RNS Number:0902L
National Australia Bank Ld
14 May 2003

                        National Australia Bank Limited

                                   Half Year

                                  Results 2003

                          6 Months Ended 31 March 2003



Media Release

Section 2 - Financial Summary
      Reporting Format
      Divisional Performance Summary
      Group Performance Summary
      Cash Earnings by Region from Ongoing Operations
      Summary of Financial Position
      Group Key Performance Measures.

Section 3 - Management Discussion & Analysis
            Restructuring Progress
            Asset Quality
            European Pension Schemes
            Share Based Payments - Employee Benefits
            Software Capitalisation
            Integrated Systems Implementation (ISI) Program
            Net Interest Income
            Net Life Insurance Income
            Other Operating Income
            Operating Expenses
            Income Tax Expense
      Capital and Performance Measures
            Performance Measures
            Capital Position
            Share Buy-back Program
      Total Banking
      Retail Banking
      Financial Services Australia.
      Financial Services Europe
      Financial Services New Zealand
      Corporate & Institutional Banking.
      Wealth Management
      Other (incl. Excess Capital, Group Funding & Corporate Centre)

Section 4 - Detailed Financial Information
      1.  Performance Summary by Division.
      2.  Net Interest Income
      3.  Net Interest Margins & Spreads
      4.  Average Balance Sheet & Related Interest.
      5.  Gross Loans & Advances
      6.  Net Life Insurance Income.
      7.  Revenue
      8.  Expenses
      9.  Full Time Equivalent Employees
      10. Doubtful Debts
      11. Asset Quality
      12. Income Tax Reconciliation
      13. Significant Items
      14. Exchange Rates
      15. Capital Adequacy
      16. Cash Earnings per Share
      17. Risk Management
      18. Financial Information for US Investors
      Glossary of Terms
      Alphabetical Index


                                                                   Media Release



*             Group cash earnings from ongoing operations of $2,131 million

*                       up 7.4% on March 2002

*                       up 8.9% on September 2002

*             Group cash earnings per share

*                       up 4.0% on March 2002

*                       up 10.6% on September 2002

*             Banking

*                       cash earnings up 11.4%

*                       8.0% growth in underlying profit

*                       cost to income ratio improved to 47.3% from 48.0%

*             Australian and New Zealand retail businesses performed strongly:

Financial Services Australia

*                       underlying profit up 13.7% on March 2002; up 5.9% on
September 2002;

*                       cost to income ratio improved to 45.6% from 48.9%

Financial Services New Zealand

*                       underlying profit up 32.1% on March 2002; up 19.1% on
September 2002

*                       cost to income ratio improved to 50.8% from 53.2%

*             Group net profit of $1,877 million after a $205 million non-cash
reduction in the valuation of our Wealth Management business.

*             Interim dividend of 80 cents up 11%, fully franked

*             Return on equity of 17.1%

*             EVA up 30% to $836 million

*             Asset quality continues to be sound with gross non-accrual loans
to total loans lower at 0.59%

* All comparisons relate to the half year ended 31 March 2002 unless otherwise


National Australia Bank Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Frank
Cicutto, said today that Group cash earnings from ongoing operations (before
significant items and revaluations) for the six months ended 31 March 2003 was
$2,131 million, up 7.4% on March 2002 and 8.9% higher than September 2002.

Mr Cicutto said: "This is a satisfactory result. The National continues to
improve returns for shareholders. The interim dividend for 2003 is 80 cents
(100% franked), which is 11% higher than March 2002 and 7% higher than the
September 2002 dividend. We also expect the full year dividend to be fully

"Initiatives undertaken last year to strengthen and focus our businesses have
benefited our first half result.

"We have seen solid growth in our core operations in the first half and remain
well positioned for future challenges.


"The Group's banking operations generated $1,964 million in cash earnings, which
was 11.4% higher than the six months ended March 2002.

"The underlying profitability of our banking business was demonstrated again in
the March half, with an 8.0% increase on the previous corresponding period. In
particular, our retail businesses in Australia and New Zealand saw strong
underlying profitability and significantly improved their cost to income ratios.

"The Group achieved a half year net profit of $1,877 million after a $205
million non-cash reduction in the valuation of our Wealth Management business.

"Uncertain market conditions have affected our business mix with increased flows
into mortgages and retail deposits, slower than expected growth in business
lending and lower equity market returns. This has affected business performance
and Group margins.

Divisional performance

"Financial Services Australia, which contributed 44.6% of the Group's cash
earnings during the March half, achieved $904 million in cash earnings: 3.9%
higher on the same period last year. The strength of our Australian operation is
demonstrated by the 13.7% increase in underlying profitability and 330 basis
point improvement in the cost to income ratio to 45.6%. Home lending grew by
21.9% compared with March 2002. As at March 2003, the National has a market
share of 17.8% compared with 17.5% as at 30 September 2002. (Source RBA/

"Financial Services New Zealand posted another record result with a 35.9%
increase in cash earnings at $159 million. Income was up 25.6% compared with the
previous corresponding half due to strong lending activity, deposit growth and
the strong NZ dollar.

"Financial Services Europe achieved $508 million cash earnings, which was up
1.4% on the March 2002 half and 9.2% higher than the September 2002 half.
Continued progress was made in building the European operations and we are
pleased that credit quality remains sound in a difficult operating environment.

"Cash earnings for Corporate & Institutional Banking was $416 million, 10.3%
higher than for the same period last year despite weaker money market
conditions. The improved performance was due to a lower charge for doubtful
debts, attention to cost control and lending growth as a result of an emphasis
on enhancing relationships with core clients.

"Operating conditions for our Wealth Management business proved challenging as
equity markets weakened further. Operating profit was more than double the
September half but significantly down on the March 2002 half. Our Wealth
Management business was impacted by a revaluation of $205 million, which is a
non-cash item.

"The value of Australian total funds under management has declined from $65.6
billion as at September 2002 to $65.1 billion as at March 2003 due to weak
market sentiment.  This impacted retail funds under management market share,
however, Wealth Management has maintained its second place ranking (ASSIRT
Market Share Report, March 2003). Wealth Management currently has the leading
market share in platforms ie. Master Funds and Wraps (ASSIRT Market Share
Report, December 2002).

"The Australian retail risk insurance business continues to maintain its market
leading position, increasing to a 16.8% market share for the 12 months ended 30
September 2002. (Source: DEXX&R as at September 2002 Research Reports.)

"In the United Kingdom, despite lower than anticipated sales in difficult market
conditions, investment funds under management grew by 2% to $1.5 billion at a
time when the market fell by 23%.

"We have continued to invest in wealth management in all regions, because of our
confidence in our differentiated position and the long-term strategic
opportunities in this industry.

Asset quality

"In light of the uncertain global environment, a strong focus on asset quality
and credit risk management has been maintained. The Group's asset quality
remains sound. The ratio of gross non-accrual loans to total loans improved to
0.59% compared with 0.62% as at 30 September 2002.

"Deliquency levels across our consumer lending portfolios' are below long-term
trends and housing loss rates and delinquency rates remain at historical lows.
Housing prices and the consumer economic environment are presently stable, and
we are closely monitoring these areas.

"In relation to our business lending portfolio, fully secured business lending
has increased to 56.3% as at 31 March 2003 compared with 51.7% as at 31 March

"In relation to Corporate & Institutional Banking, 86% of the portfolio is
investment grade lending.


"Our Agribusiness portfolio continues to be in a satisfactory position with
non-accrual loans relating to agriculture, forestry and fishing unchanged on 30
September 2002.

Productivity initiatives

"We have continued to restructure the business and drive productivity
improvements in line with our Positioning for Growth program. Cost savings
associated with the program are on track with $195 million of annual cost
savings achieved. This is 52.7% of the $370 million target to be achieved by the
end of the 2004 financial year. We are also making progress with the cost to
income targets set under the program. The banking cost to income ratio improved
to 47.3% from 48.0% as at 31 March 2002.

Investments for future growth

"We have invested to improve productivity and customer service across the Group.
Progress has been made in relation to the introduction of a number of new
technology platforms.

"Financial Services Australia has made a substantial investment in technology,
including Siebel-based sales and service desktop solutions for consumer lending
(eConsumer Lending) and business lending (eBusiness Lending) applications. Our
eConsumer Lending project is complete with this application now operating on
8,100 desktops around Australia. The deployment of the eBusiness Lending
application is also underway and is currently available on more than 700

 "The ISI program (Integrated Systems Implementation) continues to be on track.
To date it has successfully delivered: the first tranche of modules, covering
human resources, payroll and core finance (general ledger and procurement)
functionality in New Zealand; and, additional human resource functionality in
Europe. Planning for the rollout of this technology in Australia is now well

"In other areas, our investment in Wealth Management ($200 million over 3 - 4
years) is progressing well and will allow us to provide enhanced services and
business support to financial advisers.

Investments in compliance and quality

"During the last half, the Group moved to review compliance standards and make
associated quality improvements.

"In Australia, there has been a significant program to deal with regulatory
issues. These include the new licensing requirements under the Financial
Services Reform Act (FRSA), Privacy and the verification of identification for
cash management accounts.

"In relation to the FSRA, the National intends to apply for and obtain relevant
Australian financial services licences by 1 October 2003, which will be
approximately six months ahead of the compliance deadline.

 "The process to compensate investors for unit price adjustments in some
National Australia Financial Management superannuation, pension and investment
bond products is progressing.  We expect to begin processing compensation for
the bulk of the affected investors by June.

"A non material increase in costs associated with compensation and
administration of $8 million after tax has been provided for in the March half.
(A $45 million after tax compensation plan was expensed in the year ended 30
September 2002.)

"Along with investing to develop our Wealth Management business in the United
Kingdom, we have improved compliance procedures in our existing business as part
of our ongoing commitment to providing quality advice and customer service.

Balanced stakeholder approach

"I am pleased to report a number of initiatives being undertaken by the National
which are in line with a more balanced approach to stakeholders.

"The National has made a significant investment in its Australian rural network,
opening 15 new Integrated Financial Service Centres in regional towns at a cost
of approximately $10 million.  In metropolitan areas, more than 180 branches
were fully or partially upgraded.

"Our banking arrangement with Australia Post, which is available at more than
2,900 locations, was extended to offer business transaction services at a
further 140 locations, 76 in rural areas.


 "In February, more than 1,000 Australian farmers participated in our Drought
Forum. Agribusiness experts were brought together to provide farmers with an
insight into the current climate cycle, including when the drought might break
in their region, to assist farmers with their decisions concerning cropping and
stock programs for 2003.

"In the same month, the National presented to the Joint Parliamentary Committee
on Corporations and Financial Services and outlined our strategy for rural and
regional bank services over the next three years.

"In March this year in Scotland, Clydesdale Bank launched "Art for All" in
association with The Glasgow School of Art. The program exposes students to a
range of workshops run by different artists. Its aim is to promote social
inclusion and give students an insight into the wide variety of creative skills
that can lead to career opportunities.

"Northern Bank won the Young Enterprise Special Award in the Northern Ireland
Business Education Awards for its pioneering work promoting entrepreneurial
skills in school children.

Strong active capital management

"The National continues to be the only AA rated bank in the Asia pacific region.
We have a strong capital position with a 7.47% risk adjusted Tier 1 capital
ratio and a total capital ratio of 9.16%.

"EVA (which measures the economic value added to the business) grew strongly,
increasing by 30% to $836 million.

"As part of maintaining our commitment to capital management, 32.4 million
shares were purchased during the March half at an average price of $31.59.


"Our half year result reflects strong attention to continued growth in core
markets with a heightened focus on earnings quality. This is reflected in the
underlying profit result by our banking operations and the solid return to
shareholders this half year.

"We continue to expect cash earnings per share at the lower end of the 8%-11%
target range subject to interest rate, currency and market performance.

 "We are confident that our ongoing investments and other business initiatives
will continue to allow the National to manage future challenges."

14 May 2003

For media enquiries, please

Majella Allen                         Brandon Phillips

Group Corporate Affairs               Group Corporate Affairs

0410 440 305                          0419 369 058


                                                                       SECTION 2

                 RESULTS FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2003

                               FINANCIAL SUMMARY



Reporting Structure

To assist with the interpretation of the Group's results, earnings have been
reported under the following structure:

Ongoing operations

*             Retail Banking, which comprises:

*                 Financial Services Australia ('FSA')

*                 Financial Services Europe ('FSE')

*                 Financial Services New Zealand ('FSNZ');

*             Corporate & Institutional Banking ('CIB') (formerly Wholesale
Financial Services);

*             Other (including Excess Capital, Group Funding & Corporate
Centre); and

*             Wealth Management ('WM').

