Yamana Gold reports 2009 results and mineral reserves and resources 
    - Significant fourth quarter revenue, earnings and cash flow growth - 
today announced its financial and operating results for the fourth quarter and 
year ended December 31, 2009 and its mineral reserves and mineral resources 
for the year ended December 31, 2009. All dollar amounts are expressed in 
United States dollars unless otherwise specified. 
    Financial and Operating Highlights 
    Highlights for the three- and twelve-month periods ended December 31, 
2009 include: 
    -   Total production from continuing operations of 289,456 gold 
        equivalent ounces (GEO) and 1,025,677 GEO, respectively; 
    -   Cash costs(1) from continuing operations excluding Alumbrera of $111 
        per GEO and $170 per GEO, respectively; 
    -   Revenues of $399.8 million and $1.2 billion, respectively; 
    -   Mine operating earnings of $184.3 million and $467.5 million, 
    -   Net earnings of $36.2 million and $192.6 million, respectively; 
    -   Adjusted Earnings(1) of $100.9 million or $0.14 per share and $346.1 
        million or $0.47 per share, respectively; 
                                                         Three        Twelve 
    For the period ended December 31,                   months        months 
    (In millions of United States Dollars)               ended         ended 
    Net earnings                                    $     36.2    $    192.6 
    Mark-to-market on period sales and final 
     price and quantity settlements                          -             - 
    Non-cash unrealized foreign exchange 
     losses/(gains)                                       20.3         (36.7) 
    Non-cash unrealized losses on derivatives              9.7         112.5 
    Non-recurring future income tax adjustments           15.2          35.8 
    Proceeds on sale of commodity derivatives                -             - 
    Write off of mineral interests and other assets        8.3           8.3 
    Stock-based and other compensation                    15.4          23.3 
    Future income tax expense on translation of 
     intercompany debt                                     1.6          51.6 
    Adjusted Earnings before income tax effects          106.7         387.4 
    Income tax effect on adjustments                      (5.8)        (41.3) 
    Adjusted Earnings                               $    100.9    $    346.1 
    Note: Earnings adjustments reflect both continuing and discontinued 
    -   Cash flows from continuing operations after changes in non-cash 
        working capital items of $211.2 million or $0.29 per share (cash 
        flows from continuing operations before changes in non-cash working 
        capital items(1) of $155.2 million or $0.21 per share), and $528.0 
        million or $0.72 per share (Cash flows from continuing operations 
        before changes in non-cash working capital items of $495.6 million or 
        $0.68 per share), respectively. 
    Development, Exploration and Corporate Highlights 
    Highlights for the three-month period ended December 31, 2009 include: 
    -   Completed plant upgrade at El Penon to 4,300 tpd 
    -   Completed plant upgrade and processed ore at 6,000 tonnes per day at 
    -   Transitioned to owner mining at El Penon 
    -   Commenced plant optimizations at Chapada scheduled to increase 
        throughput to up to 22 million tonnes per year before 2012 
    -   Continued to advance development work at C1 Santa Luz, Mercedes and 
        the Minera Florida tailings project 
    -   Increased credit facility to $680 million and closed private 
        placement of $270 million in long term debt 
    -   Proven and probable mineral reserves of 17.6 million ounces of gold, 
        replacing mined ounces 
    Highlights subsequent to the quarter include: 
    -   Completed the first of several studies evaluating certain 
        optimization initiatives at Agua Rica all of which are expected to 
        have a positive impact on the project 
    -   Announced the new discovery gold mineralized zones, Suruca at 
        Chapada, Lagoa do Gato at Fazenda Brasileiro and Lagartixa at 
    -   Made construction decision for the development of Ernesto/Pau-a-Pique 
        for start-up in late 2012 
    -   Provided new strategic plan for the optimization of El Penon and 
        announced the discovery of a new very high grade vein system, Pampa 
        Augusta Victoria 
    "Our objective in 2009 was to create predictable and reliable operations 
while remaining committed to our core philosophy of sustainable production, 
operating in stable jurisdictions, growth and low cash costs," said Yamana's 
chairman and chief executive officer, Peter Marrone. "We have achieved our 
objective this year. This was a defining year for Yamana. We have sustainable 
production with our robust long life operational assets, we have growth with 
our well-defined development stage projects of which construction decisions 
have already been made for four, we have world class value enhancing projects 
in addition to significant exploration potential, and we have continued to 
deliver substantial cash flow growth which we expect to continue in 2010. As 
we begin this year, we remain committed to the core tenets of our Company as 
we prepare for our next new wave of growth." 
    Revenues for the three-month period ended December 31, 2009 were $399.8 
million, and for the year were $1.2 billion, representing a 25 percent 
increase from the previous year. 
    Mine operating earnings for the three-month period ended December 31, 
2009 were $184.3 million, and for the year were $467.5 million, representing a 
31 percent increase from the previous year. 
    Adjusted Earnings for the three-month period ended December 31, 2009 were 
$100.9 million or $0.14 per share. Adjusted Earnings for the year were $346.1 
million, or $0.47 per share, representing a 23 percent increase from the 
previous year. Net earnings for the three-month period ended December 31, 2009 
were $36.2 million and for the year were $192.6 million. 
    Cash flows from continuing operations after changes in non-cash working 
capital items for the three-month period ended December 31, 2009 were $211.2 
million or $0.29 per share and for year were $528.0 million or $0.72 per 
share, representing a 122 percent increase from the previous year. Cash flows 
from continuing operations before changes in non-cash working capital items 
for the three-month period ended December 31, 2009 were $155.2 million or 
$0.21 per share and for the year were $495.6 million or $0.68 per share, 
representing a 21 percent increase from the previous year. 
    Cash and cash equivalents as at December 31, 2009 were $170.1 million. 
    Total production from continuing operations for the three-month period 
ended December 31, 2009 was 289,456 GEO (comprised of 238,438 ounces of gold 
and 2.8 million ounces of silver) representing an eight percent and 33 percent 
increase from the third quarter of 2009 and fourth quarter of 2008, 
respectively. Production from discontinued operations for the three month 
period ended December 31, 2009 was 35,796 GEO. Total production from 
continuing operations for the year was 1,025,677 GEO (comprised of 835,265 
ounces of gold and 10.5 million ounces of silver) representing a 19 percent 
increase from the previous year. Total production from discontinued operations 
for the year was 175,338 GEO. 
    Cash costs for continuing operations excluding Alumbrera for the 
three-month period ended December 31, 2009 were $111 per GEO and for the year 
were $170 per GEO. 
    Gross margin(1) per GEO sold for the three-month period ended December 
31, 2009 were $941 per GEO, representing a 19 percent increase from the third 
quarter. Gross margin per GEO sold for the year were $775 per GEO, 
representing a 12 percent increase from the previous year. 
    "We continued to build on our track record of growth with exceptional 
growth in fourth quarter revenue, adjusted earnings and cash flows," said 
Chuck Main, Yamana's executive vice president finance and chief financial 
officer. "We remained focused on maintaining industry low cash costs leading 
to our significant margin to the gold price. Further, we finished the year 
with a strong cash position and robust balance sheet." 
