current members of the Audit Committee are M. Michele Burns (Chair), Martin J. Barrington, Xiaozhi Liu and Elio Leoni Sceti.

Our Board of Directors has determined that M. Michele Burns is an “audit committee financial expert” as defined in Item 16A of Form 20-F under the Exchange Act.

The Audit Committee assists our Board in its responsibility for oversight of (i) the integrity of our financial statements, (ii) our compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and environmental and social responsibilities, (iii) the statutory auditors’ qualification and independence, and (iv) the performance of the statutory auditors and our internal audit function. The Audit Committee is entitled to review information on any point it wishes to verify, and is authorized to acquire such information from any of our employees. The Audit Committee is directly responsible for the appointment, compensation, retention and oversight of the statutory auditor. It also establishes procedures for confidential complaints regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters. It is also authorized to obtain independent advice, including legal advice, if this is necessary for an inquiry into any matter under its responsibility. It is entitled to call on the resources that will be needed for this task. It is entitled to receive reports directly from the statutory auditor, including reports with recommendations on how to improve our control processes.

The Audit Committee holds as many meetings as necessary with a minimum of four per year. Paul Cornet de Ways Ruart attends Audit Committee meetings as a non-voting observer.



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The Finance Committee

The Finance Committee consists of at least three, but no more than seven, members appointed by the Board. The Board appoints a Chair and, if deemed appropriate, a Vice-Chair from among the Finance Committee members. The Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer are invited ex officio to the Finance Committee meetings unless explicitly decided otherwise. Other employees are invited on an ad hoc basis as deemed useful.

The current members of the Finance Committee are Grégoire de Spoelberch (Chair), Paulo Alberto Lemann, William F. Gifford Jr., M. Michele Burns, Paul Cornet de Ways, Alejandro Santo Domingo Dávila and Roberto Thompson Motta.

The Corporate Governance Charter requires the Finance Committee to meet at least four times a year and as often as deemed necessary by its Chair or at least two of its members.

The Finance Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities in the areas of corporate finance, risk management, treasury controls, mergers and acquisitions, tax and legal, pension plans, financial communication and stock market policies and all other related areas as deemed appropriate.

The Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee consists of three members appointed by the Board, all of whom are non-executive directors. The Chair of the Remuneration Committee is a representative of the controlling shareholders and the other two members meet the requirements of independence as established in our Corporate Governance Charter and by Belgian company law. The Chair of our Remuneration Committee would not be considered independent under NYSE rules, and, therefore, our Remuneration Committee would not be in compliance with the NYSE Corporate Governance Standards for domestic issuers in respect of independence of compensation committees. The Chief Executive Officer and the Chief People Officer are invited ex officio to the meetings of the Committee unless explicitly decided otherwise.

The current members of the Remuneration Committee are Claudio Garcia (Chair), M. Michele Burns and Elio Leoni Sceti.

The Remuneration Committee meets at least four times a year, and more often if required, and can be convoked by its Chair or at the request of at least two of its members.

The Remuneration Committee’s principal role is to guide the Board with respect to all its decisions relating to the remuneration policies for the Board, the Chief Executive Officer, the Executive Committee and the senior leadership team, and on their individual remuneration packages. The Committee ensures that the Chief Executive Officer and members of the Executive Committee and senior leadership team are incentivized to achieve, and are compensated for, exceptional performance. The Committee also promotes the maintenance and continuous improvement of our company’s compensation policy, which applies to all employees. Such compensation framework is based on meritocracy and a sense of ownership with a view to aligning the interests of employees with the interests of all shareholders. The Remuneration Committee takes into account the compensation of the employees when preparing the remuneration policy applicable to the directors, the Chief Executive Officer and the other members of the Executive Committee and senior leadership team.

In certain exceptional circumstances, the Remuneration Committee or its appointed designees, together with the approval of the Board, may grant limited waivers from lock-up requirements provided that adequate protections are implemented to ensure that the commitment to hold shares remains respected until the original termination date. These exceptional circumstances cover situations in which the waivers are necessary to serve the long-term interests and sustainability of the company as a whole or to assure its viability.



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The Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee consists of five members appointed by the Board. The five members include the Chair of the Board and the Chair of the Remuneration Committee. Four of the five Committee members are representatives of the controlling shareholders. These four members of our Nomination Committee would not be considered independent under NYSE rules, and therefore our Nomination Committee would not be in compliance with the NYSE Corporate Governance Standards for domestic issuers in respect of independence of nominating committees. The Chief Executive Officer and the Chief People Officer are invited ex officio to attend the meetings of the Nomination Committee unless explicitly decided otherwise.

The current members of the Nomination Committee are Claudio Garcia (Chair), Martin J. Barrington, Sabine Chalmers, Cecilia Sicupira and Alexandre Van Damme.

The Nomination Committee’s principal role is to guide the Board succession process. The Nomination Committee identifies persons qualified to become Board members and recommends director candidates for nomination by the Board and election at the shareholders’ meeting. The Nomination Committee also guides the Board with respect to all its decisions relating to the appointment and retention of key talent within our company.


As of 31 December 2020, we employed approximately 164,000 employees as compared to approximately 170,000 as of 31 December 2019.

Overview of Employees per Business Segment

The table below sets out the number of full-time employees at the end of each relevant period in our business segments.


     As of 31 December  
     2020(1)      2019      2018(2)  

North America

     20,281        20,040        19,323  

Middle Americas

     48,751        52,412        53,140  

South America

     40,630        41,603        40,503  


     22,357        23,804        23,604  

Asia Pacific

     26,510        29,482        31,523  

Global Export and Holding Companies

     5,166        4,574        4,683  











     163,695        171,915        172,776  














The number of our employees fluctuates over the years based on a number of factors, including the performance of our different markets, business combinations (including divestitures) and our continued efforts to improve productivity and efficiency across our operations.


Effective 1 January 2019, our business segments changed to be as follows: North America, Middle Americas, South America, EMEA, Asia Pacific and Global Export and Holding Companies. The figures for the year ended 31 December 2018 have been restated to reflect this allocation.

Employee Compensation and Benefits

To support our culture that recognizes and values results, we offer employees competitive salaries benchmarked to fixed mid-market local salaries, combined with variable incentive schemes based on individual performance and performance of the business entity in which they work. Senior employees above a certain level are eligible for the Share-Based Compensation Plan. See “—B. Compensation—Share-Based Payment Plans—Share- Based Compensation Plan” and “—B. Compensation—Compensation of Directors and Executives—Executive Committee”. Depending on local practices, we offer employees and their family members pension plans, life insurance, medical, dental and optical insurance, death-in-service insurance and illness and disability insurance. Some of our countries have tuition reimbursement plans and employee assistance programs.




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Labor Unions

Many of our hourly employees across our business segments are represented by unions, with a variety of collective bargaining agreements in place. Generally, relationships between us and the unions that represent our employees are good. See “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors—Risks Relating to Our Business—We are exposed to labor strikes and disputes that could lead to a negative impact on our costs and production level.”

In Europe, collective bargaining occurs at the local and/or national level in all countries with union representation for our employees. The degree of membership in unions varies from country to country, with Belgium and Germany, for example, having a high proportion of membership. A European Workers Council has been established since 1996 to promote social dialogue and to exchange opinions at a European level.

In Mexico, approximately half of our employees are union members. Our collective bargaining agreements are negotiated and executed separately for each facility or distribution center. They are periodically reviewed with the unions as mandated by Mexican Labor Law (i.e., yearly revisions of salary, benefits and salary revisions every two years).

All of our employees in Brazil are represented by labor unions, but less than 5% of our employees in Brazil are actually members of labor unions. The number of administrative and distribution employees who are members of labor unions is not significant. Salary negotiations are conducted annually between the workers’ unions and us. Collective bargaining agreements are negotiated separately for each facility or distribution center. Our Brazilian collective bargaining agreements have a term of one or two years, and we usually enter into new collective bargaining agreements on or prior to the expiration of the existing agreements.

A majority of our brewery and distribution employees in Canada are represented by labor unions. The number of administrative employees who are members of labor unions is not significant. Salary negotiations are conducted through collective bargaining agreements between the workers’ unions and us. Collective bargaining agreements are generally negotiated separately for each facility or distribution center. Our Canadian collective bargaining agreements have a term of three to seven years, and we generally enter into new collective bargaining agreements on or prior to the expiration of existing agreements.

Our United States organization has approximately 5,300 hourly brewery workers represented by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Their compensation and other terms of employment are governed by collective bargaining agreements negotiated between us and the Teamsters, which will expire on 29 February 2024. Approximately 2,000 hourly employees at certain company-owned distributorships and packaging plants also are represented by the Teamsters and other unions, with local bargaining agreements ranging in distribution from three to five years.


For a discussion of the share ownership of our directors and executives, as well as arrangements involving our employees in our capital, see “—B. Compensation.”





Shareholding Structure

The following table shows our shareholding structure as at 31 December 2020 based on (i) transparency declarations made by shareholders who are compelled to disclose their shareholdings pursuant to the Belgian Law of 2 May 2007 on the notification of significant shareholdings and the articles of association of the company, (ii) notifications made by such shareholders to the company on a voluntary basis prior to 20 December 2020 for the purpose of updating the above information, (iii) notifications received by the company in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 and (iv) information included in public filings with the SEC.



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The first thirteen entities mentioned in the table act in concert (it being understood that (i) the first ten entities act in concert within the meaning of article 3, §1, 13º of the Belgian Law of 2 May 2007 on the notification of significant shareholdings, and (ii) the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth entities act in concert with the first ten entities within the meaning of article 3, §2 of the Belgian Law of 1 April 2007 on public takeover bids) and hold, as per (i) the most recent notifications received by us and the Financial Services and Markets Authority (“FSMA”) in accordance with (a) article 6 of the Belgian Law of 2 May 2007 on the notification of significant shareholdings or (b) Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014, and (ii) notifications to the company made on a voluntary basis prior to 20 December 2020, in aggregate, 846,297,604 Ordinary Shares, representing 42.91% of the voting rights attached to the shares outstanding as of 31 December 2020 excluding the 46,992,567 treasury shares held by us and certain of our subsidiaries. Pursuant to our articles of association, shareholders are required to notify us as soon as the amount of securities held giving voting rights exceeds or falls below a 3% threshold and 7.5% threshold.


Major shareholders

   Number of
     % of voting
attached to

shares held(9)

Holders of Ordinary Shares


Stichting Anheuser-Busch InBev, a stichting incorporated under Dutch law (the “Stichting”)(1)(2)

     663,074,832        33.62

EPS Participations S.à.R.L, a company incorporated under Luxembourg law, affiliated with Eugénie Patri Sébastien (EPS) S.A., its parent company(2)(3)(5) (“EPS Participations”)

     130,605,654        6.62

Eugénie Patri Sébastien (EPS) S.A., a company incorporated under Luxembourg law, affiliated with the Stichting that it jointly controls with BRC S.à.R.L(2)(3)(5) (“EPS”)

     99,999        0.01

BRC S.á.R.L., a company incorporated under Luxembourg law, affiliated with the Stichting that it jointly controls with EPS(2)(4) (“BRC”)

     39,746,403        2.02

Rayvax Société d’Investissements SA, a company incorporated under Belgian law (“Rayvax”)

     24,158        0.00

Sébastien Holding SA, a company incorporated under Belgian law, affiliated with Rayvax, its parent company(2)

     10        0.00

Fonds Verhelst SRL, a company with a social purpose incorporated under Belgian law

     0        0.00

Fonds Voorzitter Verhelst SRL, a company with a social purpose incorporated under Belgian law, affiliated to Fonds Verhelst SPRL, which controls it

     6,997,665        0.35

Stichting Fonds InBev-Baillet Latour, a stichting incorporated under Dutch law

     0        0.00

Fonds Baillet Latour SC, a company incorporated under Belgian law, affiliated to Stichting Fonds InBev- Baillet Latour under Dutch law, which controls it(6)

     5,485,415        0.28

MHT Benefit Holding Company Ltd, a company incorporated under the law of the Bahamas, acting in concert with Marcel Herrmann Telles within the meaning of Article 3, § 2 of the Belgian Law of 1 April 2007 on public takeover bids

     0        0.00

LTS Trading Company LLC, a company incorporated under Delaware law, acting in concert with Marcel Herrmann Telles, Jorge Paulo Lemann and Carlos Alberto Sicupira within the meaning of Article 3, § 2 of the Belgian Law of 1 April 2007 on public takeover bids

     4,468        0.00

Olia 2 AG, a company incorporated under Liechtenstein law, acting in concert with Jorge Paulo Lemann within the meaning of Article 3, § 2 of the Belgian Law of 1 April 2007 on public takeover bids

     259,000        0.01



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Major shareholders

   Number of
     % of voting
attached to

shares held(9)

Holders of Restricted Shares


Altria Group, Inc. (7) (“Altria”)

     185,115,417        9.39

BEVCO Lux S.à R.L(8) (“BEVCO”)

     96,862,718        4.91





See section “—Controlling Shareholder” below. By virtue of their responsibilities as directors of the Stichting, Sabine Chalmers, Paul Cornet de Ways Ruart, Grégoire de Spoelberch, Alexandre Van Damme, Marcel Herrmann Telles, Jorge Paulo Lemann, Roberto Moses Thompson Motta and Carlos Alberto Sicupira may be deemed, under the rules of the SEC, to be beneficial owners of our Ordinary Shares held by the Stichting. However, each of these individuals disclaims such beneficial ownership in such capacity.


See section “—Shareholders’ Arrangements” below.


By virtue of their responsibilities as directors of EPS and EPS Participations, Sabine Chalmers, Paul Cornet de Ways Ruart, Grégoire de Spoelberch and Alexandre Van Damme may be deemed, under the rules of the SEC, to be beneficial owners of our Ordinary Shares held by EPS and EPS Participations. However, each of these individuals disclaims such beneficial ownership in such capacity.


Marcel Herrmann Telles, Jorge Paulo Lemann and Carlos Alberto Sicupira have disclosed to us that they control BRC and as a result, under the rules of the SEC, they are deemed to be beneficial owners of our Ordinary Shares held by BRC. By virtue of their responsibilities as directors of BRC, Alexandre Behring, Carlos Alberto Sicupira, Jorge Paulo Lemann, Paulo Alberto Lemann, Marc Lemann, Cecilia Sicupira, Marcel Herrmann Telles, Claudio Garcia, Roberto Thompson Motta and Eduardo Saggioro may also be deemed, under the rules of the SEC, to be the beneficial owners of our Ordinary Shares held by BRC. However, Alexandre Behring, Paulo Alberto Lemann, Marc Lemann, Cecilia Sicupira, Claudio Garcia, Roberto Thompson Motta and Eduardo Saggioro disclaim such beneficial ownership in such capacity.


On 18 December 2013, EPS contributed to EPS Participations its certificates in the Stichting and the shares it held directly in AB InBev, except for 100,000 shares.


On 27 December 2013, Stichting Fonds InBev-Baillet Latour, under Dutch law, acquired a controlling stake in Fonds Baillet Latour.


In addition to the Restricted Shares listed above, Altria announced in its Schedule 13D beneficial ownership report on 11 October 2016 that, following completion of the combination with SAB, it purchased 11,941,937 Ordinary Shares in the company. Altria further increased its position of Ordinary Shares in the Company to 12,341,937, as disclosed in the Schedule 13D beneficial ownership report filed by the Stichting dated 1 November 2016, resulting in an aggregate ownership of 10.01% based on the number of shares with voting rights as at 31 December 2020.


In addition to the Restricted Shares listed above, BEVCO announced in a notification made on 17 January 2017 in accordance with the Belgian Law of 2 May 2007 on the notification of significant shareholdings, that it purchased 4,215,794 Ordinary Shares in the company. BEVCO disclosed to us that it increased its position of Ordinary Shares in the company to an aggregate of 6,000,000 Ordinary Shares, resulting in an aggregate ownership of 5.22% based on the number of shares with voting rights as at 31 December 2020.


Percentages are calculated on the total number of outstanding shares as at 31 December 2020 (2,019,241,973 shares) minus the number of outstanding shares held in treasury by us and certain of our subsidiaries as at 31 December 2020 (46,992,567 Ordinary Shares).

U.S. Holders of Record

As a number of our shares are held in dematerialized form, we are not aware of the identity of all our shareholders. As of 31 December 2020, we had 16,350,794 registered Ordinary Shares and 185,115,417 registered Restricted Shares held by 535 record holders in the United States, representing approximately 201.47 million of the voting rights attached to our shares outstanding as of such date. As of 31 December 2020, we also had 110,038,448 ADSs outstanding, each representing one Ordinary Share.



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Controlling Shareholder

Our controlling shareholder is the Stichting, a foundation organized under the laws of the Netherlands which represents an important part of the interests of the founding Belgian families of Interbrew (mainly represented by EPS) and the interests of the Brazilian families which were previously the controlling shareholders of Ambev (represented by BRC).

As of 31 December 2020, the Stichting owned 663,074,832 of our shares, which represented a 33.62% voting interest based on the number of our shares outstanding as of 31 December 2020, excluding the 46,992,567 treasury shares held by us and certain of our subsidiaries. The Stichting and certain other entities acting in concert (within the meaning of Article 3, 13° of the Belgian Law of 2 May 2017 on the notification of significant shareholdings and/or within the meaning of Article 3, § 2 of the Belgian Law of 1 April 2007 on public takeover bids) with it (see “—Shareholders’ Arrangements” below) held, based on (i) transparency declarations made by shareholders who are compelled to disclose their shareholdings pursuant to the Belgian Law of 2 May 2007 on the notification of significant shareholdings and the articles of association of the company, (ii) notifications made by such shareholders pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014, (iii) notifications received by the company in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 and (iv) information included in public filings with the SEC, in the aggregate, 42.91% of our shares based on the number of our shares outstanding on 31 December 2020, excluding the 46,992,567 treasury shares held by us and certain of our subsidiaries (including approximately 5.4 million6 treasury shares required to settle our obligations under Zenzele schemes). As of 31 December 2020, BRC held 331,537,416 class B Stichting certificates (indirectly representing 16.81% of our shares), EPS held one class A Stichting certificate and EPS Participations held 331,537,415 class A Stichting certificates (together indirectly representing 16.81% of our shares). The Stichting is governed by its bylaws and its conditions of administration. Shares held by our main shareholders do not entitle such shareholders to different voting rights.

Shareholders’ Arrangements

The 2016 Shareholders’ Agreement

On 11 April 2016, the Stichting, EPS, EPS Participations, BRC and Rayvax entered into an Amended and Restated New Shareholders’ Agreement (the “2016 Shareholders’ Agreement”).

The 2016 Shareholders’ Agreement addresses, among other things, certain matters relating to the governance and management of both us and the Stichting, as well as (i) the transfer of the Stichting certificates and (ii) the de-certification and re-certification process for the Ordinary Shares and the circumstances in which the shares held by the Stichting may be de-certified and/or pledged at the request of BRC, EPS or EPS Participations.

The 2016 Shareholders’ Agreement provides for restrictions on the ability of BRC, EPS or EPS Participations to transfer their Stichting certificates.

Pursuant to the terms of the 2016 Shareholders’ Agreement, BRC and EPS/EPS Participations jointly and equally exercise control over the Stichting and the shares held by the Stichting. The Stichting is managed by an eight-member board of directors and each of, on the one hand BRC and, on the other hand, EPS and EPS Participations has the right to appoint four directors to the Stichting board of directors. Subject to certain exceptions, at least seven of the eight Stichting directors must be present or represented in order to constitute a quorum of the Stichting board, and any action to be taken by the Stichting board of directors will, subject to certain qualified majority conditions, require the approval of a majority of the directors present or represented, including at least two directors appointed by BRC and two directors appointed by EPS/EPS Participations. Subject to certain exceptions, all decisions of the Stichting with respect to the shares it holds, including how such shares will be voted at AB InBev’s shareholders’ meetings, will be made by the Stichting board of directors.



Calculated assuming our closing share price of EUR 57.01 per share and an exchange rate of ZAR 18.021914 to EUR 1.00 as at 31 December 2020.



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The 2016 Shareholders’ Agreement requires the Stichting board of directors to meet prior to each of our shareholders’ meetings to determine how the shares held by the Stichting are to be voted. In addition, prior to each meeting of the board of directors of AB InBev at which certain key matters are considered, the Stichting board of directors will meet to determine how the eight members of the board of directors of AB InBev nominated exclusively by BRC and EPS/EPS Participations should vote.

The 2016 Shareholders’ Agreement requires EPS, EPS Participations, BRC and Rayvax, as well as any other holder of certificates issued by the Stichting, to vote their Shares in the same manner as the shares held by the Stichting. The parties to the 2016 Shareholders’ Agreement agree to effect any free transfers of their Shares in an orderly manner of disposal that does not disrupt the market for Shares and in accordance with any conditions established by us to ensure such orderly disposal. In addition, under the 2016 Shareholders’ Agreement, EPS, EPS Participations and BRC agree not to acquire any shares of Ambev’s capital stock, subject to limited exceptions.

Pursuant to the 2016 Shareholders’ Agreement, the Stichting board of directors will propose to AB InBev’s shareholders’ meeting nine candidates for appointment to our Board of Directors, among which each of, on the one hand, BRC and, on the other hand, EPS and EPS Participations will have the right to nominate four candidates, and one candidate will be nominated by the Stichting board of directors.

The 2016 Shareholders’ Agreement will remain in effect for an initial term until 27 August 2034 and will be automatically renewed for successive terms of 10 years each unless, not later than two years prior to the expiration of the initial or any successive 10-year term, any party to the 2016 Shareholders’ Agreement notifies the others of its intention to terminate the 2016 Shareholders’ Agreement.

The 2016 Shareholders’ Agreement is filed as Exhibit 3.2 to this Form 20-F.

Voting Agreement between the Stichting, Fonds Baillet Latour and Fonds Voorzitter Verhelst

The Stichting entered into a voting agreement, effective 1 November 2015 (the “Fonds Voting Agreement”) with Fonds Baillet Latour and Fonds Voorzitter Verhelst, which replaces in its entirety the voting agreement between the parties dated 16 October 2008, which was due to expire on 16 October 2016 if not renewed.

This agreement provides for consultations between the three bodies before any of our shareholders’ meetings to decide how they will exercise the voting rights attached to our shares. Under this voting agreement, consensus is required for all items that are submitted to the approval of any of our shareholders’ meetings. If the parties fail to reach a consensus, each of Fonds Baillet Latour and Fonds Voorzitter Verhelst will vote their AB InBev shares in the same manner as the Stichting. The Fonds Voting Agreement will expire on 1 November 2034.

The Fonds Voting Agreement is filed as Exhibit 3.1 to this Form 20-F.

Voting Agreement between the Stichting and certain Restricted Shareholders

Each holder of Restricted Shares representing more than 1% of our total share capital, being Altria and BEVCO, was required, upon completion of the combination with SAB, to enter into an agreement with the Stichting. Each of Altria and BEVCO entered into a voting agreement with the Stichting and us on 8 October 2016 (the “Restricted Shareholder Voting Agreement”), under which:



the Stichting is required to exercise the voting rights attached to its Ordinary Shares of AB InBev to give effect to the directors’ appointments principles set out in articles 19 and 20 of our articles of association;



each holder of Restricted Shares is required to exercise the voting rights attached to his or her Ordinary Shares and Restricted Shares, as applicable, to give effect to the directors’ appointments principles set out in articles 19 and 20 of our articles of association; and



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each holder of Restricted Shares is required not to exercise the voting rights attached to his or her Ordinary Shares and Restricted Shares, as applicable, in favor of any resolutions that would be proposed to modify the rights attached to Restricted Shares, unless such resolution has been approved by a qualified majority of the holders of at least 75% of the Restricted Shareholder Voting Shares (as defined in our articles of association).

Each of the first 13 entities mentioned in the table appearing under Shareholding Structure have disclaimed beneficial ownership of all of the Restricted Shares and Ordinary Shares, as applicable, held by Altria and BEVCO.

The Restricted Shareholder Voting Agreement is filed as Exhibit 3.3 to this Form 20-F.


AB InBev Group and Consolidated Entities

We engage in various transactions with affiliated entities that form part of the consolidated AB InBev Group. These transactions include, but are not limited to: (i) the purchase and sale of raw material with affiliated entities, (ii) entering into distribution, cross-licensing, transfer pricing, indemnification, service and other agreements with affiliated entities, (iii) intercompany loans and guarantees with affiliated entities, (iv) import agreements with affiliated entities, such as the import agreement under which Anheuser-Busch Companies imports our European brands into the United States, and (v) royalty agreements with affiliated entities, such as our royalty agreement with one of our United Kingdom subsidiaries related to the production and sale of our Stella Artois brand in the United Kingdom. Such transactions between Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and our subsidiaries are not disclosed in our consolidated financial statements as related party transactions because they are eliminated on consolidation. A list of our principal subsidiaries is shown in note 36 “AB InBev Companies” to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019 and for the three years ended 31 December 2020.

Unrealized gains arising from transactions with associates and jointly controlled entities are eliminated to the extent of our interest in the entity. Unrealized losses are eliminated in the same way as unrealized gains, but only to the extent that there is no evidence of impairment. Transactions with associates and jointly controlled entities are discussed further below.

Transactions with Directors and Executive Committee Members (Key Management Personnel)

Total compensation of our directors and Executive Committee included in our income statement for 2020 set out below can be detailed as follows:


     Year ended 31 December 2020  
     Directors      Executive
     (USD million)  

Short-term employee benefits

     2        4  

Termination benefits

     —          2  

Other long-term employee benefits Share-based payments

     —          7  








     2        13  







In addition to short-term employee benefits (primarily salaries), the members of our Executive Committee were entitled to post-employment benefits. See also note 25 “Employee benefits” and note 34 “Related parties” to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020. In addition, key management personnel are eligible for our share-based payment plan and/or our exchange of share ownership program. See also “Item 6. Directors, Senior Management and Employees—B. Compensation” and note 26 “Share-based payments” to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020.



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Directors’ compensation consists mainly of directors’ fees. Key management personnel did not have any significant outstanding balances with our company. During 2020, no payments were made to key management personnel except in the transactions listed below.

Deferred Share Entitlements

In a transaction related to the combination with Grupo Modelo, two Grupo Modelo shareholders, María Asunción Aramburuzabala and Valentín Diez Morodo, purchased a deferred share entitlement to acquire the equivalent of approximately 23.1 million AB InBev shares, to be delivered within five years, for consideration of approximately USD 1.5 billion paid on 5 June 2013. At such time, María Asunción Aramburuzabala and Valentín Diez Morodo agreed to serve on the Board of Directors for AB InBev for a term of at least four years. Following the completion of the combination with SAB, María Asunción Aramburuzabala was appointed to our Board of Directors with a two-year term. She also agreed to a non-competition provision for three years following the completion of the combination with Grupo Modelo. We completed the delivery of the 23,076,922 Ordinary Shares due under this deferred share transaction on 21 May 2018. The delivery obligation was through the use of part of our outstanding treasury shares.

Other Transactions

In 2018, 2019 and 2020, our subsidiary Bavaria SA, along with other subsidiaries in Colombia, paid approximately 24 billion Colombian pesos (USD 8.1 million), 26 billion Colombia pesos (USD 3.1 million) and 42.9 billion Colombian pesos (USD 12.5 million), respectively, for transportation services, lease agreements and advertising services to companies of which Alejandro Santo Domingo Dávila, a member of our Board of Directors, is (i) part of the controlling shareholder group of such companies or (ii) Chair of the Board or controlling shareholder of such companies.

In 2018, 2019 and 2020, Grupo Modelo paid MXN 19.1 million (USD 1.0 million), MXN 29 million (USD 1.5 million) and MXN 30.0 million (USD 1.4 million), respectively, to a company of which María Asunción Aramburuzabala, a member of our Board of Directors, is Chair of the Board. These payments were made for information technology infrastructure services provided by that company to Grupo Modelo in 2018, 2019, and 2020.

Transactions with Significant Shareholders

We have entered into certain agreements with Altria and BEVCO in connection with the combination with SAB. These agreements are described further under “Item 10. Additional Information—C. Material Contracts—Material Contracts Related to the Acquisition of SAB—Information Rights Agreement,” “Item 10. Additional Information—C. Material Contracts—Material Contracts Related to the Acquisition of SAB—Tax Matters Agreement” and “Item 10. Additional Information—C. Material Contracts—Material Contracts Related to the Acquisition of SAB—Registration Rights Agreement.”

Jointly Controlled Entities

Significant interests we hold in joint ventures include three entities in Brazil, one in Mexico and two in Canada. None of these joint ventures are material to us. Aggregate amounts of our interests in such entities are as follows:


     As of 31 December 2020  
     (USD million)  

Non-current assets


Current assets


Non-current liabilities


Current liabilities


Result from operations


Profit attributable to equity holders




Table of Contents

Transactions with Associates

Our transactions with associates were as follows:


     Year ended 31 December 2020  
     (USD million)  

Gross profit


Current assets


Current liabilities


Our transactions with associates primarily consist of sales to distributors in which we have a non-controlling interest.

Transactions with Pension Plans

Our transactions with pension plans mainly consisted of USD 12 million other income from pension plans in the United States.

Transactions with Government-Related Entities

We have no material transactions with government-related entities.

Ambev Special Goodwill Reserve

As a result of the merger of InBev Brasil into Ambev in July 2005, Ambev acquired tax benefits resulting from the partial amortization of the special premium reserve pursuant to article 7 of the Normative Ruling No. 319/99 of the CVM (Comissão de Valores Mobiliarios, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil). Such amortization will be carried out within the 10 years following the merger. As permitted by Normative Ruling No. 319/99, the Protocol and Justification of the Merger, entered into between us, Ambev and InBev Brasil on 7 July 2005, established that 70% of the goodwill premium, which corresponded to the tax benefit resulting from the amortization of the tax goodwill derived from the merger, would be capitalized in Ambev for the benefit of us, with the remaining 30% being capitalized in Ambev without the issuance of new shares for the benefit of all shareholders. Since 2005, pursuant to the Protocol and Justification of the Merger, Ambev has carried out, with shareholders’ approval, capital increases through the partial capitalization of the goodwill premium reserve. Accordingly, two wholly owned subsidiaries of Anheuser-Busch InBev (which hold our interest in Ambev) have annually subscribed to Ambev shares corresponding to 70% of the goodwill premium reserve (and Ambev minority shareholders subscribed shares pursuant to preferred subscription right under Brazilian law) and the remaining 30% of the tax benefit was capitalized without issuance of new shares for the benefit of all Ambev shareholders. The Protocol and Justification of the Merger also provides, among other matters, that we shall indemnify Ambev for any undisclosed liabilities of InBev Brasil.

In December 2011, Ambev received a tax assessment from the Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil related to the goodwill amortization resulting from InBev Brasil’s merger referred to above. See “Item 8. Financial Information—A. Consolidated Financial Statements and Other Financial Information—Legal and Arbitration Proceedings—Ambev and Its Subsidiaries—Tax Matters—Special Goodwill Reserve” for further information. Effective 21 December 2011, we entered into an agreement with Ambev formalizing the arrangement whereby we shall reimburse Ambev the amount proportional to the benefit received by us pursuant to the merger protocol, as well as the respective costs.


Not applicable.



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Consolidated Financial Statements

See “Item 18. Financial Statements.” For a discussion of our export sales, see “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review.”

Legal and Arbitration Proceedings

Litigation is subject to uncertainty and we and each of our subsidiaries named as a defendant believe, and have so been advised by counsel handling the respective cases, that we have valid defenses to the litigation pending against us, as well as valid bases for appeal of adverse verdicts, if any. All such cases are, and will continue to be, vigorously defended. However, we and our subsidiaries may enter into settlement discussions in particular cases if we believe it is in our best interests to do so. Except as set forth herein, there have been no governmental, judicial or arbitration proceedings (including any such proceedings which are pending or threatened against us or our subsidiaries of which we are aware) during the period between 1 January 2020 and the date of this Form 20-F which may have, or have had in the recent past, significant effects on our financial position and profitability.

Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV

Budweiser Trademark Litigation

We are involved in a long-standing trademark dispute with the brewer Budejovicky Budvar, n.p. located in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic. This dispute involves the BUD and BUDWEISER trademarks and includes actions pending in national trademark offices as well as courts. Currently there are approximately 63 cases pending in around 37 jurisdictions. While there are a significant number of actions pending, taken in the aggregate, the actions do not represent a material risk to our financial position or profitability.

Belgian Tax Matters

In February 2015, the European Commission opened an in-depth state aid investigation into the Belgian excess profit ruling system. On 11 January 2016, the European Commission adopted a negative decision finding that the Belgian excess profit ruling system constitutes an aid scheme incompatible with the internal market and ordering Belgium to recover the incompatible aid from a number of aid beneficiaries. The Belgian authorities have contacted the companies that have benefitted from the system and have advised each company of the amount of incompatible aid that is potentially subject to recovery. The European Commission decision was appealed to the European Union’s General Court by Belgium on 22 March 2016 and by us on 12 July 2016. On 14 February 2019, the European General Court concluded that the Belgian excess profit ruling system does not constitute illegal state aid. The European Commission has appealed the judgment to the European Court of Justice. The public hearing in the framework of the appeal proceedings took place on 24 September 2020 and we were heard as an intervening party. Pending the outcome of that appeal, the European Commission opened new state aid investigations into the individual Belgian tax rulings, including the one issued to us in September 2019, to remedy the concerns that led to annulment of its earlier decision by the General Court. These investigations relate to the same rulings that were subject to the European Commission decision issued on 11 January 2016. We have filed our observations in respect of the opening decisions with the EU Commission.

On 3 December 2020, the Advocate General (“AG”) of the European Court of Justice presented her non-binding opinion on the appeal procedure related to the 11 January 2016 opening decision, stating that, contrary to the 14 February 2019 judgment of the European General Court, the Belgian excess profit ruling system would fulfil the legal requirements for an “aid scheme”. In the initial European General Court judgment, the court limited itself to finding the Belgian excess profit rulings were not an “aid scheme”, but did not consider whether they constituted State aid. Consequently, the AG advised the European Court of Justice to refer the case back to the European General Court to review whether the Belgian excess profit rulings constitute state aid. The AG’s opinion is only advisory to the European Court of Justice, which is expected to deliver its binding judgment on the European Commission’s appeal later in 2021.



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In addition, the Belgian tax authorities have also questioned the validity and the actual application of the excess profit ruling that was issued in favor of us and have refused the actual tax exemption which it confers. Against such decision, we have filed a court claim before the Brussels court of first instance, which ruled in our favor on 21 June 2019. The Belgian tax authorities have appealed this judgment.

On 24 January 2019, we deposited EUR 68 million (USD 83 million) in a blocked account. Depending on the final outcome of the European Court procedures on the Belgian excess profit ruling system, as well as the pending Belgian court case, this amount will either be slightly modified, released back to the company or paid over to the Belgian State. In connection with the European Court procedures, we recorded a provision of EUR 68 million (USD 83 million) as of 31 December 2020.

Antitrust Matters

European Commission Antitrust Investigation

In 2016, the European Commission announced an investigation into alleged abuse of a dominant position by AB InBev in Belgium through certain practices aimed at restricting trade from other European Union member states to Belgium. On 13 May 2019, the European Commission announced that it had fined AB InBev a total of USD 226 million for breaching EU antitrust rules. We paid the fine in August 2019.

SAB Transaction

On 20 July 2016, the U.S. Department of Justice filed an antitrust action in the U.S. federal district court in the District of Columbia, seeking to enjoin the combination with SAB. On the same date, we announced that we had entered into a consent decree with the U.S. Department of Justice, which cleared the way for United States approval of the combination with SAB. For more information on the terms of the consent decree, see “Item 10. Additional Information—C. Material Contracts—Material Contracts Related to the Acquisition of SAB—U.S. Department of Justice Consent Decree.”

Competition Commission of India Investigation

In 2018, the Competition Commission of India opened an investigation against SAB India Limited (now AB InBev India Limited) and other brewers relating to legacy pricing practices in the Indian market involving sharing of information among competitors with a view to align on prices. We fully cooperated with the Competition Commission of India throughout its investigation. At this stage, it is not possible to indicate what the outcome of the investigation will be and no provision has been made in connection therewith.

U.S. Department of Justice Investigation

We are cooperating with the U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, in an investigation of possible antitrust violations in relation to hiring practices after the U.S. Department of Justice requested documents and other information in December 2020.

Ambev and Its Subsidiaries

Tax Matters

In the past, Ambev has been subject to various tax assessments, as detailed below. In 2017, Ambev decided to participate in the Federal Tax Amnesty Program established by Provisional Measure No. 783/2017, converted into Law No. 13,496/2017 (“PERT 2017”), undertaking to pay tax assessments that were in dispute under administrative or judicial level, including debts from its subsidiaries, in the total amount of R$3.5 billion (USD 1.1 billion) (already considering discounts established by the program). The total amount paid in 2017 was approximately R$1.0 billion (USD 0.3 billion) and the balance will be paid in 145 monthly installments, with interest, starting in January 2018. All installments due from Ambev up to date have been paid by the company.



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ICMS Value-Added Tax Excise Tax (Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados – “IPI”) and Taxes on Net Sales

In Brazil, goods manufactured within the Manaus Free Trade Zone intended for remittance elsewhere in Brazil are exempt and/or zero rated from IPI excise tax and social contributions. With respect to IPI, Ambev’s subsidiaries have been registering IPI excise tax presumed credits upon the acquisition of exempted goods manufactured therein. Since 2009, Ambev has been receiving a number of tax assessments from the Brazilian Federal Tax Authorities relating to the disallowance of such credits.

Ambev has also been receiving charges from the Brazilian Federal Tax Authorities in relation to (i) federal taxes allegedly unduly offset with the disallowed presumed IPI excise tax credits that are under discussion in these proceedings and (ii) amounts allegedly due under social contribution over Arosuco’s remittance (a subsidiary of Ambev).

In April 2019, the Federal Supreme Court (“STF”) announced its judgment on Extraordinary Appeal No. 592.891/SP, with binding effects, deciding on the rights of taxpayers registering IPI excise tax presumed credits on acquisitions of raw materials and exempted inputs originating from the Manaus Free Trade Zone. As a result of this decision, Ambev reclassified part of the amounts related to the IPI cases as remote losses, maintaining as possible losses only issues related to other additional discussions that were not included in the analysis of the STF. The cases are being challenged at both the administrative and judicial levels. Ambev management estimates the possible losses in relation to these assessments to be R$4.8 billion (USD 0.9 billion) as of 31 December 2020. Ambev has not recorded any provision in connection with these assessments.

In 2014 and 2015, Ambev received tax assessments from the Brazilian federal tax authorities relating to IPI excise tax, allegedly due over remittances of manufactured goods to other related factories. The cases are being challenged at both administrative and judicial levels. In 2020, Ambev received a final partial favorable decision at the administrative level in one of the cases. At the judicial level, the case is still in the initial stage. Ambev management estimates the possible losses related to these assessments to be approximately R$1.6 billion (USD 0.3 billion) as of 31 December 2020. Ambev has not recorded any provision in connection with these assessments.

Over the years, Ambev has received tax assessments charging alleged ICMS differences that some Brazilian states consider due when the price of the products sold by Ambev is above the fixed price table basis established by such states, cases in which the state tax authorities understand that the calculation basis should be based on a value-added percentage over the actual prices and not on the fixed table price. Ambev is currently challenging these charges at both the administrative and judicial levels of the courts. Ambev management estimates the amount related to these assessments to be approximately R$8.6 billion (USD 1.7 billion) as of 31 December 2020, classified as a possible loss and, therefore, for which Ambev has made no provision. Ambev has recorded provisions in the total amount of R$7 million (USD 1 million) in relation to certain proceedings where it considers the chances of loss to be probable due to specific procedural issues.

In 2015, Ambev received a tax assessment issued by the State of Pernambuco charging ICMS differences due to an alleged non-compliance with the state tax incentive agreement (“PRODEPE”) as a result of the rectification of Ambev’s monthly reports. The state tax authorities decided that Ambev was unable to use the tax incentive due to such rectification. In 2017, Ambev received a final favorable decision nullifying the assessment due to formal mistakes of the tax auditor. However, in September 2018, Ambev received a new tax assessment with respect to the same matter. In June 2020, Ambev received the first level administrative decision, which was partially favorable to Ambev as it recognized the miscalculation of the tax incentive credit by the tax auditor. The favorable portion of the aforementioned decision is final and unappealable. With regard to the unfavorable portion, Ambev filed an administrative appeal which is awaiting judgement. There are other assessments related to PRODEPE. Ambev management estimates the possible losses related to these assessments to be approximately R$0.6 billion (USD 0.1 billion) as of 31 December 2020. Ambev has recorded a provision in the total amount of R$5 million (USD 1 million) in relation to one proceeding where it considers the chances of loss to be partially probable.



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In addition to the ICMS matters, Ambev is currently challenging tax assessments issued by the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, among others, questioning the legality of ICMS tax credits arising from transactions with companies that have tax incentives granted by other states. The cases are being challenged at both the administrative and judicial level of the courts. On August 2020, the STF issued a binding decision (Extraordinary Appeal No. 628.075) ruling that tax credits granted by the states in the context of the ICMS tax war shall be consider unlawful. The decision also recognized that the states should abide by the tax incentives validation process provided for in Complementary Law No. 160/17. This decision is subject to appeal and does not change the likelihood of loss in Ambev´s tax assessments. Ambev management estimates the possible losses related to these assessments to be approximately R$2.0 billion (USD 0.4 billion) as of 31 December 2020 and has not recorded any provisions in connection therewith.

Ambev has also received tax assessments from the state of Amazonas charging alleged differences in ICMS due to questions about the calculation basis applied in sales transactions by Ambev to its subsidiaries. The cases are being challenged at the administrative level. Ambev management estimates the possible losses related to these assessments to be approximately R$0.5 billion (USD 0.1 billion) as of 31 December 2020 and has not recorded any provisions in connection therewith.

Ambev Profits Generated Abroad

Since 2005, Ambev and certain of its subsidiaries have been receiving a number of assessments from Brazilian federal tax authorities relating to the profits of its foreign subsidiaries. The cases are being challenged at both the administrative and judicial levels of the courts in Brazil.

The administrative proceedings have resulted in partially favorable decisions, which are still subject to review by the Administrative Court. In the judicial proceedings, Ambev has received favorable injunctions that suspend the enforceability of the tax credit, as well as favorable first level decisions, which remain subject to review by the second-level judicial court.

As of 31 December 2020, Ambev management estimates the possible losses in relation to these assessments to be approximately R$7.3 billion (USD 1.4 billion) and, therefore, has not recorded any provision in connection therewith. Ambev has recorded provisions in the total amount of R$53 million (USD 10 million) for proceedings where it considers the chance of loss to be probable.

Brazilian Income Tax – Tax Loss Offset

Ambev and certain of its subsidiaries received a number of assessments from Brazilian federal tax authorities relating to the offset of tax loss carryforwards arising in the context of business combinations. In February 2016, the Administrative Upper House of the Administrative Tax Court concluded the judgment of two tax assessments on this matter unfavorably to Ambev. Ambev promptly filed judicial proceedings to discuss the matter. In September 2016, Ambev received a favorable first-level decision in one of the judicial claims and in March 2017, Ambev received an unfavorable first-level decision on the second judicial case and filed an appeal to the judicial court. Both cases are awaiting decisions from the second-level judicial courts.

The cases that are being challenged at the administrative level had partially favorable decisions rendered by the Lower Administrative Court in December 2020. The tax authorities had not presented any appeal in relation to the favorable portion of the decisions to Ambev and they became final. As to the unfavorable portion of the decisions, Special Appeals were presented by Ambev, which are awaiting judgment by the Upper Administrative Court.

The other cases are being challenged at the administrative level and are still pending final decisions. Ambev management estimates the total exposure of possible losses in relation to these assessments to be R$0.4 billion (USD 0.1 billion) as of 31 December 2020. Ambev has not recorded any provision in connection with these disputes.



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Special Goodwill Reserve

In December 2011, Ambev received a tax assessment from the Brazilian federal tax authorities related to the goodwill amortization resulting from the merger of InBev Brasil S.A. with Ambev referred to under “Item 7. Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions—B. Related Party Transactions—Ambev Special Goodwill Reserve.” At the administrative level, Ambev received partially favorable decisions at both the Lower and Upper Administrative Court. Ambev filed judicial proceedings to discuss the unfavorable portions of the decisions of the Lower and the Upper Administrative Court and requested injunctions to suspend the enforceability of the remaining tax credit, which were granted.

In June 2016, Ambev received a new tax assessment charging the remaining value of the goodwill amortization from 2011 to 2013, related to InBev Brasil’s merger with Ambev, and filed a defense. Ambev received partially favorable decisions at the first-level administrative court and the Lower Administrative Court. Ambev filed a special appeal for analysis of the case by the Administrative Upper House, which was partially admitted and awaits judgment. For the unfavorable portion of the decision which became final at the administrative level, Ambev filed a judicial proceeding requesting an injunction to suspend the enforceability of the remaining tax credit, which was granted. Ambev has not recorded any provisions for this matter and its management estimates possible losses in relation to this assessment to be approximately R$10.2 billion (USD 2.0 billion) as of 31 December 2020. In the event that Ambev is required to pay these amounts, we will reimburse Ambev in the amount proportional to the benefit received by us pursuant to the merger protocol, as well as related costs.

In October 2013, Ambev also received a tax assessment related to the goodwill amortization resulting from the merger of Beverage Associates Holding Limited (“BAH”) into Ambev. The decision from the first-level administrative court was unfavorable to Ambev. Ambev filed an appeal to the Lower Administrative Court against the decision, which was partially granted. Ambev and the tax authorities filed Special Appeals to the Upper Administrative Court, which are awaiting judgment.

In April and August 2018, Ambev received new tax assessments charging the remaining value of the goodwill amortization and filed defenses. In April 2019, the first-level administrative court rendered unfavorable decisions to Ambev. As a result thereof, Ambev appealed to the Lower Administrative Court. In November and December 2019, the Lower Administrative Court rendered partially favorable decisions. Ambev filed Special Appeals to the Upper Administrative Court. The Special Appeal filed in one of the tax assessments is awaiting judgment by the Upper Administrative Court, whereas the other Special Appeal is awaiting admission. Ambev management estimates the amount of possible losses in relation to this assessment to be approximately R$2.3 billion (USD 0.4 billion) as of 31 December 2020. Ambev has not recorded any provision in connection with this assessment.

In November 2017, Ambev received a tax assessment related to the goodwill amortization resulting from the merger of CND Holdings into Ambev. In November 2018, Ambev received an unfavorable decision from the first-level administrative court and filed an appeal to the Lower Administrative Court. In February 2020, Ambev received a partially favorable decision at the Lower Administrative Court. Ambev and the tax authorities filed Special Appeals to the Upper Administrative Court, which are awaiting admission and judgment. Ambev management estimates the amount of possible losses in relation to this assessment to be approximately R$1.0 billion (USD 0.2 billion) as of 31 December 2020. Ambev has not recorded any provision in connection therewith.

Disallowance of Expenses and Deductibility of Losses

In 2015, 2016 and 2020, Ambev received tax assessments related to the disallowance of alleged non-deductible expenses and the deduction of certain losses mainly associated with financial investments and loans. Ambev presented defenses and, in November 2019, received a favorable decision at the first-level administrative court regarding the 2016 case. The 2015 and 2020 cases are still pending decision by the first-level administrative court. Ambev estimates its exposure to possible losses in relation to these assessments to be approximately R$5.0 billion (USD 1.0 billion) as of 31 December 2020. Ambev has not recorded any provision in connection with these assessments.



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Disallowance of Taxes Paid Abroad

Since 2014, Ambev has been receiving tax assessments from the Brazilian federal tax authorities related to the disallowance of deductions associated with alleged unproven taxes paid abroad by its subsidiaries and has been filing defenses. The cases are being challenged at both the administrative and judicial levels. In November 2019, the Lower Administrative Court rendered a favorable decision to Ambev regarding an assessment from 2010, which became final. In January 2020, the Lower Administrative Court rendered unfavorable decisions to Ambev regarding four of these assessments related to the periods of 2015 and 2016. Regarding the 2015 assessments, Ambev filed Special Appeals to the Upper Administrative Court which are pending decisions. Regarding the 2016 assessments, Ambev was notified of the decisions and filed motions for clarification which are pending decisions. With respect to the cases related to the periods of 2015 and 2016, tax assessments were filed to charge isolated fines due to the lack of monthly prepayments of income tax as a result of allegedly undue deductions of taxes paid abroad. Ambev filed defenses and awaits judgment by the first-level administrative court. The other cases are still awaiting final decisions at both administrative and judicial courts. As of 31 December 2020, Ambev management estimates the exposure of approximately R$11.7 billion (USD 2.3 billion) as a possible risk, and accordingly Ambev has not recorded a provision for such amount.

Presumed Profit

In April 2016, Arosuco, a subsidiary of Ambev, received a tax assessment regarding the use of the “presumed profit” method for the calculation of income tax and the social contribution on net profit instead of the “real profit” method. In September 2017, Arosuco received an unfavorable first-level administrative decision and filed an appeal. In January 2019, the Lower Administrative Court rendered a favorable decision to Arosuco, which became final.

In March 2019, Ambev received a new tax assessment regarding the same subject matter and filed a defense. In October 2019, Arosuco received an unfavorable first-level administrative decision and filed an appeal.

Arosuco management estimates the amount of possible losses in relation to these assessments to be approximately R$0.5 billion (USD 0.1 billion) as of 31 December 2020. Arosuco has not recorded any provision in connection therewith.

Deductibility of IOC expenses

In November 2019, Ambev received a tax assessment from the Brazilian Federal Tax Authorities related to the interest on capital (“IOC”) deduction in 2014. The assessment refers primarily to the accounting and corporate effects of the restructuring carried out by Ambev in 2013 and the impact on the increase in the deductibility of IOC expenses. In August 2020, Ambev received a partially favorable decision at the first-level administrative court and filed an Appeal to the Lower Administrative Court.

In December 2020, Ambev received a new tax assessment related to the deduction of the IOC in 2015 and 2016. The defense against such assessment was filed by Ambev in January 2021.

Ambev also distributed IOC in the years following the assessed period. In a scenario where the IOC deductibility would also be questioned for this timeframe, on the same basis as the aforementioned tax assessments, Ambev estimates that the outcome of such potential further assessments would be similar to the above mentioned case. Accordingly, the effects of the deductibility of IOC expenses on Ambev’s effective income tax rate for this period would be maintained.

The amount related to this uncertain tax position as of 31 December 2020 is approximately R$10.2 billion (USD 2.0 billion). Ambev has not recorded any provisions for this matter as it considers the chance of loss to be possible.



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Disallowance on Income Tax deduction

In January 2020, Arosuco, a subsidiary of Ambev, received a tax assessment from the Brazilian Federal Tax Authorities regarding the disallowance of the income tax reduction benefit provided for in Provisional Measure No. 2199-14/2001 and an administrative defense was filed. In October 2020, the first-level administrative court rendered an unfavorable decision to Arosuco. Arosuco filed an appeal against the aforementioned decision and awaits judgment by the Lower Administrative Court.

As of 31 December 2020, Ambev management estimates the exposure of approximately R$2.0 billion (USD 0.4 billion) as a possible risk, and, accordingly, has not recorded a provision for such amount.

Social Contributions

Since 2015, Ambev has been receiving tax assessments issued by the Brazilian federal tax authorities relating to amounts allegedly due under Integration Program/Social Security Financing Levy (PIS/COFINS) over bonus products granted to its customers. The cases are now being challenged at both the administrative and judicial levels of the courts. In 2020, Ambev received final favorable decisions at the administrative level in some of the pending cases and other favorable decisions that are still subject to review. At the judicial level, the case is still in its initial stage. Ambev management estimates the possible losses related to these assessments to be approximately R$1.7 billion (USD 0.3 billion) as of 31 December 2020. No related provision has been made.

Labor Matters

Ambev is involved in more than 17,000 labor claims. Most of the labor claims facing Ambev relate to its Brazilian operations. In Brazil, it is not unusual for a large company to be named as a defendant in such a significant number of claims. As of 31 December 2020, Ambev has made provisions totaling R$130 million (USD 25 million) in connection with the above labor claims involving former, current and outsourced employees and relating mainly to overtime, dismissals, severance, health and safety premiums, supplementary retirement benefits and other matters, all of which are awaiting judicial resolution and have probable chance of loss.

In connection with these labor matters, Ambev is also involved in claims regarding the social charges on payroll. Ambev management estimates the possible losses related to these claims to be approximately R$0.4 billion (USD 0.1 billion) as of 31 December 2020. Ambev has recorded provisions of R$30 million (USD 6 million) for proceedings where it considers the chance of loss to be probable.

Civil Matters

As of 31 December 2020, Ambev was involved in more than 8,500 civil claims pending, including third-party distributors and product-related claims. Ambev has established provisions totaling R$87 million (USD 17 million) reflecting applicable adjustments, such as accrued interest, as of 31 December 2020 in connection with civil claims.

Subscription Warrants

In 2002, Ambev decided to request a ruling from the CVM in connection with a dispute between Ambev and some of its warrant holders regarding the criteria used in the calculation of the strike price of certain Ambev warrants. In March and April 2003, the CVM ruled that the criteria used by Ambev to calculate the strike price were correct. In response to the CVM’s final decision and seeking to reverse it, some of the warrant holders filed separate lawsuits before the courts of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

Although the warrants expired without being exercised, the warrant holders claim that the strike price should be reduced to take into account the strike price of certain stock options granted by Ambev under its then-existing stock ownership program, as well as for the strike price of other warrants issued in 1993 by Brahma.