*             Cash earnings by region from ongoing operations (Refer page 9 for
further details)

Disposed operations

*             HomeSide - reflecting the Board's decision to sell SR Investment,
Inc., the parent company of HomeSide Lending, Inc. effective 1 October 2002 and
the sale of HomeSide US's operating platform and operating assets as at 1 March
2002; and

*             Other non-core operations - the closure of the Vivid business in
Great Britain in April 2001.

Prior Period Comparatives

From 1 October 2002, there have been transfers of business units across all
Divisions. For comparability, the Divisions' prior period results have been
restated from the Profit Announcement released on 7 November 2002. The nature of
the restatements have been fully disclosed in the 2003 half year results
template released on 28 March 2003.

Please refer to the National's website at www.national.com.au for a copy of this

Cash Earnings

Cash earnings is a key performance measure and financial target used by the
Group. It is also a key performance measure used by the broking community, as
well as by those Australian peers of the Group with a similar business

A reconciliation of cash earnings to net profit appears on page 7. Cash earnings
is also explained in detail in the Glossary of Terms.



                                                            Half year to                         Fav/(unfav)
                                                                                                  change on
                                  Note          Mar 03         Sep 02         Mar 02         Sep 02        Mar 02
                                                  $m             $m             $m             %             %

Cash earnings
Retail Banking
Financial Services                       1            904            887            870           1.9           3.9
Financial Services Europe                1            508            465            501           9.2           1.4
Financial Services New                   1            159            140            117          13.6          35.9
Retail Banking                                      1,571          1,492          1,488           5.3           5.6

Corporate & Institutional                1            416            441            377          (5.7 )        10.3

Other (incl. Excess                      1            (23 )          (54 )         (102 )        57.4          77.5
Capital, Group Funding and
Corporate Centre)

Total Banking                                       1,964          1,879          1,763           4.5          11.4

Wealth Management operating              1            167             77            221         large         (24.4 )
profit after tax (1)

Cash earnings from ongoing                          2,131          1,956          1,984           8.9           7.4
operations before
significant items

Cash earnings from disposed              1              -             (9 )          107         large         large
operations (2)

Net profit attributable to                             10             (1 )            7         large         (42.9 )
outside equity interest

Distributions                                          94             92             95          (2.2 )         1.1

Cash earnings before                                2,027          1,856          1,989           9.2           1.9
significant items (3)

Weighted av no. of ordinary             16          1,524          1,544          1,555           1.3           2.0
shares (million)
Cash earnings per share                             133.0          120.3          127.9          10.6           4.0
before significant items
(cents) (4)

Reconciliation to net

Cash earnings before                                2,027          1,856          1,989           9.2           1.9
significant items
Adjusted for:

Net profit attributable to                             10             (1 )            7         large         (42.9 )
outside equity interest
Distributions                                          94             92             95          (2.2 )         1.1
Wealth Management                        1           (205 )         (389 )          237          47.3         large
revaluation profit/(loss)
after tax
Goodwill amortisation                                 (49 )          (53 )          (48 )         7.5          (2.1 )
Net profit before                                   1,877          1,505          2,280          24.7         (17.7 )
significant items

Significant items after tax             13              -           (389 )          (17 )       large         large

Net profit                                          1,877          1,116          2,263          68.2         (17.1 )

Net profit attributable to                             10             (1 )            7         large         (42.9 )
outside equity interest

Net profit attributable to                          1,867          1,117          2,256          67.1         (17.2 )
members of the Company

Distributions                                          94             92             95          (2.2 )         1.1

Earnings attributable to                            1,773          1,025          2,161          73.0         (18.0 )
ordinary shareholders


(1)                               Wealth Management operating profit after tax
refers to net profit generated through the Wealth Management operations. It
excludes revaluation profit/(loss) after tax.

(2)                               Includes an $89 million once-off taxation
benefit from HomeSide in the March 2002 half year.

(3)                               Cash earnings is a performance measure used by
the management of the Group. Refer to the Glossary of Terms for a complete
discussion of cash earnings.

(4)                               This calculation is prepared on a cash
earnings per ordinary share basis. Refer to note 16 for information on cash
earnings per diluted share.



                                                            Half year to                        Fav/(unfav)
                                                                                                 change on
                                    Note         Mar 03        Sep 02        Mar 02        Sep 02         Mar 02
                                                   $m            $m            $m             %              %
Banking (1)
Net interest income                       2         3,692         3,584         3,517            3.0            5.0
Other operating income (2)                7         2,066         1,972         1,877            4.8           10.1

Banking net operating income                        5,758         5,556         5,394            3.6            6.7

Wealth Management
Net interest income                       2            54            45            56           20.0           (3.6 )
Net life insurance income (3)             6            81          (250 )         240          large          (66.3 )
Other operating income (2)                7           366           411           388          (10.9 )         (5.7 )

Net operating income                                6,259         5,762         6,078            8.6            3.0

Banking operating expenses                8         2,692         2,645         2,555           (1.8 )         (5.4 )
Wealth Management operating               8           394           482           331           18.3          (19.0 )
expenses (4)
Charge to provide for                    10           322           260           387          (23.8 )         16.8
doubtful debts

Cash earnings before tax                            2,851         2,375         2,805           20.0            1.6

Banking income tax expense               12           781           771           689           (1.3 )        (13.4 )
Wealth Management income tax             12           (61 )        (352 )         132          (82.7 )        large
Cash earnings from ongoing                          2,131         1,956         1,984            8.9            7.4
operations before significant

Wealth Management revaluation             1          (205 )        (389 )         237           47.3          large
profit/(loss) after tax

Goodwill amortisation                                  49            53            48            7.5           (2.1 )

Net profit from ongoing                             1,877         1,514         2,173           24.0          (13.6 )

Net profit from disposed                                -            (9 )         107          large          large
operations (HomeSide)
Net profit before significant                       1,877         1,505         2,280           24.7          (17.7 )

Significant items after tax              13             -          (389 )         (17 )        large          large
Net profit                                          1,877         1,116         2,263           68.2          (17.1 )

Net profit attributable to                             10            (1 )           7          large          (42.9 )
outside equity interest
Net profit attributable to                          1,867         1,117         2,256           67.1          (17.2 )
members of the Company

Distributions                                          94            92            95           (2.2 )          1.1
Earnings attributable to                            1,773         1,025         2,161           73.0          (18.0 )
ordinary shareholders


(1)                               Banking refers to Total Banking adjusted for
eliminations. Refer to note 1 for further details.

(2)                               Other operating income excludes net interest
income, net life insurance income and revaluation profit/(loss).

(3)                               Net life insurance income is the profit before
tax excluding net interest income of the statutory funds of the life insurance
companies of the Group.

(4)                               Other operating expenses excludes life
insurance expenses incorporated within net life insurance income.



                                                         Half year to                            Fav/(unfav)
                                                                                                  change on
                                            Mar 03          Sep 02          Mar 02          Sep 02          Mar 02
                                              $m              $m              $m              %               %
Retail Banking (1)                                895             894             866             0.1             3.3
Corporate & Institutional Banking                 202             250             164           (19.2 )          23.2
Wealth Management                                 137              52             184           large           (25.5 )
Other (incl. Excess Capital, Group                (64 )           (66 )           (74 )           3.0            13.5
Funding & Corporate Centre) (2)
Total Australia                                 1,170           1,130           1,140             3.5             2.6

Retail Banking (1)                                509             456             504            11.6             1.0
Corporate & Institutional Banking                  90              82             107             9.8           (15.9 )
Wealth Management                                  12              26              18           (53.8 )         (33.3 )
Other (incl. Group Funding &                      (46 )           (19 )           (27 )         large           (70.4 )
Corporate Centre)
Total Europe                                      565             545             602             3.7            (6.1 )

New Zealand
Retail Banking (1)                                167             142             118            17.6            41.5
Corporate & Institutional Banking                  74              80              79            (7.5 )          (6.3 )
Wealth Management                                   6               3               4           large            50.0
Other (incl. Group Funding &                       (8 )            (4 )            (4 )         large           large
Corporate Centre)
Total New Zealand                                 239             221             197             8.1            21.3

United States
Corporate & Institutional Banking                  26              20             (19 )          30.0           large
Other (incl. Group Funding &                       89              34              (1 )         large           large
Corporate Centre) (3)
Total United States                               115              54             (20 )         large           large

Corporate & Institutional Banking                  24               9              46           large           (47.8 )
Wealth Management                                  12              (4 )            15           large           (20.0 )
Other (incl. Group Funding &                        6               1               4           large            50.0
Corporate Centre)
Total Asia                                         42               6              65           large           (35.4 )
Cash earnings from ongoing operations           2,131           1,956           1,984             8.9             7.4
before significant items


(1)                               Regional Retail Banking results differ from
Financial Services Australia, Europe and New Zealand primarily due to the
inclusion of the global fleet management business units within Financial
Services Australia

(2)                               Earnings on excess capital is wholly
attributed to Australia. The earnings rate on excess capital for the half years
ended March 2003, September 2002 and March 2002 were 4.99%, 5.72% and 5.26%

(3)                               The increased contribution is due to the
cessation of redeemable preference share dividend payments with the sale of SR
Investment, Inc. (HomeSide).

Refer to the Group Performance Summary on page 8 for a reconciliation of cash
earnings from

ongoing operations before significant items to net profit.



                                                               --As at                             Change on
                                    Note        Mar 03         Sep 02         Mar 02         Sep 02         Mar 02
                                                  $m             $m             $m              %              %

Cash assets                                         6,060          6,294          8,423           (3.7 )        (28.1 )
Due from other financial                           13,760         15,876         18,816          (13.3 )        (26.9 )
Due from customers on                              20,677         19,474         20,317            6.2            1.8
Trading securities                                 21,414         19,590         17,131            9.3           25.0
Trading derivatives (1)                            25,228         12,128         12,838          large           96.5
Available for sale securities                       5,005          6,192          6,213          (19.2 )        (19.4 )
Investment securities                              10,925         13,541         10,556          (19.3 )          3.5
Investments relating to life                       30,278         31,012         32,865           (2.4 )         (7.9 )
ins. business
Loans and advances                                242,612        231,300        207,636            4.9           16.8
Mortgage loans held for sale                           12             85            101          (85.9 )        (88.1 )
Mortgage servicing rights                               -          1,794          6,044          large          large
Shares in entities and other                        1,186          1,199          1,114           (1.1 )          6.5
Regulatory deposits                                   180            129            334           39.5          (46.1 )
Property, plant and equipment                       2,493          2,640          2,558           (5.6 )         (2.5 )
Income tax assets                                   1,213          1,292          1,194           (6.1 )          1.6
Goodwill                                              787            775            828            1.5           (5.0 )
Other assets                                       12,366         14,066         14,669          (12.1 )        (15.7 )
Total assets                                      394,196        377,387        361,637            4.5            9.0

Due to other financial                             49,722         43,279         41,194           14.9           20.7
Liability on acceptances                           20,677         19,474         20,317            6.2            1.8
Life insurance policy                              30,206         30,425         32,056           (0.7 )         (5.8 )
Trading derivatives (1)                            24,821         12,000         12,384          large          large
Deposits and other borrowings                     207,040        206,864        190,627            0.1            8.6
Income tax liabilities                              1,255          1,609          2,045          (22.0 )        (38.6 )
Provisions                                          1,251          2,809          2,202          (55.5 )        (43.2 )
Bonds, notes and subordinated                      18,933         22,192         22,499          (14.7 )        (15.8 )
Other debt issues                                   1,808          1,866          1,926           (3.1 )         (6.1 )
Other liabilities                                  14,668         13,618         12,936            7.7           13.4
Net assets                                         23,815         23,251         23,451            2.4            1.6

Contributed equity                      15          9,052          9,931         10,486           (8.9 )        (13.7 )
Reserves                                15          1,254          2,105          1,480          (40.4 )        (15.3 )
Retained profits                        15         13,224         11,148         11,416           18.6           15.8
Total parent entity interest                       23,530         23,184         23,382            1.5            0.6

Outside equity interests in             15            285             67             69          large          large
controlled entities
Total equity                                       23,815         23,251         23,451            2.4            1.6


(1)            The change in the fair value of trading derivatives asset and
liability balances from March 2002 to March 2003 primarily reflects the
revaluation impacts of movements in interest rates. The change in fair value
from September 2002 to March 2003 primarily results from a reclassification not
previously included, which equally impacts both trading derivative asset and
liability balances and is not material in the context of the Group's balance
sheet. The net trading derivative position at September 2002 is unchanged.



