RNS Number:6694H
Wilmington Group Plc
19 February 2003

For Immediate Release                             Wednesday 19th February 2003

                              WILMINGTON GROUP PLC

                                Interim Results
                     For the 6 Months to 31st December 2002

Wilmington Group plc ("Wilmington" or the "Group"), the business information,
professional training and magazine publishing group, today announces its interim
results for the 6 months to 31st December 2002.

Interim results highlights:

-      Turnover of #37.0m (2001: #38.6m), down 4 % reflecting demanding trading

-      Pre-tax profits before amortisation of goodwill and intangible assets of
       #3.4m, down 18% (2001: #4.2m), with adjusted earnings per share (before
       amortisation) of 2.46p per share (2001: 3.17p)

-      Net cash inflow from operating activities of #2.8m (2001: #2.5m), up 12%

-      Strong balance sheet and available resources to pursue acquisition

-      Interim dividend of 0.8p per share with anticipated total dividends for
       the year of 2.5p per share.

Commenting on the interim results, Charles Brady, Chief Executive of Wilmington,

"As anticipated, the first half of the current financial year has witnessed
continued pressure in the Magazine Publishing division which has now been
reorganised. Wilmington has also strived to diversify its business by continuing
to develop its Business Information and Professional Training divisions, both of
which have provided strong cash flow and predictable earnings despite difficult
market conditions.  The aim of pursuing long term profits growth remains in
place and, with increased net cash inflows combined with the benefits of a
strong balance sheet, the Board remain confident of delivering on this 

For further information, please call:

Charles Brady                                         On the day:  020 7466 5000
Chief Executive, Wilmington                           Thereafter:  0121 355 0900

Bobby Morse/Suzanne Dunne                             Tel:  020 7466 5000
Buchanan Communications


Results for the six months ended 31st December 2002

I am pleased to announce the results of Wilmington Group plc for the six months
to 31st December 2002. This is the first time that we have reported to this date
following the change in 2002 of the Company's year end from 28th February to
30th June and therefore results for the six months to 31st December 2001 are
shown below for comparative purposes.

As previously indicated in our trading update of 9th December 2002, trading
conditions have been demanding and have resulted in a downturn in turnover in
the six months to 31 December 2002 to #37.0 million (2001: #38.6 million).
Profit before tax fell to #1.3 million (2001: #2.5 million).  Losses per share
were 0.06p (2001: earnings of 1.18p).

Profit before tax and amortisation of goodwill and intangible assets reduced to
#3.4 million (2001: #4 million).  Adjusted earnings per share, calculated before
the amortisation of goodwill and intangible assets, fell to 2.46p (2001: 3.17p).

Notwithstanding this, a feature of our business remains its ability to generate
strong cash flow. There was a net cash inflow from operating activities in the
six months of #2.8 million (2001: #2.5 million).

Following the change of accounting year end, the Board intends to pay an interim
dividend and a final dividend each year.  An interim dividend for the current
year of 0.8p per share will be paid on 8th April 2003 to shareholders on the
register on 7th March 2003.  It is anticipated that the total dividend for the
year to 30th June 2003 will be 2.5p.

Business Review

Our overall aim remains the long term growth of the profits of the Group. The
strategy for achieving this is based on the ownership of quality assets which
meet the information requirements of professional business communities and
generate sustainable, profitable revenue streams. We serve these communities via
magazines, directories, databases, electronic information, training and other

The Business Information division, which creates and sells value added
information products to business to business markets, increased its profits in
the first half.  Although trading conditions are challenging, it has  performed
well with positive growth in certain sectors.  For example Binleys, which
provides contact information for the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries,
has achieved good growth.

Recent acquisitions have contributed to the development of the Business
Information division. Pendragon Professional Information was acquired in June
2002 and provides an online service covering the legal and regulatory aspects of
the pension industry. In the same month TMSS, which monitors the use of music in
TV programmes for rights reporting services, was purchased. In November 2002,
The Solicitor's Journal, a leading subscription based magazine for lawyers, was
added to reinforce our already strong position in the legal market.

