RNS Number:5338G
White Young Green PLC
2 March 2000

                  WHITE YOUNG GREEN PLC
              Interim Results Announcement
        For the Six Months Ended 31 December 1999
White Young Green Plc, the multi-disciplinary consulting
engineers and project managers, announces its Interim
Results for the six months ended 31 December 1999.

Financial Highlights

*    Pre-tax profit up 19% to #1.5m
*    Turnover up 29% to #21.2m
*    Earnings per share up 15% to 4.9p
*    Dividend per share up 6% to 1.7p

Operational Highlights

*    Three acquisitions completed during period
*    Operations in 18 offices throughout UK and Ireland
     plus two overseas
*    Order book at record levels

On outlook, Chairman Gareth Cooper, said:

"With the order book at a record high and an ever-
increasing range of services available to our clients,
the Group is well placed to maintain its positive
momentum. It is recognised that future growth also needs
to come from overseas markets and to that end a key
appointment is expected shortly to lead that drive."

For further information, please contact:

Richard  Brayson, Chief Executive   
 Today  on   Tel: 0171 466 5000
 Thereafter on  Tel: 0113 278 7111

Tim Anderson / Lisa Baderoon
BUCHANAN  COMMUNICATIONS         Tel:   0171 466 5000

I  am  delighted  to confirm that real  progress  in  the
development  of  the Group continues. In  the  six  month
period   to   31   December  1999,  we  completed   three
significant   acquisitions  which   have   expanded   our
geographical coverage and range of expertise. We  enjoyed
a  strong  financial  performance  with  an  increase  in
earnings per share of 15% and finished the period with an
order  book at a record high. We are involved in many  of
the most exciting growth sectors and importantly continue
to secure long term trading relationships.

Profits increased by 19% to #1,470,000 (1998: #1,235,000)
on turnover up 29% to #21,180,000
(1998:  #16,439,000). Earnings per share before  goodwill
amortisation increased by 15% to 4.9p
(1998: 4.3p).
The  acquisitions have inevitably increased  our  working
capital   requirements  and  as  a  result  gearing   has
increased  to  76%.  Interest cover is  strong  at  seven

An  interim  dividend of 1.7p per ordinary  share  (1998:
1.6p)  will be paid on 5 May 2000 to shareholders on  the
register at 7 April 2000.

Since  1  July we have been extremely active  with  three
acquisitions completed.  In August 1999, we acquired  the
business  and  assets  of  Mason  Pittendrigh,  a  multi-
disciplinary consulting engineering business with offices
in   Teesside,  Newcastle  and  Edinburgh.  The   Group's
existing  offices  at  Teesside and Edinburgh  have  been
strengthened  with  the introduction of  new  skills  and
clients,  and  we  now  have  a  major  new  presence  in

In September 1999, we acquired the business and assets of
Gibson O'Connor, civil and structural engineers based  in
Limerick,  complementing  our  existing  skills  in   the
Belfast office. This has established a strong presence in
Ireland, which is one of the fastest growing economies in
In  October 1999, we acquired the business and assets  of
Tilney  Simmons  and  Partners and  Tilney  Simmons  Ltd,
together  Tilney  Simmons',  mechanical  and  electrical
consulting  engineers  based in London,  Southampton  and
Oman.  Since the formation of the Group in 1997, we  have
been  seeking  to  strengthen our  business  presence  in
London  with the introduction of high quality  mechanical
and  electrical skills. The acquisition of Tilney Simmons
has  achieved  this objective, whilst introducing  a  new
client  base to us in the financial services and  banking
sectors.    These   businesses  are  being   successfully
integrated  into  the  White Young Green  Group  and  the
benefits of synergy are already coming through.

Review of operations
As a consequence of the acquisitions referred to earlier,
together with organic growth in the business, White Young
Green  now operates from eighteen offices in the  UK  and
Ireland  and  two  overseas.  In  the  period  since  its
formation  in 1997 six new locations have been added  and
staff  numbers  have increased by 71% from  550  to  940.
Seven  acquisitions  have  been  completed.   This  rapid
growth  has  necessitated change to the subsidiary  board
structures of the Group, which have been implemented  and
are working well.  Workload has continued to increase and
we have been busy in our market sectors. The introduction
of  new  skills  has enabled us to extend  the  range  of
services  that  we  offer  to  clients  and  increasingly
projects  are  being secured on a multi-disciplinary  one
stop  basis.   The  retail  sector  continues  to  create
significant opportunities, particularly in Ireland  where
we  are  heavily  involved  in the  upgrade  of  existing
outlets and the design of new stores for Tesco.