                                                                                          Half year to
                                                                Note          Mar 03         Sep 02         Mar 02
Shareholder measures
EVA ($million) (1)                                                                  836            643           641
Per ordinary share (cents)
Cash earnings before significant items (2)                            16          133.0 c        120.3 c       127.9 c

Cash earnings after significant items (2)                                         133.0 c         95.1 c       126.8 c
Earnings before significant items                                                 116.3 c         91.6 c       140.1 c

Earnings after significant items                                                  116.3 c         66.4 c       139.0 c

Per diluted share (cents) (3)
Cash earnings before significant items                                16          130.1 c        117.5 c       125.4 c

Earnings after significant items                                                  114.2 c         66.2 c       135.9 c

Weighted average ordinary shares (no. million)                                    1,524          1,544         1,555
Weighted average diluted shares (no. million) (3)                                 1,595          1,620         1,629
Dividends per share (cents)                                                          80 c           75 c          72 c

Performance (after non-cash items) (4)
Return on average equity before significant items                                  17.1 %         14.5 %        20.3 %
Return on average equity after significant items                                   17.1 %         10.5 %        20.1 %
Return on average assets before significant items                                  0.94 %         0.77 %        1.24 %
Net interest income
Net interest spread                                                    3           2.22 %         2.36 %        2.41 %
Net interest margin                                                    3           2.56 %         2.63 %        2.71 %
Total Banking cost to income ratio before significant                              47.3 %         48.2 %        48.0 %
items (5)
Cash earnings per average FTE (before significant items)                             95             85            85

                                                                                             As at
                                                                             Mar 03         Sep 02         Mar 02
Tier 1 ratio                                                          15         7.47 %         7.76 %         7.91 %
Tier 2 ratio                                                          15         3.02 %         3.76 %         4.03 %
Deductions                                                            15        (1.33 )%       (1.31 )%       (1.34 )%
Total capital ratio                                                   15         9.16 %        10.21 %        10.60 %
Adjusted common equity ratio (6)                                      15         5.09 %         5.37 %         5.44 %
Common equity to tangible assets (7)                                             4.59 %         5.02 %         5.38 %
Balance sheet assets ($bn)
Gross loans and acceptances                                                       267            255            232
Risk-weighted assets                                                  15          254            248            237
Off-balance sheet assets ($bn)
Funds under management and administration                                          65             66             71
Assets under custody and administration                                           343            365            359
Asset quality
Gross non-accrual loans to gross loans and acceptances                11         0.59 %         0.62 %         0.75 %
Net impaired assets to total equity                                   11          4.5 %          4.7 %          4.9 %
General provision to risk-weighted assets                             11         0.75 %         0.82 %         0.88 %
Specific provision to gross impaired assets                           11         36.1 %         34.6 %         37.0 %
General and specific provisions to gross impaired assets              11        155.7 %        161.0 %        155.7 %
Other information
Full-time equivalent employees (no.)                                   9       43,002         43,202         43,658


(1)            Economic Value Added (EVA) is a registered trademark of Stern
Stewart & Co. Refer pages 26 and 83 for further details.

(2)            Cash earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders excludes
revaluation profits/(losses) after tax and goodwill amortisation.

(3)            Refer to note 16 for the components.

(4)            Includes non-cash items, ie. revaluation profits/(losses) after
tax and goodwill amortisation.

(5)            Total Banking cost to income ratio is gross of eliminations,
refer to note 1. Costs include total expenses adjusted for significant
items,goodwill amortisation, the charge to provide for doubtful debts and
interest expense. Income includes total revenue adjusted forsignificant items
and net of interest expense. Refer to the Glossary of Terms for a complete
discussion of the cost to income ratio.

(6)            Calculated as adjusted common equity to the risk-weighted assets.

(7)            Calculated as adjusted shareholders funds to the adjusted
tangible assets.


                                                                       SECTION 3

                 RESULTS FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2003

                        MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS


Management Discussion & Analysis - Overview


Cash earnings of $2,027 million were a record half year result and were 1.9%
higher than the March 2002 half year. Cash earnings per share (EPS) increased
5.1 cents (4.0%) to 133.0 cents, reflecting both growth in the earnings of the
underlying core business and active capital management initiatives.

Cash earnings from ongoing operations have grown 7.4% on the March 2002 half
year and 8.9% on the September 2002 half year. Total Banking has maintained
earnings momentum with good volume growth and the benefit from restructuring
activities. This has resulted in underlying profit growth of 8.0% from the March
2002 half.

A key feature of the result has been strong underlying growth in both the
Australian and New Zealand retail banking operations. Strong housing growth and
sound asset quality were evident across the Group. Difficult trading conditions
in Europe and pressure on Wealth Management income due to weak investor
sentiment resulted in slower growth in these business divisions.

                   Cash earnings per share growth (in cents)

The March 2002 half included a $107 million contribution (including an $89
million once-off taxation benefit) from HomeSide. This impact has been partly
mitigated by the reduction in the Group's funding cost as a result of the sale.

The impact of the ongoing share buy back (net of funding costs) has added 1.6
cents or 1.3% to cash EPS growth compared to the March 2002 half.

The interim dividend has been increased 8 cents to 80 cents per share compared
with the prior corresponding period. The Group anticipates a 100% franking level
for the 2003 financial year.


Total Banking includes the Regional Retail Financial Services Divisions,
Corporate & Institutional Banking and Other (including Excess Capital, Group
Funding & Corporate Centre). It excludes Wealth Management.

                                                         Half year to                            Fav/(unfav)
                                                                                                  change on
                                            Mar 03          Sep 02          Mar 02          Sep 02          Mar 02
                                              $m              $m              $m              %               %
Net interest income                             3,692           3,584           3,517             3.0             5.0
Other operating income                          2,124           2,041           1,940             4.1             9.5
Total income                                    5,816           5,625           5,457             3.4             6.6
Other operating expenses                        2,750           2,714           2,618            (1.3 )          (5.0 )
Underlying profit                               3,066           2,911           2,839             5.3             8.0
Charge to provide for doubtful debts              321             261             387           (23.0 )          17.1
Cash earnings before tax                        2,745           2,650           2,452             3.6            11.9
Income tax expense                                781             771             689            (1.3 )         (13.4 )
Cash earnings before significant                1,964           1,879           1,763             4.5            11.4


(1)                               The discussion on the following two pages
relates to results before significant items. For a reconciliation to net profit
refer page 7.


Banking operations generated $1,964 million of total Group cash earnings, an
increase of 11.4% on prior corresponding period. The retail banking operations
produced $1,571 million, a growth rate of 5.6%, with the results underpinned by
strong volume growth, cost containment and an improved asset quality profile
across regions. Corporate & Institutional Banking had a 10.3% increase in cash
earnings in tough market conditions.

At an underlying profit level, Total Banking increased 8.0% from the March 2002
half year (5.3% from the September 2002 half).  Retail Banking growth was 7.8%
and 5.0% respectively.

                                                         Half year to                      Fav/ (unfav)  change on
Underlying profit                           Mar 03          Sep 02          Mar 02          Sep 02          Mar 02
                                              $m              $m              $m              %               %
Financial Services Australia                    1,446           1,365           1,272             5.9            13.7
Financial Services Europe                         869             867             917             0.2            (5.2 )
Financial Services New Zealand                    243             204             184            19.1            32.1
Retail Banking                                  2,558           2,436           2,373             5.0             7.8
Corporate & Institutional Banking                 565             573             606            (1.4 )          (6.8 )
Other                                             (57 )           (98 )          (140 )          41.8            59.3
Total Banking                                   3,066           2,911           2,839             5.3             8.0

Sound progress was made towards 2004 efficiency targets established under
Positioning for Growth.

                                                                                      Half year to
Cost to income ratio by banking division                2004            Mar 03           Sep 02           Mar 02
                                                                           %                %                %
Financial Services Australia                                 46.0             45.6             47.4             48.9
Financial Services Europe                                    48.0             50.1             49.2             47.7
Financial Services New Zealand                               48.0             50.8             53.4             53.2
Corporate & Institutional Banking                            36.0             39.8             40.6             37.8
Total Banking                                                                 47.3             48.2             48.0

Wealth Management

Operating profit from Wealth Management more than doubled from the September
2002 half year but fell by 24.4% from the March 2002 half year. Market share
remained steady. The value of funds under management decreased 0.8% from 30
September 2002 as a result of weaker global equity markets, which have impacted
investor confidence. This has had a significant impact on the level of fees
earned, and has continued to unfavourably impact the investment earnings on
capital. Investors have generally lowered their risk profile during the half
year and this has been reflected in slower growth in investment products within
Wealth Management, but strong growth in deposit volumes within the Group's
banking businesses.

The share of net retail funds management inflows captured for the year to
December 2002 was 16.7%, which compares to a market share of funds under
management of 14.1%. The continuation of a substantial investment program in
both Australia and the United Kingdom will ensure the future growth in this

Wealth Management efficiency targets                    2004                          Half year to
                                                       Target           Mar 03           Sep 02           Mar 02
Cost to premium income ratio (%)                             21.0             21.0             22.0             22.0
Cost to funds under management (basis points)                  65               67               67               66


(1)            March 2003 and September 2002 half years exclude the NAFiM
investor compensation

Diversification of income streams

The Group has continued to deliver on its strategy of diversifying sources of
income, as well as the geographic mix of income. The Group has remained focused
on the development of sustainable relationship based sources of income and
reduced historical reliance on net interest income. In addition to the ongoing
growth in the Group's Wealth Management business, there has been an increase in
the share of Total Banking income derived from non-interest income from 35.6% in
the March 2002 half to 36.5% in the March 2003 half.


Restructuring Progress

During 2002 the Group recognised restructuring costs of $580 million ($412
million after tax) resulting from its Positioning for Growth program and related
restructuring activities. The initiative comprised a fundamental reorganisation
of the structure of the Group as well as a series of revenue and cost
enhancement initiatives. Restructuring expenses primarily related to
redundancies of $327 million, surplus leased space of $68 million and other
restructuring costs of $185 million including technology write-downs of $132

The restructuring expenses were incurred to deliver a significant portion of the
announced cost reduction target of $370 million per annum by September 2004. Of
these savings, 80% relate to personnel costs. Redundancy payments will have a
payback period of approximately one year.

Based primarily on redundancies made to date, annual cost savings of $195
million have been achieved against targeted annualised savings of $370 million
per annum by September 2004. The Group is on track to achieve the target.

Restructuring expenses

                                                   Redundancies       Occupancy          Other            Total
                                                        $m               $m               $m               $m
Total 2002 expenditure/provision                             327               68              185              580
Expenditure in 2002 year                                    (101 )            (20 )           (177 )           (298 )
Provision balance as at 30 September 2002                    226               48                8              282
Foreign exchange impact                                      (10 )             (2 )              -              (12 )
Expenditure in March 2003 half year                          (64 )             (2 )              -              (66 )
Provision balance as at 31 March 2003                        152               44                8              204
Balance remaining of total restructuring                      46 %             65 %              4 %             35 %

In the half year to March 2003 $66 million of the provision for restructuring
costs was utilised primarily in relation to 468 redundancies. Staff reductions
have resulted from changes to head office, back office, IT, operations and front
office areas and the re-engineering of the lending, distribution and transaction
processing functions.

Staffing levels -  ongoing operations

Increase/(Decrease)                                                                  Half year to        Year to
                                                                                        Mar 03            Sep 02
                                                                                         FTEs              FTEs
Opening balance                                                                             43,162            44,231
Acquisition - Hertz Fleetlease Limited                                                         166                 -
Adjustment to 2002 to exclude joint ventures                                                     -              (184 )
Redundancies                                                                                  (468 )            (859 )
Net remaining movement                                                                         142               (26 )
Closing balance                                                                             43,002            43,162

Net full time equivalent employee (FTE) reductions of 326 have been achieved
over the half year to 31 March 2003 (excluding the impact of the Hertz
Fleetlease Limited acquisition). This increases the net reduction since
September 2001 to 1,211 (excluding the impact of the Hertz Fleetlease Limited
acquisition and the adjustment to exclude joint ventures). The Group is on track
to achieve its target of a net reduction in FTEs of 2,040 by 30 September 2003.


