TORONTO, March 12, 2018 /PRNewswire/ - Rubicon Minerals
Corporation (TSX: RMX | OTCQX: RBYCF) ("Rubicon" or the
"Company") provides an updated preliminary interpretation of
the structural geology of the F2 Gold Deposit (the "Preliminary
Structural Interpretation") at the Phoenix Gold Project (the
Key Takeaways from the Preliminary Structural
- The primary structural controls on the gold mineralization at
the F2 Gold Deposit are the well-established dextral Riedel vein
system of quartz-actinolite veins (the "Riedel vein system") that
occur within the HiTi Basalt Units (the main host rock) and the
Felsic Intrusive Units (to a lesser extent).
- Elevated gold grades appear to be spatially associated with the
R' veins within the Riedel vein system and the multiple Quartz
Breccia Zones, which share the same geometry as the R'
- The Preliminary Structural Interpretation appears to show more
continuity of gold mineralization within the HiTi Basalt Units
compared to the 2016 structural interpretation, with the main
difference being the identification of the Riedel vein
- In the 2016 structural interpretation, the discrete D2
east-west shear zones (previously termed as the "D2 structures")
were interpreted as the main controls of high-grade gold
mineralization at the F2 Gold Deposit. However, in the Preliminary
Structural Interpretation, these discrete D2 east-west share zones
appear to be localized, discontinuous, and not seen as having
significant controls on the gold mineralization at the
- The Preliminary Structural Interpretation has simplified and
improved future modelling and allows for the evaluation of bulk
mining methods.
CEO's Comments
Rubicon President and Chief Executive Officer George Ogilvie, P.Eng., stated, "the Preliminary
Structural Interpretation provides an encouraging step towards
advancing our understanding of the F2 Gold Deposit at the Phoenix
Gold Project. The Preliminary Structural Interpretation benefits
from the data and observations we collected in 2017 from the
detailed mapping, oriented drilling, and core re-logging, which,
collectively, provide critical information that was not available
when the previous 2016 structural interpretation and geological
model were developed. The Preliminary Structural Interpretation
simplifies our understanding of the F2 Gold Deposit, bringing to
light the gold-bearing Riedel vein system, which appears to create
more continuity of gold mineralization within the HiTi Basalt Units
when compared to the 2016 geological model."
"We will continue to refine and support the Preliminary
Structural Interpretation from the data and observations we plan to
collect from our 2018 Exploration Program. Underground development
at site is progressing well. We are continuing to stockpile
low-grade material on surface, which will be used for bedding for
our mill before we process higher-grade mineralized material from
the test stopes."
"We are on track to commence the processing of mineralized
material from the test stopes in mid-2018. We are currently
blasting the #977 test stope, production drilling the #015 test
stope, and developing the #161 test stope. We remain on schedule to
provide an updated geological model and Mineral Resource Estimate
in the second half of 2018."