As indicated in our trading update of 9th December 2002, the Magazine Publishing
division, which derives the majority of its revenue from advertising, remains
under pressure.  The tough economic environment continues and there are
currently no signs of recovery.  Most titles performed in line with
expectations, but the design magazine business, which previously contributed
significant profits, has experienced more difficult trading conditions.

Our trading update highlighted that the senior management structure of this
division was undergoing a reorganisation which would result in a leaner, more
focused team.  We are confident that this action, together with the ongoing
portfolio review whereby a number of non-core products have been either sold or
closed, will enhance the overall performance of the division going forward.  The
full benefits of this action will be reflected in the results for the year to
30th June 2004.

Profits in our Professional Training division have not matched last year's
excellent performance, partly due to the impact of regulatory changes.  However,
it continues to have sound profitability and strong defensive qualities with its
revenues derived largely from the compulsory training of UK lawyers.  We are
pleased to report that commitments from client firms remains strong with
subscription revenues being maintained.

Central Law Training (Scotland) and Bond Solon are showing strong organic growth
and have launched new products which have been well received.  Across the
Professional Training division there are various new initiatives where
development costs are being incurred, reflecting the many opportunities
available.  In particular, we have recently launched major new programmes
related to compliance and money laundering for international financial
institutions.  We have confidence in this market and continue to invest.

A significant management change occurred at the end of the half year. Brian
Gilbert, who had led Wilmington since its flotation in 1995, retired as Chairman
and stepped down from the Board on 31st December 2002.  Brian made a unique
contribution to Wilmington and he retires leaving the business well placed for
the next phase of its development.  We thank him for this and I am honoured to
succeed him as Chairman.


Whilst we continue to operate in a difficult economic environment, we
nevertheless remain committed to delivering long term profitable growth. Our
strategy is to focus investment, both acquisitive and organic in our key
markets.  We are well positioned for further good quality development and have
many new organic initiatives in the pipeline. The Group continues to generate
good profit streams, has strong brands and a robust balance sheet.

We have rationalised the management structure within the Group thereby creating
a more streamlined and focused organisation.  This reorganisation will result in
approximately #800,000 of costs incurred during the current financial year not
being repeated in the year ending 30th June 2004.  Although our financial
performance in the first half has been below that achieved in the comparable
period of the preceding year, we anticipate that, as in previous years, the full
year performance will be weighted to the second half reflecting the seasonality
of some of our businesses as well as the actions undertaken by management.

I would like to thank my fellow directors, senior management and the Group's
employees for their continued hard work and commitment.

Bernard Jolles


                                                        Six               Six           Twelve       Sixteen
                                                     months            months           months        months
                                                      ended             ended            ended         ended
                                                   31st Dec          31st Dec        30th June     30th June
                                                       2002              2001             2002          2002
                                                (unaudited)       (unaudited)      (unaudited)     (audited)

                                          Notes       #'000             #'000            #'000         #'000
Turnover                                      2      36,988            38,585           78,546       103,098
Cost of sales                                      (14,001)          (14,062)         (26,900)      (35,842)

Gross profit                                         22,987            24,523           51,646        67,256
Operating expenses                                 (19,461)          (20,244)         (41,491)      (54,803)

Operating profit before amortisation
of goodwill and intangible assets             2       3,526             4,279           10,155        12,453

Amortisation of goodwill and
intangible assets -recurring                        (2,123)           (1,645)          (3,481)       (4,521)
intangible assets -non-recurring                          -                 -          (2,900)       (2,900)

Operating profit                              2       1,403             2,634            3,774         5,032
Interest receivable and similar                           6                 8               42            85
Interest payable and similar charges                  (131)             (132)            (296)         (383)

Profit on ordinary activities before
taxation                                      2       1,278             2,510            3,520         4,734

Taxation                                      3     (1,012)           (1,135)          (2,896)       (3,877)

Profit on ordinary activities after
taxation                                                266             1,375              624           857
Minority interests                                    (317)             (418)            (677)         (841)

(Loss)/profit for the period and
attributable to shareholders                           (51)               957             (53)            16

Dividends                                             (666)                 -          (2,455)       (2,455)

Retained (loss)/profit for the period                 (717)               957          (2,508)       (2,439)

Earnings per ordinary share                   4     (0.06)p             1.18p          (0.06)p         0.02p

Diluted earnings per ordinary share           4     (0.06)p             1.17p          (0.06)p         0.02p

Adjusted earnings per ordinary share          5       2.46p             3.17p            7.68p         9.02p

There were no recognised gains or losses in the six months ended 31st December 2002

(2001: #Nil) other than those shown in the profit and loss account.