Asset Quality

The Group's asset quality remains sound. Gross non-accrual loans were steady at
$1,583 million compared with $1,590 million at September 2002. Gross non-accrual
loans as a percentage of gross loans and acceptances fell to 0.59% from 0.62% in
September 2002.

During the past six months there has been a continued focus on positioning the
portfolio in terms of achieving a sound balance between asset growth, risk and
return, having regard to the economic cycle. This strategy has involved
effective early identification and management of problem loans including exit
lending strategies for exposures exhibiting signs of weakening credit quality.

These initiatives have resulted in an ongoing improvement in asset quality. This
improvement also reflects several other positioning outcomes including:

*             shift in balance sheet asset composition towards housing loans and
lower risk corporate and small to medium enterprise lending;

*             continuing improvement in the percentage of balances held which
are considered investment grade; and

*             improving security position in the small and medium enterprise

Notwithstanding these favourable trends in asset quality, there are a wide range
of risks rising from a deteriorating credit environment. Key global risks
include low rates of economic growth, with banking sectors in some countries
exhibiting increasing risk. This difficult outlook is exacerbated by the
potential for world growth rates to experience sustained weakness reflecting
rising unemployment, deterioration of business and consumer sentiment and the
uncertain impact of SARS.

In Australia the drought has detracted from recent economic growth and if it
continues could weaken economic prospects. The retail banking markets in
Australia and Britain are currently characterised by household sectors that are
carrying debt levels much higher than is usual either at this stage of the
economic cycle or by historical standards. These sectors are vulnerable to
declines in employment or falls in disposable income.

In light of the above assessment of the current and prospective credit
environment the Group is appropriately positioned to manage these challenges.
This assessment is based on the following:

*             the structure and composition of the Group's balance sheet;

*             pro-active identification of risks and management of those risks;

*             specific analysis of industries that are most likely to be
impacted by further deterioration in the global credit environment.

In terms of the asset composition of the book, most of the Group's lending is
either investment grade or secured.



(1)                               Business lending categories:

Category A - Bank security > 142% of the facility

Category B - Bank security between 100% to 142% of the facility

Category C - Bank security between 50% to 100% of the facility

Category D - Bank security of < 50% of the facility

For Corporate & Institutional Banking, asset quality remains strong from the
perspective of its rating and diversification. For the commercial portfolio,
investment grade lending represents 86% of the portfolio.

As part of the Group's pro-active risk management, there has been an increased
focus on credit reviews in the following areas:

*             all sub-investment grade exposures;

*             all companies with negative watch grading outlooks;

*             the industries below; and

*             the unsecured retail portfolio.

                                                                              As at Mar 03
                                                      Exposures       % of total       Investment       Non-accrual
                                                                         Group            Grade
                                                         $bn                               $bn              $bn
Aviation & associated industries                             2.63             0.64             1.48              0.03
Energy - Gas/Electricity                                    11.12             2.69             8.81              0.27
Hospitality                                                  5.31             1.29             3.30              0.04
Insurance (excluding Government)                             7.30             1.77             7.10                 -
Technology                                                   1.08             0.26             0.66              0.01
Telecommunications                                           3.01             0.73             2.45              0.07

In relation to the unsecured retail portfolio, as the following chart shows, the
90+ days delinquencies values are either stable or declining, underlying the
Group's sound asset quality.


To ensure a degree of confidence on current and prospective trends in asset
quality, management has undertaken scenario testing of the Group's portfolio
based on an internally developed relationship between economic cycle and loan
loss rates.

Testing of the Australian home loan portfolio continues to show that an extreme
scenario of a 30% reduction in property prices in combination with a fivefold
increase in current default rates would be likely to result in losses of less
than $100 million. Underwiting standards in respect of mortgage lending have
continued to be actively managed and strategically tightened.

Against this background, the Group's provisioning coverage ratios remain sound.

An important driver of the Group's coverage ratio is its asset composition and
level of security.

Asset Composition

During the half year to March 2003, housing as a proportion of the total lending
portfolio has increased with a corresponding fall in business lending over the
same period.

                                                                                                  As at
                                                                                         Mar 03            Sep 02
                                                                                           %                 %
Housing                                                                                          43                41
Term Lending                                                                                     29                31
Overdrafts                                                                                        7                 8
Leasing                                                                                           6                 7
Credit Cards                                                                                      3                 3
Other                                                                                            12                10
Total                                                                                           100               100


Security Coverage

Within the Business lending portfolio the level of security coverage has
improved, with fully secured lending comprising 56.3% of the portfolio, up from
51.7% at 31 March 2002.


(1)                               Excludes Housing/Flexi-plus Mortgages and
Personal Lending

(2)                               Business lending categories:

Category A - Bank security > 142% of the facility

Category B - Bank security between 100% to 142% of the facility

Category C - Bank security between 50% to 100% of the facility

Category D - Bank security of < 50% of the facility

As illustrated above, there has been a significant shift toward lower risk and
better secured lending that requires lower levels of statistical provisioning.

Recognition of impaired exposures and associated provisioning continues to be
treated conservatively. Management is satisfied that the level of current
provisions is adequate for known problem loans and trends.


European Pension Schemes

The Group has five defined benefit pension funds in Europe. Disclosure of the
latest actuarial reviews on the position of these funds was contained in the
Annual Financial Report 2002. Further information was also provided at the
Investor Presentation on 11 April 2003 (refer to the National's website for a
copy of this presentation).

For the purpose of measuring the Group's defined benefit pension expense, US
accounting standard FAS 87 is applied to the Yorkshire Bank scheme and UK
accounting standard SSAP 24 is applied to the National Australia Bank UK,
Clydesdale Bank, Northern Bank and National Irish Bank schemes.

For the purpose of reporting the funded status of defined benefit pension
schemes in the Annual Financial Report, FAS 87 is used for all note disclosures
of asset values and pension obligations. This will be updated at 30 June 2003
and the net surplus or deficit for each fund will be disclosed in the Annual
Financial Report 2003.

Consulting actuaries Watson Wyatt LLP have advised that as at the end of January
2003 all of these funds would have met the minimum funding requirement (MFR)
test as defined in UK legislation. As at this date the FTSE 100 was
approximately 3,570. In addition, adopting best estimate assumptions for returns
from the current asset base, the overall longer term funding position of these
schemes is in excess of 100%.

The next full actuarial reviews are due 30 September 2004, except for National
Irish Bank, which is due 30 September 2005. In light of the fact that there has
been significant movement in equity markets since the last full actuarial
reviews, the Group has decided to commission partial interim actuarial reviews
of all European schemes as at 30 June 2003.

Share Based Payments - Employee Benefits


During the half year to March 2003, the National Group issued shares to
employees with a total fair value of $47 million. These share issues all related
to entitlements arising from the 2002 financial year and comprise:

*             EVA share offer $34 million (equivalent to $1,000 to all eligible
employees); and

*             Other contractual obligations $13 million.

Disclosure of the fair value of these shares will continue to be made in the
Annual Financial Report.

Under the proposed draft Australian and International Accounting Standard, the
fair value of shares issued to employees will be required to be expensed in the
period in which the shares are granted.


On 21 March 2003, 5,978,750 options and 1,519,832 performance rights were
granted. The combined total fair value at the date of issue was approximately
$62 million, based on fair values of $4.95 and $21.22, respectively.

Disclosure of fair value of options will continue to be made in the Annual
Financial Report.

Under the proposed Australian and International Accounting Standard, the fair
value of options will be required to be expensed over the average vesting period
commencing from grant date, with annual adjustments for differences between the
expected and actual period of service for employees. This will apply to options
that were granted after November 2002 but not yet vested at the date of first
applying the standard, and all options granted after application of the

The National Group will adopt the proposed accounting standard once finalised
and promulgated by the Australian Accounting Standards Board.


Software Capitalisation

The Group has capitalised the development and purchase of software in accordance
with US pronouncements. Total capitalised software as at 31 March 2003 was $920
million ($884 million at 30 September 2002).

The level of software capitalisation at 31 March 2003 equates to 0.2% of total
assets or 2.7% of total equity.

Software is amortised over a period of 3-10 years commencing from date of
implementation. The only assets amortised over a period of 10 years are the ISI
program and the Global Data Warehouse. The amortisation period aligns to the
expected useful life. The software amortisation charge for the half year to 31
March 2003 was $69 million (30 September 2002 half: $57 million, 31 March 2002
half: $49 million).

Integrated Systems Implementation (ISI) Program

The ISI program is a multi-stage project designed to provide the Group with a
common global enterprise resource planning system across all our lines of

The ISI program is a key enabler for the following:

*             Provision of a strategic infrastructure platform for the future;

*             Transformation of the finance and HR functions which will result
in staff savings, improved processes and more timely decision making based on
more accurate, comprehensive and consistent information;

*             Significant procurement savings via improved information and

*             Improved risk and balance sheet management; and

*             Replacement of some legacy systems.

The Group has recognised an asset on the balance sheet for costs capitalised in
relation to the ISI program.  The carrying value of this asset at 31 March 2003
is $329 million, (30 September 2002: $294 million), of which $314 million
related to capitalised software. This amount is being amortised over 10 years.

The ISI program continues to be on track. To date it has successfully delivered:
human resources and payroll functionality and core financial modules (general
ledger and procurement) in New Zealand; and, enhanced human resource
functionality in Europe.


Management Discussion & Analysis - Profitability


Net Interest Income

Group net interest income increased 4.0% from the prior comparative period (3.5%
from the September 2002 half). This primarily reflected growth from Retail
Banking of 5.2% and the benefit from the sales proceeds of HomeSide. It was
partly offset by Corporate & Institutional Banking decreasing 20.5% primarily
due to lower contribution from the Money Markets Division resulting from the
flatter interest rate yield curve environment.

Volumes by Division

Retail Banking volume growth has been driven by strong housing growth in
Australia and New Zealand and subdued business lending. Corporate &
Institutional Banking was impacted by an increase in core lending and increases
in securities under reverse repurchase agreements.

                                                                     Half year to                        Change on
Average interest-earning assets (1)                    Mar 03           Sep 02           Mar 02           Sep 02
                                                         $bn              $bn              $bn               %
Financial Services Australia                                  106               99               92                7
Financial Services Europe                                      53               52               52                2
Financial Services New Zealand                                 17               18               17               (1 )
Retail Banking                                                176              169              161                4
Corporate & Institutional Banking                             107              100               97                7
Other                                                          11                6                8               83
Group average interest-earning assets                         294              275              266                7


(1)       Interest-earning assets exclude intercompany balances.

Net interest margin


(2)       Adjusted for impact of Money Markets division within CIB

Net interest margin declined 7 basis points during the March 2003 half. A
decline in margin contribution from the retail operations, primarily as a result
of the relatively strong growth in mortgage lending, was offset by the funding
benefit of the proceeds of HomeSide and the lower cost of debt.

The overall decline in Group margin can be attributed to the Money Markets
division within Corporate & Institutional Banking, which includes the impact of
lower trading income and an increase of $6.9 billion in a structured lending
product called "reverse repo" loans. These are low risk short-term loans to high
quality counterparties fully secured against government, semi-government or
prime corporate security. The loans attract the risk weighting of the security
and are priced to reflect their low risk nature. Adjusting for the Money Markets
division, the Group's net interest margin remained steady over the half year to
March 2003.


The Retail Banking margin showed a 6 basis point decline in contribution to the
Group margin, due to a decline in margin for Financial Services Australia and
Financial Services Europe, partly offset by an increase in Financial Services
New Zealand.

The decline in Financial Services Australia's margin of 20 basis points is due
to the:

*             Change in asset portfolio with strong growth in home loans and
subdued business lending;

*             Focus on asset quality in the business loan book with a shift to
lower risk/lower margin lending; and

*             Reduced contribution from free funds, due to lower longer term
interest rates.

Financial Services Australia has undertaken a comprehensive program to improve
credit quality and capital efficiency and reduce risk. This is illustrated
below, with the decrease in lower security category C and D lending and an
increase in more secured category A and B lending as a proportion of the total


*Category as a percentage of the total loan portfolio as at March 2003:

Category A - Bank security > 142% of the facility

Category B - Bank security between 100% to 142% of the facility

Category C - Bank security between 50% to 100% of the facility

Category D - Bank security of < 50% of the facility

Financial Services New Zealand's margin improved 10 basis points resulting from
an increased contribution from retail deposits. Financial Services Europe's
margin decreased slightly on the prior half year.