Preliminary Structural Interpretation Details
Rubicon and its consultants, Golder Associates Ltd., Terrane
Geoscience Inc. and T. Maunula and Associates (together,
"Consultants"), have developed the Preliminary Structural
Interpretation. The Preliminary Structural Interpretation has not
been finalized; it will continue to be refined, enhanced, and
supported with data and observations collected from the 2018
Exploration Program, prior to potentially serving as the basis of
an updated geological model and Mineral Resource Estimate. The
Preliminary Structural Interpretation utilizes historical data and
benefits from the additional data and observations collected from
the Company's 2017 Exploration program, including more than 10,000
metres ("m") of historical core re-logging for structural
geology, more than 3,500 m of
targeted oriented structural drilling, over 20,000 m of infill and step-out drilling (which
included an additional 6,500 m of
oriented drilling), and detailed underground mapping on the 183-,
244-, and 305-metre levels. The 2017 Exploration Program included
oriented drilling in both the north and east directions (all
orientations referenced are relative to mine grid; mine grid north
is oriented 45 degrees east of true north) to allow for evaluation
of both north-south ("N-S") and east-west ("E-W")
oriented structures and associated trends in gold
Host Rock
The local geology in the F2 Gold Deposit area appears to
comprise of a series of N-S trending, steeply dipping to
sub-vertical alternating volcanic units of talc-altered komatiitic
ultramafic flows ("Ultramafic Flow Units") and biotite and
silica altered basaltic mafic volcanic flows ("HiTi Basalt
Units"). There are three predominant HiTi Basalt lenses that
comprise the F2 Gold Deposit (from west to east, mine-grid): The
Hanging Wall Basalt, the West Limb Basalt, and the F2 Basalt. These
volcanic units were later intruded by a series of quartz-feldspar
porphyry felsic dykes and sills ("Felsic Intrusive Units")
as well as less abundant intermediate and mafic dykes and
The geometry and distribution of the HiTi Basalt lenses are a
result of regional scale deformation events, resulting in the
boudinage (the stretching and brittle-ductile deformation of more
competent units relative to ductile deformation of surrounding less
competent units) of the HiTi Basalt lenses in the N-S
Please see Diagrams 1 and 2 for the conceptual images of the
local geology of the F2 Gold Deposit, plan and section views.
Deformation History
Similar to the 2016 structural geological interpretation, the
updated Preliminary Structural Interpretation recognizes three
primary deformation events associated with the F2 Gold Deposit,
which include:
- D1: Regional shortening related to thrusting and folding.
- D2: Dextral transpression (right lateral oblique sense of shear
due to a component of shortening perpendicular to the shear plane)
along the regional scale N-S oriented East Bay Deformation Zone.
This is the main deformation event associated with gold
- D3: Regional folding related to a later broad open fold with a
N-S trending, sub-horizontal fold axis.
Please see Diagram 3 for a conceptual summary of the deformation
events and related structural elements that comprise the
Preliminary Structural Interpretation. While the D1 and D3
deformation events are important for understanding the initial
structural modification of the deposit stratigraphy and the
present-day geometry of the deposit, respectively, the D2
deformation event represents the main deformation event associated
with gold mineralization at the F2 Gold Deposit.
Rubicon and its Consultants believe that the strain partitioning
(heterogeneous distribution of strain type and intensity due to the
variability in composition, mechanical properties, pre-existing
deformation features and geometry of geological units or domains)
during the D1 and D2 deformation resulted in the ductile
deformation of the talc-rich Ultramafic Flow Units and the
brittle-ductile deformation of the more resistant HiTi Basalt and
Felsic Intrusive Units. The ductile behaviour of the
Ultramafic Flow Units resulted in the generation of the pervasive
N-S oriented, steeply dipping to sub-vertical S1 penetrative
foliation during the D1 deformation event. The brittle-ductile
behaviour of the HiTi Basalt Units resulted in the boudinage of
these units, with the primary stretching direction paralleling the
N-S orientation, with a lesser vertical component of stretching
such that the boudin necks that bound the HiTi Basalt lenses are
arranged in both N-S, shallowly dipping and sub-vertical
Structural Controls on Gold Mineralization
The 2016 structural interpretation and the Preliminary
Structural Interpretation are similar in that the high-grade gold
mineralization is associated with structural features during the D2
deformation event. However, there appears to be significant
differences in terms of the key controlling features and resultant
geometries between the two interpretations.
The 2016 structural interpretation identified the D2 E-W
oriented shear zones (previously termed as the "D2 structures")
cutting across the deposit as the primary structural feature
controlling the gold mineralization at the F2 Gold Deposit. Please
see Diagram 4 for a conceptual summary of the 2016 structural
interpretation. Modelled gold mineralization trends were generally
oriented N-S, in part due to the predominant E-W orientation of
most drill holes drilled prior to the 2017 Exploration Program.
Data and observations collected from the 2017 detailed
underground mapping and oriented core drilling programs indicate
that, while D2 E-W oriented shear zones and brittle faults do
exist, they are generally more localized and discontinuous in both
their lateral and vertical extents than previously interpreted.
They do not appear to represent deposit-scale features.
Additionally, the D2 E-W oriented shear zones are not necessary to
explain the geometry and continuity of the HiTi Basalt Unit panels
and the Felsic Intrusive Units, or the gold mineralization hosted
within these units.
The updated Preliminary Structural Interpretation identifies the
Riedel vein system as the primary structural control on gold
mineralization at the F2 Gold Deposit. The Riedel vein system is
interpreted to have occurred during D2 regional dextral
transpression. The gold mineralization occurs in association with
disseminated sulphide replacement and vein mineralization, both of
which developed in the more competent HiTi Basalt Units, and, to a
lesser degree, in the Felsic Intrusive Units. The 2017 drilling
program and subsequent new interpretation suggest that the
continuity of gold mineralization within the HiTi Basalt Units is
better than previously modelled. Please see Diagram 3 for a
conceptual image of the Riedel vein system within the HiTi Basalt
The Riedel vein system, comprised of the R', R, and P shear
veins (each representing a different orientation; see bottom left
quadrant of Diagram 3 for further details), and the Quartz-Breccia
Zones, all host gold mineralization. The highest gold grades
generally occur within the R' veins and the Quartz-Breccia Zones
(both share the same E-W striking, sub-vertical dipping geometry),
located in the thickest portions of the HiTi Basalt Units. The
Quartz-Breccia Zones are interpreted to have developed as multiple
opening and sealing events of the E-W striking sub-vertical R'
veins. A possible explanation for the development of the R' veins
related to the Quartz-Breccia Zones is that their sinistral sense
of shear is opposed to the dextral bulk sense of shear, resulting
in limited displacement but allowing for the development of zones
of intense deformation, where the repeated fracturing and
comminution of the vein and wall rock material resulted in the
creation of high-porosity and permeability zones for mineralizing
fluids. The thickest portions of the HiTi Basalt Unit presented
both favourable structural traps for the R' veins and
Quartz-Breccia Zones and chemical traps where disseminated
sulphides and associated gold mineralization are developed. These
areas are the focus of the Company's future exploration efforts.
Table 1 below summarizes the key differences between the 2016
structural interpretation and the Preliminary Structural
Table 1: Apparent Key Differences between the 2016
Structural Interpretation and the 2018 Preliminary Structural
2016 Structural
2018 Preliminary
Structural Interpretation
Host Rock
HiTi Basalt Units
Felsic Intrusive
Units (lesser extent);
Used multiple
descriptors for lithological units.
HiTi Basalt Units
Felsic Intrusive
Units (lesser extent); Simplified library of lithological units,
removing some apparent geological complexity.
Continuity and
geometry of HiTi Basalt Units
HiTi Basalt Units
modelled as relatively continuous and constant thickness panels of
basalt offset by D2 E-W shear zones and late-brittle
HiTi Basalt Units
modelled as discontinuous lenses of basalt formed as a result of
strain partitioning during D2 dextral transpression, resulting in
the boudinage of the HiTi Basalt lenses and ductile deformation of
Ultramafic Flow Units.
Structural controls
on gold mineralization
Discrete D2 E-W shear
Quartz-Breccia Zones
(1 zone).
D2 dextral
transpression related Riedel vein system (R', R, P shear veins)
developed throughout the HiTi Basalt Units and, to a lesser degree,
in the Felsic Intrusive Units;
Higher-grade gold
mineralization hosted in R' veins and Quartz-Breccia Zones
(multiple zones) within the HiTi Basalt Units;
D2 E-W shear zones
identified as being localized, discontinuous and not seen as
significant control on gold mineralization.
Continuity of gold
Discontinuous within
the HiTi Basalt Units, associated with vein and sulphide
replacement mineralization in proximity to discrete D2 E-W shear
More continuous
within the HiTi Basalt Units when compared to 2016 due to the
development of the Riedel vein system throughout the HiTi Basalt
Potential Impact of Preliminary Structural
The Preliminary Structural Interpretation has a few potential
implications with regard to an updated geological model and how the
Company views the F2 Gold Deposit:
- Potential simplification of the geological model: As
alluded to in prior news releases, the 2016 geological model had
multiple descriptors for lithological units, which didn't
necessarily match with what was observed from the data collected in
2017. The Preliminary Structural Interpretation has grouped and
simplified the lithological descriptors into three main units
consisting of the main HiTi Basalt Units, Felsic Intrusive Units
and Ultramafic Flow Units.
- The appropriate modelling of the Riedel vein system and its
focus for future exploration: The Preliminary Structural
Interpretation, based on data and observations from the detailed
underground mapping and oriented core drilling in 2017, recognizes
that the Riedel vein system, which include the higher-grade R'
veins and Quartz-Breccia Zones, were either non-existent or not
adequately captured in the 2016 structural interpretation. These
areas are the focus of future exploration efforts. The Preliminary
Structural Interpretation shows a more continuous mineralized
envelope compared to the 2016 geological model.
- Evaluating the amenability of bulk mining: Upon review
of the Preliminary Structural Interpretation, along with the
current understanding of the distribution of the gold
mineralization within the deposit, the Company and its Consultants
are evaluating whether bulk mining methods are more amenable to the
F2 Gold Deposit compared to narrow-vein, selective methods. The
planned test mining in 2018 will provide more direction on the
potential predominant mining methods.
As mentioned, the Preliminary Structural Interpretation has not
been finalized and will continue to be refined and enhanced with
data and observations collected from the 2018 Exploration
Qualified Persons and Quality Assurance and Quality Control
The content of this news release has been read and approved by
George Ogilvie, P.Eng., President
and CEO for Rubicon, and Jerry
DeWolfe, P.Geo., M.Sc. and Brian
Thomas, P.Geo. for Golder Associates Ltd. All three are
Qualified Persons as defined by NI 43-101.
Underground drilling was conducted by Boart Longyear Drilling
of Haileybury, Ontario and was supervised by the Rubicon
exploration team. Oriented core drilling was performed using the
Boart Longyear TruCore™ orientation system. All assays
reported are uncut unless otherwise stated. All samples reported
herein were performed by SGS Mineral Services of Red Lake,
Ontario. All NQ core assays reported were obtained by fire
assay with AA-finish or using gravimetric finish for values over
10.0 g/t Au.
Intercepts cited do not necessarily represent true widths,
unless otherwise noted, however drilling is generally intersecting
interpreted mineralized zones at a high angle. True width
determinations are estimated at 65-80% of the core length intervals
for the 305-metre level drilling, and estimated at 75-95% of the
core length for the 610- and 685-metre level drilling.
Rubicon's quality control checks include insertion of blanks,
certified reference standards and blind duplicates to ensure
laboratory accuracy and precision.
About Rubicon Minerals Corporation
Rubicon Minerals
Corporation is an advanced gold exploration company that owns
the Phoenix Gold Project, located in the prolific Red Lake gold district in northwestern
Ontario, Canada. Additionally,
Rubicon controls over 280 square kilometres of prime exploration
ground in Red Lake and more than
900 square kilometres of mineral property interests in the emerging
Long Canyon gold district that straddles the Nevada-Utah
border in the United States.
Rubicon's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange
(RMX) and the OTCQX markets (RBYCF). For more
information, please visit our website at www.rubiconminerals.com.
George Ogilvie, P.Eng.
President, CEO, and Director
Cautionary Statement regarding Forward-Looking Statements
and other Cautionary Notes
This news release contains statements that constitute
"forward-looking statements" and "forward looking information"
(collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of
applicable Canadian and United
States securities legislation. Generally, these
forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of
forward-looking terminology such as "believes", "intends", "may",
"will", "should", "plans", "anticipates", "potential", "expects",
"estimates", "forecasts", "budget", "likely", "goal" and similar
expressions or statements that certain actions, events or results
may or may not be achieved or occur in the future. In some cases,
forward-looking information may be stated in the present tense,
such as in respect of current matters that may be continuing, or
that may have a future impact or effect. Forward-looking statements
reflect our current expectations and assumptions, and are subject
to a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other
factors which may cause our actual results, performance or
achievements to be materially different from any anticipated future
results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the
forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include, but
are not limited to statements regarding the purpose of the
Preliminary Structural Interpretation, the anticipated future steps
relating to the Preliminary Structural Interpretation in
conjunction with the Company's 2018 Exploration Program, the
preliminary observations of the Preliminary Structural
Interpretation in respect of, without limitation, the continuity of
the gold mineralization within the HiTi Basalt Units, the local
geology in the F2 Gold Deposit, and the nature of the D2 E-W
oriented shear zones and brittle faults, the potential impact of
the Preliminary Structural Interpretation on the geological model
of and the appropriate mining method for the F2 Gold Deposit, the
anticipated timing and details of the test mining currently
underway, and the anticipated timing of the delivery of an updated
geological model and Mineral Resource Estimate.
Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and
estimates of management as of the date such statements are made and
represent management's best judgment based on facts and assumptions
that management considers reasonable. If such opinions and
estimates prove to be incorrect, actual and future results may be
materially different than expressed in the forward-looking
Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks,
uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results,
performance or achievements of Rubicon to be materially different
from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or
implied by the forward-looking statements. Such factors include,
among others: possible variations in mineralization, grade or
recovery or throughput rates; uncertainty of mineral resources,
inability to realize exploration potential, mineral grades and
mineral recovery estimates; actual results of current exploration
activities; actual results of reclamation activities; uncertainty
of future operations, delays in completion of exploration plans for
any reason including insufficient capital, delays in permitting,
and labour issues; conclusions of future economic or geological
evaluations; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be
refined; failure of equipment or processes to operate as
anticipated; accidents and other risks of the mining industry;
delays and other risks related to operations; timing and receipt of
regulatory approvals; the ability of Rubicon and other relevant
parties to satisfy regulatory requirements; the ability of Rubicon
to comply with its obligations under material agreements including
financing agreements; the availability of financing for proposed
programs and working capital requirements on reasonable terms; the
ability of third-party service providers to deliver services on
reasonable terms and in a timely manner; risks associated with the
ability to retain key executives and key operating personnel; cost
of environmental expenditures and potential environmental
liabilities; dissatisfaction or disputes with local communities or
First Nations or Aboriginal Communities; failure of plant,
equipment or processes to operate as anticipated; market conditions
and general business, economic, competitive, political and social
conditions; our ability to generate sufficient cash flow from
operations or obtain adequate financing to fund our capital
expenditures and working capital needs and meet our other
obligations; the volatility of our stock price, and the ability of
our common stock to remain listed and traded on the TSX.
Forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of
the date of this news release and Rubicon disclaims any obligation
to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of
new information, future events or results or otherwise, except as
required by applicable securities laws. Readers are advised to
carefully review and consider the risk factors identified in the
Company's annual information form dated March 29, 2017 under the heading "Risk Factors"
and in other continuous disclosure documents of the Company filed
at www.sedar.com for a discussion of the factors that could cause
Rubicon's actual results, performance and achievements to be
materially different from any anticipated future results,
performance or achievements expressed or implied by the
forward-looking statements. Readers are further cautioned that the
foregoing list of assumptions and risk factors is not exhaustive
and it is recommended that prospective investors consult the more
complete discussion of Rubicon's business, financial condition and
prospects that is included in this news release. The
forward-looking statements contained herein are expressly qualified
by this cautionary statement.
The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept
responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
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SOURCE Rubicon Minerals Corporation