    Chapada, Brazil 
    Chapada produced 156,251 ounces of gold for the year, exceeding original 
production guidance of 140-155,000 ounces of gold. Plant optimizations began 
in the fourth quarter and are scheduled to increase throughput to up to 22 
million tonnes per year before 2012. 
    El Penon, Chile 
    El Penon produced 394,400 GEO for the year mining at a progressively 
higher rate and grade. In the fourth quarter, El Penon transitioned to 
owner-mining, which modestly and temporarily caused a decrease in production 
and increase in cash costs(1) which will carry over into the first quarter of 
2010 but is expected to improve production and going forward. Production in 
December at El Penon with the completion of the plant upgrade, although during 
this owner-mining transition period, was in excess of 44,000 GEO and was 
109,979 GEO for the fourth quarter. Production in the first quarter of 2010 is 
expected to be less than the fourth quarter of 2009 but higher than the first 
quarter in 2009. Production in 2010 is expected to ramp up quarter over 
quarter similar to trends seen in 2009. 
    Yamana is evaluating a new strategic plan for the optimization of El 
Penon to increase production from current levels with the objective of 
achieving a sustainable production level of 450,000 to 500,000 GEO. Yamana's 
intention is to begin at these levels in 2012 and going forward, subject to 
further evaluation. Contribution from the newly discovered high grade vein 
system, Pampa Augusta Victoria, will further support this objective. 
    Jacobina, Brazil 
    Development efforts in 2008 led to an improved performance in 2009 with 
production of 110,515 ounces of gold for the year, an increase of over 51 
percent from 2008. During the fourth quarter Jacobina began processing ore at 
6,000 tonnes per day, the level expected in 2010. 
    The Company remains focused on improving dilution and recovery as well as 
exploring, discovering and developing higher grade areas including 
Canavieiras. Exploration efforts will also be focused on the new discovery, 
    Gualcamayo, Argentina 
    Gualcamayo continued to meet and exceed expectations in its first year of 
production. Production continued to ramp up in the fourth quarter increasing 
50 percent from the third quarter of 2009 with production for the full year of 
143,471 ounces exceeding original guidance of approximately 120,000 ounces. 
Cash costs for the year of $301 per ounce of gold were well below recent 
guidance of $350 per ounce of gold. 
    Minera Florida, Chile 
    Production for the year at Minera Florida was 91,877 per GEO, 
representing a 42 percent increase from the previous year as a result of the 
completed expansion in the first quarter of 2009. Development work continues 
to progress at the tailings project with production on track for early 2012. 
    Fazenda Brasileiro, Brazil 
    Production at Fazenda Brasileiro for the year was 76,413 ounces of gold. 
As Fazenda Brasileiro reaches the end of its known mine life based on mineral 
reserves, exploration efforts continue to focus on the two newly discovered 
areas, CLX(2) and Lagoa do Gato, which Yamana believes represent significant 
potential to increase the mine life. 
    Overview of Operational Results 
    Production (GEO)                                   Q4 2009          2009 
    Chapada                                             42,216       156,251 
    El Penon                                           109,979       394,400 
    Gualcamayo                                          59,118       143,471 
    Jacobina                                            24,866       110,515 
    Minera Florida                                      24,198        91,877 
    Fazenda Brasileiro                                  17,535        76,413 
    Alumbrera (12.5%)                                   11,544        52,750 
    Total Production (Continuing operations)           289,456     1,025,677 
    Cash costs ($ per GEO)                             Q4 2009          2009 
    Chapada                                             (1.468)         (848) 
    El Penon                                               382           353 
    Gualcamayo                                             290           301 
    Jacobina                                               597           476 
    Minera Florida                                         365           373 
    Fazenda Brasileiro                                     577           453 
    Cash costs (Continuing operations)(x)                  111           170 
    (x) Cash costs for continuing operations excluding Alumbrera 
    Overview of Financial Results 
    The following table presents a summary of financial and operating 
information(i) for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2009: 
    For the period ended December 31, 2009        Three months Twelve months 
    (in thousands of United States Dollars)              ended         ended 
    Revenues(ii)                                    $  399,825    $1,183,314 
    Cost of sales excluding depletion, 
     depreciation and amortization                    (141,695)     (479,847) 
    Depletion, depreciation and amortization           (73,108)     (233,687) 
    Accretion of asset retirement obligations             (681)       (2,282) 
    Mine operating earnings                            184,341       467,498 
    General and administrative                         (40,472)     (101,357) 
    Exploration                                         (6,479)      (20,438) 
    Other                                               (3,062)       (3,870) 
    Operating earnings                                 134,328       341,833 
    Other business expenses                            (19,690)      (12,322) 
    Foreign exchange (losses)/gains                    (13,305)       74,515 
    Realized (losses)/gains on derivatives              (9,190)       18,659 
    Unrealized losses on derivatives                    (8,478)     (105,428) 
    Earnings from continuing operations before 
     income taxes, equity earnings and 
     non-controlling interest                           83,665       317,257 
    Income tax expense                                 (42,415)     (136,559) 
    Equity earnings from Minera Alumbrera               12,208        31,073 
    Earnings from continuing operations                 53,458       211,771 
    Loss from discontinued operations (i)              (17,283)      (19,140) 
    Net earnings                                    $   36,175    $  192,631 
    Earnings Adjustments(iii): 
    Mark-to-market on prior period sales and 
     price and quantity settlements                          -             - 
    Non-cash unrealized foreign exchange 
     losses/(gains)                                     20,314       (36,672) 
    Non-cash unrealized losses on derivatives            9,666       112,519 
    Non-recurring future income tax adjustments(iv)     15,234        35,826 
    Proceeds on sale of commodity derivatives                -             - 
    Write off of mineral interests and other assets      8,301         8,301 
    Stock-based and other compensation                  15,380        23,275 
    Future income tax expense on translation of 
     intercompany debt                                   1,613        51,578 
    Adjusted Earnings before income tax effects        106,683       387,458 
    Income tax effect of adjustments                    (5,820)      (41,327) 
    Adjusted Earnings                                  100,863       346,131 
    Basic earnings per share                        $     0.05    $     0.29 
    Diluted earnings per share                      $     0.05    $     0.26 
    Adjusted Earnings per share                     $     0.14    $     0.47 
    Cash flows from operating activities from 
     continuing operations (after changes in 
     non-cash working capital items)                $  211,206    $  528,026 
    Cash flows from operating activities from 
     continuing operations (before changes in 
     non-cash working capital items)                $  155,225    $  495,619 
    Capital expenditures from continuing 
     operations                                     $  138,816    $  498,757 
    Cash and cash equivalents (end of period)       $  170,070    $  170,070 
    Average realized gold price per ounce(ii)       $    1,095    $      980 
    Average realized silver price per ounce(ii)     $    17.47    $    14.89 
    Chapada average realized copper price per 
     pound(ii)                                      $     3.18    $     2.44 
    Total gold sales (ounces) including 
     discontinued operations and Alumbrera 
     (ounces)                                          268,864       975,585 
    Total silver sales (millions of ounces)                2.9          10.5 
    Chapada payable copper contained in 
     concentrate sales (millions of lbs)                  34.6         137.4 
    (i)    Results of San Andrés, Sao Vicente and Sao Francisco mines have 
           been reclassified as discontinued operations (in accordance with 
           GAAP) with restatement of prior period comparatives. 
    (ii)   Revenues consist of sales net of sales taxes. Revenue per ounce 
           data is calculated based on gross sales. Realized prices reflect 
           continuing operations. 
    (iii)  Earnings adjustments reflect both continuing and discontinued 
    (iv)   Non-recurring and non-cash tax adjustments on the revaluation of 
           future income tax liabilities related to the excess purchase price 
           of the Meridian Gold Inc. acquisition in respect to the mineral 
           interests in Chile and a write-off of future income tax assets 
           relating to discontinued operations. 
    Further details of the 2009 fourth quarter and year end results can be 
found in the Company's unaudited Management's Discussion and Analysis and 
unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements at www.yamana.com, in the 
"Investors" section under "Financial and Corporate Reports". 
    Yamana today also announced its proven and probable mineral reserves and 
measured, indicated and inferred resources for the year ended December 31, 
2009. Yamana replaced mined ounces in 2009 with proven and probable mineral 
reserves for continuing operations of 17.6 million ounces of gold, which are 
consistent to levels in 2008. 
    Proven and probable gold mineral reserves increased in the following 
    -   710,000 ounces of gold at Ernesto/Pau-a-pique 
    -   264,000 ounces of gold at C1 Santa Luz 
    -   272,000 ounces of gold at Jacobina 
    -   281,000 ounces at El Penon. The recent discovery of a very high grade 
        vein, Pampa Augusta Victoria, represents the significant exploration 
        potential that remains at El Penon. 
    Below is a summary of the changes in gold mineral reserves year-over- 
    Proven and probable mineral reserves 
     as of December 31, 2008(x)                          17,561,000 ounces 
    Mined gold ounces during 2009                        (1,020,000 ounces) 
    Discovered and upgraded gold ounces during 2009       1,036,000 ounces 
    -------------------------------------------------   --------------------- 
    Proven and probable mineral reserves 
     as of December 31, 2009(x)                          17,577,000 ounces 
    (x)For continuing operations 
    The complete mineral reserve and mineral resource estimates of Yamana as 
at December 31, 2009 for all metals, including tonnage, grade and accompanying 
metal price and cut-off grade assumptions can be found at the end of this 
press release. 
    Mineral reserve and mineral resource summary table 
                        Contained Gold   Contained Silver   Contained Copper 
                           (000's oz)       (000's oz)      (Millions of lbs) 
    Proven Reserves              7,316             53,925              5,875 
    Probable Reserves           10,261            107,894              5,307 
    Proven and Probable 
     Reserves                   17,577            161,822             11,181 
    Measured Resources           2,719             11,354                881 
    Indicated Resources         10,229             48,340              2,794 
    Measured and 
     Indicated Resources        12,950             59,694              3,675 
    Inferred Resources          10,207             92,164              5,703 
    Yamana continues to focus on exploration with a budget of $75 to $80 
million in 2010. The exploration program will continue to focus on numerous 
new areas of mineralization discovered in 2009 and on increasing mineral 
reserves and mineral resources while continuing with its near-mine exploration 
program and its efforts to look for new opportunities such as on the ground 
purchases elsewhere in the Americas. Yamana anticipates a substantial increase 
in mineral resources in 2010 as new mineral resource estimates are completed, 
including Salamanca, Caiamar and Suruca. 
    Key exploration events for 2010: 
    -   Mineral resource estimate at Salamanca, Gualcamayo: H1 2010 
    -   Updated mineral resource estimate at Pilar: mid 2010 
    -   Mineral resource estimate at Caiamar: H2 2010 
    -   Mineral resource estimate at Suruca, Chapada: End of 2010 
    Yamana remains committed to sustainability, growth, low cash costs and 
stability of jurisdictions. Its objective has been to create predictability 
and reliability in its operations with a sustainable production platform of 
approximately 1.1 million gold equivalent ounces. 
    The Company's outlook continues to focus on its core assets, preserving 
capital, maximizing cash balances and maintaining maximum flexibility across 
its various interests including its development stage and near development 
stage projects. The Company continues to be committed to prudent and 
disciplined growth and will continue to focus on improving the value and 
returns of its various projects. It will also continue to focus on containing 
costs and ensuring effective management of capital expenditures. 
    The Company's well defined development stage and exploration projects, in 
addition to further value enhancing opportunities, provide Yamana with a 
superior organic growth profile and value proposition. 
    Production from continuing operations is expected to be in the range of 
1,030,000 to 1,145,000 million GEO in 2010 and 1,045,000 to 1,150,000 GEO in 
2011 representing an overall increase of up to 12 percent from 2009. Growth is 
expected to ramp up substantially in 2012 to approximately 1.3 million GEO as 
four development stage projects including C1 Santa Luz, Mercedes, Minera 
Florida tailing project and Ernesto/Pau-a-pique, where construction decisions 
have already been made, are expected to begin production. By 2013, production 
is expected to reach the level of 1.5 million GEO, which represents a 46% 
increase in production from 2009. 
    Additional production growth is expected from development projects 
currently under evaluation such as QDD Lower West, Pilar and Caiamar which 
would bring the Company to a target production level of 1.7 million GEO. 
Exploration discoveries and robust value enhancing projects such as Agua Rica 
would contribute to longer term production growth. 
    The Company continues to evaluate the further expansion of its mines and 
development projects as follows: 
                                        Expected Initial Annual   Production 
    Project               Status             Contribution         Start-date 
    C1 Santa Luz(i)    Construction       130,000 gold ounces       Mid-2012 
                       decision made 
    Mercedes           Construction           120,000 GEO          Late 2012 
                       decision made 
    Ernesto/           Construction       120,000 gold ounces      Late 2012 
     Pau-a-Pique(i)    decision made 
    Minera             Construction            40,000 GEO         Early 2012 
     Florida tailings  decision made 
    Pilar/Caiamar      Update resource            Over               Pending 
                       estimate and       100,000 gold ounces 
                       complete basic 
    Gualcamayo         Updated feasibility 90,000 gold ounces        Pending 
     - QDD Lower West  study expected 
                       in second half 
                       of 2010 
    Agua Rica(ii)      Update to the           154,000 GEO           Pending 
                       2006 feasibility      365 million lbs 
                       underway                of copper 
    (i)    In the first two full years of production at C1 Santa Luz, average 
           annual production is expected to exceed 130,000 ounces and at 
           Ernesto/Pau-a-pique average annual production is expected to be 
           approximately 120,000 ounces which would accelerate pay-back. 
           Annual production over the life of mine for C1 Santa Luz is 
           expected to be 104,000 ounces of gold and 100,000 ounces of gold 
           at Ernesto/Pau-a-pique. 
    (ii)   In the first ten full years of production at Agua Rica, average 
           annual production is expected to be approximately 154,000 GEO and 
           365 million pounds of copper. Production over the life of mine is 
           expected to be 136,000 GEO and 282 million pounds of copper. 
    Yamana continues to increase the value of Agua Rica and has completed the 
first of several studies evaluating certain optimization initiatives over and 
above the evaluation of the project based on the 2006 feasibility study, all 
of which are expected to have a material positive impact on the project. A 
full update to the 2006 feasibility study, which would include the recently 
completed optimization initiatives, the additional initiatives under review 
and definitive mineral reserve and production estimates, will be provided as 
the Company continues to work toward a formal construction decision expected 
before the end of 2011. 
    The Company remains focused on exploration through identifying and 
acquiring the best exploration properties in the Americas, developing a pool 
of talented geoscientists and replacing ounces at current operations. 
    A conference call and audio webcast is scheduled for March 4, 2010 at 
11:00 a.m. E.T. to discuss 2009 fourth quarter and year end results. 
    Fourth Quarter Conference Call Information: 
    Toll Free (North America):                          1-888-231-8191 
    International:                                      1-647-427-7450 
    Participant Audio Webcast:                          www.yamana.com 
    Fourth Quarter Conference Call REPLAY: 
    Toll Free Replay Call (North America):  877-289-8525, Passcode: 4173041 
                                            (followed by the number sign) 
    Replay Call:                            416-640-1917, Passcode: 4173041 
                                            (followed by the number sign) 
    The conference call replay will be available from 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time 
on March 4, 2010 until 11:59 p.m. EST on March 18, 2010. 
    For further information on the conference call or audio webcast, please 
contact the Investor Relations Department or visit our website, 
    The Company has included certain non-GAAP measures including "Cash costs 
per gold equivalent ounce", "Cash costs per pound of copper", "By-product cash 
costs per gold equivalent ounce", "Adjusted Earnings or Loss and Adjusted 
Earnings or Loss per share", "Cash flows from operations before changes in 
non-cash working capital" or "Cash flows from operating activities before 
changes in non-cash working capital" and "Gross margin" to supplement its 
financial statements, which are presented in accordance with Canadian GAAP. 
    The Company believes that these measures, together with measures 
determined in accordance with Canadian GAAP, provide investors with an 
improved ability to evaluate the underlying performance of the Company. 
Non-GAAP measures do not have any standardized meaning prescribed under 
Canadian GAAP, and therefore they may not be comparable to similar measures 
employed by other companies. The data is intended to provide additional 
information and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for 
measures of performance prepared in accordance with Canadian GAAP. 
    Cash costs 
    The Company has included cash costs per GEO information because it 
understands that certain investors use this information to determine the 
Company's ability to generate earnings and cash flows for use in investing and 
other activities. The Company believes that conventional measures of 
performance prepared in accordance with Canadian GAAP do not fully illustrate 
the ability of its operating mines to generate cash flows. The measures are 
not necessarily indicative of operating profit or cash flows from operations 
as determined under Canadian GAAP. Cash costs per GEO are determined in 
accordance with the Gold Institute's Production Cost Standard and are 
calculated on a co-product and by-product basis. Cash costs on a by-product 
basis are computed by deducting copper by-product revenues from the 
calculation of cash costs of production per GEO. 
    By-product Cash Costs Per Gold Equivalent Ounce ("GEO") 
    The following table provides a reconciliation of cost of sales per the 
financial statements and by-product cash costs per GEO: 
                                               In thousands of  United States 
                                                 United States       Dollars 
                                                       Dollars       per GEO 
    For the year ended December 31,                       2009          2009 
    Adjustments:                                    $  479,847    $      517 
    Chapada treatment and refining costs 
     related to gold and copper                         30,417            33 
    Inventory movements and adjustments                (18,277)          (20) 
    Commercial selling costs                           (18,816)          (20) 
    Chapada copper revenue including copper 
     pricing adjustment                               (315,324)         (340) 
    Total by-product cash costs (excluding 
     Alumbrera)(i)                                  $  157,847    $      170 
    Mineral Alumbrera (12.5% interest) 
     by-product cash costs                             (37,070)         (703) 
    Total GEO by-product cash costs(i)              $  120,777    $      123 
    Commercial GEO produced excluding Alumbrera        928,097 
    Commercial GEO produced including Alumbrera        980,847 
                                               In thousands of  United States 
                                                 United States       Dollars 
                                                       Dollars       per GEO 
    For the year ended December 31,                       2009          2009 
    Adjustments:                                    $  141,696    $      509 
    Chapada treatment and refining costs related 
     to gold and copper                                  7,123            26 
    Inventory movements and adjustments                 (9,404)          (34) 
    Commercial selling costs                             2,217             8 
    Chapada copper revenue including copper 
     pricing adjustment                               (110,617)         (398) 
    Total by-product cash costs (excluding 
     Alumbrera)(i)                                  $   31,015    $      111 
    Mineral Alumbrera (12.5% interest) 
     by-product cash costs                             (19,983)       (1,731) 
    Total GEO by-product cash costs(i)              $   11,032    $       38 
    GEO produced excluding Alumbrera                   277,912 
    (i) Cash costs per GEO is calculated on a weighted average basis. 
    Adjusted Earnings or loss and Adjusted Earnings or loss per share 
    The Company uses the financial measures "Adjusted Earnings or Loss" and 
"Adjusted Earnings or Loss per share" to supplement information in its 
consolidated financial statements. The Company believes that in addition to 
conventional measures prepared in accordance with GAAP, the Company and 
certain investors and analysts use this information to evaluate the Company's 
performance. The presentation of adjusted measures are not meant to be a 
substitute for net earnings or loss or net earnings or loss per share 
presented in accordance with GAAP, but rather should be evaluated in 
conjunction with such GAAP measures. Adjusted Earnings or Loss and Adjusted 
Earnings or Loss per share are calculated as net earnings excluding (a) 
stock-based compensation, (b) foreign exchange (gains) losses, (c) unrealized 
(gains) losses on commodity derivatives, (d) impairment losses, (e) future 
income tax expense (recovery) on the translation of foreign currency 
inter-corporate debt, (f) write-down of investments and other assets and any 
other non-recurring adjustments. Non-recurring adjustments from unusual events 
or circumstances, such as the unprecedented volatility of copper prices in the 
fourth quarter of 2008, are reviewed from time to time based on materiality 
and the nature of the event or circumstance. Earnings adjustments reflect both 
continuing and discontinued operations. 
    The terms "Adjusted Earnings (Loss)" and "Adjusted Earnings (Loss) per 
share" do not have a standardized meaning prescribed by Canadian GAAP, and 
therefore the Company's definitions are unlikely to be comparable to similar 
measures presented by other companies. Management believes that the 
presentation of Adjusted Earnings or Loss and Adjusted Earnings or Loss per 
share provide useful information to investors because they exclude non-cash 
and other charges and are a better indication of the Company's profitability 
from operations. The items excluded from the computation of Adjusted Earnings 
or Loss and Adjusted Earnings or Loss per share, which are otherwise included 
in the determination of net earnings or loss and net earnings or loss per 
share prepared in accordance with Canadian GAAP, are items that the Company 
does not consider to be meaningful in evaluating the Company's past financial 
performance or the future prospects and may hinder a comparison of its 
period-to-period profitability. A reconciliation of Adjusted Earnings to net 
earnings as well as a discussion of the adjusting items is provided in Section 
4 "Overview of Financial Results" for both the yearly and quarterly 
    Cash flows from continuing operations before changes in non-cash working 
    The Company uses the financial measure "cash flows from operations before 
changes in non-cash working capital" or "cash flows from operating activities 
before changes in non-cash working capital" to supplement its consolidated 
financial statements. The presentation of cash flows from operations before 
changes in non-cash working capital is not meant to be a substitute for cash 
flows from operations or cash flows from operating activities presented in 
accordance with Canadian GAAP, but rather should be evaluated in conjunction 
with such Canadian GAAP measures. Cash flows from operations before changes in 
non-cash working capital excludes the non-cash movement from period-to-period 
in working capital items including accounts receivable, advances and deposits, 
inventory, accounts payable and accrued liabilities. 
    The terms "cash flows from operations before changes in non-cash working 
capital" or "cash flows from operating activities before changes in non-cash 
working capital" do not have a standardized meaning prescribed by Canadian 
GAAP, and therefore the Company's definitions are unlikely to be comparable to 
similar measures presented by other companies. The Company's management 
believes that the presentation of cash flows from operations before changes in 
non-cash working capital provides useful information to investors because it 
excludes the non-cash movement in working capital items and is a better 
indication of the Company's cash flows from operations and considered to be 
meaningful in evaluating the Company's past financial performance or the 
future prospects. The Company believes that conventional measure of 
performance prepared in accordance with Canadian GAAP does not fully 
illustrate the ability of its operating mines to generate cash flows. 
    The following table provides a reconciliation of cash flows from 
operating activities of continuing operations before changes in non-cash 
working capital: 
                                                   Three months         Year 
                                                          ended        ended 
                                                       December     December 
                                                        31 2009      31 2009 
    Cash flows from operating activities 
     of continuing operations                        $  211,206   $  528,026 
    Net change in non-cash working capital              (55,981)     (32,407) 
    Cash flows from operating activities 
     of continuing operations before changes in 
     non-cash working capital                        $  155,225   $  495,619 
    Cash flow per share 
    The Company uses the financial measure "cash flow per share"  The 
presentation of cash flow per share is not meant to be a substitute for cash 
flows from operations or cash flows from operating activities presented in 
accordance with Canadian GAAP, but rather should be evaluated in conjunction 
with such Canadian GAAP measures. "Cash flow per share" is calculated as "cash 
flows from operations after changes in non-cash working capital" divided by 
the weighted average number of shares outstanding and/or as "cash flows from 
operating activities before changes in non-cash working capital" (Non-GAAP 
measure) divided by the weighted average number of shares outstanding for the 
    The term "cash flow per share" does not have a standardized meaning 
prescribed by Canadian GAAP, and therefore the Company's definition is 
unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies. 
The Company's management believes that the presentation of cash flow per share 
provides useful information to investors because it presents cash flows from 
operations on a per share basis and is useful information to investors in 
evaluating the Company's past financial performance or future prospects in its 
ability to generate cash flows.  The table below presents the calculation of 
cash flow per share: 
                                                   Three months         Year 
                                                          ended        ended 
                                                       December     December 
                                                        31 2009      31 2009 
    Cash flows from operations after changes 
    in non-cash working capital                      $    211.2   $    528.0 
    Cash flow from operations before changes in 
    non-cash working capital                         $    155.2   $    495.6 
    Weighted average number of shares outstanding           733          733 
    Cash flows from operations after changes in 
    non-cash working capital per share               $     0.29   $     0.72 
    Cash flows from operations before changes in 
    non-cash working capital per share               $     0.21   $     0.68 
    Gross margin 
    The Company uses the financial measure "gross margin" to supplement its 
consolidated financial statements. The presentation of gross margin is not 
meant to be a substitute for net earnings presented in accordance with 
Canadian GAAP, but rather should be evaluated in conjunction with such 
Canadian GAAP measures. Gross margin represent the amount of revenues in 
excess of cost of sales. It may be expressed in terms of percentage of 
revenues, both in total amount or on a per GEO basis. 
    The terms "gross margin" does not have a standardized meaning prescribed 
by Canadian GAAP, and therefore the Company's definitions are unlikely to be 
comparable to similar measures presented by other companies. The Company's 
management believes that the presentation of gross margin provides useful 
information to investors because it excludes the non-cash operating cost items 
such as depreciation, depletion and amortization, accretion for asset 
retirement obligations and other common operating expenses, and considers this 
non-GAAP measure meaningful in evaluating the Company's past financial 
performance or the future prospects. The Company believes that conventional 
measure of performance prepared in accordance with Canadian GAAP does not 
fully illustrate the ability of its operating mines to generate cash flows. 
    The following table provides a reconciliation of gross margin: 
                                                   Three months         Year 
                                                          ended        ended 
                                                       December     December 
                                                        31 2009      31 2009 
    Revenues                                         $  399,825   $1,183,314 
    Cost of sales excluding depletion, 
     depreciation and amortization                     (141,695)    (479,847) 
    Gross Margin                                     $  258,130   $  703,467 
    Gross Margin as % of Revenues                           65%          59% 
    GEO Sold (excluding Alumbrera)                      274,356      907,851 
    Gross Margin per GEO Sold                        $      941   $      775 
    Qualified Person 
    Evandro Cintra, P.Geo., Senior Vice President, Technical Services for 
Yamana Gold Inc. has reviewed and confirmed the data contained within this 
news release and serves as the Qualified Person as defined in National 
Instrument 43-101. 
    About Yamana 
    Yamana is a Canadian-based gold producer with significant gold 
production, gold development stage properties, exploration properties, and 
land positions in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Colombia. The Company 
plans to continue to build on this base through existing operating mine 
expansions, throughput increases, development of new mines, the advancement of 
its exploration properties and by targeting other gold consolidation 
opportunities in the Americas. 
    This news release contains or incorporates by reference "forward-looking 
statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities 
Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities legislation. 
Except for statements of historical fact relating to the Company, information 
contained herein constitutes forward-looking statements, including any 
information as to the Company's strategy, plans or future financial or 
operating performance. Forward-looking statements are characterized by words 
such as "plan," "expect", "budget", "target", "project", "intend," "believe", 
"anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or statements that certain 
events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. Forward-looking statements are 
based on the opinions, assumptions and estimates of management considered 
reasonable at the date the statements are made, and are inherently subject to 
a variety of risks and uncertainties and other known and unknown factors that 
could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected 
in the forward-looking statements. These factors include the Company's 
expectations in connection with the projects and exploration programs 
discussed herein being met, the impact of general business and economic 
conditions, global liquidity and credit availability on the timing of cash 
flows and the values of assets and liabilities based on projected future 
conditions, fluctuating metal prices (such as gold, copper, silver and zinc), 
currency exchange rates (such as the Brazilian Real, the Chilean Peso and the 
Argentine Peso versus the United States Dollar), possible variations in ore 
grade or recovery rates, changes in the Company's hedging program, changes in 
accounting policies, changes in the Company's corporate resources, risk 
related to non-core mine dispositions, changes in project parameters as plans 
continue to be refined, changes in project development, construction, 
production and commissioning time frames, risk related to joint venture 
operations, the possibility of project cost overruns or unanticipated costs 
and expenses, higher prices for fuel, steel, power, labour and other 
consumables contributing to higher costs and general risks of the mining 
industry, failure of plant, equipment or processes to operate as anticipated, 
unexpected changes in mine life, final pricing for concentrate sales, 
unanticipated results of future studies, seasonality and unanticipated weather 
changes, costs and timing of the development of new deposits, success of 
exploration activities, permitting time lines, government regulation of mining 
operations, environmental risks, unanticipated reclamation expenses, title 
disputes or claims, limitations on insurance coverage and timing and possible 
outcome of pending litigation and labour disputes, as well as those risk 
factors discussed or referred to in the Company's annual Management's 
Discussion and Analysis and Annual Information Form for the year ended 
December 31, 2008 filed with the securities regulatory authorities in all 
provinces of Canada and available at www.sedar.com, and the Company's Annual 
Report on Form 40-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange 
Commission. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors 
that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from 
those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that 
cause actions, events or results not to be anticipated, estimated or intended. 
There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be 
accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from 
those anticipated in such statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to 
update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's estimates, 
assumptions or opinions should change, except as required by applicable law. 
The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking 
statements. The forward-looking information contained herein is presented for 
the purpose of assisting investors in understanding the Company's expected 
financial and operational performance and results as at and for the periods 
ended on the dates presented in the Company's plans and objectives and may not 
be appropriate for other purposes. 
    This news release uses the terms "Measured", "Indicated" and "Inferred" 
Mineral Resources. United States investors are advised that while such terms 
are recognized and required by Canadian regulations, the United States 
Securities and Exchange Commission does not recognize them. "Inferred Mineral 
Resources" have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and as to 
their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any 
part of an Inferred Mineral Resource will ever be upgraded to a higher 
category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of Inferred Mineral Resources may 
not form the basis of feasibility or other economic studies. United States 
investors are cautioned not to assume that all or any part of Measured or 
Indicated Mineral Resources will ever be converted into Mineral Reserves. 
United States investors are also cautioned not to assume that all or any part 
of an Inferred Mineral Resource exists, or is economically or legally 
    (1) Cash costs per GEO, adjusted earnings, adjusted earnings per share, 
        cash flows from operations before changes in non-cash working 
        capital, cash flows from operations before changes in non-cash 
        working capital per share and gross margin are non-GAAP measures. 
        Reconciliation of non-GAAP measures is located above. Cash costs are 
        shown on a by-product basis. 
    Yamana's Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource Estimates as at December 
    31, 2009 
    Mineral Reserves (Proven and Probable) 
    Gold                  Proven Reserves             Probable Reserves 
                    Tonnes    Grade  Contained    Tonnes    Grade  Contained 
                                         oz.                           oz. 
                   (000's)    (g/t)    (000's)   (000's)    (g/t)    (000's) 
     Florida         1,504      4.27       207     2,148      5.97       412 
     (12.5%)        38,750      0.40       498     1,250      0.29        12 
    Chapada        166,312      0.22     1,166   153,102      0.20       992 
    C1-Santa Luz    13,452      1.63       706    10,336      1.44       479 
    El Penon         1,142      5.60       206     7,374      7.27     1,724 
     a Pique         2,279      3.86       283     4,827      2.75       427 
     Brasileiro      1,864      2.64       158       291      2.87        27 
    Gualcamayo      16,792      0.86       464    51,155      1.14     1,868 
    Jacobina        12,695      1.99       811     9,733      2.33       731 
    Mercedes             -         -         -     3,445      5.63       624 
    Sub Total 
     Gold Mineral 
     Reserves      254,790      0.55     4,498   243,661      0.93     7,296 
    Agua Rica      347,831      0.25     2,818   449,892      0.21     2,965 
    Total Gold 
     Reserves      602,621      0.38     7,316   693,553      0.46    10,261 
                    Tonnes    Grade  Contained    Tonnes    Grade  Contained 
                                         oz.                           oz. 
                   (000's)    (g/t)    (000's)   (000's)    (g/t)    (000's) 
     Florida         1,504     22.69     1,097     2,148     50.22     3,467 
    El Penon         1,142    273.79    10,053     7,374    200.50    47,530 
    Mercedes             -         -         -     3,445     62.36     6,908 
    Sub Total 
     Reserves        2,646    131.07    11,150    12,967    138.90    57,905 
    Agua Rica      347,831      3.83    42,775   449,892      3.46    49,989 
    Total Silver 
     Reserves      350,477      4.79    53,925   462,859      7.25   107,894 
                    Tonnes    Grade  Contained    Tonnes    Grade  Contained 
                   (000's)     (%)     lbs (mm)   (000's)    (%)     lbs (mm) 
     (12.5%)        38,750      0.39       333     1,250     0.32%         9 
    Chapada        166,312      0.33     1,192   153,102     0.30%     1,014 
    Sub Total 
     Reserves      205,062      0.33     1,525   154,352     0.30%     1,023 
    Agua Rica      347,831      0.57     4,386   449,892     0.43%     4,285 
    Total Copper 
     Reserves      552,893      0.48     5,911   604,244     0.40%     5,308 
                    Tonnes    Grade  Contained    Tonnes    Grade  Contained 
                   (000's)     (%)     lbs (mm)   (000's)    (%)     lbs (mm) 
     Florida         1,504      1.39        46     2,148     1.62%        77 
    Total Zinc 
     Reserves        1,504      1.39        46     2,148     1.62%        77 
                    Tonnes    Grade  Contained    Tonnes    Grade  Contained 
                   (000's)     (%)     lbs (mm)   (000's)    (%)     lbs (mm) 
     (12.5%)        38,750     0.013        11     1,250     0.015       0.4 
    Sub Total Moly 
     Reserves       38,750     0.013        11     1,250     0.015         0 
    Agua Rica      347,831     0.035       268   449,892     0.033       327 
    Total Moly 
     Reserves      386,581     0.033       279   451,142     0.033       328 
    Gold              Total Proven & Probable 
                    Tonnes    Grade  Contained 
                   (000's)    (g/t)    (000's) 
     Florida         3,652      5.27       619 
     (12.5%)        40,000      0.40       510 
    Chapada        319,414      0.21     2,158 
    C1-Santa Luz    23,788      1.55     1,184 
    El Penon         8,516      7.07     1,930 
     a Pique         7,106      3.11       710 
     Brasileiro      2,155      2.67       185 
    Gualcamayo      67,947      1.07     2,332 
    Jacobina        22,428      2.14     1,542 
    Mercedes         3,445      5.63       624 
    Sub Total 
     Gold Mineral 
     Reserves      498,451      0.74    11,794 
    Agua Rica      797,723      0.23     5,783 
    Total Gold 
     Reserves    1,296,174      0.42    17,577 
                    Tonnes    Grade  Contained 
                   (000's)    (g/t)    (000's) 
     Florida         3,652     38.88     4,564 
    El Penon         8,516    210.33    57,583 
    Mercedes         3,445     62.36     6,908 
    Sub Total 
     Reserves       15,613    137.57    69,055 
    Agua Rica      797,723      3.62    92,767 
    Total Silver 
     Reserves      813,336      6.19   161,822 
                   Tonnes     Grade  Contained 
                   (000's)     (%)     lbs (mm) 
     (12.5%)        40,000      0.39       341 
    Chapada        319,414      0.31     2,206 
    Sub Total 
     Reserves      359,414      0.32     2,547 
    Agua Rica      797,723      0.49     8,670 
    Total Copper 
     Reserves    1,157,137      0.44    11,217 
                   Tonnes     Grade  Contained 
                   (000's)     (%)     lbs (mm) 
     Florida         3,652      1.52       123 
    Total Zinc 
     Reserves        3,652      1.52       123 
                   Tonnes     Grade  Contained 
                   (000's)     (%)     lbs (mm) 
     (12.5%)        40,000     0.013        11 
    Sub Total Moly 
     Reserves       40,000     0.013        11 
    Agua Rica      797,723     0.034       596 
    Total Moly 
     Reserves      837,723     0.033       607 
    Mineral Resources (Measured, Indicated and Inferred) 
    Gold               Measured Resources            Indicated Resources 
                    Tonnes    Grade  Contained    Tonnes    Grade  Contained 
                   (000's)    (g/t)      oz.     (000's)    (g/t)      oz. 
                                       (000's)                       (000's) 
     Florida           882      5.48       155     1,247      5.28       212 
    Amancaya             -         -         -         -         -         - 
    C1-Santa Luz    10,498      1.65       557    11,534      1.50       555 
    Chapada         45,710      0.14       206   139,672      0.12       539 
    El Penon           613     12.23       241     3,046      7.73       757 
     a Pique           204      6.28        41     1.793      1.44        83 
    Esquel               -         -         -     4,700     15.00     2,286 
     Brasileiro        481      2.31        36     1,303      2.94       123 
    Gualcamayo       5,967      1.30       249    14,630      1.18       553 
    Jacobina         7,995      2.20       565     8,259      3.27       867 
     (57.3%)             -         -         -       636      7.97       163 
    La Pepa         15,750      0.61       308   133,682      0.57     2,452 
    Mercedes             -         -         -     1,056      3.77       128 
    Pilar de Goias 
     (Jordino) (75%)     -         -         -     1,337      4.95       213 
    Pilar de Goias 
     (Ogo, Tres 
      Buracas) (75%) 
    Sub Total Gold 
     Resources      88,100      0.83     2,358   322,895      0.86     8,931 
    Agua Rica       64,169      0.17       361   248,108      0.16     1,299 
    Total Gold 
     Resources     152,269      0.56     2,719   571,002      0.56    10,229 
                    Tonnes    Grade  Contained    Tonnes    Grade  Contained 
                   (000's)    (g/t)      oz.     (000's)    (g/t)      oz. 
                                       (000's)                       (000's) 
     Florida           882     18.17       515     1,247     28.24     1,132 
    Amancaya             -         -         -         -         -         - 
    El Penon           613    300.96     5,928     3,046    205.99    20,172 
    Esquel               -         -         -     4,700     23.00     3,523 
    Mercedes             -         -         -     1,056     49.80     1,690 
    Sub Total 
     Resources       1,495    134.05     6,443    10,049     82.07    26,517 
    Agua Rica       64,169      2.38     4,911   248,108      2.74    21,823 
    Total Silver 
     Resources      65,664      5.38    11,354   258,157      5.82    48,340 
                    Tonnes    Grade  Contained    Tonnes    Grade  Contained 
                   (000's)     (%)     lbs (mm)   (000's)    (%)     lbs (mm) 
    Chapada         45,710      0.18       181   139,672      0.20       616 
    Sub Total 
     Resources      45,710      0.18       181   139,672      0.20       616 
    Agua Rica       64,169      0.49       700   248,108      0.40     2,178 
    Total Copper 
     Resources     109,879      0.36       881   387,780      0.33     2,794 
                    Tonnes    Grade  Contained    Tonnes    Grade  Contained 
                   (000's)     (%)     lbs (mm)   (000's)    (%)     lbs (mm) 
     Florida           882       1.3        27     1,247      1.50        41 
    Total Zinc 
     Resources         882       1.3        27     1,247      1.50        41 
                    Tonnes    Grade  Contained    Tonnes    Grade  Contained 
                   (000's)     (%)     lbs (mm)   (000's)    (%)     lbs (mm) 
    Agua Rica       64,169      0.01        40   248,108      0.01       165 
    Total Moly 
     Resources      64,169      0.01        40   248,108      0.01       165 
    Gold            Total Measured & Indicated        Inferred Resources 
                    Tonnes    Grade  Contained    Tonnes    Grade  Contained 
                   (000's)    (g/t)      oz.     (000's)    (g/t)      oz. 
                                       (000's)                       (000's) 
     Florida         2,129      5.37       367     2,746      6.12       541 
    Amancaya             -         -         -     1,390      7.90       351 
    C1-Santa Luz    22,032      1.57     1,112     4,830      1.40       217 
    Chapada        185,382      0.13       745   186,801      0.11       661 
    El Penon         3,659      8.48       998     3,846      8.42     1,040 
     a Pique         1,997      1.93       124     4,459      1.79       257 
    Esquel           4,700     15.00     2,286       900      9.90       274 
     Brasileiro      1,784      2.77       159     1,862      3.48       208 
    Gualcamayo      20,597      1.21       802    20,826      0.92       615 
    Jacobina        16,254      2.74     1,433    16,480      2.36     1,252 
     (57.3%)           636      7.97       163     1,776      7.10       401 
    La Pepa        149,432      0.57     2,760    37,900      0.50       620 
    Mercedes         1,056      3.77       128     1,827      6.11       359 
    Pilar de Goias 
     (Jordino) (75%) 1,337      4.95       213     4,106      5.56       734 
    Pilar de Goias 
     (Ogo, Tres 
      Buracas) (75%)                               3,675      1.38       164 
    Sub Total Gold 
     Resources     410,955      0.85    11,290   293,425      0.82     7,695 
    Agua Rica      312,277      0.17     1,660   651,000      0.12     2,512 
    Total Gold 
     Resources     723,272      0.56    12,950   944,425      0.34    10,207 
                    Tonnes    Grade  Contained    Tonnes    Grade  Contained 
                   (000's)    (g/t)      oz.     (000's)    (g/t)      oz. 
                                       (000's)                       (000's) 
     Florida         2,129     24.07     1,647     2,746     55.11     4,865 
    Amancaya             -         -         -     1,390     73.00     3,270 
    El Penon         3,659    221.89    26,100     3,846    257.84    31,880 
    Esquel           4,700     23.00     3,523       900     21.00       575 
    Mercedes         1,056     49.80     1,690     1,827     58.46     3,435 
    Sub Total 
     Resources      11,554     88.81    32,960    10,709    127,87    44,025 
    Agua Rica      312,277      2.66    26,734   651,000      2.30    48,139 
    Total Silver 
     Resources     323,821      5.73    59,694   661,709      4.33    92,164 
                    Tonnes    Grade  Contained    Tonnes    Grade  Contained 
                   (000's)     (%)     lbs (mm)   (000's)    (%)     lbs (mm) 
    Chapada        185,383      0.20       797   186,801      0.20       823 
    Sub Total 
     Resources     185,383      0.20       797   186,801      0.20       823 
    Agua Rica      312,277      0.42     2,878   651,000      0.34     4,880 
    Total Copper 
     Resources     497,660      0.34     3,675   837,801      0.31     5,703 
                    Tonnes    Grade  Contained    Tonnes    Grade  Contained 
                   (000's)     (%)     lbs (mm)   (000's)    (%)     lbs (mm) 
     Florida         2,129      1.45        68     2,745      1.51        92 
    Total Zinc 
     Resources       2,129      1.45        68     2,745      1.51        92 
                    Tonnes    Grade  Contained    Tonnes    Grade  Contained 
                   (000's)     (%)     lbs (mm)   (000's)    (%)     lbs (mm) 
    Agua Rica      312,277      0.01       206   651,000      0.03       488 
    Total Moly 
     Resources     312,277      0.01       206   651,000      0.03       488 
    Yamana Gold Inc. Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource Reporting Notes: 
    1.  Metal Prices and Cut-off Grades: 
    Mine               Mineral Reserves                 Mineral Resources 
    ----               ----------------                 ----------------- 
    Alhue/Minera       $825 Au, $14.00 Ag, $0.75        2.5 g/t Au cut-off 
    Florida            lb Zn 
    Alumbrera (12.5%)  $919 Au, $1.80 Cu, $12.00 Mo,    N/A 
                       0.22% Cu EQ cut-off 
    Amancaya           N/A                              1.0 g/t Au EQ OP, 3.4 
                                                        g/t Au EQ UG 
    Chapada            $825 Au, $2.25 Cu, $3.62 NSR     0.17% Cu EQ cut-off 
    C1-Santa Luz       $750 Au, 0.50 g/t Au cut-off     0.5 g/t Au cut-off 
    El Penon           $825 Au, $14.00 Ag, variable     3.9 or 5.0 g/t Au EQ 
    Ernesto/           $825 Au, 1.0 g/t UG, 0.3 g/t     0.3 g/t OP, 1.0 g/t 
     Pau-a-Pique       Au OP cut-off                    IG 
    Fazenda Brasileiro $776 Au, 1.5 g/t Au cut-off      1.5 g/t cut-off 
    Gualcamayo         $825 Au, QDD 0.15 g/t Au,        QDD 0.15 g/t Au, 
                       AIM 0.5 g/t Au                   AIM 0.5 g/t Au, 
                            QDDLW 1.0 g/t Au cut-off         1.0 g/t Au QDD LW 
    Jacobina           $825 Au; 1.1 g/t Au cut-off      0.5 g/t Au cut-off 
    Jeronimo (57.3%)   N/A                              5.0 g/t Au cut-off 
    La Pepa            N/A                              0.3 g/t Au cut-off 
    Mercedes           $825 Au, $14.00 Ag; 3.0 g/t      2.0 g/t Au EQ cut-off 
                       Au EQ cut-off 
    Pilar (75%)        N/A                              2.0 g/t Au cut-off 
    Agua Rica          $425 Au, $1.10 Cu; 0.2% Cu      0.2% Cu cut-off 
                       and $3.74 cut-off 
    2.  All mineral reserves and mineral resources have been calculated in 
        accordance with the standards of the Canadian Institute of Mining, 
        Metallurgy and Petroleum and NI 43-101, other than the estimates for 
        the Alumbrera mine which have been calculated in accordance with the 
        JORC Code which is accepted under NI 43-101. 
    3.  All mineral resources are reported exclusive of mineral reserves. 
    4.  Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have 
        demonstrated economic viability. 
    5.  Mineral reserves and mineral resources are reported as of December 
        31, 2009. 
    6.  For the qualified persons responsible for the mineral reserve and 
        mineral resource estimates, see the qualified persons chart below: 
                   Qualified Persons             Qualified Persons 
    Property       for Mineral Reserves          for Mineral Resources 
    Alhué/Minera   Stuart Collins, P.E., Scott   Chester M. Moore, P.Eng., 
     Florida       Wilson Roscoe Postle          Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle 
                   Associates Inc.               Associates Inc. 
    Alumbrera      Julio Bruna Novillo, AusIMM,  Julio Bruna Novillo, AusIMM, 
                   Xstrata Plc                   Xstrata Plc 
    Amancaya       Not applicable                Chester M. Moore, P.Eng., 
                                                 Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle 
                                                 Associates Inc. 
    Chapada        Marco Antonio Alfaro          Marco Antonio Alfaro 
                   Sironvalle, MAusIMM,          Sironvalle, MAusIMM, 
                   Corporate Manager, Reserves,  Corporate Manager, Reserves, 
                   Yamana Gold Inc.              Yamana Gold Inc. 
    C-1 Santa Luz  Enrique Munoz Gonzalez,       Marco Antonio Alfaro 
                   MAusIMM, Metalica Consultores Sironvalle, MAusIMM, 
                   S.A.                          Corporate Manager, Reserves, 
                                                 Yamana Gold Inc. 
    El Penon       Stuart Collins, P.E., Scott   Chester M. Moore, P.Eng., 
                   Wilson Roscoe Postle          Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle 
                   Associates Inc.               Associates Inc. 
    Ernesto/       Renato Petter, P. Eng.,       Rogerio Moreno, MAusIMM, 
     Pau-a-Pique   Technical Services Director,  Principal Geologist, MCB 
                   Yamana Gold Inc.              Servicos e Mineracao Ltda. 
    Esquel         Not applicable                Robin J. Young, P. Geo., 
                                                 Western Services 
                                                 Engineering, Inc. 
    Fazenda        Renato Petter, P. Eng.,       Rogerio Moreno, MAusIMM, 
     Brasileiro    Technical Services Director,  Principal Geologist, MCB 
                   Yamana Gold Inc.              Servicos e Mineracao Ltda. 
    Gualcamayo     Renato Petter, P. Eng.,       Ronald G. Simpson, P. Geo., 
                   Director of Technical         GeoSim Services Inc. and 
                   Services, Yamana Gold Inc.    Marco Antonio Alfaro 
                                                 Sironvalle, MAusIMM, 
                                                 Corporate Manager, Reserves, 
                                                 Yamana Gold Inc. 
    Jacobina       Renato Petter, P. Eng.,       Rogerio Moreno, MAusIMM, 
                   Technical Services Director,  Principal Geologist, MCB 
                   Yamana Gold Inc.              Servicos e Mineracao Ltda. 
    Jeronimo       Not applicable                Chester M. Moore, P. Eng., 
                                                 Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle 
                                                 Associates Inc. 
    La Pepa        Not applicable                Chester M. Moore, P. Eng., 
                                                 Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle 
                                                 Associates Inc. 
    Mercedes       David Sprott, B.Sc, M.Sc.,    Greg Walker, P.Geo., Senior 
                   P.Eng., Associate and Senior  Manager, Resources 
                   Mine Engineer, Golder         Estimation, Yamana Gold Inc. 
                   Associates Ltd. 
    Pilar          Not applicable                Greg Walker, P.Geo., Senior 
                                                 Manager, Resources 
                                                 Estimation, Yamana Gold Inc. 
                                                 and Pamela L. De Mark, 
                                                 P.Geo., Senior Consultant, 
                                                 Snowden Mining Industry 
                                                 Consultants Inc. 
    Agua Rica      Renato Petter, P. Eng.,       Evandro Cintra, Ph.D., P. 
                   Director of Technical         Geo., Senior Vice President, 
                   Services, Yamana Gold Inc.    Technical Services, Yamana 
                                                 Gold Inc. 
For further information: Letitia Wong, Director, Investor Relations, (416) 
815-0220, Email: investor(at)yamana.com, www.yamana.com; MEDIA INQUIRIES: 
Mansfield Communications Inc., Hugh Mansfield, (416) 599-0024 

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