The Corporate & Institutional Banking margin was depressed by lower Money Market
income, however the margin on core lending remained stable.

Other (including Group Funding) margin improved by 6 basis points. This
primarily reflects the funding benefit from the HomeSide sale proceeds and lower
cost of debt.


Net Life Insurance Income

The Group reports its results in accordance with Australian Accounting Standard
AASB 1038 "Life Insurance Business" (AASB 1038). AASB 1038 requires that the
interests of policyholders in the statutory funds of the life insurance business
be reported in the consolidated results.

Net life insurance income is the profit before tax excluding net interest income
of the statutory funds of the life insurance companies of the Group. As the
policyholders receive the tax benefits, the movement in net life insurance
income should be viewed on an after tax basis. The statutory funds of the life
insurance companies conduct superannuation, investment and insurance-related
businesses (ie. Protection business including Term & Accident, Critical Illness
and Disability insurance and Traditional Whole of Life and Endowment).

                                                         Half year to                            Fav/ (unfav)
                                                                                                  change on
                                            Mar 03          Sep 02          Mar 02          Sep 02          Mar 02
                                              $m              $m              $m              %               %
Net life insurance income/(loss)                   81            (250 )           240           large           (66.3 )
Income tax expense/(benefit)                      (70 )          (354 )           106           (80.2 )         large
Net life insurance income after tax               151             104             134            45.2            12.7

Net life insurance income after tax has improved 45.2% on the September 2002
half year. This is primarily due to increased investment revenue, partially
offset by a decrease in change in policy liabilities reflecting the performance
of global equity markets as compared to the September 2002 half.

For detailed discussion on the results of Wealth Management, including the
results of the life businesses (above), as well as the results from non-life
businesses, refer pages 38 - 41.

Other Operating Income

Refer to page 60 for Divisional details.

Total Banking other operating income increased by 9.5% from the prior
comparative period to $2,124 million (up 4.1% from September 2002 half).

Retail Banking contributed solidly to the result, with other operating income
increasing 6.4%. Other operating income in Financial Services Australia and New
Zealand grew strongly from higher lending fees from housing loans and higher
transaction volumes. Financial Services Europe declined slightly with reductions
in creditor insurance income as a result of limited growth in personal loan
volumes and lower account fee income.

The 18.0% growth within Corporate & Institutional Banking was largely from
improved customer-related activity.

Wealth Management other operating income decreased by 5.7% from the prior
comparative period, resulting from uncertain investor sentiment, with weaker
equity markets reducing fee income in the investments business and investment
returns on retained equity.


Operating Expenses

Refer to page 62 for Divisional details.

Total Banking other operating expenses increased by 5.0% from the prior
comparative period to $2,750 million (up 1.3% from the September 2002 half).

Retail Banking other operating expenses of $2,339 million increased 3.3% from
the prior comparative period (1.4% from the September 2002 half). Excluding the
impact of the European pension fund expense, the rise was 2.4%, which was driven
by the following factors:

*             Personnel expenses due to salary increases partly offset by a 718
net reduction in FTE staff (excluding the acquisition of Hertz Fleetlease with
166 additional staff members);

*             Higher occupancy costs partly due to the sale and lease back of
properties in Australia and New Zealand; and

*             Higher costs associated with continued significant investment, eg.
the National's Customer Relationship Management system capability in Australia.

Corporate & Institutional Banking expenses increased 1.6%, largely due to higher
software costs in the March 2003 half.

Other (including Corporate Centre) has been impacted by costs of $21 million
arising from an ongoing major review of compliance and associated quality

The above increases were partially offset by reduced expenditure as a result of
productivity initiatives.

Wealth Management operating expenses increased 19.0% from the prior comparative
period to $394 million.  This was primarily driven by the funding of strategic
investment platforms in building an external financial adviser distribution in
the UK and Australia.

Income Tax Expense

Total Banking income tax expense has increased 13.4% to $781 million on the
prior comparative period primarily reflecting profit growth over the period.

The Group's effective tax rate has increased to 30.3% from 26.1% on prior
comparative period. The March 2002 half year included an $89 million tax benefit
in relation to HomeSide, which reduced the effective tax rate. A reconciliation
of the total Group income tax expense is incorporated in note 12.


Management Discussion & Analysis - Capital & Performance Measures


Performance Measures

Economic Value Added (EVA)

                                                                                     Half year to
                                                                       Mar 03           Sep 02           Mar 02
                                                                         $m               $m               $m
EVA net operating profit after tax                                          2,260            2,054            2,104
Deduct: Capital charge                                                      1,424            1,411            1,463
EVA                                                                           836              643              641

EVA is a shareholder value measure designed to recognise the requirement to
generate a satisfactory return on the economic capital invested in the business.
If the business produces profit in excess of its cost of capital then value is
being created for shareholders. To align management's interests with those of
shareholders, senior management is required to place a significant percentage of
their total remuneration at risk dependent upon performance against EVA growth

In order to encourage longer term decision making and sustained value creation,
the Group sets EVA targets for 3 year periods. The Group's target is 5% growth
per annum in EVA.

EVA's Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT) is based on pre-tax profit, a
standard tax rate and inclusion of calculated benefit of imputation credits
earned by paying Australian tax. EVA's capital charge is based on an 11.5% cost
of capital, applied to a calculation of economic capital that is based on the
shareholders' equity.

EVA NOPAT grew by 7.4% and the charge for capital fell by 2.7% compared to the
March 2002 half. A committed focus on asset quality and the Group's policy of
active capital management, have restrained the growth in economic capital and
resulted in a stable charge for capital, in circumstances where the Group's
banking business has been growing strongly.

Capital Position

The Group's capital ratios remained strong throughout the half year.

The Group's Tier 1 capital represents 7.47% of risk-weighted assets (6.42%
excluding hybrid equity) and total capital represents 9.16% of risk-weighted
assets. This is a reduction from the Total Regulatory Capital ratio of 10.21% at
30 September 2002. These ratios are within the Group's target ranges of 7.0% to
7.5% for Tier 1 capital (revised from 30 September 2002 of 6.25% to 6.75%) and
9.0% to 9.5% for total capital.  Capital targets have been re-set following a
recent review of the Group's capital requirements.

The National has moved to use the ratio of adjusted common equity to
risk-weighted assets (the ACE ratio) in addition to regulatory capital ratios.
The National has adopted this measure as a key capital target because it
measures the capital available to support the banking operations, after
deducting the Group's investment in wealth management operations. The ACE ratio
is becoming the industry standard capital measure amongst financial
institutions. The Group's target range for the ACE ratio is 4.75% to 5.25%. As
at 31 March 2003 the ACE ratio was 5.09%, a reduction from 5.37% as at September
2002. Refer to note 15 regarding the components of the ACE ratio.

The ACE ratio will replace the tangible common ratio, which the National has
used as an additional capital measure for the past two years.

The National adopts a conservative approach to its capital levels consistent
with maintaining a AA long-term rating with Standard and Poor's (Moody's Aa3).
The National's strong capital position supports the continuation of the strategy
of active capital management. This strategy incorporates the use of on-market
buy-backs to reduce surplus capital and the ongoing policy to buy-back all new
shares issued under the National's dividend re-investment plan and other share


Share Buy-back Program

In November 2001, the Group adopted a policy of buying back shares equal to new
shares issued under the Group's various dividend plans and staff share and
option plans. The share buyback program was subsequently extended by a further
$1.0 billion to $1.75 billion for completion by September 2003. There are as at
31 March 2003, approximately 13 million shares (or $400 million) remaining to
complete the $1.75 billion buyback program. All buy-backs are subject to
appropriate pricing volume and other parameters and an assessment of the
circumstances facing the Group at the relevant time.

During the half year to March 2003, the Group bought back 32.4 million shares at
an average price of $31.59 thereby reducing ordinary equity by $1.0 billion. The
highest price paid was $33.70 and the lowest price paid was $28.40. The volume
weighted average price of shares purchased on the days in which National was
purchaser was $31.27. The National's purchases represented 9.9% of market
turnover on the days in which the National was purchaser, on average.

                                                                                      Half year to
Share buy-back activity                                                Mar 03            Sep 02            Mar 02
Number of days traded                                                     70 days           48 days           40 days
Number of shares bought (in millions)                                        32.4              19.4              16.8
Average price of buy-back                                          $        31.59    $        34.83    $        34.16
Percentage of market turnover on days traded                                  9.9 %             8.7 %             9.2 %
Percentage of market turnover on all days                                     5.6 %             3.2 %             6.0 %
Volume weighted average share price on days traded
- all shares traded                                                $        31.27    $        34.94    $        34.21
- shares traded excluding buy-back                                 $        31.24    $        34.95    $        34.22

A comparison of the Group's buy-back activities relative to total market in
National Australia Bank shares, highlights that the Group continues to execute
the buy-back program in modest volumes, avoiding any market disruptions.


Management Discussion & Analysis - Total Banking


Total Banking includes the Regional Retail Financial Services Divisions,
Corporate & Institutional Banking and Other (including Excess Capital, Group
Funding & Corporate Centre). It excludes Wealth Management.

Performance Summary

                                                      Half year to                            Fav/(unfav)
                                                                                               change on
                                         Mar 03          Sep 02          Mar 02          Sep 02          Mar 02
                                           $m              $m              $m              %               %
Net interest income                          3,692           3,584           3,517             3.0             5.0
Other operating income(1)                    2,124           2,041           1,940             4.1             9.5
Total income                                 5,816           5,625           5,457             3.4             6.6
Other operating expenses(1)                  2,750           2,714           2,618            (1.3 )          (5.0 )
Underlying profit                            3,066           2,911           2,839             5.3             8.0
Charge to provide for doubtful                 321             261             387           (23.0 )          17.1
Cash earnings before tax                     2,745           2,650           2,452             3.6            11.9
Income tax expense                             781             771             689            (1.3 )         (13.4 )
Cash earnings before significant             1,964           1,879           1,763             4.5            11.4

By Division
Retail Banking                               1,571           1,492           1,488             5.3             5.6
Corporate & Institutional Banking              416             441             377            (5.7 )          10.3
Other (incl. Excess Capital, Group             (23 )           (54 )          (102 )          57.4            77.5
Funding & Corporate Centre)
Total Banking                                1,964           1,879           1,763             4.5            11.4


(1)       Total Banking is gross of inter-divisional eliminations.

Retail Banking

Refer to page 29 for further details.

Corporate & Institutional Banking

Refer to page 36 for a detailed discussion of financial performance.

Other (incl. Excess Capital, Group Funding & Corporate Centre)

Refer to page 42 for a detailed discussion of financial performance.


Management Discussion & Analysis - Retail Banking


The Regional Retail Financial Services Divisions include the business,
agribusiness and consumer financial services retailers, as well as cards,
payments and leasing units together with supporting shared services. These
operate in Australia, Europe and New Zealand. They exclude Wealth Management,
Corporate & Institutional Banking and Other (including Excess Capital, Group
Funding & Corporate Centre). The regional financial services businesses aim to
develop long-term relationships with their customers by providing products and
services that consistently meet the full financial needs of customers.

Performance Summary

                                                         Half year to                            Fav/(unfav)
                                                                                                  change on
                                            Mar 03          Sep 02          Mar 02          Sep 02          Mar 02
                                              $m              $m              $m              %               %
Net interest income                             3,277           3,173           3,116             3.3             5.2
Other operating income(1)                       1,620           1,569           1,522             3.3             6.4
Total income                                    4,897           4,742           4,638             3.3             5.6
Other operating expenses(1)                     2,339           2,306           2,265            (1.4 )          (3.3 )
Underlying profit                               2,558           2,436           2,373             5.0             7.8
Charge to provide for doubtful debts              298             277             242            (7.6 )         (23.1 )
Cash earnings before tax                        2,260           2,159           2,131             4.7             6.1
Income tax expense                                689             667             643            (3.3 )          (7.2 )
Cash earnings before significant                1,571           1,492           1,488             5.3             5.6

By Division
Financial Services Australia (2)                  904             887             870             1.9             3.9
Financial Services Europe (2)                     508             465             501             9.2             1.4
Financial Services New Zealand (2)                159             140             117            13.6            35.9
Retail Banking                                  1,571           1,492           1,488             5.3             5.6


(1)       Retail Banking is the sum of total Financial Services Australia,
Financial Services Europe and Financial Services New Zealand, gross of
inter-divisional eliminations.

(2)       Refer to Note 1 for a reconciliation of the Divisional results to
Group net profit.

Financial Services Australia

Refer to page 30 for a detailed discussion of financial performance.

Financial Services Europe

Refer to page 32 for a detailed discussion of financial performance.

Financial Services New Zealand

Refer to page 34 for a detailed discussion of financial performance.


Management Discussion & Analysis - Financial Services Australia

Performance Summary

                                                         Half year to                            Fav/(unfav)
                                                                                                  change on
                                            Mar 03          Sep 02          Mar 02          Sep 02          Mar 02
                                              $m              $m              $m              %               %
Net interest income                             1,710           1,677           1,630             2.0             4.9
Other operating income                            950             920             860             3.3            10.5
Total income                                    2,660           2,597           2,490             2.4             6.8
Other operating expenses                        1,214           1,232           1,218             1.5             0.3
Underlying profit                               1,446           1,365           1,272             5.9            13.7
Charge to provide for doubtful debts              156             100              46           (56.0 )         large
Cash earnings before tax                        1,290           1,265           1,226             2.0             5.2
Income tax expense                                386             378             356            (2.1 )          (8.4 )
Cash earnings before significant                  904             887             870             1.9             3.9


(1)       Refer to Note 1 for a reconciliation of Financial Services Australia's
result to Group net profit.

Key Performance Measures

Performance & profitability
Return on average assets (annualised)                    1.39 %   1.52 %   1.55 %
Cost to income ratio                                     45.6 %   47.4 %   48.9 %
Cash earnings per average FTE (annualised) ($'000)        100       97       94
Net interest income
Net interest margin                                      3.18 %   3.38 %   3.53 %
Net interest spread                                      2.73 %   2.86 %   3.05 %
Average balance sheet ($bn)
Gross loans and acceptances                             127.7    118.7    110.9
Interest-earning assets                                 107.1     98.1     91.6
Retail deposits                                          59.7     55.6     53.9

                                                                As at
                                                       Mar 03   Sep 02   Mar 02
Asset quality
Gross non-accrual loans ($m)                              685      634      636
Gross loans and acceptances ($bn)                       131.3    122.9    113.2
Gross non-accrual loans to gross loans and               0.52 %   0.52 %   0.56 %
Specific provision to gross impaired assets              31.3 %   25.5 %   29.2 %
Full-time equivalent employees (FTE)(2)                18,338   18,096   18,455


(2)       FTEs at 31 March 2003 reflect the impact of the graduate intake in
February 2003 (142), particularly in Business and Agribusiness.


Financial performance

Cash earnings increased 3.9% ($34 million) over the prior corresponding period,
and 1.9% over the September 2002 half. Strong growth in housing lending, a focus
on productivity enhancement and sound asset quality were features of the result.

The cost to income ratio for the March half of 45.6% is down from 48.9% in March
2002, and is running below the target for 2004 of 46.0%.

Underlying profit increased 13.7% compared with the March 2002 half (5.9% over
the September 2002 half).

*             Net interest income grew 4.9%, reflecting strong growth in housing
lending, subdued business lending growth and a reduction in net interest margin.
Housing lending grew 22% from March 2002.

*             The reduction in net interest margin (refer to page 23) reflects a
continuation of the strategic focus on managing the relationship between credit
quality and pricing for risk. In addition there has been a shift in the
portfolio composition towards housing lending. The lower risk profile of assets
has resulted in a lower capital allocation and thus reduced earnings on free
funds. The lower interest rate environment has also reduced the return from
non-interest bearing deposits.

*             Retail deposits grew 10.8% from March 2002 (7.4% from September
2002), with volatile global equity markets causing investors to seek safe, lower
risk investments. A significant proportion of the deposit growth was in cash
management deposit accounts.

*             Other operating income increased 10.5% due to stronger growth in
housing lending and higher bill fee income resulting from 14% growth in bill

*             Operating expenses have been contained over the past year.

*                  Implementation of productivity initiatives across the
business and a reduction in staff numbers has enabled the absorption of salary
increases from the Enterprise Bargaining Agreement. Staff numbers at 31 March
2003 decreased by 283 excluding the additional 166 resulting from the
integration of the Hertz Fleetlease business.

*                  Non-personnel expenses were in line with the March 2002 half
year. Following the successful implementation of the customer relationship
management system during 2002, software amortisation expense increased.
Communication, transport and non-lending loss expenses all reduced in the
current half year.

Asset quality has been impacted by one large well-publicised account for which a
receiver/manager was appointed in early April 2003. A provision of $46 million
has been taken at the half year, with a corresponding increase in gross
non-accrual loans of $132 million. Notwithstanding this account, the continued
comprehensive program to improve credit quality and capital efficiency has
resulted in gross non-accrual loans as a percentage of gross loans and
acceptances being 0.52%, which is in line with the previous two half years.

Key achievements

*             Expansion and leverage of the National's customer relationship
capability which analyses customer activity, identifies needs and provides leads
to Bankers.

*             Extensive deployment of Siebel-based sales and service desktop
including new consumer and business lending applications.

*             Acquisition and successful integration of Hertz Fleetlease
business into the National's Custom Fleet operations.

*             Significant investment within rural Australia, with 15 new
integrated financial service centres opened in larger regional towns at a cost
of approximately $10 million. In addition, in metropolitan Australia over 180
branches were fully or partially upgraded.

*             Australia Post banking services were extended to offer business
transaction services at 140 locations, including 76 locations for rural


Management Discussion & Analysis - Financial Services Europe


Performance Summary

                                                         Half year to                            Fav/(unfav)
                                                                                                  change on
Australian dollars                          Mar 03          Sep 02          Mar 02          Sep 02          Mar 02
                                              $m              $m              $m              %               %

Net interest income                             1,239           1,204           1,229             2.9             0.8
Other operating income                            503             503             525               -            (4.2 )
Total income                                    1,742           1,707           1,754             2.1            (0.7 )
Pension fund expense                               40               9              19           large           large
Other operating expenses                          833             831             818            (0.2 )          (1.8 )
Underlying profit                                 869             867             917             0.2            (5.2 )
Charge to provide for doubtful debts              135             190             188            28.9            28.2
Cash earnings before tax                          734             677             729             8.4             0.7
Income tax expense                                226             212             228            (6.6 )           0.9
Cash earnings before significant                  508             465             501             9.2             1.4


(1)       Refer to Note 1 for a reconciliation of Financial Services Europe's
result to Group net profit.

Pounds sterling                         #m             #m             #m             %               %

Net interest income                             449            439            441             2.3             1.8
Other operating income                          182            183            188            (0.5 )          (3.2 )
Total income                                    631            622            629             1.4             0.3
Pension fund expense                             15              3              7           large           large
Other operating expenses                        301            303            293             0.7            (2.7 )
Underlying profit                               315            316            329            (0.3 )          (4.3 )
Charge to provide for doubtful debts             49             69             67            29.0            26.9
Cash earnings before tax                        266            247            262             7.7             1.5
Income tax expense                               82             77             82            (6.5 )             -
Cash earnings before significant                184            170            180             8.2             2.2

Key Performance Measures

Performance & profitability
Return on average assets                       1.43 %         1.33 %         1.42 %
Cost to income ratio                           50.1 %         49.2 %         47.7 %
Cost to income ratio (excl. pension            47.7 %         48.7 %         46.6 %
fund expense)
Cash earnings per average FTE                    32             29             30
(annualised) (#'000)
Net interest income
Net interest margin                            4.18 %         4.21 %         4.16 %
Net interest spread                            3.82 %         3.82 %         3.64 %
Average balance sheet (#bn)
Gross loans and acceptances                    19.7           19.3           19.2
Interest-earning assets                        21.2           20.5           20.9
Retail deposits(2)                             13.8           12.9           12.3


(2)       Retail deposits for March 2003 include #0.5bn, previously classified
within wholesale liabilities.


                                                                                         As at
                                                                       Mar 03           Sep 02           Mar 02
Asset quality
Gross non-accrual loans (#m)                                                  162              187              213
Gross loans and acceptances (#bn)                                            20.2             19.6             19.5
Gross non-accrual loans to gross loans and acceptances                       0.80 %           0.96 %           1.09 %
Specific provision to gross impaired assets                                  35.7 %           30.3 %           32.0 %
Full-time equivalent employees (FTE)                                       11,563           11,719           11,945

Financial performance (in local currency)

Cash earnings increased 2.2% on the prior corresponding period and increased
8.2% from the September 2002 half year. Excluding the impact of pension fund
expenses, cash earnings grew 5.2% on the March 2002 half and 13.0% on the
September 2002 half. The cost to income ratio excluding the pension fund expense
was 47.7%, an improvement from the September half year.

A difficult operating environment has constrained income growth in the half.

Underlying profit decreased 4.3% compared with the March 2002 half year and
decreased 0.3% over the September 2002 half.

*             Net interest income growth reflected modest growth in mortgage
lending, business lending and an increase in the interest margin. Mortgage
lending has grown by 4% from September 2002, and 8% from March 2002.

*             The net interest margin has increased and reflects the growth in
retail deposits that has subsequently reduced the requirement for wholesale
market funding. This is offset in part by a change in product mix resulting from
the growth in mortgage lending and the focus on selective business lending to
enhance the portfolio asset quality.

*             Retail deposit volumes grew with higher levels of liquidity in the
banking system as a result of weakness in global equity markets.

*             Other operating income declined slightly due to reductions in
creditor insurance income as a result of limited growth in personal loan volumes
and lower account fee income.

*             Operating expenses (excluding the pension fund expense) decreased
marginally compared with the September 2002 half due to ongoing focus on
productivity improvement. Personnel costs increased by 1% on the March 2002 half
with the benefit from reductions in staffing levels due to efficiencies gained
in support functions being offset by annual salary reviews.

The charge to provide for doubtful debts decreased 26.9% on the prior
comparative period. During the half year the quality of the book improved
further, with higher security coverage and a lower risk profile. This was
complemented by the repayment of the book value of the largest non-accrual loan
and the recovery of a large previously written off debt.

Key achievements

*             Clydesdale Bank was voted the "Most Improved Business Bank in
Britain" by the Forum of Private Business and Yorkshire Bank won the Your
Mortgage "Best Regional Lender" award.

*             The Forum for Private Business Survey ranked Yorkshire Bank as
better than "the Big 4 UK banks" for customer service.

*             Northern Bank won the Young Enterprise Special Award in the
Northern Ireland Business Education for its pioneering work promoting
entrepreneurial skills in school children.

*             Total cash investment spend of #28 million, including the upgrade
of the teller, sales and service platform.


Management Discussion & Analysis - Financial Services New Zealand


Performance Summary

                                                         Half year to                            Fav/(unfav)
                                                                                                  change on
Australian dollars                          Mar 03          Sep 02          Mar 02          Sep 02          Mar 02
                                              $m              $m              $m              %               %

Net interest income                               328             292             257            12.3            27.6
Other operating income                            167             146             137            14.4            21.9
Total income                                      495             438             394            13.0            25.6
Other operating expenses                          252             234             210            (7.7 )         (20.0 )
Underlying profit                                 243             204             184            19.1            32.1
Charge to provide for doubtful debts                7             (13 )             8           large            12.5
Cash earnings before tax                          236             217             176             8.8            34.1
Income tax expense                                 77              77              59               -           (30.5 )
Cash earnings before significant                  159             140             117            13.6            35.9


(1)       Refer to Note 1 for a reconciliation of Financial Services New
Zealand's result to Group net profit.

New Zealand dollars                         NZ$m            NZ$m            NZ$m             %              %

Net interest income                              361             342             315            5.6           14.6
Other operating income                           184             171             168            7.6            9.5
Total income                                     545             513             483            6.2           12.8
Other operating expenses                         277             274             257           (1.1 )         (7.8 )
Underlying profit                                268             239             226           12.1           18.6
Charge to provide for doubtful debts               8             (15 )            10          large           20.0
Cash earnings before tax                         260             254             216            2.4           20.4
Income tax expense                                85              90              72            5.6          (18.1 )
Cash earnings before significant                 175             164             144            6.7           21.5

Key Performance Measures

Performance & profitability
Return on average assets                        1.29 %          1.29 %          1.11 %
Cost to income ratio                            50.8 %          53.4 %          53.2 %
Cash earnings per average FTE                     83              77              66
(annualised) (NZ$'000)
Net interest income
Net interest margin                             2.78 %          2.68 %          2.54 %
Net interest spread                             3.09 %          3.00 %          2.91 %
Average balance sheet (NZ$bn)
Gross loans and acceptances                     22.5            21.3            20.9
Interest-earning assets                         25.9            25.3            24.7
Retail deposits                                 15.6            15.1            14.2


                                                                                          As at
                                                                       Mar 03           Sep 02           Mar 02
Asset quality
Gross non-accrual loans (NZ$m)                                                 38               31               43
Gross loans and acceptances (NZ$bn)                                          22.9             21.4             21.2
Gross non-accrual loans to gross loans and acceptances (NZ$bn)               0.17 %           0.14 %           0.21 %
Specific provision to gross impaired assets                                  28.8 %           37.2 %           29.5 %
Full-time equivalent employees (FTE)                                        4,221            4,277            4,274

Financial Performance (in local currency)

Cash earnings increased 21.5% over the prior corresponding period. It
demonstrates the strong market position in New Zealand, with market share
growing in housing and in middle market business. The strong result reflects the
focus on efficient capital use and sound asset quality.

Underlying profit increased 18.6% over the March 2002 half year (12.1% over the
September 2002 half year). The cost to income ratio at 50.8% reflects a
significant improvement on the prior corresponding half.

*             Net interest income grew strongly reflecting growth in lending and
deposits volumes, as well as higher deposit margins.

*             Retail deposit volumes grew solidly at 9.9%. Despite low market
interest rates, a strong focus on margin management enabled retail deposit
margins to be grown producing robust net interest income growth.

*             Competition for loans and a change in the product mix resulted in
pressure on lending margins, with 11% housing lending growth from the prior
comparative period.

*             Other operating income grew by 9.5% as a result of lending volume
growth and higher transaction levels.

*             Personnel expenses grew by 3.5% reflecting renegotiated standard
terms of employment and staff on-costs, partly offset by the impact of a
reduction in staff levels resulting from the implementation of productivity

*             Growth in other expenses was driven by software expenses,
marketing campaigns that support the recently re-launched Brand initiative, and
leasing costs following the sale and lease back of the BNZ Centre in Wellington
in 2002.

The charge to provide for doubtful debts reflects active credit risk management,
as the business continues to achieve improvements in capital efficiency and
reduce credit risk by focusing on continued overall quality in the loan
portfolio. The September 2002 result was impacted by a provisioning writeback

Key achievements

*             Successful implementation of ISI modules within human resources,
finance and e-procurement functions (refer to page 21).

*             Expansion and leverage of the National's customer relationship
capability which analyses customer activity, identifies needs and provide leads
to Bankers.

*             FSNZ continues to excel in the business lending sector with
approximately 33% market share.

*             Home loan loyalty products unique to Bank of New Zealand (Global
Plus and  Flybuys home loans) continue to be extremely popular, enabling
continued growth of market share in the home loan market.


Management Discussion & Analysis - Corporate & Institutional Banking


Corporate & Institutional Banking (CIB) is responsible for managing the Group's
relationships with large corporate clients and financial institutions worldwide.
CIB operates through an international network of offices in Australia, Europe,
New Zealand, North America and Asia.

CIB comprises Corporate Banking, Markets, Specialised Finance, Financial
Institutions Group, and a Support Services unit. The business also incorporates
Custodian Services, which provides custody and related services to institutions
within the Australian, NZ and UK markets.

Performance Summary

                                                         Half year to                            Fav/(unfav)
                                                                                                  change on
                                           Mar 03          Sep 02           Mar 02         Sep 02          Mar 02
                                             $m              $m               $m              %               %
Net interest income                              434             505              546          (14.1 )         (20.5 )
Other operating income                           505             459              428           10.0            18.0
Total income                                     939             964              974           (2.6 )          (3.6 )
Other operating expenses                         374             391              368            4.3            (1.6 )
Underlying profit                                565             573              606           (1.4 )          (6.8 )
Charge to provide for doubtful debts              23              21              146           (9.5 )          84.2
Cash earnings before tax                         542             552              460           (1.8 )          17.8
Income tax expense                               126             111               83          (13.5 )         (51.8 )
Cash earnings before significant                 416             441              377           (5.7 )          10.3
items (1)
Net profit attributable to outside                 4               -                -          large           large
equity interest
Cash earnings before significant                 412             441              377           (6.6 )           9.3
items and after outside equity


(1)       Refer to note 1 for a reconciliation of Corporate & Institutional
Banking's result to Group net profit.

Key Performance Measures

Performance & profitability
Total income to average risk-weighted             2.8 %           3.0 %           2.7 %
assets (annualised)
Cost to income ratio                             39.8 %          40.6 %          37.8 %
Cash earnings per average FTE                     330             343             288
(annualised) ($'000(2)
Net interest income
Net interest margin                              0.58 %          0.73 %          0.81 %
Average balance sheet ($bn)
Core lending                                     37.5            35.6            36.7
Core lending and acceptances                     43.3            42.3            44.5
Gross loans and acceptances                      60.4            52.5            51.7
Interest-earning assets                         148.7           137.9           134.7
Risk-weighted assets                             66.2            65.1            71.4


(2)       Cash earnings before significant items and after outside equity

                                                                                         As at
                                                                       Mar 03           Sep 02           Mar 02
Asset quality
Gross non-accrual loans ($m)                                                  427              370              491
Gross loans and acceptances ($bn)                                            60.7             53.9             50.4
Gross non-accrual loans to gross loans and acceptances                       0.70 %           0.69 %           0.97 %
Specific provision to gross impaired assets                                  43.3 %           55.0 %           50.2 %
Full-time equivalent employees (FTE)                                        2,537            2,564            2,582


Financial performance

Cash earnings of $412 million increased 9.3% on the March 2002 half year and are
6.6% lower than the September 2002 half. This was a sound result given the
difficult market environment, which was compounded by the uncertainty caused by
the conflict in Iraq.

*             Total income for the half year was $939 million. The quality of
earnings has improved as a result of solid growth in underlying client-based
income due to the focus on growing core relationships in both the Corporate
Banking and Financial Institutions area. However, total income was marginally
lower than both March and September 2002, largely due to a less certain interest
rate environment and less volatile foreign exchange markets which resulted in
lower money market and foreign exchange income.

*             Net interest income has decreased largely due to a reduction in
money markets income of $108 million. Other operating income continues to show
strong growth, reflecting improved activity in the Corporate Banking,
Specialised Finance and Markets divisions. The split of net interest income and
other operating income can vary considerably in the wholesale market depending
on activity and economic conditions.

*             The underlying margin on the core lending business has remained
relatively stable. However, the overall margin has reduced primarily due to a
mix impact, with a reduction in contribution from money markets and growth in
securities under reverse repurchase agreements.

*             Expenses have reduced compared to the September 2002 half, due to
lower personnel costs following the implementation of efficiency improvements.
Expenses increased slightly against March 2002 largely due to higher software
amortisation costs in the current half.  The cost to income ratio at 39.8% has
improved from September 2002.

*             Asset quality continues to be sound across all regions with
approximately 86% of exposures at investment grade equivalent or above. The
charge for doubtful debts has also fallen considerably from the March 2002 half
year, which included two large well-publicised exposures. The ratio of
non-accrual loans to gross loans and acceptances remains steady at 0.70%.

Key achievements

Several key initiatives and strategies have been undertaken over the half year
to March 2003, which have successfully strengthened client based income,

*                  approximately a 10% increase in overall client-based income,
with a 19% increase in client income generated outside Australia over the half
year to March 2003 (compared with March 2002 half);

*                  Growth in client based income from the Markets division of
approximately 19%;

*                  146 new clients, of which more than half have resulted from
operations outside of Australia; and

*                  leading product development in securitisation and commodity
derivatives resulting in revenue gains.


Management Discussion & Analysis - Wealth Management


Wealth Management operates a diverse portfolio of financial services businesses.
It provides financial planning, insurance, private banking, superannuation and
investment solutions to both retail and corporate customers and portfolio
implementation systems and infrastructure services to financial advisers. The
businesses operate across four regions, Australia, Europe (Great Britain &
Ireland), New Zealand and Asia.

Sources of Operating Profit

                                                         Half year to                            Fav/(unfav)
                                                                                                  change on
                                            Mar 03          Sep 02          Mar 02          Sep 02          Mar 02
                                              $m              $m              $m              %               %
Life company - planned profit margins             118             141             122           (16.3 )          (3.3 )
Life company - experience profit/                  (4 )           (34 )             1            88.2           large
Capitalised losses                                  3               2              (6 )          50.0           large
Life company operating margins(1)                 117             109             117             7.3               -
Operating profits from non-life
- Operating profits(2)                             49              70              69           (30.0 )         (29.0 )
- NAFiM investor compensation                      (8 )           (45 )             -           (82.2 )         large
- Strategic investment expenditure                (13 )           (19 )            (4 )          31.6           large
Investment earnings on shareholders'               16             (37 )            32           large           (50.0 )
retained profits and capital from
life businesses
Operating profit after tax and                    161              78             214           large           (24.8 )
outside equity interest
Revaluation profit/(loss) after tax              (205 )          (389 )           237            47.3           large
Net profit before significant items               (44 )          (311 )           451            85.9           large
and after outside equity interest


(1)       Life Company operating margins are net of outside equity interest.

(2)       Operating profits from non-life businesses includes Private Bank and
the shareholders' funds of life insurance companies and other businesses.

Wealth Management net loss (after outside equity interests) of $44 million
comprised $161 million of profit generated through operations and $205 million
of revaluation losses. The business continues to invest for future growth, with
$13 million after tax of investment expenditure included within the above result
to fund strategic investment programs in both Australia and the UK.

Life company operating margins

Life company operating margins of $117 million were in line with the March 2002
half and improved by $8 million on the September 2002 half.

Planned profit margins decreased on both half year periods, having been
adversely impacted by anticipated lower fee income as a result of lower funds
under management within the investments business, and the negative impact of
disability claims assumption changes which were made at September 2002 within
the insurance business. This has been partially offset by the anticipated growth
of inforce annual insurance premiums.

The experience loss of $4 million for the March 2003 half reflected reduced fee
revenue of $23 million resulting from unfavourable investment conditions, which
was offset by actively managed business expenditure, stabilising disability
claims experience and favourable lump sum insurance experience.

Operating profits from non-life businesses

The decline in operating profits from non-life businesses is largely
attributable to increased spend on regulatory and compliance related projects of
$11 million (after tax), a significant proportion of which relates to the
implementation of the new FSRA legislation. Further, there was a $3 million
write down of the market value of the Thailand joint venture business.

The result for the non-life businesses reflects continued growth from the
Private Bank and growth in the UK general insurance brokerage business, offset
by the impact of unfavourable investment market conditions on investment
earnings and discretionary inflows into the funds management businesses of both
Australia and the UK. Additional costs associated with the NAFiM investor
compensation announced in August 2002 of $8 million (after tax) have been


Strategic investment spend in both the Australian and UK businesses has
continued. The profit impact of this spend will vary across periods due to the
profile of the expenditure and lifecycle of the projects. During the half year
the profit after tax impact of the investment expenditure in the Australian and
UK businesses were $8 million and $5 million respectively.

Investment earnings on shareholders' retained profits and capital from life

Investment earnings (after tax) generated on shareholders' invested capital in
the statutory funds of the life businesses were $16 million. Shareholders'
capital is invested in fixed interest and cash (75%) with the remaining balance
in equities, consistent with the investment profile of policyholder assets and
regional regulatory requirements. The variance on the March 2002 and September
2002 half year periods directly correlates to the movements in the major
stockmarket indices in those periods.

Key Performance Measures

                                                                                     Half year to
                                                                       Mar 03           Sep 02           Mar 02
Sales ($ bn)(1)                                                               5.3              9.3              7.1

                                                                                         As at
                                                                       Mar 03           Sep 02           Mar 02
Total funds under management and administration ($ bn)(1)                    65.1             65.6             71.1
Market share - Australia%
Platforms - master funds & wraps(2)(3)                                       24.3             26.7              n/a
Retail funds management(2)                                                   14.1             14.5             14.4
Net annual retail inflows (2)                                                16.7             22.5             21.5
Wholesale funds management(2)                                                 6.3              5.7              6.0
Net annual wholesale inflows(2)                                              29.0              5.8              6.2
Retail risk insurance(4)                                                     14.1             13.7             13.3
New retail risk annual premiums(4)                                           16.8             14.9             13.7
Other (no.)
Financial advisers(5)                                                       2,972            3,309            3,313
- Bank channels                                                               643              783              838
- Aligned dealerships                                                       2,329            2,526            2,475
Full-time equivalent employees (FTEs)                                       5,910            6,105            5,943


(1)       Sales and funds under management and administration have been restated
to exclude joint venture interests.

(2)       Source: ASSIRT Market Share Reports as at December 2002, June 2002 and
December 2001.

(3)       Reported by ASSIRT for the first time in June 2002.

(4)       Source: DEXX&R Research Reports. Retail risk insurance includes term,
trauma and disability insurance at September 2002, March 2002, and September

(5)       Significant business is also sourced from Independent Financial
Advisers (IFAs). There are currently active relationships with over 1,300 IFAs.
Financial advisers at March 2003 include 1,463 for the Australian business and
1,509 for the UK and Asian businesses, which compares with 1,501 and 1,808
respectively at September 2002 and 1,678 and 1,635 respectively at March 2002.

Funds under management / administration

Declining returns in global equity markets and the impact of investor
uncertainty has seen funds under management and administration decline by 8% on
the March 2002 half. The average balance of funds under management fell from
$69.5 billion for the March 2002 half to $66.4 billion for the March 2003 half.

The current market conditions have seen investors move towards bank fixed
interest and cash holdings at the expense of discretionary investment platforms.
The share of Australian net retail funds management inflows captured for the
year to December 2002 were 16.7%, which compares to a market share of funds
under management of 14.1%. Wholesale funds management market share increased to

In the UK, despite lower than anticipated sales in difficult market conditions,
investment funds under management has grown by 2% to $1.5 billion, at a time
when the market fell 23%. This reflects the continued growth in the financial
planning and investment service to customers of the UK banks. Customer feedback
continues to illustrate the strengths of the manager of managers investment
approach and the lifestyle financial advice proposition. Average investment size
has increased by 80% since launch of the investment service offering in November



The Australian retail risk insurance business continues to maintain its market
leading position increasing its market share of annual new business sales to
16.8% for the 12 months to September 2002, which compares to a market share of
premiums in force of 14.1%. The life companies improved their Standard and
Poor's rating to AA.

Efficiency measures

Continued growth of the insurance business and cost containment resulted in the
cost to premium income ratio of 21% for the half year to March 2003. This is in
line with the 2004 full year target of 21%, compared with 22% for both the March
2002 half and September 2002 full year.

The cost to funds under management ratio for the investment business was
maintained at 67 basis points  for the half year to March 2003*. This compares
with 66 and 67 basis points for the March 2002 half and September full year*
respectively, and against a 2004 full year target of 65 basis points.

*Excluding NAFiM investor compensation

Valuation and Revaluation Profit/(Loss)

Valuation of businesses held in the mark to market environment decreased by $48
million from $6,475 million at 30 September 2002 to $6,427 million at 31 March
2003. Values shown are directors' market valuations. The valuations are based on
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) valuations prepared by Tillinghast - Towers Perrin
(Tillinghast), using, for the Australian and New Zealand entities, risk discount
rates specified by the directors.

The components comprising the change in value are summarised below:

NAFiM subsidiaries
Market value summary ($m)
                                            Net           Value of        Embedded        Value of         Market
                                         assets(1)        inforce          value           future          value
                                                          business                          new

Market value at 30 September 2002              1,301           2,252           3,553           2,922           6,475

Operating profits after tax of NAFiM             123               -             123               -             123
Capital and other movements(4)                    68               -              68               -              68
Increase in shareholders net assets              191               -             191               -             191
Revaluation profit /(loss)
components before tax:
-  Business assumptions & roll
Roll forward of DCF(5)                             -             211             211               -             211
Change in assumptions & experience                 -               3               3            (453 )          (450 )
Revaluation profit/(loss) before tax               -             214             214            (453 )          (239 )
Foreign exchange excess movements(7)              29             (29 )             -               -               -
Market value at 31 March 2003                  1,521           2,437           3,958           2,469           6,427


(1)       Net assets represent the shareholder capital reserves and retained
profits. A portion of these net assets is non-distributable, as it is required
to support regulatory capital requirements. The cost of this capital support is
reflected in the value of inforce business.

(2)       For some smaller entities the projection of future new business and
inforce business is combined for the purposes of valuation. For these entities
the value of future new business is reflected in the embedded value.

(3)       Operating profit after income tax is before revaluations and excludes
operating profits of entities outside the market value accounting environment;
ie. the operating profits after tax from NAFiM's own business, and other
entities not owned by NAFiM.

(4)       Capital and other movements represent movements in value such as the
payment of dividends, capital injections and reductions, acquisitions of
subsidiaries and foreign exchange movements on intragroup debt related to
international subsidiaries.

(5)       The roll forward represents the growth over the period at the
valuation discount rate over and above operating profit.

(6)       The revaluation profit/(loss) before tax does not include revaluation
uplift in respect of NAFiM's own business. AASB 1038 requires assets of a life
company to be valued at net market value; since NAFiM is the parent life entity,
the change in market value of its own life business is not brought to account.

(7)       Foreign exchange excess movements represent foreign exchange impacts
on the net assets of international subsidiaries and market value of intragroup


Revaluation Profit/(Loss)

The components that contributed to the $239 million revaluation loss before tax
comprised the effect of assumption changes and experience, offset by the
anticipated growth in the business above current levels of operating profit (ie.
the roll forward of the DCF).

The assumption changes primarily comprised lower retail sales volumes than
anticipated at September 2002, which has impacted the value of future new
business reducing it from 45% to 38% of total market value, and the overall
impact of lower investment earnings. Further, weaker operating environments have
reduced the values of the international businesses. The impact of these factors
has been mitigated to some extent by the active management of expenses.

Included within 'capital and other movements' is a net capital injection of $135
million, which includes a $140 million injection into the insurance business to
support the growth in the risk insurance business. A favourable foreign exchange
movement on the intra-group debt related to the international subsidiaries is
also included in this category. The growth of the risk insurance business is
reflected in the increased market value attributed to the insurance business

Entities held within the mark to market environment include operations in
Australia, Europe, New Zealand and Asia. Distribution of value by both region
and business segment are summarised below:

NAFiM subsidiaries
Market value summary ($m)
                                            Net           Value of        Embedded        Value of         Market
                                           assets         inforce          value           future          value
                                                          business                          new

By region
Australia                                      1,131           2,002           3,133           2,358           5,491
Europe                                           236             287             523              12             535
New Zealand                                       25              41              66              23              89
Asia                                             129             107             236              76             312
Market value at 31 March 2003                  1,521           2,437           3,958           2,469           6,427

By business segment
Investments                                      765           1,101           1,866           1,701           3,567
Insurance                                        695           1,228           1,923             768           2,691
Other                                             61             108             169               -             169
Market value at 31 March 2003                  1,521           2,437           3,958           2,469           6,427

Actuarial assumptions applied in the determination of market value

Actuarial assumptions applied in the determination of market values for
significant Wealth Management businesses held within the mark to market
environment are summarised as follows:

                                           March 2003                                  September 2002
Assumptions applied in         New           Risk          Franking          New            Risk          Franking
the                         business       discount         credit         business       discount         credit
determination of           multiplier     rate(3)(%)       assumptn       multiplier     rate(3)(%)       assumptn
market                         (2)                          (%)(4)           (2)                           (%)(4)
value (1)
Insurance                          8.8           11.0              70            10.1           11.0              70
Investments                        8.4    11.0 - 12.0              70             8.7    11.0 - 12.0              70
New Zealand                        6.8        11.50 -              70             8.1        11.75 -              70
                                                12.75                                          12.75
Hong Kong                          9.0           12.5               -             9.0           12.5               -


(1)       The bulk of the European valuation was performed on an aggregate
basis. Where the European business valuations identified separate values of
inforce business and future new business, approximate methods were used to
derive the value of future business that did not involve new business
multipliers. The risk discount rate used in European valuations at 31 March 2003
was 10%.

(2)       New business multipliers represent the multiple of value arising from
the 12 months to 30 September 2002 & the 12 months to 31 March 2003 new business
experience respectively that equates to the value of future new business. It
reflects the risk discount rate, anticipated new business growth and expected
industry growth rates thereafter, together with an allowance for the expected
pressure to reduce profit margins in the future.

(3)       Risk discount rates are gross of tax and have been derived using the
Capital Asset Pricing Model. For the Australian and New Zealand businesses, the
rates applied in the directors' market valuations, as shown in the table above,
are 0.5% higher than Tillinghast's standard rates for DCF valuations of such

(4)       the valuations of Australian and New Zealand entities comprise the
present value of estimated future distributable profits after corporate tax,
together with the present value of 70% of the attaching imputation credits. The
valuations of international entities other than New Zealand comprise the present
values of estimated future distributable profits after corporate tax.


Management Discussion & Analysis - Other (incl. Excess Capital, Group Funding &
Corp. Centre)


Performance Summary

                                                         Half year to                            Fav/(unfav)
                                                                                                  change on
                                            Mar 03          Sep 02          Mar 02          Sep 02          Mar 02
                                              $m              $m              $m              %               %
Net interest income                               (19 )           (94 )          (145 )          79.8            86.9
Other operating income(1)                          (1 )            13             (10 )         large            90.0
Total income                                      (20 )           (81 )          (155 )          75.3            87.1
Other operating expenses(1)                        37              17             (15 )         large           large
Underlying loss                                   (57 )           (98 )          (140 )          41.8            59.3
Charge to provide for doubtful debts                -             (37 )            (1 )         large           large
Net cash earnings before tax                      (57 )           (61 )          (139 )           6.6            59.0
Income tax benefit                                (34 )            (7 )           (37 )         large            (8.1 )
Cash earnings before significant                  (23 )           (54 )          (102 )          57.4            77.5

By Division
Excess Capital(4)                                  38              68              69           (44.1 )         (44.9 )
Group Funding                                     (32 )          (107 )          (158 )          70.1            79.7
Corporate Centre                                  (29 )           (15 )           (13 )         (93.3 )         large
Other                                             (23 )           (54 )          (102 )          57.4            77.5


(1)                               Includes Group eliminations between the
Banking Divisions.

(2)                               The September 2002 half year included a
re-allocation from the Group statistical provision reserve to the operating
divisions of $37 million.

(3)                               Refer to Note 1 for a reconciliation of Other
(including Excess Capital, Group Funding & Corporate Centre) to Group net

(4)                               Net interest income from excess capital (after
tax). The earnings rate on excess capital for the half years ended March 2003,
September 2002 and March 2002 was 4.99%, 5.72% and 5.26% respectively.

Excess Capital

The Group's earnings on excess capital for the March 2003 half year were $38
million compared with $69 million in the prior comparative period reflecting the
lower volume of excess capital due to the impact of the share buy-back and a
lower average earning rate.

Earnings on excess capital is calculated by applying the average three-year bank
bill swap rate of 4.99% (5.26% prior corresponding period) to the estimated
excess. For balance sheet management purposes, the banking operations use a
three-year benchmark for the investment term of capital. Holdings of excess
capital reduce the amount of debt required by the banking operations to fund
asset growth. Any reduction in excess capital would therefore need to be
replaced with debt of the same term in order to maintain the interest rate risk
profile of the banking operations.

When estimating excess capital, benchmarks are chosen having regard to
Australian and international peers and the risk profile and asset base of the
Group's banking operations. Excess capital does not represent the total amount
of surplus capital held by the Group.


Group Funding

Group Funding acts as the central vehicle for movements of capital and
structural funding to support the Group's operations. This minimises the
earnings distortion to the operating divisions and enhances the comparability of
divisional performance over time.

For the half year to March 2003, Group Funding experienced a loss of $32 million
compared to a loss of $158 million for the prior corresponding period.  The main
factors contributing to the movement include:

*             the funding benefit on the proceeds from the sale of SR Investment
Inc. (HomeSide);

*             lower inter-company funding costs with the falling interest rate
environment; and

*             a one-off unfavourable interest accrual adjustment in the March
2002 half.

Corporate Centre

Corporate Centre comprises the following non-operating units - Group and
Corporate Finance, Corporate Development, People & Culture, Risk Management,
Nautilus Insurance, National Technology, ISI program, Office of the CEO, and
Group eliminations.

The Corporate Centre result for the March 2003 half year has been impacted by
costs of $15 million after tax arising from an ongoing major review of
compliance and associated quality improvements within Europe.


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange