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  Breakdown of Screening Criteria

Breakdown of Screening Criteria

ADVFN Screener offers the opportunity to select from a pool of more than 500 screening criteria.

These criteria are largely accounting figures and financial ratios calculated from the latest published annual/quarterly report of companies. Finding the exact variable you need from such a wide selection of criteria can be a cumbersome task, therefore a sensible structure has been built to aid investors in this process.

For most of its part, the structure of ADVFN Screener's menu follows the same layout of US Financials page, with the exception of certain sections that are unique within this tool. Therefore, anyone already familiar with US Financials page would find navigation through the ADVFN Screener just as easy.

The screening criteria are listed in 6 dropdown menus as shown below:

  • Income Statement: Lists all the accounting figures from the latest fiscal year's Income Statement of a company.

  • Balance Sheet: Lists all the accounting figures from the latest fiscal year's Balance Sheet of a company.

  • Cash Flow Statement: Lists all the accounting figures from the latest fiscal year's Statement of Cash Flows of a company, plus a selection of financial ratios based on the latest fiscal year's results.

  • Identification & Quote Information: Lists certain Identification Information of a company's stock. Also contains two additional sections: Price Quotes with price-related data of the stock, and Volume Quotes with volume-related data of the stock.

  • Key Figures: Broken up into 5 sections. First is Key Figures, a selection of frequently used financial ratios. Second and third are Dividend Information and Growth Rates, respectively, also found in the US Financials page. Fourth is Preset Screens Variables, a list of specific ratios necessary to create certain preset screens. Fifth is Industry Average Relatives, a list of specific financial ratios compared to each company's average for its Industry group.

  • Deeper Analysis: This menu is a more comprehensive selection of financial ratios than Key Figures. Generally, it uses the same structure as in the US Financials page.