Ambev has knowledge of at least seven claims in which the plaintiffs argue that they would be entitled to those rights. One of these cases was settled. The Superior Court of Justice (“STJ”) ruled in favor Ambev in the other six lawsuits. Three cases were dismissed by the STJ’s Special Court. The plaintiffs may still file motions for clarification against such decisions. The STJ’s Special Court ruled in favor of Ambev in one case and the judgment became final. Another case was remitted to the STJ’s lower court for a new judgment. The sixth case was decided in Ambev’s favor and was subject to a new appeal to the Brazilian Supreme Court (“STF”), which was denied and the judgment became final.



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In the event the plaintiffs prevail in the above four pending proceedings, Ambev believes that the corresponding economic dilution for the existing shareholders would be the difference between the market value of the shares at the time they were issued and the value ultimately established in liquidation proceedings as being the subscription price pursuant to the exercise of the warrants. Ambev believes that the warrants that are the object of those six proceedings represented, on 31 December 2020, 172,831,574 Ambev common shares that would be issued at a value substantially below fair market value, should the claimants ultimately prevail. The plaintiffs also claim they should receive past dividends related to these shares in the amount of approximately R$1.0 billion (USD 0.2 billion) as of 31 December 2020.

Ambev believes, based on its management assessments, that its chances of receiving unfavorable final decisions in this matter are remote, and, therefore, it has not established a provision for this litigation in its audited consolidated financial statements. As these disputes are based on whether Ambev should receive as a subscription price a lower price than the price that it considers correct, a provision of amounts with respect to these proceedings would only be applicable with respect to legal fees and past dividends.

Lawsuit against the Brazilian Beer Industry

On 28 October 2008, the Brazilian Federal Prosecutor’s Office (Ministério Público Federal) filed a suit for damages against Ambev and two other brewing companies claiming total damages of approximately R$2.8 billion (USD 0.7 billion) (of which approximately R$2.1 billion (USD 0.5 billion) are claimed against Ambev). The public prosecutor alleges that: (i) alcohol causes serious damage to individual and public health, and that beer is the most consumed alcoholic beverage in Brazil; (ii) defendants have approximately 90% of the national beer market share and are responsible for heavy investments in advertising; and (iii) the advertising campaigns increase not only the market share of the defendants but also the total consumption of alcohol and, hence, cause damage to society and encourage underage consumption.

Shortly after the above lawsuit was filed, a consumer-protection association applied to be admitted as a joint-plaintiff. The association has made further requests in addition to the ones made by the Public Prosecutor, including the claim for “collective moral damages” in an amount to be ascertained by the court; however, it suggests that it should be equal to the initial request of R$2.8 billion (USD 0.7 billion), therefore doubling the initial amount involved. The court has admitted the association as joint plaintiff and has agreed to hear the new claims. After the exchange of written submissions and documentary evidence, the case was dismissed by the lower court judge, who denied all claims submitted against Ambev and the other defendants. The Federal Prosecutor’s Office has appealed to the Federal Court, which decided for the annulment of the lower court decision, based on the understanding that more evidences should have been produced before the case’s dismissal. Ambev filed a motion for clarification against such decision, which was rejected and the decision became final. The case has now returned to the lower court for the production of evidences. Ambev believes that its chances of loss remain remote and, therefore, has not made any provision with respect to such claim.

United States Class Action Suit

On 21 June 2019, a proposed class action was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York against us and three of our officers. The complaint alleged claims under Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 thereunder on behalf of a proposed class of purchasers of AB InBev American Depositary Shares between 1 March 2018 and 24 October 2018. The plaintiff alleged that defendants misstated or omitted material facts regarding, among other things, our financial condition, our dividend policy and the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures. The complaint sought unspecified compensatory damages and reimbursement for litigation expenses. An amended complaint filed on 12 December 2019 contained substantially the same allegations, but reduced the number of defendant officers to two. On 29 September 2020, the District Court issued an order granting our motion to dismiss. The plaintiff did not appeal and the case is now closed.



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SAB Australia Pty Limited

SAB Australia Pty Limited (“SAB Australia”), our former subsidiary, received a tax assessment for the 2012 to 2014 income tax years for AUD 0.4 billion (USD 0.3 billion) related to the interest deductions of SAB’s acquisition of the Foster’s group (the “Foster’s acquisition”). We are disputing the 2012 to 2014 assessment and remain confident of the positions we have adopted. The company paid USD 47 million related to the tax assessment pending conclusion of the matter and recorded a provision of USD 0.1 billion in connection therewith as of 31 December 2020. The Australia disposal was concluded on 1 June 2020 with pre-transaction income tax liabilities being subject to an indemnity by AB InBev.

The Australian tax authorities have also notified SAB Australia that it has commenced an audit of the 2015 to 2020 income tax years. The focus of the audit is the tax treatment of the ongoing funding arrangements associated with the Foster’s acquisition.

Dividend Policy

Our current dividend policy is to declare a dividend representing in aggregate at least 25% of our consolidated profit attributable to our equity holders, excluding exceptional items, such as restructuring charges, gains or losses on business disposals and impairment charges, subject to applicable legal provisions relating to distributable profit.

The dividends are approved by our annual shareholders’ meeting and are paid on the dates and at the places appointed by our Board. Our Board may pay an interim dividend in accordance with the provisions of the Belgian Companies Code. Any dividends are paid on the dates and at the places communicated by the Board of Directors.

The table below summarizes the dividends paid by us in the most recent financial years.


Financial year

   Number of our shares
outstanding at end of
relevant financial

     Gross amount
of dividend per share

(in EUR)
amount of

per share
(in USD)
     Payment date(s)  


     2,019,241,973        0.50        0.56        11 June 2020  


     2,019,241,973        0.80        0.89        21 November 2019  


     2,019,241,973        1.00        1.12        9 May 2019  


     2,019,241,973        0.80        0.91        29 November 2018  


     2,019,241,973        2.00        2.44        3 May 2018  


     2,019,241,973        1.60        1.89        16 November 2017  


     2,019,241,973        2.00        2.11        4 May 2017  


     2,019,241,973        1.60        1.75        17 November 2016  


     1,608,242,156        2.00        2.20        3 May 2016  


     1,608,242,156        1.60        1.75        16 November 2015  


     1,608,242,156        2.00        2.27        6 May 2015  


     1,608,242,156        1.00        1.25        14 November 2014  


     1,607,844,590        1.45        2.00        8 May 2014  


     1,607,844,590        0.60        0.83        18 November 2013  


     1,606,787,543        1.70        2.24        2 May 2013  


     1,606,071,789        1.20        1.55        3 May 2012  


     1,605,183,954        0.80        1.07        2 May 2011  


     1,604,301,123        0.38        0.55        3 May 2010  





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Principal Equity Markets

We are a publicly traded company, with our primary listing on Euronext Brussels under the symbol “ABI.” We also have secondary listings on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange under the symbol “ANH” and the Mexican Stock Exchange under the symbol “ANB.” ADSs representing rights to receive our Ordinary Shares are listed and trade on the NYSE under the symbol “BUD.” On 16 September 2009, we listed 1,608,663,943 Ordinary Shares represented by ADSs on the NYSE.

Share Details

See “Item 10. Additional Information—B. Memorandum and Articles of Association and Other Share Information—Form and Transferability of Our Shares” for details regarding our shares.

Each of our shares is entitled to one vote except for shares owned by us, or by any of our direct subsidiaries, the voting rights of which are suspended. Shares held by our main shareholders do not entitle such shareholders to different voting rights. Our Restricted Shares are unlisted, not admitted to trading on any stock exchange and are subject to, among other things, restrictions on transfer until converted into new Ordinary Shares.


Not applicable.


We are incorporated under the laws of Belgium (register of legal entities number 0417.497.106), and our shares are listed on the regulated market of Euronext Brussels under the symbol “ABI.” We also have secondary listings of our shares on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange under the symbol “ANH” and on the Mexican Stock Exchange under the symbol “ANB.” The securities that we have listed on the NYSE are ADSs, each of which represents one of our shares. We listed 1,608,663,943 ADSs on the NYSE on 16 September 2009 (such number equal to the number of our shares plus the number of warrants on our shares outstanding as of 7 September 2009). For more information on our shares, see “Item 10. Additional Information—B. Memorandum and Articles of Association and Other Share Information—Form and Transferability of Our Shares.” Our ADSs are described in greater detail under “Item 12. Description of Securities Other Than Equity Securities—D. American Depositary Shares.”

Euronext Brussels

Euronext Brussels is a subsidiary of Euronext N.V. and holds a license as a Belgian market operator under the Belgian Act of 2 August 2002. Pursuant to this legislation, the FSMA is responsible for disciplinary powers against members and issuers, control of sensitive information, supervision of markets, and investigative powers. Euronext Brussels is responsible for the organization of the markets and the admission, suspension and exclusion of members, and has been appointed by law as the “competent authority” within the meaning of the Listing Directive (Directive 2001/34/EC of 28 May 2001 of the European Parliament, as amended).

Euronext is the leading pan-European market infrastructure, connecting local economies to global capital markets, to accelerate innovation and sustainable growth. It operates regulated exchanges in Belgium, France, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway and Portugal. With close to 1,500 listed issuers worth €4.5 trillion in market capitalisation as of end December 2020, it has an unmatched blue chip franchise and a strong diverse domestic and international client base.



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Euronext operates regulated and transparent equity and derivatives markets and is the largest centre for debt and funds listings in the world. Its total product offering includes Equities, FX, Exchange Traded Funds, Warrants and Certificates, Bonds, Derivatives, Commodities and Indices. Euronext also leverages its expertise in running markets by providing technology and managed services to third parties. In addition to its main regulated market, it also operates Euronext Growth® and Euronext Access®, simplifying access to listing for SMEs. Euronext provides custody and settlement services through central securities depositories in Denmark, Norway and Portugal.

Trading Platform and Market Structure. Euronext operates seven markets in Belgium, France, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and the United Kingdom, all of which are subject to the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Directive 2004/39/EC of 21 April 2004 of the European Parliament, as amended). Trading on Euronext is governed both by a single harmonized rulebook for trading on each of Euronext’s markets and by non-harmonized Euronext Rulebooks containing a few local exchange-specific rules. Euronext’s trading rules provide for an order-driven market using an open electronic central order book for each traded security, various order types and automatic order matching and a guarantee of full anonymity both for orders and trades.

Trading Members. The majority of Euronext’s cash trading members are brokers and dealers based in Euronext’s marketplaces, but also include members in other parts of Europe, most notably the United Kingdom and Germany.

Clearing and Settlement. Clearing and settlement of trades executed on Euronext in Europe are generally handled by LCH.SA (for central counterparty clearing), and independent entities that provide services to Euronext pursuant to contractual agreement. Euroclear is taking care of the settlement part of the transactions.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.




Not applicable.


ITEM 10.



Not applicable.


A copy of our articles of association dated 3 June 2020 has been filed as Exhibit 1.1 to this Form 20-F.

Corporate Profile

We are a public limited liability company incorporated in the form of a société anonyme/naamloze vennootschap under Belgian law (Register of Legal Entities number 0417.497.106 (Brussels)). Our registered office is located at Grand-Place/Grote Markt 1, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, and our headquarters are located at Brouwerijplein 1, 3000 Leuven, Belgium. We were incorporated on 3 March 2016 for an unlimited duration under the laws of Belgium under the original name Newbelco SA/NV, and are the successor entity to predecessor Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, which was incorporated on 2 August 1977 for an unlimited duration under the laws of Belgium under the original name BEMES and which we absorbed on 10 October 2016. Our financial year runs from 1 January to 31 December.



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Corporate Purpose

According to Article 4 of our articles of association, our corporate purpose is:



to produce and deal in all kinds of products, including (but not limited to) beers, drinks, foodstuffs and any ancillary products, as well as all by-products and accessories, of whatsoever use, origin, purpose or form, and to provide all kinds of services; and



to acquire, hold and manage direct or indirect shareholdings or interests in companies, undertakings or other entities having a corporate purpose similar or related to, or likely to promote directly or indirectly the attainment of the foregoing corporate purpose, in Belgium and abroad, and to finance such companies, undertakings or other entities by means of loans, guarantees or in any other manner whatsoever.

In general, we may engage in any commercial, industrial and financial transactions, in moveable and real estate transactions, in research and development projects, as well as in any other transaction likely to promote directly or indirectly the attainment of our corporate purpose.

Amendments to Articles of Association

At our annual shareholders’ meeting held on 3 June 2020, our shareholders approved amendments to our Articles of Association to align them with the Belgian Companies Code, which entered into force on 1 January 2020.

Board of Directors

A description of the provisions of our articles of associations as applied to our board of directors can be found in “Item 6. Directors, Senior Management and Employees—A. Directors and Senior Management—Board of Directors” and “Item 6. Directors, Senior Management and Employees—C. Board Practices.”

We are relying on a provision in the NYSE Listed Company Manual that allows us to follow Belgian corporate law and the Belgian Corporate Governance Code with regard to certain aspects of corporate governance. This allows us to continue following certain corporate governance practices that differ in significant respects from the corporate governance requirements applicable to U.S. companies listed on the NYSE. See “Item 16G. Corporate Governance” for a concise summary of the significant ways in which our corporate governance practices differ from those followed by a U.S. company under the NYSE rules.

Belgian law does not regulate specifically the ability of directors to borrow money from Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV.

Our Corporate Governance Charter prohibits us from making loans to directors, whether for the purpose of exercising options or for any other purpose (except for routine advances for business-related expenses in accordance with our rules for reimbursement of expenses). See “Item 7. Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions—B. Related Party Transactions—Transactions with Directors and Executive Committee Members (Key Management Personnel).”

In addition, the Article 7:96 of the Belgian Companies Code provides that if one of our directors directly or indirectly has a personal financial interest that conflicts with a decision or transaction that falls within the powers of our Board, the director concerned must inform our other directors before our Board makes any decision on such transaction. The statutory auditor must also be notified. The director may not participate in the deliberation or vote on the conflicting decision or transaction. An excerpt from the minutes of the meeting of our Board that sets forth the financial impact of the matter on us and justifies the decision of our Board must be published in our annual report. The statutory auditors’ report to the annual accounts must assess the financial impact on us of each of the decisions of our Board where director conflicts arise.



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Form and Transferability of Our Shares

Our share capital is represented by 2,019,241,973 shares. There are two classes of shares: all shares are Ordinary Shares, except for 325,999,817 Restricted Shares.

Our Ordinary Shares can take the form of registered shares or dematerialized shares. Restricted Shares may only be held in registered form.

All of our shares are fully paid-up. Ordinary Shares are freely transferable. Restricted Shares are subject to the transfer restrictions summarized below and further described in our articles of association.

Restricted Shares

Restrictions on Transfers and Pledges

No holder of Restricted Shares (a “Restricted Shareholder”) shall transfer, sell, contribute, offer, grant any option on, otherwise dispose of, pledge, charge, assign, mortgage, grant any lien or any security interest on, enter into any certification (certification / certificering) or depository arrangement or enter into any form of hedging arrangement with respect to, in each case directly or indirectly, any of its Restricted Shares or any interests therein or any rights relating thereto, or enter into any contract or other agreement to do any of the foregoing, for a period of five years expiring on 10 October 2021, except as provided below.

As an exception to this rule, any Restricted Shareholder may transfer, sell, contribute, offer, grant any option on, otherwise dispose of, pledge, charge, assign, mortgage, grant a lien or any security interest on, or enter into any form of hedging arrangement with respect to, in each case directly or indirectly, any of its Restricted Shares or any interests therein or any rights relating thereto, or enter into any contract or other agreement to do any of the foregoing, to or for the benefit of any person that is its affiliate, its Successor and/or Successor’s affiliate (as such terms are defined in our articles of association), provided that if any such transferee ceases to be an affiliate, a Successor and/or a Successor’s affiliate of the Restricted Shareholder that initially made the transfer (or of its Successor), all such Restricted Shares which such transferee owns or in which it holds an interest shall be automatically transferred to such Restricted Shareholder (or to a person which, at the time of such transfer, is its affiliate or its Successor) and shall therefore remain Restricted Shares.

Also, under certain conditions set out in our articles of association, Restricted Shareholders (or, in certain cases, pledgees or receivers) may (i) with the prior written consent granted by our board of directors (a “Pledge Consent”), pledge, charge, assign, mortgage, or otherwise grant a lien over or grant any security interest on all or any part of their Restricted Shares or any interests therein and any rights relating thereto as security (in each case, a “Pledge”), and (ii) transfer, sell, contribute, offer, grant any option on, or otherwise dispose of, in each case directly or indirectly, or enter into any contract or other agreement to do any of the foregoing in respect of all or part of (or any interest in) their holding of Restricted Shares that are the subject of a Pledge (to which a Pledge Consent has been given) in the context of an enforcement action with respect to such Pledge or when the Restricted Shareholder has determined in good faith that such transfer is the only commercially reasonable alternative available to prevent an imminent enforcement of a Pledge.

Conversion into Ordinary Shares

Each Restricted Shareholder will have the right to convert all or part of its holding of Restricted Shares into Ordinary Shares at its election (i) at any time after 10 October 2021, and (ii) in some limited other instances, including immediately prior to or at any time after entering into an agreement or arrangement to effect a permitted transfer with respect to Restricted Shares that are the subject of a Pledge, as set out above.

The Restricted Shares shall automatically convert into Ordinary Shares (i) upon any transfer, sale, contribution or other disposal, except in the case of permitted transfers to or for the benefit of any person that is an affiliate, a Successor and/or a Successor’s affiliate of the relevant Restricted Shareholders or in the case of a Pledge Consent, provided that, in such cases, the Restricted Shares shall automatically be converted into Ordinary Shares



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upon any subsequent transfer, sale, contribution or disposal to any party which is not an affiliate, a Successor or a Successor’s affiliate of the Restricted Shareholder; (ii) immediately prior to the closing of a successful public takeover bid for our shares or the completion of a merger of the company as acquiring or disappearing company, in circumstances where the shareholders directly or indirectly, controlling or exercising directly or indirectly joint control over us immediately prior to such takeover bid or merger will not directly or indirectly control, or exercise joint control over, us or the surviving entity following such takeover bid or merger; or (iii) upon the announcement of a squeeze-out bid for our outstanding shares, in accordance with Article 7:82 of the Belgian Companies Code.

Upon conversion, each Restricted Share will be re-classified as one Ordinary Share. From the time of conversion, the Ordinary Shares will be freely transferable.

Holders of Restricted Shares may benefit from registration rights, as described in “—C. Material Contracts—Material Contracts Related to the Acquisition of SAB—Registration Rights Agreement.”

Changes to Our Share Capital

Capital Increase by Our Shareholders’ Meeting

Changes to our share capital may be decided by our shareholders’ meeting. Our shareholders’ meeting may at any time decide to increase or decrease our share capital. Such resolution must satisfy the following quorum and majority requirements: (i) a quorum of 50% of the issued share capital must be present or represented at the meeting, and (ii) the capital increase must be approved by at least 75% of the votes cast at the meeting (not counting abstentions). If there is no quorum, a second meeting must be convened where no quorum requirement applies but where the special 75% majority requirement applies. See “—Description of the Rights and Benefits Attached to Our Shares—Right to Attend and Vote at Our Shareholders’ Meeting—Quorum and Majority Requirements” below.

Capital Increase by Our Board of Directors

Subject to the same quorum and majority requirements described above, our shareholders’ meeting may authorize our Board, within certain limits, to increase our share capital without any further approval of shareholders, by way of authorized capital. This authorization needs to be limited in time (i.e., it can only be granted for a renewable period of a maximum of five years) and in scope (i.e., the increase by way of authorized capital may not exceed the amount of the share capital at the time of the authorization).

At the annual shareholders’ meeting on 26 April 2017, our shareholders’ meeting authorized our Board to increase the share capital of AB InBev to an amount not to exceed 3% of the total number of shares issued and outstanding on 26 April 2017 (i.e., 2,019,241,973). This authorization has been granted for five years and can be used for several purposes, including when the sound management of our business or the need to react to appropriate business opportunities calls for a restructuring, an acquisition (whether private or publish) of securities or assets in one or more companies, or generally, any other appropriate increase of our capital.

Preferential Subscription Right and Anti-Dilution

In the event of a share capital increase by way of the issue of new shares, convertible bonds, bonds repayable in shares, subscription rights or other financial instruments giving a right to shares (any such shares, bonds, rights or instruments being “Equity Interests”), all shareholders will have a preferential right to subscribe for any such Equity Interests, as set out in and in accordance with Article 7:188 of the Belgian Companies Code. The preferential subscription right shall entitle each shareholder to subscribe for any new Equity Interests, pro rata to the proportion of existing share capital as he or she holds immediately prior to such issue and subject to the rules of Article 7:188 of the Belgian Companies Code. Each shareholder may exercise his or her preferential right in whole or in part.



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Our shareholders’ meeting may restrict or cancel the preferential subscription right, in accordance with Article 7:191 of the Belgian Companies Code, for a purpose that is in our best interests, provided, however, that if the preferential subscription right is restricted or canceled with respect to any issuance in which any of our shareholders acquires any such Equity Interests, all our shareholders shall be given the same right and be treated in the same way. This requirement shall not apply when the preferential subscription right is restricted or canceled with respect to issuances of Equity Interests issued solely pursuant to stock option plans or other compensation plans in the ordinary course of business. Where our shareholders’ meeting has granted an authorization to our board of directors to effect a capital increase in the framework of the authorized capital and such authorization allows our board of directors to do so, our board of directors may likewise restrict or cancel the preferential subscription right applying the same principles as set out in this paragraph.

Any decision to restrict or cancel the preferential subscription right will require a quorum at the shareholders’ meeting of shareholders holding at least 50% of the share capital and, approval by a qualified majority of at least 75% of the votes cast at the meeting (not counting abstentions). If there is no quorum, a second meeting must be convened. At the second meeting, no quorum is required, but the relevant resolution must be approved by a qualified majority of at least 75% of the votes cast at the meeting (not counting abstentions).

No Restricted Shares shall be issued other than to a Restricted Shareholder exercising its preferential subscription right in respect of its holding of Restricted Shares, without prejudice to the right of the Ordinary Shareholders to exercise their second ranking preferential subscription right in accordance with Article 7:188 of the Belgian Companies Code. In case of any event referred to in Article 8.1 of our articles of association, Restricted Shareholders shall only be entitled or required to receive Restricted Shares in respect of the Restricted Shares held by them.

Certain shareholders (including shareholders resident in, or citizens of, certain jurisdictions, such as the United States, Australia, Canada and Japan) may not be entitled to exercise such rights even if they are not disapplied unless the rights and related shares are registered or qualified for sale under the relevant legislative or regulatory framework.

Purchases and Sales of Our Own Shares

We may only acquire our own shares pursuant to a decision by our shareholders’ meeting taken under the conditions of quorum and majority provided for in the Belgian Companies Code. Such a decision requires a quorum at the shareholders’ meeting of shareholders holding at least 50% of the share capital and approval by a qualified majority of at least 75% of the votes cast at the meeting (not counting abstentions). If there is no quorum, a second meeting must be convened. At the second meeting, no quorum is required, but the relevant resolution must be approved by a qualified majority of at least 75% of the votes cast at the meeting (not counting abstentions).

On 28 September 2016, our shareholders’ meeting granted an authorization allowing us to acquire our shares, either on or outside of the stock exchange, up to a maximum of 20% of the issued shares for a unitary price which will not be lower than one Euro and not higher than 20% above the highest closing price on Euronext Brussels in the last 20 trading days preceding the transaction. This authorization is valid for a period of five years as from 28 September 2016. In anticipation to the expiration of the share buyback authorization on 28 September 2021, our Board intends to propose to the upcoming annual shareholders’ meeting to be held on 28 April 2021 to renew such authorization for a period of 5 years.

We may only dispose of our own shares in accordance with the conditions of the Belgian Companies Code.

With respect to the shares acquired by us as a result of the merger between us and predecessor Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, our Board shall be entitled to dispose of such shares only in connection with (i) any share delivery obligations undertaken by us prior to 11 November 2015, (ii) any stock option plans or other compensation plans (including the Zenzele schemes) or (iii) any stock lending agreement or similar arrangement in respect of which we used our own shares for the purposes set out in items (i) and (ii).

See “Item 16E. Purchases of Equity Securities by the Issuer” for details of our recent share repurchase programs.



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Description of the Rights and Benefits Attached to Our Shares

Right to Attend and Vote at Our Shareholders’ Meeting

Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting

Our ordinary shareholders’ meeting will be held on the last Wednesday of April of each year, at 11:00 a.m., Belgian time, in one of the municipalities of the Brussels-Capital Region, in Leuven or in Liège, at the place which will be mentioned in the convening notice. If this date is a legal holiday, the meeting will be held on the next business day at the same time.

At this meeting, our Board and the statutory auditor will present a report on our management and financial situation as at the end of the previous accounting year, which shall run from 1 January to 31 December. The shareholders will then vote on the approval of the annual accounts, the allocation of our profit or loss, the appointment or renewal, if necessary, of directors or statutory auditors, remuneration of the directors and the auditor and the release from liability of the directors and the statutory auditor.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual shareholders’ meeting held on 3 June 2020, by exception, took place without physical attendance of shareholders, in accordance with the Belgian royal decree n°4 of 9 April 2020. Shareholders were offered the possibility to submit questions in writing and to participate by correspondence in advance of the meeting or by giving a proxy to a person designated by the company. The meeting was recorded and an audiocast is accessible on our corporate website.

The convening notice to the upcoming annual shareholders’ meeting to be held on 28 April 2021 will be published on 26 March 2021 and will contain further information on the format of the meeting and modalities to participate. In light of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, the Company will be guided by health and safety concerns and the measures and recommendations made by public authorities in Europe and Belgium.

Ad hoc and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings

Our Board or our statutory auditor (or the liquidators, if appropriate) may, whenever our interests so require, convene a special or extraordinary shareholders’ meeting. Such shareholders’ meeting must also be convened every time one or more of our shareholders holding at least one-tenth of our share capital so demand.

Such shareholders’ meetings shall be held on the day, at the hour and in the place designated by the convening notice. They may be held at locations other than our registered office.

Notices Convening Our Shareholders’ Meeting

Notices of our shareholders’ meetings contain the agenda of the meeting and the recommendations of our board of directors on the matters to be voted upon.

Notices for our shareholders’ meetings are given in the form of announcements placed at least 30 days prior to the meeting in at least one Belgian newspaper and in the Belgian State Gazette (Moniteur belge/Belgisch Staatsblad). Notices will be sent 30 days prior to the date of our shareholders’ meetings to the holders of our registered shares, holders of our registered warrants and to our directors and our statutory auditor.

Notices of all our shareholders’ meetings and all related documents, such as specific board of directors’ and auditor’s reports, will also be published on our website.

Admission to Meetings

All shareholders are entitled to attend our shareholders’ meetings, take part in the deliberations and, within the limits prescribed by the Belgian Companies Code and our articles of association, vote, provided they have complied with the formalities for admission set out in the convening notice.



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The right to participate in and vote at a shareholders’ meeting will require a shareholder to:



have the ownership of his or her shares recorded in his or her name on the 14th calendar day preceding the date of the shareholders’ meeting, either through registration in the register of our registered shares, for holders of registered shares, or through book-entry in the accounts of an authorized account holder or clearing organization, for holders of dematerialized shares; and



notify us (or a person designated by us) at the latest on the sixth calendar day preceding the date of the shareholders’ meeting of his or her intention to participate in the meeting, indicating the number of shares in respect of which he or she intends to do so. In addition, a holder of dematerialized shares must, at the latest on the same day, provide us (or a person designated by us) with an original certificate issued by an authorized account holder or a clearing organization certifying the number of shares owned by the relevant shareholder on the record date for the shareholders’ meeting and for which he or she has notified his or her intention to participate in that meeting.

Voting by Proxy

Any shareholder with the right to vote may either personally participate in the meeting or give a proxy to another person, who need not be a shareholder, to represent him or her at the meeting. A shareholder may designate, for a given meeting, only one person as proxy holder, except in circumstances where Belgian law allows the designation of multiple proxy holders. The appointment of a proxy holder may take place in paper form or electronically (in which case, the form shall be signed by means of an electronic signature in accordance with applicable Belgian law), through a form which shall be made available by us. The signed original paper or electronic form must be received by us at the latest on the sixth calendar day preceding the date of the shareholders’ meeting. Any appointment of a proxy holder shall comply with relevant requirements of applicable Belgian law in terms of conflicting interests, record keeping and any other applicable requirements.

Vote by Correspondence

Any shareholder with the right to vote may vote remotely in advance of our shareholders’ meeting by sending a paper form or, if permitted by us in the notice convening the meeting, by sending a form electronically (in which case, the form shall be signed by means of an electronic signature in accordance with applicable Belgian law). These forms shall be made available by us. Only forms received by us at the latest on the sixth calendar day preceding the date of the meeting will be taken into account.

Shareholders voting remotely must, in order for their vote to be taken into account for the calculation of the quorum and voting majority, comply with the admission formalities set out in the convening notice.

Right to Request Items Be Added to the Agenda and to Ask Questions at the Shareholders’ Meeting

One or more shareholders that together hold at least 3% of our share capital may request for items to be added to the agenda of any convened meeting and submit proposals for resolutions with regard to existing agenda items or new items to be added to the agenda, provided that (i) they prove ownership of such shareholding as at the date of their request and record their shares representing such shareholding on the record date for the relevant shareholders’ meeting and (ii) the additional items to be added to the agenda and/or proposed resolutions have been sent in writing (by registered mail or e-mail) by these shareholders to our registered office no later than on the twenty-second day preceding the date of the relevant shareholders’ meeting. Such shareholdings must be proven by a certificate evidencing the registration of the relevant shares in our share register or by a certificate issued by the authorized account holder or the clearing organization certifying the book-entry of the relevant number of dematerialized shares in the name of the relevant shareholder(s).

We shall acknowledge receipt of shareholders’ requests within 48 hours and, if required, publish a revised agenda of the shareholders’ meeting at the latest on the 15th day preceding the date of the shareholders’ meeting. The right to request that items be added to the agenda or that proposed resolutions in relation to existing agenda items be submitted does not apply in case of a second shareholders’ meeting that must be convened because the quorum was not obtained during the first shareholders’ meeting.



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Within the limits of Article 7:139 of the Belgian Companies Code, our directors and our auditor shall answer, during the shareholders’ meeting, any questions raised by shareholders. Shareholders may ask questions either during the meeting or in writing, provided that we receive the written question at the latest on the sixth day preceding the date of the shareholders’ meeting.

Quorum and Majority Requirements

Each of our shares is entitled to one vote except for shares owned by us, or by any of our subsidiaries, the voting rights of which are suspended. Without prejudice to the specific rights and obligations attached to the Restricted Shares, the shares held by our principal shareholders do not entitle such shareholders to different voting rights.

Save as provided in the Belgian Companies Code and our articles of association, there will be no quorum requirement at our shareholders’ meetings and decisions will be taken by a simple majority vote.

Resolutions relating to amendments of our articles of association or a merger or split are subject to special quorum and majority requirements. Specifically, any resolution on these matters will require the presence in person or by proxy of shareholders holding an aggregate of at least 50% of our issued share capital, and the approval of at least 75% of the votes cast at the meeting (not counting abstentions). If there is no quorum, a second meeting must be convened. At the second meeting, the quorum requirement will not apply. However, the special majority requirement will continue to apply.

Resolutions relating to the modification of the rights attached to a particular class of our shares are subject to special quorum and majority requirements. Specifically, any resolution on these matters will require the presence in person or by proxy of shareholders holding an aggregate of at least 50% of the issued share capital in each class of our shares and the approval of at least 75% of the votes cast at the meeting in each class of our shares (not counting abstentions). If there is no quorum, a second meeting must be convened. At the second meeting, the quorum requirement will not apply. However, the special majority requirement will continue to apply.

Any modification of our corporate purpose will require a quorum of shareholders holding an aggregate of at least 50% of the share capital and approval by a qualified majority of at least 80% of the votes cast at the meeting (not counting abstentions). If there is no quorum, a second meeting must be convened. At the second meeting, no quorum will be required, but the relevant resolution must be approved by a qualified majority of at least 80% of the votes cast at the meeting (not counting abstentions).

Any authorization to repurchase shares will require a quorum of shareholders holding an aggregate of at least 50% of the share capital and approval by a qualified majority of at least 75% of the votes cast at the meeting (not counting abstentions). If there is no quorum, a second meeting must be convened. At the second meeting, no quorum will be required, but the relevant resolution must be approved by a qualified majority of at least 75% of the votes cast at the meeting (not counting abstentions).

Pursuant to Article 40 of our articles of association, any acquisition or disposal of tangible assets by us for an amount higher than the value of one-third of our consolidated total assets as reported in our most recent audited consolidated financial statements shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction of our shareholders’ meeting and shall be adopted with a positive vote of 75% of the shares attending or represented at the meeting, regardless of the number of shares attending or represented.


All of our shares participate equally in our profits. Our Ordinary Shares (including our Ordinary Shares represented by our ADSs) and Restricted Shares have the same rights in relation to dividends and other distributions.



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The Belgian Companies Code provides that dividends can only be paid up to an amount equal to the excess of our shareholders’ equity over the sum of (i) paid-up or called-up share capital and (ii) reserves not available for distribution pursuant to law or our articles of association. Under Belgian law and our articles of association, we must allocate an amount of 5% of our annual net profit on an unconsolidated basis to a legal reserve in our unconsolidated financial statements until such reserve equals 10% of our share capital.

In general, we may only pay dividends with the approval of the shareholders’ meeting. The annual dividend payment (if any) will be approved by our shareholders at our Ordinary Shareholders’ meeting and will be paid on the dates and the places determined by our board of directors. In addition, our Board may declare interim dividends without shareholder approval, in accordance with the provisions of the Belgian Companies Code and Article 44 of our articles of association. It is expected that our board will decide the payment of dividends on a semi-annual basis.

See “Item 8. Financial Information—A. Consolidated Financial Statements and Other Financial Information—Dividend Policy” for further information on our current dividend policy.

Appointment of Directors

Under our articles of association, the directors are appointed as follows:



three independent directors will be appointed by our shareholders’ meeting upon proposal by our board of directors;



so long as the Stichting and/or any of its affiliates, any of their respective successors and/or successors’ affiliates own, in aggregate, more than 30% of the shares with voting rights in our share capital, nine directors will be appointed by our shareholders’ meeting upon proposal by the Stichting (and/or any of its affiliates, any of their respective successors and/or successors’ affiliates); and



so long as the Restricted Shareholders, together with their affiliates and/or any of their successors and/or successors’ affiliates, own in aggregate:



more than 13.5% of the shares with voting rights in our share capital, three directors will be appointed by our shareholders’ meeting upon proposal by the Restricted Shareholders;



more than 9% but not more than 13.5% of the shares with voting rights in our share capital, two directors will be appointed by our shareholders’ meeting upon proposal by the Restricted Shareholders;



more than 4.5% but not more than 9% of the shares with voting rights in our share capital, one director will be appointed by our shareholders’ meeting upon proposal by the Restricted Shareholders; and



4.5% or less than 4.5% of the shares with voting rights in our share capital, the Restricted Shareholders will no longer have the right to propose any candidate for appointment as a member of our board of directors and no directors will be appointed upon proposal by the Restricted Shareholders.

Liquidation Rights

We can only be dissolved by a shareholders’ resolution passed in accordance with the conditions laid down for the amendment of our articles of association (i.e., with a majority of at least 75% of the votes cast (not counting abstentions) at an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting where at least 50% of the share capital is present or represented).



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If, as a result of losses incurred, the ratio of our net assets (determined in accordance with Belgian legal and accounting rules) to share capital is less than 50%, our board of directors must convene an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting within two months as of the date upon which our board of directors discovered or should have discovered this undercapitalization. At this shareholders’ meeting, our board of directors must propose either the dissolution of the company or the continuation of the company, in which case, our board of directors must propose measures to redress our financial situation. Shareholders’ resolutions relating to our dissolution are adopted in accordance with the conditions laid down for the amendments of our articles of association.

If, as a result of losses incurred, the ratio of our net assets to share capital is less than 25%, the same procedure must be followed; provided, however, that in this instance, shareholders representing 25% of the votes validly cast at the relevant shareholders’ meeting can decide to dissolve the company. If the amount of our net assets has dropped below EUR 61,500 (the minimum amount of share capital of a Belgian limited liability company (société anonyme / naamloze vennootschap)), any interested party is entitled to request the competent court to dissolve the company. The court can order the dissolution of the company or grant a grace period within which we may remedy the situation.

In the event of our dissolution and liquidation, the assets remaining after payment of all debts and liquidation expenses shall be distributed to the holders of our shares, each receiving a sum proportional to the number of our shares held by them. Our Ordinary Shares and Restricted Shares have the same rights in relation to all proceeds of a dissolution, liquidation or winding-up.

Transactions with Major Shareholders

In the event of (i) a contribution in kind to us with assets owned by any person or entity which is required to file a transparency declaration pursuant to applicable Belgian law or a subsidiary of such person or entity or (ii) a merger of the company with such a person or entity or a subsidiary of such person or entity, then such person or entity and its subsidiaries shall not be entitled to vote on the resolution submitted to the shareholders’ meeting to approve such contribution in kind or merger.

Disclosure of Significant Shareholdings

In addition to the transparency disclosure thresholds set out by the applicable Belgian legislation (i.e., 5%, 10%, 15% and so on in five percentage point increments), the disclosure obligation set out in such legislation shall also apply as soon as the amount of securities giving voting rights, voting rights and assimilated financial instruments held by a person acting alone or by persons acting in concert reaches, exceeds or falls below a 3% or 7.5% threshold of the total outstanding voting rights. For details of our major shareholders, see “Item 7. Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions—A. Major Shareholders.”

Mandatory Bid

Public takeover bids for our shares and other securities, if any, are subject to supervision by the FSMA. Any public takeover bids must be extended to all of our voting securities, as well as all other securities giving access to voting rights. Prior to making a bid, a bidder must publish a prospectus which has been approved by the FSMA prior to publication.

Belgium has implemented the Thirteenth Company Law Directive (European Directive 2004/25/EC of 21 April 2004) in the Belgian Law of 1 April 2007 on public takeover bids and the Belgian Royal Decree of 27 April 2007 on public takeover bids. The Belgian Law of 1 April 2007 on public takeover bids provides that a mandatory bid must be launched if a person, as a result of his or her own acquisition or the acquisition by persons acting in concert with him or her or by persons acting for his or her account, directly or indirectly holds more than 30% of the voting rights in a company having its registered office in Belgium and of which at least part of the voting securities are traded on a regulated market or on a multilateral trading facility, as designated by the Belgian Royal Decree of 27 April 2007 on public takeover bids (as set out in “Item 7. Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions—A. Major Shareholders—Shareholding Structure”).



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The mere fact of exceeding the relevant threshold through the acquisition of shares will give rise to a mandatory bid, irrespective of whether the price paid in the relevant transaction exceeds the current market price. The duty to launch a mandatory bid does not apply in case of an acquisition if it can be shown that a third party exercises control over us or that such third party holds a larger stake than the person holding 30% of the voting rights.

There are several provisions of Belgian company law and certain other provisions of Belgian law, such as the obligations to disclose significant shareholdings and merger control regulations, that may apply to us and which may make an unsolicited tender offer, merger, change in management or other change in control more difficult. These provisions could discourage potential takeover attempts that other shareholders may consider to be in their best interest and could adversely affect the market price of our shares. These provisions may also have the effect of depriving the shareholders of the opportunity to sell their shares at a premium.

In addition, the board of directors of a Belgian company may, in certain instances and subject to prior authorization by the shareholders, deter or frustrate public takeover bids through dilutive issuances of equity securities (pursuant to the company’s authorized capital) or through share buy-backs (i.e., the purchase of our own shares).

Limitations on the Right to Own Securities

Neither Belgian law nor our articles of association imposes any general limitation on the right of non-residents or foreign persons to hold our securities or exercise voting rights on our securities other than those limitations that would generally apply to all shareholders.




The following contracts have been entered into by us within the two years immediately preceding the date of this Form 20-F or contain provisions under which we or another member of our group has an obligation or entitlement which is material to our group:

Material Contracts Related to the Acquisition of SAB

Information Rights Agreement

On 11 November 2015, we entered into an information rights agreement with Altria (“Information Rights Agreement”), pursuant to which we agreed to share certain information to enable Altria to comply with its financial reporting, financial controls and financial planning requirements as they apply to Altria’s investment in AB InBev. Upon the closing of the combination with SAB, this Information Rights Agreement replaced the existing relationship agreement that was in place between Altria and SAB.

Under the terms of the combination with SAB, any former SAB shareholder other than Altria is entitled, from completion of the combination with SAB, to enter into an agreement with us on substantially the same terms as the Information Rights Agreement, provided that it is able to demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of our board of directors that it meets the following criteria:



it will be the sole legal and beneficial holder of no less than 10% of our share capital in issue from time to time;



for the purposes of its financial reporting, it accounts for its shareholding in AB InBev on the basis of the equity method of accounting in accordance with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”); and



it is a U.S. listed company subject to the reporting requirements under the Exchange Act and section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

The Information Rights Agreement is filed as Exhibit 4.26 to this Form 20-F.



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Tax Matters Agreement

On 11 November 2015, we entered into a tax matters agreement (the “Tax Matters Agreement”) with Altria, pursuant to which we agreed to provide assistance and co-operation to, and to give certain representations and undertakings to, Altria in relation to certain matters that are relevant to Altria under U.S. tax legislation, including the structure and implementation of the combination with SAB.

The Tax Matters Agreement sets out the framework for ongoing co-operation between us and Altria after completion of the combination with SAB in relation to certain matters that are relevant to Altria under U.S. tax legislation. The Tax Matters Agreement provided that, upon completion of the combination with SAB, the existing tax matters agreement in place between Altria and SAB was terminated.

On 25 August 2016, we entered into an amended and restated Tax Matters Agreement with Altria, in order to make certain adjustments to the representations as to the structure and implementation of the combination with SAB to reflect additional details that had developed since 11 November 2015.

The Tax Matters Agreement is filed as Exhibit 4.22 to this Form 20-F.

Molson Coors Purchase Agreement

On 11 November 2015, we entered into a purchase agreement (the “Molson Coors Purchase Agreement”) with Molson Coors Brewing Company (“Molson Coors”) pursuant to which, upon completion of the combination with SAB, Molson Coors acquired all of SAB’s interest in MillerCoors LLC, a joint venture between SAB and Molson Coors (“MillerCoors”), and certain assets (including trademarks, other intellectual property, contracts, inventory and other assets) related to SAB’s portfolio of Miller brands outside the U.S. for an aggregate purchase price of USD 12.0 billion in cash, subject to certain adjustments as described in the Molson Coors Purchase Agreement.

We agreed to provide certain transition services to Molson Coors, including producing certain Miller branded products in specified countries outside the U.S. for three years. We also agreed to enter into amendments to certain existing agreements between SAB and its affiliates and MillerCoors in respect of the license and/or supply of certain brands owned by SAB and distributed by MillerCoors in the U.S. and Puerto Rico, including granting perpetual licenses to such brands to MillerCoors and committing to supply product to MillerCoors under those brands for three years (plus two one-year extensions at Molson Coors’ election).

The Molson Coors Purchase Agreement, Amendment No. 1 and Amendment No. 2 are filed as Exhibits 4.23, 4.24 and 4.25, respectively, to this Form 20-F.

Registration Rights Agreement

On 10 October 2016, we entered into a registration rights agreement (the “Registration Rights Agreement”) with Altria and BEVCO, pursuant to which we are required to, in certain circumstances, register for resale under the Securities Act all registrable shares held by Restricted Shareholders any time after 10 October 2021, the fifth anniversary of the completion of the combination with SAB, at which point, the Restricted Shares will become eligible for conversion into Ordinary Shares at the option of the Restricted Shareholder. We are also required to file with the SEC a shelf registration statement relating to such registrable shares pursuant to Rule 415 under the Securities Act at the request of Restricted Shareholders holding, in aggregate, at least the lesser of USD 2.5 billion of our equity securities by market value and 1.5% of our outstanding share capital. We will be responsible for bearing the costs and expenses of each such registration.

In addition, each Restricted Shareholder owning at least 1.0% of our outstanding share capital has certain “piggyback” registration rights under the Registration Rights Agreement, pursuant to which such Restricted Shareholder may register the resale of their securities alongside any offering of Ordinary Shares (including ADSs) by AB InBev. We have also agreed to certain other customary provisions, including the indemnification of Altria and BEVCO and the underwriters of any registered offering.



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The Registration Rights Agreement will terminate on the date when there is no Restricted Shareholder that owns more than the lesser of USD 2.5 billion of our equity securities by market value and 1.5% of our outstanding share capital. The Registration Rights Agreement has been filed as Exhibit 4.27 to this Form 20-F.

U.S. Department of Justice Consent Decree

On 20 July 2016, we announced that we had entered into a consent decree with the U.S. Department of Justice, which cleared the way for United States approval of the combination with SAB. The terms of the consent decree formalized our agreement to divest SAB’s U.S. interest in MillerCoors to Molson Coors as well as prior commitments made by us, including:



we will not acquire control of a distributor if doing so would result in more than 10% of our U.S. annual volume being distributed through majority-owned distributorships in the U.S.; and



we will not terminate any wholesalers as a result of the combination with SAB.

The terms of the consent decree also require us to notify the U.S. Department of Justice at least 30 days prior to the consummation of any acquisition of a beer brewer, importer, distributor or brand owner deriving more than USD 7.5 million in annual gross revenue from beer sold for further resale in the United States or from license fees generated by such sales, subject to certain exceptions. In addition, certain aspects of our U.S. sales programs and policies have been reviewed and modified to conform to the consent decree to ensure that we do not limit the ability and incentives of independent distributors to sell and promote third-party brewers’ products.

The consent decree will expire on 20 July 2026 (ten (10) years after the U.S. Department of Justice filed its complaint); however, the consent decree may be terminated at any time after 22 October 2023 upon notice by the U.S. Department of Justice to the court that continuation of the consent decree is no longer necessary or in the public interest. Our compliance with the consent decree is monitored by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Monitoring Trustee appointed by it. The terms of the consent decree are reflected in the modified final judgment which is filed as Exhibit 4.28 to this Form 20-F.

Sustainability Linked Revolving Credit Facility

On 18 February 2021, we announced the successful signing of a new USD 10.1 billion Sustainability Linked Revolving Credit Facility (“SLL Revolving Facility”), which replaced our existing USD 9.0 billion Revolving Facility. The facility has an initial five-year term, which may be extended by an additional two years. The facility incorporates a pricing mechanism that incentivizes improvement in the following four key performance areas that are aligned with and contribute to our 2025 Sustainability Goals:



improving water efficiency in our breweries globally;



increasing PET recycled content in PET primary packaging;



sourcing purchased electricity from renewable sources; and



reducing GHG emissions.

The SLL Revolving Facility contains customary representations and warranties, covenants and events of default. Among other things, an event of default is triggered if either a default or an event of default occurs under any of our or our subsidiaries’ financial indebtedness. The obligations of the borrowers under the SLL Revolving Facility are jointly and severally guaranteed by the other borrowers, ABIFI, Anheuser-Busch, Brandbrew S.A.and Brandbev S.à.R.L.

We borrow under the SLL Revolving Facility at an interest rate equal to LIBOR or EURIBOR for euro-denominated loans (subject in each case to transition to alternative reference rates in the case of discontinuation or unavailability) plus a margin. The margin is based upon the ratings assigned by rating agencies to our long-term debt and is subject to adjustment depending on our performance with respect to identified sustainability performance targets.



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There are no Belgian exchange control regulations that would affect the remittance of dividends to non-resident holders of our shares. See “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—G. Liquidity and Capital Resources—Transfers from Subsidiaries” for a discussion of various restrictions applicable to transfers of funds by our subsidiaries.


Belgian Taxation

The following paragraphs are a summary of material Belgian tax consequences of the ownership and disposal of our shares or ADSs by an investor. The summary is based on laws, treaties and regulatory interpretations in effect in Belgium on the date of this document, all of which are subject to change, including changes that could have retroactive effect.

The summary only discusses Belgian tax aspects which are relevant to U.S. holders of our shares or ADSs (“Holders”). This summary does not address Belgian tax aspects which are relevant to persons who are residents in Belgium or engaged in a trade or business in Belgium through a permanent establishment or a fixed base in Belgium. This summary does not purport to be a description of all of the tax consequences of the ownership and disposal of our shares or ADSs, and does not take into account the specific circumstances of any particular investor, some of which may be subject to special rules, or the tax laws of any country other than Belgium. This summary does not describe the tax treatment of investors that are subject to special rules, such as banks, insurance companies, collective investment undertakings, dealers in securities or currencies, or persons that hold, or will hold, our shares or ADSs as a position in a straddle, share-repurchase transaction, conversion transaction, synthetic security or other integrated financial transaction. Investors should consult their own advisers regarding the tax consequences of an investment in our shares or ADSs in the light of their particular circumstances, including the effect of any state, local or other national laws.

Dividend Withholding Tax

As a general rule, a withholding tax of 30% is levied on the gross amount of dividends paid on or attributed to our shares or ADSs, subject to such relief as may be available under applicable domestic or tax treaty provisions. Dividends subject to the dividend withholding tax include all benefits paid on or attributed to our shares or ADSs, irrespective of their form, as well as reimbursements of statutory share capital, except reimbursements of fiscal capital made in accordance with the Belgian Companies Code, subject to certain conditions and a pro-rate rule (as described below). In principle, fiscal capital includes paid-up statutory share capital, and subject to certain conditions, the paid-up issue premiums and the cash amounts subscribed to at the time of the issue of profit-sharing certificates. Note that as of 2018 (i.e., financial years starting on or after 1 January 2018), any reduction of fiscal capital is deemed to be paid out on a pro rata basis of the fiscal capital and certain reserves (i.e., and in the following order: the taxed reserves incorporated in the statutory capital, the taxed reserves not incorporated in the statutory capital and the tax-exempt reserves incorporated in the statutory capital). Only the part of the capital reduction that is deemed to be paid out of the fiscal capital may, subject to certain conditions, not be considered as a dividend distribution for Belgian tax purposes.

If we redeem our own shares or ADSs, the redemption distribution (after deduction of the portion of fiscal capital represented by our redeemed shares or ADSs) will be treated as a dividend, which in certain circumstances may be subject to a withholding tax of 30%, subject to such relief as may be available under applicable domestic or tax treaty provisions. No withholding tax will be triggered if such redemption is carried out on a stock exchange and meets certain conditions. In case of our liquidation, any amounts distributed in excess of the fiscal capital will be subject to a 30% withholding tax, subject to such relief as may be available under applicable domestic or tax treaty provisions.




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Dividends paid or attributed to non-resident individuals who do not use our shares or ADSs in the exercise of a professional activity may be exempt from non-resident individual income tax up to the amount of 800 EUR (for income year 2021). Consequently, if Belgian withholding tax has been levied on dividends paid or attributed to our shares or ADSs, such Belgian non-resident may request in his or her non-resident income tax return that any Belgian withholding tax levied on dividends up to the amount of EUR 800 (for income year 2021) be credited and, as the case may be, reimbursed. However, if no Belgian non-resident income tax return has to be filed by the non-resident individual, any Belgian withholding tax levied on dividends up to such an amount could in principle be reclaimed by filing a request thereto addressed to the designated tax official. Such a request has to be made at the latest on 31 December of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the relevant dividend(s) have been received, together with an affidavit confirming the non-resident individual status and certain other formalities which are determined by Royal Decree. For the avoidance of doubt, all dividends paid or attributed to the non-resident individual are taken into account to assess whether the maximum amount of EUR 800 (for income year 2021) is reached (and hence not only the amount of dividends paid or attributed on our shares or ADSs). A withholding tax exemption will apply on dividends paid by us to a company that is a resident of the United States, provided that: (i) the U.S. company is subject to U.S. corporate income tax or a similar tax without benefiting from a tax regime that deviates from the ordinary U.S. corporate income tax regime, (ii) the U.S. company has a legal form similar to the ones listed in the Annex to the European Union Parent-Subsidiary Directive of 30 November 2011 (2011/96/EU) (“EU Parent-Subsidiary Directive”), as amended from time to time; (iii) the U.S. company owns, on the date the dividend is payable or attributable, a participation representing less than 10% of our capital but with an acquisition value of at least EUR 2,500,000; (iv) the U.S. company holds our shares or ADSs in full legal ownership for an uninterrupted period of at least one year; and (v) the U.S. company submits an affidavit to us or our paying agent (see below). The withholding tax exemption only applies to the extent that the withholding tax, which would be due in the absence of said exemption, is in principle not creditable or refundable in the hands of the U.S. resident company.

In order to benefit from the above withholding tax exemption, the U.S. resident company must provide us or our paying agent with an affidavit confirming the following points: (i) the U.S. company has a legal form similar to the ones listed in the Annex to the EU Parent-Subsidiary Directive, as amended from time to time; (ii) the U.S. company is subject to U.S. corporate income tax or a similar tax without benefiting from a tax regime that deviates from the ordinary U.S. corporate income tax regime; (iii) the acquisition value of the participation amounts to at least EUR 2,500,000 (but representing less than 10% of our capital); (iv) the dividends relate to our shares or ADSs which the U.S. company holds or has held in full legal ownership for an uninterrupted period of at least one year; (v) to which extent the Belgian withholding tax, which would be due in the absence of said exemption, is in principle creditable or refundable in the hands of the U.S. company according to the legal provisions in force on December 31 of the year preceding the year of the payment or attribution of the dividends; and (vi) the full name, legal form, address and, if applicable, the fiscal identification number of the U.S. company.

Withholding tax is also not applicable, pursuant to Belgian domestic tax law, on dividends paid to a U.S. pension fund which satisfies the following conditions: (i) it is a legal entity with separate legal personality and fiscal residence in the United States; (ii) whose corporate purpose consists solely in managing and investing funds collected in order to pay legal or complementary pensions; (iii) whose activity is limited to the investment of funds collected in the exercise of its corporate purpose, without any profit making aim; (iv) which is exempt from income tax in the United States; and (v) provided that it is not contractually obligated to redistribute the dividends to any ultimate beneficiary of such dividends for whom it would manage the shares or ADSs, nor obligated to pay a manufactured dividend with respect to the shares or ADSs under a securities borrowing transaction. The exemption will not be applicable to dividends which are connected to an arrangement or a series of arrangements for which the Belgian tax administration has proven that this arrangement or this series of arrangements is not genuine and has been put in place for the main purpose or one of the main purposes of obtaining the dividend received deduction, the above dividend withholding tax exemption or one of the advantages of the Parent- Subsidiary Directive in another EU Member State. An arrangement or a series of arrangements is regarded as not genuine to the extent that they are not put into place for valid commercial reasons which reflect economic reality. There is a rebuttable presumption that dividends are deemed to be connected to an artificial transaction if the shares have not been held by the pension



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fund in full legal ownership for an uninterrupted period of at least 60 days within 15 days from the date of the attribution or payment of the income. The exemption will only apply if the U.S. pension fund provides a certificate confirming that it is the full legal owner of the shares or ADSs and that the above conditions are satisfied. The organization must then forward that certificate to us or our paying agent.

For non-resident individuals and companies, the dividend withholding tax will be the only tax on dividends in Belgium, unless the non-resident holds our shares or ADSs in connection with a business conducted in Belgium, through a fixed base in Belgium or a Belgian permanent establishment.

Relief of Belgian Dividend Withholding Tax

Under the income tax convention between the United States of America and Belgium (the “Treaty”), there is a reduced Belgian withholding tax rate of 15% on dividends paid by us to a U.S. resident that beneficially owns the dividends and is entitled to claim the benefits of the Treaty under the limitation of benefits article included in the Treaty (“Qualifying Holders”). If such Qualifying Holder is a company that owns directly at least 10% of our voting stock, the Belgian withholding tax rate is further reduced to 5%. No withholding tax is, however, applicable if the Qualifying Holder is: (i) a company that is a resident of the United States that has owned directly our shares or ADSs representing at least 10% of our capital for a 12-month period ending on the date the dividend is declared; or (ii) a pension fund that is a resident of the United States, provided that such dividends are not derived from the carrying on of a business by the pension fund or through an associated enterprise.

Under the normal procedure, we or our paying agent must withhold the full Belgian withholding tax (without taking into account the Treaty rate). Qualifying Holders may make a claim for reimbursement for amounts withheld in excess of the rate defined by the Treaty. The reimbursement form (Form 276 Div-Aut.) may be obtained from the Centre Étrangers – Team 6 – 17P, 50 box 3429 Boulevard du Jardin Botanique, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. Qualifying Holders may also, subject to certain conditions, obtain the reduced Treaty rate at source. Qualifying Holders should deliver a duly completed Form 276 Div-Aut. no later than ten days after the date on which the dividend becomes payable. U.S. holders should consult their own tax advisers as to whether they qualify for reduction in withholding tax upon payment or attribution of dividends, and as to the procedural requirements for obtaining a reduced withholding tax upon the payment of dividends or for making claims for reimbursement.

Capital Gains and Losses

Pursuant to the Treaty, capital gains and/or losses realized by a Qualifying Holder from the sale, exchange or other disposition of our shares or ADSs do not fall within the scope of application of Belgian domestic tax law.

Capital gains realized on our shares or ADSs by a corporate Holder which is not entitled to claim the benefits of the Treaty under the limitation of benefits article included in the Treaty are generally not subject to taxation and losses are not deductible, provided that our shares or ADSs are neither held in connection with a business conducted in Belgium, nor through a fixed base or permanent establishment in Belgium.

Private individual Holders who are not entitled to claim the benefits of the Treaty under the limitation of benefits article included in the Treaty and who are holding our shares or ADSs as a private investment will, as a rule, not be subject to tax on any capital gains arising out of a disposal of our shares or ADSs and capital losses will, as a rule, not be deductible in Belgium, subject to the exceptions below.

If capital gains realized by private individual Holders who are not entitled to claim the benefits of the Treaty under the limitation of benefits article included in the Treaty on our shares or ADSs are deemed to be realized outside the scope of the normal management of such individual’s private estate and the capital gain is obtained or received in Belgium, the gain will be subject to a final professional withholding tax of 30.28% or must be reported in a non-resident tax return for the income year during which the gain has been realized, in which case the gain will be taxable at the rate of 35.31% (33% with a current surcharge of 7%). The Official Commentary to the ITC 1992 stipulates that occasional transactions on a stock exchange regarding our shares or ADSs should not be considered as transactions realized outside the scope of normal management of one’s own private estate.



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Capital gains realized by such individual Holders on the disposal of our shares or ADSs for consideration, outside the exercise of a professional activity, to a non-resident company (or a body constituted in a similar legal form), to a foreign State (or one of its political subdivisions or local authorities) or to a non-resident legal entity that is established outside the European Economic Area, are in principle taxable at a rate of 16.5% (plus a current surcharge of 7%) if, at any time during the five years preceding the sale, such individual Holder has owned directly or indirectly, alone or with his/her spouse or with certain relatives, a substantial shareholding in us (more than 25% of our shares).

Capital gains realized by a Holder upon the redemption of our shares or ADSs or upon our liquidation will generally be taxable as a dividend (see above).

Estate and Gift Tax

There is no Belgium estate tax on the transfer of our shares or ADSs on the death of a Belgian non-resident.

Donations of our shares or ADSs made in Belgium may or may not be subject to gift tax depending on how the donation is carried out.

Belgian Tax on Securities Accounts

The Belgian federal government has submitted a bill introducing an annual tax on securities accounts to Parliament.

An annual tax of 0.15% would be levied on securities accounts of which the average value of the taxable financial instruments (covering, amongst others, financial instruments such as our shares or ADSs) held thereon during a reference period of twelve consecutive months (in principle) starting on 1 October and ending on 30 September of the subsequent year, would exceed EUR 1 million. The first reference period would begin on the day of the entry into force of the tax on securities accounts and end on 30 September 2021.

The amount of the tax due would be limited to 10% of the difference between said average value of the taxable financial instruments, and the threshold of EUR 1 million.

The tax would target, among others, securities accounts held by non-resident individuals, companies and legal entities with a financial intermediary established or located in Belgium.

A financial intermediary would be defined as (i) the National Bank of Belgium, the European Central Bank and foreign central banks performing similar functions, (ii) a central securities depository included in article 198/1, §6, 12° of the Belgian Income Tax Code, (iii) a credit institution or a stockbroking firm as defined by Article 1, §3 of the Law of 25 April 2014 on the status and supervision of credit institutions and investment companies and (vi) the investment companies as defined by Article 3, §1 of the Law of 25 October 2016 on access to the activity of investment services and on the legal status and supervision of portfolio management and investment advice companies, which are, pursuant to national law, admitted to hold financial instruments for the account of customers.

There are various exemptions, such as securities accounts (in)directly held by non-residents for their own account at central securities depositories or at a depositary bank accredited by the National Bank of Belgium. This exemption is subject to the condition that the securities accounts are not attributable to a Belgian branch of the non-residents.

Pursuant to the bill, a new retroactive anti-abuse provision applying as from 30 October 2020 would also be introduced.

The bill has not yet been adopted by Parliament.



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Belgian Tax on Stock Exchange Transactions

A tax on stock exchange transactions is normally levied on the purchase and the sale and on any other acquisition and transfer for consideration in Belgium of our existing shares or ADSs through a professional intermediary established in Belgium on the secondary market (so-called “secondary market transactions”). The tax on stock exchange transactions is not due upon the issuance of the New Shares (primary market transactions). The applicable rate amounts to 0.35% of the consideration paid, but with a cap of EUR 1,600 (USD 1,822) per transaction and per party. Such tax is separately due by each party to the transaction, and each of those is collected by the professional intermediary.

Belgian non-residents who purchase or otherwise acquire or transfer, for consideration, existing shares or ADSs in Belgium for their own account through a professional intermediary may be exempt from the stock market tax if they deliver a certificate to the intermediary in Belgium confirming their non-resident status.

In addition to the above, no tax on stock exchange transactions is due on transactions entered into by the following parties: (i) professional intermediaries described in Article 2, 9° and 10° of the Law of 2 August 2002 acting for their own account, (ii) insurance companies described in Article 2, § 1 of the Law of 9 July 1975 acting for their own account, (iii) professional retirement institutions referred to in Article 2, 1° of the Law of 27 October 2006 relating to the control of professional retirement institutions acting for their own account, (iv) collective investment institutions acting for their own account or (v) regulated real estate companies acting for their own account.

No tax on stock exchange transactions will thus be due by Holders on the subscription, purchase or sale of existing shares or ADSs if the Holders are acting for their own account. In order to benefit from this exemption, the Holders must file with the professional intermediary in Belgium a certificate confirming that they are non-residents for Belgian tax purposes.

U.S. Taxation

This section describes the material United States federal income tax consequences of the ownership and disposition of shares or ADSs. It applies to you only if you are a U.S. holder, as described below, and you hold your shares or ADSs as capital assets for United States federal income tax purposes. This discussion addresses only United States federal income taxation and does not discuss all of the tax consequences that may be relevant to you in light of your individual circumstances, including foreign, state or local tax consequences, estate and gift tax consequences, and tax consequences arising under the Medicare contribution tax on net investment income or the alternative minimum tax. This section does not apply to you if you are a member of a special class of holders subject to special rules, including:



a bank;



a dealer in securities;



a trader in securities that elects to use a mark-to-market method of accounting for securities holdings;



a tax-exempt organization;



a life insurance company;



a person that actually or constructively owns 10% or more of the combined voting power of our voting stock or of the total value of our stock;



a person that holds shares or ADSs as part of a straddle or a hedging or conversion transaction;



a person that purchases or sells shares or ADSs as part of a wash sale for tax purposes; or



a person whose functional currency is not the U.S. dollar.



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This section is based on the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, its legislative history, existing and proposed regulations, published rulings and court decisions, all as currently in effect, as well as on the Treaty. These laws are subject to change, possibly on a retroactive basis. In addition, this section is based in part upon the representations of the depositary and the assumption that each obligation in the deposit agreement and any related agreement will be performed in accordance with its terms.

If an entity or arrangement that is treated as a partnership for United States federal income tax purposes holds our shares or ADSs, the United States federal income tax treatment of a partner will generally depend on the status of the partner and the tax treatment of the partnership. If you hold our shares or ADSs as a partner in a partnership, you should consult your tax adviser with regard to the United States federal income tax treatment of an investment in our shares or ADSs.

You are a U.S. holder if you are a beneficial owner of shares or ADSs and you are, for United States federal income tax purposes:



a citizen or resident of the United States;



a domestic corporation;



an estate whose income is subject to United States federal income tax regardless of its source; or



a trust if a United States court can exercise primary supervision over the trust’s administration and one or more United States persons are authorized to control all substantial decisions of the trust.

You should consult your own tax adviser regarding the United States federal, state, local, foreign and other tax consequences of owning and disposing of our shares and ADSs in your particular circumstances. In particular, you should confirm whether you qualify for the benefits of the Treaty and the consequences of failing to do so.

The tax treatment of your shares or ADSs will depend in part on whether or not we are classified as a passive foreign investment company, or “PFIC,” for United States federal income tax purposes. Except as discussed below under “—PFIC Rules,” this discussion assumes that we are not classified as a PFIC for United States federal income tax purposes.

Taxation of Distributions

Under the United States federal income tax laws, if you are a U.S. holder, the gross amount of any distribution we pay out of our current or accumulated earnings and profits (as determined for United States federal income tax purposes), other than certain pro-rata distributions of our shares, will be treated as a dividend that is subject to United States federal income taxation. If you are a non-corporate U.S. holder, dividends that constitute qualified dividend income will be taxable to you at the preferential rates applicable to long-term capital gains, provided that you hold our shares or ADSs for more than 60 days during the 121-day period beginning 60 days before the ex-dividend date and meet other holding period requirements. Dividends we pay with respect to the shares or ADSs generally will be qualified dividend income provided that, in the year that you receive the dividend, we are eligible for the benefits of the Treaty. We believe that we are currently eligible for the benefits of the Treaty and we therefore expect that dividends on the ordinary shares or ADSs will be qualified dividend income, but there can be no assurance that we will continue to be eligible for the benefits of the Treaty.

You must include any Belgian tax withheld from the dividend payment in this gross amount even though you do not in fact receive it. The dividend is taxable to you when you receive, in the case of shares, or the depositary receives, in the case of ADSs, the dividend, actually or constructively. The dividend will not be eligible for the dividends-received deduction generally allowed to United States corporations in respect of dividends received from other United States corporations. If the dividend is paid in euro, the amount of the dividend distribution that you must include in your income will be the U.S. dollar value of the euro payments made, determined at the spot



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euro/U.S. dollar rate on the date the dividend distribution is includible in your income, regardless of whether the payment is in fact converted into U.S. dollars. Generally, any gain or loss resulting from currency exchange fluctuations during the period from the date you include the dividend payment in income to the date you convert the payment into U.S. dollars will be treated as ordinary income or loss and will not be eligible for the special tax rate applicable to qualified dividend income. The gain or loss generally will be income or loss from sources within the United States for foreign tax credit limitation purposes. Distributions in excess of current and accumulated earnings and profits, as determined for United States federal income tax purposes, will be treated as a non-taxable return of capital to the extent of your basis in the shares or ADSs and thereafter as capital gain. However, we do not expect to calculate earnings and profits in accordance with United States federal income tax principles. Accordingly, you should expect to generally treat distributions we make as dividends.

Subject to certain limitations, the Belgian tax withheld in accordance with the Treaty and paid over to Belgium will be creditable against your United States federal income tax liability. Special rules apply in determining the foreign tax credit limitation with respect to dividends that are subject to the preferential tax rates. To the extent a reduction or refund of the tax withheld is available to you under Belgian law or under the Treaty, the amount of tax withheld that is refundable will not be eligible for credit against your United States federal income tax liability. In addition, if you are eligible under the Treaty for a lower rate of Belgian withholding tax on a distribution with respect to the shares or ADSs, yet you do not claim such lower rate and, as a result, you are subject to a greater Belgian withholding tax on the distribution than you could have obtained by claiming benefits under the Treaty, such additional Belgian withholding tax would likely not be eligible for credit against your United States federal income tax liability.

Dividends will generally be income from sources outside the United States and will generally be “passive” income for purposes of computing the foreign tax credit allowable to you.

Taxation of Capital Gains

If you are a U.S. holder and you sell or otherwise dispose of your shares or ADSs, you will recognize capital gain or loss for United States federal income tax purposes equal to the difference between the U.S. dollar value of the amount that you realize and your tax basis, determined in U.S. dollars, in your shares or ADSs. Capital gain of a non-corporate U.S. holder is generally taxed at preferential rates where the property is held for more than one year. The gain or loss will generally be income or loss from sources within the United States for foreign tax credit limitation purposes. Your ability to deduct capital losses is subject to limitations.

PFIC Rules

We believe that our shares and ADSs should not currently be treated as stock of a PFIC for United States federal income tax purposes and we do not expect to become a PFIC in the foreseeable future. However, this conclusion is a factual determination that is made annually and thus may be subject to change. It is therefore possible that we could become a PFIC in a future taxable year. A company is considered a PFIC if, for any taxable year, either (i) at least 75% of its gross income is passive income or (ii) at least 50% of the value of its assets is attributable to assets that produce or are held for the production of passive income. If we were to be treated as a PFIC and you are a U.S. holder, unless you make an effective “qualified electing fund” (“QEF”) election, gain realized on the sale or other disposition of your shares or ADSs would in general not be treated as capital gain. Instead, unless you effectively elect to be taxed annually on a mark-to-market basis with respect to your shares or ADSs, you would be treated as if you had realized such gain and certain excess distributions ratably over your holding period for the shares or ADSs and would be taxed at the highest tax rate in effect for each such year to which the gain was allocated, together with an interest charge in respect of the tax attributable to each such year. With certain exceptions, your shares or ADSs will be treated as stock in a PFIC if we were a PFIC at any time during your holding period in your shares or ADSs. Dividends that you receive from us will not be eligible for the special tax rates applicable to qualified dividend income if we are a PFIC or are treated as a PFIC with respect to you either in the taxable year of the distribution or the preceding taxable year, but instead will be taxable at rates applicable to ordinary income. The QEF election is conditioned upon our furnishing you annually with certain tax information. We may not take the action necessary for a U.S. shareholder to make a QEF election in the event our company is determined to be a PFIC.



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Belgian Stock Market Tax

Any Belgian stock market tax that you pay will likely not be a creditable tax for United States federal income tax purposes. However, U.S. holders are exempt from such tax if they act for their own account and certain information is provided to relevant professional intermediaries (as described above under “—Belgian Taxation—Belgian Tax on Stock Exchange Transactions”). U.S. holders are urged to consult their own tax advisers regarding the potential application of Belgian tax law to the ownership and disposition of our shares or ADSs.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


You may read and copy any reports or other information that we file through the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval system through the SEC’s website on the Internet at

We also make available on our website, free of charge, our annual reports on Form 20-F, as well as certain other SEC filings, as soon as reasonably practicable after they are electronically filed with or furnished to the SEC. Our website address is The information on our website is not incorporated by reference in this document.

We have filed our amended and restated articles of association and all other deeds that are to be published in the annexes to the Belgian State Gazette with the clerk’s office of the Commercial Court of Brussels (Belgium), where they are available to the public. A copy of the articles of association dated 3 June 2020 has been filed as Exhibit 1.1 to this Form 20-F, and is also available on our website under

In accordance with Belgian law, we must prepare audited annual statutory and consolidated financial statements. The audited annual statutory and consolidated financial statements and the reports of our Board and statutory auditor relating thereto are filed with the Belgian National Bank, where they are available to the public. Furthermore, as a listed company, we publish an annual announcement preceding the publication of our annual financial report (which includes the audited annual financial statements, the report of our Board and the statutory auditor’s report). In addition, we publish interim management statements. Copies of these documents are available on our website under

We also disclose price sensitive information (inside information) and certain other information to the public. In accordance with the Belgian Royal Decree of 14 November 2007 on the obligations of issuers of financial instruments that are admitted to trading on a regulated market, such information and documentation is made available through our website, press releases and the communication channels of Euronext Brussels.

Our head office is located at Brouwerijplein 1, 3000 Leuven, Belgium. Our telephone number is +32 (0)1 627 6111 and our website is The contents of our website do not form a part of this Form 20-F. Although certain references are made to our website in this Form 20-F, no information on our website forms part of this Form 20-F.

Documents related to us that are available to the public (reports, our Corporate Governance Charter, written communications, financial statements and our historical financial information for each of the three financial years preceding the publication of this Form 20-F) can be consulted on our website ( and at: Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Brouwerijplein 1, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.



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Unless stated otherwise in this Form 20-F, none of these documents form part of this Form 20-F.


Not applicable.


ITEM 11.


Market Risk, Hedging and Financial Instruments

Our activities expose us to a variety of financial risks: market risk (including currency risk, fair value interest risk, cash flow interest risk, commodity risk and equity risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. We analyze each of these risks individually as well as on an interconnected basis, and define strategies to manage the economic impact on our performance in line with our financial risk management policy. Management meets on a frequent basis and is responsible for reviewing the results of the risk assessment, approving recommended risk management strategies, monitoring compliance with the financial risk management policy and reporting to the Finance Committee of our Board.

Some of our risk management strategies include the use of derivatives. The main derivative instruments used are foreign currency rate agreements, exchange traded foreign currency futures and options, interest rate swaps and forwards, cross currency interest rate swaps, exchange traded interest rate futures, commodity swaps, exchange traded commodity futures and equity swaps. We do not, as a matter of policy, make use of derivative financial instruments in the context of speculative trading.

Financial markets experienced significant volatility over the past years, which we have addressed and are continuing to address through our existing risk management policies.

Please refer to note 29 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 for a fuller quantitative and qualitative discussion on the market risks to which we are subject and our policies with respect to managing those risks.

Foreign Currency Risk

We are exposed to foreign currency risk on borrowings, investments, (forecasted) sales, (forecasted) purchases, royalties, dividends, licenses, management fees and interest expense/income whenever they are denominated in a currency other than the functional currency of our subsidiary engaged in the relevant transaction. To manage this risk, we primarily make use of foreign currency rate agreements, exchange traded foreign currency futures and cross-currency interest rate swaps.

As far as foreign currency risk on firm commitments and forecasted transactions is concerned, our policy is to hedge operational transactions which are reasonably expected to occur (e.g., cost of goods sold and selling, general and administrative expenses) within the forecast period determined in the financial risk management policy. Operational transactions that are certain are hedged without any limitation in time. Non-operational transactions (such as acquisitions and disposals of subsidiaries) are hedged as soon as they are certain.

As of 31 December 2020, we have substantially locked in our anticipated exposures related to firm commitments and forecasted transactions for 2021 for the most important currency pairs such as USD/Brazilian real, USD/Mexican peso and USD/Argentine peso. Some exposures in certain countries had been either mostly or partially covered due to the fact that hedging can be limited in such countries as the local foreign exchange market prevents us from hedging at a reasonable cost. Open positions can also be the result of our risk management policy.

We have performed analyses in relation to our foreign currency transaction exposures using a currency sensitivity model that identified varying ranges of possible closing rates for 2020, factoring in the possible volatility in those exchange rates (see note 29 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020). Based on such analysis, we estimate that if certain currencies had weakened or strengthened against the U.S. dollar or euro during 2020, our 2020 profit before taxes from continuing operations would have been USD 30 million higher or lower, respectively, while the pre-tax translation reserves in equity would have been USD 850 million higher or lower, respectively.



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Foreign exchange rates have been subject to significant volatility in the recent past and may be again in the future. See note 29 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019 and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 for details of the above sensitivity analyses, a fuller quantitative and qualitative discussion on the foreign currency risks to which we are subject and our policies with respect to managing those risks.

Interest Rate Risk

We are exposed to interest rate risk on our variable-rate interest-bearing financial liabilities. As of 31 December 2020, after certain hedging and fair value adjustments, USD 6.5 billion, or 6.6%, of our interest-bearing financial liabilities (which include loans, borrowings and bank overdrafts) bore a variable interest rate. We apply a dynamic interest rate hedging approach where the target mix between fixed and floating rate is reviewed periodically. The purpose of our policy is to achieve an optimal balance between cost of funding and volatility of financial results, while taking into account market conditions as well as our overall business strategy. From time to time, we enter into interest rate swap agreements and forward rate agreements to manage our interest rate risk, and also enter into cross-currency interest rate swap agreements to manage both our foreign currency risk and interest rate risk.

We have performed sensitivity analyses in relation to our interest-bearing financial liabilities and assets that bear a variable rate of interest, factoring in a range of possible volatilities in the different markets where we hold such instruments (see note 29 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020). We have estimated that a change in market interest rates based on the range of volatilities considered in our analysis could have impacted our 2020 interest expense by plus or minus USD 3 million in relation to our floating rate debt. Such increase or decrease would be more than offset by a USD 58 million decrease or increase in interest income on our interest-bearing financial assets.

Interest rates have been subject to significant volatility in the recent past and may be again in the future. See note 29 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 for details of the above sensitivity analyses, a fuller quantitative and qualitative discussion on the interest rate risks to which we are subject and our policies with respect to managing those risks.

Commodity Price Risk

We have significant exposures to the following commodities: aluminum, barley, corn grits, coal, corn syrup, corrugated cardboard, fuel oil, diesel, glass, hops, labels, malt, natural gas, orange juice, plastics, rice, steel and wheat. The commodity markets have experienced and are expected to continue to experience price fluctuation in the future. We therefore use both fixed-price purchasing contracts and commodity derivatives to minimize exposure to commodity price volatility, such as for aluminum.

As of 31 December 2020, we had the following commodity derivatives outstanding, by maturity:


     Notional      Fair Value  
Commodities    <1 year      1-5 years      >5 years      Total         

Aluminum swaps

     1,184        —          —          1,184        160  

Other commodity derivatives

     644        —          —          644        49  





These hedges are designated in a cash flow hedge accounting relationship in accordance with IFRS 9.



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See note 29 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 for a fuller quantitative and qualitative discussion on the commodity risks that we are subject to, and our policies with respect to managing those risks.

Equity Price Risk

We entered into a series of derivative contracts to hedge the risk arising from the different share-based payment programs. The purpose of these derivatives is mainly to effectively hedge the risk that a price increase in our shares could negatively impact future cash flows related to the share-based payments. Furthermore, we entered into a series of derivative contracts to hedge the deferred share instrument related to the Grupo Modelo combination (see also notes 11 and 23 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2019) and some share-based payments in connection with the acquisition of SAB. Most of these derivative instruments could not qualify for hedge accounting; therefore, they have not been designated in any hedging relationships.

As of 31 December 2020, an exposure for an equivalent of 100.5 million of our shares was hedged, resulting in a total loss of USD 2.2 billion recognized in the profit or loss account for the period, of which USD 1,211 million related to our share-based payment programs, and USD 511 million and USD 497 million related to the Grupo Modelo and SAB acquisitions, respectively.

The sensitivity analysis on the share-based payments hedging program, calculated based on a 53.87% reasonable possible volatility of our share price, and with all the other variables held constant, would show USD 3,787 million positive/negative impact on our 2020 profit before tax. Sensitivity analysis is assessed based on the yearly volatility using daily observable market data during 250 days at 31 December 2020.

Other Risks

See note 29 to our audited consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, and for the three years ended 31 December 2020 for a fuller quantitative and qualitative discussion on the equity, credit and liquidity risks to which we are subject and our policies with respect to managing those risks.


ITEM 12.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


We are party to the Amended and Restated Deposit Agreement, dated 23 March 2018, as amended from time to time, among us, The Bank of New York Mellon, as depositary, and the owners and holders of ADSs from time to time under the Deposit Agreement. As used in this section headed “—D. American Depositary Shares,” all references to the “depositary” are references to The Bank of New York Mellon in its capacity as depositary under the Deposit Agreement, and all references to the “custodian” are to the principal Brussels office of ING Belgium SA/NV in its capacity as custodian under the Deposit Agreement as appointed by the depositary.

Copies of the Deposit Agreement and any amendments to the Deposit Agreement are or will be on file with the SEC under cover of a Registration Statement on Form F-6. You may obtain copies of the Deposit Agreement and any amendments thereto from the SEC’s Public Reference Room at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549 and from the SEC’s website at



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The Deposit Agreement is among us, The Bank of New York Mellon, as ADR depositary, and all holders from time to time of ADRs issued under the Deposit Agreement. Copies of the Deposit Agreement are also on file at the ADR depositary’s corporate trust office and the office of the custodian. They are open to inspection by owners and holders during business hours.

Uncertificated ADSs may be registered on the books of the depositary in electronic book-entry form by means of the Direct Registration System (“DRS”) operated by The Depository Trust Company (“DTC”). Periodic statements will be mailed to our ADS holders that reflect their ownership interest in such ADSs. Alternatively, under the Deposit Agreement, our ADSs may be certificated by ADRs delivered by the depositary to evidence the ADSs. Unless otherwise specified in this description, references to “ADSs” include (i) our uncertificated ADSs, the ownership of which will be evidenced by periodic statements ADS holders will receive, and (ii) our certificated ADSs evidenced by our ADRs.

The depositary’s office is located at 240 Greenwich Street, New York, New York 10286, United States. Because the depositary or its nominee actually holds the underlying Ordinary Shares, ADS holders generally receive the benefit from such underlying AB InBev Ordinary Shares through the depositary. ADS holders must rely on the depositary to exercise the rights of a shareholder on their behalf, including the voting of the Ordinary Shares represented by the ADSs. If a person becomes an owner of our ADSs, it will become a party to the Deposit Agreement and therefore will be bound by its terms and by the terms of the ADSs and the ADRs. The Deposit Agreement specifies the rights and obligations of AB InBev, the ADS holders’ rights and obligations as owners of ADSs and the rights and obligations of the depositary. The Deposit Agreement, the ADSs and the ADRs will be governed by New York law. However, the underlying Ordinary Shares will continue to be governed by Belgian law, which may be different from New York law.

American Depositary Shares

The Bank of New York Mellon, as depositary, will register and deliver ADSs. Each ADS will represent one share (or a right to receive one share) deposited with the principal Brussels office of ING Belgium SA/NV, as custodian for the depositary. Each ADS will also represent any other securities, cash or other property which may be held by the depositary. The depositary’s corporate trust office at which the ADSs will be administered is located at 240 Greenwich Street, New York, New York 10286, United States. The Bank of New York Mellon’s principal executive office is located at 240 Greenwich Street, New York, New York 10286, United States.

You may hold ADSs either (A) directly (i) by having an ADR, which is a certificate evidencing a specific number of ADSs, registered in your name, or (ii) by having ADSs registered in your name in the DRS, or (B) indirectly by holding a security entitlement in ADSs through your broker or other financial institution. If you hold ADSs directly, you are a registered ADS holder, also referred to as an ADS holder. This description assumes you are an ADS holder. If you hold the ADSs indirectly, you must rely on the procedures of your broker or other financial institution to assert the rights of ADS holders described in this section. You should consult with your broker or financial institution to find out what those procedures are.

DRS is a system administered by DTC, pursuant to which the depositary may register the ownership of uncertificated ADSs, which ownership shall be evidenced by periodic statements sent by the depositary to the registered holders of uncertificated ADSs.

As an ADS holder, we will not treat you as one of our shareholders and you will not have shareholder rights. Belgian law governs shareholder rights. The depositary will be the holder of the shares underlying your ADSs. As a registered holder of ADSs, you will have ADS holder rights. A deposit agreement among us, the depositary and you, as an ADS holder, and all other persons indirectly holding ADSs sets out ADS holder rights as well as the rights and obligations of the depositary. New York law governs the Deposit Agreement and the ADSs.



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The following is a summary of the fee provisions of the deposit agreement. For more complete information regarding ADRs, you should read the entire deposit agreement and the form of ADR.

Fees and Expenses Payable by Holders


Persons depositing or withdrawing shares

or ADS holders must pay:



No more than $5.00 per 100 ADSs (or portion of 100 ADSs)    Issuance of ADSs, including issuances resulting from a distribution of shares or rights or other property Cancellation of ADSs for the purpose of withdrawal, including if the deposit agreement terminates
No more than the greater of (a) $0.02 per ADS and (b) 10% of the dividend or cash distribution amount per ADS    Any dividend or cash distribution to ADS holders
A fee equivalent to the fee that would be payable if securities distributed to you had been shares and the shares had been deposited for issuance of ADSs    Distribution of securities to holders of deposited securities by the depositary to ADS holders
Registration or transfer fees    Transfer and registration of shares on our share register to or from the name of the depositary or its agent when you deposit or withdraw shares
Expenses of the depositary    Cable, telex and facsimile transmissions (when expressly provided in the deposit agreement)
   Converting foreign currency to U.S. dollars
Taxes and other governmental charges that the depositary or the custodian has to pay on any ADS or share underlying an ADS, for example, stock transfer taxes, stamp duty or withholding taxes    As necessary
Telex or facsimile charges provided for in the deposit agreement    Expenses for depositary services

Any unavoidable charges incurred by the depositary or its agents for servicing the deposited securities


As necessary

The depositary collects its fees for delivery and surrender of ADSs directly from investors depositing shares or surrendering ADSs for the purpose of withdrawal or from intermediaries acting for them. The depositary collects fees for making distributions to investors by deducting those fees from the amounts distributed or by selling a portion of distributable property to pay the fees. The depositary may collect its annual fee for depositary services by deduction from cash distributions or by directly billing investors or by charging the book-entry system accounts of participants acting for them. The depositary may collect any of its fees by deduction from any cash distribution payable (or by selling a portion of securities or other property distributable) to ADS holders that are obligated to pay those fees. The depositary may generally refuse to provide fee-attracting services until its fees for those services are paid.

From time to time, the depositary may make payments to us to reimburse us for costs and expenses generally arising out of establishment and maintenance of the ADS program, waive fees and expenses for services provided to us by the depositary or share revenue from the fees collected from ADS holders. In performing its duties under the Deposit Agreement, the depositary may use brokers, dealers, foreign currency dealers or other service providers that are owned by or affiliated with the depositary and that may earn or share fees, spreads or commissions.



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The depositary may convert currency itself or through any of its affiliates and, in those cases, acts as principal for its own account and not as agent, adviser, broker or fiduciary on behalf of any other person and earns revenue, including, without limitation, transaction spreads, that it will retain for its own account. The revenue is based on, among other things, the difference between the exchange rate assigned to the currency conversion made under the deposit agreement and the rate that the depositary or its affiliate receives when buying or selling foreign currency for its own account. The depositary makes no representation that the exchange rate used or obtained in any currency conversion under the deposit agreement will be the most favorable rate that could be obtained at the time or that the method by which that rate will be determined will be the most favorable to ADS holders, subject to the depositary’s obligations under the deposit agreement. The methodology used to determine exchange rates used in currency conversions is available upon request.

Payment of Taxes

You will be responsible for any taxes or other governmental charges payable on your ADSs or on the deposited securities represented by any of your ADSs. The depositary may refuse to register any transfer of your ADSs or allow you to withdraw the deposited securities represented by your ADSs until such taxes or other charges are paid. It may apply payments owed to you or sell deposited securities represented by your ADSs to pay any taxes owed and you will remain liable for any deficiency. If the depositary sells deposited securities, it will, if appropriate, reduce the number of ADSs to reflect the sale and pay to ADS holders any proceeds, or send to ADS holders any property remaining after it has paid the taxes.

Fees Payable by the Depositary

For the year ended 31 December 2020, the depositary reimbursed us for expenses we incurred, or paid amounts on our behalf to third parties, in connection with the ADS program for a total sum of USD 15,037,048.19.


Expenses the depositary reimbursed us

   Amount (in USD)  

Maintenance expenses(1)














This includes both direct payments to AB InBev as well as The Bank of New York Mellon invoices that have been offset with revenue sharing balance.

The depositary has also agreed to waive fees for standard costs associated with the administration of the program and has paid certain expenses directly to third parties on our behalf. The table below sets forth those expenses that the depositary paid directly to third parties for the year ended 31 December 2020.


Expenses the depositary paid to third parties on our behalf

   Amount (in USD)  

Standard out-of-pocket maintenance costs










Your Right to Receive the Shares Underlying Your ADRs

ADS holders will have the right to cancel their ADSs and withdraw the underlying shares at any time except:



when temporary delays arise because: (i) the depositary has closed its transfer books or we have closed our transfer books; (ii) the transfer of shares is blocked to permit voting at a shareholders’ meeting or (iii) we are paying a dividend on our shares;



when you owe money to pay fees, taxes and similar charges; or



when it is necessary to prohibit withdrawals in order to comply with any laws or governmental regulations that apply to ADSs or to the withdrawal of shares or other deposited securities.



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This right of withdrawal may not be limited by any other provision of the Deposit Agreement.

Pre-release of ADSs

The Deposit Agreement permits the depositary to deliver ADSs before deposit of the underlying shares. This is called a pre-release of the ADSs. The depositary may also deliver shares upon cancellation of pre-released ADSs (even if the ADSs are canceled before the pre-release transaction has been closed out). A pre-release will be closed out as soon as the underlying shares are delivered to the depositary. The depositary may receive ADSs instead of shares to close out a pre-release. The depositary may pre-release ADSs only under the following conditions: (i) before or at the time of the pre-release, the person to whom the pre-release is being made represents to the depositary in writing that it or its customer owns the shares or ADSs to be deposited; (ii) the pre-release is fully collateralized with cash or other collateral that the depositary considers appropriate; (iii) the depositary must be able to close out the pre-release on not more than five business days’ notice; and (iv) subject to such further indemnities and credit regulation as the depositary deems appropriate. In addition, the depositary will limit the number of ADSs that may be outstanding at any time as a result of pre-release, although the depositary may disregard the limit from time to time, if it thinks it is appropriate to do so.

Direct Registration System

In the Deposit Agreement, all parties to the Deposit Agreement acknowledge that the DRS and Profile Modification System (“Profile”) will apply to uncertificated ADSs upon acceptance thereof to DRS by DTC. DRS is the system administered by DTC pursuant to which the depositary may register the ownership of uncertificated ADSs, which ownership shall be evidenced by periodic statements sent by the depositary to the registered holders of uncertificated ADSs. Profile is a required feature of DRS which allows a DTC participant, claiming to act on behalf of a registered holder of ADSs, to direct the depositary to register a transfer of those ADSs to DTC or its nominee and to deliver those ADSs to the DTC account of that DTC participant without receipt by the depositary of prior authorization from the ADS holder to register that transfer.

In connection with and in accordance with the arrangements and procedures relating to DRS/Profile, the parties to the Deposit Agreement understand that the depositary will not verify, determine or otherwise ascertain that the DTC participant which is claiming to be acting on behalf of an ADS holder in requesting registration of transfer and delivery described in the paragraph above has the actual authority to act on behalf of the ADS holder (notwithstanding any requirements under the Uniform Commercial Code). In the Deposit Agreement, the parties will agree that the depositary’s reliance on and compliance with instructions received by the depositary through the DRS/Profile and in accordance with the Deposit Agreement shall not constitute negligence or bad faith on the part of the depositary.

Shareholder Communications; Inspection of Register of Holders of ADSs

The depositary will make available for your inspection at its office all communications that it receives from us as a holder of deposited securities that we make generally available to holders of deposited securities. The depositary will send you copies of those communications if we ask it to. You have a right to inspect the register of holders of ADSs, but not for the purpose of contacting those holders about a matter unrelated to our business or the ADSs.



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ITEM 13.




ITEM 14.




ITEM 15.


Disclosure Controls and Procedures

Our management, with the participation of our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, has evaluated the effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure controls and procedures pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 13a-15(b) as of 31 December 2020. While there are inherent limitations to the effectiveness of any system of disclosure controls and procedures, including the possibility of human error and the circumvention or overriding of the controls and procedures, our disclosure controls and procedures are designed to provide reasonable assurance of achieving their objectives. Based upon our evaluation, as of 31 December 2020, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer have concluded that the disclosure controls and procedures, in accordance with Exchange Act Rule 13a-15(e), (i) are effective at that level of reasonable assurance in ensuring that information required to be disclosed in the reports that are filed or submitted under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms, and (ii) are effective at that level of reasonable assurance in ensuring that information to be disclosed in the reports that are filed or submitted under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to the management of our company, including the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.

Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting

Our management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting. Our internal control over financial reporting is a process designed, under the supervision of the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of our financial statements for external reporting purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

Our internal control over financial reporting includes policies and procedures that pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly, reflect transactions and dispositions of assets, provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded in the manner necessary to permit the preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures are only carried out in accordance with the authorization of our management and directors, and provide reasonable assurance regarding the prevention or timely detection of any unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of our assets that could have a material effect on our financial statements.

Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect all misstatements. Moreover, projections of any evaluation of the effectiveness of internal control to future periods are subject to a risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions and that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

Our management has assessed the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting based on the Internal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) in 2013. Based on this assessment, our management has concluded that our internal control over financial reporting as of 31 December 2020 was effective.



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The effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting as of 31 December 2020 has been audited by PwC Bedrijfsrevisoren BV/Reviseurs d’Entreprises SRL, our independent registered public accounting firm, as represented by Koen Hens. Their audit report, including their opinion on management’s assessment of internal control over financial reporting, is included in our audited consolidated financial statements included in this Form 20-F.

Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting

During the period covered by this Form 20-F, there were no changes to our internal control over financial reporting that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.




Our board of directors has determined that M. Michele Burns is an “audit committee financial expert” as defined in Item 16A of Form 20-F under the Exchange Act and an independent director under Rule 10A-3 under the Exchange Act.




We have adopted a Code of Business Conduct and a Code of Dealing, each of which applies to all of our employees, including our principal executive, principal financial and principal accounting officers. Our Code of Business Conduct and Code of Dealing are together intended to meet the definition of “code of ethics” under Item 16B of Form 20-F under the Exchange Act. Our Code of Dealing and Code of Business Conduct are filed as Exhibits 11.1 and 11.2, respectively, to this Form 20-F.

If the provisions of the code that apply to our principal executive officer, principal financial officer or principal accounting officer are amended, or if a waiver is granted, we will disclose such amendment or waiver.




PwC Bedrijfsrevisoren BV/Reviseurs d’Entreprises SRL acted as our independent auditor for the fiscal years ended 31 December 2020 and 31 December 2019. The table below sets forth the total amount billed to us by PwC Bedrijfsrevisoren BV/Reviseurs d’Entreprises SRL for services performed in 2020 and 2019, respectively, and breaks down these amounts by category of service:


     2020      2019(2)  
     (USD thousand)  

Audit Fees

     15,904        16,386  

Audit-Related Fees(2)

     373        14,034  

Tax Fees

     3,317        9,617  

All Other Fees

     404        —    








     19,998        40,037  






Audit-related fees for 2019 include the fees for audit related services rendered for the IPO of Budweiser APAC (USD 14 million).

Audit Fees

Audit fees are fees billed for services that provide assurance on the fair presentation of financial statements and encompass the following specific elements:



An audit opinion on our consolidated financial statements;



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An audit opinion on the statutory financial statements of individual companies within the AB InBev Group, where legally required;



A review opinion on interim financial statements; and



In general, any opinion assigned to the statutory auditor by local legislation or regulations.

Audit-Related Fees

Audit-related fees are fees for assurance services or other work traditionally provided to us by external audit firms in their role as statutory auditors. These services usually result in a certification or specific opinion on an investigation or specific procedures applied, and include opinions/audit reports on information provided by us at the request of a third party (for example, prospectuses, comfort letters).

Over the last two years, audit-related services were mainly incurred in relation to services in connection with rights and bonds issuances. In addition, audit-related services for 2019 include the fees for audit related services rendered for the IPO of Budweiser APAC (USD 14 million).

Tax Fees

In 2020, the majority of our tax fees related to advisory services. In 2019, the majority of our tax fees related to related to tax services rendered for the IPO on Budweiser APAC.

All Other Fees

All other fees were primarily related to a compliance assessment in 2020. There were no other fees in 2019.

Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures

The advance approval of the Audit Committee or member thereof, to whom approval authority has been delegated, is required for all audit and non-audit services provided by our auditors.

The advance approval of the Chair of the Audit Committee is required for all audit and non-audit services provided by our auditors and was obtained for all such services provided in 2019 and 2020.

Our auditors and management report, on a quarterly basis, to the Audit Committee regarding the extent of the services provided and the fees for the services performed to date.







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The following table sets forth certain information related to purchases made by the AB InBev Group of our shares or ADSs:


     Total number of
shares purchased(1)
     Average price paid
per share
     Total number of
shares purchased as
part of publicly
announced plans or
     Maximum number (or
approximate dollar value) of
shares that may yet
be purchased under the
plans or programs
     (number of shares)      (USD)      (number of shares)      (USD million)  

1 January 2020 – 31 January 2020

     —          —          —          —    

1 February 2020 – 28 February 2020

     —          —          —          —    

1 March 2020 – 31 March 2020

     —          —          —          —    

1 April 2020 – 30 April 2020

     —          —          —          —    

1 May 2020 – 31 May 2020

     —          —          —          —    

1 June 2020 – 30 June 2020

     —          —          —          —    

1 July 2020 – 31 July 2020

     —          —          —          —    

1 August 2020 – 31 August 2020

     —          —          —          —    

1 September 2020 – 30 September 2020

     —          —          —          —    

1 October 2020 – 31 October 2020

     —          —          —          —    

1 November 2020 – 30 November 2020

     —          —          —          —    

1 December 2020 – 31 December 2020

     —          —          —          —    














     —          —          —          —    





Under certain of our share-based compensation plans, shares are granted to employees at a discount. See “Item 6. Directors, Senior Management and Employees—B. Compensation—Share-Based Payment Plans.” The discount is granted in the form of additional shares, and if such employees leave the AB InBev Group prior to the end of the applicable vesting period, we take back the shares representing the discount. Technically, all of the “discount” shares are repurchased from the employee by our subsidiary, Brandbev, for an aggregate price of EUR 1, or USD 1 if the individual is located in the United States.




Not applicable.




We believe the following to be the significant differences between our corporate governance practices and those applicable to U.S. companies under the NYSE listing standards.

In general, the 2020 Belgian Corporate Governance Code (the “Code”) that has applied to us since 1 January 2020 is a code of best practices applied to listed companies on a non-binding basis. The Code applies a “comply or explain” approach. That is, companies may depart from the Code’s provisions if they give a reasoned explanation of the reasons for doing so.

Under the NYSE listing standards, a majority of the directors of a listed U.S. company are required to be independent, while in Belgium, only three directors need to be independent. As of 31 December 2020, our Board of Directors comprised three independent directors and twelve directors deemed not to be “independent” under the NYSE listing standards as a result of Belgian law independence determinations, none of which serve as part of our management. Of these twelve directors, nine are considered non-independent solely because they serve as directors of our controlling shareholder, the Stichting, and three are considered non-independent because of their relationships with Altria and BEVCO, the two largest holders of Restricted Shares.

The NYSE rules further require that the audit, nominating and compensation committees of a listed U.S. company be composed entirely of independent directors, including that there be a minimum of three members on the audit committee. The Code recommends that a majority of the members of the Nomination Committee meet the technical requirements for independence under Belgian corporate law. The Belgian Companies Code requires that one member of the Audit Committee meet the technical requirements for independence under Belgian corporate law, but our Corporate Governance Charter requires the majority of the members of the Audit Committee to meet such requirements. The Belgian Companies Code also requires that a majority of the members of the Remuneration Committee meet the technical requirements for independence under Belgian corporate law. As of 1 January 2021, all four voting members of our Audit Committee are independent for purposes of Rule 10A-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. However, one of the four directors on our Audit Committee, five of the five directors on our Nomination Committee and one of the three directors on our Remuneration Committee would not meet the NYSE independence requirements. As the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee are composed exclusively of non-executive directors who are independent of management and free from any business relationship that could materially interfere with the exercise of their independent judgment, we consider that the composition of these committees achieves the Belgian Corporate Governance Code’s aim of avoiding potential conflicts of interest.



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We consider that the terms of reference of our board committees are generally responsive to the relevant NYSE rules, but may not address all aspects of these rules.




Not applicable.


ITEM 17.



We have elected to provide financial statements pursuant to Item 18.


ITEM 18.


The audited consolidated financial statements as required under Item 18 are attached hereto starting on page F-1 of this Form 20-F. The audit report of PwC Bedrijfsrevisoren BV/Reviseurs d’Entreprises SRL, independent registered public accounting firm, is included herein preceding the audited consolidated financial statements. The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2018 (prior to adjustments to retrospectively reflect the classification of the Australian business as a disposal group held for sale) have been audited by Deloitte Bedrijfsrevisoren/Réviseurs d’Entreprises CVBA/SCR. The audit report by Deloitte Bedrijfsrevisoren/Réviseurs d’Entreprises CVBA/SCR, independent registered public accounting firm, is included herein preceding the audited consolidated financial statements.


ITEM 19.



1.1*    Articles of Association of Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, dated as of 3  June 2020 (English-language translation) (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 99.1 to Form 6-K filed by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV on 23 November 2020). 
2.1*    Indenture, dated as of 16  October 2009, among Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc., Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Brandbrew S.A., Cobrew NV/SA and Anheuser Busch Companies, LLC and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to Form F-4 (File No. 333-163464) filed by AB InBev on 3 December 2009).
2.2*    Fifth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of 27  November 2009, among Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc., Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, the Subsidiary Guarantors named therein, and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.6 to Form F-4 (File No. 333-163464) filed by AB InBev on 3 December 2009).
2.3*    Tenth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of 7  April 2010, among Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc., Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, the Subsidiary Guarantors named therein, and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.3 to Form 20-F (File No. 001-34455) filed by AB InBev on 13 April 2011).
2.4*    Twenty-Fourth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of 6  October 2011, among Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc., Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, the Subsidiary Guarantors named therein, and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to Form F-3/A (File No. 333-169514) filed by AB InBev on 7 October 2011).
2.5*    Twenty-Ninth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of 20  December 2012, among Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc., Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, the Subsidiary Guarantors party thereto from time to time and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit  4.2 to Form F-3/A (File No. 333-169514) filed by AB InBev on 21 December 2012).



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2.6*    Indenture, dated as of 17  January 2013, among Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc., Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Brandbrew S.A., Cobrew NV/SA, Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. and Anheuser Busch Companies, LLC and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.5 to Form 20-F filed by AB InBev on 25 March 2013).
2.7*    Indenture, dated as of 25  January 2016, among Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc., Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc., Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Brandbrew S.A., Cobrew NV/SA and Anheuser Busch Companies, LLC and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.7 to Form 20-F filed by AB InBev on 14 March 2016).
2.8*    Indenture, dated as of 16  December 2016, among Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc., Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc., Anheuser- Busch InBev SA/NV, Brandbrew S.A., Cobrew NV/SA and Anheuser Busch Companies, LLC and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.8 to Form 20-F filed by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV on 22 March 2017).
2.9*    Indenture, dated as of 15  May 2017, among Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc., Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc., Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Brandbrew S.A., Cobrew NV/SA and Anheuser Busch Companies, LLC and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to Form 6-K filed by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV on 15 May 2017).
2.10*    Indenture, dated as of 4  April 2018, among Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc., Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc., Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Brandbrew S.A., Cobrew NV/SA and Anheuser Busch Companies, LLC and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to Form 6-K filed by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV on 4 April 2018).
2.11*    Amended and Restated Deposit Agreement, by and among Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and The Bank of New York Mellon, as Depositary and Owners and Holders of American Depositary Shares, dated as of 23 March 2018 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to Form S-8 filed by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV on 14 September 2018).
2.12*    Indenture, dated as of 13  November 2018, among Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc., Anheuser Busch Companies, LLC, Anheuser- Busch InBev Finance Inc., Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Brandbrew S.A. and Cobrew NV/SA and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to Form 6-K filed by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV on 14 November 2018).
2.13*    Seventh Supplemental Indenture, dated as of 23  January 2019, among Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc., Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, the Subsidiary Guarantors party thereto from time to time and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit  4.1 to Form 6-K filed by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV on 23 January 2019).
2.14*    Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of 3  April 2020, among Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc., Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, the Subsidiary Guarantors party thereto from time to time and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit  4.1 to Form 6-K filed by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV on 3 April 2020).



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2.15    Description of Securities registered under Section 12 of the Exchange Act.
3.1*    Voting Agreement between Stichting Anheuser-Busch InBev, Fonds Baillet Latour SPRL and Fonds Voorzitter Verhelst SPRL, effective 1  November 2015 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.36 to Amendment No. 15 to Schedule 13D filed by AB InBev on 9 March 2016).
3.2*    Amended and Restated New Shareholders’ Agreement, dated 11  April 2016, among BRC S.à.R.L., Eugénie Patri Sébastian S.A., EPS Participations S.à.R.L., Rayvax Société d’Investissements S.A. and Stichting Anheuser-Busch InBev (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.37 to Schedule 13D filed by AB InBev on 19 April 2016).
3.3*    Voting and Support Agreement relating to Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, dated 8  October 2016, among Stichting Anheuser-Busch InBev, Altria Group, Inc., BEVCO Ltd. and Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.4 to Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV’s Schedule 13D filed by BRC S.à.R.L. on 2  November 2016).
4.1*    Amendment and Restatement Agreement dated 28 August 2015, amending the 2010 Senior Facilities Agreement dated 26  February 2010 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.4 to Form 20-F filed by AB InBev on 14 March 2016).
4.2*    Letter of Amendment dated 26 October 2017, amending the 2010 Senior Facilities Agreement dated 26  February 2010 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.5 to Form 20-F filed by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV on 19 March 2018).
4.3    Amendment and Restatement Agreement dated 16 February 2021, amending the 2010 Senior Facilities Agreement dated 26 February 2010.††
4.4*    Share-Based Compensation Plan Relating to Shares of Anheuser-Busch InBev (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.3 to Form S-8 (File No. 333-172069) filed by AB InBev on 4 February 2011).
4.5*    Share-Based Compensation Plan Relating to American Depositary Shares of Anheuser-Busch InBev (incorporated by reference to Exhibit  4.4 to Form S-8 (File No. 333-172069) filed by AB InBev on 4 February 2011).
4.6*    Long-Term Incentive Plan Relating to Shares of Anheuser-Busch InBev (most recent version is incorporated by reference to Exhibit  4.3 to Form S-8 (File No. 333-208634) filed by AB InBev on 18 December 2015).
4.7*    Long-Term Incentive Plan Relating to American Depositary Shares of Anheuser-Busch InBev (most recent version is incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.4 to Form S-8 (File No. 333-208634) filed by AB InBev on 18 December 2015).
4.8*    Exceptional Incentive Restricted Stock Units Programme (most recent version is incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.5 to Form S-8 (File No. 333-208634) filed by AB InBev on 18 December 2015).
4.9*    Discretionary Restricted Stock Units Programme (incorporated by reference to Exhibit  4.3 to Form S-8 (File No. 333-221808) filed on 11 November 2017).
4.10*    Terms and Conditions of Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV Stock Option Plan–Stock Options Grant of 18  December 2009 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.3 to Form S-8 (File No. 333-165065) filed by AB InBev on 25  February 2010 and post-effectively amended by Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to Form S-8 filed by AB InBev on 4 February 2011).



