PARKWOOD HOLDINGS PLC                             

             PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR TO 31 DECEMBER 2002              

Parkwood Holdings plc, the public sector outsourcing specialist, announces its
preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2002.

Financial Highlights

  * Turnover increased by 10% to �45.0 million
  * Strong operational performance by Parkwood Leisure and Glendale offset by
    poor results in Parkwood Healthcare.
  * Profit before goodwill and tax of �1.42 million in line with market
  * Profit before taxation of �1.29 million (2001: �1.34 million).
  * Earnings per share before goodwill of 5.2p.
  * Dividend for the year increased by 10% to 2.2p per share (final dividend
    for the year 1.3p)
  * Group order book increased to a record �166 million.
Key Events

  * The Group signed its third PFI contact in June 2002, with the first two
    contracts now fully operational.
  * Joint venture signed in July 2002 ("Leisureplan") with the Barclays
    European Infrastructure Fund, which will play a key part in funding the
    Group's future local authority leisure PFI deals.
  * The Group's consortia are currently at preferred bidder stage on four
    Leisure PFI/PPP deals, at London Borough of Bexley, Breckland (Norfolk),
    London Borough of Croydon and Penwith (Cornwall).
Tony Hewitt, Executive Chairman, commented;

"Parkwood is well placed to increase turnover to �50 million or thereabouts in
2003, on which there should be a resumption of profit growth".

For further information, please contact:

Parkwood Holdings plc

Tony Hewitt, Executive Chairman 01772 627111

Doug Eadie, Finance Director 07710 652572

Notes for Editors;

Parkwood Holdings plc specialises in providing outsourced services to the
public sector across England and Wales under long term contracts. Its three
main areas of operation are as follows:

  * Glendale - The management of parks and open spaces for a predominantly
    local authority client base. This operation is currently being expanded
    into related "green" businesses under the "Think Green - Think Glendale"
  * Parkwood Leisure - The management of a diverse range of leisure facilities,
    again predominantly for local authority clients. This Division is also the
    beneficiary of most of the Group's contracts won under the PFI procurement
  * Parkwood Healthcare - The provision of non emergency patient transport to
    NHS Trusts under the "National Ambulance Service" banner, together with the
    provision of nurses on an agency basis to a similar client base.
Parkwood Holdings plc

             PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR TO 31 DECEMBER 2002              

                             CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT                              

Fortunes were mixed in 2002, and although profits before tax of �1.29 million
were broadly in line with expectations, this figure would have been higher had
it not been for a disappointing performance in the Group's Healthcare division.


Group turnover increased to �45.0 million from �40.9 million in the previous
year and profit before tax and goodwill amounted to �1.42 million. Operating
profit margins (including goodwill charge) on continuing activities fell to
3.2% against 3.7% in 2001 largely as a result of the impact of losses of �0.46
million in the Group's Healthcare business.

Operating cashflows of �2.4 million remained strong. However, the net cash
outflow for the year of �0.8 million reflected increased corporation tax
payments, investments in PFI projects and expenditure on the purchase of
additional shares for the Employee Benefit Trust. Gearing at the year end rose
slightly to 50%.(1) The Group's return on capital employed remained
satisfactory at 27%. (2)


Overall trading performance for the year was similar to 2001, but the greater
certainty of future revenues and profits particularly in the Leisure Division
enables a progressive view to be taken of the dividends available for
distribution to shareholders. I am pleased to announce that the Board considers
it appropriate to increase the final dividend to 1.3p (2001: 1.2p) payable on 9
May to all shareholders on the register on 11 April 2003. The full year
dividend of 2.2p per share represents a 10% increase over the previous year

Markets and Order Book

The Group's forward order book has increased to �166 million and should rise
substantially when the current PFI/PPP leisure projects on which preferred
bidder status has been achieved are all signed. During the last 12 months, the
Group has successfully signed its third PFI deal, while the Group is now
preferred bidder on four separate PFI / PPP projects in the local authority
leisure sector. This includes the previously announced projects at Bexley,
where financial close is expected shortly, Croydon and Breckland in Norfolk, as
well as the recent award of preferred bidder status at Penwith in Cornwall.

At the same time, the original "green" sector business of Glendale is being
diversified and a strategy has been set in place to grow this business to
become one of the largest specialist providers of horticultural services in the
UK under the "Think Green - Think Glendale" strapline.

The future of the Group's problematic Healthcare division remains under review
and the Board will endeavour to return this Division to profitability as soon
as possible.

The Group's embryonic Defence Division created last year and named Realm
Defence Services has submitted expressions of interest in three defence PFI
projects and has been "long listed" for two of these. Patience and continued
investment in the defence sector will be required to achieve success in the
long term.

Management and Board

Edwin Lee who has been a Non-Executive Director since the formation of Parkwood
Holdings plc in 1992 will retire at the Annual General Meeting in May this
year. Edwin has given both myself and the Board all the support that could be
wished for from a non-executive director and we extend our sincere thanks to
him. A replacement non-executive director is currently being sought.

Otherwise the composition of the Board remains the same, although consideration
is currently being given to its future size and composition.

The new Managing Director of Parkwood Healthcare appointed in the Spring of
2002 left the company in December 2002 and elsewhere there have been changes
resulting in a net loss of some Senior Managers and Directors.


Staff numbers have increased again and all new and existing employees deserve
thanks for their efforts. For the third year running shares have been awarded
from the Employee Benefit Trust to employees with more than five years service.


Parkwood is well placed to increase turnover to �50 million or thereabouts in
2003, on which there should be a resumption of profit growth.

A W Hewitt

Executive Chairman

17 March 2003

(1) Calculated by expressing net debt of �2.124 million as a percentage of net
assets of �4.251 million.

(2) Calculated by expressing operating profit of �1.421 million as a percentage
of average capital employed.

Capital employed is calculated by adding net debt to shareholders' funds.

                     CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT                      

                          Year Ended 31 December 2002                          

                                Note         2002       2001
                                             �000       �000
Turnover - continuing           2          45,030     40,872
Cost of sales                            (33,716)   (30,407)
Gross profit                               11,314     10,465
Administrative expenses         3         (9,893)    (8,943)
Operating profit                2           1,421      1,522
Share of operating profit /                                 
(loss) in                                                   
- Joint ventures                             (59)        (9)
- Associates                                  189          -
                                              130        (9)
Total operating profit -                    1,551      1,513
continuing operations                                       
Interest payable and similar                                
- Group                                     (139)      (172)
- Associates                                (118)          -
                                2           (257)      (172)
Profit on ordinary activities   2           1,294      1,341
before taxation                                             
Tax on profit on ordinary       5           (446)      (464)
Profit on ordinary activities                 848        877
after taxation                                              
Dividends                       7           (401)      (377)
Retained profit for the year                  447        500
Earnings per share - basic      6            4.5p       4.7p
Earnings per share before       6            5.2p       5.3p
goodwill - basic                                            
Earnings per share - diluted    6            4.5p       4.6p

Statement of Total Recognised Gains & Losses

                                               2002     2001
                                               �000     �000
Total recognised gains and losses               848      877
relating to the year                                        
Prior year adjustment - deferred              (105)         
Total gains and losses recognised               743         
since last annual report                                    

                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                           

                               31 December 2002                                

                                                 2002      2001
                                                 �000  Restated
Fixed assets                                                   
Intangible assets                                 639       620
Tangible assets                                 4,029     3,760
Investments                                       568       316
                                                5,236     4,696
Investments in joint ventures                                  
Share of gross assets                           3,568       939
Share of gross liabilities                    (3,584)     (923)
                                                 (16)        16
Current assets                                                 
Stocks                                            475       419
Debtors due within one year                     6,423     5,584
Debtors due after more than one year              773       490
Cash at bank and in hand                            -       386
                                                7,671     6,879
Creditors: amounts falling due                (7,427)   (6,669)
within one year                                                
Net current assets                                244       210
Total assets less current                       5,464     4,922
Creditors: amounts falling due after            (918)   (1,013)
more than                                                      
one year                                                       
Provisions for liabilities and                  (295)     (105)
                                                4,251     3,804
Capital and reserves                                           
Called up share capital                           196       196
Capital redemption reserve                        401       401
Share premium account                           2,227     2,227
Profit and loss account                         1,427       980
Equity shareholders' funds                      4,251     3,804

                        CONSOLIDATED CASHFLOW STATEMENT                        

                          Year Ended 31 December 2002                          

Notes                                       �000      2002       �000      2001
                                                      �000                 �000
Net cash inflow from operating                       2,399                3,693
activities 8                                                                   
Returns on investments and servicing                                           
of finance                                                                     
Interest paid                               (40)                 (62)          
Interest element of finance lease           (99)                (110)          
Net cash outflow for returns on                      (139)                (172)
investments and servicing of finance                                           
UK corporation tax (paid) / received                 (697)                    7
Capital expenditure and financial                                              
Purchase of tangible fixed assets          (960)              (1,037)          
Purchase of fixed asset investment             -                (170)          
Proceeds from sale of tangible fixed         101                  192          
(Purchase) / sale of own shares by         (105)                   18          
Employee Benefit Trust                                                         
Net cash outflow for capital                         (964)                (997)
and financial investment                                                       
Acquisitions and disposals                                                     
Purchase of business                       (123)                (294)          
Cash acquired with business                    -                   70          
Purchase of shares in joint venture         (25)                 (25)          
Net cash outflow for acquisitions and                (148)                (249)
Equity dividends paid                                (393)                (299)
Cash inflow before use of liquid                        58                1,983
resources and financing                                                        
Capital element of finance lease           (719)                (717)          
rental payments                                                                
Bank loan                                  (180)                  180          
Purchase of own shares                         -                (360)          
Loan from director repaid                      -                (143)          
Net cash outflow for financing                       (899)              (1,040)
(Decrease) / increase in cash in the                 (841)                  943
year 9                                                                         


                          Year Ended 31 December 2002                          

                                              Group               Company      
                                             2002 *Restated      2002      2001
                                             �000      2001      �000      �000
Profit for the financial year                 848       877       543       347
Dividends                                   (401)     (377)     (419)     (391)
Redemption of shares                            -     (360)         -     (360)
Net increase / (reduction) in                 447       140       124     (404)
shareholders' funds                                                            
Shareholders' funds at 1 January            3,804     3,664     2,969     3,373
Shareholders' funds at 31 December          4,251     3,804     3,093     2,969

* The opening shareholders' funds at 1 January 2002 amounted to �3,909,000
before the prior year adjustment

of �105,000 in respect of the adoption of FRS 19 "Deferred Taxation".


 1. Accounting Policies
The above financial information does not comprise statutory accounts as
detailed in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The comparative financial
information has been extracted from the statutory accounts for the year ended
31 December 2001. These accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies. The auditors have reported on these accounts; their report was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under s237(2) or (3) Companies Act

The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2002 will be finalised on
the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in their
preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies
following the Company's Annual General Meeting.

The preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with applicable
accounting standards under the historical cost convention. The principal
accounting policies of the Group have remained unchanged from those set out in
the Group's 2001 annual report and financial statements, with the exception of
FRS19. FRS19 "Deferred Taxation" has become effective in the period and has led
to a reduction of profit of �97,000 in the year (2001: Nil)

The Group continues to account for pension costs under SSAP24 "Accounting for
Pension Costs". However, in accordance with FRS17 "Retirement Benefits" the
Group will provide the necessary transitional disclosures in the full financial

 2. Analysis of Turnover, Operating Profit, Net Interest, Profit on Ordinary
    Activities Before Taxation and Net Assets.
Turnover, operating profit, net interest, profit on ordinary activities before
taxation and net assets all of which originated and arose in the United Kingdom
are attributable to the following classes of business:

2002                    Turnover    Operating        Net    Profit/   Net assets/
                            �000     Profit /   Interest            (liabilities)
                                       (loss)            before tax              
                                                    �000                     �000
                                         �000                  �000              
Managed Services          39,703        2,474       (84)      2,390         4,556
Healthcare Division        4,960        (460)        (2)      (462)           293
Other                        367        (593)      (171)      (634)             -
                          45,030        1,421      (257)      1,294         4,849
Bank loan and                                                               (969)
Fixed asset                                                                   122
Other debtors                                                                 249
2001 (Restated)         Turnover    Operating        Net    Profit/   Net assets/
                            �000     Profit /   Interest            (liabilities)
                                       (loss)            before tax              
                                                    �000                     �000
                                         �000                  �000              
Managed Services          37,168        2,076       (93)      1,983         4,183
Healthcare Division        3,704           43       (42)          1           358
Other                          -        (597)       (37)      (643)             -
                          40,872        1,522      (172)      1,341         4,541
Bank loan and                                                               (935)
Fixed asset                                                                   335
Other creditors                                                             (137)

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after charging /

                                                          2002             2001
                                                          �000             �000
Depreciation and amounts written off tangible                                  
fixed assets:                                                                  
- owned                                                    943              951
- held under finance leases and hire purchase              517              462
Amortisation of goodwill                                   126              110
Profit on sale of fixed asssets                           (54)             (74)
Operating lease rentals                                                        
- other                                                  1,004            1,104
Auditors remuneration                                                          
- audit services                                            31               31
- other services                                            17               23

 3. Administrative Expenses
                                                          2002             2001
                                                          �000             �000
Administrative expenses - other                          9,767            8,833
Goodwill amortisation                                      126              110
                                                         9,893            8,943

4. Half Yearly Performance Analysis

In order to comply with best practice, given below are the results in each half
of the year. These results are as follows:

                                       2002                      2001           
                              Half 1   Half 2   Total   Half 1   Half 2   Total 
                                �000     �000    �000     �000     �000    �000 
Turnover                      21,736   23,294  45,030   20,467   20,405  40,872 
Operating profit / (loss)        650      771   1,421      551      971   1,522 
Share of operating loss in      (13)     (46)    (59)        -      (9)     (9) 
joint ventures                                                                  
Share of operating profit          -      189     189        -        -       - 
in associates                                                                   
Profit on ordinary               637      914   1,551      551      962   1,513 
activities before interest                                                      
Interest payable - group        (69)     (70)   (139)    (113)     (59)   (172) 
Interest payable -                 -    (118)   (118)        -        -       - 
Profit on ordinary               568      726   1,294      438      903   1,341 
activities before taxation                                                      

 5. Tax on Profit on Ordinary Activities
The tax charge is based on the profit for the year and comprises:

                                                          2002             2001
                                                          �000             �000
UK corporation tax at 30% (2001: 30%)                      372              468
Adjustment in respect of prior years:                                          
UK corporation tax                                        (23)              (4)
Deferred taxation charge for the year -                     97                -
origination and reversal                                                       
of timing differences                                                          
                                                           446              464

The standard rate of current tax for the year, based on the UK standard rate of
corporation tax is 30% (2001; 30%). The current tax charge for the year is
below 30% for the reasons set out in the following reconciliation:

                                                           2002            2001
                                                           �000            �000
Profit on ordinary activities before tax                  1,294           1,341
Tax on profit on ordinary activities at                     388             402
standard rate                                                                  
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                     34              60
goodwill amortisation                                                          
Capital allowances in excess of depreciation                 20              24
Movement in short term timing differences                  (32)            (18)
Capitalised interest                                       (38)               -
Adjustment in respect of prior period                      (23)             (4)
corporation tax                                                                
                                                            349             464

Adoption of FRS 19 "Deferred Taxation" has required a change in the method of
accounting for deferred tax. The tax on profit on ordinary activities for 2001
has not been impacted by this change. The impact of adopting FRS19 on the 2002
results in an increase to the tax charge of �97,000

 6. Earnings Per Ordinary Share
Earnings per share (EPS) have been calculated on the weighted average number of
Ordinary shares in issue throughout the year ended 31 December 2002 of
18,700,485 shares (2001: 18,827,497 shares). Earnings, which are based on
profits on all activities after tax, amounted to �848,000 (2001: �877,000).
Earnings before goodwill amortisation were �974,000 in 2002 (2001: �987,000).
The EPS before goodwill amortisation is shown separately in order to illustrate
the impact of Group goodwill accounting policies and exceptional operating
items on reported EPS.

Earnings before goodwill and exceptional items are calculated as follows:

                                     2002                        2001            
                          Earnings   Weighted     Per Earnings   Weighted     Per
                                      average   share             average   share
                              �000  number of  amount     �000  number of  amount
                                       shares                      shares        
                                              (pence)                     (pence)
Basic earnings per share       848 18,700,485     4.5      877 18,827,497     4.7
Goodwill amortisation          126          -     0.7      110          -     0.6
Earnings per share before      974 18,700,485     5.2      987 18,827,497     5.3
Weighted average shares               507,400                     571,553        
held by Group's employee                                                         
share options scheme                                                             
Basic weighted average             18,700,485                  18,827,497        
number of shares                                                                 
Dilutive effect of share              227,457                     218,292        
Diluted weighted average           18,927,942                  19,045,789        
number of shares                                                                 
Diluted earnings per           848 18,927,942     4.5      877 19,045,789     4.6
Goodwill amortisation          126 -              0.7      110 -              0.6
Diluted earnings per           974 18,927,942     5.2      987 19,045,789     5.2
share before goodwill                                                            

 7. Dividends
                                                            2002           2001
                                                            �000           �000
Equity dividends                                                               
Final proposed dividend of 1.3p (2001: 1.2p) per             243            235
Ordinary share                                                                 
Interim dividend of 0.9p (2001: 0.8p) per                    158            142
Ordinary share                                                                 
                                                             401            377

 8. Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Inflow from Operating
                                                             2002          2001
                                                             �000          �000
Operating profit                                            1,421         1,522
Depreciation                                                1,460         1,413
Profit on sale of fixed assets                               (54)          (74)
Amortisation of intangible assets                             126           110
(Increase) / decrease in stocks                              (56)            27
(Increase) / decrease in debtors                          (1,122)           401
Increase in creditors                                         624           294
Net cash inflow from operating                              2,399         3,693

 9. Reconciliation of Net Cashflow to Movement in Net Debt
                                                              2002         2001
                                                              �000         �000
(Decrease) / increase in cash in the year                    (841)          943
Cash outflow from reduction in debt and lease                  719          537
Movement on bank loan                                          180            -
Movement on director's loan                                      -          143
Change in net debt resulting from cashflows                     58        1,623
Finance leases acquired with business                            -          (7)
New finance leases                                           (820)      (1,046)
(Increase) / decrease in net debt                            (762)          570
Net debt at 1 January                                      (1,362)      (1,932)
Net debt at 31 December                                    (2,124)      (1,362)

The Annual Report will be posted to shareholders on or around 31 March 2003 and
copies will be available from the Company Secretary, Parkwood House, Cuerden
Park, Berkeley Drive, Bamber Bridge, Preston, PR5 6BY