RNS Number:3226J
28 March 2003

                                                 28 March 2003

                         PRI GROUP PLC

                      PRELIMINARY RESULTS
             FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2002

PRI Group plc ("PRI", "the Group" or "the Company"), the newly
formed  enterprise specialising in the professional  liability
sector  of the UK insurance industry, announces maiden results
for the period ended 31 December 2002 following the successful
completion of the Group's #130 million initial public offering
on the Alternative Investment Market ("AIM") in June 2002.


 - Commenced underwriting on 1 September 2002

 - Recruited leading teams of underwriters

 - Secured an AM Best rating of A- (Excellent)

 - Pre-tax loss of #1.45 million

 - #18.5 million of gross premium underwritten in first four
   months of trading

Andreas  Loucaides, Chief Executive commented: "I  believe  we
have  delivered  a set of creditable results from  our  maiden
trading  period.  Our operational infrastructure is now  fully
functional  and  we  have recruited an exceptionally  talented
team  of underwriters which continues to focus on our selected
lines  of  insurance.  Our business is underpinned by  several
key  underwriting and financial disciplines.   We  are  highly
selective  in the risks we underwrite to ensure  that  we  are

"We  have  made  a strong start to the year as premium  rates,
terms  and conditions in our chosen lines of business continue
to  strengthen  and  we are well placed to take  advantage  of
these  conditions in 2003.  As such, we face the  future  with

                           - Ends -

For further information, please contact:

PRI Group plc                       On 28 March: 020 7067 0700
James Nelson, Chairman               Thereafter: 020 7090 1200

Lexicon Partners                                 020 7743 6330
Angus Winther

Weber Shandwick Square Mile                      020 7067 0700
Susan Ellis

                         PRI GROUP PLC

                      PRELIMINARY RESULTS
             FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2002

PRI Group plc ("PRI", "the Group" or "the Company"), the newly
formed  enterprise specialising in the professional  liability
sector  of the UK insurance industry, announces maiden results
for the period ended 31 December 2002 following the successful
completion of the Group's #130 million initial public offering
on the Alternative Investment Market ("AIM") in June 2002.


I  am delighted to welcome shareholders and to report on PRI's
first trading period.

This   initial  period  has  been  momentous  in  many   ways,
particularly  as PRI was a start-up insurance  company.   From
developing  a  concept,  the challenge  was  to  convert  that
concept  into  a  business plan, bring together  a  management
team,  put  in  place  the operational  structure,  raise  the
necessary  capital  and  obtain  regulatory  clearance.    The
objective was to be able to start trading on 1 September 2002.
I  am  happy to report that management rose to that  challenge
and PRI started trading on that date.

I  would  like to thank everyone who shared in our belief  and
made   it   possible;  our  shareholders,   advisors,   market
practitioners and many more besides.  Everyone  at  PRI  looks
forward to delivering upon the PRI proposition, described more
fully elsewhere in this announcement.


PRI's  trading result, a loss before tax of #1.45 million,  is
in  line  with the illustrative financial projections included
in  the Admission document for our AIM listing. A loss in  the
first  period  of trading was anticipated, as expenses  during
the  start-up phase were likely to be incurred in  advance  of
premium  income.   As  stated  in the  Admission  document,  a
dividend will not be declared.

Premium   income,  before  and  after  associated  acquisition
expenses,  was  less than anticipated but still  a  creditable
#18.5  million and #15.6 million, respectively.  The shortfall
was  principally due to a delay in the flotation process  with
the  result that key members of staff did not join as  quickly
as  anticipated and the desire not to compromise  underwriting
standards.  We seek to be selective in the risks we underwrite
to ensure that PRI is profitable as we believe it important to
set  high  standards  that  can  be  delivered  upon  over  an
underwriting cycle.


PRI  could  not  have  made the progress it  has  without  the
efforts  of  our  staff.  I believe we have recruited  a  very
talented  team, where we have been able to select  those  with
the  best  skills,  experience and  expertise  in  our  chosen
markets  and  business.   The team has  worked  tirelessly  to
develop  an  infrastructure  and  operating  environment  that
enables  us  to take advantage of the opportunities  that  are

I  would  like  to thank all of the staff and my fellow  Board
members who have been most supportive, both during the process
of the AIM listing and this initial period of trading.


The  insurance sector has incurred substantial losses over the
last  few  years  and  its capital base  has  been  materially
eroded.   The combination of these factors has contributed  to
the  favourable market that we are now enjoying.  The  trading
conditions  within  the UK professional liability  market  are
strong,  with  increased  rates and  strengthening  terms  and
conditions.   PRI envisages that these conditions will  remain
in the foreseeable future.

Good relationships have been established with the underwriting
and broking community; our management team is complete and our
operational  infrastructure is  now  in  place.  PRI  is  well
positioned to meet the needs of its market.