Table of Contents
4.11*    Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV Long-Term Incentive Plan–Stock Options Grant of 18 December 2009 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit  4.4 to Form S-8 (File No. 333-165065) filed by AB InBev on 25 February 2010 and post-effectively amended by Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to Form S-8 filed by AB InBev on 4 February 2011).
4.12*    Forms of Stock Option Plan underlying the Dividend Waiver and Exchange Program (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.5 to Form S-8 (File No. 333-165065) filed by AB InBev on 25 February 2010 and post-effectively amended by Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to Form S-8 filed by AB InBev on 4 February 2011).
4.13*    Share-Based Compensation Plan March 2010 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.6 to Form S-8 (File No. 333-165065) filed by AB InBev on 25 February 2010 and post-effectively amended by Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to Form S-8 filed by AB InBev on 4  February 2011).
4.14*    Share-Based Compensation Plan March 2010 for EBM, GHQ & NY (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.7 to Form S-8 filed by AB InBev on 25 February 2010 and post-effectively amended by Post-Effective Amendment No. 1 to Form S-8 filed by AB InBev on 4 February 2011).
4.15*    2020 Dream Incentive Plan (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.6 to Form S-8 (File No. 333-208634) filed by AB InBev on 18 December 2015).
4.16*    Final Judgment of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, entered into on 21  October 2013, outlining the Grupo Modelo settlement (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.18 to Form 20-F filed by AB InBev on 25 March 2014).
4.17*    Tax Matters Agreement, dated as of 11  November 2015, between Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and Altria Group, Inc. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 99.5 to AB InBev’s Current Report on Form 6-K filed with the SEC on 12  November 2015).
4.18*    Purchase Agreement, dated as of 11  November 2015, between Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and Molson Coors Brewing Company (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 99.7 to Form 6-K filed by AB InBev on 12 November 2015).‡
4.19*    Amendment No. 1 to Purchase Agreement, dated as of 25  March 2016, between Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and Molson Coors Brewing Company (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.4 to Form F-4 (File No.  333-213328) filed by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV on 26 August 2016).
4.20*    Amendment No. 2 to Purchase Agreement, dated as of 3  October 2016, between Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and Molson Coors Brewing Company (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 99.2 to Form 6-K filed by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV on 12 October 2016).
4.21*    Information Rights Agreement, dated as of 11  November 2015, between Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and Altria Group, Inc. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.26 to Form 20-F filed by AB InBev on 22 March 2016).
4.22*    Registration Rights Agreement, dated as of 10  October 2016, among Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and the Holders as defined therein (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.27 to Form 20-F filed by AB InBev on 22 March 2016).
4.23*    Modified Judgment of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, dated as of 22  October 2018, relating to the combination with SAB (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.28 to Form 20-F filed by AB InBev on 22 March 2019).



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4.24*    Gap Long-Term Incentive Plan for SABMiller Employees (incorporated by reference to Exhibit  4.4 to Form S-8 (File No. 333-221808) filed on 11 November 2017).
4.25*    Five-Year Performance Restricted Stock Units Plan (incorporated by reference to Exhibit  4.3 to Form S-8 (File No. 333-227335) filed on 14 September 2018).
4.32*    Ten-Year Performance Restricted Stock Units Plan (incorporated by reference to Exhibit  4.4 to Form S-8 (File No. 333-227335) filed on 14 September 2018).
4.33*    Restricted Stock Units Plan for Directors (incorporated by reference to Exhibit  4.3 to Form S-8 (File No. 333-231556) filed on 17 May 2019).
4.34*    Base Restricted Stock Units Plan Relating to Shares of AB InBev (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.3 to Form S-8 (File No. 333-250930) filed on 24 November 2020).
4.35*    Base Restricted Stock Units Plan Relating to American Depositary Shares of AB InBev (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.4 to Form S-8 (File No. 333-250930) filed on 24 November 2020).
4.36*    ZX Ventures Performance Unit Compensation Plan (incorporated by reference to Exhibit  4.5 to Form S-8 (File No. 333-250930) filed on 24 November 2020).
6.1    Description of earnings per share (included in note 23 to our audited consolidated financial statements included in this Form 20-F).
8.1    List of significant subsidiaries (included in note 36 to our audited consolidated financial statements included in this Form 20-F).
11.1*    Anheuser-Busch InBev Code of Dealing, dated as of September 2019 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 11.1 to Form  20-F filed by AB InBev on 24 March 2020).
11.2    Anheuser-Busch InBev Code of Business Conduct, dated as of May 2020.
12.1    Principal Executive Officer Certification pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
12.2    Principal Financial Officer Certification pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
13.1    Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer Certification pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
15.1    Consent of PwC Bedrijfsrevisoren BV/Reviseurs d’Entreprises SRL
15.2    Consent of Deloitte Bedrijfsrevisoren/Réviseurs d’Entreprises CVBA/SCRL.
17    List of Guarantor Subsidiaries.
101.INS    XBRL Instance Document.
101.SCH    XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema.
101.CAL    XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Calculation Linkbase.
101.DEF    XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Definition Linkbase.
101.LAB    XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Label Linkbase.
101.PRE    XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Presentation Linkbase.





Previously filed.


Portions of this exhibit have been omitted pursuant to Instruction 4 as to Exhibits. The omitted information is not material and is the type of information that the registrant customarily and actually treats as private and confidential.

This filing excludes certain schedules and exhibits, which the Registrant agrees to furnish supplementally to the SEC upon request by the SEC.



Table of Contents


The Registrant certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form 20-F and has duly caused this annual report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.



Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV


Date: 19 March 2021


/s/ John Blood

  Name:   John Blood
  Title:   Chief Legal and Corporate Affairs Officer and Corporate Secretary



Table of Contents

Table of Contents


To the Shareholders and the Board of Directors of Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

Opinions on the Financial Statements and Internal Control over Financial Reporting

We have audited the accompanying consolidated statements of financial position of Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and its subsidiaries (the “Company”) as of December 31, 2020 and 2019, and the related consolidated income statements, the consolidated statements of comprehensive income, the consolidated statements of changes in equity and the consolidated statements of cash flows for the two years in the periods ended December 31, 2020 and 2019, including the related notes (collectively referred to as the “consolidated financial statements”). We also have audited the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2020, based on criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2020 and 2019, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the two years in the periods ended December 31, 2020 and 2019, in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union. Also in our opinion, the Company maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2020, based on criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the COSO.

We also have audited the adjustments to the 2018 consolidated financial statements to retrospectively reflect the classification of the Australian operations as assets held for sale, liabilities associated with assets held for sale and presentation of the results as discontinued operations as described in Note 22. In our opinion, such adjustments are appropriate and have been properly applied. We were not engaged to audit, review, or apply any procedures to the 2018 consolidated financial statements of the company other than with respect to the retrospective adjustments and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on the 2018 consolidated financial statements taken as a whole.

Basis for Opinions

The Company’s management is responsible for these consolidated financial statements, for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting, and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, included in Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting appearing under Part II, Item 15. Our responsibility is to express opinions on the Company’s consolidated financial statements and on the Company’s internal control over financial reporting based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud, and whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects.

PwC Bedrijfsrevisoren BV - PwC Reviseurs d’Entreprises SRL - Financial Assurance Services

Maatschappelijke zetel/Siège social: Woluwe Garden, Woluwedal 18, B-1932 Sint-Stevens-Woluwe

T: +32 (0)2 710 4211, F: +32 (0)2 710 4299,

BTW/TVA BE 0429.501.944 / RPR Brussel - RPM Bruxelles / ING BE43 3101 3811 9501 - BIC BBRUBEBB /

BELFIUS BE92 0689 0408 8123 - BIC GKCC BEBB



Table of Contents


Our audits of the consolidated financial statements included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. Our audit of internal control over financial reporting included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. Our audits also included performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinions.

Definition and Limitations of Internal Control over Financial Reporting

A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (i) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (ii) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (iii) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

Critical Audit Matters

The critical audit matters communicated below are matters arising from the current period audit of the consolidated financial statements that were communicated or required to be communicated to the audit committee and that (i) relate to accounts or disclosures that are material to the consolidated financial statements and (ii) involved our especially challenging, subjective, or complex judgments. The communication of critical audit matters does not alter in any way our opinion on the consolidated financial statements, taken as a whole, and we are not, by communicating the critical audit matters below, providing separate opinions on the critical audit matters or on the accounts or disclosures to which they relate.

Impairment of goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite useful life

As described in Notes 4, 14 and 15 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company has recorded goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite useful life for an amount of $120 971 million and $39 395 million, respectively, as of December 31, 2020. Impairment analyses of goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets are performed annually and whenever a triggering event has occurred, in order to determine whether the carrying value exceeds the recoverable amount. These calculations are based on estimates of future cash flows. In view of the decline in performance resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the company conducted an interim impairment test in the second quarter of 2020. As a result of this impairment test, management concluded, based on the valuations performed, it was prudent in view of the uncertainties, to record an impairment loss of $(1.5) billion for the South Africa cash generating unit and $(1.0) billion for the Rest of Africa cash generating unit as of June 30, 2020.

Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives have been tested for impairment using the same methodology and assumptions as goodwill. Based on the assumptions described in the note, the Company concluded that no impairment charge is warranted of intangible assets with indefinite useful lives. Impairment tests are conducted by management, in accordance with IAS 36, in which management applies a discounted cash flow approach based on current acquisition valuation models for its cash-generating units showing an invested capital to EBITDA multiple above 9x and valuation multiples for its other cash-generating units. The Company uses a strategic plan based on external sources in respect of macro-economic assumptions, industry, inflation and foreign exchange rates, past experience and identified initiatives in terms of market share, revenue, variable and fixed cost, capital expenditure and working capital assumptions. Management’s cash flow projections include significant estimates and assumptions, related to weighted average cost of capital, the terminal growth rate and probability weighting of the scenarios used in the interim impairment test.



Table of Contents


The principal considerations for our determination that performing procedures relating to the impairment of goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite useful life is a critical audit matter are (i) there was a high degree of auditor judgment and subjectivity in applying procedures relating to the valuation of the cash-generating units due to the significant amount of judgment by management when developing this estimate, (ii) the audit effort involved the use of professionals with specialized skill and knowledge to assist in evaluating the audit evidence obtained from these procedures and (iii) significant audit effort was necessary in evaluating the significant assumptions relating to the estimate, related to weighted average cost of capital, the terminal growth rate and probability weighting of the scenarios used in the interim impairment test.

Addressing the matter involved performing procedures and evaluating audit evidence in connection with forming our overall opinion on the consolidated financial statements. These procedures included testing the effectiveness of controls relating to management’s goodwill and indefinite-lived asset impairment testing, including controls over the valuation of the Company’s cash-generating units. These procedures also included, among others, testing management’s process for developing the fair value estimates; evaluating the appropriateness of the discounted cash flow model; testing the completeness, accuracy, and relevance of underlying data used in the models; and, with the assistance of professionals with specialized skill and knowledge, evaluating the significant assumptions used by management, related to weighted average cost of capital, the terminal growth rate and probability weighting of the scenarios used in the interim impairment test. Evaluating management’s assumptions involved evaluating whether the assumptions used by management were reasonable considering (i) the current and past performance of the cash-generating unit, (ii) the consistency with external market and industry data, (iii) whether these assumptions were consistent with evidence obtained in other areas of the audit and (iv) analysis of sensitivities in the Company’s discounted cash flow model.

Uncertain tax positions

As described in Notes 4 and 32 to the consolidated financial statements, significant judgment by management is required in determining the worldwide provision for income tax. There are some transactions and calculations for which the ultimate tax determination is uncertain. Some subsidiaries within the group are involved in tax audits and local enquiries usually in relation to prior years. Investigations and negotiations with local tax authorities are ongoing in various jurisdictions at the balance sheet date and, by their nature, these can take considerable time to conclude. In assessing the amount of any income tax provisions to be recognized in the consolidated financial statements, estimation is made of the expected successful settlement of these matters. The principal considerations for our determination that performing procedures relating to uncertain tax positions is a critical audit matter are (i) there was a high degree of auditor judgment and subjectivity in applying procedures related to uncertain tax positions due to the significant amount of judgment by management when developing this estimate, including a high degree of estimation uncertainty relative to the numerous tax laws and the considerable time to conclude investigations and negotiations with local tax authorities as a result of such audits, and (ii) the audit effort involved the use of professionals with specialized skill and knowledge to assist in evaluating the audit evidence obtained from these procedures.

Addressing the matter involved performing procedures and evaluating audit evidence in connection with forming our overall opinion on the consolidated financial statements. These procedures included testing the effectiveness of controls relating to completeness of the uncertain tax positions, as well as controls over measurement of the liability. These procedures also included, among others, (i) testing the information used in the calculation of the income tax provisions, including intercompany agreements, international, federal, and state filing positions, and the related final tax returns; (ii) testing the calculation of the income tax provision by jurisdiction, including management’s assessment of the technical merits of tax positions and estimates of the amount of tax benefit expected to be sustained; (iii) testing the completeness of management’s assessment of both the identification of uncertain tax positions and possible outcomes thereof; and (iv) evaluating the status and results of income tax audits by the relevant tax authorities. Professionals with specialized skill and knowledge were used to assist in the evaluation of the completeness and measurement of the Company’s uncertain tax positions, including evaluating the reasonableness of management’s assessment of the chance of loss related to tax positions and the application of relevant tax laws.

Sint-Stevens-Woluwe, Belgium, March 17, 2021

PwC Bedrijfsrevisoren BV / Reviseurs d’Entreprises SRL

Represented by

/s/ Koen Hens

Statutory Auditor

We have served as the Company’s auditor since 2019.



Table of Contents


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the shareholders and the Board of Directors of Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV

Opinion on the Financial Statements

We have audited, before the effects of the retrospective adjustments for the discontinued operations discussed in Note 22 to the consolidated financial statements and in footnote 1 to the consolidated statement of cash flows (together, the “retrospective adjustments for discontinued operations”), the consolidated income statement, consolidated statement of comprehensive income, consolidated statement of changes in equity, and consolidated statement of cash flows of Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and subsidiaries (the “Company”) for the year ended 31 December 2018, and the related notes (collectively referred to as the “financial statements”) (the 2018 financial statements before the effects of the retrospective adjustments discussed in Note 22 to the financial statements and in footnote 1 to the consolidated statement of cash flows are not presented herein). In our opinion, the 2018 financial statements, before the effects of the retrospective adjustments for the discontinued operations discussed in Note 22 to the financial statements and in footnote 1 to the consolidated statement of cash flows, present fairly, in all material respects, the results of operations and cash flows of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2018 in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union.

We were not engaged to audit, review, or apply any procedures to the retrospective adjustments for the discontinued operations discussed in Note 22 to the consolidated financial statements and in footnote 1 to the consolidated statement of cash flows, and accordingly, we do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance about whether such retrospective adjustments are appropriate and have been properly applied. Those retrospective adjustments were audited by other auditors.

Basis for Opinion

These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. Our audit included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audit also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Zaventem, Belgium, 13 March 2019

(23 April 2019 as to the adoption of IFRS 16 Leases and the retrospective adjustments for changes in the composition of reportable segment as described in Note 5 to the financial statements)


/s/ Joël Brehmen
Deloitte Bedrijfsrevisoren/Réviseurs d’Entreprises CVBA/SCRL
Represented by Joël Brehmen

We began serving as the Company’s auditor in 2016. In 2019 we became the predecessor auditor.



Table of Contents

Consolidated income statement


For the year ended 31 December

Million US dollar, except earnings per shares in US dollar

   Notes      2020     2019     2018


        46 881       52 329       53 041  

Cost of sales

        (19 634     (20 362     (19 933










Gross profit

        27 247       31 967       33 108  

Distribution expenses

        (5 104     (5 525     (5 612

Sales and marketing expenses

        (6 861     (7 348     (7 774

Administrative expenses

        (3 404     (3 548     (3 421

Other operating income/(expenses)

     7        845       875       805  

Impairment of goodwill

     8        (2 500     —         —    

COVID-19 costs

     8        (182     —         —    


     8        (157     (170     (363

Business and asset disposal (including impairment losses)

     8        (239     (50     (26

Acquisition costs business combinations

     8        (25     (23     (73

Brazil state tax regularization program

     8        —         (74     —    

Cost related to public offering of minority stake in Budweiser APAC

     8        —         (6     —    

Provision for EU investigation

     8        —         —         (230










Profit from operations

        9 620       16 098       16 414  

Finance cost

     11        (8 419     (5 993     (9 261

Finance income

     11        722       2 519       435  










Net finance income/(cost)

        (7 697     (3 473     (8 826

Share of result of associates and joint ventures

     16        156       152       153  










Profit before tax

        2 079       12 776       7 741  

Income tax expense

     12        (1 932     (2 786     (2 585










Profit from continuing operations

        147       9 990       5 157  

Profit from discontinued operations

     22        2 055       424       531  










Profit of the period

        2 202       10 414       5 688  

Profit from continuing operations attributable to:


Equity holders of AB InBev

        (650     8 748       3 839  

Non-controlling interest

        797       1 243       1 318  

Profit of the period attributable to:


Equity holders of AB InBev

        1 405       9 171       4 370  

Non-controlling interest

        797       1 243       1 318  

Basic earnings per share

     23        0.70     4.62     2.21

Diluted earnings per share

     23        0.69     4.53     2.17

Basic earnings per share from continuing operations

     23        (0.33     4.41     1.94

Diluted earnings per share from continuing operations

     23        (0.33     4.32     1.91

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



In 2019, the consolidated income statement for 2018 was restated to reflect the impact of adoption of IFRS 16 under the full retrospective application and the classification of the Australian operations as discontinued operations.



Table of Contents

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income


For the year ended 31 December

Million US dollar

   2020     2019     2018

Profit of the period

     2 202     10 414     5 688

Other comprehensive income/(loss): items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:


Re-measurements of post-employment benefits

     (263     (182     99









     (263     (182     99

Other comprehensive income/(loss): items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:


Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations¹

     (10 951     947     (7 916

Effective portion of changes in fair value of net investment hedges

     479     (157     114

Cash flow hedges recognized in equity

     739     182     512

Cash flow hedges and cumulative translation adjustments reclassified from equity to profit or loss in relation to Australia divestiture

     426     —         —    

Cash flow hedges reclassified from equity to profit or loss

     (533     (292     (565









     (9 841     680     (7 855

Other comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax

     (10 104     498     (7 756

Total comprehensive income/(loss)

     (7 901     10 912     (2 068

Attributable to:


Equity holders of AB InBev

     (8 156     10 044     (2 998

Non-controlling interest

     255     867     930

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



See Note 23 Changes in equity and earnings per share.


In 2019, the consolidated statement of comprehensive income for 2018 was restated to reflect the impact of adoption of IFRS 16 under the full retrospective application.



Table of Contents

Consolidated statement of financial position


As at

Million US dollar

   Notes      31 December
     31 December



Non-current assets


Property, plant and equipment

     13        26 419      27 544


     14        120 971      128 114

Intangible assets

     15        41 527      42 452

Investments in associates and joint ventures

     16        6 143      5 861

Investment securities

     17        137      110

Deferred tax assets

     18        2 019      1 719

Employee benefits

     25        6      14

Income tax receivables

        869      1 081


     29        138      132

Trade and other receivables

     20        1 661      807







Total non-current assets

        199 891      207 834

Current assets


Investment securities

     17        396      92


     19        4 482      4 427

Income tax receivables

        655      627


     29        827      230

Trade and other receivables

     20        4 833      6 187

Cash and cash equivalents

     21        15 252      7 238

Assets classified as held for sale

     22        74      10 013







Total current assets

        26 519      28 814







Total assets

        226 410      236 648





Issued capital

     23        1 736      1 736

Share premium

        17 620      17 620


        17 798      24 882

Retained earnings

        30 870      31 484







Equity attributable to equity holders of AB InBev

        68 024      75 722

Non-controlling interests

     33        10 327      8 831







Total equity

        78 351      84 553

Non-current liabilities


Interest-bearing loans and borrowings

     24        95 478      97 564

Employee benefits

     25        2 970      2 848

Deferred tax liabilities

     18        12 627      12 824

Income tax payables

        808      1 022


     29        1 759      352

Trade and other payables

     28        1 522      1 943


     27        544      701







Total non-current liabilities

        115 707      117 254

Current liabilities


Bank overdrafts

     21        5      68

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings

     24        3 081      5 410

Income tax payables

        1 036      1 346


     29        5 046      3 799

Trade and other payables

     28        22 965      22 864


     27        219      210

Liabilities associated with assets held for sale

     22        —        1 145







Total current liabilities

        32 352      34 841







Total equity and liabilities

        226 410      236 648

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents

Consolidated statement of changes in equity


     Attributable to equity holders of AB InBev              

Million US dollar

    Reserves      Share-
    Total     Non-

As per 1 January 2018

     1 736        17 620        (8 980     45 726        1 753        (14 784     1 119       28 387       72 576       7 624       80 200  

Impact of adopting IFRSs 9 and 15

     —          —          —         —          —          —         —         (4     (4     (42     (46

As per 1 January 2018, as adjusted

     1 736        17 620        (8 980     45 726        1 753        (14 784     1 119       28 383       72 572       7 582       80 154  

Profit of the period

     —          —          —         —          —          —         —         4 370       4 370       1 318       5 688  

Other comprehensive income/(loss)


Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations (gains/(losses))

     —          —          —         —          —          (7 374     —         —         (7 374     (429     (7 802

Cash flow hedges

     —          —          —         —          —          (92     —         —         (92     40     (52

Re-measurements of post-employment benefits

     —          —          —         —          —          98     —         —         98     1     99

Total comprehensive income/(loss)

     —          —          —         —          —          (7 368     —         4 370       (2 998     930     (2 068


     —          —          —         —          —          —         (56     (6 258     (6 314     (1 123     (7 437

Treasury shares¹

     —          —          2 431       —          —          —         (1 063     (1 368     —         —         —    

Share-based payments

     —          —          —         —          284      —         —         —         284     6     290

Sale/(purchase) of non-controlling interests

     —          —          —         —          —          —         —         429     429     (429     —    


































Hyperinflation monetary adjustments

     —          —          —         —          —          —         —         560     560     345     905

Scope and other changes

     —          —          —         —          —          —         —         (48     (48     94     46


































As per 31 December 2018

     1 736        17 620        (6 549     45 726        2 037        (22 152     —         26 068       64 485       7 404       71 889  
     Attributable to equity holders of AB InBev              

Million US dollar

    Reserves      Share-
    Total     Non-

As per 1 January 2019

     1 736        17 620        (6 549     45 726        2 037        (22 152     —         26 068       64 485       7 404       71 889  

Profit of the period

     —          —          —         —          —          —         —         9 171       9 171       1 243       10 414  

Other comprehensive income/(loss)


Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations (gains/(losses))

     —          —          —         —          —          1 143       —         —         1 143       (353     790

Cash flow hedges

     —          —          —         —          —          (97     —         —         (97     (13     (110

Re-measurements of post-employment benefits

     —          —          —         —          —          (173     —         —         (173     (9     (182

Total comprehensive income/(loss)

     —          —          —         —          —          873     —         9 171       10 044       867     10 912  


     —          —          —         —          —          —         —         (4 117     (4 117     (1 062     (5 179

Treasury shares

     —          —          279     —          —          —         —         (279     —         —         —    

Share-based payments

     —          —          —         —          290      —         —         —         290     29     319

Sale/(purchase) of non-controlling interest

     —          —          —         4 378        —          —         —         —         4 378       1 427       5 805  

Hyperinflation monetary adjustments

     —          —          —         —          —          —         —         219     219     135     354

Scope and other changes

     —          —          —         —          —          —         —         421     421     31     452


































As per 31 December 2019

     1 736        17 620        (6 270     50 104        2 327        (21 279     —         31 484       75 722       8 831       84 553  



See Note 23 Changes in equity and earnings per share.



Table of Contents
     Attributable to equity holders of AB InBev              

Million US dollar

    Reserves      Share-
    Total     Non-

As per 1 January 2020

     1 736        17 620        (6 270     50 104        2 327        (21 279     —          31 484       75 722       8 831       84 553  

Profit of the period

     —          —          —         —          —          —         —          1 405       1 405       797     2 202  

Other comprehensive income/(loss)


Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations (gains/(losses))

     —          —          —         —          —          (9 943     —          —         (9 943     (529     (10 473

Cash flow hedges

     —          —          —         —          —          198     —          —         198     8     206

Cash flow hedges and cumulative translation adjustments reclassified from equity to profit or loss in relation to Australia divestiture

     —          —          —         —          —          426     —          —         426     —         426

Re-measurements of post-employment benefits

     —          —          —         —          —          (243     —          —         (243     (20     (263

Total comprehensive income/(loss)

     —          —          —         —          —          (9 562     —          1 405       (8 156     255     (7 901


     —          —          —         —          —          —         —          (1 118     (1 118     (804     (1 923

Treasury shares

     —          —          1 359       —          —          —         —          (974     385     —         385

Share-based payments

     —          —          —         —          3      —         —          —         3     17     20

Hyperinflation monetary adjustments

     —          —          —         —          —          —         —          160     160     99     259

Sale/(purchase) of non-controlling interests²

     —          —          —         1 116        —          —         —          —         1 116       1 869       2 985  

Scope and other changes

     —          —          —         —          —          —         —          (87     (87     60     (26


































As per 31 December 2020

     1 736        17 620        (4 911     51 220        2 330        (30 841     —          30 870       68 024       10 327       78 351  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



See Note 23 Changes in equity and earnings per share.


The 2020 sale of non-controlling interest relates to the issuance of a 49.9% minority stake in the company’s US-based metal container operations completed in December 2020 (refer to Note 23 Changes in equity and earnings per share for more details).



Table of Contents

Consolidated statement of cash flows


For the year ended 31 December

Million US dollar

   Notes      2020     2019¹     20181, 2



Profit from continuing operations

        147     9 990     5 157

Depreciation, amortization and impairment

     10        4 829     4 657     4 624

Impairment losses on goodwill

     14        2 500     —         —    

Impairment losses on receivables, inventories and other assets

        218     112     107

Additions/(reversals) in provisions and employee benefits

        278     216     504

Net finance cost/(income)

     11        7 697     3 473     8 826

Loss/(gain) on sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets

        (69     (149     (82

Loss/(gain) on sale of subsidiaries, associates and assets held for sale

        7     (34     (20

Equity-settled share-based payment expense

     26        169     340     333

Income tax expense

     12        1 932     2 786     2 585

Other non-cash items included in profit

        (381     (220     (654

Share of result of associates and joint ventures

     16        (156     (152     (153










Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital and use of provisions

        17 171     21 019     21 227

Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables

        516     (258     (105

Decrease/(increase) in inventories

        (427     (426     (588

Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables

        503     679     1 170

Pension contributions and use of provisions

        (616     (715     (487










Cash generated from operations

        17 147     20 299     21 217

Interest paid

        (4 340     (4 450     (4 559

Interest received

        255     523     429

Dividends received

        51     160     141

Income tax paid

        (2 306     (3 136     (3 047

Cash flow from operating activities on Australia discontinued operations

     22        84     640     883










Cash flow from operating activities

        10 891     14 036     15 064



Acquisition of property, plant and equipment and of intangible assets

     13/15        (3 781     (5 174     (5 005

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment and of intangible assets

        94     320     437

Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired

     6        (510     (385     (84

Sale of other subsidiaries, net of cash disposed of

     6        —         133     257

Net proceeds from sale/(acquisition) of other assets

        (292     33     538

Proceeds from Australia divestiture

     22        10 838     219     —    

Cash flow from investing activities on Australia discontinued operations

     22        (13     (77     (109










Cash flow from investing activities

        6 336     (4 931     (3 966



Sale/(purchase) of non-controlling interests

     23        3 039     222     (923

Proceeds from borrowings

     24        14 822     22 584     17 782

Payments on borrowings

     24        (23 116     (30 592     (22 489

Cash net finance (cost)/income other than interests

        (953     (1 064     (513

Payment of lease liabilities

        (461     (441     (423

Dividends paid

        (1 800     (5 015     (7 761

Proceeds from public offering of minority stake in Budweiser APAC

     23        —         5 575     —    

Cash flow from financing activities on Australia discontinued operations

     22        (6     (24     (19










Cash flow from financing activities

        (8 475     (8 755     (14 346










Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

        8 752     350     (3 248










Cash and cash equivalents less bank overdrafts at beginning of year

        7 169     6 960     10 356

Effect of exchange rate fluctuations

        (674     (141     (148










Cash and cash equivalents less bank overdrafts at end of period

     21        15 247     7 169     6 960

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



The consolidated statement of cash flows for 2019 and 2018 has been restated to include operating, investing and financing activities from discontinued operations separately in the cashflow statement. In addition, the 2019 cash flow from investing activities has been restated to reflect reclassification of the cash flow hedges in relation to the Australia divestiture reported in the financing activities in 2019 and recycled to profit or loss upon the completion of the transaction.


In 2019, the consolidated statement of cash flows for 2018 was restated to reflect the impact of adoption of IFRS 16 under the full retrospective application and the classification of the Australian operations as discontinued operations.



Table of Contents

Notes to the consolidated financial statements



Corporate information


Statement of compliance


Summary of significant accounting policies


Use of estimates and judgments


Segment reporting


Acquisitions and disposals of subsidiaries


Other operating income/(expenses)


Exceptional items


Payroll and related benefits


Additional information on operating expenses by nature


Finance cost and income


Income taxes


Property, plant and equipment




Intangible assets


Investments in associates


Investment securities


Deferred tax assets and liabilities




Trade and other receivables


Cash and cash equivalents


Assets classified as held for sale, liabilities associated with assets held for sale and discontinued operations


Changes in equity and earnings per share


Interest-bearing loans and borrowings


Employee benefits


Share-based payments




Trade and other payables


Risks arising from financial instruments


Operating leases


Collateral and contractual commitments for the acquisition of property, plant and equipment, loans to customers and other




Non-controlling interests


Related parties


Events after the balance sheet date


AB InBev companies




Table of Contents

Corporate information

Anheuser-Busch InBev is a publicly traded company (Euronext: ABI) based in Leuven, Belgium, with secondary listings on the Mexico (MEXBOL: ANB) and South Africa (JSE: ANH) stock exchanges and with American Depositary Receipts on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: BUD). Our Dream is to bring people together for a better world. Beer, the original social network, has been bringing people together for thousands of years. We are committed to building great brands that stand the test of time and to brewing the best beers using the finest natural ingredients. Our diverse portfolio of well over 500 beer brands includes global brands Budweiser®, Corona® and Stella Artois®; multi-country brands Beck’s®, Hoegaarden®, Leffe® and Michelob Ultra®; and local champions such as Aguila®, Antarctica®, Bud Light®, Brahma®, Cass®, Castle®, Castle Lite®, Cristal®, Harbin®, Jupiler®, Modelo Especial®, Quilmes®, Victoria®, Sedrin® and Skol®. Our brewing heritage dates back more than 600 years, spanning continents and generations. From our European roots at the Den Hoorn brewery in Leuven, Belgium. To the pioneering spirit of the Anheuser & Co brewery in St. Louis, US. To the creation of the Castle Brewery in South Africa during the Johannesburg gold rush. To Bohemia, the first brewery in Brazil. Geographically diversified with a balanced exposure to developed and developing markets, we leverage the collective strengths of approximately 164 000 employees based in nearly 50 countries worldwide. For 2020, AB InBev’s reported revenue was 46.9 billion US dollar (excluding joint ventures and associates).

The consolidated financial statements of the company for the year ended 31 December 2020 comprise the company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as “AB InBev” or the “company”) and the company’s interest in associates, joint ventures and operations.

The consolidated financial statements were authorized for issue by the Board of Directors on 17 March 2021.



Statement of compliance

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standard Board (“IASB”) and in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union up to 31 December 2020 (collectively “IFRS”). AB InBev did not early apply any new IFRS requirements that were not yet effective in 2020 and did not apply any European carve-outs from IFRS.



Summary of significant accounting policies

The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these consolidated financial statements by the company and its subsidiaries.

In March 2020, the SEC amended its regulations regarding financial information of guarantors and issuers of guaranteed securities registered or being registered. We adopted these amendments for the year ended 31 December 2020, which included replacing guarantor condensed consolidating financial information with summarized financial information for the combined obligor group (Parent, Issuer and Guarantor Subsidiaries) in accordance with the amended regulations and no longer requiring guarantor cash flow information, financial information for non-guarantor subsidiaries, or a reconciliation to the consolidated results. The location of the required disclosures has been removed from the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements and moved to “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—G. Liquidity and Capital Resources—Guarantor Financial Information”.




Depending on the applicable IFRS requirements, the measurement basis used in preparing the financial statements is cost, net realizable value, fair value or recoverable amount. Whenever IFRS provides an option between cost and another measurement basis (e.g. systematic re-measurement), the cost approach is applied.




Unless otherwise specified, all financial information included in these financial statements has been stated in US dollar and has been rounded to the nearest million. As from 2009, following the combination with Anheuser-Bush, the company changed the presentation currency of the consolidated financial statements from the euro to the US dollar to provide greater alignment of the presentation currency with AB InBev’s most significant operating currency and underlying financial performance. The functional currency of the parent company is the euro.




The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis of making the judgments about carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognized in the period in which the estimate is revised if the revision affects only that period or in the period of the revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and future periods.




Subsidiaries are those entities controlled by AB InBev. AB InBev controls an entity when it is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the entity. In assessing control, potential voting rights are taken into account. Control is presumed to exist where AB InBev owns, directly or indirectly, more than one half of the voting rights (which does not always equate to economic ownership), unless it can be demonstrated that such ownership does not constitute control. The financial statements of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date that control commences until the date that control ceases. Total comprehensive income of subsidiaries is attributed to the owners of the company and to the non-controlling interests even if this results in the non-controlling interests having a deficit balance.

Associates are undertakings in which AB InBev has significant influence over the financial and operating policies, but which it does not control. This is generally evidenced by ownership of between 20% and 50% of the voting rights. A joint venture is an arrangement in which AB InBev has joint control, whereby AB InBev has rights to the net assets of the arrangement, rather than rights to its assets and obligations for its liabilities. Associates and joint ventures are accounted for by the equity method of accounting, from the date that significant influence or joint control commences until the date that significant influence or joint control ceases. When AB InBev’s share of losses exceeds the carrying amount of the associate or joint venture, the carrying amount is reduced to nil and recognition of further losses is discontinued except to the extent that AB InBev has incurred legal or constructive obligations on behalf of the associate or joint venture.



Table of Contents

Joint operations arise when AB InBev has rights to the assets and obligations to the liabilities of a joint arrangement. AB InBev accounts for its share of the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses as from the moment joint operation commences until the date that joint operation ceases.

The financial statements of the company’s subsidiaries, joint ventures, joint operations and associates are prepared for the same reporting year as the parent company, using consistent accounting policies. In exceptional cases when the financial statements of a subsidiary, joint venture, joint operation or associate are prepared as of a different date from that of AB InBev, adjustments are made for the effects of significant transactions or events that occur between that date and the date of AB InBev’s financial statements. In such cases, the difference between the end of the reporting period of these subsidiaries, joint ventures, joint operations or associates from AB InBev’s reporting period is no more than three months. Results from the company’s associates Anadolu Efes and Castel are reported on a three-month lag. Therefore, estimates are made to reflect AB InBev’s share in the result of these associates for the last quarter. Such estimates are revisited when required.

Transactions with non-controlling interests are treated as transactions with equity owners of the company. For purchases from non-controlling interests, the difference between any consideration paid and the relevant share acquired of the carrying value of net assets of the subsidiary is recorded in equity. Gains or losses on disposals to non-controlling interests are also recorded in equity where there is no loss of control.

All intercompany transactions, balances and unrealized gains and losses on transactions between group companies have been eliminated. Unrealized gains arising from transactions with joint ventures, joint operations and associates are eliminated to the extent of AB InBev’s interest in the entity. Unrealized losses are eliminated in the same way as unrealized gains, but only to the extent that there is no evidence of impairment.

A listing of the company’s most important subsidiaries, joint ventures, joint operations and associates is set out in Note 36 AB InBev companies.




A number of new standards, amendment to standards and new interpretations became mandatory for the first time for the financial year beginning on 1 January 2020 and have not been listed in these consolidated financial statements as they either do not apply or are immaterial to AB InBev’s consolidated financial statements.

In March 2020, the SEC amended its regulations regarding financial information of guarantors and issuers of guaranteed securities registered or being registered. We adopted these amendments for the year ended 31 December 2020, which included replacing guarantor condensed consolidating financial information with summarized financial information for the combined obligor group (Parent, Issuer and Guarantor Subsidiaries) in accordance with the amended regulations and no longer requiring guarantor cash flow information, financial information for non-guarantor subsidiaries, or a reconciliation to the consolidated results. The location of the required disclosures has been removed from the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements and moved to “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review—G. Liquidity and Capital Resources—Guarantor Financial Information” of the Form 20-F.




Foreign currency transactions

Foreign currency transactions are accounted for at exchange rates prevailing at the date of the transactions. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rates prevailing on the date of the balance sheet. Gains and losses resulting from the settlement of foreign currency transactions and from the translation of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognized in the income statement. Non-monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the foreign exchange rate prevailing at the date of the transaction. Non-monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies that are stated at fair value are translated to US dollar at foreign exchange rates prevailing at the dates the fair value was determined.

Translation of the results and financial position of foreign operations

Assets and liabilities of foreign operations are translated to US dollar at foreign exchange rates prevailing at the balance sheet date. Income statements of foreign operations, excluding foreign entities in hyperinflationary economies, are translated to US dollar at exchange rates for the year approximating the foreign exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. The components of shareholders’ equity are translated at historical rates. Exchange differences arising from the translation of shareholders’ equity to US dollar at period-end exchange rates are taken to other comprehensive income (translation reserves).

Financial Reporting in hyperinflationary economies

In May 2018, the Argentinean peso underwent a severe devaluation, causing Argentina´s three-year cumulative inflation to exceed 100% and thus, triggering the requirement to transition to hyperinflation accounting as prescribed by IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies. IAS 29 requires that the results of the company’s Argentinian operations be reported as if these were highly inflationary as of 1 January 2018.

Under IAS 29, non-monetary assets and liabilities stated at historical cost, equity and income statements of subsidiaries operating in hyperinflationary economies are restated for changes in the general purchasing power of the local currency, applying a general price index. These re-measured accounts are used for conversion into US dollar at the period closing exchange rate. As a result, the balance sheet and net results of subsidiaries operating in hyperinflation economies are stated in terms of the measuring unit current at the end of the reporting period.

Consequently, the company applied hyperinflation accounting for its Argentinean subsidiaries for the first time in the year-to-date September 2018 unaudited condensed interim financial statements, with effect as of 1 January 2018. The IAS 29 rules are applied as follows:



Non-monetary assets and liabilities stated at historical cost (e.g. property plant and equipment, intangible assets, goodwill, etc.) and equity of Argentina were restated using an inflation index. The hyperinflation accounting impacts resulting from changes in the general purchasing power from 1 January 2018 are reported in the income statement in a dedicated account for hyperinflation monetary adjustments in the finance line (see also Note 11 Finance cost and income)



The income statement is adjusted at the end of each reporting period using the change in the general price index. It is converted at the closing exchange rate of each period (rather than the year-to-date average rate which is used for non-hyperinflationary economies), thereby restating the year-to-date income statement account for both inflation index and currency conversion.

The 2020 results, restated for purchasing power, were translated at the December 2020 closing rate of 84.143520 Argentinean pesos per US dollar (2019 results – at 59.890668 Argentinean pesos per US dollar).



Table of Contents

Exchange rates

The most important exchange rates that have been used in preparing the financial statements are:


     Closing rate      Average rate  

1 US dollar equals:

   31 December
     31 December
     31 December
     31 December
     31 December
     31 December

Argentinean peso

     84.143520      59.890668      37.807879      —          —          —    

Brazilian real

     5.196694      4.030696      3.874806      5.133082      3.940998      3.634827

Canadian dollar

     1.273981      1.299449      1.362882      1.346594      1.329140      1.293896

Colombian peso

     3 438.52      3 272.63      3 246.70      3 689.50      3 305.84      2 967.36

Chinese yuan

     6.537798      6.961461      6.877787      6.947936      6.886265      6.581607


     0.814930      0.890155      0.873362      0.878101      0.892577      0.845697

Mexican peso

     19.948838      18.845242      19.682728      21.182539      19.334915      19.195084

Pound sterling

     0.732646      0.757344      0.781249      0.780195      0.784062      0.750773

Peruvian nuevo sol

     3.621009      3.317006      3.369998      3.491580      3.346670      3.284477

South Korean won

     1 088.02      1 154.54      1 115.40      1 185.02      1 160.69      1 095.46

South African rand

     14.686598      14.044287      14.374909      16.213180      14.512975      13.105486




Research and development

Expenditure on research activities, undertaken with the prospect of gaining new scientific or technical knowledge and understanding, is recognized in the income statement as an expense as incurred.

Expenditure on development activities, whereby research findings are applied to a plan or design for the production of new or substantially improved products and processes, is capitalized if the product or process is technically and commercially feasible, future economic benefits are probable and the company has sufficient resources to complete development. The expenditure capitalized includes the cost of materials, direct labor and an appropriate proportion of overheads. Other development expenditure is recognized in the income statement as an expense as incurred. Capitalized development expenditure is stated at cost less accumulated amortization (see below) and impairment losses (refer to accounting policy O).

Amortization related to research and development intangible assets is included within the cost of sales if production related and in sales and marketing if related to commercial activities.

Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying assets are capitalized as part of the cost of such assets.

Supply and distribution rights

A supply right is the right for AB InBev to supply a customer and the commitment by the customer to purchase from AB InBev. A distribution right is the right to sell specified products in a certain territory. Acquired distribution rights are measured initially at cost or fair value when obtained through a business combination. Amortization related to supply and distribution rights is included within sales and marketing expenses.


If part of the consideration paid in a business combination relates to trademarks, trade names, formulas, recipes or technological expertise these intangible assets are considered as a group of complementary assets that is referred to as a brand for which one fair value is determined. Expenditure on internally generated brands is expensed as incurred.


Purchased software is measured at cost less accumulated amortization. Expenditure on internally developed software is capitalized when the expenditure qualifies as development activities; otherwise, it is recognized in the income statement when incurred. Amortization related to software is included in cost of sales, distribution expenses, sales and marketing expenses or administrative expenses based on the activity the software supports.

Other intangible assets

Other intangible assets, acquired by the company, are recognized at cost less accumulated amortization and impairment losses. Other intangible assets also include multi-year sponsorship rights acquired by the company. These are initially recognized at the present value of the future payments and subsequently measured at cost less accumulated amortization and impairment losses.

Subsequent expenditure

Subsequent expenditure on capitalized intangible assets is capitalized only when it increases the future economic benefits embodied in the specific asset to which it relates. All other expenditures are expensed as incurred.


Intangible assets with a finite life are amortized using the straight-line method over their estimated useful lives. Licenses, brewing, supply and distribution rights are amortized over the period in which the rights exist. Brands are considered to have an indefinite life unless plans exist to discontinue the brand. Discontinuance of a brand can be either through sale or termination of marketing support. When AB InBev purchases distribution rights for its own products the life of these rights is considered indefinite, unless the company have a plan to discontinue the related brand or distribution. Software and capitalized development costs related to technology are amortized over 3 to 5 years.



Table of Contents

Brands are deemed intangible assets with indefinite useful lives and, therefore, are not amortized but tested for impairment on an annual basis (refer to accounting policy O).

Gains and losses on sale

Net gains on sale of intangible assets are presented in the income statement as other operating income. Net losses on sale are included as other operating expenses. Net gains and losses are recognized in the income statement when the control has been transferred to the buyer, recovery of the consideration is probable, the associated costs can be estimated reliably, and there is no continuing managerial involvement with the intangible assets.




The company applies the acquisition method of accounting to account for acquisitions of businesses. The cost of an acquisition is measured as the aggregate of the fair values at the date of exchange of the assets given, liabilities incurred and equity instruments issued. Identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired or assumed are measured separately at their fair value as of the acquisition date. The excess of the cost of the acquisition over the company’s interest in the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired is recorded as goodwill.

The allocation of fair values to the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed is based on various assumptions requiring management judgment.

Acquisition-related costs are expensed as incurred.

If the business combination is achieved in stages, the acquisition date carrying value of AB InBev’s previously held interest in the acquiree is re-measured to fair value at the acquisition date; any gains or losses arising from such re-measurement are recognized in profit or loss.




Goodwill is determined as the excess of the consideration paid over AB InBev’s interest in the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the acquired subsidiary, jointly controlled entity or associate recognized at the date of acquisition. All business combinations are accounted for by applying the purchase method.

In conformity with IFRS 3 Business Combinations, goodwill is stated at cost and not amortized but tested for impairment on an annual basis and whenever there is an indicator that the cash generating unit to which goodwill has been allocated, may be impaired (refer to accounting policy O). Goodwill is expressed in the currency of the subsidiary or jointly controlled entity to which it relates and is translated to US dollar using the year-end exchange rate. In respect of associates and joint ventures, the carrying amount of goodwill is included in the carrying amount of the investment in the associate.

If AB InBev’s interest in the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities recognized exceeds the cost of the business combination such excess is recognized immediately in the income statement as required by IFRS 3 Business Combinations. Expenditure on internally generated goodwill is expensed as incurred.




Property, plant and equipment is measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses (refer to accounting policy O). Cost includes the purchase price and any costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management (e.g. nonrefundable tax and transport cost). The cost of a self-constructed asset is determined using the same principles as for an acquired asset. The depreciation methods, residual value, as well as the useful lives are reassessed and adjusted if appropriate, annually.

Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying assets are capitalized as part of the cost of such assets.

Subsequent expenditure

The company recognizes in the carrying amount of an item of property, plant and equipment the cost of replacing part of such an item when that cost is incurred if it is probable that the future economic benefits embodied with the item will flow to the company and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. All other costs are expensed as incurred.


The depreciable amount is the cost of an asset less its residual value. Residual values, if not insignificant, are reassessed annually. Depreciation is calculated from the date the asset is available for use, using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets.

The estimated useful lives are defined in terms of the asset’s expected utility to the company and can vary from one geographical area to another. On average the estimated useful lives are as follows:


Industrial buildings – other real estate properties

     20 – 50 years  

Production plant and equipment:


Production equipment

     10 – 15 years  

Storage, packaging and handling equipment

     5 – 7 years  

Returnable packaging:



     2 – 10 years  


     2 – 10 years  


     2 – 5 years  

Point of sale furniture and equipment

     5 years  


     5 years  

Information processing equipment

     3 – 5 years  



Table of Contents

Where parts of an item of property, plant and equipment have different useful lives, they are accounted for as separate items of property, plant and equipment.

Land is not depreciated as it is deemed to have an indefinite life.

Gains and losses on sale

Net gains on sale of items of property, plant and equipment are presented in the income statement as other operating income. Net losses on sale are presented as other operating expenses. Net gains and losses are recognized in the income statement when the control has been transferred to the buyer, recovery of the consideration is probable, the associated costs can be estimated reliably, and there is no continuing managerial involvement with the property, plant and equipment.




The company as lessee

The company assesses whether a contract is or contains a lease at inception of a contract. The company recognizes a right-of-use asset and a corresponding lease liability with respect to all lease agreements in which it is the lessee, except for short-term leases (defined as leases with a lease term of 12 months or less) and leases of low value assets. For these leases, the company recognizes the lease payments as an operating expense on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease, and payments for these leases are presented in cash flow from operating activities.

The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of the lease payments that are not paid at the commencement date, discounted by using the rate implicit in the lease. If this rate cannot be readily determined, the company uses its incremental borrowing rate specific to the country, term and currency of the contract. In addition, the company considers its recent debt issuances as well as publicly available data for instruments with similar characteristics when calculating the incremental borrowing rates.

Lease payments include fixed payments, less any lease incentives, variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate known at the commencement date, and purchase options or extension option payments if the company is reasonably certain to exercise these options. Variable lease payments that do not depend on an index or rate are not included in the measurement of the lease liability and right-of-use asset and are recognized as an expense in the income statement in the period in which the event or condition that triggers those payments occurs.

A lease liability is remeasured upon a change in the lease term, changes in an index or rate used to determine the lease payments or reassessment of exercise of a renewal and/or purchase option. The corresponding adjustment is made to the related right-of-use asset.

The right-of-use assets comprise the initial measurement of the corresponding lease liability, lease payments made at or before the commencement day and any initial direct costs. They are subsequently measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. The right-of-use assets are depreciated starting at the commencement date over the shorter period of useful life of the underlying asset and lease term (refer to accounting policies J and O).

The lease liability is presented in the ‘Interest-bearing loans and borrowings’ line and the right-of-use assets are presented in the ‘Property, plant and equipment’ line in the consolidated statement of financial position. In addition, the principal portion of the lease payments is presented within financing activities and the interest component is presented within operating activities in the consolidated cash flow statement.

The company as lessor

Leases where the company transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee are classified as finance leases. Leases of assets under which all the risks and rewards of ownership are substantially retained by the company are classified as operating leases. Rental income is recognized in other operating income on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease.




Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realizable value. Cost includes expenditure incurred in acquiring the inventories and bringing them to their existing location and condition. The weighted average method is used in assigning the cost of inventories.

The cost of finished products and work in progress comprises raw materials, other production materials, direct labor, other direct cost and an allocation of fixed and variable overhead based on normal operating capacity. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated completion and selling costs.

Inventories are written down on a case-by-case basis if the anticipated net realizable value declines below the carrying amount of the inventories. The calculation of the net realizable value takes into consideration specific characteristics of each inventory category, such as expiration date, remaining shelf life, slow-moving indicators, amongst others.




Trade receivables are amounts due from customers for goods sold or services performed in the ordinary course of business and generally due for settlement within 30 days. Trade receivables are recognized initially at the amount of the consideration that is unconditional unless they contain significant financing components, when they are recognized at the amount adjusted for the time value of money. The company holds trade and other receivables with the objective to collect the contractual cash flows and therefore measures them subsequently at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method.

Trade and other receivables are carried at amortized cost less impairment losses. To determine the appropriate amount to be impaired factors such as significant financial difficulties of the debtor, probability that the debtor will default, enter into bankruptcy or financial reorganization, or delinquency in payments are considered.

Other receivables are initially recognized at fair value and subsequently measured at amortized cost. Any impairment losses and foreign exchange results are directly recognized in profit or loss.



Table of Contents


Cash and cash equivalents include all cash balances and short-term highly liquid investments with a maturity of three months or less from the date of acquisition that are readily convertible into cash. They are stated at face value, which approximates their fair value. In the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents are presented net of bank overdrafts.




The carrying amounts of property, plant and equipment, goodwill and intangible assets are reviewed at each balance sheet date to determine whether there is any indication of impairment. If there is an indicator of impairment, the asset’s recoverable amount is estimated. In addition, goodwill, intangible assets that are not yet available for use and intangibles with an indefinite useful life are tested for impairment annually at the cash-generating unit level (that is a country or group of countries managed as a group below a reporting region). An impairment loss is recognized whenever the carrying amount of an asset or the related cash-generating unit exceeds its recoverable amount. Impairment losses are recognized in the income statement.

Calculation of recoverable amount

The recoverable amount of non-financial assets is determined as the higher of their fair value less costs to sell and value in use. For an asset that does not generate largely independent cash inflows, the recoverable amount is determined for the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs. The recoverable amount of the cash generating units to which the goodwill and the intangible assets with indefinite useful life belong is based on discounted future cash flows using a discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. These calculations are corroborated by valuation multiples, quoted share prices for publicly traded subsidiaries or other available fair value indicators.

Impairment losses recognized in respect of cash-generating units firstly reduce allocated goodwill and then the carrying amounts of the other assets in the unit on a pro rata basis.

Reversal of impairment losses

Non-financial assets other than goodwill that suffered an impairment are reviewed for possible reversal of the impairment at each reporting date. An impairment loss is reversed only to the extent that the asset’s carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation or amortization, if no impairment loss had been recognized.




A number of AB InBev’s accounting policies and notes require fair value measurement for both financial and non-financial items.

Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. When measuring fair value, AB InBev uses observable market data as far as possible. Fair values are categorized into different levels in a fair value hierarchy based on the inputs used in the valuation techniques as follows:



Level 1: inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.



Level 2: inputs are observable either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices).



Level 3: fair value measurements incorporates significant inputs that are based on unobservable market data.

If the inputs used to measure the fair value of an asset or liability fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy, then the fair value measurement is categorized in its entirety in the same level of the fair value hierarchy as the lowest level input that is significant to the entire measurement.

The company applies fair value measurement to the instruments listed below.


The fair value of exchange traded derivatives (e.g. exchange traded foreign currency futures) is determined by reference to the official prices published by the respective exchanges (e.g. the New York Board of Trade). The fair value of over-the-counter derivatives is determined by commonly used valuation techniques.

Debt securities

This category includes both debt securities designated at FVOCI and FVPL. The fair value is measured using observable inputs such as interest rates and foreign exchange rates. When it pertains to instruments that are publicly traded, the fair value is determined by reference to observable quotes. In circumstances where debt securities are not publicly traded, the main valuation technique is the discounted cash flow. The company may apply other valuation techniques or combination of valuation techniques if the fair value results are more relevant.

Equity securities designated as at FVOCI

Investments in equity securities comprise quoted and unquoted securities. When liquid quoted prices are available, these are used to fair value investments in quoted securities. The unquoted securities are fair valued using primarily the discounted cash flow method.

Non-derivative financial liabilities

The fair value of non-derivative financial liabilities is generally determined using unobservable inputs and therefore fall into level 3. In these circumstances, the valuation technique used is discounted cash flow, whereby the projected cash flows are discounted using a risk adjusted rate.




Repurchase of share capital

When AB InBev buys back its own shares, the amount of the consideration paid, including directly attributable costs, is recognized as a deduction from equity under treasury shares.



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Dividends paid are recognized in the consolidated financial statements on the date that the dividends are declared unless minimum statutory dividends are required by local legislation or the bylaws of the company’s subsidiaries. In such instances, statutory minimum dividends are recognized as a liability.

Share issuance costs

Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of new shares or options are shown in equity as a deduction, net of tax, from the proceeds.




Provisions are recognized when (i) the company has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of past events, (ii) it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and (iii) a reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation can be made. Provisions are determined by discounting the expected future cash flows at a pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and, where appropriate, the risks specific to the liability.


A provision for restructuring is recognized when the company has approved a detailed and formal restructuring plan, and the restructuring has either commenced or has been announced publicly. Costs relating to the ongoing activities of the company are not provided for. The provision includes the benefit commitments in connection with early retirement and redundancy schemes.

Onerous contracts

A provision for onerous contracts is recognized when the expected benefits to be derived by the company from a contract are lower than the unavoidable cost of meeting its obligations under the contract. Such provision is measured at the present value of the lower of the expected cost of terminating the contract and the expected net cost of continuing with the contract.

Disputes and Litigations

A provision for disputes and litigation is recognized when it is more likely than not that the company will be required to make future payments as a result of past events, such items may include but are not limited to, several claims, suits and actions relating to antitrust laws, violations of distribution and license agreements, environmental matters, employment related disputes, claims from tax authorities related to indirect taxes, and alcohol industry litigation matters.




Post-employment benefits

Post-employment benefits include pensions, post-employment life insurance and post-employment medical benefits. The company operates a number of defined benefit and defined contribution plans throughout the world, the assets of which are generally held in separate trustee-managed funds. The pension plans are generally funded by payments from employees and the company, and, for defined benefit plans taking account of the recommendations of independent actuaries. AB InBev maintains funded and unfunded pension plans.



Defined contribution plans

Contributions to defined contribution plans are recognized as an expense in the income statement when incurred. A defined contribution plan is a pension plan under which AB InBev pays fixed contributions into a fund. AB InBev has no legal or constructive obligations to pay further contributions if the fund does not hold sufficient assets to pay all employees the benefits relating to employee service in the current and prior periods.



Defined benefit plans

A defined benefit plan is a pension plan that is not a defined contribution plan. Typically, defined benefit plans define an amount of pension benefit that an employee will receive on retirement, usually dependent on one or more factors such as age, years of service and compensation. For defined benefit plans, the pension expenses are assessed separately for each plan using the projected unit credit method. The projected unit credit method considers each period of service as giving rise to an additional unit of benefit entitlement. Under this method, the cost of providing pensions is charged to the income statement so as to spread the regular cost over the service lives of employees in accordance with the advice of qualified actuaries who carry out a full valuation of the plans at least every three years. The amounts charged to the income statement include current service cost, net interest cost (income), past service costs and the effect of any curtailments or settlements. Past service costs are recognized at the earlier of when the amendment / curtailment occurs or when the company recognizes related restructuring or termination costs. The pension obligations recognized in the balance sheet are measured at the present value of the estimated future cash outflows using interest rates based on high quality corporate bond yields, which have terms to maturity approximating the terms of the related liability, less the fair value of any plan assets. Re-measurements, comprising of actuarial gains and losses, the effect of the asset ceiling (excluding net interest) and the return on plan assets (excluding net interest) are recognized in full in the period in which they occur in the statement of comprehensive income. Re-measurements are not reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods.

Where the calculated amount of a defined benefit liability is negative (an asset), AB InBev recognizes such pension asset to the extent that economic benefits are available to AB InBev either from refunds or reductions in future contributions.

Other post-employment obligations

Some of AB InBev’s companies provide post-employment medical benefits to their retirees. The entitlement to these benefits is usually based on the employee remaining in service up to retirement age. The expected costs of these benefits are accrued over the period of employment, using an accounting methodology similar to that for defined benefit pension plans.

Termination benefits

Termination benefits are recognized as an expense at the earlier when the company is demonstrably committed, without realistic possibility of withdrawal, to a formal detailed plan to terminate employment before the normal retirement date and when the company recognizes costs for a restructuring. Termination benefits for voluntary redundancies are recognized if the company has made an offer encouraging voluntary redundancy and when the company can no longer withdraw the offer of termination, which is the earlier of either when the employee accepts the offer or when a legal, regulatory or contractual requirement or restriction on the company’s ability to withdraw the offer takes effect.



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Bonuses received by company employees and management are based on pre-defined company and individual target achievement. The estimated amount of the bonus is recognized as an expense in the period the bonus is earned. To the extent that bonuses are settled in shares of the company, they are accounted for as share-based payments.




Different share and share option programs allow company senior management and members of the board to acquire shares of the company and some of its affiliates. The fair value of the share options is estimated at grant date, using an option pricing model that is most appropriate for the respective option. Based on the expected number of options that will vest, the fair value of the options granted is expensed over the vesting period. When the options are exercised, equity is increased by the amount of the proceeds received.

Equity-settled share-based payment transactions with parties other than employees are measured at the fair value of the goods or services received, except where that fair value cannot be estimated reliably, in which case they are measured at the fair value of the equity instruments granted, measured at the date the company obtains the goods or the counterparty renders the service.




Interest-bearing loans and borrowings are recognized initially at fair value, less attributable transaction costs. Subsequent to initial recognition, interest-bearing loans and borrowings are stated at amortized cost with any difference between the initial amount and the maturity amount being recognized in the income statement (in accretion expense) over the expected life of the instrument on an effective interest rate basis.




Trade and other payables are recognized initially at fair value and subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method.




Income tax on the profit for the year comprises current and deferred tax. Income tax is recognized in the income statement except to the extent that it relates to items recognized directly in equity, in which case the tax effect is also recognized directly in equity.

Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the year, using tax rates enacted, or substantively enacted, at the balance sheet date, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years.

In accordance with IAS 12 Income Taxes deferred taxes are provided using the so-called balance sheet liability method. This means that, for all taxable and deductible differences between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the balance sheet a deferred tax liability or asset is recognized. Under this method a provision for deferred taxes is also made for differences between the fair values of assets and liabilities acquired in a business combination and their tax base. IAS 12 prescribes that no deferred taxes are recognized (i) on initial recognition of goodwill, (ii) at the initial recognition of assets or liabilities in a transaction that is not a business combination and affects neither accounting nor taxable profit and (iii) on differences relating to investments in subsidiaries to the extent that they will probably not reverse in the foreseeable future and to the extent that the company is able to control the timing of the reversal. The amount of deferred tax provided is based on the expected manner of realization or settlement of the carrying amount of assets and liabilities, using currently or substantively enacted tax rates.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset if there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax liabilities and assets, and they relate to income taxes levied by the same tax authority on the same taxable entity, or on different taxable entities which intend either to settle current tax liabilities and assets on a net basis, or to realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously.

The company recognizes deferred tax assets, including assets arising from losses carried forward, to the extent that future probable taxable profit will be available against which the deferred tax asset can be utilized. A deferred tax asset is reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related tax benefit will be realized.

Effective 1 January 2019, AB InBev adopted IFRIC 23 Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments and is presenting income tax provisions in income tax liabilities, consistent with the discussions held at the IFRS Interpretation Committee, which concluded that an entity is required to present assets and liabilities for uncertain tax treatments as current tax assets/liabilities or deferred tax assets/liabilities.




Goods sold

Revenue is measured based on the consideration to which the company expects to be entitled in a contract with a customer and excludes amounts collected on behalf of third parties. The company recognizes revenue when performance obligations are satisfied, meaning when the company transfers control of a product to a customer.

Specifically, revenue recognition follows the following five-step approach:



Identification of the contracts with a customer



Identification of the performance obligations in the contracts



Determination of the transaction price



Allocation of the transaction price to the performance obligations in the contracts



Revenue recognition when performance obligations are satisfied

Revenue from the sale of goods is measured at the amount that reflects the best estimate of the consideration expected to receive in exchange for those goods. Contracts can include significant variable elements, such as discounts, rebates, refunds, credits, price concessions, incentives, performance bonuses and penalties. Such trade incentives are treated as variable consideration. If the consideration includes a variable amount, the company estimates the amount of consideration to which it will be entitled in exchange for transferring the promised goods or services to the customer. Variable consideration is only included in the transaction price if it is highly probable that the amount of revenue recognized would not be subject to significant future reversals when the uncertainty is resolved.



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Royalty income

The company recognizes the sales-based or usage-based royalties in other operating income when the later of the following events occurs: (a) the customer’s subsequent sales or usage; and (b) the performance obligation to which some or all of the sales-based or usage-based royalty has been allocated has been satisfied (or partially satisfied).

Rental income

Rental income is recognized in other operating income on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease.

Government grants

A government grant is recognized in the balance sheet initially as deferred income when there is reasonable assurance that it will be received and that the company will comply with the conditions attached to it. Grants that compensate the company for expenses incurred are recognized as other operating income on a systematic basis in the same periods in which the expenses are incurred. Grants that compensate the company for the acquisition of an asset are presented by deducting them from the acquisition cost of the related asset.

Finance income

Finance income comprises interest received or receivable on funds invested, dividend income, foreign exchange gains, losses on currency hedging instruments offsetting currency gains, gains on hedging instruments that are not part of a hedge accounting relationship, gains on financial assets measured at FVPL as well as any gains from hedge ineffectiveness (refer to accounting policy Z).

Interest income is recognized as it accrues (taking into account the effective yield on the asset) unless collectability is in doubt.

Dividend income

Dividend income is recognized in the income statement on the date that the dividend is declared.




Finance costs

Finance costs comprise interest payable on borrowings, calculated using the effective interest rate method, foreign exchange losses, gains on currency hedging instruments offsetting currency losses, results on interest rate hedging instruments, losses on hedging instruments that are not part of a hedge accounting relationship, losses on financial assets classified as trading, impairment losses on financial assets as well as any losses from hedge ineffectiveness (refer to accounting policy Z).

All interest costs incurred in connection with borrowings or financial transactions are expensed as incurred as part of finance costs. Any difference between the initial amount and the maturity amount of interest-bearing loans and borrowings, such as transaction costs and fair value adjustments, are recognized in the income statement (in accretion expense) over the expected life of the instrument on an effective interest rate basis (refer to accounting policy V). The interest expense component of lease payments is also recognized in the income statement (in accretion expense) using the effective interest rate method.

Research and development, advertising and promotional costs and systems development costs

Research, advertising and promotional costs are expensed in the year in which these costs are incurred. Development costs and systems development costs are expensed in the year in which these costs are incurred if they do not meet the criteria for capitalization (refer to accounting policy G).

Purchasing, receiving and warehousing costs

Purchasing and receiving costs are included in the cost of sales, as well as the costs of storing and moving raw materials and packaging materials. The costs of storing finished products at the brewery as well as costs incurred for subsequent storage in distribution centers are included within distribution expenses.




AB InBev uses derivative financial instruments to mitigate the transactional impact of foreign currencies, interest rates, equity prices and commodity prices on the company’s performance. AB InBev’s financial risk management policy prohibits the use of derivative financial instruments for trading purposes and the company does therefore not hold or issue any such instruments for such purposes.

Classification and measurement

Except for certain trade receivables, the company initially measures a financial asset at its fair value plus, in the case of a financial asset not at fair value through profit or loss, transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of the financial asset. Debt financial instruments are subsequently measured at amortized cost, FVOCI or FVPL. The classification is based on two criteria: the objective of the company’s business model for managing the assets; and whether the instruments’ contractual cash flows represent ‘solely payments of principal and interest’ on the principal amount outstanding (the ‘SPPI criterion’).

The classification and measurement of the company’s financial assets is as follows:



Debt instruments at amortized cost: comprise investments in debt securities where the contractual cash flows are solely payments of principal and interest and the company’s business model is to collect contractual cash flows. Interest income, foreign exchange gains and losses and any impairment charges for such instruments are recognized in profit or loss.



Debt instruments at FVOCI with gains or losses recycled to profit or loss on derecognition: comprise investments in debt securities where the contractual cash flows are solely payments of principal and interest and the company’s business model is achieved by both collecting contractual cash flows and selling financial assets. Interest income, foreign exchange gains and losses and any impairment charges on such instruments are recognized in profit or loss. All other fair value gains and losses are recognized in other comprehensive income. On disposal of these debt securities, any related balance within FVOCI reserve is reclassified to profit or loss.



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Equity instruments designated at FVOCI, with no recycling of gains or losses to profit or loss on derecognition: these instruments are undertakings in which the company does not have significant influence or control and is generally evidenced by ownership of less than 20% of the voting rights. The company designates these investments on an instrument by instrument basis as equity securities at FVOCI because they represent investments held for long term strategic purposes. Investments in unquoted companies are subsequently measured at cost, when appropriate. These investments are non-monetary items and gains or losses presented in the other comprehensive income include any related foreign exchange component. Dividends received are recognized in the profit or loss. These investments are not subject to impairment testing and upon disposal, the cumulative gain or loss accumulated in other comprehensive income are not reclassified to profit or loss.



Financial assets and liabilities at FVPL: comprise derivative instruments and equity instruments which were not designated as FVOCI. This category also includes debt instruments which do not meet the cash flow or the business model tests.

Hedge accounting

The company designates certain derivatives as hedging instruments to hedge the variability in cash flows associated with highly probable forecast transactions arising from changes in foreign exchange rates, interest rates and commodity prices. To hedge changes in the fair value of recognized assets, liabilities and firm commitments, the company designates certain derivatives as part of fair value hedge. The company also designates certain derivatives and non-derivative financial liabilities as hedges of foreign exchange risk on a net investment in a foreign operation.

At the inception of the hedging relationships, the company documents the risk management objective and strategy for undertaking the hedge. Hedge effectiveness is measured at the inception of the hedge relationship and through periodic prospective effectiveness assessments to ensure that an economic relationship exists between hedged item and hedging instrument.

For the different type of hedges in place, the company generally enters into hedge relationships where the critical terms of the hedging instrument match exactly the terms of the hedged item. Therefore, the hedge ratio is typically 1:1. The company performs a qualitative assessment of effectiveness. In circumstances where the terms of the hedged item no longer exactly match the critical terms of the hedging instrument, the company uses a hypothetical derivative method to assess effectiveness. Possible sources of ineffectiveness are changes in the timing of the forecasted transaction, changes in the quantity of the hedged item or changes in the credit risk of either parties to the derivative contract.

Cash flow hedge accounting

Cash flow hedge accounting is applied when a derivative hedges the variability in cash flows of a highly probable forecasted transaction, foreign currency risk of a firm commitment or a recognized asset or liability (such as variable interest rate instrument).

When the hedged forecasted transaction or firm commitment subsequently results in the recognition of a non-financial item, the amount accumulated in the hedging reserves is included directly in the initial carrying amount of the non-financial item when it is recognized.

For all other hedged transactions, the amount accumulated in the hedging reserves is reclassified to profit or loss in the same period during which the hedged item affects profit or loss (e.g. when the variable interest expense is recognized).

When a hedging instrument or hedge relationship is terminated but the hedged transaction is still expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss (at that point) remains in equity and is reclassified to profit or loss when the hedged transaction occurs. If the hedged transaction is no longer expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss recognized in other comprehensive income is reclassified to profit or loss immediately.

Any ineffectiveness is recognized immediately in profit or loss.

Fair value hedge accounting

When a derivative hedges the variability in fair value of a recognized asset or liability (such as a fixed rate instrument) or a firm commitment, any resulting gain or loss on the hedging instrument is recognized in the profit or loss. The carrying amount of the hedged item is also adjusted for fair value changes in respect of the risk being hedged, with any gain or loss being recognized in profit or loss. The fair value adjustment to the carrying amount of the hedged item is amortized to profit or loss from the date of discontinuation.

Net investment hedge accounting

When a non-derivative foreign currency liability hedges a net investment in a foreign operation, exchange differences arising on the translation of the liability to the functional currency are recognized directly in other comprehensive income (translation reserves).

When a derivative financial instrument hedges a net investment in a foreign operation, the portion of the gain or the loss on the hedging instrument that is determined to be effective is recognized directly in other comprehensive income (translation reserves) and is reclassified to profit or loss upon disposal of the foreign operation, while the ineffective portion is reported in profit or loss.


Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount presented in the statement of financial position when, and only when, the company has a currently legally enforceable right to set off the amounts and it intends either to settle them on a net basis or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.




Operating segments are components of the company’s business activities about which separate financial information is available that is evaluated regularly by senior management. The company has six operating segments.

AB InBev’s operating segment reporting format is geographical because the company’s risks and rates of return are affected predominantly by the fact that AB InBev operates in different geographical areas. The company’s management structure and internal reporting system to the Board of Directors is set up accordingly. The company’s five geographic regions are North America, Middle Americas, South America, EMEA and Asia Pacific.

The aggregation criteria applied are based on similarities in the economic indicators (e.g. margins) that have been assessed in determining that the aggregated operating segments share similar economic characteristics, as prescribed in IFRS 8. Furthermore, management assessed additional factors such as management’s views on the optimal number of reporting segments, AB InBev historical geographies, peer comparison (e.g. Asia Pacific and EMEA being a commonly reported regions amongst the company’s peers), as well as management’s view on the optimal balance between practical and more granular information.



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The results of Global Export and Holding Companies, which includes the company’s global headquarters and the export businesses in countries in which AB InBev has no operations are reported separately. The company’s five geographic regions plus the Global Export and Holding Companies comprise the company’s six reportable segments for financial reporting purposes.

Segment capital expenditure is the total cost incurred during the period to acquire property, plant and equipment, and intangible assets other than goodwill.




Exceptional items are those that in management’s judgment need to be disclosed separately by virtue of their size or incidence. Such items are disclosed on the face of the consolidated income statement or separately disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. Transactions which may give rise to exceptional items are principally restructuring activities, impairments, gains or losses on disposal of investments and the effect of the accelerated repayment of certain debt facilities.




A discontinued operation is a component of the company that either has been disposed of or is classified as held for sale and represents a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations and is part of a single coordinated plan to dispose of or is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale.

AB InBev classifies a non-current asset (or disposal group) as held for sale if its carrying amount will be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use if all of the conditions of IFRS 5 are met. A disposal group is defined as a group of assets to be disposed of, by sale or otherwise, together as a group in a single transaction, and liabilities directly associated with those assets that will be transferred. Immediately before classification as held for sale, the company measures the carrying amount of the asset (or all the assets and liabilities in the disposal group) in accordance with applicable IFRS. Then, on initial classification as held for sale, non-current assets and disposal groups are recognized at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. Impairment losses on initial classification as held for sale are included in profit or loss. The same applies to gains and losses on subsequent re-measurement. Non-current assets classified as held for sale are no longer depreciated or amortized.




To the extent that new IFRS requirements are expected to be applicable in the future, they have not been applied in preparing these consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2020.

A number of amendments to standards are effective for annual periods beginning after 1 January 2020, and have not been discussed either because of their non-applicability or immateriality to AB InBev’s consolidated financial statements.



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Use of estimates and judgments

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis of making the judgments about carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

These estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognized in the period in which the estimate is revised if the revision affects only that period or, if the revision affects both current and future periods, in the period of the revision and future periods.

Although each of its significant accounting policies reflects judgments, assessments or estimates, AB InBev believes that the following accounting policies reflect the most critical judgments, estimates and assumptions that are important to its business operations and understanding results: business combinations, intangible assets, goodwill, impairment, provisions, share-based payments, employee benefits and accounting for current and deferred tax.

The fair values of acquired identifiable intangibles are based on an assessment of future cash flows. Impairment analyses of goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets are performed annually and whenever a triggering event has occurred, in order to determine whether the carrying value exceeds the recoverable amount. These calculations are based on estimates of future cash flows.

The company uses its judgment to select a variety of methods including the discounted cash flow method and option valuation models and makes assumptions about the fair value of financial instruments that are mainly based on market conditions existing at each balance sheet date.

Actuarial assumptions are established to anticipate future events and are used in calculating pension and other long-term employee benefit expenses and liabilities. These factors include assumptions with respect to interest rates, rates of increase in health care costs, rates of future compensation increases, turnover rates, and life expectancy.

The company is subject to income tax in numerous jurisdictions. Significant judgment is required to determine the worldwide provision for income tax. There are some transactions and calculations for which the ultimate tax determination is uncertain. Some subsidiaries within the group are involved in tax audits and local enquiries usually in relation to prior years. Investigations and negotiations with local tax authorities are ongoing in various jurisdictions at the balance sheet date and, by their nature, these can take considerable time to conclude. In assessing the amount of any income tax provisions to be recognized in the financial statements, estimates are made of the expected successful settlement of these matters. Estimates of interest and penalties on tax liabilities are also recorded. Where the final outcome of these matters is different from the amounts that were initially recorded, such differences will impact the current and deferred income tax assets and liabilities in the period that such determination is made.

Judgments made by management in the application of IFRS that have a significant effect on the financial statements and estimates with a significant risk of material adjustment in the following year are further discussed in the relevant notes hereafter.

In preparing these consolidated financial statements, the significant judgments made by management in applying the company’s accounting policies and the key sources of uncertainty relate mainly to the following: accounting for the COVID-19 pandemic impact on the company’s results (including goodwill impairment), the divestiture of the Australian operations and the issuance of a minority stake in the company’s US-based metal container operations as discussed below.




The company’s business, financial condition, cash flows and operating results have been and may continue to be negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The public health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as measures taken in response to contain or mitigate the pandemic, have had, and are expected to continue to have, certain negative impacts on the company’s results including, without limitation: a negative impact on volume sold and revenue, a negative impact on cost of sales per hectoliter driven by non-variable cost and the loss of operational efficiencies due to volume declines, impairment losses on inventories, impairment losses on trade and other receivables, a series of cost incurred exclusively as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and goodwill impairment charges referred to below and reported in exceptional items – see also Note 8 Exceptional items, Note 14 Goodwill, Note 20 Trade and other receivables and Note 19 Inventories.

Management considered the impact of COVID-19 and the current economic environment on the basis of preparation of these consolidated financial statements. Although the company has noticed an adverse impact on its financial position, results of operations, and cash flows during 2020, it continues to adequately manage its liquidity and capital resources (refer to Note 21 Cash and cash equivalents, Note 24 Interest-bearing loans and borrowings and Note 29 Risks arising from financial instruments). As such, management concluded the company is able to continue as a going concern.

Goodwill impairment

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a sharp contraction of sales during the second quarter of 2020 in many countries in which the company operates. The decline in performance resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic is viewed as a triggering event for impairment testing in accordance with IAS 36 Impairment of Assets. Consequently, the company conducted an impairment test during the second quarter of 2020 for the cash-generating units showing the highest invested capital to EBITDA multiples: Colombia, Rest of Middle Americas, South Africa, Rest of Africa and Rest of Asia Pacific.

During its interim goodwill impairment testing, the company considered several scenarios of the recovery of sales for the different cash-generating units being tested and ran sensitivity analysis for key assumptions including the weighted average cost of capital and the terminal growth rate. These scenarios were based on management’s assumptions by 30 June 2020, on the recovery in a base case (which the company deemed to be the most likely case at the time of the impairment test), a best case and a worst case scenario per cash generating unit following the common recovery shapes: L, U and V where the letters describe the trajectory of key assumptions tracking economic conditions. In view of the uncertainties, management assumed a 15 to 30% probability for the worst case scenario, dependent on the cash generating units in this interim impairment testing.



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Based upon the results of the impairment test and considering the assumptions described in Note 14 Goodwill, the company concluded that no goodwill impairment was warranted under the base and best case scenarios. Nevertheless, under the worst case scenario ran with higher discount rates to factor the heightened business risk, the company concluded that the recoverable amounts were below the carrying value for the South Africa and Rest of Africa cash-generating units. As a consequence, management concluded, based on the valuations performed, that it was prudent in view of the uncertainties to record an impairment of goodwill of (1.5) billion US dollar for the South Africa cash generating unit and (1.0) billion US dollar for the Rest of Africa cash generating unit applying a 30% probability of occurrence. Refer to Note 14 Goodwill.

The company did not recognize any additional impairment of goodwill based on the results of its annual impairment testing conducted in the fourth quarter of 2020.

COVID-19 costs

As required by IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements, the company has assessed the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on its performance for the year ended 31 December 2020, and reported (182)m US dollar of costs in exceptional items as a result of the pandemic. These expenses mainly comprise costs related to personal protection equipment for the company’s employees, charitable donations and other costs incurred as a direct consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Refer to Note 8 Exceptional items.




On 19 July 2019, AB InBev announced an agreement to divest its Australia business (Carlton & United Breweries (“CUB”)) to Asahi at 16 billion AUD in enterprise value. As part of this transaction, the company granted Asahi rights to commercialize its portfolio of global and international brands in Australia. The transaction closed on 1 June 2020.

As of 31 December 2019, AB InBev classified the assets and liabilities associated with the Australian operations as assets held for sale and liabilities associated with assets held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations. In addition, since the results of the Australian operations represented a separate major line of business, these were accounted for as discontinued operations, as required by IFRS 5 and presented in a separate line in the consolidated income statement (“profit from discontinued operations”), up to 31 May 2020. Refer to Note 22 Assets classified as held for sale, liabilities associated with assets held for sale and discontinued operations. On 1 June 2020, following the closing of the transaction, the company recognized a net gain on disposal of 1.9 billion US dollar in discontinued operations. Refer to Note 22 Assets classified as held for sale, liabilities associated with assets held for sale and discontinued operations.




On 31 December 2020, AB InBev completed the issuance of a 49.9% minority stake in its US-based metal container operations to Apollo Global Management, Inc. for net proceeds of 3.0 billion USD. This transaction allowed the company to create additional shareholder value by optimizing its business at an attractive price and generate proceeds to repay debt, in line with its deleveraging commitments. AB InBev retained operational control of its US-based metal container operations.

As required by IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, the transaction was reported in the equity statement resulting in recognition of 1.9 billion US dollar in Non-controlling interest and 1.1 billion US dollar in Reserves. Refer to Note 23 Changes in equity and earnings per share for more details.



Table of Contents

Segment reporting

Segment information is presented by geographical segments, consistent with the information available to and regularly evaluated by the chief operating decision maker. AB InBev operates its business through six business segments. Regional and operating company management is responsible for managing performance, underlying risks, and the effectiveness of operations. Internally, AB InBev’s management uses performance indicators such as normalized profit from operations (normalized EBIT) and normalized EBITDA as measures of segment performance and to make decisions regarding the allocation of resources. The organizational structure effective as of 1 January 2019 comprises five regions: North America, Middle Americas, South America, EMEA and Asia Pacific. In addition to these five geographic regions, the company uses a sixth segment, Global Export and Holding Companies, for all financial reporting purposes.

In 2019, AB InBev restated the 2018 results (referred to as “2018 restated”) to reflect:



the new company organizational structure effective 1 January 2019;



the new IFRS rules on lease accounting as if the company had applied the new standard as of 1 January 2018; and



the classification of the Australian operations as a disposal group held for sale as if the classification had been applied as of 1 January 2018, in line with IFRS rules.

On 19 July 2019, AB InBev announced the agreement to divest CUB, its Australian subsidiary, to Asahi. Consequently, as at 31 December 2019, the company classified the assets and liabilities associated with the Australian operations as assets held for sale and liabilities associated with assets held for sale, respectively. In addition, since the results of the Australian operations represented a separate major line of business, these were accounted for as discontinued operations (“profit from discontinued operations”) up to 31 May 2020. The transaction closed on 1 June 2020.

All figures in the tables below are stated in million US dollar, except volume (million hls) and Normalized EBITDA margin (in %).


     North America     Middle Americas     South America     EMEA     Asia Pacific  
     2020     2019     2018
    2020     2019     2018
    2020     2019     2018
    2020     2019     2018
    2020     2019     2018


     107       108       111       121       134       129       144       140       136       76       86       87       82       93       96  


     15 622       15 488       15 504       10 032       11 912       11 614       8 092       9 790       10 238       6 835       7 911       8 368       5 648       6 544       6 735  

Normalized EBITDA

     6 172       6 185       6 199       5 014       6 356       6 033       3 179       4 145       4 696       1 895       2 781       3 184       1 737       2 287       2 178  

Normalized EBITDA margin %

     39.5     39.9     40.0     50.0     53.4     51.9     39.3     42.3     45.9     27.7     35.2     38.1     30.8     35.0     32.3

Depreciation, amortization and impairment

     (803     (833     (834     (1 017     (921     (844     (767     (955     (1 008     (988     (974     (936     (646     (648     (734

Normalized profit from operations (EBIT)

     5 369       5 352       5 365       3 997       5 435       5 189       2 412       3 190       3 688       907       1 807       2 248       1 091       1 639       1 444  

Exceptional items (see Note 8)

     (222     (11     (10     (112     (51     (151     (62     (96     1       (2 629     (61     (370     (29     (41     (43

Profit from operations (EBIT)

     5 147       5 341       5 355       3 885       5 384       5 038       2 350       3 094       3 689       (1 722     1 746       1 878       1 062       1 598       1 401  

Net finance income/(cost)


Share of results of associates and joint ventures


Income tax expense


Profit from continuing operations


Discontinued operations results




Segment assets (non-current)

     63 765       63 725       63 443       72 331       76 168       71 844       12 348       13 452       13 250       35 578       39 442       42 874       13 845       13 450       22 545  

Gross capex

     646       679       917       829       1 286       1 324       727       1 063       777       768       1 208       1 163       508       626       599  


     20 281       20 040       19 323       48 751       52 412       53 140       40 630       41 603       40 503       22 357       23 804       23 604       26 510       29 482       31 523  



Table of Contents
     Global Export and Holding
    AB InBev Worldwide  
     2020     2019     2018
    2020     2019     2018


     1       1       1       531       561       560  


     652       685       582       46 881       52 329       53 041  

Normalized EBITDA

     (677     (676     (558     17 321       21 078       21 732  

Normalized EBITDA margin %

     —         —         —         36.9     40.3     41.0

Depreciation, amortization and impairment

     (376     (325     (269     (4 598     (4 657     (4 624

Normalized profit from operations (EBIT)

     (1 053     (1 001     (827     12 723       16 421       17 107  

Exceptional items (see Note 8)

     (50     (63     (119     (3 103     (323     (692

Profit from operations (EBIT)

     (1 103     (1 064     (946     9 620       16 098       16 414  

Net finance income/(cost)

           (7 697     (3 473     (8 826

Share of results of associates
and joint ventures

           156       152       153  

Income tax expense

           (1 932     (2 786     (2 585

Profit from continuing operations

           147       9 990       5 157  

Discontinued operations results

           2 055       424       531  


           2 202       10 414       5 688  

Segment assets (non-current)

     2 024       1 597       1 631       199 891       207 834       215 587  

Gross capex

     303       312       224       3 781       5 174       5 005  


     5 166       4 574       4 683       163 695       171 915       172 776  

For the year ended 31 December 2020, net revenue from the beer business amounted to 43 044m US dollar (31 December 2019: 47 984m US dollar; 31 December 2018: 48 602m US dollar) while the net revenue from the non-beer business (soft drinks and other business) accounted for 3 837m US dollar (31 December 2019: 4 345m US dollar; 31 December 2018: 4 439m US dollar). Additionally, for the year ended 31 December 2020, net revenue from the company’s business in the United States amounted to 13 815m US dollar (31 December 2019: 13 693m US dollar; 31 December 2018:13 624m US dollar) and net revenue from the company’s business in Brazil amounted to 5 868 m US dollar (31 December 2019: 7 277m US dollar; 31 December 2018: 7 375m US dollar).

On the same basis, net revenue from external customers attributable to AB InBev’s country of domicile (Belgium) represented 501m US dollar (31 December 2019: 668m US dollar; 31 December 2018: 710m US dollar) and non-current assets located in the country of domicile represented 2 496m US dollar (31 December 2019: 2 215m US dollar ; 31 December 2018: 2 117m US dollar).



Table of Contents

Acquisitions and disposals of subsidiaries

The table below summarizes the impact of acquisitions and disposals on the statement of financial position and cash flows of AB InBev for the year ended 31 December 2020 and 31 December 2019:


Million US dollar


Non-current assets


Property, plant and equipment

     149      44      —        (1

Intangible assets

     162      128      —        (29

Investments in associates

     (7      (15      —        —  

Current assets



     33      43      —        (7

Trade and other receivables

     9      19      —        (1

Cash and cash equivalents

     5      40      —        —  

Non-current liabilities


Interest-bearing loans and borrowings

     (74      (11      —        —  

Trade and other payables

     (34      (110      —        —  

Deferred tax liabilities

     (6      (33           9

Current liabilities


Interest-bearing loans and borrowings

     (4      —        —        —  

Trade and other payables

     (59      (65      —        2













Net identifiable assets and liabilities

     174      40      —        (27

Non-controlling interest

     —        (12      —        2

Goodwill on acquisitions and goodwill disposed of

     185      682      —        (22

Loss/(gain) on disposal

     —        —        —        (21

Consideration to be (paid)/received

     (14      (275      —        —  

Net cash paid/(received) on prior years acquisitions/(disposals)

     170      16      —        (65













Consideration paid/(received)

     515      451      —        (133

Cash (acquired)/disposed of

     (5      (40      —        —  













Net cash outflow / (inflow)

     510      411      —        (133

Net cash outflow / (inflow) on continuing operations

     510      385      —        (133

Net cash outflow / (inflow) on discontinued operations

     —        26      —        —  

On 1 June 2020, AB InBev completed the divestiture of CUB to Asahi – see Note 22 Assets classified as held for sale, liabilities associated with assets held for sale and discontinued operations.

On 30 September 2020, AB InBev completed the acquisition of the remaining 68.8% shares of Craft Brew Alliance for the net consideration of 0.2 billion US dollar and hence obtained 100% control over the acquiree.

The company undertook a series of additional acquisitions and disposals during 2020 and 2019, with no significant impact in the company’s consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents

Other operating income/(expenses)


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018

Brazilian tax credits

     481      —        —  

Government grants

     227      280      317

Net gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and assets held for sale

     56      172      80

License income

     22      30      45

Net (additions to)/reversals of provisions

     (14      (10      (11

Net rental and other operating income

     72      402      374










Other operating income/(expenses)

     845      875      805

In the fourth quarter of 2020, Ambev, a subsidiary of AB InBev, concluded the calculation of its tax credits on a judicial decision related to the exclusion of the Value-Added Tax (ICMS) from the taxable basis of the social contribution on gross revenues (PIS and COFINS). The decision refers to the period between November 2009 and April 2015. As a result of this judicial decision and other tax credit adjustments, Ambev recognized 481m US dollar income in Other operating income and 315m US dollar of interest income in Finance income (refer to Note 11 Finance cost and income) for the year ended 31 December 2020.

The income from government grants primarily relate to fiscal incentives given by certain Brazilian states and Chinese provinces, based on the company’s operations and developments in those regions.

Net gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and assets held for sale, and net rental and other operating income decreased to 128m US dollar in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2020, the company expensed 296m US dollar in research, compared to 291m US dollar in 2019 and 276m US dollar in 2018. The spend focused on product innovations, market research, as well as process optimization and product development.



Table of Contents

Exceptional items

IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements requires that material items of income and expense be disclosed separately. Exceptional items are items that in management’s judgment need to be disclosed by virtue of their size or incidence so that a user can obtain a proper understanding of the company´s financial information. The company considers these items to be significant and accordingly, management has excluded them from their segment measure of performance as noted in Note 5 Segment Reporting.

The exceptional items included in the income statement are as follows:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018  

Impairment of goodwill

     (2 500      —        —  

COVID-19 costs

     (182      —        —  


     (157      (170      (363

Business and asset disposal (including exceptional impairment losses)

     (239      (50      (26

Acquisition costs business combinations

     (25      (23      (73

Brazil State tax regularization program

     —        (74      —  

Cost related to public offering of minority stake in Budweiser APAC

     —        (6      —  

Provision for EU investigation

     —        —        (230










Impact on profit from operations

     (3 103      (323      (692

Gain on disposal of Australia

     1 919      —        —  










Impact on profit from discontinued operations

     (1 184      —        —  

In the second quarter of 2020, the company recognized (2 500)m US dollar of goodwill impairment for its South Africa and Rest of Africa cash-generating units (see Note 4 Use of estimates and judgments and Note 14 Goodwill for further details).

COVID-19 costs amount to (182)m US dollar for the year ended 31 December 2020. These expenses mainly comprise costs related to personal protection equipment for the company’s employees, charitable donations and other costs incurred as a direct consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The exceptional restructuring charges for the year ended 31 December 2020 total (157)m US dollar (31 December 2019: (170)m US dollar; 31 December 2018: (363)m US dollar). These charges primarily relate to organizational alignments. These changes aim to eliminate overlapping organizations or duplicated processes, taking into account the matching of employee profiles with new organizational requirements. These one-time expenses provide the company with a lower cost base and bring a stronger focus to AB InBev´s core activities, quicker decision-making and improvements to efficiency, service and quality.

Business and asset disposals amount to (239)m US dollar for the year ended 31 December 2020 mainly comprising impairment of tangible assets classified as held for sale as of 31 December 2020, intangible assets sold in 2020 and other intangibles. Business and asset disposals amounted to (50)m US dollar for the year ended 31 December 2019, mainly comprising of costs incurred in relation to the completion of 2018 disposals. Business and asset disposals amounted to (26)m US dollar in 2018, mainly related to the costs incurred related to the IFRS treatment of the 50:50 merger of AB InBev’s and Anadolu Efes’ Russia and Ukraine businesses and the related transaction costs.

The acquisition costs of business combinations amount to (25)m US dollar for the year ended 31 December 2020 and mainly relate to the acquisition of Craft Brew Alliance. The acquisition costs of business combinations amounted to (23)m US dollar for the year ended 31 December 2019, primarily related to costs incurred to facilitate the combination with SAB (31 December 2018: (73)m US dollar).

In 2019, Ambev made a payment of (74)m US dollar to the State of Mato Grosso in relation to the Special Value-added Tax (ICMS) Amnesty Program in Brazil in accordance with the Brazilian State Tax Regularization Program.

For the year ended 31 December 2019, the company incurred (117)m US dollar of fees related to the initial public offering of a minority stake of its Asia Pacific subsidiary, Budweiser APAC, of which (6)m US dollar were reported in the income statement and (111)m US dollar were capitalized in equity. In addition, AB InBev also reported (58)m US dollar stamp duties in equity that are directly attributable to the public offering of Budweiser APAC.

In 2016, the European Commission announced an investigation into alleged abuse of a dominant position by AB InBev in Belgium through certain practices aimed at restricting trade from other European Union member states to Belgium. In connection with these proceedings, a provision of 230m US was recognized in 2018 and settled in 2019. Refer also to Note 27 Provisions.

On 1 June 2020, the company completed the previously announced sale of CUB to Asahi resulting in a net exceptional gain of 1 919m US dollar reported in discontinued operations. For more details, refer to Note 22 Assets classified as held for sale, liabilities associated with assets held for sale and discontinued operations.

The company incurred an exceptional net finance cost of (1 738)m US dollar for the year ended 31 December 2020 (31 December 2019: net finance income of 882m US dollar; 31 December 2018: net finance cost of (1 982)m US dollar) – see Note 11 Finance cost and income.

All the amounts referenced above are before income taxes. The exceptional items for the year ended 31 December 2020 decreased income taxes by 155m US dollar (31 December 2019: increase of income taxes by 6m US dollar; 31 December 2018: decrease of income taxes by 240m US dollar).

Non-controlling interest on the exceptional items amounts to 228m US dollar for the year ended 31 December 2020 (31 December 2019: 108m US dollar ; 31 December 2018: 32m US dollar).



Table of Contents

Payroll and related benefits


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018

Wages and salaries

     (4 124      (4 563      (4 638

Social security contributions

     (582      (683      (694

Other personnel cost

     (637      (678      (708

Pension expense for defined benefit plans

     (218      (193      (192

Share-based payment expense

     (169      (340      (353

Contributions to defined contribution plans

     (91      (101      (109










Payroll and related benefits

     (5 821      (6 558      (6 694

The number of full time equivalents can be split as follows:


     2020      2019      2018  

AB InBev NV/SA (parent company)

     204      204      180

Other subsidiaries

     163 491      171 711      172 596










Total number of FTE

     163 695      171 915      172 776



Additional information on operating expenses by nature

Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges are included in the following line items of the 2020 consolidated income statement:


Million US dollar

   Depreciation and
impairment of
property, plant
and equipment
     Amortization and
impairment of
intangible assets
     Depreciation and
impairment of
right-of-use asset
     Impairment of
goodwill, tangible
and intangible

Cost of sales

     2 625        91      16      —    

Distribution expenses

     141      3      108      —    

Sales and marketing expenses

     339      291      224      —    

Administrative expenses

     310      323      125      —    

Other operating expenses

     3      —          —          —    

Exceptional items

     —          —          —          2 733  













Depreciation, amortization and impairment

     3 418        708      473      2 733  

Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges are included in the following line items of the 2019 consolidated income statement:


Million US dollar

   Depreciation and
impairment of
property, plant
and equipment
     Amortization and
impairment of
intangible assets
     Depreciation and
impairment of
right-of-use asset
     Impairment of
goodwill, tangible
and intangible

Cost of sales

     2 751      86      11      —    

Distribution expenses

     155      4      191      —    

Sales and marketing expenses

     379      247      160      —    

Administrative expenses

     277      290      98      —    

Other operating expenses

     8      —          —          —    













Depreciation, amortization and impairment

     3 570      627      460      —    

Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges are included in the following line items of the 2018 restated consolidated income statement:


Million US dollar (restated)

   Depreciation and
impairment of
property, plant
and equipment
     Amortization and
impairment of
intangible assets
     Depreciation and
impairment of
right-of-use asset
     Impairment of
goodwill, tangible
and intangible

Cost of sales

     2 807      67      —          —    

Distribution expenses

     166      3      186      —    

Sales and marketing expenses

     414      165      153      —    

Administrative expenses

     285      254      116      —    

Other operating expenses

     8      —          —          —    













Depreciation, amortization and impairment

     3 680      489      455      —    

The depreciation, amortization and impairment of property, plant and equipment included a full-cost reallocation of (5)m US dollar in 2020 from the aggregate depreciation, amortization and impairment expense to cost of goods sold (2019: 5m US dollar; 2018: 1m US dollar).



Table of Contents

Finance cost and income

The finance cost and income included in the income statement are as follows:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018

Interest expense

     (4 016      (4 168      (4 141

Capitalization of borrowing costs

     12      19      23

Net interest on net defined benefit liabilities

     (82      (95      (94

Accretion expense

     (564      (650      (511

Net losses on hedging instruments that are not part of a hedge accounting relationship

     (502      (393      (449

Net foreign exchange results (net of the effect of foreign exchange derivative instruments)

     —          (180      —    

Tax on financial transactions

     (103      (79      (110

Net mark-to-market results on derivatives related to the hedging of share-based payment programs


Other financial costs, including bank fees

     (135      (225      (242










Finance cost excluding exceptional items

     (6 601      (5 771      (7 298

Exceptional finance cost

     (1 818      (222      (1 982










Finance cost

     (8 419      (5 993      (9 280

Interest income

     150      292      326

Interest income on Brazilian tax credits

     315      118      7

Hyperinflation monetary adjustments

     76      86      46

Market-to-market gains on derivatives related to the hedging of share-based payment programs

     —          898      —    

Net foreign exchange results (net of the effect of foreign exchange derivative instruments)

     43      —          19

Other financial income

     58      21      56










Finance income excluding exceptional items

     642      1 415      454

Exceptional finance income

     80      1 104        —    










Finance income

     722      2 519        454

Net finance income/(cost) excluding exceptional items

     (5 959      (4 355      (6 844

Net finance income/(cost)

     (7 697      (3 473      (8 826

Net finance costs, excluding exceptional items, were 5 959m US dollar in 2020 compared to 4 355m US dollar in 2019 and 6 844m US dollar in 2018. The increase was predominantly due to a mark-to-market loss of 1 211m US dollar in 2020, compared to a gain of 898m US dollar in 2019, resulting in a swing of 2 109m US dollar. In 2018, the mark-to-market on such derivatives amounted to a loss of 1 774m US dollar.

Borrowing costs capitalized relate to the capitalization of interest expenses directly attributable to the acquisition and construction of qualifying assets mainly in China. Interest is capitalized at a borrowing rate ranging from 3% to 4%.

In 2020, accretion expense mainly includes interest on lease liabilities of 116m US dollar (2019: 124m US dollar; 2018: 111m US dollar), unwind of discounts of 306m US dollar (2019: 374m US dollar; 2018: 245m US dollar), bond fees of 102m US dollar (2019: 110m US dollar; and 2018: 116m US dollar), interest on provisions of 41m US dollar (2019: 42m US dollar; 2018: 38m US dollar).

Interest expenses are presented net of the effect of interest rate derivative instruments hedging AB InBev’s interest rate risk – see also Note 29 Risks arising from financial instruments.

In the fourth quarter of 2020, Ambev, a subsidiary of AB InBev, concluded the calculation of its tax credits on a judicial decision related to the exclusion of the Value-Added Tax (ICMS) from the taxable basis of the social contribution on gross revenues (PIS and COFINS). The decision refers to the period between November 2009 and April 2015. As a result of this judicial decision and other tax credit adjustments, Ambev recognized 481m US dollar income in Other operating income (refer to Note 7 Other operating income/(expenses)) and 315m US dollar of interest income in Finance income for the year ended 31 December 2020.

Exceptional finance income/cost for 2020 includes:



1 008m US dollar loss resulting from mark-to-market adjustments on derivative instruments entered into to hedge the shares issued in relation to the combination with Grupo Modelo and the restricted shares issued in connection with the combination with SAB (2019: 878m US dollar gain; 2018: 1 722m US dollar loss);



795m US dollar loss resulting from the early termination of certain bonds (2019: 84m US dollar gain; 2018: 260m US dollar loss);



15m US dollar loss write-off on the company’s investment in Delta Corporation Ltd due to the hyperinflation economy in Zimbabwe (2019: 188m US dollar loss, 2018: nil);



80m US dollar gain related to remeasurement of deferred considerations on prior year acquisitions (2019: 90m US dollar gain; 2018: nil).

Besides the items mentioned above, the exceptional finance income/cost for 2019 includes:



34m US dollar loss on interest paid to the State of Mato Grosso in relation to the Special Value-added Tax (ICMS) Amnesty Program in Brazil in accordance with the Brazilian State Tax Regularization Program.



Table of Contents

52m US dollar foreign exchange translation gain on intragroup loans that were historically reported in equity and were recycled to profit and loss account upon the reimbursement of these loans.

No interest income was recognized on impaired financial assets.

The interest income stems from the following financial assets:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018  

Cash and cash equivalents

     103      237      256

Investment debt securities held for trading

     1      9      22

Other loans and receivables

     46      46      48











     150      292      326

The interest income on other loans and receivables includes the interest accrued on cash deposits as guarantees for certain legal proceedings pending resolution.

For further information on instruments hedging AB InBev’s foreign exchange risk see Note 29 Risks arising from financial instruments.



Table of Contents

Income taxes

Income taxes recognized in the income statement can be detailed as follows:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018  

Current year

     (2 082      (2 863      (2 704

(Underprovided)/overprovided in prior years

     119      58      101










Current tax expense

     (1 963      (2 805      (2 603

Origination and reversal of temporary differences

     (30      (21      (148

(Utilization)/recognition of deferred tax assets on tax losses

     13      13      120

Recognition of previously unrecognized tax losses

     48      27      46










Deferred tax (expense)/income

     31      19      18










Total income tax expense

     (1 932      (2 786      (2 585

The reconciliation of the effective tax rate with the aggregated weighted nominal tax rate can be summarized as follows:


Million US dollar

   2020     2019     2018  

Profit before tax

     2 079     12 776     7 741

Deduct share of results of associates and joint ventures

     156     152     153










Profit before tax and before share of results of associates and joint ventures

     1 924     12 624     7 588

Adjustments to the tax basis


Government incentives

     (428     (709     (742

Non-deductible/(non-taxable) marked to market on derivatives

     2 219     (1 776     3 496

Non-deductible impairment of goodwill

     2 500      

Other expenses not deductible for tax purposes

     1 512     1 223     1 796

Other non-taxable income

     (250     (282     (158









     7 477     11 080     11 980

Aggregate weighted nominal tax rate

     27.7     26.2     26.5

Tax at aggregated nominal tax rate

     (2 069     (2 901     (3 172

Adjustments on tax expense


Utilization of tax losses not previously recognized

     13     13     120

Recognition of deferred taxes on previous years’ tax losses

     48     27     46

Write-down of deferred tax assets on losses and current year losses for which no deferred tax asset is recognized

     (386     (137     (125

(Underprovided)/overprovided in prior years

     119     58     101

Deductions from interest on equity

     431     666     471

Deductions from goodwill

     16     20     17

Other tax deductions

     218     259     400

US Tax reform (change in tax rate and other)


Change in tax rate

     61     (95     144

Withholding taxes

     (423     (505     (403

Other tax adjustments

     39     (191     (300









     (1 932     (2 786     (2 585

Effective tax rate

     100.4     22.1     34.1

The total income tax expense for 2020 amounts to 1 932m US dollar compared to 2 786m US dollar for 2019 and 2 585m US dollar for 2018. The effective tax rate is 100.4% for 2020 compared to 22.1% for 2019 and 34.1% for 2018.

The 2020 effective tax rate is negatively impacted by the non-deductible, non-cash goodwill impairment loss and the non-deductible losses from derivatives. These derivatives relate to the hedging of share-based payment programs and the hedging of the shares issued in a transaction related to the combination with Grupo Modelo and SAB. The 2019 effective tax rate was positively impacted by non-taxable gains from these derivatives. The 2018 effective tax rate was negatively impacted by non-deductible losses from these derivatives.

During 2018, the company finalized the re-measurement of current and deferred taxes resulting from the US Tax reform enacted on 22 December 2017, based on published regulation and guidance. Such remeasurement resulted in an adjustment of 116m US dollar in 2018 to the reported current and deferred taxes.

The company benefits from tax exempted income and tax credits which are expected to continue in the future. The company does not have significant benefits coming from low tax rates in any particular jurisdiction.



Table of Contents

Income taxes were directly recognized in other comprehensive income as follows:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018  

Re-measurements of post-employment benefits

     58      19      22

Exchange differences, cash flow and net investment hedges

     304      88      108










Income tax (losses)/gains

     361      107      130



Table of Contents

Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment comprises owned and leased assets, as follows:


Million US dollar

   31 December
     31 December

Property, plant and equipment owned

     24 191      25 515

Property, plant and equipment leased (right-of-use assets)

     2 228      2 029







Total property, plant and equipment

     26 419      27 544


     31 December 2020     31 December

Million US dollar

   Land and
    Plant and
fixtures and
    Total     Total  

Acquisition cost


Balance at end of previous year

     12 216     34 381     2 160     48 757     47 969

Effect of movements in foreign exchange

     (393     (1 086     (165     (1 644     (485


     24     856     2 308     3 188     4 451

Acquisitions through business combinations

     40     56     16     111     24


     (68     (1 186     (19     (1 274     (1 987

Disposals through the sale of subsidiaries

     —         —         —         —         (4

Transfer (to)/from other asset categories and other movements¹

     419     1 955     (2 519     (145     (1 211
















Balance at end of the period

     12 237     34 976     1 780     48 993     48 757

Depreciation and impairment losses


Balance at end of previous year

     (3 604     (19 638     —         (23 242     (22 331

Effect of movements in foreign exchange

     54     570     —         625     310


     (387     (2 862     —         (3 250     (3 370


     23     1 108     —         1 130     1 734

Disposals through the sale of subsidiaries

     —         —         —         —         3

Impairment losses

     (31     (114     —         (145     (87

Transfer to/(from) other asset categories and other movements¹

     (4     84     —         80     499
















Balance at end of the period

     (3 950     (20 852     —         (24 802     (23 242

Carrying amount


at 31 December 2019

     8 612     14 743     2 160     25 515     25 515

at 31 December 2020

     8 287     14 124     1 780     24 191     —    

As at 31 December 2020, the carrying amount of property, plant and equipment subject to restrictions on title amounted to 2m US dollar (31 December 2019: 4m US dollar).

Contractual commitments to purchase property, plant and equipment amounted to 528m US dollar as at 31 December 2020 compared to 457m US dollar as at 31 December 2019.

AB InBev’s net capital expenditures in the statement of cash flow amounted to 3 687m US dollar in 2020 compared to 4 854m US dollar for the same period last year. Out of the total 2020 capital expenditures approximately 41% was used to improve the company’s production facilities while 44% was used for logistics and commercial investments and 15% for improving administrative capabilities and for the purchase of hardware and software.




The transfer (to)/from other asset categories and other movements relates mainly to transfers from assets under construction to their respective asset categories, to contributions of assets to pension plans, to the separate presentation in the balance sheet of property, plant and equipment held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations and to the restatement of non-monetary assets under hyperinflation accounting in line with IAS 29 Financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies. Accordingly, the transfers include the balances of Australian operations reclassified to assets held for sale as at 31 December 2019 and disposed of upon the completion of the sale on 1 June 2020.



Table of Contents

Property, plant and equipment leased by the company (right-of-use assets) is detailed as follows:



Million US dollar

   Land and
and other

Net carrying amount at 31 December

     1 726      502      2 228










Depreciation for the year ended 31 December

     (343      (156      (499



Million US dollar

   Land and
and other

Net carrying amount at 31 December

     1 723      306      2 029










Depreciation for the year ended 31 December

     (329      (160      (489

Additions to right-of-use assets for 2020 were 381m US dollar (2019: 420m US dollar).

Following the sale of Dutch and Belgian pub real estate to Cofinimmo in October 2007, AB InBev entered into lease agreements with a term of 27 years. Furthermore, the company leases a number of warehouses, trucks, factory facilities and other commercial buildings, which typically run for a period of five to ten years. Lease payments are increased annually to reflect market rentals, if applicable. None of the leases include contingent rentals.

The company leases out pub real estate for an average outstanding period of 6 to 8 years and part of its own property under operating leases.

The expense related to short-term and low-value leases and variable lease payments that are not included in the measurement of the lease liabilities is not significant.





Million US dollar

   31 December 2020      31 December 2019  

Acquisition cost


Balance at end of previous year

     128 119      133 316

Effect of movements in foreign exchange

     (4 723      53

Acquisitions through business combinations

     185      682

Disposals through the sale of subsidiaries

     —          (22

Hyperinflation monetary adjustments

     120      171

Reclassified as held for sale

     —          (6 081







Balance at end of the period

     123 702      128 119

Impairment losses


Balance at end of previous year

     (5      (5

Effect of movements in foreign exchange

     (226      —    

Impairment losses

     (2 500      —    







Balance at end of the period

     (2 731      (5

Carrying amount


at 31 December 2019

     128 114      128 114

at 31 December 2020

     120 971      —    

During 2020, AB InBev recognized goodwill on acquisitions of subsidiaries of 185m US dollar (2019: 682m US dollar) – see also Note 6 Acquisitions and disposals of subsidiaries.

Goodwill, which accounted for approximately 53% of AB InBev total assets as at 31 December 2020, is tested for impairment at the cash-generating unit level (that is one level below the operating segments). The cash-generating unit level is the lowest level at which goodwill is monitored for internal management purposes. Except in cases where the initial allocation of goodwill has not been concluded by the end of the initial reporting period following the business combination, goodwill is allocated as from the acquisition date to each of AB InBev’s cash-generating units that are expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination whenever a business combination occurs.

Interim impairment testing

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a sharp contraction of sales during the second quarter of 2020 in many countries in which the company operates. The decline in performance resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic was viewed as a triggering event for impairment testing in accordance with IAS 36 Impairment of Assets. Consequently, the company conducted an impairment test during the second quarter of 2020 for the cash-generating units showing the highest invested capital to EBITDA multiples: Colombia, Rest of Middle Americas, South Africa, Rest of Africa and Rest of Asia Pacific.

By 30 June 2020, the uncertain course of the pandemic in the absence of effective vaccines or treatments, had caused extraordinary economic uncertainty, including how different countries would be affected, the speed of their recovery, the financial and fiscal measures these countries could implement and the longer term impact on the weighted average cost of capital and terminal growth rate of these countries.



Table of Contents

During its interim goodwill impairment testing, the company considered several scenarios of the recovery of sales for the different cash-generating units being tested and ran sensitivity analysis for key assumptions including the weighted average cost of capital and the terminal growth rate. These scenarios were based on management’s assumptions at the time on the recovery in a base case (which the company deemed to be the most likely case at the time of the interim impairment test), a best case and a worst case scenario per cash generating unit following the common recovery shapes: L, U and V where the letters describe the trajectory of key assumptions tracking economic conditions. In view of the uncertainties, management assumed a 15 to 30% probability for the worst case scenario, dependent on the cash generating units in this interim impairment testing.

Based upon the results of the interim impairment test and considering the assumptions described below, the company concluded that no goodwill impairment was warranted under the base and best case scenarios. Nevertheless, under the worst case scenario ran with higher discount rates to factor the heightened business risk, the company concluded that the recoverable amounts were below the carrying value for the South Africa and Rest of Africa cash-generating units. As a consequence, management concluded, based on the valuations performed, that it was prudent in view of the uncertainties to record an impairment of goodwill of (1.5) billion US dollar for the South Africa cash generating unit and (1.0) billion US dollar for the Rest of Africa cash generating unit applying a 30% probability of occurrence. The impairment charge was allocated to the company’s EMEA reportable segment as at 30 June 2020.

In the sensitivity analyses carried out as at 30 June 2020, based on the worst case discounted cash flow calculations, an adverse change of 1% in the WACC applied would lead to a reduction of the recoverable amount below the carrying amount for the South Africa, Rest of Africa, Columbia and Rest of Middle Americas cash generating units and would give rise to an additional impairment of 0.6 billion US dollar for the South Africa and Rest of Africa cash generating units, applying a 30% probability of occurrence. The company would therefore be faced with a risk of future impairment under the worst case scenario at these higher WACC assumptions.

A 5% increase/(decrease) in probability applied for the worst case scenario (holding all other assumptions constant) would lead to an additional/(reduced) impairment of 0.4 billion US dollar for the South Africa and Rest of Africa cash-generating units in aggregate.

These calculations were based on management’s assessment of reasonably possible adverse changes in key assumptions at the time of the interim impairment testing, yet they are hypothetical and should not be viewed as an indication that these factors are likely to change. The sensitivity analyses should therefore be interpreted with caution.

Annual impairment testing

The company performed a new impairment testing during the fourth quarter of 2020 for its cash-generating units and ran sensitivity analysis for key assumptions including the weighted average cost of capital and the terminal growth rate. The impairment testing considered a single scenario based on management’s assumptions of the future performance of its cash-generating units and applied the assumptions described below.

Based on the annual goodwill impairment testing reperformed by management during the fourth quarter of 2020 in accordance with the methodology discussed above, no additional impairment charge was warranted.

Impairment testing methodology

The company performed its interim and annual goodwill impairment test at cash generating unit level, which is the lowest level at which goodwill is monitored for internal management purposes.

AB InBev’s impairment testing methodology is in accordance with IAS 36 Impairment of Assets, in which fair-value-less-cost-to-sell and value in use approaches are taken into consideration. This consists in applying a discounted cash flow approach based on acquisition valuation models for the cash-generating units showing an invested capital to EBITDA multiple above 9x and valuation multiples for the other cash-generating units.

The key judgments, estimates and assumptions used in the discounted cash flow calculations were generally as follows:



In the first three years of the model, cash flows are based on AB InBev’s 1-year plan as approved by key management and management assumptions for the following 2 years. The three-year plan model is prepared per cash-generating unit and is based on external sources in respect of macro-economic assumptions, industry, inflation and foreign exchange rates, past experience and identified initiatives in terms of market share, revenue, variable and fixed cost, capital expenditure and working capital assumptions. For the interim goodwill impairment testing, the company assumed a base case, best case and worst case scenario for each cash-generating unit being tested and ran sensitivities. For the annual impairment testing, the company considered a single scenario;



For the subsequent seven years of the model, data from each scenario was extrapolated generally using simplified assumptions such as macro-economic and industry assumptions, variable cost per hectoliter and fixed cost linked to inflation, as obtained from external sources;



Cash flows after the first ten-year period are extrapolated generally using expected annual long-term GDP growth rates, based on external sources, in order to calculate the terminal value, considering sensitivities on this metric;



Projections are discounted at the unit’s weighted average cost of capital (WACC), considering sensitivities on this metric with more conservative assumptions in the worst case scenario interim impairment testing to factor the heightened business risk;



Cost to sell is assumed to reach 2% of the entity value based on historical precedents.

For the main cash generating units, the terminal growth rate applied generally ranged between 2% and 5%.



Table of Contents

The WACC applied in US dollar nominal terms were as follow:


Cash-generating unit

   31 December 2020     30 June 20201     31 December 2019  


     6     6% - 7 %     6

Rest of Middle Americas

     9     10% - 11     9

South Africa

     7     7% - 8     7

Rest of Africa

     10     10% - 12     10

Rest of Asia Pacific

     6     8     —    

While a change in the weighted average cost of capital and the terminal growth rate used in impairment testing could have a material impact on the calculation of the fair values and trigger an impairment charge, based on the sensitivity analysis performed for the fourth quarter discounted cash flow calculations, the company is not aware of any reasonably possible change in the key assumptions that would cause the cash-generating units’ carrying amount to exceed its recoverable amount.

In the sensitivity analysis performed by management during the annual impairment testing in 2019 and 2020, an adverse change of 1% in WACC would not cause a cash-generating unit’s carrying amount to exceed its recoverable amount.

Goodwill impairment testing relies on a number of critical judgments, estimates and assumptions. AB InBev believes that all of its estimates are reasonable: they are consistent with the company’s internal reporting and reflect management’s current best estimates. However, inherent uncertainties exist, including the rate of recovery of the countries following the COVID-19 pandemic, and other factors that management may not be able to control. If the company’s current assumptions and estimates, including projected revenues growth rates, competitive and consumer trends, weighted average cost of capital, terminal growth rates, and other market factors, are not met, or if valuation factors outside of the company’s control change unfavorably, the estimated fair value of goodwill could be adversely affected, leading to a potential further impairment in the future.

Although AB InBev believes that its judgments, assumptions and estimates are appropriate, actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or market or macro-economic conditions.

The carrying amount of goodwill was allocated to the different cash-generating units as follows:


Million US dollar

   31 December 2020      31 December 2019  

United States

     33 552      33 451

Rest of North America

     2 105      1 984


     12 446      13 175


     17 748      18 647

Rest of Middle Americas

     24 036      25 257


     3 521      4 539

Rest of South America

     1 061      1 101


     2 444      2 277

South Africa

     11 110      13 500

Rest of Africa

     4 990      6 691


     3 291      3 095

Rest of Asia Pacific

     4 059      4 397

Global Export and Holding Companies

     608      —    







Total carrying amount of goodwill

     120 971      128 114




With the higher WACC applied in the worst case scenario in the interim impairment testing.



Table of Contents

Intangible assets


     31 December 2020     31 December

Million US dollar

   Brands     Commercial
    Software     Other     Total     Total  

Acquisition cost


Balance at end of previous year

     40 074     2 774     2 594     666     46 108     48 465

Effect of movements in foreign exchange

     (839     (6     42     14     (789     (79

Acquisitions through business combinations

     157     —         —         5     162     99

Acquisitions and expenditures

     35     190     53     279     557     631


     —         (23     (38     (81     (142     (259

Disposals through the sale of subsidiaries

     —         —         —         —         —         (29

Transfer (to)/from other asset categories and other movements1

     —         96     321     (428     (11     (2 720



















Balance at end of period

     39 427     3 031     2 972     455     45 885     46 108

Amortization and impairment losses


Balance at end of previous year

     (32     (1 595     (1 851     (178     (3 656     (3 634

Effect of movements in foreign exchange

     —         12     (29     1     (16     41


     —         (297     (364     (54     (715     (622


     (9     (156     —         —         (165     —    


     —         18     35     9     62     254

Disposals through the sale of subsidiaries

     —         —         —         —         —         —    

Transfer to/(from) other asset categories and other movements1

     —         (54     28     158     132     305



















Balance at end of period

     (41     (2 072     (2 181     (64     (4 358     (3 656

Carrying value


at 31 December 2019

     40 042     1 179     743     488     42 452     42 452

at 31 December 2020

     39 386     959     791     391     41 527     —    

During 2020, AB InBev recognized intangible assets on acquisitions of subsidiaries of 162m US dollar (2019: 128m US dollar) – see also Note 6 Acquisitions and disposals. In addition, during 2020, the company recognized (165)m US dollar impairment on intangible sold during 2020 and other intangibles (31 December 2019: nil) – see also Note 8 Exceptional items.

AB InBev is the owner of some of the world’s most valuable brands in the beer industry. As a result, brands and certain distribution rights are expected to generate positive cash flows for as long as the company owns the brands and distribution rights. Given AB InBev’s more than 600-year history, brands and certain distribution rights have been assigned indefinite lives.

Acquisitions and expenditures of commercial intangibles mainly represent supply and distribution rights, exclusive multi-year sponsorship rights and other commercial intangibles.

Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are comprised primarily of brands and certain distribution rights that AB InBev purchased for its own products. These were tested for impairment in the second and the fourth quarter of 2020. Based on the impairment testing results, no impairment loss was allocated to intangible assets with indefinite useful lives – refer to Note 14 Goodwill.

As at 31 December 2020, the carrying amount of the intangible assets amounted to 41 527m US dollar (31 December 2019: 42 452m US dollar) of which 39 395m US dollar was assigned an indefinite useful life (31 December 2019: 40 217m US dollar) and 2 132m US dollar a finite life (31 December 2019: 2 235m US dollar).




The transfer (to)/from other asset categories and other movements mainly relates to transfers from assets under construction to their respective asset categories, to contributions of assets to pension plans, to the separate presentation in the balance sheet of intangible assets held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations and to the restatement of non-monetary assets under hyperinflation accounting in line with IAS 29 Financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies. Accordingly, the 2019 transfers include the balances of Australian operations reclassified to assets held for sale as at 31 December 2019 and disposed of upon the completion of the sale on 1 June 2020.



Table of Contents

The carrying amount of intangible assets with indefinite useful lives was allocated to the cash-generating units as follows:


Million US dollar

Cash-generating unit

   2020      2019  

United States

     22 172      22 124

Rest of North America

     42      66


     3 067      3 243


     3 320      3 488

Rest of Middle Americas

     3 655      3 915


     1      3

Rest of South America

     681      714


     461      489

South Africa

     3 289      3 417

Rest of Africa

     1 068      1 228


     427      410

Rest of Asia Pacific

     1 212      1 120







Total carrying amount of intangible assets with indefinite useful lives

     39 395      40 217

Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives have been tested for impairment using the same methodology and assumptions as disclosed in Note 14 Goodwill. Based on the assumptions described in that note, AB InBev concluded that no impairment charge is warranted. While a change in the estimates used could have a material impact on the calculation of the fair values and trigger an impairment charge, the company is not aware of any reasonably possible change in a key assumption used that would cause a cash-generating unit’s carrying amount to exceed its recoverable amount.



Investments in associates

A reconciliation of the summarized financial information to the carrying amount of the company’s interests in material associates is as follows:


     2020     2019  

Million US dollar

   AB InBev Efes      Castel     Efes     AB InBev Efes     Castel     Efes  

Balance at 1 January

     1 132      3 239     451     1 159     3 279     479

Effect of movements in foreign exchange

     —          270     (92     —         (56     (59

Dividends received

     —          (19     —         (15     (95     (11

Share of results of associates

     3      76     32     (11     111     42



















Balance at 31 December

     1 135      3 566     391     1 133     3 239     451

Summarized financial information of the company’s material associates is as follows:


     2020     2019  

Million US dollar

   AB InBev Efes     Castel     Efes     AB InBev Efes     Castel     Efes  

Current assets

     351     4 048     2 156     377     4 044     2 266

Non-current assets

     603     3 775     4 642     767     4 255     5 618

Current liabilities

     (591     (1 531     (1 639     (652     (1 631     (1 859

Non-current liabilities

     (75     (671     (1 852     (109     (743     (1 986

Non-controlling interests

     —         (687     (1 627     —         (723     (1 909



















Net assets

     288     4 934     1 679     383     5 201     2 130


     1 276     4 879     3 847     1 388     5 107     4 015

Profit (loss)

     (20     700     224     23     719     276

Other comprehensive income (loss)

     —         (134     392     —         (372     (431

Total comprehensive income (loss)

     (20     566     617     23     347     (155

In 2020, associates that are not individually material contributed 45m US dollar to the results of investment in associates (2019: 10m US dollar; 2018: 51m US dollar).

Following the entry of Zimbabwe in a hyperinflation economy in 2019, the company recorded an impairment of 15m US dollar in 2020 on its investment in Delta Corporation Ltd (2019: 188m US dollar). The impairment is recorded as an exceptional net finance cost. Refer to Note 11 Finance cost and income.

Additional information related to the significant associates is presented in Note 36 AB InBev Companies.



Table of Contents

Investment securities


Million US dollar

   31 December 2020      31 December 2019  

Investment in unquoted companies

     115      86

Investment on debt securities

     22      25







Non-current investments

     137      111

Investment on debt securities

     396      91







Current investments

     396      91

As of 31 December 2020, current debt securities of 396m US dollar mainly represented investments in government bonds (31 December 2019: 91m US dollar). The company’s investments in such short-term debt securities are primarily to facilitate liquidity and for capital preservation.



Deferred tax assets and liabilities

The amount of deferred tax assets and liabilities by type of temporary difference can be detailed as follows:



Million US dollar

   Assets      Liabilities      Net  

Property, plant and equipment

     398      (2 487      (2 089

Intangible assets

     106      (10 007      (9 901


     86      (65      22

Trade and other receivables

     62      —          62

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings

     858      (603      255

Employee benefits

     648      (8      640


     525      (30      495


     13      (46      (33

Other items

     312      (1 152      (840

Loss carry forwards

     782      —          782










Gross deferred tax assets/(liabilities)

     3 790        (14 398      (10 607










Netting by taxable entity

     (1 771      1 771        —    










Net deferred tax assets/(liabilities)

     2 019        (12 627      (10 607



Million US dollar

   Assets      Liabilities      Net  

Property, plant and equipment

     415      (2 550      (2 135

Intangible assets

     112      (10 327      (10 215


     119      (67      52

Trade and other receivables

     52      (1      51

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings

     706      (603      103

Employee benefits

     631      (3      628


     467      (22      445


     23      (21      2

Other items

     311      (861      (550

Loss carry forwards

     515      —          515










Gross deferred tax assets/(liabilities)

     3 350      (14 455      (11 105










Netting by taxable entity

     (1 631      1 631      —    










Net deferred tax assets/(liabilities)

     1 719      (12 824      (11 105



Table of Contents

The change in net deferred taxes recorded in the consolidated statement of financial position can be detailed as follows:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018

Balance at 1 January

     (11 105      (11 648      (11 857

Recognized in profit or loss

     32      19      95

Recognized in other comprehensive income

     361      109      (130

Acquisitions through business combinations

     (6      (18      (23

Reclassified as held for sale

     (1      363      —    

Other movements and effect of changes in foreign exchange rates

     112      70      267










Balance at 31 December

     (10 607      (11 105      (11 648

Most of the temporary differences are related to the fair value adjustment on intangible assets with indefinite useful lives and property, plant and equipment acquired through business combinations. The realization of such temporary differences is unlikely to revert within 12 months. The net deferred tax liabilities attributable to the US business amounted to 6.6 billion US dollar as of 31 December 2020.

Tax losses carried forward and deductible temporary differences on which no deferred tax asset is recognized amount to 3 464m US dollar in 2020 (2019: 4 734m US dollar; 2018: 5 280m US dollar). 1 082m US dollar of these tax losses and deductible temporary differences do not have an expiration date, 303m US dollar, 221m US dollar and 239m US dollar expire within respectively 1, 2 and 3 years, while 1 618m US dollar have an expiration date of more than 3 years. Deferred tax assets have not been recognized on these items because it is not probable that future taxable profits will be available against which these tax losses and deductible temporary differences can be utilized and the company has no tax planning strategy currently in place to utilize these tax losses and deductible temporary differences.





Million US dollar

   31 December 2020      31 December 2019  


     92      105

Raw materials and consumables

     2 499      2 478

Work in progress

     439      405

Finished goods

     1 256      1 257

Goods purchased for resale

     197      182








     4 482      4 427

Inventories other than work in progress


Inventories stated at net realizable value

     214      171

The cost of inventories recognized as an expense in 2020 amounts to 19 634m US dollar, included in cost of sales (2019: 20 362m US dollar; 2018: 19 933m US dollar).

Impairment losses on inventories recognized in 2020 amount to 117m US dollar. The impairment loss includes the write off of obsolete work in progress and finished goods as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic (2019: 59m US dollar; 2018: 72m US dollar).



Table of Contents

Trade and other receivables


Million US dollar

   31 December 2020      31 December 2019  

Cash deposits for guarantees

     184      219

Loans to customers

     25      58

Tax receivable, other than income tax

     99      96

Brazilian tax credits and interest receivables

     997      70

Trade and other receivables

     357      363







Non-current trade and other receivables

     1 661      807

Trade receivables and accrued income

     3 284      4 046

Interest receivables

     4      21

Tax receivable, other than income tax

     552      821

Loans to customers

     117      119

Prepaid expenses

     354      563

Other receivables

     522      616







Current trade and other receivables

     4 833      6 187

Ambev’s tax credits and interest receivables are expected to be collected over a period exceeding 12 months after the balance sheet date. As of 31 December 2020, the total amount of such credits and interest receivables represented 997m US dollar (31 December 2019: 70m US dollar). Refer to Note 7 Other operating income/(expenses) and Note 11 Finance cost and income for more details.

The carrying amount of trade and other receivables is a good approximation of their fair value as the impact of discounting is not significant.

The ageing of the current trade receivables and accrued income, interest receivable, other receivables and current and non-current loans to customers can be detailed as follows for 2020 and 2019 respectively:


     Net carrying
amount as of
31 December
     Of which:
impaired nor
past due on
the reporting
     Of which not impaired as of the reporting date and past due  
   Less than
30 days
     30 Between
and 59 days
     Between 60
and 89 days
     More than
90 days

Trade receivables and accrued income

     3 285      3 074      155      37      10      8

Loans to customers

     142      86      3      2      50      —    

Interest receivable

     4      4      —          —          —          —    

Other receivables

     522      416      2      16      5      83


















     3 953      3 580      161      55      66      91


     Net carrying
amount as of
31 December
     Of which:
impaired nor
past due on
the reporting
     Of which not impaired as of the reporting date and past due  
   Less than
30 days
     30 Between
and 59 days
     Between 60
and 89 days
     More than
90 days

Trade receivables and accrued income

     4 046      3 690      261      44      44      7

Loans to customers

     177      172      1      2      2      —    

Interest receivable

     21      21      —          —          —          —    

Other receivables

     616      582      9      16      5      4


















     4 860      4 465      271      62      51      11

The above analysis of the age of financial assets that are past due as at the reporting date but not impaired also includes non-current loans to customers. Past due amounts were not impaired when collection is still considered likely, for instance because the amounts can be recovered from the tax authorities, AB InBev has sufficient collateral, or the customer entered into a payment plan. Impairment losses on trade and other receivables recognized in 2020 amount to 99m US dollar (2019: 51m US dollar; 2018: 43m US dollar). The impairment loss recognized in 2020 includes AB InBev’s estimate of overdue receivables the company will not be able to collect from defaulting customers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

AB InBev’s exposure to credit, currency and interest rate risks is disclosed in Note 29 Risks arising from financial instruments.



Table of Contents

Cash and cash equivalents and investment securities


Million US dollar

   31 December 2020      31 December 2019  

Short-term bank deposits

     3 319      2 236

Treasury Bills

     6 800      —    

Cash and bank accounts

     5 132      5 002

Cash and cash equivalents

     15 252      7 238







Bank overdrafts

     (5      (68






     15 247      7 169

The company’s investment in Treasury Bills is to facilitate liquidity and for capital preservation.

The cash outstanding as at 31 December 2020 includes restricted cash for an amount of 84m US dollar (31 December 2019: 78m US dollar). This restricted cash relates to an outstanding consideration payable to former Anheuser-Busch shareholders that have not yet claimed the proceeds from the 2008 combination (1m US dollar) and amounts deposited on a blocked account in respect to the state aid investigation into the Belgian excess profit ruling system (83m US dollar).



Assets classified as held for sale, liabilities associated with assets held for sale and discontinued operations



Million US dollar

   31 December 2020      31 December 2019  

Balance at the end of previous year

     10 013      39

Reclassified to assets held for sale in the period

     210      9 692


     (9 665      (59

Effect of movements in foreign exchange

     (484      341







Balance at the end of year

     74      10 013



Million US dollar

   31 December 2020      31 December 2019  

Balance at end of previous year

     1 145      —    

Reclassified to liabilities associated with assets held for sale

     (46      1 106


     (1 044      —    

Effect of movements in foreign exchange

     (55      39







Balance at end of the period

     —          1 145

On 19 July 2019, AB InBev announced the agreement to divest CUB, its Australian subsidiary, to Asahi for 16.0 billion AUD on a cash free, debt free basis. Consequently, in accordance with IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations, as at 31 December 2019, assets and liabilities associated with the Australian operations were reclassified to assets held for sale and liabilities associated with assets held for sale. Furthermore, the results of the Australian operations were accounted for as discontinued operations and presented in a separate line in the consolidated income statement (“profit from discontinued operations”) up to 31 May 2020.

Upon the closing of the transaction on 1 June 2020, the company received 10.8 billion US dollar proceeds net of disposal costs, derecognized (8.5) billion US dollar of net assets in relation to its former Australian operations, recycled (0.4) billion US dollar of the cumulative foreign exchange differences on its former Australian operations and cashflow hedges from equity to profit or loss, resulting in a net gain on disposal of 1.9 billion US dollar recognized in discontinued operations.



Table of Contents


Assets and liabilities relating to the Australian operations were classified as held for sale on the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2019 and disposed of upon the completion of the sale on 1 June 2020. The relevant assets and liabilities are detailed in the table below:


Million US dollar

   1 June 2020      31 December 2019  



Property, plant and equipment

     581      625

Goodwill and intangible assets

     8 584      9 030

Other assets

     371      310







Assets classified as held for sale

     9 537      9 965



Trade and other payables

     (581      (659

Deferred tax liabilities

     (363      (380

Other liabilities

     (101      (106







Liabilities associated with assets held for sale

     (1 044      (1 145

Net assets disposed of

     8 493     

Exceptional gain on divestiture of Australia (discontinued operations)

     1 919     

Recycling of CTA and cashflow hedges








Consideration received

     10 838     


The following table summarizes the results of the Australian operations included in the consolidated income statements and presented as discontinued operations:


For the period ended                     

Million US dollar

   31 May 2020      31 December 2019      31 December 2018  


     477      1 394      1 577

Profit from operations

     178      632      775

Profit from discontinued operations

     136      424      531


Cash flows attributable to the operating, investing and financing activities of the Australian operations are summarized as follows:


For the period ended                     

Million US dollar

   31 May 2020      31 December 20191      31 December 2018  

Cash flow from operating activities

     84      640      883

Cash flow from investing activities – proceeds from Australia divestiture

     10 838      219      —    

Cash flow from investing activities – other

     (13      (77      (109

Cash flow from financing activities

     (6      (24      (19










Net increase in cash and cash equivalents

     10 903      758      755



Changes in equity and earnings per share


The tables below summarize the changes in issued capital and treasury shares during 2020:


Issued capital

   Issued capital  
   Million shares      Million US dollar  

At the end of the previous year

     2 019      1 736

Changes during the period

     —          —    






     2 019      1 736  

Of which:


Ordinary shares

     1 693   

Restricted shares




The 2019 cash flow from investing activities has been restated to reflect reclassification of the cash flow hedges in relation to the Australia divestiture reported in the financing activities in 2019 and recycled to profit or loss upon the completion of the transaction.



Table of Contents

Treasury shares

   Treasury shares      Result on the use
of treasury shares
   Million shares      Million US dollar      Million US dollar  

At the end of the previous year

     59.9        (6 270      (2 556

Changes during the period

     (12.9      1 359      (974









     47.0      (4 911      (3 530

As at 31 December 2020, the share capital of AB InBev amounts to 1 238 608 344.12 euro (1 736 million US dollar). It is represented by 2 019 241 973 shares without nominal value, of which 46 992 567 are held in treasury by AB InBev and its subsidiaries. All shares are ordinary shares, except for 325 999 817 restricted shares. As at 31 December 2020, the total of authorized, unissued capital amounts to 37m euro.

The treasury shares held by the company are reported in equity in Treasury shares.

The holders of ordinary and restricted shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared from time to time and are entitled to one vote per share at meetings of the company. In respect of the company’s shares that are held by AB InBev and its subsidiaries, the economic and voting rights are suspended.

The restricted shares are unlisted, not admitted to trading on any stock exchange, and are subject to, among other things, restrictions on transfer until converted into new ordinary shares. The restricted shares will be convertible at the election of the holder into new ordinary shares on a one-for-one basis with effect from the fifth anniversary of completion of the SAB combination (i.e. as from 11 October 2021). From completion of the SAB combination, such restricted shares will rank equally with the ordinary shares with respect to dividends and voting rights.

The shareholders’ structure is based on the notifications made to the company pursuant to the Belgian Law of 2 May 2007, which governs the disclosure of significant shareholdings in listed companies. It is included in the Corporate Governance section of AB InBev’s annual report.


In compliance with IFRS 10, the acquisition or disposal of additional shares in a subsidiary is accounted for as an equity transaction with owners.

On 31 December 2020, AB InBev completed the issuance of a 49.9% minority stake in its US-based metal container operations to Apollo Global Management, Inc. for the net proceeds of 3.0 billion USD. This transaction allowed the company to create additional shareholder value by optimizing its business at an attractive price and generate proceeds to repay debt, in line with its deleveraging commitments. AB InBev retained operational control of its US-based metal container operations.

As required by IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, the transaction was reported in the equity statement resulting in recognition of 1.9 billion US dollar in Non-controlling interest and 1.1 billion US dollar in Reserves.

On 30 September 2019, the initial public offering (the “IPO”) of a minority stake in Budweiser Brewing Company APAC Limited, AB InBev´s Asia Pacific subsidiary, was completed and Budweiser APAC commenced the listing of its shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In addition, on 3 October 2019, the over-allotment option in connection with the IPO of Budweiser APAC was fully exercised by the international underwriters.

The final number of shares issued in the IPO was 1 669 459 000 shares comprising of 72 586 000 shares issued under the Hong Kong public offering, 1 379 118 000 shares placed under the international offering, and 217 755 000 shares issued under the over-allotment option fully exercised by the international underwriters.

Following the completion of the IPO and after the exercise of the over-allotment option, AB InBev retained an 87.22% controlling interest of the issued share capital of Budweiser APAC. As presented in the consolidated statement of changes in equity, the transaction resulted in a 4.4 billion US dollar increase in equity and a 1.2 billion US dollar increase in non-controlling interest representing 12.78% of the net assets of Budweiser APAC.

The net proceeds of the offering (after deducting the underwriting commissions and other expenses in connection with the IPO and the issuance of the new shares) amount to 5.6 billion US dollar and were used to repay debt of AB InBev.

During 2020, there were no significant purchases of non-controlling interests in subsidiaries.


During 2020, the company has not acquired any treasury shares in accordance with article 7:215 of the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations (former article 620 of the Belgian Companies Code) and has proceeded with the following disposals of its own shares.

Treasury shares

The company has used 9 520 966 treasury shares to settle the participants’ obligations related to the Zenzele Scheme (refer to Note 31 Collateral and contractual commitments for the acquisition of property, plant and equipment, loans to customers and other for more details). As a result, as at 31 December 2020, the group owned 46 992 567 own shares of which 38 779 160 were held directly by AB InBev. The par value of the share is 0.61 euro. As a consequence, the treasury shares used to settle the obligations during 2020 represented 7 126 734 US dollar (5 807 966 euro) of the subscribed capital and the shares that the company still owned at the end of 2020 represented 35 175 372 US dollar (28 665 466 euro) of the subscribed capital.



Table of Contents

Borrowed shares

In order to fulfill AB InBev’s commitments under various outstanding stock option plans, during the course of 2020, the company had stock lending arrangements in place for up to 30 million shares, which were fully used to fulfill stock option plan commitments. The company shall pay any dividend equivalent after tax in respect of such borrowed shares. This payment will be reported through equity as dividend.


On 24 February 2021, a dividend of 0.50 euro per share or 1 003m euro was proposed by the Board of Directors, and will be subject to approval at the shareholder’ meeting on 28 April 2021.

On 24 October 2019, an interim dividend of 0.80 euro per share or approximately 1 588m euro was approved by the Board of Directors. This interim dividend was paid out on 21 November 2019. On 3 June 2020, in addition to the interim dividend paid on 21 November 2019, a dividend of 0.50 euro per share or 1 002m euro was approved at the shareholder’ meeting, reflecting a total dividend payment for the 2019 fiscal year of 1.30 euro per share or 2 590m euro. The dividend was paid out as of 11 June 2020.

On 24 October 2018, an interim dividend of 0.80 euro per share or approximately 1 565m euro was approved by the Board of Directors. This interim dividend was paid out on 29 November 2018. On 24 April 2019, in addition to the interim dividend paid on 29 November 2018, a dividend of 1.00 euro per share (or 1 978m euro) was approved at the shareholder’ meeting, reflecting a total dividend payment for the 2018 fiscal year of 1.80 euro per share (or 3 557m euro). The dividend was paid out on 9 May 2019.


The translation reserves comprise all foreign currency exchange differences arising from the translation of the financial statements of foreign operations. The translation reserves also comprise the portion of the gain or loss on the foreign currency liabilities and on the derivative financial instruments determined to be effective net investment.


The hedging reserves comprise the effective portion of the cumulative net change in the fair value of cash flow hedges to the extent that the hedged risk has not yet impacted profit or loss. On 1 June 2020, upon the Australia divestiture, the company recycled 370m US dollar of cash flow hedges in relation to its former Australia operations from equity to profit or loss.


The amount of dividends payable to AB InBev by its operating subsidiaries is subject to, among other restrictions, general limitations imposed by the corporate laws, capital transfer restrictions and exchange control restrictions of the respective jurisdictions where those subsidiaries are organized and operate. Capital transfer restrictions are also common in certain emerging market countries and may affect AB InBev’s flexibility in implementing a capital structure it believes to be efficient. As at 31 December 2020, the restrictions above mentioned were not deemed significant on the company’s ability to access or use the assets or settle the liabilities of its operating subsidiaries.

Dividends paid to AB InBev by certain of its subsidiaries are also subject to withholding taxes. Withholding taxes, if applicable, generally do not exceed 15%.


In a transaction related to the combination with Grupo Modelo, selected Grupo Modelo shareholders committed, upon tender of their Grupo Modelo shares, to acquire 23 076 922 AB InBev shares to be delivered within 5 years for a consideration of approximately 1.5 billion US dollar. The consideration was paid on 5 June 2013.

On 21 May 2018, AB InBev delivered the shares that were due under the deferred share instruments through the use of AB InBev treasury shares.

Until the delivery of the AB InBev shares, AB InBev paid a coupon on each undelivered AB InBev share, so that the Deferred Share Instrument holders were compensated on an after-tax basis, for dividends they would have received had the AB InBev shares been delivered to them prior to the record date for such dividend.

The deferred share instrument was classified as an equity instrument, in line with IAS 32, because the number of shares and consideration received are fixed. The coupon to compensate for the dividend equivalent is reported through equity. On 3 May 2018, the company paid a coupon of 2.00 euro per share (approximately 56m US dollar).


The changes in the other comprehensive income reserves are as follows:


Million US dollar

     Total OCI

As per 1 January 2020

     (19 936      397      (1 740      (21 279

Other comprehensive income/(loss)


Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations (gains/(losses))

     (9 943      —          —          (9 943

Cash flow hedges

     —          198      —          198

Cash flow hedges and cumulative translation adjustments reclassified from equity to profit or loss in relation to Australia divestiture

     645      (219      —          426

Re-measurements of post-employment benefits

     —          —          (243      (243

Total comprehensive income/(loss)

     (9 298      (21      (243      (9 562













As per 31 December 2020

     (29 234      376      (1 983      (30 841



Table of Contents

The increase in translation reserves is primarily related to the combined effect of the weakening of the closing rates of the Mexican pesos, the South African rand, the Colombian pesos, the Brazilian real and the Peruvian sol, and the strengthening of the Euro which resulted in a foreign exchange translation adjustment of 9 943m US dollar as of 31 December 2020 (decrease of equity).


Million US dollar

     Total OCI

As per 1 January 2019

     (21 079      494      (1 567      (22 152

Other comprehensive income/(loss)


Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations (gains/(losses))

     1 143      —          —          1 143

Cash flow hedges

     —          (97      —          (97

Re-measurements of post-employment benefits

     —          —          (173      (173

Total comprehensive income/(loss)

     1 143      (97      (173      873













As per 31 December 2019

     (19 936      397      (1 740      (21 279


Million US dollar

     Total OCI

As per 1 January 2018

     (13 705      586      (1 665      (14 784

Other comprehensive income/(loss)


Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations (gains/(losses))

     (7 374      —          —          (7 374

Cash flow hedges

     —          (92      —          (92

Re-measurements of post-employment benefits

     —          —          98      98

Total comprehensive income/(loss)

     (7 374      (92      98      (7 368













As per 31 December 2018

     (21 079      494      (1 567      (22 152


The calculation of basic earnings per share for 2020 is based on the profit attributable to equity holders of AB InBev of 1 405m US dollar (2019: 9 171m US dollar; 2018: 4 370m US dollar) and a weighted average number of ordinary and restricted shares outstanding (including deferred share instruments and stock lending) per end of the period, calculated as follows:


Million shares

   2020      2019      2018  

Issued ordinary and restricted shares at 1 January, net of treasury shares

     1 959        1 957        1 934  

Effect of stock lending

     30        25        18  

Effect of undelivered shares under the deferred share instrument

        —          9  

Effect of delivery of treasury shares

     9        2        14  










Weighted average number of ordinary and restricted shares at 31 December

     1 998        1 984        1 975  

The calculation of diluted earnings per share for 2020 is based on the profit attributable to equity holders of AB InBev of 1 405m US dollar (2019: 9 171m US dollar; ; 2018: 4 370m US dollar) and a weighted average number of ordinary and restricted shares (diluted) outstanding (including deferred share instruments and stock lending) at the end of the period, calculated as follows:


Million shares

   2020      2019      2018  

Weighted average number of ordinary and restricted shares at 31 December

     1 998        1 984        1 975  

Effect of share options, warrants and restricted stock units

     39        42        36  

Weighted average number of ordinary and restricted shares (diluted) at 31 December

     2 037        2 026        2 011  

The calculation of earnings per share before exceptional items and discontinued operations is based on the profit from continuing operations attributable to equity holders of AB InBev. A reconciliation of the profit before exceptional items and discontinued operations, attributable to equity holders of AB InBev to the profit attributable to equity holders of AB InBev is calculated as follows:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018  

Profit before exceptional items and discontinued operations, attributable to equity holders of AB InBev

     3 807        8 086        6 248  

Exceptional items, before taxes (refer to Note 8)

     (3 103      (323      (692

Exceptional finance income/(cost), before taxes (refer to Note 11)

     (1 738      882        (1 982

Exceptional taxes (refer to Note 8)

     155        (6      233  

Exceptional non-controlling interest (refer to Note 8)

     228        108        32  

Profit from discontinued operations (refer to Note 22)

     2 055        424        531  










Profit attributable to equity holders of AB InBev

     1 405        9 171        4 370  



Table of Contents

The calculation of the Underlying EPS is based on the profit before exceptional items, discontinued operations, mark-to-market gains/losses and hyperinflation impacts attributable to equity holders of AB InBev. A reconciliation of the profit before exceptional items, discontinued operations, mark-to-market gains/losses and hyperinflation impacts, attributable to equity holders of AB InBev to the profit before exceptional items and discontinued operations, attributable to equity holders of AB InBev, is calculated as follows:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018  

Profit before exceptional items, discontinued operations, mark-to-market gains/losses and hyperinflation impacts, attributable to equity holders of AB InBev

     5 022        7 196      8 099  

Mark-to-market (losses)/gains on certain derivatives related to the hedging of share-based payment programs (refer to Note 11)

     (1 211      898        (1 774

Hyperinflation impacts

     (4      (7      (77










Profit before exceptional items and discontinued operations, attributable to equity holders of AB InBev

     3 807        8 086        6 248  

The table below sets out the EPS calculation:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018  

Profit attributable to equity holders of AB InBev

     1 405        9 171        4 370  

Weighted average number of ordinary and restricted shares

     1 998        1 984        1 975  










Basic EPS from continuing and discontinued operations

     0.70        4.62        2.21  

Profit from continuing operations attributable to equity holders of AB InBev

     (650      8 748        3 839  

Weighted average number of ordinary and restricted shares

     1 998        1 984        1 975  










Basic EPS from continuing operations

     (0.33      4.41        1.94  

Profit from continuing operations before exceptional items and discontinued operations, attributable to equity holders of AB InBev

     3 807        8 086        6 248  

Weighted average number of ordinary and restricted shares

     1 998        1 984        1 975  










Basic EPS from continuing operations before exceptional items

     1.91        4.08        3.16  

Profit before exceptional items, discontinued operations, mark-to-market gains/losses and hyperinflation impacts, attributable to equity holders of AB InBev

     5 022        7 196        8 099  

Weighted average number of ordinary and restricted shares

     1 998        1 984        1 975  










Underlying EPS

     2.51        3.63        4.10  

Profit attributable to equity holders of AB InBev

     1 405        9 171        4 370  

Weighted average number of ordinary and restricted shares (diluted)

     2 037        2 026        2 011  










Diluted EPS from continuing and discontinued operations

     0.69        4.53        2.17  

Profit from continuing operations attributable to equity holders of AB InBev

     (650      8 748        3 839  

Weighted average number of ordinary and restricted shares (diluted)¹

     1 998        2 026        2 011  










Diluted EPS from continuing operations

     (0.33      4.32        1.91  

Profit from continuing operations before exceptional items and discontinued operations, attributable to equity holders of AB InBev

     3 807        8 086        6 248  

Weighted average number of ordinary and restricted shares (diluted)

     2 037        2 026        2 011  










Diluted EPS from continuing operations before exceptional items

     1.87        3.99        3.11  

The average market value of the company’s shares for purposes of calculating the dilutive effect of share options and restricted stock units was based on quoted market prices for the period that the options and restricted stock units were outstanding. For the calculation of Diluted EPS from continuing operations before exceptional items, 76m share options were anti-dilutive and not included in the calculation of the dilutive effect as at 31 December 2020 (31 December 2019: 59m share options, 31 December 2018: 63m share options)



In accordance with the guidance provided by IAS 33 Earnings per Share, for the 2020 calculation of Diluted EPS from continuing operations, the potential dilutive effect of share options, warrants and restricted stock units was disregarded considering the negative results in the period.



Table of Contents

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings

This note provides information about the company’s interest-bearing loans and borrowings. For more information about the company’s exposure to interest rate and foreign exposure currency risk - refer to Note 29 Risks arising from financial instruments.


Non-current liabilities

Million US dollar

   31 December 2020      31 December 2019  

Secured bank loans

     46      71

Unsecured bank loans

     —          50

Unsecured bond issues

     93 523      95 674

Unsecured other loans

     73      77

Lease liabilities

     1 837      1 692







Non-current interest-bearing loans and borrowings

     95 478      97 564


Current liabilities

Million US dollar

   31 December 2020      31 December 2019  

Secured bank loans

     656      790

Commercial papers

     1 522      1 599

Unsecured bank loans

     294      135

Unsecured bond issues

     202      2 532

Unsecured other loans

     10      20

Lease liabilities

     397      333







Current interest-bearing loans and borrowings

     3 081      5 410

The current and non-current interest-bearing loans and borrowings amount to 98.6 billion US dollar as at 31 December 2020, compared to 103.0 billion US dollar as at 31 December 2019.

In March 2020, the company drew the full 9.0 billion US dollar commitment under the 2010 Senior Facilities Agreement, in order to proactively safeguard its liquidity position by holding cash on its balance sheet through the period of significant financial market volatility and uncertainty as a result of the COVID-19 virus pandemic. The revolving credit facilities were repaid in full in the second quarter of 2020. On 18 February 2021, the company announced the successful signing of a new 10.1 billion US dollar Sustainable-Linked Loan Revolving Credit Facility (“SLL RCF”) with an initial five-year term, replacing the aforementioned 9.0 billion US dollar of committed long-term credit facilities (refer to Note 35 Events after the balance sheet date).

Commercial papers amount to 1.5 billion US dollar as at 31 December 2020 (31 December 2019: 1.6 billion US dollar) and include programs in US dollar and euro with a total authorized issuance up to 5.0 billion US dollar and 3.0 billion euro, respectively.

On 2 April 2020 and 3 April 2020, Anheuser-Busch InBev NV/SA (ABISA) and Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. (ABIWW) respectively, completed the issuance of the following series of bonds:


Issue date

  Maturity date   Currency     Aggregate
principal amount
(in millions)
    Interest rate  
2 April 2020   ABISA   2 December 2027     EUR       1 000       2.125
2 April 2020   ABISA   2 April 2032     EUR       1 750       2.875
2 April 2020   ABISA   2 April 2040     EUR       1 750       3.700
3 April 2020   ABIWW   1 June 2030     USD       1 750       3.500
3 April 2020   ABIWW   1 June 2040     USD       1 000       4.350
3 April 2020   ABIWW   1 June 2050     USD       2 250       4.500
3 April 2020   ABIWW   1 June 2060     USD       1 000       4.600

On 7 July 2020, the company completed the tender offers of seven series of notes issued by Anheuser-Busch InBev NV/SA (ABISA) and Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc. (ABIFI) and repurchased 3.0 billion US dollar aggregate principal amount of these notes. The total principal amount accepted in the tender offers is set out in the table below:


Date of




Title of series of notes

issued exchanged



   Original principal
amount outstanding
(in million)
     Principal amount
(in million)
     Principal amount
not redeemed
(in million)
7 July 2020    ABISA    4.000% Notes due 2021    EUR      750        231        519  
7 July 2020    ABISA    1.950% Notes due 2021    EUR      650        123        527  
7 July 2020    ABISA    0.875% Notes due 2022    EUR      2 000        356        1 644  
7 July 2020    ABISA    0.800% Notes due 2023    EUR      1 000        356        644  
7 July 2020    ABIFI    Floating Rate Notes due 2021    USD      311        129        182  
7 July 2020    ABIFI    2.625% Notes due 2023    USD      643        167        476  
7 July 2020    ABIFI    3.300% Notes due 2023    USD      2 799        1 467        1 332  



Table of Contents

On 15 September 2020, the company completed the tender offers of six series of notes issued by Anheuser-Busch InBev NV/SA (ABISA), Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc. (ABIFI) and Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. (ABIWW) and repurchased 2.1 billion US dollar aggregate principal amount of these notes. The total principal amount accepted in the tender offers is set out in the table below:


Date of





Title of series of notes

issued exchanged



   Original principal
amount outstanding
(in million)
     Principal amount
(in million)
     Principal amount
not redeemed
(in million)

17 September 2020

   ABIWW    Floating rate notes due 2024    USD      229        113        116  

17 September 2020

   ABIWW    3.500% Notes due 2024    USD      654        404        250  

17 September 2020

   ABIFI    3.700% Notes due 2024    USD      865        376        489  

17 September 2020

   ABISA    Floating rate notes due 2024    EUR      1 500        517        983  

17 September 2020

   ABISA    2.875% Notes due 2024    EUR      750        195        555  

17 September 2020

   ABISA    1.500% Notes due 2025    EUR      2 500        353        2 147  

These tender offers were financed with cash.

During 2020, the company announced that Anheuser-Busch InBev NV/SA (ABISA) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc (ABIWW), Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc. (ABIFI) and Anheuser-Busch North American Holding Corporation (ABNA) were exercising their options to redeem the outstanding principal amount for an aggregate principle amount of 10.0 billion US dollar indicated in the table below of the following series of notes:


Date of


Title of series of notes

issued exchanged

   Currency      Original principal
amount outstanding
(in million)
     Principal amount
(in million)
29 July 2020    ABIWW    3.250% Notes due 2022      AUD        550        550  
12 August 2020    ABIWW    4.375% Notes due 2021      USD        285        285  
12 August 2020    ABIWW    2.500% Notes due 2022      USD        454        454  
12 August 2020    ABIFI    3.375% Notes due 2023      CAD        600        600  
12 August 2020    ABNA    3.750% Notes due 2022      USD        150        150  
25 September 2020    ABISA    1.750% Notes due 2025      GBP        650        650  
8 October 2020    ABIFI    2.600% Notes due 2024      CAD        1 300        1 300  
8 October 2020    ABISA    1.950% Notes due 2021      EUR        527        527  
8 October 2020    ABISA    0.875% Notes due 2022      EUR        1 644        1 644  
3 December 2020    ABISA    4.000% Notes due 2021      EUR        519        519  
3 December 2020    ABISA    0.800% Notes due 2023      EUR        644        644  
16 December 2020    ABIFI    2.625% Notes due 2023      USD        476        476  
16 December 2020    ABIFI    3.300% Notes due 2023      USD        1 332        1 332  
16 December 2020    ABIFI    3.700% Notes due 2024      USD        489        489  
16 December 2020    ABIWW    3.500% Notes due 2024      USD        250        250  

The redemption of these notes was financed with cash.

Net debt is defined as non-current and current interest-bearing loans and borrowings and bank overdrafts minus debt securities and cash and cash equivalents. Net debt is a financial performance indicator that is used by AB InBev’s management to highlight changes in the company’s overall liquidity position.

AB InBev’s net debt decreased to 82.7 billion US dollar as at 31 December 2020, from 95.5 billion US dollar as at 31 December 2019. Aside from operating results that are net of capital expenditures, the net debt is impacted mainly by the payment of interests and taxes (6.4 billion US dollar), settlement of derivatives (0.7 billion US dollar increase of net debt), dividend payments to shareholders of AB InBev and Ambev (1.8 billion US dollar), foreign exchange impact on net debt (3.4 billion US dollar increase of net debt), the proceeds from the divestiture of the Australian business (10.8 billion US dollar decrease of net debt) and the proceeds related to the issuance of a 49.9% minority stake in the company’s US-based metal container operations (3.0 billion US dollar decrease of net debt).

The following table provides a reconciliation of AB InBev’s net debt as at the dates indicated:


Million US dollar

   31 December
     31 December

Non-current interest-bearing loans and borrowings

     95 478      97 564

Current interest-bearing loans and borrowings

     3 081      5 410







Interest-bearing loans and borrowings

     98 559      102 974

Bank overdrafts

     5      68

Cash and cash equivalents

     (15 252      (7 238

Interest bearing loans granted and other deposits (included within Trade and other receivables)

     (173      (146

Debt securities (included within Investment securities)

     (418      (117







Net debt

     82 722      95 542



Table of Contents

Reconciliation of liabilities arising from financing activities

The table below details changes in the company’s liabilities arising from financing activities, including both cash and non-cash changes. Liabilities arising from financing activities are those for which cash flows were, or future cash flows will be classified in the company’s consolidated cash flow statement from financing activities.


Million US dollar

   Long-term debt, net
of current portion
     Short-term debt and
current portion of
long-term debt

Balance at 1 January 2020

     97 564      5 410

Proceeds from borrowings

     11 226      3 596

Payments on borrowings

     (13 596      (9 520

Capitalization / (payment) of lease liabilities

     394      (484

Amortized cost

     71      17

Unrealized foreign exchange effects

     2 521      241

Current portion of long-term debt

     (3 744      3 744

Other movements

     1 042      77







Balance at 31 December 2020

     95 478      3 081


Million US dollar

   Long-term debt, net
of current portion
     Short-term debt and
current portion of
long-term debt

Balance at 1 January 2019

     106 997      4 584

Proceeds from borrowings

     17 939      4 645

Payments on borrowings

     (22 339      (8 253

Capitalization / (payment) of lease liabilities

     420      (441

Amortized cost

     75      13

Unrealized foreign exchange effects

     (538      (39

Current portion of long-term debt

     (4 769      4 769

Liabilities associated with assets held for sale

     (69      (15

Other movements

     (152      147







Balance at 31 December 2019

     97 564      5 410



Employee benefits

AB InBev sponsors various post-employment benefit plans worldwide, which include both defined contribution plans, defined benefit plans, and other post-employment benefits. In accordance with IAS 19 Employee Benefits post-employment benefit plans are classified as either defined contribution plans or defined benefit plans.


For defined contribution plans, AB InBev pays contributions to publicly or privately administered pension funds or insurance contracts. Once the contributions have been paid, the group has no further payment obligation. The regular contributions constitute an expense for the year in which they are due. For 2020, contributions paid into defined contribution plans for the company amounted to 91m US dollar compared to 101m US dollar for 2019 and 109m US dollar for 2018.


During 2020, the company contributed to 81 defined benefit plans, of which 60 are retirement or leaving service plans, 17 are medical cost plans and 4 other long-term employee benefit plans. Most plans provide retirement and leaving service benefits related to pay and years of service. In many of the countries the plans are partially funded. When plans are funded, the assets are held in legally separate funds set up in accordance with applicable legal requirements and common practice in each country. The medical cost plans in Brazil, Canada, Colombia, South Africa and US provide medical benefits to employees and their families after retirement. Many of the defined benefit plans are closed to new entrants.

The present value of funded obligations includes a 126m US dollar liability related to two medical plans in Brazil, for which the benefits are provided through the Fundação Antonio Helena Zerrenner (“FAHZ”). The FAHZ is a legally distinct entity which provides medical, dental, educational and social assistance to current and retired employees of Ambev. As at 31 December 2020, the actuarial liabilities related to the benefits provided by the FAHZ are fully offset by an equivalent amount of assets existing in the fund. The net liability recognized in the balance sheet is nil.

The employee benefit net liability amounts to 2 964m US dollar as at 31 December 2020 compared to 2 834m US dollar as at 31 December 2019. In 2020, the fair value of the plan assets increased by 207m US dollar and the defined benefit obligations increased by 353m US dollar. The increase in the employee benefit net liability is mainly driven by decreases in the discount rates.



Table of Contents

The company’s net liability for post-employment and long-term employee benefit plans comprises the following as at 31 December 2020 and 2019:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019  

Present value of funded obligations

     (7 703      (7 333

Fair value of plan assets

     5 649      5 442







Present value of net obligations for funded plans

     (2 054      (1 891

Present value of unfunded obligations

     (793      (810







Present value of net obligations

     (2 847      (2 701 )

Unrecognized asset

     (31      (74







Net liability

     (2 878      (2 775

Other long term employee benefits

     (86      (59







Total employee benefits

     (2 964      (2 834

Employee benefits amounts in the balance sheet:



     (2 970      (2 848


     6      14







Net liability

     (2 964      (2 834

The changes in the present value of the defined benefit obligations are as follows:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018  

Defined benefit obligation at 1 January

     (8 143      (7 568      (8 410

Current service costs

     (72      (67      (72

Interest cost

     (250      (326      (322

Past service gain/(cost)

     16      (9      (3


     153      109      45

Benefits paid

     519      596      493

Contribution by plan participants

     (2      (2      (3

Actuarial gains/(losses) – demographic assumptions

     20      61      27

Actuarial gains/(losses) – financial assumptions

     (690      (912      350

Experience adjustments

     (12      29      14

Exchange differences

     (35      (86      313

Transfers and other movements

     —          32      —    










Defined benefit obligation at 31 December

     (8 496      (8 143      (7 568

As at the last valuation date, the present value of the defined benefit obligation was comprised of approximately 1.8 billion US dollar relating to active employees, 1.9 billion US dollar relating to deferred members and 4.8 billion US dollar relating to members in retirement.

The changes in the fair value of plan assets are as follows:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018  

Fair value of plan assets at 1 January

     5 442      5 059      5 623

Interest income

     168      218      225

Administration costs

     (19      (23      (14

Return on plan assets exceeding interest income

     332      579      (333

Contributions by AB InBev

     394      294      307

Contributions by plan participants

     2      2      3

Benefits paid net of administration costs

     (519      (596      (493

Assets distributed on settlements

     (146      (107      (45

Exchange differences

     (9      46      (214

Transfers and other movements

     4      (30      —    










Fair value of plan assets at 31 December

     5 649      5 442      5 059

Actual return on plans assets amounted to a gain of 500m US dollar in 2020 compared to a gain of 797m US dollar in 2019.

The changes in the unrecognized asset are as follows:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018  

Irrecoverable surplus impact at 1 January

     (74      (77      (111

Interest expense

     (4      (7      (10

Changes excluding amounts included in interest expense

     47      9      44










Irrecoverable surplus impact at 31 December

     (31      (74      (77



Table of Contents

The expense recognized in the income statement with regard to defined benefit plans can be detailed as follows:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018  

Current service costs

     (72      (67      (72

Administration costs

     (19      (23      (14

Past service cost due to plan amendments and curtailments

     16      66      (3

(Losses)/gains due to experience and demographic assumption changes

     6      1      3










Profit from operations

     (69      (23      (86

Net finance cost

     (87      (114      (107










Total employee benefit expense

     (156      (137      (193

The employee benefit expense is included in the following line items of the income statement:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018  

Cost of sales

     (28      (17      (26

Distribution expenses

     (9      (5      (11

Sales and marketing expenses

     (18      (4      (16

Administrative expenses

     (20      3      (28

Other operating (expense)/income

     (1      —          (6

Exceptional items

     7      —          1

Net finance cost

     (87      (114      (107









     (156      (137      (193

Weighted average assumptions used in computing the benefit obligations of the company’s significant plans at the balance sheet date are as follows:



Million US dollar

    Canada     Mexico     Brazil     United
    AB InBev  

Discount rate

     2.5     2.4     6.3     6.9     1.4     2.6

Price inflation

     2.5     2.0     3.5     3.3     3.1     2.6

Future salary increases

     —         1.0     4.3     6.9%-5.0     —         3.7

Future pension increases

     —         2.0     3.5     3.3     2.9     2.6

Medical cost trend rate

     5.5%-4.5     4.5     —         6.9     —         6.0%-5.7

Life expectation for a 65 year old male

     86       87       82       85       87       85  

Life expectation for a 65 year old female

     87       90       85       88       89       88  



Million US dollar

    Canada     Mexico     Brazil     United
    AB InBev  

Discount rate

     3.3     3.1     7.5     7.2     2.0     3.3

Price inflation

     2.5     2.0     3.5     3.8     3.1     2.7

Future salary increases

     —         1.0     4.3     7.4%-5.4     —         3.8

Future pension increases

     —         2.0     3.5     3.8     2.9     2.7

Medical cost trend rate

     6.5%-4.5     4.5     —         7.4     —         6.6%-6.1

Life expectation for a 65 year old male

     85       87       82       85       87       85  

Life expectation for a 65 year old female

     87       89       85       88       89       87  

Through its defined benefit pension plans and post-employment medical plans, the company is exposed to a number of risks, the most significant are detailed below:


In case of funded plans, the company ensures that the investment positions are managed within an asset-liability matching (ALM) framework that has been developed to achieve long-term investments that are in line with the obligations under the pension schemes. Within this framework, the company’s ALM objective is to match assets to the pension obligations by investing in long-term fixed interest securities with maturities that match the benefit payments as they fall due and in the appropriate currency. The company actively monitors how the duration and the expected yield of the investments are matching the expected cash outflows arising from the pension obligation.


In general, the company’s funded plans are invested in a combination of equities and bonds, generating high but volatile returns from equities and at the same time stable and liability-matching returns from bonds. As the plans mature, the company usually reduces the level of investment risk by investing more in assets that better match the liabilities. Since 2015, the company started the implementation of a pension de-risking strategy to reduce the risk profile of certain plans by reducing gradually the current exposure to equities and shifting those assets to fixed income securities.



Table of Contents


A decrease in corporate bond yields will increase plan liabilities, although this will be partially offset by an increase in the value of the plans’ bond holdings.


Some of the company’s pension obligations, mainly in the UK, are linked to inflation, and higher inflation will lead to higher liabilities. The majority of the plan’s assets are either unaffected by or loosely correlated with inflation, meaning that an increase in inflation could potentially increase the company’s net benefit obligation.


The majority of the plans’ obligations are to provide benefits for the life of the member, so increases in life expectancy will result in an increase in the plans’ liabilities.

The weighted average duration of the defined benefit obligation in 2020 is 13.9 years (2019: 13.8 years).

The sensitivity of the defined benefit obligation to changes in the weighted principal assumptions is:


Million US dollar

     Change in assumption     Increase in assumption      Decrease in assumption  

Discount rate

     0.5     (552      607

Price inflation

     0.5     211      (214

Future salary increase

     0.5     36      (33

Medical cost trend rate

     1     38      (33


     One year       283      (280

The above are purely hypothetical changes in individual assumptions holding all other assumptions constant: economic conditions and changes therein will often affect multiple assumptions at the same time and the effects of changes in key assumptions are not linear.

Sensitivities are reasonably possible changes in assumptions, and they are calculated using the same approach as was used to determine the defined benefit obligation. Therefore, the above information is not necessarily a reasonable representation of future results.

The fair value of plan assets at 31 December consists of the following:


     2020     2019  

Million US dollar

   Quoted     Unquoted     Total     Quoted     Unquoted     Total  

Government bonds

     33     —       33     33     —         33

Corporate bonds

     34     —       34     35     —         35

Equity instruments

     25     —       25     23     —         23


     —       3     3     —         4     4

Insurance contracts and others

     3     2     5     4     1     5


















     95     5     100     95     5     100

AB InBev expects to contribute approximately 289m US dollar for its funded defined benefit plans and 74m US dollar in benefit payments to its unfunded defined benefit plans and post-retirement medical plans in 2021.



Table of Contents

Share-based payments1

Different share and share option programs allow company senior management and members of the board of directors to receive or acquire shares of AB InBev, Ambev or Budweiser APAC. AB InBev has three primary share-based compensation plans, the share-based compensation plan (“Share-Based Compensation Plan”), the long-term restricted stock unit plan for directors (“Restricted Stock Units Plan for Directors), and the long-term incentive plan for executives (“LTI Plan Executives”). For all option plans, the fair value of share-based payment compensation is estimated at grant date, using a binomial Hull model, modified to reflect the IFRS 2 Share-based Payment requirement that assumptions about forfeiture before the end of the vesting period cannot impact the fair value of the option. All the company share-based payment plans are equity-settled.

Share-based payment transactions resulted in a total expense of 169m US dollar for 2020, as compared to 340m US dollar for 2019 and 353m US dollar for 2018. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the company reversed accrued cost for performance-related LTIs for which the conditions will not be met.


Share-Based Compensation Plan for Executives

As from 1 January 2010, the structure of the Share-Based Compensation Plan for certain executives in the general headquarters, has been modified. From 1 January 2011 onwards, the new plan structure applies to all other senior management. Under this plan, members of the Executive Committee and other senior employees receive their bonus in cash but have the choice to invest some or all of the value of their bonus in AB InBev shares with a five-year lock-up period, referred to as bonus shares. With respect to bonuses for the financial year 2020 onwards, half of the bonus shares will be subject to a lock-up period of three years and the other half to a lock-up period of 5 years. This voluntary investment of the bonus in AB InBev shares leads to a 10% discount to the market price of the shares. With respect to bonuses for the financial year 2020 onwards, the discount will amount to maximum 20%. The company also matches such voluntary investment by granting three matching shares for each bonus share voluntarily invested in, up to a limited total percentage of each participant’s bonus. The percentage of the variable compensation that is entitled to get matching shares varies depending on the position of the executive. The matching is based on the gross amount of the variable compensation invested. The discount shares and matching shares are granted in the form of restricted stock units which have a five-year vesting period. With respect to bonuses for the financial year 2020 onwards, the restricted stock units will be subject to a vesting period of three years for half of them and five years for the other half. Additionally, the holders of the restricted stock units may be entitled to receive from AB InBev additional restricted stock units equal to the dividends declared since the restricted stock units were granted.

In 2020, AB InBev issued 0.2m of matching restricted stock units in relation to bonuses granted to company employees and management (2019: 1.6m of matching restricted stock units). These matching restricted stock units are valued at the share price as of the grant date, represent a fair value of approximately 9m US dollar and cliff vest after five years (2019: 153m US dollar).

Restricted Stock Units Plan for Directors

Since the annual shareholder meeting of 24 April 2019, the share-based portion of the remuneration of the directors of the company has been granted in the form of restricted stock units and will no longer be granted in the form of stock options as was previously the case. Such restricted stock units vest after 5 years and, upon vesting, entitle their holders to one AB InBev share per restricted stock unit.

During 2020, 0.1m restricted stock units with an estimated fair value of 4m US dollar were granted to directors (2019: 0.1m with an estimated fair value of 4m US dollar).

Annual and Exceptional LTI Plans for Executives

As from 1 July 2009, senior employees are eligible for an annual long-term incentive to be paid out in LTI stock options (or, in the future, similar share-based instruments), depending on management’s assessment of the employee’s performance and future potential.

In 2020, AB InBev issued 38.1m LTI stock options with an estimated fair value of 287m US dollar (2019: 8.1m LTI stock options with an estimated fair value of 91m US dollar) as an exceptional long-term retention incentive. Out of these stock options, 3.6m stock options were granted to members of the Executive Committee (2019: 0.4m stock options).

As from 1 December 2020, under a sub-plan of the company’s new base long-term Restricted Stock Units program, senior employees are eligible for an annual long-term incentive paid out in Restricted Stock Units, depending on management’s assessment of the employee’s performance and future potential. Half of the Restricted Stock Units cliff vest over a three-year period and the other half cliff vest over a five-year period. In 2020, AB InBev issued 1.7m Restricted Stock Units with an estimated fair value of 116m US dollar under this plan (2019: nil). Out of these Restricted Stock Units, 0.1m Restricted Stock Units were granted to members of the Executive Committee (2019: nil).

Recurring LTI Restricted Stock Units Plans for Executives

AB InBev has specific recurring long-term Restricted Stock Units incentive programs in place, including:



A program allowing for the offer of restricted stock units to certain members of senior management in certain specific circumstances, e.g. as a special retention incentive or to compensate for assignments of expatriates in countries with difficult living conditions. The restricted stock units vest after five years and in the event that an employee’s service is terminated before the vesting date, special forfeiture rules apply. In 2020, 7m restricted stock units with an estimated fair value of 307m US dollar were granted under these programs (2019: 0.9m restricted stock units with an estimated fair value of 74m US dollar). Out of these, 0.8m restricted stock units were granted to members of the Executive Committee (2019: nil).



A program allowing for the exceptional offer of restricted stock units to certain members of senior management in order to provide a long-term retention incentive for key employees of the company. Members of senior management eligible to receive a grant under this program receive two series of restricted stock units, with the first series of the restricted stock units vesting after five years, and the second series vesting after ten years. Alternatively, under this program, the restricted stock units may be granted with a shorter vesting period of 2.5 to 3 years for the first series and 5 years for the second series of the restricted




Amounts have been converted to US dollar at the average rate of the period, unless otherwise indicated.



Table of Contents

stock units. In the event that an employee’s service is terminated before the vesting date, special forfeiture rules apply. As at 2017, instead of restricted stock units, stock options may be granted under the program with similar vesting and forfeiture rules. Each option gives the grantee the right to purchase one existing AB InBev share. In 2020, no restricted stock units nor stock options were granted (2019: 0.1m stock options with an estimated fair value of 2m US dollar).



A program allowing for certain employees to purchase company shares at a discount and that is aimed at providing a long-term retention incentive for (i) high-potential employees of the company, who are at a mid-manager level (“People bet share purchase program”) or (ii) newly hired employees. The voluntary investment in company shares leads to the grant of an amount of matching restricted stock units or stock options which vest after 5 years. In the event that an employee’s service is terminated before the vesting date, special forfeiture rules apply. In 2020, employees purchased 0.1m shares under this program for the equivalent of 1m US dollar (2019: 0.1m shares for the equivalent of 1m US dollar).



A program allowing for the offer of performance-based Restricted Stock Units (Performance RSUs) to certain members of the company’s senior management. Upon vesting, each Performance RSU gives the executive the right to receive one existing AB InBev share. The Performance RSUs can have a vesting period of five or ten years. The shares resulting from the vesting of the Performance RSUs will only be delivered provided a performance test is met by the company. Forfeiture rules apply if the employee leaves the company before the vesting date or if the performance test is not achieved by a certain date. These Performance RSUs are subject to an organic EBITDA compounded annual growth rate target set by the Board. Other performance test criteria may be used for future grants, but they will remain in line with the company’s high-performance culture and the creation of long-term sustainable value for its shareholders. In 2020, no restricted stock units were granted under this program (2019: nil).



A series of sub-plans under the Company’s new base long-term Restricted Stock Units program allowing for the offer of Restricted Stock Units to certain members of the company’s senior management in certain specific circumstances, e.g. as a special retention incentive or to compensate for assignments of expatriates in certain limited countries. This program was created in 2020 and will replace the programs listed under items 1 and 2 above for the purposes of grants made as from 1 December 2020. Under this new program, Restricted Stock Units can be granted under sub-plans with specific terms and conditions and for specific purposes. The Restricted Stock Units in principle vest after five years without a performance test and in the event of termination of service before the vesting date, forfeiture rules apply. The Board may set shorter or longer vesting periods for specific sub-plans or introduce performance tests similar to those described under the program above. In 2020, 1.7m restricted stock units with an estimated fair value of 120m US dollar were granted under this program (2019: nil). No restricted stock units were granted to members of the Executive Committee (2019: nil).

Performance related incentive plan for ZX Ventures

In 2016, the company implemented a new performance related incentive plan which substitutes the long-term incentive stock option plan for executives of ZX Ventures. ZX Ventures is our global growth and innovation group whose mandate is to invest in, incubate and develop new products and businesses that address emerging consumer needs.

In 2020, 1.2m performance units were granted to senior management of ZX Ventures (2019: 3.8m performance units). The value of the performance units will depend on the return of ZX Ventures.

These units vest after 5 years provided that a performance test is met. Specific forfeiture rules apply in the event that the executive leaves the company.

Other programs

In order to maintain the consistency of benefits granted to executives and to encourage the international mobility of executives, an option exchange program can be executed whereby unvested options are exchanged for restricted shares that remain locked-up until 5 years after the end of the initial vesting period. The shares that result from the exercise of the options must in principle remain locked-up until 31 December 2023. In 2020, no options were exchanged for ordinary blocked shares (2019: nil).

The Board has also approved the early release of vesting conditions of unvested stock options or restricted stock units that are vesting within 6 months of the executives’ relocation. The shares that result from the early exercise of the options or the early vesting of the restricted stock units must remain blocked until the end of the initial vesting period. In 2020, 0.1m restricted stock units were accelerated under this program for members of the senior management (2019: 0.1m stock options and restricted stock units).

The weighted average fair value of the options and assumptions used in applying the AB InBev option pricing model for the 2020, 2019 and 2018 grants of awards described above are as follows:


Amounts in US dollar unless otherwise indicated

   2020     2019     2018  

Fair value of options granted

     7.54     11.79       16.92  

Share price

     46.35     78.46       98.66  

Exercise price

     46.35     78.46       98.66  

Expected volatility

     25     23     23

Expected dividends

     3.00     3.00     3.00

Risk-free interest rate

     -0.32     0.43     0.39

Expected volatility is based on historical volatility calculated over a 10-year period. The binomial Hull model assumes that all employees would immediately exercise their options if the AB InBev share price is 2.5 times above the exercise price. As a result, no single expected option life applies.



Table of Contents

The total number of outstanding AB InBev options developed as follows:


Million options

   2020      2019      2018  

Options outstanding at 1 January

     88.7      92.6      93.0

Options issued during the year

     38.1      13.8      5.2

Options exercised during the year

     (3.9      (10.7      (1.7

Options forfeited during the year

     (9.0      (7.0      (4.0










Options outstanding at the end of December

     113.3      88.7      92.6

The range of exercise prices of the outstanding options is between 10.32 euro (12.66 US dollar)1 and 121.95 euro (149.64 US dollar) while the weighted average remaining contractual life is 7.38 years.

Out of the 113.3m outstanding options, 21.8m are vested at 31 December 2020.

The weighted average exercise price of the AB InBev options is as follows:


Amounts in US dollar

   2020      2019      2018  

Options outstanding at 1 January

     79.66      94.74        98.32  

Granted during the year

     53.41      83.33        104.77  

Exercised during the year

     29.92      29.27        44.96  

Forfeited during the year

     117.82      108.44        113.19  

Outstanding at the end of December

     71.22      79.66        94.74  

Exercisable at the end of December

     99.54      65.33        21.40  

For share options exercised during 2020, the weighted average share price at the date of exercise was 45.23 euro (55.51 US dollar)1.

The total number of outstanding AB InBev restricted stock units developed as follows:


Million restricted stock units

   2020      2019      2018  

Restricted stock units outstanding at 1 January

     9.9      6.0      5.4

Restricted stock units issued during the year

     10.9      5.5      2.3

Restricted stock units exercised during the year

     (0.7      (1.0      (0.5

Restricted stock units forfeited during the year

     (0.9      (0.7      (1.2










Restricted stock units outstanding at the end of December

     19.1      9.9      6.0


Since 2005, Ambev has had in place a plan which is substantially similar to the Share-based compensation plan under which bonuses granted to company employees and management are partially settled in shares. Under the Share-based compensation plan, Ambev issued 0.2m deferred stock units with an estimated fair value of 1m US dollar in 2020 (2019: 0.2m deferred stock units with an estimated fair value of 1m US dollar).

Since 2018, Ambev has had in place a plan which is substantially similar to the Share-based compensation plan under which bonuses granted to company employees and management are partially settled in shares. Under the Share-based compensation plan, Ambev issued 21.1m restricted stock units in 2020 with an estimated fair value of 61m US dollar (2019: 11.8m restricted stock units with an estimated fair value of 54m US dollar).

As of 2010, senior employees are eligible for an annual long-term incentive to be paid out in Ambev LTI stock options (or, in the future, similar share-based instruments), depending on management’s assessment of the employee’s performance and future potential. In 2020, Ambev granted 22 thousand LTI stock options (2019: 24.6m LTI stock options with an estimated fair value of 28m US dollar).

The weighted fair value of the options and assumptions used in applying a binomial option pricing model for the 2020 Ambev grants are as follows:


Amounts in US dollar unless otherwise indicated1

   2020     2019     2018  

Fair value of options granted

     0.78     1.12     1.47

Share price

     3.47     4.38     4.66

Exercise price

     3.47     4.38     4.66

Expected volatility

     22     24     26

Expected dividends

     0.00% - 5.00     0.00% - 5.00     0.00% - 5.00

Risk-free interest rate

     6.8     7.8     9.6




Amounts have been converted to US dollar at the closing rate of the respective period.



Table of Contents

The total number of outstanding Ambev options developed as follows:


Million options

   2020      2019      2018  

Options outstanding at 1 January

     141.8      141.3      135.2

Options issued during the year

     —          24.6      19.9

Options exercised during the year

     (5.7      (7.8      (10.0

Options forfeited during the year

     (8.8      (16.3      (3.8










Options outstanding at the end of December

     127.3      141.8      141.3

The range of exercise prices of the outstanding options is between 11.97 Brazilian real (2.30 US dollar) and 43.95 Brazilian real (8.46 US dollar) while the weighted average remaining contractual life is 6.43 years.

Of the 127.3m outstanding options 36.5m options are vested at 31 December 2020.

The weighted average exercise price of the Ambev options is as follows:


Amounts in US dollar

   2020      2019      2018  

Options outstanding at 1 January

     4.60      4.17      3.94

Granted during the year

     3.47      4.48      4.66

Exercised during the year

     1.60      2.25      1.93

Forfeited during the year

     4.42      5.27      4.79

Outstanding at the end of December

     3.81      4.60      4.17

Exercisable at the end of December

     4.56      4.74      0.58

For share options exercised during 2020, the weighted average share price at the date of exercise was 15.23 Brazilian real (2.93 US dollar).

The total number of outstanding Ambev deferred and restricted stock units developed as follows:


Million restricted stock units

   2020      2019      2018  

Restricted stock units outstanding at 1 January

     31.7      25.0      16.3

Restricted stock units issued during the year

     21.3      12.0      13.5

Restricted stock units vested during the year

     (1.9      (4.2      (3.7

Restricted stock units forfeited during the year

     (1.5      (1.1      (1.1










Restricted stock units outstanding at the end of December

     49.6      31.7      25.0

Additionally, as a means of creating a long term incentive (wealth incentive) for certain senior employees and members of management considered as having “high potential”, share appreciation rights in the form of phantom stocks have been granted to those employees, pursuant to which the beneficiary shall receive two separate lots – Lot A and Lot B – subject to lockup periods of five and ten years, respectively. In 2020, Ambev did not issue any share appreciation rights.

During 2020, a limited number of Ambev shareholders who are part of the senior management of AB InBev were given the opportunity to exchange Ambev shares against a total of 0.1m AB InBev shares (2019: 0.1m AB InBev shares) at a discount of 16.66% provided that they stay in service for another five years. The fair value of this transaction amounts to approximately 1m US dollar (2019: 1m US dollar) and is expensed over the five years’ service period. The fair values of the Ambev and AB InBev shares were determined based on the market price.


LTI Stock Option Plans for Executives

In December 2019, Budweiser APAC set up a new long-term incentive plan in which certain employees are eligible for an annual grant to be paid out in Budweiser APAC stock options (or, in the future, similar share-based instruments), depending on management’s assessment of the employee’s performance and future potential. In 2020, Budweiser APAC granted 69.7m stock options with an estimated fair value of 52m US dollar (2019: 9.0m LTI stock options with an estimated fair value of 10m US dollar).

Discretionary Restricted Stock Units Plan

In December 2019, Budweiser APAC set up a new discretionary restricted stock units plan which allows for the offer of restricted stock units to certain employees in certain specific circumstances, at the discretion of the Board, e.g. as a special retention incentive. The restricted stock units vest after three to five years and in the event that an employee’s service is terminated before the vesting date, special forfeiture rules apply. In 2020, 29.7m restricted stock units with an estimated fair value of 84m US dollar were granted under this program to a selected number of employees (2019: 4.0m restricted stock units with an estimated fair value of 13m US dollar).

Share-Based Compensation Plan

In March 2020, Budweiser APAC set up a program allowing for certain employees to invest some or all of their variable compensation in Budweiser APAC shares (Voluntary Shares). As an additional reward, employees who invest in Voluntary Shares also receive a company shares match of three matching shares for each Voluntary Share invested up to a limited total percentage of each employee’s variable compensation. During 2020, Budweiser APAC issued 0.2m matching restricted stock units in relation to bonuses granted to Budweiser APAC employees. These matching restricted stock units are valued at the share price at the day of grant representing a fair value of approximately 1m US dollar and cliff vest after five years.



Table of Contents

People Bet Plan

In March 2020, Budweiser APAC set up a program allowing for certain employees to purchase Budweiser APAC shares at a discount which is aimed at providing a long-term retention incentive for high-potential employees of the company, who are at a mid-manager level (“People bet share purchase program”). The voluntary investment in company shares leads to the grant of an amount of matching restricted stock units which vest after 5 years. In the event that an employee’s service is terminated before the vesting date, special forfeiture rules apply. In 2020, 0.6m restricted stock units with an estimated fair value of 2m US dollar were granted under this program to a selected number of Budweiser APAC employees.

New Restricted Stock Units Plan

In November 2020, Budweiser APAC set up a new restricted stock units plan which allows for the offer of restricted stock units to certain eligible employees in certain specific circumstances, at the discretion of the Board, e.g. as a long term incentive. The vesting period of the restricted stock units is in principle five years without a performance test and in the event of termination of service before the vesting date, forfeiture rules apply. The Board may set shorter or longer periods for specific grants or introduce performance tests similar to other programs in the company. During the year ended 31 December 2020, 6.8m restricted stock units with an estimated fair value of 23m US dollar were granted under this program to a selected number of employees (2019: nil).





Million US dollar

   Restructuring      Disputes      Other      Total  

Balance at 1 January 2020

     103      436      372      911

Effect of movements in foreign exchange

     8      (40      (24      (56

Provisions made

     55      102      107      264

Provisions used

     (54      (80      (91      (225

Provisions reversed

     (7      (24      (1      (32

Other movements

     (1      95      (193      (99













Balance at 31 December 2020

     104      489      170      763


Million US dollar

   Restructuring      Disputes      Other      Total  

Balance at 1 January 2019

     130      1 077      711      1 918

Effect of movements in foreign exchange

     (2      (13      —          (15

Provisions made

     69      234      2      305

Provisions used

     (78      (128      (293      (499

Provisions reversed

     (16      (92      (38      (146

Other movements

     —          (642      (10      (552













Balance at 31 December 2019

     103      436      372      911

The restructuring provisions are primarily explained by the organizational alignments - see also Note 8 Exceptional items. Provisions for disputes mainly relate to various disputed taxes other than income taxes and to claims from former employees.

In 2016, the European Commission announced an investigation into the alleged abuse of a dominant position by AB InBev in Belgium through certain practices aimed at restricting trade from other European Union member states to Belgium. In connection with these ongoing proceedings, AB InBev recognized a provision of 230m US dollar in 2018. On 13 May 2019, the European Commission announced that it had fined AB InBev a total of 200m euro (226m US dollar) for breaching EU antitrust rules. The fine was paid in August 2019.

Effective 1 January 2019, AB InBev adopted IFRIC 23 Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments and has elected to apply IFRIC 23 retrospectively. The cumulative effect of the interpretation was recognized at the date of initial application and the company has not restated comparative periods in the year of initial application. AB InBev reviewed the income tax treatments in order to determine whether the interpretation could have an impact on the consolidated financial statements. In that respect, as at 31 December 2019, the company reclassified 573m US dollar of its existing income tax provisions into income tax liabilities, consistently with the discussions held at the IFRS Interpretation Committee, which concluded that an entity is required to present assets and liabilities for uncertain tax treatments as current tax assets/liabilities or deferred tax assets/liabilities.

The provisions are expected to be settled within the following time windows:


Million US dollar

   Total      < 1 year      1-2 years      2-5 years      > 5 years  


     104      54      15      14      21

Indirect taxes

     109      8      55      1      45


     125      15      26      74      10


     31      9      14      6      2


     5      5      —          —          —    

Excise duties

     24      —          17      7      —    

Other disputes

     195      46      134      15      —    

















     489      83      246      103      57

Other provisions

     170      82      84      4      —    
















Total provisions

     763      219      345      121      78



Table of Contents

AB InBev is subject to the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme in force in the European Union and a similar scheme in South Korea. Acquired emission allowances are recognized at cost as intangible assets. To the extent that it is expected that the number of allowances needed to settle the CO2 emissions exceeds the number of emission allowances owned, a provision is recognized. Such provision is measured at the estimated amount of the expenditure required to settle the obligation.



Trade and other payables


Million US dollar

   31 December 2020      31 December 2019  

Indirect taxes payable

     252      174

Trade payables

     98      237

Deferred consideration on acquisitions

     1 082      1 418

Other payables

     90      113







Non-current trade and other payables

     1 522      1 943

Trade payables and accrued expenses

     15 898      15 876

Payroll and social security payables

     800      736

Indirect taxes payable

     2 629      2 708

Interest payable

     1 625      1 679

Consigned packaging

     1 010      1 106

Dividends payable

     427      338

Deferred income

     27      21

Deferred consideration on acquisitions

     301      221

Other payables

     249      179







Current trade and other payables

     22 965      22 864

As at 31 December 2020, deferred consideration on acquisitions is mainly comprised of 0.7 billion US dollar for the put option included in the 2012 shareholders’ agreement between Ambev and ELJ, which may result in Ambev acquiring additional shares in Cervecería Nacional Dominicana S.A. (“CND”) (31 December 2019: 0.7 billion US dollar). The terms of the shareholders’ agreement were amended as described in Note 29 Risk arising from financial instruments.



Table of Contents

Risks arising from financial instruments


Set out below is an overview of financial assets1 held by the company as at the dates indicated:


     31 December 2020      31 December 2019  

Million US dollar

     At fair
profit or
     At fair
     Total      At
     At fair
profit or
     At fair

Trade and other receivables

     4 493      —          —          4 493      5 444      —          —          5 444

Unquoted debt (debt instruments)

     22      —          —          22      25      —          —          25

Quoted debt (debt instruments)

     —          396      —          396      —          91      —          91

Unquoted companies (equity instruments)

     —          —          115      115      —          —          85      85

Derivatives not designated in hedge accounting relationships:


Equity swaps

     —          27      —          27      —          17      —          17

Interest rate swaps

     —          45      —          45      —          18      —          18

Cross currency interest rate swaps

     —          7      —          7      —          102      —          102

Derivatives designated in hedge accounting relationships:


Foreign exchange forward contracts

     —          —          480      480      —          —          112      112

Foreign currency futures

     —          —          36      36      —          —          7      7

Interest rate swaps

     —          —          35      35      —          —          —          —    

Cross currency interest rate swaps

     —          —          100      100      —          —          55      55


     —          —          235      235      —          —          52      52

























Financial assets

     4 515      474      1 001      5 991      5 469      229      311      6 009


     588      79      174      841      664      136      81      881


     3 928      396      827      5 150      4 803      93      230      5 126

Trade and other payables

     20 807      —          —          20 807      21 187      —          —          21 187

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings:


Secured bank loans

     702      —          —          702      861      —          —          861

Unsecured bank loans

     294      —          —          294      185      —          —          185

Unsecured bond issues

     93 725      —          —          93 725      98 206      —          —          98 206

Unsecured other loans

     83      —          —          83      97      —          —          97

Commercial paper

     1 522      —          —          1 522      1 599      —          —          1 599

Bank overdrafts

     5      —          —          5      68      —          —          68

Lease liabilities

     2 234      —          —          2 234      2 026      —          —          2 026

Derivatives not designated in hedge accounting relationships:


Equity swaps

     —          5 353      —          5 353      —          3 146      —          3 146

Cross currency interest rate swaps

     —          446      —          446      —          140      —          140

Other derivatives

     —          321      —          321      —          156      —          156

Derivatives designated in hedge accounting relationships:


Foreign exchange forward contracts

     —          —          370      370      —          —          435      435

Cross currency interest rate swaps

     —          —          264      264      —          —          35      35

Interest rate swaps

     —          —          —          —          —          —          4      4


     —          —          26      26      —          —          97      97

Equity swaps

     —          —          21      21      —          —          31      31

Other derivatives

     —          —          5      5      —          —          107      107

























Financial liabilities

     119 372      6 119      685      126 176      124 228      3 442      709      128 379


     96 748      1 758      —          98 506      99 335      349      —          99 684


     22 623      4 361      685      27 670      24 895      3 092      709      28 696




Cash and short-term deposits are not included in this overview.



Table of Contents


AB InBev’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (including currency risk, fair value interest rate risk, cash flow interest risk, commodity risk and equity risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. The company analyses each of these risks individually as well as on a combined basis and defines strategies to manage the economic impact on the company’s performance in line with its financial risk management policy.

AB InBev primarily uses the following derivative instruments: foreign currency rate agreements, exchange traded foreign currency futures, interest rate swaps and forwards, cross currency interest rate swaps (“CCIRS”), commodity swaps, exchange traded commodity futures and equity swaps.

The table below provides an overview of the notional amounts of derivatives outstanding as at the dates indicated by maturity bucket.


     31 December 2020      31 December 2019  

Million US dollar

   < 1 year      1-2 years      2-3 years      3-5 years      > 5 years      < 1 year      1-2 years      2-3 years      3-5 years      > 5 years  

Foreign currency


Forward exchange contracts

     18 505      290      —          —          —          21 216      36      —          —          —    

Foreign currency futures

     2 218      —          —          —          —          1 359      723      —          —          —    

Interest rate


Interest rate swaps

     —          1 500      1 000      —          —          750      —          1 500      1 000      —    

Cross currency interest rate swaps

     513      5 658      1 400      1 866      789      15      513      5 445      500      668

Other interest rate derivatives

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          565



Aluminum swaps

     1 184      —          —          —          —          1 411      22      —          —          —    

Other commodity derivatives

     644      —          —          —          —          771      20      —          —          —    



Equity derivatives

     10 234      2 326      —          —          —          11 638      —          —          —          —    


AB InBev is subject to foreign currency risk when contracts are denominated in a currency other than the functional currency of the entity. This includes borrowings, investments, (forecasted) sales, (forecasted) purchases, royalties, dividends, licenses, management fees and interest expense/income. To manage foreign currency risk the company uses mainly foreign currency rate agreements, exchange traded foreign currency futures and cross currency interest rate swaps.


During 2019, AB InBev entered into derivative foreign exchange forward contracts in order to economically hedge against the exposure to changes in the US dollar against the proceeds denominated in Australian dollar. These derivatives qualified for cash flow hedge accounting under IFRS 9. As of 31 December 2019, 22m US dollar positive mark-to-market adjustment related to this hedging was recognized under cash flow hedge reserve. Upon the completion of the divestiture, the effective component of the hedge was recycled to profit or loss (discontinued operations).



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AB InBev’s policy is to hedge operating transactions which are reasonably expected to occur (e.g. cost of goods sold and selling, general & administrative expenses) within the forecast period determined in the financial risk management policy. Operating transactions that are considered certain to occur are hedged without any time limits. Non-operating transactions (such as acquisitions and disposals of subsidiaries) are hedged as soon as they are highly probable.

The table below shows the company’s main net foreign currency positions for firm commitments and forecasted transactions for the most important currency pairs. The open positions are the result of the application of AB InBev’s risk management policy. Positive amounts indicate that the company is long (net future cash inflows) in the first currency of the currency pair while negative amounts indicate that the company is short (net future cash outflows) in the first currency of the currency pair. The second currency of the currency pairs listed is the functional currency of the related subsidiary.


     31 December 2020     31 December 2019  
     Total     Total      Open     Total     Total      Open  

Million US dollar

   exposure     hedges      position     exposure     hedges      position  

Euro/Canadian dollar

     (9     9      —         (52     39      (13

Euro/Mexican peso

     (106     102      (4     (151     156      5

Euro/Pound sterling

     (203     130      (73     (126     124      (2

Euro/South African rand

     (95     65      (30     (99     95      (4

Euro/South Korean won

     (40     38      (2     (49     46      (3

Euro/US dollar

     (354     284      (70     (409     337      (72

Mexican peso/Euro

     (249     146      (103     (178     161      (17

Pound sterling/Euro

     (35     36      1     (39     40      1

US dollar/Argentinian peso

     (602     543      (59     (531     510      (21

US dollar/Australian dollar

     —         —          —         (216     204      (12

US dollar/Bolivian boliviano

     (64     56      (8     (69     70      1

US dollar/Brazilian real

     (1 573     1 577      4     (1 443     1 447      4

US dollar/Canadian dollar

     (302     194      (108     (287     295      8

US dollar/Chilean peso

     (151     129      (22     (109     102      (7

US dollar/Chinese yuan

     (171     201      30     (230     191      (39

US dollar/Colombian peso

     (359     352      (7     (278     272      (6

US dollar/Euro

     (98     96      (2     (108     113      5

US dollar/Mexican peso

     (1 032     995      (37     (1 105     903      (202

US dollar/Paraguayan guarani

     (132     125      (7     (124     130      6

US dollar/Peruvian nuevo sol

     (225     168      (57     (243     205      (38

US dollar/South African rand

     (130     116      (14     (28     31      3

US dollar/South Korean won

     (71     70      (1     (88     99      11

US dollar/Uruguayan peso

     (40     39      (1     (41     41      —    


     (260     131      (129     (317     250      (67

Further analysis on the impact of open currency exposures is performed in the currency sensitivity analysis below.

Hedges of firm commitments and highly probable forecasted transactions denominated in foreign currency are designated as cash flow hedges.

Foreign exchange risk on foreign currency denominated debt

It is AB InBev’s policy to have the debt in the subsidiaries as much as possible linked to the functional currency of the subsidiary. To the extent this is not the case, foreign exchange risk is managed through the use of derivatives unless the cost to hedge outweighs the benefits. Interest rate decisions and currency mix of debt and cash are decided on a global basis and take into consideration the holistic risk management approach.

A description of the foreign currency risk hedging of debt instruments issued in a currency other than the functional currency of the subsidiary is further detailed in the Interest Rate Risk section below.



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Currency sensitivity analysis

Currency transactional risk

Most of AB InBev’s non-derivative financial instruments are either denominated in the functional currency of the subsidiary or are converted into the functional currency through the use of derivatives. Where illiquidity in the local market prevents hedging at a reasonable cost, the company can have open positions. The transactional foreign currency risk mainly arises from open positions in Mexican peso, Canadian dollar, Argentinean peso and Pound sterling against the US dollar and the euro. AB InBev estimated the reasonably possible change of exchange rate, on the basis of the average volatility on the open currency pairs, as follows:


     Closing rate
31 December 2020
closing rate1
of rates in %

Euro/Mexican peso

     24.48        19.38 - 29.58        20.83

Euro/Pound sterling

     0.90        0.82 - 0.98        9.09

Euro/South Korean won

     1 335.11        1 218.41 - 1 451.81        8.74

Euro/US dollar

     1.23        1.13 - 1.32        7.75

Pound sterling/US dollar

     1.36        1.22 - 1.51        10.79

US dollar/Argentinian peso

     84.14        74.55 - 93.73        11.40

US dollar/Brazilian real

     5.20        4.13 - 6.26        20.51

US dollar/Chinese yuan

     6.54        6.25 - 6.82        4.34

US dollar/Colombian peso

     3 438.52        2 908.55 - 3 968.50        15.41

US dollar/Euro

     0.81        0.75 - 0.88        7.75

US dollar/Mexican peso

     19.95        16.19 - 23.71        18.83

US dollar/Nigerian naira

     397.72        345.23 - 450.21        13.20

US dollar/Peruvian nuevo sol

     3.62        3.37 - 3.87        6.95

US dollar/South African rand

     14.69        12.19 - 17.18        16.99

US dollar/South Korean won

     1 088.02        1 000.21 - 1 175.84        8.07

US dollar/Tanzanian shilling

     2 321.74        2 205.30 - 2 438.18        5.02

US dollar/Zambian kwacha

     21.16        18.44 - 23.89        12.89


     Closing rate
31 December 2019
closing rate2
of rates in %

Euro/Mexican peso

     21.17        19.28 - 23.06        8.92

Euro/Pound sterling

     0.85        0.79 - 0.91        7.35

Euro/South Korean won

     1 297.02        1 216.94 - 1 377.1        6.17

Euro/US dollar

     1.12        1.07 - 1.18        4.69

Pound sterling/US dollar

     1.32        1.21 - 1.43        8.08

US dollar/Australian dollar

     1.42        1.33 - 1.52        6.70

US dollar/Argentinian peso

     59.89        45.55 - 74.23        23.94

US dollar/Brazilian real

     4.03        3.54 - 4.52        12.23

US dollar/Chinese yuan

     6.96        6.62 - 7.30        4.86

US dollar/Colombian peso

     3 272.63        2 935.33 - 3 609.92        10.31

US dollar/Euro

     0.89        0.85 - 0.93        4.69

US dollar/Mexican peso

     18.85        17.25 - 20.44        8.48

US dollar/Nigerian naira

     362.59        350.58 - 374.60        3.31

US dollar/Peruvian nuevo sol

     3.32        3.17 - 3.47        4.50

US dollar/South African rand

     14.04        12.26 - 15.83        12.74

US dollar/South Korean won

     1 154.55        1 064.67 - 1 244.42        7.78

US dollar/Tanzanian shilling

     2 300.14        2 186.57 - 2 413.71        4.94

US dollar/Zambian kwacha

     14.02        11.24 - 16.81        19.85

In case the open positions in Mexican peso, Canadian dollar, Argentinean peso and Pound sterling as of 31 December 2020 remain unchanged, considering the volatility mentioned above and all other variables held constant, these currencies could lead to an increase/decrease on the consolidated profit before tax from continuing operations of approximately 30m US dollar over the next 12 months (31 December 2019: 22m US dollar; 31 December 2018: 42m US dollar).

Additionally, the AB InBev sensitivity analysis1 to the foreign exchange rates on its total derivatives positions as of 31 December 2020, shows a positive/negative pre-tax impact on equity reserves of 850m US dollar (31 December 2019: 548m US dollar; 31 December 2018: 587m US dollar).

Foreign exchange risk on net investments in foreign operations

AB InBev mitigates exposures of its investments in foreign operations using both derivative and non-derivative financial instruments as hedging instruments.

As of 31 December 2020, designated derivative and non-derivative financial instruments in net investment hedges amount to 9 691m US dollar equivalent (31 December 2019: 15 522m US dollar) in Holding companies and approximately 671m US dollar equivalent at Ambev level (31 December 2019: 732m US dollar). These instruments hedge foreign operations with Canadian dollar, Chinese yuan, Dominican peso, euro, Mexican peso, pound sterling, South African rand, South Korean won, Nigerian Naira and US dollar functional currencies.



Sensitivity analysis is assessed based on the yearly volatility using daily observable market data during 250 days at 31 December 2020.


Sensitivity analysis is assessed based on the yearly volatility using daily observable market data during 250 days at 31 December 2019.



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Net foreign exchange results

Foreign exchange results recognized on unhedged and hedged exposures are as follows:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018 restated  

Economic hedges

     (181      6      (210

Other results - not hedged

     195      (186      230









     43      (180      19


The company applies a dynamic interest rate hedging approach whereby the target mix between fixed and floating rate debt is reviewed periodically. The purpose of AB InBev’s policy is to achieve an optimal balance between the cost of funding and the volatility of financial results, while taking into account market conditions as well as AB InBev’s overall business strategy.

Fair value hedges

US dollar fixed rate bond hedges (interest rate risk on borrowings in US dollar)

The company manages and reduces the impact of changes in the US dollar interest rates on the fair value of certain fixed rate bonds with an aggregate principal amount of 1.0 billion US dollar through fixed/floating interest rate swaps. These derivative instruments have been designated in fair value hedge accounting relationships.

Cash flow hedges

Pound sterling bond hedges (foreign currency risk and interest rate risk on borrowings in pound sterling)

In September 2013, the company issued a pound sterling bond for 500m pound sterling at a rate of 4.00% per year and maturing in September 2025. The impact of changes in the pound sterling exchange rate and interest rate on this bond is managed and reduced through pound sterling fixed/euro fixed cross currency interest rate swaps. These derivative instruments have been designated in a cash flow hedge accounting.

US dollar bank loan hedges (foreign currency risk on borrowings against the Nigerian naira)

The company has a floating rate loan denominated in US dollar for a total of 278m in Nigeria. This loan is held by an entity with functional currency in Nigerian Naira. In order to hedge against fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, the company entered into foreign exchange futures which have been designated in cash flow hedge relationship.

Economic Hedges

Marketable debt security hedges (interest rate risk on Brazilian real)

During 2020, 2019 and 2018, Ambev invested in highly liquid Brazilian real denominated government debt securities.



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Interest rate sensitivity analysis

The table below reflects the effective interest rates of interest-bearing financial liabilities at balance sheet date as well as the currency in which the debt is denominated.


     Before hedging      After hedging  

31 December 2020

Interest-bearing financial liabilities

Million US dollar

interest rate
    Amount      Effective
interest rate

Floating rate


Australian dollar

     0.99     231      —         —    

Brazilian real

     3.90     164      3.90     164

Canadian dollar

     —         —          1.23     1 895


     0.15     2 690      0.15     2 690

Pound sterling

     —         —          1.10     937

US dollar

     1.05     617      1.13     201


     7.30     260      7.90     573






       3 962        6 461

Fixed rate


Australian dollar

     3.91     846      —         —    

Brazilian real

     8.58     578      8.58     578

Canadian dollar

     4.12     613      4.29     2 646


     2.12     26 092      2.15     35 515

Pound sterling

     4.30     3 655      4.36     2 973

South Korean won

     —         —          1.30     1 997

US dollar

     4.91     62 340      5.30     47 892


     11.96     479      11.72     502






       94 602        92 103


     Before hedging      After hedging  

31 December 2019

Interest-bearing financial liabilities

Million US dollar

interest rate
    Amount      Effective
interest rate

Floating rate


Australian dollar

     1.87     210      1.87     210

Brazilian real

     9.33     43      9.33     43


     0.08     4 214      0.08     4 214

US dollar

     2.36     1 749      2.85     4 269


     9.82     225      4.46     954






       6 441        9 690

Fixed rate


Australian dollar

     3.71     1 647      3.71     1 647

Brazilian real

     9.00     544      9.00     544

Canadian dollar

     3.16     2 055      3.16     2 055


     1.82     25 346      1.82     29 338

Pound sterling

     3.82     4 373      3.79     3 713

South Korean won

     3.37     15      2.46     1 015

US dollar

     4.83     62 205      5.02     54 551


     7.31     416      6.95     489






       96 601        93 352

As at 31 December 2020, the total carrying amount of the floating and fixed rate interest-bearing financial liabilities before hedging as listed above includes bank overdrafts of 5m US dollar (31 December 2019: 68m US dollar).



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As disclosed in the above table, 6 461m US dollar or 6.6% of the company’s interest-bearing financial liabilities bears interest at a variable rate. The company estimated that the reasonably possible change of the market interest rates applicable to its floating rate debt after hedging is as follows:


     Interest rate
31 December 2020¹
interest rate2
of rates in %

Brazilian real

     2.09     1.74% - 2.44%        16.77


     —       —        16.83

US dollar

     0.24     0.10% - 0.38%        58.30


     Interest rate
31 December 2019¹
interest rate2
of rates in %

Brazilian real

     4.42     3.32% - 5.52%        24.88


     —       —        6.43

US dollar

     1.91     1.51% - 2.30%        20.66

When AB InBev applies the reasonably possible increase/decrease in the market interest rates mentioned above on its floating rate debt at 31 December 2020, with all other variables held constant, 2020 interest expense would have been 3m US dollar higher/lower (31 December 2019: 16m US dollar; 31 December 2018: 8m US dollar). This effect would be more than offset by 58m US dollar higher/lower interest income on AB InBev’s interest-bearing financial assets (31 December 2019: 22m US dollar; 31 December 2018: 60m US dollar).

Interest expense

Interest expense recognized on unhedged and hedged financial liabilities are as follows:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018 restated  

Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost – not hedged

     (4 154      (4 264      (4 053

Fair value hedges

     (1      (46      (76

Cash flow hedges

     19      15      21

Net investment hedges - hedging instruments (interest component)

     2      2      35

Economic hedges

     118      124      100









     (4 016      (4 168      (3 973


The commodity markets have experienced and are expected to continue to experience price fluctuations. AB InBev therefore uses both fixed price purchasing contracts and commodity derivatives to manage the exposure to the price volatility. The most significant commodity exposures as at 31 December 2020 and 31 December 2019 are included in the table below (expressed in outstanding notional amounts):


Million US dollar

   31 December 2020      31 December 2019  

Aluminum swaps

     1 184      1 433

Exchange traded sugar futures

     74      54

Natural gas and energy derivatives

     202      255

Corn swaps

     160      195

Exchange traded wheat futures

     83      20

Rice swaps

     76      209

Plastic derivatives

     50      59






     1 828      2 224



Applicable 3-month InterBank Offered Rates as of 31 December 2020 and as of 31 December 2019.


Sensitivity analysis is assessed based on the yearly volatility using daily observable market data during 250 days at 31 December 2020 and at December 2019. For the Brazilian real floating rate debt, the estimated market interest rate is composed of the InterBank Deposit Certificate (‘CDI’) and the Long-Term Interest Rate (‘TJLP’). With regard to other market interest rates, the company’s analysis is based on the 3-month InterBank Offered Rates applicable for the currencies concerned (e.g. EURIBOR 3M, LIBOR 3M). The sensitive analysis does not include any spread applicable to the company’s funding.



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Commodity price sensitivity analysis

The impact of changes in the commodity prices would have an immaterial impact on AB InBev’s profit in 2020 as most of the company’s exposure is hedged using derivative contracts and designated in hedge accounting in accordance with IFRS 9 rules.

The tables below show the estimated impact that changes in the price of the commodities, for which AB InBev held material derivative exposures as at 31 December 2020 and 31 December 2019, would have on the equity reserves.


           Pre-tax impact on equity  

Million US dollar

   Volatility of
prices in %1


     14.96     177      (177


     31.48     23      (23


     47.08     95      (95


     32.84     52      (52


     25.30     21      (21


     46.17     35      (35


     26.74     13      (13


           Pre-tax impact on equity  

Million US dollar

   Volatility of
prices in %2


     21.78     312      (312


     29.73     16      (16


     25.86     66      (66


     21.74     42      (42


     30.30     6      (6


     22.64     47      (47


     24.03     14      (14


AB InBev enters into equity swap derivatives to hedge the price risk on its shares in connection with its share-based payments programs., as disclosed in Note 26 Share-based Payments. AB InBev also hedges its exposure arising from shares issued in connection with the Modelo and SAB combination (see also Note 11 Finance cost and income). These derivatives do not qualify for hedge accounting and the changes in fair value are recorded in the profit or loss.

As at 31 December 2020, an exposure for an equivalent of 100.5m of AB InBev shares was hedged, resulting in a total loss of (2 219)m US dollar recognized in the profit or loss account for the period, of which (1 211)m US dollar related to the company’s share-based payment programs, (511)m US dollar and (497)m US dollar related to the Modelo and SAB transactions, respectively. As at 31 December 2020 liabilities for equity swap derivates amounted to 5.4 billion US dollar (2019: 3.2 billion US dollar).

Between 2012 and 2018, AB InBev reset certain equity derivatives to market price with counterparties. This resulted in a net cash inflow of 2.9 billion US dollar between 2012 and 2018 and, accordingly, a decrease of counterparty risk.

Equity price sensitivity analysis

The sensitivity analysis on the equity swap derivatives, calculated based on a 53.87% (2019: 25.20%; 2018: 22.03%) reasonably possible volatility of the AB InBev share price, with all the other variables held constant, would show 3 787m US dollar positive/negative impact on the 2020 profit before tax (2019: 2 066m US dollar; 2018: 1 345m US dollar).


Credit risk encompasses all forms of counterparty exposure, i.e. where counterparties may default on their obligations to AB InBev in relation to lending, hedging, settlement and other financial activities. The company has a credit policy in place and the exposure to counterparty credit risk is monitored.

AB InBev mitigates its exposure through a variety of mechanisms. It has established minimum counterparty credit ratings and enters into transactions only with financial institutions of investment grade rating. The company monitors counterparty credit exposures closely and reviews any external downgrade in credit rating immediately. To mitigate pre-settlement risk, counterparty minimum credit standards become more stringent with increases in the duration of the derivatives. To minimize the concentration of counterparty credit risk, the company enters into derivative transactions with different financial institutions.

The company also has master netting agreements with all of the financial institutions that are counterparties to over the counter (OTC) derivatives. These agreements allow for the net settlement of assets and liabilities arising from different transactions with the same counterparty. Based on these factors, AB InBev considers the impact of the risk of counterparty default as at 31 December 2020 to be limited.

The impairment loss recognized in 2020 includes AB InBev’s estimate of overdue receivables the company will not be able to collect from defaulting customers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.



Sensitivity analysis is assessed based on the yearly volatility using daily observable market data during 250 days at 31 December 2020.


Sensitivity analysis is assessed based on the yearly volatility using daily observable market data during 250 days at 31 December 2019.



Table of Contents

Exposure to credit risk

The carrying amount of financial assets represents the maximum credit exposure of the company. The carrying amount is presented net of the impairment losses recognized. The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date was:


     31 December 2020      31 December 2019  

Million US dollar

   Gross      Impairment     Net carrying
     Gross      Impairment     Net carrying

Investment in unquoted companies

     121      (6     115      92      (7     85

Investment in debt securities

     418      —         418      117      —         117

Trade receivables

     3 593      (308     3 285      4 219      (173     4 046

Cash deposits for guarantees

     184      —         184      219      —         219

Loans to customers

     142      —         142      177      —         177

Other receivables

     1 299      (62     1 237      1 666      (103     1 563


     965      —         965      362      —         362

Cash and cash equivalents

     15 252      —         15 252      7 238      —         7 238


















     21 974      (376     21 598      14 090      (283     13 807

There was no significant concentration of credit risks with any single counterparty as of 31 December 2020 and no single customer represented more than 10% of the total revenue of the group in 2020.

Impairment losses

The allowance for impairment recognized during the period per classes of financial assets was as follows:



Million US dollar

   Trade receivables      FVOCI      Other

Balance at 1 January

     (173      (6      (103      (283

Impairment losses

     (93      —          (6      (99


     7      —          42      49

Currency translation and other

     (50      —          4      (46













Balance at 31 December

     (308      (6      (62      (376



Million US dollar

   Trade receivables      FVOCI      Other

Balance at 1 January

     (160      (7      (106      (273

Impairment losses

     (51      —          (30      (81


     26      —          31      57

Currency translation and other

     12      —          2      14













Balance at 31 December

     (173      (7      (103      (283



Million US dollar

   Trade receivables      FVOCI      Other

Balance at 1 January

     (194      (7      (117      (318

Impairment losses

     (40      —          (3      (43


     29      —          6      35

Currency translation and other

     44      —          9      53













Balance at 31 December

     (160      (7      (106      (273


Historically, AB InBev’s primary sources of cash flow have been cash flows from operating activities, the issuance of debt, bank borrowings and equity securities. AB InBev’s material cash requirements have included the following:



Debt servicing;



Capital expenditures;



Investments in companies;



Increases in ownership of AB InBev’s subsidiaries or companies in which it holds equity investments;



Share buyback programs; and



Payments of dividends and interest on shareholders’ equity.

The company believes that cash flows from operating activities, available cash and cash equivalents as well as short term investments, along with related derivatives and access to borrowing facilities, will be sufficient to fund capital expenditures, financial instrument liabilities and dividend payments going forward. It is the intention of the company to continue to reduce its financial indebtedness through a combination of strong operating cash flow generation and continued refinancing.



Table of Contents

The following are the nominal contractual maturities of non-derivative financial liabilities including interest payments and derivative liabilities:


     31 December 2020  

Million US dollar

cash flows
    Less than
1 year
    3-5 years     More than
5 years

Non-derivative financial liabilities


Secured bank loans

     (702     (735     (675     (14     (12     (10     (24

Commercial papers

     (1 522     (1 522     (1 522     —         —         —         —    

Unsecured bank loans

     (294     (299     (299     —         —         —         —    

Unsecured bond issues

     (93 725     (165 812     (3 582     (4 057     (3 823     (16 557     (137 793

Unsecured other loans

     (83     (115     (13     (8     (6     (57     (31

Lease liabilities

     (2 234     (2 455     (460     (425     (315     (424     (831

Bank overdraft

     (5     (5     (5     —         —         —         —    

Trade and other payables

     (24 496     (24 688    
    (135     (197     (347





















     (123 061     (195 631     (29 462     (5 607     (4 291     (17 245     (139 026

Derivative financial liabilities


Interest rate derivatives

     —         —         —         —         —         —         —    

Foreign exchange derivatives

     (696     (696     (696     —         —         —         —    

Cross currency interest rate swaps

     (709     (852     (8     (575     (98     (132     (39

Commodity derivatives

     (26     (26     (26     —         —         —         —    

Equity derivatives

     (5 373     (5 372     (4 455     (917     —         —         —    





















     (6 803     (6 901     (5 159    
    (98     (132     (39






















Of which: related to cash flow hedges

     (418     (418     (353     —         —         (65     —    


     31 December 2019  

Million US dollar

cash flows
    Less than
1 year
    1-2 years     2-3 years     3-5 years     More than
5 years

Non-derivative financial liabilities


Secured bank loans

     (861     (890     (795     (18     (18     (22     (37

Commercial papers

     (1 599     (1 599     (1 599     —         —         —         —    

Unsecured bank loans

     (185     (188     (140     (47     (1     —         —    

Unsecured bond issues

     (98 206     (165 424     (5 513     (6 415     (6 518     (18 605     (128 373

Unsecured other loans

     (98     (131     (27     (17     (9     (5     (73

Lease liabilities

     (2 025     (2 338     (404     (350     (243     (285     (1 056

Bank overdraft

     (68     (68     (68     —         —         —         —    

Trade and other payables

     (24 806     (25 152     (22 861     (1 227     (472     (165     (427





















     (127 848     (195 790     (31 407     (8 074     (7 261     (19 082     (129 966

Derivative financial liabilities


Interest rate derivatives

     (102     (103     (7     (1     (1     3     (97

Foreign exchange derivatives

     (600     (600     (600     —         —         —         —    

Cross currency interest rate swaps

     (175     (187     75     (285     6     75     (58

Commodity derivatives

     (97     (97     (97     —         —         —         —    

Equity derivatives

     (3 177     (3 177     (3 177     —         —         —         —    





















     (4 151     (4 164     (3 806     (286     5     78     (155






















Of which: related to cash flow hedges

     (448     (448     (408     5     3     5     (53




“Carrying amount” refers to net book value as recognized in the balance sheet at each reporting date.



Table of Contents


AB InBev continuously optimizes its capital structure to maximize shareholder value while keeping the financial flexibility to execute strategic projects. AB InBev’s capital structure policy and framework aims to optimize shareholder value through cash flow distribution to the company from its subsidiaries, while maintaining an investment-grade rating and minimizing investments with returns below AB InBev’s weighted average cost of capital. Besides the statutory minimum equity funding requirements that apply to the company’s subsidiaries in the different countries, AB InBev is not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements. Management uses the same debt/equity classifications as applied in the company’s IFRS reporting to analyze the capital structure.


The following table summarizes for each type of derivative the fair values recognized as assets or liabilities in the balance sheet:


     Assets      Liabilities     Net  

Million US dollar

   31 December
     31 December
     31 December
    31 December
    31 December
    31 December

Foreign currency


Forward exchange contracts

     480      112      (691     (590     (211     (478

Foreign currency futures

     36      7      (5     (9     31     (2

Interest rate


Interest rate swaps

     80      18      —         (6     80     12

Cross currency interest rate swaps

     107      157      (709     (175     (602     (18

Other interest rate derivatives

     —          —          —         (97     —         (97



Aluminum swaps

     170      15      (10     (61     160     (46

Sugar futures

     10      2      —         (2     10     —    

Wheat futures

     —          14      (1     (9     (1     5


     9      8      (7     (11     2     (3

Other commodity derivatives

     46      13      (8     (14     38     (1



Equity derivatives

     27      17      (5 373     (3 177     (5 346     (3 160


















     965      362      (6 804     (4 151     (5 839     (3 789

Of which:



     138      132      (1 759     (352     (1 621     (220


     827      230      (5 046     (3 799     (4 218     (3 569

The following table summarizes the carrying amount and the fair value of the fixed rate interest-bearing financial liabilities as recognized on the balance sheet. Floating rate interest-bearing financial liabilities, trade and other receivables and trade and other payables, including derivatives financial instruments, have been excluded from the analysis as their carrying amount is a reasonable approximation of their fair value:


Interest-bearing financial liabilities    31 December 2020      31 December 2019  

Million US dollar

   Carrying amount1      Fair value      Carrying amount1      Fair value  

Fixed rate


Australian dollar

     (846      (964      (1 647      (1 748

Brazilian real

     (578      (578      (544      (542

Canadian dollar

     (613      (633      (2 055      (2 046


     (26 093      (29 809      (25 346      (30 365

Pound sterling

     (3 655      (4 301      (4 373      (4 816

US dollar

     (62 340      (81 771      (62 205      (74 035


     (479      (480      (431      (431












     (94 604      (118 536      (96 601      (113 983




“Carrying amount” refers to net book value as recognized in the balance sheet at each reporting date.



Table of Contents

The table sets out the fair value hierarchy based on the degree to which significant market inputs are observable:


Fair value hierarchy 31 December 2020

Million US dollar

   Quoted (unadjusted)
prices - level 1
     Observable market
inputs - level 2
     Unobservable market
inputs - level 3

Financial Assets


Held for trading (non-derivatives)

     —          11      —    

Derivatives at fair value through profit and loss

     —          457      —    

Derivatives in a cash flow hedge relationship

     29      343      —    

Derivatives in a fair value hedge relationship

     —          80      —    

Derivatives in a net investment hedge relationship

     —          57      —    









     29      948      —    

Financial Liabilities


Deferred consideration on acquisitions at fair value

     —          —          1 251

Derivatives at fair value through profit and loss

     —          6 119      —    

Derivatives in a cash flow hedge relationship

     46      353      —    

Derivatives in a net investment hedge relationship

     —          287      —    









     46      6 759      1 251

Fair value hierarchy 31 December 2019

Million US dollar

   Quoted (unadjusted)
prices - level 1
     Observable market
inputs - level 2
     Unobservable market
inputs - level 3

Financial Assets


Held for trading (non-derivatives)

     2      9      —    

Derivatives at fair value through profit and loss

     —          119      —    

Derivatives in a cash flow hedge relationship

     17      153      —    

Derivatives in a fair value hedge relationship

     —          19      —    

Derivatives in a net investment hedge relationship

     —          54      —    









     19      354      —    

Financial Liabilities


Deferred consideration on acquisitions at fair value

     —          —          1 639

Derivatives at fair value through profit and loss

     —          3 441      —    

Derivatives in a cash flow hedge relationship

     21      586      —    

Derivatives in a fair value hedge relationship

     —          103      —    









     21      4 130      1 639

Non-derivative financial liabilities

As part of the 2012 shareholders agreement between Ambev and ELJ, following the acquisition of Cervecería Nacional Dominicana S.A. (“CND”), a forward-purchase contract (combination of a put option and purchased call option) was put in place which may result in Ambev acquiring additional shares in CND. In July 2020, Ambev and ELJ amended the Shareholders’ Agreement to extend their partnership and change the terms and the exercise date of the call and put options. ELJ currently holds 15% of CND and the put option is exercisable in 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2026. As at 31 December 2020, the put option on the remaining shares held by ELJ was valued at 671m US dollar (31 December 2019: 732m US dollar) and recognized as a deferred consideration on acquisitions at fair value in the “level 3” category above.


The company’s hedging reserves disclosed in Note 23 relate to the following instruments:


Million US dollar

     Commodities      Others      Total

As per 1 January 2020

     174      117      107      397

Change in fair value of hedging instrument recognized in OCI

     353      31      —          384

Reclassified to profit or loss / cost of inventory

     (507      126      (23      (404













As per 31 December 2020

     20      274      84      376


Million US dollar

     Commodities      Others      Total

As per 1 January 2019

     480      (60      76      494

Change in fair value of hedging instrument recognized in OCI

     92      16      —          107

Reclassified to profit or loss / cost of inventory

     (398      162      32      (204













As per 31 December 2019

     174      117      107      397



Table of Contents


The following financial assets and liabilities are subject to offsetting, enforceable master netting agreements and similar agreements:


     31 December 2020  

Million US dollar

     Net amount
recognized in
the statement
of financial
     Other offsetting
     Total net amount  

Derivative assets

     965      965      (954      11

Derivative liabilities

     (6 804      (6 804      954      (5 851


     31 December 2019  

Million US dollar

     Net amount
recognized in
the statement
of financial
     Other offsetting
     Total net amount  

Derivative assets

     362      362      (352      10

Derivative liabilities

     (4 151      (4 151      352      (3 799



Operating leases

The company leases out pub real estate for an average outstanding period of 6 to 8 years and part of its own property under operating leases. The following table sets out the maturity analysis of the non-cancelable lease payments, showing the undiscounted lease payments to be received:


Million US dollar

   31 December 2020      31 December 2019      31 December 2018  

Within one year

     157      155      152

Between one and five years

     405      518      460

After five years

     361      215      217











     923      888      829

In 2020, 107m US dollar was recognized as income in the income statement in respect of subleasing of right-of-use assets (2019: 152m US dollar; 2018: 133m US dollar).



Collateral and contractual commitments for the acquisition of property, plant and equipment, loans to customers and other


Million US dollar

   31 December 2020      31 December 2019  

Collateral given for own liabilities

     391      372

Contractual commitments to purchase property, plant and equipment

     528      457

Contractual commitments to acquire loans to customers

     150      151

Other commitments

     1 953      1 911

The collateral given for own liabilities of 391m US dollar as at 31 December 2020 contains 184m US dollar cash guarantees (31 December 2019: 372m US dollar collateral given for own liabilities contained 219m US dollar of cash guarantees). Such cash deposits are a customary feature associated with litigations in Brazil: in accordance with Brazilian laws and regulations a company may or must (depending on the circumstances) place a deposit with a bank designated by the court or provide other security such as collateral on property, plant and equipment. With regard to judicial cases, AB InBev has made the appropriate provisions in accordance with IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets – see also Note 27 Provisions. In the company’s balance sheet the cash guarantees are presented as part of other receivables – see Note 20 Trade and other receivables.

The remaining part of collateral given for own liabilities of 207m US dollar as at 31 December 2020 (31 December 2019: 153m US dollar) contains collateral on AB InBev’s property in favor of the excise tax authorities, the amount of which is determined by the level of the monthly excise taxes due, inventory levels and transportation risk, and collateral on its property, plant and equipment with regard to outstanding loans. To the extent that AB InBev would not respect its obligations under the related outstanding contracts or would lose the pending judicial cases, the collateralized assets would be used to settle AB InBev’s obligations.

AB InBev has entered into commitments to purchase property, plant and equipment for 528m US dollar at 31 December 2020 (31 December 2019: 457m US dollar).




Net amount recognized in the statement of financial position after taking into account offsetting agreements that meet the offsetting criteria as per IFRS rules.


Other offsetting agreements include collateral and other guarantee instruments, as well as offsetting agreements that do not meet the offsetting criteria as per IFRS rules.



Table of Contents

In a limited number of countries AB InBev has committed itself to acquire loans to customers from banks at their notional amount if the customers do not respect their reimbursement commitments towards the banks. The total outstanding amount of such loans is 150m US dollar at 31 December 2020 (31 December 2019: 151m US dollar).

Other commitments amount to 1 953m US dollar at 31 December 2020 and mainly cover guarantees given to pension funds, rental and other guarantees (31 December 2019: 1 911m US dollar).

In order to fulfil AB InBev’s commitments under various outstanding stock option plans, AB InBev entered into stock lending arrangements for up to 30 million of its own ordinary shares. AB InBev shall pay any dividend equivalent, after tax in respect of the loaned securities. This payment will be reported through equity as dividend. As of 31 December 2020, 30 million loaned securities were used to fulfil stock option plan commitments.

As at 31 December 2020, the M&A related commitments existed as discussed below.

Cervecería Nacional Dominicana S.A. (“CND”)

As part of the 2012 shareholders agreement between Ambev and E. León Jimenes S.A. (“ELJ”), following the acquisition of Cervecería Nacional Dominicana S.A. (“CND”), a put and call option is in place which may result in Ambev acquiring additional shares in CND. In January 2018 Ambev increased its participation in CND from 55% to 85%. As of 31 December 2020, the put option for the remaining shares held by ELJ was valued 0.7 billion US dollar (31 December 2019: 0.7 billion US dollar). The corresponding liability is presented as a non-current liability and recognized as a deferred consideration on acquisitions at fair value in “level 3” category. See also note 29 Risks arising from financial instruments.

Zenzele Schemes in South Africa

Following the combination with SAB in 2016, AB InBev decided to maintain the SAB Zenzele share-scheme (Zenzele Scheme), the broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) scheme which provided opportunities for black South Africans, including employees (through The SAB Zenzele Employee Trust), SAB retailers (through SAB Zenzele Holdings Limited) and The SAB Foundation, to participate as shareholders of AB InBev’s indirect subsidiary, The South African Breweries Pty Ltd (SAB). The Zenzele Scheme, originally implemented by SAB in 2010 as a 10-year scheme, was amended at the time of the combination with SAB and matured on 31 March 2020.

Obligations to the SAB Foundation and the employees as beneficiaries of The SAB Zenzele Employee Share Trust were settled in full on 15 April 2020. The obligations to SAB retailers, who participate in the Zenzele Scheme through SAB Zenzele Holdings, were partially settled (77.4%) on 15 April 2020. As a direct consequence of the COVID-19 outbreak the remaining settlement was postponed, and it is now intended that the SAB retailers will receive the balance of their entitlement (22.6%) on or before 31 May 2021, at which time AB InBev and SAB will implement the new scheme as described below.

In total, 10.8 million AB InBev Treasury shares1 with a total value of 491m US dollar were used in 2020 to settle the obligations to the participants of the Zenzele Scheme. The total value delivered to the participants of the Zenzele Scheme amounted to 8.6 billion ZAR.

As part of the combination with SAB in 2016, AB InBev made a commitment to the South African Government and Competition Authorities to create a new B-BBEE scheme upon maturity of the Zenzele Scheme in 2020. In order to create the new B-BBEE scheme, the following steps will be undertaken:



The new scheme will be implemented through the listing of a special purpose company, which will be called SAB Zenzele Kabili Holdings Limited (Zenzele Kabili) on the segment of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange’s Main Board on which an issuer may list its B-BBEE shares;



Zenzele Kabili will hold unencumbered AB InBev shares;



Existing Zenzele participants (SAB retailers and The SAB Foundation) will be given an option to reinvest a portion of their Zenzele payout into Zenzele Kabili;



A new Employee Share Plan, funded by AB InBev, will subscribe for shares in Zenzele Kabili.

The settlement of the balance of the SAB Retailers entitlement and the new B-BBEE scheme is estimated to require approximately 5.5 billion ZAR (0.4 billion US dollar2) in facilitation and notional vendor funding. The settlement would be equivalent to 5.4 million AB InBev shares based on the AB InBev share price and the ZAR Euro exchange rate as at 31 December 20203. It is the intention that AB InBev Treasury shares will be used for the settlement of the new B-BBEE scheme. This scheme arrangement meets the criteria under IFRS 2 to be classified as equity settled.




Out of which, 1.3 million shares were delivered to SAB Foundation, which is consolidated by AB InBev.


Converted at the closing rate as at 31 December 2020.


Assuming the closing share price of 57.01 euro per share as at 31 December 2020 and ZAR per Euro exchange rate of 18.021914 as at 31 December 2020.



Table of Contents


The company has contingencies for which, in the opinion of management and its legal counsel, the risk of loss is possible but not probable and therefore no provisions have been recorded. Due to their nature, such legal proceedings and tax matters involve inherent uncertainties including, but not limited to, court rulings, negotiations between affected parties and governmental actions, and as a consequence AB InBev’s management cannot at this stage estimate the likely timing of resolution of these matters. The most significant contingencies are discussed below.


As of 31 December 2020, AB InBev’s material tax proceedings are related to Ambev and its subsidiaries. Estimates of amounts of possible loss are as follows:


Million US dollar

   31 December 2020      31 December 2019  

Income tax and social contribution

     10 372        10 781  

Value-added and excise taxes

     4 483        5 514  

Other taxes

     727        1 018  






     15 582        17 313  

The most significant tax proceedings of Ambev are discussed below.


Foreign Earnings

Since 2005, Ambev and certain of its subsidiaries have been receiving assessments from the Brazilian Federal Tax Authorities relating to the profits of its foreign subsidiaries. The cases are being challenged at both the administrative and judicial levels of the courts in Brazil.

The administrative proceedings have resulted in partially favorable decisions, which are still subject to review by the Administrative Court. In the judicial proceedings, Ambev has received favorable injunctions that suspend the enforceability of the tax credit, as well as favorable first level decisions, which remain subject to review by the second-level judicial court.

The amount related to this uncertain tax position as of 31 December 2020 is approximately 7.3 billion Brazilian real (1.4 billion US dollar) and Ambev has not recorded any provisions in connection therewith as it considers the chance of loss to be possible. For proceedings where it considers the chance of loss to be probable, Ambev has recorded a provision in the total amount of 53 million Brazilian real (10 million US dollar).

Goodwill InBev Holding

In December 2011, Ambev received a tax assessment related to the goodwill amortization resulting from the InBev Holding Brasil S.A. merger with Ambev. At the administrative level, Ambev received partially favorable decisions at both the Lower and Upper Administrative Court. Ambev filed judicial proceedings to discuss the unfavorable portion of the decisions of the Lower and the Upper Administrative Court and requested injunctions to suspend the enforceability of the remaining tax credit, which were granted.

In June 2016, Ambev received a new tax assessment charging the remaining value of the goodwill amortization and filed a defense. Ambev received partially favorable decisions at the first level administrative court and Lower Administrative Court. Ambev filed a Special Appeal which was partially admitted and awaits judgment by the Upper Administrative Court. For the unfavorable portion of the decision which became final at the administrative level, Ambev filed a judicial proceeding requesting an injunction to suspend the enforceability of the remaining tax credit, which was granted.

The amount related to this uncertain tax position as of 31 December 2020 is approximately 10.2 billion Brazilian real (2.0 billion US dollar). Ambev has not recorded any provisions for this matter. In the event Ambev is required to pay these amounts, AB InBev will reimburse the amount proportional to the benefit received by AB InBev pursuant to the merger protocol as well as the related costs.

Goodwill Beverage Associate Holding (BAH)

In October 2013, Ambev received a tax assessment related to the goodwill amortization resulting from the merger of Beverage Associates Holding Limited (“BAH”) into Ambev. The decision from the first level administrative court was unfavorable to Ambev. Ambev filed an appeal to the Lower Administrative Court against the decision, which was partially granted. Ambev and the tax authorities filed Special Appeals to the Upper Administrative Court, which are awaiting judgment.

In April and August 2018, Ambev received new tax assessments charging the remaining value of the goodwill amortization and filed defenses. In April 2019, the first level administrative court rendered unfavorable decisions to Ambev. As a result thereof, Ambev appealed to the Lower Administrative Court. In November and December 2019, Ambev received partially favorable decisions at the Lower Administrative Court and filed Special Appeals to the Upper Administrative Court. The Special Appeal filed in one of the tax assessments is awaiting judgment by the Upper Administrative Court, whereas the other Special Appeal is awaiting admission.

The amount related to this uncertain tax position as of 31 December 2020 is approximately 2.3 billion Brazilian real (0.4 billion US dollar). Ambev has not recorded any provisions for this matter as it considers the chance of loss to be possible.

Goodwill CND Holdings

In November 2017, Ambev received a tax assessment related to the goodwill amortization resulting from the merger of CND Holdings into Ambev. The decision from the first level administrative court was unfavorable to Ambev. Ambev filed an appeal to the Lower Administrative Court. In February 2020, the Lower Administrative Court rendered a partially favorable decision. Ambev and the tax authorities filed Special Appeals to the Upper Administrative Court, which are awaiting admission and judgment.




Amounts have been converted to US dollar at the closing rate of the respective period.



Table of Contents

The amount related to this uncertain tax position as of 31 December 2020 is approximately 1.0 billion Brazilian real (0.2 billion US dollar). Ambev has not recorded any provisions for this matter.

Disallowance of financial expenses

In 2015, 2016 and 2020, Ambev received tax assessments related to the disallowance of alleged non-deductible expenses and the deduction of certain losses mainly associated to financial investments and loans. Ambev presented defenses and, in November 2019, received a favorable decision at the first level administrative court regarding the 2016 case. The 2015 and 2020 cases are still pending decision by the first level administrative court.

The amount related to this uncertain tax position as of 31 December 2020 is approximately 5.0 billion Brazilian real (1.0 billion US dollar). Ambev has not recorded any provisions for this matter as it considers the chance of loss to be possible.

Disallowance of tax paid abroad

Since 2014, Ambev has been receiving tax assessments from the Brazilian Federal Tax Authorities related to the disallowance of deductions associated with alleged unproven taxes paid abroad by its subsidiaries and has been filing defenses. The cases are being challenged at both the administrative and judicial levels. In November 2019, the Lower Administrative Court rendered a favorable decision to Ambev in one of the cases (related to the 2010 tax period), which became definitive.

In January 2020, the Lower Administrative Court rendered unfavorable decisions regarding four of these assessments related to the periods of 2015 and 2016. Regarding the 2015 assessments, Ambev filed Special Appeals to the Upper Administrative Court which are pending decisions. Regarding the 2016 assessments, Ambev was notified of the decisions and filed motions for clarification which are pending decisions. With respect to the cases related to the periods of 2015 and 2016, tax assessments were filed to charge isolated fines due to the lack of monthly prepayments of income tax as a result of allegedly undue deductions of taxes paid abroad. Ambev filed defenses and awaits judgment by the first level administrative court. The other cases are still awaiting final decisions at both administrative and judicial courts.

The amount related to this uncertain tax position as of 31 December 2020 is approximately 11.7 billion Brazilian real (2.3 billion US dollar). Ambev has not recorded any provisions for this matter as it considers the chance of loss to be possible.

Presumed Profit

In April 2016, Arosuco (a subsidiary of Ambev) received a tax assessment regarding the use of the “presumed profit” method for the calculation of income tax and the social contribution on net profits instead of the “real profit” method. In September 2017, Arosuco received an unfavorable first level administrative decision and filed an appeal. In January 2019, the Lower Administrative Court rendered a favorable decision to Arosuco, which became definitive.

In March 2019, Ambev received a new tax assessment regarding the same subject and filed a defense. In October 2019, Arosuco received an unfavorable first level administrative decision and filed an appeal.

The amount related to this uncertain tax position as of 31 December 2020 is approximately 0.5 billion Brazilian real (0.1 billion US dollar). Arosuco has not recorded any provisions for this matter as it considers the chance of loss to be possible.

Deductibility of IOC expenses

In November 2019, Ambev received a tax assessment from the Brazilian Federal Tax Authorities related to the interest on capital (“IOC”) deduction in 2014. The assessment refers primarily to the accounting and corporate effects of the restructuring carried out by Ambev in 2013 and the impact on the increase in the deductibility of IOC expenses. In August 2020, Ambev received a partially favorable decision at the first level administrative Court and filed an Appeal to the Lower Administrative Court.

In December 2020, Ambev received a new tax assessment related to the deduction of the IOC in 2015 and 2016. The defense against such assessment was filed by Ambev in January 2021.

Ambev also distributed IOC in the years following the assessed period, i.e. after 2016. In a scenario where the IOC deductibility would also be questioned for the period after 2016, on the same basis as the aforementioned tax assessments, Ambev management estimates that the outcome of such potential further assessments would be similar to the abovementioned case. Accordingly, the effects of the deductibility of IOC expenses on Ambev’s effective income tax rate for this period would be maintained.

The amount related to this uncertain tax position as of 31 December 2020 is approximately 10.2 billion Brazilian real (2.0 billion US dollar). Ambev has not recorded any provisions for this matter as it considers the chance of loss to be possible.

Disallowance on Income Tax deduction

In January 2020, Arosuco, a subsidiary of Ambev, received a tax assessment from the Brazilian Federal Tax Authorities regarding the disallowance of the income tax reduction benefit provided for in Provisional Measure No. 2199-14/2001 and an administrative defense was filed. In October 2020, the first level administrative Court rendered an unfavorable decision to Arosuco. Arosuco filed an appeal against the aforementioned decision and awaits judgment by the Lower Administrative Court. The amount related to this uncertain tax position as of 31 December 2020 is approximately 2.0 billion Brazilian real (0.4 billion US dollar). Ambev has not recorded any provisions for this matter as it considers the chance of loss to be possible.


Manaus Free Trade Zone – IPI / Social contributions

In Brazil, goods manufactured within the Manaus Free Trade Zone intended for remittance elsewhere in Brazil are exempt and/ or zero-rated from excise tax (“IPI”) and social contributions (“PIS/COFINS”). With respect to IPI, Ambev’s subsidiaries have been registering IPI presumed tax credits upon the acquisition of exempted goods manufactured therein. Since 2009, Ambev has been receiving a number of tax assessments from the Brazilian Federal Tax Authorities relating to the disallowance of such credits.

Ambev has also been receiving charges from the Brazilian Federal Tax Authorities in relation to (i) federal taxes allegedly unduly offset with the disallowed presumed IPI excise tax credits that are under discussion in these proceedings and (ii) PIS/COFINS amounts allegedly due on Arosuco’s remittance to Ambev subsidiaries.



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In April 2019, the Federal Supreme Court (“STF”) announced its judgment on Extraordinary Appeal No. 592.891/SP and 596.614/SP, with binding effects, deciding on the rights of taxpayers registering IPI excise tax presumed credits on acquisitions of raw materials and exempted inputs originating from the Manaus Free Trade Zone. As a result of this decision, Ambev reclassified part of the amounts related to the IPI cases as remote losses maintaining as possible losses only issues related to other additional discussions that were not included in the analysis of the STF. The cases are being challenged at both the administrative and judicial levels.

Ambev management estimates the possible loss related to these assessments to be approximately 4.8 billion Brazilian real (0.9 billion US dollar) as of 31 December 2020. Ambev has not recorded any provision in connection therewith.

IPI Suspension

In 2014 and 2015, Ambev received tax assessments from the Brazilian Federal Tax Authorities relating to IPI allegedly due over remittances of manufactured goods to other related factories. The cases are being challenged at both the administrative and judicial levels. In 2020, Ambev received a final partial favorable decision at the administrative level in one of the cases. At the judicial level, the case is still in the initial stage.

Ambev management estimates the possible loss related to these assessments to be approximately 1.6 billion Brazilian real (0.3 billion US dollar) as of 31 December 2020. Ambev has not recorded any provision in connection therewith.

ICMS tax credits

Ambev is currently challenging tax assessments issued by the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, among others, questioning the legality of ICMS tax credits arising from transactions with companies that have tax incentives granted by other states. The cases are being challenged at both the administrative and judicial level of the courts. On August 2020, the STF issued a binding decision (Extraordinary Appeal No. 628.075) ruling that tax credits granted by the states in the context of the ICMS tax war shall be consider unlawful. The decision also recognized that the states should abide by the tax incentives validation process provided for in Complementary Law No. 160/17. This decision is subject to appeal and does not change the likelihood of loss in Ambev´s tax assessments.

Ambev management estimates the possible losses related to these assessments to be approximately 2.0 billion Brazilian real (0.4 billion US dollar) as of 31 December 2020. Ambev has not recorded any provision in connection therewith.

ICMS-ST Trigger

Over the years, Ambev has received tax assessments to charge supposed ICMS differences considered due when the price of the products sold by Ambev is above the fixed price table basis established by the relevant states, cases in which the state tax authorities understand that the calculation basis should be based on a value-added percentage over the actual prices and not the fixed table price. Ambev is currently challenging those charges before the courts. The cases are being challenged at both the administrative and judicial levels.

Ambev management estimates the total possible loss related to this issue to be approximately 8.6 billion Brazilian real (1.7 billion US dollar) as of 31 December 2020. Ambev has recorded provisions in the total amount of 7 million Brazilian real (1 million US dollar) in relation to certain proceedings for which it considers the chances of loss to be probable due to specific procedural issues.


Since 2015, Ambev has received tax assessments issued by the Brazilian Federal Tax Authorities relating to PIS/COFINS amounts allegedly due over bonus products granted to its customers. The cases are being challenged at both the administrative and judicial levels of the courts. In 2019 and 2020, Ambev received final favorable decisions at the administrative level in some of these cases and favorable decisions in other cases that are still subject to review. At the judicial level, the case is still in the initial stage.

Ambev management estimates the possible loss related to these assessments to be approximately 1.7 billion Brazilian real (0.3 billion US dollar) as of 31 December 2020. No related provision has been made.


SAB Australia Pty Limited (“SAB Australia”), a former subsidiary of AB InBev, received a tax assessment for the 2012 to 2014 income tax years for 0.4 billion Australian dollar (0.3 billion US dollar) related to the interest deductions of SAB’s acquisition of the Foster’s group (the “Foster’s acquisition”). AB InBev is disputing the 2012 to 2014 assessment and remains confident of the positions it has adopted. The company paid 47 million US dollar related to the tax assessment pending conclusion of the matter and recorded a provision of 0.1 billion US dollar in connection therewith as of 31 December 2020. The Australia disposal was concluded on 1 June 2020 with pre-transaction income tax liabilities being subject to an indemnity by AB InBev.

The Australian tax authorities have also notified SAB Australia that it has commenced an audit of the 2015 to 2020 income tax years. The focus of the audit is the tax treatment of the ongoing funding arrangements associated with the Foster’s acquisition.


In February 2015, the European Commission opened an in-depth state aid investigation into the Belgian excess profit ruling system. On 11 January 2016, the European Commission adopted a negative decision finding that the Belgian excess profit ruling system constitutes an aid scheme incompatible with the internal market and ordering Belgium to recover the incompatible aid from a number of aid beneficiaries. The Belgian authorities have contacted the companies that have benefitted from the system and have advised each company of the amount of incompatible aid that is potentially subject to recovery. The European Commission decision was appealed to the European Union’s General Court by Belgium on 22 March 2016 and by AB InBev on 12 July 2016. On 14 February 2019, the European General Court concluded that the Belgian excess profit ruling system does not constitute illegal state aid. The European Commission has appealed the judgment to the European Court of Justice. The public hearing in the framework of the appeal proceedings took place on 24 September 2020 and AB InBev was heard as an intervening party. Pending the outcome of that appeal, the European Commission opened new state aid investigations into the individual Belgian tax rulings, including the one issued to AB InBev in September 2019, to remedy the concerns that led to annulment of its earlier decision by the General Court. These investigations relate to the same rulings that were subject to the European Commission decision issued on 11 January 2016. AB InBev has filed its observations in respect of the opening decisions with the EU Commission.



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On 3 December 2020, the Advocate General (AG) of the European Court of Justice presented her non-binding opinion on the appeal procedure related to the 11 January 2016 opening decision, stating that, contrary to the 14 February 2019 judgment of the European General Court, the Belgian excess profit ruling system would fulfil the legal requirements for an “aid scheme”. In the initial European General Court judgment, the court limited itself to finding the Belgian excess profit rulings were not an “aid scheme”, but did not consider whether they constituted State aid. Consequently, the AG advised the European Court of Justice to refer the case back to the European General Court to review whether the Belgian excess profit rulings constitute State aid. The AG’s opinion is only advisory to the European Court of Justice, which is expected to deliver its binding judgment on the European Commission’s appeal later in 2021.

In addition, the Belgian tax authorities have also questioned the validity and the actual application of the excess profit ruling that was issued in favor of AB InBev and have refused the actual tax exemption which it confers. AB InBev has filed a court claim against such decision before the Brussels court of first instance which ruled in favor of AB InBev on 21 June 2019. The Belgian tax authorities appealed this judgment.

In January 2019, AB InBev deposited 68m euro (83m US dollar) on a blocked account. Depending on the final outcome of the European Court procedures on the Belgian excess profit ruling system, as well as the pending Belgian court case, this amount will either be slightly modified, or released back to the company or paid over to the Belgian State. In connection with the European Court procedures, AB InBev recognized a provision of 68m euro (83m US dollar) as of 31 December 2020.


Certain holders of warrants issued by Ambev in 1996 for exercise in 2003 proposed lawsuits to subscribe correspondent shares for an amount lower than Ambev considers as established upon the warrant issuance. In case Ambev loses the totality of these lawsuits, the issuance of 172,831,574 shares would be necessary. Ambev would receive in consideration funds that are materially lower than the current market value. This could result in a dilution of about 1% to all Ambev shareholders. Furthermore, the holders of these warrants are claiming that they should receive the dividends relative to these shares since 2003, approximately 1.0 billion Brazilian real (0.2 billion US dollar) in addition to legal fees. Ambev disputes these claims and intends to continue to vigorously defend its case. All six lawsuits were ruled favorably to Ambev by the Superior Court of Justice (“STJ”). Three cases were dismissed by the STJ’s Special Court and remain subject to ongoing appeals. One case was ruled favorably to Ambev by the STJ´s Special Court and the judgment became final. Another case was remitted to the STJ´s lower court for a new judgment. The sixth case was ruled favorably to Ambev and may be subject to a new appeal to the Brazilian Supreme Court (STF). Considering all of these facts, Ambev and its external counsels strongly believe that the chance of loss in these cases is remote.


On 21 June 2019, a proposed class action was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York against AB InBev and three of its officers. The complaint alleged claims under Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 thereunder on behalf of a proposed class of purchasers of AB InBev American Depositary Shares between 1 March 2018 and 24 October 2018. The plaintiff alleged that defendants misstated or omitted material facts regarding, among other things, the company’s financial condition, its dividend policy and the effectiveness of its disclosure controls and procedures. The complaint sought unspecified compensatory damages and reimbursement for litigation expenses. An amended complaint filed on 12 December 2019 contained substantially the same allegations, but reduced the number of defendant officers to two. On 29 September 2020, the District Court granted the company’s motion to dismiss. The plaintiff did not appeal and the case is now closed.



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Non-controlling interests

As at 31 December 2020 and 2019, material non-controlling interests relate to Ambev, a Brazilian listed subsidiary in which AB InBev has 61.83% ownership, and Budweiser APAC, an Asia Pacific listed subsidiary in which AB InBev has 87.22% ownership. The tables below provide summarized information derived from the consolidated financial statements of Ambev and Budweiser APAC as of 31 December 2020 and 2019, in accordance with IFRS.

Summarized financial information of Ambev and Budweiser APAC, in which the company has material non-controlling interests, is as follows:


     Ambev      Budweiser APAC  

Million US dollar

   31 December
     31 December
     31 December
     31 December

Summarized balance sheet information


Current assets

     6 801      6 853      2 332      2 108

Non-current assets

     17 291      18 389      13 857      13 200

Current liabilities

     6 442      6 205      4 637      4 493

Non-current liabilities

     3 188      3 517      809      931

Equity attributable to equity holders

     14 204      15 203      10 685      9 836

Non-controlling interests

     257      317      58      48


     Ambev     Budweiser APAC  

Million US dollar

   2020     20191     2018     2020     20192     20183  

Summarized income statement and other comprehensive income information



     11 373     13 196     13 819     5 588     6 546     6 740

Net income

     2 286     3 093     3 122     537     908     959

Attributable to:


Equity holders

     2 217     2 989     3 025     514     898     958

Non-controlling interests

     69     104     97     23     10     1

Net income

     2 286     3 093     3 122     537     908     959

Other comprehensive income

     1 467     (193     629     635     (229     (500

Total comprehensive income

     3 753     2 900     3 751     1 172     679     459

Attributable to:


Equity holders

     3 647     2 801     3 620     1 147     665     458

Non-controlling interests

     106     99     130     25     14     1

Summarized cash flow information


Cash flow from operating activities

     3 673     4 664     5 089     1 306     1 379     1 684

Cash flow from investing activities

     (1 325     (1 228     (1 011     (628     (743     (472

Cash flow from financing activities

     (1 676     (3 117     (3 799     (383     (1 349     (1 237

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     673     319     279     295     (713     (25

On 31 December 2020, the company completed the issuance of a 49.9% minority stake in its US-based metal container operations to Apollo Global Management, Inc. (“Apollo”) for net proceeds of 3.0 billion USD. AB InBev retained operational control of its US-based metal container operations. The transaction was reported in the equity statement.

Dividends paid by Ambev to non-controlling interests (i.e. to entities outside the AB InBev Group) amounted to 0.6 billion US dollar and 0.7 billion US dollar for 2020 and 2019, respectively. In June 2020, Budweiser APAC paid a final dividend related to the financial year 2019 to non-controlling interests amounting to 59m US dollar.

Other non-controlling interests not deemed individually material by the company mainly related to the company’s operations in Africa in association with the Castel Group (e.g., Botswana, Ghana, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia), as well as non-controlling interests recognized in respect of the company’s subsidiaries in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.




In 2020, Ambev concluded the calculation of its tax credits on a judicial decision related to the exclusion of the Value-Added Tax (ICMS) from the taxable basis of the social contribution on gross revenues (PIS and COFINS). As a result of this judicial decision and other tax credit adjustments, in 2020, Ambev reclassified the tax credits previously reported in revenue to other operating income, and as such, restated its 2019 comparatives as required by IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors.


In 2020, Budweiser APAC reclassified the “Proceeds from cash pooling loans from AB InBev” from investing to financing activities in the summarized cash flow information. The presentation of the comparative amount has been restated to conform to the current year presentation.


The combined financial information for 2018 presents the historical financial information of the business of the Asia Pacific region of AB InBev, excluding Australia, and includes the assets, liabilities, revenue, expenses and cash flows attributable to all entities in the region, which are primarily in China, South Korea, India, Vietnam and Japan.  



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Related parties


In addition to short-term employee benefits (primarily salaries) AB InBev’s Executive Committee members were entitled in 2020 to post-employment benefits. In particular, members of the Executive Committee participated in the pension plan of their respective country – see also Note 25 Employee Benefits. Finally, key management personnel are eligible for the company’s share option; restricted stock and/or share swap program (see Note 26 Share-based Payments). Total directors and Executive Committee compensation included in the income statement can be detailed as follows:


     2020      2019      2018  

Million US dollar

   Directors      Executive
     Directors      Executive
     Directors      Executive

Short-term employee benefits

     2      4      2      9      2      6

Termination benefits

          2           1          

Share-based payment

          7           25           34


















     2      13      2      35      2      40

Directors’ compensation consists mainly of directors’ fees.

During 2020, AB InBev entered into the following transactions:



The acquisition, through Grupo Modelo and its subsidiaries, of information technology and infrastructure services for a consideration of approximately 1m US dollar from a company in which one of the company’s Board Member had significant influence as of 31 December 2020 (2019: 2m US dollar; 2018: 1m US dollar).



The acquisition, mainly through its subsidiary Bavaria S.A., of transportation services, lease agreements and advertising services for an aggregated consideration of 13m US dollar from companies in which one of the company’s Board Member had a significant influence as of 31 December 2020 (2019: 11m US dollar; 2018: 8m US dollar). The outstanding balance of these transactions as of 31 December 2020 amounts to 3m US dollar (31 December 2019: 1m US dollar).


Significant interests in joint ventures include three entities in Brazil, one in Mexico and two in Canada. None of these joint ventures are material to the company. Aggregate amounts of AB InBev’s interest are as follows:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018  

Non-current assets

     8      10      11

Current assets

     2      3      5

Non-current liabilities

     9      11      9

Current liabilities

     12      10      12

Result from operations

     3      3      4

Profit attributable to equity holders of AB InBev

     3      3      3


Significant interests in associates are shown in note 16 Investments in associates. AB InBev’s transactions with associates were as follows:


Million US dollar

   2020      2019      2018  

Gross profit

     (118      (78      (39

Current assets

     55      38      84

Current liabilities

     115      119      130


AB InBev’s transactions with pension plans mainly comprise 12m US dollar other income from pension plans in the US in 2020 (2019: 12m US dollar; 2018: 12m US dollar).



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Events after the balance sheet date

On 11 January 2021, Anheuser-Busch InBev NV/SA (ABISA) announced that it and its wholly-owned subsidiary Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Inc. (“ABIWW”, and together with ABISA, the “Issuers”) exercised their respective options to redeem the outstanding principal amounts for an aggregate principal amount of 3.1 billion US dollar of the following series of notes:


Date of






Title of series of notes issued



   Original principal
(in million)
     Principal amount
(in million)

28 January 2021

   ABISA    1.500% Notes due 2025    EUR      2 147        2 147  

27 January 2021

   ABIWW    3.750% Notes due 2024    AUD      650        650  

On 18 February 2021, AB InBev announced the successful signing of a new 10.1 billion USD Sustainable-Linked Loan Revolving Credit Facility (“SLL RCF”), replacing its existing 9.0 billion USD Revolving Credit Facility. The facility has an initial five-year term and incorporates a pricing mechanism that incentivizes improvement in key performance areas that are aligned with and contribute to the company’s 2025 Sustainability Goals.



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AB InBev companies

Listed below are the most important AB InBev companies. A complete list of the company’s investments is available at AB InBev NV, Brouwerijplein 1, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium.



Name and registered office of fully consolidated companies

   % of economic
interest as at
31 December 2020



CERVECERIA Y MALTERIA QUILMES SAICA y G - Charcas 5160 - C1425BOF - Buenos Aires




AB INBEV N.V. – Grand Place 1 - 1000 – Brussel


BRASSERIE DE L’ABBAYE DE LEFFE S.A. - Place de l’Abbaye 1 - 5500 – Dinant


BROUWERIJ VAN HOEGAARDEN N.V. - Stoopkensstraat 46 - 3320 – Hoegaarden


COBREW N.V. - Brouwerijplein 1 - 3000 – Leuven


INBEV BELGIUM BV/SRL - Industrielaan 21 - 1070 – Brussel




KGALAGADI BREWERIES (Pty) Ltd - Plot 20768, Broadhurst industrial estate - Gaborone¹




CERVECERIA BOLIVIANA NACIONAL S.A. - Av. Montes 400 and Chuquisaca No. 121, Zona Challapampa - La Paz




AMBEV S.A. - Rua Dr Renato Paes de Barros, 1017, 3° andar, Itaim Bibi - CEP 04530-001 - São Paulo




LABATT BREWING COMPANY LIMITED - 207 Queen’s Quay West, Suite 299 - M5J 1A7 – Toronto




CERVECERIA CHILE S.A. - Av. Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva 9600 - 8700000 – Quilicura




ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV (CHINA) SALES CO LTD. - Shangshou, Qin Duan Kou, Hanyang Area - 430051 - Wuhan City, Hubei Province


ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV (WUHAN) BREWERY CO. LTD. - Shangshou, Qin Duan Kou, Hanyang Area - 430051 - Wuhan City, Hubei Province


ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV (FOSHAN) BREWERY CO. LTD. - 1 Budweiser Avenue, Southwest St., Sanshui District - 528132 - Foshan City, Guangdong


ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV HARBIN BREWERY CO. LTD. - 9 HaPi Road Pingfang District - 150066 - Harbin City, Heilongijang Province


ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV (TANGSHAN) BREWERY CO. LTD. - 18, Yingbin Road - 063300 - Tangshan City, Hebei Province


ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SEDRIN BREWERY CO. LTD. - 660 Gong Ye Road, Hanjiang District - 351111 - Putian City, Fujian Province


ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SEDRIN (ZHANGZHOU) BREWERY CO. LTD. - Lantian Economic District - 363005 - Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province


ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV (TAIZHOU) BREWERY CO. LTD. - 159 Qi Xia East Road, Chengguan Town, Tiantai County - 317200 - Taizhou Cithy, Zhejiang Province


ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV SEDRIN (NANCHANG) BREWERY CO. LTD - 1188 Jinsha Avenue, Economic District - Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province


SIPING GINSBER DRAFT BEER CO. LTD. - Xianmaquan, Tiedong Area - Siping City, Jilin Province




The group’s shares entitle the holder to twice the voting rights.



Table of Contents

Name and registered office of fully consolidated companies

   % of economic
interest as at
31 December 2020

ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV (NANTONG) BREWERY CO. LTD. – 666 Zhaoxia Road – Nantong City, Jiangsu Province


ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV (SICHUAN) BREWERY CO. LTD. – No. 1, AB InBev Avenue, Cheng Nan Industry Park, Economic Development Area – 641300 – Ziyang City, Sichuan Province


ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV (HENAN) BREWERY CO. LTD. – No. 1 Budweiser Avenue, Industry Park, Tangzhuang Town – 453100 – Weihui City, Henan Province


INBEV JINLONGQUAN (HUBEI) BREWERY CO. LTD. – 89 Jin Long Quan Avenue – Jingmen City, Hubei Province


ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV (SUQIAN) BREWERY CO. LTD. – No 1 Qujiang Road, Suyu Industry Park – Suqian City, Jiangsu Province




ZX VENTURES COLOMBIA S.A.S. – Carrera 53 A, No 127 – 35 – 110221 – Bogota


BAVARIA & CIA S.C.A. – Carrera 53 A, No 127 – 35 – 110221 – Bogota


KOPPS COMERCIAL S.A.S – Carrera 53 A, No 127 – 35 – 110221 – Bogota




PIVOVAR SAMSON A.S. – V parku 2326/18, Chodov, 148 00 Praha 4




CERVECERIA NACIONAL DOMINICANA S.A. – Autopista 30 de Mayo Km 61/2, Distrito Nacional – A.P. 1086 – Santo Domingo1




CERVECERÍA NACIONAL (CN) SA – Via a daule km 16,5 y calle cobre s/n – Guayaquil, Guayas




INDUSTRIAS LA CONSTANCIA, SA DE CV – 526 Av. Independencia, San Salvador




AB INBEV FRANCE S.A.S. – Immeuble Crystal, 38, Place Vauban – C.P. 59110 – La Madeleine




BRAUEREI BECK GmbH & CO. KG – Am Deich 18/19 – 28199 – Bremen


BRAUEREI DIEBELS GmbH & CO.KG – Brauerei-Diebels-Strasse 1 – 47661 – Issum


HAAKE-BECK AG – Am Deich 18/19 – 28199 – Bremen


HASSERÖDER BRAUEREI GmbH – Auerhahnring 1 – 38855 – Wernigerode


ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV GERMANY HOLDING GmbH – Am Deich 18/19 – 28199 – Bremen


SPATEN – FRANZISKANER – BRÄU GmbH – Marsstrasse 46 + 48 – 80335 – München


ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV Deutschland GmbH & Co KG – Am Deich 18/19 – 28199 – Bremen


LOEWENBRAEU AG – Nymphenburger Str. 7 – 80335 – München




ACCRA BREWERY LTD – Farra Avenue 20 1st Floor, Pkf Building, P.O. Box Gp1219 – Accra




BRASSERIE DE LUXEMBOURG MOUSEL – DIEKIRCH – 1, Rue de la Brasserie – L-9214 – Diekirch




CERVECERÍA HONDUREÑA, SA DE CV – Blvd. Del Norte, Carretera Salida a Puerto Cortes – San Pedro Sula, Cortes




BUDWEISER BREWING CO APAC LTD – Flat Room 1823 18F Soundwill Plaza II-Middle Town Hong Kong (SAR)




CROWN BEERS INDIA LIMITED – 510/511 Minerva house, Sarojini devi road, Secunderabad




85% owned by Ambev S.A.



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Name and registered office of fully consolidated companies

   % of economic
interest as at
31 December 2020

ANHEUSER BUSCH INBEV INDIA LIMITED. – Unit No.301-302, Dynasty Business Park, 3rd Floor – Andheri – Kurla Road, Andheri (East) – 400059 – Mumbai, Maharashtra




ANHEUSER BUSCH INBEV ITALIA SPA – Piazza Buffoni 3, 21013 Gallarate




CERVECERIA MODELO DE MEXICO S. DE R.L. DE C.V – Cerrada de Palomas 22, Piso 6, Reforma Social – C.P. 11650 – Mexico City, CD MX




CERVEJAS DE MOÇAMBIQUE SA – Rua do Jardim 1329 – Maputo




INBEV NEDERLAND N.V. – Ceresstraat 1 – 4811 CA – Breda


INTERBREW INTERNATIONAL B.V. – Ceresstraat 1 – 4811 CA – Breda


AB INBEV AFRICA B.V – Ceresstraat 1, 4811 CA – Breda


AB INBEV BOTSWANA B.V. – Ceresstraat 1, 4811 CA – Breda




INTERNATIONAL BREWERIES PLC – 22/36 Glover Road, Lagos, Ikoyi, Nigeria1




CERVECERÍA NACIONAL S de RL – Ave. Ricardo J. Alfaro, Corregimiento de Betania, Distrito de Panamá,




CERVECERIA PARAGUAYA S.A. – Ruta Villeta km 30 N 3045 – 2660 – Ypané




COMPANIA CERVECERA AMBEV PERU S.A.C. – Av. Los Laureles Mza. A Lt. 4 del Centro Poblado Menor Santa Maria de Huachipa – Lurigancho (Chosica) – Lima 15






SABSA HOLDINGS LTD PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY – 65 Park Lane, Sandown – 2001 – Johannesburg


THE SOUTH AFRICAN BREWERIES (PTY) LTD LIMITED BY SHARES – 65 Park Lane, Sandown – 2146 – Johannesburg




ORIENTAL BREWERY CO., LTD – 8F, ASEM Tower, 517, Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06164, S. Korea








KIBO BREWERIES LTD PRIVATE COMPANY – Uhuru Street, Plot No 79, Block AA, Mchikichini, Ilala District – Dar es Salaam1




NILE BREWERIES LTD – Plot M90 Yusuf Lule Roa, Njeru, Jinja – Eastern Uganda




The company is consolidated due to the group’s majority shareholdings and ability to control the operations



Table of Contents

Name and registered office of fully consolidated companies

   % of economic
interest as at
31 December 2020



ABI SAB GROUP HOLDING LIMITED - Bureau, 90 Fetter Lane, London, United Kingdom, EC4A 1EN


ABI UK HOLDINGS 1 LIMITED - Bureau, 90 Fetter Lane, London, United Kingdom, EC4A 1EN


AB INBEV UK LIMITED - Bureau, 90 Fetter Lane, London, United Kingdom, EC4A 1EN


AB INBEV HOLDINGS LIMITED - Bureau, 90 Fetter Lane, London, United Kingdom, EC4A 1EN


AB INBEV INTERNATIONAL BRANDS LIMITED - Bureau, 90 Fetter Lane, London, United Kingdom, EC4A 1EN


ZX VENTURES LIMITED - Bureau, 90 Fetter Lane, London, United Kingdom, EC4A 1EN




ANHEUSER-BUSCH COMPANIES, LLC. - One Busch Place - St. Louis, MO 63118


ANHEUSER-BUSCH INTERNATIONAL, INC. - One Busch Place - St. Louis, MO 63118


ANHEUSER-BUSCH PACKAGING GROUP, INC. - One Busch Place - St. Louis, MO 63118


ANHEUSER-BUSCH, LLC – One Busch Place, St. Louis, Mo. 63118




METAL CONTAINER CORPORATION, INC. – One Busch Place, St. Louis, Mo. 63118




CERVECERIA Y MALTERIA PAYSANDU S.A. - Cesar Cortinas, 2037 - C.P. 11500 – Montevideo




ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV VIETNAM BREWERY COMPANY LIMITED/No.2 VSIP II-A, Street no. 28, Vietnam - Singapore II-A Industrial Park, Tan Uyen District, Binh Duong Province




ZAMBIAN BREWERIES PLC - Mungwi Road, Plot Number 6438, Lusaka




Name and registered office of associates and joint ventures

   % of economic
interest as at
31 December 2020









BIH BRASSERIES INTERNATIONALES HOLDING (ANGOLA) LTD - Suite 10/3, International Commercial Centre, 2A Main Street




ANADOLU EFES BIRACILIK VE MALT SANAYII AS - Bahçelievler Mahallesi, Sehit Ibrahim Koparir Caddesi No. 4, Bahçelievler Istanbul




DELTA CORPORATION LTD - Sable house, P.O. Box BW 343, Northridge Close, Borrowdale, Harare




AB INBEV EFES - 28 Moscovskaya Street, Moscow region - 141607 – Klin




Anheuser Busch Inbev SA NV (NYSE:BUD)
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From Aug 2024 to Sep 2024 Click Here for more Anheuser Busch Inbev SA NV Charts.
Anheuser Busch Inbev SA NV (NYSE:BUD)
Historical Stock Chart
From Sep 2023 to Sep 2024 Click Here for more Anheuser Busch Inbev SA NV Charts.