Success in the office development sector include work for
the  Northern Rock Plc in Newcastle and instructions have
recently  been received from Stratford City  Council  for
the  design of a new headquarters building.  Our  leading
edge technology continues to be in demand in the research
and  development  sector where new projects  include  the
Trials and Epidemiology building and the Facility for the
Evaluation  of  Infectious Particles  on  the  Biomedical
Science  Park at Oxford University. The recent  award  at
the   new  Southampton  office  of  a  contract  for  the
refurbishment  of  the  Biological Sciences  Facility  at
Southampton  University  has been particularly  pleasing.
Workload   in  the  buoyant  communications  sector   has
continued  to  increase and currently  we  are  designing
telecommunication  sites in the UK  for  the  One  2  One
network  and  in  Switzerland  for  the  Orange  network.
Recently,  Telecity  have given us instructions  for  the
design of an Internet Data Centre in Dublin.

The  range  of services being offered to clients  in  the
Environmental  sector  is  increasing  and  we  are   now
involved  in developing Environmental Management  Systems
to  ISO  14001 on behalf of clients. Environmental skills
have  also  recently been introduced to the Teesside  and
Edinburgh offices.  The rail sector has been particularly
busy  and  Railtrack  have  instructed  us  to  undertake
structural  examinations  on  all  of  their   major   UK

We  continue  to have a significant role in  the  defence
sector and were awarded a major four year Partnering-Term
Agreement  with the Ministry of Defence for the provision
of  advisory  and  project management  services  for  the
Defence  Estates  Central Business Unit,  comprising  the
whole  of  the  North  of England,  Midlands  and  Wales.
Consequently  White Young Green will manage  all  of  the
Ministry  of Defence projects in the designated areas  on
projects with an individual capital value of
up to #5m.

White Young Green is a services business and is dependent
upon  the  quality and commitment of its  staff  for  its
success.  The  Group  has grown significantly  since  the
merger of White Young and Ernest Green in 1997 and I take
this  opportunity  to  thank  all  our  staff  for  their
exceptional effort in making the Group one of the leaders
in its field.

With  the  order  book  at a record  high  and  an  ever-
increasing  range of services available to  our  clients,
the  Group  is  well  placed  to  maintain  its  positive
momentum. It is recognised that future growth also  needs
to  come  from  overseas markets and to that  end  a  key
appointment is expected shortly to lead that drive.

We   continue   to  explore  opportunities  for   further
acquisitions,  particularly  to  extend  the   range   of
services  that can be offered to clients who increasingly
require a one stop service.

G Cooper

                                         Six    Six      
                                      months months
                                       ended  ended  Year
                                       31.12  31.12  30.6
                                         .99    .98   .99
                                      (unau- (unau-      
                                      dited) dited)
                                Notes #'000  #'000  #'000
- Continuing operations           1  19,869  16,439 35,378
- Acquisitions                        1,311      -      -
                                     21,180  16,439 35,378
Operating profit                                         
- Continuing operations               1,568  1,330   2,937
- Acquisitions                          157      -      -
                                      1,725  1,330  2,937
Net interest                           (255)   (95)  (216)
Profit before taxation                1,470  1,235  2,721
Taxation                          2    (472)  (401)  (884)
Profit after taxation                   998    834  1,837
Dividend                               (378)  (317)  (803)
Transfer to reserves                    620    517  1,034
Earnings per ordinary share                              
excluding goodwill
- Basic                             3   4.9p   4.3p  9.4p
- Diluted                           3   4.8p   4.2p  9.2p
Earnings per ordinary share                              
- Basic                             3   4.7p   4.3p  9.3p
- Diluted                           3   4.6p   4.2p  9.1p
Dividend per share                      1.7p   1.6p  4.0p

The Group has no recognised gains or losses other than
those included in the profit above and therefore no
separate statement of total recognised gains and losses
has been presented.

There is no difference in profit before taxation and
profit for the financial periods stated above and the
historical cost equivalents and therefore no separate
note of historical cost profit and losses has been

                                          At     At     At
                                     31.12.99 31.12.98  30.6.99
                                     (unau-   (unau-     
                                      dited)   dited)
                                      #'000   #'000     #'000
Goodwill                              3,187     386       606
Tangible assets                       5,299   4,548     5,092
Work in progress                      8,283   5,521     5,993
Debtors                              12,553  10,014     9,812
Creditors                            (8,863) (7,800)   (8,632)
                                     20,459  12,669    12,871
Shareholders' funds                  11,593   7,888     8,797
Net debt                              8,866   4,781     4,074
                                     20,459  12,669    12,871

Movements in Shareholders' Funds
Six months to 31 December 1999

                                       Six    Six       
                                    months months
                                     ended  ended   Year
                                     31.12  31.12  30.6.
                                       .99    .98     99
                                     (unau- (unau-       
                                     dited) dited)
                                     #'000  #'000  #'000
Profit attributable to                
shareholders                           998    834  1,837
Dividends                             (378)  (317)  (803)
                                       620    517  1,034
New share capital issued, net        
of expenses                          2,206    277    669
Currency translation                  
differences                           (30)      -      -
                                     2,796    794  1,703
Shareholders' funds at start of      
period                               8,797  7,094  7,094
Shareholders' funds at end of       
period                              11,593  7,888  8,797 

                                       Six     Six       
                                    months  months
                                     ended   ended   Year
                                    31.12.  31.12.  30.6.
                                        99      98     99
                                    (unaud  (unaud       
                                     ited)   ited)
                                     #'000   #'000  #'000
Net cash flow from operating                             
Operating profit                     1,725   1,330  2,937
Depreciation and                       
amortisation                           730     533  1,159
Net movement in working            
capital                             (4,270) (2,885)(2,446)
                                    (1,815) (1,022) 1,650
Returns on investments and            
servicing of finance                  (156)   (143)  (156)
Taxation                              (425)   (118)  (620)
Net capital expenditure                189  (1,110)(1,114)
Acquisitions and disposals          (1,149)   (113)   (19)
Equity dividends paid                 (486)   (448)  (765)
Issues of ordinary shares               12       -      -
Increase (decrease) in debt            818     475   (276)
Decrease in cash                    (3,012) (2,479)(1,300)
Reconciliation to net debt                         
Decrease in cash in period          (3,012) (2,479)(1,300)
Increase in debt and lease          
financing                           (1,799) (1,528)(2,000)
Cash assumed on acquisitions            18       -      -
Change in net debt from cash        
flow                                (4,793) (4,007)(3,300)
Currency translation                    
differences                              1       -      -
Movement in net debt in            
period                              (4,792) (4,007)(3,300)
Net debt at start of period         (4,074)   (774)  (774)
Net debt at end of period           (8,866) (4,781)(4,074)


1.     All the Group's turnover and operating profit  is
 generated from the Group's principal activity of multi-
 disciplinary  consulting engineering and  derives  from
 work  in the United Kingdom and Ireland, except for  an
 immaterial  amount generated from the Group's  overseas
2.     The  taxation charge for the half year  ended  31
 December  1999 has been calculated at 32.1%, being  the
 estimated  effective  rate of  taxation  for  the  year
 ended 30 June 2000.
3.     Basic earnings per share for the six months to 31
 December  1999  has  been  calculated  by  taking   the
 weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue  of
 21,182,532 (1998: 19,563,696).
 Diluted  earnings  per  share has  been  calculated  by
 taking  the  weighted  average number  of  shares  that
 would  be  issued on the full exercise  of  outstanding
 share options of 21,639,257 (1998: 19,740,761).
 Earnings per share excluding goodwill amortisation  has
 been calculated by increasing profit after taxation  by
 the  amount of goodwill amortisation of #44,000  (1998:
4.     On 19 August 1999 the Group acquired the business
 and   certain   of  the  assets  of  Mason  Pittendrigh
 Limited,   Mason   Pittendrigh   Consulting   Engineers
 Limited  and  Mason  Pittendrigh  Engineering  Services
 Limited.  The  consideration  was  #394,750  comprising
 #274,750 in cash and the balance in WYG shares.
 On  16  September 1999 the Group acquired the  business
 and   certain   of  the  assets  of  Gibson   O'Connor.
 Theconsideration was IR #700,000 (#577,034)  comprising
 IR  #140,000 (#115,407) in cash and the balance in  WYG
 shares.  Further  consideration of up  to  IR  #300,000
 (#247,300)   is  payable  if  certain  profit   targets
 On  6 October 1999 the Group acquired the entire issued
 share  capital of Tilney Simmons Limited together  with
 the  business  and  certain of  the  assets  of  Tilney
 Simmons  &  Partners (together "TS"). The consideration
 was  #2,150,000  comprising #537,500 in  cash  and  the
 balance  in  WYG  shares. Further consideration,  which
 will  not exceed #150,000, may become payable following
 the determination of the net asset position of TS at  6
 October 1999.
5.     The interim financial statements are prepared  on
 the  basis  of the accounting policies set out  in  the
 accounts for the year ended 30 June 1999.
 The  interim  financial statements are  unaudited.  The
 statements do not constitute statutory accounts  within
 the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
 The  information  relating to the full  year  ended  30
 June  1999  is  an  extract from the  latest  published
 accounts which have been delivered to the Registrar  of
 Companies;  the  report  of  the  auditors   on   these
 accounts was unqualified.
6.     The Interim Report will be posted to shareholders
 on  15  March 2000 and copies will be available at  the
 Company's   registered   office   at   Arndale   Court,
 Headingley, Leeds LS6 2UJ.


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