Approach from Brit Insurance Holdings PLC ("Brit")

The  Board  of  PRI  announced on 26 March 2003  that  it  had
received an approach from Brit regarding a potential all share
offer.  PRI has appointed Lexicon  Partners  Limited as financial
advisers. The Board is discussing the approach from Brit with
its advisers and will communicate further with shareholders in
due course. In the meantime shareholders are advised to take no

                                                  James Nelson


2002  has  been  an exciting initial period of  trading.   PRI
listed  on  the  Alternative Investment Market of  the  London
Stock  Exchange at the end of June 2002, raising #124  million
net  of  expenses.  The task we set ourselves was to establish
PRI   as  a  leading  niche  professional  liability  insurer,
initially in the UK and later elsewhere in Europe.  The  focus
is   to  be  primarily  on  small  to  mid-range  professional
practices  and  medium to large commercial enterprises  within
the SME sector.

PRI  commenced underwriting on 1 September 2002 and I  believe
we  have  made  significant  progress  towards  achieving  our

To date, we have:
      -    commenced underwriting on 1 September 2002 within
           eight weeks of raising funds;
      -    recruited leading teams of underwriters;
      -    secured an AM Best rating of A- (Excellent); and
      -    underwritten #18.5 million of gross premium in 2002.

Our strategy is to:
      -    harness the experience and expertise of our underwriting team;
      -    focus on specific lines of business;
      -    target selected market sectors;
      -    adopt a conservative approach to managing the business;and
      -    develop distribution channels.

Harnessing the Experience and Expertise of our Underwriting

At  31  December 2002, we had a staff of 40, 21 of  whom  were
underwriters.   The  underwriters  were  recruited  for  their
proven  experience,  expertise and  position  in  the  market,
together  with  their profitable track records  and  confirmed
abilities to develop business relationships, particularly with
insurance brokers in PRI's chosen target sectors.

Due  to  the  delay of our IPO, the recruitment  process  took
longer  than  originally envisaged as key  employees  resigned
from their positions later than anticipated.  Critically, this
meant  that part of our professional indemnity team joined  in
late  September,  missing, to a large extent, the  solicitors'
renewal  season.  Furthermore, recruitment of  the  Directors'
and  Officers' team proved more problematic than planned, with
the result that that team remained under-resourced for most of
this initial trading period.

Throughout,  we  have  sought  to  recruit  the  finest,  most
productive and commercial candidates, and to ensure we develop
our  own  culture utilising the best attributes of the  London
market.  To  that end, I believe we have been  successful.  We
will   consider   further  recruitment   opportunities   where
underwriters, with proven track records and leading  expertise
in  our  chosen  market areas, complement and  strengthen  our
existing teams.

A priority for PRI is to provide a top quality claims service.
We  have set out to work with our brokers and policyholders to
manage and settle claims, adopting a professional approach  to
claims  management. PRI's ability to provide a  competent  and
specialised claims handling service is an essential aspect  of
meeting  clients' needs. We have assembled a team  of  leading
claims  professionals and we are developing key  relationships
with  leading legal practices to offer this service on a  cost
effective basis.

Focusing on Specific Lines of Business

PRI's  proposition entails focusing upon seven specific  lines
of  business within the Professional Liability market, namely:
Professional  Indemnity, Directors' and  Officers'  Liability,
Warranty  and  Indemnity,  General and  Employers'  Liability,
Legal  Expenses, Medical Malpractice and Crime  and  Financial
Institutions.   We  believe  that  these  key   segments   are
complementary  and  provide  a  balanced  range  of  liability
products. We are committed to underwriting business in the  UK
and  elsewhere  in Europe but not to underwrite  any  business
directly in the USA.

Professional Indemnity ("PI")
The  PI  team is the heart of our business. We currently  have
six  underwriters and we plan to build this team further.  The
PI  team  has  forged strong relationships  with  the  leading
brokers  and  is  seeing a broad range of business  that  fits
PRI's   niche.   PRI   is   planning   to   develop   regional
representation in 2003 to offer its products and  services  to
the  provincial markets.  We are pleased with the  amount  and
quality of premium income written in 2002 and to date  in  the
current year.

Directors' and Officers' Liability ("D&O")
PRI  has  made strong progress in this sector and  expects  to
expand  the  team  during 2003 to take  advantage  of  present
market  conditions. The collapse of Enron has had a  knock  on
effect  upon the D&O market in the UK and Europe. The recently
published Higgs Report, recommending that directors in the  UK
have  D&O  cover, should reinforce this trend. We believe  the
D&O  sector  will  remain a growth area in 2003.  PRI  remains
committed  to  its  underwriting  stance  that  it  will   not
underwrite  any  US  domiciled business  irrespective  of  the
underwriting conditions within that sector.

Warranty and Indemnity ("W&I")
PRI  has  recruited  a team of leading W&I experts  which  has
excellent relationships with leading producers of this line of
business. The W&I sector is dependent upon general merger  and
acquisition  activity,  which  to  date  has  been  relatively
subdued. However, PRI should benefit from any upturn.

General and Employers' Liability
This  liability  team had an encouraging start,  enjoyed  good
broker  support and saw an excellent flow of quality  business
from a sector that witnessed a material hardening of premiums.
PRI  is  well positioned to take advantage of the shortage  of
capacity  and  the  attendant increases in premium  rates  and
improving terms and conditions. The outlook for this sector in
2003 remains positive.

Legal Expenses
The  Legal  Expenses team experienced strong initial  trading.
The  team  joined earlier than had been envisaged and  PRI  is
confident that it will develop a significant presence in  this

Medical Malpractice
There  are  exciting opportunities for the medical malpractice
account  in 2003. This team saw a steady start to trading  and
it  envisages  significant growth in the  coming  months.  The
Medical Malpractice team has forged strong relationships  with
brokers  to generate premium flow. The team has a high  degree
of  technical excellence which will enable it to maximise  the
profit potential of the line.

Crime and Financial Institutions
PRI  offers  complementary products covering commercial  crime
risks,  typically written in conjunction with other  lines  as
well  as  stand-alone  policies. PRI also offers  professional
liability  and  D&O cover for selected financial institutions.
PRI has enjoyed excellent broker support in this line in 2002.
Controlled growth in this line is envisaged for 2003.

Targeting Selected Market Sectors

In June 2002, we identified three main sectors:
      -    small to mid-size professional practices;
      -    the middle to upper end of the SME market; and
      -    where appropriate, larger corporates with annual turnover
           of between #15 million and #100 million.

These  sectors  were our priority in 2002 and  remain  so  for

We  have set out to offer a first class service to our brokers
specialising in professional liability business. We believe we
have  made good progress with our service levels and we intend
to improve upon them in 2003.

Adopting a Conservative Approach

As  PRI was a start up insurance company, we deliberately  set
out to adopt a conservative approach to managing the business.

We  have  chosen to outsource as many non-core  activities  as
possible to enable us to control our cost base and to  benefit
from  outsourcers' economies of scale.  This  applies  to  two
areas in particular, back office functions and investment:

     - Xchanging  provides PRI with back office support covering  six
     principal services: Network support; Disaster recovery; Bureau
     services  -  premium  and  claim processing;  Credit  control;
     Property  services;  and HR administration.   Outsourcing  has
     given the Group full back office resources and staffing levels
     from  the  start  and  the flexibility to  respond  to  market
     changes. To date, the programme has delivered as anticipated.

     - PRI  has  appointed  two investment managers,  Alliance
     Capital, which runs the capital portfolio, and The  Royal
     Bank  of  Scotland,  which manages  working  capital  and
     premium  funds.  The appointment of two managers  ensures
     that  PRI  obtains  a cross-section  of  views  from  the
     investment  community and is able to measure  performance
     more easily. Both managers have exceeded their benchmarks
     in 2002.

Another  important element is our conservative approach to  reserving.
To this end, PRI has recruited a qualified in-house  actuary  whose
primary focus  is  to  determine pricing and evaluation of products
and reserving of risk. In  addition, PRI has appointed an independent
actuary to review  the actuarial processes within PRI and the  bases
for its reserving policy.

Prior  to  commencing  trading  in  2002,  we  concluded   our
reinsurance programme to provide cover until the end of  2003.
Generally,  reinsurers have increased their  rates,  tightened
terms  and conditions and increased retention levels for those
other insurers that they are continuing to support.  Also, the
withdrawal  and downgrading of reinsurers has  resulted  in  a
narrowing  range  of reinsurers from whom  insurers  can  seek

Develop Distribution Channels

Our  principal  product distribution strategy is  to  use  the
insurance brokers who typically place in excess of 85 per cent
of  business  in  the professional liability market. Completing
the development of our IT systems will permit  us to better
serve our existing distribution channels. This, together  with
our marketing strategy, should  increase future business flows.

PRI  is committed to reviewing and, if the opportunity arises,
developing  a non-underwriting fee earning business  in  2003.
This  will  be  complementary to our existing  legal  expenses
business.   PRI   believes that integral  to  legal   expenses
underwriting  is  the  provision of  legal  advice  and  other
advisory  services which, either as part of the legal expenses
insurance  or  as  stand-alone fee generation  services,  have
experienced  significant  growth in recent  years.  While  its
scale  will  be  modest at the outset,  it  will  form  a  key
component   in  PRI's  overall  broker  support  and   product
distribution plans.


Insurers  continued  to  realign  their  positions  in   2002,
reflecting  the impact of 2001 losses.  Many insurers  shifted
their  focus  away from what they considered  to  be  non-core
business  and  have withdrawn from our chosen sectors  of  the
market.   Combined with the lack of capacity coming  into  the
market  and  the demise of Independent Insurance  and  HIH  in
2001,  this  has  resulted  in the improvement  in  terms  and
conditions  as well as premium rate rises across our  selected
business areas.

Recent  announcements of new entrants to our  sector  indicate
that   the  market  sees  the  profit  potential  within   the
professional  liability market. PRI's timing  and  impact  has
enabled it to gain a strong footing in the sector.

Although terms have hardened, brokers, as we anticipated, have
been  placing business with existing renewal markets. We  have
therefore  concentrated on honing our service and  performance
standards  to  divert  business  to  PRI  away  from  existing

Premium  rate increases in the UK liability market  have  been
most  pronounced in the General Liability sector. We  believe,
however, that the experience of our underwriting team, coupled
with  our prudent risk underwriting policy, will enable us  to
fully  exploit the significant opportunities for profit within
the  areas  we  have identified. Market conditions  for  PRI's
lines  of  business  are extremely strong and  we  envisage  a
continuing  strengthening of rates, terms  and  conditions  in
2003.   These  conditions are entirely consistent  with  those
anticipated  at  the  time of our AIM  listing.  However,  the
general  socio-economic conditions and legislative environment
continue  to  change. PRI monitors these factors and  is  well
placed to adapt accordingly.


We  recognise the importance of establishing a strong, dynamic
sector  brand  which is easily recognisable  by  PRI's  target
distribution   channels,  our  brokers  and   ultimately   our

An  extensive marketing programme was started in 2002  and  is
continuing   this  year,  with  interviews,  press  briefings,
lectures and speaking at conferences. This should enable us to
continue  to  deliver our message and vision to the  insurance
community.  Evidence of the success of this activity  to  date
may  be  seen in the strength of support that PRI has  enjoyed
since we started trading. We plan to build on this success and
reinforce our message. Our concentration will be on our  major
producing markets.


In  2003,  we  will  maintain our clear focus  on  our  target
sectors  and  seek  to  develop  and  strengthen  our   market
position.  PRI  will adhere to the underwriting and  financial
disciplines that underpin its business proposition.

The  current  financial year has started well  and  given  the
excellent market conditions and the reception we have received
from the market, we face the future with confidence.

                                             Andreas Loucaides
                                               Chief Executive



The  Group  is reporting a loss before tax for the  period  of
#1.45  million.  This  is  consistent  with  the  illustrative
financial projections in the Admission document.

For  the period under review, we achieved a premium income  of
#18.51  million  gross of acquisition costs. This  represented
four month's trading from 1 September to 31 December 2002  and
is  a creditable performance for our formative trading period.
PRI  entered  into insurance contracts during 2002  where  the
ultimate  premium  is  likely to be to  the  value  of  #31.40
million. However, certain contracts worth #12.90 million  will
generate business that incepts throughout 2003 and as such are
not reflected in the 2002 accounts.

Our  gross  premium  income was slightly  lower  than  we  had
anticipated  in  our  Admission  document  for  two  principal
reasons.  Firstly,  the  delay  in  the  recruitment  of   the
professional  indemnity team impacted the amount  of  business
that could be written for 2002.  Secondly, pricing levels  for
solicitors' professional indemnity insurance which renewed  on
1  September  2002  were  not  in  line  with  PRI's  original
expectations.  The Group was keen to ensure that  it  did  not
compromise  its  stated  underwriting  standards,   and   this
resulted in a shortfall in projected revenue.

Premium  income of #2.61 million was earned in 2002. This  was
lower  than the budget of #3.70 million largely due to a delay
in  the  timing of acceptance of risk and as such  a  material
percentage of the shortfall will be accounted for in 2003.

Within  the  technical  trading  account,  PRI  made  a   pure
underwriting  profit of #501,000 (being net premium  less  net
claims  less acquisition costs), which was offset by  expenses
of  #5.01 million. Investment income totalled #2.80 million in
the period.


The total expenditure for 2002 was #12.04 million and comprised:
     - listing costs and associated share issue costs, #7.03 million;
     - business infrastructure costs incurred prior to the
       commencement of underwriting, #1.70 million; and
     - operating spend, #3.31 million.

All costs are inclusive of VAT, since PRI currently has a zero
recovery  rate. The listing costs were #7.03 million  compared
to  the budgeted expenditure of #5.80 million in the Admission
document.   The  major  variances  occurred  in  higher   than
envisaged  advisors'  fees  and  general  flotation  expenses.
These listing costs have now been charged to the Share Premium

Business  infrastructure costs of #1.70 million  comprise  the
expenditures  on  software  development  and  establishing  an
immediate presence within the insurance market, both in  terms
of marketing and product development.

We  have undertaken to develop, in conjunction with Xchanging,
a  fully  integrated  underwriting  and  claims  system.  Such
technology  is  not generally available to the  specifications
PRI requires so we are developing systems to meet our specific
needs. Originally it was proposed that these amounts would  be
capitalised,  but the Board has determined  that  it  is  more
prudent  to  write off the costs of development  as  they  are
incurred.  Approximately #600,000 of  development  costs  were
incurred  in 2002 and a further #600,000 is budgeted to  bring
this  to  completion  in  2003.  This  amount  of  expenditure
compares favourably with the cost of proprietary packages.
The  operating expenditure was #3.31 million. The relationship
with  Xchanging has given us considerable benefit  during  the
start-up phase; in offering a scaleable business solution,  it
has   allowed  us  to  utilise  the  resources  of  a   larger
organisation as and when the need has arisen.


PRI's  combined ratio as a percentage of gross written premium
was 95.4%.  This is consistent with our original expectations.
Our  operating  expenses  (excluding  business  infrastructure
costs  incurred  prior  to the commencement  of  underwriting)
account  for  17.9% of this amount which are higher  than  the
future expense ratios planned for the business.

A  major aspect which impacted on this expense ratio is  that,
in  general  terms,  it is more expensive  to  underwrite  new
business than renewal business. We are constantly working with
brokers  to  channel  suitable  business  in  the  most   cost
effective  way. This, compounded with the fact that  PRI  only
traded  for  four months in its initial reporting period,  has
resulted in an expense ratio higher than projected for PRI  in
the short term.


We stated in our Admission document that we would invest PRI's
asset  base  in  gilts, certificates of deposit and  corporate
bonds. The projected yields were based on realistic levels  in
early summer 2002 and were as follows:

     2002           4.00% p.a.
     2003 - 2005    4.75% p.a.

We  achieved an annualised yield of 4.06% for 2002, despite  a
climate of falling interest rates. Our investment strategy was
one  of remaining relatively short with a view to avoiding any
year end market diminution in value, although it has made  PRI
vulnerable  to  short-term interest  rate  fluctuations.  This
policy  has  been  retained into 2003 but  is  under  constant
review in these uncertain times.

We will be reviewing our investment strategy for the medium- to
long-term  in  the second quarter of 2003. We are  considering
investing  the premium funds over a period more in  line  with
the  life  expectancy of a claim. PRI has determined that  the
average  professional  liability claim  settles  approximately
four  to  five  years  after inception of  the  risk.  We  are
implementing  management tools to monitor these parameters  to
ensure  that  the  appropriate claims profile is  established.
Premium  receipts are currently low given the start-up  nature
of  the business.  However, they will become a material  asset
as they grow in line with premium income.

Cashflow modelling is more complex in a start up vehicle  than
an  existing carrier with a large renewal book. It is probable
that  PRI  will  only be able to maximise  the  yield  on  its
premium  flow once the business starts a year with a completed
full  renewal  cycle, when cashflow predictions will  be  more

In  light of the prevailing economic uncertainty and a general
consensus  that  interest rates will remain low  (in  historic
terms)  for  the foreseeable future, PRI has established  that
the  long-term interest rate will be 4.5% p.a.  Interest rates
are  presently  below  the  long-term  average.  However,   we
consider that this 4.5% p.a. long-term rate is reasonable.


We  have  retained  the  reserving approach  outlined  in  the
Admission document. We believe that this is reasonable at such
an  early  stage  in  PRI's  development,  with  very  limited
historical  reserving patterns, to ensure that the company  is
adequately  reserved. It should be noted that  the  spread  of
risk  within the current portfolio is limited, given  that  we
have  traded  for  only a short period  of  time.  Losses  and
projections  will  be  continually  analysed  and   reassessed
throughout 2003.


The  net  assets of the business total #123 million, of  which
#119  million  is  held on the balance sheet  of  Professional
Risks  Insurance Limited ("PRIL"). PRIL is the  Group's  major
trading subsidiary, being the FSA licensed insurance carrier.


PRI Group purchased Sirius (UK) Insurance Limited ("Sirius") on
completion   of  the  fundraising.   Sirius  was   a   dormant
subsidiary  of Sirius International, a Swedish-based  insurer.
Sirius  had  effected a Schedule 2c transfer of  its  existing
insurance  liabilities  in  1999  transferring  all   residual
liability  from  the  subsidiary  to  the  parent.   PRI   had
essentially  purchased a licensed, dormant  insurance  company
with  no  historical reserving liability.  Sirius was licensed
to  underwrite  insurance business  in  all  the  key  classes
required  by PRI for its business with the exception of  legal
expenses,  a  licence  for  which  was  gained  from  the  FSA
following  a  submission  in  late  August.  The  licences  of
#752,000  represent the only intangible asset on  the  balance
sheet  arising  from this purchase. PRI will  write  off  this
asset  over  a twenty year period and incurred an amortisation
charge of #19,000 in 2002.

During  the  Autumn  months, PRI pursued a policy  of  seeking
licences to underwrite locally admitted insurance business  in
all EEA territories. These licences were obtained in October.


The  financial  focus for PRI in 2003 will be centred  on  the
continued  development of analytical and management  tools  to
assist  in the pricing of risk and the management of  expense.
PRI's  business  premise is one of strict adherence  to  gross
underwriting   profitability,  conservative   reserving,   the
management and monitoring of acquisition costs and the driving
down  of  transactional costs. PRI will see  the  benefits  of
these  initiatives towards the end of 2003 and I believe  that
this will be evidenced through 2004 and beyond.

                                                Michael Walton
                                              Finance Director

For the period ended 31 December 2002


Gross premiums written                                     18,507
Outward reinsurance premiums                               (2,895)
Net premiums written                                       15,612

Change in gross provision for unearned premiums           (15,425)
Change in the provision for unearned
premium, reinsurers' share                                  2,425
Change in the net provision for unearned premiums         (13,000)
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance                         2,612

Allocated investment return transferred from
the non-technical account                                      12

Claims paid  - gross amount                                     -
             - reinsurers' share                                -
             - net of reinsurance                               -
Change in the provision for claims
             - gross amount                                (1,969)
             - reinsurers' share                              224
             - net of reinsurance                          (1,745)
Claims incurred, net of reinsurance                        (1,745)

Net operating expenses                                     (4,735)
Balance on technical account for general business          (3,856)

All income and expenditure relates to continuing operations.

For the period ended 31 December 2002

NON-TECHNICAL ACCOUNT                                        2002

Balance on technical account for general business          (3,856)

Investment income                                           2,954
Investment expenses and charges                               (98)
Unrealised losses on investments                             (159)
Allocated investment return transferred to
the general business technical account                        (12)
Other charges                                                (279)

Operating loss based on longer term investment return      (1,115)
Short term fluctuations in investment returns                (335)

Loss on ordinary activities before tax                     (1,450)

Tax on loss on ordinary activities                            435
Loss for the financial period attributable to
shareholders                                               (1,015)

Dividends                                                       -

Retained loss for the financial period                     (1,015)

Loss per share - Basic                                      (1.1p)
Loss per share - Diluted                                    (1.1p)

The inclusion of unrealised gains and losses in the profit and
loss  account to reflect the marking to market of  investments
in  the balance sheet is deemed not to be a departure from the
unmodified historical cost basis of accounting.  Accordingly a
separate  note  of historical cost profits and losses  is  not

There are no recognised gains or losses other than the retained
profit or loss for the period.

At 31 December 2002

Intangible assets
Licences                                                      752

Other financial investments                                61,162

Reinsurers' share of technical provisions
Provision for unearned premiums                             2,425
Claims outstanding                                            224

Debtors arising out of direct insurance operations          8,863
Deferred taxation                                             435
Other debtors                                                  14

Other assets
Tangible assets                                             1,345
Cash at bank and in hand                                   63,551

Prepayments and accrued income
Accrued interest and rent                                   2,395
Deferred acquisition costs                                  2,195
Other prepayments and accrued income                        2,541
Total assets                                              145,902


Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                    6,500
Share premium account                                    117,974
Profit and loss account                                   (1,015)

Shareholders' funds attributable to equity interest      123,459

Technical provisions
Provision for unearned premiums                           15,425
Claims outstanding                                         1,969

Creditors arising out of direct insurance operations       2,875
Other creditors including taxation and social security     1,717
Accruals and deferred income                                 457
Total liabilities                                        145,902

For the period ended 31 December 2002


Net cash inflow from operating activities                  2,640

Corporation tax paid                                           -

Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible assets                               (1,471)

Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of subsidiary undertaking                       (10,213)
Net cash acquired with subsidiary undertaking              9,442

Issue of ordinary share capital                          131,504
Expenses paid in connection with share issues             (7,030)


Cash flows were invested as follows:

Increase in cash holdings                                 63,551

Net portfolio investments

Debt securities and other fixed income securities         61,321

Net investment of cash flows                             124,872

At 31 December 2002

The group accounts are prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies  set out below and comply with the special provisions
relating  to  insurance  companies  in  section  255  of,  and
Schedule 9A to, the Companies Act 1985. The recommendations of
the  Statement  of  Recommended  Practice  on  Accounting  for
Insurance  Business  issued  by  the  Association  of  British
Insurers in December 1998 (the "ABI SORP") have been adopted.

The  parent  company accounts are prepared in accordance  with
Schedule  4 to the Companies Act 1985 and under the historical
cost convention.

The  accounts  are  prepared  in  accordance  with  applicable
accounting standards.

The  consolidated accounts comprise the accounts of PRI  Group
plc and its subsidiaries prepared to 31 December each year.

Subsidiaries  are consolidated from the date on which  control
is  transferred to the group and cease to be consolidated from
the date on which control is transferred out of the group.

The annual basis of accounting has been applied to all classes
of business.

Written  premiums comprise the total premiums  receivable  for
the whole period of cover under contracts incepting during the
financial  year,  together  with adjustments  arising  in  the
financial  year to premiums receivable in respect of  business
written in previous financial years.

All  premiums  are  shown  gross  of  commission  payable   to
intermediaries  and are exclusive of taxes and  duties  levied

Outwards  reinsurance premiums are accounted for in  the  same
accounting  period  as  the premiums for  the  related  direct
business being insured.

Written  premiums  are recognised as earned  income  over  the
period  of  the  policy on a time apportionment basis,  having
regard,  where  appropriate, to the  incidence  of  risk.  The
provision  for unearned premiums is calculated on a daily  pro
rata basis.

Claims  incurred  comprise the estimated cost  of  all  claims
occurring  during the year, whether reported or not, including
related   direct  and  indirect  claims  handling  costs   and
adjustments to claims outstanding from previous years.

The  provision for claims outstanding is made on an individual
case basis and is based on the estimated ultimate cost of  all
claims  notified  but not settled by the balance  sheet  date,
together with the provision for related claims handling costs.
The  provision  also  includes the estimated  cost  of  claims
incurred  but not reported at the balance sheet date based  on
statistical methods.

The  provision for claims outstanding is based on  information
available  at  the balance sheet date. Subsequent  information
and  events  may result in the ultimate liability  being  less
than,  or  greater than, the amount provided. Any  differences
between  provisions and subsequent settlements are dealt  with
in the technical account - general business of later years.

The  level  of provision for claims outstanding has  been  set
such  that no adverse run-off deviation is envisaged. However,
given  the  uncertainty in establishing the provision,  it  is
likely that the final outcome will prove to be different  from
the original liability established.
There is no discounting of claims estimates.

Acquisition costs, related to the acquisition of new insurance
contracts,   are  deferred  to  the  extent  that   they   are
attributable to premiums unearned at the balance sheet date.

Provision  is  made  where the cost  of  claims  and  expenses
arising  after  the end of the financial year  from  contracts
concluded before that date is expected to exceed the provision
for  unearned premiums of claims, net of deferred  acquisition
costs,  and premiums receivable. The assessment of  whether  a
provision is necessary is made by considering separately  each
category  of  business accounted for on  an  annual  basis  of
accounting  on the basis of information available  as  at  the
balance  sheet date, after offsetting surpluses  and  deficits
arising  on  products  which are managed together.  Investment
income is taken into account in calculating the provision.

Investment  return, comprising investment income and  realised
and  unrealised  investment gains and losses,  and  investment
expenses  are  included  initially  within  the  non-technical

Realised  investment gains and losses are  calculated  as  the
difference between net proceeds on disposal and their purchase

Interest  income is recognised on an accruals basis ,  as  are
investment expenses.

Investment return is allocated from the non-technical  account
to  the  technical account - general business so as to reflect
the  longer term investment return on investments attributable
to  the  general  insurance business in the technical  account
-general business. The allocation is based on the longer  term
rate  of  investment  return  on  investments  supporting  the
technical provisions and all the relevant shareholders' funds.

Operating expenses are charged in the year in which  they  are
incurred.  Administrative expenses are allocated  between  the
technical account and non- technical account based on what  is
attributable to the insurance business including  all  support
and administrative functions.

Investments are stated at their current values at the  end  of
the year.
Unrealised investment gains and losses are calculated  as  the
difference between the valuation at the balance sheet date and
their  valuation  at the last balance sheet date  or  purchase
price,  if  acquired  during the year.  Unrealised  investment
gains  and losses include adjustments in respect of unrealised
gains  and  losses  recorded in prior years  which  have  been
realised  during the year and are reported as  realised  gains
and losses in the current profit and loss account.

The  taxation in the non-technical account is based on taxable
(loss)/profit for the period.

Deferred  taxation  is  recognised in respect  of  all  timing
differences  that  have originated but  not  reversed  at  the
balance  sheet date where transactions or events have occurred
at that date that will result in an obligation to pay more, or
a  right  to  pay  less  or to receive  more,  tax,  with  the
following exceptions:

  - Provision  is made for tax on gains arising  from  the
    revaluation (and similar fair value adjustments) of tangible
    fixed assets, and gains on disposal of fixed assets that have
    been rolled over into replacement assets, only to the extent
    that, at the balance sheet date, there is a binding agreement
    to dispose of the assets, concerned. However, no provision is
    made where, on the basis of all available evidence at  the
    balance  sheet date, it is more likely than not  that  the
    taxable gain will be rolled over into replacement assets and
    charged to tax only where the replacement assets are sold;

 -  Deferred tax assets are recognised only to the  extent
    that the directors consider that it is more likely than not
    that there will be suitable taxable profits from which the
    future reversal of the underlying timing differences can be

Deferred tax is measured on an undiscounted basis at  the  tax
rates  that  are  expected to apply in the  periods  in  which
timing  differences  reverse, based  on  tax  rates  and  laws
enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date.

Expenditure  on computer equipment and fixtures, fittings  and
office  equipment  is  capitalised and  depreciated  over  the
estimated  useful economic lives of the assets on  a  straight
line basis.

The periods used are as follows:

Computer equipment                                     3 years
Furniture and fittings (including refurbishment costs) 6 to 7 years
Office equipment                                       3 years

Licences  represent the excess of the cost of the  acquisition
over the fair value of identifiable net assets of a subsidiary
at  the  date  of  acquisition. Licences are  amortised  on  a
straight-line  basis over its useful economic  life  up  to  a
maximum of 20 years. The asset is reviewed for impairment when
events  or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying
value may not be recoverable. Licences are stated at cost less
accumulated amortisation and any impairment in value.

The  company  operates a defined contribution pension  scheme.
Contributions  are charged to the profit and loss  account  as
they  become  payable  in accordance with  the  rules  of  the

Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded  at  the  rate
ruling  at  the  date of the transaction or at the  contracted
rate  if  the  transaction is covered by  a  forward  exchange
contract.  Monetary  assets  and  liabilities  denominated  in
foreign  currencies are re translated at the rate of  exchange
ruling at the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising
from transactions are taken to the profit and loss account.

                                                  2002 Audited

                                    Professional     Other     Total
                                           #'000     #'000     #'000

Gross premiums written
- risks located in UK                     11,450     7,057    18,507

Gross premium earned                       2,270       812     3,082
Gross claims incurred                     (1,507)     (462)   (1,969)
Gross operating expenses                  (2,929)   (1,806)   (4,735)

Gross technical result                    (2,166)   (1,456)   (3,622)
Reinsurance balance                         (175)      (71)     (246)
Net technical result                      (2,341)   (1,527)   (3,868)

Allocated investment return                    8         4        12
Balance on technical account              (2,333)   (1,523)   (3,856)

Net technical provisions                   9,100     5,645    14,745

All income and expenditure relates to continuing operations.

                                                        2002 Audited
Investment Income
Income from other investments                                  3,162
Loss on the realisation of investments                          (208)

Unrealised investment gains/(losses)
On investments held at 31 December                              (159)

Investment expenses
Investment management expenses                                    98

The allocation of investment return is based on the longer
term return on investments.

(a)  Assumptions
The  longer  term return is estimated with regard  to  current
inflation  expectation  adjusted for  consensus  economic  and
investment market forecasts of investment return.

The  principal assumptions underlying the calculation  of  the
longer term investment return are as follows:
                                                  Fixed Income
                                                  2002 Audited
UK      - longer term return                               4.5

The  directors are of the opinion that these rates  of  return
are  prudent  and have been selected with a view  to  ensuring
that   returns   credited  to  operating   results   are   not
inconsistent with the actual returns which will be earned over
the longer term.

(b)  Comparison of longer term investment return with actual
The  actual  return  on  investments attributable  to  general
business and shareholders in the period from 21 February  2002
to  31  December  2002 is compared below  with  the  aggregate
longer  term  return which would have been recognised  in  the
balance  on the technical account - general business over  the
same  period  using the longer term rate of  return  described

Actual investment return attributable to technical
funds dealt with in profit on ordinary activities
in the non-technical account                                11

Longer term investment return attributable to
technical funds credited to operating profit and to
the technical account - general business                    12
Excess of long term return over actual return                1

(a)  Analysis of tax credit

                                                  2002 Audited
Deferred taxation                                          435

The deferred taxation balance shown above arises from
origination of timing differences.

(b) Factors affecting tax credit for period

Loss on ordinary activities before tax                    1,450

Loss on ordinary activities multiplied by standard
rate of corporation tax in the UK of 30%                    435

Effects of:
Tax losses carried forward                                 (435)
Current tax charge for the period                             -

(c) Factors affecting future tax charges
There  are  no material factors that PRI believes will  affect
future tax charges

Earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net loss  for
the  period  attributable  to  ordinary  shareholders  by  the
weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding  during
the period.

                                                   2002 Audited
Net loss attributable to ordinary shareholders        1,015,060
Weighted average number of ordinary shares           95,111,821
Loss per share                                             (1.1p)

There  are  no  dilutive  circumstances  attributable  to  the
shareholder  base  under  the  terms  of  Financial  Reporting
Standard 14 - Earnings per share.

(a)  Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash inflow from
     operating activities
                                                   2002 Audited
Loss on ordinary activities before tax                   (1,450)
Depreciation of tangible assets                             126
Amortisation of licences                                     19
Unrealised investment gains                                 159
Change in technical provisions                           14,745
Movement in other debtors                               (16,008)
Movement in other creditors                               5,049
Net cash inflow from operating activities                 2,640

(b) Movement in opening and closing portfolio investments net
    of financing
                                                   2002 Audited

Net cash inflow/ (outflow) for the period                63,551
Cash flow - portfolio investments                        61,321
Movement arising from cash flows                        124,872

Changes in market value                                    (159)
Total movement in portfolio investments net
of financing                                            124,713

Portfolio at 21 February                                      -

Portfolio at 31 December                                124,713

(c)  Movement in cash and portfolio investments

                                                             2002 Audited
                                          Cash Flow
                                  At 21    Realised  Other Cash    Changes     At 31
                               February    gains on       Flows   to Maket  December
                                   2002 investments                  value      2002
                                  #'000       #'000       #'000      #'000     #'000

Cash at bank and in hand              -                  63,551          -    63,551
Debt securities and other
fixed income securities               -         208      61,113       (159)   61,162

Total                                 -         208     124,664       (159)  124,713

Cash at bank and in hand includes amounts invested in Certificates of Deposit of
#53.1 million.

(d)  Net cash outflow on portfolio investments

                                                             2002 Audited

                                                      Purchases      Sales  Net cash
                                                          #'000      #'000     #'000

Debt securities and other fixed income securities        85,783     24,462    61,321
Net cash outflow on portfolio investments                85,783     24,462    61,321

The  above financial information does not constitute statutory
accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act  1985.
The   financial  information  has  been  extracted  from   the
statutory  accounts  in  which the  auditors  have  issued  an
unqualified audit report. Statutory accounts for the year  end
31  December  2002  will  be delivered  to  the  Registrar  of

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange