Washington, DC 20549




(Rule 14a-101)



Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934

(Amendment No.    )



Filed by the Registrant  ☒

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  ☐

Check the appropriate box:


Preliminary Proxy Statement


Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))


Revised Definitive Proxy Statement


Definitive Additional Materials


Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section §240.14a-12

Kopin Corporation

(Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):


No fee required


Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.


Fee computed on table in exhibit required by Item 25(b) per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.





This amendment (the “Amendment”) to the Definitive Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A filed by Kopin Corporation (the “Company”) with the Securities and Exchange Commission on April 21, 2022 (the “Proxy Statement”) is being filed to correct inadvertent errors in the number of shares of common stock to be authorized for issuance under the 2020 EIP under Proposal 2. The section labeled “Proposal 2” in the Proxy Statement inadvertently stated that the Plan Amendment (as defined therein) was to increase the number of shares authorized for issuance under the 2020 EIP by 1,500,000 shares instead of 4,500,000.

Except as specifically discussed in this Explanatory Note, this Amendment does not otherwise modify or update any other disclosures in the Proxy Statement. This Amendment should be read together with the Proxy Statement, which should be read in its entirety. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in this Amendment have the meanings ascribed to them in the Proxy Statement.



The Equity Incentive Plan Amendment Proposal The Board has authorized, subject to stockholder approval, an amendment to our 2020 Equity Incentive Plan (the “2020 EIP”) to increase the number of shares available under the 2020 EIP by 4,500,000 shares (the “Plan Amendment”). Currently, the 2020 EIP authorizes the issuance of up to 5,500,000 shares of common stock.

The purpose of the 2020 EIP is to encourage ownership of the Company’s common stock by key employees and to provide additional incentive for such employees to promote the success of the Company’s business. The Board believes that the 2020 EIP:



Aligns the long-term interests of key employees and stockholders by creating a direct link between key employee compensation and stockholder return;



Enables key employees to develop and maintain a meaningful stock ownership in the Company; and



Provides incentives for key employees to contribute to the success of the Company.

The Plan Amendment is being submitted to stockholders for approval. A copy of the 2020 EIP as it is proposed to be amended is attached to this Proxy Statement as Appendix A. The Board believes it is in the best of interests of the Company and its stockholders to approve the Plan Amendment to increase the number of shares available under the 2020 EIP by 4,500,000.

A total of 10,000,000 shares of Kopin common stock will be reserved for issuance under the amended 2020 EIP. As of March 31, 2022, the closing price on Nasdaq per share of common stock was $2.53. Our Board approved the Plan Amendment on April 6, 2022, subject to approval by Kopin’s stockholders. The Plan Amendment will be effective upon approval by Kopin’s stockholders.

Reasons for the Amendment to the 2020 EIP

Equity incentive compensation programs play a pivotal role in Kopin’s efforts to attract and retain key personnel essential to the Kopin’s long-term growth and financial success. We are asking our stockholders to approve the Plan Amendment to assist Kopin in attracting and retaining qualified personnel. If our stockholders do not approve the Plan Amendment, we will be limited in our ability to continue to issue awards in numbers sufficient to attract and motivate the highly skilled employees we need to recruit and retain, due to low share reserves remaining in our 2020 EIP and the dilution to our share reserve and outstanding equity awards from the increase in our stock outstanding from recent financing activities, and our employees’ motivation and incentives will be negatively affected.



Offering a broad-based equity compensation program is vital to attracting and retaining highly skilled people in the highly competitive technology industry. We use equity awards to increase incentives on the part of employees, non-employee directors and consultants who provide significant services to the company. We believe that providing an equity stake in the future success of our business encourages our employees to be highly motivated to achieve our long-term business goals and to increase stockholder value. Their innovation and productivity are critical to our success. Accordingly, approving the Plan Amendment is in the best interest of our stockholders because equity awards help us to:



attract, motivate and retain talented employees and directors;



align employee and stockholder interests; and



link employee compensation with Kopin’s performance.

We strongly believe that approval of the Plan Amendment will enable us to achieve our goals in attracting and retaining our most valuable asset: our employees.

Without the appropriate share reserve to grant competitive equity-based incentives, we would be forced to consider cash replacement alternatives to provide a market-competitive total compensation package necessary to attract, retain and motivate the employee talent critical to our future successes. These cash replacement alternatives could, among other things, reduce the cash available for investment in growth and development and cause a loss of motivation by employees to achieve superior performance over a longer period of time. Equity-based incentives, by contrast, directly align a portion of the compensation of our employees with the economic interests of our stockholders.

For that reason, Kopin has structured the 2020 EIP to provide flexibility in designing equity incentive programs with a broad array of equity incentives, such as stock options, stock appreciation rights, stock awards and restricted stock units and implement competitive incentive compensation programs for its employees and non-employee Board members. The 2020 EIP will continue to be the only plan under which new equity awards may be granted to our employees and other service providers. If this Proposal 2 is not approved, then we would be at a disadvantage against our competitors for recruiting, retaining and motivating individuals critical to our success and could be forced to increase cash compensation, thereby reducing resources available to meet our business needs.

As of March 30, 2022, 4,125,343 shares of common stock had been issued pursuant to awards under the 2020 EIP. All awards outstanding under the 2020 EIP on the date of the Plan Amendment will continue to be governed solely by the terms of the documents evidencing such awards, and no provision of the Plan Amendment will be deemed to affect or otherwise modify the rights or obligations of the holders of such transferred awards.

In connection with our stock-based compensation programs, we are committed to using equity incentive awards prudently and within reasonable limits. We anticipate that the share reserve under the amended 2020 EIP, will enable us to fund our equity compensation program for approximately two years. While we believe this is a reasonable estimate of how long the share reserve would last, the actual period for which the proposed share reserve will fund our equity compensation program may be shorter or longer than expected, depending on changes in our granting practices, stock price and headcount growth.

Summary Description of the Kopin Corporation 2020 Equity Incentive Plan

The following is a summary of the principal provisions of the 2020 EIP. This summary is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of the 2020 EIP.



Types of Awards

The 2020 EIP provides for the issuance of stock options (including non-statutory stock options and incentive stock option), stock appreciation rights (referred to as “SARs”), restricted stock, restricted stock units (“RSUs”), stock bonuses and other stock-based awards to officers, employees, non-employee directors, independent contractors and consultants of Kopin Corporation or its affiliates.

Purpose and Types of Grants

The purpose of the 2020 EIP is to attract and retain employees, non-employee directors and consultants, and advisors. The 2020 EIP provides for the issuance of incentive stock options, non-qualified stock options, stock awards, stock units, stock appreciation rights and other stock-based awards. The 2020 EIP is intended to provide an incentive to participants to contribute to our economic success by aligning the economic interests of participants with those of our stockholders.


The 2020 EIP is administered by the Compensation Committee of our Board, and the Compensation Committee will determine all of the terms and conditions applicable to grants under the 2020 EIP. Our Compensation Committee determines who receives grants under the 2020 EIP and the number of shares of common stock that will be subject to grants, except that grants to members of our Board must be authorized by a majority of our Board. Our Compensation Committee may delegate authority under the 2020 EIP to one or more subcommittees as it deems appropriate. Subject to compliance with applicable law and stock exchange requirements, the Compensation Committee (or our Board or a subcommittee, as applicable) may delegate all or part of its authority to our Chief Executive Officer, as it deems appropriate, with respect to grants to employees or key advisors who are not executive officers under Section 16 of the Exchange Act. Our Compensation Committee, our Board, any subcommittee or the Chief Executive Officer, as applicable, that has authority with respect to a specific grant will be referred to as “the committee” in this description of the 2020 EIP.

Shares Subject to the Plan

Subject to adjustment, our 2020 EIP currently authorizes the issuance or transfer of up to 5,500,000 shares of our common stock. In addition, shares of common stock underlying any outstanding award granted under the Prior Plan that, following the effective date of the 2020 EIP, expires, or is terminated, surrendered or forfeited for any reason without issuance of such shares shall be available for new grants under the 2020 EIP.

If any options or SARs expire or are canceled, forfeited, exchanged or surrendered without having been exercised, or if any stock awards, stock units or other stock-based awards are forfeited, terminated or otherwise not paid in full, the shares of our common stock subject to such awards will again be available for purposes of the 2020 EIP. If shares of our common stock are surrendered in payment of the exercise price of an option, the number of shares of common stock available for issuance under the 2020 EIP will be reduced only by the net number of shares actually issued by us upon such exercise and not by the gross number of shares as to which such option is exercised. Upon the exercise of any SAR under the 2020 EIP, the number of shares of our common stock available for issuance will be reduced only by the net number of shares actually issued by us upon such exercise.

If shares of our common stock are withheld by us in satisfaction of the withholding taxes incurred in connection with the issuance, vesting or exercise of any grant or the issuance of our common stock under the 2020 EIP, the number of shares of common stock available for issuance will be reduced by the net number of shares issued, vested or exercised under such grant, calculated in each instance after payment of such share withholding. If any awards are paid in cash, and not in shares of our common stock, any shares of our common stock subject to such awards will also be available for future awards. If we repurchase shares of our common



stock on the open market with the proceeds from the exercise price we receive from options, the repurchased shares will not be available for issuance under the 2020 EIP.

Individual Limits for Non-Employee Directors

The maximum aggregate grant date value of shares of common stock granted to any non-employee director in any one calendar year, taken together with any cash fees earned by such non-employee director for services rendered during the calendar year, shall not exceed $250,000 in total value.


In connection with stock splits, stock dividends, recapitalizations and certain other events affecting our common stock, the committee will make adjustments as it deems appropriate in: the maximum number of shares of common stock reserved for issuance as grants; the maximum amount of awards that may be granted to any individual non-employee director in any year; the number and kind of shares covered by outstanding grants; the number and kind of shares that may be issued under the 2020 EIP; the price per share or market value of any outstanding grants; the exercise price of options; the base amount of stock appreciation rights; and the performance goals or other terms and conditions as the committee deems appropriate.

Eligibility and Vesting

All of our employees are eligible to receive grants under the 2020 EIP. In addition, our non-employee directors and key advisors who perform services for us may receive grants under the 2020 EIP. The committee determines the vesting and exercisability terms of awards granted under the 2020 EIP.


Under our 2020 EIP, the committee determines the exercise price of the options granted and may grant options to purchase shares of our common stock in such amounts as it determines. The committee may grant options that are intended to qualify as incentive stock options under Section 422 of the Code, or non-qualified stock options, which are not intended to so qualify. Incentive stock options may only be granted to our employees. Anyone eligible to participate in the 2020 EIP may receive a grant of non-qualified stock options. The exercise price of a stock option granted under the 2020 EIP cannot be less than the fair market value of a share of our common stock on the date the option is granted. If an incentive stock option is granted to a 10% stockholder of the total combined voting power of all classes of our stock, the exercise price cannot be less than 110% of the fair market value of a share of our common stock on the date the option is granted. The aggregate number of shares of common stock that may be issued or transferred under the 2020 EIP pursuant to incentive stock options under Section 422 of the Code may not exceed 5,500,000 of the number of shares of common stock outstanding on the effective date of the 2020 EIP.

The exercise price for any option is generally payable in cash. In certain circumstances as permitted by the committee, the exercise price may be paid: by the surrender of shares of our common stock with an aggregate fair market value, on the date the option is exercised, equal to the exercise price; by payment through a broker in accordance with procedures established by the Federal Reserve Board; by withholding shares of common stock subject to the exercisable option that have a fair market value on the date of exercise equal to the aggregate exercise price; or by such other method as the committee approves.

The term of an option cannot exceed ten years from the date of grant, except that if an incentive stock option is granted to a 10% stockholder of the total combined voting power of all class of our stock, the term cannot exceed five years from the date of grant. In the event that on the last day of the term of a non-qualified stock option, the exercise is prohibited by applicable law, including a prohibition on purchases or sales of our common stock under our insider trading policy, the term of the non-qualified option will be extended for a period of 30 days following the end of the legal prohibition, unless the committee determines otherwise.



Except as provided in the grant instrument, an option may only be exercised while a participant is employed by or providing service to us. The committee will determine in the grant instrument under what circumstances and during what time periods a participant may exercise an option after termination of employment.

Stock Awards

Under the 2020 EIP, the committee may grant stock awards. A stock award is an award of our common stock that may be subject to restrictions as the committee determines. The restrictions, if any, may lapse over a specified period of employment or based on the satisfaction of pre-established criteria, in installments or otherwise, as the committee may determine, including, but not limited to, restrictions based on the achievement of performance goals. Except to the extent restricted under the grant instrument relating to the stock award, a participant will have all of the rights of a stockholder as to those shares, including the right to vote and the right to receive dividends or distributions on the shares. Dividends with respect to stock awards that vest based on performance shall vest if and to the extent that the underlying stock award vests, as determined by the committee. All unvested stock awards are forfeited if the participant’s employment or service is terminated for any reason, unless the committee determines otherwise.

Stock Units

Under the 2020 EIP, the committee may grant stock units to anyone eligible to participate in the 2020 EIP. Stock units represent hypothetical shares of our common stock. Stock units become payable on terms and conditions determined by the committee, including specified performance goals, and will be payable in cash, shares of common stock, or a combination thereof, as determined by the committee. All unvested stock units are forfeited if the participant’s employment or service is terminated for any reason, unless the committee determines otherwise.

Stock Appreciation Rights

Under the 2020 EIP, the committee may grant SARs, which may be granted separately or in tandem with any option. SARs granted in tandem with a non-qualified stock option may be granted either at the time the non-qualified stock option is granted or any time thereafter while the option remains outstanding. SARs granted in tandem with an incentive stock option may be granted only at the time the grant of the incentive stock option is made. The committee will establish the base amount of the SAR at the time the SAR is granted, which will be equal to or greater than the fair market value of a share of our common stock as of the date of grant.

If a SAR is granted in tandem with an option, the number of SARs that are exercisable during a specified period will not exceed the number of shares of our common stock that the participant may purchase upon exercising the related option during such period. Upon exercising the related option, the related SARs will terminate, and upon the exercise of a SAR, the related option will terminate to the extent of an equal number of shares of our common stock. Generally, SARs may only be exercised while the participant is employed by, or providing services to, us. When a participant exercises a SAR, the participant will receive the excess of the fair market value of the underlying common stock over the base amount of the SAR. The appreciation of a SAR will be paid in shares of our common stock, cash or both.

The term of a SAR cannot exceed ten years from the date of grant. In the event that on the last day of the term of a SAR, the exercise is prohibited by applicable law, including a prohibition on purchases or sales of our common stock under our insider trading policy, the term of the SAR will be extended for a period of 30 days following the end of the legal prohibition, unless the committee determines otherwise.

Other Stock-Based Awards

Under the 2020 EIP, the committee may grant other types of awards that are based on, or measured by, our common stock, and granted to anyone eligible to participate in the 2020 EIP. The committee will determine the



terms and conditions of such awards. Other stock-based awards may be payable in cash, shares of our common stock or a combination of the two, as determined by the committee.

Dividend Equivalents

Under the 2020 EIP, the committee may grant dividend equivalents in connection with grants of stock units or other stock-based awards made under the 2020 EIP. Dividend equivalents entitle the participant to receive amounts equal to ordinary dividends that are paid on the shares underlying a grant while the grant is outstanding. The committee will determine whether dividend equivalents will be paid currently or accrued as contingent cash obligations. Dividend equivalents may be paid in cash or shares of our common stock. The committee will determine the terms and conditions of the dividend equivalent grants, including whether the grants are payable upon the achievement of specific performance goals. Dividend equivalents with respect to stock units or other stock-based awards that vest based on performance shall vest and be paid only if and to the extent that the underlying stock units or other stock-based awards vest and are paid as determined by the committee.

Prohibition on Repricing

Under the terms of the 2020 EIP, the committee may not (i) amend the terms of any outstanding stock options or SARs to reduce the exercise price or base price, as applicable, (ii) cancel outstanding stock options or SARs in exchange for stock options or SARs with an exercise price or base price, as applicable, that is less than the exercise price or base price of the original stock options or SARs or (iii) cancel outstanding stock options or SARs with an exercise price or base price, as applicable, above the current stock price in exchange for cash or other securities, except in connection with a corporate transaction involving the Company, without in each such instance obtaining the approval of our stockholders.

Change of Control

If we experience a change of control where we are not the surviving corporation (or survive only as a subsidiary of another corporation), unless the committee determines otherwise, all outstanding grants that are not exercised or paid at the time of the change of control will be assumed by, or replaced with grants (with respect to cash, securities or a combination thereof) that have comparable terms by, the surviving corporation (or a parent or subsidiary of the surviving corporation).

Unless otherwise set forth in a grant instrument, if a participant is terminated without cause upon or within 12 months of a change of control, all outstanding time-based awards shall become fully vested.

If there is a change of control and all outstanding grants are not assumed by, or replaced with grants that have comparable terms by the surviving corporation, the committee may (but is not obligated to) make adjustments to the terms and conditions of outstanding grants, including, without limitation, taking any of the following actions (or combination thereof) without the consent of any participant:



determine that outstanding options and SARs will accelerate and become fully exercisable and the restrictions and conditions on outstanding stock awards, stock units and dividend equivalents immediately lapse;



pay participants, in an amount and form determined by the committee, in settlement of outstanding stock units or dividend equivalents;



require that participants surrender their outstanding stock options and SARs in exchange for a payment by us, in cash or shares of our common stock, equal to the difference between the exercise price and the fair market value of the underlying shares of our common stock; provided, however, if the per share fair market value of our common stock does not exceed the per share stock option exercise price or stock appreciation right base amount, as applicable, we will not be required to make any payment to the participant upon surrender of the stock option or stock appreciation right; or




after giving participants an opportunity to exercise all of their outstanding stock options and SARs, terminate any unexercised stock options and SARs on the date determined by the committee.

In general terms, a change of control under the 2020 EIP occurs if:



a person, entity or affiliated group, with certain exceptions, acquires more than 50% of our then- outstanding voting securities;



we merge into another entity unless the holders of our voting shares immediately prior to the merger have at least 50% of the combined voting power of the securities in the merged entity or its parent;



we merge into another entity and the members of our Board prior to the merger would not constitute a majority of the board of the merged entity or its parent;



we sell or dispose of all or substantially all of our assets;



we consummate a complete liquidation or dissolution; or



a majority of the members of our Board is replaced during any 12-month period by directors whose appointment or election is not endorsed by a majority of the incumbent directors.


The committee may permit or require participants to defer receipt of the payment of cash or the delivery of shares of common stock that would otherwise be due to the participant in connection with a grant under the 2020 EIP. The committee will establish the rules and procedures applicable to any such deferrals, consistent with the requirements of Section 409A of the Code.


All grants under the 2020 EIP are subject to applicable U.S. federal (including FICA), state and local, foreign or other tax withholding requirements. We may require participants or other persons receiving grants or exercising grants to pay an amount sufficient to satisfy such tax withholding requirements with respect to such grants, or we may deduct from other wages and compensation paid by us the amount of any withholding taxes due with respect to such grant.

The committee may permit or require that our tax withholding obligation with respect to grants paid in our common stock be paid by having shares withheld up to an amount that does not exceed the participant’s minimum applicable withholding tax rate for United States federal (including FICA), state and local tax liabilities, or as otherwise determined by the committee. In addition, the committee may, in its discretion, and subject to such rules as the committee may adopt, allow participants to elect to have such share withholding applied to all or a portion of the tax withholding obligation arising in connection with any particular grant.


Except as permitted by the committee with respect to non-qualified stock options, only a participant may exercise rights under a grant during the participant’s lifetime. Upon death, the personal representative or other person entitled to succeed to the rights of the participant may exercise such rights. A participant cannot transfer those rights except by will or by the laws of descent and distribution or, with respect to grants other than incentive stock options, pursuant to a domestic relations order. The committee may provide in a grant instrument that a participant may transfer non-qualified stock options and stock award to family members, or one or more trusts or other entities for the benefit of or owned by family members, consistent with applicable securities laws.

Amendment; Termination

Our Board may amend or terminate our 2020 EIP at any time, except that our stockholders must approve an amendment if such approval is required in order to comply with the Code, applicable laws or applicable stock



exchange requirements. Unless terminated sooner by our Board or extended with stockholder approval, the 2020 EIP will terminate on the day immediately preceding the tenth anniversary of the effective date of the 2020 EIP.

Stockholder Approval

Except in connection with certain corporate transactions, including stock dividends, stock splits, a recapitalization, a change in control, a reorganization, a merger and a spin-off, stockholder approval is required (i) to reduce the exercise price or base price of outstanding stock options or SARs, (ii) to cancel outstanding stock options or SARs in exchange for the same type of grant with a lower exercise price or base price, and (iii) to cancel outstanding stock options or SARs that have an exercise price or base price above the current price of a share of our common stock, in exchange for cash or other securities, each as applicable.

Establishment of Sub-Plans

Our Board may, from time to time, establish one or more sub-plans under the 2020 EIP to satisfy applicable blue sky, securities or tax laws of various jurisdictions. Our Board may establish such sub-plans by adopting supplements to the 2020 EIP setting forth limitations on the committee’s discretion and such additional terms and conditions not otherwise inconsistent with the 2020 EIP as our Board deems necessary or desirable. All such supplements will be deemed part of the 2020 EIP, but each supplement will only apply to participants within the affected jurisdiction, and we will not be required to provide copies of any supplement to such unaffected participants.


Subject to applicable law, the committee may provide in any grant instrument that if a participant breaches any restrictive covenant agreement between the participant and us, or otherwise engages in activities that constitute cause (as defined in the 2020 EIP) either while employed by, or providing services to, us or within a specified period of time thereafter, all grants held by the participant will terminate, and we may rescind any exercise of an option or stock appreciation right and the vesting of any other grant and delivery of shares upon such exercise or vesting, as applicable on such terms as the committee will determine, including the right to require that in the event of any rescission:



the participant must return the shares received upon the exercise of any option or stock appreciation right or the vesting and payment of any other grants; or



if the participant no longer owns the shares, the participant must pay to us the amount of any gain realized or payment received as a result of any sale or other disposition of the shares (if the participant transferred the shares by gift or without consideration, then the fair market value of the shares on the date of the breach of the restrictive covenant agreement or activity constituting cause), net of the price originally paid by the participant for the shares.

The committee may also provide for clawbacks pursuant to a clawback policy, which our Board may in the future adopt and amend from time to time. Payment by the participant will be made in such manner and on such terms and conditions as may be required by the committee. We will be entitled to set off against the amount of any such payment any amounts that we otherwise owe to the participant.

Certain United States Federal Income Tax Aspects

The following is a summary of certain U.S. federal income tax consequences of awards under the 2020 EIP. It does not purport to be a complete description of all applicable rules, and those rules (including those summarized here) are subject to change.




An optionee generally will not recognize taxable income upon the grant of a non-statutory option. Rather, at the time of exercise of the option, the optionee will recognize ordinary income for income tax purposes in an amount equal to the excess, if any, of the fair market value of the shares purchased over the exercise price. We generally will be entitled to a tax deduction at such time and in the same amount, if any, that the optionee recognizes as ordinary income. The optionee’s tax basis in any shares received upon exercise of an option will be the fair market value of the shares on the date of exercise, and if the shares are later sold or exchanged, then the difference between the amount received upon such sale or exchange and the fair market value of such shares on the date of exercise will generally be taxable as long-term or short-term capital gain or loss (if the shares are a capital asset of the optionee) depending upon the length of time such shares were held by the optionee.

Incentive stock options are eligible for favorable U.S. federal income tax treatment if certain requirements are satisfied. An incentive stock option must have an option price that is not less than the fair market value of the stock at the time the option is granted and must be exercisable within ten years from the date of grant. An employee granted an incentive stock option generally does not realize compensation income for U.S. federal income tax purposes upon the grant of the option. At the time of exercise of an incentive stock option, no compensation income is realized by the optionee other than tax preference income for purposes of the federal alternative minimum tax on individual income. If the shares acquired on exercise of an incentive stock option are held for at least two years after grant of the option and one year after exercise, the excess of the amount realized on the sale over the exercise price will be taxed as capital gain. If the shares acquired on exercise of an incentive stock option are disposed of within less than two years after grant or one year of exercise, the optionee will realize taxable compensation income equal to the lesser of (i) the excess of the fair market value of the shares on the date of exercise over the option price or (ii) the excess of the amount realized on the sale over the option price. Any additional amount realized will be taxed as capital gain.

Stock Awards

A participant generally will not be taxed upon the grant of stock awards subject to restrictions, but rather will recognize ordinary income in an amount equal to the fair market value of the shares at the time the shares are no longer subject to a “substantial risk of forfeiture” (within the meaning of the Code). We generally will be entitled to a deduction at the time when, and in the amount that, the participant recognizes ordinary income on account of the lapse of the restrictions. A participant’s tax basis in the shares will equal their fair market value at the time the restrictions lapse, and the participant’s holding period for capital gains purposes will begin at that time. Any cash dividends paid on the restricted stock before the restrictions lapse will be taxable to the participant as additional compensation (and not as dividend income). Under Section 83(b) of the Code, a participant may elect to recognize ordinary income at the time the shares of stock are awarded in an amount equal to their fair market value at that time, notwithstanding the fact that such shares of stock are subject to restrictions and a substantial risk of forfeiture. If such an election is made, no additional taxable income will be recognized by such participant at the time the restrictions lapse, the participant will have a tax basis in the shares equal to their fair market value on the date of their award, and the participant’s holding period for capital gains purposes will begin at that time. We generally will be entitled to a tax deduction at the time when, and to the extent that, ordinary income is recognized by such participant.

Stock Units

In general, the grant of stock units will not result in income for the participant or in a tax deduction for us. Upon the settlement of such an award in cash or shares, the participant will recognize ordinary income equal to the aggregate value of the payment received, and we generally will be entitled to a tax deduction at the same time and in the same amount.



Stock Appreciation Rights

A participant who is granted a SAR generally will not recognize ordinary income upon receipt of the SAR. Rather, at the time of exercise of such SAR, the participant will recognize ordinary income for U.S. federal income tax purposes in an amount equal to the value of any cash received and the fair market value on the date of exercise of any shares received. We generally will be entitled to a tax deduction at such time and in the same amount, if any, that the participant recognizes as ordinary income. The participant’s tax basis in any shares received upon exercise of a SAR will be the fair market value of the shares on the date of exercise, and if the shares are later sold or exchanged, then the difference between the amount received upon such sale or exchange and the fair market value of such shares on the date of exercise will generally be taxable as long-term or short- term capital gain or loss (if the shares are a capital asset of the participant) depending upon the length of time such shares were held by the participant.

Other Awards

With respect to other stock-based awards granted under the 2020 EIP, generally when the participant receives payment with respect to an award, the amount of cash and/or the fair market value of any shares or other property received will be ordinary income to the participant, and we generally will be entitled to a tax deduction at the same time and in the same amount.

Impact of Section 409A

Section 409A of the Code applies to deferred compensation, which is generally defined as compensation earned currently, the payment of which is deferred to a later taxable year. Awards under the 2020 EIP are intended to be exempt from the requirements of Section 409A or to satisfy its requirements. An award that is subject to Section 409A and fails to satisfy its requirements will subject the holder of the award to immediate taxation, interest and an additional 20% tax on the vested amount underlying the award.

Section 162(m) of the Code

Prior to 2018, Section 162(m) of the Code imposed a $1 million limit on the amount a public company may deduct for compensation paid to a company’s chief executive officer or any of the company’s three other most highly compensated executive officers (other than the chief financial officer) who are employed as of the end of the year. This limitation did not apply to compensation that meets the tax code requirements for “qualifying performance-based” compensation (i.e., compensation paid only if the individual’s performance meets pre-established objective goals based on performance criteria approved by stockholders, including stock options).

The performance-based compensation exemption and the exemption of the chief financial officer from Section 162(m)’s deduction limit have been repealed, among other changes, effective for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017, such that awards paid to our covered executive officers (including our chief executive officer) in excess of $1 million will not be deductible in future years, unless it qualifies for transition relief applicable to certain arrangements that were in effect as of November 2, 2017 and are not materially modified thereafter.

As in prior years, while deductibility of executive compensation for federal income tax purposes is among the factors the committee considers when structuring our executive compensation arrangements, it is not the sole or primary factor considered. We retain the flexibility to authorize compensation that may not be deductible if we believe it is in the best interests of the company.

Existing Plan Benefits

Future benefits under the 2020 EIP generally are granted at the discretion of the committee and are therefore not currently determinable.



Because future grants of awards under the 2020 EIP are subject to the discretion of the Board or Compensation Committee, the amount and terms of future awards to particular participants or groups of participants are not determinable at this time. No awards have been previously granted that are contingent on the approval of this amendment to the 2020 EIP.

Vote Required for Approval

The proposal to amend the 2020 EIP will be approved upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of common stock present through virtual attendance or by proxy at the Meeting and entitled to vote on the proposal. Stockholders may vote “FOR” or “AGAINST,” or “ABSTAIN” from voting. Abstentions will have the effect of a vote “AGAINST” this proposal. Broker non-votes, if any, will be disregarded and will have no effect on the outcome of the vote for this Proposal 2.

Board Recommendation

The Board recommends that the stockholders vote “FOR” the approval of the amendment to the Kopin Corporation 2020 Equity Incentive Plan to increase the number of shares available by 4,500,000.

The existence of financial and personal interests of one or more of Kopin Corporation directors may result in a conflict of interest on the part of such director(s) between what he or they may believe is in the best interests of Kopin Corporation and its stockholders and what he or they may believe is best for himself or themselves in determining to recommend that stockholders vote for the proposals.



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Historical Stock Chart
From Sep 2023 to Sep 2024 Click Here for more Kopin Charts.