                                                                 As at              As at              As at
                                                         31st December      31st December          30th June
                                                                  2002               2001               2002
                                                           (unaudited)        (unaudited)          (audited)
                                                                 #'000              #'000              #'000

Fixed assets
Goodwill and intangible assets                                  63,666             53,720             64,410
Tangible assets                                                 10,126             11,394             10,540

                                                                73,792             65,114             74,950

Current assets
Stock and work in progress                                       2,519              2,380              2,237
Debtors                                                         13,883             15,343             15,976
Cash at bank and in hand                                             -                  -              1,640

                                                                16,402             17,723             19,853
Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year                (24,567)           (19,279)           (22,739)

Net current liabilities                                        (8,165)            (1,556)            (2,886)

Total assets less current liabilities                           65,627             63,558             72,064

Creditors: Amounts falling due
after more than one year                                       (5,900)            (2,091)           (11,895)
Provision for liabilities and charges                            (687)              (816)              (794)

Net assets                                                      59,040             60,651             59,375

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                          4,156              4,064              4,149
Share premium account                                           42,149             39,920             42,091
Other reserves                                                     949                949                949
Profit and loss account                                         10,450             14,608             11,167

Shareholders' funds                                             57,704             59,541             58,356
Minority interests                                               1,336              1,110              1,019

                                                                59,040             60,651             59,375

                                                          Six              Six           Twelve       Sixteen
                                                       months           months           months        months
                                                        ended            ended            ended         ended
                                                     31st Dec         31st Dec        30th June     30th June
                                                         2002             2001             2002          2002
                                                  (unaudited)      (unaudited)      (unaudited)     (audited)
                                          Notes         #'000            #'000            #'000         #'000
Reconciliation of operating profit to
net cash inflow from operating
Operating profit                                        1,403            2,634            3,774         5,032
Adjustment for items not involving
the flow of funds                                       2,778            2,538            7,958         9,697

Net working capital movement                  6       (1,403)          (2,704)              412         1,745

Net cash inflow from operating
activities                                              2,778            2,468           12,144        16,474

Returns on investments and servicing
of finance
Interest received                                           6                8               42            85
Interest and similar charges paid                       (131)            (132)            (296)         (383)
Dividend paid to minority
shareholders in subsidiary
undertaking                                                 -                -          (1,342)       (1,342)

Net cash outflow                                        (125)            (124)          (1,596)       (1,640)

Corporation tax paid                                  (1,288)          (1,741)          (3,469)       (4,839)

Capital expenditure and financial
Purchase of goodwill and intangible
assets                                                   (94)            (605)            (370)       (2,315)
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                       (541)            (836)          (2,103)       (2,947)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                              75              150            1,418         1,634

Net cash outflow                                        (560)          (1,291)          (1,055)       (3,628)

Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings                         -            (624)          (3,445)       (3,445)
Purchase of businesses                                (1,069)                -             (35)       (1,028)
Sale of subsidiaries                                      160                -                -             -

Net cash outflow                                        (909)            (624)          (3,480)       (4,473)

Equity dividends paid                                   (416)          (2,025)          (4,065)       (4,065)

Cash outflow before financing                           (520)          (3,337)          (1,521)       (2,171)

Issue of shares                                            65               26              203           312
Repayment of loan notes                                 (295)                -            (796)         (799)
                                                        (230)               26            (593)         (487)

Decrease in cash                                        (750)          (3,311)          (2,114)       (2,658)

Reconciliation of net cash flow to
movement in net (debt)/cash
Change in net (debt)/cash resulting
from cash flow                                          (750)          (3,311)          (2,114)       (2,658)
Arising on acquisitions and disposals                       -               49            1,291         1,291
Net cash brought forward                                  145              968              968         1,512

Net (debt)/cash carried forward                         (605)          (2,294)              145           145

Notes to the Financial Accounts

1.      Nature of Information

The interim accounts for the six months ended 31st December 2002 and the
comparative figures both for the six months ended 31st December 2001 and for the
twelve months ended 30th June 2002 are neither audited nor reviewed by the
Company 's auditors.  The comparative figures for the sixteen months ended 30th
June 2002 are not the Company 's statutory accounts within the meaning of
Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 but are abridged from such accounts which
have been reported on by the Company 's auditors and delivered to the Registrar
of Companies.  The report of the auditors on such accounts was unqualified and
did not contain any statement under Sections 237(2)or 237(3)of the Companies Act

The interim accounts and the comparative figures are prepared on the basis of
the accounting policies set out in the accounts of the Group for the sixteen
months ended 30th June

2.      Segmental information

                                                       Six                Six          Twelve         Sixteen
                                                    months             months          months          months
                                                     ended              ended           ended           ended
                                                  31st Dec           31st Dec       30th June       30th June
                                                      2002               2001            2002            2002
                                               (unaudited)        (unaudited)     (unaudited)       (audited)
                                                     #'000              #'000           #'000           #'000
Business Information                                 9,712              9,001          20,148          26,885
Magazine Publishing                                 17,259             19,220          38,273          51,301
Professional Training                               10,017             10,364          20,125          24,912

                                                    36,988             38,585          78,546         103,098
Profit before taxation:
Business Information                                 1,678              1,382           4,223           4,774
Magazine Publishing                                  (257)                 32           1,131           1,686
Professional Training                                2,105              2,865           4,801           5,993

Operating profit before amortisation                 3,526              4,279          10,155          12,453
Less: amortisation                                 (2,123)            (1,645)         (6,381)         (7,421)

Operating profit                                     1,403              2,634           3,774           5,032
Less: interest                                       (125)              (124)           (254)           (298)

Profit on ordinary activities before
taxation                                             1,278              2,510           3,520           4,734

3.      Taxation

There is a corporation taxation charge for the six months ended 31st December
2002 of #1,044,000 (2001: #1,157,000) based on the Group's profits for the
period at current corporation tax rates.  There is also a deferred tax credit
for the six months to 31st December 2002 of #32,000 (2001: #22,000).  The total
tax charge as a percentage of profit before taxation is 79.2% because of the
disallowable amortisation of certain intangibles.

4.      Earnings per ordinary share

Earnings per ordinary share is calculated on the basis of profit on ordinary
activities after taxation and minority interests divided by 83,112,829 (2001:
81,271,797), being the weighted average number of ordinary shares of 5p in

Diluted earnings per ordinary share is calculated on the basis of profit on
ordinary activities after taxation and minority interests divided by 83,112,308
(2001: 81,636,016), being the diluted weighted average number of ordinary shares
of 5p.

5.      Adjusted earnings per ordinary share

In order to show results on a comparable basis to prior years before adoption of
FRS 10 "Goodwill and Intangible Assets" an adjusted earnings per ordinary share
has been calculated based on an adjusted profit after taxation and minority
interests but before amortisation of goodwill and intangible assets of
#2,041,000 (2001: #2,575,000).

6.      Net working capital movement

                                                         Six             Six          Twelve         Sixteen
                                                      months          months          months          months
                                                       ended           ended           ended           ended
                                                    31st Dec        31st Dec       30th June       30th June
                                                        2002            2001            2002            2002
                                                 (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (unaudited)       (audited)
                                                       #'000           #'000           #'000           #'000

(Increase) / decrease in stock and work in
progress                                               (282)            (69)              31           (697)
Decrease in debtors                                    2,173             851             673           3,144
(Decrease) in creditors                              (3,294)         (3,486)           (292)           (702)

                                                     (1,403)         (2,704)             412           1,745

Copies of this report are available from the Company's registered office at
Paulton House, 8 Shepherdess Walk, London N1 7LB.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange